Complete Spiderman Mission Secret Plans. The Amazing Spider-man (new spiderman) walkthrough. Mission: Harry's Favorite Project

Spiderman 3 Walkthrough

The Third Spider-Man is an action game under a film license, which, nevertheless, with its plot moves only very vaguely resembles the film on which it was made.
The action begins from the place where the authors of the second cinematography left us. Parker shows how idyllic his life has become. Relations with Mary-Jane are improving, there are no serious calls from the underworld either. However, once you step into the game, things naturally go awry. Enemies are attacking literally from all directions, and even a mysterious black liquid hit the city.

In order to settle scores with the villains, you will need to complete 42 missions. The creators of Spider-Man 3 decided to finally turn their brainchild into a bestiary and placed Scorpio, Venom, Reno, New Goblin, Sandman, and Crazy Mineral in the sequel. Throw in the flocks of street punks who will spoil your blood from time to time and you have a complete picture of your new busy life. The whole gameplay takes about 10 hours, the lion's share of which you will have to deal with bomb clearance.

Mary Jane delivery missions

But back to the secrets of the game. The third Spider-Man is considered a project with RPG elements. Therefore, after each completed mission, you will unlock new superb hits and the ability to upgrade your character. Some of our favorite missions are those where Jane-Mary asks us to take her to some area in the city. At the same time, depending on the wishes of the girl, you need to fly slower, then faster, then higher, then lower. Each such successfully completed mission allows you to increase the health level of Spider-Man.

(Start watching at 0:56).

Perhaps the only thing that spoils the fun of playing Spider-Man 3 is bad controls. The creators did not fulfill their promises regarding the assignment of combo attacks to a single key, but the combat system was diversified so much that even professional gamers find it difficult to remember the combinations of blows. In addition to the traditional punches that a good Spider-Man uses, if there is also his own set of tricks for the Spider-Man in a black suit.

Flying around the city on the web is also not very convenient. First of all, because of the inadequate operation of the camera, which touches the corners of the house at every turn, which slows down the change of angle. Among the useful innovations, we note the slowdown, which allows the superhero to dodge enemy attacks, and the spider sense, which brightly highlights suspicious objects in space (even if they are around the corner).

Walkthrough mini-games

Mini-games deserve special mention, smoothly built into the main plot of the plot. During the gameplay you have to go through Fahrenheit, Tomb Raider: Legend, God of War and Call of Duty 3. Your main task in such a mini-game is to timely press the button that appears on the screen. We draw your attention to the fact that the button icon itself is small and appears only for a few fractions of a second, so you need to react to its appearance instantly. To be on the safe side, click on the icon several times. If you do not have time to do this, your hero may die. In this case, you will have to reboot from the last checkpoint.

Additional missions

If the usual missions cannot boast of some kind of dashing storyline, then the additional ones are a real pleasure. One of the most interesting is the cleaning of the city's districts from mafia gangs. In order to lower the crime rate in the city, it is necessary every time you see. That someone steals a car, jump on the roof of a car, push the thief out of it and tie up until the police arrive. After each such arrest, the crime rate in the city will fall.

Much in completing additional missions depends on the situation in which you find yourself. The bandits in the third part behave non-trivially, they not only attack ordinary civilians, but also each other. In our opinion, the most successful are pursuit missions when it is necessary to get close to the enemy unnoticed. The "cold-hot" indicator and, of course, your ingenuity and skill will help you stay unnoticed.

In general, there are plenty of small scripted scenes in the third part. Get ready to rescue, destroy, de-mine and so on. Eats missions with stealth elements, for example, when you need to photograph corrupt police officers in order to bring them out into the open.

You can watch the passage of one of the additional missions here:

Spider-Man 3: City Quarters Walkthrough

There are three gangs in the streets. These are goth girls who specialize in fashion theft of clothes and attacks on the cultural entertainment places of the townspeople. Chinese fighters who operate mainly in the Chinatown district (these are excellent at kung fu and other eastern wisdom). And punks. In order to finally stop the pogroms, which are arranged by this or that gang, you need to get to their bosses and quickly neutralize them. In order to pass the last missions and kill superbosses, you need to find a gap in the armor of each of them. Super attacks do not work on these monsters.

The most revealing from this point of view is the review of the last mission, which we invite you to watch right now:

(Start watching at 1:16).

In general, as you explore the city, you will find a sea of ​​funny and dangerous missions, mini-games and quests. In this regard, the new game can be called a kind of medley of genres. For the successful passage of Spider-Man 3, you will have to master both arcade action and simply massacre.
The city in the game is really impressive. According to the developer, it has become several times larger. It takes about three minutes of flight to cross it from end to end. One of the most interesting locations is the New York subway. In general, the metropolis has become much more attractive and lively. Real traffic jams appeared on its highways, pedestrians flooded the sidewalks.

Student Peter Parker was bitten by an irradiated spider. Now he can transform into Spiderman and fight evil.

2. Foul play.

Codes are entered in the Bonus menu, Codes:

Admntium -invulnerability

Glands - Unlimited Web

Leanest - unlock all videos, comics, covers, levels, costumes, sketches and info about the heroes

Weakness - 100% health

Stickman / Funkytwn - Mock Spiderman

3. All the passage.

Stage-1. Wall Street crash.

In one bank, terrorists have taken hostages, and Spidey must rescue them. On the way to the goal, you need to jump from roof to roof, kill a few bandits, collect various gifts such as health and cobwebs. Having reached one building, from the Cat we learn that the bandits are shooting down police helicopters. Jumping further, beating five, we get into the bank. We go forward, beating two. Rescuing the hostage. Where the grate is lying, there is a pipe on top. We crawl along it into the glazed room. You can save the hostage and open the doors by pressing buttons (don't forget about the enemy!). Then we run through the door with the terrorists and save more hostages. We approach the elevator, go down. Let's go ahead. Behind each of the partitions a hostage and a bandit. After the partitions there will be a door, next to it is a broken lattice, at the top is a pipe. We climb into the next room. Only two, but a third will come. Not a problem. So, we have before us a green and blue buttons. We activate the blue first, then the green one. We rescue the hostages, take a bomb (blow with a hand) and, throwing it and swearing, throw it into the safe and close it. Everything!

Stage-2. Scorpion's sting.

Scorpio decides to kill the correspondent. The police are sending Spidey again. So, ignoring the enemies, we jump on the roofs. Whether quickly or slowly, we will get to the place. We beat the scorpion, we save the correspondent. But then Spidey finds himself Innocently Accused of a crime, and the police start shooting at him from helicopters. Here, no matter how I try, I can’t help with advice. Just hope for your skill and luck, as well as speed and agility. I advise you not to kill the bandits, let them live, there is simply no time for that.

Stage-3. The innocents in the Omnitek.

So, you have to defeat Reno, a formidable monster with a horn on his forehead. He fights well. It attacks mainly with its overweight body, scattering and knocking down. There is a tip - when Reno rushes to Spidey like a tank, it is better to stand near the emitting currents, and when approaching, jump over the angry monster. Reno will crash into the figurine with a horn and slow down for a couple of seconds. Then hit him with your hands and feet. Eventually, the battle will end.

Stage-4. The danger is near.

A very long episode. It starts with a crazy race. A very difficult round. Jumping over the rooftops after Venom will not seem easy to you. Again, I can't give any advice, but from the seventh time you will succeed. After the race there will be a little battle with Venom. After that, a walk along the sewer will take place. After killing the monsters, we jump on the pipes. Monsters again, after the pipes. Again the pipes. But here it is more difficult - you have to use the goal all the time. Never jump just like that. Only with a purpose. Finally we get to the entrance to the new corridor. We'll take the train shortly. The goal is to hold out on it. Especially do not swing your fists, fall down - and goodbye! This is followed by endless tunnels, all sorts of labyrinths, one riddle - with switches - not particularly difficult and the last battle. Save Mary Jane by flipping the switch and defeat Venom, whose face is already tired. Everything!

Stage-5. The city is in danger.

Here, too, I will not describe everything in detail, it is only necessary to tell the main wisdom. The cobwebs do not take symbionts. To defeat them, you need to fight or find a cartridge with a fiery web. The machines that produce these creatures lend themselves to the cobweb. No difficulties are foreseen. In the end, you will need to fight Mysterio. He has several main sources of energy on his body. His health can be restored once, but that's okay. After the destruction of these sources, the huge robot will turn into a tiny ant that does not pose a danger.

Stage-6. Catch the Spider.

The very last stage, very interesting and exciting. The first rounds are similar to the previous ones. I will describe those that are more difficult. One of them has six doors, only one is open. There is a Cat and a switch. We turn on the latter. Another door will open. Well, it’s probably clear that each has a button. When all hatches are closed, the Cat will be free. And then - a battle with three main villains. First, you need to activate the buttons that appear on the shield, preferably with a cobweb. And so several times. Jumping lasers, exposure - that's what you need to have. The second is Karnag, the last monster to be beaten. And the third is a crazy race that cannot be completed the first time. Behind - a monstrous Monster-Ok, underfoot - trembling metal.

Good luck!

"It's as easy as sending two .. bytes!" - Spiderman

Name of the game: The Amazing Spider-man 2 in Russia is published as "The Amazing Spider-Man 2"

Genre: action

Platform: Android, iPad, iPhone, PC, PS3, PS4, X360, PS4

“Sometimes I wonder

how would my life be if a hedgehog bite me? "

Passage of game The Amazing Spider-Man 2.


We start the game for Peter Parker. We leave the store, we see a man shouting that his bag was stolen. We go along the street where the target designator points, while mastering the control. When we hear a shot in the street, we go to the place where it was fired. We see the murdered Uncle Ben, we watch how Parker tells his story.

On the trail of the killer

Take a photo of the gang leader, defeat the criminals

Two years later. Getting used to managing the web and moving Spider-Man around the city. When we hear the police radio message about the robbery, the goal will appear to get to the alley. We fly there on the web, take a photo of the gang leader. Spider-man will sense danger, we look around from above there will be a crane that will fall on us. We fight criminals, we interrogate the leader.

Weapon boxes. Herman Schultz

We get to the place of the arms deal. We use our intuition to find the boxes with weapons, deal with the bandits and wrap 3 boxes with cobwebs. Herman Schultz appears, we defeat him in battle and ask about Ben's killer.

Life is a struggle

Communication tower.

We get to the communication tower. Antennas block it. Sitting on the communication tower, turn on our intuition and look down at the buildings. 3 antennas will be on the bottom of the buildings. We move to them and block them. After that, you can open a map of Manhattan and see various events in the city - crimes being committed, robberies, hijackings, and so on. For the prevention of crimes - the commission of heroic deeds, we will increase the heroic bonus.

Investigate street crimes. Save the citizen.

We get to the scene of the crime, we fight with the bandits, they will throw a Molotov cocktail into the building and it will catch fire. We need to get the inhabitant out of the burning building. We jump into the window to the second floor on the stairs, on the left we break the door to passers-by through the room to another staircase and go up to the floor above. We break down the door, in front of us is the fire behind her citizen. We pull the beam to bring it down on the fire and extinguish it. We grab the citizen, jump out the window with him and bring him to the medical gurney.

Stan's comic shop

We leave for the Wall in the store. We can now collect figurines during Spider-Man's adventures and comics. You can also play a slot machine by passing combat tests. We leave the store.

Get to Carredine

We leave for Carredine's meeting with the buyer. He will escape by car taking a hostage. We chase the car on the cobweb and, having approached with a jerk, we cling to the car. We open the door on the left and throw out his accomplice. If we get off the car, we catch up with it again. Then you need to tear out the rear window of the car and take out the hostage. To make the action button appear - to tear out the glass, we go down a little lower on the rear hood.

Aunt May's house

After listening to the message, we send home to Aunt May. In the room we can try on Spider-Man suits, each of which has its own bonuses. We can also replay missions. clicking on the pictures on the wall. We talk with the aunt, after which we leave for Oscorp.

Raid on Oscorp

Find the Oscorp installation

We take away on the Oscorp Tower. We deal with the Russian bandits and pull back the wrecked helicopter to get into the building. We make our way through the mine of the building, silently eliminate the bandits. We shoot a cobweb into the working fan to stop it. We jump over the red-hot pipes with a jerk.

Activate the coolant flow.

In the laboratory we deal with the bandits and untie Dillon's hands. In the same room, you can take a photo of a prototype for flights and on the door which Max will open a photo of Oscorp's emblem. The warning system will turn on. Max will open the door for us, we jump onto the conveyor. We turn on three cooling units near the generator.

After the installation will be launched, warring gangs will appear. Find 4 weapon boxes and encode the boxes.

Defeat Shocker

After we find all the boxes with weapons, Schultz, aka Shocker, will appear. We fight with him we bounce off him when red waves appear over the spider. and attack again. When he starts jumping onto the rig, we just shoot the web into the levers so that they go down and hit him again.

Hunter's day

Criminal activity

We are doing two heroic deeds in order to increase our karma in the eyes of the inhabitants and so that a special group does not attack us. After completing work on the crimes, we go to Central Park, deal with one more bandits and find a note from the escaped criminal.

Defeat the brute

After that, we move to the bus stop, where the shootout is taking place. We deal with all the bandos, after which a belly will appear, he is a thug. We shoot a seismic impulse at him to cause dizziness, and immediately fly up to him and start to beat him, as soon as he wakes up we run away from him and again send an impulse to him and mutuzim

Craven's Lair

After defeating the brute, Craven will appear, we go to his hideout. We listen to his conversations about the fight against crime, take 3 photos of interesting objects in his house. After we look at his stuffed hybrids and leave the lair

Into the lion's den!

After Craven, Felicia, aka Catwoman, will call Parker. We leave the house of Aunt May and go again to meet with Craven, only this time in a spider costume. Spider-Man will agree to work with him.

We go to the place where small bandits live and make photographs of four from the roofs of the building. As soon as we take a photo of all of them, one of them will run to the box from Oscorp. We take photos of boxes from a forklift. After that, we imperceptibly follow the truck to the refuge of the Russians and get into it through the sewers.

Russian refuge

A stealth mission begins in the lair, so I recommend for this mission to pump up the spider-man's "VISION" ability, which will allow you to better see enemies in intuition mode and their visibility zone, which is highlighted with a red glow. Next, carefully and slowly, we eliminate all the gangsters. We open a new costume for Spidey. We deal with the agile Russian. To do this, we do not let her jump too much, we pull her to us, or we ourselves pull up to her and beat. Then we photograph the archive.

Danger threatens everyone!


In the city we go to the theater. In the role of Parker we interrogate Harry Osborne. During the dialogue, a suspicious waiter will approach. We follow the waiter. In the back rooms, we see a waiter coming out the door and changing into Spider-Man. From above, we tear off the ventilation grill with a cobweb and climb into it.

Inside we see how the Russian bandos hold the waiters hostage, we fight with them not allowing us to wake up and kill the hostages. The door through which the waiter left under the load, we pull the load down with a web to open the door and quickly jump with a jerk through it until it closes.

Having reached the waiter, the spider will sense the danger, we look around to determine the source. We find another thug to the right of us. We deal with him in the same way as with the first, we send a seismic impulse to him and strike while he is stunned. More Russian bandits will come running, we will deal with them.

We change into Peter Parker again and go to the theater. We need to overhear the guests, we approach the girl (Felicia) near the bar. Fisk will appear and go to ask him. After talking with him, we leave the theater.

High-tech weapons storage and the Russians

Having found out that the Russians are importing weapons into the city, we set off on their trail to the truck into which they load weapons. In the dock, we fight the Russians and destroy 4 containers with weapons, for this we tear off the covers with cobwebs, and just break them until the container explodes.

We see how the bandit enters the hangar. From above through the ventilation we penetrate into the hangar, in the stealth mode and the included intuition we eliminate the bandits. Then we jump into the circle with the hostage and keep in this circle so that the hostage is not killed and at the same time we deal with the bandits. After we untie the citizen and learn from him the description of Carnage Killer.

Hunting and prey


We get to the meeting place with Craven, who is already following the killer. We fight with him, after the victory the spider talks to Craven, and Klitus is taken to a psychiatric hospital.

Cat claws

Police convoy

Spider-Man is now being hunted by a special group, so we try to carefully move around the city, if a flying drone of a special group nevertheless tied behind us, it will be easier not to run away from it, but simply to disable it by clinging to it.

We get to the police convoy. We accompany him fighting off ambushes, using intuition to find mined vehicles along the route of the convoy.


Having heard from the police that some impostor robbed the museum, we go there to find out what happened there. We get to the museum and get inside through the ventilation on the roof. Spider-Man discovers that he is being ambushed by the Kingpin's men inside.

We must not get into the field of view of the surveillance cameras. We pump our intuition to the maximum, if we have not already done so, in order to see all the enemies and their field of vision. The cameras are not so scary, we just climb the ceiling and walls just above them and eliminate 12 bandits one by one.

Defeat the Black Cat

Catwoman moves quickly, disappearing and suddenly reappearing in different places. We just do not let her go behind us, we try to pull her to us. She will start to disappear and appear in different places of the museum. We turn on intuition to see where it is. You can try to stick it with cobwebs. After the victory, she will run away. And we find out that Fisk is the Kingpin.

My ally is my enemy!


We leave for the house of Harry Osborne to talk to him about Fisk. In the course of a conversation with him, we learn that Harry is sick with a genetic disease of his father, and Fisk wants to get his hands on Oscorp, and Craven is working for him. Again we go to the city to fight crime. After completing heroic deeds, we go back to Harry's house. Having jumped on the limousine we speak with him.


We leave for Craven's lair. Inside we see that he moved out of it. We search his lair to find evidence. In the hall where his stuffed animals stand, we see that one place is prepared for Spider-Man. A little further we find a stand with photographs of a spider from which we find out that he researched our hero, studied his abilities and capabilities. Immediately, the spider's intuition will work, we are looking for a source of danger, darts will fly, I will immediately say there is no point in dodging, anyway one dart will hit. Craven will use his darts to put Spider-Man to sleep.

We find ourselves in the park with Craven. We fight with him. It causes us hallucinations and we see many doubles, we fight off them. When he hides in the trees, we turn on intuition to find him, as soon as we find him, we are attracted to him to throw him off the tree, and we hit him again. After the victory, we ask him about everything that he knows.


Fisk aka Kingpin

We leave for the tower of Fisk and we penetrate the truck, which is going to Fisk. We need to get out of the truck, swing as far as we can to improve the ionic web, which eats away at the armor. We shoot it at the doors of the car so that the cobweb eats them after it turns black, knock it out. As soon as we get out of the truck, we will be immediately met by a special group soldier. Normal attacks do not harm him while he is in armor. With an ionic web we eat away at his armor to blackness, after which we break the armor and neutralize the fighter himself.

By the way, after the appearance of the ionic web, you can destroy Oscorp's boxes, from each box we will receive + 1000 points to improve abilities.

In the estate where Kingpin is hiding, we need to destroy 5 special group soldiers in armor, who are covered by ordinary bandits and thugs with machine guns. As soon as we deal with everyone, the passage to the Penguin's safe house will open. we use our intuition to find the gate, destroy them with an ionic web and go through the opened passage.

Defeat Kingpin.

Having reached Fisk, he is also Kingpin, we fight with him. You should not stand next to him for a long time. As soon as he scatters at us, we dodge his battering ram, as soon as he hits the wall, we can then beat him with impunity for a couple of seconds during this time his lives are taken away from him. When he starts summoning fighters in armor, we launch seismic impulses at him to slow him down, and at this time we deal with the fighters so that they do not interfere. Again we are waiting for his rams and mutuzim him when he crashes into the wall.

Voltage surge


To get to Electro, you need to remove the electrical shield around him. we destroy 4 electric generators. Flying drones will interfere with us, we will disable them by tearing them off at the bottom of the engine. Having turned off all the generators, we jump into the field with Electro, we determine the source of danger in order to dodge the boss's blow.

After that, we shoot with a web at Electro in order to stick around him, we are all attracted to him and beat him while he is in the web. As soon as he frees himself, he runs away from him and dodges his discharges, we again throw a web at him and beat him. When he frees himself from the web, he lets out a wave of current around him, we step back or jump over it.

When he has half his lives left, he will grab Spider-Man and fly up, press the button that we are shown to free ourselves from his strangulation and start beating him. Having fallen to the ground, Electro will begin to run away from us, sending electric balls behind him, chasing him and shooting the balls with a web and trying to get into him. After catching up with him, we again fight with him on the roof, shooting with cobwebs. At the end of the battle in the air, we inflict the last decisive blow on him.

Green goblin

Defuse bombs

Spider-Man is now a threat to the special group that must be eliminated. The special group pulled special shields between the houses so that the spider could not fly through them and small drones fly everywhere we stick around them with cobwebs to get rid of them and collect all the bombs that the green goblin throws, throw them into the water.

After eliminating the bombs, we go to the Oscorp tower. flying special squad members will appear in front of the entrance. We pull them to the ground with cobwebs and finish them off. After the victory, we save their burning building of three townspeople, to find them we turn on our intuition.

Green goblin

A green goblin will appear, after talking with him, we go after him. We get to him and then we chase him to the roof of the house. We shoot with cobwebs, grab one of his fallen drones with cobwebs and throw it at him to throw it off, after which we hit him until he flies. With a jerk we cling to the goblin and hit him in flight.

On the roof it is armed with drones, we shoot them with cobwebs and we catch one of the drones, throwing it at the others, and then we beat the goblin himself, dodging the fire that he lets around him. Also, when you scatter all the drones, it is best to attract the goblin to you and beat him.

Full ripper


Having heard the message of the policemen, we go to one of the policemen. He will inform us that a riot has broken out in Ravencroft, and the special group sent there is in trouble. We go there, we clear all points of the rioters, special group soldiers, mutants of psychos and save the overwhelmed innocents.

After capturing the points, we go to the aid of Donald Mencken. We keep in a circle next to him and deal with enemies. After the rescue, we ask him about Cassidy, and we quickly take him out to the parking lot, trying to prevent the fighters from hitting us, otherwise for some time he will lose the ability to release cobwebs. We go to Ravencroft

In the footsteps of Carnage

Inside there are fighters and and a cage under tension. We eliminate the soldiers trying not to get into the electricity. Inside the cage in which Max Dillon was sitting we penetrate through the gap with a jerk. We jump out of it in the same way. Nearby there is a large gap in the wall, we drag the beam from it with a cobweb and jump with a jerk there. We make our way to the wing of Poisons.

We follow the trail of Cassidy, in front of us we will meet mutated plants or a symbiote, we launch a seismic pulse in them to neutralize them. We make our way to the meeting point with Cassidy.

Defeat Carnage

We fight with Cassidy, having won, we ask, after which he mutates into something similar to Spider-Man. We fight with him. We open all the dampers to open fire around. We shoot him with a seismic impulse and try to stumble into the fire.

When he starts jumping on the pillars above in a circle, turn on intuition and shoot him with a seismic impulse so that he falls down, preferably in the place where the fire is burning. He will call his counterparts, who will attack us in the arena, while he himself will continue to shoot from above. I just scored on the doubles, running away from them and shooting at him so that he would fall into the fire every time.

The final

After defeating Carnage. We will be shown a scene in which Peter, at the Wall comic store, talks to him about Uncle Ben and how he will continue to live. And Fisk, together with Chameleon, are planning new insidious plans.

First, you will have to complete the story to gain access to all types of collectibles. Most collectibles are locked at the start of the game and will open gradually as the story progresses. After the plot, you will have access to everything.

To complete each area 100%, you must complete all side missions and collect all collectibles. All of them are marked on the map after breaking the Observation System Towers. These towers will be marked on the map by default after completing the first few missions. Hence, there is no need for a collectibles guide. Just hack all the towers and the items will appear on the map. You can collect / go through everything after the story.

There are 9 districts in the game: Financial District, Chinatown, Greenwich, Hell's Kitchen, Midtown, Upper West Side, Central Park, Upper East Side, Harlem.

There are 358 collectibles / side activities in total in the game, divided into 15 categories:

55 backpacks: We get to them and click to pick them up.

16 side quests: Most of them open as you progress through the story, and some are quest lines that consist of several side quests that open one after another. The quest line with students is the only side tasks, for the solution of which you need to find the right place not by the marker on the map, but by the photograph of the place, but in general it is not very difficult. In all other tasks there are markers, and you do not have to run around the city and look for where to go.

47 points of interest: Find a point of interest and then tap to use the camera. Use to hover over the attraction and click to take a picture.

6 Fisk Caches: Defeat all enemies in secret places. Complete additional objectives to receive bonus tokens.

5 Demon Warehouses: Defeat all enemies in the warehouses. Complete additional objectives to receive bonus tokens.

4 checkpoints Sobol: Defeat all enemies at the checkpoints. Complete additional objectives to receive bonus tokens.

4 prison camps: Defeat all enemies in the camps. Complete additional objectives to receive bonus tokens.

17 scientific stations: These are unique mini-quests. Enter the science stations and use the display inside to activate the task. You will receive a task and they will tell you how to complete it (usually with markers on the map). The last Science Station will only be available on the Upper West Side after you complete the quests in everyone else. Passed stations are marked with a green check mark next to the icon on the map. If you just visited them (but did not go through), then next to the station icon there will be only two green arrows, indicating the ability to quickly move to this station. Science stations can be tracked through the quest menu.

11 mysteries of the Black Cat: You are required to photograph the hidden doll-cats and this is the only "difficult" kind of collectibles. Watch the video guide to find out their locations.

12 pigeons: To unlock the pigeons, you must complete the Helping Howard side quest in Chinatown. To catch pigeons during a chase, you need to get as close to them as possible and then press + to grab.

16 Brigadier Challenges: The game has 4 types of tests - Combat, Stealth, Bomb, Drone. In combat trials, you need to defeat enemies as quickly as possible. In Stealth Challenges, you need to take out all enemies as quickly as possible without raising an alarm. In bombs, you need to defuse the bombs as quickly as possible. In missions with a drone, you need to follow the drone and go through the control points that he leaves behind him and do it as quickly as possible. You don't need to get the highest score for completing challenges. For 100% passage of the area, it is enough to get the minimum number of points for bronze (amazing level). In order to unlock all the costumes, you need to try to get silver in most of the challenges. After passing all the tests, the Brigadier will appear to fight with you.

45 crimes of bandits:

40 Demon Crimes: watch the crimes of Sable.

40 crimes of prisoners: watch the crimes of Sable.

40 Crimes of Sable: Crimes are randomly generated events that appear 300-1000 meters, traversed within the same area (approximately every 30-60 seconds). Just fly around the area and they will appear. It does not matter if you have cleared the enemy bases in the area, as it has nothing to do with these types of tasks. After you have completed crimes of one type, only crimes of other factions will appear in the area. This means that you do not have to fly around the area to wait for the crimes of the desired factions. Thanks to the developers for saving us from unnecessary grinding.

Chapter 1: "Oscorp" is your friend ".

It has been several months since the "rogue scientist" Curt Connors unleashed the terrible Lizard on the inhabitants of New York. The reputation of "Oscorp" during this time was fully restored, and now the company presents to the public its new genius - Alistair Smythe.

Together with our friend Gwen we follow the Oscorp Tower. We penetrate into a secret laboratory, where we encounter hybrids and Dr. Alistair. As punishment, Gwen is tasked with escorting the hybrid, but suddenly he wakes up and escapes from the capsule. A general panic gripped the laboratory and we were kindly asked to leave this place. At this time, we observe the employees and our girlfriend, who was attacked by one of the creatures. We put on a Spider suit and proceed to rescue. We make a dash by holding the corresponding button and sharply releasing it. We jump over obstacles, we run through the doors with green signs. The fight is quite simple, we hit and dodge. We overcome large chasms with the help of a web. From the room with lasers, activate the control panel. Then hold down the jerk button and direct your gaze to the area not covered by the laser. Having jumped there, we jump down, we pass into the next room. We quickly press the corresponding button to emit a cobweb into a huge fan. When the blades finally stop, we pass through them forward. Nearby there is a similar fan, we slow it down, go further, activate the console. We jump into the window with a jerk, we move through the open doors. We interact with the cover of the ventilation shaft above the door, from there we find ourselves in a hall with robots. Let's step back by pressing the corresponding button, and in a dash we attack one of the enemies. We continue the fight, building powerful combinations, and do not forget to dodge when a notification appears on the screen. We return to Gwen and bring her to the safe zone. She is infected, but there is no vaccine. We take the phone from the table and make improvements to the hero.

Spider-Man explains to Connors what happened a couple of hours ago while battling hybrids that have scattered across Manhattan. We fly a little around the city: the web clings directly to the heavens, so we can fly everywhere. After a small earthquake, turn on the phone and mark the epicenter of the event on the map. Having reached there, we save the reporter and begin a fight with the huge Smythe robot that has appeared from the ground, who mistook us for a hybrid. Despite us such an impressive size of the enemy, it is quite easy to deal with him. We dash into its open areas and destroy the orange areas. Further, we make similar jerks in the area on the sides of the enemy's main weapon - quickly press the attack button and periodically dodge. We end the fight by shooting the cobwebs at the blue energy sources on our legs.

Chapter 2: "Escape is Impossible."

Hybrids are raging in the city, and there is no cure for the infected scientists. Spider-Man has no choice but to join forces with an old friend ... or an enemy? Everything is so confused ...

After talking with Connors, we decide to free him. Having turned around, we jump into the ventilation shaft at the end of the corridor. We fall into the main hall with the prisoners. We jump onto the balcony on the left, we get to the control panel. The guard tries to stop us, but inadvertently hits the control system with an electric shock, which leads to the opening of all cell doors. A passage has formed above the control panel, along it we get out into the main hall. Let us calm down all those who escaped and then jump to the door, from where we get to the next room with the prisoners. We save the medical staff from the raging ones, here we can grab the highlighted objects and stun the enemies with them. We follow the corridor, we clean it from the enemies freed from the chambers. We pull the lever on the wall and quickly run to the opened door (we can use the dash). We pass through two consecutive mines. We neutralize the enemy in the toilet, get out into the room, where we also stun the prisoners. We continue along the corridor, we jump over the formed fiery barriers. We meet Filicia, who also managed to escape. Leaning against the last door, at the top of the left wall we will see a small window. Through it we penetrate into the warehouse and deal with the opponents. Connors is waiting for us outside the next door. We need to help him open the door. In the center on the wall we break out the hatch and, after going through the mine, we find ourselves in a room with a control panel that opens the door. Opponents live in the courtyard, and arrows control everything from the windows. We go into the next room, go up to the second floor by the stairs. We neutralize the enemy at the window, trying to jump down. Before that, let's dash on the enemy on the opposite side of the building. We jump down, we attack the prisoners. Seeing the lasers aiming at us, it is best to retreat and dash to attack the shooters, they should be in priority! Having dealt with the last enemy, we leave this place together with Connors.

After a grand escape, Spider-Man returns home with Connors. Now their task is to create a vaccine that will cure all those infected. We take our friend to his apartment so that he can start creating a vaccine.

Chapter 3: "In the shadow of the past."

Gwen and the rest of the infected are still locked in quarantine, where mutation is fiercely resisted. With Gwen's help, Spider-Man learns that Connors' research materials are in the hands of Oscorp. But this is not for long ...

Let's look around the apartment: to the right of Connors is a wardrobe with clothes, to the left is a board with materials (we can at any time replay one of the chapters we passed earlier and find a lot of materials). We leave the apartment through the window, before leaving we get "spider bugs" from Connors, designed to track the police negotiations. Being in the city, we find three antennas (marked on the mini-map) and when we fly near them, we dash on them. Thus, we can listen to the negotiations of law enforcement officers and stop crimes in the city in time. They are not particularly original: to beat up one criminal who is sticking to a civilian.

We get to the raging Rhino Hybrid. We stand in front of the SWAT vans and, when he runs towards us, we dodge by pressing the corresponding button. Now we have a couple of seconds to have time to use the dash against the enemy. We do this combination three times and win. We get to the building "Oskorp", we get inside through the ventilation shaft.

Spider-Man has intercepted a police signal and knows exactly the coordinates of crime scenes in Manhattan. But first we need to get Connors' materials from the Oscorp archives. At first glance, the building seems to be abandoned. What could be easier? We move along the mine, with a jerk we eliminate the guard silently (purple target). We jump down and deal with other enemies. In the next room there is a balcony, jumping onto which we will get to the next room. First we stun the arrow on the balcony, then the rest down. Interact with the box at the top in the center. We enter the next mine and get straight to the elevator, which is carrying valuable cargo. We observe the convoy, we notice the suspicious paparazzi. Turning around, we will see the lattice of the mine. After passing through it, we will silently eliminate two guards. There are several more mines ahead, we go through them all and in the end we will be able to get to the shooter. We will neutralize him and other enemies below. Remember to step back when the notification appears, especially if there are a lot of enemies. We also throw highlighted objects at them. After going to the end, we push the box at the top. We jump upstairs, we move along the ventilation shaft. And here is the mysterious paparazzi - it turns out to be TV reporter Whitney Cheng. She, like us, is looking for Connors' files. Let's take her main weapon - a camera and send it to the next room. Let's deal with the enemy that has appeared: we jump over it and quickly attack. We go into the corridor, where we shoot a cobweb at the turret, then in a dash we destroy it. We communicate with Whitney, at her request we photograph the Oscorp box.

We pass through the opened door. Let's go through the ventilation on the right, get out to the bridge. We are waiting for the enemy to approach the spider zone, and silently eliminate him. Below on the right is a lonely enemy, we neutralize him. To the left of the bridge are four guards patrolling, all armed. We'll have to return to the original position and go through the left ventilation. We wait for opponents and eliminate them. The rest, perhaps, can be dealt with by sharply attacking in a dash and quickly retreating. Whitney will open the next door for us, we get to the enemies and destroy them - first of all, the one above. We activate the control panel that turns off the lasers, another one that opens the door. We meet with Whitney, interact with the control panel. We follow the reporter and see that the guard found her. We have also been found, but we will not give ourselves offense. We deal with the guards and go to save the girl. You can get to it through a small gap in the center. We defeat enemies and free Whitney. Next, she opens the oven door and releases the container with important data. Protecting her from shooters while she tries to extract files. We act quickly, flying between the balconies. Having finished with them, we help Whitney and we get out of the archive through the door with a green sign. Moving around the warehouse, after getting out of it, a notification will appear - when you press the button, an elevator will be indicated. A machine gunner came down to us, of course, when he attacks, we immediately retreat and strike in a dash. In addition, we carry out a series of powerful strikes. Having dealt with him, we return for Whitney and head to the elevator. We receive files from her, promising that we will regularly take important pictures.

Spider-Man rescues Connors' tablet literally from the mouth of an incinerator. In the archives, he meets Whitney Cheng, a journalist who studies Oscorp. Now Connors can develop a cure and save Gwen and her colleagues. What could go wrong? Once on the street, we are attacked by two snipers. If you wish, we can destroy them or ignore them and return to the apartment. Connors got a good hold on the landlord's money. Instead of Gwen, Smythe was on the other side of the screen. He is also developing a vaccine, the only question is who can cope with this task faster.

Chapter 4: "Into the hunt."

To complete the vaccine, Connors needs another component - a DNA sample from one of the hybrids that escaped from Oscorp. This is not a problem for the Spider! We get to the sewerage system and, breaking the grate, we get inside. Spider-Man discovers that the hybrids are hiding in the sewers. So we have to go down there! Yes, the Spider is not waiting for the most fragrant adventure ... Using the cobweb we move through the air. On the right, we will notice a mechanism that opens the gate, it will have to be used two times, or maybe three, if we do not have time to slip through in time. Once in the center, from where many tunnels originate, we go to 47 (we came from 46). We will face a multitude of infected, which can only be dealt with with a proprietary trick. When they huddled together, we grab the luminous objects and inflict a crushing blow with them. Go ahead and get out into the same tunnel system. In the center, we press the corresponding button and wrap everything in a cobweb. Use the movement buttons to move from one web to another. The one that vibrates and points to the right path. We are getting closer and closer to the hybrid, we jump up and destroy a large number of infected. Do not forget to throw nearby objects at them. We find the sign "Oscorp" and call Cheng. If you wish, we can take a picture of it (only the logo itself should get into the lens!). There is one more mechanism ahead, this time we use jerks to be in time. The pipes are arranged in a zigzag manner, along which we can easily overcome a long distance. Then we go through the ventilation system and find stronger infected who can attack from a distance. Moreover, when fighting with them, you need to constantly jump behind them in a jump. We try not to make noise once again, but to move as quietly as possible, quietly eliminating enemies. Finally, we get to the hybrid and start the fight. You will have to retreat constantly - this is the best tactic, and striking in a snatch.

Chapter 5: "Crush the Spider".

The Spider only has a few seconds to obtain the rat's DNA. After all, the Hunter attacked us! He gets us out, which is not surprising given his maneuvers in the air. We chase the enemy through the air to slow him down, shoot with a web. After catching up, quickly apply a dash (a notification will appear). Sometimes the enemy uses an electric field, of course, in this case we don't get close. Three hits and the final neutralization, quickly press the corresponding button. After the victory, two more Hunters will appear, we deal with them in the same way. We take away the beacon from the latter, which allows you to listen to Smythe's negotiations. And finally, let's fix the bugs in their rightful place - radio towers, which, by the way, are guarded by robots.

Spider-Man destroys Hunter Alistair Smythe. Now all that remains is to deliver the DNA sample to Connors and the vaccine will be ready! What we are going to do. Gwen is put worse, but her colleagues in the workshop have succumbed to the virus even more. And so Dr.Strams was fired by a robot, recognizing him as a hybrid.

Connors made a vaccine! It's time for Spider-Man to return to Oscorp and rescue Gwen and her colleagues. The entrance to the building is somewhere in the middle. Having flown around, we will definitely find it. We clean the floor from the shooters, preferably silently. We pass into the next hall through the upper window of the door. We deal with opponents and destroy the power barrier. We go upstairs through the elevator shaft. Similarly, we clear the floor, after which Gwen helps to bring down the elevator. In the elevator shaft we will find a ventilation passage. When moving along it, notifications will be displayed that you need to dodge. We do not hesitate, otherwise the monster will pierce us. Having got out, we proceed to the destruction of power barriers. To do this, we stand right in front of the power sources, and a robot should be between us. We grab it and throw it at the target. In this way, we will open the way and be able to move on. We deal with two machine gunners from the shadows. In the next room we destroy the laser-guided turret. We will meet them more than once, and in the meantime, in front of the corridors "Oscorp" with the familiar huge fans, at which you need to shoot cobwebs. With laser walls that will surely have an area to slip through. And of course Gwen, desperate for a vaccine. The impudent Smythe takes the medicine and injects it into himself. The effect occurs instantly - the paralyzed legs do not allow the scientist to stand.

The vaccine didn't work. Alistair Smythe can no longer walk, and, of course, Spider-Man is to blame. The situation is heating up ... Indeed, almost in every square place there is an enemy. We quickly pass the robots and go towards the guards. In a dash we deal with the sniper on the left and immediately destroy the power block. We keep moving until we get to Scorpion. White warning above Spider's head - dodge, red - fly off. Having dealt with him, we leave the building through the gap.

Outside, we encounter a giant serpentine robot S-02 that escaped from Oscorp Towers. A blue power source can be seen on his body, you need to shoot at it with cobwebs. When aiming at us with a laser, we naturally fly off. Having destroyed an important part of the enemy, he will try to make a sudden capture from the ground. Press the appropriate buttons and finish. We do these steps several times. Next, the battle proceeds to the roof of the building. Here we have to dodge away from the tentacles and jump over the laser. Moreover, you constantly need to shoot cobwebs to start QTE. Again we dodge the blinded enemy and, quickly pressing the button, we try to snatch out an important part. We also do these steps several times. Having won the victory, we return to our apartment.

After an uphill battle against the robot Smythe S-02, Spider-Man returns home. Connors will have to properly explain about the vaccine ... Completely exhausted, we go to bed. Waking up, we understand that Connors has made a new vaccine. In the meantime, scientists, including Gwen, have been transferred to the biolaboratory and are being prepared to test the vaccine prepared by Smythe on them.

Connors has found the key to a new vaccine! The key to saving the city. However, it is possible that he was already late ... Having got out of the apartment, we discover the breakdown of the telephone. In fact, something interferes with catching signals. An urgent need to eliminate the jammer. It is very simple to find it: we climb a tall building and carefully look around - the source emits a red column. We destroy the robots, the generator and get to the biolaboratory "Oscorp".