Delete all WOT mods. How to remove mods in World of Tanks (WOT)? Delete using installer

It often happens that there is a need to remove any mods in the game World of Tanks. Causes can be completely different - do not like the mod, tired, breaks the game or just mods so much that they begin to interfere with the process. In this case, you need to remove one, several, and in some cases all downloaded modes of the game.

This article will consider in detail how to completely remove fashionWOT. Or just some of them.

How to get rid of a certain fashion

First you need to work hard and make a backup copy of information, in order to be easy to return to the initial state, if suddenly something goes wrong. To do this, copy the RES_MODS daddy (it is located in the folder and play) to any place on the computer, you can directly on the desktop.

After backing up, go to the WORLD OF TANKS game folder, then, in the RES_MODS dadget, then select the folder with the number of the last patch of the game and already there we are looking for a daddle with that mod that you want to delete.

Or you can make it in another way:

The method is suitable only if the sources of modifications are not deleted from the computer.

Thus, only one mod, which is really not needed, will be removed, and everything else will remain in place.

If when deleted, something went wrong or was removed the desired mod, then just restore the RES_MODS folder. To do this, remove it in the game folder and copy the backup there. After this procedure, everything will return to the initial state and it will be possible to re-try to delete unnecessary modifications.

How to get rid of all installed mods at once

In this case, you can also make backup, if you suddenly appear to return fashion to the place. But if the solution to remove modifications is solid, then you can not bother with backup, but immediately proceed to the actions to destroy folders with modes.

  • We go to the WORLD OF TANKS game folder.
  • Click "Location of the folder", or just go to the game folder.
  • Next, in the daddy rES_MODS.
  • After that, you need to go to the folder with the number of the last patch.
  • Remove all content.
  • At the same time, the folder itself with the number of the last patch is not necessary!

Thus, all modes will be fully removed.

World of Tanks is a legendary game that has not been withdrawn your leadership positions for many years. Such success and mega popularity creates conditions for continuous updating mods. In the arsenal players WOT already more than a thousand modifications for the full functionality of the game. But then the question arises, how to remove outdated fashion and replace them with more perfect? This will be discussed further.

To raise the essence of the uninstalling process, you need to figure out the mods classifications. There are two main groups - fashion from Job (a variety of modpaca) and single fashion. Modpak includes a complex of all necessary mods that are grouped into a shared folder. Single modes are set chaotically and require high time to remove time.

Deleting mods in World of Tanks using the built-in uninstallation program

To delete the modes group from JOC, you need to find the Unins1 folder in the main folder. By clicking on the label, confirm the "Clear All" request. The disinstaling process will start and all installed modes will be removed automatically. In this case, no additional removal is not necessary. It is worth noting that when you restart the installer, it cleans the gaming client from all previous solar modes and makes installation to a clean platform.

Delete mods in World of Tanks through the root folder

Remove single modes, without the possibility of self-deletion, you can using such a folder transition: "Games" - "World of Tanks" - "RES MODS" - "Delete". However, the same method can be cleaned with the game and from Jov's mods, if problems arise with the master of uninstallation.

Deleting mods in World of Tanks using system programs

Any operating system has built-in service "Install and delete programs". Opening this program, the list of applications available to be deleted. It remains only to select the desired folder and click "Delete". Unfortunately, you can carry out uninstallation for mods from Jov. Small installation modes are not deleted in such a method.

Removing Mods of World of Tanks using special utilities

You can get rid of unnecessary, exiled programs, you can resort to the CCleaner utility. To do this, you will need to download this program and install. After launching CCleaner scans the computer and provide a list of folders to delete. The utility detects programs, establishing an automatic installer, and for modes with manual installation, this option is not possible.

A variety of modifications for World of Tanksres help make the game more interesting and colorful. But excessive "litter" of the game with unnecessary applications can significantly pour the gameplay, so unnecessary modes should be regularly removed.

It happens that after such a rapid activity, the game simply stops working, it flies or it turned out that you have what you do not need. To get a re-clean game, you can not reinstall it, but simply to simply delete the desired modifications or the entire pack of mods. So how to remove mods in the World of Tanks so that they no longer interfere with the game?

The first time you want to delete all fashion and leave the game clean. Go to the folder with the game world of tanks and we find in it rES_MODS. - Inside the folder there will be another with the version number of the game that you need to clean, removing everything without disaster. For this method, thanks to the developers who decided not to apply file replacement and made modifications to a separate folder.

The second case, how to remove modes in WOT. This is when you want to delete some particular modally or replace to another. To do this, again go to the folder with the game, then in rES_MODS. And there in the folder with the version of the game are looking for ways:

- Find vehicles., then folder [Nation name] And further Tracks. - The fashion to the caterpillars are stored;
GUI. and go to the folder flash. - Here you will find all the modifications to the sights that you have as well as boot screens. In the same folder, by the way, minicards are also resting;
gUI., after which we are looking for a foldermaps.after it icons and in itvehicle. - On this path you will find icons;
vehicles., then folder [Nation name] and looking for the desired folder [model of tank] - Here are all the skins that you set;
gUI., then go to Maps in iticons follow in Tankmen and thereicons - This folder you will find the crew icons.

It is also worth mentioning that quite well-known and extensive modifications have recently received automatic installers and all that you need to press a pair of buttons to install. As before removing, such modes in World of Tanks, it also passes very quickly - you need to find in the folder with the game file.exe with the name of the Fashion and the asscription Unins. But you need to make sure that the modification did not hit.

You can proceed differently - go to the computer control panel and find "Deleting programs" by clicking on it. You will see a list of what you have installed on top of the system - a modification can be in this list. Selecting it Press the "Delete" button at the top and wait for the operation. Now you know how to delete mods in World of Tanks.

Oddly enough, but many do not know how to remove fashion in WOT, make it right and without consequences for the client of the game. This is especially true of all kinds of models of mods, so-called modpaks. You can decide to delete mods, you enter the "Installation \\ Removal of Programs", the standard Windows utility, click "Delete" and delete the whole client

In the screenshot below, the size of the multipaca and the size of the client itself is the same. So it turns out that you click to remove a multipact, and you delete the whole client! And then for a long time you are waiting for a long time and the clean version of the game client is played. Tin, isn't it?! 😉

So, so that you do not have such misunderstandings, in this article I will describe the correct removal of all mods.

How to remove mods in wot and do not nude hemorrhoids

The first and most important thing that I would like to mention, all the assemblies of the modpacov that you were installed through the installer are also necessary to delete through the same installer. For example, I took two major models, modosopackers and multipackers

How to remove mods in WOT from JOVE:

Next screenshot how to remove mods in WOT from Pro Tanks:

Is it just not true?! In the same way, all the stocks that have their own installer are removed.

It can also be only manual removal of mods. For this we go along the way your computer \\ your drive \\ Games \\ WORLD_OF_TANKS \\ RES_MODS \\ Client version \\ And delete all the contents: