Quiz "World Monopoly Day". How to win in the "Monopoly" time - your best ally or the worst enemy

"Why does a person pushes someone else's car to the hotel in which he does not live"

I am a big fan of "monopolies". I recently found a great site at which I always wanted to do myself: they were calculated there, for what period of time you can return your investments invested in various property and purchase of houses / hotels. If you have such knowledge, you can develop a strategy that can be defeated in this game. Without this, as you can determine whether to concentrate attention to the accommodation of hotels on the street. Arbat or buy all the railways? You cannot do everything - the essence is to carry out the right transactions and make the right decisions at different stages of the game. This is only my interpretation of numbers, but below I offer a winning strategy and reinforce its data.

Data on the profitability of the investments used on this page are taken from the page: probabilities in the game "Monopoly". The probability of hitting any field was calculated by creating a model of the game (with all the chance cards, "go to prison", etc.) and rank billion combinations in the computer. My task was to analyze the data, create a table to facilitate the analysis and combine the data obtained in several simple rules that will make a winning strategy.

"Monopoly" is the game of luck, strategies and skills to communicate with people. No strategy guarantees winning; This is one of the reasons why "Monopoly" is so interesting. In any game, the newcomer can beat a permanent champion. However, there are several strategic tips that managed to get from computer simulations. They will help you best use probabilities: you can not win a single partious party, but on a long distance you are ahead of all. Here I do not touch the element of communication with people. However, try to imagine what your rivals want, and try to conclude such a deal with them that will be beneficial to you both. This type of business is needed in the "monopoly", just like in the real life.

Note: The side 1 of the board is the first party you go, after you go forward: Living Street / Nagatinskaya Street / Warsaw Highway, etc. Parties 2-4 go in order.

How to win in "Monopoly" - a simple strategy:

  • Always buy railways; Never buy utilities (for the full price) *
  • As for other types of property, buy it to carry out a monopoly or prevent monopoly from the opponents. Often it can mean the purchase as much property as possible in the early stages of the game, but take care of your cash reserves carefully.
  • At first, the games will concentrate on collecting a complete C-G [Color Group: All 2 or 3 types of property of one color] on the parties 1 + 2, even if it means selling ownership on the parties 2 + 3. After you collect one of these color groups, build 3 houses as soon as possible: no more, no less!
  • After your first color group begins to bring the first cash, concentrate on collecting a complete color group and build 3 houses on the sides 3 + 4.
    • Note: 3 houses are a "lounge piece" in the game, as shown below in Table 1. This is the point in which you find the best use to your money.
  • Single property is the most unfavorable attachment, if you do not build on it.
  • The only exception to the rules It is the case when you need to purchase a separate property in order to prevent opponents to collect a complete color group and implement the above-mentioned strategy.
  • Prison can benefit. Stay in prison, as long as possible, while the opponent has a monopoly - at this stage of the game, the movement of the game field will certainly cause a loss of money. However, until it happened, pay $ 50 and leave the prison as soon as possible - you need to continue the procurement race and collect your salary of $ 200.
    • One interesting exception: Do you need Ryazan Avenue and Vavilov Street to perform the color group? Stay in prison and try to get out from there by throwing dubla (two identical numbers): it will increase your hit on the necessary fields by 25%.

5 Best starting positions - in order:

  • All 4 Railways
    • The reason why this is the best starting point: income from railways is more stable throughout the time. While other property can have the same return on investment, with a larger time, it requires large payments. Acquired 3-4 Railways are a reliable source of money, a kind of "dairy cow": they will consistently bring money to finance your monopolies.
  • 3 houses for each property of an orange color group (Ryazan Prospect / ul. Vavilova / Rublevskoe w.)
  • 3 houses for each property of the blue color group (Warsaw sh. / Ul. Ogarev / First Parkovaya Str.)
  • 3 houses for each property of the light purple color group (ul. Polyanka / st. Sretenka / Rostovskaya nab.)
  • Hotel for every property of the dark purple color group (residential st. / Nagatinskaya st.)
    • The last position gives the worst return of all 5 positions; In fact, while you do not appear 4 at home, this color group is the worst for investment!
    • However, this position has 2 advantages: it is the cheapest out of 5, and there are only 2 property on it, so it is much easier to purchase the whole color group, especially in big games.

* I assume that all property is sold at prices close to the specified one. Usually this condition is fair, but sometimes property leaves with auction or sold at lower or high prices; This changes the value of its acquisition.

An example of what this strategy means

At an early stage of the game, before players begin to build houses, think about the situation in which you have the entire orange color group, except Ryazan pr-CT (that is, you own st. Vavilov / Rublevskoe sh.), And also you have ul . Arbat. Conversely, the opponent owns the entire blue color group, except for the street. Arbat (that is, he has a st. Small Bronnaya), as well as Ryazan pr-KT. Obviously, you want to fulfill certain trading operations to completely collect each of your color group. The only problem is that ul. Arbat costs $ 400, and Ryazan PR-CT - $ 180. And get to the hotels on the street. Arbat is much worse than hotels on Ryazan pr-KT. Therefore, you do not want to part so easily with the street. Arbat.

However, following the strategy outlined above, in this case I would sell ul. Arbat to get Ryazan Prospect. Of course, you do not want your rivals to have the opportunity to build houses and hotels on the street. Arbat. However, they will never be able to do this if they have no houses that bring revenue for cheaper property. Meanwhile, you can put 3 homes for each property of an orange color group, which, as shown in Table 1, are attachments, paying on themselves faster than any other real estate. The third group of houses will recoup themselves every 9.5 throws of the bones of your rivals. When you begin to take money from them so fast, they will not be able to find funding for the development of their own real estate, especially expensive.

Where does this strategy come from

Table 1, shown below, is the key to understanding how to win in the "monopoly". She responds to the most important question: after what period of time I will return my $ 400, if I buy ul. Arbat? And also: after what time period, my $ 100 will come back to me if I accommodate hotels on a native and nagatinskaya street? And so on for all opportunities on the playing field. The average number of throws of bones of each opponent you need to get your money back is given in the table as the time to achieve an equilibrium point.

For example, if you have one home on Ryazan pr-kt / ul. Vavilov / Rublevskoe sh. And 3 houses on the street. Small brown / st. Arbat, for construction in which place is best to spend money? Judging by the table, it is best to build another group of houses on Ryazan pr-KT / ul. Vavilova / Rublevskoe sh.: 25.63< 35.56.

Red means the smallest amount of time. I highlighted the black line options that require the smallest time. This is what you need to strive for. Essentially, you get the money back to the money when you have a third group of houses on any property group. For color groups of the parties 1-2, you can also add 4 houses or hotel, and still benefit from your investments.

Ownership of all 4 railways is one of the best options. Owning 1-2 railways is not so profitable. But buying them, you at least prevent the purchase of all 4 railways by your rivals. Owning a special property, without collecting the full color group, is one of the worst options for your cash investments, only if you do not buy it in order not to give rivals to collect a complete color group.

Table 1 - Temperature card shows how quickly your gradually increasing investments are returned to you back; Data is based on computer simulation, including Cards "Chance" and "Public Treasury"

While Table 1 carries information about values, the property in the cells has a different cost. 3 houses on the street. Arbat provides a very profitable return of investments, but you do not have enough money to achieve this moment and buy these houses in the early stages of the game. Why then consider this option? What is the best first move? Table 2 shows the total costs needed to achieve any specific state. In the early stages of the game, you need to concentrate on the possibilities marked with red and yellow in Table 2. Further, with the current game, it is best to use the possibilities indicated by blue.

Thus, we get 3 the most profitable starting positions at the very top of the table (3 are the best circles in Table 2). You can get all 3 in less than $ 1500, and on average, you can return your investments again and again every 13 bones of your rivals or even earlier. Therefore, if you play against 4 players, it means approximately every three circle. After 6 circles, you double your last attachment and will be on the way to the construction of a monopoly.

Table 2 -

Note : The data in Table 1 provides that the players are missing only one circle in prison and exit, paying $ 50 using a "output from prison" or throwing out the "Double" from the first time. Often the proposed strategy is to get out of prison after one circle in the early stages of the game, so you can continue to buy property; In the future, stay in prison, if you can, on 3 circles, because the movement on the playing field can cause a loss of money related to the fact that players begin to build houses and hotels. Therefore, if players spend a lot of time in prison, the values \u200b\u200bin Table 1 will increase, because the more they spend time there, the less they fall on your property. However, this does not affect the overall strategy, because relative value remains the same. 3 Group of houses of the color group in which there are rods / Vail / Ruble, continues to be self-paid faster than on the street. Arbat: time on them increases only 10% if your rivals will miss three circles in prison instead of one.

The table shows how much time it is necessary to overlap only additional costs, and not all costs at this point. In other words, there are 9.5 moves on average to block costs of $ 300 for the construction of the third group of houses in the color group in which there are rods / Vail / Rubles. By this time, in, most likely, you will not yet cover the costs necessary in order to get to this point - to buy the first two groups of houses. However, your money making mechanism will work at the highest level of profitability of investments at this point and will effectively help you return your previous investments. What happens if you invest money in the color group in which there are rods / Vail / ruble, but never get to the point when you have 3 houses? Is this the best choice? Maybe no, but the difference is insignificant. Naturally, the costs of the last property in Razk / Vavil / Ruble will require more time to cover them than in Tver / Pushk / Lighthouses. But the difference is less than 5%. Before you build 3 houses, rods / Vail / ruble will be almost 20% better.

Since childhood, my beloved desktop game was the legendary "monopoly", and in its classical version itself. On the box, there was always marking "teaches entrepreneurship", for me it was only a reason to combine pleasant with useful.

Years have passed, I grew up and already began to build my "monopoly", but I recently found myself in a country house, where adult women and men who do not know the principles of business, with the greatest Azart Kon behind Konom played a children's game, throwing poker and billiards. What are adults find in the board? What strategies lead to victory not only in the fictional world, but also in real life? I allocated five major business ideas that the game "Monopoly" teaches us.

1. Time - your best ally or worst enemy

The first thing that the newcomers of the "Monopoly" is understood: the faster you run forward, the more streets you have and opportunities.

This is so, because all the most successful acquisitions are usually done for the first circles. However, after the first laps, newcomers are usually slowed down and even sometimes prefer to "sit down" in a gaming prison, so that only not to fall into the streets of rivals. As a result, they "do not pass" forward "and do not receive 200 thousand" and sooner or later lagging behind competitors because of their slowness. So people who have achieved some success begin to slow down ambitions, swim with a fat and cease to be self-improvement.

When you decide not to plan new training or refuse ambitious goals, remember that every solved task and any new experience is yours field "Forward". Powerful early start in life and career is very important, but it does not guarantee success in the future, if you do not save the mocked on the whole game.

Unfortunately, there is no single starting amount in life for everyone and everyone starts with their capital and assets, but time is the asset that is fair to all. In the end, it doesn't matter how lucky you start, it is much more important that you will do on the finish line.

2. Read the instructions and laws

The rules of "monopoly" are quite simple, but they also occupy five turns on both sides of the booklet with small fonts. The rules of business and the laws in the real world occupy much more paper, but also in the children's game, and in life, their observance is obligatory.

Moreover, if you know them and easily note the subtleties, then luck will be on your side: you avoid fines, do not commit extra steps, in the end, you do not go to prison. For example, only connoisseurs of rules can skillfully reduce opponents at bargaining.

As in life, you can try to manage and disrupt the law, but will such Strategy for victory without loss of respect from the outside surrounding? It is much more reliable to know and comply with laws, given all loopholes and benefits, and there are always more of them than it seems.

3. Good luck only part of success, and not the biggest

"Oh no! Again, you bought the street you need, the whole game is built only on luck! " - This often you can hear behind the playing table, but in my life, such statements can be heard at every step.

In fact, cases when it is not lucky that it is impossible to win or at least stretch long enough, simply does not happen. It all depends on opportunities to negotiate And correctly dispose of your property.

It takes you or not if your knowledge and skills are good enough, then you will spend a worthy game, but no one loves whiskers. Luck exists, but, as stated in advertising one alcoholic brand, good luck is a relationship.

4. Again and win, silent and lose everything

You have two stages of yellow color, and your neighbor has one yellow, and the same situation with orange? This is a reason to negotiate! You will be surprised, but even in such a simple game, the choice between "negotiate" and "dust" most people will make in favor of the second.

Just so arranged the psychology of people, we do not love to negotiate at all.. And a good speaker will exchange streets so that he will leave everyone with his nose, but they will understand it only after the speaker wins. However, remember that the perfect negotiator will do so that even if everything except him lost in the end of the exchange, then no one will be offended.

WIN-WIN strategy that Harvard School's negotiators is used, has long become a reference business.

Even if only one can win, it's not a reason to deceive your partners in the game.

In addition, lies, flattery or other techniques below the belt during the game are explicitly and strike a reputation, which is difficult to soften even after the completed game.

If the dispute about the methods of negotiations can be continued forever, then everything will agree with this fact: if you are silent, it will be completely fine or later and lose everything.

The only way out, as in life, is to keep a permanent dialogue, learn to negotiate and take into account the interests of both parties.

5. Learn, finally, count!

The cost of buying the street, the cost of buying houses and hotels, rental costs - all this is only part of the numbers that need to be compared to understand the essence of the asset. Of course, you can simply play at random and collect all the streets that will only get to you, but if your opponents know how to count, then no good luck will help you.

In addition, the "monopoly" contains several prestige traps. Beginners think that the streets of the dark blue category are the most prestigious, and therefore the most desirable games from the very beginning. However, they do not take into account the high threshold of entry into business, because the cost of the streets themselves and buildings on them are also the highest. In addition, the streets are only two, and therefore, less chances that someone will fall on them.

Many players occupy a good half of the table to decompose all the assets acquired during the game, but as soon as they appear street, they do not know where to take money on houses, without which it is generally impossible to win. But they have money in front of the nose: none of unnecessary property and purchase the necessary one. So in life: often entrepreneurs complain about the lack of starting capital, possessing a significant income from work, but descending into luxury instead.

Even in a desktop game, which in general, children from eight years can be mastered, there are many financial indicators that need to be able to apply properly. It is necessary to say that there are even more in life, but the most important thing is to be able to operate at least the simplest. You need to be able to distinguish the prestige from profitability and learn correctly use your assets. It is even more relevant if you do not really go.

At the end of the game, someone became the winner, and someone lost, and then the "monopoly" is powerless. Perhaps the most bitter knowledge from childhood was a defeat. I was very frustrated if I lost in the competition, and always perceived it as a failure. At the university, I began to try myself, opening a small startup, but they all quickly fell.

In fact, every defeat became an excellent lesson for me, and much more valuable than the victory. So in the "Monopoly": each new game allows you to try a new strategy, in case of defeat you know exactly what they did wrong.

If you lost and do not like it - just drag the cards, return the streets to the bank and sit down to play again. Everything will work out, because now you know how to win!

In order to win in a "monopoly", it is necessary to ruin all the rivals before they can do it with you. Every time, making a decision, it is very important to choose the most effective actions that will enhance you to increase your chances of winning. Although luck is an important factor for victory in the "Monopoly", Fortuna may be inconstant - it is easily rotated against you, it is worth unwilling to relax. This article tells how to think through the game strategy and make the most of all the opportunities to win.


Part 1

Right approach to the game

    Remember how players move on the board. Of course, it is impossible to calculate all the moves, but it will be useful for you to find out what is the probability of the property you need, throw away the desired number or to become any cell you need.

    Examine the cells that other players are most often falling. Nagatinskaya players are less common to Orange Players Street, and on Orange Cells (Ryazan Avenue, "Vavilov Street", "Rublevskoe Highway") - most often due to their proximity to the prison cell. These are the most favorable cells on the entire board. The more property you have in orange cells, the higher your chances of winning.

    • The most popular cage is a "prison". It follows the "Mayakovsky Square" and "Kazan Railway". Hotel on Mayakovsky Square will give you a maximum of income from one cell (after the hotel on Arbat).
  1. Know the capabilities of the cards that you can pull out. Watch out which cards are dropped out when playing to know what else remains. Examine cards to the game to understand what you can wait. In each standard set in "Monopoly" includes:

    • Sixteen Cards "Chance". The likelihood that the dropped card will move you to another place, as ten of sixteen cards "chance" prescribe it. In addition, there are two "prize" cards that give you money, two penalty Cards that take money from you, one card that takes money from real estate owners, and one card that gives free exemption from prison.
    • Sixteen Cards "Public Quantity". Most cards Public treasure - Nine of sixteen - give you money. Three cards Public treasure Take money from you. From the remaining cards, two prescribe you to go to another board field, one card takes money from property owners and one card gives free exemption from prison.
  2. Play according to the classic rules of "Monopoly". Although some people like to play special versions of this game, in which the rules are changing, any changes affect the outcome of the game and can extend it. To win, it is better to play on the classic rules developed by Parker Brothers (Parker Brothers).

    • For example, do not charge bonuses for stopping on free parking and do not free the players from payment when exchanging.

Part 3.

Winner strategy
  1. Get the maximum profit from mortgages. Mortgages allow you to get money in important moments of the game. But do not forget that the redemption of property will take more money than you get on the mortgage. Remember the following:

    • First of all, it is necessary to lay a single property. Do not lay cards from the color group, where you have 2 or more ownership units, unless there is no sharp need.
    • If you need money, first launch a single property if it allows you to own a color group with three houses on each cell (or hotels in the blue or lilac zone).
    • If the property is laid, it is impossible to collect rent, so try not to mortgage the property that other players often fall or where they pay large amounts.
  2. Be careful with the exchange. Examine the preferences of rivals and use them with the benefit for yourself. If you can get the missing card in one color group, it will be very useful because you can expand the influence zone. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the opponent receives. For example, if he gives you the missing card for a pink zone, and it gets orange himself, this exchange will not be beneficial - you will have to pay a higher rent on orange cells.

    Closer to the end of the game Try not to go out of prison ahead of time. In the "monopolies", unlike real life, prison is not always bad. At the beginning of the game, when you have not had time to build a monopoly, you must pay for the exit so that you have the opportunity to buy property that has not belongs to anyone. However, closer to the end of the game, when all the property will already belong to someone, and most of the cells between the prison and the "go to jail" cell will already stand at home and hotels, just throw the bones and hope that you will be in prison. It may some time delay the rental of rent when you fall on the cells of other players.

    Run weak players. "Monopoly" is known that you can play it a few hours or even days, but the game does not have to delay so for a long time. When all property is replenished, start negotiating and try to persuade the players to deal with them, which will allow them to ruin them and bring out of the game. Return their property to the game to players in a more profitable position could continue to compete and finish the game.

    • If players owning single cards that other players are needed, do not want to exchange them, complete the game and start over. You can give a rent to each other for a very long time, without being able to somehow move forward. If you get to the point when you just walk on the board, giving and collecting money, the game will become boring. Complete it.

Part 4.

The trick of the unfailed player
  1. Be a banker and put the money of rivals. If you want to defeat at any cost, at the beginning of the game Try to become responsible for money. In the "monopolies", as in life, a person who has access to money is greater likely to break forward.

    • When the opponent makes a purchase, put money into the bank, and some part of them are in a separate stack for yourself. So that no one caught you in this, put the bank's money next to your so that the players cannot recognize theft.
    • From time to time, run money, changing the twenty hundred and at the same time take one extra hundred to yourself. Other players most likely will not follow you, because it does not concern their money.
    • Take more money when passing a complete circle. Each player pays two hundred after it passes the "forward" cage. Why not take 500 instead of 200?
  2. Keep your money in a pile. So that people do not guess about your frauds, fold money in one big bunch, not packs, like in a bank. If you have the opportunity to get back money, do not miss it. If you will fall into your bunch of unnecessary bills, who will notice it?

    • Do not deceive other players and steal their money. If you take money from the bank is one thing, but if you try to give it less money than you need, or somehow deceive a person, it will lead to problems.
  3. Do unnecessary steps on the board. The longer you play, the less attention people will pay for how everyone else does steps and move on the board. This will provide you with many opportunities to change your position on the board in your favor.

    • Throwing the bones, start loudly count the cells and knock on the board on the board until you reach your cell ("one, two, three, four ..."). Instead of putting the figure on the desired cage, move on one cell forward or backward (choose what is more profitable for you). If someone caught you on this, tell me that the cells were incorrectly counted.
    • When everyone is looking into their cards, move your figure forward or backward (it will depend on what you want). All players are so absorbed by the observation of their purchases, strategy, money and their own moves, so no one will notice if you shift your figure.
  4. Before starting to be sick, wait until all the players get drunk the game. In the first few rounds of the game, rivals will closely monitor all what is happening, but then they will begin to be distracted by their cards and money. This game requires serious mental costs, so the surveillance of those who play dishonestly is associated with increased attention. To make you all with my hands, wait until the game becomes more difficult or until you pass at least 5 more circles.

  • Buy or remove the Mayakovsky Square at the first opportunity! Most often players fall on cells "Mayakovsky Square", "Forward", "Kazan Railway" and "Jail".
  • The more players, the more politics. When one player is on the verge of bankruptcy, he can give all his property and money to another player (often in the form of very expensive exchanges), so if you provide each other services during the game, friendship will come in handy to you when one of the friends will be practically ruined . If you participate in monopoly competitions, such actions will most likely be prohibited.
  • The only way to transfer money to another player is to use the "Exit from prison". Offer her to negotiate with someone who turned out to be the property you need, and you need to transfer money to him. You can also offer its player who has become the ownership of another player and can break. Buy it a card out of prison for money, which he is enough to pay for rent. Then the next time he will be on your property, it will go bankrupt.
  • Remember that save and spend money with the mind. Do not forget that the goal of the game is to ruin the rest of the players, and not become the richest player.
  • Having bought property, building real estate on it and hitting it in prison, do not hurry to get out of it. So you will secure yourself from possible bankruptcy. Your rivals will give their money, and you will not.

Monopoly changes chips

Everyone who has played monopoly at least once, not to mention the avid players, for sure there are favorite chips in this game - whether it is a dog of Scotti, a cylinder or a car. But soon the usual figures can be replaced with new ones.

The usual hat, dog and shoes can be replaced by a mobile phone that winks Emodeza or, for example, a hashtag icon.

Monopoly manufacturers to take into account the opinion of the fans of the game, organized a survey to determine which chips should be used by players in his new releases.

The fate of fifty new types of chips has been issued for discussion, of which, according to the results of the voting, it is necessary to choose the most.

New chips, according to the creators, should give the game a new impetus and the novelty of perception. A cowboy hat, cowboy boots, two different models of racing cars and a rotary telephone are also offered as new chips. By the way, manufacturers are no longer for the first time resort to voting to find out the preferences of fans.

It is already known that such chips will disappear from the sets, however, it's not necessary to regret it, because new people look much cute.

Charles Darrow, the creator of the game, in the first versions of the game that he produced and sold himself, offered users to play as small objects that could be at hand - from coins to keys and plugs from wine bottles.

The chips that we used to see in the standard sets of monopolies in their existence are obliged to the niece of the Darrow itself, which suggested doing chips similar to the elements of the children's bracelet for girls.

By the way, some chips have their own intriguing history of appearance. So, the cylinder is one of the most recognizable symbols of the game, it appeared thanks to the character of Mr. Monopoly, whose prototype, as many people believe, became the American magnate J. Murgan.

"Bashmak", according to the creator of the game, should become a symbol of a combination of hard work, wealth and good luck.

The "battle" was originally used by the manufacturer of Parker Brothers in another game - "conflict", but it suffered commercial failure and the trick of the ship swallowed in the playing set of monopoly.

Until the 50s of the 20th century in the sets there was a figurine of a rocker horse. But the popular figure of the Dog Scotty was presented to users only in the 1960s. A survey conducted in 2013 among the fans of the game showed that Scotty is the most popular figure in the monopoly.

In the entire history of the monopoly, the most memorable figures were also a "wallet", "lantern" and "bag of money".

By the way, on March 31, the International Day of the Monopoly Board Game is celebrated, and if you still are not familiar with this wonderful game, we strongly recommend buying one of the versions (for example, having bought one of the versions in our store), collect friends and With the help of a monopoly, find out on whose side luck!

November 5th - the birthday of one of the most popular board games in the world- « Monopoly» . Platfor.ma chose the most interesting facts about the most« Monopoly» which has already managed to turn out of a simple board game in a real cultural phenomenon.

1. "Monopoly" came up with American Charles Darrow Directly at the height of the Great Depression - in 1933. He showed her project to representatives of the company Parker Brothers, but received a refusal because of "52 errors in design." Then Charles decided to literally take everything in his hands and independently made and sold 5000 copies of the game in the department store Philadelphia. Already in 1935, the Monopoly became the best-selling game in America.

2. Attributes of the first "monopoly" were created personally Darrow- He wrote the cards himself, and the houses and the hotel did from wooden chips.

3. And although many argue that the creator of the "Monopoly" is Derro, Some experts trace her roots since 1903, when American Elizhat J. Maggie Phillips created the game, with the help of which he was hoping to explain the theory of the unified tax of Politheconomist Henry George. She conceived the educational game, with the help of which it would be possible to show all the negative aspects of the concentration of the Earth in private monopolies. An American called its project The Landlord "S Game and even published it on its own in 1906.

4. The first "monopoly", which went on sale, was quite cheap- Total about $ 2.

5. Initially, "Monopoly" appeared as a reflection of American realities,but after 2010, Canadian, Turkish, Russian, South Korean, Peruvian and Hong Kong version of the game appeared.

6. The classic version of the "Monopoly" contains 8 chips: Martial ship, hat, dog nicknamed Scotty, racing car, shoe, cat, wheelbarrow and thimble. In the entire 80-year-old history, there were up to 20 different chips on the playing field, including an elephant, a purse, a bag with money and a bear in the Russian version of the game - wherever without it.

7. In the American version of the "monopoly" names of the cells are based on real placesin the city of Atlantic City, New Jersey. If you try to compare their initial species with how these buildings look today - you will be very surprised.

9. Total amount of money The classic "monopoly" is $ 20580. Have you ever won them all?

10. The most expensive "monopoly" It cost $ 2 million. It in 1998 created Jeweler Sidney Mobeled from San Francisco. The field for the game he decorated with 23 gold karants, and the places on the field identified 42 diamonds.

11. In 1941, British secret services initiated the creation of John Waddington Ltd, which would produce special edition of "Monopoly" for prisoners in Nazi prisons. Game boxes were transferred to prisons of special services under the guise of charity groups. They were hiding the map of the terrain, compasses, real money and other things necessary for escape.

12. "Monopoly" was gaining great popularity in the XX century In many countries of the world, including the USSR. Then she was known as the "Manager", "Empire", "Businessman", and also "NEP" and "Cooperative". Such is the Soviet Neuming.

13. For 80 years of the "Monopoly" existence managed to translate in 47 languages And launch its sales in 114 countries.

14. In 1983, Italian Emilio Malloni learned to play "Monopoly" alone, taking on the role of all five players.

15. Probably the most memorable "monopoly" tournament held in 1973 in Atlantic City. The size of the playing field was about 5.4 meters on each side, but this is not the main thing. Moving chips in the game replaced girls in bikini.

16. Every year, 64 million houses are produced for the "Monopoly" games. And 24 million features of hotels. By the way, this is enough to build a tower three times higher Everest!

17. To date, the number of playing In the monopoly passed for half a billion man.

18. In 2011, Hasbro in conjunction with Emmett / Furla Films released documentary "Under The Boardwalk: The Monopoly Story" About how "monopoly" has become one of the most popular board games of modernity. The tape received many awards and positive feedback critics.

19. To the 80th anniversary of the "Monopoly" owner's owner of the game Hasbro decided to make a surprise fans - In 80 of 30,000 sets of games in France, they put real money - 20580 euros. In general, you will be in France - you know what to do. They say the boxes with real money will weigh the same as usual, but will be thicker.

20. And if you do not plan to visit in the near future Paris, then you will be interested in this fact. Another special jubilee release of the game, which came out of a limited edition, you can buy it right now in Ukraine! His uniqueness is that this is a limited lot, affordable only this year: the most popular chips of each decade are collected, which were invented in different years since 1935.

21. "Monopoly" turned into a real sport! Worldwide every year championships are held for this game. By the way, there will be another one - the anniversary! And you have a chance to get on it.

Hasbro invites all Ukrainian "Monopoly" fans to celebrate 80th anniversary The legendary family board game and take part in the Ukrainian Monopoly Championship. Winners of tours in Odessa and Kiev will be held in the final and will receive a chance to represent the country on World Championships in "Monopoly" in Macau (China)!

How to take part in the competition - .