The value of playing gadal cards. Couples of different cards. Value of cards at shutdown: peaks ♠

Many still prefer to guess on playing cards. And this is understandable, because all fortune-telling on the map online is just a computer program with its algorithms. Therefore, accuracy can be obtained only when you fortunate on real paper cards. Take a deck in your hands, and if you do not know the meaning of playing cards when you fortunate, look at our cheat sheet.

Rules of divination

There are certain rules for fortune telling, which must be observed to get a truthful result. Otherwise, the cards may begin to speak in a lie and you will be disappointed with the opportunity to get a truthful answer.

  1. It is possible to guess per person, a matter, you can only once a day, not more often.

  • Cards also get tired and they need to give time to rest.
  • Do not make more than 3 layouts at a time.
  • Also, you should not take cards in your hands if you are in a weak state: upset, tired.
  • From nothing to do - you should not be taken for exit.
  • It is impossible to guess in church holidays and on Sunday.
  • Also with caution you need to treat at night, as night time is the time of dark perfumes that can picker to you during divination.
  • Value of cards at fortune investment: worms (cherry)

    • 6 Six worms - This is a short and nearby journey or travel, travel, road, in general.
    • 7 Seven worm - Meeting, a date.
    • 8 Eight worms - It may be conversations, conversations.
    • 9 Nine wormer - Love, but the surrounding cards that love to whom are very important. Also means joy, success.
    • 10 Ten worms - These are hopes, plans, dreams. Whether these dreams come true - depends on the surrounding cards. If a ten-peak is nearby - impracticable dreams.
    • IN Curlee Chervey - These are problems, empty troubles, difficult questions. In some interpretations - a cheerful carefree friend, loving love adventures.
    • D. Lady Chervey "You yourself, any woman, girlfriend, mother, sometimes this card can mean a mistress."
    • TO King worms - this is a man. In particular, the male representative may be idle, married or divorced.
    • T. Ace wormer - Family hearth, successful marriage, family happiness, satisfaction with existing surroundings, romantic relationships, love letter. Career is a good sign, full of victory.
      Top up - possible obstacles, not mutual love, a frivolous quarrel. In combination with 7 ♣ - the birth of a child or a wedding, some significant event. With 6 ♣ - an interesting date. With 8 ♣ - love adventures.

    The value of the cards during fortune track: Buby (tambourine) ♦

    • 6 ♦ Six Buben. - This is an ambulance road. It can be a trip to the nearby distance, for example, a travel, the road of the king ♦, ladies, the fulfillment of desire. Very happy card, it can soften even the bad value of the ace ♠.
    • 7 ♦ Seven Buben - - Sign of communication, empty conversations, party with friends, unexpected not very important news.
    • 8 ♦ Eight Buben. - These are conversations, meetings, as well as possible gossip. Or a pleasant trip, vacation. Promising passion or novel. Sometimes - a late marriage.
    • 9 ♦ Nine Buben - Money card, sign of enterprise. It is possible to love idle people, maybe forbidden love. FROM 10 ♦ ; - indispensable and quick receipt of money. With four kings - a fun conversation.
    • 10 ♦ Dozen tambin - These are hopes, interests, future plans. It may be a valuable acquisition or a great achievement in the work.
    • In ♦ Valet Buben. - These are difficulties, problem events. Perhaps a deceiver, a smoothie and a bribemer.
    • D ♦ Lady Buben. - young woman. There may be a young girl, a girlfriend, a woman, as well as a mistress if the fortune telling goes against a married worm king.
    • To ♦ King Buben. "This is a young man, most often it is a single man or someone's son."
    • T ♦ Ace Buben- This is an important news that most often comes in writing. This may be a letter, notification or telegram. If there is a peak ace, then the news will not be pleasant. But if the peak is up - writing about this news.

    Value of cards for forties: Trefts (cross) ♣

    Trephs - all maps of this suit are related or with finance or business issues.
    • 6 ♣ Six Treft - This is a business trip the future of which is unknown, the value of the trip can be determined by a map nearby.
    • 7 ♣ or 8 ♣ Seven and eight treph - These are business meetings, professional troubles and negotiations.
    • 9 ♣ nine treph It is not similar to the remaining trephies, it is a strong love or platonic attachment to a certain person.
    • 10 ♣ Ten Treft - Money sign. Promises large profits, improving the financial situation. It can bring good luck and exciting adventures, but be prepared for something sad. For - deception of hope, poverty, work, with a figure - a business man, a big danger, fires; when - find, happiness in the lottery; for King, Dame - You are interested in anyone.
    • In ♣ curren treph - These are professional troubles, business problems, creative crisis. Good friend and faithful spouse. Very reliable.
    • D ♣ lady treph - This is a female colleague, but it may also be a mother, mother-in-law or mother-in-law.
    • To ♣ king treph - It may be your boss, father or reliable, generous friend probably dark-haired.
    • T ♣ TUZ TREF - This is a big deal, work.

    Value of cards at shutdown: peaks ♠

    • 6 ♠ Six Peak - It is most often distant road, sometimes a trip you expected long.
    • 7 ♠ Seven Peak - These are grieving of various kinds that bring tears and grief.
    • 8 ♠ eight peak - This is a fun walk, campaigning or just drinking alcohol to a circle of friends.
    • 9 ♠ nine peak - This is a disease, injury, ailment, which will fight someone to whom this card is related to.
    • 10 ♠ dozen peak - This is the collapse of all plans and unfulfilled hopes.
    • In ♠ rings peak - These are empty troubles.
    • D ♠ lady peak - This is strong anger, with respect to another person is jealousy. Also, this card may mean the beginning of actions against your enemies.
    • To ♠ king peak - This is a kind of official, colleague. Most often, this card means a person in a mature age, which has achieved position in society. Rarely this card means a new acquaintance.
    • T ♠ ace peak, dropped down the edge - this is a blow of fate if the peak fell up, then this card means a cheerful holiday, drunk fun.
    Also very important is the combination of cards when fortunening. You should always pay attention to them.
    Conspiracy is not entertainment, it is not necessary to apply them without necessary. And do not forget that you can not engage in self-medication, but you must consult with your doctor.

    On born on January 21, February 19, March 17, April 15, May 13, June 11, July 09, August 07, September 05, October 03 and November 1 - a financial responsibility card.

    Number "Six" symbolizes responsibility and karma. Bubnovaya Maste is connected with finance. People whose birthday is a bobnoy six, very scrupulously belong to financial debts and their payment. This feature feature is often manifested in the form of a paranoid fear of unpaid debts. For example, the gears tambourine can pay in advance the accounts for the phone and utilities only because they do not want to worry about a possible debt.

    To such people, in the course of life is returning exactly what they gave others. It may be financial losses, and profits - everything is determined by the actions of these people in the past embodiment. As the personalities of the Bubnoy six are divided into two categories: Some perform their karmic task, paying debts, others behave irresponsible when they appear money and there is a need to learn how to stand on their own legs.

    Sometimes six tambourine can return old debts other people. But regardless of the situation, you can not doubt, the tambourine six get in life exactly what they deserve.

    Because of its inertia, they can fail, so they have to push themselves from time to time.

    Forcing yourself to act, they can achieve everything wishing. The tambourine gears have protection and the patronage of the higher forces, but they do not need to hope for a random lottery gain.

    At a deeper level, people associated with this card must understand that they were born in this embodiment to help others better realize genuine values. If they decide what the natural intuition tells them (Each person has its own inner voice and is talking to us)They will always be happy, regardless of their material status. If the tambourine six will understand their special mission in life, they will not be disturbed by how much money they have. Such people become great teachers. They willingly give and sacrifice, and they can be laid great responsibility. What they have to give us is a clear understanding of the highest values \u200b\u200band the ability to make the right choice in life. Six tambourines - guardians of the law.

    • Relationship with other people:

    For the tough behavior of the six, the tambourine often hide the reluctance to look into the face of their needs in mutual love. The basis of their interaction with partners is a deep fear of being rejected. And until they win this fear, it will be difficult for them to understand why failures may be repeated in their lovelife.

    For the tambourine six, a highly intelligent approach to love is characterized. Therefore, sometimes they tend to think that love life can be organized and planned as a college course. But when their brilliant love plans fall under the control of deep fears, everything collapses. Gears Tuben must first learn to give the partner the same love that they expect to receive from him. Honesty towards its own feelings and emotions can bring them the information necessary to more correctly assess the problems of relationships. Bubnoy six should be sincere with themselves and with others and not to fall into an eloquent chatter about the situation that has created, aspiration of true feelings. Usually karma six tambourine entails a gap of an important relationship that transforms their life and makes it possible to know themselves.

    • Compatibility with other birth cards:

    Men and women, born under the influence of the Bubnova Six, are attractive for all other representatives of the Bubnova Masty, although the Bubnic women-women can also like wormless men. For most bubne female-women relationships

    • At the age of Mercury, the peak is very necessary, especially maternal.
    • In the period of Venus (up to twenty-six years) they have to learn a lot, and most importantly, to implement all their ideas to life.
    • In the period of Mars, there is a struggle for material well-being.
    • At the age of Jupiter, the power of the mind and the Iron Will will help them to survive in any situation.
    • After fifty two years, they mastered the insecurity, they begin to doubt the people around them and in their attitude towards them. During this period, a large number of love ties are possible.

    This is the strongest of the six, and they all mean debt obligations of some kind and taking responsibility for their lives. The map of unemployment, the immutability of the state, stagnation, one of the deaths of death, controlled by Saturn. Karmic payroll for debts, compromises in life, responsibility for work and health. The karmic force of returning debts of this card is so great that can mean any events in a person's life. Problems in this case are likely to be associated with bad habits that failed to negotiate until the end.

    • The first carmic map (a map of universal knowledge) is a map of the extended consciousness and the features of your character in the past life that need to be improved in the current incarnation. People with this birth card can receive revelations about life and true knowledge about what is happening on earth. These revelations come to them when they are exempt from their prejudice and rigid systems of worldview.

    These people are in love and very sexy. Romantic love like them more than marriage relationships. Marriage for her is rather responsibility and debt than the goal of idealistic dreams. Throughout the life of the nine Treph, as a rule, he experiences several difficult novels and only over the years acquires wisdom and is the responsibility of which sincere love requires. It is possible that they will have at least one day to face a serious rupture of relationships or divorce, which will completely change the direction of its life.

    • The second karmic card (artist map) is your acquired experience in past life. People with this birth can have achieved great success in the past life related to finance or values \u200b\u200bin the broadest sense of the word.
    • Carmic maps:

    Each person was in the past life associated with many people represented by various matters of fate. Having met with such people, you instantly feel the connection with them and when communicating with such people there is a transfer of energy, the first card of the karmic set is a person that you pass energy, the second is the one who sends it to you. These people are desirable to know that when meeting with them to understand, in which direction the main stream of energy occurs when communicating.

    Divination on the maps does not lose their popularity. Today, card layouts on fate and the future do even those who have nothing to do with magic. You can guess on maps to everyone. To do this, it is simply necessary to learn several ways to divine on playing cards. In addition, you need to know the value of cards in the scenario. This will be discussed. So, what do you mean cards when you are fortunate, and what value do you have a combination of cards?

    Ace Pick - trouble, loss, night, blow, fright. In combination with the Treph Ace means fear. With a dozen peak - unexpected money. Dozen Tuben - Quarrel because of money. If the peak ace lay next to the six, any suit is a long-distance trip.

    King Peak - Enemy, enemy, rival, competitor, influential person who wishes you evil. In combination with a lady and currency of any stripes - the help of an influential person. With the eight peak - a black band in life. Next to any peak card - the forever. With Trephami - hostility towards you. With Chervami - Friendship. With tambourines - good man location.

    Queen of Spades - Woman with bad intentions, rival. Gossip, intrigue and obstacles. In combination with a worm nine - happiness in life. With tambourines - envy and harm from a woman. With peaks - kind woman of ripe years. With Trephami - an evil woman. With Chervami - help.

    Pick currency - Aggression, an unpleasant person, the bad intentions of the master's gentleman, the disease of loved ones, bad news. In combination with a peak lady - a fight and scandal. With the eight peak - trouble in love. With any peaks - a meeting with a like-minded person. With Trephami - a meeting with a deceit and a gossip. With tambourines - news, drunk man. With Chervami - Friend.

    Ten peak - disease, problems. In combination with the peak ace - unexpected money. With the king or lady peak - the interest of your influential person. With the lady or king of other masters - failures, not fulfilled desires. With a tambourous ace - bad news. Ace of other masters - false news. Tref Tens - recovery. With nine peak - grief. With the eight peak - worsening health. With seven tambourine - offer.

    Nine peak - Loss, road, surprise. In combination with the Ace of Peak - the disease. With ace treph - harm. With a worm ace - intimate proximity. With a tambourous ace - deception of loved ones. With the lady or king of peak - love. The king of other masters is desire. With a dozen peak - unexpected profits.

    Oight peak - Conversation, boredom, bad luck, illness. In combination with all the kings - a goulock. With a worm currency - bad news. With the nine treph - trouble. With seven treph - treason.

    Seven peak - Cheating, loss, tears, parting. With a lady - pregnancy. With a currency treph - an enemy, evil intent. Six tambourine - problems in the family.

    Six peak - Road, night, loss. In combination with peaks - good luck on the road. With Trephami - failure on the way. With Chervami - Meeting. With tambourines - the road to obtaining money.

    Ace Buben - Day, good changes, good news. With trephies or peaks - care and problems. With tambourines - a quick profit. With Chervami - a love letter.

    King Buben. - Bachelor, young man, acquaintance, stability. With Chervami - joy, parting with the past. With a dozen tambourine - support. With six tambourine - fulfillment of desire.

    Lady Buben. - Young woman, train. With a currency tambourine and a dozen peak - an unpleasant guest. With a worm dozen - theft.

    Valet Buben. - Young guy, boy, good news, well-being. In combination with the king - a deceiver and a hypocrite. With the lady Tref - Nolescence. With the nine tambourine - aggression and enmity. With six Tref - an unexpected trip.

    Ten Buben - A blow from a loved one, money, a gift, a date. In combination with the Ace of Tuz Peak - Quarrel because of money. With a currency treph - success in money. With dozens or nines any texts, except peak - getting profit. With a worm seven - inheritance. With six tambourine - fulfillment of desires.

    Ten Buben- Emergency important events, if with a worm "to the money, if with any black ownership - to problems.

    Eight Buben. - Dreams, talk about money, hatred. With the king or lady peak - a deceiver. With a dozen tambourine - unexpected profit. Seven Tuben - instability.

    Seven Buben - Causes, troubles, transactions with money, gift. With any worm card - a chance, good luck. With a dozen peak - offer. With a dozen tambourine hasshes with money.

    Six Buben. - Happiness, fulfillment of desires. With a dozen tambourine - profit. With nine peak - bad news. With a dozen peak - the death of a friend. With seven tambourine - troubles in the family.

    Ace Tref. - Work, luck, evening, illness. With the king - love relationship, courtship. With the king Tref - the fulfillment of desires. Nine Peak - Benefit. Seven Tref - Win, Victory. With the six of any suit - to the road.

    King Tref. - problems in the family, treason, betrayal, military man. With Trephami - joy. With Tuz Tref - the desire will be fulfilled. With the nine treph - human help. With the six - the road.

    Lady Tref. - influential lady, friend, extramarital children. With a lady peak - problems in the family, court. Eight Tref - help relatives.

    Valete Tref. - Military, friend, protection, help. Between the ladies - treason. Between the vattits - troubled life. Seven peak - harm from enemies. With a dozen tambourine - profit from a profitable case.

    Ten Tref. - Change. With peaks - material need, work. With Chervami - Win, Profit, Light Money. With ace Treph - good changes. With a worm dozen - mutual love. With a dozen tambourine - money. With nine treph - entertainment, company. With six Treph - a trip.

    Nine Tref. - Doubt, inheritance. With tambourines - cash spending, waste. With Chervami - mutual sympathy, love. With a dozen peak - trouble. With a worm nine or a dozen - happiness in love. Trephs eight, seven or a dozen - good luck. Cherval currency - road.

    Eight Tref. - Society of influential persons, the death of a loved one. With Ace Treph - Good luck. With the lady Tref - help relatives. With a currency treph - a successful completion of the situation. With a worm currency - loss. With a trif or a worm ace - good luck, inheritance, solving the problem.

    Seven Tref. - Inheritance, ride, news. With Tuz Tref - win in court. With a worm currency - the birth of a child. With eight peak - treason.

    Six Tref. - Road, meeting. With the nine treph - an unexpected trip. With the aces - a date. Between peaks - a celebration, a party, a change in residence or work.

    Chervoy Ace - Wedding, Family House, Spring, Morning, Gift. With ace of Tuben - joyful news. With a worm currency - good news. With a dozen peak - bad news. With nine peak - Gullya, friends.

    Chervoy King. - Love feelings in relation to you, good news, meeting. With peaks - trouble. With any worms - success. With tambourines - profits. With trephies - trouble. With a worm lady - a meeting with a married man.

    Chervoy Dama - Family, love, married woman. With a worm dozen - meeting with a friend. With any worms - reciprocity. With other masters - the achievement of the goal.

    Cherval Valet - Good news, successes in affairs, waiting man with Rusia's hair. With any worms - success. With a worm ace - recognition in feelings. With the king or lady - Guest. With a trephy nine - the road.

    Chervoy dozen - Wedding, happiness, joy, city. With the king of any suit - dedication in relation to a woman. With a lady - devotion in relation to a man. With a dozen tambourine - ambulance. With the worm eight - a date. With the nine treph - mutual feelings.

    Chervoy nine - Event, news. With the king or lady - love. With a peak lady - joy. With a worm dozen - love and wedding. With a worm eight or seven - a date. Six of any suit is an unexpected meeting.

    Chervoy eight - Delight, interesting conversation, road. With a worm currency - conversation. With a worm dozen - intimate proximity. With a worm nine - a meeting.

    Chervoy Seven - Change, fun. With four kings - conversation. With a dozen peak - offer. With Chevovova Ten or nine - Meeting, a date.

  • Maps, how and you need to arrange rest.
  • Never guess without need, there is nothing to do.
  • In no case do not guess without desire. If you feel the internal mood to communicate with cards, it is better not to take them in hand.
  • Do not make more than 6 - 7 layouts per day, otherwise the card will start to lie.
  • If the cards give you an unclear answer or you cannot read the cards - the fortune telling is better to postpone. In the same way, when stirring the card decks are all the time falling out of the hands, the prediction is unlikely to be intelligible.
  • At night, it is better to refrain from divination, especially if you have a small experience of divination, the night is associated with certain dark forces. It is impossible to do it on Sunday and for large church holidays. It is also not recommended to guess at a decreasing moon.
  • P.S. Never guess without the need or from boredom, otherwise not the card will serve you, and you cards!

    Presented recommendations Are not iron rules. You are free to choose which of them do you like, and from what to refuse. Over time, you can work out our own traditions. But all the recommendations nevertheless should not be nevertheless because they also arose not in an empty place, but were formed with centuries.

    Interpretation of playing card values

    Each suit symbolizes a certain:

    Element of fire (power) - Aries, Lion, Sagittarius

    Element Earth (material benefits) - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

    Element of air (feelings) - Gemini, Scales, Aquarius

    Element of water (intuition) - Cancer, Scorpio, Fish.

    Interpretation by masters.

    - All sides of love relationships.

    - Izvestia, plans, news related to money and papers.

    - Business and material relationships.

    - troubles, chagrins, negative emotions.

    Interpretation by images.

    Ace - house.

    The king and lady (except peak) are certain people.

    Valts - troubles.

    Ten - interests, hopes, desires.

    Nine - love.

    Eight - conversations.

    Seven - meeting.

    Six - road.

    Six - Not bad card. Usually it means a pleasant journey that can make very positive changes in the course of your affairs.

    with nine peak - bad news from Rodney;

    with a dozen tambourine - fulfillment of desire, receiving money;

    with nine peak - death;

    with a seven tambourine - troubles in the house.

    Seven - joy, trouble, affairs; Business date, purchase, sale, commercial deal (good or bad, looking through the nearest map). You will receive financial support or from an old friend or from a new acquaintance that expresses a desire to help in implementing your plans.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with the figure - a happy incident;

    with a dozen tambourine - successful hassle about money.

    Eight - You will be waiting for small household problems and troubles. You will be nervous, fuss, and this is in vain - the situation will be corrected by itself without any additional measures on your part.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with the eight of the Peasons and the six worms - the news of the fire;

    with the king or a lady of peak (on the sides of your card) - harm from a false and bad man;

    with currency worms - talk about money;

    with a dozen tambourine - the appearance of a new source of income;

    with a seven tambourine (near the figure) - impermanence.

    Nine- Good card, money card, with the same king, lady - love. Your affairs will be fully successful, however, you should carefully weigh your abilities in order to achieve the full implementation of the plan.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with six peak (right) - the road for money, an unpleasant case, failure;

    with currency worms - avoid unpleasant travel;

    with a dozen tambourine - indispensable and quick receipt;

    Ten- It can mean an unexpected jerk in his career, money, a date, receiving money; A blow from a loved one, ingratitude. Probably your bosses paid attention to you and is now going to make you a very pleasant offer. Congratulations!

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with ace peak (on the sides of your card) - a quarrel because of money;

    with the nine tambourine - the indispensable and quick receipt of money;

    with eight tambourine - remote money, big money;

    with a seven tambourine - successful hassle of money;

    with the six tambourine - the fulfillment of desires, receiving money;

    with six peak (right) - road for money;

    with currency of the peasants - success in cash;

    with a dozen peasant - indispensable money; With seven worms - great inheritance;

    with nine worms - profitable work.

    Valet- This is not a good card. Often it means a man who can deceive you in financial affairs, and you cannot discover this immediately. Usually, such a trick is revealed only after a while. Be careful!

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with seven peak - merchant;

    with the king - a commercial man, fake;

    with a seven peak or nine tambourine - hostile man, ambulance;

    with the lady of the peasant - trouble;

    with six peasants - an unexpected and ambulance trip with some kind of man;

    when the king, the lady and the jack of tambourine with a masting card of a gadget person - success in cash.

    Lady- Woman with a grumpy and irritable character, young girl, wrong woman, maid. It can be your employee or someone from close acquaintances. Most likely, she envies your financial situation and can decide on some Caverz.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with a currency tambourine and a dozen peak - an unpleasant guest.

    with nine worms - for women well, for men - theft.

    King- Man endowed with power. It may be a woman or a man - no matter. The main one - some of your events depends on this person, and if you behave prudently, you will get huge support. Young man, love date, familiarity with the future fiance, idle person (if there is no lady tambourine nearby); Reliable partnership, success.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with a dozen tambourine (with shaft) - support in the future from a new acquaintance or future groom;

    with the six tambourine - indispensable fulfillment of desires;

    with Chervami - Fun, oblivion of the past and change in life.

    Ace- day, summer; Such a map suggests that important news is waiting for you. Letter (the nearest figure will show, from whom); Favorable changes. And now look at the rest of the cards.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with a tambourine - a quick receipt of money;

    with seven, nine or dozen worms - joyful or love letter;

    with crespers or peaks - giving a desired minute, large troubles;

    with six peasants - a date or conversation at dusk;

    with nine peak - cunning, deception of loved ones;

    with a dozen worms - a love message; with a dozen peak (left) - sad news;

    with a dozen tambourine - a letter with news about receiving money.

    Six - It is likely that you have a love date. However, do not rush to rejoice - you still do not know what you can expect from this person, and what is his intention.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with Chervami - the path to the expensive person;

    with a dozen worms - road and hearty date;

    with nine worms - undoubted success in love.

    Seven- It suggests that a romantic meeting is waiting for you. Some of your friends have long experienced sympathy for you and will decide to invite you to a date.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with a dozen peak - an unexpected offer;

    with a dozen worms - a pleasant secluded date;

    with nine worms - meeting;

    with four kings - a fun conversation.

    Eight- Interesting map. Most likely, you will receive confession in love, perhaps in writing. It is unlikely that it will cause your joy - this person has never been perceived by you as a potential partner in the life path.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with currency worms - heart conversation;

    with seven peasants - unexpected happiness (left);

    with a dozen worms - a secluded date;

    with nine worms - meeting;

    with a dozen tambourine (near your card) - getting money, great inheritance.

    Nine- Most likely, you have a not very nice conversation. Probably it will be a conversation with your regular partner about your relationship. If a peak suit will be next to this card, then peaceful exchange of views will turn into a loud and disgusting scandal.

    with any king, a lady - love;

    with a dozen worms (with a complete worber suit) - the joy of love, at the king, a lady - a wedding;

    with eight or seven worms - a date with your favorite special;

    with the nine Press - Favorite (Favorite) will answer you reciprocity; news or thing from him (from her);

    with any six - an unexpected meeting;

    Ten- A trip with your loved one. However, it can turn into the quarrel. Most likely, you will begin to talk about your plans for further life, and this will cause irritation of your companion or companion.

    Of particular importance, this card acquires:

    Valet- blond, commoner, unpleasant guest; prosperous news, cheerful company; Thoughts of the Chervon King; Good luck in work, study. In your environment there is a person who experiences rather mixed feelings towards you. If you hurt it with something, then he can get angry and tried to take revenge.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with Chervami - Success;

    with ace worms - a pleasant news, an explanation in love;

    with nine peasant - ride;

    with the nine tambourine - it will be possible to avoid an unpleasant travel;

    with the eight of the worms - a heart conversation;

    with the eight of the tambourine - talk about money;

    with the eight peak - news of the disease or death of a relative;

    with the eight of the peasant - an unpleasant conversation;

    with a lady or king - guest;

    with a seven of the peasants (with four ladies or seven) - the rapid birth of a son (at the same time four aces designate the mind and richness of the child).

    Lady- married woman; a strong family. If there is a map next to her, which means your husband, then, most likely, we are talking about his mistress. But if the lady is located next to you, this suggests that you have a close friend, which is always ready to come to the rescue.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with the six and a dozen worms - tears for gadgetting, but with a crusade, an unexpected joy;

    with Chervami - Success in Love for Men;

    with other masters - the achievement of the goal;

    with a dozen worms - a friend.

    King- Usually this card will mean a married man. If we are talking about your husband, then take care of the cards that are next to him. The presence of peak when you fortunate on the maps, suggests that this man will wait for the troubles associated with family relationships.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with peaks - trouble;

    with tambourines - getting money;

    with kresses - troubles;

    Ace- Morning, Spring; This is your home and your family. If there are trephists nearby (any), prepare for quarrels and tears. In the neighborhood, you saw peaks - your family hearth threaten trouble. And nearby tambourines will tell about your material condition.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with ace of Tuben - a joyful letter;

    with a dozen peak - sad news;

    with currency worms - a pleasant message;

    with six peasants - a date and conversation on the street, in the evening;

    with a nine peak - a bush, a date and location of a friend.

    Six- Business trip or business trip. Take off with all the responsibility of this trip - your further career depends on it.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with a dozen peasant - unexpected departure;

    with ace of worms (with a figure) - date in the morning;

    with ace tambour - date during the day;

    with ace of peasants - a date in the evening;

    with ace peak - a date at night.

    Seven- You will have to keep business conversations (perhaps not very pleasant). This may mean a conversation with the boss. It is now difficult to say about the result of this conversation, but if there is a peak suit nearby, unfortunately, the conversation will end for you no matter. Close road, news about success, inheritance, thoughts of the ladies of the peasants.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with ace of peasants - the successful completion of the trial, victory;

    with a dozen peasant - wealth and happiness (the same, that nine and eight of the peasants);

    with the eight of the peak, the "second half" changed by it;

    with currency worms (with four ladies and seven) - close birth of a son;

    with a dozen worms (with three other seven and ladies or currencies) - the birth of a child.

    Eight- You will find a meeting from which your further fate will depend on (conversation about a professional aspect). The high probability is that you will be offered a new job. If you see the king of any suit nearby (except peaks), according to the value of the cards during fortune telling, it is explained by what you need to agree with the proposal, after which you will achieve great success.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with ace of peasants - success;

    with the king of the peasants - rumors about the events on the sea, the death of the ship;

    with the lady of the Peasons - the help of relatives or a close woman;

    with a currency of the peasants - an unexpected turnover of happiness in favor of a gadget person;

    with a dozen peasant - the emergency acquisition of real estate, receiving inheritance, wealth and happiness;

    with currency worms - a conversation about loss;

    with seven of the peasants (in front of your card) - unexpected happiness;

    with seven of the peasants and ace worms - happy marriage or legacy.

    Nine- Interesting map. In most cases, it means changes in life. The rest can be judged only after you consider neighboring cards: - Peaks - trouble - tambourines - a large purchase - worms - changes in personal relationships. Inheritance, doubt; when figure indicates that it will disappear from your life; nice conversation; With the same king, a lady - love, jealousy.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with nine or dozen worms - success in love;

    with tambourines - the right acquisition of money and useless spending on their pleasure;

    with Chervami - mutual love;

    with a dozen peak - a monetary relationship;

    with currency worms - travel;

    with the king of the peasants - an influential person, a favorable person;

    with a dozen peasant - fun with loved ones, surprise;

    with a dozen and eight or seven peasants - good luck, luck.

    Ten- Beautiful card! You will find a big profit, winning the lottery, premium, inheritance or something like that, with a direct attitude to finance. Congratulations!

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with seven peasants - joy, news of affairs;

    with six peasons - sudden departure;

    with a dozen tambourine - indispensable money;

    with a dozen worms - success in love;

    with nine Press - Fun with loved ones, surprise;

    with the eight of the peasants - inheritance, wealth, happiness;

    with nine and eight or seven peasants - one of the happiest combinations means well-being in all spheres of life;

    with a ace of peasants - change for the better; with a seven peak (without ace) - deception, tears;

    with seven and six peasants - a big society.

    Valet- a man in shape or military below officer rank, buddy, an upset and friend; Without ace or without a king - large troubles. If the currency of the peasants falls the first in the fortune study, it means that the prediction will surely come true. Probably, one of them needs your help.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with seven peak (rarely) - misfortune due to goat enemies;

    between the two ladies is an incorrect wife;

    with a dozen tambourine - success in cash;

    with the eight of the peasant - a military man; unexpected joy;

    between the two currencies is a restless future.

    Lady- Objective Map: If next to it: Bubnes - We are talking about your employee who is hostile to you configured; Worms - probably your husband has a mistress; Peaks - you will quarrel with my mother-in-law or neighbor, and the scandal will be very loud and unpleasant.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with a peak lady (with your card) - bad circumstances, courts, troubles because of marriage;

    with the eight of the peasants - help relatives or a close woman.

    King- Most likely, we are talking about your boss. But if you do not work, such a card means an elderly man (mother-in-law or father). Military; true friend.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with kresses - a close man, friend, husband, groom, lover; In general, foreshadows happiness;

    with nine peasant - an influential person, a favorable person;

    with the eight of the peasants - rumors about enterprises at sea, ship's death;

    with ace of peasants - a happy outcome of the conceived case, the fulfillment of desires;

    with a jacket of peasants with your card (if you are not cross suit) - big grief;

    with one of the sixes - the road with a certain goal; If the king of the peasants does not fall out in despervation - fail.

    Ace - evening, autumn; Such a map of fortunate means your business relationship or place of work. By the way, it is possible that you will get some important news associated with finance,

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with six - railway;

    at the king (in relation to the lady) - immodest love, courtship;

    with seven peasants - winnings, victory;

    with nine worms - tender love;

    with six peasants - a date and conversation on the street, on the road, in the evening; when peaks - death;

    with nine peak - a profitable event;

    with the king of the peasants - the happy outcome of the conceived enterprise, the soon fulfillment of desire.

    Six- An unexpected trip associated with the solution of unpleasant problems. It can be both financial issues and cases relating to your personal life. Probably, this journey will bring you tears and irritation. Far journey, late road, with your card - loss.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with a peak - a cheerful journey, with the kits - unsuccessful;

    with a nine or ten tambourine - the road for money;

    with seven or eight tambourine - anxiety about financial well-being;

    with Chervami - a date with expensive people.

    Seven- Bad card. Usually, it means quarrels, scandals, etc. If the worm suit is nearby, then the troubles will be waiting for you in personal relationships (perhaps the husband will decide to leave for another woman). Next to her is a trephing card - you are collapsed with someone from close friends or relatives. Next to the Bubnovy Maste - the troubles are waiting for you at work.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with a buben currency - depicts a merchant;

    with the currency of the peasants - misfortune from enemies;

    with a dozen peak - unexpected news about the change of circumstances;

    with one of the eights - treat;

    with a figure - a nuisance, especially with a nine peak - trouble in loved ones;

    with six tambourine - problems in the family.

    Eight- be careful. Failure, sadness, conversation, illness, room, apartment solid person; At seven peaks should not be guessing on this day, with nine peas - misfortune.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with currency worms - the news of the disease or death of loved ones or acquaintances;

    with seven peasants - treason of beloved;

    with four kings - a bush, drunkenness.

    Nine- obvious disease. It does not mean that you get sick exactly you are - the case can concern someone from your close relatives. Inspect the cards that lie nearby: - \u200b\u200bThe worm suit - a husband sick or someone from the children - the Trephal Mother - Probably, your mother will fall into the hospital, father, etc.- Bubnovaya MAST - There will be problems with health from someone from Business partners, and this can complicate your overall plans.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with ace peak - illness;

    with a ace of peasants - benefit or harm (depending on the nearest bright or dark card);

    with ace of worms - the proximity of a man, a woman, a joyful stay with a friend;

    with ace of Tuben - cunning and deception of loved ones;

    with a dozen peak - unexpected receipt of money.

    Ten- Unfortunately, this card does not mean anything good. In most cases, the peak ten suggests that you are waving a crash of some hopes, plans, etc. Troubles, diseases; At the king, the lady is a marriage bed. Sound desires, failures, with the same king, a lady - a prominent person manifests your interest.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with a ace of peak - unexpected receipt of money;

    with nine peak - misfortune;

    with nine peasant - trouble in money;

    with ace Tuben - Mourning, a sad letter;

    with one of the aces - a false letter;

    with the eight peak - a disease, with one of the eights - an unpleasant news;

    with a seven peak - an unexpected news of the change of circumstances;

    with a seven tambourine - an unexpected offer;

    with a dozen peasant - recovery from the disease;

    with a dozen worms - great money interest in the future.

    Valet- Means man who can deceive you. Usually this card speaks of fraud, and by the person from whom you never expected such a trick. Quarrel or fight, bad or black-haired man, commoner, bad news, the thoughts of the peak king; Disease of your children or grandchildren.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with peaks in general - a faithful ally;

    with kresses - liar, envious, gossip;

    with a tambourine - accomplice, messenger, drunk man;

    with a worm - friend;

    with a lady peak - a big quarrel, a fight;

    with the eight of the peak - a big trouble between the in love.

    Lady- The value of the peak lady in all fortune telling has the power of black magic, so it is called a witch. This is a strong black force, and good from this card should not be waiting. It means that the person hangs or a family curse, which was applied by an experienced witch or sorcerer. Old woman, boredom, gossip; Bad woman, interference, quarrel. Between the two figures - a tank between them, near your card - grief, trouble, especially when a seven of the peasants or a nine peak.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with peaks in general - a kind old woman;

    with kresses - villain;

    with a bubble - greedy, envious woman impeding in affairs and in love;

    with nine worms - happiness.

    King- Unpleasant card. Probably, you will be waiting for major troubles associated with someone from high-ranking people. Solid Mr., an official endowed with great power, enemy, bad man, rival.

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with peaks - foreshadows;

    with kresses - counteraction and evil;

    with the eight of the peak (on the sides of your card) - prolonged trouble;

    if the king of the Buben is right - the help of a noble person;

    with the lady and currency - the help of a man, respectable family:

    with kresses - his hatred;

    with a tambourine - its location;

    Ace- Night, winter; ambiguous card. If his tip is directed upward, you will wait for a big trouble (severe disease, robbery, financial collapse, etc.), but if it is directed downwards, then get ready for the holiday and drink (wedding, corporate party, birthday, etc. d.)

    Special interpretation This card acquires:

    with a dozen peak - unexpected receipt of money;

    with a dozen tambourine (on the sides of your card) - a quarrel because of money;

    with some six - travel;

    with ace of peasants (both edges up) - fright.

    Four six - long-distance ride.

    Four seven - overcome obstacles in love.

    Four eights - family troubles.

    Four nines - change for the better, success.

    Four dozen - good luck; wedding.

    Four currencies - quarrels, troubles.

    Four ladies - Peresa, gossip, intrigue.

    Four kings - glory, success.

    Four aces - deafening success.

    The map in the traditional fortune of six tambourine is a health card, physical comfort and stable material position.

    Myth. Rat is included in the sip of the sleeping crocodile. The crocodile is a symbol of Hishnik-hypocrite, with pretended tears of devouring his sacrifice. Rats are both the voracious animals and the greedy. They are also known for their fertility. These qualities make rats with a symbol of a large loss, large losses. People have long been considered their pests in the animal kingdom. Rat from Christians - Devil's servant, a shower catcher, a decay symbol and ruin, a passing time symbol.

    Value. Crocodile is a tough, the rat is greedy ... to live with wolves, wafer to swell. No one will protect you, about settling their rights will have to take care of himself. Do not build illusions about your own friends and do not even believe your own shadow. This card carries a serious warning about the danger coming from your environment. Do not become a victim of hypocrisy. Near you there is a very dangerous person. This immoral person is capable of any intrigue to achieve its goal.

    In relations - deceit, deception, jealousy, immorality, dirty intrigues. Disappointment and broken ideals. Listen better than the Council of Omar Khayama:
    "What would be wisely life to live, to know quite a lot. Two main rules of remember to begin with: you're better than hungry than what you eat, you're better than one, what got along with it."
    Work, various professional activities take place in a very bad atmosphere. Many crosses, envy, enlosts that interfere with normal operation. You risk to allow a serious mistake by taking offering or making a decision. Do not believe the promises given. Now adverse time to start affairs should remain extremely careful.

    The material condition continues to bring concern. It is necessary to carry out indigenous reforms or in the method of earnings or in costs. Serious contradiction of obligations and opportunities. Do not count on any external assistance. Your surroundings can only aggravate the difficulties encountered on your way.

    On the right below: Falling comet.
    "Let the stars always remain in the embroidery on themselves, and nor on one, nor on two a cosma will grow a lot of the boiled luminaries."
    (Arat, "Phenomena)
    In ancient times, Comet was always considered a bad omen. Her appearance was associated with threatening wars, droughts, natural disasters. In individual astrology, Comet is associated with the birth or death of an outstanding person. This corner of the card foreshadows global changes in life, and most likely not for the better.

    In privacy will most likely happen, the final and irrevocable gap. Practice sensation, severe parting. You need to find courage to go through this test.

    In professional life, negative events are expected for the reasons independent of you. You become a victim of some global processes, restructuring larger structures.
    Serious material difficulties with whom will have to cope on their own.

    On the left below: a woman plays a guitar, a man beats in the drum. "Who is in the forest, who is on firewood." This corner of the card speaks about the discrepancy, mismatch. Disharmony, dissonance, attempt to combine opposite and completely incompatible things.

    In relations - the complete absence of mutual understanding. Partners do not hear each other, completely ignore reasonable arguments. You unsuccessfully chose a surroundings and friends. Conducting time in the society of these people, you just wondered time. The best that can be done now - stay alone. "When there is no agreement in the comrades, there will be no matter on the way." No matter how wonderful your projects would be, no matter how hard you try to fulfill our work, but the lack of mutual understanding and cohesion in the team is reduced to no effort.

    Bad tips and unclean relationships will lead to a financial crisis.

    Constellation: Cassiopeia.
    The constellation of the northern hemisphere according to Greek mythology, Cassiopeia - the spouse of Cefhea and the mother of Andromeda. As the tragic poet of Sofokl tells in Andromeda, she dares to compete with Nerea in beauty and because of this fell into trouble: Poseidon herd to ruin the country, the whale by her. According to the fault of Cassiopeia and her daughter, it was given to the whale on devouring. Alpha Cassiopeia - Shedar. This star combines seriousness with carefree.

    Flowers: Heath, Cup, Raspberry.

    Heather. This evergreen shrub is hottown by myths and secrets. According to legend, in antiquity, an amazing miraculous honey was cooked from it. But the people. I knew the secret of his manufacture, was conquered by barbarians. The last old man, the keeper of the secret, preferred the death of himself and his young son, but did not openly unworthy secrets. In traditional medicine, heather tea is successfully used as an excellent force and anti-inflammatory agent. In the modern language of colors, the heather symbolizes the ability to store a mystery.

    Cup. Harmful weed among grain crops. Symbolizes unceremonious intervention, inappropriate panibrate, amicochlorination.

    Raspberries . Ancient Greek mythology attributes the origin of the raspberry nymph idea. Nymph Ida secretly raised the baby Zeus hidden from His kids. When the baby shouted, the nymph was very worried about and once, trying to calm Mla Lenz, hurt her chest. Sweet and fragrant berries appeared from the droplets of her pure blood.