The value of the cards of a large astro of mythological lenormman. Values \u200b\u200bof Lenorman cards

A wonderful oracle for the divination is a large astro-mythological deck of Madame Lenorman - is amazing with its method of reading the defold "Grand Jeu de Mlle. Lenormand, 1962". For the first time, this deck was released in the printing of 1962 in Paris (France). Today, this oracle is found called "Astro Mythological by Bonnie Cehovet". Let's consider in more detail this oracle ...

The deck contains 54 sheets, of which fifty-two are analogues of 52 cards of an ordinary playing deck, to which two forms (man and woman) added. This deck can have a simplified view when it contains only 36 cards and blanks. Images on the maps of this deck for fortune telling have their own special interpretation.

Part I. Rules for the interpretation of cards and scenario.

The design interpretation of the defold is designed to read three cards from left to right using the Latin letters that are in the fourth sector of the card, together with geomantic figures. Having learned to start, reading three cards, then it will be easy to read the alignment from any number of cards. Interpretation of cards in a large astro-mythological deck Madame Lenormman differs from the interpretation of traditional cards.

The image on the map of a large astro-mythological deck Madame Lenormman consists of seven elements:
(1) Image of mythological scene,
(2) Map of playing deck,
(3) one of the constellations
(4) Latin letter,
(5) and (6) two genre scenes located in the lower corners,
(7) A bouquet compiled for each card in a special way.
It turns out the card is divided into seven sectors.

Latin letters on the maps.
Each card has an appropriate alphabet letter, which determines which of the next card sectors it is necessary to read in the scenario (25 + 25 + 2 \u003d 52 cards):
The letters A B C D E F G H I K J are 25 from the cards - it is determined that the fifth sector is read
The letters M. N O P Q R S T U V X Y Z are located on the following 25 cards - read the sixth sector
The letter "L" is on 2 cards - the central plot of the card reads.

Part II. We read the alignment.

When three cards are posted on left to right, card on the left (a) We read, depending on the central image - the central plot. Next, we look at which letter is in the fourth sector of this card, from the map on the left, you go to the next card (c) for the next -

If this is the letter b c d e f g h i j or k - you read the small lower left image (see the 5th Card Sector).

If this is the letter M. N O P Q R S T U V x Y or Z - you are reading a small right image (see 6 Card Sector).

If this is the letter "L" - you read a large image - the central plot on the next card.

1st card:
We read the central plot - 1 sector

2nd map:
If through K on the 1st map: the small left image (see 5 Card Sector).
If M. via Z on the 1st map: a small right image (see 6 Card Sector).
If L on the 1st map: the central plot on the 2nd map.

3rd map:
If through K on the 2nd map: a small left image (see 5 Card Sector).
If M. via Z on the 2nd map: a small right image (see 6 Card Sector).
If L on the 2nd map: the central plot on the 3rd map.

Part III. Structure big deck Lenorman.

The Lenorman's deck described here is unique and has no analogues. All other reconstruction of cards of the Great French Predictedness of the same type and are similar to a deck of 36 cards, except for mystical oracle Lenorman. They differ only on the set of characters, execution and number of cards.

The big deck of Mademoiselle Lenormman has some fundamental differences in its structure and by the structure of the components of its cards that have a large field for studying, as a set of correspondences - languages \u200b\u200bof flowers, plants, talismans, alphabetic and astrological correspondences.

These cards will suit everyone who is interested in applied predictive practices, this deck will help not only, explore the proposed prediction methods, but also to find their own paths. The accuracy of your predictions will depend on how you managed the energy contact with the cards. Hadal cards are a very subtle tool that requires a special relationship.

The basis of this deck was included 52 cards, each card is equipped with an image-picture, which reflects any important concept. Also in the deck there are two cards - the blanks that are denoted by the asking. The deck consists of 52 predictive cards and two additional cards.

These cards are divided into 5 main plot lines - categories:

  • Conquest of the Golden Runa (five cards)
  • Trojan War (nine cards)
  • Alchemy (seven cards)
  • Allegory (nineteen cards)
  • Zodiac signs (twelve cards)
The category of allegory is divided into 4 sections:
  • Gods (seven cards),
  • Heroes (five cards),
  • People (four cards)
  • Animals (three cards).
Two cards asking. Map feature Big deck of Mary Lenorman - nuances of values \u200b\u200b(from the main value to the corners) and a rich set of correspondences. She opens the persistent researcher great opportunities for drawing up exact forecasts, studying the psychological subtleties of the soul. With its help, you can spend a thin and competent correction of your life, correctly understanding the meaning of the events of events.

The structure of each individual card is subordinate to rigid logic. Different images and conformity are located according to the following scheme:

  • Left top corner - map. In the upper left corner there is a familiar playing card. This compliance we will use as a name when describing the cards and the presentation of the material. As you know, playing cards can also be used for divination. The descriptions will also contain their interpretation.
  • Mid-top - constellation or planet. Thirty-three cards are aligned with the ancient constellations, twelve cards correlate with zodiac constellations and seven cards correspond to seven visible planets (in the astrological tradition of the sun and the moon are considered planets). In some defolds in the interpretation, the value of the upper part of the map is taken into account. Zodiac cards are used in some methods to determine the time of the achievement of predicted events.
  • Right top corner - letters and predictive figures. In many predictive card systems, various alphabetics are used. This analogy suggests itself - as the letters are obtained by words that describe all of our world, and on the cards in the scenario we "read" the information you are interested in. The most famous is the system for the conformity of senior arkanov tarot and letters of the Jewish alphabet. In a large astro-mythological deck, each card is aligned with one of the twenty-five letters of the Latin alphabet. On twenty-two maps near the letter, the image of one of the fifteen geomantic predictive figures is rummbled. This is a very rare match, practically not used in predictive cards. Compliance is interesting and still waiting for his thoughtful researchers.
  • Central mythological image. The main semantic load is a large image in the center of the map. Additional information from all angles makes only some correction, adds nuances, additional strokes, but never changes the basic meaning. The interpretation of each card should be started with a detailed consideration of the central mythological plot. In some scenaries, the interpretation of the card is limited to its consideration.
  • Lower left and right corners. On each map in the two lower corners you will find a storyline. Sometimes it is mythologically connected with the central image, and sometimes not. In some cases it may seem that it is somewhat alien, refers to a completely different era, to other events - but it is incorrect. Any lower angle has a solid semantic connection with the central mythological plot, in its own way complements and clarify it. Many defects takes into account only one of the lower corners. Interpreting the card in such a position, you never need to forget about the main value of the central image. It should always remain a leitmotif, the background of the corner value.
  • Flowers. Below in the center depicted a bouquet of flowers. Each flower has its own history, its hidden meaning. Maria Lenorman was fond of the language of flowers, and this passion was reflected in a large astro-mythological deck. These specially selected bouquets will be able to give an interesting additional prompt attentive researcher. In some maps you will receive a Council for the preparation of certain incense or perfume bags that can be used for aromatherapy.
  • Talismans. Seven cards contain a council for the manufacture of a certain talisman, which is designed to assist a person in predicted events. The volume and purpose of this book did not allow us to dwell detail on the description of all the subtleties of work in this direction, but ARM of the connoisseurs of this art card will give very valuable advice.
The peculiarity of this deck is the transition from the main value to the corners and a rich set of compliance, which opens up great opportunities for drawing up accurate forecasts and studying the psychological subtleties of the human soul. With the help of these cards, you can make a correction of your life, understanding the meaning of the events taking place.

Conquesting of the Golden Runa (five cards).
This myth is represented by five cards:

  • 10 Tuben - Plius poisons Jason for the golden rune,
  • 9 Tuben - Argonauts Collect the ship in Collid
  • King Tref - Fineight and Argonauts;
  • 4 Tuben - Witch Medea gives Jasone a magic ointment;
  • Tuz Tref - the last Battle of Jason for the golden fleece.
Jason is the son of King Eson. After the overthrow of the Aason, the throne dishonestly took the brother of Tsar Pelia. The legitimate heir to the throne was Jason and to get rid of the opponent, the peli sends a nephew for the golden rune to Collid. Jason to solve this task, rises to the Argo ship, accompanied by the most famous heroes of Greece, among whom - Hercules, Orpheus and Texa. After numerous adventures, Argonauts can be reached by Colchis. There, Jason performs a difficult task - on two extinguishing flames by bulls with iron legs plowing the Ares field and skews his dragon's teeth, from which numerous high growth warriors grow. According to the advice of the in love with Medea, Jason throws a fragment of the rock in the crowd of grown warriors and they, accusing each other, turn their weapons against themselves. But more difficult tests were waiting for the heroes on the way back. Little to get the golden fleece, you need to easily be able to dispose of it. Argonauts journey for the golden rune - the allegory of the search for the Golden Taurus, the symbol of material values. Jason, accompanied by faithful friends and with the help of a woman in love gets the desired - the golden fleece becomes it. But Jason did not stand the test path. The hero was defiled by the murder of the temple of the goddess of the Moon Artemis, the wrath of the gods brought himself. This symbolizes the violation of the lunar principles is the betrayal of generic ancient traditions and the sacred family bonds. Therefore, I did not bring the golden fleece happiness, I did not receive Jason Kingdom, I did not have a life with messengers, which went to the murder of Brother and the betrayal of the Father. Everything lost Jason and died in a deep old age with everyone forgotten, in poverty. Maps of this category reveal the issues of material well-being, questions and problems of money. They will also tell you about the upcoming trips. But, faced with the maps of this category, remember the error of Jason - if moral principles are broken, you will remain at the broken trough.

Trojan War (nine cards)
This mythological plot represents 9 cards:

  • Lady Tuben - Gods at the wedding of Pelle and Fetis;
  • 5 Tref - Paris runs with Elena, Menal's wife:
  • Buben's currency - disguised by the Odyssey trader is trying to find Achilla in the Licked Palace;
  • 2 peak - the Greek Prince came for advice to Kalhas;
  • 9 peak - Irida, taking the form of the daughter of Priama, with the news of Elena, which is busy with embroidery;
  • 6 Tref - Paris and Meneli before a fight;
  • 10 Tref - Odyssey and Diomed in the enemy camp:
  • 8 Peak - Achilles dragging the dead body of the Hecector:
  • 6 Peak - Trojan horse.
The Trojan War is the story of many years of bloody hostility, mutual offensive and dislike. The war that has thought even the gods, squeezing on the bright Olympus. Cards of this category will describe various conflict situations and give advice on constructive resolution of emerging contradictions. The conflict is the inevitable phase of the development of any relationship, so it must be worthy of passing through it, removing the maximum benefit.

Alchemy (seven cards)
This category includes 7 cards:

  • 7 Peak - Master puts raw materials in the philosophical lamp:
  • 3 TREF - the master is experiencing a philosophical lamp:
  • 4 treph - master and philosophical lamp;
  • 8 Tref - Master between two philosophical lamps:
  • 7 Worms - Master pours a clear solution into a philosophical lamp:
  • 10 worms - the master observes the substance covered with whiteness.
  • 6 worms - the master observes a stone that turns into gold.
Alchemy is the science of multiplication and is based on the natural growth phenomenon. "" Nothing turns out of nothing "is an extremely ancient saying. Although it is a process of increasing and improving what already exists. Ancient legends narrate that alchemy and astrology are sciences that were open to man in order for him to return His lost condition. According to the old legends, the angel at the gate of Eden dedicated Adam to Mystery of Kabbalah and Alchemy, promising that when the human race is perfectly becoming a secret wisdom, hidden in these divine arts, the curse of the forbidden fetus will be removed and the person will be able to enter the garden again. The Lord. It is believed that the object and the ultimate goal of alchemy is the transformation of non-procurement metals into gold. However, this science has a purely spiritual and psychological character. The efforts of alchemists are aimed at turning the branched and egoistic personality of a person whose symbol is a square in the Divine Higher Trial, Truly spiritual creature. Alchemical transformations make a person better, you expel About shortcomings and eliminate imperfections. It becomes more generous, soft, kind, fair, prudent. In man, purification and elevation took place seven steps or stages of an alchemical process, which symbolizes the path of initiation, the path from the darkness to the light, from lead to pure gold, from ignorance to wisdom. The alchemist should look into his soul, penetrate the depths of his being, making a hidden, mysterious work to discover the most magical philosopher's stone. Great work is the process of unity with God, which opens the way to immortality, this comprehension of how the human being can develop divine abilities. In a mystical sense, obtaining a philosophical stone means transmuting the lower, animal nature of a person, turning it into the highest, Divine.

Seven cards of this category are seven stages of the Great Work:
1) Confusion - Reparation (correction)
2) Sample - Calcium Restore
3) awareness - sublimation (sublimation)
4) choice - dissolution
5) action - distillation
6) Control - Coagulation (coagulation)
7) The result is the contact of the philosophical stone with a transmuted substance.

The purpose of Alchemists is to perform in the laboratory, as far as possible, the processes that Nature worked inside the Earth. Seven major problems occupied their attention:
1. Preparation of a complex substance called elixir, a universal medicine or a philosopher with a skimmer, which possessed the property of the transformation of the main metals in gold and silver.
2. Creating a homunculus, or a living being, which has told a lot of delicious, but not plausible stories.
3. Preparation of a universal solvent that would dissolve any substance.
4. Palhinghenesis, or recovery of plants from ash. If they succeeded in this, they would have hope to revive the dead.
5. Cooking Spiritus Mundi, a mystical sub station, which has many properties, the main of which was the ability to dissolve gold.
6. Extracting quintessence, or active primary source of all substances.
7. Cooking Aurum Potabile, Liquid Gold, the most advanced means for cure, because gold committed in itself can produce a perfect impact on human nature.
The main idea of \u200b\u200bAlchemy is mastery and its spiritualization. The maps of this category on the material plan are associated with matrimonial affairs and interpersonal relations, they can be considered in energy as a process of treatment or healing, and on the spiritual plan - the problems of personal growth and self-improvement.

Allegory (nineteen cards)
19 cards of this category in the language of myths give a prognosis of expected events or characteristics of people. They can be divided into four groups of gods, heroes, people and animals.

Gods (7 cards). Maps of this group represent inevitable events that should happen. They must be taken as a karmic award or punishment. Events symbolized by these cards are very important in life.

  • 3 peaks - three Moira: Atropos, Laisis, Cloto;
  • 2 treph - goddess get gold from the river;
  • 10 Peak - Laverna - the goddess of theft, accompanied by wolves:
  • Lady Peak - Pointed Aphrodite Finds the Body of Adonis:
  • 4 peak - gera in the image of the old woman came the seeds;
  • Lady Tref - Greeks guard the tree with gold apples;
  • Three worms - he, God of writing, writes on earth with a stick.
Heroes (5 cards). Events submitted by the maps of this category require you to show all your best qualities. How will the learned situation ends, in many respects it hangs from how you behave, what a decision will take.
  • King Buben - Cadm presents gifts;
  • Valnet Tref - Melanion, pursued by the Atlanta, drops gold apples;
  • Ace Buben Garpokrat and Hermes;
  • 7 Buben-wife Epimeta Pandora opens a box;
  • Ace worms - Danya and his fifty daughters.
People (4 cards)
Events of this category are everyday worries, our daily joy and adversity. Their accomplishment is completely in your hands.
  • King Peak - court session;
  • King worms - an old man with a crystal ball;
  • 5 worms - two men from different countries are admitted to the residence of the king;
  • 2 Tuben - a child sits on a goat.
Animals (3 cards)
  • 8 worms - the eagle takes the toad from the pond;
  • 6 tambourine - rat enters the sip of the sleeping crocodile;
  • 2 worms - the dog found the shelter of the partridges.
ZODIAC SIGNS - The sequence of time represent 12 cards. With their help, it is possible to determine the time of the accuracy of the alleged event, to preliminarize the state of health with the detection of inconsistencies towards various types of diseases. These 12 cards:
  • Curlee worms - Aries - Zeus with a head of a ram Shows Dionysus source to drown it thirst;
  • Ace Peak - Taurus - Zeus, turned into a bull, kidnaps Europe;
  • 3 Tuben - Gemini - Castor and Paldhevk:
  • 9 Tref - Cancer - Gera sent cancer to bite Hercules when he killed a Lerneal hydra;
  • 9 worms - Lev - the first feat of Hercules - a victory over Nemyesky Lvom;
  • The lady of worms - Virgo - Zeus indicates Astree her place in the sky;
  • Rates Peak - Scales - Philosopher raises a couple of bowls;
  • 5 Tuben - Scorpio - Phaeton in the chariot of the Sun rushes to the contellation of scorpion;
  • 5 peak - Sagittarius - Centaur Chiron, killed by an arrow turns into a heavenly sirhead;
  • 7 TREF - Capricorn - Pan wants to rise up into the sky;
  • 8 Tuben - Aquarius - Gamenad serves as a bottle of ambrosia:
  • 4 worms - fish - Aphrodite and Eros crosses the Euphrates on the backs of dolphins.
In 1993, the French fortune teller and writer Collette Silvestre-Eberle (Colette Silvestre) wrote the book "Big Degtee Mademoiselle Lenorman", which tells about a unique deck that does not have analogues in modern predictive practice. In a large deck, Lenorman used Western European symbolism, which easily affects the subconscious, facilitating the process of interaction with cards. This Lenorman deck can also have a simplified look when it contains only 36 cards and blanks. Images on the maps of this deck for divination Lenormman also consist of the elements listed above and also have their own special interpretation.

Equilibrium to you

In the culture and history of progress and predictive practices there is a name, the value of which is difficult to overestimate. It is current and is a very bright symbol in the "newest history" of divination. This is the name of Mary Anna Adelaide Lenorman.

Even people who have never been interested (are there any such predictions and predictors, react to mentioning her name, so on hearing. This Frenchwoman left such a noticeable trace in history at all: a romantic, political, professional, that under the name of her students wanted to perform after her death very many. Two decks of cards were created on her behalf - small and large, each of which is a phenomenon. Small - popularity, and large - high degree of originality.

Large astro-mythological deck Lenorman is attributed to the authorship of the famous fortunehock. This deck, whoever it is created, is drawn and published, it is extremely peculiar. In her strictly felt big talent, education, violent fantasy and considerable romanticism.

The deck is very difficult in work, eclectic, eccentric, is oversaturated by mythologies. And, despite the fact that almost two centuries and some countries of Western Europe have been working with her, and recently our compatriots, the deck is well protected from excessive popularity with their complexity and versatility.

Each card has 7 or 8 fields (elements). Visually, each card is divided into three horizontal planes. Upper - a certain superfluous, intent. The average is more specific, in the form of a well-known and understandable to all mythologists, manifestation of a global plot. And the lower is the most specific and domestic manifestation of mythologies in real life.

Course Plan

The course is built in such a way that as much as possible to make it clear, affordable and easy in practical work. Do not complicate it with the number of theory, but to open it as an interesting and accurate tool in advisory practice.

At the seminar, the values \u200b\u200bof the cards in the deck and the original layouts inherent in only work with it will be presented.

History of creation deck, deck structure, examples from practice

2. Card values:

Mashe worm
Like peak
Maste Buben

3. Practical classes with the use of layouts used to work with this deck in the French kartomansic tradition

4. Practical classes using modern card techniques and layouts (at the request of listeners)

Course cost - 18000 p.

After graduation, a certificate is issued (optional)
Cost certificate - 500 p.

Course conducts Elsa Kapatnyukovskaya - Grand Master Tarot, Practice, Historian Specialist. Engaged in practice in the field of kartomansia, chiromantia, astrology, tasseology, geomantia and ethnic prognostic practitioners since 1980. He is a member of the Russian Tarot Club under the leadership of Anna Kotelnikova, a member of the Tarot Association of the British Islands (TABI) and the American Tarot Association (ATA), an honorary member of the Baltic Academy of Tarot, a member of the League of psychologists of Moldova, who is responsible secretary of the Royal Association of the French Tarot (ARTF). Since 2015, it has been working in the project "" (tarologist, geomant), teaches classical magic at school.

Sign up for a course

Astro-mythological deck Lenorman (she is a big lenorman) is a unique predictive system. And not find analogs. "Raisin" - in the very idea of \u200b\u200bthis stunning with its beautifore and wisdom oracle. The fact is that even in the case of working from one card from this deck, you get information from seven sources. How will we talk about this at a seminar dedicated to Big Lenorman.

The deck consists of 54 cards. Of these, 2 cards - ingunifiers (man and woman). Supported 52 cards are divided into groups:

The right of strong over weak;


Zodiac signs;


Unusually look maps of this deck. The card is divided into 7 fields:

Central Mythological Scene (Main Leitmotif Map);

Playing card field (depicted playing cards from the ace to the king);

Astrological field (planet or constellation);

Field with a letter (sometimes together with a geomantic figure);

The lower left corner (the plot that may be connected or is not related thematically with the central mythological plot);

The lower right corner (the plot, which may also be connected or is not related to thematically with the central mythological plot);

The central bottom field is a bouquet of flowers.

Each field has its own value and imposes its shade to the general value of the map.

Layouts for this deck are also unusual. It is that in some of them are particularly important to contact angles. From this point on, the resulting picture begins. The scope of astro-mythological deck Lenorman is limitless. At first it seems difficult. But over time, penetrating into the history of each card, catch yourself that it is simply impossible to stop in her study.

I invite you to study the study of Big Lenorman. During the course, the values \u200b\u200bof each field are considered in detail and how in a set with these values \u200b\u200b"sounds" and "plays" each card. Also, listeners are offered expansion, which are applicable to this deck.

Format of learning - in person and / or webinar. Turns are conducted regularly. Remarks to the seminar or ask questions you are interested in in the Contacts section.

Demo lesson Map Ace of Tuz Peak from a large astro-mythological deck Lenorman\u003dbcpuv9amegy&t\u003d242s.

Listeners reviews:

Svetlana: "I want to express my great gratitude to Sophie Kuznetsova, for a wonderful online course on a large astro-mythological dealer Lenorman. The deck is complicated, but Sophia submits everything in simple language, it is very interesting and intelligible. Therefore, this course is suitable as a fully impact of this system and people and practitioners, since the material is valuable, without "water". For me, this course was very useful, in my hands now another powerful tool. Thank you, Sophia. "

Alla: "I was lucky to attend the on-line courses of Sophia Kuznetsova to study this oracle! I would like to express my great gratitude to Sofye for the work done! In fact, the courses were very thoughtful and planned! There were no extra distractions for foreign topics, but a solid stream useful and necessary information. In addition, the material is selected in such a way that there is an interest not only to the Oracle itself, but also to the myths, legends and works of art that are associated with the content of each card. A great interest caused selected plots of mythological personalities. I wanted to deeper into the mysterious world of human Spirituality and sewing to discover the door to that mysterious world, where this spirituality fascinates and takes away from everyday life and life. Sophia, undoubtedly, very talented and promising lecturer, and I would love to visit her lectures and seminars, since they are not only informative , but also interesting from a cultural point of view! A large difference from the set suggested The material is in the thematic and concreteness. Many can pour water, but to prevent material interesting and beautifully - units! And Sophia just belongs to these units that work on the conscience!
Sophia, I want to wish you to further develop creative projects, as they have a big intellectual, cultural and informative value! "

Zoya: "I listened to your course on Lenorman's big deck. The course is very informative and for me it was very useful for practical work with a deck. Sophia, you are very interesting and openly presented all the information on the deck, which now plays a big role in practical work with cards. . Sophia, you are really a very generous man. You will immediately share your knowledge, developments and technique of divination, which is necessary in practical work with cards. On your webinars you gave more information than you could take. This is very valuable for further work! True, I really liked this course, which I listened in one breath. Sophia, thank you for this information that helps me in my work with cards, after your courses I have loved this deck even more, and I will be happy to spend the following webinars! Thank you You!"

Karina: "The course on the astro-mythological deck of Maria Lenormman struck with his versatility and volume. The deck itself is very beautiful and detailed, and when in the process of the seminar, you start to learn the smallest details and values \u200b\u200bnot just a map as a whole, and each plot depicted on it is separate, You understand how deeply you can plunge and explore the subject. The plots tell about Greek myths. Listening to the course you immerse yourself in the world of ancient legends and legends, and this is also a separate pleasure along with all the meanings and impressions of the deck as a whole. There are many information, but the course is carefully thought out and Competently built in such a way that it was possible to understand everything, to feel and use these knowledge in the future. Such classes inspire new knowledge. Thank you very much! "

Large astronomifological deck Lenorman consists of 54 cards (52 cards for predictions and plus 2 maps of the signifier) \u200b\u200band radically different from a small Gypsy deck. According to the semantic interpretation, the Lenorman's large deck is much closer to Taro maps than to the traditional deck of Mary Lenorman. In our country, a large astronomifological deck received its second life thanks to Anna Kotelnikova, who led the Tarot Russian Club. Symbols deposited on cards have several levels for interpretation. For effective divination on a large deck, it is necessary to own certain knowledge. The main nuance card is that their values \u200b\u200bare changing depending on which the map is under the map-blank. The image of each card is divided into 7 parts, which gives additional information to the main mythological plot when interpreting cards.

First, almost all layouts for big deck Lenorman are built around two iconic cards, which are selected depending on the floor of the querrant, or a pleasant person. These are two blank cards, 2 maps-ingunifier with a picture of a man and a woman.

Secondly, the structure of the Big Lenorman deck is special and unique in its construction. In the astronymifological deck there is a major orientation on the central plot of the card, based on myths and legends that need to be known; + temporary frameworks that are determined by constellations; + amulets and advice - predictions in colors; + Where are the corners of the map - left and right, depending on what questions were set.

Predictive maps have a complex structure: the central image carries the main information load, the left upper angle contains an image of a regular playing card, the right upper angle shows the letters and geomantic figures, in the middle of the top there are images of the constellation or planet, the lower angles contain plot patterns that are Supplement to the central plot, and finally, in the middle of the bottom you will find an image of colors and plants. However, the process of divination on a large deck Lenorman is an incredibly exciting occupation, get acquainted with

The sense load of the deck is built on myths and divided into 7 main categories on the plots:

1. Gods (7 cards).

2. Heroes (5 cards)

3. Trojan War (9 cards)

4. Conquest of the Golden Runa (5 cards)

5. Alchemy (7 cards)

6. Zodiac signs (12 cards)

7. Allegory (people - 4 cards and animals - 3 Carts)

Of the 52 cards of the astronymifological deck, Lenorman 12 cards in the middle upper part symbolize the zodiac constellations, 33 cards - the ancient constellations and 7 cards symbolize 7 visible planets.

In the upper right corner there are geomantic figures and letters of the Latin alphabet. In despusting on some scenaries, if you pay attention to this angle, you can see the drawn words that you need to pay attention to the interpretation of the defold. Also, these letters individually also possess their characteristics in the maps. Next to each letter on the map there is an image of one of 16 geomantic systems.

If in the defolds to attach importance to additional corners, then you can learn a lot of valuable information about the situation on which the alignment is made. The lower left and right angles consist of a plot pattern, on some maps they are directly connected to the central mythical plot, and some carry a completely new semantic load. But in any case, reading the value of these corners makes an additional meaning to the description of the central plot.

In the lower central part of the card, bouquets of flowers are depicted, each flower has and bears its meaning and history. This is another highlight of the cards, which will have to fans of aromatherapy fans, because it will give a lot of tips in this direction.

Also 7 cards from the deck contain tips on making talismans that will help the corerist in future predicted events. The advice that is given by the card makes it clear which group of talismans can be used to assist in a particular case.

The character of the big deck Lenorman is calm and measured. The answers it gives clear, specifically in the case, without special emotions and edification, is perhaps one of the highest percentage of prediction accuracy. Take her in hand when you want to get a clear answer to the question. Executions are obtained very capacious and display events very accurately.

Inexperienced predictor at first can scare such an abundance of information and symbolism. But, having acquainted with her, you will find a lot of interesting and useful for yourself, discover another indispensable tool for the prediction of the future.