Aaron Crane paintings come to life game. Aaron Crane. Pictures come to life - passing the game with pictures

The application from the category "has simplicity and uniqueness, provides excellent opportunity to develop their thinking. Just a few hours of play per day and after a week you will notice the result. The application is a lesson in the form of the game, it will not leave a single baby indifferent and even an adult. Learn, develop, play and entertain now you can now with the whole family.

If you are far in twenty, and you are not interested in all sorts of shooters and collecting treasures, the next offer from our play portal must like you. In this game you will have to "figure out the brains" well and find the only right decision. This novelty is designed specifically for those who have a high intelligence much more preferable than to be able to quickly press the keys and buttons.

Father Aaron is an artist who draws strange images from his subconscious. A month ago, he disappeared, and now Aaron finds an unknown address on one of his paintings. Thinking it can be somehow connected with the disappearance, it is decided to visit this place. When he gets there, he comes into a gloomy corridor and sees the reflection of his father in one of the doors. Suddenly, the reflection is broken, and the door opens ... Aaron enters the fantastic world of paintings that came to life. Help Aaron find his father and solve the secrets of his paintings.

Features of the game:

  • Exciting plot
  • Realistic graphics
  • Many locations
  • Various

We offer complete instructions for the passage of the game "Aaron Crane." Pictures come to life "(Aaron Crane: Paintings Come Alive Walkthrough).
If you have questions how to get the game "Aaron Crane." Pictures come to life "- Write on the forum.

Part III
* All pictures increase by pressing them
Raise the curtain and take part of puzzle (BUT).

Go left.
Close a small table and take from the bench bandage (IN).
Move the curtain - behind her, the bees fly over a barrel with honey, return here later.
Open the book on the table (D).
Close this place (by pressing the cross in the upper right corner) and turn left.

From the locker take away empty bubble (E) and a tube with blue magic paint (F).
Return to the leopard and rewind it bintom.
Place part of the puzzle in a round deepening on the door (H) and click on it to open a mini-game.
Establish chips in accordance with the central pattern.

Through the open door, go to the cliff.
Take part of puzzle (J).
Return through the door to the house, and then turn the left 2 times.
Install part of puzzle In a niche on a wooden door to activate the puzzle (k).
Move chips to release the well well.

Open the door and go inside.
Mouse over the girl a mouse - she will ask you to cook the potion from the blue snake poison and honey.
Take staircase At the wall on the left.

Get out of the castle to the cliff.
Put staircase To the cliff near the bridge and go down it down.

Go to the tower.
Take a look at the tower and take empty pot (S).
Pour blue paint On the snake - it is painted in blue.
Subcontalize empty bubble To the blue snake to assemble the poison from her.
Get full bubble.

Move forward to the portal.
Take handle (T).
Return to the castle.
Through the round opening in the wall, curtained by the curtain, go to the bedroom.
Put handle on the door of the hatch in the floor (U) and take forceps (V).

Go to the room with a girl.
Use forcepsto pull out of the flaming fireplace key.

Return to the tower.
Key Discover the chest and take scissors.

Go to the bridge.
Use empty potTo dial water from the stream (y). Get water bowler.
Scissors Cut off the bush rose (Z).

Return to the castle and come to a barrel with honey (for this you need to bring a small table).
Put rose In the vase (a) on the table and bees fly away from the barrel to the flower.
Take from the cup empty spoon (IN).
Put empty spoon Under the dripping honey (s) - get spoon with Mid..

Go to the room with a girl.
Put water bowler on fire and throw a snake poison from full bubble and honey S. spoons with Mid. (D).
From the hands of a girl take mug (E).
Crouch circle From the kittel - get full mug.
Give full mug Girl.
When the girl turns into a bat and fly away - click on her chair to roll over it.
Take part of puzzle (F).

Return to the bedroom.
Put part of puzzle In the picture on the wall.
Click on the picture to activate the puzzle.
Change tiles in places to restore the picture. After deciding to take torch.

Return to the room where there was a girl and burn torch from fire. Get torch with fire(I).
Go to the entrance to the bedroom.
Use torch with fireTo burn the entire web above the door (j).
Remember the signs of the zodiac, which appeared on the wall for the web: bull, Capricorn, Crab (Cancer).

Get out of the castle, go towards the tower, and then even further to the portal.

Go to the portal.

Part VI

Tighter trash can.
Submire candy. (A) and handle (IN).
In the lower left corner, take wheel from the generator (FROM).
Put handle on the hatch cover (D).
Press the hatch cover to activate the puzzle.
Find 3 tiles with different patterns - so that all 9 characters attended these three squares.

Through the open door, go down to the hatch, and then even lower to the door.
Slide the trash can cover to find part of puzzle 1. (F).
Turn left, take in the corner part of puzzle 2. (G), and from the table flomaster (H).
Move 2 times right and remove from the chain part of puzzle 3. (I).

Return to the door by the arrow.
Insert 3 pieces of puzzle in the door. A mini-game will open. Spin the rings to collect the drawing.

Through the open door, enter the room with an elephant.
Give elephant candy..
Elephant will decrease in size - take the little elephant.
Insert a figur elephant In the picture and collect puzzle.

After collecting the picture, get into the room with white zebra.
Use flomasterTo decorate zebra stripes (N).
Raise from the floor empty bucket (ABOUT).
Throw empty bucket in the mirror and take shard mirror.

Get out of the room through the door on the right side and climb the stairs.
Use shard mirrorTo cut ropes on the curtain (q).
Slide the curtains and take valve (R).
Go along the arrows down and left - get into the room with the sink.
Verify valve in place and then substitute empty bucket under the rush of water.
Get full bucket.

Go to the room with zebra.
Use water out full bucket On the hot sun on the wall.
Take the sun (1).
Return to the room with sink.
On the left hook (2) hang full bucket.
Take from container wheel (3).
Install wheel on the garbage container (4).
Click on the container to roll to the side.
Under the container, the hatch lid opens.
Insert it in its deepening the sun (5).
Click on the lid to open it and find wing (6).

Close to the top and go out.
Give the mechanical grasshopper wing.
Instead, take from his paw candy..
He also inform you that he lacks energy for flight.

Go to the room with zebra.
Give Zebra candy., after which it will decrease in size.
Take the little zebra.

Return to the street to the portal.
Put the figurine zebras to unfinished drawing and take sixer.

Go down through the hatch down, then down and right and right, to the door with the mechanism.
Insert sixer On the left door (A) and go to the generator.

Insert the wheel of the generator In the lateral part of the mechanism (B).
Approom the control panel (C) to activate the puzzle.
We put the chips that are suitable in the meaning of the central chips: on the left of the village, right - the city.

After passing the mini game take sponge (F), and from under the chameleon foot - batteries.
Close to the portal and give batteries Mechanical grasshopper (G).
Grasshopper will fly away, take valve (H).

Return to the generator.
Close the oven on the left and return to the place valve (I).
Open door with multicolored stones - Put there sponge (J).
Get magic Sponge.
Go to the green chalkboard, which was hidden behind the curtains.
Use magic Sponge On the symbols on the board to detect the characters you need: crab, Fish, Sagittarius.

Go outside to the portal.
As well as last time, set the desired signs and click on them.
Go to the portal.

* All pictures increase by pressing them
We offer a complete guide to the passage of the game "Aaron Crane." Pictures come to life "(Aaron Crane: Paintings Come Alive Walkthrough).
If you have questions how to get the game "Aaron Crane." Pictures come to life "- Write on the forum.

Part V.

Move the arrow to the left to the waterfall.
Near the cliff raise a rock (1).
Go 2 times right and raise the mountain.
Take saccha (2) and kusachachi (3).

Return to the waterfall.
Approom the waterfall.
Use sacchato catch out of the water part of puzzle (4).
Insert part of puzzle In the disk (5) on the rock and click on it to activate the puzzle.
Find pairs of identical characters.

After passing the mini-game in the rock, the passage will open.
Close it and take it ax and isolent.

Flooring Pull out the logs nails, and then ax Destroy this log. Take boards.

Go to the right 2 times to the dinosaur.
Use isolentTo fix the broken hammer.
Take yourself a hammer (BUT).
Return to the boat.
Put the hole in the boat nails, then insert nails And hammer them hammer (IN).
From the nose of the boat take zhuka (FROM).

Go to the dinosaur and give him zhuka (D).
When the dinosaur disappears - pick up fallen horn (E).
By the arrow right go to the portal and take lifebuoy (F).

Go to the boat.
Skip into the boat lifebuoy (G) and click on the boat to float to the island.
Call from water stick (H).
Use stickto unwind the rope staircase (I).
Rise on this staircase upstairs.

Take handle Sword.

Return to the waterfall (click on the boat to return to the shore) and close it.
Combine handle Sword with the blade and take a whole sword.

Return to the island.
Give the left statue swordAfter which tears statues will hang fire on the road.
Approom the bowl.

Insert in the bowl horn (N).
Click on the bowl to activate the mini-game. Rotate the discs to collect the drawing.

From the opening bowl, take knife(P), and take the bowl staircase (Q).
Move forward.
Use staircase On the abyss - it turns out the bridge (R). Go through it.

Turn left and take the second a rock (S).
Floating on the boat ashore, go to the left, and then climb the mountain to the dragon.
Put two stones In the deepening on earth.
Press on the stones to deploy them.
When the inscriptions on the stones become red - the dragon will fly away (the inscriptions on the stones should look in the direction of the dragon).

Slow on the boat on the island.
Go to the tower, open the gate (1) and pass inside.
Turn left.
Knife Cut piece of cheese (2).
Return to the street, to the entrance to the tower.
Give piece of cheese Mouse (3) and remove from her tail key (4).

On the boat swim ashore.
Go to the portal.
Key Open the round casket and take eye.

Return on the boat to the island and go to the tower.
Give eye Chetten.
When Figyp; Daughter will disappear - close the picture behind it and collect a fully image.

After solving a puzzle take button (9).
Get out of the tower and go to the left.
Insert button In the puzzle on the wall (10).
Click on the puzzle.
Arrange the same characters in rhombus, and then set them so that the drawing is opposite the color suitable for it (the frog is green; fire - red; snowflake - pale blue).
To change the circles in some places - click on the button in the center.

After passing the mini games, click on the lever.
virgo, Capricorn, Scales.

Swamp on the boat to the shore and go to the portal.
As well as last time, set the desired signs and click on them.
Go to the portal.

Part VI

Take near Fountain bench (BUT).
Approom the flowers in the pots (B).
Click on the biggest pot (s) to move it aside and find seed (D).
From the bushes to right wheel (E).

Turn left to ferret.
Put bench Under the tree (H).
Click on the ferret (i) to remove it from the tree.
Take key from the nipple of the animal and take back bench.
Close the wall of the house behind the tree, which was sitting the root.
Get out of the vase umbrella (F).
Use umbrella on tree branches to detect empty bucket (G).

Turn the right arrow to the non-working fountain.
Use empty bucketTo kill land from the fountain. Get full bucket Earth. From the cleared fountain take part of puzzle (TO).
Approom the flowers in the pots at the wall. Insert into the recess on the column (L) part of puzzle and take away from the opened cache statue (M).

Move left.
In the area of \u200b\u200bloose land seed (N). Put it from out full bucket Earth.
Put statue On the pedestal (o) and press the lever (P) - the tuchka will arrive and Poland the Earth.
In place, the seed will grow carrot - Take it.

Go through the arrow to the right 2 times.
Install wheel on the cart (R).
Will appear harness (S) - Take it.
Open sberbu On the donkey and give him carrot.

A donkey with a cart will leave, select a match from the ground (V).
Move right to the portal.
Close portal and find bubble (W), valve 1. (Y) and part of puzzle (X).

Put part of puzzle In the round hole in front of the door (a).
Click on it to activate the mini-game. Move the rings until you collect completely drawing (B).
Luke will open - take from it vental 2. (FROM).
Key Open the lock on the gate and pass inward (D).

Put on the table bench (E).
Click on the chandelier to lower it slightly.
Use matches to light the candle on the chandelier.
Take magic powderwith chandeliers (G) and shovel under the table (F).
Approom the picture (H) and collect a puzzle. After deciding to take valve 3..

Go to the fountain.
Use shovelTo open the Earth near the fountain (K). Place there 3 Valves.
The puzzle opens. Turn the valves so that the colors on them coincide with the flowers on the wall. Right-click, twist the bottom valve, and change the valves with the left button.

Fountain will work - throw it into it magic powder .
Take empty bubbleand jump out the water from the fountain. Get full bubble.
Go to the portal.
Meld water out full bubble On the dark part of the wall at the top (N).
On the wall there are signs, remember them: lion, Virgo, Fish.

Stop the arrows of the portal to the desired signs and click on these signs.

Now you have all the fragments of the mirror, collect a puzzle.

Congratulations! You have passed the game "Aaron Crane." Pictures come to life. "


Get out of the house and go to the bridge. In the center, put the beaks that you are convicted under the gong - to and on the sides of these letters - items starting with these booze daggers and the key; Mask and mouse. Once again, go to the right. Asked you to bring her rod. The stone door will rise, and the sculpture behind her will ask you to bring her to the mace. After passing the mini - games Log in to the house. Go to the left to the penguin. In the slot on the mailbox. To the pool with a crocodile. Turn the rings to collect the sketch. Go down and log in to the house. Click on the door to open the puzzle. Insert into the recess on the door. The chain on the door will disappear, go forward to the portal. In the hole for the picture x and click on it. Inspect the location of the pebbles on the fence. Turn the lever near the wrench - the door door will open, take away. Click on the drawings below and on the coin and select images in the bottom row, suitable in the meaning of images in the top row. Go to the penguin and put on it. Move the right arrow 2 times to the pool with a crocodile. Click on the fish 3 times and take away. * All drawings grow by pressing them. Install the arrows so that they indicate the desired signs of the zodiac: twins, scorpion and scales. Close the picture J and collect a puzzle. Approom the dresser in the lower right corner. Go to the pool with a crocodile and turn left through the arched passage. Choose the fallen on the sculpture. Click on the mailbox to play mini-game. Go down from the roof and go through the right arrow 3 times to the stream. After a solution on the wall, the signs of the zodiac symbols will be shown - go to the portal and close it. In Gong - he will turn over. Use a shovel about 2 pebbles to dig a lilac. Open the box in the upper left corner. To the house, go to the door and turn left. Fountain - on the other coast of the stream will seem. Return to the house and bring the front door. From the shelf to take away the left. To wipe overwhelming glasses. Blue, and when he starts to eat - take away. Pictures come to life - Write on the forum. Approom the stone in the sand under the scheme. Cut pumpkin and take the 2nd. If the question remains how to go through the game Aaron Crane. Skip from the bench basket and take away. From Beak Penguin take away. Return back to the house, and then turn right 2 times. To remove stuck in the bench. After a decision, take away from the opened box. In the roaster in the corner of the room I and raise the fire with the help. Take off three nailed boards. Railings, and then the rest. Close to the roof, to the pigeon. Go out to the street and on the rope, skim the roof. Open the Pot Cover and take. By the arrow to the right 2 times. Return to the door, left twice. Spread the finding pebbles in coordination with the scheme of the decision of the decision close this place by pressing the cross in the upper right corner. After this penguin wing will indicate for you the road - go in this direction to the portal. Inspect the top box with the code. Set the stream at first. Approom the candle near the Pupification to activate the puzzle. In the picture, and then close it and collect a puzzle. By the arrow right 2 times go to a dry pond. Get out of the gate and turn right to the picture on the wall. Click on the arrows to rotate the discs and return the sketch. We offer full management to pass the game Aaron Caren. Hook the rope for the hook on the roof of the house. Change places wheels, in coordination with the color of the arrows.