Didactic games for children: speech development, sensory, physical development. Card file with your own purposes. Didactic games didactic games for children 5 6

Game "Handing".

purpose: Develop a shallow motorcy.

Macarons of different shapes painted by children, fishing line, berries, buttons, paper rings.

Description: The educator offers a child to participate in the fair. To do this, make beads, bracelets, photo frames with gaming material.

The game "Color Right".

Objectives: develop a shallow motor Learning to stroke objects with a slope to the right, left, straight, lines parallel to each other.

: Pencils, contour images of various items.

Description: Children are invited to participate in the competition for the best stroke. The educator distributes contour images of objects, explaining the principle of stroking (lines parallel to each other, with a slope to the right (left, straight).

The game "Paper crafts".

Objectives: Develop a shallow motorcy, form the ability to fold the sheet in different directions.

Gaming material and visual benefits: paper.

Description: Suggest the game "Store paper toys". Then show samples of paper figures that children can make (pilot, daw, boat, dove).

The game "Theater of Shadows".

purpose: Develop a shallow motorcy.

Gaming material and visual benefits: Screen (light wall), table lamp, lantern.

Description: Before the game, it is necessary to darken the room, the light source must illuminate the screen at a distance of 4-5 m. Between the screen and the source of light, the shadow falls on the illuminated screen. Placing hands between the wall and the source of light depends on the power of the latter, on average it is 1-2 m from the screen. Children are offered using hands to create shadow figures (bird, dog, lion, eagle, fish, snake, goose, hare, cat). The "actors" of the shadow theater can accompany their actions with short dialogues, playing scenes.

The game "What is not Cinderella?"

Purpose:develop a shallow motor.

Game material and visual manuals: Crupes (rice, buckwheat).

Description: The educator complains the child to the fact that there was a small trouble with him, two types of cereals were mixed (rice and buckwheat), and it was not enough to go through her time. Therefore, it is necessary to help: decompose the cereal in different banks.

The game "Letter grows."

Purpose:develop a shallow motor.

Game material and visual manuals: Sheet of paper, pencil.

Description: The child gets a sheet of paper, in the opposite ends of which letters are drawn - one very small, the other is very big. Suggest a child to portray the process of increasing or decreasing the letters, that is, next to a small draw the letter more, the following is even more, etc. To draw the attention of the child to the fact that the letter should grow little by little, thus bring the letter to the size indicated at the opposite end of the sheet .

Games aimed at the development of shallow motility at preschoolers of the senior group

The game "Traveling around the city".

purpose: Develop attention, observation.

Game material and visual manuals: pictures with images of residents of the city (mothers with children, schoolchildren, grandmother with a basket, students), people of different professions (drivers, postmen, builders, painters), types of transport (bus, trolleybus, tram, bike), buildings, city jewelry ( Mail, shop (dish, book), fountain, square, sculpture).

Description: pictures are laid out in different places of the room. With the help of readings, children are divided into 4 groups of 2-3 people. These are "travelers." Each group is given task: one - see who lives in the city, collect pictures with the image of people; another - what people go to, collect pictures with the image of vehicles; Third - pictures on which a varied work of people reproduced; The fourth is to consider and select pictures with drawings of beautiful buildings of the city, his decorations. At the signal of a leading "travelers" go around the room and select the pictures you need, the rest are waiting for the return, watching them. Returning to its places, "travelers" put pictures on stands. Participants of each group tell why they took these pictures. This group wins, whose players are not mistaken and put their pictures correctly.

The game "What has changed?".

purpose: Develop attention.

Gaming material and visual benefits: From 3 to 7 toys.

Description: The tutor puts to the children toys, gives a signal to cover their eyes, and removes one toy. Opening his eyes, children should guess what toy is hidden.

The game "Be attentive!"

purpose: Develop active attention.

Description: Children walk in a circle. Then the master pronounces any word, and children must begin to perform a certain action: on the word "the Zaikhik" - jump, on the word "horses" - hit the "hoof" (foot) about the floor, "Cracks" - Put, "Birds" - Run, pulling hands to the sides, "stork" - stand on one leg.

Game "Listen Cotton!"

Purpose: Develop active attention.

Description: Children go in a circle. For one cotton in your hands, they must stop and take the pose of "Stork" (stand on one leg, the second is fitted, hands - to the sides), two cotton - a "frog" pose (sit down), for three cotton - resume walking.

The game "Four Elements".

Purpose: Develop attention related to coordination of auditory and motor analyzers.

Description: Playing sit in a circle. If the host says the word "earth", everyone must lower your hands down if the word "water" is to pull the hands forward, the word "air" is to raise the hands up, the word "fire" is to rotate with hands in the rays and radial joints. Who is mistaken, is considered to be a loser.

The game "Drawing Figure".

purpose: develop memory.

Game material and visual manuals: Paper, Color Pencils, 5-6 Geometric Figures.

Description: Children show 5-6 geometric shapes, then they are asked to draw on the paper those they remembered. A more complex option is to ask to draw shapes, taking into account their size and color. The one who is faster and more accurate will reproduce all the figures.

The game "Forest, Sea".

Purpose: Develop attention.

Game material and visual manuals: Ball.

Description: Throw the ball to a child, calling any animal habitat (forest, desert, sea, etc.). Returning the ball, the child must call the animal of this area.

The game "Color Right".

Purpose:develop attention.

Game material and visual manuals: Paper, red, blue and green pencils.

Description: Write letters and numbers with a large font, alternating them with each other. Suggest a child to circle all the letters with a red pencil, and all the numbers are blue. Complicating task, offer all the vowels to circle with a red pencil, all consonants - blue, numbers are green.

The game "I will show, and you go out."

purpose: Develop attention.

Game material and visual manuals: Toys.

Description: Suggest a child alternately depict any actions for which one of these toys can be found. For example, a bear was fed. You need to go around the room, imitating a closing bear gait, show how the beast sleeps and "sucks" the paw.

Games aimed at developing logic from preschoolers of the senior group

Game "Find options."

Purpose:develop logical thinking, intelligence.

Gaming material and visual benefits: Cards with a picture of 6 circles.

Description: Child give a card with a picture of 6 circles, to suggest paint them in such a way that painted and inoperate figures were equal. Then browse and calculate all the options for the painting. You can also conduct a competition: who will find the greatest number of solutions.

The game "Wizards".

purpose: Develop thinking, imagination. Game material and visual manuals: Sheets depicting geometric shapes.

Description: Children are distributed sheets with the image of geometric shapes. Based on them you need to create a more complex pattern. For example: rectangle - window, aquarium, house; Circle - Ball, Snowman, Wheel, Apple. The game can be carried out in the form of competitions: who will come up and draws more pictures using one geometric shape. The winner is awarded a symbolic prize.

The game "Collect the flower".

purpose: Develop thinking, ability to analyze, synthesis.

Game material and visual manuals: Cards with the image of items related to one concept (clothes, animals, insects, etc.).

Description: A round card is issued to each child - the middle of the future flower (one-dress, the second is an elephant, the third - bee, etc.). The game is then carried out in the same way as in the lotto: the leading gives the cards with the image of various items. Each participant must collect flower from cards, on the petals of which are subject to objects related to one concept (clothing, insect, etc.).

The game "Logic endings".

Purpose: Develop logical thinking, imagination, ability to analyze.

Description: Children are invited to complete sentences:

Lemon sour, and sugar ... (sweet).

You walk your feet, and throw ... (hands).

If the table is above the stool, then the chair ... (below the table).

If two more than one, then one ... (less than two).

If Sasha came out of the house before Serezhe, then Seryozha ... (came out later Sasha).

If the river is a deeper crush, then the rods ... (smaller river).

If the sister is older brother, then brother ... (younger sister).

If the right hand on the right, then the left ... (left).

The boys grow up and become men, and girls ... (women).

The game "Ornament".

Purpose: Develop logical thinking, ability to analyze.

Game material and visual manuals: 4-5 groups of geometric shapes (triangles, squares, rectangles, etc.), cut from color cardboard (the figures of the same group are divided into subgroups that differ in color and size).

Description: Suggest a child to consider how on a playing field (a sheet of cardboard) you can create ornaments from geometric shapes. Then lay out the ornament (according to the sample, according to his own intention, under dictation), operating such concepts as "right", "left", "at the top", "below."

The game is "useful - harmful."

Purpose:develop thinking, imagination, ability to analyze.

Description: Consider any object or phenomenon, noting its positive and negative sides, for example: if it rains it is good, because the plants drink water and grow better, but if the rain goes too long - it is bad, because the roots of the plants can be contrary From the overaffect of moisture.

The game "What am I guess?".

Purpose: Develop thinking.

Game material and visual manuals: 10 circles of different colors and size.

Description: Dispatch in front of a child 10 circles of different colors and size, offer to the child to show the circle that the teacher gave birth. Explain the rules of the game: guessing, you can ask questions, only with words more or less. For example:

Is it a circle more red? (Yes.)

Is it more blue? (Yes.)

More yellow? (Not.)

Is it a green circle? (Yes.)

The game "Posad Flowers".

Purpose: Develop thinking.

Game material and visual manuals: 40 cards with colors with different shape of petals, size, core color.

Description: Suggest a child to "pick up flowers on the flowers": on the round flower all the colors with round petals, on square - flowers with a yellow core, on rectangular - all big flowers.

Questions: What flowers remain without flower beds? What can grow on two or three flower beds?

Game "Group on features."

purpose: Fasten the ability to use generalizing concepts, expressing them with words.

Gaming material and visual benefits: Cards with image of items (orange, carrots, tomato, apple, chicken, sun).

Description: Describe a child with a picture of different items that can be combined into several groups on any sign. For example: orange, carrot, tomato, apple - food; Orange, apple - fruit; carrots, tomato - vegetables; Orange, Tomato, Apple, Ball, Sun - Round; Orange, carrots - orange; Sun, chicken - yellow.

The game "Remember faster."


Description: Suggest a child to quickly remember and call three items of round shape, three wooden objects, four pets, etc.

The game "All that flies".

purpose: Develop logical thinking.

Game material and visual manuals: Several pictures with various objects.

Description: Suggest a child to select the proposed pictures on the title. For example: all round or all warm, or all animated, which can fly, etc.

The game "From what is done."

Goal: develop logical thinking; Fasten the ability to determine which material is made of the subject.

Description: The educator calls any material, and the child must list everything that can be done from it. For example: Tree. (From it you can make paper, boards, furniture, toys, dishes, pencils.)

The game "What happens ...".

purpose: Develop logical thinking.

Description:suggest a child alternately ask each other questions from the following order:

What happens big? (House, car, joy, fear, etc.)

What happens narrow? (Trail, lepta, face, street, etc.)

What is low (high)?

What happens red (white, yellow)?

What happens long (short)?

Games aimed at developing speech from preschoolers of the senior group

The game "Finish Proposal".

purpose: Develop the ability to use complex proposals in speech.

Description: Children offer to finish sentences:

Mom put bread ... where? (In the breadbox.)

Brother put off sugar ... where? (In sugar.)

Grandma made a delicious salad and put it ... where? (In Saladitsa.)

Dad brought candy and put them ... Where? (In the calendar.)

Marina did not go to school today, because ... (fell ill).

We turned on the heaters because ... (it became cold).

I do not want to sleep, because ... (even early).

We will go tomorrow in the forest, if ... (there will be good weather).

Mom went to the market to ... (buy products).

Cat climbed onto a tree to ... (escape from the dog).

The game "Day of the Day".

Objectives: intensify the speech of children; Enrich vocabulary.

Game material and visual manuals: 8-10 plot (schematic) pictures with the image of modest moments.

Description: Suggest to consider pictures, and then arrange them in a specific sequence and explain.

The game "Who is a treat?".

purpose: Develop the ability to use difficult forms of nouns in speech.

Game material and visual manuals: pictures with a bear, birds, horses, foxes, lynx, giraffe, elephant.

Description: The teacher says that in a basket gifts for animals, but afraid to confuse, to whom. Asks to help. Suggest pictures with the image of a bear, birds (geese, chickens, swans), horses, wolf, fox, lynx, monkeys, kangaroo, giraffe, elephant.

Questions: Who honey Who grain? Who meat? Who fruits?

The game "Name Three Words".

purpose: Intensify the dictionary.

Description: Children become in a rank. Each participant in turn is given a question. You need, making three steps forward, give three words-responses with each step, not slowing the pace of walking.

What can I buy? (Dress, suit, pants.)

The game "Who Who wants to become?".

purpose: Develop the ability to use difficult forms of verb in speech.

Game material and visual manuals: Scene pictures with the image of labor actions.

Description: Children are offered scene pictures with the image of labor actions. What are the busy boys? (Boys want to make a mock of an airplane.) Who do they want to become? (They want to become pilots.) Children are invited to come up with a sentence with the word "want" or "want."

Game "Zoo".

purpose: Develop a coherent speech.

Game material and visual manuals: Pictures with animals, gaming clock.

Description: Children sit in a circle, getting around the picture without showing them to each other. Everyone should describe his animal without calling it, by this plan:

1. Appearance.

2. What is powered by.

For the game used "Game Watches". First, turn the arrow. To whom she will indicate, he starts the story. Then the rotation of the arrow determine who should guess the described animal.

The game "Compare Items".

Goal: develop observation; Expand the dictionary due to the names of parts and parts of items, their qualities.

Gaming material and visual benefits: Things (toys), the same by name, but characterized by some signs or details, for example: two buckets, two apron, two shirts, two spoons, etc.

Description: The educator reports that the package brought to the kindergarten: "What is it?" It takes things: "Now we carefully consider them. I will tell about one thing, and someone from you is about another. We will tell us in turn. "

For example:

I have an elegant apron.

I have a worker apron.

It is white in red polka dots.

And my - dark blue.

My decorated with lace ruffles.

And my - red ribbon.

This apron on the sides of two pockets.

And this is one big on the chest.

On these pockets - pattern of flowers.

And this is drawn tools.

This apron is covered on the table.

And this one is put on to work in the workshop.

The game "Who Who was or what was what".

Objectives: intensify the dictionary; Expand the knowledge of the environment.

Description: Who or the earlier chicken was? (Egg.) And horse (foal), frog (thawastic), butterfly (caterpillar), shoes (skin), shirt (cloth), fish (eggs), cabinet (board), bread (flour), bike (iron), Sweater (wool), etc.?

The game "Name as more objects as possible."

Goal: intensify the dictionary; Develop attention.

Description: Children become in a row, they are invited to call the items that surround them. Calling the word makes a step forward. Wins the one who correctly and clearly pronounced the words and called a larger number of items without repeating.

Game "pick up rhyme."

purpose: Develop a phonmematic hearing.

Description: The teacher explains that all the words sound differently, but there are among them sounding. Offers help pick a word.

On the way there was a bug,

Song sang in the grass ... (cricket).

You can use any poems or individual rhymes.

The game "Name part of the subject."

Objectives:enrich the dictionary; Develop the ability to relate the subject and its parts.

Game material and visual manuals: pictures with the image of the house, truck, wood, birds.

Description: The tutor shows pictures:

1st Option: Children in turn call parts of items.

2nd option: Each child gets a drawing and calls all parts itself.

Games for learning a certificate of preschoolers of the senior group

Game "Find out who do what sounds?"

purpose: Develop an auditory perception.

Gaming material and visual benefits: A set of substantive pictures (beetle, snake, saw, pump, wind, mosquito, dog, steam locomotive).

Description: The tutor shows a picture, children call the subject shown on it. To the question "How Saws Slap, buzzes a beetle and so on." The child is responsible, and all children reproduce this sound.

Purpose: Develop an auditory perception.

Description: Driving becomes back to children, and all of them choir read a poem, the last line of which says one of the children to indicate the educator. If the leading guessing it, the specified child becomes leading.

Approximate material:

We will play a little bit like you listen, find out.

Try, guess who called you, find out. (Name of the leading.)

To us cuckoo in the garden flew and sings.

And you, (the name of the leading), do not yawny, who is dug, guess!

I sat down on the fence, shouted on the whole courtyard.

Listen, (the name of the leading), do not yawn, who is a rooster with us, find out!


Game "Guess the sound."

Purpose: Work out the clarity of articulation.

Description: The master pronounces the sound to itself, clearly articulating. Children on the movement of the leading leads are guessing the sound and pronounce it out loud. Guessing first becomes the lead.

The game "Who has a good rumor?".

purpose: Develop a phonmematic hearing, the ability to hear sound in the word.

Game material and visual manuals: A set of subject pictures.

Description: The tutor shows the picture calls it. Children clap your hands if they hear the sound studied. At the later stages, the teacher may silently show a picture, and the child speaks the name of the picture to himself and reacts the same way. The tutor notes correctly determined the sound and those who could not find it and perform the task.

The game "Who lives in the house?".

purpose: Develop the ability to determine the presence of sound in the word.

Gaming material and visual benefits: House with windows and pockets for lays out of pictures, a set of substantive patterns.

Description:the educator explains that only beasts (birds, pets) live in the house, in the names of which there are, for example, the sound [l]. We must put these animals in the house. Children call all animal pictures on the pictures and choose those among them, in the names of which there is a sound [l] or [l "]. Each correctly selected picture is rated by a gaming chicken.

Approximate material: Hedgehog, Wolf, Bear, Fox, Hare, Elk, Elephant, Rhino, Zebra, Camel, Lynx.

The game "Who is more?".

purpose: Develop the ability to hear sound in the word and relate it to the letter.

Game material and visual manuals: Set of already children of letters, subject pictures.

Description: Each child is a card with one of the letters known to children. The tutor shows the picture, children call the displayed item. The chips gets one who will hear the sound corresponding to his letter. Wins the larger chips.

The game "Vertolin".

purpose: Develop the ability to select words starting with the specified sound.

Game material and visual manuals: two plywood discs imposed on each other (the bottom disk is fixed, the letters are written on it; the upper disk rotates, it is cut narrow, wide with the letter, sector); chips.

Description: Children in turn rotate the disk. The child must name the word on the letter on which the Skit sector stops. Committed task properly gets a chip. At the end of the game, the number of chips is calculated, the winner is determined.

The game "Logo".

Purpose: Develop the ability to highlight the first sound in the syllable, relate it to the letter.

Game material and visual manuals: Large lotto card, divided into four squares (in three of them images of objects, one square empty) and card-tires with studied letters for each child; For the leading set of individual small cards with images of the same items.

Description: The presenter takes from the set of the top picture and asks who has this subject. A child having a lotto card this picture calls the subject and the first sound in the word, after which it closes the picture with the card with the corresponding letter. Wins the one who is first closed all the pictures on the lotto card.

Approximate material: Stork, duck, donkey, tail, som. Rose, lamp, etc.

The game "Chain".

Purpose:develop the ability to allocate the first and last sound in the word.

Description:one of the children calls the Word, next to the selection of a new word, where the initial sound is the last sound of the previous word. The next child of a number, etc., continues. The task of a number: Do not break the chain. The game can pass as a competition. The winner will be the series that the longer "pulled" the chain.

The game "Where the sound hid?"

purpose: Develop the ability to establish a sound place in the word.

Game material and visual manuals: The educator has a set of subject pictures; Each child has a card separated by three squares, and a colorful chip (red with a vowel sound, blue with consonants).

Description: The teacher shows a picture, calls the object depicted on it. Children repeat the word and indicate the place of the sound under study in the word, closing one of the three squares on the card, depending on where the sound is: at the beginning, middle or end of the word. Win those who correctly placed the chip on the card.

The game "Where is our home?"

Purpose: Develop the ability to determine the number of sounds in the word.

Gaming material and visual benefits: A set of substantive patterns, three houses with pockets and a number on each (3, 4, or 5).

Description: Children are divided into two teams. The child takes the picture, calls the item depicted on it, considers the number of sounds in the spoken word and inserts a picture into pockets with a digit corresponding to the number of sounds in the word. Representatives of each team come out in turn. If they are wrong, they are corrected by children of another team. For each correct response, the point is counted, the winners are considered to be the row, whose players will raise more points. This game can be carried out individually.

Approximate material: com, ball, catfish, duck, fly, crane, doll, mouse, bag.

The game "Wonderful Pouch".


Game material and visual manuals: A bag of motley fabrics with various objects, in the names of which two or three syllables.

Description: Children in order are suitable for the table, remove the subject from the bag, call it. The word is repeated in syllables. The child calls the number of syllables in the word.

Telegraph game.

purpose: Develop the ability to divide words to syllables.

Description: Teacher says: "Guys, now we will play Telegraph. I will call words, and you will be transferred them in turn on the telegraph to another city. " The first word of the teacher says in syllables and accompanies each syllable with cotton. Then he calls the word, and the caused child independently pronounces it in syllables, accompanying cotton. If the child has incorrectly fulfilled the task, the telegraph breaks: all children begin to shit in his hands, spoiled telegraph can be fixed, that is, pronounce the word correctly in the syllables and swell.

Games in mathematics for children of the senior group

The game "Be attentive".

purpose: Fasten the ability to distinguish between objects in color.

Gaming material and visual benefits: Flat images of different color items: red tomato, orange carrot, green tree, blue bowl, purple dress.

Description: Children stand in a semicircle in front of the board, on which flat items are placed. Pedagogue, calling the subject and its color, raises hands up. Children do the same. If the color is called the teacher incorrectly, children should not raise hands up. He who raised his hands loses phanta. When playing the phantom children, you can offer tasks: to name several red items, to say what color items on the top shelf of the cabinet, and so on.

The game "Compare and Fill".

Objectives: develop the ability to carry out visual-thought analysis; Fasten ideas about geometric shapes.

Game material and visual manuals: A set of geometric shapes.

Description: Play two. Each of the players should carefully consider its nameplate with images of geometric shapes, find a pattern in their location, and then fill empty cells with a question mark, putting the necessary figure in them. Wins one who correctly and quickly cope with the task. The game can be repeated, placing a different shape and signs of the question.

The game "Fill empty cells".

Goal: fix the idea of \u200b\u200bgeometric figures; Develop the ability to compare and compare two groups of figures, find distinctive features.

Game material and visual manuals: Geometric shapes (circles, squares, triangles) of three colors.

Description: Play two. Each player should examine the location of the figures in the table, paying attention not only to their shape, but also on the color, to find a pattern in their location and fill empty cells with the signs of the question. Wins one who correctly and quickly cope with the task. Then players can swap signs. You can repeat the game, in a different position in the table shapes and signs of the question.

Game "Wonderful Glass".

Purpose: Learning to determine the place of a given subject in the numerical row.

Gaming material and visual benefits: 10 cups from yogurts, a small toy placed in a cup.

Description: to stick the number to each cup, choose a leading, it should turn away. During this time, hide under one of the cups toy. Driving turns and guess, under what cup toy is hidden. He asks: "Under the first cup? Under the sixth? " Etc., until he forth. You can answer the prompts: "No, more", "no, less."

The game "Holiday in the zoo".

Purpose: Learn to compare the number and number of items.

Game material and visual manuals: Soft toys, countable sticks (buttons).

Description: Put an animal toys in front of a child. Suggest to "feed them". The educator calls the number, and the child lay out before each toy the desired number of sticks (buttons).

Game "Long-Ranger".

purpose: Fasten the concepts "Length", "Width", "Height".

Game material and visual manuals: Paper strips.

Description: The teacher makes any item (for example, a cabinet) and makes a narrow paper strip equal to its width. To find a gueau, a child will need to compare the width of different items located in the room, with a strip length. Then you can make another object, measuring its height, and the next, measuring its length.

Game "pass to the gate."

Gaming material and visual benefits: Cards, "Gate" with the image of numbers.

Description: Children are distributed cards with different numbers of circles. To go into the "Gate", everyone needs to find a pair, that is, the child, the number of circles of which in the amount with circles on its own card will give a number shown on the "gate".

The game "Talk numbers".

purpose: Fasten the direct and countdown.

Game material and visual manuals: Cards with numbers.

Description: Children - "numbers" receive cards and become each other in order. "Number 4" says "Number 5": "I am less than one". " What did the "number 5" responded "Number 4"? And what did "Number 6" said?

The game "Do not yaw!".

Objectives: Consign the knowledge of the account from 1 to 10, the ability to read and record numbers.

Game material and visual manuals: numeric cards, phantas.

Description: Children are distributed cards with numbers from 0 to 10. The teacher tells a fairy tale in which different numbers are found. At the mention of the number that corresponds to the digit on the card, the child must raise it. Who did not have time to quickly fulfill this action, he loses (he must give Phanti). At the end of the game, the "redemption" of the phantom (solve the task, the task, jog, guess the riddle and others).

A card file of the didactic Games of TRIZ and RTV (preparatory group).

Our kindergarten works using TRIZ technologies. Teachers systematically develop their didactic games using TRIZ technologies.
I want to introduce you to your developed games.

Game "Build Kindergarten"

Enter children with a systemic approach to the environment (component and functional).
Show the dependence of the object from the place of residence.
Brainstorming - built a kindergarten in water, in the mountain. Discuss work, life in this kindergarten. For clarity to use the resources of the group. For example: Mountain - cubes, basket, blanket. Sea - Aquarium - Bank - Box.
The game "Parts is a whole" on the topic of kindergarten.

To acquaint children with the method of focal objects, explaining the technology of work on this method to children.
Learning to change the usual objects (or part of the object), constructing completely new ones. Thinking their functions, their relationship with the surrounding objects and people.
Conduct a small analysis of positive and negative in our kindergarten, in the group.
Suggest to come up with a completely new kindergarten, explaining how to use the method of focal objects.
For example: in kindergarten, various groups are glass, prickly, or ... Thought up the functions of these groups.
Question: - For what can the walls in the group, the locker room, if they ...?
Part of the wall spiny, part ...? What can this wall be used for?
Part of the ceiling, part of the floor ...? Furniture, benefits ...?
Think of what in the group you can make a layout of such a kindergarten for dolls. Use group resources.
Determine the main feature of kindergarten for children, for adults working in kindergarten, for parents.
Make a new row to the morphological table - employees of kindergarten.
Game "Why?"
Why do children - kindergarten? Parents? Educators? Other employees? City - kindergarten, children?
Conduct work on the morphological table by defining possible changes, situations with a certain choice of cards.
Conduct a comparative analysis of kindergartens for children and kindergartens for animals. To call them, see illustrations: Incubator, poultry farm, Farm for calves. "Kindergarten" at penguins, ducklings.
Compare what is taught in our kindergartens and birds, the animals of their children.
Question: - Why is it taught?
Fantastic situation: the child got into the "kindergarten" penguins, ducklings, calves.
The game "Fabulous heroes in kindergarten"

To acquaint children with a ring of Lully.
Learn to summarize phenomena that do not have obvious links.
Learning to represent an event in the sequence of its development, establish the relationship between individual events.
Offer the children a fantastic situation: all adults in kindergarten went on vacation, and instead of themselves left fairy-tale heroes, very similar to themselves.
Question: - Who will be the educator in the group ...?
Who will be an assistant teacher?
Children call the heroes of fairy tales, cartoons that will work in kindergarten instead of employees.
Be sure to discuss - why this is this hero will be instead of adults?
Question: - The better and the worse, if the group is not an educator, but, for example, Vasilisa is beautiful. Who is better, and who worse?
Show children Sample (incomplete) Ring Lully. Suggest make yourself in a group and play with him.
Images on the rings sectors Children can draw, write or stick themselves.
1 Ring - Heroes of fairy tales.
2 Ring - Children's Garden staff.
3 Ring - the premises of the kindergarten.
Flight the ring, considering each option - the sequence of developments, the consequences of this change for the hero itself and its surrounding.
Purpose. Teach children to put the ultimate goal, approach it, planning a sequence of actions.
Secure the ability to enjoy a symbolic analogy.
Show the relationship of the system from the environment.
The game "Words is partners".
The teacher calls the Word, and the children find two words - a partner who show a sequence of actions on the topic "Plant World".
For example: Lilac - Vase - Flowers. Grain - Flour-Bulk. I planted - grew - gathered.
Game "Chain goals".
What kind of purpose you put in front of yourself ... washing,
Kingny, soot potatoes, collecting berries, apples.
Disclose the sequence of any action of children, breaking it into a variety of minor purposes, in the correct sequence.
To go to the forest for mushrooms it is necessary: \u200b\u200bget up from bed, dress up, wash. Breakfast, gather a basket, dress in the forest (put on tights, pants, socks ...) Take the basket. Wait dad or mom, etc.
To carry out a chain of goals of several cases proposed by children.
Show that any action can cause anti-action.
For example: "Kept the pit is deep -
Get the mountain is high. "
Create some more examples of similar action.
Suggest symbolically "burn" the sequence of any case, and then "read" children.

Game "Select products for lunch"

Systematize animal origin.
Learn depending on the purpose, combine real objects, creating an unusual subject.

Conduct systemic analysis of food animal origin. The component scheme is built up - draws symbolically on a large sheet of paper.
Meat - Animals, Bird (Egg), Fish (caviar).
Dairy - Fresh Milk: oil, cheese. Sour milk: sour cream, cottage cheese, prokobyvash.
With difficulty, you can use pictures or writing.
Name many familiar dishes prepared by these products, while revealing the sequence of cooking. Pay attention to the ratio - more - less.
Read "Cook" O. Grigoriev
Cook preparing lunch,
And then turned off the light.
Chef breed beret
And lowers in compote.
Throws a lamp to the boiler
In the stove puts jam,
Prevents the soup to the coach
The corners hits the cook.
Sugar Sypt in Broth,
And he is very pleased.
That was Vinaigrette.
When I fixed the light!
At the request of children to make a ring Lully or Morfttablish, combining plant and animal food to create an unusual object.
Purpose. Learning, connecting familiar animals, come up with someone completely unknown. Show how the size of the animal or its change can affect its life and relationship with others.
Lower animals in size: from the smallest to the largest.
Find them analogue in geometric shapes. Beat: What is more, what little. First on animals, then on the characters.
For example. Part of the line: Fox, Wolf, Bear, Elephant.
Question: - Who is more wolf, but less than an elephant, etc.
Triton - more elephant or less?
Discuss how the size of the animal or its change can affect its life and relationship with others.
You can read the "crow and cat" Tim Dogkin.
Big crow goes along the path.
The growth of the crow is higher than the cat!
With the crane would have started a fight,
If there was an increase ... with a dog.
Using morphological analysis, each child (or uniting two - three) to come up with an unreal animal. Come up with a name for him. Think about how and where it will live than eat.
Educating in children the ability to detect hidden dependencies and communications, based on their conclusions. Show hidden animal resources.
Teach children to evaluate both the process itself and the result.
Game "Environmental Equilibrium".

Once, nature invented a hare, but for complete happiness he lacked cabbage and ... Wolf. There will be no cabbage - will die of hunger, there will be no wolf - from diseases.
And if suddenly the cabbage has become much - increased the amount.
So that the entire earth is not overgrown - invented a hare. The number of hares also increased, they became much - invented wolves. But the hares are a lot, why run to catch, they will run by themselves.
Question: - If the wolf does not move, what will happen? How to make a wolf move? Wolves have become a lot - what came up with? Etc.
The same situation can later be discussed with another pair of animals by choosing children.

Game "Forest Mystery"
Learning to establish causal relationships.

Purpose. Learning to establish causal relationships.
Educating the ability to consider usual subjects, situations from an unusual point of view.
Secure the possession of fantasy techniques.
Detailed morphological table with children. To disclose the part of the body of animals that are vital: what the food is produced, what they are defended, as moving. If there are illustrations, consider how the means of adapting animals have changed for the period of evolution.
Turn out the result that animals are everything is vital. Considering, pay attention to the influence of the environment on changes in the animal organism.
Collect the animal table, which can all itself. Which has all the means just in case. Discuss, good or bad to him will live now in the usual habitat. What character (whose?) Will be at this animal. Formulate contradictions arising from the adaptation of this animal to the world around. Try to solve them yourself.
Preliminary work: Suggest bring photos of your relatives, yourself and parents in childhood.
Game "I am a robot"

Secure knowledge of the structure, human functions using a system operator. Show the interdependence of man and his environment. Give the concept of childbirth and generations.
Suggest children to imagine that they are robots, outwardly, and within which everything is like a person. Enable music and move as robots.
Exercise for coordination of movements.
Children sit or stand. Touch the right hand to the right ear, and right to the left. And now change your hands and translate the left on the right shoulder, and the right to the left. Change hands, touch the waist, then to the knees, and then to the ankle. The same is done in the direction upwards: knees - waist - shoulders - ears. Repeat the exercise three times.
Imagine that there are many buttons in my head, and when you press them, you start laughing, crying ...
Question: - Who presses these buttons?
Can you say "stop" - when someone presses these buttons?
Family relationships.
Buttons - business.
Question: - How to raise (spoil) mood, cheer, upset?
Wake up, meet from work, from the store.
The work was carried out with cards showing the time of day, apartment, the enterprise.
As a person can change something in itself, using familiar techniques. For example, to become immediately thick, high ... Recall what kind of reception used the hare - strongman.
For which a person may need to change something in his appearance.
The game "On the contrary" on the topic: "Family, home, child."
For example. Big - small, mom - dad, grandmother - grandfather. Girl - Boy, Senior - Junior ...
Read "Who Who Who?" Jacob Akim.
- Grandma - Grandma, and whose daughter?
"You're Fedin's daughter, my son."
- My dad is big, and not at all my son!
- Son. Brother of four my daughters,
Do you remember, we were an older, Avdoti?
- Did you really have? My aunt has!
- Your aunt I dressed in the cradle ...
- grandmother, stand, explain first,
Who am Natasha and two of her brother.
- Okay, let's try to figure out:
Their mother, her husband's nieces sister,
Little Oh and was a lickey!
And you bring them ... Sleeper ...
- Grandma, something in us is burned!
- Ugh you, while I thought
All milk from the pan escaped
The game "Chain of Goals" - On the contrary.

Show kids action Reception "On the contrary".
Consider the main functional duties in the family and additional.
One of the children speaks a sequence of any action. The second tells them the opposite. You can fix each step in some character.
Then the first child says on the contrary - the second builds the right chain.
Turn out that we all called the opposite.
Question: - What can we choose the "on the contrary" symbol. Children offer different heroes, according to the nature of the opposite, or items (it can be: Parsley, Ivanushka - fool, nevosha, hourglass).
The game "On the opposite".

Secure the knowledge of the functions of different parts of the body.
Secure the possession of the reception "on the contrary."
Learning to solve tasks, using this technique.
Educating the sense of humor, the ability to find a way out of non-traditional situations.
The child calls some part of the body, the second child calls what she does, the third child - calls the matter on the contrary.
After several words, the game is carried out on the contrary - it is called the case - there is a part of the body.
For example - hand - takes - throws away. Going - stands - leg. Nails - grow - decrease, etc.
Combine options when both opposite properties occurs at the same time.
For example: you sit and go, sit and fly, sick and healthy, small and big.
Game "I am an adult"

Secure the knowledge and ability to use moral and ethical norms in the life, understand the consequences of their non-compliance. Secure the systemic vision of yourself in the world around.
On the system operator to beat - a child in the system, with a change in the overseystem. Supersystems: House, Street, Hospital, Bus, Kindergarten, Shop, etc.
Show how to change a look at the child, depending on his location, as it will be called. Show a multilateral look at the child, its numerous social role.
PACEWORK The genetic line - who will be when he grows in the family at work.
Related relationships with the current relatives and with future. The dependence of the social (family) role from age, family composition. Relationships, family relatives.
You can read the children of the proverbs:
"Do not spit into the well - it will be useful to flood water."
"Before you do, you need to think well."
"As it will appear, it will respond."
The game "spoiled phone".
To acquaint children with the principle of an intermediary.
Teach to understand the figurative meaning of words, phrases, proverbs.
You can offer a complicated game. The first child tells any very familiar proverb, the second speaks of its initial meaning, the third is also explaining what he understood in his own words. The last child must guess what proverb the first child said. For example, a chain may be like that. Chickens in the fall are considered - if it worked well for autumn, many chickens will grow up - it is necessary to do everything well, then there will be a lot of things - what we will leave, then you will get sick - skillful hands do not know boredom.
For the game you can take the following proverbs:
Love to ride - love and sosochos to carry.
Hurry up, people rush.
Business before pleasure.
As it will appear, and others will respond.
At the end of the game, again consider the benefits and lack of an intermediary.
Game "Chain of Words"
Show children Garlands and Associations (non-calling) method.
Rise an unconventional look at the usual real things, conducting familiar changes in the subject of the subject.
Tell children to understand that in any process two parties always participate.
Suggest children to name a few words that they are associated with winter.
To carry out the method of garlands and associations on the topic: "Winter", "Snow", "Frost". At the end to summarize that the children spoke many very similar words.
Question: - Why? What unites all these words? Suggest to spend the chain once again, but finish it with the same word that began - Winter.
During the game, to activate low-active children to use a small toy to transfer to the next chain. Perfectly transmit a piece of ice - it allows you to go to the game very quickly.
Suggest children game "Chain of goals" (direct option and reverse) on the topic - house, winter, work.
The game "Who (what) without which it can not be?" On the same topic.

Game "Dictator - TV"
Secure the possession of "storey design".
To acquaint with the reception "Quantization - Continuity."
Educating the ability to express in their work. Fasten the skills of self-creative work.
Make a television layout group. Consider a TV on the system operator. Suggest children to become today television speakers. The first transmission, which will follow the "TV" - acquaintance with him, press conference. Children from the scenes can ask questions to TV (or TVs). But speakers - TVs can perform themselves.
Speakers begin their performances: "I am a TV, so they turned me on ...
I am a TV, very happy to meet you, and then in the store ...
In the speeches to reflect the former and current tv life.
If desired, children can wear a TV "TV". I got acquainted with TVs. News began - real and fantastic. Children tell about the events yesterday and today.
You can include someone with advertising. Changes on the floor design of the "House TV".
Discuss options for continuous operation of the TV. Or continuously showing one of any transmission. Think what's good that bad. How the amount develops into quality.
Recall in which works the action goes continuously or interrupting.
You can first bring the example to the educator, children find similar examples.

Games with toys.

Learning to systematize games adults and children.
Learn children not only to change, but also convert, combine, creating new games for a child.
Educating the ability to evaluate both the process itself and the result.
Morphological table games with children playing children playing. When drawing up, think about how to be called in one word of the game in which they play, running, jumping, etc.
Games that play, sitting at the table.
Think about how it can be depicted on the table. Arbitrarily choosing components from each row, come up with a game. Discuss the rules of the game. Play if it turns out. If it does not work in the group, you can add already purposefully something from the table or add yourself. A small deviation from accepted, rules, if it is difficult to observe.
Discuss what they can teach games. Try, pushing away from the function, come up with a game to learn how to do it.
For example: read. Building from cubes with letters, with syllables, then the house, then the fence, the track, repeat the syllables, draw up words,
Jump on one leg. In the floor, the crossings appear, and in it "pebbles" - bricks are so small that they do not get up with two legs. And on the other side is waiting for a friend.
The educator pursues children to come up with a variety of features. Games are different in mobility. For example, you can jump on the socks and sitting on the chair. Jump only legs. Jump, sitting on the floor - only feet feet participate.
After the game, build a line of games in which adults play. Games can be classified - on home, in air and television.
Think into which of these games, we could play. Discuss what games we play, and adults are engaged in work at work, at home. That is, the fact that for them work is a game for us.
Game "auction".

Teach children to describe objects, games, finding obvious and hidden advantages.
To be able to describe not only the real object, but the subject is the fruit of the child's fantasy.
A mass of new items, toys are brought to the group. Each child chooses that he will be present at the auction by choosing the item, children all together choose words by the method of focal objects or use fantasy techniques. The main thing is that it turned out an unusual subject or toy. Children think of his new obvious and hidden advantages and functions.
The fee for things at the auction is invented in advance or the distribution material in mathematics is used.
Children in turn represent their items, the rest are buying or not. A bought a child must say that he most liked in this subject.
Part of things can be real, but with an additional set of functions.
After the auction, children play with toys, objects. Toys and objects remain in a group or forever or for a long time.
The game "Parts is a whole" direct and reverse by transport.

To acquaint children with the law of increasing the degree of ideality.
Learning to see claims to the means of movement, of which there were certain features of modern transport.
To make a mystery of the riddles about transport.
Ask, whether they guessed what we would talk about.
Consider what transportation by type of children know. Grouple on the tables - garages: ground, underground, air water, cosmic.
Inside groups: terrestrial and air stripping by type of activity.
Choosing one of the cars, conduct system analysis.
Especially pay attention to the development line.
Share (preferably photos or illustrations) on changes in vehicles for centuries.
Consider general with modern transport and their difference. Find claims to the old modes of transport that are permitted by a person. What exactly was done and, if it is done, as done. Notice that a person has improved transport all the time, but after some time something did not satisfy something again. Discuss it on the examples, formulating contradictions and what techniques they were solved.
"Press Conference" game,
Secure an understanding of the law of increasing the degree of ideality.
Learn based on analogy and necessary functions design new designs.
Repeat the names of vehicles. Remember and discuss what transport children set out on the street. Consider and compare cars in the catalog or by photographs and one that on the street. The game "Without what does not happen cars"
To draw the attention of children to the system approach to the questions asked.
Talk about environmentally friendly transport - according to functions and appearance. Lookup analogues in nature.
Discuss that in this good that bad.
When discussing, pay attention, how many tools spent for the manufacture of transport and how many functions it performed. How many strengths and means is spent now a person for normal operation of transport. List which one.
Is it possible to say that now cars are the best; Or after some time it will not arrange people.
Question: - What else do you want to make a car? How can you call the car that can do everything that I want?
Question: - Why there are transport for a person, but there is no special for animals, birds, insects, plants? When do you need such a transport? How are animals are transported now? Why are transporting birds? Using what principles can I think of such a transport?
To acquaint children with the reception of fantasy "Changes in the laws of nature."
Teach children pushing out from the real situation, to summarize the phenomena that have no analogues in nature.
Read the children "Reply, is it true?" Guivi Chinadze.
At this hour, a fun hour,
You puzzles I am supplied.
Blizzard field offended
And Chinara is all trouble.
In March, the snow and ice became
This winter goes to us.
Loves a cat for lunch
Grapes and vinaigrette.
At night in the rain, like a shepherd,
Brought chickens to walk the rooster.
Swan floats in the pond,
Sleeping on an apple tree in the garden.
Wool swept we in the dog,
Silk handkerchief will come out.
Although snail and small,
The whole house took place.
Bought a dog Barbos,
And in the nest, the egg demolished.
Paw to coat, the teeth click.
Predator - Tiger and predator - Wolf.
True, children! Well done!
You are in the award of the lollipops.
Here melted lollipop,
And the poems came the end.
While the educator reads the poem, the children set aside in front of them on the table as many chips, but they will find inaccuracies.
Then the children are checked how many people were correctly found inaccuracies.
Question: - How would it be right? Some moments from poems are corrected to real.
Are discussed and called those situations that are always there. For example: the sun always gets up in the morning. The tree is always growing up. First, an egg appears, and then chicken out of it.
The game "On the contrary".
One of the children calls any real situation, transmits a small subject to another child who speaks this situation on the contrary.
For example: the wind blows, so the cloud flies. The cloud flies, so the wind blows.
Explain the concept of "law". Discuss that we are now with these laws of nature. We changed them. Therefore, fantastic situations were obtained.
"Change fairy tale" game
Question: - What will any tale look like if we change the laws of nature in it?
If you change the laws of nature in the fairy tale "Wolf and Seven Cats", how to change the fairy tale?
Come up with a fairy tale using changed situations. You can invent the entire group, you can individually.
Learning, using changes in changes, change your own fairy tale, coming up with a new one.
Fasten the ability to present events in the sequence of its development, establish the relationship between individual events, create new images, planning their actions, life steps.
To be able to solve the fabulous tasks where it is possible, using the moral - ethical norms.
Children independently choose from a large number of fairy tales proposed, some one to change. Briefly retell the main storylines fairy tales.
The characters of her heroes.
Next, children are invited to independently make changes to this fairy tale, using at the request of any changes to change.
In the course of building a new storyline to solve problems that have arisen.
New fairy tales Every child "writes" on their leaves.
At the end of the work, wishing to tell their fairy tales. There are similar situations, options for solving similar tasks are compared.
If you wish, you can in the end to compose one common fairy tale.

Games are a mandatory element of the development and education of the child. Didactic games help to establish relationships between practical and mental actions, which is important for children of any age: in 2-3 years, 3-4 years, 4-6 years.

Didactic game is a type of educational activity organized in the format of the game. Classes implement the principles of gaming, active learning, are subject to a set of certain rules, have a strict structure and evaluation system.

Didactic games for children 2-3 years old: how to develop a baby.

The games under consideration, like mobile, musical, are created by adults (as an educator, parent) and are already offered at the finished form. First, children master the game with its developers, learn rules, values \u200b\u200bof action, and over time, after mastering the necessary content, begin to play them on their own.

This kind of classes is one of those leading in pre-school educational organizations, therefore are used by educators at all levels of children's development: the first younger group (2-3 years), the second younger group (3-4 years), the average - 4-5 years, the eldest 5-6 years, preparatory - 6-7 years.

Properly organized didactic games develop:

  • mental and cognitive abilities - Children learn new information, summarize it and secure, expand their knowledge of the various subjects, the phenomena of the surrounding reality, the vegetation and animal world. The memory is developing, all types of attention, observation, children learn to express judgments and conclusions;
  • speech - there is a replenishment of the active dictionary and its actualization in speech activity;
  • social and moral values - Children know the relationship between themselves and adults, between the objects of living and inanimate nature, children learn to empathize, to give way to each other, be fair, attentive to the other.

Typically, the games in question are divided into 3 main groups:

  1. Games with objects (toys) - Aims on the direct perception of the thing and the action with it, therefore, the child meets the characteristics of this subject, its shape, color. When working with several toys, children can compare them among themselves, find a common and different. This type of tasks allows you to organize an independent activity, develops the ability to occupy yourself and not interfere with others in the group.
  2. Pictures - aimed at acquaintance with the surrounding reality, Flora, fauna, phenomena of vibrant and inanimate nature. Such tasks contribute to the development of speech skills, logic, care, teach modeling life situations, make decisions, train self-control skills.
  3. Verbal games - develop thinking and speech school. At the heart of these games speaking, which allows you to train the ability to solve various thinking tasks: to describe the properties and characteristics of things or phenomena, allocate their main features, compare different items (phenomena) among themselves, to guess their description.

Didactic games for children (2-3 years or older) conducts an educator or parent, At the same time, it organizes activities through familiarization with the content and rules of the game, its course of action, through a visual example of how to play. The game is ends with a summing up of its results and analysis, which allows you to identify individual characteristics of children.

The benefits of didactic games

The games under consideration are developing:

  • speech - Children hear the speech of an adult and other preschoolers, therefore, vocabulary is replenished. In addition, the guys answer questions, describe anything, arguing, therefore, the available speech data is trained, their improvement occurs;
  • thinking - Preschoolers expand knowledge about objects, phenomena, about the flora and fauna, learn new information, can compare the existing experience with the received, train memory, logic, mathematical abilities;
  • attention - Children train the skills of hearing and understanding what needs to be done how to play the game correctly, therefore, becoming more attentive, concentrated, can adjust their actions;
  • physical qualities - The development of the propulsion system is developing, children become mobile, active, learn to control their movements, manage them, form a child's psyche in terms of ability to live activity.


Didactic games aimed at developing speech skills are recommended to be selected based on the age indicator. Such classes replenish the active margin of words from the kids and teach to allocate the sounds of students of the older group.

Didactic games for children 2-3 years:

  1. "Wood". The goal is to develop the skill of use in the speech of prepositions, the activation of the speech skills obtained earlier. Description - The educator reads a small poem and visually shows that from above, and under the bottom. After playing the action, discusses with children, which is still on and under. Text:

  1. "Doll is sleeping." The goal is to develop speaking skills, hearing. Additional props doll and lullaby (bed). Description - the task of the preschooler to lay a doll to sleep: to shake her, pass the lullaby, put in the bed and cover the blanket. The next stage of the game - the teacher explains that while the doll is sleeping, you need to talk in a whisper, so as not to wake it up. At the same time, you need to withdraw the preschooler for a conversation, ask to tell about something. The final stage is to declare that the doll woke up and now you can talk in full voice.

Classes for preschoolers 4-5 years old:

  1. "Where can I do?". The goal is to develop the ability to use in the speech of verbs, listening skills, socio-moral values. Description - Children answer the teacher's questions: "What can I do in the playground?" (Resting, playing, riding a slide, run, communicate, etc.), "What can be done in nature (in the clinic, in the country, etc.)?".
  2. "What, what what". The goal is to develop the ability to use in the speech of definitions for various items, phenomena, to activate the existing margin of words. Description - the tutor calls words, and preschoolers in a chain call properties characteristic of these words. For example: Cat - affectionate, striped, fluffy; Coat - warm, autumn, brown.

Games for the senior group:

  1. "Public sounds." The goal is to develop the skills of highlighting vowels from the word. Description - the teacher calls the word consisting of one, two or three syllables (it all depends on the individual capabilities of the preschooler), children determine the voice sounds and call them.
  2. "Superfluous word". The goal is to develop auditory attention, enriching the stock of words and clarifying lexical significance. Description - the educator calls a chain of words, the task of pupils is to find an excess word and explain your choice. For example: October, January, summer, June, August; Jeans, dress, shoes, sweater, coat.

Development of thinking

Didactic games aimed at developing thinking will be useful not only to children in 2-3 years, but also for average, and for the older group. Competently organized classes contribute to the training of all the stages of intellectual formation of thinking.


  • visibility-effective - the child establishes causal relationships through the solution of simple practical tasks;
  • vite-figurative - preschooler sets links using a figurative view of the subject, phenomenon;
  • wonder-logical - establishing various ties between words and concepts on a generalized (abstract) level.

Didactic games for children 2-3 years old: how to develop a child's thinking.

Tasks for the development of thinking in the younger group:

  1. "Who loves what." The goal is to develop visual-effective thinking, synthesis of animal knowledge. Description - the teacher lays the cards with fauna representatives and food for them, children are invited to feed each representative.
  2. "Words on the contrary." The goal is the development of visual-shaped thinking, the ability to analyze. Description - the teacher calls the word, and the pupils need to be called the opposite word: narrow - thick, long - short, etc.
  3. "Telecommunication words." The goal is to develop verbal-logical thinking, the ability to combine words into groups. Description - The task of children to summarize the words shown in the teacher's chain. For example: Cow, Horse, Baran - Pets.

Games for the middle group:

  1. "Lost toy". The goal is to develop thinking, the ability to focus. Description - before the child put a few toys, they ask carefully to look at them and remember, then the preschooler closes his eyes, one toy is cleaned and asked to see what a toy hid. This game can be complicated if toys change places, while the preschooler should remember, in which sequence it was objects.
  2. "Find Clay". The goal is the development of logical thinking, spatial orientation, the ability to act according to the scheme. Description - In the room hides any object and the map of its location is drawn, the task of children is to find the subject using the map. The task can be complicated if you conduct it on the playground.

Exercises for senior preschoolers:

  1. "Continue the word." The goal is to develop the speed of thinking and considerations. Description - The educator calls the initial syllable, and the child must come up with a word starting from this syllable. You can complicate the task and suggest to come up with a few words for one syllable.
  2. "Looks like not like." The goal is to develop logical thinking, the ability to analyze, evaluate objects, phenomena, argue your answer. Description - The teacher puts in advance in the room various items, the task of the preschooler - find similar objects, describe that they coincide, prove their point of view.

Development of attention

Didactic games for children (2-3 years and older) The development of attention is training the skills carefully listen to the teacher, follow the situation in the group, which in turn leads to memorizing the necessary information.

Exercises for younger preschoolers:

  1. "Lotto". The goal is to train visual attention, thinking, the development of speech. Additional material - paired cards with pictures, one set of cards remains at the teacher, the second set is distributed to children (each on the card). Description - The tutor shows a card, a child who has the same picture, quickly raises his card and describes it.
  2. "Guess what to do." The goal is to train auditory attention, the ability to relate their actions with the actions of the teacher. Additional material - tambourine, color checkboxes for each child. Description - The tutor takes a tambourine, children take flags. If the tambourine sounds loudly, then preschoolers are mashed by flags, if quietly - hold hands on the knees.

Games for the middle group:

  1. "Buttons". The goal is to develop memory and attention, the ability to find ways to memorize objects. Materials - Buttons, playground from chess. Description - Pupils are divided into pairs, everyone gets a set of buttons. The first player exhibits three buttons on his playing field anywhere, the second player remembers the location of the buttons, the items are covered, and the second player repeats the location of the buttons on the field, then the correctness of the task is checked. Then the players change, buttons exposes the second, and remembers the first. The game can be complicated: 1) by setting not 3, but more buttons, 2) setting time to memorize and play the pattern.
  2. "Caught pictures." The goal is to develop involuntary attention. Material - cards on which various objects are depicted with lines. Description - Children view pictures with multiple images and should be called objects that are drawn there. Completeness of the task: pupils first remember objects, and then call them in memory.
  1. "Find differences". Purpose - training skills arbitrarily switch and distribute attention. Material - card with pictures having differences. Description - The task of the child is to find all the differences. You can complicate the exercise if you choose images that differ in any details.
  2. "Builders". The goal is to train observation abilities, distribution and concentration of attention. Material - cards with 4 drawings, pencil. Description - On the card 4 of Figure 1, 1 fully defined, and in 3 others there are no details, the task of the child is to trim the remaining drawings so that it has 4 identical images.

Development of physical qualities

Didactic games for children (2-3 years and older) to training physical qualities are necessary for the general development of the preschooler. Motor activity can be formed not only in physical education classes, but also in a group or at home.

When performing exercises, children learn to coordinate their movements, become hardy and healthier.

Games for younger students:

  1. "Mirrors". The goal is to consolidate the ways of walking, jumping, running and other movements, the development of the ability to invent new movements. Description - Children form a circle, they will be "mirrors", the presenter is in the center of the circle and demonstrates the movements, the rest repeat after it. Who is best to repeat - becomes the lead.
  2. "Naughty ball." The goal is to develop the ability to throw a sporty shell with two hands from the chest. Description - Children get up in the planned line and perform actions under the poem, which pronounces the teacher:

We hug a ball gently

It will be carelessly.

And now catch up:

We need to regret it!

Exercises for the middle group:

  1. "Who quickly". The goal is to develop the speed of the reaction, the formation of the ability to hear and understand the conditions of activity, fulfilling all actions correctly. Description - split children into groups, put the hoop in front of groups, the first of each column take the hoop, lift it above the head and lowered through the body to the floor, step over the shell and go to the end of the column. The teacher carefully monitors all the groups and rewards the flag of the one who faithfully fulfilled the exercise. That group wins, which received the most flags.
  2. "Mousetrap". The goal is to develop the speed of the reaction, the ability to navigate in new situations. Description - 2 groups are formed from children, 1 group - mice, 3 small circles are created from 2 groups - Mousetrap, the task of children is to catch all mice. The teacher is the leading game, voiced the actions: Mouses run through Mousetrap, but as soon as the teacher says "Stop", mousetrapy closes, caught "mice" become a circle.

Tasks for senior preschoolers:

  1. "Owl". The goal is to develop the coordination of movement. Description - a group is divided into 2 teams - butterflies and bees, 1 child is chosen by the owl. According to the teacher's team - "Day", the teams run around the meadow, "Night" - all the children get silent, Owl goes on hunting and takes those who moved. The game ends when Owl caught 2-3 butterflies or bees.
  2. "Zhmurka". Purpose - training skills to navigate in space. Description - Children form a circle, two players are chosen: the eyes are tied, and the other is given a bell. The task of the first player to catch the second with his eyes closed.

Didactic game card file for younger group of kindergarten

"What about the subject?" (Games with toys, objects) - Children take various objects from the bag and call them, describe the characteristics.

"Find the same items" (board game) - children get cards with several drawings, among which you need to find the same.

"Oline assistants" (verbal game) - the tutor takes a doll and asks in children, showing on his hands: "What is that?" (Hands), "And what they do" (take, draw ...). And so about each part of the body.

Didactic flowers for studying for children of early age

Didactic games help introduce preschoolers with basic colors and their shades. First, the kids are studying red, blue and yellow colors, then orange, green and black colors are added to them.

Main Didactic Games with Children:

  1. Games with objects - Children need to correlate the colors of two items. For example: decompose color pencils in jars with appropriate color; In the box from under the shoes, make several colored pockets and fold pebbles in them; Plant butterfly on the flower of the same color, etc.
  2. Board games - Children need to choose the desired color to something. For example: prepare stencils with fruit, trees, flowers and other objects and ask children to choose the appropriate color from colored paper pieces (apple - red, ball - yellow, spruce - green); Pick up the clips of the same color as the drawing.
  3. Verbal games - Children need to describe what colors they see. For example: Teacher shows preschoolers any drawing and asks to call those colors that the artist used. This task can be complicated if you use not just children's drawings, but reproduction of paintings.

After studying the main colors, go to the study of shades, from bright to dark tones. Here you can use your own prepared palettes and clothespins with flowers, give a task - pick up the clothespin on the appropriate color of the palette; Or collect a caterpillar from various shades, for example, starting with the red, turning into orange and yellow.

Didactic game card for middle groups of kindergarten

In the middle group of the card file of games can be drawn up by themes:

  1. "Child and Health". To study the routine of the day, children are invited to consider the pictures with images of the routine of the day and arrange them in order and comment: the morning begins with charging, breakfast, etc. Such a game introduces children with a healthy lifestyle, develops speech, attention and memory.
  2. "Healthy foods". Remember Fruits and Vegetables will help the following games: Children get out of a bag of a product of any product and describe it ("This apple, it is round, red and smooth); The teacher calls the characteristics of the fruit / vegetable, and the children guess it; Children try with closed eyes products and call them, they say what kind of fruit / vegetable taste.
  3. "Hazardous items." The purpose of such games is to introduce children with dangerous items that should not play or take without adult resolution. For example: The tutor prepares cards with dangerous and safe objects and asks the pupils to decompose them into two groups, explaining their choice. You can complicate the task, offering to tell children, to what injuries can cause dangerous things (cut, injury, etc.).

Didactic Games Card for Senior Children's Garden

Didactic games in senior groups:

  1. Games with objects: Description of object properties, finding common and different, comparison of objects, problemation of problematic issues. For example, why the oval does not roll.
  2. Table printing games: Mathematical tasks - to calculate birds, animals, tasks for attentiveness, thinking - pick it up for something (dress a girl / boy, cover the table, decompose things on the cabinets, etc.), find a pair for anything, tasks for development Social relations are the study of various professions, ways of behavior in public places.
  3. Wonderful Games: Conducting in one word group of objects, phenomena, animals, plants, a story about the profession of parents, guessing mysteries, drawing up stories ("continue offer").

Didactic games for the development of connected speech from preschoolers

Speech development is one of the important tasks of pedagogy: the better the coherent speech is developed, the more successful the child is studying, as he knows how to form and formulate thoughts, knows how to use it as a tool for communicating and impact on other people.

Didactic games to help develop a coherent speech:

  1. "Zoo". The goal is to develop a connected speech, the ability to describe the picture, make a mini-story. Description - Children get pictures with animals, their task carefully consider them, and then in turn to describe the pictured animal according to the scheme: appearance than it is powered.
  2. "Good bad". The goal is to develop a connected speech, logical thinking, the ability to describe the heroes of the fairy tale, to build reasoning. Description - Pupils together with the teacher describe the characters of the characters of fairy tales, find positive and negative character traits, argued that they can praise that / another hero (for example, that good is that Gorynych's snakes has three heads).

Didactic game with your own hands

Didactic games for kids:

  1. "Feed Kolobka." The goal is to develop small motility of children. Description - you will need two small plastic containers, one of them should be round. To stick a cheerful face (Kolobka) to stick a hid, on the mouth of the mouth to make a hole, to fold the beans in the second jar. The task of the child is to feed the kolobka, i.e. Put the beans in a jar with face.
  2. "Carnations and rubber bands." The goal is to train the shallow motility, visual, color and spatial perception, the study of geometric shapes. Description - Cut from plywood Square of the desired size, coloring it, throughout the space at an equal distance, consolidate the stationery cloves, the task of the child - using bank rubber bands to create various geometric shapes, simple items (for example, spruce).

Classes with the children of the Central Group:

  1. "Box of sensations." The goal is the development of motility, imagination, the ability to determine the subject according to it. Description - Take a box from under shoes, in the lid to do two holes and sew the sleeves from the fabric, add various items into the box and cover the lid. The task of children is to push hands in the sleeve, find the subject, guess and describe it.
  2. "Musical candy". The goal is to develop auditory attention, memory, thinking. Description - In the eggs from under the kinder-surprise, put various items - beads, cereals, paper clips, to strip cloth billets in the form of candies (each sound there should be a pair). The task of children is to find a couple of identical candies.

Games for senior preschoolers:

  1. "World of Flora and Fauna." The goal is to develop the ability to observe, analyze, summarize, instill love for wildlife, to a careful attitude towards it. Description - Cut representatives of flora and fauna, glue on the cardboard. The task of children is to consider a card with an animal or a plant, describe it, highlight the main characteristics, etc.
  2. "Mosaic". The goal is to develop attention, logical thinking, color perception. Description - Prepare from colored paper various geometric shapes, except for the circle. The task of children is to make a mosaic from these figures in such a way that the same colors do not come into contact with each other.

Didactic games allow you to develop all important processes: speech, attention, thinking, imagination. Such classes are useful not only for children for 2-3 years, but also for the middle and older group. The variety of games allows you to choose the tutor by the one that will be aimed at the development of each child.

Video about what didactic games are needed and useful for children

Didactic games for the formation of a syllable structure of the word in children:

Music and didactic game:

Games for the development of speech breathing do it yourself:

Card file games


6 - 7 years

Didactic Ecology Games

1. "What is growing?"

purpose . Teach children to understand the processes occurring in nature; Show the dependence of everything alive on Earth from the state of vegetation cover.

Stroke Game . The educator calls various plants and shrubs, and children choose only those that grow in this area. If we grow - the children clap your hands or jump in one place (the movement can be chosen any), if not - the children are silent.

Plants: cherry, apple tree, palm tree, rosehip, currant, apricot, raspberry, orange, lemon, pear, pineapple, etc. .

2. "What is superfluous?"

Purpose. Consolidate knowledge of signs of different seasons, the ability to clearly state their thoughts; Develop auditory attention.

Stroke Game . The teacher calls the time of year: "Autumn". Then lists signs of different seasons (birds fly south; Snowdrops bloomed; yellow leaves on trees; Fluffy white snow falls ). Children call an extra sign and explain their choice.

3. "My cloud".

purpose . Develop imagination, figurative perception of nature.

Stroke Game . Children sit on blankets or squatting, consider the sky and floating clouds. The educator offers to fantasize and tell what the clouds look like, where they can swim.

4. "Insects".

Purpose. Fasten the ability to classify and call insects.

Stroke Game . Children become a circle, the lead call insect (fly ), and transfers the ball to a neighbor, he calls another insect (mosquito ) etc. Who will not be able to answer, comes out of the circle. Lead says "Flying insect butterfly "And transmits the ball, the following answers:"Mosquito " etc. At the end of the circle, the lead calls "Hopper "And the game continues.

5. "Third extra".

purpose . Fasten knowledge about the variety of birds.

Stroke Game . The teacher calls birds ahead, who will notice the mistake, should clap his hands (sparrow, crow, flies, bullfinch, etc.).

6. "Yes, or not."

purpose . Fasten children's knowledge about autumn signs.

The course of the game. The educator reads a poem, and children should listen carefully and answer "yes" or "no".

Flowers bloom in autumn? Harvest all collect?

Mushrooms grow in autumn? Bird flocks fly away?

Puffy sun closed? Often, often pour rains?

Spiny wind flies? Will we get boots?

Fog in the fall sailed? The sun shines very hot,

Well, the birds are norch? Can you sunbathe?

And bugs arrive? Well, what should I do -

Castle mink closed? Jackets, hats wear?

7. "Flowers".

Purpose. Fasten the ability of children to classify and call indoor and garden plants.

The course of the game. Children become a circle. Baby calls a houseplant(violet ) and transfers the ball to a neighbor, he calls another plant (begonia ) etc. Who will not be able to answer, comes out of the circle. In the second round, the gardens of garden plants calls, and the game continues.

8. "Tell me without words."

purpose . Consolidate ideas about autumn changes in nature; Develop creative imagination, observation.

Stroke Game . Children form a circle. The educator proposes to portray the autumn weather of the facial man, gestures of hands, movements: it became cold(children eat, warm hands, gestures put on themselves caps and scarves ); It is cold rain (open umbrellas, raise collars ).

9. "Looks like not like."

purpose . Teach children to compare items, learn items on the description.

The course of the game. One child makes animals, while others must guess them by description.

10. "Hunter".

Purpose. Exercise in the ability to classify and call animals.

Stroke Game . Children become in front of the line, at the end of the plot - high chair. It "forest » (« lake, "Pond "). In the "forest" goes "Hunter" - one of the players. Standing still, he utters such words: "I go to the forest to hunt. I will hunt for ... ". Here the child takes a step forward and says: "Bare", makes the second step and calls another animal, etc. It is impossible to call the same animal twice. The winner is the one who reached "forests "(" Lakes "," Pond ") Or went further.

11. "Live and non-resident nature."

purpose . Systematize the knowledge of children about living and inanimate nature.

Stroke Game . "Live" (non-resident) Nature, "says the teacher and transmits one of the playing any item (or throws the ball ). Children call it objects of nature (the one pointed by the educator ).

12. "Guess what kind of plant."

Purpose. Teach children to describe the subject and recognize it in description.

The course of the game. The educator offers a player to describe the plant or make a riddle of him. Other children should guess what kind of plant.

13. "What is this bird?"

Purpose. Teach children to describe birds according to their characteristic features.

The course of the game. Children are divided into two groups: one group describes a bird(or riddles the riddles ), And the other must guess what kind of bird. Then the groups change places.

14. "Learn, whose sheet."

purpose . Teach children to learn and call a plant on the sheet, find it in nature.

Stroke Game . Collection of leaves who fell from trees and shrubs. The teacher proposes to learn from what tree or shrub leaf and find proof (similarity ) With unqualified leaves having a variety of shape.

15. "Sometimes it happens" (with the ball).

purpose . Develop memory, thinking, speed of reaction.

Stroke Game . The educator pronounces the phrase and throws the ball, and the child must respond quickly: Yeey in the summer (can not be ); Snow in winter(it happens ); Frost in the summer (can not be ); drops in summer(can not be ).

16. Find a couple.

purpose . Develop thinking in children, intelligence.

Stroke Game . The teacher distributes to children on one sheet and says: "The wind blew. All leaflets scattered. " Hearing these words, the guys are circling with leaves in their hands. The teacher gives the team: "Once, two, three - Find a couple!" Everyone should stand next to that tree whose sheet holds in his hands.

17. "Forester".

Purpose. Fasten the knowledge of children about the appearance of some trees and shrubs(barrel, leaves, fruits and seeds ).

Stroke Game . Choose "Forester", the rest of the children are his assistants. They came to help him collect seeds for new landings. "Forester" says: "There is a lot of birches on my site (topoles, Clane ), let's give seeds. " "Forester" can only describe a tree without calling it. Children are looking for seeds, collect them and show the "forester". Wins one who more scored seeds and was wrong.

18. "Nature and Man" I.

Purpose. Fasten and systematize the knowledge of children about what is done by a person, and what a man is a nature.

Stroke Game . "What is done by man?" - asks the tutor and throws the ball a ball. He answers: "Machine". After several answers of children, the teacher sets a new question: "What is created by nature?" Children call nature objects.

19. "Nature and Man" II.

purpose . Fasten and systematize the knowledge of children about what is done by a person, and what a man is a nature.

The course of the game. The tutor becomes a circle, in his hands he has a ball. He agrees in advance with children: the teacher calls the items, and children respond in one word: "Man!" or "Nature!" For example, the educator throws the ball a child and says: "The car!", The child replies: "Man!" One who was wrong comes out of a circle to one con.

20. "Invent yourself" ( option 1 )

Purpose. Teach children to draw up proposals with a given number of words.

The course of the game. Suggest children supporting words: autumn, leaf fall, snow, snowflakes. Ask for children to come up with offers from 4, 5 words. The child, the first of the proposal, gets a chip.

(option 2)

The course of the game. The educator appoints the lead and asks the topic: "Seasons", "Clothing", "Flowers", "Forest". The child comes up with words and speaks them to everyone else, for example: "Flowers, insects, revealed." Children must come up with as many sentences as possible so that these words sounded in them.

21. "Who lives."

Purpose. Develop the ability to group plants by their structure(trees, shrubs).

The course of the game. Children will be "squirrels" and "bunnies", and one child is "fox". "Squirrels" and "bunnies" run in the meadow. By signal: "Danger - Fox!" - "Squirs" run to the tree, "hares" - to the bushes. "Fox" catches those who incorrectly performs the task.

22. "Birds".

Purpose. Fasten the ability to classify and call animals, birds, fish.

The course of the game. Children become a circle. Lead calls a bird (fish, animal, tree ... ), for example, "Sparrow" and transmits the ball to a neighbor, he calls "Crow", etc. Who will not be able to answer, he comes out of the circle.

23. "Do not yaw!" ( winter birds, flight).

Purpose. Develop auditory attention, speed of reaction.

The course of the game. The educator gives all children the names of birds and asks to closely follow: as soon as their name is sound, they must stand and clap your hands; Who makes his name coming out of the game.

In the second version of the game it is recommended to use animal names.

24. "Name three subjects" (option 1).

Purpose. Exercise in the classification of objects.

The course of the game. Children should call items that meet this concept. Teacher says: "Flowers!" And throws the ball a child. He answers: "Chamomile, Vasileuk, Mac."

(option 2)

The tutor divides children to two teams. The first child calls the flower and transmits the ball with another team. That should call three color names and pass the ball first team, which, in turn, also calls three flower. That team wins, which the latter called flowers.

25. "Nature and man."

Purpose. Fasten and systematize the knowledge of children about what is done by the hands of a person, and what is nature.

The course of the game. "What is done by a person? - asks the tutor and throws the ball to the player. After several answers of children, he asks a new question: "What is created by nature?" Children answer.

26. "Finish Proposal."

Purpose. Learn to understand the causal relationships between phenomena; Exercise in the right choice of words.

The course of the game. Educator(or child ) Begins the proposal: "I put on a warm fur coat, because ..." A child who finishes this proposal, is the beginning of a new one.

27. "When does this happen?"

Purpose. Clarify and deepen the knowledge of children about the days of the year.

The course of the game. The teacher calls the time of year and gives the chip to the child. The child calls what happens at this time of the year and transfers the chip to the next player. He adds a new definition and transmits the chip, etc.

28. "Is it true or not?"

Purpose. Teach children to find inaccuracies in the text.

The course of the game. The educator says: "Listen carefully a poem. Who will notice anything else, what does not really happen? "

Warm spring is now. Loves in the river sit.

Grapes ripe with us. And in winter among the branches

The horse horned to the meadow "Ga0ga-hectare, Selovy sang.

Summer jumps in the snow. Give me a response -

Late in the fall, the bear is true or not?

Children find inaccuracies and replace words and suggestions to work out correctly.

29. "What time of year?"

Purpose. Learn to perceive poetic text; educate aesthetic emotions and experiences; Consider knowledge of months of each time of the year and the main signs of the seasons.

The course of the game. Writers and poets in poems challenges the beauty of nature at different times of the year. The educator reads a poem, and children should highlight signs of season.

30. "Third End" ( plants)

Purpose. Fasten knowledge about the variety of plants.

The course of the game. The educator says to children: "You already know that plants can be cultural and wild. I will now call plants ahead: wild and cultural. Who will hear the mistake, must slam in your hands. For example: Birch, poplar,apple tree ; apple tree, plum,oak etc.

31. "Guess what kind of plant."

Purpose. Learn to describe the subject and recognize it in description; Forming the ability to choose the brightest sign of the plant.

The course of the game. The educator offers a child to name one very characteristic sign of the plant, the rest of the children must guess the plant itself. For example, a white barrel (birch ); Red with white dots hat (fly p), etc.

32. "Good - bad."

Purpose. Fasten knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature.

The course of the game. The educator shows the children's conceptual rules of behavior in nature. Children should tell as much as possible about what is depicted in the pictures, which can and what can not be done and why.

33. "Good Words".

purpose . Educating love for nature, the desire to take care of her.

Stroke Game . The teacher says: "There are many different good words, they need to speak more often. Good words always help in life, and evil words are harmful. Remember the kind words when and how they say. Come up with different kind words with which you can contact ... Cat, flower, doll. Comrade, etc.

34. "Guess what kind of bird."

Purpose. Learning to describe the bird and find out the description.

Stroke Game . The educator offers one child to describe a bird or make a riddle of her. Other children should guess what kind of bird.

35. "Certain, we will go out."

purpose . Systematize the knowledge of children about garden and garden plants.

The course of the game. The leading describes any plant in the following order: form, color, use. Children should learn the plant by description.

36. "What is planted in the garden?"

Purpose. Learning to classify items on certain features (at the place of growth, according to the method of their use); Develop speed thinking, auditory attention, speech skills.

Stroke Game . The teacher asks that they plant in the garden and asks children to respond "Yes", if what he calls, grows in a garden and "no" if it does not grow in the garden. Who will make mistakes, he will lose.

37. "What will happen if ..."

Purpose. Learn to notice the consequences of their actions in relation to nature.

Stroke Game . The tutor sets the situation for discussion with children, as a result of which children come to the conclusion about the need to observe the measure and protect the nature. For example: "What will happen if you disrupt all the flowers? ... destroy butterflies?"

38. "What grows in the forest?"

Purpose. Consolidate knowledge about forests (garden) Plants.

Stroke Game . The educator chooses three children and asks them to call them that grows in the forest. The teacher says: "Mushrooms!" Children should call the types of mushrooms. Another children teacher says: "Trees!" Children call trees. The child wins, more called plants.

39. "Shop" Flowers "

Purpose. Teach children to group plants at the place of growth; Describe their appearance.

Stroke Game . Children perform the roles of sellers and buyers. To make a purchase, it is necessary to describe the plant that chose, but not call it, but only to say where it grows. The seller should guess what the flower is, call it, then issue a purchase.

40. "What for what?"

Purpose. Teach to call the seasons of the year and the corresponding months.

The course of the game. The teacher calls the time of year and transmits the child's chip, he should name the first month of this time of the year and give the chip to another child, which calls the following month, etc. Then the educator calls the month, and the children - the time of year.

41. "Feed animals."

Purpose. Learn to divide the words into parts, utter each part of the word separately.

The course of the game. Children are divided into two teams. The first team calls the animal, and the second lists than it is powered by trying to allocate twisted words, and then three-seat.

42. "Guess the insect."

Purpose. Fasten the knowledge of children about insects.

The course of the game. The teacher makes the word, but only the first syllable says. For example: the beginning of the word Ko ... Children pick up words (mosquito ). Who was the first guessed, he gets a chip. Wins a child who scored more chips.

Didactic oral speech development games

43. "Find a couple of yourself."

Purpose. Teach children listen to the sound of words; Exercise in self-name name and a clear pronunciation of sounds in them.

The course of the game. The educator offers children to find a couple. For this, one of the children says the Word, and the other responds to a similar word, for example:parsley - Pestrushka . Children who were a couple are departed and invent words close to sound (machine - tire , sock - sand ) But the child who picked up rhyme should answer.

44. "What does this mean?"

purpose . Teach children to group words in meaning, understand the direct and portable meaning of words.

Stroke Game . Teacher asks children: "Is it possible to say so? How do you understand this expression? " Children explain phrases.

Fresh breeze -chill .

Fresh fish -recently caught , unspoiced i.

Fresh shirt -pure, wicked, ironed .

Fresh newspaper -new, just purchased .

Fresh paint -unrefined .

Fresh head - Rest .

45. "Who will come up with more words."

Purpose of the game . Intensify the dictionary, expand the horizons.

Stroke Game . Children form a circle. The teacher calls the sound and asks the guys to come up with words in which this sound is found. One of the players throws the ball to anyone. A child who caught the ball, cares to say the word with the sound. The one who did not come up with the Word or repeated already said by someone skips the move.

46. \u200b\u200b"Looking for".

Purpose. Exercise children in the use of adjectives agreed with nouns.

The course of the game. Children should see around them as many objects of one color for 10 to 15 seconds (or the same form, or from one material) . According to the tutor signal, one child begins to list objects, other children complement. Wins the one who correctly calls a larger number of items.

47. "Find up yourself."

purpose . Teach children to propose proposals with a given number of words.

The course of the game. Support words are given: autumn, leaf fall, snow, snowflakes. It is necessary to make a proposal from 3, 4, 5 words. The child, the first of the proposal, gets a chip.

48. "So it happens or not?"

Purpose. Develop logical thinking, the ability to notice inconsistency in judgments.

The course of the game. The educator says: "I will tell you now. In my story you should notice that. What does not happen. Who will notice, let him clap his hands.

In the evening, when I hurried to kindergarten, I met my mother who led a child to school.

At night, the sun shone brightly and the stars burned.

Apples slept on Birch ».

Children find contradictions in sentences.

49. "The game of riddles."


Stroke Game . Children sit on a bench. The teacher makes the riddles. The child, who gave birth to a riddle, comes out and commemorates himself. For the guessing and riddling the guys get chips. Wins one who scores more chips.

50. "Fort the error."

purpose . Teach children to understand the meaning of the proposal.

Stroke Game . The educator reads offers. Errors that guys must fix themselves in them.

The goat brought the food to the girl.

The ball plays with Sasha.

The road rides by car.

The gene broke the ball . Etc.

51. "Remember different words."

purpose . Learning listen to the sound of words; Exercise in self-name name and a clear pronunciation of sounds in them.

The course of the game. Children become a circle. Each child should call some word and tell it the next participant; The next participant says one word too. So, in turn, all children should pronounce one word. Through three circles, the game stops. You can not repeat one word twice. The one who failed to quickly call the word or repeated already named, comes out of the circle.

52. "Stop! Wand, stop! ".

purpose . Exercise in self-name name and a clear pronunciation of sounds in them.

The course of the game. Children become in a circle, educator - in the center. The educator says they will describe the animal, and each child must say something about him. For example, the educator says: "Bear!" - And he transmits a child's wand, he answers: "Brown!" - And transfers the stick to the following. Who will not be able to say anything about the animal, coming out of the game.

53. "What, what, what?"

purpose . Learning to select definitions corresponding to this example, phenomenon.

The course of the game. The educator calls some word, and playing in turn choose as many signs as possible corresponding to this subject.

Squirrel - Redhead, smart, big, small, beautiful.

Coat - Warm, winter, new, old. Etc.

54. "Who will remember more."

purpose . Expand the vocabulary of children.

The course of the game. The educator asks to look at the pictures and tell me what makes items: a blizzard (meting, Love, PURIT ); rain (pouring, drizzles, snaps, dripping, begins ); Crow (flying, squabbles, sits, eating).

55. "Come up with another word."

purpose . Expand the vocabulary of children.

The course of the game. The teacher offers children to make phrases for example:milk bottle - dairy bottle .

Cranberry Kissel - ... (cranberry Kissel ).

Vegetable soup - ... (vegetable soup).

Mashed potatoes - ... (mashed potatoes ). Etc.

56. "What did I say?"

Purpose. Teach children to distinguish between several values \u200b\u200bin the word, compare them, find a common and different.

Stroke Game . The educator says that there are words that we use often, and many different items call the same word: head (dolls, Luke, Garlic, Human Head ); needle(Syringe, in ate, Pine, sewing, Hedgehog ); nose(in humans, at the kettle, by the aircraft ); leg; a pen; wing, etc.

57. "On the contrary."

purpose . Develop in children's intelligence, speed of thinking.

Stroke Game . Educator (or baby ) calls the word, the children pick up a word with the opposite value (filty - close, high - low).

58. "Add a syllable"

purpose . Develop in children a phonderatic hearing, speed of thinking.

Stroke Game . Educator(or child ) Calls one syllable and throws the ball. Catching the ball should supplement the word, for example, ma - ma, book - hectares, etc. An addressed word of the child again throws the ball to the tutor (or child ).

59. "Challenge Loudly".

Purpose. Teach children pick up single-handed words.

The course of the game. The educator reads a poem, and children should add words related to the word "snow".

Quietly, quiet, as in a dream,

Falls to the ground ... (snow).

From the sky, all the gunki slide -

Silver ... (snowflakes).

Here is fun for guys -

All stronger ... (snowfall ).

All run food,

Everyone wants to play in... (snowballs).

Like a white down jacket

Dressed up ... (snowman) .

Near a snowy figure

This girl…(snow Mary ).

As if in a fairy tale, as in a dream,

Earth has all decorated ... (snow ).

( I.Lockukhina )

- What words did you pick up? What word are they all like?

60. "Tell me differently."

Purpose. Learn to select synonyms.

The course of the game. The teacher says that in this game, children will have to call words close by meaning (for example,footage - Moroza ).

61. "Tell me what you hear."

Purpose. Develop a phrase speech.

The course of the game. The teacher offers children to close his eyes, listen carefully and determine what sounds they heard(Signal of the machine, the rustling of the falling sheet, the conversation passersby, etc. .) Children must be fully offered.

62. "Suppose."

Purpose. Develop the speech activity of children, the speed of thinking.

The course of the game. The educator says the beginning of the proposal, and children must supplement it with new words so that the proposal is complete. For example, a teacher: "Mom bought ..." "... books, notebooks, candy ...", children continue.

63. "Find the opposite word."

Purpose. Teach children to select the opposite words in the meaning of the word in the tasks of different types.

The course of the game. The teacher sets the proposal and invites children to answer the questions: "If the soup is not hot, then, then what is he?", "If the room is not light, then how?", "If the knife is not acute, then he ...", "if Bag is not easy, then she ... ", etc.

64. "Tell the word with the desired sound."

Purpose. Develop a phonamatic hearing, speed of thinking.

The course of the game. The educator says: "Come up with a word with sound (a) - and throws the ball to any of the players. The child replies: "Cap" - and throws the ball to the next player, etc. round. Then the educator calls another sound, and the game is repeated again.

65. "Where am I?"

Purpose. Teach children to form the forms of vinitive case of a multiple animation of animated nouns.

The course of the game. Teacher says: "Guys, guess where I was? I saw jellyfish, sea skates, sharks. Where was I? (On the sea ).

- And now you will fade my riddles about where you were. Tell us who you saw. The main thing in this game is not guessing, but drawing up a riddle.

66. "I must say differently."

Purpose. Teach children to select words close in meaning.

The course of the game. The educator says: "One boy had a bad mood. What words can I say about him? I came up with the word "sad". Let's also try to replace the words in other suggestions. " It is raining (pole ). Clean Air (fresh ).

67. "What is wrong?"

Purpose. Develop auditory attention and speech; To accustom to detect semantic inconsistencies; Select the necessary words taking into account the text content.

The course of the game. Children read poems twice and offer to find a discrepancy.

This is true or not that, like soot, fermented snow,

Sugar - Gorka, coal - Bel, Well, and a coward, like a hare, bold?

What is able to fly cancer, and the bear dance Mastak,

What we grow on the willow of pears that whales live on land,

What's from Dawn and before Dawn Pine Walk Camery?

Well, the proteins love bumps, and lazy people like labor,

And girls and boys in the mouth of the cakes do not take?

If children not call all the mistakes, the teacher reads the poem once again.

68. "Who will find a short word?"

Purpose. Learn to divide words to syllables.

The course of the game. The educator says to children that you can find out the length of the word in steps (or cotton ). He utters the word "soup" and simultaneously steps. The teacher says it turned out only one step, so this is a short word. Children are built along the line, and one begin to pronounce words and take steps. Who incorrectly divide the word on the syllables, comes out of the game.

69. "What else are you talking about?"

Purpose. Fasten and clarify the meaning of multivalued words.

The course of the game. Please tell me what else you can say so:

It rains: goes ... (snow, winter, dog, smoke, man ).

Plays ... (music, girl ).

Bitter ... (pepper, medicine ).

70. "Name insect with the desired sound."

purpose . Develop a phonmematic sound, speed of thinking.

Stroke Game . The educator asks children to remember the names of insects, in which there are sounds(a), (K). Who will call the words more, he won. For example: butterfly, mosquito, dragonfly, etc.

71. "Who knows, let it continue."

Purpose. Fasten the use in the speech of generalizing words.

The course of the game. The educator calls generalizing words, and children - a species concept, for example, "insect is ...". Children: "Fly, Mosquito, ...".

72. "A knock yes, find a word, a dear friend."

purpose . Teach children sharing words to syllables (parts).

Stroke Game . Children become in a circle, educator - in the center with a tambourine in her hands. The educator strikes 2 times in the tambourine, children should be called insects having 2 syllables in the title (Mo ha, Ko-Mar); Then it strikes 3 times - three-way words (stre-co-for, Mu-Ra-Wei, Boc-Ka, etc.)

Formation of elementary mathematical skills

73. "Come with myself."

Purpose. Forming the ability to use the same subject as a substituent.

The course of the game. The tutor (or leading) offers to choose to each child one item (cube, leaf, bump, etc.) and fantasize: what are it similar to it?

74. "What is it?"

purpose . Teach children to create images on the basis of characteristic signs of objects, notice unusual in the most common things; Develop fantasy.

The course of the game. Children become a circle, the educator stands in the center of the circle. He puts the subject (or subjects) and invites the guys to think about what he looks like. Then the teacher throws the ball to anyone from the children. This child should answer, the rest of the guys complement his answer.

75. "Not mistaken!"

Purpose. Develop the speed of thinking; Fasten the knowledge that children are doing at different times of the day.

Stroke Game . The educator calls different parts of the day (or the actions of children). Children must answer in one word: "Breakfast " or "Wash "(Or name part of the day).

76. "How many items?"

purpose . Teach children to a subject account; Develop quantitative representations, the ability to understand and call numerals.

The course of the game. Find and call the same items (two three ...), and then those encountered one by one. The task can be changed: Find as many identical items as possible.

77. "What happens?"


The course of the game.

_ What happens to be wide? (River, Ribbon, Road, Street ).

78. "Journey".

purpose . Teach children find the road in landmarks.

Stroke Game . The educator chooses one or two leaders who, according to noticeable benchmarks (trees, shrubs, flowerbeds, buildings) Determine the road. On it, all children should come to the hidden toy.

79. "Cotton".

purpose . Develop quantitative representations.

Stroke Game . Children stand in a circle. The educator explains the rules of the game: "I will count to 5, and as soon as I delivered the word" five ", everyone should slam down. When pronouncing other numbers, it is not necessary to clap. " Children, together with the teacher, consider in order, at the same time brindle palm, but not flapping in them. The teacher 2-3 times spends the game correctly, then begins to make mistakes: when the number is pronouncing 3 or any other (but not 5. ) He quickly breeds and connects his hands, as if she wants to slap. Children who repeated movement and slammed their hands, take a step from a circle and continue to play around.

80. "Find the subject of the same form."

Purpose. Specify the presentation of children about the form of objects.

The course of the game. The tutor raises the drawing of the circle, and children should call as many items of this form as possible.

81. "Who am I?"

Purpose. Learn to call the specified plant.

The course of the game. The educator indicates any plant. The one who first calls the plant and its shape (tree, shrub, grass ), gets a chip.

82. "Guess what in the bag."

Purpose. Teach children to describe signs of subject perceived to the touch.

The course of the game. The tutor in the bag folds natural material: pebbles, twigs, nuts, yellow. The child should determine the object and tell about it without getting out of the bag. The rest of the children must determine the subject by the description.

83. "What does it look like?"

Purpose. Develop imagination, ability to count; Consider ideas about artificial facilities (for children, we call them the objects "Non-Natures") and geometric figures.

The course of the game. The educator calls children the object "Nature", and children must guess which geometric shape it looks like.

Formation of a holistic picture of the world

84. "Earth, water, fire."

purpose . Fasten the knowledge of children about the inhabitants of various elements.

Stroke Game . Playing become in a circle, in the middle - presenter. He throws the ball a child, pronouncing one of the four words:earth, water, fire, air . If the presenter says, for example,land , the one who caught the ball must quickly call the animal that lives in this environment; with the word "the fire "- discard the ball. He who was wrong - coming out of the game.

85. "And I".

purpose . Develop the intelligence, excerpt, sense of humor.

Stroke Game . The educator says that will tell the story. During the pause, children must say: "I", - if the words are suitable in meaning. If the words in meaning are not suitable, then nothing needs to say. For example:

I am going to the river once ... (and I).

Rive flowers and berries ... (and me).

86. "What happens?"

purpose . Learn to classify objects in color, form, in quality, material; Compare, compare, select the names suitable for definition.

The course of the game. Teacher asks: "Tell me what is green?"(Cucumber, crocodile, leaf, apple, dress, tree).

_ What happens to be wide? (River, Ribbon, Road, Street ).

For each correctly said the word baby gets a chip. Wins the child who will call the words more.

87. "What has changed?" (game-fun).

Purpose. Develop in children observation.

Stroke Game . Driving closes his eyes and turns away from children. Three children at this time are changing anything in their appearance: spread the button, remove the hairpin, change shoes. Then the driven opens his eyes, and he is offered to find changes in the appearance of the guys.

88. "Find what I will describe."

purpose . Teach children find a plant by description.

Stroke Game . The teacher describes the plant, calling its most characteristic signs. The one who first rents and calls the plant gets a chip.

89. "Unusual Zhmurki" (game-fun)

purpose . Develop observation.

Stroke Game . Two players tie their eyes, the rest of the children approach them in turn. Players with tied eyes compete in whoever recognizes their friends.

It is allowed to use only in several ways to identify: according to the handshake; on the whisper; by shaking; By touching the hair, ears, nose.

He who correctly recognizes the arc gets a point. The player won the player who scored more points.

90. "Crocodile" (Emotional and didactic game).

purpose . Develop dexterity, observation, attention.

Stroke Game . It is selected leading (he will be a "crocodile "), Who pulls the hand forward one above the other, depicting a toothing mouth. The rest of the children hide their hands in the "mouth". "Crocodile" with a calm view distracts children, sings the song, pursuing his feet and unexpectedly closes the hands. Who caught, he becomes a "crocodile".

91. "Who are you?"

purpose . Develop auditory attention, speed of reaction.

Stroke Game . The educator comes up with a story in which all children receive roles. Children become in a circle, the teacher starts the story. At the mention of the character, the child should get up and bow. Children should be very attentive and watch not only for their role. But for the roles of neighbors. It comes out of the game a child who did not hear about his role and did not get up.

92. "Who ( WHAT) Flies? "

purpose . Fasten the knowledge of children about animals and birds.

Stroke Game . Children stand in a circle. The chosen child calls some object or animal, raises both hands up and says: "flies." If a thing is called, which flies, all children raise both hands up and say: "flies." If not, the children do not raise hands. If one of the children is mistaken, he comes out of the game.

93. "Guess-ka!"

Purpose. Learning to describe the subject without looking at it, having highlighting essential signs, to recognize the subject of the description.

The course of the game. According to the tutor's signal, the child who received a chip, gets up and memory gives a description of any subject, then transmits the chip to the one who will guess the subject. Gaying, the child describes its subject and transmits the chip to the next child, etc.

94. "Who knows more?"

Purpose. Develop memory, resourcefulness, intelligence.

The course of the game. The educator says: "I have a glass in my hands. Who will say, what can it be used for? " Who will name more actions, he won.

95. "Who needs what you need."

Purpose. Exercise children in classification of objects; Develop the ability to call the items necessary to people a certain profession.

The course of the game. The teacher says: "Let's remember that you need to work for people of different professions. I will call a profession, and you say that you need to work for the person of this profession. " In the second part of the game, the educator calls the subject, and the children say, for which profession it can come in handy.

96. "Repeat each other."

Purpose. Develop memory, attention.

The course of the game. Playing calls anyinsect, animal, bird , for example, the beetle. The second repeats the name named and adds its own(beetle, mosquito …) etc. He who was wrong dropping out of the game.

97. "Do you remember these verses?"

Purpose. Develop memory, attention, feeling rhyme.

The course of the game. The teacher reads excerpts from poems, and children should pronounce missing words, for example:

Where did the sparrow dined?

In the zoo at ...(animals ).

You will not stand too close:

I'm tigers, and not ... (pussy).

Wind in the sea. ... (walks)

And boat ... (customize ).

98. "Fly - does not fly."

Purpose. Develop auditory attention; bring up an exposure.

Stroke Game . Children become a circle, an educator - in the middle. He calls the item and throws the ball. If the item flies, the baby who flies the ball should catch it if not - to discard his hands. Who will make mistakes - goes for a circle and misses one move.

The game for any child, not only the main type of available and interesting activities, but also the means of knowledge of the surrounding reality, the development of useful skills, abilities. In the gameplay, the nature is formed, various types of thinking are developing, and also the physical and psycho-emotional development of a small man. Didactic games for children 5-6 years old help move from an entertainment nature to a cognitive, learning, to prepare for school classes.

Discharolate can not sit for a long time in one place, they quickly get tired, distracted by the explanation of the tutor, begin to absorb the information received badly. That is why desktop didactic games are replaced by physical exercises or exercises in the fresh air.

For the didactic games created by the pedagogical science, the main goal is a conscious study method, during which preschoolers receive new knowledge, improve skills, ability, are developing intellectually. Teachers use different types of didactic classes, thus developing:

  • sensorika - perception of external influences, as well as sensations;
  • motoric - motor activity in the form of large and small motors;
  • memory;
  • logical, spatial, figurative thinking;
  • perception of space, time;
  • imagination;
  • perseverance, diligence, patience;
  • successfulness, curiosity.

The expanded application of didactic games for preschoolers older than 5 years is due to the fact that the kids of this age can already concentrate their attention to a longer time interval. Classes can last up to 20 minutes. Vocabulary allows to express without problems, the kids are developed fantasy, sensory perception, which allows you to start learning.

You can already highlight the abilities and inclinations, adjust, develop them. Preschoolers understand what the rules are, the importance of following themselves, is able to perform consistent actions on their own.

Currently, there are several types of classification of developing didactic games.

By the number of players:

  • individual game;
  • collective game.

By type of activity

  • Journey. Do not confuse with excursions that are educational classes in pure form. A playing journey can last a few days, for example, "Journey to the Golden Ring", "Cruise on the Volga". The teacher develops tasks for each traveler stop. It can be drawings, songs, poems. In the journey you can search for treasures, solving riddles and tasks.
  • Conversation, dialogues. The educator teaches how to talk, build a dialogue on an example of communication with a fictional hero or a familiar cartoon character.
  • Puzzles. They can be made not only adults, but also preschoolers.
  • Order. Very similar to travel, but tasks are lighted here, and the duration of the game process is much shorter. For example, the task is to help expand the punctuation marks in the resignation.
  • Assumption. "If". "What would be". The question of the assumption launches the gameplay in which the child begins to fantasize, transform imaginary reality.

By material that is used:

  • picture: Lotto, Puzzles, Domino;
  • with game items: chess, checkers, toys;
  • wonderful training: riddles, puzzles.

For the purpose of holding:

  • speech development;
  • learning the basics of mathematics;
  • development of logical thinking;
  • familiarization with nature and the outside world;
  • the development of sensory perception.

A feature of all didactic classes is that an adult is always the initiator. Such classes expand the horizons, increase the vocabulary. Competitions on the speed of thinking, logic, the solution of mysteries and tasks allows you to show yourself to the kids who are weak in exercise, but they know a lot.

We develop memory

Didactic games for preschoolers for 5 years help develop attentiveness, memory, which is very useful for school classes. Almost all information in the school is performed orally, it applies to first-graders, when kids still do not know how to write quickly and much. Developed, memory will help consolidate new knowledge, remember the information obtained.

All tasks for securing memory, the development of attention is carried out with toys, small objects. Sometimes the child does not work out the terms of the task, since random memory is only starting the formation process. If tasks are associated with searching for hidden toys or permuting them, you can suggest to use the "Pointing gesture" with your finger.

The preschooler shows in turn on all toys with his finger, describes their appearance. The kid can take a toy in hand, touch it for better memorization. For the first sessions, you should not offer games with a lot of items or details: a confused child may refuse to play, praise.

"What disappeared." The presenter is selected, the first time they may be an educator. When children are brought off with the rules, each of them can try themselves as a lead. There are 3 - 4 small toys on the table. The presenter proposes to remember which items stand on the table and turn away. When preschoolers turned away, the lead removes one toy. Players must remember which toys is missing. In the gameplay, you can make a competitive element. Who first remembered correctly, gets a chip or token.

"What changed". Choosing a presenter. There are several toys on the table. Fidgets must remember what toys and how are you. When preschoolers turn away, the lead rearranges the toys, changes them in places. Wins the one who first will correctly say, which items moved, and where they were their original place.

"Find the difference." Before each child put 2 pictures. It is necessary to find than they differ. Alternatively, in the picture, hidden kittens or birds, which are needed in the bushes, behind trees or fence can be depicted.

"Similar or unlike items." The goal is to develop attentiveness, observation, teach to find similarities in color, shape, size, material.

Rules. The kid answers, on which the counting stopped. It is necessary to find 2 identical to the properties of the subject and prove their assertion.

Actions. According to the tutor signal, all recoors take 2 subjects in the game room with similar properties.

It is necessary to observe the level of complexity of tasks, to move from the lungs to complex gradually. Too light or difficult exercises will not cause interest in a child.

Knowledge of ecology

All life of a person surrounds the living world, plants, animals. The child must understand the significance of the preservation of ecological equilibrium in nature, take care of animals, plants, not harm it. Didactic Ecology Games for Children 5-6 years old familiarize themselves with the surrounding world, develop vocabulary, educate hard work, kindness, attentiveness.

Ecology classes can be held during walks or indoors, especially in bad, rainy or frosty weather. Before each occupation, the teacher talks about the subject of classes. For example, the topic is autumn. The teacher tells when autumn comes, what external signs: yellowish, leaves fall, birds fly to warm edges and the like. After that, the didactic occupation in the game form is carried out.

"Guess the season." The goal is to give an understanding of the signs that correspond to the days of the year. Secure in the memory of characteristic features of summer, autumn, winter and spring. Development of auditory attention. The ability to formulate, present thoughts.

Actions. The educator calls weather, natural phenomena. For example, the snow went, the blizzard was off the street, a snowdrop flung, the bunny changed the color of the fur coat. Preschoolers should allocate too much, call the time of year and justify their choice.

"What is growing". The goal is to acquaint kids with a floral world and plants where different plants grow.

Preparation. A teacher talks about trees, shrubs, where and in which locality they grow, show pictures.

Actions. The kids becomes a semicircle, facing the tutor. The teacher shows a picture with a plant and says: "This is strawberries, it grows from us." If the kids agree, they jump on the spot. The tutor shows a card with pineapple, says it is pineapple, he grows in the north. If the fidgets do not agree, they stand and wait their hands: no, not true.

"Birds, beasts, fish." The goal is to give knowledge about the species concept, to teach allocate objects by groups.

Preparation. The task is performed in the game form, the ball or a small toy is used.

Actions. Rezokolat stand in a circle, face to each other. The presenter starts the game. Throws the ball and says it is a fish. The child who caught the ball must call the fish, for example, pike, crucian and throw a ball with a neighbor. When the preschooler throws the ball, he puts the task: call the representative of fish, birds or animals. The one who catches the ball must give the correct answer.

"Guess what is hidden." The goal is to teach to allocate the characteristic signs of the subject, recognize it in description.

The presenter covers an apple, banana or carrot with a napkin. Offers to guess what is hidden. Fidgets can ask leading questions. The one who first called the hidden object wins.

Sensory perception

Didactic games on Sensoric are aimed at developing visual, tactile perception. Before spending gaming classes related to touch sensations, the teacher explains to reoxoites, which are geometric shapes, how they differ from each other.

Kids get acquainted with such materials like, wood, metal, glass, plastic. Fidgets together with the educator find the features of each material. For example, the glass is fragile, can break. The tree is warm, metal to the touch is cold.

"Not mistaken." The goal is to teach kids to group items in shape, material. Secure in memory of the child knowledge and understanding of concepts such as soft, solid, smooth, grungy, shiny, matte, color. The child should distinguish a large item from small, consolidate the concepts of geometric shapes.

Actions. The teacher divides the kids into several teams, optimally 4 teams. For each group on the floor, a box or a basket is put on which the picture is attached with the subject of a certain material. For example, metal scissors, a soft toy, a rubber ball, a plastic cube.

The tutor repeats once again with reoxoites than one material is different from the other, after which it gives the task commands. Each group must find and collect in its box as many items as possible from the material that is depicted in the picture. The team wins, which raised the greater number of items faster.

You can change the conditions of the gameplay, offer to assemble round, square, triangular items.

"Air balloons". The goal is to give the concept of the spectrum, secure the color of the spectrum color: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.

Actions. Before each preschooler is a picture with colorful balls. It is necessary to find and tie the same thread on color.

Any didactic game for a child is 5-6 years old, primarily aimed at expanding the vocabulary, as well as the formation of speech. A connected, logically constructed speech is an indicator of the speech development of a preschooler. After 5 years, the baby begins to control his speech. A child in a conversation already appears not only simple, but also complex offers.

Children are distinguished, allocate groups of sounds in words. It becomes expressive, the preschooler is correctly used by intonation. Can vote to emphasize a sad or cheerful mood. Preschoolers understand and know how to adjust the volume of their voice and its pace. Can talk in a whisper, quickly or slowly.

Didactic games for the development of speech are taught to cure his thoughts, to build a correct dialogue, teach properly to pronounce sounds. In speech development games, special attention is paid to the formation of speech, phonetic hearing of the preschooler. The educator in the game form works with sounds, letters, teaches correctly formulating and pronounce entire proposals.

"Broken phone". The goal is to develop an auditory perception, memory, the ability to work in a team, honesty and goodwill.

Rules. The child whispering says the word to a neighbor so that other children did not hear. If the baby incorrectly handed the word, that is, spoiled the phone, this child should sit on the last chair.

Actions. Preschoolers get alongside the chairs, forming a chain. The first child quietly says the word in his neighbor's ear, he transmits on. The kid who sits the latter calls the heard word. If the phone works, the word was transferred correctly. If the phone broke, they ask the chain who heard who heard, and find where it was wrong.

"Share Rus." The goal is to teach the words to the syllables, be able to allocate the first syllable, draw up words.

Rules. In each represented word, highlight the first syllable, make a new word.

Actions. Find the word that hid on the card. Each preschooler receives a picture on which 3 drawings are depicted. It is necessary to name words, allocate from each word to 1 syllable. From the obtained syllables make a hidden word. For example, pictures with such words are presented:

  • sun, shovel, machine (straw);
  • house, Rose, Guitar (Roads);
  • wolf, chamomile, tank (gate);
  • owl, Bayan, cabbage (dog).

"Say the opposite." The goal is to give the concept of antonyms and consolidate it in memory. Expansion of the vocabulary, forming the right speech. Development of care.

Rules. To each word to choose the opposite value. For example, big is small, up - down, far away. You can use verbs: wet - dry.

Actions. Recompolates are sitting on chairs in a circle. The tutor takes the ball, says the first word and throws the ball. The kid catches the ball, says the word opposite in meaning, and throws a ball to another child.

"One - a lot." The goal is a preschooler must learn to form a multiple number from the noun one. Expand vocabulary.

Rules. The educator says the word in the singular, the baby must form a plural.

Actions. The tutor throws the ball, says the word in the singular. The preschooler returns a ball by calling the multiple number.

"Say more words." The goal is to teach the animal not only on external signs, but also by the features, character properties.

Actions. The educator proposes to take a picture with any animal and describe it. For example, a cat is fluffy, affectionate, loves milk, gently meow. The more words and definitions will come up with fides, the better.

Didactic games in mathematics allow you to consolidate the knowledge gained earlier and learned new concepts. Knowledge of numbers, simple mathematical actions helps to start solving tasks for 1 or 2 actions. The solution of mathematical tasks is developing thinking, intellectual abilities. To conduct such classes in the game form, parents can both at home, using a children's lotto or domino cards.

"What a figure is missing." The task is to consolidate the sequence account in memory.

The teacher draws the numbers on the board or attaches the cards to them, but one digit or somewhat missed. Kroch must call the missed number, take the card from the table where it is depicted, and show everyone.

"More or less". Preschoolers must consolidate the meaning of the concepts of "greater" or "less." For this, the child is asked to call a number that is greater or less than the number written on the board.

"Magic bag." The task is to consolidate knowledge about geometric figures in memory. The guys take turns to the touch pulls out the shape of the bag and describes it.

"Orientation in space." The preschooler must correctly navigate in the space, understand the meaning of terms: from behind, on the side, on the left, right, below, upstairs. You can offer to find a comfortable place of the doll. Put it in the middle, then move back. Rear to put the car.

The study of traffic rules in children's preschool institutions is made of particular importance. Knowledge and compliance with the rules of behavior on the road helps to protect the life and health of preschoolers.

Familiarity with road rules begins in a games form with acquaintance with traffic lights.

"Traffic light". The task is to teach the rules for the safe transition of streets and intersections. Learn what the colors of the traffic lights mean.

Preparation. The tutor shows the image of the traffic light, explains the value of each color. He tells how to properly move the road, what is a road zebra, whether to skip the car and how to check that there is no danger on the road. Children repeat, retell what they remembered.

The layout of the road with a crossroads is preparing, where there is a driving part, sidewalk. From the cardboard, the figures of pedestrians are cut, painted. In the same way, the figures of the machines are made. You can use instead of crafts from cardboard, toy models of machinery and small dolls.

Actions. One child puts on the layout of the road cars, dolls. Includes traffic light, changes color turns. The second kid translates through the pedestrian road, helps to drive cars. After completion of the gameplay, preschoolers change roles. When summarizing, the number of errors is taken into account. Wins the crumb that the least became mistaken.

For consolidation of educational material, practical classes in the game room or in the courtyard of the children's preschool institution can be held. If the game occupation is carried out in the room, then you can make the road, pavement and pedestrian zebra using colored ribbons. On the street, all the details of the transition can be drawn in white chalk.

There are gaming desktops for studying the rules of the road. They contain a playing field, cubes, chips, car figures and pedestrians, as well as road signs on stands. A few people can take part in the game. Doscomber in turns throw a cube, make so many steps as the cube showed. If a red traffic light signal fell on the playing field, the pedestrian misses the move, green - continues movement.

"Connect parts of signs to the whole." Kids love to collect puzzles - the image cut into pieces. Each child is given to the assembly cut picture of the road sign. When fidget collected a road sign, then raises his hand. He tells comrades for a group, what sign he collected, and what does this road sign mean.

Basics of life safety

Sometimes a circumstance may occur when a preschooler should urgently provide first aid, cause firefighters, ambulance or police. It is necessary to prepare small guys to such situations. Preschoolers should be able to call adults to help, call and call an ambulance or fire machine.

"Fire, help." The goal is to help a small little man to prepare for an unplanned situation. Teach how to cause emergency services, explain the rules of behavior.

Preparation. The educator tells about the dangerous household subjects, things with which to play is very dangerous. Shows firefighters, ambulance phones, which are written on a paper sheet. Tells how to call for help. Two telephone are brought.

Actions. In the room there is a fire: you need to quickly get out to the street, do not try to repay the fire yourself. Kroch takes the phone and makes a call to number 01. The operator takes the call.

Witness fire or victim reports:

  • your surname, name;
  • reports that the house is burning, for example, the apartment is burning;
  • indicates the exact address of the fire;
  • waiting for the arrival of firefighters.

During active moving games, there are often cases when the fidget falls, breaks the knee to the blood or during classes accidentally hurt with scissors. Preschoolers should be able to rinse the wreck, calm the upset comrade, cut down the cut, call adults to help.

Karina is a regular expert of Pupsfull portal. She writes articles about games, pregnancy, upbringing and training, child care and mother health.

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