Dragon Age Inquisition of specialization. What you need to piss the highest dragon in Dragon Age: Inquisition alone? Dragon murder - useful occupation

For this you need straight hands, patience and good luck! Dancing with a tambourine and the use of black magic!

Well, another character class magician and a knight-enchantine subclass.

This combination in the game Dragon Age: Inquisition as a Molotov cocktail, in good hands it's just a walking cheater.

Here is a list of skills that you are just vital for the Kika Dragon in Dragon Age:

Tree of the Spirit:


Spirit-guard. **

Power of perfume. **


Wave mana. **


Spiritual blade. **

Hidden strike (veiled riposte) - passive, returns 20% damage.

Clarity in battle.

Shadow shield. **

Knight defender. **

** - Mandatory skills for build.

By the way, everything is in Dragon Age: the Inquisition is already 11 of the highest dragons, so you have to faithfully tinker.

We hope that our guide will come in handy.

Dragon murder - useful occupation

Dragons are not only valuable fur if to rephrase the old Hochma. From each dragon you can get dragoncoule, bone and membrane. Makes all sorts of things, you will become an experienced master, and this is in Dragon Age honorary title.

The class of Knight-Cagraine originates in .. the beginning. Rather, in the Da-beginning. There it was a very mediocre subclass with a very blurred destination, the only advantage of which was the possibility of transferring a large number of damage due to the ability to pull massive armor and sneak several passive.

In DA-I, this class was completely degenerated. Now it is an extremely powerful Aoe-Damager with almost invulnerable protection, which even needs to be especially thinking - just Bay, and interesting skills for the melee, giving the opportunity to play "on the break." I do not know who the Knights-Wyers should protect - no boughs on a party except for the concentration I did not see, even in all descriptions about this and they say, but in a solo on a nightmare to cut off what a thread of the dragon, not Harchya not a single drug bottle - This is please.


When pumping this class, we will need 18 points in full force. That is, with a passing search for amuletics with glasses, the level to the fourteenth-fifteenth character will begin to increase simply "to the heap." We will not fanatically get into the branches, pumping them completely - why?

Knight-enchantine: Caedi manual imbey.

Knight-enchantine: Caedi manual imbey.

I first recommend taking a flurry of energies - this is one of the main skills, 12 shells of 66% of damage to the staff - as much as 792% some stories truth flies FIG. Finding where, Nudalag. Later even enhance the irradiation, which resistance to the element reduces in the amount of 28%. I do not recommend a DLTS-Chank to Baf Damage - even if there is only one goal, a pale-trooka can arrive in it.

Chain Zipper is the next skill. Good damage for several hits, convenient element and there are no restrictions in the first goal - Nyashenko Zhez! The most well comes on two separate opponents. We enhance the number of hits - the BAU from the Dolls is again notchin.

Knight-enchantine: Caedi manual imbey.

Knight-enchantine: Caedi manual imbey.

Further go to the fire branch and take the hell - in fact, the explosion on the selected small circle. Again, good damage, burning to heap. I don't see the strengthening glasses to spend my points, one FIG will throw it later.

Total we have a suitable primary set of skills for all occasions - all 3 elements in our hands. Next you need to take and develop a branch of specialization. Well, except that lovers leave the barriers can still swing it, it is already taste.

Knight-enchantine: Caedi manual imbey.

Knight-enchantine: Caedi manual imbey.

Take a spiritual blade - the last element in his pocket. After some time you can apart his defense. By the way, the iron bull of Odessicae.

Following clarity in battle - Keep in the knee and mana is placed as it should, and not half an hour on Spell.

The shadow shield is one of the most important branches. Just throw on the enemy, and 30% of damage becomes our barrier. Casting the barrier skill? No, have not heard.

Shadowing raincoat would be Nyocha, but his strengthening by an explosion for 1000% of spiritual damage at exit is excellent.

Response and knight-defender - taste. In principle, it is relatively useful ... the first is greater at high levels of complexity.

Complete our pumping passage to fiery mines through the pyromantia and the point of fire and its strengthening of a DLTS-shrove of the arrangement on the location of 3 minutes in front of him. Epic damage, no longer need to wait for charging, and also requires to stick in the knee - what you need! You can even pull out from the panels.


In our game the best Equip is craft. In kraft recipes, it is necessary to look out for the attack cells - especially the skin, for the chance of Crete, and cell cells, again for the sake of attack, Crete and Crete depth.

Knight-enchantine: Caedi manual imbey.

Knight-enchantine: Caedi manual imbey.

The most important detail is the shadow of the shadow materials, ideally this Silverite for 5 units of defense for the blow and the skin of the Snofler of 1% HP for the blow. Total, thanks to the passive of the spirit of the rest of the restimation of 30% damage to the barrier, 5 units of defense with Silverite 1% HP - well, just so that you are not touching the banks, even if we are some miracle, two previous HP strips are trying.

Knight-enchantine: Caedi manual imbey.

Knight-enchantine: Caedi manual imbey.

Bhiza should be chosen under Crete, attack, regenaceous skills and mana.

The best elements for the staff, in my opinion, is the fire. A little-grained mobs are not enough, sweeping to a heap, and the dragon can be enclosed with a blast - slower, well, and FIG with it.

In this guide, we will present you some good buildings for magicians in the game. Most of them will be based on a certain specialization represented in the game.

It should not be noted that the magicians in the Dragon Age game series are almost the most interesting class and there are many reasons for it. First, they have their own storyline associated with the eternal confrontation of magicians and temples. Nevertheless, it is much more interesting to watch this confrontation when you have a direct attitude towards him. Secondly, the ability to combine various spells to obtain a unique effect. Thirdly, excellent visualization of magical techniques.

In the third part, the developers seriously worked over the magicians, for example, they removed all the attending abilities and provided only eight cells for active skills. At first glance, many may seem that it significantly reduces the number of possible builds, but in fact everything is different. The game presents three basic well-worked skills branches, each of which can be used to achieve different purposes. Plus there are three more specializations branches. As a result, you can make a huge number of combinations that are able to significantly change the battle style from the magician.

In this guide, we described five different buildings: two of them are based on the basic branches of skills, and three others are on the skills of specializations. To take advantage of the bill at the maximum, that is, to open all the necessary skills, your hero must achieve an eighteenth level.

Lord of the underworld

Already from the name you can guess that this combination is based on the skills of the necromancer branch. As a rule, magicians consider dangerous fighters who can severely harm the enemy using powerful Spellov driving around the square. Necromancers differ markedly from such wizards. The fact is that their attacking spells cause damage not immediately, but gradually (the mark of the spirit or walking bomb), plus its basic skills are based on the control, and not on the applied of a huge damage.

Note: The controller is a character that can affect opponents, reducing their characteristics and controls each step. For example, magicians can scare enemies, keep them in one place or repel away from themselves.

With this build, you will not be able to support your companions, but you can seriously help them controlling the enemy. For the greatest effectiveness, your group should consist of two tanks that will protect you from opponents, and one Damagger (preferably archer). Thus, the enemies simply will not be able to get to you, and in the meantime you will be unpunished to send various curses on them.

Do not give up the spell "Step into the shadow", allowing you to get out of the battlefield for a long distance. In the battle, it is necessary to competently combine "Spells" from the base branches that can cause damage on a certain territory with the controlling abilities of the Lord of the Dead. In this case, you can crack the whole crowd alone.

Used skills

The branch of the "storm" - we open the chain zipper, the flurry of the energy, the petrel, electrical conductivity and zipper. The first ability is effective against several monsters or people. When it is used, the caster produces an electric charge that causes damage to one enemy, and then it is immediately transferred to others. It makes more than two hundred percent of the damage of your main weapon.

Note: As you could notice, the spell damage does not carry a fixed nature, and directly depends on the characteristics of your weapon, that is, the stronger your staff is, the more effective there will be abilities.

Thanks to the petrel you can protect yourself from opponents that came too close to you, as this "passion" will beat them with zipper. Spell "Lightning" can cause great damage to one enemy. In addition, it is capable of paralyzing target for a few seconds.

Perfect in battle helps a flurry of energy, damaging your enemies of the elements. Perfectly works against monsters with weakness to the elements. But for this it will be necessary to change the squash on time. As for electrical conductivity, it increases damage from all skills, but spends a certain percentage of mana.

The "hell" branch - we take a sacrifice and an outbreak. The second may apply a considerable damage to the enemy and cause horror from him, and the first causes a small damage on the territory. It should be noted that for all spells of eight cells may not be enough, so when more powerful abilities from older, it is necessary to get rid of. For example, you can remove the flash.

The "Winter" branch - opens a step into the shadow and the ice grip. For the first ability, you can open an additional skill entitled "Classic Gait". With the help of a grip, the magician is able to freeze the enemy, hiding it and not allowing him to enter into battle. Especially effective against fiery demons of anger. Other ability we have already considered earlier.

The branch "necromancet" - open all the abilities, plus secondary skills. With the help of "fear" you can force the disintegration of all enemies in horror (works six seconds). Thanks to the label of the spirit, you can kill a strong opponent, since this "Spell" causes a huge damage for twelve seconds. Plus, if the fighter dies, carrying a label, then the ghost is set in his body, and he will become your ally. According to his principle, the walking bomb is similar to the previous skill, just after the death of the enemy explodes, and it is better not to ask what happens in this case with its companions.

The rest of the ability are passive in nature - they can increase the damage from all Spells for a short period of time after the murder of another monster or a fighter, make it possible to suck the souls of the dead to raise the level of health and reduce the parameters of enemies on a certain area. Using the ability of the "hurry" working on a concentration, the necromancer can accelerate all his comrades and slow down opponents.

Creator of faults

With the development of specialization called "magazine of breaks", the magician appears access to incredibly strong spells that cause damage in a circle of small diameter. With this build, you will not be able to control the opponent's behavior as well as necromancers do, but you will get the opportunity to destroy large groups of the enemy at a time.

In this build, it is generally combined by the skill of two branches: a magician of faults and the hell. The second has excellent abilities that make a big damage in the area, and the first can "boast" the presence of a spell, tightening all enemies to one place.

But do not forget that in Dragon Age: Inquisition you can meet monsters and people resistant to fiery attacks, so you should open a barrier and an icy grip. Most of the spells act at a great distance from the target, so take a step in the shadow optional.

The main combination will look like this: Castow the abyss, tightening all enemies in one place, then we hit a stone fist with a stone fist and a curtain blow to weaken them and squeeze the ground, after putting the fiery mine and apply the sacrifice. Such an attack usually worry only bosses.

Used skills

The "hell" branch - here we take a sacrifice, outbreak, point of fire, head fell, pyromanty, fiery mine and fiery wall. We have already considered some of the spells earlier, and therefore we will not talk about them again. We only note that as with a necromancer, from some skills at later levels can be rid of. Decide that you are unnecessary, but we recommend removing the flash.

If we talk about even unregistered spells, the point of fire is a good "passive", which can immediately restore the ability to immediately after your magician will strike a critical strike. At the initial stages of benefit from it there will be a little, since the magician is rarely applied to opponents. However, then the likelihood of cristes from the magician will increase significantly, and this skill will be very useful. Thanks to Pyromantia, the duration of burning and fear will increase by a quarter.

The oncoming fell noticeably speeds up the restoration of skills. Open this "passive" as soon as possible, because in this case you are inflicted by the damage in a minute to rose at times. But the most useful ability is the fiery min. It makes opponents of 1600 percent of the damage of weapons, and therefore can kill weak opponents from once again. But this spell starts to act immediately, but after a few seconds. Therefore, it is worth combining with a rift of the abyss or a stone fist, which will be enemies (keep them in one place). The fiery wall causes not a lot of damage, but it causes fear of opponents.

The "Winter" branch - we take a icy grip, in order to be able to effectively fight with monsters having high resistance to the flame. From the branch "Spirit" open the barrier. This spell is capable of a short segment of time to protect your character from any damage.

The branch "Blossom Mag" - in it we need all "Spells". To open them, you will have to sacrifice several skills from the "hell" twig: outbreak and fiery wall. Additional skills open all spells. The starting blow can weaken enemies and apply a small damage to them. Be sure to use it before you have more powerful attacking spells. Thanks to the stone cam, you can make the opponents fall to the ground - it will bring them out of the battle for a short time and allow you to put a fiery mine.

With the help of feeding from the curtain and the curtain, you can restore your manu and strengthen your spells, taking energy from weakened opponents. The suffocating curtain and the winding of the curtain reduce the characteristics of enemies and increase the damage of your magic skills. An incredibly useful ability is the attraction of the abyss - it tightens the monsters and people at one point, and also weakens them.

Knight magazine

The basis of this Bild is the specialization of the Knight-Wizard. In its name, it is similar to the specialization of the combat magazine, which has been popular with players in the first part of the series. But in essence, they are very different from each other.

In Dragon Age: Origins, the battle magician became almost warrior, that is, he could wear heavy lats and fight with a sword, not a staff. If we talk about the Knight-walker, then he is a regular magician who is simply able to fight in the thick of the battle and help his allies supporting spells.

The knight-mage has good attacking skills (spiritual blade or retaliatory blow through a veil) and protective skills (shadow raincoat, shadow shield, knight-defender). However, they achieve the greatest efficiency when combining the "Spirit" branch skills. Using an improved barrier and several "passive" you will be able to fight the enemy at close range and do not die.

The spell, working on concentration, is a return to life that is able to completely reverse the fight in your direction.

Used skills

The Spirit "Spirit" - in it we take the spirit of the defender, barrier, elegant protection, strength of the spirit, revival and explosion of the mind. The barrier is notable for the fact that it is able to create around the caster and his comrades a special shield acting in the form of a temporary additional health scale. He quickly disappears, so it is necessary to crawl it before or during the battle. The secondary skill of this Spell increases the recovery rate of the barrier. The spirit of the defender automatically activates the shield from the magician who received great damage.

The explosion of mind is a kind of impulse of strength, allowing you to throw opponents from ourselves and reduce their aggression to the wizard. Excellent skill, which will often save the life of your Magu in battle with a group of enemies. Another useful "Abilka" is a revival. Applying this ability, you instantly lift to the feet of all your comrades lying on Earth. The power of spirits increases the strength of the barrier half.

Branch of the "storm" - here we open the chain zipper and a flurry of energy. We have already written about them in past builds, so we will not repeat. The "Winter" branch - it will be useful to us: step into a shadow and ice grip. We have already described them too.

Branch "Klight-Wizard" - we take all the skills except the response hit through the veil. Most often you will use spiritual blade and shadow raincoat. The first skill allows you to create magic blades that penetrate through armor and the magic panel of the enemy, causing damage directly to health. The second - surrounds the mage of the veil and gives it invulnerability for a short period of time (two seconds). It helps break into the group of enemies, apply the maximum damage and quickly retreat (use a shadow step). Passive spells like a shadow shield and knight-defender increase the strength of the barrier. The ability to return to life, spending focus, restores health to the maximum and constantly treats them for ten seconds.

Winter defender

As you might notice, past builds were based on the use of skills of three specializations. However, this does not mean that in Dragon Age: Inquisition can not be pumped up a good magician, without applying the above-described skills. It can simply be less effective in certain situations.

All the attending "Spells" were removed from the game. In the Spirit Branch, spells are now presented, which only support allies, but do not treat them. But with the correct combination of these abilities with the skills of the "Winter" branch, it is possible to create so strong protection for its companions, that after each battle, neither one of them will not be a scratch.

Plus you will succeed not only to support the allies, but also to apply a considerable damage to the enemy. To do this, you will need to use the spells of the blizzard and ice mine. They will be most effective against enemies vulnerable to cold.

Do not do without any ability to step into the shadow that allows you to leave the battlefield and help comrades from a safe distance. The main goal is to support satellites with the help of a barrier and revival.

Used skills

Branch "Spirit" - take a peaceful aura, a barrier, elegant protection, revival, dispelment, an explosion of mind, the preservation of life, the spirit of the defender, the invigorating barrier and the firming explosion. Part of these skills were reviewed by us earlier, and therefore we will begin the description immediately with the peaceful aura. This passive skill reduces the "Agro" enemy, making you absolutely inconspicuous for them, so they immediately switch on your satellites. Abilka dispersion removes all negative and positive effects with enemies or allies. Thanks to the invigorating barrier, your magic shield not only protects satellites, but also increases the rate of hardiness and manna.

The "Winter" branch is opening an icy grip, step into the shadow, an ice wall, a mine and armor, a winter silence, Buran and a blizzard. Part of the abilities were previously studied by us earlier, for this reason we will move immediately to the consideration of other skills. Winter silence accelerates the restoration of mana by the mage after standing still three seconds. In a protracted battle, it can be very useful. With the help of an ice wall, the wizard can create a large fence consisting of ice. This wall is able to protect the magician from enemies. Ice mine according to its principle of action is similar to the fiery. Although it causes much less damage, but it is capable of freezing the enemy, making it unique for a short period of time.

Armor of ice reduces half the resulting damage. Use in cases where your caster is surrounded by enemies. With this skill, you can also strengthen the tank by making it almost invulnerable to enemies. But the best "Spell" in the branch "Winter" is considered a blizzard. When using it, a real blizzard arises, slowing the enemies in a certain area and affects them permanent damage. A secondary skill enhances the main spell, after which it does not just slow down the enemies, but freezes them.

Reaching up to the eighteenth level, you will notice that you will begin to appear free glasses of abilities. We recommend that you spend them on the skill of any specialization you are interested in.

Rage of elements

Even without the use of specializations skills in the game, you can create a powerful magician, able to apply a monstrous damage to your enemies. This build is useful to those players who do not like to perform absolutely all quests in the game, but they want to go through the main storyline. The fact is that in order to obtain a particular specialization, it is necessary to spend a lot of time for the fulfillment of rather complex missions.

Bild The Eastern of Elements will help you in battle practically with any kind of enemies, as they are all vulnerable to certain elements. But do not forget that this magician has no protective spells, so it will be worth it to keep in the party of another wizard with a pumped outfit "Spirit."

Another disadvantage of this combination of abilities is excessive monotiance. In battles you will need to constantly use the same methods and skills in the same sequence. Plus, you have to rely on your arms comrades all the time (tank and magician support), as you can not protect yourself yourself.

However, if you competently use spells and do not climb on the dog, then you can make large groups of enemies with just a few presses of the buttons. The main thing is to constantly monitor your health scale and keep another caster nearby.

Used abilities

The branch of the "storm" - we open the chain zipper, a flurry of energy, the release of the arc, a static charge, a zipper, discontinuous zipper, a thunderstorm atmosphere, a petrel and a static cell. We have already told about many of these spells, so we will move immediately to the consideration of the static charge. He is satisfied with the enemy who attaches you paralyzing electrical charge. This will give you the time to leave the field of his vision and raise the tank on it. The thunder atmosphere will accelerate the use of abilities. The static cell allows you to stun the opponents on a small area.

The "hell" branch - it needs to take an outbreak, pyromanty, sacrifice, fiery mine and a fire point. We have already spoken about all these skills earlier. The "Winter" branch - we take the winter silence, ice grip, wall and armor, as well as a blizzard.

The plot of the game leads the main character in Skyhold, here the hero is waiting for the task that you need to choose a command bet on the table. After performing the quest "Specialization for the Inquisitor", which will not take much time, three mentors will appear in your fortress. Each coach can teach the hero of the new specialization, this is a new talent line, receiving new abilities to the player and makes a character unique. To obtain a specialization, you must execute the quest of one of the coaches. You can go through all three quests, but only one specialization can be chosen. The tasks of the coaches are to find objects. The fulfillment of quests is a very tudoomy and a tedious process, but without their fulfillment it is impossible to get a specialization. About the features of each specialization will tell you coaches.

Vivienen gives the player to the Tips for finding items. The article describes the properties of all specializations and tips on the location of the items necessary to fulfill quests, also describes how to choose and get a specialization.

Dragon Age: Inquisition - Specialization Robber

A character with a specialization of the mechanic is best dealing in mines and traps. The character is able to establish a large number of items throughout the location that weakens the enemy. Another property of specialization is teleportation, the player can move at any time. It is best suited for an archer, the maximum development of specialization leads to a huge number of arrows at the enemy.

In the location, the Western limit needs to find all the needles needed to fulfill the needle chapels of Izospins. Obsidian will have to search in several locations: the croughness, inner lands, sacred plain and emerald graves. You can use the opportunity and not to collect objects in Rattle, but to send Callen operation to perform the operation, it will collect all the obsidian from the location and bring you. Scripture with receptions on specialization of the mechanic is located at Warric, or it can be purchased at the bookstore in the village of Ruayo from the seller. Then you need to collect the tools on the table of applications and talk to the three-chapter, and then choose a specialization.

Specialization is great for fans of control, gives a character with unique properties. The character receives an enemy stunning skill, one more skill provides a hero to strike the enemy, being invisible. For the whole group, the presence of a specialization of the killer in an ally means the possibility that the whole group can become invisible for a while.

To collect quests, it is necessary to destroy the enemies in the location of the crough, here you can detect the icons of the leaders of the murderee guilds. Scripture with murder techniques need to be found at Cowla or buy in the bookstore in the village of Ruayo from the seller. Even for the fulfillment of the quest, the roots of death will be required, they can be found in whistling empty or Western limit. You can not look for grass yourself in whistling empty, and to entrust the execution of Lelian's operation. Then you need to go to the table of applications, create a knife on it, enter into a dialogue with heiress Heyr and finally make a choice of specialization.

Specialization gives talent management of magic. An example of such a talent is the ability of the robber to protect against the armor of one of the elements. When using blades, specialization makes it possible to apply a big damage to the enemy even with very small endurance indicators. This specialization will suit the player who chose the robber and tied the basic skills on the blades.

The vessels containing the essence are located in the location of the stormy coast, but for this will have to fight with demons. The essence of the spirit can be obtained by destroying ghosts, with almost everyone the necessary subject falls. Scripture with tears of storms can be reached in the sulfur room, or buy in the bookstore in the Val Ruayo from the seller. On the table of applications, you need to collect a bottle with smoke, then enter the dialogue with Khim and choose the necessary specialization.

Dragon Age: Inquisition - Specialization Warrior

Specialization is great for characters playing tank. Talent provides a hero of a number of rare skills, which are based on the possibility of a variety of acceleration attention. Moreover, the presence of specialization champion provides the player an additional hero's protection.

To collect the necessary items you need a little to travel. To begin with, we destroy opponents in the sacred plain and find in the location of a beautiful heraldic symbolism. Veridy is found in the same location. By the way, it is possible not to take the collection of items in the location of the Sacred Plain, but to ask for this Callen operation at the command rate. Scriptures with champion receptions are located next to the location of Blackwall or are purchased at the bookstore in the village of Ruayo from the seller. Next, you need to complete the task, for this you need to assemble the standard on the table of applications, join the dialogue with Lord's chance de Lion and finally choose a specialization.

The whole essence of specialization is tied to applying a large damage to the enemy. There is the possibility of applying a huge damage by the enemy by using its own health scale. And another leaving can draw around him a border in which his damage will be much higher than behind her.

In order to collect textbooks for the potions needed to fulfill the quest, you need to destroy enemies in the location of the crough. Creeping vine is in the sacred plain, it can also be found in Empriz Du Lyon or Emerald graves. Do not forget that there is an opportunity not to complete the collection of items yourself, but to ask for this to Lillian, it will find all the resources in the sacred plain. Scripture with the receptions of the Ripper can be found next to the Iron Bull, or to buy in the bookstore in the Val Ruayo from the seller. For the final execution of the task and receipt of the specialization, you need to fulfill the last point of the table of applications and go to the dialogue with the destructiveness of the tram.

Specialization is that the character who owns it has special properties in the fight against demons and magicians. A very useful property of a specialization is the character's ability to strengthen the attack of the entire group, while the effectiveness of the player itself does not change.

To fulfill the quest First, you need to collect broken vessels of the temple, which can be collected, only removing them from demons in the inner lands. The embryem is to be sought in the inner lands, he can also be a crown or emerald grave. Collect the necessary items from Emerald graves can be entrusted to Leliana, in other locations, it will have to look for items on their own. Scripture with temple techniques need to be sought near Cassandra, if the task seems too complicated, it can be purchased in a bookstore in the village of Ruayo from the seller.

Dragon Age: Inquisition - Magician specialization

Specialization knight-magician (gives Helena)

The best battle is best like a battle, for the maximum effect it is worth removing the hero's skills and put spells instead. This specialization allows you to apply a catastrophic damage to the enemy, you can also restore protection and mana directly in battle. Makes it possible to restore the health of the whole group at the same time.

In order to collect the essence of the lights, it is necessary to investigate the location of the buoya of the bog and shake it with ghosts. Lazurites will have to search at once in several locations: the West Limit, the Sacred Valley and whistling empty. You can not spend time on an independent search for items in the location whistling empty and send to perform the operation of Cullen. Scripture with Knight-Correce receptions can be found at Vivien or buy in the bookstore in the village of Ruayo from the seller. Next on the table of orders, we create a holy blade handle, enter into a dialogue with Helen and choose a specialization.

Lovers of controlling the situation such specialization will have to taste. Its essence is not related to the appeal of other creatures, it creates trouble to opponents. The necromancer can perform a number of unpleasant manipulations above the enemy: to sow horror or turn into a bomb.

Nevarry skulls will be located in the location of the storm coast. The bed can be found in the location of Emerald graves or Empriz Du Lyon. You can not load yourself from finding items in the location of Empriz Du Lyon, but send Callen there, it will take a collection operation. Scripture with necromancet techniques can be bought at the bookstore in the Val Ruayo from the seller or find near Doriana. Next, you need to create a precious skull on the table of applications, talk to Vius Anakas and choose a specialization.

Specialization provides a player with the possibility of using the strongest attacking spells. Not bad indicators in control. In general, specialization is very universal, convenient in the game, because In all parameters, it gives average and not bad indicators, and after pumping characteristics, the character turns into an excellent warrior.

In the location of the Sacred Valley, we kill the Ventoria and with their corpses, which are necessary to fulfill the quest, Ventoria Foliants. Of them, in the sacred valley we collect a thin velvet. Scripture of tensile magic techniques get in the bookstore in the village of Ruayo from the seller or find it near Salass. Next, you need to create a book of breaks on the table of orders, talk to the mentor and finally choose a specialization.

Dragon Age: Inquisition specialization is the unique skill of the player offered to choose from three possible. For each class (warrior, magician or robber) exist their specializations. About them and will be discussed in the article.


The actions of the third part of the Dragon Age are a logical continuation of the events of the previous two parts. The first narrates on the invasion of the treatments of Darkness, as well as how Mages of Tedas were oppressed. They were kept in special "circles" to prevent the dissemination of the forbidden teaching - blood magic, as well as to prevent the obsession with demons in every way.

Those who caused special suspicions were to be pacified - the ritual, the result of which the complete deprivation of magical abilities was becoming. Maggie circles ensured knights-temples.

The second part tells about the personal tragedy of the Houds family, who were the will of fate drawn into the growing conflict between the magicians and the van stamp temples. The wizards were increasingly persecuted, the temples, in turn, only poured oils into the fire. Especially those who have a blood magic on every corner.

The result was the destruction of the church and the uprising of magicians throughout the Tedasus, which turned into a civil war.

"Dragon Century: Inquisition": Spill in the sky

The third part begins with an attempt to convene by representatives of magicians and temples in order to enter into a peace treaty and stop the war. But an explosion occurs, which leads to the emergence of fault in the sky, through which demons penetrate into the world of people.

The first half of the game proceeds in a slow rhythm: Heroes must find a way to close the hole, periodically return to the shelter, healing wounds. As well as the main character, the carrier of the mysterious magical mark on the palms, proclaimed by Lord Inquisitor. Only he knows how to close these faults using his gift.

After it is no longer due to the circumstances, the hero and his whole team are forced to leave the refuge with all civilians, the first in Dragon Age: Inquisition of specializations for the inquisitor opens. About this protagonist will find out thanks to the prompts. The ability of the "Gap Tag" appears, which causes a huge damage to the enemy. Requires the accumulation of "concentration" - when the scale is filled, the skill will be actively.

Dragon Age: Inquisition; Classes and specializations in the game.

As mentioned above, for each class in the game there are their specializations. You can open them by visiting the command of the command and performing the task of the "Specialization of the Inquisitor" on the map. The latter will be available already after arriving in Skyhold, when the main character and his whole team will be able to seriously settle in this castle.

After completing the task, three strangers will arrive in Skyhold. This is teachers who are able to teach new skills. You can choose only one person, it will give the quest, after executing which it will be opened with access to a new specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition:

  • magician specializations: whale knight, necromancers, magician breaks.
  • for warrior: Vityaz, Tempere, Ripper.
  • robber: mechanic, killer, storm.

Each class should be part separately for more detailed consideration of specializations.


One of the most interesting skills in Dragon Age: Inquisition is a specialization knight-enchantine. You can get by completing the quest from Commander Helen - one of the three teachers who arrived in Skyhold. In fact, the tree of abilities allows pumping the hero in the Magician: creates a magic blade, with which you can fight in the near battle. Also, the hero can enhance itself with the energy curtain (the ability of the "shadowing cloak"), giving invulnerability and the ability to pass through enemies. By pumping the branch, the hero will be able to resurrect the fallen comrades.

The necromancer has a number of abilities that allow you to unable horror into enemies, restore health at the expense of killed opponents, to send perfumes to enemy goals, as well as turn the enemy soldiers into walking bombs. There are a pair of abilities that stand out: acceleration (spending "focus", allows the hero and allies to move faster) and the residual image (after the death of the main character, his spirit still fights for some time). This specialization of Dragon Age: Inquisition is issued by a person with a strange name Vius Anaksas, who is the dead work by the Mortaltasi master.

The magician of breaks, in turn, is not very remarkable specialization. It can be obtained from a woman who will name ourselves "Your Mentor". Mastering a specialization, the protagonist will be able to crush enemies with energy fists, send a fiery storm or a stupor on enemies, as well as raise the damage to the allies.


In Dragon Age: Inquisition The robber is for many players a favorite class. He may be an archer, can know the skill in both hands, hide, disappear from the battlefield and suddenly attack the enemy with a new force. In this case, there will also be several skills:

Mechanic. The task to receive this specialization gives someone a trio-headed - a mentor in the Skyholder courtyard. Very interesting ability. Especially useful to archers (the skill of "arrows" consumes points of concentration), to the lovers to put cappos. And also makes it possible to retreat on a safe area, replenishing health, increases the crit itself and allies.

Assassin. Issued by elf by the heirs. An extremely useful tree of abilities, most importantly of which will allow you to hide the whole detachment into the shadow and attack. And during the attack, the secrecy is not going anywhere. The remaining skills of the Tree will be very useful to the robber with two daggers.

Storm. Extremely unusual specialization issued by the robber Khim. It will allow the player to let into the move various chemical mixtures, which are freezing the enemy, then ignite, then they will enhance the battlefield with lightning.


In Dragon Age: Inquisition Specialization Warrior fill the class flaws as such. The fact is that this class is rarely played, since the mechanics of combat worked not entirely clearly - too slow the warrior turned out to be at BioWare. In addition, the tank is mainly engaged in either Cassandra or Blackwall. Skills here are also a few:

Knight. Tree abilities characteristic of "tank". It helps to increase resistance, causes back strikes, is able to stand for a long time on the battlefield, protecting the weakest allies. A special skill that consumes "concentration" - control, allows you to completely cause fire on yourself, attack in response, while staying on my legs for a long time. It is extremely useful when you need to go to kill the dragon and distract the cubs that periodically run on the battlefield. Quest issues Lord Chance de Lyon.

Templar. Specialization Dragon Age: Inquisition, allowing to confront magicians and demons, thanks to the abilities to burn spells, inspire allies, increase the resistance to various natural magicias, as well as cause high resistance to the attacks of the enemy (skill consistent "concentration"). It gives the task of a strange warrior who calls himself.

Ripper. The tree of the skill, allowing to turn the war in the Berrill. Designed for a player who owns (heavy axes, hammers, two-handed swords). The essence of the skills of this specialization: the more damage gets a character, the violence of his attack. Special skill - frenzy - allows you to fill health with each attack.

Choice of specialization

It should also be noted that the mentors teach those knowledge, skills and skills that are already present in the game from other characters.

Such possess:

  • Solas - a magician of breaks.
  • Vivien - Knight-Wizard.
  • Dorian - necromancer.
  • Warrick - Mechanic.
  • Sir - Storm.
  • Cole - killer.
  • Blackwall - Vityaz.
  • Cassandra - Tempera;
  • Iron Bull - Ripper.

The partners may comment on the choice of the main character, expressing approval or condemnation. For example, when choosing necromancy, Cole and Blackwall will express condemnation, and Cassandra will simply comment.

Also, Dragon Age's specialization: Inquisition contributes to the fact that the corresponding rumors will walk on Lord Inquisitor. For example, many evil languages \u200b\u200bwill not be bored once again to reproach the Inquisitor in the hobby of necromantion.


Use the unique skills of these specializations is recommended in the most critical moments, and it is advisable to use them all at once.

For example, when the player decides to enhance the dragon. In Dragon Age: Inquisition, these creatures do not go to comparison with Skyrim Dragons, where they can be knocked off with a cry, quickly kill and run further. Here it is necessary to thoroughly consider tactics, pick up the reservation, which will resist the breath of the dragon (ice, flame or electricity), exploration the fight to find out how the element is the most vulnerable dragon. After that, to enchant the weapons corresponding to the way and only then go into battle.

In this case, you need to engage the precious unique skills on the enemy to knock down the initiative. And even in this case the victory is not guaranteed. After all, dragons are not easy creatures. Often call on cubs to help, fly from place to place, and also use wind streams to pull the characters to themselves. For partners with weak armor (especially magicians) is true death.


There are various software changing some Dragon Age: Inquisition components. Fashion can change the appearance of some characters. For example, the efforts of craftsmen, a modification appeared, adding the game hairstyles for women of kunari. Playing a beautiful horned character has become much more interesting.

Also, these plugins are capable of a little change the appearance of some samples of armor in the game, making it more attractive. There is a lot of variations of elven armor, which (unfortunately) developers did not enter the Dragon Age: Inquisition to the game. Fashion corrected this flaw.

A number of retoxistic modifications improve the appearance of grass, colors, trees and other environmental elements.

Fashion is able to fix flamns with tattoos, scars, add new elements when creating a hero (beard, eyebrows, hairstyles and not only).


Specialization Dragon Age: Inquisition was significantly improved with the release of "strangers" and "Jaws of Gakcon". There are many additional "pimads" in the tree of specialization.

In the first addition, it will be about the arrival of the head of Ben-Hazrat. If the iron bull has retained his squad in the original version of the game, and the kunari was flooded, then the character will remain faithful to the Inquisitor. If, on the contrary, the bull betrayed the player, because he is the Code of Honor Kun.

"Jaws of Gakcon" narrate about the ancient conspiracy of the gacconites in order to return to the land of their merciless God.


Dragon Age: Inquisition has become a crown of creative genius in fantasy genre from BioWare. Everyone can find something in the game: the style of the game that loved the characters, tactics, the favorite places to which you want to return, loved by the characters, the dialogues with whom I want to listen again and again, romantic lines, which are also inalienable components of the gameplay.

Dragon Age's trilogy ended with the death of the Corryon, but he gave rise to many fan projects, comics, mini-games, and animated series. Who knows whether the series will continue. Will this be the beginning of a new series of events or the continuation of what has already happened. Although, the ending of the third part, in which Solas and the Malt (it is a framed, witch from the wasteland) hint at obviously prepared continuation of heroic saga, whose name of the Dragon Epoch.

Fans of this game series can only wait.