Hyde by suramar in Wow Legion: local tasks, reputation, ancient mana. Hyde for Suramar in Wow Legion: local tasks, reputation, ancient mana attack on Suramar

in Wow Legion Polon secrets and riddles and although the surroundings of the Great Once of the city are now present and the picturesque, but still the ruins, the city itself boils life to this day. Adventure seeker opens the road to the most rich in the events Location LEGION only at the 110th level, but a huge storage of quests, two epochal dungeons, a raid and in general the rust of interesting things are exactly the time to wait a bit.

To do in Suramar is there anything and first of all you can admire local landscapes - they, as always in World of Warcraft, just fascinate. But this is the little things, the most important thing begins after Cadgar himself contact you to ask for help with a certain interesting case (the quest "Opening of Kadgara") - Suramar's plot starts.

There is no need to talk about the plot - there are solid spoilers, so you just know that the plot of Suramar is worth watching him and get it completely, besides, it is worth a good award in the form of reputation, gold, artifact forces, and even the epic Mount, But about all this in order.

This guide will help beginners to navigate in Suramar, as well as those who just want to make sure that he missed anything. For convenience, it is divided into several sections.

In general, the plot quests are filtered do not cause any difficulties, but it is worth mentioning about Telemante. Shortly after your acquaintance with him, the ochelet asks some things from his old dwelling and during the task "the delicate art of Telemania" you fall into the teleport site. Finding the right enough simply - the tools of the eyepiece lie in the laboratory of distortion and laboratory of telemetry, but a couple of secrets is also hidden here.

Teleport "Library" will take you to a distorted space from which you will hurry to pull out the diplex, but if you look at the distortion more carefully, you can detect hidden treasures. In order for the dipping, it is before the time to "save" you, you need to quickly reach one of the radiant lilac circles and thus follow the distortion. At the output, you will be waiting for the statue of elf and a reward in the form of a chest with the trifle and artifact power.

Next, the Talisar will send you to explore the Nisina Anora in Quest "Connecting to the Silent Lines". Waltraua, which is just there, will be glad to see you, but when he finds out about the Talisra, it will become much more conspiract. Together with the waltra, you need to activate the power line of the Nizna Anora, and the puzzle itself, which is proposed to be solved, is extremely simple, but after activating the power line, you get the ability to activate other power lines throughout suramar. It is better to take care of this in advance, as it is further on the plot you will still be forced to restart all the caches, and it will be better if you have to run not so much.

Side Quests

Side quests of Suramar on twistedness are not inferior to the storyline, and sometimes even surpass them. The main reward for their implementation will be, again, the strength of the artifact, but also the achievement of "good suramarityan" without them too.

If you used to pass by the Vurekul settlement of Yandwick, where the day and night are fighting the Vurekula and Nagi, then probably noticed that they and others do not like you. However, you can become a Yandwick Jarl - you can start the plot of this settlement in the forest near the village, where the Vysonkul lady named Toril only waiting for someone to help her to run Nag.

In addition to the forces of the artifact, several portions of the ancient mana and the useless title of Jarl Yandwick, you will also get the opportunity to breathe under water and quickly swim in the nearby bay, and since there are several local quests, then such a reward will definitely be useful.

In the same place, in the city of nightborn, it is possible to complete the quest chain "Blood and Wine" and get a pet freed by Manazmenesh for the quest "Balance as a gift".

One of the local quests in Suramar sends you to train the withered so that of them extended. The purpose of the preparation of withers is to get to Telemann of Okulta at the other end of the ruins and at the same time survive, bringing with him at least one witty. This is not as simple as it may seem, but with the right approach, everything is possible.

  • The history of Suramar will continue in the patch of 7.1 quest chain, the achievement of the "rebellion" and the Arcanist Mount "S Manasaber. The task chain is already available for testing at 7.1 ptr and we were keen so much that we were all the way!

    Spoilers await you ahead! If you want to enjoy the development of the plot yourself, in the game, please stop reading right now.

    For the execution of each part of the storyline as a reward, players receive a thing in the range from 830 to 850 Ilvel. In addition, the reputation marked for reputation will sell a new subject Recipe: Potion of Prolonged Power.


    When you return to Suramar, at first everything looks fine. Located by the usual, quiet life in Shal "Aran. They returned their original appearance, and the cave is full of refugees and jewels.

    Nevertheless, the connection with the lunar twilight stopped (crackdown), so during the inspection you will find many killed or captured citizens. Suramar puts even more demons than before, even such that will immobilize you and immediately remove the disguise.

    The teleport of the lunar twilight is destroyed and your first task is to help residents (many of them you met in the initial quests of Suramar) to escape. The mistress of the lunar twilight killed, but her family is safe. The benefactor Scarlet and her girls skillfully fell off from the demons and now they will go to Shal "Aran, they are not needed to save them. Master Devlin will not leave, until he takes his invaluable vase, and Torvos will not want to leave his son of the Valent.

    You will help them to escape on one of the gondola, and then you need to contact the dipping so that he opens a new portal in Shal "Aran on the top of Evermoon Terrace.


    The first magician of the Talisar received bad news about the uprising of the risen and need your help.

    Nightborn are deserted from the army (More Like Me). Viktoriir brings you news that the inhabitants grabbed (Missing Persons), taken to the Astra harbor and planted on boats going to the demonic island.

    Hurry up and save them (Hostage Situation), masking under the prisoner and freeing citizens from demons (in the business of souls, smuggled!). For this, get a level 830 relic.

    Trading tyranny

    Lee "has completed the deal. The first magician of the Talisar needs your help to act according to the new information.

    Lee "years warns you that Vantira wants to make an indicative example in the center of Suramar to see what happens for disobedience. He was thrown into a magic prison where the guy is slowly dying in sight of the whole city. You must detect the location (Essence TriGulation) Vantira and save him, until it became too late (nullified, Sign of the Dusk Lily, Waxing Crescent!). For this, get your shoulders and chest 835 levels.

    Inside Shal "Aran is a hologram Lee" years and for the first five weeks of conclusion, she has a new message for you. She will even notify you about the new obsession of the nightborn bird pepe:

    No promotion. I suspect that Alisanda is quite comfortable with such a climate in the city. Here quietly. Perhaps our people are afraid to cry after the atrocities in the lunar twilight ...

    I am not able to locate Vantira. I do not see his name.

    Funny, Alisanda is the most punctual person I've ever had a misfortune to serve.

    I will say again as soon as I can. Take care of yourself.

    At your request, I asked about the situation in the overtance of a spread soul. It seems that your efforts slowed down the smuggling. But unfortunately, most likely, they will not leave it.

    Rumors about stripping deserters after events in the Astra Harbor. Advise your people to be alert. You can join even more replete.

    Good news, in the palace new fashion. All are obsessed with decorative orange people on their heads. Strange.

    As usual, I continue to look for our common friend. As soon as I recognize more, I will personally talk to you.

    Be a strong, first sorceress!

    I'm so glad that Vantir is safe. Give him the best! I hope to meet him personally in the near future.

    Voltage grows. Twilight Lily really scared the nobles. They do not agree with how to cope with the situation and consider violence the most suitable option. I worry about those stuck in a trap in the city.

    I noticed some movement in the boardwalk - they strengthen the positions. Do not miss them from the view.

    I will inform when I have more information.

    Your new allies did not remain unnoticed.

    I do not know where you found such a group, but I like how they are being introduced into the Promenade.

    Anxiety grows. Nobles no longer ascend themselves with illusions, about avoiding hostilities. Alisanda will not allow them to remain indifferent while Suramar was flooded alien.

    We have not won my friend.

    Be careful, and stay strong. See you soon.

    I do not have much time. Unfortunately, this report will be brief.

    Alisanda in rage. She plans something, but I have no details.

    I am attentive than ever. As soon as I find out what she plans, immediately contact you.

    Be careful.

    Elf problem

    Alliance and Horde arrived in Suramar. The first magician of the Talisar needs your help in preparing.

    In this chapter, you will meet with a thorada of the rustle of the wind, Lady Liadrine and the Veris of the winder. They created a military camp on the side of the city gate. Tensions are growing, since various elven cultures intersect in the nightburn. This is especially emotionally for Tyranda, she was born in Suramar and does not trust the Taliser.

    You help in creating a camp, clean the demons in the Great Promenade (Down to Business, Powering Down The Portal), and come into contact with the spies of the night elves and blood elfs in the city (Taking a Promenade). Then you win the right hand of the Master (Break An ARM). In the award, you will receive legs or levels 835 levels.


    I am glad to see a friend's face on the battlefield.

    It ... It's hard ... For me, go to Suramar again. Already ten thousand years have passed since then my legs last felt the grass on these lands.

    Then we saved from the glowing legion.

    I would never believe that I would have to return to the place of my birth, to snatch him from the hands of those whom I once considered my people.

    Lady Liadrine:

    Veris is so obsessed with the desire of revenge Horde, that we cannot trust her our flank.

    Tyranda is a pedestrian. She knows about the wars of this type. While its intelligence is useful, she must save the feces "Dorati from the main attack.

    My bloody knights are the only capable of standing in this conflict.

    Crafting war

    The first magician of the Talisar needs your help, in the snap and teaching its growing rebel army.

    Each person is loaded by work, so you will help everyone NPC! First, Shal "Aran is filled with refugees, and lack the fruit of Arkan" Dora to feed everyone. You will go to Azsun together with Waltra to redirect the magic power lines to Shal "Aran (Oculeth Ex Machina). In this quests, Waltraua serves Stelegoz, and they argue who is better in magic and placement of power lines (The Art of Flow). But However, at the end of the quest, they become good friends and fall asleep each other compliments (a dance with Dragons). In the award you will receive an accessory or ring 840.

    Then, the Alliance and Horde begin the problems in the camps (Trolling Them). You will have to expose the cords of the nightborn and put an end to the stakes of the alliance and the hordes over the other. For example, in the Horde camp you will find a gold disk called "Sunny Well".

    Your ultimate task is to bring the army of statched in combat form. Viktorir is dissatisfied with the combat spirit of warriors and sends them to the Fortress of the Black Journey for Fighting Ghosts (We Need Weapons, Citizens Army, Learning From The Dead). For this you get the shoulders or wrists 840 levels.

    After your return, Rosezel attacks Meredil (Trial by Demonfire), so you need to prepare your army to test.

    Offensive at Suramar

    The combined power of the elven armies is ready to attack Suramar. All they need is your order.

    Tyranda, Liadrine and Veris follow the Talisra plan to storm Suramar (Ready for Battle). Cadgar is very impressed that the Talisar received the consent of all three!

    You break through the Great Promenade and Concourse of Destiny with the support of the Alliance, Hordes and Stranded. Kirin-Tor creates a base on the second floor of the harbor (Full Might of the Elves), and the exhibition creates a new teleport in Shal "Aran (Staging Point). Your award: helmet or level 840 raincoat.

    Kadgar and the dipping becomes good friends. The dipper is impressed by the story of Kadgar about moving Dalaran.

    Report by Alisanda

    The rebels are ready to attack night birthday to the gate.

    Alisanda offends three elven leaders and imposes a powerful temporary spell on the members of the uprising, actually freezing them in place (Gates of the Nighthold). Only you and Cadgar avoided the spell actions because they were not on the front line.


    Caldoraians? You disgraced the glorious past, hiding on the trees and hiding behind the false piousness. You grew up like savage, as trolls that are hung in your forest.

    Kel "Doraitsa? You are the peasants playing the nobility, too willingly mixed with lower races, diluting the blood line. You are not worthy of the names of the highest elves.

    Sin "Doraitsa? Of all the elves, I thought only would you understand the choice I did to save my people. Instead, you united with losers and monsters.

    All you humiliate your proud origin. All you have forgotten the ancient power, which is yours right.

    You both want to break in a temporary bubble to pull the tyranda, but it is too risky strategy. The talisar indicates that the encoded messages of Lee "years have not recently come and it is afraid that these events are connected. When you decode her messages, you will learn that whether" years has been at the new Council meetings (Those Scriding Eyes). She advises not to attack the main gate, and reports that there is not a protected entrance to the sanctuary of order. After that, its message breaks sharply.

    Together with Waltra, you explore the barrier under the branch of the order. This magic barrier does not eat from the night well. Alisanda draws strength with nearby power lines. After their research (The Seal "s Power), Waltraua begins to work on a barrier shutdown plan. For this task you get a foot or chest 845 levels.


    The time of the final attack on the night citadel came.

    Lee "took captive the evil first sorceress of Adriassa Naransin (a Message From Our Enemies). Most likely he is a long-range relative of Atrikus Naransin from the initial quest lines.

    You and the Talisra go to save Lee "years, but your army of withered can not stand up against magic of a nightborn. After saving a frightened personnel," Years (a Challenge from Our Enemies), you will begin to explore protection against magic badge and test new ways to confront enemies in Optice of the deficient soul (resisting arrest). However, the archlet exams the terrace of order to collect data (Survey The City) and some notes from its old workshop for further research (Experimental Instability). Now you can stand against the bad (Felborne No More). Your reward will be a level 845 relic.

    Strong like our will

    It takes your help to rise from the knees and become a full-fledged army.

    The essence of the Waltra Plan is that several power lines immediately need to break. This will definitely destroy the barrier. After placing the breakdowns (), you follow the sanctuary and fight the security (Breaching the Sanctum). With the sphere of telemancia and the help of a sustainable magic of the wisen of withered, you break through the shrine of order. The shield of Adrias is vulnerable to withers, and they easily won it.

    Cadgar and the Talisar are waiting outside the entrance to the night's Citadel. They say that you are heroically destroyed the temporary barrier and freed the captured alliance and the Horde. For this you get legs or hands 850 levels.

    Cadgar deliberately tells you: "There are no longs for a long time here. They collect the elite group of champions and will fight to the end. I'm sure you are familiar with such tactics! We will be right for you."

    In Suramar, there were still several unpainted plot lines, for example: Lady's fate "years, but it seems to be told in future updates to Legion.


    The ability to cultivate the fields and grown the cereals on them was not available to humanity for many thousands of years. Ancient people were engaged mainly by collecting, and at a lesser extent hunting. They used the fruits, the leaves, digged roots, and occasionally hunted. Now the "wild" tribes in Africa have nothing to do with the slightest concept about the cultivation of grain.

    Who was the first person who decided to throw a handful of wheat in the ground, and then spin it and bake a cake? Received to us recording on the signs left behind the Sumerian civilization, they say that the farming was a gift of the gods, although they did not do the gods themselves.

    Supporters of this theory argue that the need to eat cereals comes from the difference in the composition of the blood from the ancient people and some "gods", or alien beings. As they found themselves on Earth, intentionally or as a result of shipwreck, is unknown. However, they immediately found that they lack food that would maintain the required amount of copper in their blood.

    In addition, another danger arose. On earthly conditions, blood based on copper quickly becomes viscous and clogs vessels. Therefore, urgently found products that can neutralize blood lifting. They were again grain cereals and grapes.

    The blood of the human being contains a large amount of iron, which is the second to propagate the metal on our planet. Especially a lot of iron is contained in fruits, berries, leaves and legumes. But in the cereal iron is practically absent, but there are hard-soluble salts that reduce the digestibility of nutrients and settle in the body in the form of slags.

    In addition, the question of the cooking method itself is called. After all, the porridge from solid grain has much more vitamins! But in the cleaned grain a lot of copper. In addition, iron is a more active element and is able to exhibit copper from the blood. The grain would be the most suitable food product for creatures whose existence more depends on copper than from iron.

    Blood based on copper should have a bluish tint. Nothing reminds? For example, the expression "blue blood", indicating affiliation to the ancient genus of rulers, elected. Obviously, on the planet the gods of iron was much smaller, but copper surrounded them from all sides.

    Interestingly, the production of copper and began the manufacture of dishes and jewelry from it also coincide with the period of the start of agriculture. But when contacting copper, the body is able to absorb her, translating from an inorganic form to organic. Perhaps those who arrived on the Earth Gods for this purpose and began to wear copper decorations, and even then the human knee moved their habits to at least approach the "Great"?

    Apparently, the representatives of the alien race seemed so divine ancient sumers that they had a new order with a new order - to cultivate cereals and produce copper. For people themselves, the cultivation of grain crops brought more harm than good. Of course, on the one hand, it ensured stability because the grain can be kept for a long time and feed people in winter periods. However, along with this, the diet has become much more limited. Modern studies have established that the share of cereals in our diet is about 60%.

    At first, the cultivated grain was not so much, and people easier continued to "eat in the old man." However, it tried to imitate "divine" to raise in the eyes of contemporaries. The Mumiy of the Egyptian Pharaohs, who died in a rather young rage, found a badly erased teeth. The millstones, which were used then to grow the grain, were made of stone. Small pebbles then got into the flour from which wheat pellets were baked by Pharaohs. When contacting with such abrasive substances, the teeth were quickly erased. Pharaohs knew this, and yet could not be abandoned from the "food of the gods", but simply bread.

    Among the animals of our planet, you can note reptiles, which also go the bluish blood, giving them the skin gray shade. For example, octopus blood contains a hemocianin pigment, which works on the basis of all the same copper. Is it possible that the gods were reptiloids? Look at the figure found during the excavations. Lizard's head and human body. Is it possible to combine the bodies of reptiloid and humanoid, or the imagination of the ancient people "did the bottom of the bottom in their image and likeness?

    By the way, the Sumerians themselves never called the aliens "teachers" and did not mention their kindness and love for people. It seems that the gods did not possess special ethical concepts and, discovering less developed creatures, simply made their slaves from them.

    The development of agriculture gave impetus to the increase in population, and also created prerequisites for life in more cohesive communities - more people in smaller areas. Of course, at the same time, sanitary conditions have worsened, and various diseases began to appear, outbursts of epidemics. At the moment, it is not known where the alien gods were treated with blue blood, but they forever changed the history of mankind and determined the further path of its development.