Galactic map in freelancer game. Freelancer: Guides and Walkthroughs. How it all starts

The price of freedom is eternal war ...

Wing Commander IV: The price of freedom


Freelancer - x long build. It was announced back in 1998, and since then, numerous fans of space simulators have been stubbornly waiting for it, despite occasional rumors of the project's untimely demise. Started by Chris Roberts, creator of the Wing Commander and Privateer universe and who later left Digital Anvil, Freelancer finally came out in 2003, with the help of Microsoft, who bought it. However, I have a suspicion that the project is actually much larger, and it is not finished at all ... but more on that later.

How it all starts

The game takes place 800 years after the Coalition and Alliance war on Earth. Alliance, losing the last battle, sent ships with colonists (sleeper ships - meaning that the colonists themselves spent the entire journey in suspended animation) to the then unexplored sector of Sirius. The ships successfully reached their destination, and their passengers began to build their home ... promising never to forget the calamity that forced them to embark on such a long journey.

Alas, human memory is short ... Without letting the player come to his senses from the heartfelt phrases of the video intro, the game developers immediately offer him another video that confirms this statement. As soon as the transport leaves the Freeport 7 station, the ships that have appeared from nowhere blow it to shreds with a single torpedo salvo. Unlike the first one, this video is already made on the game engine, like most of the following ones, and at the same time they look quite decent. Characters move freely, facial expressions, realized at the level of facial expressions and eyebrow movements, set the appropriate mood for the video sequence, and small details, like well-drawn hands, simply cannot but delight the eye.

However, where programmers and animators get "5", scriptwriters can safely put "3", or, for especially loyal gamers - "4". With a stretch. Maybe this was intended, but many moments in the game leave the feeling as if you have already seen it somewhere ... I will not detail the plot here, given that most of the pleasure from the game can be obtained after completing the main missions (about why this happens - a little later). Therefore, in order not to be unfounded in my accusation to the scriptwriters, I will allow myself to run a little ahead. So, at some point, Edison Trent (Edison Trent), the protagonist of the game, under your strict guidance comes to the planet Leeds, with which he flew away not so long ago in search of commercial happiness, and there he meets the man who raised him - Tobias "oh (Tobias) Tobias behaves like a true English gentleman, while taking care of Trent and his companions rushing back and forth with rare charm. what does not remind you? Have you played Wing Commander III or IV? Yes, yes, there was exactly such a character ... if you played, you will remember him.

For those who have only heard about the masterpieces of Chris Roberts, I suggest remembering another game. Not a space simulator at all, but a quest. In which the Nazis hunt for the main character in order to steal an ancient Aztec artifact from him, and then he hunts for them (for about the same purpose) ... Such a funny guy with a hat and a whip ... remember? Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. Such nostalgia appears when the inhabitants of Rheinland come to Tobias with a strong German accent, numerous questions and hidden threats ...

However, I was somewhat carried away by the multitude of unfamiliar names and titles. Everything in order.

From the introductory videos described above, it becomes clear that we will have to fly through the Sirius sector, divided into approximately equal parts - Liberty, Brettonia, Kusari and Rheinland (respectively, the cultures of the USA, Great Britain, Japan and Germany).

The main character - Edison Trent - left Leeds, the Brettonia colony, for the deal of his life, on which he had to earn a million ... Alas, the million, as it soon turns out, burned down along with the Freeport 7 station, with which Trent managed to escape the last moment together with your partner in the transaction. He was slightly hit on the head, and he is now unable to give the money, so let him lie down in the Manhattan hospital (where the transport with the survivors arrived), and we will have to look for work, since the 500 credits left in Trent's pocket will not be enough for a long time.

On the planet

So, we are in the central square, and we have the opportunity to choose where to go - to the launch pad, to bar, To merchants goods, ship equipment or ships... True - a minus to the convenience of the interface - this can be done only by clicking on the icon at the top of the screen. Despite the fact that the city itself is drawn in detail (and on all planets in different ways), there are no links inside it. Inconvenient.

Speaking of icons, there is a panel in the upper right corner that opens access to Neural Net Log(a journal where Trent writes his opinion about what is happening around, as well as the tasks facing him), Navigation Map, Inventory, Player Info(I recommend to study it right away) and Current Info(information about the current location is of little use, as a rule). I also recommend looking at the map at once, both tactical and strategic, and then tracking your location on it: it will come in handy later.

In general, the system of prompts in the game is wide enough so as not to get confused, so I will not dwell on all the menu items. However, the bar should be discussed separately. It is the most useful and most visited place on any planet. Here you can just talk, piece by piece information about the giant (without exaggeration) Freelancer universe, buy data about something (usually a station or planet), find a job, read the news ... In addition to the opportunity to communicate with those sitting in bar by people, there is a job board - a list of offers for people like Trent who are ready to do anything for the money freelancers (in this case, "freelancer" is probably best translated as "free shooter"). Each proposal is characterized by price and complexity, the type of work is the same in all - to fly to the point and shoot someone there; sometimes it is necessary to pick up the ejected pilot and bring him to justice. You should choose offers from the most expensive ones, just make sure that it does not turn out to be overwhelming for you: it is unlikely that you will be able to miss the mission, but it is realistic to spend missiles for it and get damage so much that it will become unprofitable. However, the complexity of missions is growing gradually, and it will take time to learn how to fly and shoot accurately.

Often not all people can be talked to in a bar. Many, having looked at your card (apparently, ID is an analogue of a passport, only it contains more information ... much more), declare that it would be better for you to go good-bye, while nothing bad happens. This means that you have a low reputation in the group to which this person belongs. You can increase it, either by completing the corresponding missions, or simply by paying money (here, in the bar, there are such offers; as a rule, however, they are not cheap).

However, so far this issue does not concern us. The bartender points out to Trent a nice girl with whom to talk about work, and - whoever doubts - she immediately gives us a ship and offers a simple mission like "guard the transport". Well, let's equip and take off.

On your marks!

Flight control is a separate pride of the developers. The task, apparently, was twofold: on the one hand, to implement an interface that allows you to shoot not only strictly at the point to which we are flying, on the other, to make it accessible to the masses (including those who are not happy owners of sophisticated joysticks). The task was successfully solved, while forgetting about the promises to take care of these owners and to do control from the joystick. So everyone will have to fly with a mouse.

However, this is not as scary as it seems. The interface is simple and intuitive.

The keys, configured in the game by default, do not cause serious irritation, at least at first, and then you can change them for yourself. I'll tell you right away: the two most frequently used functions in combat (apart from firing on the mouse) are the thruster (acceleration) and the tractor beam (collection of objects), followed by the launch of missiles and the release of anti-missiles, as well as the release of mines (for those who learn to use them). If you are going to fly in a vehicle that basically has to shoot in the wrong direction at all, configure yourself to control the ship's course from the keyboard (it is not set by default).

The interface in flight is somewhat subtly reminiscent of the interface on the ground ... and does not create the feeling of being in a fighter at all, first of all - the absence of any kind of radar. All targets are indicated directly on the main screen by arrows, and are also described at the bottom left (using the icons, you can sort them, however, for this you have to move the mouse, which is inconvenient, especially in battle and when the "follow the cursor" mode is on ... the ship is instantly loses course). In the lower right corner is a list of your weapons. It is practically useless, especially if you remember how many missiles you had and how many you have already fired (or do not count the missiles at all - when they run out, then they run out). Both of these windows can be minimized so as not to obstruct the view. In the center at the bottom - the most useful data for battle: the level of the energy reserve (constantly replenished by the reactor, consumed mainly by the cannons), the energy level of the shield (replenished by the reactor) and the degree of damage to the hull. The shield can be replenished quickly using special batteries, and the case can be repaired with nanobots (the amount of both is indicated in the window in the lower right corner), but both are quite expensive and should not be wasted unnecessarily.

So, as soon as we got off the planet, there was a fight at once. And here the developers made the right decision! The player plunges into the world faster than the Titanic plunged (and he set a kind of record). The graphics, which did not seem to impress with their completeness, suddenly become very similar to "how it should be", the sound makes you jump away from the speakers (if you have a good audio system, set it up properly, you will not regret it), and the shooting that opens around makes the gamer immediately grab the control wheel with a strong hand, that is, the mouse, and press down the pedal (by default - Tab) to the floor.

First, you should fly fast. The faster the better. If in the forced engine mode (turn on by default Shift-W), moving at cruising speed, you could shoot - it would be very good. However, alas, this mode is designed exclusively for traveling long distances, and the ship is knocked out of it with a special missile (Cruise Disruptor) quite easily. So you have to use the thruster almost all the time. First of all, it is necessary to make it harder to hit you. And in the second - to make it easier for you to get in.

Second, you should choose one opponent at a time. The target you have chosen ( R- the closest enemy, T- change target), is highlighted on the screen, and a landmark familiar to all fans of space simulators is moving in front of it, which should be shot. The accuracy is not very high, but if the target is far away, it is still difficult to hit. It is best to destroy this, and only then move on to the next. So you will have on your tail a lot of hunters for your scalp only at the very beginning of the battle. The ability of opponents to shoot accurately, alas, does not depend on their damage, so the bulldog remains the best tactic. In this case, you should shoot constantly, since the reactor, as a rule, allows.

Third, after you've finally detonated this escaping fighter, immediately hold whatever remains of it (tractor beam - B). It's easier than flying around the battlefield and picking up leftovers later. All this garbage is unlikely to be useful to you, but it will be possible to sell it. For the first time, a good help.

The science of good use missiles worth studying separately. Opponents, as a rule, know how to evade them and drop anti-missile traps, but you can still catch them. It is convenient to launch a missile in the side of an enemy fighter when it prepares to jump. It is also relatively easy to get into it, moving on a collision course. A missile should only be launched at short distances in pursuit. Among other things, it should be remembered that rockets, especially good ones, cost money and should be spent sparingly. As a rule, they are effective for quickly finishing off a damaged enemy.

As for those warheads that are fired at you - listen carefully to what the game is telling you! During the battle, you are informed in a cute female voice when a rocket is aiming at your fighter (there is also a signal at the top, reminiscent of a "no parking" sign, but you might not notice it in the heat of battle). As a rule, dropping one or two anti-missile traps is enough to avoid being hit. If you feel sorry for the traps, you can maneuver using a thruster, knocking the aiming head off the track is usually not difficult. True, after this you will have to re-search the target for which you hunted.

Mines opponents fold constantly. Mostly they do not use complex and expensive systems, so the damage from them is minimal. However, as Trent periodically says, "every little bit helps," and mines can be a bit dangerous too. It is difficult to notice them in time, but you can shoot them down at the time of the drop - this happens by itself if you constantly fire at the enemy. I never learned how to use mines effectively, as a rule, dropping them did not give a special effect. However, each has its own tactics. Minefields are a separate issue. The main thing here is caution. Two explosions - and you have to load. But you can drive enemies into them ...

Large objects (capital ships) Is a separate problem. However, as a rule, it is not very large. In the main missions you will always have allies against them, and they are strong enough. Nevertheless, a few words should be said.

Weapons Platforms- a serious opponent only with the support of fighters. They not only carry powerful enough guns, but also launch missiles, which is especially unpleasant with a large number of opponents. Missions to destroy them are among the most expensive in the colonies, but they are not difficult. Shoot down fighters separately, without getting close to the platforms themselves, and then take them close. In this case, it is useful to know that the platforms have a "dead zone" - in the very center of the letter "X" that they form, the turrets cannot reach you. Hang yourself and shoot.

If you want to get rid of the platforms first (say, you are too lazy to keep track of the distance), you fly to and from them on the afterburner, constantly shooting at the center. High speed allows you not to be afraid of fighters and not to be very afraid of guns, and in three or four such shuttle moves you will blow up the platform (it all depends on the level of your weaponry).

Gunships- small battlecruisers. Their weak point is the poor protection of the engines. Just hang behind it and constantly shoot at as if specially designed for this exhaust spot. True, it will take a long time to shoot. This period can be reduced by using torpedoes ... but not so too much.

Battlecruisers- the same as Gunships - the engines are the worst covered. We aim at them, only we will have to hang closer. In the main missions, you practically do not have to destroy them.

And finally, what if there are many opponents? First, stop saving rockets. Life (as well as nanobots and shield batteries) is more expensive. The main thing is to remember which of the warheads are more effective against shields, and which ones are more effective against the hull (if you have several launchers installed, you can fire each missile at the right time; if one, either first remove the shields with a rocket, then finish off with cannons, or vice versa. I prefer the second option). Secondly, if you are in a cloud where the visibility of the sensors is limited, you can destroy them in parts, in small groups. If the enemy's advantage is clear, you can hide. If there is a trade lane, jump gate or jump hole nearby - leave with their help, they will not catch up. If not, try to break away at cruising speed. Not all opponents have a cruise disruptor missile.


After battle...

Later, when all the enemy fighters were shot down, you can start analyzing and understand that flights are what the developers put all their efforts into.

The detail may not be extreme, but more than enough to create a stunning impression. Cannons and rocket turrets rotate to follow the cursor. Their location and appearance, by the way, varies depending on the equipment of your ship. Many types of various fighters, transports, stations, cruisers, infrastructure facilities ... only at the first moment there are more than a dozen of them, and in the whole game there are hundreds. In the cockpits, the pilots (the easiest way to verify this is by looking at yourself ... the key V default). The engines of ships give different exhaust depending on the speed, the thruster is generally a separate engine. In case of serious damage, opponents light up (your ship, by the way, too), structural elements fall off from them, while different depending on the type of ship (but, alas, not the type of damage). The planets show continents, islands, clouds ...

All this, and much more, falls on the player immediately, without warning, immediately after taking off from the planet. For the sake of one such experience, it is already worth buying the game.

The opportunity to explore the world around you is not limited to the first impression. You soon discover that he is living his life. The pilots exchange callsigns, and besides, they just chat among themselves - they are constantly heard on the radio, sometimes you even feel uncomfortable hearing the complaints of one NPC to another about a hard life. The police are checking the holds for contraband. Ships sit down, take off, queue up at the gate of the passage, transport various cargoes from planet to planet ... Pirates disrupt transport lines, attack convoys, fight among themselves, sometimes even attack stations. There are a great many of them (as well as other organizations), all with their own principles, allies, enemies, even used by fighters.

There are many types of ships. Highly. See sidebar. Not less - types of weapons and other ship equipment.

All planets you can land on are different. Landing pads, landscapes - everything. The emphasis with which people speak to them changes depending on which territory you are in. The style in which the premises are decorated also depends on this. By the way, the addiction of our distant descendants to a variety of gargoyles, masks and other indoor sculptures is somewhat surprising. The most aesthetically pleasing, in my opinion, is the Kusari interiors. However, this is not for everybody.

How to fly?

The answer to this question depends on what you want from the flight.

More often than not, you just want to get from one base to another, preferably without hassle. In this case, use the trade lane, even though you will have to make several "transfers" and directly shorter. The familiar road, as you know, is closer, the speed advantage on the trade lane more than covers the loss in distance.

If you have already defeated all the evil "aliens" and are flying the Anubis 07A Very Heavy Fighter, which was safely purchased for a pittance in The Order, most likely you have nothing to fear from pirate ambushes on the trade lane. If you are still afraid or do not want to waste time and money (on missiles, shield batteries and nanobots) - move along with some transport under protection. Together with the escort fighters, you will easily and naturally kill all the pirates. You can say, "like flies" (for some reason the developers love the phrase "fighters are being taken down like flies").

If you are trying to find something interesting, you will have to deviate from the standard routes. And here nothing but the cruise engine is left. The most interesting thing in the game, of course, is hidden in various areas of inexplicable decrease in the efficiency of sensors (fog, however!), As well as in radioactive fields. On the first one you may need to walk several times by different routes in order to fully check, and in the second, it is better not to linger (exactly time is money in them; the more you sit there, the more expensive it will be to repair the ship).

Finally, look at the map more often. Objects appear on it, which you will not notice with the naked eye (and which, by the way, are not shown in the list of important sensors - the "!" Icon). Pay particular attention to those red crosses. There is a freebie, and, as a rule, quite valuable.

And to make it a little more interesting - I will give a hint. Completed all missions, exploring the Sirius sector? Very good! Fly to Omicron Alpha. Search it carefully and you will find Jump Hole. You can periodically fight well for him. As you get bored - move to Omicron Gamma. There are a couple of curious planets ...

How to complete missions?

Alas, very simple. Fly to waypoint "a, kill everyone there, fly on. Everything that needs to be done, you will be told, and if you didn’t have time to understand, you can always read it in the Neural Net. If possible, try not to blow up your allies and protected ships, however, the lack of tactical capabilities in the interface reduces this task to another, more trivial one - if there are many opponents, the first must be killed quickly.

Sometimes problems are caused by a mission in which you need to overtake the enemy on a racing circle. In principle, everything is simple there. At the beginning, try to reach cruising speed as quickly as possible, and then, even if you lost the start, fit into all the circles marking the turns. In the end, the opponent will make a mistake and fly off the track - then go to the finish line first, not paying attention to shouts and rockets.

When you fight with the nomads, do what they say on the mission. All fighters, as a rule, cannot be shot down. As one of your partners said, they (nomads) are professionals at coming out of nowhere ...

How to fight?

First, on a good ship. Secondly, with good weapons.

On which ship and with what weapons depends on your level.

Alas, this is the only thing that depends on him, and that is only because good fighters and weapons have minimum character level requirements.

After completing the main missions, you can gain a level by earning a lot of money (see the next question about this).

The main characteristics of the fighter are the number of places for guns and turrets, the optimal and maximum class of guns. According to them, you should choose from those that are available to you. Additional characteristics - the ship's armor, the volume of the hold, the number of nanobots and shield batteries - are less important.

The more barrels you put yourself, the faster you will kill the enemy. If, of course, there is enough energy from the ship's reactor. Turrets differ from cannons in that they can rotate 360 ​​degrees, which is useful for transports. Alas, they do not conduct automatic fire.

As for the frequency of fire, it all depends on your skills and habits. I put guns at different rates just for balance reasons.

Information about which shields are more / less effective against certain weapons, alas, will have to be ignored. With whom you have to face, you will rarely know in advance, and finding out what shields the enemy has, during the battle, and once, and inconvenient. Therefore, it makes sense to balance the weapons. So you, perhaps, will destroy the enemy a little more slowly, but for sure you will not encounter one through whose shield it will take a very long time to break through.

In general, you should choose the best cannons from those that you can put yourself, according to the criterion of damage per hit (within a group of the same shot frequency). Within a predefined optimal class, of course. The distribution of the rate of fire and optimization for the appearance of a shield - for amateurs, does not play a big role.

For oneself, a shield, accordingly, should simply choose the best of those that come to hand. Look at the characteristics in the store - and buy. By the way, you don't have to sell your old one - you can just take it off. This applies to all equipment. On the other hand, why would you need to fill the hold?

The optimal class of guns is calculated based on energy consumption considerations, that is, if you set yourself too powerful guns, you will have to shoot less often, but the damage from one hit will be higher. Decide for yourself which is best.

Class 10 guns (they can be found here and there, for example, in places of old battles) can be carried by only three fighters - Titan, Saber and Eagle (see table). To get the best of them - Titan - you have to make friends with the corsairs, which is not so easy. However, it's worth it.

Of the fighters, the class below can be called Anubis, which you can easily get at the end of the main missions, and Hammerhead, and even lower class - Falcon and Banshee.

Anubis, although somewhat clumsy, more than enough to complete the main missions and for the first ten levels after them. Its main drawback is the small amount of shield batteries that can be taken on board. So it is better not to stay under dense fire for a long time.

Hammerhead much more powerful than Anubis and allows for higher tier weapons. A large amount of armor, ample supply of nanobots and shield batteries make it the best choice after you get bored with Anubis.

Falcon - Heavy Fighter, that is, it seems like a lower class than Anubis and Hammerhead. It does have smaller guns, but it has more armor and a higher level of permissible weapons than Anubis. However, in my opinion, the advantage is not enough to change the ship. Yes, with severe damage from Falcon wings fall off. This practically does not affect anything, however, it is not corrected in flight - only at the base.

Banshee- light fighter Rheinland "a. Nevertheless, it is" lighter "than Anubis, only because the number of guns is less (and there is no turret - but why is it on the fighter?). But it carries a slightly larger supply of nanobots and shield batteries and has slightly more durable armor.To exchange Anubis for it means a little to lose, not only due to the number of guns, but also due to the smaller hold (in long flights around Border Worlds this plays an important role). - something new - why not?

If you decide to make money not by exterminating enemies, but by cargo transportation (quite a wise decision, take a look at the table of trade routes and agree), then your choice is Humpback... This affordable (easily bought in Rheinland) transport is second only to the Dromedary in terms of hold volume, but surpasses it in the number of turrets (which is critical for transport), the number of nanobots and shield batteries, and most importantly, in terms of the permissible and optimal class of weapons. So study the table of trade routes, load the full hold, re-read the paragraph "How to fly" - and off you go!

How do you make money?

Either completing missions or trading. Or both.

When it comes to completing missions, Border Worlds pays the most for them. So a real adventure hunter has a road there. There you can also find many back streets, wrecked ships and other good things. However, one way or another, you won't earn very much in one mission.

Trade is different. Having loaded Humpback to capacity, you can earn hundreds of thousands of credits per flight. Another thing is that this will require some working capital, and transport can fall prey to pirates. In addition, many gamers will probably find that flying a fighter is much more fun. If you are still going to change to transport, at least for a while, do not forget to configure yourself to control the ship's course from the keyboard.

Unexpected freedom

The chain of events is linear and invariant, and in the missions performed, the player is led by the arms, not only showing him the next waypoint, but also insisting that he move faster ("Trent, why are we moving so slow? Give more power to the engines!") ... Moreover, if after some (rather long, it should be admitted) time this waypoint is not reached, the mission will fail.

At the same time, the missions themselves are monotonous: they flew to the point, having fought off the pursuers on the road, destroyed everyone there, trying not to lose their own (they would lower their pay), or they themselves ran away, if everything is too bad there - "... and go home!" ((C) Mango-Mango)).

And only after going through all this disgrace do you understand: the game is just beginning!

But in order.

Freelancer is essentially two games.

The first, starting after pressing the New Game button and ending with the last mission, is an arcade game. Pure water, without that hint of tactics and imitation of a space combat ship, which was, say, in Wing Commander. Mouse control only emphasizes this. By the way, this interface has one drawback - it is easy to lose the cursor on the screen constantly colored with bright flashes. Holding a joystick in your hands, you always know exactly where you are flying.

Honestly, somewhere in the middle missions, when the first euphoria passed, I began to think that Microsoft had spoiled the game ... remind you what needs to be done. And so as not to strain in any way! Plus the plot. Still, the "four" scriptwriters are unworthy. Three, definitely. Not that everything is read through and through (although with some tension it is read) ... just not interested in what will happen next. And some missions, like a race in a circle, are simply far-fetched, apparently to create at least some kind of variety. One thing pleases - something new constantly appears around that you can pay attention to. Trade opportunities, new ships, planets ... In the end, and it stops, all attention is focused on the destruction of the "damned enemy". It seems that everything new has already ended.

However, after completing the main missions, the player suddenly finds himself in front of a gigantic, unexplored universe! The open end of the plot only stimulates the search for everything new. And there is something to look for.

New star systems (the passage of the main missions includes the study of 28 systems ... there are about 50 in total), each with several stations and one or two (sometimes more) planets. Asteroid fields with pirate bases, nebulae, radioactive sectors left over after an 80-year-old war with ships that died in them (from which you can remove cargo, and sometimes - weapons, and not weak), new people, new missions (although, again, continue to "lead by the handle"; even insulting) ... "It" sa whole new world! "This is where knowledge of the map that you followed the whole game will come in handy. And you can finally calmly move away from the trade routes with which you used constantly, and fly and explore for their own pleasure.By the way, your partners encourage you to research in the last mission, discussing the oddities around the Alaska system ...

In general, if the plot of the game is a vulgarized Wing Commander that has lost all its charm for the sake of mass character, then outside (after) the plot is the modern "Elite". Yes, the one that was on the Spectrum. Don't you remember this one? Ask senior comrades. Ask them, look at their dreamily rolling eyes, notice wiggling fingers and flared nostrils ... and run out to buy a Freelancer.

However, this is not the most interesting thing. From the very beginning, I asked myself the question - why, why did Microsoft buy Digital Anvil ?! There are top-class managers, buying a company just for the sake of money is no longer their level. They act strategically.

And now, having passed all the missions, I understood.

Multiplayer. Here's why. At least I really hope so. Freelancer provides the broadest possibilities for multiplayer games. Do you have fast internet? Go to Multiplayer, see how many servers there are. But it came out quite recently. What will happen next?

But this is not the most interesting thing either. Flying and shooting with other people is good, but there is Counter-Strike for that. Here we are talking about something else. The Universe allows you to settle people (real, living) in it and gradually replace all these computer-generated missions with them. Then there will be missions in which you need to think. Then the most non-linear of all non-linear plots will appear.

Freelancer is just a touchstone. Check, the engine for the Universe, in which gamblers can settle, which can push aside "Ultima Online". So - we get used to it and wait for the continuation. If only they would not be stupid ...


Brave pilots have long figured out what, where and from where it is most profitable to transport. This is not "Space Rangers" for you: from the sale of a large consignment of goods, little will change. The table offered to you is a list of the most popular trade routes with an indication of the product, the starting and ending points, and the calculation of profit.

Table 1
Trade routes
Where to get Where to take What to carry Purchase price Selling price Profit
Cardiff Mining Facility, Cambridge The Ring, New Berlin Beryllium 144 1200 1056
Kensington Shipping Yard Pueblo Station, Colorado Berrylium 192 1020 828
Nagagi Depot Planet new berlin Consumer Goods 200 1100 900
Planet Cambridge Planet new berlin Gold 543 1189 646
Planet Cambridge Planet new london Diamonds 879 1056 177
Planet denver Planet new tokyo Luxury Consumer Goods 233 810 577
Planet houston Planet los angeles Engine Components 600 974 374
Planet manhattan Planet new tokyo Luxury Consumer Goods 180 810 630
Planet manhattan Planet Pittsburgh Water 15 30 15
Planet new berlin Nagagi Depot Consumer Goods 120 320 200
Planet new berlin Planet new tokyo Diamonds 396 1650 1254
Planet new london Planet denver Luxury food 180 1300 1120
Planet new london Planet manhattan Luxury Consumer Goods 192 1200 1008
Planet new tokyo Baltimore Shipyard, New York Engine Components 225 720 495
Planet new tokyo Planet Cambridge Engine Components 225 1275 1050
Planet new tokyo Planet denver Engine Components 225 825 600
Planet Pittsburgh Sheffield Station, Manchester System Boron 120 600 480
Planet Pittsburgh, New York Stokes Mining Facility, Leeds Boron 120 900 780
Planet Stuttgart, Stuttgart Planet Leeds, Leeds Diamonds 308 1275 967
Pueblo Station, Colorado Southampton Shipyard, New London Superconductors 100 600 500
Sheffield Station Planet new london Light arms 280 350 70
table 2
Modes of movement in space
Way of movement Speed Restrictions

Patch Notes 7.6

1.Added 12 new systems
2.Added a new race
3.Added about 30 new ships
4.Added new types of equipment
5.Added a new product
6.Added new sounds, music
7.Added new effects
8.Added new models of objects, new textures of planets, etc.
9.Changed models of trading rings
10.Added the ability to select the difficulty on missions, also added missions for battleships, cruisers and gunboats, in some places, increased the maximum fee, depending on the level of the mission
11.The global map is divided into several sectors
12.Added several factory standard torpedo launchers to the coalition cruiser
13. Increased drawing range of some effects.
14. Edited parameters of some ships.
15. Fixed a bug with undocking bases, planets on large ships in a single game.
16.Changed the intro screensaver in the menu.
17.Fixed some bugs
18.Added movement blockers for some ships that did not have the ability to install
19.Added to the sale of rocket launchers for ships of the gunboat class
20. Decreased the muzzle velocity of capital missiles and torpedoes.
21. The limit on the purchase of bogus has been increased
22. Added a bar of durability to many objects.
23.Fixed a bug with a crash to the desktop before the explosion of large objects in a single game
24. Rewritten control, in particular light and heavy fighters
25.Increased collision damage.
26. Added repair buoys, lasers (lasers work only on the server)
27.Added a hyperjunction hole from the Omicron Epsilon system to the Dionysus system
28. Added patrol zones (in new systems)
29.Added capital ships to Arcadia for training
30. Returned to the standard storyline
31. Added beams of capture of different radius and color
32. Added the ability to sell and transfer engines
33. Added the ability to hire mercenaries (works only on the server, the reputation on the Germans should preferably be neutral)

Installing the mod
You must install the mod on a clean version of the game Freelancer version 1.0
Before installing, make sure that all files are deleted and there are no conflicting files, for example, such as game saves located in the My Documents / MyGames / Freelancer folder
After deleting the game, mod files usually remain, in the folder where you had the game installed, you must also delete everything from it cleanly, then install it on a new game, and then put this mod on it.
We extract everything in the archive into some separate clean folder, after
select all the content in the mod folder and copy it to the root folder with the game,
by replacing the files. Bet on the clean version of the game!

Modification information including previous versions:

1.Added about 15 new races
2.Added about 70 new systems
3.About 350 new ships have been added to the game
4. Added a lot of new equipment. Cannons, mines, boosters, shields, and so on.
5.Added a new product
6. Opened almost all ships that were not available in version 1.0, including battleships, cruisers and gunboats
7. The mod has a built-in graphic add-on, which makes the game even more intense, colorful and interesting!
8.New effects
9.New global map
10.Increased cruising speed
11. Added power generators, shield amplifiers, energy amplifiers, motors, scanners, capture beams, etc. for sale ... Now all this can be bought!
12. Plates increasing the strength of the ship's hull have been introduced into the game.
13.Added hidden bases, hypertransition holes, new abandoned ships and many other secrets.
14.Added accordingly new music, in bars, new systems, clouds and so on.
15.Added new station models, new types of planets, etc.
16.All standard spheres are replaced with new ones
17.Now almost every faction has its own personal ships and equipment
18.Added missions for the order and wanderers. Order and Nomads are now visible in the reputation panel.
19.Increased the level of some NPCs, as well as added new actions
20. And much more!

Let's make it clear right away so as not to come back: the main thing in the genre of space simulations has always been a man named Chris Roberts. The past time is of particular importance here - it was used in steel in 2000, and after another three years it was finally fixed. Chris Roberts is alive, well, producing movies in Hollywood (" the Punisher», « Arms baron», « Lucky number Slevin") - which can not be said about the genre of space simulators, which in fact has already become a thing of the past.

Having created an outstanding series in the early 90s Wing Commander, Roberts left Origin and founded his own studio - Digital anvil... Her first project, created under the leadership of Erin Roberts (Chris's younger brother), was called Starlancer, it was a game about a war between Western countries and the Russian-Chinese-Arab coalition for the possession of the solar system. Chris himself at this time was developing his most ambitious project - Freelancer... Formally - the continuation of Starlancer (they were united only by the plot plot: the West lost the war and emigrated to the far sector of space), in fact, a completely different game. Unlike Starlancer, here the focus was not on battles, but on wandering through space in the manner Elite and series X.

All merchants value my ship Anubis at no more than 1,100 credits - that is, at least 350 times cheaper than any super heavy fighter. Nevertheless, you need to be a complete idiot to sell it - this is given only after 13 freelance missions in the cities and villages of the black abyss. And the body kit is quite good, popularly called "my respect". On the third time, making sure that the planned scenario of a damn dozen missions cannot be avoided, after completing them you are torn to freedom - the plot reveals a little more than half of the star systems, and the most complete of the currently existing game cards is not really such. The names of all systems and planets, with rare exceptions, are associated with the geography of the Earth (although the Earth does not smell here, it is somewhere far, far away), so the trip sets up a healthy mood: New York - California - transplant in the Magellan - Manchester system - Cambridge - a two-hour wandering through the Omega systems - the long-awaited Rheinland, aka Germany - in the end Dresden, where there is such a fog that the devil himself will break his leg. And not a single open planet ...

Freelancer took Digital Anvil five years - not a record, but quite a long-term construction. The foundation laid by Roberts reminded of all the great cosmos at once, but then everything went downhill: carried away by cinema, Chris left the position of lead designer, and for the last three years the game was being developed with no idea how.

The Freelancer storyline allows the hero to reach level 18 out of 38 possible, but after exchanging the second ten, the categories of time and freedom of the freelancer's stay in space shrink to the size of a small moon. The main thing is missing - variety. Planets, systems, galaxies and other cosmic conventions differ in names, appearance and arrangement of planets, and in reality this turns out to be too little. Having started as a brave pilot of a light fighter, after a day of playing time you find yourself in space plankton on a cruiser for 700 thousand credits, performing monotonous work of destroying everything and everything or mining. As a last resort, a smuggler with little choice. Planet - station - bar - work - planet ... The road from Dresden to New Berlin resembles a train ride out of town, because some% broke the gates to enter hyperspace, and no ship can fly faster than 300 space speeds, because everyone is flying about-di-na-to-in.

Freelancer belongs to the breed of games that cannot be judged by one assessment: despite the very high scores received by the game, there is still disappointment with how the last AAA-class space-sim could have come out, if Chris Roberts had stayed at the helm.

Patch Notes 7.6

1.Added 12 new systems
2.Added a new race
3.Added about 30 new ships
4.Added new types of equipment
5.Added a new product
6.Added new sounds, music
7.Added new effects
8.Added new models of objects, new textures of planets, etc.
9.Changed models of trading rings
10.Added the ability to select the difficulty on missions, also added missions for battleships, cruisers and gunboats, in some places, increased the maximum fee, depending on the level of the mission
11.The global map is divided into several sectors
12.Added several factory standard torpedo launchers to the coalition cruiser
13. Increased drawing range of some effects.
14. Edited parameters of some ships.
15. Fixed a bug with undocking bases, planets on large ships in a single game.
16.Changed the intro screensaver in the menu.
17.Fixed some bugs
18.Added movement blockers for some ships that did not have the ability to install
19.Added to the sale of rocket launchers for ships of the gunboat class
20. Decreased the muzzle velocity of capital missiles and torpedoes.
21. The limit on the purchase of bogus has been increased
22. Added a bar of durability to many objects.
23.Fixed a bug with a crash to the desktop before the explosion of large objects in a single game
24. Rewritten control, in particular light and heavy fighters
25.Increased collision damage.
26. Added repair buoys, lasers (lasers work only on the server)
27.Added a hyperjunction hole from the Omicron Epsilon system to the Dionysus system
28. Added patrol zones (in new systems)
29.Added capital ships to Arcadia for training
30. Returned to the standard storyline
31. Added beams of capture of different radius and color
32. Added the ability to sell and transfer engines
33. Added the ability to hire mercenaries(works only on the server, the reputation on the Germans should preferably be neutral)

Screenshots can be viewed in the photo album

Videos are also available
Video trailer for mod 7.4
Video trailer for mod 7.5

Video trailer for mod 7.6

Video trailer for mod 7.6.99

Modification information including previous versions:

1.Added about 15 new races
2.Added about 70 new systems
3.About 350 new ships have been added to the game
4. Added a lot of new equipment. Cannons, mines, boosters, shields, and so on.
5.Added a new product
6. Opened almost all ships that were not available in version 1.0, including battleships, cruisers and gunboats
7. The mod has a built-in graphic add-on, which makes the game even more intense, colorful and interesting!
8.New effects
9.New global map
10.Increased cruising speed
11. Added power generators, shield amplifiers, energy amplifiers, motors, scanners, capture beams, etc. for sale ... Now all this can be bought!
12. Plates increasing the strength of the ship's hull have been introduced into the game.
13.Added hidden bases, hypertransition holes, new abandoned ships and many other secrets.
14.Added accordingly new music, in bars, new systems, clouds and so on.
15.Added new station models, new types of planets, etc.
16.All standard spheres are replaced with new ones
17.Now almost every faction has its own personal ships and equipment
18.Added missions for the order and wanderers. Order and Nomads are now visible in the reputation panel.
19.Increased the level of some NPCs, as well as added new actions
20. And much more!

Mod Sector Maps

Download mod from Yandex disk (manual installation, by copying and replacing files)

Download the archive with the mod via torrent (manual installation, by copying and replacing files)

Download the game with the mod via torrent disk of the portable version of the game already with the mod installed (version for playing on the server, translation and voice acting from Novy Disk)

Download viaG o o g l e disk portable version of the game already with the mod installed (version for playing on the server, translation and voice acting from Noviy Disk)

Installing the mod
You must install the mod on a clean version of the game Freelancer version 1.0
Before installing, make sure that all files are deleted and there are no conflicting files, for example, such as game saves located in the My Documents / MyGames / Freelancer folder
After deleting the game, mod files usually remain, in the folder where you had the game installed, you must also delete everything from it cleanly, then install it on a new game, and then put this mod on it.
We extract everything in the archive into some separate clean folder, after
select all the content in the mod folder and copy it to the root folder with the game,
by replacing the files. Bet on the clean version of the game!

For those who have problems with displaying fonts on the server in the chat - copy the patched exe file from the Rus_chat folder, which is located in the game folder (it is advisable to do this after you have launched the program looking for "Searching updates", copy the patched file to the EXE folder, replacing the old patched one, you're done.

In the mod there is an updater called Searching updates, which looks for updates, to play on the server you need to run it regularly, to start the updater manually you need to go to the root folder with the game. If for some reason your Internet did not download the update through the updater, open the neoncube.file file with notepad and change its value to 0 and then save the changes, by this action you roll back. If the action did not help and an error pops up when downloading, perhaps some process is blocking game files, close all running programs, and then run the patcher again, do not forget to roll back the update in the neoncube.file file. You can also try downloading and installing updates manually.Put one by one, first the first, then the second, etc. During the update, it is advisable to disable the antivirus, there are some that block the download.

Please note that for single player play, you need to manually update before the ninth update, with further updates only multiplayer will be available. If you are going to go through the original story, then you need to install version 7.6, without updates, as there may be problems with the updates during the passage. After completing the main plot, you can update to the ninth update and continue playing.

Sometimes there is a defect on the passage of one of the missions, where you need to defeat Dexter Howis in a race, he can crash into an asteroid and explode from increased collision damage, sometimes you can avoid the case, if, nevertheless, how many times you have not tried and your ship is constantly destroyed in front of the nose, try to update the mod before the first update, where the damage to ships is reduced from collisions with objects.

If you want to play a single player game without going through the storyline, you can download the save, in which the storyline is initially disabled.

If, when opening the sector map, your game is minimized with an error, you must run it as an administrator.

Minimum system requirements for the mod:

Processor: Intel Celeron G470 @ 2 GHz or AMD Sempron 145 @ 2.8 GHz
Video card: GeForce FX 5500 with 128 MB VRAM
Hard Drive: 3.5 GB HDD

Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo G2130 @ 3.2 GHz or AMD Athlon II X2 @ 2.0 GHz
Video Memory: GeForce GT630 or ATI Radeon HD6450
with 512 MB VRAM