Brain training puzzles. These children's puzzles are not every adult brain puzzle

With trick, which have gained popularity among the huge number of different people not only thanks to the ability to use them in the educational process, but also due to the entertainment component.

Such riddles contribute to the expansion of the horizons of both children and adults, and they are interested in those who want to replenish their knowledge of their knowledge. They are lighter and simple. Let's start.

1. A person stands on one side of the river, his dog is on the other. He calls PSA, and he immediately resorts to the owner, without wrestling, without using a boat or a bridge. How did she succeed?

2. What is unusual among the number - 8, 549, 176, 320?

3. Planned a battle for 12 rounds between two boxers. After 6 rounds, one boxer falls in knockout to the floor, but none of the men are considered to be a loser. How is this possible?

4. In 1990, the person turned 15 years old, in 1995 the same man was knocking 10. How is this possible?

5. You are standing in the corridor. Before you three doors in three rooms and three switches. You do not see what happens in the rooms, and you can only get through the door. You can go to each room one room and only when all switches are turned off. How to understand what kind of switch to which room does it apply?

6. Mother Johnny had three children. The first child called April, the second received the name May. What was the third child called?

7. Before the opening of Mount Everest, what top was the highest in the world?

8. What word is always written wrong?

9. Billy was born on December 25, but his birthday always falls for the summer. How is this possible?

10. The truck driver moves in the opposite side along the street with one-sided movement. Why doesn't the police stop him?

11. How can you throw a raw egg to the concrete floor, without breaking it?

12. How can a person hold out eight days without sleep?

13. The doctor gave you three pills and said to take one every half hour. How much time will you need to take all the pills?

14. You visited the dark room with one match. The room has an oil lamp, newspaper and wooden lumps. What will you burn first?

15. Does a man have the right to marry his widow's sister?

16. Some months 30 days, in some 31 days. And how many months 28 days?

17. What goes up and down, but remains in one place?

18. What can you ever eat for breakfast?

19. What always increases and never decreases?

20. Imagine that you are in a sinking boat surrounded by sharks. How can you survive?

21. How many times can you subtract 10 out of 100?

22. Seven sisters arrived at the cottage, and each of them took up their business. The first sister is preparing food, the second - works in the garden, the third - plays chess, the fourth - reads the book, the fifth - he solves the crossword, the sixth - occupies a washing. And what does the seventh sister?

23. What goes in the mountain, and from the mountain, but it remains in place?

24. Which table has no legs?

Complex riddles with answers

25. How many years a year?

26. Which stopper is impossible to plug any bottle?

27. No one eats his raw it, and the welding - thrown out. What is it?

28. The girl wanted to buy chocolate, but she lacked 10 rubles. The boy also wanted to buy chocolates, but he lacked 1 ruble. The children decided to buy one chocolate on two, but they still did not have enough 1 ruble. How much is a chocolate?

29. At the table is sitting cowboy, yogi and gentleman. How many legs on the floor?

30. Nero, George Washington, Napoleon, Sherlock Holmes, William Shakespeare, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Leonardo da Vinci. Who is superfluous on this list?

Riddles with foaming

31. Which Island itself calls the subject of linen?

32. - Is it red?

No, black.

Why is she white?

Because green.

33. You are sitting in an airplane, ahead of you car, behind - horse. Where are you?

34. How long do you need to boil a steep chicken egg in the water?

35. What unites the numbers 69 and 88?

Logic riddles

36. Who never sees God, the king sees quite rare, and a simple person daily?

37. Who walks sitting?

38. The longest month of the year?

39. How can I jump from a 10-meter staircase and not crash? And don't even bother?

40. When in this subject need, it is thrown, and when it is not needed, it takes it with me. What are we talking about?

Riddles with answers

41. Anyone gets it in a gift twice in life, if it needs it for the third time, it will have to pay for it. What is it?

42. The name of which state do you get if there are a small horse between the two same pronouns?

43. The capital of the European state in which blood flows?

44. The age of father and son in the amount are 77 years old. The age of the son is the age of father on the contrary. How old are they?

45. If it is white, it means dirty, and if black, then it was cleared. What are we talking about?

Complex riddles

46. \u200b\u200bCan a person be in the room without his head and be alive?

47. In which case can you take a seat of a sitting person, even if he gets up?

48. What product can be cooked at least 10 kg of salt, and it will not all be salty?

49. Who can lightly light the match under water?

50. A plant that knows everything?

51. What will you do if you see a green man?

52. How many lanes by Zebra?

53. When does a man look like a tree?

54. What can travel through the light, staying in the same corner?

55. Where is the edge of the world?

Ready to answer?

Answers to riddles

1. River Zamasla

2. This number contains all the numbers from 0 to 9.

3. Both female boxer.

4. He was born in 2005 to our era.

5. Turn on the right switch and do not turn it off within three minutes. Two minutes later, turn on the middle switch and do not turn off within one minute. When a minute breaks, turn off both switches and enter the rooms. One light bulb will be hot (1st switch), the second will be a warm (2nd switch), and the cold light refers to the switch that you did not touch.

6. Johnny.

7. Everest, it was simply not yet discovered.

8. The word "incorrectly".

9. Billy was born in the southern hemisphere.

10. He goes on the sidewalk.

11. Egg will not break the concrete floor!

12. Sleep at night.

13. You will need one hour. Drink one tablet now, second half an hour, and the third is still half an hour.

14. Match.

15. No, he is dead.

16. Every month 28 or more days.

17. Staircase.

19. Age.

20. Stop submitting.

22. The seventh sister plays chess with the third.

23. Road.

24. Dietary.

25. One summer.

26. Road traffic jam.

27. Bay leaf.

28. The price of chocolates - 10 rubles. The girl had no money at all.

29. One foot on the floor. Cowboy puts his legs on the table, gentleman - foot leg, and yoga meditates.

30. Sherlock Holmes, because he is a fictional character.

32. Black currant.

33. Carousel.

34. This does not need to be done, the egg is already cooked.

35. In the turned the form they look equally.

36. For yourself.

37. Chess player.

39. Jump up from the bottom step.

42. Japan.

44. 07 and 70; 25 and 52; 16 and 61.

45. School board.

46. \u200b\u200bYes. You need to drain your head into the window or on the door.

47. When you are sitting on your knees.

49. Sailor on a submarine.

51. Move the road.

52. Two, black and white.

53. When he just woke up (pine, from sleep).

55. Where the shadow begins.

No matter how much the right answers you managed to give, this is not a test on IQ. It is important to make your brain think outside the usual one. Below we will give you some tips to help customize your brain on the desired wave and will not give him age.

Exercises for the brain

Let the crossword, puzzle, sudoku or any other interesting things always lie in the prominent place. Take a few minutes each morning on them, activate the brain.

Constantly attend exhibitions or conferences to those unfamiliar to you. Think about how you can apply the knowledge gained in your industry.

Be sure to find the time to train the brain every day.
Often we do not think about the fact that the brain should also be training. It does not mean to strain after a hard work day. These 15 tasks for attentiveness and logic.

1. Find 7 differences

Task for attentiveness.

2. Find the face outline

To find out which celebrity in the picture, let your eyes for the nose.

3. Anna was born on December 28, but her birthday always falls for the summer. How can it be so?

The tascy of the intelligence.
Relocut lives in the southern hemisphere.

4. How many matches see in the photo?

Mathematical task.
Answer and half

5. Find a blank flask

Workout on the concentration of attention

6. If on the running competitions you will overtake a person who runs the second, where will you find yourself?

Task sports - mathematical
Answers will be in second place. After all, you overtook someone who fled the second, and not the first.

Workout for mind.

8. What number need to put instead of an intercession mark?

Development of Svekalka
Answer the work of six and three, that is, the number 18.

9. Mom Johnny has three children. One name is April, the second is May. What is the name of the third child?

Take care for attentiveness.

10. Find the heart

Training for eyes.

11. Decide: chicken, standing on one leg, weigh 2 kg. How many chicken weighs, standing on two legs?

Well, how did you solve everything correctly? Check out.
Answer2 kg.

12. Which well is the key?

Did you find the desired key?

13. Before Mount Everest, what mountain was the highest in the world?

Problem for thinking
Answell. Just did not know about it yet.

14. Read the right text

15. Name the color of each word

Workout, awakening of the brain and its activity.

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what you open this beauty. Thanks for inspiration and goosebumps.
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Our brain is lazy and nerviar. If you load it with the same type and familiar tasks, it quickly "stupid" and loses the ability to act quickly. Gears in the head begin to spin slowly and with creak.

website I found 15 sites where many different brain simulators. With the help of tasks, exercises and games today, we take memory, tomorrow logic. And we get a beautiful and tightened mind.

Wikium proposes to first pass testing and determine the quality of your memory, thinking, attention. Based on these results, you get a training program. Again, there is a paid level where more opportunities are promised.

This site meets us by the phrase: "There are no people with bad memory. There are people who do not know how to use it." Performing uncomplicated exercises, you can develop memory, get skills in memorizing numbers, words and texts, develop attention and figurative thinking. Also on the site there are small articles with useful tips.

On the site you can check the memory and go through the online workout of attention, concentration, reactions and other brain functions using programs and games. There is a detailed theoretical part that tells about what is the brain and how to support it in good condition.

On this site, only one brain simulator is a N-back problem. This exercise that improves the operational ("working") memory is improving the movable intelligence, optimizes the speed of thinking. The essence of the game: the user sees squares in the cells of the matrix and hears the letters. At the same time, it is necessary to determine and specify whether the image presented on N-positions (1, 2, 3 ...) has met (1, 2, 3 ...) back.

Games posted on this site are designed to train memory, speed, thinking flexibility, computational skills. Before you start training, you will need to determine the opportunities of the mind that I want to develop first. This will determine the choice of exercises for training.

Another site with logic games, puzzles, exercises for the development of memory and puzzles for the development of care. The motto is "pumping your brain."

On the site "Entertaining Pedagogy" there is an interesting test, having passed that, you can determine the age of your brain.

This is a site about the possibilities of the human brain and the development of intelligence. Here they are talking about how our head is arranged, as everything works there, and give advice, how to speed up this work. For example, there is an article "How to improve short-term memory", tasks for logic and much more.

Online game on the development of the account speed. There are several modes: training, where there is no counting time; Marathon - you need to answer 20 questions as quickly as possible; Unmistakable, where the game lasts as many as two minutes, but it is impossible to allow a single error, and others.

2. You want to get out of the labyrinth and stumble on three doors. The door on the left leads in the baking sheets. The door in the center leads to the ruthless killer. The door on the right leads to a lion, which has not eaten for three months. What door will you choose?

3. There are five bags with gold that seem the same, and in each of them ten gold coins. In one of the five bags fake gold. Real coins and fake coins look absolutely the same, except that the fake coins weigh 1.1 grams each, and the real gold coins weigh 1 grams each. You have absolutely accurate digital scales that you can use only once. How do you define, in what bags fake gold?

4. The old man dies, leaving two sons. According to his will, sons must arrange racing and thus decide who will get inheritance. In the will it is said that the inheritance will receive the one whose horse will run slower. The sons sat on the horses and pocked, but since they both restrained their horses, they did not find out whose horse jumps slower. Then they went to the sage for advice. After a meeting with the sage, the brothers again sat on the horses and rocked - this time in full support. What did the wise man tell them?

5. If you put me on my side, I turn into infinity. If you can raise me in half, and turn into nothing. What am I?

6. Farmer need to carry the fox, chicken and a bag with grain through the river on the boat. But the boat is small, and the farmer cannot transport everything at once, he can take them into the boat only one. If the farmer puts in the fox boat, then, remaining unattended on this shore or on that, the chicken will eat grain. And, of course, Lisa will eat a chicken if the farmer is lucky with a grain bag. So, how should the farmer act in such a situation?

7. If you have a 7-minute hourglass and 11-minute hourgles, then how do you cook the egg exactly in 15 minutes?

8. You go on the road and come to the fork. One path leads to mortal danger; Another - to eternal happiness. You do not know which exactly where leads. Here you are suitable for two brothers who know where every path will lead you. One brother always tells the truth, and the other always lies. You can ask them only one question. How do you find out what a path to go?

9. What number continues this sequence of numbers: 1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, 312211, ______?

10. Four people are suitable for a narrow bridge over the river, on which only two can be simultaneously. Dark, and they have only one lamp to illuminate the path along the bridge. Man and can cross the bridge in 1 minute, b - in 2 minutes, in 5 minutes, and G - in 8 minutes. When two people walk along the bridge together, they must move at the speed of that one step is slower. Will they be able to go through the bridge in 15 minutes or less?

11. During the census, the man told a worker rewriting the population that he had three children. When she asked him about the age of children, he replied: "If you multiply the numbers of their age, then it will turn out to be 72 years old. And the amount of numbers of their ages is the same as the number of my apartment. " The woman went to the entrance door and looked at the apartment number. "I still can not say what age your children," she complained. The man replied: "Oh, of course, you can not, because I forgot to tell you that the oldest of them loves chocolate pudding." After these words, the woman quickly recorded the age of three children. So how old are they?

12. You are in a dark room where there is a candle, a fireplace and a gas lamp. You have only one match, so you will hear first?


2. Door on the right
Explanation: If the lion did not eat for three months, then he is probably dead.

3. Take one gold coin from the first bag, two of the second bag, three of the third bag, four out of the fourth bag and five of the fifth bag. Weigh all these coins and see which result will be displayed on the scales. If the number on the scales ends to.1, then the fake gold is in the first bag. If the number ends at 2, then fake coins in the second bag, if the result ends at 3, then ... you probably understood.

4. Change horses
Explanation: After they change horses, the one who wins the jumps will receive inheritance, because he, in fact, the owner of the loser's horse (which runs slower).)

5. Figure 8.
Explanation: on side 8 looks like a symbol of infinity, cut in half, 8 turns into two zero).

6. The farmer must do everything as follows:

First transport the chicken across the river.

Task for nottending thinking

The famous Soviet physicist, the laureate of the Nobel Prize Landau offered to solve this task to students in the exams in graduate school, but he himself believed that could cope with her or a genius or an idiot.
Before you the first letters of the score (once, two, three, four, five, six, seven ...). It turns out that the next letter will be in (eight).

Find a cool topic - and work. You can work with children, parents, friends, or you. If, after the end of the work, you will regret the created picture - you have nothing to interfere with saving for your children. Simply insert a puzzle into a cardboard box and place it in the frame. Then you bake two roast on one fire - you will enjoy, and your home will get a decorative element. If you do it with puzzles made by your child, it will be a wonderful souvenir.

The human mind has two separate parts or stains, called the right and left brain hemispheres, which are responsible for various functions. The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for emotions and performs the tasks integer, and the function of the left hemisphere is performed in a linear manner. When you can use both parts of your brain, you will find that the power of your mind is best used and improved. Puzzles help you practice both parts of your brain.

Puzzle for chinese schoolchildren

In Hong Kong, when entering the first class, children are allowed to solve this task 20 seconds.
Find out if you could go to the Chinese school? Try to give the correct answer for this short period of time.

Parking number 87. Turn the picture to 180 degrees and you will see that all rooms are recorded in ascending order: 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91.

The left side of the brain thinks logically and follows sequences, and the right side of the brain is creative, intuitive and emotional. When you try to make a puzzle, you use both brain forces. Working on the solution of the puzzle, it was proved that there is continuous mental activity, including all cells and parts of the brain. This intensive activity affects the cells of the brain and, thus, activates them, which increases their effectiveness and ability.

There are several studies, such as a study of MacArture, which shows that people who were puzzled, as well as crosswords and were fully active, formed towards longer lives and reduced the likelihood of becoming a victim of Alzheimer's disease, memory loss, dementia, century.

The task for children with which adults cannot cope

This task in some schools is offered to solve children before entering the first class.
It is noteworthy that dososholate basically cope with this task, but here are 90% of adults and cannot solve it.

On the place of the question mark should be a figure 1. To obtain the correct answer, it is necessary to calculate the number of circles in the numbers to the left of the line and write the result from the right.

The brain produces chemicals known as dopamine, which is primarily responsible for learning and memory. The production of these chemicals is growing at a time when the brain is involved in solving puzzles. The solution of puzzles gives us a lot of useful advantages. First of all, it allows us to remain focused, increasing our concentration, develop our creativity. On the other hand, the permanent viewing of images helps us practice visualization, which again helps good physical activity, which follows mental activity.

All sorts of games for children and adults are created not only for entertainment: in addition, they should contribute to physical and mental development. There are a large amount of entertainment, but various types of puzzles remain the most favorite and useful. They not only help having fun and exciting time, but also make it possible to acquire new skills and knowledge.

Similarly, puzzles also indirectly affect our physical health, reducing the speed of breathing, reducing the frequency of heart abbreviations, as well as blood pressure. Work on the solution of puzzle and focus on the same image for a longer period of time may be similar to meditation and causes peace of mind and some silence in mind. The mind will now focus solely on the image visualization and focuses on it, excluding everything around. Consequently, this condition is similar to meditation and a peaceful state of mind, when no other thoughts violated his world.

What is a puzzle and what is the principle of its action

The puzzle is called a difficult task, to solve which it is not necessary to possess special high-level knowledge. For her attenuation, it is necessary to apply intelligence and logic.

It was not random the puzzle name. The principle of most such riddles is that due to the pattern of thinking, send a person by an erroneous path. Based on stereotypes, at first, people choose the pseudope, which initially seems faithful. In this case, the expression "break your head" means "break the stereotype of thinking." To solve the puzzle, you need to abandon the path that seems to be the only right, and reflect on the right answer.

You will get huge and long-term advantages from everyday puzzle solutions. Puzzle, not only to sharpen memory, improve the function of the brain, but also the clarity of the mind. Such thinking helps to clarify the mess and disorder accumulated over the years. Then you begin to see things around yourself in a new light, which helps better appreciate your life. You not only begin to find solutions to your problems, but also begin to look forward to every new day in your life.

Most people use a standard image of thinking, and it makes it difficult to find other solutions, in addition to obvious. Those who have developed lateral thinking can come up with more creative suggestions. Here are some riddles that will check your thinking.

To solve puzzle games, the types of which are diverse and countless, you must use all your skills and skills. You need to collect information and be able to correctly analyze it. It is important to understand what data is really needed when solving, and what to discard. With all this, it is important to find the missing information that can lead to victory.

Man lives on the 10th floor of the building. Every day, he rises on the elevator to get to the first floor to go to work or make purchases. When he returns, lift the elevator to the 7th floor, and then rise the stairs for 3 floors in your apartment.

Answer: A person suffers from the nanism and can only reach the 7 elevator buttons. The person enters the bar and asks Barmen to give him a glass of water. Bartender begins to look for something under the bar. Suddenly he takes a gun and turns him to man. He says "Thank you" and leaves.

Answer: Man Jacks, and Bartender decided to scare him, and not give him water. Next to it is an unrelated package and no other creature. Tip: The man knew what would die when approaching the surface of the earth. Answer: A man jumped out of the plane, but his parachute did not open. This explains the closed package next to him.

Thanks to the tasks on the logic, the brain recalls that such causal relationships, includes fantasy, while a person learns to look for the necessary hooks, to put questions correctly, put forward assumptions and check them.

Types of puzzles

There is no generally accepted classification of puzzles, but conventionally divided into several groups:

Anthony and Cleopatra were found dead on the floor of the villa in Egypt. Next there are pieces of broken glass. They were not poisoned, and there are no signs on their bodies. Answer: Anthony and Cleopatra were two golden fish that were broken by the dog. A woman gave birth to two sons at the same time, on the same day and in the same year, but they are not twins.

Answer: The woman did not have twins, but triplets. It stops in front of the hotel, and even at that moment he is destroyed. Answer: Man plays a monopoly. Man dies and hits heaven. There are thousands of other people, all naked. He looks around and sees, whether he recognizes someone. He sees a couple and immediately understands that these two are Adam and Eve.

  • Mechanical puzzles - They are presented in the form of mechanisms with movable parts and fasteners.
  • Puzzles - Their essence lies in the collection of images from flat figures. There are also volume puzzles.
  • Rope puzzle Similar to confusion. The meaning of the games in unwinding the ropes and the release of individual details.
  • Educational puzzles - Such toys contain various missions and tasks that need to be executed by applying creativity of thinking.
  • Graphic and text tasks.

Children's puzzles

Similar games for children are fascinating and helpful. Solving tasks can take their attention for a long time. All sorts of species require attention, curiosity, and amplification. It often happens that children solve such tasks faster than adults, since their thinking is not yet limited to stereotypes. Sometimes decisions come to the heads about which adults can not even think.

Answer: Adam and Eve were the only people without belly. Five people are sent somewhere. It's starting to rain. The fifth does not try to get away from the rain and remains dry. Tip - not all walked. Answer: Four men carried the coffin in which he was the fifth. Carbon, carrot and hat.

Five pieces of coal, carrots and a hat lie on the meadow in the garden. No one put these things there, but for them there is quite a logical reason. Answer: This is a snowman residue that melted. Puzzles and riddles are an excellent way to train your brain, and the other is to see the world from another point of view.

Here are some of the most exciting mysteries. You find me in the sea and on land, but do not go and do not swim. No matter where they are, they are never far from home. # 4 Woman sits in her hotel room, and in the door there is beating. He opens and sees a man whom he never seen before. Then he went to the hall and entered the elevator. The woman returned to his room and called the Security Council.

The smallest best to select simple tasks for it can be puzzles, riddles, maze. It is very important to choose such a puzzle so that the baby can solve it. If the task is difficult and the child will be hard, then it can simply lose interest to it. The same happens if the puzzle is too simple. When choosing a suitable puzzle, it is best to proceed from the individual characteristics and age of the baby.

What made a woman be so suspicious? # 5 king there are no sons, no daughters, no queen. Therefore, he must decide who will follow him to the throne after his death. For this, he decides to give all the children of the kingdom one seed. A child who will have the biggest and beautiful plant will win the throne. At the end of the competition, all children come to the palace with beautiful plants. Looking at everything, the royal decides that the little girl with an empty pot is the next queen. Why did she choose this little girl, not another child with a beautiful plant?

Famous puzzles

Starting from 1975 to this day, the most famous puzzle worldwide is a Rubik's cube. To assemble it correctly, it will take a lot of time. This puzzle is considered to be a sales leader among toys around the world. The peak of the popularity of this toy came in 1980, at that time every fifth resident of the Earth was twisted.

# 6 man wants to enter an exclusive club, but he does not know the password. Another man goes to the door, and the goalkeeper says 12, a person says 6 and allows him to enter. Another person comes, goalkeeper says 6, a man says 3 and it is allowed to enter. Thinking that he heard quite well, the first man comes to the door, goalkeeper says that 10 years, says 5, but he is not allowed to enter.

# 7 You will always find me in the past. # 8 Two people are born at the same time, but do not have the same birthday. Arrows are signs of comparison, the triangles are equal, and the square is plus. No one knocks on the door of his own hotel room, and this man did it.

No less fascinating puzzle in the form of a ball - to disassemble it quite simple, but to collect this design, you will have to work hard. And the cube, and the ball is the most interesting puzzles for children and adults. To solve such tasks on logic, you need to show a considerable smell and patience.

The king gave all the false seeds, and the little girl was the only sincere child who did not change the seeds. He had to say how many letters I had in the room that he said. They are born in different time zones. Observation is an important feature, although it may not be very rated. It helps you understand as much as possible about the world around you and even detect potential dangers. Here are some illustrations that will check your attention and the spirit of observation. Something is wrong with each of these images.

How soon can you understand what it is? Here are some tips to help improve your attention to detail. Lists are very helpful to know what to do and what is the term. You no longer lose a lot of things if you save the list. If every day is chaos, try creating a routine. For example, go to bed and wake up every day at the same time.

Puzzle benefits for children

First of all, solving various types of puzzles, the child becomes more prettier. Secondly, sacrificing such tasks, the baby acquires and quickly develops the skills of solving problems that will need not only in their studies, but also in adulthood.

Moreover, when solving puzzles in children, such quality is developing as perseverance, because the tasks are so complicated that they have to decide to a few times. It is thus that a child comes to the child that in life is not all simple and to succeed, you need to make a lot of effort. The obvious advantage of such classes is and improving small motility, which, in turn, has a positive effect on the work of the brain.

They can be diverse - someone in the family, a friend, annoying colleague on work, Internet, even hunger. Read other games that will keep your mind in learning. To keep the mind sharp and focus on children, take a break. Not only children love sophisticated puzzles and riddles! They are ideal for learning our brains to find the most creative solutions.

Here are amazing riddles to make your mind work. Three doctors said Robert was their brother. Robert said he had no brothers. In the closed aquarium there were ten fish. 2 plunged, 4 float and 3 died. How many fish are now? They played 5 games, and everyone won 3 times.

Puzzles for adults

Many specialists are not tired to insist that a person must train his brain. After time, the cerebral cells are aging, they simply need rejuvenating procedures.

Types of similar games help to stimulate the processes of thinking, this is a kind of simulator for the brain. The incredible benefits of puzzles also lies in the development of memory. With age in the head, it is not possible to store this amount of information as in the youth. To keep as long as possible healthy memory, it needs to be trained. Salmoning puzzles gradually, but systematically, you can save the sharpness of the mind.

What happens through the plains and cities, but never moves? Try calling 5 days in a row without using your weekly names or numbers. What goes up and down, but never moves? What should you do when you see a green person?

What happens once a minute, twice a second and never in a thousand years? How can you put a handle to the floor so that no one can jump over it? In which month of the year, people sleep the least? In what language do people say, not to say a word? What can not be added to the saucepan?

Updated: 08/15/2018

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