Girls for girls Designer dresses for evaluation. Fashion Games for Girls Online

When a person learned to cover his body, he invented fashion. The skins served as protection from the cold in winter, and loose dressings were put on in the summer. The body was decorated with tattoos, colored drawings from natural dyes, in the nose, ears were inherited earrings and even other parts of the body were pierced and decorated, and the pendants and necklaces were hung on her neck.

All this attribute served not just a decoration, but was a symbolism for which it was easy to determine to which tribe and group within it every person belongs. So hunters were distinguished, warriors, priests, collectors, but a special riche of the decoration was distinguished by the leader. As you can see, fashion is not a modern invention, but unlike primitive society, we have the opportunity to use the wider assortment of clothing and accessories, although it is still on the clothes for the estate. More expensive, stylish, from eminent fashion designers are not available to everyone, and good things are determined immediately and therefore at one glance at their owner you can say for sure, in which circle it is used to communicate.

Rules of competent choice

Fashion games for girls online will allow you to learn how to distinguish the styles of clothing and bring the concept of good taste. You can, of course, to wear purple bried breeches, salad shoes and yellow shoes, covered with a fashionable word fusion, but it will not make an outfit more attractive, but to explain to everyone that you are experimenting and keeping up with the times, you will not become either. It is much easier to go wise and pick up the outfit that will benefit your figure, the color of the eyes and tone of the skin, harmoniously sees the color of the hair and will hide the possible flaws. This is how they are trying to teach star celebrities, which will serve you with models in fashionable dressings.

What could be more exciting than to spend time in the company of the favorite Kinoheroya or a musician, trying on it the details of the wardrobe, changing the hairstyle and makeup? By creating the image, you can be so captivated that it suddenly invents a new image and direction in fashion, and the extensive wardrobe allows you to experiment many hours in a row.

Fashionable games about fashionable styles

The choice of clothing does not end fashionable games for girls online, because it is only a small part of what people use, wanting to be attractive.

  • You are waiting for beauty salons, where under the sensitive style of stylist you will learn how to create magnificent hairstyles for each and a solemn day, for sports and hikes on a disco, wedding and the most bizarre. It will be shown harshek techniques and ways of hair care, and of course will not forget about makeup.
  • The sacrament of makeup can create a real miracle, under the grima flaws and emphasizing attractive facial features. With him, your eyes will become more captive, the sponge is expressive, and the skin will light up cleanliness and a blush.
  • Manicure and pedicure are in the next room, and it is worth opening a new game of the appropriate subject, as you immerse yourself in the mysterious world of artistic painting on marks. Each pattern, like a picture of the artist, reflects your mood, life style and event to which you are so carefully prepared. This is especially clearly traced in the New Year's topics and on Halloween holiday, because they offer traditional applications in the form of thematic elements.

We have fashionable games for girls online, where the models will be mermaids, dolls, fairies, stars and even animals are not going to unfold in a special way.

Game about stylish - This is a great allowance for all baby, on makeup and hairstyles, as well as the skills of real stylists. And there is no handsome hated by many beauties and a boring stage of games for girls. We are talking about the level in which you need to help the main character, to carry out certain cosmetic procedures, in order to return its gentle skin and purity. In the game of this, everything is much easier and more pleasant. Crumbs can immediately get acquainted with unthinkable beautiful, chief style character. Yes, this girl model. Thus are thinking about beauty when she is fired by graceful walking, through the streets of the city. No, she's for sure, some celebrity. Men are admired on prospects. In any case, the main heroine of the game, from early childhood, was considered a real starge.

And, precisely for this reason, when the beauty grew, she learned how to position himself as a real star. Everything is very easy. Simple arithmetic life. But babies are now important, a slightly different moment. Girls will like that in the game of stylish dressing, even hairstyles are incredibly a lot. You can experiment with the curls of the shade of the wild cherry, or make the beauty with the winner of light hair. And the blond hairs, there are also in several versions at once. In addition, you can make a character, with brown hair, or light brown. Usually, participants are incubated, when such a space for creativity, and a lot of interesting options.

For example, give the appearance of the main girl of the stylish dress up the tenderness of youth and special freshness, which is nothing to get, besides the magic hands of craftsmen, at the age of this stylish girl from the game. Better, even, not to pronounce in the description, how old she is. It will be clearly superfluous, and none of the tinies will not believe. Adults will also think that this is a hoax. In any case, in addition to the choice of luxury curls, you should think about the perfect make-up. The game has a lot of cosmetics. In addition, you can change the color of the eyes, the main character. So any transformation in stylish dress up games is possible. And the browch should also be changed, if you want to get another facial expression that this charming can be. Do not forget about the possibility of changing the skin tone, thereby literally, "adjusting the tan".

After the visage was chosen, the crumbs can finally choose the pretty young lady, worthy of the outfit, accessories and glorious ornaments, from the range, in the game available. Yes, tastes, of course, incredibly stylish. However, like all online dressing style. Pretty and thinner main participant Games for girls will be perfect way, look in many clothes. For this reason, it is absolutely anyway that you like certain tinies. Lovely lady is no worse than in some outfits, looks in other. In the game you can learn, look for life through rose glasses. In vain, people think that it always means something is not good. It is possible that the babies will be able to make the rest of loved ones, believe in success games Stylish Dress Up Girls.

At a certain time of the year, in a specific country always has a place to be popular with a certain style, be it clothing or gadgets, cars or architecture. This is called one word "Fashion".
Fashion and style affect almost every person, someone is indirectly connected with it, and someone has direct participation in this, for example, as designers. On the one hand, this is a painstaking work, and on the other and easy. All that is needed for this is to have a taste and a little imagination that can be developed by playing our online games absolutely free only on our website.

Play online with everyone!

All little children love to play, and they can play for a long time, if all this is free. One of these games on our website is "Fashion". You can choose a model yourself, what kind of taste to you, create her individual style, paint your hair, pick up makeup and pour everything to choose clothes. Also for our favorite girls there are special tasks with heroes from different cartoons: Fairy Winx, Barbie doll and others.
The pride of our site and our games is that they are all free, have a bright schedule, wonderful accompanying melodies. Also, games and tasks are constantly updated, which will not let you get bored.

Fashion games for girls online!

If you feel that this is what you need, then what your imagination lies - then you come to us faster and choose the game, and start creating the fashion. It can be your model and your style will become the icon of this season in our game.
Learn to pick up shoes under the clock, and bags under makeup or merge all this in one beautiful image. Become the most stylish online fashionable on our website!
What is the most interesting for our favorite girls?! Right! Fashion, clothing, style! We have games for fashionista! Fashion from different countries and cities.

How to play Fashion games online for free?

Who is born in fashionista, and someone becomes in our free game "Fashion" for girls. The brightest images, makeup, clothes, bows - all this is only in our game. We dictate the fashion, and with us and you! It is in our game "Fashion for girls" we will touch on directly the fashion itself: a certain style of clothing at a certain time, certain behavior and so on. Today it is fashionable to be thin - everyone is thin, and tomorrow it's fashionable to be a touching girl, today everyone loves meat, and tomorrow everyone goes into vegetables - all this fashion! It appears sharply and also dramatically leaves. To some extent, the fashion depends on the season, heat-cold, winter-summer. Sometimes fashion can be repeated, and the hairstyles from the 60s are becoming popular now and it is necessary to take into account that it will suit someone, and someone does not. It all depends on the color of the hair, accessories, type and so on.

Fashion is always stylish!

Only here you can play with friends and wear characters with your girlfriends, and make fashionable shows together. Or simply create images and choose the best image. Only with us you can develop in yourself what you did not have from birth or make your skills even better! It is these skills to help you in an adult life, because you will have to pick up styling in the evening dresses, makeup and image as a whole. Memorize images and details of the image. Come at the end of the test and get an assessment for your good memory! Enjoy your games, our favorite girls!

Free online games fashion dressing

Fashionable dressing: urban chic. Game for girls and girls! According to this game, you, girls, got the role of designer, fashion designer, stylist in one person. Today you will have a fashionable show of the collection of exclusive women's clothing in the original style of "urban chic". In this fascinating fashion show, other fashion designers are also involved. So it will not be possible to demonstrate the entire collection. Therefore, try to win the attention of the public from the first release of your model. For this, first of all, work over its individuality - the color of the skin and eyes, smile and the color of her sponges. Then proceed to choose the outfits for it. There is a time to choose. Do not hurry! Experiment with outfits until you make sure the desired effect is obtained. To control the game "Fashion dressing: urban chic" you need a mouse. Good luck!

Fashionable dressing: urban chic

Remove a friend's clothes. Game for girls and girls! Remove the clothes of a friend - a truly cool game for girls in the fashion designer, about fashionable dressing. Girls, Meet. This is Amy. She cleaned up in fashion. Her fantasy has no limit. If she sees outdated clothing samples, she should not turn them into the most stylish outfits. So now, sacrificing a friend's wardrobe, Amy discovered things in it that a friend no longer wears. And, if now, girls, you will help her a little bit, then in your eyes there will be a wonderful transformation of old, not necessary things in chic, fashionable items of her wardrobe. Play the mouse.

Remove the clothes of each other

Girl fashionable going for a walk. Game for girls and girls! Girl fashionable going for a walk - a game for girls for dressing. Cute fashionista is going with his pets for a walk. Girls, help her choose the coolest outfits. Best invite it to a fashion boutique. There you can easily choose her stylish outfits and accessories. Act in circumstances. If the street is warm, start with the selection of cute blouses, T-shirts, skirts or shorts. There is no less interesting choice of clothes for cool weather - pants, jeans, jumpers, cardigans, jackets, sweaters. Choose, try on. Good luck shopping!

Girl fashionable going for a walk

Pirate style in clothes. Game for girls and girls! Girls, girls, we invite you to fantasize with us! You are young, creative and capable of accepting instant decisions. Go! You have a cool dressing bag, but today you send him to resign! From this minute, your pirate clothing style is the style of confident personalities who want to look unusual, and if desired, even bold. Follow us in a special boutique of clothing such a direction. You will change your wardrobe! How do you perceive the usual pirate colors: black, white, blue, brown, red colors and all their shades? Extensive color gamut, isn't it? Do you like prints on clothes in the form of a skull? Decent decoration of clothes in a pirated style! There is a choice! Good luck! Play: Mouse.

Pirate style in clothes

Fashion. Clothes with prints in the form of a skull. Game for girls and girls! Well, what can you do, here are such new, fashion trends in the youth environment - wear with prints in the form of skulls. Demand for trendy T-shirts with turtles, T-shirts with turtles, jeans, blouses, jackets, hats and more with turtles are no longer limited to steep guys and girls rockers. Modern street fashion says for himself. Prints with turtles become a natural decoration of stylish outfits of young creative people. Girls, and how do you feel about this direction in fashion? Those who wish to speak on this occasion, please leave your comments.

Fashion. Clothes with skull prints

Fashion. Evening dresses with swans. Game for girls and girls! Our heroine boyfriend invited to a romantic date to a restaurant. Tonight, she is waiting for his hands and hearts from his beloved cherished offer. Girls, help her choose the most cool evening dress. We offer to do it in one class shop, where there is a magnificent range of elegant evening dresses with swans. Good luck! Play: Mouse.

Fashion. Dresses Evening with swans

Fashion. Lady in Red. Game for girls and girls! Elegant, stylish red outfits are a challenge or self-affirmation, an application for independence and self-sufficiency? Our heroine believes that this is the second. And the red color for her not only fashion is a symbol of courage and independence. But even such confident lady, like our girl, sometimes need advice. The girl is going on a date and does not want to change its traditional red color. Girls, your task, pick her up the most elegant outfit of red color, suitable for decorations, accessories and shoes. Work? Play: Mouse.

Fashion. Lady in Red

Fashionable dresses with Spring charm - summer. Game for girls and girls! Spring came! Everywhere Spring! And even in stores with women's clothing, spring revival. The ladies are offered magnificent trendy outfits with charm. Girls, look into one of them? Let's see what the designers want to please our weak half of humanity in this spring-summer season. Play: Mouse.

Fashion dresses with Spring charm - Summer

Fashion. Vamp clothing style. Game for girls and girls! Our heroine, confident young special, which loves to stand out against the background of her girlfriends, and just any human crowd. She is good and prefers clothing in the style of vamp. Girls, follow us. We will show you a cool shop, where you can recommend it a lot of outfits in her taste. Clothing is almost all exclusive, her beloved flowers: red, black, silver, white. Help her decide on the choice of the dressing room of her dreams. Good luck to you!

Fashion. Clothing style Vamp

Fashion. Gentleman style in women's clothing. Game for girls and girls! Male style in women's clothing. What is it? Revolution or simply, sample pen. " Seen, time will show. As long as the fans at the style of Gentleman plead to him to have the right to exist. Our young lady is one of them. And today she wants to join this style. Girls, go with her in our online store and help her decide on the choice of a suit of her dreams: strict and at the same time elegant. Good luck to you!

Fashion. Gentleman style in women's clothing

Fashion. Accessories: big scarves and scarves. Game for girls and girls! The heroine of our game like big scarves and scarves. Girls, we will show you one cool boutique, where this trend of modern fashion is represented by a small but very attractive assortment. Help our beauty to choose for myself a couple of such spectacular things. It will be not bad if you can also teach it to wear them correctly. Good luck!

Fashion. Accessories: Big scarves and scarves

The evening dress for Barbie. Game for girls and girls! Dress evening for Barbie - Game dresom for girls about amazing evening dresses. Barbie for today you need a beautiful evening dress. Her family life with Ken turned year. This is an excellent reason to go to the restaurant. Girls, Barbie looked at a small boutique with a wonderful choice of the most fashionable evening dresses. She invites you to visit him so that you will help you decide on her with the choice of evening dress. The assortment of this shop is so good that Barbie is simply confused. Girls, look at what dresses it is more suitable for: long or short, multicolored or monophonic, with a cutting waist and a magnificent skirt or on the contrary, with a tight skirt, etc. We work! Choose, try, good luck!

Barbie Evening Dress

Fashion. Sexy style. Game for girls and girls! Girls, know that sexy style does not even indicate a primitive exhibition on the show of your body. Sexy style clothing - mini skirts, mini dress, fitting skirts, trousers, tops, Tops, short shorts, skirts with deep cuts, etc. It is relevant on girls and girls with a beautiful, slim figure. Our young heroine fan of such a style. Let's look together in her wardrobe and appreciate her tastes. Play: Mouse.

Fashion. Sexy style

Fashion. Motley leggings. Game for girls and girls! Our heroine is difficult. She is fascinated by the motigons, fashionable leggings, but does not have ideas, with what it will wear them. Girls, first of all, help her decide on the choice of this comfortable, bright clothes. In the same shop, an excellent set of clothing is offered, which can be successfully combined with those or other leggings. Choose! Just remember that the girl in his fashionable, motley shopping does not look ridiculous, it is better to combine it with a monophonic riding. Leggings with a motley ornament will best look with neutral clothing. Good luck!

Fashion. Motley leggings

Fashion on the streets of Manhattan. Game for girls and girls! Girls, did you ever happen to watch how girls dress on the streets of Manhattan? If you intend to see it, then follow us in one of the shops located in the area. Here in such shops that track the new designs of designers and fashion designers, prefer to buy their outfits most fashion manhattan.

Fashion on the streets of Manhattan

Fashion. Dress - apron. Game for girls and girls! Fashion. Dress - Apron - interesting, free, online game about fashion dressing. Girls, do not be surprised by such a combination of words. This thing is a female wardrobe for a long time is not a home affiliation, which is very necessary in the kitchen. This dress is very comfortable in the sock. Depending on the tissue, from which such a dress is sewn, it can be a summer outfit, and in the cool spring-autumn-winter weather it can easily be combined with a sweater or t-shirt. So our heroine decided to replenish his wardrobe with such a functional dress. But there are so many of them and they are all so good that she needs your help. Choose! Play: Mouse, free.

Fashion. Dress - Apron

High Fashion Week 2. Game for girls and girls! High Fashion Week 2 - free online game Apparel for girls about fashionable outfits. Girls, welcome to our online exhibition - showing fashionable clothes. On the podium, you will be offered to your attention unique, beautiful women's clothing models from leading designers of famous fashion houses. Play: Mouse.

High Fashion Week 2

Fashion. Dresses in the style of the 60s. Game for girls and girls! Fashion. Dresses in the style of 60s - free online game for girls dressing. The one who once expressed such a thought that much new in fashion is well forgotten old, was infinitely right. This year per year is confirmed by designers in the showing of its works. So models from the 60s are present in the collections of each self-respecting modern designer, however, in a slightly modified form. It is still fashionable, beautiful, elegant. Girls, our heroine is conquered by this style and will be very grateful to you if you help her with the choice of such stylish little things. Good luck!

Fashion. Dresses in the style of the 60s

Fashion. Tuxedo - dress. Game for girls and girls! Interesting, free, online game about fashion dressing. Tuxedo - Dress: What is it about? It turns out that this amazing find of designers is a fashionable, strict dress in which black and white colors dominate. The dress is superbly suitable for working in the office. Such a dress is also suitable for business dinner and you can even walk around the city. Our heroine at work demanded strictly observe the dress code in clothes in the form of a tuxedo - dresses. Girls, help her choose the best set of fashionable clothing for office from the presented range. Play: Mouse. Good luck!

Fashion. Tuxedo - Dress

Fashion. Gray in clothes. Game for girls and girls! Fashion. Gray in clothing - free online game for girls dressing. A weak half of humanity has a very ambiguous attitude towards clothing of this color. Many of them believe that this clothing for emotionally discreet, balanced ladies. And by the way, designers and fashion designers present such a color in clothing for all ages and are not at all limited to her office and everyday purpose. And if you are now, girls, follow us in one small boutique, then there you can even see everything in the same gray color evening outfits that will pleasantly surprise you with your elegance. Play: Mouse.

Fashion. Gray in clothing

Street fashion. Game for girls and girls! Street Fashion - free online game for girls dressing. We see clothes of this type on the streets for which we go every day. It looks great, practical, comfortable. Our heroine was not kept from the desire to look into your clothing store in a street style. The girl is delighted with the proposed range and if you, girls, help her with fittings and choice, it does not mind replenish your wardrobe with several such things. Play: Mouse.

Street fashion

Fashion. Youth clothes with prints, zebra. Game for girls and girls! Fashion. Youth clothes with prints, zebra "- free online game Apparel for girls about fashionable outfits. Clothing with prints, zebra "is becoming increasingly popular. Such clothes can be all, zebra "or contain only hotel elements, zebras." Girls, our heroine intends to buy something from such outfits in your shop. Help her with the choice and fittings. And also help her to choose her hair, shoes, accessories and decorations. Play: Mouse.

Fashion. Youth clothes with prints, zebras

Fashion. Yellow color in clothes. Game for girls and girls! Fashion. Yellow color in clothes - free online game for girls and girls about fashion dressing. Girls, you, of course, have already noticed on urban streets and pages of fashionable magazines an increasing presence of yellow in women's clothing. Warm, solar color with all its delicate shades, as well as in combination with other colors, is able to give the same solar mood. It is only important to learn the colors to combine correctly. But that, let it remain on the conscience of designers. And now, girls, we spend you into one virtual shop, where from the finished collection presented here, you will help our heroine choose a small set of such outfits into your wardrobe. Help her try on them and choose the best of them. Manage the game: Mouse.

Fashion. Yellow color in clothes

Fashion. Transparent female blouses. Game for girls and girls! Fashion. Transparent Women's Blouses - Free Online Game for Girls and Girls About Fashion Dress Up. Transparent Women's Blouses is not news in the fashion world. It was just a time when fashionable forgotten for some time forgotten about them. But the fashion designers and designers thoroughly worked on this subject of the female wardrobe and again at the peak of fashion transparent, women's blouses. The lady in such a blouse looks very feminine and elegant. Of course, such blouses should be able to wear. It's all about different degrees of their transparency and in what is dressed under it and on it. By purchasing such a blouse, you need to remember: everything should be in moderation! And now, girls, help our heroine pick up in your shop a couple of such fashionable blouses. It will not be bad if you immediately pick up cool shorts, trousers or skirts. Good luck! Work: mouse.

Fashion. Transparent Women's Blouses

High-fashion. Dresses from Alberta Ferritti. Game for girls and girls! High-fashion. Dresses from Alberta Ferrritti - the best game for girls about fashionable dressing. Girls, today we have a very important event regarding world fashion. We invite you to demonstrate elite clothes from the very class of Italian fashion designer and designer Alberta Ferritti. Perhaps, there is no such corner in the world, wherever its elegant, divine, romantic, light, like a fluff, dresses did not find their fans. Girls, do not delay. Doors of the fashion house Alberti Ferritti are open to you. Play: Mouse, online, free.

High-fashion. Dresses from Alberta Ferritti

Do not be sad, dear!. Game for girls and girls! New cool game for girls and girls about fashionable, summer dress ups - do not be sad, dear! Warm summer day on the outcome. The sea is so easy to breathe. But why this cute girl is sad? He did not come, for which she was in a hurried here? Do not be sad, dear! Life is Beautiful! Now girls will help you choose the coolest, the most fashionable summer outfits. Do not sit alone. Go to where youth are full. And you will see, you are so charming that the whole world is ready to fall to your legs. Cement! And there will be someone who did not come. Play: Mouse, online for free.

Do not be sad, dear!

On the disco. Game for girls and girls! On the disco - a game for girls about fashionable, youth dressing. Today, our young beauties with his boyfriend gathered at the disco. Girls, help her look in modern, fashionable and stylish. We invite you to our shop of fashionable clothes, where you will find the most popular models of stylish, youth outfits, appropriate for such an event as a youth disco. Here you will find the coolest tops, T-shirts, T-shirts. We offer you the most cool trousers, shorts, breeches and skirts. Here is a large selection of shoes of beautiful, comfortable and easy. Girls, choose, try on. Drive will be at the height! Good luck!

On the disco

Play in the designer. Game for girls and girls! A cool game about fashion dressing, in which you, girls, will work as a designer in the online fashion studio. To date, you have to work on the design of practical, fashionable and comfortable clothes - summer overalls. It is even difficult to imagine that once overalls were used only like working clothes. And so, dear designers, it's time to occupy your jobs. The creative process began! At your service a large selection of billets of individual parts of the overalls. Using the game technology, you can choose the details, change their color and drawing. Experiment! Do not miss the chance to create your exclusive design option. Good luck!

Play in designer

Fashion. Bermuda Shorts. Game for girls and girls! Fashion. Bermuda Shorts - a cool game for girls about fashionable, summer dressing. This year in fashion is new, very comfortable in the sock, summer women's clothing Shorts - Bermuda. If earlier such clothing was worn mainly like clothing for recreation, then modern designers have come up with various destination bermond models. Now there are shorts - Bermuda for sports, for walking around the city and travel, for evening walks. There are also office shorts - Bermuda, which are usually made of strict, dark tissues. Girls, your shop visited our heroine. She is going to buy for themselves a couple of bombards of various purposes. Help her do it. In addition, help her try on and pick up the cool outfits with which she will wear their stylish shorts. Play: Mouse, online, free.

Fashion. Bermuda Shorts

Fashion. Clothes for girls in a rainbow style .. Game for girls and girls! Online game about fashionable clothes for girls in a rainbow style. Well, when still, as not in warm, sunny days, dress up in the clothes of fun rainbow colors. Bright colors make a glance, raise the mood. Especially good and appropriate such clothes on your peers, girls. It is so fashionable, beautiful and original! Pay attention to our young heroine. She came to your boutique to acquire something from the outfits in the rainbow style. Girls, help her with fitting and choosing such fashionable things. Good luck!

Fashion. Clothes for girls in a rainbow style.

Fashion. Clothes in cage. Game for girls and girls! Fashion. Clothes in a cage - online game for girls about modern fashion. Clothes with prints in the cage is long ago. Just on her with varying success, the boom was increased, then subsided. Now clothes in a cage are again in fashion - dresses, skirts, jackets. So our heroine today decided to replenish your wardrobe with several stylish things in the cell. Girls, help her choose outfits! Play: Mouse, free.

Fashion. Clothes in cage

Fashion. Youth sporty style in clothes. Game for girls and girls! Fashion. Youth sporty style in clothes - this game for girls about the most popular direction of youth fashion, about clothes for an active lifestyle. This comfortable, stylish, beautiful clothes are appropriate in a variety of situations. Modern designers have developed magnificent options for such clothes, which easily fits into the existing youth wardrobe. Moreover, if you successfully purchase a pair, the top three sets of such clothes, then it can be easily diversified by exchanging parts of the sets or refreshing it, for example, a classroom handbag, glasses, or decorations. Girls, our heroine looked into your shop. On weekends, she with friends goes on a journey along the river and would like to buy a set of clothes in a sporty style. Help her on this occasion to pick up high-quality, stylish and fashionable clothes. Play: Mouse, online, free.

Fashion. Youth Sports Style in Clothes

Fashion. Skirts are red maxi. Game for girls and girls! Cool game for girls about fashion dress uploaders about red skirts Maxi. Not so long ago, but very confidently, the skirts of such a length and such a color again took their place in the fashion world. Many fashion guards have long been decorated their wardrobe with such a fashionable toilet. Girls, our heroine looked into your trendy boutique. She became interested in your last collection of Maxi skirts red. Help her decide on the choice of such a stylish skirt. Red skirts are good undoubtedly, but to look cool in them, you need to be able to wear them properly. Therefore, help our heroine pick up the clothes to her, the clothes with a red skirt, our heroine will look decent. Play the mouse, online, free.

Blazer on one button. Game for girls and girls! Online game about fashion dressing for girls and girls - the blazer on one button. Blazer is the upper women's clothing similar to the jacket, semi-spositive cut. They can be fastened for several buttons, but blazers are fastening on one button look the most advantageous. Our heroine decided to acquire just such a blazer, on one button. Girls, in our fashionable shop, a wonderful choice of stylish blazer. Help the girl to try them out and choose the most suitable for her. Here you can choose a T-shirt, blouse, trousers or shorts, with whom the girl will wear his blazer. In addition, you can provide a hairstyle and makeup under its outfits. Successful purchase! Play for free.

Blezer on one button

Fashion. Bags with prints. Game for girls and girls! Girls, for you a fascinating online game about fashionable handbags with prints. Our heroine has gathered to travel. Think if the lady can do without a beautiful, comfortable handbag? Of course not. Especially if the lady goes into the cruise. Therefore, you, girls, together with our heroine, will have to plunge into a fascinating world of fashion and choose the most fashionable and stylish handbag for it. We will tell such a place. Welcome to the fashionable salon of magnificent bags with prints. A huge variety of handbags of all kinds of shapes, sizes and colors, with prints in the form of portraits, with patterns of fauna and flora, beautiful reproductions, etc. Let you choose a handbag on any, even the most refined taste. And you can pick up such a handbag that will be successfully combined with the rest of your outfit. Good luck! Play for free.

Fashion. Handbags with prints

Summer overalls. Game for girls and girls! Online game for girls and girls about fashionable, summer dress ups - Summer overalls. Practical, fashionable and comfortable clothing overalls, once considered only working clothes, is finally recognized as fashionable and stylish and slightly not mandatory in the summer set of outfits. Girls, our heroine looked into your trendy boutique to decorate your wardrobe at a time-triple stylish overalls. Among the great diversity of jeans and silk, fits, fitting and wide, with shortened trousers and shorts, monophonic and with prints, help our girlfriend choose the overalls in which she will be able to go on a evening walk, to work or classes and even for some celebration. Good luck!

Summer overalls

Dresses for the Queen of the Graduation Ball. Game for girls and girls! Game dresom for girls and girls about dresses for Queen Graduation Ball. Girls, what can our heroine dream of if she is preparing for the graduation ball? Of course, she wants to be a queen on it. Let's help her! We invite you to one luxury salon with a magnificent set of fashionable dresses for the prom from the trendy designers. You, girls, from this big variety of brands and styles, help her choose the only dress in which she really will look at the real queen. And most importantly do not forget, in its image everything should be harmoniously combined, so immediately think about the hairstyles, jewelry and accessories. Good luck!

Dresses for Queen Graduation

Fashion. Black dress with a white collar. Game for girls and girls! Fashion. Black dress with a white collar - a dress dress for girls about fashionable, black dresses. Black dresses never disappeared from sight. Just now they returned to fashion more visited and found their numerous fans again. Depending on the choice of a style of the dress, sealing to it hairstyles, accessories, jewelry, black dress with a white collar can be boldly to wear out. Well, when the dress code requires stick to the clothes of dark color, the best option is not to come up with, as such dresses look very beautiful and original. Our cute heroine just such a case. Girls, help her with the choice of the bigst black dress with a white collar. Good luck!

Fashion. Black dress with white collar

Stunning evening dresses. Game for girls and girls! Fashionable online game Apparel for girls about stunning evening dresses, free. Girls, the heroine of our game for today, you need a beautiful evening dress. She looked at one shop with a large selection of the most fashionable evening dress brands and invites you to visit this boutique with her so that you help her decide on the choice of evening dress. The assortment of this shop is so good that our girl is simply confused. Girls, help her with fitting. Look at what dresses are more suitable for it: long or short, multicolored or monophonic, with a cutting waist and a magnificent skirt or on the contrary, with a tight skirt, etc. Good luck! Play: Mouse.

Stunning evening dresses