Games friends angels. Friends of Angels Raf and Sulfus Game Raf and Sulfus, who play herself

Do you like care games? Do you like exciting card puzzles? Do you adore the cartoon about your friends angels? Then run the game of the Angels Friends: Raf and Sulfus and try to solve the Solitaire card.

Fantasy Characters "Play Press"

Amazing friends angels came up with Simon Ferry for Play Press comic. The adventures of the heroes so captured the public that they decided about friends to remove a whole animated series, and then a lot of games.

The plots of games and cartoons draw us an amazing fantasy world in which angels and demons live high in heaven. Conscriptors descend to the land in order to practice their skills in practice. The vocation of the friends of the angels: to be keepers of people and inspire them to good acts. Demons must tempt people, having fallen badly to make them.

The main characters of the game about the faithful friends of angels are Raf and Sulfus. The first is the leader of the angels of light, and the second is the leader of the demonic group. Girl-angel is kind and romantic, and the demon is a ruthless guy-badist. Raf and Sulfus are constantly entitled.

How to play

You are decomposed cards up with a shirt. Open them and remember the friends depicted in the picture. You need to choose a couple to each image. This game is an excellent way to develop attentiveness and strengthen memory.

Merry angels and cunning demons themselves still adolescents, and not at all experienced immortal creatures, which are playing with the grace of human destinies. They only have to learn all the wisdom of how to properly inconscent simple mortals to good or to evil. And in the learning process there will be many interesting things, after all, in addition to two rival teams, there are still insidious neutrals, wearing intrigues to achieve their goals with the help of naive disciples. Despite the fact that there is a "veto" - a ban for angels and demons to touch each other, the love between the opponents plays the last role in the plot of the cartoon and helps to understand a lot. Passing and themselves through a variety of moral and ethical tests, angels and demons like their mortal wards grow up and form their own characters and principles. Learning to love, be friends, fight and forgive, as well as simply to praise with your favorite heroes with the help of games of Angels.

"Angel Friends" is a cartoon series, which produces the Italian animation studio "Mondo TV". The cartoon is made based on Simon Ferry Comics, which appeared on book layouts in 2007. The premiere of the animated series took place in April 2011.

Between paradise and hell

The main characters of the series are young angels and demons, descended to earth in order to improve their skills and turn into full inhabitants of Paradise and Hell. As you know, in order to learn something well, you need to practice well, and the best "experimental rabbits" for otherworldly forces is us, people. The task is old as the world: to lean people to your side and make them create evil or good. According to the rules, the angels and devils should not face each other, the order of "processing" of the next human copy they define in a special selection room. There is another rule: angels and demons have no right to touch each other, and even more so fall in love ...

Having met on earth, the angels and demons find out that they are opposed to another force, much more evil than the proceedings of hell. These are so-called neutral - unpleasant creatures wishing to obtain total control over the material and intangible world. The guys with habits and horns remains nothing to unite, make friends and try to save humanity and themselves from the influence of neutral. The main enemy of young heroes is a neutral Rhine. The Rhine, concluded in the mysterious dimension of Limbo, dreams of breaking out of imprisonment and uses its power to force angels and demons to commit blasphemy.

Love immortal

Reina knew perfectly well about what would happen if the angel would love a demon, and he would repay: an apocalypse, that is, an invisible power explosion, which can break the chains and release, finally neutral from imprisonment. The case remained for small: to make the young man and the girl love each other. What could be easier for the witch? She created a magic spider who bit the angel Raf and Leader of Sulfus Demons and infected them with a dangerous virus - love. Angel and demon commit terrible blasphemy - kissing, and Reina is coming to freedom. Now the task of angels and demons is not to give the Rhine to seize power over all residents of the Earth.

In the course of action, the winged guys are experiencing many adventures. From time to time they quarrel or lay, they take part in competitions and gain experience. There are some differences between comics and cartoons: for example, in the animated version of the heroes, older, the angels and demons are not playing there on musical instruments, a little different and the plot. However, the essence remains the same: the struggle of the united angels and their new friends, demons against the general enemy.

Winged heroes

And the angels, and the demons there are wings. And those and others know how to fly. This, perhaps, similarities will end and distinguishes begin. Each character of the animated series has its own, unique character. Let's look close to friends and define which of them do us more like: those that are namb or owners of a pair of small rozing?


  • RAF - the leader of the angels, a beautiful blonde girl who has left only one percentage of skills in order to become a real guardian angel. Energetic, sweet, kind, like nature, his friends angels and ... sulfus.
  • Sweet - glamorous and stylish angel girl. Dress in white, pink and purple, just adores accessories. In addition, lollipops love, collecting glasses, enough of its appearance, and all of her friends angels rises.
  • Uri - a pretty dark-skinned angel girl. The character of Uri is still quite children, most of all she resembles a bright flower, some miracle descended from heaven to the ground.
  • Miki is the oldest representative of the Angels Group. Miki prefers sports style, loves sweatshirts, t-shirts and broken pants. Witty, cheerful, optimistic.


  • Sulfus is a cunning, proud boy, the most real devil. Dressed in a gray suit, wearing a pattern on the shoulder in the form of a snake, which, at the request of the owner, can come to life and turn into a present amphibian. Adjusts motorcycles and rock music. Easily deceives rivals, secretly in love with Raf.
  • Kabale is an exquisite devil, the right hand of sulfus, another specialist in deceptions and tricks. The modesty of the cable is absolutely not peculiar: its outfits are frank, and the look dare ..
  • Kabiria is a smart and calculating representative of the group of demons. This girl with horns can come up with such a combination that neither death or immortal rivals can recognize. At the same time foul, loves animals ..
  • Gus is a fat teen demon, always dressed in baggy T-shirts and shapeless pants. Gus is good enough, he does not refuse himself the pleasure to eat and relax ..

European psychologists gave "angel friends" the highest marks. They emphasized that comics and cartoons can serve as an excellent entertainment for children and adolescents. The plot of the series helps children solve many problems arising at a young age teaches to position themselves as a person and not depend on the opinion of the collective. However, the children themselves do not think about it, they gladly read the comics and watch cartoons telling about the adventures of the winged heroes, and most of all, of course, play the games of the Angels - such as presented at your service on this page.

The Italian cartoon "Friends of Angels" is created on the background of the imprints of Simon Ferry. The fame of these imprints appearing on the trays in 2007, as well as the negative responses of psychiatrists pushed the Mondo TV multiplication film studio after 4 months to release a cartoonerial with the same characters - young cherubs and asstarotes. Cartoon founders made characters older than imprint. In addition, in the difference from the demolism of Simon Ferry, animated cherubs and astarots do not play on jazz tools. A little worked on the plot and film containers, however, the main highway, and threesome with her and the essence of the biography, remained intact.

The biography continues with the cases of the characters who compete with each other, climb on the land with the task to practice depend on people and tilt them on their plane. These experiments are sufficient to them to successfully pass the state exams and buoy equal cherubs or asstarotes. According to the restrictions of teaching, the inhabitants of Paradise and paradise are not obliged to be branched a friend with a friend, and they are obliged to work with people in the MMM, which is taken into account in the bedroom of the selection. And of course, stroking, and even more, the romantic relationship between cherubs and asstarotes is also severely prohibited.

However, it is not enough, the characters still appear on the Earth. And having met, it turns out that another power is functioning, which threatens not only to all of them, but also a creature. Allies are evil existences that dream of sealing both concrete and afterlime worlds. Compected adults manage to unite to escape from neutral. The main scoundrel - Maas, a britade of neutral, which is open in perpendicular to the definition of Mephisto. Its main task is to get out of the interactive dungeon, and this buffet it is impossible if cherubs and astarots break the moratorium. To push them to this, she should all.

If a friend in love with a friend in love with a friend, Armageddon will occur in the continent - a strong undermining of the electric power lump. Only this power means to break the invisible chains and release Maas. But how to make an adult who honors a low charter, love a competitor? The evil wizard found a method, and in the use of the victims, she chose supporters of rival planes: supporter of adolescent-angels Raf and Bandita Sulfus. Maasa created a fabulous trapster and sent him to bite adults, infecting them the most harmful strain of passion. RAF and RAF resist the sorcery, and their first kiss relieves neutral from signing. Now they decide not to give Maas to take possession of the continent. In the meantime, they go to their task, a lot of difficulties and prehensions appear on their route. They quarrel, then reconcile; Compete among themselves and improve their experiments.

Angels and astarots are unlike themselves among themselves, that both those and others learn to fly. Youth and lack of wings are all the differences between them. The rest of the characters are the perfect essence of a friend with a friend. Not only gangsters, but all their friendship are considered to be concrete individuals with a weak tint and postulates. Who among the characters you close most: the winners of the Maforia or cute bells?

RAF, as already mentioned, - the leader of Cherubimov. She is a wonderful and mischievous brunette, the most inconspicuous and consistent among colleagues. Just one percent experiments shares it from bucking the equal resident of Paradise and the amateur guardian angel. As required Cherubamam, Raf is cute and adorable. The girl adores the essence, must all of the sake of friend and secretly in love with the supporter of Astarotov.

Sweet - girlfriend Raf, immemorial squirrel. In the shoe takes proper white, lilac and pink, does not argue with his love without sexy prints, photographs glasses. One of the appearance in the company Cheruvimov is sweet is unable to lift well-being.

Uri is still a completely parent on a shade, but already a bold and tactical girl. It will always help man in a wide variety of settings, without looking at the inner defenselessness and plasticity. Intelligent and blacks, uri unlike colorful divine flowers, incomprehensible meaning in the land.

Mickey is the most immature and most gym among cherubs. Pessimism and wisdom does not give up. And she is carefree and not unlike the rest of the beauty of the angels, because she assigns cubes and gymnastic pants.

Sulfus - the main among adolescent demons. He is cunning and shift, cuts over the Earth on a bike and adores Art Rock. As will be confirmed by Satan, let him even be young, it is difficult goes to the deceiver. On his knee, he was drawn to the toad, which resurrect when it is necessary to perform some kind of specialization. Raf is never aware of this, but he is in love with a black-haired RAF.

Kabale is also Satan. Sulfus's main girlfriend is also engaged in deceptions and tricks. In the distinction from the scrolls-angels, recruitchin cynical and in the UBORAs, and in relation to.

Kabiria - an extremely unlumous demon, which builds tricky plans, not self-inflated mindlessness, no god-like. As a maximum, one feature of its shade is not inherent as astarotam - the Kabiria adores insects.

Gas is another member of the sulfus team. Simple fat man, poured into the well-made gymnastic shoes. He loves to eat and build.