Games restaurant monster high. Games cafe monster high games girls monster high cafe

Did you know that the famous student of the scary and terrible school Monster High Frankie Stein always wanted to open her own little restaurant in the city of monsters Skariz. Today you can congratulate the girl on the fact that she managed to fulfill her dream. In our exciting flash game for girls Monster High Restaurant Games, you can go with Frankie to her restaurant to help cope with work on the very first day of the opening of this catering establishment.

New items Monster High offer you fun and interesting to spend your free time doing business entertainment with your favorite characters from the Monster High school. Here you can enjoy Frankie Stein's restaurant business absolutely free of charge and for this you do not even need to register on our website. website wish you a pleasant time with Frankinstein's daughter at her restaurant!

Walkthrough Tips:

To start working at Frankie Stein's restaurant, click on the button labeled Play after this entertainment is loaded on the screens of your monitors. Now you will find yourself in the hall of the restaurant itself, where visitors will gradually come. Your task here will be to seat customers in empty seats, accept their order, serve dishes, and ultimately collect payment and clean tables from dirty dishes.

I was lucky to buy dolls for a promotion, because they are clearly not worth their full price. In principle, I am satisfied with them, but some moments spoiled the impression.


Beautiful and high-quality clothes, although at first glitter shoots a little from Neferu's golden sweater; Good stitching (Amanita has slightly thicker hair than Neferu's); Interesting footwear that keeps well on the foot and does not fall off, as well as easily removed and put on; Quite an even print on the faces, but Amanita's left eyebrow is not printed a little, since it is not striking; Cute and well-dyed accessories; Nefer is taller than Amanita, which is definitely a plus as it adds personality to the dolls.


Seams on some parts of the bodies are not sanded; There are burrs near many of the hinges that affect their performance; There is a marriage of the casting on the left hand of Neferu, but this is covered by a sleeve and you do not immediately notice; At the first combing, the dolls got a decent amount of hair, I hope this will not happen again in the future; Neferu's bangs are crooked and will have to be fixed; Amanita has crooked legs. There is a certain bevel to the right side, one leg seems to be shorter than the other, and this does not straighten in any way; Also, the long-suffering Amanita has a periodically falling off her right hand, apparently the hinge at the elbow is very bad; I already feel sorry for Amanita, honestly: she has weak hinges in her knees. Poor fellow.

Dear Guys. The game takes a long time to load. So be patient. Everything will load soon :)

Every baby who has just been born is in a hurry to start crawling as soon as possible, learns to sit, then stand up, then walk, and then run, even if it turns out awkward at first. He always wants to become an adult and go to kindergarten like friends. In kindergarten, younger children look at children from older groups and really want to grow up faster, too, to be able to count, write, draw, sing and dance, as well as play their "adult games". Children from older groups already want to go to school as soon as possible, so as not to sleep like little ones during the day, but to read smart books, put pencils in a pencil case, write in notebooks and have a real diary and a portfolio.

Younger students look with envy at those who have already transferred to secondary school, because there is not one class teacher, but many different teachers and a bunch of interesting game objects. Middle schoolchildren are jealous of those who are older, as they already walk by the hand with their loved ones, joke on "adult" topics and even kiss at breaks. High school students already dream of finishing school faster in order to start a real independent life. This means that you can either go on to study further, or start working in order to earn money. However, some schoolchildren also manage to make money, as they strive to become independent earlier than others. For example, Draculaura from games cafe... To gain independence from the finances of her father, the formidable Count Dracula, she decided to get a job as a waitress in a local cafe, where residents of the whole city come. Yes, she will have a hard time, because it is very difficult to combine studies, work and dates with guys. But you can help her at least with work in a cafe. To do this, immediately go to the game "Monster High. Dinner at Draculaura's. She will have to serve many customers, because this cafe is very popular, which means that there will be no end of visitors.

Put the visitor of the game at a table, hand him the menu. While he chooses what to eat, you can do another customer. When the choice is made, the visitor will let you know with a wave of his hand. Take the game order to the kitchen, wait for it to complete, and bring the dish to the customer. Do not mix it up, otherwise he may remain dissatisfied. When the consumer leaves the game, you will receive your tip and all you have to do is remove the dishes so that another visitor can sit at the table. May you have in game cafe Monster High, and Draculaura will succeed!