How to play Imaginarium rules. Board game rules Imaginarium. Suitable additional card sets

A whole box of creative associations!

There is no better game to be found. After all, she teaches kindness and creativity. The game does not have any hard and fast rules. They are there, but they are more creative than the rules of other games. Your imagination will enjoy the game to its fullest, and you will discover a new world of associations.
The board game Imaginarium is an amazing game for finding associations that should arise when you see unusual pictures. They were created by creative artists who put so much meaning into them that it is sometimes difficult to guess what they meant by that.

Association and imagination! Intuition to help!

Purpose of the game: guess as many as possible from the laid out cards those that the presenter has thought of, and get a decent number of points. Which of the players has successfully coped with the assigned task becomes the main winner.

Why fantasize and imagine?

The presenter takes a card from the deck, and, having shown all the skills of fantasy and imagination, comes up with an association for it. Moreover, such that even your child or friend could not guess quickly, otherwise the whole meaning of the game disappears. While other players should be at a loss and guess what kind of association you have in mind. They have time to think, and then, by voting, they choose what they think is most suitable. It sounds like a secret community of associates, but it's so fascinating ...

Everyone is captivated by associations!

The Imaginarium board game is a magical associative game designed to awaken imagination and creativity in every player. Everyone in the amount of 3 to 7 players can come up with and guess associations. And even those who think they have a problem with their imagination or not at all. This is not true. It just needs to be developed ...
The game is designed for children over 12 years old and adult parents who do not want to drown in the world of everyday problems. The Imaginarium completely immerses you in an unusual atmosphere and will give you genuine emotions of joy.

The Imaginarium game is a creative hit for everyone!

It miraculously completely deprives the communication barriers of communication, develops you as a person, and you will look at the world with different eyes - full of beauty .... The Imaginarium teaches you to better understand the people around you and strive for the opportunity to guess someone's thoughts and actions. The Imaginarium game is the best gift, from which positive energy emanates from the outside, and a deep and beautiful meaning of associations is hidden inside the box. It will be a great family game, will surprise everyone at any holiday. It is limitless, like all the associations in the box.
It is more than a game - it is a beautiful art of playing coupled with creativity.

How to play?

  • Before the start, each player chooses an elephant of a certain color and to match the voting card. All elephants are placed on the playing field at the starting mark. The deck with pictures is shuffled and 6 cards are dealt to each.
  • Each player becomes the leader at least once during the game. He must make an association to one of his cards. Then he says it out loud to his rivals, thereby laying out this card face down.
  • The rest of the players need to guess the card that the host asked. To do this, the leader takes a card and mixes it with the cards of other players and turns it over with the pictures up. Next, the players vote and lay out the voting card with the desired number so that everyone can see it.
  • After that, the points are counted. And according to the points scored, the players move along the playing field. The winner is the player who reaches the final mark.

What's in the box?

  • playing field;
  • 98 cards with pictures;
  • 49 voting cards for 7 players;
  • 7 tokens in the form of flying elephants;
  • rules of the game.

If you are bored with gadgets or you just want to finally get away from them, turn your attention to the board games from the category

3 February 2016

One of the most fun ways to have fun with friends and family is to play something. And if you choose the game "Imaginarium", the rules of which are quite simple, then time will fly by, and you can learn a lot about each other. After all, this board game was created in order to guess other people's thoughts with the help of associations.

"Imaginarium": the rules of the game

Before embarking on a pleasant pastime, it is worth figuring out what the essence of this entertainment is. The main idea of ​​the "Imaginarium" can be expressed as follows: you need to come up with associations for the selected picture and try to guess the drawings of other players through the explanations they provide. Everything is quite simple - turn on logic and imagination, and you are guaranteed a sea of ​​positive, laughter and pleasant emotions.


Before you start playing the Imaginarium, the rules of which are described here, you need to prepare a game deck. To do this, you need to decide on the number of cards. After counting the required number of pictures, set aside the extra ones. For four players (minimum number) you need 96 cards, for five you need 75 cards, for six - 82, and for seven players (maximum number) - 98. Not logical, then these are the rules! Now everyone has to choose a chip and cards of the same color, needed for voting. There are only seven sets in the game, and if, for example, five players are playing, then the extra chips and cards must be removed.

First move

The board game "Imaginarium" (the rules are presented here) does not imply any rivalry, but nevertheless it is necessary to choose a host who will make the first associations. The authors of the game themselves suggest this way: take the voting cards and choose one at random, turn it over and check with other players. The leader is the one with the largest number in the picture. But this is optional, and you can choose the player who makes the first move at your discretion.

Now the presenter must choose one of his pictures, make an association on it and put it face down on the table. And here we come to the most interesting in the game "Imaginarium", the rules of which are being analyzed now. An association can be anything, from a line of a song or a poem to an indescribable set of sounds. It all depends on your imagination.
The rest should choose from their pictures the most suitable for the explanations of the leading player and also lay it face down on the table. After that, the presenter shuffles the cards and puts them open. Now you need to number the pictures and try to guess the leader's card, who does not participate in guessing. Everyone chooses a voting chip with the number of the card, which, in his opinion, belongs to the leader, and puts it number down in front of him. Here you need to clarify that you cannot choose your own card. After all the players have decided on their choice, the tokens are turned over and the counting of points begins.

Imaginarium Rules: Scoring

The elephants should be moved around the field in this way: the leader's piece, as well as the players who guessed his card, moves forward 3 steps. Also, the chips of all players move as many steps as the number of people who have chosen their card. For example, presenter Sergey, and Katya and Roma guessed his card, and Kostya chose Katina's card. This means that Sergei moves 5 moves forward, Kostya stands still, Katya gets 4 moves, and Roma - 3. But if all the players guessed the leader's association, then his chip moves back 3 cells, and the bishops of the other players stand still. If no one guessed the card, then the leader's bishop retreats 2 cells, and the remaining pieces move as many steps as the players have chosen their card. For example, no one guessed the leader's card, but 4 players chose Masha's picture, and two players chose Mikhail's association, which means that Masha's bishop goes forward 4 moves, and Mikhail's only 2 moves.

The presenter is faced with a rather difficult task - to come up with a not too obvious, but not difficult association at stake. But this is the beauty of the Imaginarium game, the rules of which we are examining. After all, each picture is rather ambiguous and sometimes evokes a variety of feelings, which turns the game into a verbal battle over this or that choice - no one will be bored. At the end of the turn, all played cards are discarded, each is dealt a new card from the deck, and the leader's right goes to the next player in the circle.

Additional tasks

Some fields on the map are marked with special icons, and the leader, who got to such a cell, must take into account some restrictions. If the chip is on the cloud with the number 4, then the association should consist of 4 words. Once on the field with a picture of a TV, the player must come up with an explanation related to the film, TV series, cartoon, and so on. For a field with an interesting Abibas logo, it is necessary to come up with an association associated with a brand - it can be a slogan or an excerpt from an advertisement, etc. If the leader's bishop hits the square with a question mark, then the association must be interrogative. And finally, the sign of the book says that explanations should be given in the form of a story.

The final

You can play the Imaginarium indefinitely. The rules of the game assume the ending as soon as the cards in the deck run out. In this case, the winner will be the one who has moved as far forward on the field as possible. But if you want, you can always shuffle the deck and continue the adventure. And if one of the elephants reaches the last cloud, then you can send him to the next round - it all depends on the wishes of the players. But what to do if it starts to seem that all the cards have been studied up and down and you want to learn something new? In this case, you can always purchase additional decks, because the developers spoil their fans with interesting novelties.

"Imaginarium" for the whole family

Some of the pictures in this wonderful game are provocative enough that many parents feel uncomfortable explaining their associations to their children. In this case, the "Imaginarium: Childhood" option is suitable for the whole family. The rules of this game are almost the same as in the adult version. In the same way, the required number of cards is counted, chips and tokens are divided. After the distribution, the youngest becomes the first leader, and the game continues in the same way as described above, but with some differences. First of all, participants under the age of six do not go back even if they have not guessed the card. Also in the game "Imaginarium: Childhood" there are two points for the guessed move.

Additional tasks: a stone with a lifebuoy means that the player does not step back, even if no one guessed his card, or everyone chose his association. If you find yourself on the field with a cat, then your association should be invented about any fairy-tale character. If a stone falls out with a book, then the explanations should begin with the words "Once upon a time." The end of the game comes if one of the players reaches the field at number 30 - he becomes the winner. That's all you need to know about the Imaginarium: Childhood board game. The rules of the game are more simplified and understandable, it will not be difficult to understand them.

Each player chooses an elephant and a set of voting cards of the same color as the elephant. There are seven voting cards. You will need as many cards as the person plays. If there are 6 people playing, you do not need a card with number 7.

Game progress

The elephants of all players are placed at the beginning of the playing field. The deck with the illustration cards is shuffled and each player is handed 6 cards. Each turn, one of the players, in turn, becomes the leader. The presenter thinks of an association on one of his cards, says it out loud and puts the conceived card face down on the table. The rest of the players look for one drawing among their cards, which, in their opinion, best suits the hidden phrase, and puts it face down on the table.

The facilitator collects the cards, shuffles them and lays them on the table in a line in a random order, pattern up. The card on the left is considered card number 1, the next card is card number 2, and so on. Where you have the left, and where the right - you determine for yourself.

Guessing the presenter's card

The main task of the players is to guess which of the cards laid out on the table was thought by the host, and to vote for her. Each player chooses one voting card with the desired number and puts it face down. The presenter does not vote or comment on the pictures laid out on the table. You cannot vote for your own picture. When everyone has made a decision and voted, the voting cards are turned over and the points are counted.


  1. If all players guessed the leader's card, then he goes 3 moves back, and the rest stand still.
  2. If nobody guessed the leader's card, then the leader goes 2 moves back. Plus points are received by the players whose cards are guessed.
  3. In any other case, all players who correctly guessed the card get 3 points. The leader gets 3 points plus one point for each player who guessed him. All players receive one point for each player who guesses their picture.

Players move their chips on the playing field by the number of steps corresponding to the number of points won. Each player takes one card from the deck. The next player in order becomes the leader.

End of the game

The game ends when the cards in the hands of the players run out. The winner is the one who earned the most points and advanced the farthest.

The player comes up with associations to the images on the cards and himself tries to guess the associations of other players.

Game characteristics

  • Number of players: 4-7 people
  • Play time: 30-60 minutes
  • Age: 12+
  • It is included in the kit:
    • playing field
    • 98 association cards
    • 7 winged elephants
    • 7 tokens for 7 players (49 in total)
    • 5 tokens with the image of a man and a trash can (they do not participate in the game in any way - they can be thrown away)
    • rules of the game
  • Brand:

Buy the classic "Imaginarium" at an attractive price

Authors about the board game "Imaginarium"

Imaginarium is one of the most popular games in Russia. We sell about 200,000 copies of this series every year. The task of the players is to come up with and guess associations to strange, psychedelic and simply insane illustrations created by famous Russian artists and designers.

The rules of the game "Imaginarium"

There are few rules in the board game "Imaginarium" and they are all easy to remember.

Beginning of the game

At the beginning of the game, you need to decide on the number of players. The minimum number of players in the Imaginarium game is 4, the maximum is 7.

Each player takes a token (bishop) of his favorite color.
The game offers a choice of 7 colors:

  • Red
  • White
  • yellow
  • green
  • black
  • blue
  • and pink


If there are four players, then each receives four tokens with numbers from 1 to 4.

After you have figured out the number of players, you need to decide on the number of cards involved in the game.


We play four, which means that we must have 96 association cards in our hands (that is, 2 cards from the general deck do not participate in the game).

You can play with the whole deck (98 pieces), but then at the end of the game the players will have a different number of cards in their hands.

Start the game

All players place their chips (elephants) on the starting position of the playing field - the largest cloud with the number 1.

The peculiarity of the Imaginarium game is that on each turn one of the players plays the role of the leader.
It is not difficult to determine the first leader - you can simply appoint him or become one by winning the "Rock-Paper-Scissors" mini-tournament.

Subsequent leaders are assigned automatically: leader # 2 will be the player to the left of leader # 1.

The facilitator carefully mixes the deck with the association cards and distributes 6 cards to each of the players. The cards are dealt face down (players cannot see what is depicted on them). The leader does not forget to deal 6 cards for himself.

The rest of the deck is placed on the center of the game table (also face down).

First move

Host # 1 chooses one of his cards and comes up with an association for it, after which he reads it out loud.


Our Soviet Childhood.

After that, he puts his card on the table (still face down), and the rest of the players try to find a card in their deck that matches the leader's association.
After sometimes rather difficult choices, each of the players puts their card on the leader's card.

The presenter shuffles the cards again (it is possible behind the back), after which he lays out all the cards face down from right to left.

Guessing the leader's card

After the players have carefully examined the images on the cards, they try to guess the leader's card among them.


Each player deals to the leader one of his own tokens with the number of the intended card.
The game does not continue until the leader has received tokens from all players.

Then the leader places the players' tokens under the cards - each with its own number.


  • Players who guessed the leader's card move 3 steps forward along the playing field.
    In addition, players receive one extra step for each token that voted for their card.
    In this case, the leader's piece also moves 3 steps forward + 1 step for each player who guessed his card.

  • If no one voted for the leader's card, then his token retreats 2 steps back, and the players' tokens move forward according to the number of those who voted for their cards.

  • If all players voted for the leader's card (the association is too obvious), then the players' pieces remain in place, and the leader's piece retreats 3 steps back.

  • All players but one guessed his card.
    Result: the leader's piece moves 3 steps forward + 1 step for each player who guessed his card.
  • All players guessed his card.
    Result: all players' pieces remain in place, the leader's piece is moved 3 steps back.
  • The player guessed the leader's card, the other players voted for his card.
    Result: the player's token moves 3 steps forward + 1 step for everyone who voted for his card.
    In this case, the leader's piece moves 4 steps forward (3 + 1).
  • The player did not guess the leader's card, no one voted for his card.
    Result: the player's piece remains in place.

Scoring example


Guessing Association: Our Soviet Childhood.

In our case, the leader's card is the last one on the right (with Gena Crocodile and Cheburashka).

One of the players (white) guessed it, so the leader's token moves 4 steps forward (3 basic steps + 1 step for the only guesser).

The white player's counter should also be moved 3 steps forward, but two other players have successfully voted for his card (with the pioneer and the cake), which means that the white bishop moves 5 steps forward across the playing field (3 + 2 = 5).

The blue and green players did not guess the leader's card, in addition, no one voted for their cards, so their tokens do not move anywhere and remain in their places.

Next turn in the game

The played cards are sent to the "discard" (bito), players receive one new card from the deck.

The role of the leader passes to the next player (clockwise).

Special clouds on the playing field

Some clouds on the playing field are marked with special markers.
The presenter, whose chip will appear on such a field, must come up with a special association.

The facilitator should come up with an association in the form of a question.


"Is it not in cats that the MiMiMimeter is measured?"

The leader's association must consist of exactly four words.


"A pioneer is an example for all children!"

Brand Associated Association

Once on such a cloud, the presenter's association must be associated with a well-known brand, slogan or advertising video.


"Justduit doesn't like blowing from the window."

Good afternoon.

Imaginarium-Dixit-Imaginarium-Dixit is essentially the same thing for a person who has not come across their stories. But if you go through a bunch of games, a bunch of games with people of completely different values, perceptions, ages, you understand that the differences are still big, and not even in the rules, but in the cards themselves, or rather, their elaboration.
1) For a person engaged in any kind of arts, the "walking style" will immediately strike the eye: in Dixit there is one author, and in the Imaginarium there are completely different authors (both in subject matter, technique, and in the quality of the drawing). In part, this walking style hurts the eye. And even some people in the street didn’t particularly like it. And if Dixiit after the game brought not only some kind of emotional influx, but also aesthetic pleasure, then in the Imaginarium it was already "not that". And after the purchase, I immediately want to put aside 1/5 of the cards. In contrast to Dixit, there is no such desire: all the cards are as one whole.
2) "Coils for imagination". About Dixit 1, 2 (unfortunately I did not appreciate the Odyssey) there are rumors that psychologists partly worked on the cards. I don’t know whether it’s true or not, but even before that I noticed that it is in these parts on the cards that there are many details, which are precisely "turns of development for fantasy." The layman will draw more associations from one card, and the dreamer with great pleasure will build many different semantic and interesting associations that greatly diversify the game and they will be enough for many games. Such details can also be called "activators": you are not just looking for visual synonyms in your head, but you are already inventing something and developing the already proposed image. But in Dixit 3, 4 it is no longer so. In the 3rd Dixit there are mostly straight pictures, in the 4th they have again changed the artist (and for the better) and the drawings have become much more complicated with a lot of colorful abstractions, but unfortunately they still did not acquire these "turns of development". And so an analogue of the same problem: "Imaginarium".
3) "Duplicate items". In the first parts of Dixit, there are a lot of interconnected elements. Perhaps the artist has a finite imagination and she just brought the forum to create a lot of creative pictures, but then it played into the hands. When laying out the cards, it often happened that many cards were suitable for one association at once, and people began to analyze the "leader" and his manner of riddles and values, or still cling to some details, or simply put on their card ... And already here we got another ethical activation, which served as an excellent round for different manners of behavior in people. And as a consequence: a variety of gameplay, a lot of emotions, conversations, etc. In Dixit 3.4 + Imaginarium, there is still less of this.
4) "Theme". Here, after all, any taste preferences, formed in a person over the years and in a certain environment, play more. BUT Dixit's cards are "not for children", they are universal. It is easier to put an adult who has been painting pictures all his life (and will get a lot of pleasure not only from the game, but also from the colorful pictures themselves), but it is just as easy to put some 40-year-old builder who has never encountered with "dreamers" and he, too, will have fun coming up with associations. After all, in them everyone will find something of their own, they play very well on the images of those familiar to everyone, not depending on what is written above about tastes. "Imaginarium" is more like a kind of "blow of time", the cards partly show the values ​​of the modern generation (and anti-values), and unfortunately they are not close to everyone.

Thank you for the attention!

After 3 years, I wanted to supplement my opinion. Although the main thing has changed, but not enough to replace it.

The Imaginarium performed better among certain categories of adolescents. Straight "shot".
The 1st and 2nd Dixit decks seemed to me the most "universal". I love to “supplement” it, or rather to take another deck from “Mysterium” (basic) instead of it. It is more symbolic and abstract.

The 4th and 6th are of course very beautiful and the atmosphere of the pixar cartoons and their fantasies. But they are no longer so universal. In fact, you can continue this thought for the Imaginarium decks as well. They are different and have their own meaning. In general, now there are so many additions to both games, and also side projects, that it is not difficult to choose a project (a game for associations) for any company in general.

But to be honest, over time, as he began to play with completely different people and the atmosphere of a permanent family company has gone, Dixit has lost its charm and now gets it no more than once every six months.

Dixit is the first modern board game I've played. I liked it very much, but the Imaginarium came in even more: the pictures in it are more interesting. The case when the "parody" surpassed the original.
This is probably my favorite board game!

A little comparison

Given the abundance of reviews about the advantages of Dixit, I want to stand up for the Imaginarium and name a few of its advantages (they, however, do not relate to the design of the cards at all - here I am probably not so picky):
1) there is an interesting mechanic in the Imaginarium, when the field on which the chip stands forces you to come up with an association in a special form (story, question, theme from the film). This is pretty interesting. Although the rules of both games stipulate that you can do anything, even moo, or even jump, but in fact people are lazy and no one voluntarily does so, and usually the association is limited to one or two words. For this idea, the game is a plus.
2) in the Imaginarium there is a more beautiful map with a route, in Dixit it is quite simple.
3) this is a trifle, but it seemed to me that the rules of the Imaginarium are spelled out more clearly. In particular, this concerns the end of the game.

One of the first modern board games I played was Dixit, which I really liked. It was 7 years ago. Then Dixit appeared at my friends, and when I was ready to bring something like that into my collection, the choice fell on the Imaginarium. I was pleased with the game, it is similar in mechanics to Dixit, but still it is a little different, in my opinion more difficult for the selection of associations, but no less interesting from this. Playing it with people who have not played Dixit before, you hear from the players only positive feedback and emotions. After the game, newcomers to the board constantly ask where to buy one, how much it costs, etc. I played it with more than a dozen people far from board games and did not hear a single negative feedback. Those. from this we can conclude that people who have not played Dixit will most likely like this game. Owners and fans of the Dixit series, this game is most often criticized. The saying about taste and color of friends is probably applicable here. In general, my opinion is the following: if you don't have Dixit (or haven't played it at all) you can safely take the Imaginarium, I think you will like it. If you already have Dixit, I think it's probably not worth taking the Imaginarium, although this is a subjective matter. I personally like both games, in the Imaginarium I like just a fresh artistic look and a great revelry of associations and moods, in Dixit everything is somehow more smoothed out to fit one pen. The advantage of the Imaginarium is a more democratic price. There are quite a lot of add-ons to both games, so any of the originally chosen games can be developed.
If you hesitate when choosing between two games, look at the pictures on the Internet of both and decide which one you like best, in fact this is the only significant difference, you can safely take the game that you like best visually.
P.S. This is my personal opinion, as the owner of this game and several additions to it.