How to learn to play checkers well. Training Games in checkers: Useful materials and tips. How to learn how to play checkers well

For many years, checkers were known as a very exciting and simple game. Despite the seeming rectinence, it requires certain knowledge and skills, because there are many strategies and styles of the game.

When studying the strategy, you first need to understand the marks themselves and learn how to create a plan of your game. Many Shashists draw their knowledge from literature, magazines or watch the results of tournaments and matches. Beginners in the checkers often think that experts have some secret mathematical rules that solve all situations arising on the checkered board. This idea is false, since the number of possible positions is almost unlimited, and no one will ever lit-raid checkers in this way.

How to win in checkers - the first move

In almost all modern checkers, the launch rules are the same: dark color begins to move first. Decide on the color of checkers usually helps a coin or sequence. Moving forward the first checker need to learn exactly and quickly analyze the situation, visualizing changes in a position for several moves forward. We must not forget that the enemy will also try to make the best stroke. Know that having at the beginning of the game in your arsenal one checker more, you can safely count on a victory, the main thing about the battle without slipping.

How to win in checkers - make an opponent work on you

Make the opponent to move checkers in your favor - this is one of the secrets of victory. To apply forcing tactics you need to know something about formations, traps, shots and risks at the end of the game. When planning your game, use the distillation principle, hoping on the opponent's mistake.

How to win in checkers - set traps

Quite often, at the beginning of the game, newcomers practiced traps - this is one of the guarantees of victory in a desktop game. Such tactics can disrupt the opponent's plans, however, to understand its goals - a difficult task.

How to win in checkers - develop the tactics of the game

In some respects, the game in the checkers is similar to war. Each player can be called the twelve people commander on the battlefield from thirty-two squares. War's leaders maneuver forces with military accuracy, attacking, sacrificing, trying to overcome the enemy or suppress them superiority. Remember that the army is not moving into battle is unsystematic.

How to win in checkers - go in the ladies

The first of the players who reached the opposite side of the enemy has a lady in his arsenal, and she is quite a formidable weapon. Her long-range possibilities and ability to move on the diagonal of the board can destroy the whole group of rival checkers.

How to win in checkers - strive for a chap

Cut the opponent to give you your checkers or knock them out. To do this, you can apply the reception when two rival checkers are not protected, and your gets up between them (approaching the "Lyubovka") or to determine the weak checker and attack the opponent.

How to win in checkers - central control

In advance, analyze the dangerous zones that you need to avoid the opponent to push you into them. Remember that the control of the center is to control the entire board. A checker standing at her board is much weaker than central. In addition to speed, central squares have wider coverage: you can overcome any flank from them. If the internal squares are so desirable in the game, then the side in many cases become unsafe. Your checker will not be clamped in the corner if there is a number of colleagues nearby.

How to win checkers - play thoughtfully

Always try to play slowly and thoughtfully, considering every possible move. Having moved his stroke in a hurry, you quickly finish the batch, but the result may be on the opponent's side. It is better to play one good game than a hundred negligent. Always expect your opponent can make the best course.

How to win in checkers - play with professionals

Practice the game with professionals. No need to go far to find a specialist. Local experts can be students who disassembled in the game and capable of drawing tough competition or disciples from a checkered club.

Remember that checkers help develop traits of character necessary for a successful life: caution, concentration, self-control, balance, accuracy, patience and even methodical judgment.


Checkers are a very famous board game for two participants. How to play checkers correctly know units, and even fewer people are aware of the ways ensuring a guaranteed victory in any party. Although its rules are simple, their knowledge is not enough to constantly remain the winner. To do this, you need to practice some tricks in the application of some tricks.

Shacking Rules

Play this desktop game you need on a standard field with the number of cells 8x8. The total number of game figures for two - 24, i.e. On one participant they are distributed by 12. Before placing them, you need to turn the board so that in the lower left corner before the participant playing for white checkers, there was a black-colored cell. Only dark fields are used - opponents arrange the figures on them.

The main goal is to completely remove all the rival figures or block them so that it cannot continue to "move" and it has no accessible moves. You need to play as follows:

  • The player who got white figures goes first.
  • Participants move only to black fields, that is, diagonally, and move forward - this method is called "quiet".
  • To beat the enemy, they also walk, diagonally, "jumping" through the next "enemy" figure, if the next field on the same diagonal is free - this type of stroke is called "Fight".
  • A checker, which beat the opponent's figure, becomes the cage behind it, and the beaten is removed from the field.
  • The figure that came to the opposite edge of the board becomes a lady (it turns out or put the second on top to distinguish the "queen" from simple figures).
  • The lady gets the right to move on any number of cells forward or backward (but only diagonally), and in the battle process, it can stand on a free square behind the attacked figure, if such several.

Beginner players are often wondering whether it is possible to beat back, playing simple figures, not ladies. It all depends on the variety of checkers: some versions suggest that the shapes can walk and beat only forward, while others are in two directions, besides, the possibilities are different in the status of pawns. For beginners, the most simple, Russian version is best suited. After a short practice, the participant may be able to switch to a difficult level by learning to play other varieties of checkers.


This variation is based on ordinary rules, which is described above. As for, whether it is possible to walk back in the checkers, then the Russian version suggests such an opportunity - simple figures are allowed to move forward and beat in any direction. At the same time, there are no restrictions on the number of pawn bones. In one course, the participant can remove two, three and with the possibility of a greater number of rival figures.


How to play checkers this variety? For them, a field has a view of a six-pointed star, which has from 6 to 10 figures on the vertices. They play Chinese checkers and together, and with a large number of participants, up to six people. The goal is to move your chips to the opposite end of the field. The first one goes to whom the brightest color figures are distributed, and the rest do move behind it clockwise.

In one move, the player has the opportunity to move one chip in any direction. At the same time, he can jump over other people's figures when they have a free field. If there is a different chip over an empty square, it is allowed to beat it in the same way. The winner is the one who will be the first to get to the opposite end of the field, and other participants, if desired, distribute the second, third and subsequent places.


Knowing all the basic rules of the standard game, it is easy to understand how to play English checkers. For them, we need a conventional chessboard and 12 chips to each opponent. They set them the same way as in the usual version of the game, filling the black cells of the first three rows from each edge of the field. The first move makes a player with black chips. Simple figures can walk and beat only forward, and back only a lady and only one cell.


This type of game is carried out on the usual board of 8x8. Each participant has 9 chips. They are placed in square 3x3 in the first neighbor for the player's corner of the field. How to play corners? The figures need to be moved to adjacent cells vertically or horizontally, and it is also allowed to jump over the opponent's chips, which are standing on the free fields, if the place behind them is free. The goal of the game is the first to take the angle of the enemy.


The rules of this game are similar to those that act in a more familiar Russian version, but the goal is different. The player must force the enemy to beat all his figures or block them, that is, it is specially to put yourself under the blow. Each participant must be able to beat all the opponent's game chips available for this action, even when he can beat several pieces at once. The one who first will be free from all of his shapes.

Checkers Chapaev

They play on the usual board, and each participant at the beginning of the party has eight figures. They are placed on the opposite edges of the field horizontal rows, but if desired, players can agree on any other original location. The goal of everyone is to knock out all other things in chips from the board, and you need to do it with a click on your checker. When the player fails to knock down any of the opponent's figures or if he loses his chip, the turn is transmitted to the enemy.

This board game is carried out in several rounds. After the first batch, the winner goes first and has its own line of figures on the field on the field. When the checkers become close to each other, the loser the last batch retreats onto one line back. The final winner will be the one who will manage to beat all the pans of the opponent in this round.


The box for playing Japanese checkers has a size of 19x19. Initially, the players unequal chips - one gets 181 pcs. Black, and another is getting 180 pcs. White. The goal of the game is to capture and control the field of the field. The one who will take a large area than the opponent will be the winner. To make the stroke, the chip is moved to the intersection of lines, which is called item.

The first move is black. Near each trick vertical or horizontally, at least one free item should be. When the pawn or group is completely surrounded by the rival stones, they are considered captured and removed from the field. For each captured figure and free item there are one points, and the winner is determined by counting these points.

How to learn how to play checkers well

To quickly explore the rules of the game, it is recommended to practice on computer simulators. On the Internet it is easy to find a suitable view of your taste: classic, simplified options for beginners, simulators with a choice of complexity level and the ability to make bets for money and even such where the role of the opponent performs an animated girl with which players are invited to play undressing.

It is advisable to choose gaming simulators where there is an opportunity to play with a computer, and play with people online without registration. The first view will help to understand what a common tactic is used to achieve victory and how to win a party using logical thinking. Parties with these participants will provide the necessary real practice.

How to learn to play checkers so good to learn the winner if not from all, then from most parties? This requires its own strategy. To work out your personal victory plan and constantly win with it, you need to rely on the following recommendations of experienced players:

  • Carefully mentally change the location of the figures on the field based on the planned stroke, thereby calculating the development of events into several moves forward.
  • Try to keep your shapes closer to the center of the board - this position is the most profitable for moving forward and helps to play, avoiding blocking.
  • Trying to make your shape figures faster by moving them to those zones of the game field, where the opponent has less chips or they are more vulible.
  • As far as possible, you don't longer move from the original chip area of \u200b\u200bthe last row - it will not allow the opponent to quickly make his shapes of the ladies.
  • Try to move the chips with pairs and compact groups to complicate their grip to the opponent.

How to teach a child to this interesting desktop game? To do this, it is important to captivate its process and then it will easily master the rules and will soon become a full-fledged rival, which will always be happy to play even with an experienced adult player. To achieve this, show a child different options for how to quickly win, allowing you to win and keeping the spirit of competition. So he will feel the taste of championship, will certainly be interested in the process and will play with hobby.

If you are planning serious training that will allow the child to successfully participate in specialized tournaments and win, then it should be learning to use another, more responsible approach. You need to do it correctly, from the very beginning, explaining the names of the moves and combinations, regularly play, detailed all the tricks and features, without understanding the good tutorial.

Video: Chakes Secrets

Anyone who is interested in how to learn to play checkers, it is worth watching training videos that clearly explain all the subtleties of the gameplay. The video will help faster to understand the rules of this popular desktop entertainment, assimilate the common game tactics and learn about winning strategies, thanks to which it will be easier to win.

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Are you ready to beat your relatives and friends in checkers? Learn the foundation, and you will have a big advantage when playing with other lovers of checkers. If you are ready to begin to improve in the game of checkers, in this article you will find a description of some strategies whose use will increase your chances of winning. In addition, we will tell you how to play tournaments and constantly improve your skill.


Part 1

How to increase chances of winning

    Try to spend more checkers in the ladies than your opponent. In checkers, the advantage of one who has more ladies. Therefore, set a goal to get as many ladies as possible - it will increase your chances of winning.

    • In order to practice this advice in practice, move the checkers in the board of the board, where your opponent has less checkers or checkers more scattered and vulnerable. If possible, they are insight into the neck with neighboring checkers, even the price of their victims to increase the chances of carrying out the lady.
    • In the second part of the article we will tell you how to "redirect" the enemy's checkers and get into the ladies.
  1. Do not move the last row of checkers as long as possible. The opponent will not be able to spend the lady if the last cells will be occupied by your checkers, so such a strategy will prevent him from achieving the benefits in the early stages of the game. And when you finally begin to walk the last next to the checkers, you will have more options.

    • You will not be able to hold the last row all the time. When you still have little checkers or the opportunity will appear for a favorable sharing shacking, do not be afraid to move the checkers of the last row.
  2. Move the checkers with compact groups and pairs. Two checkers "in tandem" stand next to each other diagonally. Keep the checkers close enough to each other so that you can make a tandem with one move, having complicating your poverty to take your checkers.

    • "Follow" behind the baby nominated earlier before walking on, covering it. Safety pushed forward with two checkers even more reliable, as you can protect it from hitting from two sides.
    • In the second part, we will tell how to put "paired traps".
  3. Exchange with checkers when it is profitable for you. Obviously, it is advantageous for you to change one of your checker on two poles of the opponent, but even the exchange of one checkers for one is beneficial if you have more checkers on the board than the opponent.

    • For example, if you have 5 checkers, and your opponent has 4, there are almost equal strength on the board. But when you exchange even three more checkers, you will have a double advantage over the opponent (2 to 1)!
  4. Control the center of the board. Keep a few checkers closer to the center, and you will have the opportunity at any time to quickly transfer the strength on one of the flanks on which you should focus. Similarly, try not to let the rival checkers take the center of the field to deprive its advantages.

Part 2

Tactics and Strategy Games

    Sacrifice checkers for advantage. According to the rules of "mandatory strike", the opponent must take your checker if he has such an opportunity. Cover the consequences of your moves, representing what position will be created on the board after taking your checkers, and it is thereby determining whether to put it under the blow.

  1. Use "paired traps". For this type of bell traps on the board must be located in a certain way. The first checker (1) occupies an extreme right or left cell diagonally, and right in front of it on the same diagonal becomes your second checker (2). Next along this diagonal there is an empty cell, behind it - a rival checker (we denote it a), followed by another one checker B.

    • Go like a checker 2 towards the rival checkers, substituting it under the punch of the checkers A.
    • According to the rule of the mandatory strike, the opponent must be a checker and beat your checker, but he cannot beat your checker 1, as she stands at the edge of the board.
    • After the enemy takes your checker 2, you can beat your checker A.
    • Upon this standard scenario, there is not a very interesting exchange of one checkers to another. Nevertheless, you can install such a trap, "waiting" the possibility for a double impact.
  2. "Redirect" rival checkers. To do this, from the very beginning of the party, decide that six of your checkers on one side of the boards will be a group A, and six on the other - B. B. This will be useful to you in order to determine what checkers should go on one or another stage of the game.

    • At the beginning of the party, try to walk exclusively by the grooms of the group A, moving the bakes of the group B only if there are good strokes for checkers.
    • When entering the rival in exchange, try to change the grooms of the group A, leaving the group B untouched.
    • After several exchanges of the checkers of your opponent, most likely, will be focused on half of the boards, where there were checkers of the group A. Now begin to promote a group of group b: So you can take good positions to break into the ladies through weakened protection on this site.

Each of us loves games, in fact, they accompany us from childhood, contributing to our physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development. There are many games, however, few of them become truly popular and even known to the whole world, checkers are one of those.

This simple, at first glance, the game has many useful and positive qualities: it gives creative satisfaction, relaxes and allows you to forget about everyday bustle, develops intelligence and memory, makes it possible to learn how to calculate in advance, and also work well.

You may be surprised how it is all possible in such a primitive toy: one and know that moving round checkers on black cells, trying to remove from the field, as many enemy checkers as possible. The rules are simple, no special difficulties for memorizing and only experienced players know perfectly well that the visible elementality of deceptive, in fact, to win in checkers - is not enough luck and knowledge of the basic rules.

In fact, it is real art, with a bunch of combinations and tactics that are able to significantly increase the chances of winning. And then the question arises, how to learn to play checkers in such a way that always or at least, as often as possible, remain in the ranks of the winners, and not losers?

So, if you are new in this case, it will be useless to start with the simplest and even, possibly obvious to more experienced players.

  • Pretty learning the rules of the game: first, they may differ depending on the selected species (Russian checkers, international, etc.). Try to train as much as possible in practice, read thematic literature and choose more experienced opponents. Of course, you first, you will probably lose more, however, over time, the skill level will only increase. There is even such an opinion that you need to lose exactly 100 times to achieve a good level. At the same time, it should not be mindless games, every time it is important to work on their mistakes, think about the causes of defeat and make valuable lessons.
  • In order not to forget the resulting conclusions, they can be recorded in a special notebook, there the most interesting from your point of view of the party, as well as write out our own original ideas.
  • To play checkers really good, it will not be superfluous and remember some successful win-win combinations. They represent a sequence of certain moves, as a result of which the playing as quickly and successfully approaches the goal - victory. Sometimes these actions consist in a cunning threat to the enemy or, on the contrary, artificially sacrifice the checkers in order to further pick up a larger amount of checkers from the opponent or to get the arrival in the "ladies". Some of these combinations will have to just remember (from books or from a more experienced player), but in the future, with practice, you will learn how to create your own "fraudulent maneuvers."
  • Trying your own and the actions of the enemy to calculate in advance: solving it combinations, it is much easier to protect your own figures from possible risk and consequences.
  • Always strive for one: so that the enemy's checkers so far have become smaller on the board than yours. It seems to be a simple rule, but sometimes it can be achieved only by special techniques.

How to learn to play from scratch?

  • Try, as many simple checkers can be translated into the ladies, which will significantly increase your chances of winning. Move your figures in those places of the field, where there is a smaller number of rival checkers, or they are maximally scattered.
  • Last row of our own checkers hold on your positions, as long as possible - it will not give the opportunity to bring your checkers in the ladies in the early stages of the game. Of course, it will not be possible to hold it all the game, so at a convenient possibility (for example, for sharing checkers with an opponent) Do not be afraid to move your figures from the last row.
  • Try all the time to move "in Tandem", that is, move your checkers with couples or even small groups. So the risks fall into the opponent traps, and also the ability to create their own ones.
  • Sometimes it is reasonable to share with the enemy with checkers, but it is necessary to do it only if it is beneficial for you.
  • Try to always at least a few of your figures remained in the board center - so you can, if necessary, in the shortest possible time to transfer your strength to a more advantageous position of the field. If the center of the field will take an opponent - most of the advantage will be on its side.

We listed only the simplest and most basic techniques that will help the newcomer to master such an interesting game, as well as to prepare the field for the further development and improvement of our own skills. You can only achieve this with practice (if you do not have a constant strong enemy, you can help special computer programs), as well as reading theoretical literature. Successes!

From how correctly you organize the game in a checkered party, your success depends largely. Just know the rules and have a foggy idea of \u200b\u200bhow the party should pass - very little to succeed. In order to learn not just to play, but also win, you need to have at least the initial concepts about the strategy and tactics of the game. Each of your campaign should be thoughtful and weighted, because here you can lose, making less than 10 moves. About how to learn to play checkers to win, we will talk today and talk.

How to master the main secrets of checkers?

In order to win at least half of all parties, you need to start learning actually from scratch. All because some of the basics of this game are familiar to us from school, but it does not particularly help in adult friendly matches. In school, few people wondered about the strategic side of this fun (at least there were not so many such people). At that time, a pleasant pastime was considered more important. In adult life, the ability to make tactically verified steps is the most important thing. You should not just see your position on the board, and also represent what it will become in 5-10 steps. From how clearly you can control the game, and your future victory depends.

How to play checkers? First, you will need knowledge of the rules of the game. It is necessary in order to determine which checkers you are going to play. The thing is that this, simple at first glance, has a not one dozen varieties that have some differences not only in the game inventory, but also in the rules. Therefore, before you start the party, players always pronounce in which checkers they play and by what rules. If you want to go out the winner of any kesh, then you should familiarize yourself with the rules of the most popular game options.

Secondly, in order to not only play, but also to win you will need practice. It can be both real battles and virtual battles, but they should pass with "alive" rivals in obligatory. This rule does not prohibit the game with a computer at all, but remember that with a small level of complexity, artificial intelligence will purposely "forget" about some checkers, and with high - you will not be able to beat it. That is why you need a completely real opponent for grinding your skill. He will not only give you an idea of \u200b\u200bthe real game, but also will be happy to indicate your mistakes.

At the study stage, it is vital after the game always conduct its analysis. It best suggests you all the advantages and disadvantages of your chosen strategy, and will also help avoid mistakes in the future.

To learn how to play checkers perfectly, it is necessary to understand that this lesson does not tolerate a rush. If you strive to find out how fast and just get a confession - this game is not for you. Constant self-study, excellent knowledge of theoretical material and permanent practice are the only keys to success. People engaged in this game professionally learned all its subtleties and secrets by no means per month or two. If you really want to explore this sport (and this is a sport), so as not to lose in friendly and amateur fights, go to patience and free time. And remember - it's easy and just do it will not succeed (you still have to make some efforts). Only constantly grinding your skills, you can understand how you should not play. And this is half success.

How to play Russian checkers? rules

The rules of the game in the checkers are extremely simple. Remember them are easy, but important, especially for novice players. On 64 cells of the playing field there are 24 checkers - 12 for each opponent. Each of them can move diagonally solely forward by one cell. If during the course on the way there will be a checker of the enemy - it goes under the fight (it is considered beaten and removed from the game board). In Russian checkers, you usually beat as ahead and back (if opponents do not agree on other rules).

The game continues until all the checkers of your opponent are broken (or they will not turn out completely blocked). By the way, there is a very common misconception that the party in the checkers may end a draw. It arose by analogy with a patient in chess, but in a shower tournament this cannot be - here there is always a winner and loser.

The secret of succeed in the checkers is very simple - always wins the right tactics of the game. That is why there is a reson to dig in the records of international tournaments. There are very interesting options for strategies that have already become classic.

How to teach a child to play checkers?

In order for your child to not just learned to play this game, but also achieved some success in this field, it is worth sending it to a specialized sports section. This will give him some benefits in the future. In addition, professional coaches know how to teach to play and how to build a learning process for novice children so that training passed as smoothly as possible. However, it is not enough just to make a child in a sports school. He will need your understanding and support at any stage. Children are very difficult to compete, so try not to focus on the result (especially if the first experience of the competition turned out to be negative).

How to play chinese checkers?

As mentioned earlier, the game of checkers has dozens of varieties, and to be a master in each of them you can hardly succeed. Therefore, it is worth choosing one species in which you will eventually become a real dock.

Among all the varieties of the game are the most exotic and unusual, Chinese and Japanese checkers are considered. An unusual field shape and rather nonypical rules make them unique.

Chinese checkers, no matter how paradoxically sounded, have nothing to do with any shackles in a classical understanding, nor with China, since Germany is considered to be. The playing field has the shape of a six-pointed star, which allows six players to play at the same time. The rules of the game are simple: in opposite corners of the fields are placed rival checkers, which move on one cell ahead (no matter how directly or diagonally). The goal of the game is to translate all the checkers in the opposite side faster than your opponent will do. Capture and beat the enemy's checkers in this version of the game is not needed.

In Japanese checkers, though a quadrangular field is used, but the goal of the game does not knock out all the "soldiers" of the enemy, but to capture as much as possible territory.

Rules of the game in international checkers are a little different from those used in Russian checkers. However, they still have their own individual peculiarity - the flowing playing field. But in Brazilian checkers you need to play in the usual field of 8 × 8 size for us, but according to the rules that are used in international checkers. Such a variety of rules and conditions, make training this game very fascinating and interesting. This will help you not only diversify leisure, but also well-care your brain (which is very useful at any age).

How to play checkers in Chapayev?

In addition to the incredible abundance of classic game options, there are quite specific fights with checkers. An example of this can be the game in Chapaja, which, in principle, nothing to do with any coaster strategy has. Here, flat pebbles are used as shells, which should knock out the same enemy stones. This is done using a click so that the checker flew out beyond the field. The winner is announced by one who was completely able to clean the field from the enemy stones.

But the rules of the game in the corners are very similar to the classic Chinese game, but the action takes place in the classic rectangular field of 8 × 8. Checkers are placed in different angles of the board in the form of a square and must move in such a way as to completely take the position of the enemy (that is, put into the angle of white, black checkers). Who will be able to do it faster - he won.

This is not the entire list of fun, which you can play with the help of white and black pebbles and game board. You can also change the rules of the game of checkers at your discretion, having coordinated it with the enemy. By the way, it appeared the famous Russian game in giveaway, when the purpose of the party is not seizing the enemy stones, but the complete destruction of their own.

Checkers are a multifaceted game that consists of a variety of nuances and has an incredible amount of varieties. Studying her, you can be completely confident that you will not have to miss you.