How-firing snow in The Long Dark. Guide for beginners The Long Dark - Tips and Recommendations for Survival. Creating objects in blacksmith mountain


About how to keep warm, we have already talked and can win your time before ... how much from thirst (do not be surprised, you have not tried to be an uninvited guest?). It's time to talk about what our secondary needs occupies, in The Long Dark it is water. As you know, without water, a person can hold out a few days ... warm and comfortable. In the cold, we will try not to check in practice. Better think about how we get around this sideline.

The main mechanic thirst lies in the fact that you will start to get damage and very solid. For some time, they can be pulled out, but if the damage begins to develop frostbite, you risk too fast to stay without health. There were cases when the clock pairs in the cold have grabbed to "forever" plunge into the darkness ... It's good that it is snow everywhere.

The water can be found in some bowls (little) and toilet barrels. In fact, this source of water is very useful on the highest complexity of the game due to the limited resources. Upon simple, solid will save matches, which we have so not much.

In a dirty form, water is available in the fire mode. We can melt the snow, and then boil the water. Apparently, our hero wears a decent amount of container, very much. For cleansing, you can use special pills, but it is difficult to say what these ways differ from each other. For the lack of difference, why pay more? In our game, even 150 gr. Weights may noticeably ease life. If I'm not mistaken, the mittens weigh approximately the same.

It makes sense to prepare a very big stock of water if you are going to stay in one place for an indefinite period. So you will save matches, but to carry 10 liters of water with you not the best thought.

The main goal of the water is to get rid of thirst, but it can be used more efficiently, which we will talk about.

The soda is good because in addition to the thirst restores and hunger, therefore their value, compared to conventional water noticeably higher.

Green tea helps faster to restore health with the falsity, which in the coupe with temporary starvation is a very effective way of saving food. Just fast to a certain level, say 50%, then drink tea and eat. The effect is just wonderful.

Coffee besides hunger gives cheerfulness, which is very useful in long transitions. Do you remember that if you are out of my strength, you can't run? Do not let the wolves of such joy, and the jogs to move on the cold more handy.

Rosehips and mushrooms have their own healing effects, but also raise satiety.

Any tea will be convenient if you leave the shelter and you still have a warmth in the oven. Just weld tea, even without a medicinal effect, you still get a bonus to warmth.

All drinks listed above have some calorie and the same weight. Carrying a liter of coffee is much more useful than a liter of water.

For anyone who is just starting to play in The Long Dark.It is important to build a strategy correctly and not mistaken in the first steps. This guide will help you survive in the game.

Set the correct complexity

The Long Dark offers four difficulty levels. If you are a new player, you need to skip "Interloper", which is the most difficult. But if you really want to learn something, do not install the easiest difficulty. Try the level of "Stalker", it is perfectly balanced and really gives a feeling of realistic struggle for survival.

Find a refuge and warm

The game begins in the Northern Canadian desert, and your first task is to get warm clothes and shelter. Your original clothing is not very good, so you have to find a place where you can hide from the cold as soon as possible.

Do not go too far into the desert, but try to follow the main road or highway, as it will definitely lead you to a safe place. On the way, you can start collecting sticks from the ground, they can be used as fuel.

As soon as you find a cabin or home, immediately start looking for clothes and products inside. But be careful with food and always check it on your own. If it is below 50%, then it is desirable not to use such outdated products, because they can provoke a disease.

Repeat and use any bed for sleep. It will help you to warm up and protect you from freezing.

Beware of wild animals

Before leaving your shelter, make sure for the presence of a torch. At the moment, this is the only wolf and bears. You can make a torch using three simple components: wood, cloth and lamp oil. You can find it all in my shelter.

Another way to get rid of wild animals is to throw a bait, mostly a piece of meat. Wolves will be able to hear his smell on you, so throw it as soon as you hear the approaching bark. So they will pursue food, not you.

Another effective trick to avoid wolves is a fallen to the ground. It will make you almost invisible for them, even in cases when they come close. But do not let the animals on too small distances, so they will attack you, no matter what.

Over time, you will need to find a real weapon, such as a rifle. It is much more effective against wild animals. You can also get a hunting knife and use it to remove animal skins.

Explore weather navigation and forecasts

Navigation on the map and weather forecast is two of the most important skills in The Long Dark. It will help you find the best places to create a base and hide there, if you fall into a blizzard.

Best places to customize the base on the map:

  1. Trapper's Homestead: It has small prey inside, including a rifle. (Mysterylake: Southwest)
  2. Camp Office: Located in the central part of MySteryLake, so it is an ideal place for fishing.
  3. QUONSET GAS STATION: Located in the area filled with wolves, but has tons of valuable harvest inside. (CoastalHighway: East)
  4. FarmHouse: located in the central part of Pleasantvalley. There is not only a lot of good prey, but also a basement. It can be used for storage.

Try not to leave your database too early in the morning, since usually the weather is very cold at that time. If you see falling snow and strong wind, return to your database immediately, because the snowstorm is inevitable.

If you fall into a blizzard, try to find any other refuge close to you. Do not attempt to reach your base, if you are too far.

Start hunting

When you have all the clothes, equipment and your own base, you can start a hunting for wild animals. To do this, consider several factors:

  1. Look at the sky and check if there are no crows that circle over a specific area. This will mean that there is a dead animal nearby and can be used for meat or skin.
  2. Do not forget to check the tracks in the snow. Over time, you can find them quite easily and follow our prey.
  3. Learn to catch fish. You can easily create hooks and forests using a metal scrap and animal dried intestines. If you are on the lake, look for fishing huts. They already have fishing tackles and you don't need to make anything. Make a hole in ice and catch a fish that is an excellent source of food.

The Long Dark is a first-person survival game with sandbox elements developed by the Independent Canadian Studio Hinterland. The game transfers you to the post-apocalyptic world after a massive geomagnetic storm. When all electronic devices are disabled, and water and food are a deficit, the player must fight for survival in the coming winter.

And so, based on the game, you are a pilot. In connection with incomprehensible mysterious weather conditions, you tolerate the collapse in the deep Canadian taiga.
Fortunately, you are safe, but in such a hole you will not expire for a long time, so I remember the lessons of the survival of the "BEAR Glill" and go to seek help. However, it turns out that not everything is so simple.

Let's start with the status of your character and inventory.
By pressing TAB, the options menu will appear and in the corner of the set of indicators.

This is a state of your health, the percentage will fall to zero - you will die.
The great set of factors affect your condition, and about it, I want to tell in more detail. But before, I want to say that, the worse, your condition is weaker, and wolves love weak.

Fatigue (fatigue) - We are all people, all tired. If you run a lot, carries a lot of things, quickly get tired. By the way, about the advantage. If you are more than necessary (from 30kg), the character will not be able to move quickly, and sacrifice the speed risky.
When you get tired, it will begin to gradually fall an acceptable weight that you can carry, and when you exceed it, you will have an encumbered inspection. From this point on, the calorie consumption, the speed of movement and the fatigue indicator will start rapidly deteriorate. When the indicator is filled, first appears the inscription Tired (tired), and after a couple of minutes, exhausted appears (exhausted). The step will noticeably slow down, you can no longer run, and the acceptable weight of your noshe will drop to 15kg.
If at this moment you are in the open sky, find the nearest refuge and relax. Otherwise, your condition will deteriorate.

Next no less important indicator
Cold (Cold) - It is necessary to closely follow the temperature of your body.
It all depends on your shmote and weather.
Without good clothes, you will freeze very quickly, according to any. Also, it is worth watching the condition of the clothes as, the worse it is, the worse it will warm your greater and fat "ass" from stirring.
As for the weather - if a clear day - you are lucky. But do not hope that it will always be so.
We divide the weather in order:
Blizzard - on anything something back, but you can go.
Snowfall - freeze very quickly.
Fog - the horror is simple, it is very difficult to unatten as if the visibility drops greatly.
So, all these conditions can occur at one point. At this moment - I really do not advise you to stay outside.

When you begin to freeze you, you will appear Cold (Cold), a couple of minutes will appear FREEZING (freezing) - the state of your health will start falling.

Hunger (Hunger) - Everything should be clear here. Maximum calories in the body 2500. Each factor increases calorie consumption (activity, cold, wear, etc.). If you sleep - calorie consumption per hour: 85.

When calories become little, you will have an inscription Hungry (hungry).
When calories fall into zero, you will already have an inscription Starvation (starvation). Your condition will deteriorate.

Thirst (thirst) - You can replenish the liquid in two ways:
The first way is the sodes and juices that you will find. They are sweet, so it will take a lot of thirst, however, will replenish the quietly calorie. Sooner or later, this type of supplies will end and you will have to stir snow in the stove.

If the thirst indicator fill up to the end, dehydrated is the inscription (dehydrated), and the condition of your character will again begin to deteriorate.
Predators, diseases and other dangers.
At the moment, there is only one type of predators in the game - these are wolves.
In the future, the bears may be added.
So, wolves actually fondly weak and slow (at least in this game).
They can be killed from the rifle, scare away the throwing torch, ignite the fire ... or just .... score to death !!! Muahahahaha (villainy laughter) .... but not so simple, they can piss in tea. And they will nature you, believe me.

If the wolf nevertheless attacked you, then you fall to the ground and you have very little time to "extend to him sch), you will have an indicator on which you should quickly be left-clicking on the left mouse button and right-click. Do not fill out the indicator to the end. Cancel a little less than half and be sure to throw off the wolf, and so several times until you get. Thus, the wolf will receive in the face and will run away. I do not recommend the end to the end, I do not recommend the indicator, only if you want to kill it (and devour), but it is very dangerous. After contractions, urgently consolidate and accept the antiseptic.

A couple of things you should know.
When batting with a wolf, you automatically get the best tool in the inventory, which you will beat the wolf. The best at the moment is a hunting knife. Then there is an ax, and then scrap (Prybar).
And about bandages, if there are no bandages, then you can break the cloth in the "Harvest" section of the Bint.

Diseases and injury

Hunting, stove, fire, and other little things that should be known.
Let's start with the stove / fire.
Let's look at what you need a stove / bonfire in this game:
For warming
Food cooking
For smelting snow and boiling water.
In principle, water can not be boiled but it will end it with dysentery. However, there is another way to neutralize water using Water Purification Tablets (Water Tablets).

So, to melt the stove you will definite Fuel (fuel), matches (matches) or Firestriker (Flint). There is still a magnifying glass (Magnifying Lens) with which you can ignite the fire using the Sun (during the daytime). Still, you will need to regret the fire. You will need Tinder Plug or you can use the found newspaper. There is one important point - if you recycle the newspaper in the Harvest section you will receive 2-4 Tinder Plug.

As the fuel you can use the found / produced by you:
FireLog - Lights 2 hours.
Cedar Firewood - Hour
Reclaimed Wood - a piece of fence, half an hour burns.
FIR Firewood - lit one and a half hours. (I advise you to save since, it is necessary to repair the ax, knife, rifles, etc.)

When you finish fuel, you will have to get it.
We go to the menu and choose the Forage Wood to get fuel.
We choose how much wood is mined which wood, and with what we will chop. This is done automatically.

Supplement: If during the Forage Wood (Wood Search) you are in the house or in another refuge, you are only a RECLAIMED WOOD, and even in limited quantities. And if you go out, there you are collecting other types of fuel. So, I recommend "To Fore Your Woods" when you are outside

You can hunt on deer, rabbits and wolves (which is strange).
You can hunt at the moment only with a rifle. Since, cartridges here on gold weight, it is necessary to shoot rarely, which means for sure! And then you are not some kind of "Call of Outi", the fly will not calming himself. It will be necessary to go well. And if the weather is bad, or you are tired, patients or something else, then not only that you can not aim normally, you will have a bullet blowout like a shotgun.

Trap - you can place a trap for rabbits. Every 12 hours there is a chance that you will have additional mining.

So. Here you shot prey.
Come to her and choose how much meat to collect, skin and guts ... Yes, yes. HORROR: D.
Separate preferably a hunting knife and not an ax. You can seem like hands, but it is for a very long time, and you can't get a lot to collect because, the carcass will quickly freeze.

So you have meat, now it needs to be prepared. It is preparing this all respectively in the stove, or on the bore.
One piece is prepared for about 15-20 minutes (playing time).
There is Venison (Olenina), Rabbit (Rabbit) and Wolf Meat (Volchatin ??) 800-900 calories at 0.50kg.

You can only craft on workbench, following things:

Well, that's how it would be all that I wanted to tell you. I will update the manual as the game updates.
That's all. I wish you long survival.

Guide on the game The Long Dark.

· LUT in the game is not restored, so those items that you picked up will no longer appear;

· The gun in the game falls randomly, so no one calls its exact location;

· There are certain points of the bee of those or other things, but this is the meaning of the game - to explore the world and find these places on its own, otherwise interest disappears;

· Only one bunker is located in location. It happens different - with weapons, food, etc.;

· Polish and wolves and wolves are predatory animals. You can fight with wolves, remove them with a torch or fire game, or just bypass the face. Safe animals are rabbits and deer;

· From bow or weapons you can kill animals. Bear you can only kill a shot from a gun. Wolf really kill an ax or knife. Also, animals can die from bleeding, but not always. Frozen carcass faster refreshing the ax, fresh knife. Cut is always a knife;

· To engage in the game crafting, you will surely need a workbench. With it, you can make almost all the necessary items: a fur coat, boots, mittens, sleeping bag, pants, a torch, a fishing line, a knuckle, a bow, a hook, a fishing rod, a dressing moss, an arrow grazing. The arrow tip is cracked only on a whaling vessel in the zone of launching in the furnace. Cloths on the dressings are rhat and without a workbench;

· Before the crafting, young trees, skin skins need drying. To do this, they must be thrown into the floor and wait a certain time;

· Tools and clothing can be fixed. For the repair of clothes you will need a set for sewing either fishing rods and fabric. Shoes are reinforced with dried skin. To fix the gun will need fir firewood, metal and tools. And such objects like fire, magnifier, nail-holder, etc. It is impossible to repair;

· To obtain water, it is necessary to melt the snow. To disinfect it, you must bring to boiling or add special pills;

· Medicines are from all ailments. However, it is necessary to apply it reasonably, especially at the beginning of the game. Sometimes with a dislocation it is better to sleep, rather than drinking anesthetic. There are also natural analogues of drugs: as an anesthetic - rosehip tea, like an antiseptic - a gourmet with a moss, like an antibiotic - Fresh tea. You can prepare tea on fire, it will take 250 ml of water, 20 berries of rosehip or 1 mushrooms;

· In the game you can meet a variety of clothes. Over time, she wear out, flies into a blizzard and rifles in battle with animals. You can get cool clothes by crafting, and they will be revealed with the intestine and skins;

· In order to ignite the fire, a burning (magnifier, lightning, matches), a clutch (bark, newspaper, etc.), firewood (cedar, spruce, stick, wood). For fast and 100% ignition, you can use flammable.

Recipes Kraft

Clothes and shoes

The game implements the temperature and wind simulation. Clothes and shoes can wear out with time or be damaged in a fight with predators. Damage depends on the degree of protection from cold or wind. Clothes and shoes can be repaired, as well as disassemble.

Name of clothes and description Heat bonus, ° Wind bonus, s ° Weight, kg Repair, Ed. Collection, Ed.
Simple woolen hat +1 0 0,25 1 fabric 1 fabric
Canadian knitted hat +1 +1 0,25 1 fabric 1 fabric
Woolen pants +2 +1 0,5 1 fabric 1 fabric
Cotton pants +1 0 0,5 1 fabric 1 fabric
Simple woolen scarf +1 +1 0,25 1 fabric 1 fabric
Expensive winter coat +4 +4 2,00 3 fabrics 2 fabrics
Slim woolen sweater. +1 +1 0,5 1 fabric 1 fabric
Rubber shoes. +3 +2 2,00 1 fabric

1 dried skin

1 dried skin
Working boots +2 +1 2,00 1 fabric

1 dried skin

2 dried skin
Down down +2 +1 0,5 2 fabrics 2 fabrics
Sailor Bushlat +4 +2 2,0 2 fabrics 2 fabrics
Thick rough sweater +1,5 +1 0,5 1 fabric 1 fabric
Pants Cargo +1,5 +0,5 0,5 1 fabric 1 fabric
Mittens +2 +1 0,25 1 fabric 1 fabric
Woolen socks +1 0
Ordinary shoes +1 0 1 1 dried skin 1 dried skin
Ski jacket +2 +1 0,5 2 fabrics 2 fabrics
Fleece fuffy +0,5 0 0,25 1 fabric 1 fabric
Jeans +1 0 0,5 1 fabric 1 fabric
Waterproof vest +1 0 0,5 1 fabric 1 fabric
Vest-down jacket +1 +0,5 0,25 1 fabric 2 fabrics
Footwear +0,5 0 0,5 1 dried skin 2 dried skin
Cotton socks +0,5 0 0,1 1 fabric 1 fabric
Ordinary gloves +1 +1 0,25 1 fabric 1 fabric
Normal winter jacket +3 +2 3 2 fabrics 2 fabrics
Wolf Schuba +7 +5 3 wolf skin, intestines wolf Skura
Pants of deer skin +3 +3 2 deer skins, guts deer Shkura.
Deer shoes +4 +3 1,5 olenya Skura, guts deer Shkura.
Rabbit Mitches +4 +2 0,4 rabbit skins, guts skura Rabbit

Food and Drinks

The game realized a simulation of hunger, thirst and energy. Each game day you need to satisfy the needs of the character in food and drink to fill energy reserves. In addition, each earther of food, it satisfies the character in different ways. The maximum character saturation is 2500 kcal. Just like in clothes, food has the level of damage or freshness. If you use a stupid or raw food, there is a possibility that the character will receive food poisoning. For each physical action in the game, the character spends energy, and therefore should be followed by energy indicators, kcal. Using warm food and drink, the character is warmed faster.

Name and description Weight, kg The degree of saturation, kcal
Roasted beverage with orange flavor 0,25 250
Dried beef 0,1 350
Dog food 0,3 500
Grilled grape beverage 0,25 250
Carbonated Drink "Summit" 0,25 250
Canned peaches 0,5 450
Swinnina with beans 0,25 600
Tomato soup 0,25 300
Cereal bar 0,1 300
Chocolate bar 0,1 250
Energy bar 0,1 500
Peanut paste 0,5 900
Salty cracker 0,1 600
Army IRP 0,5 1750
Stem Timofeevka meadow 0,05 150
Bank Sardin 0,1 300
Wolf meat (raw). May cause poisoning 1 800
Wolf meat (cooked) 1 700
Reindeer meat (raw) can cause poisoning 1 900
Reindeer meat (cooked) 1 800
Black bear meat (raw) can cause poisoning 1 900
Black Bear Meat (Cooked) 1 900
Coffee. Requires drinking water for cooking. Reduces stirred for a while 0,01 100
Tea. Requires drinking water for cooking. Tea helps more efficient character resting. 0,01 100
Drinking water 1 l. 1 Not
Male Okun. from 4 to 5 1200 — 1500
Seloid Sig from 1 to 2 300 — 700


Personal first aid kit should always be at hand at each traveler. Who knows what can happen on the way ...

Name Description
Bandage Stops bleeding
Antiseptic Hydrogen peroxide. It is used for rinsing wounds, preventing blood infect. Used with a bandage
Insensitive Provides the speedy healing of stretching and bruises
Antibiota Will help protect against infections and food poisoning
Gearing from the old hanging moss The bandage in combination with moss growing in the district. The effect is the same as a dressing with an antiseptic.
Raisher Mushroom Tea This tea from the Raisher's Mushroom, growing on coniferous trees, stabilizes the imune sieves, helping food poisoning. The effect is the same as antibiotics
Tea from Ryshovnika Rosehip tea, excellent anti-inflammatory agent. The effect is the same as the depletion.
First aid syringe Syringe for the introduction of sterids in an ambient situation. Gives a short-term energy charge. After that you will faint due to overwork. Use as extreme tool!

Tools and equipment

In the harsh world The Long Dark. A variety of tools for survival. Each of them is needed for certain purposes. The more the character uses certain tools, the more benefit they bring. Tools can wear and break, just some of them can be repaired.

Name Weight, kg Description Repairs
Hammer The direct appointment of the hammer is a forging of objects in a blast furnace. In the game you can use for breaking boxes or furniture on firewood.
Knife 1 It serves to saw iron on metal trash. Can be used to separate animal carcasses. Metal
Hunting knife 0,5 The knife is used to separate the carcass of animals, as well as in defense during the attack. If the character attacks the wolf, the hunting knife automatically becomes a weapon. Grindstone
Toporic 1,5 Toporom can break large branches from fallen trees, breaking furniture, cutting animal carcasses and use to protect in melee. Grindstone
Sewing kit 0,1 Requires for fixing and sewing clothes Not
Sleeping bag 1 Come in handy for resting on the road 2 fabrics, sewing set
Nail-holder 1 It is useful for unlocking closed metal boxes and car trunk Not
Onions for survival 0,5 Come in handy for hunting. For shooting need arrows Not
Simple boom 0,15 Arrow for Luke. Not
Cardboard matches 0,1 Cardboard bats Not
Wooden matches 0,15 Trees Treasury Succs Not
Grindstone 0,1 Used to sharpen knives and axes Not
Simple tools 1 Main and Manufacture Tools Not
Qualitative Incruditions 0,75 Tools for fixing and manufacturing Metal
Persistent glass 0,1 In a sunny and clear day, you can regret the fire. Not
Kit for cleaning gun 0,1 Simple set to support rifle in working condition Not
Can-opener 0,25 Devices for opening cans Metal
Kerosene lamp 1.8 (fully refilled) Kerosene lantern, very good tool for lighting dark rooms. Metal, tool set
Fishing hook 0,01 Fishing hooks. Required to create a fishing rod Not
Lesk 0,01 Leske. Required for Fishing Fishing Not
Torch 0,5 Simplest means for lighting, moreover, can drive wolves. Not
Fishfyer 0,25 Artificial torch. It is used mainly to supply disaster signals. In this case, is used for lighting. You can throw. Not
Fuel for kerosene lamp 0,5 Little bottle with kerosene. You can fix the lantern Not
Canister with gasoline 4 (full) Canister with gasoline. Can be used to ignite fire in the field, refuel the kerosene lamp Not
Flint 0,1 Fire for ignition Not
Alpinist cable 5 Cable for climbing in the mountains Not
Small source of fuel 0,1 Small fuel source for breeding fire. They can not be fed kerosene lamp. Not
Torque Rocket 0,05 Signal rocket for a shot of alarm pistol Not
Signal Pistol 0,4 Alarm pistol. Shoots torch rockets Not

Resources and materials

Different types of resources and materials are intended for different purposes. Items will be needed for repair, craft, etc.

Name Weight, kg Description
the cloth 0,1 The fabric is soaked to create dressings, repair of clothing and for other household needs.
Metal trash 0,2 Metal trash obtained as a result of disassembly of items will be needed for the crafting and repair of items. For the valve items need tools.
Little stick 0,15 You can use as a means for heating, but burning will not be burning.
Tinder 0,05 A small amount of light-wavelength material. Required for breeding fire.
Shipovnik 0,01 The fruits of the rose rustling in the district. From the rosehip you can cook tea.
Mushroom Raisha 0,05 Great edible mushroom growing on coniferous trees. From the mushroom you can cook tea.
Old Moss. 0,01 Moss can be used for craft
Fir firewood 1 Wood does not apply to solid wood, but it is not worse.
Cedar Firewood 0,5 Cedar firewood emits a pleasant fragrance, but they burn for long.
Kiska 0,1 Animal intestines will be needed for crafting and repair items. Before use you need to dry 5 days
Skura Rabbit 0,1 The skin of the rabbit will be needed for the crafting and repair of items. Before use you need to dry 5 days
Skura Wolf. 0,75 The skin of the wolf will be needed for the crafting and repair of items. Before use you need to dry 7 days
Skura deer 0,5 The deer skin will need for crafting and repair items. Before use you need to dry 5 days
Black bear skins 1 Black bear skins will need for crafting and repair items. Before use you need to dry 12 days
Wood 0,25 Wood resulting as a result of furniture disassembly
Dry the fruit of Timofeevka meadow 0,05 Suitable for ignition
Feather crow 0,01 Pen Crow can be used for crafting arrows
Newspaper 0,1
Newspaper roll 0,1 Can be used as a fill in fire
Log 2 Called from chemicals and crushed chips. Will not give a lot of heat

In the game you can create objects or in the simple language "Kraft". Creating objects can be carried out in different ways:

1. Creating objects in inventory

2. Creating items on the workbench

3. Creating objects in blacksmith mountain

It is worth paying attention to the fact that when the player creates something, then some kind of defined playing time passes, i.e. Creating the subject your character loses calories and can get rid or want to drink. It is also not recommended to engage in "craft" when your character clearly freezes.

Creating items in inventory


During the game, the character will need food and drink, warm and relaxing. In addition, various adversity and diseases will be detected as the game.


Full health health - 100% . Should not be confused with quantity kkal. When health goes to 10% The effect of blur in the eyes appears. If health becomes below 10%The character will begin to flaw from the side to the parties, thereby making it difficult to move. IN The Long Dark. No aidhechkops instantly restoring health, everything is much more complicated here. To restore health, you need to relax, i.e. sleep But to heal without risk to fall asleep forever, you should follow the fact that there were no other adversity at all. In other words, to restore health, you need to ensure that the character does not need anything.


The place of the game is the northern regions of Canada, where the temperature can drop to - 40. If time is long enough in the cold, then you can freeze. It is time to find a place to find the place of war, the character will tell himself, but it is best to focus on the main status of the character. If the "Heat" indicator reaches a critical mark, the corresponding icon will appear in the lower left corner of the screen. He will gradually begin to take away health and the risk of supercooling comes. When supercooling, the character will quickly get tired. To reduce fatigue, you need to be warm 24 hours.


With long walks around the world and various actions, the character will start tired. If in main status fatigue comes with a critical mark, the character will not be able to run, as well as the portable weight to decrease up to 15 kg. Health will gradually begin to take away. The best way to relax - sleep.When the character sleeps, he restores health.

Water and food

Character saturation indicator and water plays an important role in The Long Dark.For dehydration and hungerHe will begin to take away health. To maximize the character, you need to drink at least 0.7 liters of pure water and eat 2,500 kcal.

Ears of wrists and ankles

If the character unsuccessfully jumped from a small hill or stumbled due to the fact that he was tired, then it is likely to get dislocation of ankle or stretching wrist. When dislocation ankle, the character will not be able to quickly run, and when stretching his wrist, it will not be able to use weapons. There are two ways to treat: first - take advantage anesthetic or cooked tea from Ryshovnika. This method is the fastest and help in the case when it is vital. The second is just relaxing. When stretching the wrist is recommended relax 2 hours, when dislocate ankle - 4 hours.


In the game it will be possible to explore a variety of areas. Each of them is unique. The world of the game is not seamless, but divided into areas. Each location is associated with other locations. This way you can go from location to location.

Mysterious lake

Abandoned railway, which was used to cross the logs, will bring you to a large lake. On this lake, houses were settled on the shores, and in the very center there are several fishermen shacks. The railway passes by the old hydraulic station. And somewhere in the depths itself, in the forests, there is a house of the forester and hunter Zvellov. From this area you can go to the area Coastal highway or Otradnaya Valley.

Coastal highway

Destroyed Uncooked motorway passes off the coast of the ocean. To the left of the road mountainous terrain, and on the right of the ocean coast with a huge number of fishing houses. On the way, we will meet an abandoned gas station, a fishing village and a sawmill. If you reach the end of the road, we will go to Zone of launch

Otradnaya Valley

In this area you can get from Mysterious lake. This is a large territory for research. Territory with frozen mountain rivers, lots of bridges. Interesting places for research - barn in the field, on which bales of the village from past life remain. Farmer house in the garden and radio on a mountain with a big antenna. Somewhere in the mountains there is a passage on Wolping Mount ...

Zone of launch

In this area you can get only from Coastal highway. In the mountains, many abandoned, sometime functioning, coal mines. The road, passing along the shore, the line will lead us to the lighthouse. If you go up, you can see the old whaling station, and nearby the cracked ship. It has a blacksmith horn, with the help of which, you can make it possible to make useful items.

Wolf mountain

On the Wolping Mount You can get out Otradnaya Valley. This territory is a mountainous area with gorges and rocks. There are very few buildings here, so you should be very careful. There is a lake nearby, and on the shore house of the local group of climbers. Frames of the aircraft are lying everywhere ...

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The Long Dark. Tips on the game Was Last Modified: August 8th, 2017 by admin.

Many believe that this game is another "sandbox" with elements of survival, but it is not quite so, because it has its own storyline with an interesting story and a mass of various tasks. However, some orders may seem like difficulty players, so we decided to write a detailed passage of The Long Dark.

Episode 1 - Do not go humbly

First chapter

On the first day we will appear not far from cracked trees and fallen air transport, flying through Canada. First of all, we will need to snatch a metal fragment from your hands. Climb upstairs to the cave, not forgetting to grab sticks and pieces of fabric. On the way, we also meet the first aid kit. Next, ignite the fire by opening the quick action menu. Then we put the bandage on the wound to stop the blood. Then go to bed.

On the second day, we note that the protagonist will not last long without water, so we get out of the cave, we find fuel to dilute the bonfire and inspect boxes that are lying next to the plane debris. Under some boxes you can find a bonus. After the ignition of the fire, we start to pull the snow to obtain water. Do not immediately drink it - first boil the liquid. After we find an antiseptic and use it on the wound. At the end, go to bed again.

The next day, it is necessary to collect a large number of branches so that the fire can burn throughout the night. We choose from the cave and start looking for wood. Wooden wooden boxes and bonfire. In the second box, located on the left side of the cave, we find 4 books. Next, approach the fire to warm up a bit. I melt and boil water, making stocks in advance. Yet in the game, we will not always be able to ignite the fire.

With the onset of the new day, we are chosen from the cave and we are moving upstairs by the soda. Do not hurry - I find out the Astrid suitcase and watch the video in which we find out, because of what McCensi was in a similar situation. On the right side, we find a deer carcass. After her freshness, we try to climb on the ledger, but the protagonist will not be able to do this and the ankle will dislocate when falling. We collect a rose hip for the cooking of lung painkillers. In the "Masitery" section you need to prepare a rose hips to brew tea from it. You should also take cooking meat. While the character is not quenched, he will not sleep.

On the fifth day, we again climb on the tree and we climb on the ledge from which they fell earlier. Then we see below the fallen plane.

Second chapter

Having reached the aircraft, we look at a small video. We go on the tracks of the Astrid, but first we look at the surroundings and select everything that can be useful to us in the future. Then we go on the "bread crumbs" left by the girl. I bind up on the patchwork of the clothes of Astrid and continue to go ahead until we find the second piece of fabric.

We pass the clearing of rabbits and climb upstairs. Near the deer corpse, turn on the right side and reach the cave. Although in it will be dark, but we can still distinguish objects. We look at the corpse on earth and go on. We study all the gallery and select everything that is not screwed to the floor. Then go to the exit from the dungeon.

We will see a wolf in front of a wolf with a carcass of the dead deer. We go around on the other hand, not attracting attention. To do this, go squatting and go to the right edge from the beast.

We go on the road and discover from the right side a dead end, so we go to the left to the bridge. However, the wolf is near him. If the beast sees us, then we can climb the nearest transport and sleep there. The bridge itself is not climbing, but we go around the right path. Then we turn right and move forward along the track. After some time, we see how the wolf is painted with a rabbit. Sat and go around the predator on the left side of the lake. We again come to the road and go straight. There are ahead of the trailer where there are quite a few useful things. We rest in it, and after turning to the left.

We continue to move directly and see the dilapidated church, next to which the wolves are running. Before entering the construction, create a torch to scare away predators. We select the necessary things in the church, and after we leave it and go towards the bridge. Moving from one car to another, passing off from wolves using a torch.

Crossing the bridge, find ourselves in an abandoned town called Milton. We see how from the pipe one of the buildings go smoke and decide to check it. However, first search cars nearby and pass to the bank facing the above facilities. In the bank you can find the key that unlocks the house of the banker. Then go to the construction, from which smoke was. We look through the cat-scene and speak with the blind lady. She will tell us everything he knows after we treat her firewood. We go to the barn and take the ax.

Third Head

Now if we raise items that are highlighted with a red font, then automatically become a thief. Thus, the character to whom the thing belongs to us will begin less to trust us. To search for firewood, it is not necessary to go to the forest and chop trees, but the ax is still useful to us in the future. Next, we visit closely located at home and find wooden furniture in them. We smoke it and attribute boards in a field, located in front of the hut of a gray mother. Filling it by 100 percent, go back to the house and watch the video.

Then it is necessary to search for food, the total caloric content of which should be about 10 thousand units, and put it in the refrigeration chamber. However, at the moment we have already needed the right amount. If not, we can go to the local refueling or deal with the couple of wolves walking around the city. After performing the mission, we speak with my mother and we look at another cat-scene. She will report a few facts, and then say that they are tired and stop talking to us. Beying the bumps for a couple of hours, and after returning to the lady and talk again with her.

A gray mother will ask us to go to the tunnel leading from the town, and tell her what happened there. We take a little meal, repair your equipment and go on the road way. Selecting from the house, turn on the left side and move forward by passing by gas station. Near the prison transport we examine the case and see the cat-scene. Returning to an elderly lady, but now at the filling station and in the city there are several wolves. We can kill them or simply avoid meeting them. The main thing is not to forget to pick up the rash mushrooms (grow on hemp) and sticks along the way, as you can get trust glasses for them. We go into the hut and see the video. A woman will be upset that the tunnel is now littered, and asked to visit her later.

Returning back we look at the dialogue between the heroes. We already have to have a code from the bank repository in the inventory. It is located in a house where you can get through the key, the wound found by us in the bank. Next, we go to the farm: we leave from the house of a gray mother, we turn left, we reach the intersection, then turn the right and at the end of the road we find the desired object.

Moving around the city with caution, as the number of wolves in it will constantly grow. We go from the house to the car or from the building to the building to avoid meeting predators. In the case of which you can relax in the shelter 1 hour. Reaching farming, stumble upon a wolf in the hangar. We paint with it and inspect the corpse on the floor. He find the key from the safe. The key from the farm is in a blue pickup on the dashboard.

We climb into the farmhouse and turn to the right room. We see the urn hanging over the fireplace and find the key from the cell. Then we return to the city and go to the bank. It is opening the desired cell and find things that were stolen from a gray mother. We go to the woman and watch the next video.

We take a new task in a pensioner cunning. She will ask us to go to church and transfer the decoration of some lily on the cemetery. We go to the destination and look at the cat-scene, in which the main character puts the jewel on the grave of the girl. We return to the elderly lady and learn the story of her daughter (lily), which fell from the rock and crashed. She will allow us to take her equipment and advise us to go to relentless mills.

Fourth Chapter

Before you start your dangerous journey, waiting for a clear sky. In the meantime, we reserve provisions and repair your equipment. Prepared, come out of the house and go to refueling. However, right before the gas station we turn to the right and continue to go ahead to the mountain park. Inside it, we go to the right side and get to the place for picnics. Here we will need to apply a climbing cable to reach the ledge.

Almost at the end of the descent, the protagonist will slip and fall down, finishing a couple of bruises. We go near the mountain on the left side and reach the second cable, which hangs from the rock. We free your bag from unnecessary things, and then fall out. Next climb upstairs and turn left, heading for a cracked tree. With the help of it, we move on the opposite direction and finding out the waterfall.

We go to the waterfall and finding out the cave not far from it. We go inside and rest in it to prepare for a new campaign. We are chosen from the cave and look at the bear kills the hunter. This ends the first episode.

Episode 2 - Light Fugue

First chapter

We find ourselves on the location of a mysterious lake right in the house of Zverlyov. We look at a small roller, and then start looking for provisions and equipment for the campaign to the HPP "Carter". It is best to go to the administration of the tourist base. We are chosen outside and descend from the hilly on which the building is standing. We go close to the barn (left) and get to the railway. In order not to lose the right road, remember that the dead body and the tree should remain right. We rise to the hill and go ahead right to the railway road (the route is shown on the map below).

Having reached the road, turn to the left side. After a couple of tens of meters, we discover the desired structure to the right. We go into it and find in the closet for documents (stands on the 1st floor) the key, which opens a house at number 3, located next to the lake. Carefully search the rooms in the building and take all useful things. We leave the administration and decide how to walk to the HPP. The first route involves a journey through the lake. As a rule, quite a few wolves live on the reservoir. The second way is associated with the railway, and the third one with the hills. We choose any of them and go to your goal. We get to the bridge at the HPP and search for trailers. They find the key opening the gate leading to the place where the equipment is temporarily posted.

We open the gate that lead to the dam and go into the construction. We inspect the reception and wait until another video goes. On the right side of the receiving directly on the shelf, we find the case in which the signal gun lies (with the help of it you can scare predators). On the other hand, I find a ladder from Case. We go to the toilet and search for a dead body, finding the key that opens the door to the administrator's office.

We rise to the 2nd floor and search for a wardrobe first aid. Unfortunately, it will not be released by his nail. We continue to go ahead and open the administrator's office. We explore the room. In the safe we \u200b\u200bfind a syringe, and in one of the boxes of the table - the key from the locker we encountered before. Opens the closet and take the first aid kit. Then go to the beast. We can choose any reverse route, however the path to the railway road is the most dangerous.

Mysterious lake

Do not forget to perform a side mission - we are selected from the hydroelectric station and go to the north-west of the bridge. Keep the left side and get to the cave of Alan.

We look at the cache, and after you choose from the cave. We detect the Hunter's tower, not far from which the dead body is lying. Search it and find the key from the house at number 2 (is located near the lake). Return to the entrance to the dungeon. We go to the left and reach the southern bank of the river. We explore the houses that stand next to the reservoir. They find the supplies and good things to help us in the future.

We go to the administration of the tourist base, passing along the western side of the lake. We pass through the "Lake Trop" right to the administration. Then we go to the railway and turn to the left. We go a little forward, and then turn right and go to the destroyed building.

There will be many traps on this site. From the house we pass directly - the right will be a big boulder. We go around the cobblestone, and then turn the right side and climb on the hill. We go further and find ourselves on the last parking lot of Max. We go to the house of Zverlyov. We view the roller and talk with the beasts. He will give us a failed rifle, which should be repaired at the sorting station. We leave from the construction and go through the railway road to the location of a lonely hide.

Second chapter

Once in a lone fourth, we go ahead, without departing from the railway. Having reached the end of the railway paths, go to the location of the Railway Mysterious Lake. We continue to go along the paths and reach the repair station. Stumbled upon a landslide, do not go down to the stream, but we climb on the hill on the right side, and after we go ahead. We reach the front of the train and turn to the right. We pass about a hundred meters, holding the right side, and we find a workshop ahead.

The entrance door will be closed, so we enter the building through the right pass. In the room we find the door leading to workshops. Once inside, we see the update of the task. Now it is worth repairing the weapon using the mill. We pass in the opposite side of the hangar. Stop on the dead body and look at the next video. Not far from the corpse on the table is a hand mill.

Include it and do not forget to grab the borer, which lies near the milling mill, since it is he who helps us get to the house of the hunter. We leave from the workshop and see how the protagonist falls unconscious. When he comes to himself, we see that everything has changed around - the wolves began to glow green, and the devices around chaotically flash. We go to the hunting house. We go around the hangar and we are moving straight to the lake. On the hill we find the construction.

Rate the right and reach the bridge near the reservoir. With the help of tolotus, we open the lock and climb up the track. We continue to go ahead to the house. Not in a hurry, since the wolves roam near the building. We go around to the left.

Once in the house, finding a rifle that weighs on the wall. In the basement, we find a lantern without energy and a climbing cable, thanks to which you can quickly come down from the hill. We go to the 2nd floor and find valuable thing in it, including cartridges for weapons. Then we return to the house of Zverlyov.

On the way, we face a bear, which Jeremy told. Do not attack it, as it will only lead to the death of the character, so we try to bypass it, without falling into his eyes. It will take a lot of time to it, but we will eventually get to Zverlysta fortunately and preservation. We look at the new video and choose the "Hunting" mission.

Third Head

In the task "Hunting" we have to find and kill deer, at the same time about 10 kilograms of meat. Several animals can be found next to the nameless pond (indicated on the map). Kill them and collect meat.

Note: You should not kill deer from afar - it is better to climb to it as close as possible and only then take a shot. In this case, you will most likely be able to finish the beast from one shot and you will not need to look for it in the footsteps of blood in the snow.

Having gathered a sufficient amount of meat, put it into a container located near the house. By completing the task, we return to Jeremy and choose the quest "Clothing". Zverly will give us a fur coat made from bearish skins, for repairs. Now we need to get into the supervisory post, and for this you will have to go to the trap zone. Once in the desired location, turn on the left side next to the destroyed house. Then we go along the path until we reach the fork. The right road leads to the railway and the administration of the tourist base, and the left - to the observation post. Choose the desired track and climb upstairs.

We go to the Lesnik's house and find a bear skin on the floor. I will find the fur coat of Zverlyov and go back. We speak Jeremy and take a new mission called "Fishing". It will be necessary to go to the administration, in order to find tackle. We go there, finding out the right thing, and then move to the reservoir in the house for fishing. In advance, flattering firewood for breeding a fire, which will burn throughout our fish catching. We catch a fish and give Jeremy 5 kilograms.

Note: Even if you caught a sufficient amount of fish in advance and have already folded it into a container, in any case you will have to take tackle from the administrative building. But as soon as you take them, the next point of the task will also be automatically counted.

  • Mushroom Reisha - search it is only on the stump. We advise you to visit the locations of the zone of traps and a non-name pond.
  • Rosehip - being in an unnamed pond, climb upstairs to the frozen stream. On the right side, we discover the rosehip.
  • Old hanging moss - grows almost everywhere, including the house of Zverlyov, so there was no problems with his search.
  • Timofeevka stalks (reeds) - we find it near the reservoirs, that is, attend the mysterious lake or a non-name pond. You can reduce the settings of the graphics to a minimum so that the grass disappear and only the stalks of the root are visible.

Fourth Chapter

Having done all the tasks, we receive a hunting knife from Zverly. Further, he will offer us to fight with a terrible bear and kill it for the necessary information. You won't need to search for a closure, since when we leave the house, he will immediately appear in front of us. We shoot him and try not to get under his blows. Fought with a teddy bear 6 times. Having understood with the predator, cut off his ear (there may be a bug in which the ear cannot be obtained - in this case, the game restarting). Then go back to Jeremy.

Fifth chapter

We look at the cat-scene and find out about the dam and the mysterious message. It is necessary to go to the HPP "Carter" and to be there at night during the Northern Lights. Be sure to take with you a nail-cutter. After performing all the conditions, open the door with the keypad.

We find the switch to activate the elevator. We leave out of the room and turn to the left side to the elevator. Go down to the first floor. We try not to adopted on the wires under the voltage, as they can lead to burns. We go to the left side of the room, climb the ladder upstairs and go through the bridge. There we find a climbing cable. If our backpack turns out to be overflowing, we will not be able to use the rope. In this case, you can either remove the cable and jump down (we get bruised), or throw out unnecessary things from the bag.

Find out on the bottom dam. Search for the first two rooms, we go to the generator, pass through the 1st column and turn to the left side. We go along the wall to the switch.

Turn off the supply of electricity and boldly go before, as the wires now do not represent danger to us. Molding a long corridor, we find a few sparkling wires in front of the ladder. We run on them and climb the 2nd level. We inspect the first room, and then go to the following. After the main character, someone will hit the head and he will lose consciousness. We look at the roller and go to the passage of a new episode.