Briefly about Combat Arms game maps. Briefly About Gaming Cards Combat Arms Games Mortal Kombat Map Set

Briefly about gaming cards

Combat ARMS has many cards, the action on which is unfolded in a variety of places - from dilapidated cities to snow-covered abandoned oil platforms. So that you are not confused in such a number of locations, we have prepared this guide. In it, we will not only tell you in detail about the most interesting of them, but also tell you some tactical techniques, and also advise those cards where you should start the game of beginners.

Graduation of maps

Cards in Combat Arms can be divided into three categories: small, medium and large. Moreover, it is interesting, in our game, big cards are not always the most complicated, and small, sometimes require playing high skills and strong nerves. Therefore, we have developed a slightly different classification of cards:

1. Examined maps. These cards are perfect for beginners, because they do not require strategic and tactical planning players. The main thing here is the speed, the ability to range from one shelter to another and the label. It is not recommended to stand still, because in this case you will become an excellent target for an enemy sniper or even for an ordinary machine gunner. These cards differ from the other understandable layout, as well as an excellent review that allows you to notice the enemy at a considerable distance. This category includes the following cards:

    Breakwater. Card size: big. Layout: simple. Overview: excellent. The pace of combat: medium. Popularity: above average. Priority weapons: assault and sniper rifles, machine guns. Feature: battles pass, mainly on narrow streets, in the near distance.

    Ice source.Card size: medium. Layout: simple. Overview: limited snowfall. The pace of combat: high. Popularity: average. Priority weapons: assault rifles, machine guns, shotguns, machine guns. Feature: Schedules are held on medium distances, use numerous shelters to exacerbate the enemy by long battles.

    Neptune. Card size: big. Layout: simple. Overview: excellent. The pace of combat: low. Popularity: Low. Priority weapons: sniper and assault rifles. Feature: Shooting on distant and medium distances, use smoke checkers to get closer to the enemy.

    Oil Platform. Card size: medium. Layout: simple. Overview: excellent. The pace of combat: high. Popularity: High. Priority weapons: all classes. Feature: The card has a balanced and understandable layout, excellent lighting, a good overview and color scheme that allows you to quickly detect enemies, battles pass at different distances - you can use different classes of weapons.

    Massacre on the bazaar. Card size: medium. Layout: simple. Overview: excellent. The pace of combat: high. Popularity: High. Priority weapons: all classes. Feature: Map is easy to learn due to the simplest layout, popular among beginners because of various distances of fighting - all classes of weapons are equally effective.

    Sector 25.. Card size: medium. Layout: simple. Overview: excellent. The pace of combat: above average. Popularity: Low. Priority weapons: assault rifles, machine guns, shotguns. Feature: Fights are conducted in a narrow space, in the near, medium and long distances - assault rifles, machine guns and shotguns here are a priority weapon.

2. Maps of Middle Difficulty - Here, mostly, fighters play, who have already been mastered in Combat Arms and have some experience. To successfully fight on these cards, it is necessary not only to shoot on opponents, but also to think tactically. Middle cards have a different dynamics of battle, as well as an interesting layout, whose development can take not one day.

  • Warhead. Card size: big. Layout: Complex. Overview: excellent. The pace of combat: low. Popularity: average. Priority weapons: assault and sniper rifles, machine guns. Feature: Large spectrum of tactical moves - there are many zones on this map, where you can arrange an ambush, so it will appeal to snipers and lovers to attack the enemy's empty.

    Dizziness. Card size: small. Layout: Middle Difficulty. Overview: excellent. The pace of combat: high. Popularity: Low. Priority weapons: all classes. Feature: Combat Actions are held throughout the map, there are also many shelters that complicate the rapid destruction of the enemy.

    Ghost town. Card size: big. Layout: Complex. Review: complicated by faded lighting. The pace of combat: low. Popularity: average. Priority weapons: sniper and assault rifles. Feature: Most popular in Quarantine mode, shootouts are conducted at different distances, almost throughout the map.

    Rattlesnake. Card size: medium. Layout: simple. Review: complicated by jungle and poor lighting. The pace of combat: medium. Popularity: High. Feature: One of the most famous cards in the "undermining" mode is basically the fighting unfolding on two platforms, but from time to time the battle is held in the jungle, where it is not easy to discover the enemy.

    Two towers.Card size: medium. Layout: Complex. Overview: excellent. The pace of combat: high. Popularity: High. Priority weapons: all classes. Feature: Inattentive fighters risk falling into the water and drown, and high intensity of shootouts and unusual layout of levels will force to sweat even experienced players.

    Death room.Card size: small. Layout: simple. Overview: excellent. The pace of combat: high. Popularity: Low. Priority weapons: shotgun, machine guns, assault rifles, machine guns. Feature: The databases are located in close proximity to each other and when accumulating a large number of fighters, the battle turns into a real hell.

    Short gas. Card size: big. Layout: Complex. Overview: excellent. The pace of combat: low. Popularity: average. Priority weapons: assault and sniper rifles, machine guns, shotguns. Feature: The card has many moves and rooms in which you can arrange an ambush, most popular in the "undermining" mode.

    Red canyon.Card size: big. Layout: Complex. Overview: excellent. The pace of combat: above average. Popularity: Low. Priority weapons: assault and sniper rifles, machine guns. Feature: On this map there are many confusing corridors in which you can hunt for your opponent.

    Bloody money.Card size: medium. Layout: simple. Overview: excellent. The pace of combat: high. Popularity: average. Priority weapons: guns-machine guns, sniper rifles. Feature: Map is available in one mode "mercenaries", however, the specifics of the task causes carefully to pick up the equipment and plan their actions.

    Overdose.Card size: medium. Layout: Complex. Overview: excellent. The pace of combat: high. Popularity: High. Priority Weapons: machine guns, assault rifles, shotguns, machine guns. Feature: The most popular map in the "Quarantine" mode, for victory here you need to quickly react to the controversial actions of the enemy.

    Sand tigers.Card size: medium. Layout: Complex. Review: complicated by numerous objects and buildings located on the map. The pace of combat: medium. Popularity: average. Priority weapons: assault and sniper rifles, machine guns. Feature: the most popular in the "undermining" mode, battles are conducted at all distances, in narrow alleys and on open spaces. Location is ideal for realizing a well-thoughtful tactical game.

    Summer cameers.Card size: small. Layout: Complex. Review: complicated by bad weather conditions. The pace of combat: above average. Popularity: Low. Priority weapons: assault rifles, shotguns, machine guns, machine guns. Feature: Battles are fast and dynamic, the maintenance of the sighting fire is complicated by a large number of metal beams and barriers scattered throughout.

    Estate.Card size: big. Layout: Middle Difficulty. Overview: Outdoor is complicated by bad lighting and cloudy weather, indoors are excellent. The pace of combat: above average. Popularity: average. Priority weapons: assault rifles, machine guns. Feature: a huge house in which all the classes of soldiers are perfect, tactics here play a priority role: for victory it is necessary to use all the details of the map planning, even the smallest.

    Crowders of tombs.Card size: small. Layout: Complex. Overview: complicated by bad weather conditions and dim lighting. The pace of combat: high. Popularity: Low. Priority weapons: assault rifles, machine guns, shotguns, machine guns. Feature: Map, turning the shootout in the pitch blood pressure. And the reason for this is narrow passages, poor lighting and color gamut, against the background of which, sometimes it is difficult to detect enemies.

    Dump (1,2).Card size: small. Layout: simple. Overview: excellent. The pace of combat: the highest. Popularity: High. Priority weapons: all classes. Feature: traditional "meat" cards, medium in difficulty due to the high dynamics of battles.

    Slaughterhouse.Card size: medium. Layout: Complex. Overview: excellent. The pace of combat: high. Popularity: High. Priority weapons: all classes. Feature: Fights pass throughout the map, there are many corridors and small rooms.

    Sunstroke. Card size: small. Layout: simple. Overview: excellent. The pace of combat: high. Popularity: above average. Priority weapons: assault and sniper rifles. Feature: Color range and vegetation on this map successfully masked the enemy, and the high dynamics of battles will not dissolve even experienced players.

    Fuel pump.Card size: medium. Layout: Complex. Overview: excellent. The pace of combat: above average. Popularity: Low. Priority weapons: all classes. Feature: A balanced tactical card on which there are many small objects for shelter and ambushes.

    Ultimatum.Card size: small. Layout: Complex. Overview: complicated by a dark day of day. The pace of combat: high. Popularity: Low. Priority weapons: assault rifles, machine guns, shotguns. Feature: Small card sizes turn it into a solid battlefield on which you can easily get under the cross-fire.

    Gorge of death. Card size: big. Layout: simple. Review: complicated by bad weather conditions and vegetation. The pace of combat: low. Popularity: average. Priority weapons: sniper rifles. Feature: classic sniper card. A large distance of the fight is not suitable for everyone, and the color gamut makes it difficult to detect the enemy.

3. Complex maps - Only experienced players will be able to win on such maps. But the whole thing is that a combination of three factors play a cumulative role here: skills, tactics and team game. It is almost impossible to achieve a positive result alone here. Complex cards are usually large, have a confusing layout and are often poorly illuminated, or have a low review distance. This group includes:

    Thickets. Card size: medium. Layout: Complex. Overview: It is difficult for weather conditions and dense vegetation. The pace of combat: high. Popularity: Low. Priority weapons: shotguns, assault rifles, machine guns. Feature: The map transfers us to the jungle, in which enemies can hide. The fight is complicated by the fact that there are almost no places for maneuvers - a fallen plane and its fragments occupy a significant part of the territory.

    Area. Card size: big. Layout: Complex. Overview: excellent. The pace of combat: above average. Popularity: High. Priority weapons: all classes. Feature: a huge map with a mass of moves, corridors and shelters, allowing to conduct a tactical battle.

    Gray hammer. Card size: big. Layout: Complex. Overview: excellent. The pace of combat: low. Popularity: below average. Priority weapons: assault and sniper rifles, machine guns. Feature: A large multi-level card, on which there are roofs, collectors, depot and warehouse. The battles do not differ in particular intensity, but many places for ambushes complicates battles.

    Voltage jump. Card size: small. Layout: Complex. Overview: excellent. The pace of combat: high. Popularity: High. Priority weapons: all classes. Feature: A complex tactical card, where success is entirely depends on the coordinated actions of your team.

    Death on the road. Card size: big. Layout: simple. Overview: difficult to have many shelters and darkness of the day. The pace of combat: medium. Popularity: Low. Priority weapons: sniper rifles. Feature: a narrow card with poor lighting, on which you will have to shoot due to shelters using sniper rifles.

    Snow valley. Card size: big. Layout: Complex. Review: It is difficult for weather conditions. Popularity: High. The pace of combat: above average. Priority weapons: sniper and assault rifles. Feature: A large map on which there are many large buildings located on the discreet area.

    Mysterious canyon. Card size: big. Layout: Complex. Overview: limited fogs and ashes flying in the air. Popularity: average. The pace of combat: above average. Priority weapons: assault and sniper rifles, machine guns. Feature: One of the most difficult cards. The fighting is complicated by dense fog and confusing labyrinths gorges, caves and grotts, where opponents are hidden.

    Dark forest.Card size: medium. Layout: simple. Overview: limited weather conditions, time of day and abundant vegetation. Popularity: Low. The pace of combat: high. Priority weapons: Pistols - machine guns, assault rifles, shotguns. Feature: This card transfers fighters into a dense forest, fully justifying its name. Dense thickets, twilight and pouring rain create an additional complexity in the discovery of the enemy and its firepoints.

  • Battle in the city center.Card size: big. Layout: Complex. Overview: excellent. Popularity: High. The pace of combat: above average. Feature: A map available only in the "Arms Race" mode is a business center of a major city, with wide streets and a variety of architecture. Fights are carried out mainly on distant and medium distances. The layout allows you to implement many tactical solutions.

  • Quantum laboratories.Card size: small. Layout: Complex. Overview: excellent. Popularity: Low. The pace of combat: high. Priority weapons: Pistols - machine guns, assault rifles, shotguns. Feature: Map with a huge low gravity zone, which is located in the center. The abundance of shelters, portals and intricacies of corridors make it difficult to master the location.

  • Moon laboratories.Card size: big. Layout: Complex. Overview: excellent. Popularity: above average. The pace of combat: above average. Priority weapons: assault and sniper rifles. Feature: Low gravity operates throughout the map, however, it has a gravity switch, with which you can kill players in a jump. In the Central Hall there are five pillars - springboards, reinforcing your jump several times. There are many portals, corridors and rooms that are easy to get confused.

  • City of wings.Card size: medium. Layout: Complex. Overview: excellent. Popularity: High. The pace of combat: above average. Priority weapons: Stretch and sniper rifles. Feature: This card is available for the game only in one mode - "Support VIP", which does not prevent her to constantly hold on to the popularity wave among the players. The map is a slum of one of the cities in Latin America. In the presence of many buildings in which you can enter, as well as narrow streets suitable for ambushes.

  • HPP.Card size: big. Layout: Complex. Overview: In some places, the map is complicated by couples from water. Popularity: High. Threads: high. Priority weapons: assault and sniper rifles, machine guns. Feature: HPP - this is a multi-level location of giant sizes in the form of a dam, battles passing both on the dam itself and inside it. Many shelters create ideal conditions for positional shootouts and sniper duels.

Where to begin?

If you first got into Combat Arms, you probably thought about what cards to start the game. In a difficult selection of the first location, our guide will help you: Cash your battle skills and mastering the game best on the most popular and simple maps. We highlight 4 lighter: breakwater, ice source, petroleum platform and a massacre in the bazaar.

All 4 cards have a clear planning, a good balance of team bases, an excellent overview and a pleasant color scheme that do not make it difficult to detect the enemy. On the map VOLASTERS you will be able to hone the skill of fast movement and jumps, because this skill is one of the key on this location. The ice source and the oil platform suggest command interaction and the elaboration of the simplest tactics, and the "massacre in the bazaar" will tell you the label of shooting both in the neighbor and far distance.


For a successful game on the above-described maps, you will need several simple, but effective tactical techniques that can be used depending on the situation on the battlefield.


    Use roof slopes and flue pipes to hide from enemy fire.

    Being on the roofs, do not forget about the lighthouse, as the highest point on the map, is an excellent position for snipers.

    Try not to use to move the street - they are perfectly shot from the roofs of houses and they are often minounted.

    If the opponent locked you on the base with squall fire, then use the room in one of the buildings, which is located near the base of each of the teams, is easily organized by defense.

    The lighthouse can be circumvented along a small side, which is adjacent to it. By using this path, you will fall on the spacious platform, and you can already lead a targeted fire based on the enemy.

Classification and parameters of characters

In the game you can get all the characters available in the console version, as well as several exclusive fighters for mobile platforms. Characters are divided by four Different levels. List of soldiers, as well as abilities, bonuses and improvements, is represented in the form of cards. An image of a character with its basic parameters is indicated on a separate card. Framing (frame) of such a card may be bronze, silver, gold or diamond (update 1.9). These are four different groups of characters.

In addition, fighting in various tournaments and gaming modes, you increase the character level. With a new level of character, its main characteristics increase.

By the word about the characteristics. All fighters have the same set of basic skills:

  • Attack. From the number of points of attack depends on the enemy damage.
  • Health. The number of health glasses determines the damage that your character can withstand.
  • Resistance. This parameter depends on how many points you drop the incoming damage obtained by hitting the enemy.
  • Treatment. This parameter defines the amount of recoverable health outside the battle.
  • Power charge. From this parameter, the rate of accumulation of force during the battle is depends.
  • Feats. Update 1.19. New pumping mode for gold and diamond characters (available if they are in the collection) for certain achievements of each in the wars of fractions. It gives an additional increase in all basic skills, as well as the individual decoration of the "banner" in network battles.

Special techniques and pumping characters

It is noteworthy that if you compare the transition of the first-level characters to the second for bronze, silver and gold cards, then the more expensive the card will be, the more points of each of the skills above you will receive. For example, when moving a bronze card character from the first to the second level, you will increase the attack value of 34 points, while with an increase in the character level of the silver card from the first to the second you will increase the attack by 66 points.

In addition to basic skills, each character has a special reception. If you open the character's card, then under the "Resistance" parameter you will see three rectangles with cut corners. Special techniques are actually three, but only one is open by default. But you can unlock two other (in turn). To unlock a special reception, you will not need souls: all this is done for gold coins. Any skill, even the second, even the third, can be unlocked only for 1000 gold coins. Another thing is that the cost of pumping skills will be higher.

Also, the characters are divided into different classes: master of martial arts, special forces, the outside world, the underworld. Some characters combine two classes in themselves. For example, Inferno Scorpio refers to the classes of martial arts and hell.

How to get new characters

In the main menu at the top of the screen there is a section "Shop". Go there and at the bottom of the screen, select the category "Characters". Here you can see a list of all characters and their cost. By default, they are sorted by cost - from less to greater.

Even if you already have a character from the store, you can still buy it card. In this case, a new card already existing character can be combined with old. So you will not increase the number of your own characters, but significantly increase the main characteristics of the one you already have.

Character cards you can get a few ways. For example, they are often issued as a reward when achieving certain goals, the passage of tests. Tests and at all allow you to get exclusive characters, which is no longer anywhere. You can buy characters in the store. Some of them are sold for gold coins, and other heroes are for the souls. At the time of writing the article in the store it was possible to buy only one character of a golden card for coins - Cano Champs. All other fighters are sold exclusively for the souls - from 200 (Johnny Cage) to 350 (Inferno Scorpio).

Note. With update 2.0, the store is radically recycled. Now this is a separate tab, where 3 characters (bronze, silver, gold and standard last store) appear randomly. Character change occurs every 12 hours. You can buy only one merge of each of the three available in the store to pumping characters until they are shifted.

The store has a category "Map Sets". Here you can purchase several exclusive characters that are not in the category "Characters". Sets are sold for gold coins, allies, soul glasses, and some exclusively for real money.

Note. In the version of the game 1.19, the suite of the union's glasses completely removed as well as the "Help / Attack of Allies". All the accumulated union glasses automatically converted into a set of union that has become free for opening every 4 hours. In version 2.0, he was renamed a bronze set with one free discovery per day.

How to quickly pump the character and what is "elite"

To strengthen your character, you must be guided by following:

  • Try to fight the same detachment to raise each of the characters. In different tournaments you will raise a different number of experience points. Most of all experience can be obtained in the "War of Fractions". Join one of the factions and spend the battles online.
  • Buy maps of characters that you already have. Next, connect the cards to raise the characteristics of the already existing fighters. Characters improved by this method belong to the "elite". The maximum possible level of "elite" - 7. This means that you can connect the same characters cards up to seven times. Note. Starting from version 1.18, all characters receive the level of the elite x (tenth).
  • Acquire for your characters equipment and accessories.
  • Open the Character Card or go to the Support Store category. Here you have to find maps with the name of your character (for the second case). If you have opened a soldier's card, pay attention to the three depicted cards at the bottom of the screen, in the middle. There is still an inscription "Support". So you can acquire how many such cards that increase different parameters for this character. In most cases, the parameter is initially rising by 3%. If you buy two health increasing cards and connect them, then the stock will be increased by 6% (glasses just fold).
  • Pour special techniques of fighters. It is extremely recommended to pay attention to the second and third (if there is) special techniques. Often the minimum and maximum values \u200b\u200bof the second special reception damage (base level, without pumping) are significantly higher than the same parameters for the first special reception, which was completely pumped. For pumping special reception takes 500 or more coins for one improvement. At the same time, the second special admission from the bronze and part of silver characters is 1000 coins. So why not unlock it immediately? It is best to spend coins for pumping the next special reception!
  • You can win, get a reward or buy a level raising card. Try to spend such cards if your character's level is very high: when to enhance it, you need to spend at least 10 battles.
  • Pay attention to the passive skill of each character. If you open a map of the character already existing, then you will see the inscription "Discipline" at the top and what effect the individual skill imposes on the whole detachment. If you open the character's card located in the store, the skill will be described on the left side of the screen.

About maximum levels of development

At the time of writing, the guide account was possible to pump up to 51 levels. As for the characters, their maximum level is 50. Thus, pumping the character to 50 levels, improving its support card as much as possible, equipping the best accessories to the best armor and put their accessories, you will see the maximum fighter skills. But do not forget about the possibility of merge cards. You can connect the same characters cards up to seven times. With each union, the base skills of the hero will improve.

Note. Also starting from version 1.18 and to the present, in addition to the increased tenth-time merge of the characters' cards to the X elite, and their level has increased - with the 10th elite, the map of any fighter becomes possible to pump up to level 60. The account level is also increased to 60.

Many of Mortal Kombat X lovers are most likely familiar with some of the main ways with which you can get extra souls. Now we will tell you how to get gold or silver fighting cards, the happy owners of which you are most likely wanting to become.

Mortal Kombat X, developed by Warner Bros., is available only for iOS devices. In the game you will have the opportunity not only to fight the opponent, but you can also collect and collect cards. You will meet with many of the previously loved, and also get acquainted with new fighters. And so, without unnecessary ceremonies, we will tell about ways, cheats and tricks, with which you can get rare gold and silver fighting cards.

This is the simplest thing you can do is go to the application store and buy a new package of cards in the Kard Pack section with any souls that you have. (Crow all you can also buy cards with the letter "K"!). Kombat Pack guarantees you to get one silver and two random cards, and Alliance Pack also implies random cards, but in any case the silver or gold card will be in the composition.

2. Make a purchase in the Character section (Character)

Unlike the first tip, the Character section allows you to buy silver or gold cards, but this time with coins, not shower. Scroll right allows you to shop for silver cards, scrolling even further, you will find gold cards. Please note that some gold cards you can purchase for coins, although mostly the cards are purchased for the souls.

3. Play Duel mode

Duel mode gives you a unique chance to win a famous character. You can defeat all the towers within the specified time. So use all your energy for victory in the duel mode, if you decide to go this way

4. Pass daily duels, and plug the game

As mentioned earlier, passing daily duels, you get a chance to earn extra souls. In addition, passing daily duels and connecting a mobile game to the console version, you can also get rare gold or silver cards.