Sea battlefield pattern. The optimal algorithm of the game in the sea battle. What can I do

Children are so passionate about various gadgets, which often not only read, but not even want to play in virtual. It is disturbing both specialists and parents. In one of the series of the cartoon "Barboskina" grandfather just offers a way to return children to the real world with the help of the game with the whole family in the usual "sea battle" on paper.

To do this, he turns off the electricity in the house, and the grandchildren are forced to master the game that do not require any special conditions. He showed that it is interesting to spend time without any Internet, armed with only a handle and its own mind.

Although this board game sea battle today exists in the computer version, but the traditional version of the destruction of ships on the leaflet in the cell has one non-promoted advantage.

Play with a living person is more interesting than with a computer, the battle is much more fun and excitement. Yes, and more useful, because in this case, the child develops not only logic and strategic thinking, but also intuition, the ability to "calculate" and read the emotions of another person.

Another plus and the reason for the long-popular game is the simplicity of her organization. In order to test ships into battle, you do not need the Internet, electricity, a large room or some special entourage. Enough paper, handles and know the rules of the game sea battle on paper for two.

Learn to play sea battle

Rules of the game on paper in the sea battle for two people are quite simple. On paper, each player must draw a square of 10x10 cells, which are denoted by one side with letters from A to K (without E and Y), with the other numbers from 1 to 10. In this field, you need to place your ships.

Nearby is drawn the second same square with a similar designation of fields. On it during the battle, the player fixes his shots.

  • Making a "shot" of the player calls the goal coordinates, for example, B8.
  • The enemy responds "by" if there is nothing in the cell; "Ranned", if in his ship fell; "Killed" when the ship is destroyed.
  • Hit in someone else's ship is denoted by a cross. In this case, the rules give the right to the next shot.
  • When miss, the right to the shot proceeds to the second player. The one who first destroys all the enemy ships.
  • At the end of the game, the participant may require an opponent to present his playing field and verify the records of the moves.

The rules of the game Marine fight negotiate not only how many and what, the magnitude of the ships are involved in the Boy, but also their location.

  1. Ship composition: 4 submarines from one cell, 3 destroyers consisting of two cells, 2 cruisers of three cells and one four-cell battleship.
  2. It is necessary to draw ships so that they do not in any case touch each other. Between them should be a distance of at least one cell.
  3. It is possible to have ships horizontally, and vertically, and the edge of the playing field.

What can I do

Study rules and certain restrictions.

  1. It is impossible to change the composition of the ships.
  2. In some rules, it is said that one ship can only have a linear form, in some embodiments, the letter of the letter G. This moment must be specified in advance. But in all versions it is impossible to draw and place ships diagonally.
  3. You can not change the size of the field.
  4. You can not distort the coordinates and hide the hit.


Not only the simple rules and conditions of the organization of the game explain the popularity of the game of the sea battle, but also the fact that the winnings in it is determined not only by luck, but also the faithful strategy and tactics. This is a game of two people, which means that emotions and tricks are joined to logic. Therefore, the winning strategy suggests:

  • The opponent should in no way be able to see your playing field.
  • Take into account the skill and method of playing the opponent. For example, if your opponent is a beginner player, then you should not have your ships in the corners of the field. Inexperienced often begin with them, especially from the move A1. If an experienced and long-time rival is playing with you, who already knows that in the corners of your ships can not be, then it is worth breaking the pattern and hide the couple there.
  • Think over the location of your ships. One of the winning strategies is considered to be the location of large ships is compact in one place, and single-celled rules away from each other. Then the player who quickly finds large ships will spend a lot of time searching for small submarines. It will give you the time and chance will recoup.

Winning tactic

The correct tactics of the game includes several simple techniques.

Be sure to fix the opponent's moves on your field, and all their moves on the second game field. Not only the hit, but also misses. Someone makes it points, someone cross. This will avoid re-installing empty squares and conflicts, in case of any errors.

If the rival ship "killed" in the sea battle, then the surrounding cells celebrate how empty immediately. After all, we know that the rules prohibit the placement of ships in them. It saves your time. In this case, the most profitable shot of the linkor. His destruction opens up eighteen cells at once, almost the fifth of the field.

Playing tactics The players may also be different. You can shoot, making moves diagonally. So more chances to hook large ships. You can, in search of a favorable linker, shoot through three cells on the fourth. After the first chips, the choice of moves are determined based on what begins to penetrate the enemy playing field.

Tactics of the fight against popular fraud, when the opponent exhibits the last one-lubricane ship in the process of playing the last free cage. In order for such a deception is impossible, the field and ships are drawn by one color, and the shots are denoted by another handle or pencil.

Today, the sea battle game exists in the form of a desktop factory set, and in the form of a computer game, but playing a simple piece in the cell is still fascinating.

We play "Sea battle"

An incredibly popular game on paper.

The goal of the game is to sink the enemy's ships earlier than he will have time to sink yours.

Rules of the game " Sea Boy»

Play two players. Each of them needs a leaflet (preferably in a cage), a pencil or handle. The game begins with the field preparation. Two squares are drawn on a leaf 10? 10 cells. On one of them their ships will be parsed, in the other will be "fire" on the enemy ships. The sides of the squares are signed by the horizontal letters and vertical numbers. You need to agree in advance what letters will be written (the main disputes arise, use or not the letter "E"). By the way, in some schools, instead of a boring alphabet writes the word " REPUBLIC"- It just contains 10 non-repeating letters. This is especially useful for those who have never mastered the alphabet.

Arrangement of ships

Next, the alignment of fleet begins. Classic rules sea Boythey say that there should be 4 ships on one cell (" sobelissal" or " single-rubles"), 3 vehicles for 2 cells, 2 - 3 cells and one - four-stroke. All ships should be straight, not allowed curved and "diagonal". The ships are located on the game field in such a way that there is always a gap in one cell, that is, they should not touch each other neither by sides or angles. At the same time, the ships can touch the edges of the field and occupy the corners.

The game

When the ships are arranged, players take turns produce "shots", calling the squares according to their "coordinates": "A1", "B6", etc. If the cell is engaged in the ship or its part, the enemy must answer "wounded" or "killed "(" Skill "). This cell is covered with a cross and you can make another shot. If there is no ship in the named cell, the point is put in the cage and moves to the opponent.

The game is being done to the complete victory of one of the players, that is, all the ships will not be swept away. At the end of the game, the loser may ask the winner to look at his arrangement of ships.


If you think that sea Boy - The game, built exclusively at good luck and luck, then you are mistaken. In fact, it has a strategy and tactics that we will talk about in conclusion. So - about tricks as well as various honest and not very honest receptions of the game in sea Boy:

  • First of all (and this is the most important thing!), It is necessary to keep your sheets with ships so that the enemy could not be examined Your location;
  • Be sure to keep accounting for your own and other people, noting them points. So the shots on the same cells will be excluded;
  • Speaking the enemy ship, also surround it with points, so as not to shoot at the places where the ships are obviously no;
  • It is not worth putting ships in the field corners: usually they are shooting first of all beginners. However, about exceptions will be discussed below;
  • It is necessary to develop a strategy for the arrangement. A good result gives an uneven distribution of ships: collect all the "big" ships in one or two dense groups, and the remaining "single allegums" should be hidden separately in countersight places of the game field. In this case, the enemy will quickly calculate and defeat the grouping of large ships, and then there will be a long place to search for the remaining small;
  • Killing a big ship, the enemy surrounds his points. So finding " four-headed", The enemy immediately opens (4 + 1 + 1) * 3 \u003d 18 cells (that is, 18% or almost 1/5 of the field). " Three-headed"Gives 15 cells (15%)," two-layer"- 12%, and" single-removal" - nine%. If you put the "read-up-list" to the wall, then it will open only 12 cells (10 for the three-alup, 8, for a two-alup). If you put a "four-list" in general in an angle, it will allow only 10 cells (8, 6 and 4, respectively). Of course, if the opponent realizes that all ships are from the edge, he will quickly sweep them. Therefore, it is better to use this advice in combination with the previous one.
  • Firing tactics can also be different. However, the extermination of the enemy ships is best to start with the search "four-list". To do this, you can shoot diagonals, or draw a rhombus, or shoot through 3 cells per fourth. As soon as the four-stall ship is found, we are looking for three-alleged, then two ... Of course, in the process of searching will be "every little thing" and make adjustments to plans.
  • And here is a dishonest way: to put all ships, except for the last one-alup (it will perform the role of a submarine "elusive"). And he will be delivered (and killed) only in the last remaining cell. It is easy enough to fight this: let the players arrange ships in one color, and lead shooting to others. You can, for example, players have pens or pencils of different colors and after the arrangement of the ships simply change with handles.

A couple of days ago I was surprised to find out that some of my friends do not know how to play the sea battle. Those. The rules, of course, they know, but they play somehow unsystematicly and in the end often lose. In this entry, I will try to set out the main ideas that will help to raise your game level.

Rules of the game

There are many maritime battles, but we will consider the most common option with the next set of ships:

All listed ships must be placed on a square field of 10 per 10 cells, while the ships cannot contact the angles or the parties. The migration field is numbered from top to bottom, and the verticals are marked with Russian letters from "A" to "K" (while the letters "E" and "y" are missing).

Nearby is drawn an enemy field of a similar size. With a good shot on the enemy's ship on the appropriate cell of the enemy field, a cross is made and a repeated shot is made, a point is set with an unsuccessful shot in the corresponding cell, and the move turns to the enemy.

Optimal strategy

In the game, the sea battle is always an element of chance, but it can be minimized. Before moving directly to the search for the optimal strategy, it is necessary to voice one obvious thing: the likelihood of hitting the enemy's ship is higher than the less unverified cells left on its field, the likely to hitting your ships are the lower than the more unverified cells remaining on your field. So For an effective game you need to learn to two things at once: optimal shooting on the enemy and optimal placement of ships.

Further explanation will be used by the following notation:

Optimal shooting
The first and most obvious rule of optimal shooting is the following rule: do not shoot through the cells directly around the destroyed enemy ship.

In accordance with the above-mentioned designations, the cells were noted in the figure, those cells for which unsuccessful shots were already produced, the red cells were marked, the shots were ended with the hit, and the green cells were marked, the shooting on which was not produced, but it can be guaranteed to argue that ships There are no (ships there can be there, because According to the rules of the game, ships cannot touch).

From the first rule, the second immediately follows: if you managed to beat an enemy ship, you need to immediately finish it to get a list of guaranteed free cells as soon as possible.

The third rule follows from the first two: it is necessary first of all to try to beat the largest enemy ships. It is possible that this rule is not obvious for you, but if you think about a little, you can easily notice that by destroying the enemy battleship, we at best we get the information immediately about 14 guaranteed free cells, and destroying the cruiser, just 12.

So The optimal strategy of shooting can be reduced to a targeted search and destroy the largest enemy ships. Unfortunately, it is not enough to formulate a strategy, it is necessary to offer a way to implement it.

For starters, let's look at the area of \u200b\u200bthe playing field of 4 per 4 cells. If in the section under consideration there is an enemy battletry, then it is guaranteed to be used for no more than 4 shots. To do this, it is necessary to shoot so that each horizontal and verticals are exactly one proven cell. Below are all options for such a shooting (excluding reflections and turns).

Among all these options, only the first two options that guarantee a maximum of 24 shots in the battle are optimal on the field 10 of 10 cells.

After the enemy battleship is destroyed, it is necessary to start searching cruisers, and then the destroyers. At the same time, as you already guessed, you can use a similar technique. Only now it is necessary to break the field into squares with a side of 3 and 2 cells, respectively.

If you have used the second strategy when searching for lincard, you need to shoot the following fields to search for cruisers and destroyers (green fields for which you have already shot when searching for lincard):

To search for boats, the optimal strategy does not exist, so at the end of the game you have to rely mainly for good luck.

Optimal placement of ships
The optimal strategy for placing ships in a sense of the focus of the optimal strategy of shooting. When shooting, we tried to find the largest ships to reduce the number of cells that need to be checked, due to the guaranteed cells. So, when placing ships, it is necessary to put in such a way that in the event of their loss to minimize the amount guaranteed free cells. As you remember, the battleship in the center of the field opens up 14 fields for the enemy, but the battlefield standing in the corner opens only 6 fields for the enemy:

Similarly, a cruiser standing in the corner, instead of 12 fields, opens only 6. So, placing large ships along the field boundary, you leave a greater space for boats. Because There are no strategies to search for boats, the enemy will have to shoot at random, and the more free fields you will have to catch the boat, the hardest to win the enemy.

Below is three ways to place large ships that leave large space for boats (noted in blue):

Each of the above arrangements leaves exactly 60 free cells for boats, which means that the probability accidentally get into the boat is 0.066. For comparison, it is worth bringing a random arrangement of ships:

With such a placement for boats, only 21 cells remain, which means that the probability of the cater is already 0.19, i.e. Almost 3 times higher.

In conclusion, I want to say that it is not worth spending too much time playing in the sea battle. I especially want to warn you from the game at lectures. When I was sitting in Vabi-Sabi and played a sea fight with my girlfriend, a waitress passed by and said that she was quite well plays, because A lot was practiced on pairs. Who knows, who would she work if he had listened to lecture?

P.S. In the comments, it is absolutely correct that Habré has already been similar publications, it would be wrong not to put references to them.

Until now alive. Although it seemed that it had to forget about the era of online entertainment. And, nevertheless, the popularity of battles on a notebook sheet is still great. The only thing that has changed is like a way to make the field. Why draw, if the printer can cope with the routine work much faster than man? So, sea battlefield: without registration and SMS.

Sea battlefield: download for printout

Table for the game in the sea battle inpDF (356 KB.):

Safety Table inrTF (opens inword):

Sea Field

The standard basis on which conditional ships are located is a separable square. As a rule, the gaming table is divided into 100 cells with coordinates from A1 to K10 or from A0 to K9. And, in order not to draw two mesh every time, download the ready-made seafrock field from our website. The template is fully prepared for printing on a sheet A4, and after downloading the image can be immediately displayed on the printer.

Sea battlefield: Benefits of Template

Agree, play the sea battle is much more pleasant on a neat, beautifully decorated field. And most importantly, having a sufficient number of tables in the reserve, you can live battles for a long time without a break. No need to be distracted by the displacement of the sheet, because for this there is a printing machine. You will also be left to put the Flotilla in Pigety, come up with a strategy, and - become a champion in sea battle.