Orientation on the terrain using a map and compass. Orientation by compass. Determination of directions to the sides of the horizon by celestial bodies

Orienteering on the ground consists in determining the cardinal points, its own position relative to the surrounding area and the direction of further movement. We can say that orienteering allows you to track the accuracy of the previously laid route.

During the hike, especially if the path runs through unfamiliar terrain, it is important to be able to navigate in order to follow the route and not get lost. The most popular among tourists and the military, quite deservedly, enjoys orientation on the terrain on the map... A map is, in general, a very useful thing in a hike, because it can help you quickly navigate and identify deviations from the route. Of course, it is desirable in this case. However, if you do not have it, then you can do without it. Consider how to correctly navigate the map.

Orientation on the map can be carried general or detailed character.

General orientation consists in the approximate determination of its location, the vector of movement and the time to overcome the route. Typically used when the route has already been laid out in advance. To control the observance of the path, for example, in.

Detailed orientation- this is an accurate determination of your location and direction of movement on the map. Plays an important role in overcoming places where deviation from the specified route can be dangerous. For example, in mountain crossings or in a critical situation.

When navigating the terrain, it is important to be able to quickly and accurately determine the cardinal points, measure distances to landmarks and angles of directions on the map and on the ground, draw up a movement pattern in azimuths.

Varieties of landmarks

Landmarks are necessary to determine the location relative to them and correct the route. They are objects or relief forms that are easily distinguishable by their shape or color. There are areal, linear and point:

  • Areal landmarks... They are characterized mainly by the fact that they occupy a significant area. This includes settlements, water bodies, swamps, forests, etc. They are easy to identify and remember even at the stage of preparation for the hike and drawing up the route.
  • Linear landmarks... These are structures and relief forms that differ in their length and relatively small width. This includes: roads, canals and rivers, pipelines, power lines (power lines), ravines, canyons, etc. Well suited for controlling adherence to a given direction while driving.
  • Point landmarks... They differ in a small area, however, they are marked on maps: buildings, towers, intersections, mountain peaks and factory chimneys and other objects. Used when determining your own location. They allow you to accurately designate the purpose of the destination or some specific place, square.

Map orientation methods

Basically, the process of orientation on the terrain on the map consists of two stages... First - orientation of the map itself relative to the cardinal points, the second -. Let's take a look at the first stage.

Any map, except for displaying relief and legend, has cardinal points. As a rule, north is at the top of the map, south is at the bottom, respectively, west will be on the left and east - on the right, but other variations are possible. Map orientation consists in such its placement, in which the designations of the cardinal points on it would coincide with the real directions. There are several ways to orient yourself.

Compass orientation of the map

The easiest way, since you don't need to look for any landmarks to use it. In this connection, it is produced in a closed, poor landmarks. To orient the map, touch one of its vertical lines. For example, to the lines of the kilometer grid, or to the frame, the compass so that the direction of the compass arrow coincides with the directions of the cardinal points on the map. Typically, in such cases, the north end of the compass needle coincides with the top edge of the map. At the same time, there are some subtleties that depend on which part of the map you apply the compass to.

So, if the device was attached to the kilometer grid, after placing it, the map, as already mentioned, should be rotated in the horizontal plane so that the top of the map frame coincides with the north direction of the compass. In this case, the magnetic needle of the device will deviate from the north mark by the amount of the correction. The correction in this case will be the sum of the angle of convergence of the meridians and the angle of magnetic declination.

If the compass is located relative to the map frame, or the true meridian, then the correction in this case will simply be magnetic declination angle.

In the case when the correction is positive, the compass needle is located to the right of the northern mark, and if it is negative, then to the left.

Orientation of the map along the terrain lines

To do this, you need to have line objects within sight. For example, railways, power lines, etc. The map should be rotated so that the image of this line object coincides with its real direction. All objects that are located to the left and right of this object must match their images on the map.

Orientation of the map in directions to the landmark

It is used when there is no compass at hand and there are no linear objects nearby. For orientation, it is necessary that the place where the observer is located was determined on the map, and from this place some landmark would be visible, also displayed on the map. Thus, you can draw a mental segment and also mentally overlay it on the map. If your imagination fails, you can use a ruler.

Finding your location

Your location the easiest way to tell is if you are near a prominent landmark displayed on the map. For example, bridges, structures, rocks, etc. The place where this landmark is located will be the desired point on the map. If this is not possible, then you can estimate your location by nearby landmarks by eye. Or by measuring the distance traveled, local object resection, or resection. There are other ways as well.

Local Subject Serif

Measuring distances

By the nearest landmarks

Reverse serif

How to identify a landmark and compare it with a map?

Compare the area with the map- it means to identify the surrounding relief in the images represented by the map. The relief is of great importance when passing the route. This is especially true for hiking in dangerous terrain - swamps or mountains. Not seeing a dangerous area, you risk leaving the safe route and, for example, or falling into the abyss. To identify the observed object on the map, it is necessary to at least approximately calculate the distance to it and the azimuth from the north or another known and definite direction. Then, draw this distance on the map, to scale, corrected for the specified deviation. After that, as a rule, the object is already defined visually.

If you need, on the contrary, to find on the ground the object indicated on the map, then you should perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Orient the map;
  2. Determine your own location;
  3. Calculate the distance to the desired object on the map;
  4. Determine the directional angle and azimuth of the desired object and make a visual search on the ground in the desired direction.

Note that when comparing the map with the terrain, one should not only determine the observed objects on it, but also study the features of the relief. Since its shape greatly affects the passage of the route, during the construction of which mistakes could be made. As the saying goes: "It was smooth on paper, but they forgot about the ravines - how to walk on them?" In this case, you will have to rebuild the route on the spot, using the updated data.

What if the direction is lost, but there is no landmark?

It also happens that exact landmarks cannot be found, in which case there may be several location options. If you lost direction, then you need to return to the place where it was exactly. Then you should get together and start moving in the right direction again, but more often check with the map. This option is the easiest in technical terms. Also, you can define large objects, for example, rivers, ridges, forests, etc. and follow the azimuth to any of the indicated places. After that, you need to orient yourself, identify the deviation and the distance traveled in order to return to the route. It makes sense to climb the dais in order to better inspect everything and scout the situation.

Routes can go through places where there are no landmarks at all. In this case, it is important to be able to foresee such segments, and to determine them in advance, even at the stage of planning a trip, so that you can overcome them without problems.

Confident orientation and maintaining a given direction of movement on the map largely depends on preparation for orientation. The main task in this case is a preliminary study of the conditions of orientation along the route of movement and the advance preparation of the data necessary to control the correctness of movement.

Preparing for orienteering includes, depending on the situation, in whole or in part the following activities: choosing and studying the route of movement, lifting it on the map, measuring the length of the route and breaking it down into separate sections, determining the azimuths of directions of movement in areas that are difficult to navigate on the map, checking the serviceability of the compass (gyrocompass ) and speedometer.

Selection and study of the route. The route of movement is selected on the map, taking into account the conditions of the situation and the nature of the terrain. Preference is given to paved roads.

The study of a given or selected route of movement is performed in the following sequence:

They look at the route on the map, understand the characteristics of the roads and the features of the surrounding area, establish the presence of roadside structures that can be landmarks, mark areas on the map where orientation conditions should be clarified;

In the marked areas, local objects and landforms are studied in detail, which can serve as reliable landmarks; especially carefully study the places of turns of the route, intersections and forks of roads, entrances to settlements and exits from them;

Along the entire route, control landmarks are selected after 5-10 km; they should be the most stable terrain objects and be easily identified when approaching them.

Ascent of the route on the map. The route on the map is raised with a colored pencil, usually brown. Control landmarks are circled. A dashed line is drawn along the route, which should not cover the conventional road sign, as well as, if possible, the conventional signs of local objects along it. Then the distances between the control landmarks are measured, corrections for the relief and the tortuosity of the route are introduced into the measured distances (see Table 6). For example, if the correction factor is 1.1, then on a 1: 100000 scale map, a ten-kilometer section is plotted with a segment equal to 9 cm. After that, the distances between the landmarks are converted into the speedometer readings and signed at the control landmarks (Fig. 76).

When preparing to move in conditions that are not favorable for orientation, the magnetic azimuths of the directions of movement are determined and signed on the map so that you can quickly switch to orientation along the way using a compass (gyrocompass).

Orientation on the way. Before starting the movement at the starting point, record the readings of the speedometer, the time of the beginning of the movement, compare the map with the terrain and determine the direction of the path.

While driving, the map is kept in front of them oriented, they constantly compare it with the terrain, monitor the passage of the designated landmarks, checking the speedometer readings. Thus, continuous orientation is carried out, which ensures that the specified direction of movement is maintained correctly.

In battle, maintaining the direction of movement is carried out according to landmarks indicated directly on the ground and well-studied in advance.

On the march, they must refer to the map when approaching an intersection or a fork in the road. Approximately 200-500 m before the turn, the driver is shown the place of the upcoming turn and the direction of further movement. For example: “After 500 m, turn right onto a clearing”.

When entering a forest or an area where there are few landmarks, the speedometer readings are recorded. This allows you to determine your location at any time by the distance traveled, which, if necessary, is plotted on the map.

Observing landmarks along the way, especially when driving at night, usually involves all crew members. To do this, they are first introduced to the route of movement, and during the march they are warned in advance about the upcoming appearance of a landmark.

Features of orientation when driving in various conditions. Orientation when driving at night. In anticipation of a march at night, the route is chosen so that it passes along roads or along any linear local objects. Control landmarks along the route are marked at closer distances from each yarug than when driving during the day.

Their location on the map in motion is most often determined by the distance traveled, postponing it from the starting point or reference point in the direction of the movement being made.

When planning off-road traffic, data for movement in azimuths is preliminarily prepared. The turns of the route are marked by local objects that can be easily identified at night.

Orientation when driving in the forest. The route of movement in the forest is usually marked along roads and clearings. The directions of movement are maintained, as a rule, in azimuths, especially when traveling on foot or on skis. Their location in the forest is determined by the distance traveled, therefore, on the way, it is necessary to often monitor the correct direction of movement and the distance traveled along the route.

Orientation when driving in the desert (steppe). The route of movement in a desert area is chosen so that it includes landmarks available on the ground: roads, beds of dried up rivers, individual mounds, wells, oases, etc. The movement is performed in azimuths that are prepared in advance. The general direction of movement can be maintained along the celestial bodies or along the track of your car, if the movement is straightforward.

Orientation when driving in mountainous terrain. The route of movement in mountainous areas is usually planned along ravines, mountain passes and passes. Outstanding mountain peaks, saddles, precipices, rocks, talus and other forms of relief can be designated as landmarks. Mountain rivers and streams flowing in the valleys serve as good landmarks. In addition to landmarks along the route, it is useful to outline auxiliary landmarks visible from many points on the route. They can be ridges of a mountain ridge, snow-capped mountain peaks. Auxiliary landmarks are used to maintain the general direction of travel.

Orientation when driving in a large settlement. The route of movement through a large settlement is usually planned along the main and main streets. Such upitsa clearly stand out on the map. Squares, overpasses, mosgos, monuments, churches and other prominent local objects can be used as landmarks along the route.

When approaching a settlement, they carefully compare the map with the terrain and, as accurately as possible, determine the place of entry into the settlement. In the settlement itself, the map is oriented along the direction of the street along which they are moving.

When driving through a large populated area, it is important to warn the driver about turns on the route in a timely manner, since driving through the intended turn can lead to a loss of orientation.

Orientation in a terrain that has undergone significant destruction. In an area of ​​massive destruction, the map will often correspond to the terrain, which significantly complicates orientation. Therefore, for orientation in such areas, data is prepared in advance for movement in azimuths. The most stable landmarks in areas of destruction are paved roads, railways, typical forms of relief (tops of mountains and hills, ridges, saddles, hollows).

When navigating in motion in highly changed terrain, you will often have to bypass various obstacles and determine your location by the remains of destroyed local objects. Ground navigation equipment (see, Chapter 6), which allows one to confidently navigate the terrain in any conditions, will find wide application in these conditions.

Restoration of lost orientation. When operating in unfamiliar terrain, there may be cases when due to insufficient orienteering skills, orientation will be lost. The first sign of loss of orientation is that they do not find objects indicated on the map on the ground, and cannot determine their location on it even approximately. To restore the orientation, you must try to find your location on the map by comparing the map with the terrain, having previously oriented the map along the sides of the horizon. The area where the stopping point is supposedly located can be determined by restoring at least approximately the direction of movement from the last, confidently identified landmark and the distance traveled from it. If it is difficult to restore the orientation by comparing the map with the terrain, you can use the following methods.

Graphical definition on the map of the location area. On the oriented map, a straight line is drawn from the conventional sign of the last passed landmark, which was confidently identified, corresponding to the direction of the last segment of the route. Putting aside the distance traveled from the landmark on a straight line, set the far border of the location area. The closest border is defined within 3/4 of the distance traveled from the last landmark. For example (Fig. 77), a subunit, making a march, reached the northern outskirts of the settlement of Sturgeon (speedometer reading 61.3). Then, moving to the settlement of Kholm, which is 12.4 km from the settlement of Sturgeon, a bridge over the Uvod River was planned as an intermediate reference point. At 4 km of the way, the driver of the car mistakenly turned left onto a country road, on which there was also a bridge, which was taken as the intended intermediate landmark. When the number 73.7 appeared on the speedometer, the commander discovered a loss of orientation. Judging by the distance traveled, the unit should have been in the village of Holm, but in fact it was in the forest. After specifying the average direction of movement from the Osetr point on the compass, the commander drew it on the map, postponed the distance traveled (12 km) on it, and from the obtained point he limited the estimated area of ​​his location to a radius of 3 km (1/4 of the distance traveled). After a thorough study of the designated area, a fork in the road was discovered - the place of an erroneous turn from the route. After making sure that the unit is on a country road indicated on the map, it is not difficult to determine the point of its standing, for example, along the nearest road fork in the direction of travel, and to outline the path to the final destination or to the exit to the route.

Linear guideline (Fig. 78). The unit, moving along an overgrown forest road, not marked on the map, reached a forest clearing. Based on the distance traveled, the commander determined the likely location of the subunit. Several similar fields are shown on the map in this area. The measured magnetic azimuth of the direction of the glade, which the subdivision reached, turned out to be 6 °. Such glades, elongated in the direction of azimuth 6 °, shown on card three. The commander carefully examined them and found that one of the glades is in a hollow, the other is located in the saddle, and the third is on a flat area of ​​terrain. These features of the location of the clearings on the relief made it possible to quickly understand the situation and determine the point of standing (a clearing on the saddle).

Orientation on the map consists of orienting the map and finding a point of standing. To orient a map means to position it so that all landmarks in the area are parallel to the same lines on the map. If the map is oriented, it is easy to compare the terrain with the map. To orient the map by the compass, the compass must be positioned on the side frame of the map or on the meridian line and rotate the map so that the northern point of the limb coincides with the northern end of the meridian, and the southern point with the southern end. If part of the route passes by linear landmarks (road, canal, power line, river), the map can be oriented along them. To do this, it must be rotated so that the axis of the linear landmark on the map coincides with its axis on the ground.

Determining a point of location or a point of standing requires careful orientation of the map. The main ways of determining the standing points: by local objects, measuring distances, resection. Determining the standing point by local objects, it is necessary to orient the map, check it with the terrain, identify landmarks, that is, find on the terrain what is shown on the map. Having identified 1-2 landmarks on the ground, they determine the distance to them by eye and mark their point of standing on the map. On the way, carefully checking the map with the terrain, you can constantly have an idea of ​​the point or area of ​​your location.

When driving through a forest or plain without visible local landmarks, the point or area of ​​the location is determined by measurement. It consists in the fact that, knowing the direction of movement or moving along linear landmarks, they measure the distance from an identified object on the ground and depicted on the map. Putting the measured distance on the scale on the map, get the point of the standing position. The distance traveled is measured by the time of movement. To do this, you need to keep track of the clock and record the start of movement, travel time, stop time, time of passing individual landmarks, and then multiply the net time of movement by the speed. Putting aside the found distance along the line of movement on the map, a location point is obtained.

You can determine the distance to a landmark or object by eye. With repeated training, the degree of distance measurement accuracy can be increased to ± 10-15%. It is known that the visibility of different objects is not the same. For example, roof tiles can be seen 200 m away, binders in windows 500 m away, telegraph poles 1000 m away, etc.

A more accurate method of measuring travel distances is by counting steps. Counting is carried out in pairs of steps under one foot, but for this you need to measure the length of the step along the road, trail, in the forest, on the descent, ascent. On the road, it is best to determine the length of a pair of steps between kilometer posts by counting the number of pairs of steps between the posts.

Determination of the standing point by resection is carried out using a linear landmark and a local object or 2-3 landmarks. In the first case, if the map is oriented along the lines of the terrain, and the tourist is on this line, then to find a standing point, you need to find a landmark visible on the terrain on the map. By attaching a reticle to its image on the map and sighting through it to a landmark on the ground, draw a straight line at themselves. Then the intersection of this straight line with the orientation line will be the standing point. If 2-3 landmarks are used to determine the standing point, then, having orientated the map, they sequentially sight and draw a direction from several landmarks. The point of intersection of the lines will be the standing point.

We have already said that no description of the area can give the reader the correct idea of ​​it, which is given by a topographic map. It is the map that serves as a ground guide when driving on roads and without roads, day and night in unfamiliar terrain. Knowledge of it and the ability to use it is necessary for everyone, but especially for travelers, tourists, prospectors, geologists, surveyors, and the military. You need to be able to compare it with the terrain, but most importantly, to be able to navigate the terrain on the map.

Let us remind once again that orienteering on a map (aerial photograph) consists of orienting the map, determining its point of location (standing point) on it and comparing the map with the terrain.

What is Map Orientation? Orientation of the map means giving it such a position in the horizontal plane in which all directions on it would be parallel to the corresponding directions on the ground, and the upper (northern) side of its frame is facing north. Orientation maps are produced mainly by terrain lines and landmarks. And only where they are not present or not visible, the map is oriented by the compass.

Orientation of the map along terrain lines and landmarks is carried out as follows. If you are on an area of ​​terrain where there is a straight section of the road, it is recommended to orient the map along the road. To do this, the map is rotated so that the image of the road on it coincides with the direction of the road on the terrain, and the image of all other local objects located on the right and left of the road are on the same sides on the map. Figure 51 shows two options for orienting the map along the road (a) and in the direction of

landmark (b). The advantage of this way of orienting the map along the road is that it provides fast and accurate orientation and does not require any corrections. It is the main way of orientation when driving cars and other equipment. In a closed (wooded) area, as well as on an area where there are few or no linear landmarks, this method is not acceptable. In this case, the map is oriented along the directions to the landmark.

If your location on the map is known (for example, a crossroads, bridge, mound, etc.), then the map is oriented in the direction of any visible landmark indicated on the map. To do this, apply a ruler (or pencil) to two points on the map ( dot of our position - a crossroads in Figure 51, b and a windmill - a landmark) and, looking along the ruler, turn with the map so that the selected landmark is on the line of sight.

If this is not possible on the ground, then a compass is used to orient the map. There are three ways to orient the map using the compass.

The first way. If the magnitude of the magnetic declination for a given chart sheet is less than 3 °, it is oriented using a compass without taking into account the magnetic declination. In this case, the map is placed horizontally. A compass is placed on it in the N - S direction along the meridian (western or eastern frame of the map) so that the letter "C" is in the north of the map, and the brake of the magnetic needle is released. Carefully rotating the map together with the compass, we bring the letter "C" on the compass limb to the end of the magnetic needle - the map is oriented.

Second way. If the value of the magnetic declination for a given map sheet is more than 3 °, then the map is oriented using a compass, taking into account the magnetic declination. In this case, everyone does the same as in the first method. But then, by rotating the map, the division on the compass limb is brought under the northern end of the magnetic needle, which corresponds to the magnitude and sign of the magnetic declination indicated in the out-of-frame design of the map. Figure 52, a, shows the first step of how to correctly place the compass on the map when it is not yet oriented. Then the second position of the map is shown (Fig. 52, b), when it is turned so that the north end of the compass needle coincides with the letter "C" (north) on the dial. In this case, the map is oriented, but not taking into account the magnetic declination. In Figure 52, in the third, and last, action is performed, that is, the map is rotated so that the northern end of the compass needle coincides with the number H-15 ° on the compass limb, that is, the corresponding eastern magnetic declination, and if it were the western magnetic declination , then the map would have to be rotated as shown in Figure 52, d.

Third way. Often, when working on the ground, the map is folded so that the sides of its frame are wrapped inside it. In this case, to orient the map, instead of the side of its frame, you can use the vertical lines of the kilometer grid, on one of which the compass is installed according to the same rules as on the side of the frame. At the same time, for accurate orientation of the map, set it so that the northern end of the compass needle shows the number on the compass dial corresponding to the magnitude and sign of the correction (P).

The next element of orientation on the terrain on the map is determining the point of your location. Various methods can also be used here.

In local subjects. The easiest way to do this is when you are near any landmark shown on the map (a crossroads, a separate stone, a characteristic forest ledge, etc.). The location of the symbol on the map will indicate the desired point of our location.

According to the nearest reference points by eye. This is the simplest and most basic way to approximate the point of your location on the map. In this case, the map must be oriented and identified on it and on

terrain one or two landmarks. Then they determine by eye their location relative to these landmarks on the ground and put their location on the map. For example, having made a stop in an open area (Fig. 53), you notice that a tree is visible in the direction of your movement, and a pivot pole of the communication line is visible at a right angle to the left. Having orientated the map, you found on it the image of a tree and the angle of rotation of the communication line. Then, having determined by eye that the tree is at a distance of 400 m from you, and the angle of rotation of the communication line at a distance of 200 m, we postpone these distances on the map so that there is approximately a straight line between them. You will find your location on the map.

Gauging the distance traveled. This method is used when driving along a road, trail, clearing or along any other line of the terrain indicated on the map (river bank, forest edge, communication line, etc.), as well as when driving in a straight line in any specific direction ( for example, to a distant landmark, and in poor visibility conditions - in the direction of a given azimuth). It is especially useful in poor visibility conditions and on terrain, closed or poor landmarks. Starting from any object identified on the terrain and on the map (bridge, crossroads, forest edge, etc.), you keep counting pairs of steps. In this case, the point of your location can always be determined by plotting the distance traveled by you from the starting point in the given direction of movement on the map scale.

Example. Having passed along the road (Fig. 54) 200 m from the bridge in the direction of the trigonometric point, the tourist stopped. Putting aside the distance traveled from the bridge, he got his point of location on the map.

Landmark serif. This method is most suitable for open areas and in good visibility conditions. When moving on the road or along any linear landmark, the intersection of the point of its location is carried out as follows (Fig. 55).

We orient the map and identify on it reference point visible on the ground from a given point. Then we put a ruler (or pencil) on the map to the image of this landmark and, without confusing the orientation of the map, turn it around the conventional sign. The point of intersection of the line of sight along the ruler with the image of the road on which we are located will be the desired point of our location on the map. Determining the point of our location is simplified if the selected landmark is located perpendicular to the direction of movement or in alignment with some other landmark, also indicated on the map and visible from this point (Fig. 56). Then the desired point of our location on the map is determined by the intersection of the road on which we are located, with a straight line drawn through the landmark perpendicular to the line of our movement. In the second case - with a straight line passing through both landmarks that form the target. When drawing these lines, you do not even need to orient the map, nor to sight landmarks with a ruler.

When driving off-road and in directions not indicated on the map, the determination of your location is determined by a resection along at least two landmarks. To do this, they find on the ground in different directions, at an angle of at least 30 ° from each other and no more than 150 °, two local objects that are on the map. The map is oriented using a compass, and then one by one sighting at each landmark and drawing directions along a ruler from the landmarks towards oneself. The intersection of these directions on the map will be the point of our location (Fig. 57).

The third element of orientation on the map is its comparison with the terrain. To compare the map with the terrain means to find on it an image of local objects and relief elements located around the point of our location and, conversely, to identify the objects shown on the map on the ground. It is necessary to compare the map with the terrain constantly when orienting it and working with it on the terrain. This allows you to quickly and fully study the terrain, identify changes that have occurred on it, clarify the location of observed targets, landmarks and other important objects, determine the distance to them, etc.

In order to find on the map the image of the subject observed on the ground, you need:

Orient the map and determine the point of your location on it;

Keeping the orientation of the map, turn to face the object, the position of which must be found on the map;

Mentally draw a line from your point of location to an object visible on the ground, estimate the distance to it by eye and set it off on a map scale from the point of your location in the direction of the object

At the deferred distance, find an image of the object being determined on the map.

Example. In Figure 58, from the point of our location behind the forest, the height is visible. On the map behind the forest in this direction, behind the conventional forest sign, several heights are depicted. Having oriented the map and attaching the ruler to the point of our location, we sight at the height visible on the ground. Having drawn a line along the ruler, we determine what height is visible behind the forest.

To solve the inverse problem, that is, to recognize the object depicted on the map on the ground, you also need to orient the map and find our point of location on it. Then we determine the distance to the desired object from the map by eye and direction on it and according to these data we find it on the ground.

These are the basic elements of navigating the terrain using a map and compass. A few words about orientation on the map in motion (by car, motorcycle).

Orientation with the help of the map in motion is reduced to finding landmarks shown on the map along the route of movement. Orientation by car has its own characteristics. Firstly, inside and near the machine cannot be used compass; secondly, the speed of movement creates inconvenience in comparing the map with the terrain; and, finally, the visibility of the terrain is limited from the car.

In order to confidently move along the planned path and accurately reach the final destination, it is necessary to prepare a map before the march and determine the data for movement. Usually, the route of movement is plotted on the map with a dotted line. Then the terrain is applied along the route and landmarks are selected, by which the correctness of keeping the direction of movement will be checked. When choosing them, preference is given to individual relief details, as well as local objects that are poorly subject to changes. Landmarks are selected both on the route itself and along the sides of the route at a distance at which you can clearly see them while driving. Landmarks are outlined at all corners of the route and on long straight sections. If terrain semi-closed and the movement will pass on unpaved roads, the distance between the landmarks should not exceed 1-3 km. After that, the distance to the landmarks from the starting point is determined on an accrual basis (that is, such and such a landmark at such and such a kilometer, etc.) and translated into the readings of the speedometer of the car (a device showing the number of kilometers traveled by the car). It is recommended to sign these distances on the map. Prepared in this way, the map for ease of use on the move is folded like an "accordion" along the route (that is, folded along the length of the route several times and easily unfolded on any part of the route you need). During movement, the map must always be held in front of you in an oriented position, that is, rotated along the axis of movement. If movement is conducted off the road, then the map is oriented along distant landmarks.

Work on the way to maintain the route is reduced to finding landmarks on the ground, indicated on the map, and to sequential movement from one landmark to another. The presence of a speedometer on the car makes it possible to take into account the distance traveled, which greatly facilitates finding the designated landmarks on the ground.

So, we have considered the basic issues of orientation on the terrain with and without a map, with and without a compass, and now you can start studying the methods of movement on the ground, and the main one is movement in azimuths.

In the last article, we talked about how to navigate by the stars. In this one, we will consider how to navigate topographic maps. The relief, as a rule, is the basic reference point for determining your own location on the ground. O major landscape features such as mountains, hills, lowlands or bodies of water, can serve as a starting point in the desire to determine the correct direction of further movement, having in hand a topographic map.

In cartography, relief forms are distinguished depending on their size.

  • Macro-relief - large natural objects with a height (or depth) of up to several hundred or thousand meters.
  • Mesorelief - medium forms of relief with peaks fluctuating up to several tens of meters.
  • Microrelief - several meters in height - is the maximum value.
  • Nanorelf - minor relief formations with a height / depth of several centimeters (furrows, gullies, hummocks, etc.).

Landforms are also positive (hills, mountains) and negative (valleys, depressions). On topographic maps, they are indicated as follows: mentally imagine a mountain cut by horizontal planes. We transfer what we have imagined to paper, and designate it in the form of closed curved lines repeating the shape of the base of the mountain, then several parts of it in the middle, and thus we reach the top.


We denote the depressions in the same way. And so that we can distinguish a ravine from a hill on the map, we put down short dashes (bergstrikhs) on the image of the relief object. If the lines are directed outward of the area enclosed in a closed curve, this is a hill, if inside, then, respectively, vice versa.

As for the definition of other elements of the landscape on the map, such as rivers, roads, etc., everything is much clearer here. How to navigate a topographic map by relief? To begin with, we are looking for an image of a relief formation on the map and, having carefully looked around, we find this object within sight in real time.

Take into account exactly where you are in relation to the desired object, and, looking at the map, you will be able to correctly build the desired direction.


If your direction of travel is parallel to some long object, such as a road or power line, note what is on the sides of your path. For everything to work out correctly, the map must be oriented in the same direction, which coincides with yours.

In the distance, we select a relief formation or a man-made structure. We mark it on the map. Next, put the ruler and place the pencil on the chosen landmark and rotate the ruler around its image until its direction coincides with the direction of the selected object. The intersection of the road with the ruler is the standing point.

If your path runs through the terrain that is not marked on the map by any extended objects, and it is very, very difficult to calculate the standing point, choose two or three landmarks on the map and terrain. Further, in the same way as described above, we draw directions for each of the vending landmarks along the ruler. The intersection of these lines is the standing point.

Measuring distances

What does it mean? It's very simple, in fact. This method means that you will need to measure in pairs of steps the distance that you have walked or traveled (then the speedometer will help you) from the nearest landmark to the point where you are now. And then, taking into account the peculiarities of the map scale, postpone the calculated distance on the map in the desired direction.

In motion on the ground

What is the purpose of orienteering in motion? It would seem - stand still, rest, assess the situation. Because the essence of orientation in movement is visual fixation of the nearest landmarks.

This method consists in following the developed route and constantly fixing mentally and graphically your location on the map. Serifs - if you are hiking, and use the speedometer for that purpose - if you are driving. To correctly navigate in motion, you must first of all competently approach the issue of choosing the scale of the map used.

But this is not the only factor influencing the successful outcome of your trip. Before embarking on a risky journey, carefully think over your route, study the terrain along which you have to move. Use a medium-scale map where the main landmarks, both natural and not, are clearly visible.

Keep in mind that when traveling by car, you can cover a distance of 800 meters in a minute. There may be many remarkable landmarks along this path, but the brain simply will not have time to process such a flow of information in such a short period of time.

Trace your route along highways and highways that are clearly visible on a topographic map. Remembering the surrounding landmarks and comparing them, again, with what is shown on the map, you can easily find a way out to them if you suddenly deviate from the intended direction and get lost in the forest. If there is no asphalt road in the nearest visibility, use a dirt road.

But consider. that in inclement weather it washes away, and the tract can easily merge with the surrounding landscape, turning the ground into a brown mud mess.

Mark the route on the map with a clearly marked line. Mark landmarks there every five to seven kilometers. Circle them, label them, but so that the designation does not cover other objects. If you are traveling in a not completely wilderness, focus on the benefits of civilization: bridges, crossings, settlements, after all.

Keep the map in the direction of your journey while moving. When turning on the road, the map also turns. It is safe to say that you are lost if there is not a single landmark in your field of vision that even remotely resembles where you planned to move at all.

In this case, skills in determining the cardinal points will help. Their location is always indicated on the map. Depending on the results of your calculations, the map is also oriented. If you also have a compass at hand, finding the right direction is easy. And then, using linear landmarks and relying on your knowledge, we look for a standing point.