Pakhomov psychotraining games and exercises. Nikolay Zen. See also in other dictionaries

Yuri Vilievich Pakhomov (in the photo) - Psychologist, author of many methodological development in the field of education - from children's learning games to professional training aids for managers, psychologists and teachers.

The most famous and relevant works - books "Psychotechnical games in sports" (later she was reprinted three times as part of a more thunderous book, "psychotraining. Games and exercises") and the "game-based keypank".

Currently, works as a business consultant, is regularly printed in leading business publications. The area of \u200b\u200binterest is dancing, art, philosophy.

Nikolai Vladimirovich Zsen. - Psychologist.

His short life accommodated a lot. Having devoted himself to the knowledge of human nature, he walked through strenuous searches and amazing finds. Deep, none of anything like a trace left in various fields of his professional work, in memory and the fate of those who knew him.

He graduated from study at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, having received a diploma with honors. His research, in particular, were devoted to psychology in sports. In the late 70s - early 80s, the psychologist in the sports team was in the wonder. Introduced my knowledge and experience in practice, consulting sports teams.

In 1979, together with his friends-colleagues, Yuri Pakhomyov and Vladimir Dokuchaev, he wrote a manuscript called "Psychotechnics". This book printed on a book later, in 1985, transformed into the book N. Zen and Yu. Pakhomov "Psychotechnical games in sports", and then - "Psychotraining: games and exercises."

Developed the concept of psychotechnical myth, where the principles of human change in psychotechnical experience. The idea was simple: each person lives in his picture of the world, and all changes with him occur within the framework of this picture of the world. If you consider this "picture" with a person, or "place" a person in a different way, the picture of the world, in the "other myth", you can organize such psychotechnical procedures that would be launched within a person or in its "interpersonal space. »Processes capable of changing it in accordance with the laws of this world. He developed the principles of creating psychotechnical procedures - psychotechnics: games, exercises.

Books (2)

Psychotraining: Games and Exercises

This book contains two parts: "Psychotechnical games in sports" and "entertaining autotraining". Both are devoted to the use of psychotechnical games in teaching simple types of self-regulation. Dozens of exercises will help learn to control the muscle tone and the level of wakefulness, develop imagination and fantasy, more trust yourself and their feelings, feel a partner and better interact with other people. Such skills are useful not only in sports, but also in any other areas where "team games" occur.

A interesting additions are recently developed games that have already been checking in a number of election campaigns.

The book will be undoubtedly useful for all practicing psychologists, teachers, sports coaches, as well as election campaign organizers.

Entertaining autotraining. Games and exercises in training Relaxation technique

This book is a collection of exercises and games designed to teach muscle relaxation (relaxation).

It is addressed to teachers of physical education, coaches, instructors of health groups, as well as doctors and psychologists working in the regions of psychoprophylaxis, psychological correction and psychological unloading. The main area of \u200b\u200bapplication included in the exercise collection is the beginning of the beginning of autogenic workout.

Other books similar subjects:

    AuthorBookDescriptionYearPriceType of book
    Zegen N.V.Psychotraining: Games and ExerciseThis book contains two parts: "Psychotechnical games in sports" and "entertaining autotraining". Both are devoted to the use of psychotechnical games in teaching simple types of self-regulation. Dozens ... - class, Library of psychology and psychotherapy 2006
    663 paper book
    Yuri PakhomovGames and exercisesCollection of psychotechnical games aimed at mastering the art to manage our own mental functions and processes. The book was prepared on the basis of previously published and became for many ... - Publishing decisions, e-book
    400 electronic book

    See also in other dictionaries:

      class - class, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

      class - class / ... Morphemno-spell dictionary

      - (in logic and mathematics) 1) the concept inherent in all elements of a certain set of objects; 2) A combination of objects dedicated for some sign, thought as a whole. The concept of K. (sets) is usually referred to by the number of simplest, undefined ... ... Philosophical encyclopedia

      Class! ... Wikipedia

      - (Lat. Classis order). 1) the discharge of homogeneous objects. 2) Meeting of students for training sessions, as well as the premises and is the time appointed for the lesson. 3) degree in public service. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

      SUB., M., Upatr. Often morphology: (no) what? Class, what? class, (see) What? Class than? class what? about the class; MN. what? Classes, (no) What? classes what? classes, (see) What? Classes than? classes, what? About classes 1. Class call ... ... Explanatory dictionary Dmitrieva

    Nikolay Zen.

    Yuri Pakhomov


    Games and exercises

    Independent firm "Class"

    LM Crawl

    Scientific consultant series E.L. Mikhailov

    ISBN 5-86375-116-9 (RF)

    © N.V. Zen, Yu.V. Pakhomov

    © 1999, V.E. Korolev, Cover

    Buy a book "At Karol"

    Games in the future.

    Preface L.M. Krlar

    Games in the future

    A. De Saint-Exupery

    Leonid Krol.

    Nikolay Zen

    Yuri Pakhomov

    Nikolay Zen.

    Yuri Pakhomov


    Games and exercises

    Independent firm "Class"

    This book contains two parts: "Psychotechnical games in sports" and "entertaining autotraining". Both are devoted to the use of psychotechnical games in teaching simple types of self-regulation. Dozens of exercises will help learn to control the muscular tone and the level of wakefulness, develop imagination and fantasy, more trust yourself and their feelings, feel a partner and better interact with other people. Such skills are useful not only in sports, but also in any other areas where "team games" occur.

    An interesting complement is the newly developed games that have already been inspected during the election campaigns.

    The book will undoubtedly be useful for all practicing psychologists, teachers, sports coaches, as well as election campaigning.

    Chief editor and publisher of the series LM Crawl

    Scientific consultant series E.L. Mikhailov

    ISBN 5-86375-116-9 (RF)

    © N.V. Zen, Yu.V. Pakhomov

    © 1998, Independent Firm "Class", Edition, Registration

    © 1999, L.M. Croll, preface

    © 1999, V.E. Korolev, Cover

    Buy a book "At Karol"

    The exclusive right publication in Russian belongs to the publisher "Independent Firm" Class ". The release of the work or its fragments without permission of the publisher is considered an unlawful and prosecuted by law.

    Games in the future. Preface L.M. Krol ............................................................... ...........

    N.V. Zen, Yu.V. Pakhomov. Psychotechnical games

    IN SPORTS................................................ .................................................. ................... 7.

    1. Practical psychology in sports: problems, problems,

    problems................................................. .................................................. ................... nine

    Psychology - Uninvited guests? ............................................. ......................... nine

    The second profession of the coach ............................................... ........................... nine

    How to make a champion ........................................................... ........................... eleven

    Psychology without psyche ............................................... ............................. 17.

    Fourth dimension................................................ ......................................... twenty

    Problems of coach and psychotechnics outside the sport .................................. 20

    Work lines ................................................ ............................................... 25.

    Psychotechnical games: Creativity,

    communication, self-knowledge ..................................................... .............................. 28.

    Spiritual World of Sports ............................................... ................................. thirty

    2. How to organize and conduct classes ............................................... ................. 33.

    "Pros and cons"........................................... .................................................. ...... 33.

    Brief introduction to psychotechnical games ............................................... 35.

    3. Attention and self-control ............................................. ................................... 38.

    Exercise 1. "Fingers" ............................................ .............................. 38.

    Psychology of attention ................................................ ....................................... 39.

    Exercise 2. "Fly" ............................................ .................................. 40.

    Exercise 3. "Focus" ............................................ .................... 41.

    Exercise 4. "Selector" ............................................ ........................... 42.

    A dream in reality................................................ .................................................. ........... 42.

    Exercise 5. "Locking monkey" ........................................... .............. 43.

    Exercise 6. "Lost taller" ..................................... 46

    Distribution price .................................................. ................................................ 49.

    Exercise 7. "Palace" ............................................ ................................. 49.

    Beyond the line of effort ............................................... ................................................ 52.

    Exercise 8. "Lazy and worker" .......................................... ........... 53.

    Exercise 9. "Breathing" .............................................. ............................ 54.

    Exercise 10. "Infrared rays" ........................................... ..... 55.

    In the steel ring of concentration .............................................. ......... 55.

    Exercise 11. "Superbat" ............................................ ............. 56.

    Exercise 12. "Carousel" .............................................. ......................... 57.

    Exercise 13. "Field Training" ........................................... .... 59.

    4. Imagination and self-regulation ............................................. ........................... 61.

    Running lying ................................................ .................................................. .............. 62.

    Exercise 14. "Labyrinth" .............................................. ........................ 62.

    Exercise 15. "Acrobat" ............................................ ........................... 64.

    Exercise 16. "Magic pencil" ........................................... . 64.

    Exercise 17. "Czechhard" ............................................ ........................... 67.

    Keys from the human mechanism .............................................. .............. 68.

    Exercise 18. "Thermometer" ............................................ ...................... 69.

    Exercise 19. "Pulse" ............................................ ............................... 70

    Exercise 20. "Antiverema" ............................................ ...................... 71.

    Exercise 21. "Telepathy" ............................................ ....................... 71.

    Phenomenal memory ................................................ .................................... 72.

    Exercise 22. "Running Associations" ........................................... .............. 73.

    Exercise 23. "Domino" ............................................ ............................ 74.

    On the wings of the imagination ............................................... ................................. 75

    Exercise 24. "Wonders of Technology" ............................................. .............. 76.

    Exercise 25. "Sienesthesia" ............................................ ..................... 77.

    Exercise 26. "Reincarnation" ............................................ .......... 79.

    Exercise 27. "Group Picture" ........................................... ....... 80.

    5. Reflection, empathy, short-sized communication .......................................... ...... 82.

    I'm in your place .............................................. .................................................. . 82.

    Exercise 28. "Reflection" ............................................ ....................... 83.

    Exercise 29. "Coin" ............................................ ............................ 85

    Exercise 30. "Homeostat" ............................................ ....................... 86.

    Exercise 31. "Shernga" ............................................ .......................... 87.

    Exercise 32. "Wall" .............................................. ............................... 88.

    Exercise 33. "Escape" ............................................ ................................ 88.

    Exercise 34. "Choice" ............................................ .............................. 89.

    Soul in the soul ............................................... .................................................. ....... 90.

    Exercise 35. "Robot" ............................................ ................................ 90.

    Exercise 36. "Cleash" .............................................. ............................ 91.

    Exercise 37. "Docking" ............................................ ........................ 92.

    Exercise 38. "Slalom" ............................................ ............................ 93.

    Exercise 39. "Anabiosis" ............................................ ........................... 93.

    Exercise 40. "Mirror" ............................................ ........................... 94.

    Watch and see ............................................... ............................................... 96.

    Exercise 41. "Tahistoscope" .............................................. .................. 96.

    Exercise 42. "Scout" .............................................. ........................ 96.

    Exercise 43. "Stop" ............................................ ................................. 97.

    In his own language ............................................... .................................................. ... 98.

    Exercise 44. "On guard" ............................................. ........................ 99.

    Exercise 45. "Discussion" ............................................ ....................... 99.

    6. Consciousness condition .............................................. ............................................ 101.

    Exercise 46. "Champion of the XXI century" .......................................... ........ 102.

    Exercise 47. "Ball and Gyry" .......................................... ................. 106.

    Exercise 48. "Visiting Morpheus" ......................................... ........ 108.

    Exercise 49. "Candle" .............................................. ............................. 109.

    Exercise 50. "Necker Cube" ........................................... ................. 112.

    Exercise 51. "Antipaltsy" ............................................ ................. 113.

    Exercise 52. "Word" ............................................ ............................. 116.

    Exercise 53. "Locker" ............................................ ................... 117.

    Exercise 54. "Decade" ............................................ ........................... 119.

    7. How to organize and conduct classes (continued) ............................ 123

    Experiment, not a recipe ............................................... ................................. 123.

    Manual style .................................................. .......................................... 125.

    Organization forms ................................................ ........................................ 127.

    About the preparation of the coach ............................................... ...................................... 131.

    Where to start and how to finish ............................................ ........................ 134.

    Behind the walls of the oranges ................................................. .................................... 136.

    Applications ................................................. .................................................. .......... 137.

    Receptions of modifications of psychotechnical exercise ....................... 137

    From the report on Competitions on Psychotechnical Multiple

    in the team of modern pentathlon CSKA ............................................... .. 140.

    Yu.V. Pakhomov. Entertaining autotraining

    Games and exercises in training Relaxation technique .................................. 153

    Introduction ................................................... .................................................. ................ 155

    1. Journey inside yourself ................................................. ................................... 162.

    Exercise 1. "INTROSKOP" .............................................. ...................... 162.

    Exercise 2. "Slow motion" ........................................... 164.

    Exercise 3. "Focus" ............................................ .................. 165

    Exercise 4. "Dictation" ............................................ ........................... 166.

    Exercise 5. "Gamma" ............................................ .............................. 167.

    Exercise 6. "Brick" ............................................ ............................ 168.

    2. The taste of relaxation .............................................. ....................................... 172.

    Exercise 7. "Contrast" ............................................ ......................... 172.

    Exercise 8. "Association" ............................................ .................... 175

    Exercise 9. "Lestenka" ............................................ ........................... 176.

    3. From the action to thought ............................................ ............................................. 179.

    Exercise 10. "Delay" ............................................ ...................... 179.

    Exercise 11. "Explorer" ............................................ .................... 181.

    Exercise 12. "Pump" ............................................ ............................. 183.

    Exercise 13. "Waves of gravity" ............................................... ...... 186.

    Exercise 14. "Immersion" ............................................ ................. 186.

    Exercise 15. "Mirror" .............................................. ......................... 187.

    Exercise 16. "Reincarnation" ............................................ ........ 190.

    4. obey or command? ............................................ ............................ 195.

    Exercise 17. "Telepathy" .............................................. ..................... 196.

    Exercise 18. "Hypnosis" ............................................ ........................... 198.

    Exercise 19. "Contact" ............................................ ......................... 199.

    Exercise 20. "Account" ............................................ ............................... 200.

    Exercise 21. "Magic wand" ........................................... ... 202.

    5. Contest of idlers .............................................. ........................................ 204.

    Exercise 22. "Demonstrator" ............................................ ............. 204.

    Exercise 23. "Expert" ............................................ ......................... 207.

    Exercise 24. "Thermometer" ............................................ .................... 208.

    Exercise 25. "Boiler" ............................................ ................ 211.

    Exercise 26. "Scales" ............................................ ............................... 212.

    6. "Lightning Man" ........................................... .................................................. . 214.

    Exercise 27. "Sprint" ............................................ .......................... 215

    Exercise 28. "Condenser" ............................................ ............... 217.

    Exercise 29. "Climbing" ............................................ ............... 218.

    Exercise 30. "Pulse" ............................................ ............................. 219.

    7. Relax, you are late! ............................................. .......................... 223.

    Exercise 31. "Vanka-stand" .......................................... .......... 223.

    Exercise 32. "Removing the clamps" ............................................. ........... 224.

    Exercise 33. "Stop" ............................................ ............................... 225

    Exercise 34. "Partial output" ............................................... ....... 226.

    Exercise 35. "Transformer" ............................................ .......... 228.

    Exercise 36. "Carousel" ............................................ ...................... 229.

    Exercise 37. "Interrogation" .............................................. .......................... 230.

    8. How to conduct classes ............................................. ........................................ 234.

    Applications ................................................. .................................................. .......... 245

    Electoral technologies in the Mirror of Games Parody .............................. 245

    At the origins of a new profession ................................................ ............................ 248.

    Preface L.M. Krlar

    Games in the future

    "- If you want you to have a friend, tame me!

    And what should I do for this? - asked a little prince.

    We must be patient, - answered Fox. - At first, Sit Won there, gone, on the grass. Like this. I will look at you to look at you, and you are silent. Words only interfere with understanding each other. But every day I sit down a little closer ... "

    A. De Saint-Exupery

    In the ordinary consciousness of the word, starting with the "psycho", most likely bind to feelings, which means partly and with how to make them their friends. In the book of Nikolai Zen and Yuri Pakhomov about the feelings directly speak a little, but the more valuable how carefully they are taken into account, train, are referred to, and sometimes form. The book was created about fifteen years ago - it seems that in another professional era. And we can safely say that, departing, among the waves of fashion and the "geological shifts" of professional addictions, it was even more strengthened in its originality.

    This book was not that forgotten - she was always highly appreciated by professionals, but clearly underestimated. Meanwhile, it sets a whole direction of practical psychology and psychotherapy. In a sense, this discovery of the genre, very fruitful. It can be viewed as a set of elements of skill "DIY" or "Do not be afraid to take" - a kind of psychotechnical designer Legogo, consisting of parts, open and complemented by new essays. (For the second time I wrote three "with" instead of two, and this appearance is clearly in favor of multiplication and thoughts of the book, and exercise).

    Psychotraining is read as sketching future psychotherapeutic novel. The book is effective and romantic at the same time, and with all its scrupulous detail opens a wide horizon for the application. "Springs" features are visible here and there.

    Between the lines, the anecdotic and comicness of the daily, boring, monotonous psychological existence of an individual who does not suspect that he has a psyche and what flowers and bouquets may arise, it is only worth looking through the magic faces of the approaches offered here. Many years ago, one of the authors, working with athletes, rustic, but noticed with love: "They need to make a psyche." In the sense that the psyche at the athlete, of course, is, but the reflection and new discoveries do not interfere at all. This is a difficult topic and dedicated to the book that you hold in your hands. The book of reflexes and discoveries about the "occupation" and "Rolling Consciousness".

    Speaking of high style, the authors approach seems to be renaissance - primarily commensurate with man and, of course, talented, bold and practical. And even mixing "paints" of different practices - without sufficient support for tradition, theory and authorities - looks in this case as dignity. By content and approach, the book is careful and brave at the same time.

    Once the foundations found for the first edition - in those days the necessary, were conditional from the very beginning. ("Psychotechnical Games" sound like "Neverney Games", moreover, they indicate limited use - "in sports"; and "self-regulation" refers to the usual and allowed forms - a story "psychotherapy in a muzzle".) In fact, the exercises were invented, Tedged, applied and described in different practices: In psychotherapy with neurotics, in working with athletes of higher achievements, in groups of personal growth - everywhere, where the leg of a good psychologist could come in and where, at that time, she could not stand.

    On the pages of the book in the episodes of practice a lot of joy and discoveries from a meeting with human in themselves, from increasing interest in our opportunity to "be" - alone with them and with others.

    Leonid Krol.

    Nikolay Zen

    Yuri Pakhomov

    Psychotechnical games in sports

    Yuri Pakhomov


    games and exercises Moscow Independent firm "Class" 1999 BBC 75.0 C 55 Zegen N.V., Pakhomov Yu.V.

    C 55 Psychotraining: Games and Exercises - ed. 2e, add. - M.: Independent firm "Class", 1999. - 272 p. - (library of psychology and psychotherapy, vol. 67).

    ISBN 5863751169 This book contains two parts: "Psychotechnical games in sports" and "entertaining autotraining". Both are devoted to the use of psychotechnical games in teaching simple types of self-regulation. Dozens of exercises will help learn how to control the muscular tone and the level of wakefulness, develop imagination and fantasy, more trust yourself and their feelings, feel a partner and better to edit with other people. Such skills are useful not only in sports, but also in any other areas where "team games" occur.

    An interesting complement is the newly developed games that have already been inspected during the election campaigns.

    The book will undoubtedly be useful for all practicing psychologists, teachers, sports coaches, as well as election campaigning.

    Chief editor and publisher of L.M. Series Roll Scientific consultant Series E.L. Mikhailova ISBN 5863751169 (RF) © N.V. Zen, Yu.V. Pakhomov © 1998, Independent Firm "Class", Edition, Registration © 1999, L.M. Croll, Preface © 1999, V.E. Korolev, Cover Buy the book "Karbling" the exclusive right to publish in Russian belongs to the publisher "Independent Firm" Class ". The release of the work or its fragments without permission of the publisher is considered an unlawful and prosecuted by law.

    Games for the future "- if you want you to have a friend, tame me! - What should I do for this? - asked a little prince.

    We must be patient, - answered Fox. - At first, Sit Won there, gone, on the grass. Like this. I will look at you to look at you, and you are silent. Words only interfere with understanding each other. But every day I sit down a little closer ... "A. de SentExiuperi in the everyday consciousness of the word, starting with the" psycho ", most likely bind to feelings, which means partly and with how to make them their friends. In the book of Nikolai Zen and Yuri Pakhomov about the feelings directly speak a little, but the more valuable how carefully they are taken into account, train, are referred to, and sometimes form. The book was created about fifteen years ago - it seems that in another professional era. And we can safely say that, departing, among the waves of fashion and the "geological shifts" of professional addictions, it was even more strengthened in its originality.

    This book was not that forgotten - she was always highly appreciated by professionals, but clearly underestimated. Meanwhile, it sets a whole direction of practical psychology and psychotherapy. In some sense, this discovery of the genre, very fruitful. It can be viewed as a set of elements of skill "DIY" or "Do not be afraid to take" - a kind of psychotechnical designer Legogo, consisting of parts, open and complemented by new essays. (For the second time I wrote three "with" instead of two, and this appearance is clearly in favor of multiplication and thoughts of the book, and exercise).

    Psychotraining is read as sketching future psychotherapeutic novel. The book is effective and romantic at the same time, and with all its scrupulous detail opens a wide horizon for the application. "Springs" features are visible here and there.

    Between the lines, the anecdotic and comicness of the daily, boring, monotonous psychological existence of an individual who does not suspect that he has a psyche and what flowers and bouquets may arise, it is only worth looking through the magic faces of the approaches offered here. Many years ago, one of the authors, working with athletes, rustic, but noticed with love: "They need to make a psyche." In the sense that the psyche at the athlete, of course, is, but the reflection and new discoveries do not interfere at all. This is a difficult topic and dedicated to the book that you hold in your hands. The book of reflexes and discoveries about the "occupation" and "Rolling Consciousness".

    Speaking of high style, the authors approach seems to be renaissance - primarily commensurate with man and, of course, talented, bold and practical. And even mixing "paints" of different practices - without sufficient support for tradition, theory and authorities - looks in this case as dignity. By content and approach, the book is careful and brave at the same time.

    Come on the found frames for the first edition - in those days the necessary, - were conditional from the very beginning. ("Psychotechnical Games" sound like "Neverney Games", moreover, they indicate limited use - "in sports"; and "self-regulation" refers to the usual and allowed forms - a story "psychotherapy in a muzzle".) In fact, the exercises were invented, Tedged, applied and described in different practices: In psychotherapy with neurotics, in working with athletes of higher achievements, in groups of personal growth - everywhere, where the leg of a good psychologist could come in and where, at that time, she could not stand.

    On the pages of the book in the episodes of practice a lot of joy and discoveries from a meeting with human in themselves, from increasing interest in our opportunity to "be" - alone with them and with others.

    Leonid Krol Nikolai Zen, Yuri Pakhomov Psychotechnical games in Sport 1. Practical psychology in sports: problems, problems, problems ...

    Psychology - Uninvited guests? The second profession of the coach each coach feels the need to encourage his pupil after an unsuccessful performance, or help him cope with the "mutrgement" before the start, or say something cutlessly sharp, which would allow the athlete to gather. During the long months and years of tense collaboration, the coach of Visenenev and the approach to each athlete. From day to day, overcoming the resistance of "human material", the coach is becoming more and more insightful and wise. He suffers from the souls and the characters of students to the subtleties. He knows who, when and what should I say. For penetration into the inner life of each, it will acquire a whole set of psychological "keys" and "laundering".

    In most cases, the coach itself perfectly solves all those practical issues that are considered to relate to the field of psychology. Decides them better than a psychologist with a diploma. But, speaking in the role of a practical psychologist, the coach often does not even know about it. He does his job no matter what psychologists say and write about sports. Perhaps he has no idea about such things as a state of consciousness, self-esteem, psychotrauma, and so on. Why does he need psychological terms and concepts, if he knows the main thing: what to do and how to help the athlete in every particular situation! For example, one of our familiar coach for many years worked with an athlete. He noticed that his ward shows good results at competitions only in cases where he was very angry. And once on the eve of the competition coach playing a miniature performance. He does not give an athlete promised imported ammunition. The shooter is outraged, the coach persists. The spring of the conflict is unwinding so much that, applying to a fire line, an athlete in anger throws a box with cartridges. This is the first act of play ends. In the second act, the coach is the writer of the script and the executor of the leading role - deftly catches the cartridges and smiles, and then the shooter absters one after another bullet in the "top ten".

    It is possible a lot of similar cases when the coach turned out to be at the height of a psychological understanding, when the subtleties of his maneuvers, ingenuity and skill could be envied by any psycho-confessional.

    But intuition and experience of the coach are not almighty. In addition, not every coach boasts them. Therefore, along with the virtuoso possession of "practical psychology" in coaching work, something else can be observed.

    On the third day of the Moscow Championship in Pentathlon, a speed shooting race from a gun was held. The leading athlete in the first three series scored the maximum result -150 points. During the break between the series, its coach, giving the face a solid and volitional expression, gives instructions: "Gather, chose 200 points!" Athlete according to nods. In the fourth series, he dials a ridiculous, unforgivable even for the third-indirect amount -36. It turns out a little later that exactly the same story and exactly in the same sequence occurred a year ago. And they participated in it the same actors and performers.

    These two externally opposite examples have the same background. Both coaches proceeded from everyday ideas about how to help the athlete, and both sought for the better. Both rely on their personal experience and enjoyed if it can be expressed by intuitive psychology and psychotechnics. At the same time, success or failure depended only on the personal qualities and experience of the coach, from his ability to observe, understand and feel another person. But not everyone is gifted to these qualities equally! Not everyone has the same experience with people and the same ability to its practical application. In fact, each coach learns psychology on their own mistakes. Does it move to the shortest way? Of course not. At the same time, a huge experience accumulated by practical psychology in other industries of human activity remains out of sight of the coach. It involuntarily turns out to be a bicycle "invention".

    How to "make" the champion about the importance of psychological training of an athlete said a lot of words. A large number of books were written on the psychology of sports. However, psychology itself penetrates sports with great difficulty. Real psychological work is conducted on a narrow front and in small forces. Apparently, one of the reasons that modern systems of practical psychology have not found even wide use in sports, is rooted in well-minded views on what is an athlete, as he wins and what he needs for victory.

    In practical work and the style of thinking of many sports coaches, it is planned - and every year everything is more distinct - the tendency to technologizing their activities. Roughly speaking, the coach begins to realize himself with the "engineer of sports achievements" and the lion's share of their professional efforts guides along the "Methodology" line. Sport himself, with this approach, thinks in something similar production: the procurement, getting into the skillful hands of the armed advanced method of the coach, turns with time in a class athlete. Ideally, the entire sports training system should work as a well-established machine for playing sportsmanship. Is this ideal? In any case, many seek him. Especially since three whales, on which the winner pedestal is known, are known. This is a physical, technical and tactical training of an athlete. Consequently, for success in competitions, a perfect organization of the training process in all three directions is necessary. If all the links of the athlete are correctly established and are clearly consistent with each other, then the conveyor comes with a regular basis of the preparatory work - a high-class athlete, capable of winning and beat records.

    The personality of the athlete itself remains behind the scenes. At best, the sport turns into a competition of sports training systems, at worst - its development is directed along an extensive path. The latter finds its expression in the confidence very common among coaches that the result in competition is always proportional to work in training. This conclusion suggests if the main framework of the preparation system for competitions to believe in general terms completed. Strength, technique, tactics - the point of application effort - revealed. So it is only the magnitude of these efforts. Hence the trend towards extension of loads and volumes; From here, a false representation seems to be the main function of the coach - to make your student work. In the athlete, they begin to see something like a clock mechanism: the turbid the spring is tightened in training, the more powerful it will be promoted at the crucial moment. And the one who "crushed" is stronger than others. So the whole range of time during which a person is engaged in sports, including training, turns into a solid competition, and the competition itself is in a simple demonstration of the preparation level achieved.

    Naturally, the athlete's psychological training is quite difficult to enter into a tight framework of such sports: the building is already built, all parts of the car are adjusted, one to another are fit. Then the only thing that remains to the share of a practical psychologist in sports is to bring gloss, lubricate the wheels of the mechanism, which has long been invented and built. All is ready. It is only necessary to help the athlete to implement the achieved, implement the planned, protect it from the nervous breaks ...

    Independent firm "Class" 1999

    This book contains two parts: "Psychotechnical games in sports" and "entertaining autotraining". Both are devoted to the use of psychotechnical games in teaching simple types of self-regulation. Dozens of exercises will help learn how to control the muscular tone and the level of wakefulness, develop imagination and fantasy, more trust yourself and their feelings, feel a partner and better to edit with other people. Such skills are useful not only in sports, but also in any other areas where "team games" occur.

    An interesting complement is the newly developed games that have already been inspected during the election campaigns.

    The book will undoubtedly be useful for all practicing psychologists, teachers, sports coaches, as well as election campaigning.

    Chief editor and publisher of the series LM Crawl

    Scientific consultant series E.L. Mikhailov

    Games in the future

    "- If you want you to have a friend, tame me!
    And what should I do for this? - asked a little prince.
    We must be patient, - answered Fox. - At first, Sit Won there, gone, on the grass. Like this. I will look at you to look at you, and you are silent. Words only interfere with understanding each other. But every day I sit down a little closer ... "

    A. De Saint-Exupery

    In the ordinary consciousness of the word, starting with the "psycho", most likely bind to feelings, which means partly and with how to make them their friends. In the book of Nikolai Zen and Yuri Pakhomov about the feelings directly speak a little, but the more valuable how carefully they are taken into account, train, are referred to, and sometimes form. The book was created about fifteen years ago - it seems that in another professional era. And we can safely say that, departing, among the waves of fashion and the "geological shifts" of professional addictions, it was even more strengthened in its originality.

    This book was not that forgotten - she was always highly appreciated by professionals, but clearly underestimated. Meanwhile, it sets a whole direction of practical psychology and psychotherapy. In a sense, this discovery of the genre, very fruitful. It can be viewed as a set of elements of skill "DIY" or "Do not be afraid to take" - a kind of psychotechnical designer Legogo, consisting of parts, open and complemented by new essays. (For the second time I wrote three "with" instead of two, and this appearance is clearly in favor of multiplication and thoughts of the book, and exercise).

    Psychotraining is read as sketching future psychotherapeutic novel. The book is effective and romantic at the same time,

    and with all its scrupulous detail, opens a wide horizon for the application. "Springs" features are visible here and there.

    Between the lines, the anecdotic and comicness of the daily, boring, monotonous psychological existence of an individual who does not suspect that he has a psyche and what flowers and bouquets may arise, it is only worth looking through the magic faces of the approaches offered here. Many years ago, one of the authors, working with athletes, rustic, but noticed with love: "They need to make a psyche." In the sense that the psyche at the athlete, of course, is, but the reflection and new discoveries do not interfere at all. This is a difficult topic and dedicated to the book that you hold in your hands. The book of reflexes and discoveries about the "occupation" and "Rolling Consciousness".

    Speaking of high style, the authors approach seems to be renaissance - primarily commensurate with man and, of course, talented, bold and practical. And even mixing "paints" of different practices - without sufficient support for tradition, theory and authorities - looks in this case as dignity. By content and approach, the book is careful and brave at the same time.

    Once the foundations found for the first edition - in those days the necessary, were conditional from the very beginning. ("Psychotechnical Games" sound like "Neverney Games", moreover, they indicate limited use - "in sports"; and "self-regulation" refers to the usual and allowed forms - a story "psychotherapy in a muzzle".) In fact, the exercises were invented, Tedged, applied and described in different practices: In psychotherapy with neurotics, in working with athletes of higher achievements, in groups of personal growth - everywhere, where the leg of a good psychologist could come in and where, at that time, she could not stand.

    On the pages of the book in the episodes of practice a lot of joy and discoveries from a meeting with human in themselves, from increasing interest in our opportunity to "be" - alone with them and with others.

    Leonid Krol.

    Psychotechnical games in sports

    1. Practical psychology in sports: problems, problems, problems ...

    Psychology - Uninvited guests?

    Second profession coach

    Each coach feels the need to encourage his pupil after an unsuccessful performance, or help him cope with the "mutrgement" before the start, or say something cutlessly sharp, which would allow the athlete to gather. For many months and years of tense collaboration, the coach of the Volley-Neils is fascinated by an approach to each athlete. From day to day, overcoming the resistance of "human material", the coach is becoming more and more insightful and wise. He suffers from the souls and the characters of students to the subtleties. He knows who, when and what should I say. For penetration into the inner life of each, it will acquire a whole set of psychological "keys" and "laundering".

    In most cases, the coach itself perfectly solves all those practical issues that are considered to relate to the field of psychology. Decides them better than a psychologist with a diploma. But, speaking in the role of a practical psychologist, the coach often does not even know about it. He does his job no matter what psychologists say and write about sports. Perhaps he has no idea about such things as a state of consciousness, self-esteem, psychotrauma, and so on. Why does he need psychological terms and concepts, if he knows the main thing: what to do and how to help the athlete in every particular situation! For example, one of our familiar coach for many years has worked with an athlete-shooter. He noticed that his ward shows good results at competitions only in cases where he was very angry. And so

    once upon the day before the competition coach plays a miniature performance. He does not give an athlete promised imported ammunition. The shooter is outraged, the coach persists. The spring of the conflict is unwinding so much that, applying to a fire line, an athlete in anger throws a box with cartridges. This is the first act of play ends. In the second act, the coach is the writer of the script and the executor of the leading role - deftly catches the cartridges and smiles, and then the shooter absters one after another bullet in the "top ten".

    A lot of such cases can be brought when the coach turned out to be at the height of psychological understanding, when the subtleties of his maneuvers, ingenuity and skill could be envied by any psychologist-professional.

    But intuition and experience of the coach are not almighty. In addition, not every coach boasts them. Therefore, along with the virtuoso possession of "practical psychology" in coaching work, something else can be observed.

    On the third day of the Moscow Championship in Pentathlon, a speed shooting race from a gun was held. The leading athlete in the first three series scored the maximum result - 150 points. During the break between the series, its coach, giving the face a solid and volitional expression, gives instructions: "Gather, chose 200 points!" Athlete according to nods. In the fourth series, he dials a ridiculous, unforgivable amount even for a third-party amount - 36. A little later it turns out that exactly the same story and exactly in the same sequence occurred a year ago. And they participated in it the same actors and performers.

    These two externally opposite examples have the same background. Both coaches proceeded from everyday ideas about how to help the athlete, and both sought for the better. Both rely on their personal experience and enjoyed if it can be expressed by intuitive psychology and psychotechnics. At the same time, success or failure depended only on the personal qualities and experience of the coach, from his ability to observe, understand and feel another person. But not everyone is gifted to these qualities equally! Not everyone has the same experience with people and the same ability to its practical application. In fact, each coach learns psychology on their own mistakes. Does it move to the shortest way? Of course not. At the same time, a huge experience accumulated by practical psychology in other industries of human activity remains out of sight of the coach. It involuntarily turns out to be a bicycle "invention".

    How to "make" champion

    The importance of psychological training athlete said a lot of words. A large number of books were written on the psychology of sports. However, psychology itself penetrates sports with great difficulty. Real psychological work is conducted on a narrow front and in small forces. Apparently, one of the reasons that modern systems of practical psychology have not found even wide use in sports, is rooted in well-minded views on what is an athlete, as he wins and what he needs for victory.

    In practical work and the style of thinking of many sports coaches, it is planned - and every year everything is more distinct - the tendency to technologizing their activities. Roughly speaking, the coach begins to realize himself with the "engineer of sports achievements" and the lion's share of their professional efforts guides along the "Methodology" line. Sport itself, with this approach, thinks in something similar production: billet-novice, falling into the skillful hands of an armed advanced method of coach, turns into a class in a classroom athlete. Ideally, the entire sports training system should work as a well-established machine for playing sportsmanship. Is this ideal? In any case, many seek him. Especially since three whales, on which the winner pedestal is known, are known. This is a physical, technical and tactical training of an athlete. Consequently, for success in competitions, a perfect organization of the training process in all three directions is necessary. If all the links of the athlete are correctly established and are clearly consistent with each other, then the conveyor comes with a regular basis of the preparatory work - a high-class athlete, capable of winning and beat records.

    The personality of the athlete itself remains behind the scenes. At best, the sport turns into a competition of sports training systems, at worst - its development is directed along an extensive path. The latter finds its expression in the very common among the coaches of confidence that the result in the competition is always proportional to work in training. This conclusion suggests if the main framework of the preparation system for competitions to believe in general terms completed. Strength, technique, tactics - the point of application effort - revealed. So it is only the magnitude of these efforts. Hence the trend towards extension of loads and volumes; From here, a false representation seems to be the main function of the coach - to make your student work. In the athlete, it is started to see something like a clock mechanism: the turbulent the spring is tightened in training, the more powerful it will be spinning at the crucial moment. And the one who "crushed" is stronger than others. So the whole range of time during which a person is engaged in sports, including training, turns into a solid competition, and the competition itself is in a simple demonstration of the preparation level achieved.

    Naturally, the athlete's psychological training is quite difficult to enter into a tight framework of such sports: the building is already built, all parts of the car are adjusted, one to another are fit. Then the only thing that remains to the share of a practical psychologist in sports is to bring gloss, lubricate the wheels of the mechanism, which has long been invented and built. All is ready. It is only necessary to help the athlete to implement the achieved, implement the planned, protect it from the nervous breaks ...

    The dominance of the "Tehnarsky" approach to the training of an athlete often leads to the fact that training begins to be treated as a rehearsal of the competition. The winner is always the one who has prepared its number better than others. Carefully studied the strengths and weaknesses of the opponent. It was better calculated all possible alternatives to the upcoming struggle. For each move, he has a response maneuver, for each blow - reliably spent protection. It remains only to add that the winner is not only a well-prepared athlete, but also a man with "steel nerves", able to implement a planned plan. Working calmly, on schedule, as in training, he will not allow himself to cool down and lay out everything that is really capable of. It is clear that, being spent consistently, this approach contradicts the most creative essence of the competition, turning them into the usual registration of the preparation achieved in the process. But in fact, the competition is more ...

    Forecasts are often built before competitions. Who will win? Fans express their opinion depending on the sympathies. Experts analyze various opportunities, try to take into account all, even insignificant factors. And yet, no one is finally sure. Even the most sophisticated experts are not in a hurry to put the last point. According to the experience, they know: any surprise may occur at competitions, especially large. Yes, and the athlete himself does not know how he wins. He has in stock the corona techniques, carefully intended combinations. But all this is not the scenario of his way to victory.

    The footballer does not know what the victorious goal will be. The runner cannot provide for what the performance will unfold on the babes. Competition is always a step in an unknown. As if athlete and coach, they wanted, they cannot foresee and rehearse everything that can happen in brief moments of struggle. If in such sports as gymnastics or figure skating, this property of the competition is not manifested as distinctly, then in all gaming and martial modes, where a person faces man, it is obvious.

    Chess board one, and chess players two. Everyone has their own goals. Everyone acts on the basis of its own understanding of the situation. And, exercising their ideas, everyone makes interference with the implementation of the intentions of the partner. Plans are unfulfilled. But the game is born. It adds unexpectedly for both. Both it is beyond. She always surpasses its creators. Only in rare cases, one of the players can fully capture control over the situation. But in this case, the arose is the struggle of only 64 cells. Total 32 figures, for each of which is rigidly fixed possible ways to move it on the board. What do we expect from football, fencing, struggle? ..

    Almost every athlete in competitions is waiting for a meeting with unforeseen. And it is precisely because at the competition athlete is looking for his way every time and every time it works again, not a coach, not a technique, and he himself answers. The limited view of the competition is like a simple implementation of what is laid in training well shows the fact that it was at the competition that the highest results were achieved in all sports. And the larger the competition, the more impressive achievements have to be expected. And the more often the athlete exceeds its own, personal records achieved in training. Although it is precisely the opportunity to work that it would seem most favorable: there is no competition, no responsibility ... but no records.

    Another manifestation of "Tectoralism". Many coaches believe that the perfect technique itself guarantees a high result. Many seems to be legitimate and reverse reasoning: the winner technique is a standard. Each champion step is measured, weighed, shooting on a film. It takes a year, and now hundreds of athletes hold the "Chinese" racket, row, like Wortham, jump like Fesbury. And the results - when it is better, and when worse. That is, it does not always turn out to be fruitful mechanical "transplantation" of technology from one person to another. This is first. Secondly, if records and victories are really automatically flowing out of the perfection of the movements of the human body, then the uniqueness of many sports achievements remains the mystery. After all, often a record in one or another sport is held for many years. And it is not possible to approach it not only to numerous imitators trying to copy the technique and the style of a record speech, but also, most amazing, the record holder!

    Of course, the sport knows a lot of facts of the opposite. It is worth someone to demonstrate in competitions an incredible, fantastic result for its time the result or to perform an element, who was considered impossible, and to the next major competitions, an outstanding achievement repeats the whole pleyad of athletes. Sport moves forward as a jerk, short runs. But what is behind each such jerk? Innovation in training techniques? The invention of more perfect technology? It turns out, not always. Often, after the first conqueror of the cherished border, not only imitatives, but also representatives of completely other schools of sports techniques and technology are rushing. About the "technological support" of such a breakthrough to speak in this case it is difficult. Most likely, the rectors are based on another: a shift in the representation of a person about the boundaries of the possible.

    In sporting practice, cases are widely known when an athlete is attributed to its best achievement as limited. The athlete stops in his growth, trample on the spot, and the coach often have to go for tricks, in order to "push him out" to a new frontier. The trainer does not warn an athlete that a plank rose a few centimeters above or that a few kilograms snamed the bar. At the attack, he oversees the true results of an athlete, making it for a while holder of a new personal "record". And what? The limit is really imaginary. Hacking a psychological barrier, the athlete continues its climb towards increasingly higher results.

    Apparently, something similar happens in the situation of the assault of world sports achievements. "... The most important thing," wrote an outstanding Soviet athlete Yuri Vlasov about the last seconds before the decisive fight with the metal, is to believe that it is nothing, the fiction of intimidated people, and in fact nonsense, not the severity "*. Thus, the psychological "spring", pushing the athlete to the level of fantastic results, the strength is no less real than the improvement of sports equipment and training techniques.

    Those who give crucial importance of one immaculate technique, missed sight of the most important psychological fact: the results of any human effort, any activity depend not only on the perfection of the skills and abilities of a person, but also from its nature, the strength of his aspirations, the significance of his actions in their own Eyes and eyes of other people, from the meaning of what he does. A flurry of emotions, pierced in the shower athlete in the critical moments of the intense struggle, is not just an accompaniment for its muscular work, these are real meters, seconds, kilograms. This is the cause of unexpected breakdowns and fantastic records, ridiculous defeats and dazzling victories.

    "At the time of a colossal victorious effort, when the blood flies in your head, suddenly suddenly comes the full inner peace. Everything seems clearer and lighter than still, as if a powerful flow of light rushed to you. At that moment it starts to seem to seem Everything is all the strength of earth that you can all that you have grown wings, "so described my experiences at the time of the record weight of Yuri Vlasov **. These words are not just a metaphor. Many of those whose names became proud of global sports, could tell about special mood and well-being in the moments of their invincibility. An American researcher Michael Murphy gathered hundreds of such evidence.

    * Yu.P. Vlasov. White moment. - M.: Soviet Russia, 1972, 17.

    ** p.m. Naidiffer. Psychology of the competing athlete. - M.: FIS, 1979, p. 22.

    So it may be, to achieve sports heights, it is necessary to imitate not only the movements of the body, but also the movements of the will, feelings and thoughts of outstanding athletes? Maybe not in one biomechanic business? By bringing sports to standards and diagrams, we lose something deep inner in it, which is not from technology and technology, but from the person. But man is the core of the sport. Competed with each other are not a training system, not technical skills, not muscles. Competed by living, thinking people. Each competition is a collision of characters. And the higher the class of an athlete, the more pronounced its character, its unique style, his individuality.

    "I have a bad memory to the face," said one of our familiar, Master of Sports on Sambo. - I also forgot the names of many. But from everyone, with whom I had a chance to meet in a fight, - how many years had passed - an indelible impression was left in mind. What "It's a special sense of a human character. I remember them all! Here is one. He is stronger than me, older. And I feel that there is a chubban. Rough. Cruel. Primitive. Neither an intelligence flashing. And what do you think? Enough for three seconds, To put it! Another fight - it is necessary, again chubban! Again the ambulance and easy victory. Well, some of them are straightforward ... But I remember one guy was something awesome! I still break something like that. Some other one, a completely inaccessible spiritual organization. As if the creature is with another planet. Well, and, of course, he twisted me in two bills ... "

    So who twisted him? Probably, a well-read specialist, being witnessed this fight, could easily analyze it and justify the outcome of the superiority of the opponent in tactical, technical or physical characteristics. But the athlete himself saw it quite differently. Here are two different points of view. The first possesses the opposing authority, rooted in the entire system of sports education and training, is fixed by sports lexicon. The second is unconventional and at first glance is inconclusive. But if you refuse it, do not we cross everything that is worth doing sports? The world of sports is multipart and rich. And the technology of preparing the winner is just one of the many of its faces. And no matter how striking to expand this face, it is impossible to conclude in its limits.

    Psychology without psyche

    The typical situation in which the issues of psychological training are beginning to be discussed: the athlete is unexpectedly for the coach (and perhaps for himself) spoke out of her hands badly. No errors in physical, technical and tactical training were found. And then first remember psychological training. And although it simply did not exist, that is, no specially organized work on psychological training athlete was not carried out, it is precisely the cause of failure. Pondering what happened, not finding him reasonable professional explanations, the coach believes that in this case the athlete's "psyche" is all. Moreover, the psyche, which still did not participate in its work, is introduced by an invigorator for explaining those surprises and misunderstandings that are detected after the competition. In this case, psychological training acts as a "explanatory principle", which can be referred to in case of failure, but the content of which is unclear.

    Usually the conversation about psychological preparation on this and ends. But it happens otherwise. The team leader decides to strengthen psychological training. The coach can no longer blame everything on the psyche athlete - he must do something with her. So, the reason for sports failures nests somewhere in the head of the athlete; His psyche has some defect, and this defect must be eliminated. Usually, in such cases, a sports psychologist or psychotherapist is invited to the team, and sometimes just a familiar hypnotist, in order for he to influence the psyche athlete and helped him thereby improve the results.

    If the team comes to work with the "human factor" specialist, he faces an extremely unusual situation. Invited his coach, and it is he who expresses certain wishes and "complaints". But the reason for their misfortunes is the athlete. The Union "But" originated here is not by chance. There is nothing unusual at the level of common sense. Indeed, the coach addresses a psychotherapist with a request to influence the athlete. Psychotherapists, however, do not think so. The work of the psychotherapist differs from the work of a policeman. If Ivanov comes to him and complains that he can't sleep because of Sidorov's rather than the wall, then the psychotherapist does not cause Sidorov, but he spends a conversation with Ivanov, trying to change his attitude to snoring. In the case of a coach, it would seem that the psychotherapist would have to do the coach himself.

    In life - differently. And it all begins with the fact that the coach does not come to a psychotherapist in the clinic, and the psychotherapist himself comes to the team. Amented by the influence of the coach, he meets with an athlete. The athlete does not appeal for help - it leads. He does not see defects in his psyche - they sees the coach. He did not search for meetings with a psychotherapist - this wanted a coach and psychotherapist. And because it begins after this, it is possible to name the experiment on the psyche, forced treatment, but not psychotherapy.

    The coach wants to see the athlete reliable. But very rarely he wants to change himself. Will it see, for example, the coach of his task in installing lost contact with the athlete? No, rather, he wishes to overcome the closed nature of his student. And for the benefit of the case it would be better if the coach began to criticize himself and he would have sought her personal growth.

    The paradoxicality of the described situation is that the changes wants the coach, but not in itself, but in the athlete; What should the athlete should change, but he does not want it; That the psychotherapist works not with those who addressed him. This leads to the fact that today in the psychology of sports the most influential figure does not have a qualified psychologist, for which the conscious complicity of the athlete is needed, and the hypnotist is rudely interfering with the human psyche. As part of such "psychological training", the athlete turns into an object of manipulation of a psychologist and coach. It becomes like a car, to control which you need to find all new levers. Indeed, the coach would be easier to deal with a living athlete, but with a reliable, easily programmable and inaccessible effect of stress "robot". Why such an athlete of the psyche is a purely human excess, leading to surprises and breakdowns at competitions? And "psychological preparation" begins to act as a kind of procedure, with which it is possible to neutralize various manifestations of psyche. As such a procedure, it is used, although often under other names, hypnosis. Various "psychological protection" and "psychological programming" come to the fore, and a living athlete remains in the shade, capable of using his psyche in a victorious, record jerk. In fact, psychological training in many cases comes down to the fight against the psyche, and even the use of methods of mental self-regulation turns out to be closely related to the idea of \u200b\u200brestricting unforeseen experiences and reduces to relaxation, calm, mobilization, disconnection from thoughts, etc.

    "Fighting the psyche" is a far from the best possible psychological work in sports. In the lively athlete, the psyche is not only indestructible - she needs him. Take, for example, the problem of stress.

    For an athlete, any major competition is an important and exciting event. Responsibility lying on his shoulders is huge. Not only long months of workouts are put on the map, not only the effort of the teammates - the country's prestige! Millions of eyes will follow him. Millions of people will witness his victory or defeat. And the struggle is not easy. Competition is always stress. Is this good or bad? It's not always the same. Some stress releases hidden forces, others take the same that there is. Many coaches see one of the tasks of preparation for competitions in removing emotional tension, isolating an athlete from stressful influences. They call it a "increasing psychological reliability of an athlete."

    But physiologists are well known that in stressful situations, the person has an ancient mobilization mechanisms that it is at the moments of stressful experiences, its body is maximum efficient. It happens, of course, that the nerve stress energy does not rush into its natural course, but the paralyzing effect of emotional loads is rather an exception, even if the pathology has turned into a rule, even if it becomes the norm. The disorganizing effect of emotional tension in competitions in something is akin to neurosis, and it always lies some kind of inner dissonance, psychological conflict, contradiction. For example, his possible defeat athlete begins to perceive as a shame, as something absolutely unacceptable, reprehensible in the eyes of other people and in his own. Then the experience of the responsibility of what is happening may be replaced by the desire of this responsibility to avoid. And it is impossible to avoid it. Unresolved internal conflict forces a person to waste his strength not in the fight against the opponent, but in the fight against himself ...

    But after all, it is possible to treat the upcoming struggle completely differently and quite otherwise assess your role and its place in it. For example, as a famous Soviet athlete, founder of the school of classical struggle, described its condition during the fight, the founder of the classical struggle, I felt like the actor who would have to play a favorite role. The excitement covers all the creature, but this Not paralyzing the pressure fear is the force that collects all the feelings, all the will, all the attention. Something far the concern for technical techniques, so many forces absorbing during the training period. Again the minutes of higher freedom, genuine happiness of creativity. I can compare myself with an artist Also, because invariably experienced the magical impact of the crowded hall. Never during training fights I have not experienced such inspiration "*. Thus, on the method of "psychological inclusion" in the competitive situation, it depends a crucial way than the emotional heat supply for an athlete: paralysis or the rise of liberated forces, the mental lifting, on the crest of which any miracles are possible.