Pirate saga. Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate Saga Corsairs 4 Scheme of the bridge of the Shadow of the Past

Open the map and go to the island of Martinique. Only fall into the bay le Francois. Once in the city, filled with pirates, find Barona and talk. Now in the passage of Corsary: \u200b\u200beach you will get a task consisting in order to get silk that were thrown by one of his assistants when he left opponents. If you have an active chronometer, then configure it in the coordinates that are listed in the log to get to the right place. And if there is no such, then take a course on Sint Martin.

Throw anchor and swim to Barcass that nearby. After getting to him on the boat, talk to the captain. We persuade to give stolen silk and come back to Barbazon, which expects on Martinique. Tell him that there are nine silk bales. Then get the next task.

Now you have to find an assistant one unknown, who needs your help. This servant is the name of the currency. He leads the Marlin vessel, which stands near Kapesterville. To go to him, you need to say the password "Hunting started". Now in the passage of the Corsary game: each you should go to each thing and go to the tavern. Go to the owner and talk to its owner. Report that you are looking for captain "Marlin". However, you will hear another name - David Form. Apparently this is his nickname. So go to the house located next to the shipyard.

After talking with his owner, and then shoot him and take the message. After reading it, learn what Valete was a mercenary Jackman. They prepared the Western Tiracles. So now you need to capture his ship and pretend to be a currency.

Go to the marina and swim to Marlin. After you take a ship to boarding, make it exchange and head to the island of Terks. Looking ashore, go to the ship "Relief". Inspect it and swim to the southern bay to fall around him. Be careful because the pirates will attack. Bring them to the attack and pick up the deck of the ship to talk to his captain.

After some time, Helen is suitable for you and will suggest to pick up a few powder barrels from the side of the "delilment", and then get to the enemy ships as close as possible, which on the opposite part of the island and throw them away. Then distance to the maximum distance and undermine gunpowder. But they have not exposed you until, so agree.

Continue the passage of the Corsary game: everyone has his own and find enemy ships. Then capture them and go to the cabin of the captain. In it will find the chest, open it and inspect. After that, you can let the frigate for the bottom. As soon as you pick holes, head to Isle Tsoro Island. Sit down and go to Jackman, the Centurion Commander.

Start the shelling with the help of the card and take the ship to the board. When you meet with an opponent with an eye on the eye, then run to the distant corner of his cabins. It is worth noting that after you defeat Jackman, it will be a little talk to him. After that, its health level will be restored and need to finish it again. He will also help his comrade Karpaccho. Try to neutralize them one by one. If you want Dani in battle in battle, please let him know that the two chests are in the cabin. Open them and take the treatort, which is needed by the pastor and the second part of the Sharpe map.

Now in the passage of Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each other, discover the card and swim on the island of Martinique. Go to the Corsair Lair. Be careful because you will follow several musketeers. After you see Barbazon, talk to him, he will give his consent. Go to Espanyol to find Marcus Tirax there and get it consent. Then they swim into Cuba and find the black pastor. He will also agree, so boldly return to Jan Svenson, which is located in Bloveld, and talk.

Now events can develop in two ways:

The worst option

If you did not have time to take the passage of the quest Pirate Sana in the game Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one, then the capture of cakes will need to spend from sushi. Head there. It is worth noting that there will be about 500 people as part of the teams of two ships. After landing the beach's fish beach, go to the city. Spread with the guards and eliminate the military, controlling the streets of the city. Then you can go to the residence of Chevalé Levass and chat with him. Then eliminate it and return to the ship. Open the map and go to Saint Christopher. Just change the flag before this flag. Once in the residence of Punshi, talk to him. Then the frigate and the team will appear at your disposal. Do not give up this gift, thank and delete.

The best way

If you have already managed to deliver shark and get the voices of all the barons, I will certainly thank you. He will also talk about the operation he plans to spend on one of the mines. But you can and not take part in it. If you do not want, then just come back to Janu 10 days later.

If you agree to the passage of this operation in the Corsairs game: each your own, then go back to Jan after 3 days. It will be on Moskitos Island. After talking with him, go through. Soon he will tell about the planned operation. If you go right, then you will find a spare outlet near the well. Head there and tell the bandits that Jackman sent you. Then talk again with Yan and move to the left. Going around the mountain, you approach the entrance to the mine. Apply the password to get there.

Be careful because now you will be attacked, kill everyone and pass further. I advise you to constantly talk with Yan, so as not to miss it out of sight. Remove the attacks of all enemies. After the next battle end, meet the canonom and move deep into the mine. There, too, opponents from which you need to get rid of. Once all overdue, completely different music will start playing. Communicate with Yan again and leave this place.

Come to the table and take some documents from it, giving ownership of the mine. You can get out to the street and talk again with the canonom. Go to your vessel and take a breakfast course. There you will need to wait about 5 days to go to Jan again.

Sharp Testament

Talk to him to get the task that is to find some Albert Loksley. It can be found in the port of piano. By the way, this person is one of the best lawyers in the Caribbean. Yang, in the meantime, will be collected by the Council. So continue the passage of the Corsary game: to each one, open the map and take the course to Jamaica. After you go to the port of the piano, go to the left of the pier to get into the Albert Locksley office. Communicate with a lawyer and find out the amount of an advance that consists of 450 dangum. You still have to return to him in seven days.

Return to the ship and head to Sveson, located in Bloveld. Talk to him and ask the dangum. However, he will say that he is simply not. He will also tell you about what is engaged in trading in the colors of the trees. But a few days ago, the party was stolen from the warehouse. He thinks the work of the Mollarm's hands, commander "Oysria". Now you will need to fasten the ship and take it to the boarding to find out where the tree. And then deliver it to Jan. It is also necessary to find out who Mollar is going to sell his goods to earn themselves.

Now in the passage of the game Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each your one you should quickly go on the road, after opening the map and finding "oyster" on it labeled with purple color. When they overtake it, then send the boat to talk to the Mollargin. Then come back to your ship and start attacking the enemy. Do our best to take it on boarding. After victory. Go to the cabin cabin and find the message sent by the secret buyer in it.

You can go to him or to Jan. If you decide to return to Jan, you will be rewarded with 1500 dangles on a lawyer and 750 in gratitude for the operation performed. Go to the port of the piano and pass to the lawyer. Calculate it and find out that now you need to find documents confirming your surname.

Shadows of past

Take the course on Antigua and move to the tavern. Inspoke its owner about Rammond Baker, it turns out that he sailed on the ship "Blashing Maggie." But the ship has already returned, but without a biker. Try to find out the captain about the location of the Baker. Continue the passage of Corsairs: everyone is a guide to his ship to get to the "Pleshie Maggie". After you communicate with the captain, you will find out that Corsairs pursued him. But after the doctor admitted to him, it turned out that pirates were pursuing him. A riot occurred on the ship, and the captain was forced to plant hell in the midst of the ocean.

He agrees to give you the coordinates of this place. Hurry up go there. As soon as you find yourself in the open sea, you will immediately find Barcas. Approaching him, Captain Baker himself will be visiting you.

Go to the cabin and talk to him. It turns out that the bucket is still alive. Also learn about Jessica, which has not yet heard anything. The doctor also gives you a tooth belonging to Admiral Sharul. Take the course on Isle Tesoro and stand up on the raid in the port of Sharptown. Go to the residence and talk with shark there. He will tell you about Lepporter, Buchchana, Jessica and Mask. After you understand the connection between them, get one of the pages of the diary, found among the blaze documents, the former head of the island. There is a valuable latitude that you have been looking for.

Now in the passage of the Corsary game: each one you should go on these coordinates. After you approach the reef skeletons to the shore, go through the bridge. Move on until you find yourself near the grave. Open your diary to see a new entry in it. Wait for the night to catch Jessica near the burial site. Come to her and talk. Then you need to fight her. However, she will soon run away and appear above the house. Run to him. Just be careful, because Jessica will soon take your skill skill, and then freeze the wave of skeletons.

Try to remove the first wave with the path and get to the zombie. After overpowering her for the second time, she will get angry and take a pumping of guns by 30-40 positions. Skeletons will appear again, destroy them and run through the bridge. It is worth noting that here you will shoot down the water. For the successful passage of this test in the game Corsary: \u200b\u200beach one you should renew your health level every time, after you are attacked by water. Gather and go to Jessica. This time she will take your energy. Attach the maximum effort to overcome it.

The burden of Gascon:

After you find a million for Michel, come back to Martinique and tell about your adventures and establishments of communication with England / Holland or pirates depends on whose side you have become. After that, tell me that you have a million and you are ready to pay for Micheles. Michelle, in turn, will tell us that we set off in a quassemail, which is located in St. Christopher and ask for the audience at Punsy. Also, brother will warn that Punsya is very hither, and we need to be cautious in a conversation with him. We take into account this and float in the fathwow. We float into a fadder and immediately go to the residence for the request of an audience with Punsy. We say that we have the right amount and will be sent to the right door to the conversation. We go to the office and give money for Micheles, after that we ask when we can get a document on the liberation of Michel. And here everything is not so easy. Punsy again talks about the mission of our brother, and asks to find out all the details of Michel. We return to Martinique and speak with Michelle. From the conversation we understand that we need to kill the governor of cakes, as well as capture the very cortem. Karamba! We need a plan that our brother will gladly share. He will tell about Stephen Dodson and the legendary Yana Svenson.

Pirate saga:

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

We float into the blouse and go to the house of Jan Svenson, which is located next to the residence. Yana House will not, but there will be his wife. Talk to her and find out where Yang went. It turns out that Jan went to search for his daughter of his old buddy. Also, Yana's wife will give a tip on the widow house that we need to visit. This house is located next to the pier. We go into the house and do not find anyone, then we go to the jungle, and then in the fort. In the fort rising to the very top and appeal to the lucky widow for the details. After the conversation from which we learn about two Hyports: Jimmy Higgins and some English captain. After that, we sail into the Marun-Town that on Jamaica. We float to Jamaica and mooring at Cape Negril, then we go to the pirate settlement. In a pirated residence, we find out where the house of Jimmy Higgins is located, and then go there. Jimmy starts to rude us, but you do not respond to its provocations, and press the second line of the dialogue. So we will know the name of the English officer: Arthur Donovan. Also, do not forget to drop to the pirate resident, he will throw food for reflection. After that, you need not lingering to sail to Antigua. Sweeping to Antigua, we leave in the sea and find the Arthur ship, and then board it. After killing Arthur, do not forget to search his body. They will find "the wrath of the Prophet" - one of the three rare blades that stole from Fadey. After the battle, your sailor will suit you and say that after the search of the tricks and cabins, they found a girl. In the chests of Arthur you can find twenty thousand pesos, "brigger" and two hundred fifty dangles. After Abordaja go down to your cabin and speak with the girl. She is beautiful. After the conversation, return to Bloused, to the mother of Rumba. Looking at the port, we get gratitude from Helen and invitation to their home. Going to the house, we get gratitude from Mother Helen and remuneration in the form of a hundred dangum.

After that, I go to the house of Jan and climb into his office, which is on the second floor. We tell him about your plans, and he promises us to think and come up with something clean about this. After that, we tell about Jackman and his search and forcing Yana to think about this too. From Yana, we get a task. We need to find Henry Hospital earlier than Jackman people do. Hangster is in Cartagena, Spain. Therefore, Yang gives us a license of a trading company for three months so that we can freely enter the ports of Spanish colonies. I swim in Cartagena and preferably change your flag on the Spanish flag. We go to the port and show the soldier a sales license, now you can safely walk around the city. We go to the tavern and asking about Enrique Gonzales (Hangster) at the Taisther. The innkeeper says that Enrique's house is located next to the port control.
We arrive in the house Enrique and we use the second line of the dialogue, during which we learn that this is not the enrique. We leave from the house of the false enrique and go to the church to put the prayer for Mother Enrique. The priest will be surprised and tell about Alvares, who also puts the prayer for his mother's rest. From the priest we learn that Enrique lives on the lighthouse. We leave from the city to the jungle and go to the lighthouse.

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

After a conversation with the Hangman, we learn that he had to convey the chest with the guns of one kormilice, which we already know. During the conversation, the old man dies, apparently, from a heart attack. But before his death, he managed to give us a chest with a lot of dangles and a massive ring, serving a password for Mother Helen. After we leave the house of the Hangbody, three pirates will attack us. We kill them, go back to your ship and float to Jan Svenson to Blumyweld. Saying to Janu tell him all that he managed to know from now on the dead hangman. After a conversation with Yan, we go to Gladys and tell her all.

After a conversation with Gladys, we return to Jan and show a block of a map that belonged to Beatris Sharpe (who played in past Corsaars, he will understand). We go to Jan, and he says that thanks to this block of card, and two others can be applied to Sharptown, but if during the year it does not show all the papers, then the island will become English colony, the governor will be put there along with the troops, and the shore brother will come end. We agree to help Yana in solving this problem. He will ask to come in three days for the task, but for now we go to Gladys and say that we take helen under your defense. After that, we rose to Helen to the room and recruit it to the team.

The quest continues after the following tasks: Aclaus hunting, the temptation of Barbazon and the return of Baron. We return to Jan and say that all the barons vote for shark. Also, we say that it would be nice to take a mine. Yang agrees and asks to come in ten days, but if you go with him, you will get two thousand silver and save a couple of days. You decide.

After passing the Mission "The inheritance of Sharpe" and the "Shadow of the Past" return to Svenson and talk about Cortays. Yang will advise you to go to Shark and talk about cakes. Also, Yang will make us two gifts: a medallion, firming discipline and island stones used in voices. On this quest "Pirate Saga" is over.

Shark Hunt:

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

Svenson will ask to find a shark, as it is useful to capture cakes. He will send us to the Pirate Baron named Zakharia. He is in Cuba, Puerto Princepe. We move to it and asking about sharks. He speaks about some kind of island of justice and about the cartograph that can know about this island. He will also ask to find the Witch Hammer's book, and will vote for shark at a meeting if we find this book. After a conversation with Zaharia, we return to Jan for advice. Yang will advise you to turn to an excellent cartographer, which is located in Santo Domingo. We float in Santo Domingo and find José Dios, we mention Yana Svenson in a conversation. It will share his hypothesis, theories, will give to read the book about Captain Alvarado, but I will not really know anything, and you will have to come back to Jan Svenson for the next tip.

Teleport worked, and we find ourselves on the island of justice. After that, we kill the crab and pick up a large pearl from the crab and we decide what way to go. Their three.

Option for Mary:

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

We leave through the hole in the case and float to the ship "Ceres Smith", go there through a broken nasal part and fall inside the ship. There are two pirates try to kill the girl in red, kill these guys and talking to a girl - Mary Casper. We are talking to her and we receive information about this island, about people, about the nravas, about the principles, and also learn that Shark is an admiral on this island. Also, Mary will give you a letter and the key from their cabins. After that, go to the tavern, write up and come to the shark. At the entrance to the Akula Residences, we will stop us, you, in turn, present a letter from Jan Svenson and will miss you. We go to the shark and outline the situation: how to go to the island; What are looking for Nathan Hawk and Himself; What about Brotherhood. After talking and evidence from shark, we get the keys that all open on the ship "Tartarus", as well as fifty dangles to buy passwords from the Fazio to other territories. After that, we go to the residence of Black Eddie and give good to killing Chad. We approach Pinas "Fury" and say the password, after that we go to the residence and tell the plan to the leader of Rivadas. Edward Black agrees to such a deal, but we will remain as hostage on the territory of Rivados. Now just stand and wait. Black will return in three hours and thanks for information about the cheeisset, and will also make us a friend of Rivados, but, alas, Chapaper did not manage to kill. He escaped to the territory of Narvalov and now not to get it. Also, Black will give up the paper that Chad threw in a hurry. After that, go to the cheyisset. In gratitude for their salvation, he will give you a couple of amulets, and will be happy to answer all your questions. We return to the shark and tell about everything that happened. Shark is certainly dissatisfied, and we need to come up with a plan, how to smoke Chad.

We return to Mary and let you read two letters who forgot the table. Mary notices a very strange purchase of whiskey by Chad, as he believes that whiskey is drinking beggars and peasants. Also, we will learn about a dangerous sniper, which can confuse all our cards. We go to the store and ask about whiskey. We learn that whiskey is bought, and also that Chad was interested in arsenic. After that, we go to the tavern and asking about Chad and arsenic. We learn that Chadd did not come, and instead, Marcello Cyclops went. Such are doing. Santiago will say that Cyclops went along with Adolf to Santo Florentina. And then there will be three options for the development of events:

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

1) Quickly run to San Augustine to Shark and say that he does not drink whiskey, which will bring. After that we run on Santa Florentina and see the dead Adolf, and his killer attacks us. After reprisals from the killer's corpse, remove the open letter, and from the Adolf corpse a bronze key. After that, we go to the "Furi", we rise to the very top and take the contents of the chest: "Whitewable fitting", the amulet "powder tester" and many other nishtyakov. Finally, we run on the "Euva" and kill Chad along with narrows. After the violence over the traitor, we return to the shark and see how he talks with the messenger. After a conversation with Aclaut, I davim on Fabio and learn that the cyclops are going to Mary. We also learn a password for passing through the territory of Narvalov. We can not allow it, and therefore running. Consider, we have time. We run into the territory of Narvalov, call the password, after that we jump into the water from the Deck "Ceres Smith". After that, there will be a scripting scene, where we find a cyclope and kill in battle. In a reward for this path we get: "Whitoval fitting", five hundred dangum.

2) We go to "Eva", go down and meet Chadda Capper along with narrows. Kill this company and remove the key from Chadd. In the same hold, you knock out information from Fazio and Savior Mary. After that, we hurry to San Augustine. Shark has already drank poisoned whiskey, but nothing. Let him drink a gel potion, and he will be like a new one. As a reward for this path, we get: the amulet "Hammer Torah", five hundred of the Darkov.

3) We are resorting to the shark and talk about poisoned whiskey. After that, we kill Chadda and Narvalov. Again we run to the shark, knock out the information from Fabio and Ben to save Mary. In the reward for this path we get: 500 dangles.

After that, the shark will cause us to himself and offer to destroy Narlalov in the Alliance with Rivados. We refuse this idea - we offer a peaceful decision. Go to Donald Greenspi to Galloon "Esmeralda" and stumble upon his bodyguard. We tell him that we are from shark. After that we will skip us. We say Donald that he has problems and we need to decide. We ask Donald to come to the shark and personally bring apologies, and also swear that this will no longer happen. We return to the shark and convey the words of Donald. In the award of Shark will give us a logocation, thanks to which we can get to the island on the ship, he will also give us five hundred of the Darkov. After talking with shark, we return to Donald and say that everything is in order. As a reward for this, Donald gives us a tower Musketton and makes a different narrowing.

Baron's return:

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

We return to Jan and find out about another baron and his wife. Baron disappeared, so the chance of finding it is saved. Also, in front of our leaving Yang presents a letter to Steve Dodson, which will guarantee us safety. And the main character is asked: Where to look for Hawk's wife? At the exit from the house we are encountered by the wife of Hawk. Dani will ask us to the team, and will also tell about the Indian village, Shaman and about the fact that Nathaniel Hawk is alive. Sit down on the ship and swim to the Amatics Bay, which is north of Bloveld. After that, planted in the bay and go to Shaman. He, in turn, will tell about the Golden Statue of Cukulman, about the teleportation of Hawk, about three potions that will help teleport to us. But for these three, he will ask three random amulet. Here are lighthouses on which these amulets can be ordered: Guadeloupe Lighthouse, Santiago Lighthouse, Cartagena Lighthouse. Amulets are made two months. So swim on one lighthouse and order an amulet, after that we float on the other and order, we return to the last lighthouse and take the amulet. After all three amulets are with you - come back to Shaman. Having gained potions at Shaman, go to the Cukulkana statue, wait full and touch it (T). After that, you are transferring to the island of justice. Now we continue to pass the quest "Aclaus Hunt".

After some reason on the Island of Justice, you will learn about a white boy. We come to the store from 12:00 to 16:00 and finding Ol Kristiansen, this is our white boy. We give him a white pearl and asking about Nathan Hawk.

It turns out that he found him, I wrapped up and went out. Swim to Nathan on the Fernanda ship, knock out a combination: two knocks, pauses, two knocks and talking to him. After the conversation, I promise to pull out from this island as soon as the right moment appears. If you want, you can listen to the history of Nathan about the ancient idols, the ships - the ghosts with all such.

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

Also, Olee will mention Henrick, which can teach walk along the bottom. But we can not yet go to the territory of Narvalov wait for the development of the task.

After resolving the conflict between narrows and pirates, we go to the territory of Narvalov and go to Henrik. Henrik will ask to collect platinum to fix costume. I know three places:

1) a fragmented ship in the place where you found Nathan Hawk. There will be three pieces of platinum.

2) cabin in the possession of Rivados. There will be five pieces of platinum.

3) Shark cabin, opposite its table. There will be three pieces of platinum.

After that, we return to Henrik and give Platinum. We return five days after the costume. You can wait for five days from Mary, and then come back to Henrik. Henrik will say that he lacks another piece of platinum. We jump into the water and float to Tartaras, there is a missing piece. In the chest there will be a thousand dangum, card, platinum and other nishtyaki. After that, come back to Henrik and give the missing pieces of platinum. Then come to him in two days, and he will say that the costume is ready. Go down on the stairs down, and after go to the "Phoenix" cabin and take a diving suit. We dress it and go down to the bottom.

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

We approach the TOEM and get an entry into the ship magazine. After that, we return to the land, give the costume Henrik and return to the bottom in the interval from 08:00 to 10:00. Also, you must say goodbye to Mary. After goodbye from Mary, we return to Henrik, take the costume and float to the bottom. We touch the totem and get into the environment of the Indians. They will assign us to the next statue. We touch it to it and fall into the place where they got to the island of justice. We return to the serpentine eye and give the things he was looking for.

After that, we return to Jan Svenson and buy the fourth rank ship to go swimming. After that, we sail into the left edge until you stop, we go to the global and we swim to the island of lost ships. We take a shark, we will bring Dani with Nathan, as well as Dr. Mary yourself in the team. After that, we'll take Natana with a snake eye, and then sail to Jan Svenson for a further plan of action.

The temptation of Barbazon:

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

Yang gives a tip on Barbazon and asks to conquer his trust, pretending to be a fool. Therefore, we are sailing in Le Francois, Martinique and speak with Barbazon. In a conversation, pretend to be a fool and loser, and then ask the Barbazon's case. Barbazon is resurrected over us and ask you to deliver bales with a click, which threw the former assistant, trying to escape from the patrol. We accept the instruction and float to Philipsburg, Sint-Maarten. And send a boat to Tartan, speak with the captain and take our bales with a click. After threats, the captain will overload a click from his boat to our ship. Bales turned out not six parties, but nine. We give Barbazon all the game and we pass on greed, and also get some batch as a gift. And after, we get the following task. We will visit Kasterville, we go to the tavern and in the Taisther I will find out about the captain of Paul Marlin, we learn that his house is near Verpia. We arrive in the house, say the password and understand that we want to substitute. After the asked, the agent begins to be nervous and pulls the sword. We kill him and with his corpse remove the letter from Jackman. After that, we leave the city and take to the boarding of Marlin. After that, we float to Terksu and planted in the Bay of South Bay and kill everyone who sits in that ambush. After that we send the boat to the ship "Relofnish" and run the captain with the battlefield. Now we need to capture corvetling tramps and pick up documents from which it becomes clear where Jackman is now. After the capture we float the place where Jackman is. We enhance the rock and go out into the sea, after that we take on the board the ship of the bastard and twice twice. Once against him, and then his assistant joins, but from our side Dani resorts. After the fight, go around all the chests and take all the evidence. Now you need to go through Baronam and collect their voices. First, we visit Barbazon along with the detachment of the boarding clothes and literally throw his voice for shark on the Council. After that, Barbazon will give his stone fragment. After that, we sail to La Vege, Santiago and ask Baron Tirax to give his voice for shark, reminding his saved captain. The captain will immediately give his piece of stone, as well as three hundred counseling for the salvation of the captain. The last point will be Puerto Princpe, Cuba. We give Zechariar the book "Molot Witch", which was found on the ship Jackman and the voice of Zechariah will be our.

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

Sharpe Testament:

Jan Svenson will ask to hire a lawyer to win the deal on the transfer of Sharptown to the legal heir and the coastal fraternity. To do this, swim in Port Royal, Jamaica and go to the lawyer's house, which is located next to the pier. Albert Loksley will require 450 dangles in advance for their services, and then. Let's float to Svenson, and he asks to catch a thieves with a commodity. We need to catch the Ost-Indec "Oyster". Spare from the city and fishing in one of these places: the shore of mosquitoes or the Bay of San Juan-del Norte and catch this ship. After that, send a boat to the "oyster" and speak with the captain. We are trying to chely check the tricks of the captain, but it does not work. Take the ship to the boarding. In the cabin of the captain, we enhance the chests and find a note, thanks to which you can sell to the bachelor. Or you can take the load of Sveson. One way or another, we get 2250 dangles and now we can pay for the services of the adwt. We return to Jamaica and give 450 Dangov to a lawyer, and he in turn says that two half cards may not be enough and we need to find documents confirming that Helen really has the name Sharp. After that, the quest "Shadow of the Past" is activated.

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

After that, we return to a lawyer, provide information and make the second part of the advance: 450 Dangops. Come to him tomorrow together with Helen and go to the court you will win. Now Helen is the full owner of Sharptown, which means that you can enjoy the murder of Governor Torch. Also, we need to give the remaining part of the advance and become a friend for a lawyer. And it is worth it. He can resolve the relationship with any fractions, and takes no dangum for it, but peso. What is very and very good.

This is important: if you didn't have a novel with Helen, then she will leave after this task.

Shadows of the past:

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

Swim on Antigua in search of Raymond Baker. We find out about the former executioner, and he tells about the "Blash Maggie", which stands next to the city. We send a boat there and ask about Baker. The captain of the ship will say that he landed the captain on Lohanka due to the fact that the pirates were chased by them, or rather behind Baker. Also, the captain will give us the coordinates where he landed Baker. I swim to the shores of Dominica, there they catch the Baker, then we speak with him in your cabin and find out a lot of new things. It turns out that a bucher is alive, and the executioner just stated his death. After the Raymond conversation, you can make a doctor and leave on the ship. Now you need to visit Sharul Dodson on Sharptown for some details. He will tell about the mask, Buchera, Beatrice, as well as Jessica Rose. If you have time, you can visit Jan and find out about Jessica, it is necessary if you want to spare it in the future. After that, according to the coordinates 21'32 and 78'33 (just above Cayman) we float on the reef of the skeleton and see there an excaved grave. We stay until night, and the ghost of Jessica with threats will be in full moon. After we defeat her, she will call his skeletons to help. Also, Jessica will take our ability to run. After the murder of the first wave of skeletons - go through the bridge, bypassing geysers. Again, overcome Jess and we get a second portion of the curse - weapon skills are reduced by 30 points. We understand from the second wave of skeletons and Jess - come to her and we get the third portion of curses - a decrease in energy. Jess will attack you for the last time. Bates her, and then decide: spare or kill. If you kill Jess, then take a note from her corpse the necessary lawyer.

And if you decide to save life, then take it to your ship, and then swim on Jamaica, Portland in the bay and planted there at midnight. In Jess Bay says we come to the next midnight. We are waiting until she leaves the location, and the time to do. After that, Jess will suit you and say that the bootcher is dead, and as a reward for this she will give you: Letter Beatrice and the famous sword-flombing "Morgana", which causes monstrous damage.

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

This is important: To remove the curses, go to Bridgetown, and speak with the priest. After that, we arrive at the church at 22:00 with two dozen candles (candles can be bought from traders in the market). We bring candles to the Holy Father and come tomorrow at the same time. The main character will pray all night, after that we will transfer us to the water, but we will not be drowned, and we will stand like God and see Jessica Rose in human relationship.


Shark will tell everything that he knows about Torchie and shares its modest opinion, and will also tell all the information that he knows. We float on Antigua and people ask about Molly. After a while, we will tell us about the deputy colonel Fox. We go to him into the residence and tell everything that we know. He will say, they say, it can not be Molly, as that is in London and serves someone.

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

After that, go to the bass - ter, tavern. In the Taisther ask about Fernan hatch and find out that he left the world of living, but here it is sitting by his friend with whom we can talk. We approach Robre Martan, intimidating him, and after entering into a deal. We return to the shark and tell about what happened. He suggests that it may be Catherine Fox - the daughter of Fox himself and that it would be better to free the girl, otherwise Fox will not give the whole coast fraternity, and it is bad. After such a conversation with shark, we float on the crook and go to the tavern. In the Taisther learn that Tibo removes the room and happens there after 20:00. We are waiting for the specified time and climb to the second floor to Tibo. Tibo do not succumb to our arguments, and decides to run through the window. At the same time, his uncle enters, Francois Levasser, whom we need to kill after conversation. Levasser shocks that we are a Spaniard and spy, so we will fight against three people. Understand the corpse of Levasra and take his key, he will come in handy in the future. After that, jumping out the window and pursue Tito. After each shot, drink the potion, and at the end jump into the water, then swim right, swim in the opening and kill Tito. The scripting scene will start, during which we will be assigned to Catherine Fox. Also, after a conversation with Catherine, a minute of jealousy from Helen / Mary will follow. After that, swim from the city and take an enemy ship to the board. In the cabin of the captain there will be a letter that activates the quest "Depret of Cromwell". After you deliver the daughter of Fox, she will thank you and ask to go to her father for a reward. If it is not, then go later. In the award, we get an exclusive weapon that can shoot arrows, a booth or "hedgehogs".

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

Passage "Corsary: \u200b\u200bto each one". Pirate saga

After that, we float into the fadville and report to Punsy. He rejoices and frees his brother. Also, he invites us to become a French officer. As a reward, we get the Griffat "Griffonor", the team of French soldiers, officer, a caper patent of France and the Uniform of the French officer, as well as we can give 10% of their profits to the French treasury. Also, we learn that Saint-Pierre attacked and we need to swim to the protection of the city.

Swim on Antigua, go to the tavern, tell the owner of the tavern that we would like to know something. Tell me that by other things, and ask about Raymond Baker. The owner will tell that he sailed on the ship whidding Maggie. The ship has already returned back, but there is no Baker on him. You need to learn from the captain of the vessel, where Baker could blast. Captain, according to the owner of the tavern, most likely in his cabin. Go to your ship, sagate from the port to the ship whidding Maggie and go there on the boat. Talk to the captain. He will tell about how pirates chased him, and his doctor admitted that he was a executioner, and said that she was most likely behind him. The team raised the rose, and the captain had to land the doctor on the barcase in the middle of the ocean. He will give you the coordinates. Swim there. This is a little west of the island of Dominica (who has no chronometer, it is not necessary for you). Swim there, go out in the open sea and see Barcas. Swim up to Barcasi (you can even hit) and Raymond Baker will automatically rise to the deck of your ship.

Go to the cabin of your ship and talk to Baker. He will tell you that Buchcher is alive. Also pops up the name of some Jessica. In your diary there will be a note with Jessica's poet. It contains longitude, but not visible from behind the stains of blood. Also Baker will give you shark tooth who belonged to shark Stephen Dodson. Perhaps he can tell more. Swim on Isle-Tesoro, the communion in the port of Sharptown and in the residence, talk to the shark. He will tell you who is such a lester, a mask, Burscher and Jessica, how they are connected. He will also give you a torn page from the diary, which he found in the blaze documents, the former head of the island. It has a latitude. The latter that disappeared from the Rose's diary!

So, you have long longitude 21 degrees 32 minutes of northern latitude and 78 degrees 33 minutes of Western longitude. Swim over these coordinates. I'm afraid without a working chronometer here is not to do. Exit the open sea and find yourself on the reef skeletons. Complete to the shore. Go forward across the bridge until you find the grave. A new entry will appear in the diary. Right time at night and around the grave will see "Zombies" Jessica. Talking with her, win it for the first time. It will appear above the destroyed building. Come to the building. Jessica will take your run's ability, skeletons will appear. Remove the first wave of skeletons. Win the second time Jessica. Now she takes away the skills of weapons about 30-40 units. Remove the second attack of skeletons. Follow the bridge. You will attack with water. It is necessary to be treated after each water impact. HP need to restore every time to the maximum! Come to Jessica, she takes energy from you. Last to defeat Jessica. Girl surrender. Your choice is to spare or kill. Having killed, a well ago, and get the necessary documents.

I chose mercy. You need to help Jessica to get to the Portland Bay, which is on Jamaica. Swatch there without losing a second (Jess's health decreases), land in Portland Bay. If there is a day, then just rewind time at night. Talk to Jessica, wait for it when she leaves the location. Remote time for a day forward, talk again with Jessica. She killed the Bucket, now her duty is made. Having buried Jessica (you won't see this, just a record will be updated in the diary), swim in Bridgetown, which is on Barbados to remove the curse. Arriving there, immediately find among the priest's traders and buy candles from him. Right time for a day forward to update the goods, and buy more candles. So do until you have 20 candles. Go to church, talk to the priest. Tell me from Jessica Rose. He will say come tomorrow at 22-00. So do, rewinding time. Talk to the priest, tell me that it is time to proceed. Talk to Jessica in a dream.

Swim into Jamaica, in the port of the piano. Go to the lawyer, tell me that you have all the documents, and give him 450 dangles. He will say come tomorrow with the third installment in the size of the same 450 dangum, will be the court. For some reason, I was impossible to rewind the time, there were no free rooms in the tavern, and it was impossible to go to the ship. Therefore, just stand somewhere and rewind the time until the next morning. Go to the lawyer, follow him. The court took place, the case is done! Speaking with Helen, swim in Blouse and talk with Jan Svenson. He will say that shark came up with some kind of plan to capture cakes.

Swim on the crook, find out what a shark conceived.