Take a love test for girls. Love tests game for girls. History of psychological tests

We read one of the first tests for girls and girls in a famous fairy tale. The stepmother poured a plate of millet into a plate of poppy seeds and told Cinderella to go over everything overnight. Cinderella quickly dealt with him - albeit with the help of her godmother. It was a test of accuracy and patience.

We have completely different tests - not tedious. Nobody claims that they are one hundred percent reliable, but still you can learn a lot of interesting things about yourself from them.

For example, there are tests that will tell you which guy is right for you, with whom you will fall in love, which flirtation is closer to you.
Our love calculators will scrupulously, with an accuracy of one percent, calculate whether a fan with such and such a name or zodiac sign is right for you.
The "What to Wear Tonight" test will give you advice on your outfits, and you won't have to rack your brains. And not only about clothes - other tests will tell you what hairstyle is best for you to wear, what shoes, what kind of handbag.

Tests for girls free online

Where else can you find out the whole truth about yourself, like in our tests for girls! Play and be amazed!

Test for Pushkin's fairy tales. A game for girls and girls! "Test for Pushkin's Tales" is a wonderful game dedicated to the tales of the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. This test - the game will allow you to demonstrate how well you know and love his work. On the game screen, you will be shown sentences from his fairy tales in Russian. One word will be missing in them. Pictures will be displayed under the text. To remember the right word, you will have to use one of these pictures. If the picture is displayed correctly, it will first be checked and colored blue, and then completely disappear. Good luck!

Test: What kind of princess are you at the masquerade ball. A game for girls and girls! Test what kind of princess you are at the masquerade ball - a game for girls and girls in Russian. Let's dream up? Girls, imagine, you are young princesses and today for the first time you go to a masquerade ball. Not in a trouser suit or in an ordinary elegant dress to go there ?! Participants of such an action usually appear at the masquerade ball in masks and fantastic costumes. In this case, it's time to spy on how Disney princesses looked at the masquerade ball. Good luck!

Test: Can you make friends with the chipmunks. A game for girls and girls! Test: Can you make friends with chipmunks - test game for girls and girls in Russian. Girls, remember the funny story of Alvin and his chipmunks, which also tells about the composer Dave. So, for some time now, the composer's life has turned into a solid black streak. That was until he met a trio of singing chipmunks - Alvin, Simon and Theodore. Girls, and you would like to make friends with such nice chipmunks. Becoming their friends is not difficult. To do this, you just need to pass this test and demonstrate your knowledge about their life. Good luck! Play with your mouse.

Test: Can you make friends with a chipmunk

The most delicious test. A game for girls and girls! The most delicious test is a cool test game for girls in Russian. Girls, in this game you have a chance to dine (of course virtually) with characters from famous TV series - Henry Danger, Phoebe and Max Sandermen, School of Rock, Igrodela, Nikki, Ricky, Dicky and Don. The rules of the game are the same: read a question, choose an answer. Good luck! Play with your mouse.

Test: Who are you from Olaf's Cold Adventure ?. A game for girls and girls! "Test: Who are you from Olaf's Cold Adventure?" - Test game for girls in Russian. Before you pass this Test, you girls need to remember what the cartoon Olaf's Cold Adventure is all about? It's Christmas in the Kingdom of Arendelle. During the long time of misfortunes that Princess Elsa inadvertently arranged, many traditions associated with this wonderful holiday have been lost in Arendelle. There was no limit to the chagrin of princesses Elsa and Anna. Olaf, learning about this, goes in search of traditions with the reindeer Sven. It was not easy for him on the way. But Olaf, and with him Sven, to help their beloved princesses, overcame the rains, fires, winds and were not even afraid of monsters. And now, about the Test. Girls, what do you think: which of the characters in this cartoon do you resemble (in character and in your actions) - Elsa, Anna or Olaf?

Test: Who are you from Olaf's Cold Adventure

Test: Are you a princess or a villain. A game for girls and girls! Test: Are you a princess or a villain - a game for girls and girls in Russian. As you know, among the characters of Disney there are positive characters - princesses and negative ones - villains. And you girls. would like to know who you look like? Of course, not in the literal sense, but only in character. If yes, then> for you. Play with your mouse.

Test: Which of the Disney princesses owns the room. A game for girls and girls! Test: Which of the Disney princesses owns the room - a game for girls and girls in Russian. Girls, in order to solve this test puzzle, you will need to carefully look at each drawing of the room. The discovered details of their interior will serve as a hint to you. Good luck! Play with your mouse.

Test: Which Disney princess belongs to

Test: How well you know Disney cartoon classics. A game for girls and girls! Test: How well do you know Disney cartoon classics - the best Test game for girls in Russian. For many years, Disney cartoons never cease to amaze and delight us - adults and children - with their quality and content. Girls, want to test yourself on the knowledge of Disney cartoon classics? Then this Test is for you. Answer his questions and get the conclusion of the game. Good luck! Play with your mouse.

Test: How well do you know animation

Test: Who are you from the Queen of Mewni in the cartoon "The Star Princess and the Forces of Evil." A game for girls and girls! Test: Who are you from the queens of Mewni in the cartoon "The Star Princess and the Forces of Evil" is a test game for girls and girls in Russian. Girls, remember the main character of this cartoon - a 14-year-old princess named Butterfly Star, who lived in another dimension called Mewni. This girl is still only the future Queen of Mewni. At the moment, Star is on Earth, where she is fighting against the dark forces, protecting from them a magic wand that can bring the inhabitants of the entire Universe to their knees. If you remember, in this cartoon there is another future queen - Starlet's best friend - Princess Pony Head, given by her parents to a school for capricious princesses. Of the current queens, remember Asterisk's mother - Moon (Moon) Butterfly. This brave woman once fought with her own hand against the immortal monster and monsters. Undoubtedly, you also remember the former queen of Mewni - Eclipsa - who betrayed her people and escaped with the monsters, but later helped Star Butterfly's mother with spells against her enemy Toffee, who once killed Moon's mother. So, girls, if you want to identify yourself in one of the queens of Mewni, then you just have to answer a few questions of this test. Take action! Good luck! Play with your mouse.

Test: Who are you from the Mewni queens to the cartoon

Test: What version of Elsa and Anna from Frozen are you. A game for girls and girls! Test: What version of Elsa and Anna from Frozen are you - test game for girls in Russian. Girls, before you start passing this test, familiarize yourself with such concepts about the psychotypes of people as - introverts, extroverts and ambivrts. The first thing we notice when looking at introverts is that these people in extremely rare situations show their emotions and experiences. They are not comfortable in a large company. They are uncomfortable with strangers around them. Such a person, even with his friends, is secretive. But the introvert is always punctual and can serve as a model of organization. The vital energy of extroverts is directed towards society. Such a person is open to the whole world and longs for communication. Extroverts are capable of violent expressions of emotions. These types of people have a hard time loneliness and can even become depressed because of it. But ambiverts are both. together. They are equally good at being alone and in company. They are not tired of frequent changes, whether at work or in personal life. And now, girls, having evaluated the psychotypes of Elsa and Anna according to the criteria set out here, decide which version of the Frozen princesses suits you. Good luck!

Test: What version of Elsa and Anna from Holo are you

Test: What are you Elsa. A game for girls and girls! Girls, having watched once the magnificent cartoon "Frozen", you met one of its main characters - Princess Elsa, who later became the Queen of Arendelle. Many of you fell in love with Elsa from the first minutes and would like to be like her. But what kind of Elsa can you girls be? After all, the queen, as a person, has so many different, interesting sides! Is it interesting for you? Then take this test.

Test: Who are you from the Mermaid Pony. A game for girls and girls! Test: Who are you from the Mermaid Pony - test game for girls in Russian. Girls, have you already watched the new cartoon about the Ponies you know from the magical land of Equestria, who have now turned into adorable Mermaid Ponies? Probably, you would like to know which of them (by nature) do you resemble? Then answer a few questions of the proposed test and your curiosity will be satisfied. Good luck!

Test: Who are you from Dream Academy. A game for girls and girls! Test: who are you from Dream Academy - test game for girls and girls in Russian. On the huge, bright star Starland live wizards Starlings, who are engaged in fulfilling the New Year's wishes of people. The Starlings learn this skill in a special school - the Academy of Dreams. There are many cool characters among the students of this school. And you girls would like to know which of them you look like? Then answer a few questions of the test and get the answer. Play with your mouse.

Test: What hair color would you have in the wizarding world. A game for girls and girls! Test: What hair color would you have in the magical world - Test game for girls in Russian. Girls, if you want to know what hair color you would have if you were a part of the magical world, then this interesting Test is for you. Play with your mouse.

Test: What hair color would you have in an ox

Test: What a Winx spy you are. A game for girls and girls! Test: What are you a Winx spy - Test game for girls in Russian. Girls, you, of course, watched a series of cartoons about Winx spies. They are all so beautiful, smart, brave and resourceful! Probably, you have often thought about what kind of spies you would be, finding yourself in the situation of Winx fairies. This Test will help you solve this dilemma. Just answer his questions truthfully. Good luck! Play with your mouse.

Test: Who are you from the Enchantimals magical girlfriends. A game for girls and girls! Girls, remember who the Enchantimals are? This is the heroine of the animated series of the same name. Lovely, kind Enchantimals sorceresses are not quite like people. In their image there are features of animals. They all have a common cause - they are the keepers of the forest and its inhabitants. But their characters and abilities are different. We are sure that many of you are their fans. Girls, want to know which of the Enchantimals magical girlfriends is closest to you in character? In this case, this test in Russian is for you. Good luck! Play with your mouse.

Test: Who are you from Enchanti's magical girlfriends

Test: Who are you from the Winx fairies in the transformation of Lovix. A game for girls and girls! "Test: Who are you from the Winx fairies in the transformation of Lovix (Lovix)" is an exciting Test game for girls in Russian about the fairies of the Winx fairies and about yourself. Girls, as you know, once the Winx fairies needed additional opportunities to fight the forgotten earth fairies. With a brave heart and powerful willpower, the Winx girls were able to go through the winter Lyubovix transformation, thanks to which they received protection from cold, snow and other elements. In addition, the power of all Winx fairies has increased due to the acquired frost magic. But at the same time, each of the Winx fairies also received their own, special opportunities. So: Bloom received the power of the Ice Flame, Muse - the power of the Snow Melody, Flora - the power of Unbridled Nature, Stella - the power of Crystal Light, Tecna - the power of Cold Breath, Leila - the power of the Hail Rays. So, girls, if you want to decide which of the Winxes who have passed the Lovix transformation you look like, you just need to answer a few questions of this Test. Do this and the result will not keep you waiting long. Good luck! Play with your mouse.

Test: Who are you Winx fairies in the transformation of Liu

Quiz: How Well Do You Remember The Cartoon Characters, Barbie: Princess Academy ”. A game for girls and girls! Test: How well do you remember the cartoon characters, Barbie: Princess Academy ”is a test game for girls in Russian. Girls, remember the fascinating story of this cool cartoon. In it, the beautiful Barbie plays the role of the girl Blair Willows, who was honored to study at the Princess Academy. There, at the Princess Academy, it is revealed that Blair looks like the missing princess of her kingdom. And this means that she is the heir to the royal throne. But the royal mentor has her own candidacy for this place. This is her niece Stella. Therefore, she is trying with all her might to prevent Blair from ascending to the throne. But the princesses Hadley and Isla undertake to help Blair in her search for the real crown. With this crown, the girlfriends prove Blair's authenticity. Remember this triumph ?! The found crown shone on Blair's head! As you already understood, Blair was surrounded not only by goodies. Next to her were those who did not like her. Girls, do you well remember the cartoon characters, Barbie: Princess Academy ”? Take a closer look at their faces on the game screen and remember: who is who. Good luck. Play with your mouse.

Quiz: How well do you remember the heroes from the mules

Test: How well you know Oscar-winning cartoons. A game for girls and girls! Test: How well do you know Oscar-winning cartoons - a test game for girls in Russian, for memory. Look closely at the game screen. There you will see pictures with heroes from 12 famous cartoons that have received Oscar awards in different years from the American Academy of Cinema Arts. Short texts will be shown one after the other on the screen. By their content, you need to guess what kind of cartoon we are talking about. If your answer is correct, the picture will disappear from the screen. Good luck! Play with your mouse.

Test: How well do you know cartoons gender

Test: Who are you from the cartoon Lolirock. A game for girls and girls! Test: Who are you from the cartoon Lolirock - a game for girls and girls in Russian. Girls, remember the animated series Lolirock? This cartoon is about friendship, music, dancing, wonderful main characters - princesses Aryana, Thalia and Iris - who resist evil and save the world from tyranny. And to find out which of them you are similar in character, you girls, you just need to answer all the questions of the test. Good luck! Play with your mouse.

Test: Choose a kitten, and we will tell you what kind of cat girl you are. A game for girls and girls! "Test: Choose a kitten, and we will tell you what kind of cat girl you are" - cool Test game in Russian. Cats, like people, are kind and evil, generous and greedy, smart and stupid, sociable and lonely, fidgets and sleepyheads. In general, they are different ... Do you want to know which cats you belong to? Then, in each proposed option, simply choose the kitten that you like the most. The game will evaluate your choice and give you the result. You need a mouse to control the game.

Test: Choose a kitten, and we will tell you who you are

Test: What will be your winter patronus. A game for girls and girls! Test: What will your winter patronus be - an interesting test game for girls in Russian. Before moving on to the Test, you girls will need to remember something about Harry Potter. Since we all learned about the history of the Patronus from this film. The Patronus is an animal-shaped energy capable of scaring Dementors away from humans. And Dementors, in turn, are blind creatures feeding on the light, joyful emotions of a person. You may remember that Harry Potter and his fellow Dumbledore squad members summoned the Patronus with a special spell. Now, girls, imagine a little and imagine yourself in that fictional world of Harry Potter. You, of course, would like to know who is able to protect you from the Dementors this winter. To do this, you just need to answer the questions of the game test - "Test: What will be your winter patronus". Play with your mouse.

Test: Do you recognize the Disney princess by the silhouette. A game for girls and girls! Test: Do you recognize a Disney princess by her silhouette - a game for girls in Russian. Girls, looking closely at the shadow from the silhouette of the princess on the game screen, say her name. Each time you will have a little hint. Good luck!

Test: Do you recognize the Disney princess by si

Test: How much you look like Rose from the Royal Academy. A game for girls and girls! Test: How much do you look like Rose from the Royal Academy is a test game for girls and girls in Russian. Girls, hello! Rose's girlfriend wasted a lot of time. Being fond of shopping, she could spend her last money on all sorts of trinkets. One day in Rose's life, an amazing event happened. She received an invitation to study at the Royal Academy. As it turned out, the girl was the granddaughter of Princess Cinderella. The Royal Academy changed Rose for the better. She became no less worthy of Cinderella. And to find out how much you look like Rose, you will need to pass this Test. Play with your mouse.

Test: How much do you look like Rose from Koro

Test: Who are you from the movie Beauty and the Beast. A game for girls and girls! Test: Who are you from the movie Beauty and the Beast - a game for girls in Russian. Girls, you, of course, watched the movie - Beauty and the Beast. And, of course, they admired someone, resented someone. But this cool test game gives you the opportunity to find out if you have those features for which you can admire yourself, like Belle. Or, on the contrary, to treat yourself critically, if suddenly in yourself you discover the features inherent in the Monster. However, don't forget. This is just a game. Play with your mouse.

Test: Who are you from the movie Beauty and the Beasts

Test: How well do you know the cartoon Monster High: Energized. A game for girls and girls! Test: How well do you know the cartoon Monster High: Under Voltage - a game for girls and girls in Russian. Girls, if you have watched this most interesting film from the history of the heroes of Monster High, then it will be a pleasure for you to pass this test. Remember this cool story in which Claudine Wolfe will open a beauty salon for monsters and for people in an abandoned power plant near the city? So, girls, read the test questions and, remembering the events associated with the electric fashion salon, choose the correct answer. If the answer is indeed correct, it will be highlighted in green. Good luck! Play with your mouse.

Test: How well do you know multfile

Test: What dress should you wear for the Royal Cotillion. A game for girls and girls! Girls, imagine if you were invited to the royal ball in Auradon. There you will certainly have to dance the ballroom dance of Cotillion. Ladies dancing Cotillion always look elegant and luxurious. Therefore, girls, the dress that you will wear to the ball should be perfect for such an occasion. To cope with this task will help you "Test: What dress you should wear on the Royal Cotillion" and a mouse. Good luck!

Test: What dress should you wear for

Test: Who are you from the heroes of Ever After High by your zodiac sign. A game for girls and girls! Test: Who are you from the heroes of Ever After High by your zodiac sign - a game for girls and girls in Russian. To find out, you need to reach your zodiac sign. Then just click on the button strip, Click to find out. "The result will appear on the back of the picture. Good luck!

Test: Who are you from the heroes of Ever After High?

Test: Who are you from the Mysticons. A game for girls and girls! Test: Who are you from the Mysticons - a game for girls in Russian. Girls, have you watched the series about the Mystics, the events of which take place in an unusual town in which ordinary people and magical creatures live? One day trouble came here. The sorceress Nekrafa encroached on the land of the Mystics. Four brave girls dared to resist her - Arkana, Zarya, Piper and Em. Do you look like any of them? Find out! To do this, you will have to answer several questions in this test. The mouse will help you. Good luck! ...

Games tests for fun

It is very difficult to assess your character and appearance yourself, but you always want to think better of yourself. For this, they came up with games for girls, tests that give compliments. And let you guess that the result is far from the truth, but it is more important to get support from the outside in order to feel more confident, because this is so important at a young age.

A pleasant result can become an incentive, an impetus to really change for the better, to emphasize attractive features in yourself, hiding what you do not want to show to others. Girls like it so much when games tests compare them with fairies, princesses, mermaids and other beauties.

Tests are not a modern invention. Many previous generations passed tests in paper editions, and the most interesting ones were copied in a notebook and tested by their friends. Of course, there was no such wide variety as now, but that is why they were appreciated, because the compilers tried to make them unique and believable. The correct result was guaranteed only with frank answers to questions that could even embarrass.

Now tests for girls use simple questions: "what is your favorite color", "do you like to dream", "favorite dessert". Answers always give a pleasant result, and in order to achieve similarity with a specific character, it is enough to juggle the answers and play the game as many times until you get what you want.

Cool tests for girls

Tests can be very different, and our heading presents options:

  • On the similarity with the characters
  • Love
  • On human qualities
  • On the coincidence of characters
  • Knowledge (the plot of the film; in different areas: history, mathematics, biology, geography and others)
  • For the signs of the zodiac
  • To logic

It's understandable that girls want to receive confirmation of the sympathy of a classmate, but who cares to know what kind of farm you are? However, funny tests like this happen too. Boys will also like intelligence tests. Try to pass the quiz and get more points. The Simpsons Family will play with you to make the activity more enjoyable. While playing darts, name the European countries and find the seas and oceans from the assignment on the map.

Tests for girls suggest determining your perfume scent, the healthiest dish, what your best friend should be, what height of heels you should wear, and what style of clothing to choose. They will also tell you what kind of animal you are and whether you should be afraid of the full moon, and they will also offer you to take a smartness test. It sounds paradoxical, but how fun!

Tests are no joke

The term "test" means checking, testing. In addition to gaming, there are many professional tests. The school takes tests on knowledge of subjects. Machines and computer programs are also tested to ensure they work flawlessly before being put into production. Food and cosmetics are tested for the quality mark.

There are a number of medical tests, including pregnancy tests. Psychological tests help doctors determine whether a person is normal or not, and what hidden anxieties they are worried about. In addition to questionnaires, Rorschach tests are used - pictures that look like blots.

The economy also has its own methods to predict the rise or fall of currency, gold, the development of a country or an enterprise. Tests are also used by lawyers, mathematicians, teachers, sociologists. With the help of tests, you can find out the inclination to a particular profession and purposefully develop the necessary skills in yourself. And astronomers can create a personal horoscope, knowing your exact date of birth.

When an offer comes in to take a test, it is usually always tempting. After all, they allow you to learn about yourself from a new perspective, to learn about the hidden traits of character and personality in general. Tests in psychology, medicine, in sports, intellectual, and what kind only does not exist yet. Thanks to them, we can learn about those qualities that are uncertain and unsolved for us. Now you can take tests in different thematic areas online, on our website.

Here are tests for both adults and children. Each of them is interesting in its own way, equipped with nice graphics and assumes fast passage. Take 3 minutes and learn a little more about yourself. For example, girls can find out who they might be from the Winx fairies. The test consists of simple questions and several answer options, presented in the form of pictures. This gameplay is more fun and more enjoyable to pass.

Boys and adults can take the Lord of the Ring Millionaire quiz - an analogue of the game "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire". Or test your football skills in the European Football Clubs game. In addition to characters from animated series and fairy tales, including Adventure Time, Frozen, The Fixies, Hannah Montana, etc., there are also mental quizzes and tests. For example, Crazy Math: Multiplication, where you have to pump your knowledge of the multiplication table.

In short, the choice of tests is wide. It remains only to find the most interesting one for yourself and play.

In fact, we are all curious. It's just that someone is interested in solving the mysteries of the Universe, and for someone his inner world is much more curious than everything that is happening around. We seem to ourselves so unique, amazing, and most importantly - not understood ... The most real miracle is psychological research, which, through the simplest manipulations, penetrate into the darkest jungle of our "I". Once upon a time, when computers were not yet so widespread, girls were fond of psychological tests that were printed in magazines or books.

It seems absolutely amazing that you answer simple questions, such as what color you like, or what animal is close to you in spirit, and in the results you read, say, a complete and fairly close to reality description of your problems with your parents. And at this moment you understand how everything is interconnected in your personality! It turns out that all your actions have logical causes and effects, and knowing how you behave, for example, with your dog, you can fairly confidently compose a portrait of your future communication with your own child.

But writing out answers on a piece of paper, counting points is all a rather tedious task. That is why, with the transfer of psychological testing to the virtual world, to the Internet, its popularity has only increased! After all, games for girls Tests are very easy to use: you just click on the most suitable option, and the program embedded in the game itself calculates all your virtual points, and then makes a verdict. Often illustrated as well!

History of psychological tests

Ever since people agreed that human behavior is governed by complex psychological mechanisms that can be understood and deciphered, they have developed a desire to anticipate future human behavior. However, any scientific prediction must be based on some facts, the so-called "initial data", without which you will not go far. How can we get these initial data in psychology? Yes, observing a person for a long time, we can say that he is prone to conflicts or, conversely, prefers to endure inconveniences, but avoid a scandal. But, for example, when hiring a person, you want to know in advance whether he is psychologically suitable for the position for which he is applying. In this situation, there is no time to watch him for a long time, information must be obtained as soon as possible!

That is why, at the beginning of the twentieth century, scientists began to develop various mechanics of psychoanalysis, among which psychological testing turned out to be the most effective. Good tests that reveal all the characteristics of a person's personality have been developed for at least ten years. They contain many questions that carry a wide variety of information for the examiner! Such a test turns out to be impossible to deceive. Sometimes the list of questions contains several almost identical, just a little differently worded; and if a person passes the test honestly, and does not try to please, the answers will not contradict each other. There are also questions that a person, filling out the test absolutely honestly in front of the assessor and in front of himself, can only answer in one and only way. If the answer is not what is expected, the subject is lying.

Psychological testing techniques developed actively during the period from the twenties to the seventies of the twentieth century. The most active role in this was played by the scientists of the United States, which is why most of the common methods are applicable precisely to the citizens of this country. Surprisingly, it turns out that social conditions and some kind of national traditions force people with the same psychological types to react diametrically to the same circumstances. Because of this, a test written for Americans will simply not be valid for representatives of other countries!

More tests, good and different!

But not all psychological research claims to be so complete. Often they are small, designed to define only one aspect of the personality. This is exactly what the tests for girls that are common on the Internet are: these are fairly simple studies, the purpose of which is rather narrow. But this does not mean that they are worse! After all, as a rule, you do not need your complete psychological portrait, and such games tests for girls are capable of answering simple everyday questions.

For example, they can talk about how easy or difficult it is for you to communicate with peers and explain why this is happening; But, as you know, to know about a problem is already halfway to its solution! Or, for example, a test on what is your relationship with the opposite sex. You may not even know what you look like in the eyes of the boys! Psychological research, even such a small one, can open your eyes to your strengths and weaknesses, give an impetus and indicate the direction of development.

The main thing is, having found out what the problem is, you do not need to think that you have already done everything you could. The problem, if any, must be solved! After all, it will not become easier for others to communicate with you if you "know that you are rude and do not argue with it." They will be pleased to talk to you only when you get rid of this rudeness! A psychological test gives you, in some way, a diagnosis - and you will have to treat yourself.

But there are other tests that do not urge you to work on yourself and serve, rather, for entertainment. For example, such free games for girls tests, in which the program chooses which cartoon character you look like, or which animal is your alter ego. However, you can draw your own conclusions from such tests! For example, if the game has chosen as a similar character that you do not like in character, you should think about what makes you so similar to the unloved character! And most importantly - do you want to stay that way.

Our site contains many exciting tests for you and your friends! Pass games for girls tests and discover the secrets of your subconscious. You can play all games for girls for free - tests are available online and do not require installation on a computer.