Chess Karlsen. Magnus Karlsen is a mystery of the XXI century. What is your main motivator at the moment

Magnus Karlsen is the current world champion. Many consider him a strongest chess player in history, although they can also qualify for this honorary title. In any case, Carlsen is the best of the best, although he is not yet 30 years old.

It is not difficult to understand why. At 13, the Norwegian Wunderkind in the same tournament in 2004 played a draw with Kasparov and won a month before becoming second in the age of the grandmaster in history. In 2009, he became the most young chess player who was conquered a rating level of 2800.

Soon, Carlsen moved from the discharge of strong adderkinds in the Pantheon of the greatest chess players in history. He rose to the first line of the world ranking in 2011 and since then it was not inferior to anyone. Becoming the world champion in classic chess, he defended the title three times. He repeatedly became the world champion on Rapidu (twice) and Blitz (four times), established a world record for the highest rating and won ten victories in the tournaments of the strongest, including twice in Stavanger (Norway) and seven times in Wike-An-See ( Netherlands).

The most amazing thing is that the Karlsen still has ahead. Continuing in the same vein, he will leave a truly legendary heritage. In the era, when the competition in chess is greater than ever, he is much ahead of all rivals.

Childhood (1995 - 2004)

Karlsen learned to play chess at five years old, but at first they were not too interested. He surprised other people, demonstrating a large intellectual potential at a very early age.

In two years, Carlsen collected mosaics out of 50 details and played with Lego sets, designed for children from 10 to 14 years. When Henrik Karlsen, the father of the child, introduced him to chess, he already remembered the area of \u200b\u200bthe territory, the number of inhabitants, flags and the capital of all countries of the world. Later, Carlsen remembered the area, the number of inhabitants, coat of arms, and administrative centers of all areas of Norway, and in the country 422.

Memory helped Carlsen and in his chess classes. At first he just wanted to defeat the younger sister, but soon he began to disassemble the parties shown by the Father, to solve the combination and read books. His first book - "Find a plan", Six-time Champion Denmark and the strongest Chess player Scandinavia before the appearance of Karlsen.

At the beginning of Chess Career, Carlsen helped their talent strongest grandmaster of Norway, seven-time champion of the country Siememan Agdestaine and Norwegian champion among juniors Torbjorn Rigdale Hansen.. For the year (2000), its rating has increased more than 1,000 points: from 904 to 1907.

Soon Carlsen began to seek impressive success and win victories. In July 2000, at nine years, he became the champion of Norway under 11 years old with a result of 10/11 and took part in several tournaments, in one of them showing the performance of 1900.

Then, according to Karlsen and his family, a real breakthrough occurred: at the Norwegian Team Children's Championship in September 2000, he scored 3.5 out of 5 against the strongest juniors of the country. At nine years, Carlsen played in a performance tournament above 2000.

In 2002, the rapid takeoff of Karlsen continued. He took the sixth place at the European Championships up to 12 years old, and in a few weeks divided the first place at the World Championships to 12 years, although he lost on additional indicators that became the champion.

A year later, Carlsen got into the top ten European championships and the world for up to 14 years. At the age of 12, he earned three points of the International Master for the year, having received this title in August 2003.

Grossmaster Teenager (2004 - 2009)

Karlsen gives a session of a simultaneous game in 2004. Photo: Wikipedia Commons, CC 3.0.

The Norwegian phenomenon has become famous all over the world after a successful 2004. At first, Karlsen won in the "C" tournament in Waik-An-See, gaining 10.5 / 13 with the performance of 2702. This was enough to get the first score of the grandmaster, get into the headlines of the newspapers and conclude a sponsorship agreement with Microsoft.
Having received the second point of grandmaster next month, Carlsen took part in the Blitz tournament in Iceland, where he managed to defeat Anatoly Karpova, The 12th world champion, which is considered one of the 10 greatest chess players of all time. The next day, in the fast chess tournament, 13-year-old Carlsen played against Kasparov, then the strongest chess player in the world.

It is surprising that Kasparov, who was in the heyday, hardly achieved a draw. Karlsen got a big advantage, but got into Zeitnot. Karlsen gave way to Kasparov in the response party, but his struggle with two legends of Chess caused a huge interest of fans and the press.

In April of the same year, Carlsen received the third and last score of the grandmaster, becoming at the age of 13, four months and 27 days. Faster - at 12 years and seven months, it was continuously conquered only, whose record has not yet been surpassed.

In 2004, Carlsen divided the first place at the Norwegian Championship with the current champion Berg Ostestad. Both Tai Break Parties ended in a draw, and Ostenstad retained the title due to the best additional indicators.

The following year, Carlsen again divided the first place, this time - with his teacher, Agdestin. The rules have changed, and now there are no additional indicators (the best of Karlsen). AGDENSTEIN won Karlsen in the sixth of the fast match of the Tai Break. Carlsen won the title champion only for the next year and since then did not participate in Norway championships.

In 2005, 14-year-old Carlsen ranked first at Arnold Eikrem Memorial with 8/9 and High Performance 2792, a prosperidation of more experienced grandmasters. At the end of 2005, at the age of 15, he took the tenth at the FIDE World Cup, becoming the most young in the history of the chess player, which was reported to participate in the matchs of applicants. In the match, held only in 2007, he met with the first seedy. Six parties in the classics did not reveal the winner, and Aronian won on the rapid on the rapid.

In 2006, Karlsen with Performance 2696 shared the first place on a two-circuit tournament in Sarajevo, where six grandmaster rates with an average rating of 2659 took part. He also won the Glitnir Blitz blitz tournament, winning the semifinals and the final and Hannes Stefansson With the same score 2-0. On the 37th Chess Olympiad, he scored 6/8, showing the fifth performance among 42 chess players with the ranking higher than that of Karlsen and 13 - above 2700.

At the tournament in Bile Carlsen held the last place in 2005 and the second in 2006. In 2007, he first won in Bile at the tournament of the 18th category (with an average rating of participants from 2676 to 2700), typing 6/10 points with Performance 2753 and overtaking four grandmasters who were among the strongest in the world: (9), ( 14), (19) and (25).

2008 17-year-old Karlsen started two perfromans above 2800. In the starting list of the tournament "A" in Wike An-See, where from 14 participants 11 were among the strongest in the world, and only two rating was below 2700, he was the tenth, but I shared first place with Aronian.

On a two-circuit tournament in Linaresa, Karlsen was inferior on the rating the rest of the participants, but with the result of 8/14 he took a clean second place, retarding only from the world champion of Ananda. Also in 2008, Carlsen took the first place in the Aerosvit tournament (Aerosvit), typing 8/11 points without defeat and with the best performance at that time 2877.

Youth 2800+ (2009 - 2013)

In September-October 2009, Carlsen performed perfectly at the Supernison in Nanjing, gaining 8/10, at 2.5 points more than the remaining second, who had the highest rating in the world at the highest rating. All delighted the Performance of Karlsen-3001, the fourth since the beginning of the official application of the Elo system in 1970. After the tournament Statistics Chess Jeff Sonas I called this success by one of the 20 greatest tournament victories of all the times and the greatest, obsessed with a teenager.

At 18, the Norwegian Wunderkind won the Pearl Spring Chess tournament in Nanjing and raised his ranking on 29 points, from 2772 to 2801. He became the fifth chess player in the history that has reached the ranking of 2800 and still remains the youngest one who managed to.

A month later, Karlsen was two weeks before his 19th birthday, he became the world champion in Blitz, gaining 31/42 with Performance 2894 - three points more than the current world champion in classic chess Vishvanatan Anand. And six more than the 14th world champion and Karyakin, dividing the third place. The tournament took place in two circles with the participation of 22 chess players with an average rating of 2718.

Successful 2009 ended for Karlsen in London on a superstorener, where an unusual gradual accrual system was used: three for victory and one draw. Karlsen took first place by typing 13 points with three victories, including - over Kramnik.

The victorious series continued in 2010. In January, Carlsen won the tournament in Wike An-Xee with a result of 8.5 of 13 points, ahead of Kramnik, , Ananda and. In June, Carlsen won the tournament in Mediash 7.5 / 10 without defeats with Performance 2918, two points ahead of Rajabov and.

Magnus Karlsen - Genius.

I doubt that someone will challenge this well-known fact. But let's think: why do we call him a genius? Because he is the world champion? I do not think. Max Eyve was a world champion and a very strong player who defeated the legendary Alexander Alekhina, but it is not often called a genius. On the other hand, Vasily Ivanchuk has never been a world champion in classic chess, but everyone is called his genius!

It seems to me that I foundcommon Sign of famous chess geniuses. Capablanca, Tal, Fisher, Kasparov, Karlsen and Ivanchuk - all of them were very strong blitzers! Let's talk about the victory of Karlsen at the last world championship in Blitz.

How did he succeed? Was he superflated his rivals in debut preparation, did he dominate from the first moves, as Kasparov in his best years? Actually, the opposite: Karlsen usually tends to "miss" the debut phase of the party to replay opponents in the Mittelspile or endgame.

Probably, is it much better consider options? Indeed, Karlsen considers very well, but in this ability, many superhronsters are not inferior to him.

So what is the secret of Magnus Karlsen?

Magnus Karlsen. Photo of Maria Emelyanova.

Permanent readers of my articles could notice that I always offer them to share our opinions in the comments enriching each other knowledge. In the comments to the reader "Zenghxa" expressed a very interesting opinion:

"It is known that Magnus remembered many city names and the number of their inhabitants, when he was 5-6 years old. Everything is associated with memory. He continues to study the party and remembers them all! This is AlphaZero ... the secret of Magnus is solid !!"

I am sure that Zenghxa just joked, but maybe hit the point! Think: Kasparova also had a phenomenal memory, and he knew all the countries, the capital and their population about at the age of six! Fisher stated that he knew all the parties played by the steinets. And I can tell a lot about the unique memory of Tal or Ivanchuk.

Analyzing the Karlsen party, played at Rapid and Blitz Championships, I noticed that the champion used dozens of different tactical techniques in them, and I speak only about those who managed to recognize. Imagine hundreds of combinations known to Magnus alone! So, a unique vision of combinational prerequisites - based on the incredible memory of Karlsen - and is the main secret of his victories?

Let's look at a few episodes from Karlsen's parties so that you can understand what I'm talking about.

Let's start with the simplest example:

This is one of the most simple matte combinations that we discussed. Nothing special, any experienced player must click such combinations like seeds. But would you have to notice the combination prerequisites in such a position? And Magnus noticed them from afar and led the pawn "H", even the price of the victims:

Of course, Carlsen also caught a trap one of his opponents. Try to find a decisive course yourself.

The next position is found in many books on tactics.. Can you find a solution?

Now you will immediately find the winning blackin the next position.

Beautiful ending, but Carlsen did not move 54 ... Le1! Ask how it was possible to not notice such a simple combination, but Karlsen has a good excuse. In fact, on the board stood another position. She looked like it seems that I had a little changed her so that you could take off our combination vision. This is how the party actually developed:

Most of the combinated and positional factors are known to any master or grandmaster. But only the best players can take them into account in the calculations on 20 moves forward! Take a look at the following position:

She seems to be approximately equal, but Carlsen sees that black dual pawns and is planning a well-known position plan, often found in the defense of Nitzovich and similar debuts. We discussed it, analyzing a very old part of the Staunton:

Note: All Partyblack moved with their whitgest elephant. Karlsen follows a blockade strategy that the Staunton has first demonstrated, and gradually a white black elephant becomes absolutely useless!

I know that my explanation of the unique chess talent of Magnus Karlsen may seem farmed, but it is possible that the matter is not only in memory and the ability to see the combination prerequisites, but in something else.

What? In the technique of endgame? In my opinion, Kramnik and Nakamura play the end no worse. In tactical abilities? Aronian, Nakamura, Dean Lisk and many other strongest grandmasters also consider very good!

The legendary mg Cherry seriously believed that Karlsen hypnotizes his opponents. We discussed this theory, but I still hard to believe it. I hope that readers will share their opinions, and we solve Karlsen's mystery together!

Tonight, Norwegian grandmaster Magnus Karlsen was defended by the World Chess Champion title for the second time, the touring of the Russian Sergey Karyakin on Tai Break. "SE" gathered ten bright facts about the current champion.


Magnus was born on November 30, 1990, so on the last match for the title of world champion against Sergey Karjakin, he was 26 years old. The struggle for the chess crown was tense: after 12 major parties of the match with classical time control, the bill remained equal to 6: 6. The draw was and after the first two batches on a tie break - only in the third and fourth parties managed to identify the winner.

It was very difficult. If we talk about matches for the chess crown, then, of course, it was the most complex fight. I would compare it with the Tutornament of applicants in 2013, in which I won, - Magnus noted at the final press conference.

For the victory, Carlsen will receive 550 thousand dollars, 5 percent of which FIDE and the organizer will keep as a fine for departure from a press conference after the defeat in the eighth batch. Karyakin will receive a fee of 450 thousand dollars.

Chess Mozart.

Karlsen became a grandmaster aged 13 years 4 months and 27 days, which is the third result in the world after Sergey Karyakin and Indian Parimaryan Niga, who received a chess title, being for five days younger than Norwegian. At the age of 15, Carlsen at the tournament in Khanty-Mansiysk becomes the youngest challenger on the chess crown in history. At the age of 16 - he is the youngest player who overcomed to the bar in 2,700 Points of ELO rating, which is adopted by the international federation of Chess (FIDE) as the most objective indicator of the skill of the chess player.

Later he becomes the youngest grandmaster, overcoming the bar at 2800 points. In 2013, Norwegzz became the owner of the highest Elo indicator in the entire history of the existence of the rating - 2872 points. In 19 years, Magnus is the youngest chess player who headed FIDE rating. Karlsen is the first in the history of Chess absolute world champion in three categories (classic chess, rapid and blitz). In the western press Magnus, they compared with Fisher and Thalem, and the Washington Post edition called Karlsen "Chess Mozart".

Pupil Kasparov

In 2009, the Norwegian publication VG publishes the news - the former number one chess Harry Kasparov in secret for several months worked as a personal trainer of Karlsen. At that time, Norwegez held the fourth line of the FIDE rating, and the task voiced later to Kasparov was to achieve Magnus first position. For the year of the collaboration of Kasparov and Karlsen held two preparatory sessions in the spring and two-week fees in Croatia in the summer of 2009. In addition, the chess players were engaged in Skype. According to Karlsen, communication with Kasparov helped him better understand many positions.

I trained the Norwegian during the year, in 2009, I wrote later Kasparov in The New Times. "And he was then amazed as far as exactly - at the level of intuition, without any additional miscalculation - he is able to evaluate the position on the chessboard and act further as much as possible. My style is completely different: it demanded a colossal concentration of energy and labor behind the board, demanded a deep miscalculation of the set of options to find the only right course in each position on the board. Karlsen belongs to another champion school, the one that was represented by Jose Capablanca and Anatoly Karpov: they were able to feel harmony on a chessboard and reminded virtuoso musicians with absolute hearing.

The most influential titanium

In 2013, Magnus Karlsen was included with Time magazine to the list of "100 most influential people in the world" in the category "Titans". The company in the category was compiled by such personalities as the reper Jay-Z, the billionaire and the inventor of Ilon Mask and the James Lamb Basketball Player.

"His intuitive style of the game retains mystic chess at a time when every fan of increasingly complex computer processors thinks that the game is simplified. Carlsen is as charismatic and independent as talented. And if he can revive the world's interest in the royal game, then soon We will live in Era Carlsen, "wrote Harry Kasparov as a comment to the nomination. In November of the same year, Norwezhez met with the current world champion Indian Wishwanatan Anand and for the first time won the chess crown, which owns to this day.

Unprecedented attention

Spectator excitement for the championship match of Karlsen - Karyakin increased from the party to the party and reached a record scale. In Norway, some parties lived on TV to half a million people, and this is despaling to match the title of world chess champion and ski seasons. According to the president of the International Chess Federation (FIDE) Kirsan Ilyumzhina, the online audience of the 12th game of the match in the world amounted to more than three million people.

For each match of the match Karlsen - Karyakin on the Internet, representatives of 217 countries and territories are followed, which is an absolute record. To keep track of the parties to the site where the match is broadcast, more than three million people come in, "said Ilyumzhinov.

According to analysts, the overall online audience of the match amounted to 7 million viewers. More than 30 thousand publications on the theme of the chess confrontation of Karlsen and Karyakin came around the world.

Hypnotist or pragmatic computer

Carlsen is often compared with a supercomputer. "He wins the leading chess players such positions in which they usually agree to a draw," Grossmaster Evgeny Bereev said in 2010. - He has a phenomenal technique and in addition as if the complete absence of the nervous system. Well, the Karlsen options consider very good. . Magnus Karlsen is a chess machine to achieve the result. "

There is, however, another opinion: Karlsen is a hypnotist. "In the world of chess there are several people with incredible hypnotic abilities," Victor Corrhan swissmaster in his book wrote in his book. "- I believe that Enrique Meking is in a group of three people who have been successful not always chess. This is Mikhail Tal, Magnus Karlsen. And Enrique Meking.

Mat Bill Gates for 12 seconds

In January 2014, on the air of the Scandinavian NRK television channel during the Skalan program, the World Chess Champion Magnus Carlsen held an indicative match against one of the richest people of Planet Bill Gates. For all moves, Carlsen received 30 seconds, and Gates - 2 minutes. Nevertheless, to put the mat businessman, Norwegz had enough nine moves, for which he spent only 12 seconds. Meeting with Gates was not accidental for Karlsen. Eleven years earlier, the largest computer company became interested in young giving and began to provide him with sponsorship. With the support of computer magnate, Carlsen held the first annual tour of the world.

Karlsen and Real

Magnus adores football and is a loyal fan of Madrid "Real". In 2013, the leadership of the Spanish club invited a young grandmaster to apply the first symbolic blow to the ball in the match against the "Real" from Valladolid, than Carlsen with joy took advantage. Next year, after the protection of the World Chess World Champion title, President Florentino Perez sent the second invitation to Magnus. The Scandinavian chess player is one of the few people who have honored the honor of putting a symbolic first blow in the "Royal Club" matches twice. Interestingly, Sergey Karyakin also loves football and is sick for Moscow "Spartak".

Sophisticated Russian basketball

Carlsen does not neglect his physical form. He loves not only to watch football, but also play it. He also regularly visits the gym and goes on skis with pleasure. "I still like big tennis and squash, as well as basketball," said Grossmaster in an interview with ChessPro. - Yes, I'm not very good in basketball, but I like this game. There is a lot of struggle, martial arts and a lot of pleasure. True, this year I tried to play basketball against Russian guys - and it was not pleased. They play much stronger! " By the way, Karyakin also plays football and basketball, and tennis lessons took the famous tennis players Anna Chakvetadze.

Fashion model

The Carlsen chess player successfully combines the role of fashion model. In 2010, together with American film actress and model Tyler Liv, he took part in the advertising company of the collection of clothes "Autumn / Winter", and in 2014, together with Lily Cole - "Spring / Summer", released by the fashionable Dutch company. In addition, the Norwegian is the face of a chess application for smartphones, which, when determining the level of complexity of the game, is guided by the level of the game of Karlsen in one or another age. These and other advertising contracts allow Magnus to earn more than a million dollars a year.

Magnus Karlsen is a Norwegian chess player with unique abilities. In the account of this young athlete not one dozen victories. Already at 23, he entered the top 100 most influential people in the world. To date, he managed to overcome the ELO rating bar (player counting system for chess tournaments) at 2800 points.

The highest achievements

  • In 2013, he received the title of the 16th World Chess Champion.
  • In the same year, the world champion in classic chess.
  • 2014-2016 - fights for the title of champion in active chess and gets it.
  • In the same period, it becomes the world champion in Blitz. It ranks 3rd among the most young grandmasters in the world.
  • It was recognized as the most successful and young chess player who headed FIDE.
  • Karlseni managed to beat the record installed by Gary Kasparov and holding position for 13 years.

9 episodes from the life of Magnus Karlsen

  1. The future chess player was born in 1990 on November 30 in Tensberg (Norway). Parents are engineers. The athlete has three more sisters. His exceptional abilities were shown in preschool age when he knew all the brands of cars in 3 years and struggled unusual buildings from the designer. His memory allowed all countries and the capital of the world for 6-7 years, distinguish their flags. He became interested in chess thanks to his father, who taught him to play. As a child, he had a goal - to replay his sister, which was the first small step towards the Great Victory. His father also played chess as a hobby, but to the success of his son very far. Father's first attempts to teach Magnus Chess at 5 years were not successful, but at 8 years old attempts were crowned with success.
  2. The Magnus tournament took part in his life in his life in 8 years. In order to go to a competitive tour, parents sacrificed for the sake of his son and house, and the car. And not in vain - already at the age of 13, their son became a grandmaster. Already then, newspapers wrote about him and called "Chess Mozart".
  3. One of the first of his professional teachers was Harry Kasparov himself, who shared with the future champion with all secrets and chess infesses.
  4. The trends that Mangous adheres to during tournaments: is not with their competitors, as support with him is always a father or sister. In order to maintain and help his son in his career, his father refused to work in the oil company. He became part of the team of his son and proud of his successes. Athlete to distract and relax from chess - plays cards.
  5. In 19 years, became the best grandmaster of the world, while Kasparov was older for a year when he received this title.
  6. In addition to chess is fond of football. In the local football team - midfielder, loves to ride the mountains on skis, read books and watch "Action" films.
  7. Karlsenu manages successfully combining the career athlete and model. Advertised fashionable designer clothes and applications to smartphones. His face can be seen on America and Europe's advertising boards. Such activities brings him not a small part of income (more than a million dollars a year). There was a guest of many shows and programs. There were even proposals to be filmed in the film.
  8. Magnus Karlsen played a party with the most Bill Gates and put him on the ninth move. At the same time, not configuring the game and half a minute. Mark Zuckerberg was greatly honored.
  9. Karlsen became a favorite of many girls, but it is not in a hurry to burden herself serious relationship. At the moment, his career is in the first place and he does not think about the creation of the family.

Features game style

Magnus is a real professional at all stages of doing a chess game. Even Sergey Koriakin marked his perfect style of work. Karlsen is interested in psychology, which helps him quickly explore his rivals. Some sports critics even stated that Karlsen wins not so much thanks to his player talent as a psychologist. Even the famous world of Chess player Kasparov called Karlsen by a representative of a new generation of athletes. Information technologies have an impact on this generation. Karlsen's knowledge and skills sometimes equate to computer abilities.

Barev is also surprised by the technique of the game of Karlsen and calls it phenomenal. He wins even in cases where the defeat would seem inevitable. He is called a chess machine, which always achieves its goal.

Magnus receives real pleasure from his victories and looks at the opponent with the same pleasure, which he managed to overcome. For him, chess is not a simple game, and "war" for the championship.

Magnus in philosophical refers to the game and life. He recommends that all situations look objectively and not to miss a single chance in life. It helps him focus on a specific game and climb on time in this shell. In addition to his career, he likes to meet with friends or hold a chess game with a stranger in the park.

Born on November 30, 1990. Magnus Karlsen has the highest rating in the history of world chess. Classic, Rapid and Blitz - in all types of Chess Magnus Carlsen is a champion, having appropriate ratings - 2840 - 2896 - 2914. The highest rating in standard chess was recorded in May 2014 - 2842 points.

Magnus Karlsen: "Chess - Love Life"

Magnus's father, Henrik Karlsen, was an engineer in an oil company, which played chess well and had a decent rating for a little-known chess player - 2101 points in the Elo rating. When Magnus was 5 years old, father taught the rules of a chess game. We gradually, a small chess player began to get involved in this occupation seriously, greedily reading chess books and Blysuya for a few hours a day on the Internet. Literally, falling in love with this game, Magnus gradually began to improve and greedily study combinations and debuts. The successes quickly made themselves to know: Microsoft in 2003 began to sponsor Magnus and his family, a great future predicable to him.

Chess genius of modernity

In the chess world, he is considered to be a genius of modernity, because Magnus tends to memorize about 10 thousand batches by heart. His thinking is a powerful computer, which in seconds is able to calculate in advance of several dozen, and even hundreds of chess moves. At the age of 13 and 148 days, young Chess Wunderkind won the title of grandmaster, it made it the third in the world in the list of the most young chess grasisters. Every year, Magnus raises his game and thinking to new heights.

Game style

Since childhood, the young chess player loved the open and aggressive game, often attacking the rival figures, attacked the royal and queens flank, and also immediately agreed on exchange. His game testified about the full fearlessness of the chess player and the absence of nerves. With age, Carlsen began to realize that the risky style is not good for performances against the chess players of the world elite, although already had the experience of victories over serious grandmaster. When he began to play the world's leading chess tournaments, his style was gradually universalized, capable of processing many types of positions on the board quite beneficial to get the victory over the opponent.

With age and serious victories, Carlsen has developed its own universal style of the game. He was particularly strong in the Mittelspil and the endgame, but he plays his debuts not on the textbook. This is especially confusing his opponents when Magnus chooses 20 strokes in popularity of a draw or defense draw. Many outstanding chess grasisters often express about the stylistics of the champion game. Magnus Karlsen's parties are disassembled by parts, assessing the correctness and correctness of the moves. There are quite a lot of opinions, but everyone mentions the genius of the current champion.

Magnus Karlsen vs Computer

In the century of modern and information technology, chess programs and artificial intelligence reached such a level that the computer leaves no chance of winning a person. This fact makes you think of almost everyone about whether Magnus Karlsen beat artificial intelligence, given what he beats almost all famous chess players. Magnus responds to this question as follows: "I am more interested in combating people than with a computer. There are many interesting parties, where the "Old Indian Protection" is found, which is very difficult to play correctly. So not yet. "

Grossmasters about Magnus Karlsen

Sergey Karyakin: "He plays almost perfectly, practically does not allow mistakes and has a phenomenal memory."

Luke Wang Velie: "His feature, as a real world champion in the fact that he is able to twist almost any situation on a chessboard. Where many players come to a stupor and do not know how to go further, Magnus Carlsen is just starting to play. He is a real psychologist, because the mood and idea of \u200b\u200bhis opponents feel very thin. Magnus Karlsen never loses faith in the fact that the opponent will allow an error that will become the key, and the party will be brought to victory. "

Sergey Shipov: "He has been a real leader of the chess world for several years now, and no one can challenge. Its actual rating position is comparable with the achievements of Gary Casparov in the best years. Undoubtedly, Casparov's gap from the pursuers was much more and kept for a lot of years, but then there were no strongest chess programs, as now that help in preparing. In the modern world, the computer and information technologies have successfully attached the strength of competing chess players. That is why now it is much more difficult to be a champion. "

Gary Casparov: "The game of Karlsen is a new-made top chess league of the modern generation. At one time, I gave a lot of books and a detailed study of chess combinations and positions. And now powerful programs began to replace chess analysis. New generation chess players began to look like robots, their game is pragmatic and material. However, Magnus does all this, guided by his intuition that I was undoubtedly pleased. "