Steampunk hackers. For the first time, the pirates defended the crack for hacking the game Denuvo technology. Basic signs of Cyberpunka

January 31, 2016, 08:10

The last few days when viewing the next collections on the next shows within the framework of the next weeks of fashion, I caught myself thinking about how all this is secondary and cheat and quietly. What a terrible vulgarity is still when the originality develops into a banalcin and does not become a classic. With longing, I went to read the steampank of Kornev "Lacent & Ceremony", and fortunately. By the way, thanks to Elena_Dokuchava. As unexpectedly it turned out to me, the steampank has long been turned into something new and expressive, somewhere on the backyards of the empire gaining rapid momentum. And in all sorts of directions.

Of course, games: Arcanum: Of SteamWorks and Magic Obscura from Troika Games, 2001; Syberia 2002, Syberia 2 2004 - ranked classics; RISE OF NATIONS: RISE OF LEGENDS 2006; Machinarium 2009 - also remained forever in the history of quests; BIOSHOCK 2007, BIOSHOCK 2 2010, BIOSHOCK INFINITE 2012 - Last year played :)

Films: Edward Hand Scissors (1990); Back to the future 3 (1990); 20,000 led under water (1997); Wild, Wild West (1999); Time Machine (2002); League of outstanding gentlemen (2003); Heavenly Captain and World of Future (2004); Van Helsing (2004); Around the world for 80 days (2004); Brothers Grimm (2005); Gold Compass (2007); Star dust (2007); Sherlock Holmes (2009); First Avenger (2011); Time Keeper (2011); Witch hunters (2013).

Cartoons: Ghosts Gone (2001); Planet Treasure (2002); Atlantis: Lost World (2001); Walking castle (2004); Nine (2009); Cork maker Duel Gentelmen(Major Vesch, Cry. 7 min.)

Motorcycles, guitars, notepads, hats, decorations:

But in general, the term "steampunk" ("pairs" + "Gnille, worthlessness, etc.") For the first time, two writers were used - James Blairok and Kevin Jeeter. Their disputes were printed in Locus magazine in 1987. The term arose as parody contrasting cyberplate. First, the steampunk was created according to traditional cyber scenarios with mechanical transfer to the reality, where the steam technologies are hosted. Hackers, artificial intelligence, corporations, state car - all this simply was placed in the situation of the XIX century with a discount on the relevant technologies. Preferably English. From here and aesthetics. I'm very very Like. Light boulevard nair fiction.

By the way, "... The absolute record of the speed for steam locomotives was supplied by the locomotive" Wild Duck "of the LNER Class A4 series - English locomotive of the A4 series No. 4468" Mallard "(with its streamlined forms, it resembled modern Japanese super trains). July 3, 1938he developed 201.2 kilometers per hour". Here is this" duck ":

Genre - Jules Verne, His "20 thousand Lingerie underwater", "Robur-Conqueror", "Steam House" and influenced the stylistics and entourage of modern authors. Books are not only true, but also other famous Writers of the Victorian era - Herbert Wells, Mark Twain, Edgar by, Arthur Conan Doyle. Today, Western critics include the chosen creativity of these authors to the "classic" vertan. It is funny, but in the West in some editions as the "Russian Steampunk" is called "Siberian Village", because in the film there is a steaming machine for cutting the forest, never existed in reality.

In short, if in the plot - "... gentlemen in cylinders and ladies in crinolines are carelessly blurred in parrycals on a broken bridge, which are illuminated by gas horns. And nearby - the emaciated factory workers who live in rotten slums and forced to ripen at 20 o'clock per day, To make money on a piece of hl :) ... Methods of movement: airship, steam locomotive, steamer, parobus, parryus, a passage - everything is made from sheet metal with huge rivets, underlined by clumsy levers and control devices with an abundance of dials. Mechanisms are covered with oil and soot , Mass smoke, couples, sparks, they scream, clang, whistling, and when overheated, explode. Weapons: bulky lefosh revolvers, massive machines Thompson and machine guns, monstrous dreadnights, artillery guns and bombs. Information technology: telegraph, pneumatic, old-fashioned Phones. Typical Characters Steampunk - Aliens from the Victorian era, more precisely, the modern idea of \u200b\u200bit. Mad scientists and engineers, Like Viktor Frankenstein and a robur-conqueror ... Brilliant criminals and monstrous maniacs, similar to Professor Moriarty and Jack Ripper ... Fearless travelers and pioneers like Fogg's Fogga and Alan Kuotermeyn ... Clear Detectives - Sherlock Holmes, Nat Pinkerton, "- Everything, you are reading Steampunk: )

Steampunk-fashion - synthesis of stylistics ready, Pankov and "Industrial" with some elements of Victorian. In women - garters, corsets, skirts with ruffies. In men - large, coarse metal rivets on clothes, high-heeled shoes with huge clasps.

Hackers from the Steampunks group protected their crack for hacking the gameStealth technology, which prevents the source code. According to the site, this technology is called VMProtect, and it also uses Denuvo to protect its products from pirates. Because of the VMProtect, it is not possible to establish what exactly makes a crack with user systems, since hackers did not provide source codes.

How it became known the site, pirates hacked DISHONORED 2. Without modifying game files. The crack is presented as a normal key generator, and they are all suitable as licensed. The description also states that the key can be entered and overwrite.

According to, the Hacker team Steampunks was in the shade for a long time and did not produce loud quits, and Dishonored 2 was Nevzloman for six months. The TorrentFreak site administration also reported that the river from Steampunks is unique, but no one gives warranty that the keys generator is safe for the computer system. The author of the technology, due to which the crack itself cannot hack, is the Russian company VMProtect Software.

When did Skidrow appear?

Skidrow is a famous hacker group, originally formed in 1990, engaged in hacking games for the game platform Amiga, that is, in fact, one of the oldest brands on the Warez scene (Warez scene community of independent enthusiasts, united by the idea of \u200b\u200binformation freedom).

Their motto taken back in those distant times: "Twice The Fun - Double The Trouble!" What can be translated as: "Double problems - doubly merges!".

Renewal of work under the brand "SkiDrow"

The updated composition and a full continuation of its activities Release Skidrow Group began in June 2007, then they announced a return to the combustible software. Skidrow said loudly in 2009, when the first hacked DRM protection of the UBISOFT digital store in the game Assassins Creed 2, which also demanded a permanent connection to the Internet, which is strongly annoyed players.

Then they repeated it once again in 2010 in the game Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands. Subsequently, on a permanent basis, Skidrow did crack to many other games, thereby making themselves the name, one of the most significant Varez groups.

But the time does not stand still and, protection from copying and unauthorized launch in games also has undergone changes. In 2014, the most terrible protection for games called Denuvo appeared.

In addition to hacking games with ordinary protection, with whom Skidrow coped quickly and without problems, they tried themselves and in hacking denevo. At the beginning of March 2017, SkiDrow released their hacking Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (it is worth noting very unstable), and after the release from the famous CPY (Conspir4cy). Disputes broke out about whether Kryak used SkiDrow or borrowed from CPY.

It turned out that the developments were their own, but technically everything was at a primitive level. Skidrow just used the EXE file from the free game Deus Ex Breach and inserted it in Mankind Divided, but it worked this scheme is extremely problematic, at best it was possible to start the game to the menu.

Most likely they knew the SkiDrow themselves, but then during the time of the Denuvo Zasili, when it could not hack it, to release it, even something, even if it was not quite working on Denugo, gave a huge PR and a response from the game community. Therefore, perhaps SkiDrow did not quite professionally, just to grab a little PR in their piggy bank.

At the moment, SkiDROW is mainly engaged in the releases of games with ordinary protection from the online store Steam.

Skidrow's appeal in honor of the 10th anniversary of the updated composition

And everything would be fine, really worthy Varez group with a big story, but in honor of his 10-year-old anniversary on July 5, 2017 (that is, yesterday) they published an anniversary appeal, with some not quite relevant statements with statements. Namely, they strongly criticized the hackers Steampunks, the Russian Forum But about everything in order.

Skidrow July 5 released another hacking, this time is the game Devil in the Capital and attached an interesting info file that corresponds to the anniversary. In it, first listed their some merits, rightly owned by the team. But a little further, they begin to give the characteristics of the modern varez scene and some of its participants.

Namely, Skidrow note that the scene has changed a lot, especially with the advent of Denuvo protection (it will not be difficult to agree with them). They note that the varen scene begins to fade, if only because Steampunks violate certain traditions and use Keigens instead of complete hacking or protection emulators, a little weird, but Skidrow is asked for all seriousness, and whether the gamers need such releases?

Here I would like to stop and wondered by the question, by the way, many users who read this remark have already been set, and what the difference itself the gamers for what principle the game, the main thing that worked is the main aspect for ordinary players.

Next, they continue to roll the barrels that the Varez-scene is the basis of the appearance of hacking, and not all sorts of forums, including this stupid "Russian Forum", as they expressed (apparently, meant What should be followed by the rules for creating cage and special loaders for protection like a denerevo.

What dependsably loads the processor and really have enough protection? Think about it! Speaking, this Skidrow may have in mind that it would be necessary to get rid of protection at all. Moreover, Skidrow is celebrated, we know about Kagans much more than those punks (meaning Steampunks), which have released Kegen, not a crack.

That allegedly other people spend a lot of time on serious hacks than ordinary Kamena. Also, Keigeny data that is used by Steampunks Denugo Developers can block. And as a result, SkiDrow celebrate: "Why piss, yes, it will be warm, but only for a short time."

What, in my opinion, it sounds even more insulting, because, in fact, the Skidrow yourself could not be able to do anything in confrontation with the deneuriousness, but they begin to blame the traditions of the vastery scene of the same Steampunks, which, at least the only one gave such a long-awaited release as dishonored 2.

Very strange, nectactically, and in fact, in an empty place to blame someone when he himself did nothing in this matter. It's a shame and unpleasantly listening to such from the really respected Maison group, especially in honor of the 10-year-old anniversary, when a flurry of critics had already fallen, to which they were calculated, the release of such an appeal was difficult to say.

At the end, they again indicate their 10 years of experience and, that they should not underestimate them in connection with this. Again, it is strange, ordinary protection broke many hacker teams besides them, but it came to something serious kind of denerevo and they are not deed, but to blame some rules in violation.

Although, if we consider that the scene is the principle of free dissemination of information, then what is the difference in which it spreads. That is, with all due respect to the SkiDROW team, it is impossible to justify their hit on Steampunks.

Despite this strong remark of Skidrow towards Steampunks and others, still I would like to hope that they really followed some important principles of the community, and not just decided to get to more successful groups. In this case, in part, they can be understood, because it is known to them all the subtleties and the unlawful rules of the Varez-scene, I would not want to be very offended by them, as if at all, they did really serious hacks at any time. Let us hope that Skidrow will continue to develop the principles of free distribution of information and please us with steep releases.

Skidrow biography plus an overview of their appeal to the anniversary

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  • July 08, 2017.
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The word "cyberpunk" on the Internet could not see only lazy. In order not to notice it on this site, you need to not read the news, do not go to the "pieces of the year", not to look into the sections of interesting and, it is desirable, not to open the site at all. Steampunk also occupies an honorable place in the ranks of the notorious genres. But the rest is lucky less. Atompack, Diesel, Tesla, Bio ... Something, it seems, heard. In fact, they even saw and met, just did not know about it. After all, hear and know - not the same thing. The last we will do in this article.

To telegraph




High Tech. Low Life.

Cyberpunk is the most famous from Pankov: originating before the rest of the genres, he was an incentive for their appearance, handed over to the descendants of the canons and became a kind of "shameful father."

Cyberpunk appeared in the eighties of the last century - the era of the growth of the popularity of personal computers, when it became clear that high technologies could be available not only to the state, large corporations and thickness, but also by common people. And at first, the price of such new products still tangible on his pocket, the trend was obvious.

This concluded one of the canons of cyberpunk - technology is available to everyone. Whether it is a neuroimplant, a home android assistant, a robotic dog or some more Wundervafla - everything that is invented can buy almost everyone. Remember Deus Ex, where the implantation clinics occur more frequent snacks, and the marginals equip their Cyberlap and cyberlike pietes. It is even easier to purchase the necessary things from the hands - to take at least the same Deus Ex with its Chinese "assemblers", modifying and pushing from under the floors of used cyberprothesis. Or Torgash on the market from the "ghost in the armor" trying to sell "improvements". As a bag of potatoes to buy, is it not true? At the same time, the product does not necessarily have to be material - virtual reality, exchange of memories, new types of psychotropic substances ... All kinds of pleasures for the client, ready to buy them.

Technologies for all and everyone - it would seem true utopia. Those ironic, which is the closest to cyberplate genre is antiutopia. Despite the widespread spread of technologies (and often - thanks to him), the standard of living in the world of canonical cyberpank is extremely low. As an example: people are replaced by robots and artificial intelligence, which causes an increase in unemployment and reduced salaries. The technologies themselves, being available to the acquisition, may not be cheap in use - so the implant installation requires constant reception of funds against rejection, actually caused lifelong dependence. All this leads to a gradual separation into the rich and poor, and the intermediate categories disappear, and the gap is becoming more and more significant (example is "time"). The number of violators is growing - both ordinary and cybercriminals using modern developments to achieve their own benefit.

At the same time, the concepts of personal life and privacy disappear - technical progress contributes to the development of the means of observation and control of citizens, and the growth of crime is applied. Ultimately, we get the same totalitarianism and complete submission of power - and here this is not necessarily the government or the illuminates. Most often, mega-corporations are developers and technological suppliers. Scientific achievements, tangible profit from sales and the powerful armies of mercenaries give such corporations more opportunities and power than have formal heads of states. Especially if you consider that their influence is rarely limited to one country, spreading even beyond the continent.

Of all the above, the gloomy and contrast appearance of the world of Cyberpank is quite naturally built. Futuristic skyscrapers of anthills cities are adjacent to slums, the environmental situation is often in a distress. In general, the picture is served in Neonouar's stylistics: daylight here is an infrequent guest, preferably darkness of the day, which can equally reflect the beauty of neon signs and an oppressive atmosphere. And the constant rains and could complement the impression and help save the atmosphere if the action occurs during the day.

Such a pattern of the "Cyberpunk style" appeared simultaneously with the genre. Even a little earlier. The popularizer and the most famous writer of the genre is William Gibson, published in 1984 the novel "Neuromant" - Canon and the starting point of Cyberpunk. Achievements in the field of computers, mega-corporation, artificial intelligence, hackers and virtual reality - all this was described by Gibson. And two years before the publication of Nomomanta, "the screens of the blade" came out and showed the audience the technological world of the future, lying literally in the midst of ruins and radiation. The combination of "Noir Plus fiction" for that time was new, and the film, although being not too successful in the box office, influenced both the work of Gibson and the genre as a whole.

Basic signs Cyberpunka:

  • High level of technology development with their widespread distribution
  • Low living standard of most people, often caused by the described technologies
  • Large gap between the ruling elite and the rest of the population

What may be present (optional):

  • Huge skyscrapers adjacent to slums
  • Deploy environmental situation
  • Robots / Androids / Synthetics / Cyborg
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Bionic improvements, implants, cyberpostheses
  • Virtual reality, extensive computer networks, hackers
  • Criminal structures (mafia, yakuza and other groupings)
  • Mega Corporation

Gallery Cyberpunka

Steampunk / Paropank


"Senior Son" Cyberpank, which deserves father's pride. Unlike the parent, Steampunk secured the plank of technical progress at the level of the Victorian era: couples here - our everything. Technologies do not go beyond the limits of steam mechanisms, but their degree of development may vary from the work to the work: from the most primitive mechanisms to mechanical computers and steam robots.

And again, you should thank William Gibson: his "Neuromant" brought the popularity of cyberplate, and written in collaboration with Bruce Sterling Roman "Machine Difference" made a famous steampunk. All basic signs of Cyberpunk in it, by the way, are available. In general, these signs are made by the works of any genre with a particle "-pank" into two camps: those who have moved them into another era, and those who limited himself only to the first sign - high level of development and the spread of technologies of the selected era.

What does it all mean? But what - if we remove the low standard of living and social inequality from Cyberpunk, leaving only robots, flying cars and other gifts of science, it will be anything, but not a cyberpunk, since the social part is an important component. Everything else was described by science fictions and to Cyberpank. For the width, the requirements are softened - if you remove the social component from it, it will still remain a wisp, albeit with reservations. In this regard, he was able to surpass his "parent", becoming not only a social, but also a decorative genre. The emphasis here can be shifted to scientific achievements, intricate steam mechanisms and the overall stylist in the spirit of England of the XIX century. Now Steampunk is not only books, movies and games, but also clothing, accessories, design of items, premises, and even music.

Accordingly, the overall atmosphere of the steampunk compared to the cyberage can be much brighter and cheerful, up to comedy ("Wild, Wild West"), and at times and at all kindness (walking castle). However, do not fool yourself - the steampunk is able to be gloomy, and the Dishonored series is an example.

Despite the fact that the main driving force in the worlds is a steam, the genre allows some deviations. In addition to a pair of technology, spring mechanisms or electricity can be operated, steam may not be used at all. Although it will still be a steampunk, such branches have their own names.

If there are various kinds of electric pieces in the work, generating lightning around them in an industrial scale and working on the principle of "effects above efficiency", then this is teslapank. It is rarely used as a full genre - more often through its electrosagnets simply makes a variety of glory Zeus and Nicola, sometimes with the incarnation of the latter (prestige). However, there are exceptions - in the world of dishonored progress successfully passed the steam era, jumping at once to electricity, so almost all technologies are operating on current.

ClpankIn turn, focuses on technologies that are not coming over the steam engines, and in front of them - the mechanisms here work on springs and weights. To achieve a larger aesthetic effect, you can provide the opportunity to admire the gears. The accompaniment can occur both in the era of the revival or industrialization, and closer to our time (Syberia), and even in the future (doctor who, S2E4).

Doctor delighted

Signs of Steampunk

  • Technology XIX century with high level of development
  • Urban landscapes of the "industrial revolution"
  • Common style of the Victorian era and typical characters for her
  • Public moods of the late XIX century
  • All sorts of air transport - balls, airships or even aircraft on steam rod
  • Various types of steam (sometimes - electric) weapons, up to steam tanks and giant robots

Gallery Steampunka

Descendants Steampunk

Steampank described the already deployed era with a technological development unavigator for it, but in time he was limited to the medieval on the one hand and the beginning of the 20th century - on the other, leaving space for creativity and place to create new genres.



Dieselpankit should be immediately behind the veil and shows the society of the first half of the 20th century - the rapid increase in the heavy industry along with constantly improved weapons and an increase in tension on the world arena.

The works of Dieselpank can be divided into two fairly different flows. The first concentrates on a peaceful life - "roaring twentieth", ar-deco and jazz, the rapid development of industry and achievement of science. In general, this flow is rather optimistic, especially in comparison with the second branch of the Dieselpank, more attention pays for military conflicts of the first half of the 20th century. The total atmosphere here is much more depressive, and science and industry are exclusively military needs. Often described various kinds of Vundervafli - from tanks and armored vehicles to flying fortresses.

A bright representative of the genre is the 1920+ Universe, where on the fronts of the first world infantrymen fights side by side with a shape. According to this universe, the board game "Sickle" (Scythe) has already been released and prepares Iron Harvest Strategy.

As another subspecies can be allocated occult dieselpankWhere in addition to technical achievements in the war, otherworldly forces are used, usually on the side of the Nazis. If you have a vague memory of something like that, but I did not take it to the end, I remind you of the games of the Wolfenstein series.

Signs of Dieselpunka

  • Technologies of the first half of the XX century with a high level of development. Much distribution of the engine and electricity, sometimes - the first atomic devices
  • Urbanization, skyscrapers, buildings in the spirit of Chicago Architectural School, Modern, Ar Deco
  • Military conflicts: the first and second world wars
  • Many military equipment - from really existing to fantastic, up to underwater cruisers and giant robots
  • Various aircraft - airships, airplanes, flying ships and even celestial locks

Gallery Dieselpunka



The atomphian world is based on the technologies and realities of the second half of the 20th century - the Cold War, the Arms Race, espionage, secret agents, the development of space and, of course, atomic energy. Ideally, a lot of atomic energy: atomic approaches, nuclear submarines, tanks with nuclear reactors, nuclear batteries that feed all the equipment from cars to elevators, nuclear vacuum cleaners and nuclear cola. Sometimes quantum. Yes, it is he - an old-kind Fallout. Despite the fact that the main part of the actions occurs after the war, thanks to the preserved technique, in-game descriptions and pre-war stales (Fallout 4), we can imagine what life was to a nuclear disaster. From an unusual: robots - from the simplest home assistants to synth, artificial intelligence, fairly developed spacecraft, achievements in microbiology and terraforming, as well as an abundance of military technologies, starting with energy weapons and armor and ending with deadly light rays.

Another example of an atphan (which is typical - also after a nuclear conflict) - Sarakshi from the "inhabited island" Strugatsky. Moreover, not only atomic techniques and tense relations between countries, but also "punk" in its basic meaning - do not forget that the "punk" genres are primarily social, and then technological.

Signs of Atphana

  • An neurouge of the second half of the XX century
  • High development of atomic energy, active use of atom energy
  • Bulky lamp computers (and generally tube technique)
  • Racket Development, Space Development
  • Unusual vehicles - giant airships, flying submarines, amphibian cars
  • Stressful international relations, cold (sometimes - full-fledged) war, arms race
  • Secret agents, spies, confrontation of intelligence services

Today I want to tell everyone who else is not aware, about the versa, Dieselpank and Ciberpank - what it is that they are in common and what they differ.

These genres are not limited to one type of art. In these genres, you can draw, shoot movies, take photos and costumes, as well as create amazing and useful things, furniture and decorations.

I will start with the "warm and lamp" of them.


Wikipedia: Steampi? NK (or Paropope? NK) is the direction of scientific fiction that simulates civilization, perfectly weighing the mechanics and technology of steam engines. As a rule, Steampank implies an alternative for the development of humanity with a pronounced general stylization under the era of Victorian England (the second half of the XIX century) and the era of early capitalism with the characteristic urban scenery and contrast social bundle. It is possible, however, the presence of a greater or lesser fraction of fantasy elements in the works of fantasy.

Simple words, steampunk is an alternative reality in which the basis of the development of the entire technique has become a steam engine. And the mechanisms acting in this reality can go beyond the verge of real physics (i.e., such assembled in real life). But the steam engine is not the only appearance of the steampunk mechanisms. Although the genre is named after him, in it no less than various automation, such as time-clock mechanisms, machines at the factory (like, for example, automata from the Syberia stationery game), and other gearboxes. The gear on an equal footing with a steam engine is divided by a width genre.

Attributes: steam engines, gears, mechanical machines, airships, steam locomotives, cylinders, corsets, Gogglla. About Gogglah a little more. Goggli is such safety glasses used earlier during welding and other types of work. What only Gogglov do not make masters Steampunk Hendmade:

Goggli is used not only in the veiled, but also in Dieselpank and Ciberpan (which will be discussed slightly below).
In Steampunk style, various masters and even some manufacturers make different things:

Also one of the constant attributes of the Steampunk genre, along with the locomotive, is a airship. In my opinion, the airships in the vertan even the most important steam locomotives (but it is only in my opinion).
The brightest example of the universe Steampunk in the cinema is the film "Franklin". More "Wild Wild West" is probably not bad.
Steampunk in Anime - "Walking Castle Haul", "Stimpled".
From Steampunk, we turn to the genre that I myself consider the younger brother Steampunk (although Wikipedia disagrees with me) ...


Wikipedia: Dieselpank (English Dieselpunk) is a developing fiction genre derived from cyberpunk, which describes the world based on the technology of level 20 - 50s. XX century (the period from the First World War on the Second World War), as well as an emerging subculture, combining the aesthetics of that time with postmodern technologies and feelings.

Those. If the steampunk is built around a steam and steam engine, then the dieselpank is around the internal combustion engine and gasoline. Some say about Dieselpank that it is "Steampunk for those who are not enough dirt." Indeed, it is difficult to imagine the Dieselpank Universe not smoke, not pinched in gasoline, soot and machine oil.

Attributes: Internal combustion engine, futuristic gasoline self-propelled vehicles, gas masks, leather raincoat, flamethrower, classic army helmet of the first and second world, tank (or leather motorcycle time) helmet. In Dieselpank, also use Goggla, but simply, without frills of the type of additional lenses and other things. In the clothes the skin is being printed.
Good examples of Dieselpank in the movies: "Mad Max", "Heavenly Captain and World of the Future" and "Chronicles of Mutants".

In the style of Dieselpank, it is more difficult to make different useful things, so souvenirs are more common:

Dieselpank art:

But the "king" is the steam locomotive in the style of dieselpank:

Often, steampunk and dieselpank are mixed in the cinema, such as in the film "League of Outstanding Gentlemen", where the steampunk is also replete, and the attribute diselpank.

Well, on the last, loved by all the computer, gickes, snacks, hackers and other cyberspace warriors ...


Wikipedia: Cyberpa? NK (from the English. Cyberpunk) - Sugan science fiction. The term itself is a mixture of the words "Cybernetics" (from English. Cybernetics) and "Punk" (from English. Punk, garbage), for the first time he used Bruce Betka as a name for his story of 1983. Usually, the works attributable to the genre "Cyberpunk" describe the anti-dietary world of the future, in which high technological development, such as information technologies and cybernetics, is combined with deep decline or radical changes in the social device.

By tradition, I explain simply: cyberpunk is a developed information technology (Internet, microprocessors, high-speed data transmission, etc.) and cybernetics (living organism, crossed with mechanical and processor equipment), the power is no longer governments, but gigantic corporations (or worse ) Against the background of total moral decomposition and / or impoverishing most of society.

Attributes: microprocessor, virtual reality glasses, glove-computer manipulator, human brain (or other body) in a large test tube or without it connected to it abundance of wires (in such deep debris "Podzhanrov", like a biophank, we will not be immersed ), built into the body of computer elements or adapters for human communication with a computer, respirator (it is the respirator, for a gas mask - already more dieselpank), and wires, wires, wires.

Things in the style of cyberpunk, on the one hand, there is little (difficult in manufacture, it is difficult to adapt the objects to this style), and on the other hand, we are all already surrounded by them: Remove one cover from the system unit - and this is already cyberpunk. A flash drive in a transparent case, through which is seen by the board with chips - also to some degree cyberpunk. A bundle of wires coming from the system unit to the peripheral devices ... Well, you understood.

And yet, enthusiasts pose something like:

Films in the Cyberpunk genre: "Matrix", "Johnny Mnemonic", "Robocop", "Running on the blade".
Anime: "Ghost in the armor", "Animatritsa".

Also in the style of cyberpunk (in contrast to the style and diesel) write a lot. One of my favorite books is "Full Ruth" Sasha Chubaryan. But the founder of the genre is rightfully considered to be William Gibbson.

My story comes to an end. You can talk a lot, but it is better to watch, read, participate - only then you start to understand and penetrate.

That's all. All good!