Scene-role game "Vaccination. Plot-role-playing game "Vaccusing game edges for children and vaccinations

Do you like the prestigious and noble profession of the doctor? Did you dream from childhood to save other people's lives and provide all the first medical care to everyone? So, the Games hospital are invented specifically for you!

Games for girls Hospital is a fascinating category of children's games in which your favorite doll will be able to try on an important and responsible mission to formulate diagnosis and subsequent therapy. Your favorite patients will be: Disney Princesses, Winx Fairies, charming pets, newborn babies and even alien aliens. Each of them will need to measure the temperature, cure the teeth, carry out a complex weighty operation or put an ordinary injection. These games will help you feel yourself with a real specialist - experienced, confident, faithful diagnoses and appointing optimal treatment.

Games hospital for girls will help your baby develop the most important and very valuable qualities that will definitely use it in adulthood. This is a sensitivity, compassion, love of neighbor and desire to help in a hopeless situation. And who knows, maybe this category of games will be the first step towards choosing a physician profession?!

Approximate reading time: 16 min. No time to read?

For one hundred years of vaccination campaigns, there is a test method, fitting and sales. This is how it works: the party begins the debut (inflated the numbers), continues by the Mittelshpil (increase profits / number of doses) and ends with endspile (pick up the winnings and start everything first). With high rates, no deception and no lie will stop the game in vaccinations!
The vaccine industry at the moment has a turnover of $ 25.3 billion, increasing annually by 23% on such enormous emerging markets as India, and it is expected that it will reach $ 56.7 billion by 2017. Vaccine production has become one of the most profitable sectors of the pharmaceutical industry. How did this happen?

This industry has a unique product, which is highly recommended by the government and is under its patronage. Edward Jenner asked the pace when he received the royal remuneration from the king George III. Producers vaccines have a customer base that they are in captivity. Many of these customers really believe that the vaccinations are needed, and such a faith is based on the supporting two-year marketing campaign. Those who have awakened or is in the process of awakening, the government drives into a rigid framework of the rules. It is impossible to even submit a lawsuit on the manufacturer if the children suffered hard or died of vaccinations - so established by law 1986. This dexterous trick took the company Monsanto recently. For the sins of the industry should pay taxpayers and people with their money, whose lives were destroyed by post permanent complications.

Pharmaceutical corporations have extremely devoted to them forces that help sales. Here are examples:

  • "We do not intend to recognize that autism can be a true side effect of vaccinations". These are the words of Mary McCormik, while the Chairman of the Committee of the Institute of Medicine (IOM), at the meeting of the Institute of Medicine on Vaccine Security in 2001.
  • "You can introduce 10,000 vaccines at once." Yes, you have already guessed: this is Dr. Paul Ofphit, a certified expert on the vaccines of the pharmaceutical industry, actively contributing to sales growth.
  • "The vaccinations do not cause autism, they only cause symptoms of autism." Julie Herberding, the previous chapter of the Center for Control and Prevention of Diseases (CDC), in an interview with SI-En-En.
  • "My mandate, since I am present here in this group, is to make sure at the end of the day that 100,000,000 people are grafted. Dr. John Clemens from WHO at a meeting in June 2000 in Simpsonwood, knowing that the examination was initially discussed there, the study of Vessurethen showed that only 25 μg of thimerosal in a vaccine increases 7.62 times the risk of a child gets autistic.

What other industry can boast of such supporters?

The marketing strategy of the vaccine industry is the subject of envy for all others. She has his own set of rules to which it should be religious. Take, for example, fever Denge. Vaccine from this disease is under development, and the marketing unit already plays muscles. It has already entered the game in accordance with the rules of vaccine games.

Rule 1 - Splinning Figures

The first rule - express frightening estimates, and then help to reduce morbidity, since it is very easy to reduce the numbers that have never been real. For example, around the world 131 thousand cases of natural smallpox were registered, and in the WHO report "Fifty years of WHO in the western Pacific Ocean" the incidence of PCOS was estimated at 15 million. Recently, to impose an oral polyovakqsin (OPV) to developing countries, 32,419 of real cases of poliomyelitis have become reported by 350,000.

Similar to the dengue fever, the last assessment as the vaccine's readiness approaches increased to 390 million against an early assessment, equal to 50-100 million, which was considered high at one time.

Also in order of things to take the worst incidence rate, which refers to some kind of corner of the world, and extrapolate it to the entire population. Recently it happened with the figures of the incidence of hemophilic infection in India.

Rule 2 - Converting Estimated Data to Registered Indicators

For polio, estimated 350,000 cases soon turned into messages in the actual. The term "estimated" simply disappeared. So now Bill Gates declares that he reduced 350,000 cases of polio to several hundreds. Sometimes he speaks of 400,000 for a greater effect.

When evaluating the dengue fever, the term "global burden" is used, meaningful incidence. This is just a small step to the side of the concept of "registered cases".

Rule 3 - Turn the danger to the global

The study of evaluation data of the dengue fever in the "Welkem Trust" effectively turned this fever into a global phenomenon with the words "We hope that the study will contribute to the initiation of a broad discussion on the significant global consequences of this disease." Global impact can lead to the creation of the global vaccine market in the future. Walkam Trust was launched by the pharmaceutical magnate of American origin Sir Henry Walkm, the founder of the famous Burrow Walkam (now is part of Glaxo Smith Klein).

Rule 4 - attracting the distribution of the Vaccine "Philanthropists"

In a truly twisted upward world, philanthropists can bring the greatest damage! They are proud of the spread of disease and hunger. Nobody in the right mind will never defend the case of vaccines and GMOs, but the current philanthropists are delighted with such activities. They even benefit from this, as they hide their money in the most corporations, whose product they protect, that today is known as "charity under the loan".

Rule 5 - take on the sight of babies and other children

Teenagers and adults do not react to the calls to be vaccinated. Take, for example, a Vaccine against HPV, which is not able to break away from the Earth and take off. "Coverage" by these vaccinations of adults is deplorable, which systematically indicates the disease control center. But you can easily manipulate parents regarding vaccinations for their children. In addition, the latter are easily accessible with hospital childbirth and medical examinations in clinics. The vaccination against hepatitis B is designed for the use of drugs and leading an indiscriminate lifestyle of adults, but then how this group of people ignored the vaccination, the manufacturers now received a guaranteed market, because this adult vaccine has become necessary for babies, let them not be in the risk group.

Rule 6 - change the definition of the disease after a new vaccination has been introduced

As soon as a new vaccination is manifested, it is necessary to show its effectiveness to earn confidence and increase sales. After the OPV became part of the global poliomyelitis elimination initiative, the determination of polio was changed, and more than once, and three times to show the decline in incidence in India.

Rule 7 - Instructing doctors how to diagnose the disease

Regarding the tetanus: "The tetanus is unlikely if the patient was vaccinated from him."

Relative to the cough: "If the trachea snaps up the cough attack and if there was contact with the patient in the patient's history and there was no coughing from the cough, the doctor has everything you need for a preliminary clinical diagnosis."

Regarding natural smallpox: "When examining a patient with a suspicion of an ISPU, careful observation is of paramount importance. If the patient has a relatively recent typical scar from vaccinations, there may be excluded with an absolute accuracy.

Rule 8 - Give Disease New Title

Sometimes doctors find a disease in a graft person. This dilemma is solved at the expense of a new sick name. Poliomyelitis turns into acute sluggish paralysis, the pertussus turns into a croup, natural gas is converted into a monkey, the cort is converted into a rapid tit, the diphteria turns into a bacterial tracheit or epiglotite. Thus, the dengue fever may well turn into Malgia with a fever or even intense pain in the bones with high-temperature fever syndrome.

Rule 9 - Provide analyzes only in selected laboratories

In case of polio, the samples of the chair can be sent to check only in accredited WHO laboratories. Doctors in India hint that it may be the main reason for such an obvious incidence of viral polio in the country. They also clearly stated that it was possible to manipulate the status of the "free polio" of the country.

Rule 10 - Increase the number of revaccinations

Antibodies created as a result of vaccinations are not only not always protected from the disease, but also do not exist. Opportunity for booster doses. This is a fantastic marketing stroke. Everything may require revaccination, especially ineffectiveness or even side effects!

When in India it was noted that the children who received the vaccine of the OPV massively ill poolly, the Council was alone - to vaccinate yet. Today, a child in India can get 50 doses of this vaccine to the five-year-old age. It is not known what the consequences for children will be, in addition to the growth of the number of victims from paralysis, but this will definitely increase the manufacturer's profit.

Rule 11 - Play the prosecutor to ensure growing consumption

When the drama with the OPV was dragged into so much that he could disrupt the work of groups vaccinating a polyovakcin, WHO played the game "Who is to blame?" She developed the acronym Pain (English. "Pain. - Approx. Translate) For Pakistan, Afghanistan, India and Nigeria, that is, countries where this disease has raged, to confuse the government. Two superstars engaged in advertising vaccinations in India accuse parents that they did not led children to vaccine tents. One community was chosen targeted accusations due to the fact that her representatives feared vaccinations.

Rule 12 - Play on Fear "Virus Can Return" to Save Vaccinations Forever

When the disease is eliminated by the help of statistical manipulations and other methods listed above, people in the countries are preventing the virus that the virus is still firm in other countries and that one flight is separated by an airplane. This ensures that vaccinations will never stop.

Rule 13 - distribute panic at the first opportunity

If the vaccine causes complications, which often happens, every effort is made to hide this fact. But if the only case is reported at any point in the world, noise and cry are raised, and vaccines are rush to the clinics and hospitals to vaccinate everyone, regardless of the need for it.

Rule 14 - keep justification at the ready to dissuade in case of side effects of vaccinations

The mother fed her babies since Homo Sapiens appeared on Earth, but if the baby died after vaccinated, the mother can be accused of fed the breast wrong, and the child choke a breast milk! Mother can also be accused of giving a child during a joint dream with him. It is terrible that parents came to prison due to a child's syndrome, which was shaking, although it was proved that if the child was shook to death, the neck must be broken, then it was reported on the brain hemorrhage. Other excuses, such as coincidence or mass hysterium, are usually used when they cannot find any other reason.

Rule 15 - accused of criticizing the vaccinations "Anti-recreational lobby"

There is no anti-recreational lobby. There is, however, the vaccination lobby that highlights billions of dollars to preserve the existing myth of vaccinations and increase sales. But anyone who will indicate that vaccinations can cause harm, immediately receives a "anti-recreational" label. This word applies to prove that there is a conspiracy in order to blame the vaccinations, although this label is perfect for those who push vaccinations, despite the fact that they can lead to death, diseases and disability.

Rule 16 - distribute "successful stories"

India is currently an example of a successful history of polio elimination initiative, although the number of paralysis cases in the country increased from 3047 in 1997 to 61 038 in 2012. Celebrate this is a real perversion. Campaign activists are also recommended to keep blogs where they will tell how they manage to convince the resisting population to bring their children sacrificing to the altar of vaccination.

Rule 17 - Launch on the way to the bank

In the vaccination game, only those parents who pay Stydoroga are provided to harvest their children with vaccinations, which they ruthlessly pushes the entire mechanism that is created to receive profits from vaccinations. From the studies of scientists to patent holders, vaccine manufacturers, lobbyists, medical organizations, doctors and politicians, everything is perfectly earned on this that is a very profitable enterprise.

Rule 18 - start first

The game to eradicate natural smallpox led to the spread of smallpox with the speed of a forest fire and caused deaths around the world. Poliomyelitis elimination campaigns are left behind paralyzed and sick children. Now the third attack can be started, as evidenced from politicians' speeches. This game never stop. Another story concerns the fact that the vaccine industry creates an endless chain of deaths and disabilities - victims, which in turn hunt vampires of the pharmaceutical industry.

High growth and profitable business producers vaccines are expensive to society, but many interested parties are involved in it, which are taking care above all and which only worries in the future, as many new "promising" vaccines are at various stages of readiness. Parents will come correctly if all these tricks will understand and protect their children. Vaccinations, like any other corporate product on a ruthless market, are mainly associated with money, profit and profitability for shareholders.

Innesha Ashasheva
Scene-role game "Vaccification"

Scene-role-playing game "Vaccification".

The game script helps the kids learn more about vaccinations, do not be afraid of them, introduces difficulty medical workers.

Purpose: Expand the knowledge of the work of adults, to learn not to be afraid of reception by the doctor, vaccinations, understand their meaning.

Equipment and materials: Costumes of the doctor and nurses, doctor's "doctor" tool set, sheets of paper folded book, color pencils, leafles with tsyfras (coupons).

Preliminary work: Conversations about the work of the doctor and nurses, sightseeing in the medical office of kindergarten, conversations about the methods of preventing incidence.

The game is held in the corner of "Doctor", "Medical" or "Polyclinic".

1. Organizational moment:

The tutor tells:

Guys, today we go to the clinic on vaccination.

Distributes roles:

You, Katya, you will be a doctor. What does the doctor do? (Heals, prescribes medicines)

And in order for children to do not hurt, what can a doctor do? (Appoint vaccination)

Well done.

Helping Kate will be Kira. Kira, who will you be? (nurse)

What does the nurse do? (writes recipes, discharge analyzes, makes injections)


The rest of the guys are divided into "parents" and "children."

2. The educator introduces children into a situation:

Today, moms and dads led children to vaccine into the clinic. The doctor works in this office. ( shows) She will examine the patient and, if he is healthy, will send to the nurse to vaccinate. Who is a patient? (one who came to the doctor)

When there are a lot of patients so that there is no disorder and noise is created what? (queue)

Reception doctor leads through the coupons that we will help organize this one. They can be taken in the registry, which is here. (shows coupons on a separate table) On the talons of the tsyfra. They will help you find out what you think about the doctor.

3. The course of the game:

Children take the coupons and go to the "Hall" on the chairs.

The doctor and nurse dress the galatics and occupy their places.

The first came Mom with the boy Egor.

The teacher in the role of mom shows the example of how the doctor is taking. Further offers to try to make a conceived by himself, helping them and directing them. Then removed, observes and adjusts the course of the game. (prompts phrases, resembles gaming actions, stimulates the activity of indecisive children)

The game continues until it causes interest and the desire to play.

4. Outcome:

Children sit in a circle.


Guys, where did we go to you today? (in the clinic, to the doctor, on vaccination)

For what we went to the clinic (did vaccination)

What did the doctor do? (examined)

What did the nurse do? (injection, vaccination)

Why do vaccinations need? (so as not to hurt)

Did you like the game? (Yes)

Who would you like to be next time? (.)

How else can you play? (.)

So tomorrow we will play again.

Again the runny nose, nasty cough, annoying headache and high temperature. Hurray, you can not go to school and stay at home in all rights! You already imagine how you lie in bed all day, read the book, or play your favorite computer games. Mom prepares delicious broth, proposes to replenish the body with vitamins with the help of fresh juices and your favorite fruits, pamper you with goodies. But what is she in her hands? Is the bitter mixture instead of sweet pegs and juicy vitamins? But she is not alone - for her back someone in a white coat. Doctor!? Oh no not this! And it was necessary to spoil such a pleasant day. Now it will start - breathe, do not breathe, show the tongue, a cold thermometer in the armpit, the appointment of injections, tablets, tinnitus of herbs and inhalations. It is better to sit at school on a boring lesson of chemistry. They disgust, hurt and tastefully. And it is better to keep your own health in the norm, and only virtually hurt during the game for girls hospital.

We try on a white robe playing the game Hospital

Here you will become a doctor yourself and you will experience our things on patients, which are allegedly able to alleviate suffering. How, asks, a painful injection can ease the torment of the patient? He is so bad, and he also torture, exposing to torture. It would be better to have been held by the hand, stroked, treated tasty, told a fairy tale, and even better Dali see cartoons and movies. But for some reason medicine does not take into account the opinion of the patient and does not recognize the soft methods of treatment.

Methods of virtual treatment

Playing free Hospital games, you can radically change the situation and create medicines from caramel candies, chocolates, coca-colas, phantas, juices, cakes, berries and fruits. When you find the universal remedy for all diseases, people will gladly walk to you to make your genius to bring full health to them. During the game for free, the hospital, a queue of patients will be raised to you and the longer they do not get help, the smaller they have forces. If you have not yet opened the formula of a delicious drug, take advantage of what is in stock, but most importantly quickly, if you do not want to hear the screams of the nurse: Doctor, we lose the patient! At its workplace, we improve the process of cure patients. Game Hospital Online knows many difficult cases that can put you before the need to correct dislocation, impose gypsum on an open fracture, snatch or paint tooth, remove appendicitis, transplant the heart and kidney. Patients are different - patient and not very, but it is pleasant to deal with those who do not ask extra questions and does not stun you with their cries, that is, with those who are under anesthesia.

Medical care pets

And it may be not only people, but also animals. Hospital game to play, where shaggy, covered with feathers, with fangs and claws come to the reception, turns into a veterinary hospital. Pets, unfortunately, are also sometimes sick, and demanding emergency care. Restore the paws, remove the roar fangs, whale the wound with the greenfront.

Romantic relations of employees

There are many funny things in the clinics, but the work is far from always the most interesting. For example, you have a young, pretty doctor and you fell in love with your ears. Looks like he is favorable to you. A little more, you lost your head and already hugging, kissing every time every way. The point, of course, is young, but do not forget where you are, because if the head of the department or the chief physician will be caught up, may be trouble. Any child in earlier childhood is afraid to hurt. This is also a disease or even its simulation will be the opportunity to take a week-another to relax from the boning school, getting at home with your favorite books, cartoons and computer games. But the children of women are experiencing the most negative feelings towards people in white coats. They are for them - a source of pain and fear. And for those who at least once a long time lay in the hospital - also the threat of separation from their parents. And sometimes it is difficult to choose the words to explain the baby that everything does for his own good. And that the doctor takes care of his health and well-being, and not the harmfulness prescribes tasteless medicines and unpleasant procedures.If you are desperate to convey to the child these simple truths, we offer you another means. Let him become a doctor himself. With the help of colorful children's online games on the topic of treatment. From all over the global network we collected an extensive collection of games about the hospital for girls. And not only. Play games or free download them from the site will not be absolutely no problem for you.