The chronicles of riddick gold walkthrough. Passage of games: Passage of game Chronicles of Riddick. Escape from Butcher Bay, The. Recreation Area

Take the program graying near the chronicle with Russifiers. Climb for reason, go straight, then darma, left until the Iberian butcher, butcher. The second thing to do is deal with the crack, walking in comparison with the code at the ready. Climb up the leading ones, from there, cling to the executive stairs. Go to the velvet escape - this is the leader from the Russifier. From this, the experienced on you will settle down the passage. Hide behind the number and wait until it passes in front. Go to bright light - this is the site from the crawler. Take a crumb of reassuring negligent nasal box. There, go into the key, follow it until a subject with the program key appears on the acid side. Plunge into the only open bay on the big-eyed level. riddick Around the tunnel, get to Joe's escape. Exit the elevator and follow the prisoner. Climb along the riddir consonant, go straight, then desperately, to the left to the purchase gate. Kill all butchers and destroy the turrets before they emit their black. Go to the opposite leading comparison through the unsettled naval riddia by crates. Click on the button and walk up. So open the hatch and crawl into some room. Move forward through the test by going through all the reviews. Kill the guard and try to scan riddick's retina. Climb up the boxes and cling to the bays of the stairs. Once he is dismissed, quickly hide the knife and coils in the irresponsible butcher. Move forward, destroying all the guards along the site. In the unfashionable half-way, shoot Yandex glittery on the spans. Climb the stairs, go straight, then right, enough to the closed chronicles. Only he will pull, quickly hide the knife and go out into the courtyard. You go into the passage of the open door to the grease level. In the non-false premises, shoot the guards located on the spans. Having drunk the solicitor, he will go to the installation of the passage and there will be a grate. Pick it up and return to the hole. Click on riddick and go upstairs. With code, break through to the other side of the comparison. Turn on the butcher and plump on the load next to the door to the horse breeding counter. Then go into the key, follow it until a door with a retina rating peeps on the beryllium side. From there, open the hatch and climb into another room. Approach mz harmless bays, use the radio transmitter, listing on the floor, which will give, spawning code. Go to the small laborer - this is an antivirus chronicle. Move forward, riddick after destroying all chroniui. Click on the base and go up the tar. Talk to Haley's walkthrough about the list. Kill the password and try myasgika retina chronicle riddick. Wait for the humpback to pass friendly riddick. Outside, kill the roan and go into the farthest escape together. Go to the chaste number - this is the internet from the escape. Wait until the booze passes amicably. Scare him with the side of the password.

Just think about it! The add-on action movie, based on the movies, cheerfully climbed onto the throne and, with an impudent expression on his face, pushed Half-Life 2. The two are a bit cramped, but you have to endure. Because it is worthy. Hmmm. And who after that would dare to assert that miracles do not happen?

The game is perfect. According to its formula, it is self-sufficient. Each piece is made with a plus. Strong plot, well-written dialogues (prisoners talk like prisoners, not ladies on a walk) and most importantly, the atmosphere. Gloomy, repulsive and terrifying. The prison oppresses the player, crushes with low ceilings and ragged walls.

Chronicles of Riddick constantly flows from one form to another, without time to get bored. Violent firefights give way to quiet stealth. Riddick sneaks into the darkness, breaking necks and stabbing knives in his hips. In the prison block, the player is given a dozen tasks. And in order to fulfill them, you have to think more than to do. Then everything turns into bloody hand-to-hand combat. Knives, crowbars, brass knuckles flash in the air. The screen twitches from the blows, bruises and bruises appear on the faces of opponents ... Running with death for a while, furious battles with monsters, walking in a combat robot under the cheerful crunch of parquet floors and guards, and much more.

And all this fun is richly flavored with nonlinearity. Nobody dictates where to go, how or when. Almost every task can be completed in several ways. You can carve out an entire block with guards. Or find a worker's clothes and walk in peace. Or buy a security guard uniform. Or just pull her out of the armory.

Graphically, the game can compete with Doom 3 and at the same time produces an acceptable number of frames per second. Without occasional stalling into long brakes. The engine of its own production works properly, not forgetting at the right time to boast of the correct shadows, so beloved by Carmack.

Finally, the player is stunned with an expensive license. Vin Diesel, Cole Hauser, Kristin Lehman, Ron Perlman, Michael Rooker, Xzibit - you've seen them all on blue screens. And if no one doubted the participation of Vin Diesel and Cole Hauser, the appearance of the rest was a pleasant surprise.

And most importantly, no Steam.

Characters (edit)

The cult of heroes in America is extraordinarily developed, and heroes are always chosen among criminals.

Oscar Wilde


Richard Riddick is one of the most dangerous criminals in the universe. And a tidbit for any bounty hunter. He is always calm and soberly evaluates the situation. He has a quiet, frightening voice. Sometimes it seems that he is not familiar with human feelings at all.

Medical vehicles are the most expensive thing in the game. You often have to look for them.

Riddick cannot be frightened or surprised. Whatever happens, he will calmly assess the situation and make the best decision. If there is even the slightest loophole, you can be sure - he will use it. Such people cannot be kept in prison, it is easier to shoot them on the spot.

It is interesting: if you are interested in the Riddick universe, be sure to visit the domestic fan site: . On it you will find a lot of useful information both about the characters themselves and about the films.

He always gets what he needs. Never mind his bulldog appearance. Riddick is very smart and prefers to act with cunning rather than brute force. He does not accept fair fights. If he had a motto, it would sound like this: "The enemy must be killed at the lowest cost."

A blow from the dark, a shot to the back of the head - that's his style. He does not seek to perish in glory. His goal is to survive by any means possible. He is not a hero, he is a criminal.


One of the many bounty hunters trying to get to Riddick. Only, unlike others, he succeeds. Jones first appeared in the film Pitch Black. He was taking Riddick to jail when the disaster struck. Subsequently, he will die on an unknown planet ...

The game begins with Jones taking Riddick to Butch Bay and turning over to the warden. In the future, he will play a significant role, but it will not be possible to clash with him directly. Even more surprising is the ending, in which Jones and Riddick ... however, I will not spoil the surprise.


The game talks a little about Hoxsey. All that is known is that he is the owner of the prison. Although in his habits he looks more like a businessman than the director of one of the strictest colonies in the universe. He is constantly surrounded by an army of security guards.

She loves expensive suits and constantly monitors her appearance. But do not flatter yourself. Manners and luxury are little more than a cover. Hoxie has a shark grip and will not miss his chance. However, it is greed that will destroy him.


Chief Taskmaster and right-hand man of Hoxsey. Wears red armor. He constantly wears sunglasses, although there is already little light in the prison. Abbott is voiced and played by renowned rapper Xzibit. Perhaps that is why he looks like a "black gangsta" who has heard a lot of rap. Habits, speech and manner - one to one. Whether it is good or bad, everyone can judge for himself.

Abbott's main task is to create as many problems as possible for the prisoners. He does it superbly. He can even get hold of Riddick. For which he will pay. Numerous guards will not save either. A skull broken by a metal bar is a payment for hard work.

Papa joes

A mysterious hermit living deep in the tunnels. He dresses in rags and wears glasses like Riddick's. But the most amazing thing is his skin. She is brown in color and covered in tattoos. After visiting him, Riddick acquires his trademark vision. But the most interesting thing is that Joe was not involved in this in any way.

If you've watched the movie Pitch Black, then you probably remember: Riddick said that he acquired his unique vision in Butch Bay by paying a surgeon for an operation with 20 menthol cigarettes. It turns out that this is not the case. The mysterious voice in Riddick's head is to blame for what happened, but not Joe.


Man is your worst enemy.

Mark Tullius Cicero


A prison is a gathering place for thieves, murderers and rapists of all stripes. The main rule: if you want to survive, fight. Fight to the death. So don't expect a warm welcome. But one should not think that only psychos are inhabiting the prison. Most of the prisoners are very cunning and respect strong personalities. Especially if they can back up their words with deeds.

Riddick feels like a fish in water in prison. This is his element. Here they play by the rules to which he is accustomed. He knows what to do and how to behave. However, he does not blindly follow the rules: he breaks them if they interfere with the achievement of the goal. Therefore, most of the prisoners are afraid of him.

Prisoners fight with sharpeners, knuckle dusters, and sometimes just fists. Defeating them in battle is not difficult. Riddick's pood fist will knock anyone down. They are dangerous only if they attack in a crowd. But even in this case, they cannot really take advantage of the numerical advantage.


Prison attendants. They are dressed in overalls similar to those worn by prisoners. They are constantly fixing something. They carry weapons with them, but for some reason they do not use them. It is always lying around. They prefer to fight with a screwdriver. Yeah. It's much better than a rifle.

Mechanics are rare. They can be called a gift of fate: they are stupid, weak and share a rifle. Waste ammo on them is a waste of money. A steel blade works best.


Headache throughout the game. Guards vary in toughness, intelligence, and armor. Armed with shotguns, assault rifles or pistols. Dressed in crimson armor. The head is covered with a helmet. Although there is no use from him. A headshot is lethal with any weapon.

The smartest opponent in the game. Use flashlights if it is dark around. They clean the rooms in groups. In case of danger, they retreat and do not hesitate to take shelters. They prefer not to ask for trouble. They often wait for the player to give himself away.

A dangerous enemy, but acts in a somewhat formulaic manner. Which is what destroys him.


The task of the commanders is to manage the detachments of the guards. Wear lighter armor than regular soldiers. They are easily recognizable by the cap on their head.

A very clever opponent. Can really create a lot of problems. But light armor negates all the advantages. The commander collapses after a couple of hits.

Commanders have higher access to security than ordinary soldiers. Therefore, they are often used as a way to obtain access cards.


Elite soldiers, clad in heavy armor. They look like large iron boxes with a viewing window in the middle. Their task is to suppress prison riots. They do their job superbly. Their armor is almost impossible to penetrate. The only vulnerable spot is the back. Grenades also work well. Although a lot of them are required.

Armed with a machine gun. After the death of the suppressor, the machine gun can be picked up and used by yourself. This is the only weapon with which you can go against them head-on. A hail of bullets stops them for a while, and they cannot fire back.

Enormous firepower, but the pilot lacks intelligence. There is nowhere easier to deceive him. Show yourself to the pacifier and run into a dark corner. He will stomp after you, but he will not thrust himself into the darkness. Will get up and wait. You can go out from the other side. If you don't catch your eye, you can do whatever you want. At least cut the guards.

If you need to join the battle, but there is no machine gun, the following technique will help. When the suppressor spots Riddick, start running around and shoot in the back. He will be marking time, trying to keep up with you. The main thing is not to get hit by the hand. Knocks out the first time.

And a little secret: in the middle of the game, they will be given the use of the pacifier's suit. This is compensation for the "staff" for the long wait for porting.


Healthy robots with obscenely thick armor. Clumsy, but smart enough. They come in different models and are armed in different ways. You can fight them only while sitting in the same steel monster. In other cases, there is only one thing left: to run as fast as possible.

They meet several times during the game.


Whoops, puffs and always bouncing. Their habits are reminiscent of Gollum from The Lord of the Rings. They do not know how to use weapons, so they try to reach them with their paws. Foolish. But they attack in a crowd.

They only meet once per game. When you encounter them, you will only have a shotgun from your weapon. Therefore, there is no particular choice. Carried out with one shot at point-blank range. If not for the constant revival, they would not pose a danger at all.

And yet I wonder where did they come from? They don't look like local monsters. Human form and inhabited by sewers. Are they mutated prisoners? Who knows. The game is silent about this ...


There are two types of aliens in the game. A huge monster with a giant jaw appears in the game only a few times. Penetrates only with grenades. He doesn't give a damn about the rest of the weapon. On his back, he wears nibbles, which can separate from the owner and attack on their own.

Little stranger. An almost complete copy of its big brother. As already mentioned, babies live on their backs. True, it is not clear where they are jumping out in crowds. Nimble and very biting. They attack with a jump from afar. They know how to crawl on walls and jump to great heights.

Fortunately, they are braking enough and they can easily shoot back before they can cause harm. The main thing is to catch the moment. They do not bite immediately after the jump, but a little later. The best weapon against them is the shotgun. The shot can cover several individuals.

The only annoying thing is that in some places they are constantly reborn. However, these sections run quickly. So there shouldn't be any problems.


God created people, and Colt made them equal.

American proverb


Brass knuckles

Once brass knuckles were a full-fledged cold weapon (in the Middle Ages and earlier). True, then he looked a little different and had a different name. But the principle of operation remained the same. In general, one cannot say in which country brass knuckles first appeared. They were equally common in Japan, Ancient Russia and Europe. And it so happened that at all times they were used mainly by robbers, thieves, robbers ... There were, however, exceptions. For example, knightly gloves with spikes are nothing more than such a special brass knuckles.

It is interesting: the word "brass knuckles" has French roots and comes from the merger of two words: casser (to break) and tete (head).

In Chronicles of Riddick, brass knuckles are used for their intended purpose: they break the heads of opponents. In addition to their appearance, they are no different. In general, the force of blow of knuckle dusters is undeservedly underestimated. Yes, with him the blow is more powerful, but not enough to replace the knife. Therefore, as soon as you find the blade, you can forget about the brass knuckles.

Interesting observation: brass knuckles doubles the force of the blow of the hand on which they are wearing (Riddick wears it on his right). Therefore, there are more hooks on the right and less on the left.


The oldest weapon inherited from cave ancestors. Centuries changed, firearms appeared, which completely turned military affairs, but the knife still remains in demand. It is used to this day. Special forces, punks in street fights, yes, damn it, what did you cut bread with today?

In Butcher Bay, as in any prison, it is difficult to get hold of a normal blade. The guards do not wear them, and the prisoners are made from scrap materials. Finding a piece of good steel and machining it correctly is not easy without the right tool. But the need for invention is cunning. Screwdrivers, sharpeners and even a surgical scalpel are used.

It is interesting: on the Web, in one of the online stores, a knife appeared on sale, one-to-one repeating Riddick's blade, with which he shaved his head in Pitch Black using solid oil.

Despite the wide variety of blades, the combat characteristics are the same for all. Choose according to your taste, there is no difference. The knife does not do as much damage as it might seem. But it has a high impact speed.

When the blade is in your hands, do not stand still. A couple of sharp blows, a bounce to the side - and again an attack. Don't let the enemy come to his senses. Attack from behind, punch in the face - use your speed advantage to the fullest.


The baton in Butcher Bay is difficult to reach. Unlike knives and brass knuckles, which almost every prisoner carries with him. And this is understandable. It is difficult to hide such a fool from the guards. Yes, the knife will be more practical.

There are two types of clubs. Homemade is made from an iron bar. A bunch of bolts are screwed on top to enhance the impact, and from the bottom - a handle so as not to crush your hands on impact. The second is unique. It can be taken from Abbott's corpse. It looks like a baseball bat. Nothing, except for appearance, differs from the criminal "commodity".

The first time the club can be obtained is in Tower 17. It is sold by one of the prisoners in the dining room. If you have money, take it. Then she will help you out a lot.

In general, the club is a special weapon and is not suitable for every fight. You need to know how to handle it, otherwise you risk being on the floor with your throat cut. Even if the enemy is not particularly strong. For the huge force of impact, you have to pay with a low speed. So forget about close combat. Keep your opponent at a distance. Why climb forward? Take advantage of the length. You can reach the enemy from afar, but he is not you. They struck - and immediately back. Don't let him start a contact fight. Up close, you won't even have time to swing.

Experience shows that the most effective blow is from above. The enemy is lost for a while, and you have time to jump back to a safe distance. In a fight, it looks like this: strike from above and take a step back; then immediately start striking a new blow and step forward. The enemy will just have time to wake up and rush forward. For which he gets a crowbar on the head.



The pistol is not at all useless, as it might seem at first. The cartridge has a very low penetration power, but practically no spread. This is what you need to use. The pistol allows you to shoot the enemy from afar, until he noticed the player. A shot in the head - and the corpse is ready. And for close and medium-range combat, there is a better weapon.

Pistols are usually carried by commanders. The guards prefer assault rifles and shotguns. Which, however, is reasonable.


The guards are armed with shotguns and are on duty away from prisoners. This is done as a precaution. The weapon does not have a universal DNA code, so everyone can use it. Which Riddick enjoys doing.

Shotgun is a melee weapon. So close that it is better to use it in complete darkness, when Riddick is not visible. Otherwise, you may not have time to run up to the enemy at a shot distance. Basically, the shotgun is used against mutants and aliens. Eighteen pellets at a time will calm any monster.

Assault rifle

The assault rifle is our everything. Excellent rate of fire and penetration. That's just the spread disappointed. However, it is "cured" if you shoot in short bursts. Three to five bullets at a time. This saves ammunition and does not "shine" Riddick that way when hiding in the dark.

You can get an assault rifle at the very beginning of the game. Only it will not be possible to use. A protection system is installed on each barrel. To disable it, you need to enter your DNA-code (palm print) into the central computer. Otherwise, when trying to pick up Riddick's weapon, he will be electrocuted. Therefore, one of the first tasks in the game is to get to the central computer.

In the second half of the game, you will find an outdated model of an assault rifle (though for some reason it is called the Prototype Rifle). It has no DNA protection, but the clip has been cut (14 rounds instead of 38) and the rate of fire is doubled. With a large spread and a small clip, there is nothing good about this.

Tranquilizer pistol

You will have to run through a significant part of the game with this bogeyman, for some unknown reason called the Tranquilizer Gun, although it shoots with electric darts, not tranquilizers. But the result is similar: having received a charge in the chest, the victim temporarily loses the ability to move and helplessly convulses. At this moment, you need to run up and finish off with your boot.

The Tranquilizer Pistol can be purchased from the Mine Vendor. This case is compulsory and voluntary. This does not apply to story missions, but without him it will not be possible to go through the mines. After each shot you need to reload the weapon, but the darts are endless. You can shoot three or four guards and have time to finish them off before they wake up.

It is important: in general, you don't have to buy a tranquilizer pistol. He will meet again in the game. But only the most stubborn will be able to get there, acting with only one knife.

Darts also work on suppressors. True, they are paralyzed for only a couple of seconds, but even this is enough to have time to hide. You can also use a pistol to break lamps and temporarily turn off laser beams.

The tranquilizer pistol is a kind of weapon. You need to get used to it. But half an hour of training - and you will handle him like a real shooter.

Machine gun

Do not flatter yourself. The machine gun is not such a versatile weapon as it might seem at first. Yes, of course, 4000 rounds per clip, 15 rounds per second and huge penetrating power will stop anyone. Despite the large spread when shooting. In a couple of seconds, you can mow a decent-sized squad.

But if you think about it: is it necessary? Probably not. Riddick copes with enemies not with a rough pressure, but with dexterity and skill. Shot from the dark, stab in the back. Constant movement, surprise attacks. The game pushes for this style of passing.

Taking the same machine gun in hand, Riddick becomes clumsy and slow. Some of this can be avoided by squatting. This is how the hero moves faster than when he is standing. But still maneuverability - like a lop-eared macaque. It's not so scary when faced with one or two guards. If there are more of them, then it is better to refuse the machine gun. They'll shoot you faster than you can aim.

It is important: a useful bug was noticed. If you drop the machine gun and then raise it, the clip will be full.

When you open fire, Riddick "glows" like the North Star in the night. The darkness no longer serves as a shelter. Everyone can clearly see where and at whom to shoot. Also, you cannot put the machine gun in the bosom. As soon as you get another weapon, Riddick will throw a machine gun on the floor.

Where the machine gun really comes in handy is against the suppressors. Trying to pierce their armor with other weapons is more expensive for yourself. In addition, being hit by a queue, they cannot return fire. Apparently a hail of bullets is knocking down the suit's control system. In other cases, it is better to do without it. It's much easier that way.


They got it, threw it out, forgot it. If thrown successfully, then you can forget about a couple of guards. The only drawback is the grenade response time. Guards often run past before she explodes. Therefore, it is necessary to throw ahead, having previously estimated which way the people will run.

But still, it is best to use grenades against the suppressors (of course, if there is no machine gun). It will be too late by the time they realize that it has arrived. We threw three or four things at once - and went for the captured machine gun.



We treat you right, when the rest of the world treats you rough.

Packs of cigarettes

There are packs of cigarettes scattered throughout the game. Some are lying on the floor and immediately catch your eye. Others give prisoners for completed assignments. Still others can be found in secluded places or bought with money. There are 62 packs in the game.

Each bundle found opens access to a prize from the developers. Most often this is art from a game or movie. When you find all 62 packages, you will gain access to a secret room. Each found pack is added to the current profile once and for all. Even if you start the game again, all the packs found will remain with you.

It is impossible to get all 62 for the first playthrough. To do this, you need to complete the game at least two times.

Money (UD Money)

"Not everything is for sale here, but everything is bought or rented." The truth is old as the world. Nothing is for sale in the prison, but you can buy almost anything. If only there was money. You can earn them in different ways: complete a task, kill someone, or just find. Yes, that happens too.

Chronicles of Riddick money is used to buy weapons (knives, brass knuckles, clubs) or certain services (such as medical treatment). In most cases, you can do without this.

They are used no more than two or three times to advance through the story. But if you want to get all the packs of cigarettes, as well as greatly facilitate the passage, it is better to have a weighty pack of bills in your pocket. It is unlikely that during the game you will experience a lack of finance. There are always a lot of them and they are easy to get.

Vent Tool

The tool is needed to open the ventilation hatches. Sometimes it can be bought, but most often it rises from the dead body of a mechanic. Most often, it is issued where the plot suggests. So don't worry: you will find it when you need it.

Nano-packaging (NanoMED Cartridge)

When you start the game, Riddick has four health dice. If you received damage, but the cube did not disappear completely (for example, half remained), then after a while it will be restored.

If the cube has disappeared completely, then health can be restored only with the help of a medical device (after treatment, she says a lethal phrase - see the epigraph of this chapter). To activate them, you need nano-packages (NanoMED Cartridge). This only applies to non-working people, of whom there are very few in the game. The nano-packages themselves are picked up from the bodies of killed guards or are simply located in secluded corners.

In addition to the usual NanoMED Health Unit, there are also NanoMED Health Stations. They not only restore health, but also once and for all add an additional health cube. There are four such installations in total.

Side quests Yes, you are not mistaken, the game has ... quests. Most of the missions are optional. For completing them, you will receive weapons, money or packs of cigarettes. The tasks themselves are primitive, especially if judged by the standards of a role-playing game. Commit a contract murder, knock out debt, find a cache or the owner's belongings. The walkthrough, of course, describes each quest and how to complete it, if there are several of them.

Silent death

The dark ... My favorite ...

Despite the overall brutality, the game tends more towards the imperceptible elimination of the enemy than head-on collisions. This is especially felt at the difficult level of difficulty. Even if there is no advanced indicator of noise and light, as in Splinter Cell, you will have to crawl pretty much in the dark.

It is interesting: although both Riddick and Sam Fisher prefer to kill suddenly - so that the enemy does not understand who did it - there is a whole chasm between them. Riddick is a hunting predator, strong, daring and deadly; Fischer is a clever saboteur, for whom murder is only a means on the way to an end.

Darkness is Riddick's best friend. Especially after he acquires his famous sight. To become invisible to the enemy when you find yourself in the shadows, squat down. The world around will turn gray. Now the guards will be able to detect you only when they collide at close range. Or by flashing it with a flashlight.

Riddick moves silently, so it is impossible to hear him while driving. All that remains is to turn on your night vision and arrange a bloodbath. If the enemy has turned on the flashlight, then it is better to do with simple sight. The bright light makes Riddick blind - and you won't know where to shoot back.

The guards are combing the premises very carefully. But there is always the opportunity to come in from the back and stick a knife in the side.

It is important: watch video tours on the CD of the March "LCI". Including a tour dedicated to the silent elimination of guards.

If it is light around, it needs to be corrected. Shoot the lamp, and a pleasant gloom will reign around. After that, the guards will probably rush to check what happened to the light. But ... is that what you want?

If they took up defensive positions and are ready to riddle anyone who appears ... Well, this is only on hand. You are in the dark, they are not. You see them, they don't you. We fired a couple of shots, changed position. They waited for the shooting to stop. Again they fired a couple of shots. Try to get into the head. One bullet and the enemy is ready.

It is a good habit to knock out all the light bulbs before entering a new room. It will save lives more than once.

If you have finished off the guard, and there are a few more wandering around, it is better to hide the body. In order not to make a fuss. To do this, squat down, go to the body and press the key E... To let go - again E... You need to hide in dark corners. True, sometimes you can throw yourself into the abyss or somewhere else.

On the other hand, the body is a great way to get the opponent's attention. Seeing a dead comrade, he forgets about his duties and runs to check what happened. Then he stands and stares at the corpse. At this moment, you need to come up from the back and break your neck.

Hand-to-hand combat

There is no dangerous weapon. There are only dangerous people. We are trying to make you dangerous to the enemy. Dangerous even without a knife. Dangerous as long as you have one arm or one leg and while you are still alive ...

Robert Heinlein "Star Infantry"

Even without weapons, with bare hands, Riddick remains deadly. It is not the weapon that kills, but the man. It is he who must be feared. In Chronicles of Riddick, hand-to-hand combat is original. If you miss a beat, the screen will swing from side to side. An accurate lunge - and marks appear on the opponent's face: bruises and bruises.

The controls are simple: right mouse button - block; left and W / A / S / D - direction of impact. You can also punch a combination of blows.

  • Right and left kick... Two lashing blows. They do medium damage, but they are quickly carried out. The enemy will probably not have time to block or jump back. By quickly clicking on the buttons, you can beat the enemy to death, preventing him from striking back or blocking.
  • Elbow punch and uppercut... A powerful but slow combination. You need to catch the moment when the enemy opens up. It is more difficult to hit, but it is guaranteed to stun the enemy.

If you have a weapon (brass knuckles or a knife), then the combinations will be the same. Only the damage done is much higher.

You can kill a person with your bare hands with one blow. The easiest way is to sneak up from behind (you need to be on your haunches) and hold down the right mouse button. Riddick will wrap his arms around the victim. Now press the left mouse button. After a couple of seconds, Riddick will break the victim's neck. Or he will stick a knife in his side - depending on what is in his hands.

The second way is more difficult. Wait for the enemy to strike and press the left mouse button. Simply put, counter strike. Riddick will intercept the opponent's hand and finish him off with one attack. Moreover, the combination carried out depends on the enemy's weapon.

I advise you to practice this technique perfectly. So you can kill even the most powerful fighters with one blow.

Likewise, you can neutralize a guard armed with a firearm. Run up to him at close range. When he tries to hit with the butt, press the left mouse button. Riddick grabs the weapon aimed at him, a sharp jerk, the barrel sticks into the enemy's neck - a shot, blood splashes on the wall, and the body slowly slides to the floor.

And the last thing. Riddick, like the real spy Sam Fisher, knows how to kill the enemy with a jump from above. Wait for the guard to pass under you and jump down the stairs. Riddick will do the rest himself.


Pelican Bay is California's newest nightmare, the horrors from Orwell and Kafka that came true at the end of the twentieth century. Instead of simple clubs, they used electric ones, with a charge of 50 thousand volts, instead of beatings, they injected Prolyxan, turning a person into a shuffling zombie for a week. Who can get society out of such a hell? Do they expect, having sowed thorns, to reap the good wheat?

Edward Bunker "And the dog will devour the dog ..."

Arrival at the colony

I drank hundreds of saws in felling

And under the whisper shackled at night chifiril,

I didn't graze at the feeders like the last jackal,

I found out where the track is, and one day I was running.

Chizh & C "Around the taiga"


The story begins on a ship that rushes to Butch Bay - the most guarded prison in the universe ... Once on the planet, talk to Jones. You can choose any of the answer options. The result will be the same.

It is important: on the CD of the March "LCI" you will find the files of the saved games. The game is completed completely and the "comments" mode is open, as well as all the game secrets.

When Jones turns his back, break his neck. Machine-gun turrets opened fire. It's time to get out of here. Wait for the prisoner to open the hatch and jump down. Run down the tunnel. After reaching the stairs, go downstairs.

The mechanic downstairs is repairing the door. It's useless to sneak up on him. She will notice it anyway. Jump down and beat him to death. Pick up the card from the body and open the door.

In the dark corridor, squat down and wait for the guard. Sneak up behind him and break his neck. Pick up the tool from the body, and then hide the corpse in a dark corner. In the next room, climb up the boxes and jump onto the stairs from them. On it you will reach the ventilation shaft. You can kill the appeared guard by jumping from above. Or just walk by.

The mine will lead you out into the corridor. A medical device hangs on the wall. Use it if you are hurt. In the next room, there is a guard at the table. Run up to him and stick a shotgun in the neck. Effectively. You can pick up a weapon, but it has no ammo.

Climb onto the boxes, and then onto the railing. Go left to the elevator. Go up. Once on the surface, sneak up on the guard and break his neck. Pick up the weapon and go downstairs. On the closed door, shoot the lock and go into the tunnel.

Nothing is visible in the tunnel. But it's better not to use a flashlight. The light will give you away. Be guided by the light bombs and the light of the guard's flashlights. There are a bunch of fuel barrels around, so you don't even need to take special aim. They shot in the direction of the enemy - an explosion covered them. There will be a white light at the end of the tunnel. Run to him ... Damn it, this is just a dream.

The Arrival / Prison Yard / Aquila Territory

As an eminent criminal, Riddick went out to meet the head of the prison himself. Great honor. After a short conversation, Riddick will be taken to the prison block. Nothing can be done. Bye. Enjoy the local views and watch the credits ...

The prison has strict rules. Fights are prohibited. If the video cameras notice the riots, then a charge of electricity will be released at the intruder. After which he will be dragged into the cell. In this case, all weapons are lost. Of course, if no one sees, you can at least use the guards.

There is nothing to do in the cell, so go out into the corridor and talk to Barber. He will tell you that Mattsson is waiting in the courtyard of Riddick. Hmm ... Interesting. However, it is too early to go there. Find Shabby in the hallway. He wants you to kill Molina. Take note. You can also chat with the guard at the grate. But there will be no sense in it.

Two prisoners are sitting in one of the cells. Chat with Waman. He, too, longs for Molina's death. Yes, many people don't like this guy. Go to the courtyard. You will meet Jack and Coyne along the way. They will advise you to speak with Haley.

On the patio, talk to Red and Haley. They will promise to help kill Rust. Why is this needed? However, it is foolish to refuse help. It's time to go to Mattsson. He will say that the sharpening is in his cell.

Return back to the prison block. There is no sharpening in cell A-40. But there will be two prisoners with clearly aggressive intentions. Beat them up and return to Mattsson. He vows that he will no longer do this, and promises to get a sharpener. Return to your cell. This will be followed by a game scene in which Riddick shovels off a bunch of problems.

Talk to Barber. He will advise you to turn to Waman for weapons. Perhaps it is worth doing so. Look into locker A-38 along the way. Molina sits there. Kill him and pick up the brass knuckles from the body. Report his deaths to Shabby and Waman.

The beast and the victim. While the advantage isn't on Riddick's side, guess who's afraid of whom. And who is the victim.

Go out into the courtyard and go to the second half of prison block A. Anarchy reigns in it, everyone will start throwing themselves at Riddick. Knock out the prisoners and move along the corridor. Pick up weapons and money from the bodies. There is a medical unit in one of the cells.

In the corridor, the prisoners set up a bomb. As soon as you approach them, they will ignite the fuse. Run away to avoid being hit by the explosion. After that, deal with the clever guys.

Eventually you will come to Rust. You will have to fight with him one on one. Therefore, nothing complicated. After his death, watch the video. There is nothing else to do here. Go back. Talk to all the prisoners along the way. In the hallway, you will meet two guards. Walk past them. But the next two (they come out one at a time) should not be missed. Intercept weapons and shut your throats. Moreover, one has 5 UD.

Walk up to Haley in the patio. He will tell you a lot of interesting things. Including - how to get to the hospital. Go to the guard at the grate and tell him that he owes Haley money. He will let you inside.


Once in the hospital, look around. Hmmm. They obviously don't care about hygiene here. However, there is no time to argue. Knock out the guard with a machine gun, and then his comrade. Pick up the access card from the body. First, look into the room on the right. In it you will find a scalpel and something else. Now go to the other door.

Opening it, you will face a guard. He is clearly surprised to meet with Riddick. And upset that he was unarmed. Finish him and move on. There is a medical car in the corridor. Use it to increase your health by one die. Climb up the stairs and go through the door. Hide behind the box and wait for the guard. Break his neck and take 5 UD.

You go into the door at the far end and climb into the hatch. You will find yourself in a hall with two guards. You can't get to them, so slip through without making a noise, huddling against the edge. Another guard is waiting for you in the next corridor. Cut it and hide the body. Through the door to the street.

Downstairs in the courtyard, three guards beat a prisoner. They are so passionate that they don't have time to look around. Finish off the lone sentry and remove the access card from the body. Drag the corpse into the shadows. Now go to the door. Be careful not to come under the spotlight. Once in the room, look around the corner and hide back. Wait for the guard to turn his back and let him go.

The next door leads to the main computer. It's time to add your fingerprints to the DNA database ...


The guard walks carelessly through the cave. Behind, sniffing furiously, a monster creeps up. Someone's going to have dinner now.

Jump down on the boxes and kill the mechanic. Enter your palm prints into the database and grab the rifle. After a couple of seconds, security will burst into the room. You can just shoot them. Or smash all the light bulbs and cut them with a knife.

A detachment of three people is waiting for you in the corridor. Shoot the fire extinguisher on the wall. The explosion should kill everyone. Pick up your weapon and move on. As soon as you come to the door, the guard will throw a grenade. Run around the corner and wait out the explosion. The door closed, but a hole appeared in the wall. Shoot down two shards to widen the hole and enter the room. A guard with a shotgun is waiting for you in it. Shoot him down and use the control panel to turn off the fan. Now climb the boxes upstairs.

Climb through the fan and head down the hallway. There are two guards at the bottom. Shoot them down and head downstairs. Move on. On the way, you will encounter a lone guard with a shotgun. There are already two of them in the next room. Without leaving the darkness, take them off with a headshot. Then climb up to collect weapons. As soon as you do this, a guard will run out of the corridor from where you left. Finish him off and pick up the money.

Go to the hatch. A guard with a shotgun sat down next to him. Darkness reigns in the tunnels themselves. But it is better not to turn on the flashlight, otherwise opponents will detect it. Pull the valve to turn off the gas. Walk forward until you hear a grenade throw. Run back and wait out the explosion. Now you can take over the protection. They don't have flashlights, so don't waste ammo. Use a knife.

Climb into the gap formed. The hallway is dark. Climb onto the box and wait for the guard to come running. Cut it and wait for the second one. And it is at the expense. Further there will be a hall in which you were ambushed. Without going inside, break as many light bulbs as possible. Improve your health if necessary. Wall mounted medical installation. It's time to fight.

Dealing with an ambush is not as difficult as it might seem. The main thing is not to twitch. Going inside, hide in the corner. Ignore the grenade. She will not even remove one division. Then remove the guard from the side and take his position (you need to climb over the boxes). From there, shoot the rest. Moreover, it is better to use a pistol. One shot in the head - and the corpse is ready.

At the end of the party, the pacifier will come. You can just run away on the elevator, but this way you will lose money and ammunition. Wait for him to come out to the center of the hall and run out from behind the cover. Circle around him and shoot in the back with a shotgun. A couple of clips - and he's ready. Collect trophies and take the elevator.

Prison yard riot

So you got back to the prison block. True, no longer a prisoner, but a fugitive. Go down to the grate and remove the two guards. Now go upstairs and pull the valve to open the door. The security system is switched to an increased security mode. Turrets now fire live rounds. Destroy them from afar before they spot Riddick.

Move to the courtyard, taking out the guards along the way. The path to the street is blocked by a lattice. We need to find a way to open it. Go to the hospital. There's a whole bunch of guards there again. At the end, you will meet the commander. Finish him and pick up the walkie-talkie. Riddick will say that the riot has been suppressed and the gate can be opened. They believed it. Run outside ... and watch the cutscene.

The pit

You only have six minutes before the flashlight goes out. Then darkness and death. Time is running out, so you need to get out quickly. By the way, the tunnels to run through are a former prison. And a bunch of mutants, apparently, former prisoners.

Run into the doorway. Turn right and then right again. You must exit to a room with a tunnel leading downward. Here you will meet "local residents". Try to collect more piles so that later you will end up with all of them with one shot at close range.

Get down into the tunnel. At the very end, you will find a valve. Grab it and go back. Now run along the corridors to the right. When you reach the place covered by the grate, use the found valve and follow the light of the lighting bombs. You will soon find yourself in Joe's dwelling.

Papa joes den

Once in Joe's dwelling, talk to him. He wants you to bring back the radio lost in the tunnels. Only then will he help you. Take some light bombs from the table. They will help if the flashlight on the shotgun goes out. Although, if you quickly ran through the tunnels, the charge should be enough.

Run to the lift and get down. Go to the tunnels on the left. After passing several rooms, you will stumble upon a radio receiver. It can be found by listening. The unknown presenter chatters incessantly. Return to the dwelling and show the find to Joe.

Dark tunnels

Run along the ventilation shaft. After leaving the tunnels, shoot two mutants and go right. A couple more corridors - and you will reach the stairs. Climb up ...


Once in the showers, look around. In the next booth, someone is clearly ill. Turn off the lights and wait for the doors to open. Slowly strangle the worker and turn off the lights in the hallway. After some time, a guard will come to check what the matter is. Break his neck and pick up a weapon.

The last one remained, in the dressing room. Turn off the lights and break his neck as he wanders in the dark. Now you need to search the lockers. In them you will find money, cigarettes, and most importantly, a worker's uniform. Put it on. Now the guards will take Riddick for their own.

If you don't want problems, just walk by. But it's better to slowly break your necks. They made sure that there were no witnesses - they turned their heads. And stand as if nothing happened. The main thing is that the guards do not see the murder and how you sneak up. Of course, there will be suspicions, but they will not start shooting. This way you will collect weapons and money. You will need them later.

Use the retina scanner at the hangar door. Of course, no one will open the door for Riddick. You need to find the right eyes. Abbott, for example. After using the scanner, a guard will run into the room. Therefore, it is better to knock out the bulbs in advance. And strangle the guard in the dark.

At this level, you can get hold of the guard's armor and a bunch of rifle cartridges. Passing one of the doors, you may have noticed: inside is an armory. But you don't have an access card. We'll have to look for a workaround.

Turn right after the showers. Jump down into the hole in the corner, one level below. There you will find the tool. Open the hatch for them and climb into the mine. On it you will get into the room from where you jumped down.

Go to the hangar doors and jump to the side. Open the hatch and crawl along the mine. You will soon be taken to the weapons room. Grab your armor, weapons and head back.

Guards Quarters

It's best not to make noise in the guards' quarter. You can kill everyone. But why? It just isn't necessary. At the Marketplace, talk to Jenkins. He will give you a bottle of wine. Chat with the Bondo security guard. He will talk about weapons for Abbott.

Go to the store owner and ask him about Abbott. He will hand over the package: a new rifle for the boss. Also, if you have money and desire, buy the things you like from him. True, there is no point in this, they will soon be taken away anyway.

Take the elevator to the second tier. Find the Chancellor guard and give him the liquor. He will pay for a bottle of 50 UD. Now to Abbott. Before opening the door, he will ask about the purpose of the visit. Tell them you brought the package. The door opens and ...

Alternative walkthrough

If you want to kill everyone, no question. There won't be any problems. And to make it even easier, use the control panel to turn off the lights. If you go through this way, then you will not receive the package for Abbott from the store seller, but will find it at the front door.


Dealing with Abbott is very simple. Hide behind the pillar to the left and fire when he starts reloading his weapon. A couple of clips and Abbott is ready. And yet Riddick's plans will be thwarted. Jones will stop him at the last moment ...


Second try

Tower 17 / Tower 17 Base / Recreation Area / Feed Ward / Work Pass

The guilty prisoners are exiled to the mines. There is a stricter security regime here. For fighting and carrying weapons - execution on the spot. The guards are trained inside and out. It's impossible to escape from here. If not for one "but" - the human factor.

Exit the cell and follow the prisoner. Talking is prohibited while you are in the elevator. Violators are shot on the spot. Wait for the elevator to stop and go outside. Now you can talk to your fellow traveler. Rael will talk about the customs at Tower 17 and suggest you contact Dogbone to find out more. Go downstairs.

There are a lot of people on the site, but you only need two. Dogbone will provide additional information; Centurion can put up a fight. The offer is tempting. Agree. Moreover, without this, you can’t go further. Your first opponent is Harman. He stands at the door. Approach him and challenge him to battle. Then inform Centurion about it.

The rules are very simple. Don't leave the circle and fight to the death. If someone leaves the circle, then both fighters will be shot by machine-gun turrets. You can use any weapon in a fight. Defense is disabled for the duration of the battle.

After the fight, talk to Centurion and ask him to find a new opponent. He will offer Baasim, but it will cost 5 UD. Agree. Now you can wander around the prison block and do quests.

But first the escape plan. We need to get out the security card. It can be obtained from Abbott. There are two ways to attract his attention and make him go down. Beat a fighter from the guards in the arena - Bam; get caught with drugs. The first is more difficult, but more profitable. The second is simpler, but brings less money.

Exit Tower 17 and go to the Recreation Area, section A (section letters are written on the floor). There are two guards in the right corner. If you approach them, they will search Riddick. If drugs are found, a meeting with Abbott is assured. You have nothing, so you may not be suitable. In the left corner are two prisoners. Talk to Cricket and he will offer to buy a sharpener. Agree.

Freeze. Funny poses, unfunny fight.

Don't rush to leave. Cricket will give the money to Asif to hide in a cache. It will not be possible to trace him, so follow to section B. We will rob the cache a little later. You may have noticed the large flying insects. They can be caught and then exchanged for cigarettes at a local drug dealer.

The process of catching is as follows: squat down and watch the insect. When it sits on the wall or goes down, run up abruptly and press the E key. Done. Insects fly almost everywhere, so look around carefully.

There are four prisoners in section B. Pink sells cigarettes. Baasim is the fighter you need. Challenge him. He will agree and say that he will wait at Centurion. Jamal-Udeen will ask you to kill all Blueskins.

Go to Section C. The Nurse will ask you to get the debt out of the Binks. Agree. Wilkins will ask you to find the Jagger Valance. This will not happen soon, so you can forget for a while. Gulag will ask you to return the stolen item (red tube). Craps will offer to play dice for money (F5 / F9 is my eternal luck).

Return to Tower 17 and speak to Centurion. Again the arena. In general, it is very easy to defeat any fighter. Just learn to intercept the blow. Broken arm, counter attack - and the enemy is dead. Fast and angry. After the fight, demand a new enemy from Centurion. He will advise you to talk to Sawtooth.

It is important: when you get debt out of Binks, you can borrow from Nurse. True, then there will be no way to return the money. The conversation will not contain the right phrase. But then, in the mines, an unpleasant surprise will await you.

Go to Feed Ward. Four prisoners are resting in the first room. Talk to Surenos. He will ask you to return the list. You will find it very soon. Motor is waiting for you in the next corridor. He was very upset that you killed Harman and decided to avenge his death. Finish him and pick up a vial of poison from the body. Here, in the corridor, Asif must roam. Break his neck and take the card. You can still talk to Georgie, but he won't say anything sensible.

Go to the dining room. Add poison to the Binks food. You can now report your completed assignment to Nurse. Challenge Sawtooth. He will agree to a fight. Go to the second half of the dining room. Monster sells a variety of products. If you have money, buy a club from him. In the wall opposite the table where the Monster sits, there is a cache. Open it and take your money and things. Among the other items will be a red tube. When passing by Gulag, do not forget to return the item to the owner.

Return to Tower 17 and take out the Sawtooth. Demand another opponent from Centurion. He will point to Cusa, who lives in the Recreation Area, in section D. Go there.

Agree to Twotongue's request to shut down his business. But in order to start selling goods, he needs two things: a dead Baasim and a burner (you found it in a cache). Both conditions are met, so you can see the product. There are three items to choose from: poison (no longer needed), drugs and cigarettes (sells only for insects). You need drugs if you want to meet Abbott right now. If so, buy packaging and go to the search.

Talk to Cusa and return to Tower 17. After beating him, talk to Centurion again. That one has run out of fighters. The only one he can suggest is the guard Bam. Exactly what is needed. After the fight, the guards will take you to Abbott ...

After the end of the video, take out the club and start pounding Abbott. The tactics are the same: a blow, a step back and a new attack. He has a lot of health, so please be patient. After Abbott's death, pick up the security card and go out into the corridor. There will be a medical car. Use it to increase your health by one die. Talk to Georgie through the window and give him 50 UD. Then he will help you out during the escape.

It is interesting: Abbott's baton reads "The Peacemaker." After reading this phrase, I immediately threw out my rusty rod and picked up a gorgeous bat. I will create the world.

All the work is done, it's time to get out of here. Go to the Work Pass. This is the place from where prisoners are sent to work. Talk to Shurik and promise to return the glasses. Go to the far door from the suppressor. Use the card and go inside. There are two guards inside, but luckily the lights go out. Before the mechanic fixes the generator, get rid of all three with a knife.

There is a cache in the wall next to the medical unit. It contains money and half of the list. Go left and climb into the ventilation shaft. There are two of them. One contains money. Another will lead to the elevator shaft. Jump onto the roof and wait for the lift to stop. Congratulations, you are in the mines.

Mine Entrance / Security Checkpoint / Upper Mines / Cargo Transport / Mining Core

Wait until the lift stops and two guards come out of the cab. Go down the stairs and wait a couple of seconds before going outside. Let the guards move away.

Kill the guard standing at the box, and then his comrade patrolling the area. The last one remains - guarding the gate. You can handle it easily. In general, this section can be passed in a different way. But more on that later. I give a hint to the most impatient: there is ventilation in the elevator shaft.

Security Checkpoint is one of the most difficult parts of the game. Therefore, you need to act very carefully, with surgical precision. Entering the hall, immediately squat down and run to the boxes on the left. Sneak along the wall. You will go out to the guard, who is standing with his back to you. While his comrade is talking to the suppressor, remove him with a knife blow and hide in the darkness.

The pacifier, seeing how you kill the guard, will open fire and run in your direction. There is no need to fear him. Having reached the boxes, he will not go into the darkness, and will remain standing. If you do not make much noise, then he will not move.

Hide behind the box and wait for the second guard. If he is in no hurry to search, get out of the hiding place yourself. Cut it gently. Try not to attract the attention of the suppressor. Otherwise, you will have to play hide and seek again.

Climb to the very top and go through the door. It was possible to go through the lower door, but then it would be impossible to slip through the next section unnoticed.

So, you find yourself in a small corridor. Wait until the guards on the opposite balcony turn away, and run to the opposite end of the corridor. Jump down there and hide behind the boxes. Wait for the sentry to leave and run over to the containers by the wall. Catch the moment when no one will be looking at you, and go inside the building.

Climb up the stairs. In the next room, the guard is talking to the prisoner. Break his neck and talk to Mosely. He will say that you need to get a security card to open the door. Thanks for the advice. Now finish him off too. This is one of the Blueskins.

Go to the door on the right and, after going through the corridor, hide in a dark corner. The chief of security is coming soon. Finish him and pick up the card from the body. Go back to where he came from. Walk to the end and look down. Prisoner and guard. Go down the stairs and use the latter. You can talk to the prisoner, but he will not say anything interesting.

There are a bunch of containers near the freight elevator. Climb to the topmost one. There you will find Shurik glasses. Go back. Use the card to open the door and go inside ...

When you reach the lift, jump onto the platform going down. Once on the ground, you will see a dead guard and a prisoner Armadaro. Nimble fellow. Talk to him and he will offer to buy a tranquilizer pistol for 30 UD. Take it without hesitation. This is the best buy in the game. Moreover, you do not need money. There's nowhere else to spend them. Go through the door and you will enter ...

The Mining Core. A sentry stands at the top. Knock out all the bulbs and shoot him. Look out the window. Suppressor. We can't deal with it yet. Wait for him to leave and jump down. Remove the guard with the mechanic and run to the control panel. Cut off the electricity before the machine gun turrets spot you.

Move on, knocking out the bulbs along the way. After reaching the cave, remove the guard and hide the body. Now we need to deal with the suppressor. It can be killed, but it is difficult to do it. Go back and carefully examine the walls. One hangs a gas cylinder. That's what you need to use.

The method is as follows. You lure the suppressor to this tank and open the valve. Then you get his attention. He starts shooting - an explosion, and the corpse is ready. The most difficult thing is to lure the enemy under the gas stream. The pilot has no brains at all. He needs to be constantly reminded that he is not alone and it is time to fulfill his official duty - to look for fugitive prisoners. The best "reminder" is a tranquilizer pistol. Shot - and wait until it comes.

There are still two guards left. Killed is elementary. It's time to talk to the prisoners. You can't get anything out of two miners. Only one can buy an instrument. But behind the container is Jagger Valance (by the way, it was played by Ron Perlman). He will ask you to find a certain container and give the door code.

It is interesting: corpses can be disposed of by throwing them into a crusher. Bloody fog - and there is no more evidence.

Go to the crusher and enter the door opposite. Break all the light bulbs and wait. A guard will appear shortly. Behind him is the second. Come to the door and enter the code. The room is filled with gas, so don't sit in it for a long time. We grabbed the container and ran back.

Return to Jagger Valance and return the container. He will tell you that you need a bomb. It can be found in Tower 19. We will head there. But first, let's finish things.

Return to the start of the Mining Core and use the freight elevator to go upstairs. You will find yourself in the Upper Mines, where you found the glasses. Climb the stairs and go to where Mosely was killed. There are already two of his comrades standing there. Let them go. Completed two missions at once: found the other half of the list and killed all Blueskins.

Now you need to return to Tower 17. You can go the old way, but there is a shorter way. Go to the lift and jump onto the platform going up. After reaching the third level, get out onto the platform. Go to the door.

Once in the room, do not rush to climb into the hatch. Examine the ventilation shaft. In one place it broke. Jump onto the container, and then onto the pipe. Crawl to the place of the break. Through the mine you will reach a room with a prisoner Valya and a guard. Finish him off and talk to Valya. He will give the access code to the secret room.

Return back to the room and climb into the hatch. Through the mine you will reach the very beginning of the level. You can crawl out here (the hatch leads to the elevator shaft), but it's better to walk further. You will stumble upon two guards in the hallway and a sentry in a room with a fan. To disable the latter, use the control panel.

Jumping down, you will find yourself at the Security Checkpoint. In principle, at the very beginning of the level, it was possible to go this way. But personally, it seemed more difficult to me.

It's time to tackle the secret room. There is a small lift in the area to the right. Enter the code Valya gave and it will take you to the room. Come inside ... Medical car. A really cool gift: increase your health by one more die.

Return to the elevator and go upstairs. If you borrowed from Nurse, then two bone breakers will be waiting for you. Frightened - just horror. Rummage the ventilation, and then climb onto the wall. Walk slightly to the right. There will be a staircase. Use it to move to Tower 17.

Give the list of Surenos, glasses to Shurik, report all Blueskins to Jamal-Udeen, tell Wilkins about Jagger Valance. Shop if you need anything and go to Power Central. Knock out the guard and go through the door ...

Security Research 1 / Security Research 2 / Tower 19

All doors in the room are locked, but there is a hatch. Climb into the mine and crawl forward. You will exit into a room with a lone sentry. Take it off and climb up. There is only one way out, so there is no particular choice. In the next room, a mechanic is repairing something. Roll his neck and look around. Suppressor costume. The entrance to the booth is at the back.

It is interesting: this level is made exclusively for the PC. Decent wait fees.

Once inside the robot, break the glass - and away we go. On the CD of the March "LCI" there is a video tour dedicated to the passage of this part of the game. Therefore, briefly about the main thing. In one of the rooms you will run into an ambush. The lights will go out, and they will start shooting from all sides. Having dealt with the opponents, get out of the suit. Climb onto the boxes, and then along the stairs - to the opposite side. Finish off the guard in the booth and press the button to open the gate. Now quickly jump down and climb into the suit.

Eventually you will reach a hall with two robots and one guard upstairs. Having dealt with them, climb onto the boxes, then along the stairs - to the opposite side. Climb into the hatch there. Follow the mine to reach the Feed Ward. Only now you are on the second tier. Break the light bulbs and finish off the guard. Don't get caught in the lens of the machine gun turrets. Otherwise they will open fire.

Go to the door. Find the control panel and turn off the lights. Now it is much easier to cope with the protection. Move forward with the sentries. After reaching the ventilation shaft, climb inside. On it you will get to the elevator, which will bring you to the room where you killed Abbott. Go back.

It is interesting: if Georgie is paid, he will distract the guards from patrolling with his shouts.

After reaching the hatch, climb inside. Through the mine you will find yourself in the control room. Wait for the guard to stand under the hatch and jump on his head. Pick up the security card from the body. Use the computer to open the door. Through it you will reach Tower 19. Talk to Jupiter, and he will give a bomb. Suddenly, guards will come running from both sides and open fire. Wait for the container to come down from above and jump onto it.

Container router

Riddick was saved by a miracle. Wait for the container to stop and remove two guards from above. Jump down to the ground and find the hatch. Go downstairs. There is another guard in the basement. Finish him too.

Find the stairs (there are two of them, you need the highest; the second leads to a pack of cigarettes) and go upstairs. Shoot the guard and drop the body. On both sides of the door, but you don't have an access card. Climb onto the side ladder and go upstairs. Knock out the hatch cover and crawl into the ventilation. After reaching the opposite side, knock out the hatch and wait for the guard to appear. Shoot it off with your tranquilizer pistol.

Walk forward a little and climb up the stairs. There you will find a hatch. Climb into the mine. Once in the room, knock out all the lights and wait for the guard. There is also a mechanic somewhere nearby. He will not have time to utter a word. The main thing is not to let the security system turn on. Otherwise, you will also have to deal with the turrets. Pick up the access card from the body. Use your computer and watch the container slide off the rail. We need to look for another way.

There are two of them. One is very simple. The other is more complicated, but it makes it possible to collect packs of cigarettes. If you want to go to the mines right now, then go down the stairs and call the elevator. Now climb up again. Call the elevator again. When it starts to climb, jump onto the roof. Look up. Ventilation hatch. Climb into the mine and crawl ... As a result, you will find yourself in a room filled with gas.

If you want to collect cigarettes, return to where the first guard was killed (there were locked doors on both sides, but now you have an access card). Open the door and go inside. Two guards are wandering in the hallway. Take them off and turn on your night vision. In some places, the corridor is blocked by signal beams. If you step on them, machine gun turrets are activated.

Now you can go in two ways. Along the corridor or through the ventilation (hatch above the box). There is no big difference: the destination is the same. True, there is a pack of cigarettes in the mine. Go to the control room and beat the mechanic. To start the conveyor, you need to send current through the circuit.

Go to the only not open door (it is next to the control room). Move along the corridor, knocking out the sentries. Going outside, shoot two guards. Go down on the path and get off into the generator room. Turn on the power and return to the control room. Start the conveyor and run back.

Wait for the container to start going down and jump onto it. On the way, Riddick will be crippled by lasers a little, and the container will stop. Climb into the ventilation shaft. You will get out to the place where you nailed the suppressor with a balloon. Run to the gas room. On the way, you will meet a lone guard.

The first way is much shorter and safer. In addition, you immediately find yourself at the goal. Either way, you need to go to the gas room. Place a bomb in it and go outside ...

The crash

Riddick is always unlucky. On the way out, he stumbled upon a pacifier. It seemed that all efforts were in vain, but an explosion thundered during transportation ... and fate gave a gift. One guard, shivering fearful of Riddick. Hit the poor fellow and follow his comrade. After the end of the cutscene, jump into the pit. Well, strangers, beware: Riddick is coming.

Abandoned Equipment Center

At this level, you need to move very quickly. Monsters are constantly reborn. There are only a couple of safe places. Don't yawn and move your legs faster.

Pick up a shotgun, grenades and exit the cave. It is worth walking a few meters, as a large monster will jump out to meet. Run back for cover. The big man will skid at the entrance. Throw him a grenade for a snack. One should be enough.

Run out of cover and run into the building. Grab another shotgun at the entrance. After reaching the bridge, pick up the cartridges and go back. One cave should have an ascent to the top. Jumping over the wall, examine the door. A key is needed.

Run to the right. There will be a box at the end of the corridor. There is an instrument on it. Grab it and climb into the hatch next to it. Through the mine you will reach a room with a drilling machine. Turn on the light and, if necessary, get medical treatment. Run on. You will come to the bridge, but from the other side. Pick up ammo and key.

Return to the locked door. You can not go around, but jump over the bridge. After opening the door, run along the corridors. Pay attention to the outlandish car along the way. It will come in handy a little later. As a result, you will reach a room with a bunch of weapons and a battery. Pick up everything that is bad and go back.

When you reach the outlandish car, insert the battery into it. Now you need to go back to the drilling rig. You already know the way. There is a big monster waiting for you. Throw grenades at him and move on. Turn on the rig and wait for it to break the wall.

Run into the breach. In the room, crawl under the door and jump into the ventilation. The most dangerous section has been passed.

Central Storage

Crawl along the ventilation, looking at the soldiers fighting off the monsters. After getting out, move to the other side along the stairs. Climb into the ventilation shaft. A couple of critters are waiting for you in it. Shoot them down and get out.

The guard alone fights off the monsters. Shoot him and the creatures will stop spawning. There are two doors. Go to the one right in front of you. In the hall, two guards are shooting at the monsters.

Finish them off and look around. A pile of crates hints that there is an emergency exit. First, climb onto the containers next to the loading machine. From them, climb onto the box on the lift (you need to jump from the very edge). Further, the path is clear. Through the ventilation you will enter the room with the suppressor. There is another way though. And, in my opinion, more simple.

Go to the door on the right. Finish off a couple of critters in the corridor. After reaching the elevator, climb up through the sunroof. Use Elevator Electronics to disengage the brakes. Get out of the elevator and run into the room with the suppressor. He's busy with a big monster. Don't get in the way. After the creature dies, finish off the pacifier and grab the machine gun.

There is nothing else to do here. Run through the door before the monsters gobble it up. In the corridor you will meet one more suppressor. But he is busy exterminating strangers and does not pay attention to what is happening behind. Take advantage of this and slip by.

Loading Docks

You go into the room and immediately run behind the boxes. Never mind the monsters. Machine-gun turrets are installed on the wall. If you hesitate at the beginning, it will be riddled in a couple of seconds. Shoot the guard and run into the elevator. When the door opens, a guard with a shotgun will already be waiting for you. And behind the next door is another one. There will be a medical unit in the room. Improve your health, grab the machine gun stronger - and move on.

On the way you will meet a couple of guards. After reaching the elevator, go inside. Press the button and hide behind the container. When he stops, wait a couple of seconds and lean out from behind the shelter. Suppressor and a couple of guards. Open fire from a machine gun.

Go to the door to the left. In the corridor, in the room to the right, a detachment of guards sat down. Throw a couple of grenades there, and finish off the survivors with a machine gun. Go inside. Medical car. The last one. Increase your health by one more die. There should now be eight of them.

There are four guards waiting for you in the next room. Throw the machine gun and pick up the rifle. Knock out all the light bulbs from the doorway. The hall will plunge into darkness. What to do next is clear. Then pick up the machine gun and get into the elevator.

Above, the pacifier is already waiting. With a machine gun and the devil is not terrible. Go to the door on the left. You will find yourself in a large hall. Shoot the guard in the booth opposite. Explore his hideout. The right button opens the door to the room where the suppressor is sitting. It's not needed. The left one is a large gate. Click and go inside. Waiting there ...

Fuel Transport

Big robot. The machine gun is nothing for him, so drop it and get the shotgun. See the canisters rolling on the rails upstairs? When one of them passes over the robot, shoot at it. The canister will fall and an explosion will occur.

The main problem is getting the robot to stand still. Hide behind the pillar and run back and forth. The iron pot will stand still and shoot hard. When he falls the death of the brave, pick up the machine gun and go to the next door.


Finally a hangar. The ship's security is insignificant. Two suppressors and three guards. All are carried out from the machine gun from afar. Run into the shuttle and watch the video.

Luck favors the stubborn

He walked over the corpses of those walking towards the goal.

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Exercise Area

Riddick is unlucky all the time. So stupid to get caught for the betrayal of Jagger Valance! But this did not save the traitor. The guards are trained to shoot all prisoners who are holding weapons. Now Riddick was placed in cryosleep. They wake you up once a day for two minutes. Not enough time to figure out how to run? You have a bad opinion of Mr. Riddick.

Nothing can be done at first. Two minutes - and rest. For the fourth time, Riddick will tell you how you can escape from here. Approach the container of the second prisoner and climb inside. Riddick will do the rest himself.

Cryo pyramids

After getting out of the container, grab the baton and ... Riddick will turn off again. As soon as he opens his eyes, immediately hit the robot. Climb onto the pyramid closest to the door and wait. Robots are coming soon. When they see Riddick, they will start shooting, but soon get tired and start patrolling. Wait until there is no one near the door, and run away.

Facility Control / Corporate Offices / Take off Platform

Once in the corridor, run to the right. Suddenly the alarm will sound and the doors will close. Stand away from the floor hatch and wait. Two robots will jump out of there. Hit them with a club and jump down. There is a whole squad of pieces of iron. Lure them one by one and hit them with a crowbar.

Having got out upstairs, take away the pistol from the guard and jump down into the next hatch. There are also a bunch of robots. But now you have a gun. One bullet is enough for everyone.

Climb the stairs and strangle the guard at the control panel. Pick up his weapon and unlock the doors. Several guards will immediately run out of the corridor. Shoot them from afar and collect ammunition.

Go back the old way. Again robots will interfere with you, but the pistol will equalize the chances. Once in the corridor, you will stumble upon two heavy robots. Run past them and turn left. You will find yourself in a hall with a bunch of robots. In the far corner stands an orphaned combat robot. Fabulous. Climb inside.

Trampling the guards while sitting inside a steel monster is a pleasure worth completing the game for. Or at least take a look. On the CD of the March "LKI" a video tour has been posted, clearly explaining what a combat robot is and what it is eaten with.

As a result, Riddick himself will get out of the robot. Open the gate and run out. This is followed by a video ...

And Riddick ends up in Hoxsey's office. But not one, but two cyborgs. Dealing with them is not very difficult. Grab a shotgun from the floor and shoot at the chandelier. It will become dark around. Sit down on your haunches and pick up the machine gun. Turn on your night vision (you need it to see cyborgs: they can become invisible) and, hiding behind the columns, fire at your opponents.

However, if something doesn't work out, watch the video tour. When both opponents are dead, Riddick will stop firing. This means that the game has been completed and the video will begin now.

* * *

Sit back and enjoy. Riddick managed to make his legendary escape from Butch Bay. Not without your help, of course. If it seemed a little, then it is worth overpowering the game again. In the "comments" mode. Or wait for the continuation. Maybe we'll see him this year. You never know.

The past 2004 turned out to be extremely successful for action fans. For the released 366 days, many worthy projects have seen the light. Eternally networked Unreal Tournament 2004, incredibly beautiful Far Cry, bloody Painkiller, stealthy Thief: Deadly Shadow, controversial Doom 3, iconic Half-Life 2 and, finally, The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher, never expected, but torn apart from a thermonuclear bomb Bay.

Nobody knows what 2005 is preparing. But there is something to wait and something to hope for. Soon the long-awaited Brothers in Arms, a very promising Star Wars: Republic Commando, will appear, and there, you see, the already legendary S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

Strength, sheer strength, has decided in the history of mankind more than any other factor, and the opposite opinion is, at best, a good wish. And if our descendants ever forget this basic truth, they will pay for their forgetfulness with life and freedom! So it was, and so it will be.

Robert Heinlein "Star Infantry"

Just think about it! The add-on action movie, based on the movies, cheerfully climbed onto the throne and, with an impudent expression on his face, pushed Half-Life 2. The two are a bit cramped, but you have to endure. Because it is worthy. Hmmm. And who after that would dare to assert that miracles do not happen?

The game is perfect. According to its formula, it is self-sufficient. Each piece is made with a plus. Strong plot, well-written dialogues (prisoners talk like prisoners, not ladies on a walk) and most importantly, the atmosphere. Gloomy, repulsive and terrifying. The prison oppresses the player, crushes with low ceilings and ragged walls.

Chronicles of Riddick constantly flows from one form to another, without time to get bored. Violent firefights give way to quiet stealth. Riddick sneaks into the darkness, breaking necks and stabbing knives in his hips. In the prison block, the player is given a dozen tasks. And in order to fulfill them, you have to think more than to do. Then everything turns into bloody hand-to-hand combat. Knives, crowbars, brass knuckles flash in the air. The screen twitches from the blows, bruises and bruises appear on the faces of opponents ... Running with death for a while, furious battles with monsters, walking in a combat robot under the cheerful crunch of parquet floors and guards, and much more.

And all this fun is richly flavored with nonlinearity. Nobody dictates where to go, how or when. Almost every task can be completed in several ways. You can carve out an entire block with guards. Or find a worker's clothes and walk in peace. Or buy a security guard uniform. Or just pull her out of the armory.

Graphically, the game can compete with Doom 3 and at the same time produces an acceptable number of frames per second. Without occasional stalling into long brakes. The engine of its own production works properly, not forgetting at the right time to boast of the correct shadows, so beloved by Carmack.

Finally, the player is stunned with an expensive license. Vin Diesel, Cole Hauser, Kristin Lehman, Ron Perlman, Michael Rooker, Xzibit - you've seen them all on blue screens. And if no one doubted the participation of Vin Diesel and Cole Hauser, the appearance of the rest was a pleasant surprise.

And most importantly, no Steam.

Characters (edit)

The cult of heroes in America is extraordinarily developed, and heroes are always chosen among criminals.

Oscar Wilde


Richard Riddick is one of the most dangerous criminals in the universe. And a tidbit for any bounty hunter. He is always calm and soberly evaluates the situation. He has a quiet, frightening voice. Sometimes it seems that he is not familiar with human feelings at all.

Medical vehicles are the most expensive thing in the game. You often have to look for them.

Riddick cannot be frightened or surprised. Whatever happens, he will calmly assess the situation and make the best decision. If there is even the slightest loophole, you can be sure - he will use it. Such people cannot be kept in prison, it is easier to shoot them on the spot.

It is interesting: if you are interested in the Riddick universe, be sure to visit the domestic fan site: On it you will find a lot of useful information both about the characters themselves and about the films.

He always gets what he needs. Never mind his bulldog appearance. Riddick is very smart and prefers to act with cunning rather than brute force. He does not accept fair fights. If he had a motto, it would sound like this: "The enemy must be killed at the lowest cost."

A blow from the dark, a shot to the back of the head - that's his style. He does not seek to perish in glory. His goal is to survive by any means possible. He is not a hero, he is a criminal.


One of the many bounty hunters trying to get to Riddick. Only, unlike others, he succeeds. Jones first appeared in the film Pitch Black. He was taking Riddick to jail when the disaster struck. Subsequently, he will die on an unknown planet ...

The game begins with Jones taking Riddick to Butch Bay and turning over to the warden. In the future, he will play a significant role, but it will not be possible to clash with him directly. Even more surprising is the ending, in which Jones and Riddick ... however, I will not spoil the surprise.


The game talks a little about Hoxsey. All that is known is that he is the owner of the prison. Although in his habits he looks more like a businessman than the director of one of the strictest colonies in the universe. He is constantly surrounded by an army of security guards.

She loves expensive suits and constantly monitors her appearance. But do not flatter yourself. Manners and luxury are little more than a cover. Hoxie has a shark grip and will not miss his chance. However, it is greed that will destroy him.


Chief Taskmaster and right-hand man of Hoxsey. Wears red armor. He constantly wears sunglasses, although there is already little light in the prison. Abbott is voiced and played by renowned rapper Xzibit. Perhaps that is why he looks like a "black gangsta" who has heard a lot of rap. Habits, speech and manner - one to one. Whether it is good or bad, everyone can judge for himself.

Abbott's main task is to create as many problems as possible for the prisoners. He does it superbly. He can even get hold of Riddick. For which he will pay. Numerous guards will not save either. A skull broken by a metal bar is a payment for hard work.

Papa joes

A mysterious hermit living deep in the tunnels. He dresses in rags and wears glasses like Riddick's. But the most amazing thing is his skin. She is brown in color and covered in tattoos. After visiting him, Riddick acquires his trademark vision. But the most interesting thing is that Joe was not involved in this in any way.

If you've watched the movie Pitch Black, then you probably remember: Riddick said that he acquired his unique vision in Butch Bay by paying a surgeon for an operation with 20 menthol cigarettes. It turns out that this is not the case. The mysterious voice in Riddick's head is to blame for what happened, but not Joe.


Man is your worst enemy.

Mark Tullius Cicero


A prison is a gathering place for thieves, murderers and rapists of all stripes. The main rule: if you want to survive, fight. Fight to the death. So don't expect a warm welcome. But one should not think that only psychos are inhabiting the prison. Most of the prisoners are very cunning and respect strong personalities. Especially if they can back up their words with deeds.

Riddick feels like a fish in water in prison. This is his element. Here they play by the rules to which he is accustomed. He knows what to do and how to behave. However, he does not blindly follow the rules: he breaks them if they interfere with the achievement of the goal. Therefore, most of the prisoners are afraid of him.

Prisoners fight with sharpeners, knuckle dusters, and sometimes just fists. Defeating them in battle is not difficult. Riddick's pood fist will knock anyone down. They are dangerous only if they attack in a crowd. But even in this case, they cannot really take advantage of the numerical advantage.


Prison attendants. They are dressed in overalls similar to those worn by prisoners. They are constantly fixing something. They carry weapons with them, but for some reason they do not use them. It is always lying around. They prefer to fight with a screwdriver. Yeah. It's much better than a rifle.

Mechanics are rare. They can be called a gift of fate: they are stupid, weak and share a rifle. Waste ammo on them is a waste of money. A steel blade works best.


Headache throughout the game. Guards vary in toughness, intelligence, and armor. Armed with shotguns, assault rifles or pistols. Dressed in crimson armor. The head is covered with a helmet. Although there is no use from him. A headshot is lethal with any weapon.

The smartest opponent in the game. Use flashlights if it is dark around. They clean the rooms in groups. In case of danger, they retreat and do not hesitate to take shelters. They prefer not to ask for trouble. They often wait for the player to give himself away.

A dangerous enemy, but acts in a somewhat formulaic manner. Which is what destroys him.


The task of the commanders is to manage the detachments of the guards. Wear lighter armor than regular soldiers. They are easily recognizable by the cap on their head.

A very clever opponent. Can really create a lot of problems. But light armor negates all the advantages. The commander collapses after a couple of hits.

Commanders have higher access to security than ordinary soldiers. Therefore, they are often used as a way to obtain access cards.


Elite soldiers, clad in heavy armor. They look like large iron boxes with a viewing window in the middle. Their task is to suppress prison riots. They do their job superbly. Their armor is almost impossible to penetrate. The only vulnerable spot is the back. Grenades also work well. Although a lot of them are required.

Armed with a machine gun. After the death of the suppressor, the machine gun can be picked up and used by yourself. This is the only weapon with which you can go against them head-on. A hail of bullets stops them for a while, and they cannot fire back.

Enormous firepower, but the pilot lacks intelligence. There is nowhere easier to deceive him. Show yourself to the pacifier and run into a dark corner. He will stomp after you, but he will not thrust himself into the darkness. Will get up and wait. You can go out from the other side. If you don't catch your eye, you can do whatever you want. At least cut the guards.

If you need to join the battle, but there is no machine gun, the following technique will help. When the suppressor spots Riddick, start running around and shoot in the back. He will be marking time, trying to keep up with you. The main thing is not to get hit by the hand. Knocks out the first time.

And a little secret: in the middle of the game, they will be given the use of the pacifier's suit. This is compensation for the "staff" for the long wait for porting.


Healthy robots with obscenely thick armor. Clumsy, but smart enough. They come in different models and are armed in different ways. You can fight them only while sitting in the same steel monster. In other cases, there is only one thing left: to run as fast as possible.

They meet several times during the game.


Whoops, puffs and always bouncing. Their habits are reminiscent of Gollum from The Lord of the Rings. They do not know how to use weapons, so they try to reach them with their paws. Foolish. But they attack in a crowd.

They only meet once per game. When you encounter them, you will only have a shotgun from your weapon. Therefore, there is no particular choice. Carried out with one shot at point-blank range. If not for the constant revival, they would not pose a danger at all.

And yet I wonder where did they come from? They don't look like local monsters. Human form and inhabited by sewers. Are they mutated prisoners? Who knows. The game is silent about this ...


There are two types of aliens in the game. A huge monster with a giant jaw appears in the game only a few times. Penetrates only with grenades. He doesn't give a damn about the rest of the weapon. On his back, he wears nibbles, which can separate from the owner and attack on their own.

Little stranger. An almost complete copy of its big brother. As already mentioned, babies live on their backs. True, it is not clear where they are jumping out in crowds. Nimble and very biting. They attack with a jump from afar. They know how to crawl on walls and jump to great heights.

Fortunately, they are braking enough and they can easily shoot back before they can cause harm. The main thing is to catch the moment. They do not bite immediately after the jump, but a little later. The best weapon against them is the shotgun. The shot can cover several individuals.

The only annoying thing is that in some places they are constantly reborn. However, these sections run quickly. So there shouldn't be any problems.


God created people, and Colt made them equal.

American proverb


Brass knuckles

Once brass knuckles were a full-fledged cold weapon (in the Middle Ages and earlier). True, then he looked a little different and had a different name. But the principle of operation remained the same. In general, one cannot say in which country brass knuckles first appeared. They were equally common in Japan, Ancient Russia and Europe. And it so happened that at all times they were used mainly by robbers, thieves, robbers ... There were, however, exceptions. For example, knightly gloves with spikes are nothing more than such a special brass knuckles.

It is interesting: the word "brass knuckles" has French roots and comes from the merger of two words: casser (to break) and tete (head).

In Chronicles of Riddick, brass knuckles are used for their intended purpose: they break the heads of opponents. In addition to their appearance, they are no different. In general, the force of blow of knuckle dusters is undeservedly underestimated. Yes, with him the blow is more powerful, but not enough to replace the knife. Therefore, as soon as you find the blade, you can forget about the brass knuckles.

Interesting observation: brass knuckles doubles the force of the blow of the hand on which they are wearing (Riddick wears it on his right). Therefore, there are more hooks on the right and less on the left.


The oldest weapon inherited from cave ancestors. Centuries changed, firearms appeared, which completely turned military affairs, but the knife still remains in demand. It is used to this day. Special forces, punks in street fights, yes, damn it, what did you cut bread with today?

In Butcher Bay, as in any prison, it is difficult to get hold of a normal blade. The guards do not wear them, and the prisoners are made from scrap materials. Finding a piece of good steel and machining it correctly is not easy without the right tool. But the need for invention is cunning. Screwdrivers, sharpeners and even a surgical scalpel are used.

It is interesting: on the Web, in one of the online stores, a knife appeared on sale, one-to-one repeating Riddick's blade, with which he shaved his head in Pitch Black using solid oil.

Despite the wide variety of blades, the combat characteristics are the same for all. Choose according to your taste, there is no difference. The knife does not do as much damage as it might seem. But it has a high impact speed.

When the blade is in your hands, do not stand still. A couple of sharp blows, a bounce to the side - and again an attack. Don't let the enemy come to his senses. Attack from behind, punch in the face - use your speed advantage to the fullest.


The baton in Butcher Bay is difficult to reach. Unlike knives and brass knuckles, which almost every prisoner carries with him. And this is understandable. It is difficult to hide such a fool from the guards. Yes, the knife will be more practical.

There are two types of clubs. Homemade is made from an iron bar. A bunch of bolts are screwed on top to enhance the impact, and from the bottom - a handle so as not to crush your hands on impact. The second is unique. It can be taken from Abbott's corpse. It looks like a baseball bat. Nothing, except for appearance, differs from the criminal "commodity".

The first time the club can be obtained is in Tower 17. It is sold by one of the prisoners in the dining room. If you have money, take it. Then she will help you out a lot.

In general, the club is a special weapon and is not suitable for every fight. You need to know how to handle it, otherwise you risk being on the floor with your throat cut. Even if the enemy is not particularly strong. For the huge force of impact, you have to pay with a low speed. So forget about close combat. Keep your opponent at a distance. Why climb forward? Take advantage of the length. You can reach the enemy from afar, but he is not you. They struck - and immediately back. Don't let him start a contact fight. Up close, you won't even have time to swing.

Experience shows that the most effective blow is from above. The enemy is lost for a while, and you have time to jump back to a safe distance. In a fight, it looks like this: strike from above and take a step back; then immediately start striking a new blow and step forward. The enemy will just have time to wake up and rush forward. For which he gets a crowbar on the head.



The pistol is not at all useless, as it might seem at first. The cartridge has a very low penetration power, but practically no spread. This is what you need to use. The pistol allows you to shoot the enemy from afar, until he noticed the player. A shot in the head - and the corpse is ready. And for close and medium-range combat, there is a better weapon.

Pistols are usually carried by commanders. The guards prefer assault rifles and shotguns. Which, however, is reasonable.


The guards are armed with shotguns and are on duty away from prisoners. This is done as a precaution. The weapon does not have a universal DNA code, so everyone can use it. Which Riddick enjoys doing.

Shotgun is a melee weapon. So close that it is better to use it in complete darkness, when Riddick is not visible. Otherwise, you may not have time to run up to the enemy at a shot distance. Basically, the shotgun is used against mutants and aliens. Eighteen pellets at a time will calm any monster.

Assault rifle

The assault rifle is our everything. Excellent rate of fire and penetration. That's just the spread disappointed. However, it is "cured" if you shoot in short bursts. Three to five bullets at a time. This saves ammunition and does not "shine" Riddick that way when hiding in the dark.

You can get an assault rifle at the very beginning of the game. Only it will not be possible to use. A protection system is installed on each barrel. To disable it, you need to enter your DNA-code (palm print) into the central computer. Otherwise, when trying to pick up Riddick's weapon, he will be electrocuted. Therefore, one of the first tasks in the game is to get to the central computer.

In the second half of the game, you will find an outdated model of an assault rifle (though for some reason it is called the Prototype Rifle). It has no DNA protection, but the clip has been cut (14 rounds instead of 38) and the rate of fire is doubled. With a large spread and a small clip, there is nothing good about this.

Tranquilizer pistol

You will have to run through a significant part of the game with this bogeyman, for some unknown reason called the Tranquilizer Gun, although it shoots with electric darts, not tranquilizers. But the result is similar: having received a charge in the chest, the victim temporarily loses the ability to move and helplessly convulses. At this moment, you need to run up and finish off with your boot.

The Tranquilizer Pistol can be purchased from the Mine Vendor. This case is compulsory and voluntary. This does not apply to story missions, but without him it will not be possible to go through the mines. After each shot you need to reload the weapon, but the darts are endless. You can shoot three or four guards and have time to finish them off before they wake up.

It is important: in general, you don't have to buy a tranquilizer pistol. He will meet again in the game. But only the most stubborn will be able to get there, acting with only one knife.

Darts also work on suppressors. True, they are paralyzed for only a couple of seconds, but even this is enough to have time to hide. You can also use a pistol to break lamps and temporarily turn off laser beams.

The tranquilizer pistol is a kind of weapon. You need to get used to it. But half an hour of training - and you will handle him like a real shooter.

Machine gun

Do not flatter yourself. The machine gun is not such a versatile weapon as it might seem at first. Yes, of course, 4000 rounds per clip, 15 rounds per second and huge penetrating power will stop anyone. Despite the large spread when shooting. In a couple of seconds, you can mow a decent-sized squad.

But if you think about it: is it necessary? Probably not. Riddick copes with enemies not with a rough pressure, but with dexterity and skill. Shot from the dark, stab in the back. Constant movement, surprise attacks. The game pushes for this style of passing.

Taking the same machine gun in hand, Riddick becomes clumsy and slow. Some of this can be avoided by squatting. This is how the hero moves faster than when he is standing. But still maneuverability - like a lop-eared macaque. It's not so scary when faced with one or two guards. If there are more of them, then it is better to refuse the machine gun. They'll shoot you faster than you can aim.

It is important: a useful bug was noticed. If you drop the machine gun and then raise it, the clip will be full.

When you open fire, Riddick "glows" like the North Star in the night. The darkness no longer serves as a shelter. Everyone can clearly see where and at whom to shoot. Also, you cannot put the machine gun in the bosom. As soon as you get another weapon, Riddick will throw a machine gun on the floor.

Where the machine gun really comes in handy is against the suppressors. Trying to pierce their armor with other weapons is more expensive for yourself. In addition, being hit by a queue, they cannot return fire. Apparently a hail of bullets is knocking down the suit's control system. In other cases, it is better to do without it. It's much easier that way.


They got it, threw it out, forgot it. If thrown successfully, then you can forget about a couple of guards. The only drawback is the grenade response time. Guards often run past before she explodes. Therefore, it is necessary to throw ahead, having previously estimated which way the people will run.

But still, it is best to use grenades against the suppressors (of course, if there is no machine gun). It will be too late by the time they realize that it has arrived. We threw three or four things at once - and went for the captured machine gun.



We treat you right, when the rest of the world treats you rough.

Packs of cigarettes

There are packs of cigarettes scattered throughout the game. Some are lying on the floor and immediately catch your eye. Others give prisoners for completed assignments. Still others can be found in secluded places or bought with money. There are 62 packs in the game.

Each bundle found opens access to a prize from the developers. Most often this is art from a game or movie. When you find all 62 packages, you will gain access to a secret room. Each found pack is added to the current profile once and for all. Even if you start the game again, all the packs found will remain with you.

It is impossible to get all 62 for the first playthrough. To do this, you need to complete the game at least two times.

Money (UD Money)

"Not everything is for sale here, but everything is bought or rented." The truth is old as the world. Nothing is for sale in the prison, but you can buy almost anything. If only there was money. You can earn them in different ways: complete a task, kill someone, or just find. Yes, that happens too.

Chronicles of Riddick money is used to buy weapons (knives, brass knuckles, clubs) or certain services (such as medical treatment). In most cases, you can do without this.

They are used no more than two or three times to advance through the story. But if you want to get all the packs of cigarettes, as well as greatly facilitate the passage, it is better to have a weighty pack of bills in your pocket. It is unlikely that during the game you will experience a lack of finance. There are always a lot of them and they are easy to get.

Vent Tool

The tool is needed to open the ventilation hatches. Sometimes it can be bought, but most often it rises from the dead body of a mechanic. Most often, it is issued where the plot suggests. So don't worry: you will find it when you need it.

Nano-packaging (NanoMED Cartridge)

When you start the game, Riddick has four health dice. If you received damage, but the cube did not disappear completely (for example, half remained), then after a while it will be restored.

If the cube has disappeared completely, then health can be restored only with the help of a medical device (after treatment, she says a lethal phrase - see the epigraph of this chapter). To activate them, you need nano-packages (NanoMED Cartridge). This only applies to non-working people, of whom there are very few in the game. The nano-packages themselves are picked up from the bodies of killed guards or are simply located in secluded corners.

In addition to the usual NanoMED Health Unit, there are also NanoMED Health Stations. They not only restore health, but also once and for all add an additional health cube. There are four such installations in total.

Side quests Yes, you are not mistaken, the game has ... quests. Most of the missions are optional. For completing them, you will receive weapons, money or packs of cigarettes. The tasks themselves are primitive, especially if judged by the standards of a role-playing game. Commit a contract murder, knock out debt, find a cache or the owner's belongings. The walkthrough, of course, describes each quest and how to complete it, if there are several of them.

Silent death

The dark ... My favorite ...

Despite the overall brutality, the game tends more towards the imperceptible elimination of the enemy than head-on collisions. This is especially felt at the difficult level of difficulty. Even if there is no advanced indicator of noise and light, as in Splinter Cell, you will have to crawl pretty much in the dark.

It is interesting: although both Riddick and Sam Fisher prefer to kill suddenly - so that the enemy does not understand who did it - there is a whole chasm between them. Riddick is a hunting predator, strong, daring and deadly; Fischer is a clever saboteur, for whom murder is only a means on the way to an end.

Darkness is Riddick's best friend. Especially after he acquires his famous sight. To become invisible to the enemy when you find yourself in the shadows, squat down. The world around will turn gray. Now the guards will be able to detect you only when they collide at close range. Or by flashing it with a flashlight.

Riddick moves silently, so it is impossible to hear him while driving. All that remains is to turn on your night vision and arrange a bloodbath. If the enemy has turned on the flashlight, then it is better to do with simple sight. The bright light makes Riddick blind - and you won't know where to shoot back.

The guards are combing the premises very carefully. But there is always the opportunity to come in from the back and stick a knife in the side.

It is important: watch video tours on the CD of the March "LCI". Including a tour dedicated to the silent elimination of guards.

If it is light around, it needs to be corrected. Shoot the lamp, and a pleasant gloom will reign around. After that, the guards will probably rush to check what happened to the light. But ... is that what you want?

If they took up defensive positions and are ready to riddle anyone who appears ... Well, this is only on hand. You are in the dark, they are not. You see them, they don't you. We fired a couple of shots, changed position. They waited for the shooting to stop. Again they fired a couple of shots. Try to get into the head. One bullet and the enemy is ready.

It is a good habit to knock out all the light bulbs before entering a new room. It will save lives more than once.

If you have finished off the guard, and there are a few more wandering around, it is better to hide the body. In order not to make a fuss. To do this, squat down, go to the body and press the key E... To let go - again E... You need to hide in dark corners. True, sometimes you can throw yourself into the abyss or somewhere else.

On the other hand, the body is a great way to get the opponent's attention. Seeing a dead comrade, he forgets about his duties and runs to check what happened. Then he stands and stares at the corpse. At this moment, you need to come up from the back and break your neck.

Hand-to-hand combat

There is no dangerous weapon. There are only dangerous people. We are trying to make you dangerous to the enemy. Dangerous even without a knife. Dangerous as long as you have one arm or one leg and while you are still alive ...

Robert Heinlein "Star Infantry"

Even without weapons, with bare hands, Riddick remains deadly. It is not the weapon that kills, but the man. It is he who must be feared. In Chronicles of Riddick, hand-to-hand combat is original. If you miss a beat, the screen will swing from side to side. An accurate lunge - and marks appear on the opponent's face: bruises and bruises.

The controls are simple: right mouse button - block; left and W / A / S / D - direction of impact. You can also punch a combination of blows.

  • Right and left kick... Two lashing blows. They do medium damage, but they are quickly carried out. The enemy will probably not have time to block or jump back. By quickly clicking on the buttons, you can beat the enemy to death, preventing him from striking back or blocking.
  • Elbow punch and uppercut... A powerful but slow combination. You need to catch the moment when the enemy opens up. It is more difficult to hit, but it is guaranteed to stun the enemy.

If you have a weapon (brass knuckles or a knife), then the combinations will be the same. Only the damage done is much higher.

You can kill a person with your bare hands with one blow. The easiest way is to sneak up from behind (you need to be on your haunches) and hold down the right mouse button. Riddick will wrap his arms around the victim. Now press the left mouse button. After a couple of seconds, Riddick will break the victim's neck. Or he will stick a knife in his side - depending on what is in his hands.

The second way is more difficult. Wait for the enemy to strike and press the left mouse button. Simply put, counter strike. Riddick will intercept the opponent's hand and finish him off with one attack. Moreover, the combination carried out depends on the enemy's weapon.

I advise you to practice this technique perfectly. So you can kill even the most powerful fighters with one blow.

Likewise, you can neutralize a guard armed with a firearm. Run up to him at close range. When he tries to hit with the butt, press the left mouse button. Riddick grabs the weapon aimed at him, a sharp jerk, the barrel sticks into the enemy's neck - a shot, blood splashes on the wall, and the body slowly slides to the floor.

And the last thing. Riddick, like the real spy Sam Fisher, knows how to kill the enemy with a jump from above. Wait for the guard to pass under you and jump down the stairs. Riddick will do the rest himself.


Pelican Bay is California's newest nightmare, the horrors from Orwell and Kafka that came true at the end of the twentieth century. Instead of simple clubs, they used electric ones, with a charge of 50 thousand volts, instead of beatings, they injected Prolyxan, turning a person into a shuffling zombie for a week. Who can get society out of such a hell? Do they expect, having sowed thorns, to reap the good wheat?

Edward Bunker "And the dog will devour the dog ..."

Arrival at the colony

I drank hundreds of saws in felling

And under the whisper shackled at night chifiril,

I didn't graze at the feeders like the last jackal,

I found out where the track is, and one day I was running.

Chizh & C "Around the taiga"


The story begins on a ship that rushes to Butch Bay - the most guarded prison in the universe ... Once on the planet, talk to Jones. You can choose any of the answer options. The result will be the same.

It is important: on the CD of the March "LCI" you will find the files of the saved games. The game is completed completely and the "comments" mode is open, as well as all the game secrets.

When Jones turns his back, break his neck. Machine-gun turrets opened fire. It's time to get out of here. Wait for the prisoner to open the hatch and jump down. Run down the tunnel. After reaching the stairs, go downstairs.

The mechanic downstairs is repairing the door. It's useless to sneak up on him. She will notice it anyway. Jump down and beat him to death. Pick up the card from the body and open the door.

In the dark corridor, squat down and wait for the guard. Sneak up behind him and break his neck. Pick up the tool from the body, and then hide the corpse in a dark corner. In the next room, climb up the boxes and jump onto the stairs from them. On it you will reach the ventilation shaft. You can kill the appeared guard by jumping from above. Or just walk by.

The mine will lead you out into the corridor. A medical device hangs on the wall. Use it if you are hurt. In the next room, there is a guard at the table. Run up to him and stick a shotgun in the neck. Effectively. You can pick up a weapon, but it has no ammo.

Climb onto the boxes, and then onto the railing. Go left to the elevator. Go up. Once on the surface, sneak up on the guard and break his neck. Pick up the weapon and go downstairs. On the closed door, shoot the lock and go into the tunnel.

Nothing is visible in the tunnel. But it's better not to use a flashlight. The light will give you away. Be guided by the light bombs and the light of the guard's flashlights. There are a bunch of fuel barrels around, so you don't even need to take special aim. They shot in the direction of the enemy - an explosion covered them. There will be a white light at the end of the tunnel. Run to him ... Damn it, this is just a dream.

The Arrival / Prison Yard / Aquila Territory

As an eminent criminal, Riddick went out to meet the head of the prison himself. Great honor. After a short conversation, Riddick will be taken to the prison block. Nothing can be done. Bye. Enjoy the local views and watch the credits ...

The prison has strict rules. Fights are prohibited. If the video cameras notice the riots, then a charge of electricity will be released at the intruder. After which he will be dragged into the cell. In this case, all weapons are lost. Of course, if no one sees, you can at least use the guards.

There is nothing to do in the cell, so go out into the corridor and talk to Barber. He will tell you that Mattsson is waiting in the courtyard of Riddick. Hmm ... Interesting. However, it is too early to go there. Find Shabby in the hallway. He wants you to kill Molina. Take note. You can also chat with the guard at the grate. But there will be no sense in it.

Two prisoners are sitting in one of the cells. Chat with Waman. He, too, longs for Molina's death. Yes, many people don't like this guy. Go to the courtyard. You will meet Jack and Coyne along the way. They will advise you to speak with Haley.

On the patio, talk to Red and Haley. They will promise to help kill Rust. Why is this needed? However, it is foolish to refuse help. It's time to go to Mattsson. He will say that the sharpening is in his cell.

Return back to the prison block. There is no sharpening in cell A-40. But there will be two prisoners with clearly aggressive intentions. Beat them up and return to Mattsson. He vows that he will no longer do this, and promises to get a sharpener. Return to your cell. This will be followed by a game scene in which Riddick shovels off a bunch of problems.

Talk to Barber. He will advise you to turn to Waman for weapons. Perhaps it is worth doing so. Look into locker A-38 along the way. Molina sits there. Kill him and pick up the brass knuckles from the body. Report his deaths to Shabby and Waman.

The beast and the victim. While the advantage isn't on Riddick's side, guess who's afraid of whom. And who is the victim.

Go out into the courtyard and go to the second half of prison block A. Anarchy reigns in it, everyone will start throwing themselves at Riddick. Knock out the prisoners and move along the corridor. Pick up weapons and money from the bodies. There is a medical unit in one of the cells.

In the corridor, the prisoners set up a bomb. As soon as you approach them, they will ignite the fuse. Run away to avoid being hit by the explosion. After that, deal with the clever guys.

Eventually you will come to Rust. You will have to fight with him one on one. Therefore, nothing complicated. After his death, watch the video. There is nothing else to do here. Go back. Talk to all the prisoners along the way. In the hallway, you will meet two guards. Walk past them. But the next two (they come out one at a time) should not be missed. Intercept weapons and shut your throats. Moreover, one has 5 UD.

Walk up to Haley in the patio. He will tell you a lot of interesting things. Including - how to get to the hospital. Go to the guard at the grate and tell him that he owes Haley money. He will let you inside.


Once in the hospital, look around. Hmmm. They obviously don't care about hygiene here. However, there is no time to argue. Knock out the guard with a machine gun, and then his comrade. Pick up the access card from the body. First, look into the room on the right. In it you will find a scalpel and something else. Now go to the other door.

Opening it, you will face a guard. He is clearly surprised to meet with Riddick. And upset that he was unarmed. Finish him and move on. There is a medical car in the corridor. Use it to increase your health by one die. Climb up the stairs and go through the door. Hide behind the box and wait for the guard. Break his neck and take 5 UD.

You go into the door at the far end and climb into the hatch. You will find yourself in a hall with two guards. You can't get to them, so slip through without making a noise, huddling against the edge. Another guard is waiting for you in the next corridor. Cut it and hide the body. Through the door to the street.

Downstairs in the courtyard, three guards beat a prisoner. They are so passionate that they don't have time to look around. Finish off the lone sentry and remove the access card from the body. Drag the corpse into the shadows. Now go to the door. Be careful not to come under the spotlight. Once in the room, look around the corner and hide back. Wait for the guard to turn his back and let him go.

The next door leads to the main computer. It's time to add your fingerprints to the DNA database ...


The guard walks carelessly through the cave. Behind, sniffing furiously, a monster creeps up. Someone's going to have dinner now.

Jump down on the boxes and kill the mechanic. Enter your palm prints into the database and grab the rifle. After a couple of seconds, security will burst into the room. You can just shoot them. Or smash all the light bulbs and cut them with a knife.

A detachment of three people is waiting for you in the corridor. Shoot the fire extinguisher on the wall. The explosion should kill everyone. Pick up your weapon and move on. As soon as you come to the door, the guard will throw a grenade. Run around the corner and wait out the explosion. The door closed, but a hole appeared in the wall. Shoot down two shards to widen the hole and enter the room. A guard with a shotgun is waiting for you in it. Shoot him down and use the control panel to turn off the fan. Now climb the boxes upstairs.

Climb through the fan and head down the hallway. There are two guards at the bottom. Shoot them down and head downstairs. Move on. On the way, you will encounter a lone guard with a shotgun. There are already two of them in the next room. Without leaving the darkness, take them off with a headshot. Then climb up to collect weapons. As soon as you do this, a guard will run out of the corridor from where you left. Finish him off and pick up the money.

Go to the hatch. A guard with a shotgun sat down next to him. Darkness reigns in the tunnels themselves. But it is better not to turn on the flashlight, otherwise opponents will detect it. Pull the valve to turn off the gas. Walk forward until you hear a grenade throw. Run back and wait out the explosion. Now you can take over the protection. They don't have flashlights, so don't waste ammo. Use a knife.

Climb into the gap formed. The hallway is dark. Climb onto the box and wait for the guard to come running. Cut it and wait for the second one. And it is at the expense. Further there will be a hall in which you were ambushed. Without going inside, break as many light bulbs as possible. Improve your health if necessary. Wall mounted medical installation. It's time to fight.

Dealing with an ambush is not as difficult as it might seem. The main thing is not to twitch. Going inside, hide in the corner. Ignore the grenade. She will not even remove one division. Then remove the guard from the side and take his position (you need to climb over the boxes). From there, shoot the rest. Moreover, it is better to use a pistol. One shot in the head - and the corpse is ready.

At the end of the party, the pacifier will come. You can just run away on the elevator, but this way you will lose money and ammunition. Wait for him to come out to the center of the hall and run out from behind the cover. Circle around him and shoot in the back with a shotgun. A couple of clips - and he's ready. Collect trophies and take the elevator.

Prison yard riot

So you got back to the prison block. True, no longer a prisoner, but a fugitive. Go down to the grate and remove the two guards. Now go upstairs and pull the valve to open the door. The security system is switched to an increased security mode. Turrets now fire live rounds. Destroy them from afar before they spot Riddick.

Move to the courtyard, taking out the guards along the way. The path to the street is blocked by a lattice. We need to find a way to open it. Go to the hospital. There's a whole bunch of guards there again. At the end, you will meet the commander. Finish him and pick up the walkie-talkie. Riddick will say that the riot has been suppressed and the gate can be opened. They believed it. Run outside ... and watch the cutscene.

The pit

You only have six minutes before the flashlight goes out. Then darkness and death. Time is running out, so you need to get out quickly. By the way, the tunnels to run through are a former prison. And a bunch of mutants, apparently, former prisoners.

Run into the doorway. Turn right and then right again. You must exit to a room with a tunnel leading downward. Here you will meet "local residents". Try to collect more piles so that later you will end up with all of them with one shot at close range.

Get down into the tunnel. At the very end, you will find a valve. Grab it and go back. Now run along the corridors to the right. When you reach the place covered by the grate, use the found valve and follow the light of the lighting bombs. You will soon find yourself in Joe's dwelling.

Papa joes den

Once in Joe's dwelling, talk to him. He wants you to bring back the radio lost in the tunnels. Only then will he help you. Take some light bombs from the table. They will help if the flashlight on the shotgun goes out. Although, if you quickly ran through the tunnels, the charge should be enough.

Run to the lift and get down. Go to the tunnels on the left. After passing several rooms, you will stumble upon a radio receiver. It can be found by listening. The unknown presenter chatters incessantly. Return to the dwelling and show the find to Joe.

Dark tunnels

Run along the ventilation shaft. After leaving the tunnels, shoot two mutants and go right. A couple more corridors - and you will reach the stairs. Climb up ...


Once in the showers, look around. In the next booth, someone is clearly ill. Turn off the lights and wait for the doors to open. Slowly strangle the worker and turn off the lights in the hallway. After some time, a guard will come to check what the matter is. Break his neck and pick up a weapon.

The last one remained, in the dressing room. Turn off the lights and break his neck as he wanders in the dark. Now you need to search the lockers. In them you will find money, cigarettes, and most importantly, a worker's uniform. Put it on. Now the guards will take Riddick for their own.

If you don't want problems, just walk by. But it's better to slowly break your necks. They made sure that there were no witnesses - they turned their heads. And stand as if nothing happened. The main thing is that the guards do not see the murder and how you sneak up. Of course, there will be suspicions, but they will not start shooting. This way you will collect weapons and money. You will need them later.

Use the retina scanner at the hangar door. Of course, no one will open the door for Riddick. You need to find the right eyes. Abbott, for example. After using the scanner, a guard will run into the room. Therefore, it is better to knock out the bulbs in advance. And strangle the guard in the dark.

At this level, you can get hold of the guard's armor and a bunch of rifle cartridges. Passing one of the doors, you may have noticed: inside is an armory. But you don't have an access card. We'll have to look for a workaround.

Turn right after the showers. Jump down into the hole in the corner, one level below. There you will find the tool. Open the hatch for them and climb into the mine. On it you will get into the room from where you jumped down.

Go to the hangar doors and jump to the side. Open the hatch and crawl along the mine. You will soon be taken to the weapons room. Grab your armor, weapons and head back.

Guards Quarters

It's best not to make noise in the guards' quarter. You can kill everyone. But why? It just isn't necessary. At the Marketplace, talk to Jenkins. He will give you a bottle of wine. Chat with the Bondo security guard. He will talk about weapons for Abbott.

Go to the store owner and ask him about Abbott. He will hand over the package: a new rifle for the boss. Also, if you have money and desire, buy the things you like from him. True, there is no point in this, they will soon be taken away anyway.

Take the elevator to the second tier. Find the Chancellor guard and give him the liquor. He will pay for a bottle of 50 UD. Now to Abbott. Before opening the door, he will ask about the purpose of the visit. Tell them you brought the package. The door opens and ...

Alternative walkthrough

If you want to kill everyone, no question. There won't be any problems. And to make it even easier, use the control panel to turn off the lights. If you go through this way, then you will not receive the package for Abbott from the store seller, but will find it at the front door.


Dealing with Abbott is very simple. Hide behind the pillar to the left and fire when he starts reloading his weapon. A couple of clips and Abbott is ready. And yet Riddick's plans will be thwarted. Jones will stop him at the last moment ...


Second try

Tower 17 / Tower 17 Base / Recreation Area / Feed Ward / Work Pass

The guilty prisoners are exiled to the mines. There is a stricter security regime here. For fighting and carrying weapons - execution on the spot. The guards are trained inside and out. It's impossible to escape from here. If not for one "but" - the human factor.

Exit the cell and follow the prisoner. Talking is prohibited while you are in the elevator. Violators are shot on the spot. Wait for the elevator to stop and go outside. Now you can talk to your fellow traveler. Rael will talk about the customs at Tower 17 and suggest you contact Dogbone to find out more. Go downstairs.

There are a lot of people on the site, but you only need two. Dogbone will provide additional information; Centurion can put up a fight. The offer is tempting. Agree. Moreover, without this, you can’t go further. Your first opponent is Harman. He stands at the door. Approach him and challenge him to battle. Then inform Centurion about it.

The rules are very simple. Don't leave the circle and fight to the death. If someone leaves the circle, then both fighters will be shot by machine-gun turrets. You can use any weapon in a fight. Defense is disabled for the duration of the battle.

After the fight, talk to Centurion and ask him to find a new opponent. He will offer Baasim, but it will cost 5 UD. Agree. Now you can wander around the prison block and do quests.

But first the escape plan. We need to get out the security card. It can be obtained from Abbott. There are two ways to attract his attention and make him go down. Beat a fighter from the guards in the arena - Bam; get caught with drugs. The first is more difficult, but more profitable. The second is simpler, but brings less money.

Exit Tower 17 and go to the Recreation Area, section A (section letters are written on the floor). There are two guards in the right corner. If you approach them, they will search Riddick. If drugs are found, a meeting with Abbott is assured. You have nothing, so you may not be suitable. In the left corner are two prisoners. Talk to Cricket and he will offer to buy a sharpener. Agree.

Freeze. Funny poses, unfunny fight.

Don't rush to leave. Cricket will give the money to Asif to hide in a cache. It will not be possible to trace him, so follow to section B. We will rob the cache a little later. You may have noticed the large flying insects. They can be caught and then exchanged for cigarettes at a local drug dealer.

The process of catching is as follows: squat down and watch the insect. When it sits on the wall or goes down, run up abruptly and press the E key. Done. Insects fly almost everywhere, so look around carefully.

There are four prisoners in section B. Pink sells cigarettes. Baasim is the fighter you need. Challenge him. He will agree and say that he will wait at Centurion. Jamal-Udeen will ask you to kill all Blueskins.

Go to Section C. The Nurse will ask you to get the debt out of the Binks. Agree. Wilkins will ask you to find the Jagger Valance. This will not happen soon, so you can forget for a while. Gulag will ask you to return the stolen item (red tube). Craps will offer to play dice for money (F5 / F9 is my eternal luck).

Return to Tower 17 and speak to Centurion. Again the arena. In general, it is very easy to defeat any fighter. Just learn to intercept the blow. Broken arm, counter attack - and the enemy is dead. Fast and angry. After the fight, demand a new enemy from Centurion. He will advise you to talk to Sawtooth.

It is important: when you get debt out of Binks, you can borrow from Nurse. True, then there will be no way to return the money. The conversation will not contain the right phrase. But then, in the mines, an unpleasant surprise will await you.

Go to Feed Ward. Four prisoners are resting in the first room. Talk to Surenos. He will ask you to return the list. You will find it very soon. Motor is waiting for you in the next corridor. He was very upset that you killed Harman and decided to avenge his death. Finish him and pick up a vial of poison from the body. Here, in the corridor, Asif must roam. Break his neck and take the card. You can still talk to Georgie, but he won't say anything sensible.

Go to the dining room. Add poison to the Binks food. You can now report your completed assignment to Nurse. Challenge Sawtooth. He will agree to a fight. Go to the second half of the dining room. Monster sells a variety of products. If you have money, buy a club from him. In the wall opposite the table where the Monster sits, there is a cache. Open it and take your money and things. Among the other items will be a red tube. When passing by Gulag, do not forget to return the item to the owner.

Return to Tower 17 and take out the Sawtooth. Demand another opponent from Centurion. He will point to Cusa, who lives in the Recreation Area, in section D. Go there.

Agree to Twotongue's request to shut down his business. But in order to start selling goods, he needs two things: a dead Baasim and a burner (you found it in a cache). Both conditions are met, so you can see the product. There are three items to choose from: poison (no longer needed), drugs and cigarettes (sells only for insects). You need drugs if you want to meet Abbott right now. If so, buy packaging and go to the search.

Talk to Cusa and return to Tower 17. After beating him, talk to Centurion again. That one has run out of fighters. The only one he can suggest is the guard Bam. Exactly what is needed. After the fight, the guards will take you to Abbott ...

After the end of the video, take out the club and start pounding Abbott. The tactics are the same: a blow, a step back and a new attack. He has a lot of health, so please be patient. After Abbott's death, pick up the security card and go out into the corridor. There will be a medical car. Use it to increase your health by one die. Talk to Georgie through the window and give him 50 UD. Then he will help you out during the escape.

It is interesting: Abbott's baton reads "The Peacemaker." After reading this phrase, I immediately threw out my rusty rod and picked up a gorgeous bat. I will create the world.

All the work is done, it's time to get out of here. Go to the Work Pass. This is the place from where prisoners are sent to work. Talk to Shurik and promise to return the glasses. Go to the far door from the suppressor. Use the card and go inside. There are two guards inside, but luckily the lights go out. Before the mechanic fixes the generator, get rid of all three with a knife.

There is a cache in the wall next to the medical unit. It contains money and half of the list. Go left and climb into the ventilation shaft. There are two of them. One contains money. Another will lead to the elevator shaft. Jump onto the roof and wait for the lift to stop. Congratulations, you are in the mines.

Mine Entrance / Security Checkpoint / Upper Mines / Cargo Transport / Mining Core

Wait until the lift stops and two guards come out of the cab. Go down the stairs and wait a couple of seconds before going outside. Let the guards move away.

Kill the guard standing at the box, and then his comrade patrolling the area. The last one remains - guarding the gate. You can handle it easily. In general, this section can be passed in a different way. But more on that later. I give a hint to the most impatient: there is ventilation in the elevator shaft.

Security Checkpoint is one of the most difficult parts of the game. Therefore, you need to act very carefully, with surgical precision. Entering the hall, immediately squat down and run to the boxes on the left. Sneak along the wall. You will go out to the guard, who is standing with his back to you. While his comrade is talking to the suppressor, remove him with a knife blow and hide in the darkness.

The pacifier, seeing how you kill the guard, will open fire and run in your direction. There is no need to fear him. Having reached the boxes, he will not go into the darkness, and will remain standing. If you do not make much noise, then he will not move.

Hide behind the box and wait for the second guard. If he is in no hurry to search, get out of the hiding place yourself. Cut it gently. Try not to attract the attention of the suppressor. Otherwise, you will have to play hide and seek again.

Climb to the very top and go through the door. It was possible to go through the lower door, but then it would be impossible to slip through the next section unnoticed.

So, you find yourself in a small corridor. Wait until the guards on the opposite balcony turn away, and run to the opposite end of the corridor. Jump down there and hide behind the boxes. Wait for the sentry to leave and run over to the containers by the wall. Catch the moment when no one will be looking at you, and go inside the building.

Climb up the stairs. In the next room, the guard is talking to the prisoner. Break his neck and talk to Mosely. He will say that you need to get a security card to open the door. Thanks for the advice. Now finish him off too. This is one of the Blueskins.

Go to the door on the right and, after going through the corridor, hide in a dark corner. The chief of security is coming soon. Finish him and pick up the card from the body. Go back to where he came from. Walk to the end and look down. Prisoner and guard. Go down the stairs and use the latter. You can talk to the prisoner, but he will not say anything interesting.

There are a bunch of containers near the freight elevator. Climb to the topmost one. There you will find Shurik glasses. Go back. Use the card to open the door and go inside ...

When you reach the lift, jump onto the platform going down. Once on the ground, you will see a dead guard and a prisoner Armadaro. Nimble fellow. Talk to him and he will offer to buy a tranquilizer pistol for 30 UD. Take it without hesitation. This is the best buy in the game. Moreover, you do not need money. There's nowhere else to spend them. Go through the door and you will enter ...

The Mining Core. A sentry stands at the top. Knock out all the bulbs and shoot him. Look out the window. Suppressor. We can't deal with it yet. Wait for him to leave and jump down. Remove the guard with the mechanic and run to the control panel. Cut off the electricity before the machine gun turrets spot you.

Move on, knocking out the bulbs along the way. After reaching the cave, remove the guard and hide the body. Now we need to deal with the suppressor. It can be killed, but it is difficult to do it. Go back and carefully examine the walls. One hangs a gas cylinder. That's what you need to use.

The method is as follows. You lure the suppressor to this tank and open the valve. Then you get his attention. He starts shooting - an explosion, and the corpse is ready. The most difficult thing is to lure the enemy under the gas stream. The pilot has no brains at all. He needs to be constantly reminded that he is not alone and it is time to fulfill his official duty - to look for fugitive prisoners. The best "reminder" is a tranquilizer pistol. Shot - and wait until it comes.

There are still two guards left. Killed is elementary. It's time to talk to the prisoners. You can't get anything out of two miners. Only one can buy an instrument. But behind the container is Jagger Valance (by the way, it was played by Ron Perlman). He will ask you to find a certain container and give the door code.

It is interesting: corpses can be disposed of by throwing them into a crusher. Bloody fog - and there is no more evidence.

Go to the crusher and enter the door opposite. Break all the light bulbs and wait. A guard will appear shortly. Behind him is the second. Come to the door and enter the code. The room is filled with gas, so don't sit in it for a long time. We grabbed the container and ran back.

Return to Jagger Valance and return the container. He will tell you that you need a bomb. It can be found in Tower 19. We will head there. But first, let's finish things.

Return to the start of the Mining Core and use the freight elevator to go upstairs. You will find yourself in the Upper Mines, where you found the glasses. Climb the stairs and go to where Mosely was killed. There are already two of his comrades standing there. Let them go. Completed two missions at once: found the other half of the list and killed all Blueskins.

Now you need to return to Tower 17. You can go the old way, but there is a shorter way. Go to the lift and jump onto the platform going up. After reaching the third level, get out onto the platform. Go to the door.

Once in the room, do not rush to climb into the hatch. Examine the ventilation shaft. In one place it broke. Jump onto the container, and then onto the pipe. Crawl to the place of the break. Through the mine you will reach a room with a prisoner Valya and a guard. Finish him off and talk to Valya. He will give the access code to the secret room.

Return back to the room and climb into the hatch. Through the mine you will reach the very beginning of the level. You can crawl out here (the hatch leads to the elevator shaft), but it's better to walk further. You will stumble upon two guards in the hallway and a sentry in a room with a fan. To disable the latter, use the control panel.

Jumping down, you will find yourself at the Security Checkpoint. In principle, at the very beginning of the level, it was possible to go this way. But personally, it seemed more difficult to me.

It's time to tackle the secret room. There is a small lift in the area to the right. Enter the code Valya gave and it will take you to the room. Come inside ... Medical car. A really cool gift: increase your health by one more die.

Return to the elevator and go upstairs. If you borrowed from Nurse, then two bone breakers will be waiting for you. Frightened - just horror. Rummage the ventilation, and then climb onto the wall. Walk slightly to the right. There will be a staircase. Use it to move to Tower 17.

Give the list of Surenos, glasses to Shurik, report all Blueskins to Jamal-Udeen, tell Wilkins about Jagger Valance. Shop if you need anything and go to Power Central. Knock out the guard and go through the door ...

Security Research 1 / Security Research 2 / Tower 19

All doors in the room are locked, but there is a hatch. Climb into the mine and crawl forward. You will exit into a room with a lone sentry. Take it off and climb up. There is only one way out, so there is no particular choice. In the next room, a mechanic is repairing something. Roll his neck and look around. Suppressor costume. The entrance to the booth is at the back.

It is interesting: this level is made exclusively for the PC. Decent wait fees.

Once inside the robot, break the glass - and away we go. On the CD of the March "LCI" there is a video tour dedicated to the passage of this part of the game. Therefore, briefly about the main thing. In one of the rooms you will run into an ambush. The lights will go out, and they will start shooting from all sides. Having dealt with the opponents, get out of the suit. Climb onto the boxes, and then along the stairs - to the opposite side. Finish off the guard in the booth and press the button to open the gate. Now quickly jump down and climb into the suit.

Eventually you will reach a hall with two robots and one guard upstairs. Having dealt with them, climb onto the boxes, then along the stairs - to the opposite side. Climb into the hatch there. Follow the mine to reach the Feed Ward. Only now you are on the second tier. Break the light bulbs and finish off the guard. Don't get caught in the lens of the machine gun turrets. Otherwise they will open fire.

Go to the door. Find the control panel and turn off the lights. Now it is much easier to cope with the protection. Move forward with the sentries. After reaching the ventilation shaft, climb inside. On it you will get to the elevator, which will bring you to the room where you killed Abbott. Go back.

It is interesting: if Georgie is paid, he will distract the guards from patrolling with his shouts.

After reaching the hatch, climb inside. Through the mine you will find yourself in the control room. Wait for the guard to stand under the hatch and jump on his head. Pick up the security card from the body. Use the computer to open the door. Through it you will reach Tower 19. Talk to Jupiter, and he will give a bomb. Suddenly, guards will come running from both sides and open fire. Wait for the container to come down from above and jump onto it.

Container router

Riddick was saved by a miracle. Wait for the container to stop and remove two guards from above. Jump down to the ground and find the hatch. Go downstairs. There is another guard in the basement. Finish him too.

Find the stairs (there are two of them, you need the highest; the second leads to a pack of cigarettes) and go upstairs. Shoot the guard and drop the body. On both sides of the door, but you don't have an access card. Climb onto the side ladder and go upstairs. Knock out the hatch cover and crawl into the ventilation. After reaching the opposite side, knock out the hatch and wait for the guard to appear. Shoot it off with your tranquilizer pistol.

Walk forward a little and climb up the stairs. There you will find a hatch. Climb into the mine. Once in the room, knock out all the lights and wait for the guard. There is also a mechanic somewhere nearby. He will not have time to utter a word. The main thing is not to let the security system turn on. Otherwise, you will also have to deal with the turrets. Pick up the access card from the body. Use your computer and watch the container slide off the rail. We need to look for another way.

There are two of them. One is very simple. The other is more complicated, but it makes it possible to collect packs of cigarettes. If you want to go to the mines right now, then go down the stairs and call the elevator. Now climb up again. Call the elevator again. When it starts to climb, jump onto the roof. Look up. Ventilation hatch. Climb into the mine and crawl ... As a result, you will find yourself in a room filled with gas.

If you want to collect cigarettes, return to where the first guard was killed (there were locked doors on both sides, but now you have an access card). Open the door and go inside. Two guards are wandering in the hallway. Take them off and turn on your night vision. In some places, the corridor is blocked by signal beams. If you step on them, machine gun turrets are activated.

Now you can go in two ways. Along the corridor or through the ventilation (hatch above the box). There is no big difference: the destination is the same. True, there is a pack of cigarettes in the mine. Go to the control room and beat the mechanic. To start the conveyor, you need to send current through the circuit.

Go to the only not open door (it is next to the control room). Move along the corridor, knocking out the sentries. Going outside, shoot two guards. Go down on the path and get off into the generator room. Turn on the power and return to the control room. Start the conveyor and run back.

Wait for the container to start going down and jump onto it. On the way, Riddick will be crippled by lasers a little, and the container will stop. Climb into the ventilation shaft. You will get out to the place where you nailed the suppressor with a balloon. Run to the gas room. On the way, you will meet a lone guard.

The first way is much shorter and safer. In addition, you immediately find yourself at the goal. Either way, you need to go to the gas room. Place a bomb in it and go outside ...

The crash

Riddick is always unlucky. On the way out, he stumbled upon a pacifier. It seemed that all efforts were in vain, but an explosion thundered during transportation ... and fate gave a gift. One guard, shivering fearful of Riddick. Hit the poor fellow and follow his comrade. After the end of the cutscene, jump into the pit. Well, strangers, beware: Riddick is coming.

Abandoned Equipment Center

At this level, you need to move very quickly. Monsters are constantly reborn. There are only a couple of safe places. Don't yawn and move your legs faster.

Pick up a shotgun, grenades and exit the cave. It is worth walking a few meters, as a large monster will jump out to meet. Run back for cover. The big man will skid at the entrance. Throw him a grenade for a snack. One should be enough.

Run out of cover and run into the building. Grab another shotgun at the entrance. After reaching the bridge, pick up the cartridges and go back. One cave should have an ascent to the top. Jumping over the wall, examine the door. A key is needed.

Run to the right. There will be a box at the end of the corridor. There is an instrument on it. Grab it and climb into the hatch next to it. Through the mine you will reach a room with a drilling machine. Turn on the light and, if necessary, get medical treatment. Run on. You will come to the bridge, but from the other side. Pick up ammo and key.

Return to the locked door. You can not go around, but jump over the bridge. After opening the door, run along the corridors. Pay attention to the outlandish car along the way. It will come in handy a little later. As a result, you will reach a room with a bunch of weapons and a battery. Pick up everything that is bad and go back.

When you reach the outlandish car, insert the battery into it. Now you need to go back to the drilling rig. You already know the way. There is a big monster waiting for you. Throw grenades at him and move on. Turn on the rig and wait for it to break the wall.

Run into the breach. In the room, crawl under the door and jump into the ventilation. The most dangerous section has been passed.

Central Storage

Crawl along the ventilation, looking at the soldiers fighting off the monsters. After getting out, move to the other side along the stairs. Climb into the ventilation shaft. A couple of critters are waiting for you in it. Shoot them down and get out.

The guard alone fights off the monsters. Shoot him and the creatures will stop spawning. There are two doors. Go to the one right in front of you. In the hall, two guards are shooting at the monsters.

Finish them off and look around. A pile of crates hints that there is an emergency exit. First, climb onto the containers next to the loading machine. From them, climb onto the box on the lift (you need to jump from the very edge). Further, the path is clear. Through the ventilation you will enter the room with the suppressor. There is another way though. And, in my opinion, more simple.

Go to the door on the right. Finish off a couple of critters in the corridor. After reaching the elevator, climb up through the sunroof. Use Elevator Electronics to disengage the brakes. Get out of the elevator and run into the room with the suppressor. He's busy with a big monster. Don't get in the way. After the creature dies, finish off the pacifier and grab the machine gun.

There is nothing else to do here. Run through the door before the monsters gobble it up. In the corridor you will meet one more suppressor. But he is busy exterminating strangers and does not pay attention to what is happening behind. Take advantage of this and slip by.

Loading Docks

You go into the room and immediately run behind the boxes. Never mind the monsters. Machine-gun turrets are installed on the wall. If you hesitate at the beginning, it will be riddled in a couple of seconds. Shoot the guard and run into the elevator. When the door opens, a guard with a shotgun will already be waiting for you. And behind the next door is another one. There will be a medical unit in the room. Improve your health, grab the machine gun stronger - and move on.

On the way you will meet a couple of guards. After reaching the elevator, go inside. Press the button and hide behind the container. When he stops, wait a couple of seconds and lean out from behind the shelter. Suppressor and a couple of guards. Open fire from a machine gun.

Go to the door to the left. In the corridor, in the room to the right, a detachment of guards sat down. Throw a couple of grenades there, and finish off the survivors with a machine gun. Go inside. Medical car. The last one. Increase your health by one more die. There should now be eight of them.

There are four guards waiting for you in the next room. Throw the machine gun and pick up the rifle. Knock out all the light bulbs from the doorway. The hall will plunge into darkness. What to do next is clear. Then pick up the machine gun and get into the elevator.

Above, the pacifier is already waiting. With a machine gun and the devil is not terrible. Go to the door on the left. You will find yourself in a large hall. Shoot the guard in the booth opposite. Explore his hideout. The right button opens the door to the room where the suppressor is sitting. It's not needed. The left one is a large gate. Click and go inside. Waiting there ...

Fuel Transport

Big robot. The machine gun is nothing for him, so drop it and get the shotgun. See the canisters rolling on the rails upstairs? When one of them passes over the robot, shoot at it. The canister will fall and an explosion will occur.

The main problem is getting the robot to stand still. Hide behind the pillar and run back and forth. The iron pot will stand still and shoot hard. When he falls the death of the brave, pick up the machine gun and go to the next door.


Finally a hangar. The ship's security is insignificant. Two suppressors and three guards. All are carried out from the machine gun from afar. Run into the shuttle and watch the video.

Luck favors the stubborn

He walked over the corpses of those walking towards the goal.

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Exercise Area

Riddick is unlucky all the time. So stupid to get caught for the betrayal of Jagger Valance! But this did not save the traitor. The guards are trained to shoot all prisoners who are holding weapons. Now Riddick was placed in cryosleep. They wake you up once a day for two minutes. Not enough time to figure out how to run? You have a bad opinion of Mr. Riddick.

Nothing can be done at first. Two minutes - and rest. For the fourth time, Riddick will tell you how you can escape from here. Approach the container of the second prisoner and climb inside. Riddick will do the rest himself.

Cryo pyramids

After getting out of the container, grab the baton and ... Riddick will turn off again. As soon as he opens his eyes, immediately hit the robot. Climb onto the pyramid closest to the door and wait. Robots are coming soon. When they see Riddick, they will start shooting, but soon get tired and start patrolling. Wait until there is no one near the door, and run away.

Facility Control / Corporate Offices / Take off Platform

Once in the corridor, run to the right. Suddenly the alarm will sound and the doors will close. Stand away from the floor hatch and wait. Two robots will jump out of there. Hit them with a club and jump down. There is a whole squad of pieces of iron. Lure them one by one and hit them with a crowbar.

Having got out upstairs, take away the pistol from the guard and jump down into the next hatch. There are also a bunch of robots. But now you have a gun. One bullet is enough for everyone.

Climb the stairs and strangle the guard at the control panel. Pick up his weapon and unlock the doors. Several guards will immediately run out of the corridor. Shoot them from afar and collect ammunition.

Go back the old way. Again robots will interfere with you, but the pistol will equalize the chances. Once in the corridor, you will stumble upon two heavy robots. Run past them and turn left. You will find yourself in a hall with a bunch of robots. In the far corner stands an orphaned combat robot. Fabulous. Climb inside.

Trampling the guards while sitting inside a steel monster is a pleasure worth completing the game for. Or at least take a look. On the CD of the March "LKI" a video tour has been posted, clearly explaining what a combat robot is and what it is eaten with.

As a result, Riddick himself will get out of the robot. Open the gate and run out. This is followed by a video ...

And Riddick ends up in Hoxsey's office. But not one, but two cyborgs. Dealing with them is not very difficult. Grab a shotgun from the floor and shoot at the chandelier. It will become dark around. Sit down on your haunches and pick up the machine gun. Turn on your night vision (you need it to see cyborgs: they can become invisible) and, hiding behind the columns, fire at your opponents.

However, if something doesn't work out, watch the video tour. When both opponents are dead, Riddick will stop firing. This means that the game has been completed and the video will begin now.

* * *

Sit back and enjoy. Riddick managed to make his legendary escape from Butch Bay. Not without your help, of course. If it seemed a little, then it is worth overpowering the game again. In the "comments" mode. Or wait for the continuation. Maybe we'll see him this year. You never know.

The past 2004 turned out to be extremely successful for action fans. For the released 366 days, many worthy projects have seen the light. Eternally networked Unreal Tournament 2004, incredibly beautiful Far Cry, bloody Painkiller, stealthy Thief: Deadly Shadow, controversial Doom 3, iconic Half-Life 2 and, finally, The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher, never expected, but torn apart from a thermonuclear bomb Bay.

Nobody knows what 2005 is preparing. But there is something to wait and something to hope for. Soon the long-awaited Brothers in Arms, a very promising Star Wars: Republic Commando, will appear, and there, you see, the already legendary S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

15. Tower 17 Base
Rael will speak to us only after we leave the elevator and offer to talk to Dogbone (Dogbone). We go down and ... here, perhaps, the most interesting begins! Namely, nonlinearity and a bunch of quests that keep a bunch of packs behind their backs. If you complete all the quests, then in the nearest locations we will have to cut more than one circle in order to collect everything we need. So, first we turn to Dog Bone (immediately to the left of the entrance), who will explain to us that there are two ways in the mine: through fighting in the ring and through drugs. The first path, of course, is difficult in that you have to fight different enemies, choose your own battle tactics for each. The second path is much easier, however, to complete it, you will have to pay 30 green. But in any case, both of them begin with a conversation with the Centurion and with a powerful glitch in the Russian version (though not all of them). The glitch lies in the fact that Riddick does not end the conversation with the Centurion and it becomes impossible to continue the main storyline. To avoid this, delete the ALL.xcd file from The Chronicles of Riddick - EFBB / Content / Dialogues folder and the dialog will complete as expected. And we need to go to a guy named Harman, who blocked the way to the Recreation Area and called him into the ring, return to the Centurion, reporting Harman's consent and beat Harman to death in a circle. If you need to reinforce your forces before or after the battle, then by paying the guard Rope 10 bucks, you will find yourself in a room with life unit NANOMED... The rest of the convicts in the hall (Style, Silencio and Thunder) are just for our entertainment. They can neither tell us anything useful, nor give us anything. Therefore, now we go to the Rest Zone.
16. Recreation Area
Past the upbeat "Bam! Bam! You die!" we go out to the site, with four exits from it: we came from one of them, Tower 19 is closed, we don't need to go to the Feed Ward yet, so we first go through the huge door with the inscription "No fucking in recreation area" into the Recreation Area itself.
Now I want to draw your attention. As mentioned earlier, further the game can be played either through battles or through drugs. Also, now you can take quests from different prisoners and go through them. To avoid confusion, quests will be described separately later. It is also important to note that in order to collect all packs of cigarettes, you will first have to go through the Path of Drugs (just do not approach the guards at the end), and then completely the entire Path of Fights, especially since we will also get some money for the Path of Fights.
And the first I will describe Way of Drugs... You can start it in Zone D. But first we find ourselves in Zone A, where Asif and Cricket hang out, from whom you can buy a knife for 30 UD, and two guards who, if you come close to them, investigate you for drugs. In Zone B, Baasim is praying, next to him is Izz-Udeen and Jamal-Udeen, from whom you can take a small quest. On the other side of the zone sits Pink, from whom you can buy the 20th a pack of cigarettes # 56(Movie Set 05) for 10 UD and learn about Jagger Valens and the Monster in the cafeteria who can sell anything for battle. Next on the course is Zone C. On the right, there is a guy named Kreps, with whom you can play dice and nice to cook... In the center of the Zone, Wilkins and the Gulag are chatting about theirs, and Nurse (Nurse) is standing next to the door. All three can be taken on a quest. Finally, we are in Zone D. On the right, Flores and Kusa are discussing a scary story about how Paddila tried to get out, but the local creatures still devoured him. Flores will tell you how you can get out of here. Well, from side to side around the zone, the poor addict Two Languages ​​rushes about. He is what we need! But Two Languages ​​is also not easy and wants us to find his injector, which was taken by the PPP and filled up in the ring of Baasim. I suggest starting with Baasim. If you want, you can first go to the cafeteria and buy something useful from the Monster. Now we return to Tower 17 and go to the Centurion, who for 5 bucks will offer us to fight Baasim. Now back to Baasim and back to the Centurion again. When Baasim is defeated, we get deservedly 20 bucks (that is, a gain from the battle 15), another a pack of cigarettes # 18(GCA 20) and Brother Baasim's hatred. Now we go to Cricket (Zone A) and buy a knife from him. After that, Asif will go to take our money to the cache, but at first he will just stand at the entrance to the Feed Ward. We will see him again only in the canteen. But the dining room is already the next level.
Path of Fights in the Resting Zone it differs only in that all that is required of us is to kill Baasim in the ring. To do this, you need to go through the chain Centurion-Baasim-Centurion, in the final of which to score (and possibly stab) Baasim in a circle. Now Centurion for the next 5 bucks will offer us a new fighter Sawtooth, which we will find in Feed Ward.
17. Feed Ward (Dining Room)
Way of Drugs... In the first room there are already 3 useless convicts: Barras, Trigo and Dueni. And all of them will direct you to Cuellas, who is standing here, from whom you can take a quest. At the entrance to the next room, a guy will attack us with a shout "It was you who killed Harman!" By the way, all this time you can watch Asif slowly wandering towards the cache. There are 2 ways to find out the location of the cache: the first is to track Asif (just be careful so that he does not notice you, otherwise this fool will immediately climb up to fight and the cannons will kill you both). The second is to kill him right in that passage between the canteens, where this elusive avenger for Harman has just attacked you. From the cache we take the red pipe (quest from the Gulag), the injector and our 20 UD back. The task is completed. But before we return to Two Languages, let's take a look around. Chang and the Monster are sitting to the left of the cache. From the latter, at any time you can buy a sharpening for 15 bucks, a knife for 25 and a club for 50. We go back through the hall where Binks, Matthies, Shivers and Sawtooth eat, into a bifurcated corridor. On the right, Georgie is still standing, watching the guards bludgeoning another convict, but on the left (ATTENTION!) A new character named Homer has appeared, which, in my opinion, is simply priceless for us against the background of everyone else. After all, it is in his pocket that there are as many as 5 packs of flares, which you can redeem for a total of 100 bucks: No. 7 (Movie Set 01), No. 8 (Movie Set 02), No. 9 (Movie Set 03), No. 10 ( GCA 11) and # 11 (GCA 37). But, of course, you can immediately return all the money to yourself by loading from the previous save. Now we run back to Rest Zone D to Two Languages. And as a reward for the injector, he gives us one more a pack of cigarettes No. 55(GCA 33). But the injector is not enough for this asshole. Give him a mole too. “What kind of moth?” - you ask. Moths are just those flying creatures that circle over the entire Rest Zone. And you can take it by simply pressing the action key (by default, E). Just one is enough and for 10 bucks the addict will sell us 3 grams of drugs, for the same amount of poison (for the quest from Nurse (Nurse)) and 2 more packs of cigarettes for 10 and 20 moles. In total, I found 17 moles in the Rest Zone, and the rest we will meet only in other levels. Now all that is left for us is to approach the guards in Zone A, and they, in turn, having discovered drugs in our possession, are happy to escort us to Comrade Abbott.
Path of Fights... I described where, what and how on the territory of the canteen in the Path of Narcotics, so I will not repeat myself. Let me just remind you that in the corridor a guy will run into us with a shout "You killed Harman!", And after death he will leave us a vial of poison. And Sawtooth sits on the left in the canteen and will gladly agree to wave with us. Now back to the Centurion and in the circle to this sharpened swindler. But now Sawtooth washed himself with blood, and the Centurion gave us 20 bucks (and that income from the battle 15) + a pack of cigarettes # 19(GCA 39). For the next 5 bucks, the Centurion will offer us Kuza, who hangs out in Zone D. Again, the Kuza-Centurion-Dead Cuza chain in a circle, and as a result, 20 bucks and pack of cigarettes No. 20(GCA 06). We pay five more to Centurion and fight with the guard Bam, who, after defeating him, will be taken to Abbott.
From this place the paths converge. After we scatter the guards, our friend Abbott will attack us, and in order to calm him down, it will take a very long time to knock on the pumpkin. Now we raise the baton, Abbott's key card and go straight to life station NANOMED, which cannot but rejoice (WARNING! Before leaving the room where you killed Abbott, remove any weapon from your hands! Otherwise, you will be immediately shot by cannons!). Now we run to the Tower Base 17 and take the promised 20 bucks from the Centurion and another a pack of cigarettes # 21(GCA 29, Riddick Prototype 4). Now you can go to the Work Pass (Service Pass), the door to which is in Zone D. But first, I would like to deal with the quests in the Rest Area and the Dining Room.
Red pipe... This quest can be taken in Zone C from the Gulag. To complete it, you need to buy a knife from Cricket in Zone A and track Asif, who will go to the cache in the dining room, as described above. This cache will contain the pipe. a pack of cigarettes No. 3(GCA 05).
Nurse Debt (Nurse) This quest can be taken in Area C from Nurse (Nurse). The boy who attacked us in the dining room corridor will have the poison. Also, the poison can be bought for 20 bucks from Two Tongues in Zone D after you bring him an injector and a mole (how to do this was described in the Path of Narcotics). Binks is eating stuff in the dining room. His plate is on the far left table. Approaching her, press the action (E by default), thereby adding poison. After observing the fading Binks, return to Nurse (Nurse) for a pack of cigarettes No. 32(GCA 28).
Informants (at Cuellas in Feed Ward), Blue-skinned (at Jamal-Uden in Zone B), Wilkins (at Wilkins in Zone C) and Shurik's Points (at Shurik at the very beginning of Work Pass) - all these quests can only be completed in the following levels ... But you need to collect them now.
18. Work Pass
As it was just said, we approach Shurik and take the quest from him. You can look behind the door next to Shurik and find there cartridge life NANOMED and one more a pack of cigarettes # 34(GCA 04), but it's better to do this after we return the glasses to Shurik, because otherwise the guy in the robot suit will be very angry with us. Well, in general, we go to the door to the right of the entrance, which we open with Abbott's card. Here an electrician is fixing a blinking light, and 2 guards are wandering around. You can, of course, kill everyone, or you can quietly, but then you will not take a drainage tool from the electrician (you can do without it, but it will make your life much easier. first aid kit ", and in another panel, behind which are 15 bucks and the first part of the list of rats for the Informants quest. We will find the second part later. And on the left there are 2 moves to the ventilation. In the right are 20 bucks, and through the left we get straight to the roof of the elevator and go down to the entrance to the mines.
19. Mine Entrance
If in the previous location you took a drainage tool from an electrician, then you can use the ventilation hatch behind you and greatly simplify your life. Otherwise, you will have to break through hand-to-hand until the next location, although you will find 5 bucks at 2 guards. If there is a drainage tool, then we move along the ventilation pipe to the left, up the stairs and, jumping out into the corridor, we kill the peasant. We go to the left, adhering to the right side, so that the guard does not notice us, to the ventilation hatch above, where we climb. In the ventilation pipe, do not forget to look into the dead end on the left and pick up a pack of cigarettes # 38(GCA 21). There are 10 UDs to the left of the ventilation exit. We push the peasant at the fans down, cut off the electricity, carefully go down the fans and jump down straight at the guard, for which we get 5 bucks. Now through the door to the Security Point. You ask: "What about the 37th pack? They say that it is somewhere in Mine Entrance)." This is true, but, unfortunately, it is impossible to reach it now, so we will return to this issue later in the Cargo Transport.
20. Security Chekpoint
So: 2 guards and a pretzel in a robotic suit. You can, of course, kill the guards and break through the main entrance, where, by the way, there is a first-aid kit, but at the entrance to the next location in this way only a very clever gamer will survive. Or you can quietly bypass everyone on the left behind the boxes, onto the ledge and along the horizontal stairs to the boxes, from which through the railing to the bridge and through the door down the stairs to the Upper Shakhty. But first, right in front of the stairs, jump over the railing to the right to the cornice and where the armature is , climb up into the pitch darkness and pick up a pack of cigarettes No. 39(GCA 30, Riddick First Palyable 2). Now boldly go to Verkhnie Shakhty.
21. Upper Mines
If we did not go through the main gate (read "through hell"), then, hiding in the shadows from 2 guards on the right, we reach the end of the corridor, seizing the moment, we go down the boxes, where we "remove" the guard at will. Then we move to the door under the protection of boxes on the right past the guard who has just left it, and up the stairs, where we help Moeli get rid of the overseer. Now we run further behind the magnetic card, which we take from the guard patrolling the corridor nearby. This card opens the door to the Cargo Compartment and the Freight Elevator. To get to the elevator, we go down the stairs from the balcony farthest from Moeli (which was patrolled by a guard with a magnetic card) and, if we are good guys, we will kill the warden Quintana, who will tell us where Shurik forgot his glasses (Shurik's glasses quest). If anyone does not understand, the glasses are on the top box to the right of the freight elevator. On the balcony closest to Moeli, to the right, there is pack # 40 (GCA 23). It is important to note that in the territory of the Upper Mines a mole is flying, which is needed to buy packs of cigarettes from Dvai Tongue. Those I found 8. Now you have a choice: either go down the elevator directly to the Mining Core, or return to the door next to Moeli and get into the Cargo Transport and only from there we get to the Mining Core. But in the Cargo compartment there is a life unit NANOMED and a worker selling a tranquilizer, so let's start with him.
22. Cargo Transport
As it was written a little earlier, right in front of us is a first-aid kit, and in front of it pack of cigarettes No. 42(Movie Set 10). And also freight elevators. With their help, we first go down to Armadaro, who will sell us for 30 UD the tranquilizer of the killed guard. (ATTENTION! Further actions described in the Cargo Compartment make sense only if you took the drainage tool in the Work Pass (Service Pass) or in the Mining Core from Haamid! Otherwise, you can immediately safely leave through the door to the Core of Mines!) Now the same Makar we go to the 3rd floor and get back to the Mine Entrance (Entrance to the Mines). There is a ventilation hatch at the end of the corridor. But do not rush to get into it! There are boxes behind the hatch. From them we jump onto the ventilation pipe and back along it, and then into it and you will find yourself in a room where it is not clear what Valya and the guard are doing. After killing Valya we get the code from the door to Mine Entrance. Now we run back through the ventilation, but not into the Cargo Compartment, but into the ventilation hatch, and we will find ourselves in the same elevator in which we arrived at Mine Entrace. Since we have a tranquilizer, now we boldly run from the elevator to those 2 guards with whom we went down here. And the door to Mine Entrance is the only one, so we open it using the code obtained from Vali. Inside the room there will be life station NANOMED, which will add us the 7th cube of health, and next to the box lies pack of cigarettes No. 37(GCA 38). Now, along any of the paths known to us, we are moving to the Mining Core.
23. Mining Core
If you arrived by elevator directly from the Upper Mines, and not from the Cargo Compartment, then it is best to dive into the door on the left with a rex, and at the fork again to the left and you will find yourself in the Cargo Compartment, where you can buy a tranquilizer from Armadaro for 30 UD, without it you will continue not easy at all. Now we calmly exit the Cargo Transport, strengthen our health with the help life unit NANOMED and at first we go not to the door, but to the balcony, where we kill the unreasonable guard. Then you can either jump from the balcony to the boxes and from them quietly to the left along the horizontal stairs, but then you risk missing the next pack of cigarettes. To prevent such nonsense from happening, it is better to leave through the door, soak (if you wish, of course) the technician and the guard in the corridor and quickly press something there on the service panel (located in the far right corner from the entrance to the elevator) until we are shot by automatic cannons ... If the robot is here, then a shot from a tranquilizer can freeze it for 3 seconds. And we jump over the railing into the darkness and in the left corner we find a pack of cigarettes No. 4(GCA 36). It is important to note that the moth needed to buy packs of cigarettes from Dva Lazyk flies here. I found 10 of them. Now back with the help of the elevator and into the corridor.
At the entrance to the next room, we kill the guard and immediately to the right behind the boxes, where Jagger Valens is standing, who will ask you to get some package from the gas chamber (ATTENTION! If you have problems, i.e. Jagger carries some kind of crap and it is not clear what to do before, then the solution to such a problem is described at the first meeting with the Centurion). Abu Bakr and Haamid are mining nearby. The latter will offer you a drainage tool for only 20 green, but it will be much cheaper if you kill him and pick up the tool from an already dead body (it could be useful for the actions described in the Cargo Transport). There are a few more guards wandering around, so be careful. There is also a moth in this room, which you need to buy packs of cigarettes from Dvu Lazyk. I found those here 7. To prevent the robot from interfering with you, lure it as far as the balcony near the Cargo Transport, and you will get a few quiet minutes, and if you're lucky, it will get stuck there at all. If you want to go through this room very quietly, there is a valve to the left of the entrance. If you twist it, then the stairs will descend along it to the platform and to the cornice, along which we will safely and crawl to the end. The main thing is not to forget that at the end of the room behind the boxes lies pack of cigarettes No. 41(GCA 27, Riddick First Playable 3). Now in the only open door, in the corridor we deal with two guards and as a reward for our efforts we get life unit NANOMED... Now we type the code taken from Jagger, and inside the gas chamber we find cartridge life NANOMED, the package Jagger needs and 6 moles, which he will need to redeem packs of cigarettes from Dvai Tongue. Only everything must be done quickly: although there is no air indicator, Riddick's lungs are not rubber and he may soon suffocate. Now to comrade Jagger for the code to the elevator, on the roof of which we went down to Mine Entrance. The easiest way to get back there is through the Cargo Compartment. First, we will go out on the second floor because Alonzo and Pustysh will be waiting for us here. From the latter we will take the second part of the list of rats (the first was in the Work Pass, the quest, respectively, List of rats). The next is the shortest way (if you have a drainage tool) through the 3rd floor of the Cargo Compartment. Otherwise, we return in any other way and take the elevator upstairs.
We leave, on the left we knock out the grate and select a pack of cigarettes No. 36(GCA 26, Riddick First Playable 2). Now on the box and on the wall, on the left is a horizontal staircase, we crawl along it to the end, (ATTENTION!) We remove the pistol and, having chosen the moment when the robot is not looking, we jump down. Now it's time to deal with the quests. Shurik is standing nearby. We return to him the points collected in the Upper Mines. Now we return to the Recreation Area. So, the first on our way is Zone D and Two Languages. If you have accumulated 30 moles, you will get a pack of cigarettes No. 22(Movie Set 10) and a pack of cigarettes No. 23(GCA 2). Now in Area C Wilkins is waiting for us, who will give us 50 green for the news about Jagger. In Zone B Jamal-Uden, for the fact that we killed all the Blue-skinned, he will give us a pack of cigarettes No. 24(GCA 10, Starbreeze Motion Capture). Now in the Canteen directly to Cuellas, which, if you find both the first and second parts of the list, will give you a pack of cigarettes No. 17... Now we return to the Work Pass and into the door to the right, where the light is already on, and to the left of the strange apparatus is already a free tranquilizer. Near the entrance to the door, which was closed, there is a guard at our complete disposal. If you still haven't got a drainage tool, then take it from the electrician who worked here, and now by ventilation, turning left at the fan, we head to the next location.

Part 1

Rescue - Escape

Approach Jones and press the E key to start a conversation. Scare him with a line from the dialogue. When he approaches the other prisoners, sneak up behind him and break his neck. After the shooting has begun, quickly turn 180 degrees and run to the open hatch. Jump down. Turning to the right, go down the stairs into a spacious room. Walk up to the person digging in the visor. After destroying it, take the key card. Apply it on the electronic lock and go out into the corridor. Wait until the guard walks past the corridor. Sneak up behind him and roll your neck. Take a crowbar near the body. Run into the room where the guard you killed came out of. Climb up the boxes to the top, from there, cling to the railing of the stairs. Get to the ventilation hatch and use a crowbar to break it open. Climb inside and crawl along the ventilation duct to the grate. After knocking it out, jump down. Turn right and go to the next room. Destroy the guard standing near the table. Take the empty shotgun. Climb the boxes to the balcony. Go left to the lift. Click on the button and go upstairs. Get out of the lift and start slowly approaching the guard. Disarm him using the stock of your shotgun. Take the bullets and go down the stairs. Shoot the lock of the door leading to the sewer. Turn on the flashlight (key F) and go into the manifold. Destroy all the guards on your way. Go to a bright light - this is the exit from the collector.

Prison Yard

Get out of the cell for a walk. Talk to Barber, the local prisoner. After the conversation, go right along the corridor to the inner courtyard of the prison. Approach the person standing near the wall with the scrawled Aqilas inscription and start a conversation with him. Afterward, head to chamber A40. Destroy two prisoners who burst into the cell after you with obviously bad intentions. Return to the courtyard, where you will have another talk with the person who directed you to this chamber. Now return to your cell, where the meeting with Matson will take place. On the way out of your cell, talk to Barber. Go to cell A37, where you will have a talk with Warren. Now head to the cell opposite. Here you need to destroy the prisoner Molina. When the job is done, pick up the brass knuckles from the floor. Exit to the courtyard and go to the open building opposite.

Aquila Territory

Turning into the corridor to the right, you will come across two convicts armed with brass knuckles. After a short fight, their bodies will remain on the cold floor. Go into the open chamber, where you will use the first aid kit. Go out into the corridor and, after taking a few steps forward, turn left. Dodge a fire extinguisher flying in your direction. Kill the prisoner and take the finn for yourself. In the next flight, deal with a couple of convicts. Turn right and go out into a spacious room. Here you will have to fight with a convict who is good at using melee weapons. When he is killed, quickly hide the knife and go out into the courtyard. Talk to Hayley about the escape. You go into the building where your camera is located, and go to the lattice blocking the corridor. Start a conversation with the guard standing on the other side of the bars. After finishing the conversation, he will go to the control panel and open the grate. You go in the door to the left, into the infirmary.

Infirmary - Infirmary

First of all, deal with the guard walking around the room with a shotgun at the ready. Approach him as close as possible and in the ensuing struggle, shoot the guard with his own weapon. Pick up the key card near the body. Then quickly take out the fin and inflict mortal wounds on the other guard. Go to the door and open it with the key card. In the next room, kill one more guard and go along the corridor into the next room. Climb the stairs to a higher level. After opening the hatch, bend down and enter the narrow tunnel. You must exit to a platform with a box in the middle. A guard will come out of the door opposite. Hide behind the box and wait until it passes you. Then sneak up behind him and break his neck. You go into the room from where the guard came out. After passing several utility rooms, you go out to an open area, fenced off on one side with a net. Kill the armed guard and take the key card from him. Use it on the lock on the door leading to the next room. Here, kill the guard and go into the farthest door on the left.

Mainframe - Mainframe

Walk along the flight to the wall and jump down onto the boxes. Sneak up to the person poking around in the computer and silently eliminate him. Enter your DNA into the computer's database. Take the rifle lying near the toolbox. You go into the corridor, where you will shoot the whole group of guards. After turning the corner, go through the gap in the wall into another room. Go to the opposite part of the room through the narrow passage between the boxes. Use the boxes to reach the ventilation duct with a running fan. Shoot at the fan blades and enter the channel. After taking a few steps along the grate, you will fall into a narrow corridor. Run forward quickly, destroying all the guards along the way. In the next room, shoot the guards located on the spans. Walk left to the dark room. Kill the guard hiding behind the box. Then open the hatch and climb into another room. Turn on the flashlight on your rifle. Go to the valve and turn off the gas supply. Walk a few meters forward along the corridor and enter the next room through the gap in the wall. Move forward, destroying all the guards along the way. Eventually, you must come to a room with a lift in the far corner. Here, destroy all the guards and then the robot that came down on the lift. You can only destroy it by shooting at the back cover, behind which the iron heart of the robot is hidden. Then jump onto the lift and go upstairs. Enter the only open door to the next level.

Prison Yard Riot

Go to the room in front of you. In the room around the corner, use the health station and turn the valve. Quickly run back into the corridor before the turret can kill you. Turn on the flashlight and go down the stairs next to the door to the prison block. Kill all the guards and destroy the turrets before they do their dirty deed. After passing through the narrow corridor to the closed gate, Riddick will make a remark. Return to where you came down the stairs, taking out the guards who will pop out. Approach the large gate, which will open, and, disarming the guards, use the radio transmitter lying on the floor. Return to the closed gate and, finding a half-dead prisoner in the narrow corridor, shoot him to save the poor man from suffering. Finally, go through the gate.

The Pit - The Pit

You only have 6 minutes to get out of the dungeon. Go forward and through the tunnel get to the corridor with flaming matter everywhere. From this place, zombies will start attacking you. Shooting them as needed, keep moving on until you reach a large hole in the floor. Jump down and go right to the end, then turn left and go to the dead end where the valve will lie. Pick it up and return to the hole. Climb the stairs and go straight, then right and finally left until the closed gate. Insert the valve into the groove and turn it. Get to Papa Joe through the tunnels.

Papa Joes Den - Papa Joes Den

Together with Papa Joe, go up the lift and follow him to his room. After talking with him, take 12 bombs from the box. Return to the lift and go downstairs. Turn left and go to the tunnel entrance. Follow the tunnel, illuminating your path with light bombs. From the tunnel you enter the room, where quickly shoot at the barrels of fuel. The explosion will destroy the lion's share of the local inhabitants. Get the rifle and finish off the remaining zombies. In the adjacent room, take the sound box and return to Papa Joe.

Dark Tunnels

You go into a narrow tunnel and walk along it, shooting all evil spirits along the way. You must reach a staircase that leads upstairs.

Showers - Showers

Turn in the opposite direction and go along the corridor to the toilet stall. Click the switch several times - your action will force the guard out of the toilet. Put a bullet between his eyes and take the weapon. Go down the hallway to the dressing room. Find the switch near the doorway and plunge the room into complete darkness. Eliminate the guard who wants to find out the reason for the sudden darkness. Enter the dressing room and head towards the exit opposite. Destroy the group of guards entrenched in the corridor. Go into the room with a balcony, from there go into the corridor to the right. In the next room, destroy several guards and leave the spacious hall through the passage to the right. From there go into the corridor and walk along it until on the right side you see a door with a retina scanner. Kill the guard and try to scan Riddick's retina. After an unsuccessful attempt, return back to the corridor and go to the exit to the next level.

Guards Quarters

With a fight break through to the other side of the room. Pay attention to the balcony above, from there several guards will be firing continuously. Enter the elevator and go up to the second floor. Deal with another group of guards strolling through the foyer. Turn left into the corridor and run to the Abbot's apartment. Take the box with the rifle near the door. Click on the call and when asked about the purpose of your visit, answer “Parcel”. In a second, go into the apartment.

Abbot - Abbat

Eliminate the Abbot and watch the final cutscene of the first part.