Forgotten Russian games. Vintage moving games Methodical development on physical education on the topic of the game in the antique in Russia

Insert our ancestors Cornly long winter evenings at home, in a family circle. In the peasant skeins, they were entertained by rolling games in "Buckles", "Bear" or "Dergach". Noble people pledged desktop games such as cards, chess

Children preferred to play brillock: Crochet on the fishing line was pulled out of a handful of one toy so as not to hurt the rest. Young people played B. "Smoking": They were transferred in a circle of the burning raucion, saying "alive, alive smoking, legs thin, soul short." Losing the one, in the hands of the hole of Gasla.

Many probably remember "Colepko" Players sit on the bench. The presenter of which will be ringing. All players fold the palms "Boat". The host holds in the folded palms of the ring or any other small object (buttice, pebbles). Conducting with their own hands between the palms of each player, the master embarrassing someone in the hands of the ring. Then I slightly departs and says: "The ring-ring, go on the porch!" After these words, the task of the player with a ring quickly stand up, and other participants - to hold it on the bench. Managed to jump - became leading. No - the presenter remains the same.

Also not forgotten "The sea is worried about once". In terms of the number of players, chairs are put in two rows, so that the back of one stool comes into contact with the back of the other. Each player must remember his chair well where he sits. After everything is happening, the selected lead shouts: "The sea is worried!" All playing jump and run around chairs. The presenter implants the moment when everyone fell away from the chair, and unexpectedly screaming for playing: "The sea subsided!". After that, you need to take your place, and since the presenter took one of the chairs, then the playing was taking place between the playing, and everyone tries to capture the place that it caught. Playing, remaining without a place, becomes the lead.

And as you "Pebbles" ? The game is conducted by five pebbles within two minutes. Cut pebbles are output from the game. The game is completed after six tours. On the sixth round, all five pebbles are taken in the palm, throw up and picked up the back of the palm, then four pebbles shake. The last pebble is thrown up, and during the flight the remaining four are selected from the table. Upon completion of the sixth round, the participant is awarded five points. When walking six tours without errors during the time provided, five points are awarded. By the way, the game is carried out only with one hand. Hand change is not allowed.

And how many street games were! For example, a game, which is happy to remember old-timers, is called "Master and Apprentice".

In the ground, three holes are digging in a straight line, two steps away from each other. The player moves away from the pits 40 steps and throws pebbles in the first hole. If I got, throws into the second, then to the third, then in the reverse order. If you got into all the pits, you are "master", if only there or back - "submaster", and if you got a job on one of the first pits, then you are a "student".

And they will rarely meet children playing salts, deeds, burners. And the words of such modern children do not know. However, it is important to remember that our grandparents and grandparents were not particularly toys, and those that were - most often homemade, but the games were one more interesting, and although now dominated a variety of and easily accessible flash games online, to triumphant early - time Show.

To start the game, the so-called "Snaps" was used. Many remember from Childhood "Tai Thai, Rock ...". Of course, such "zind" a huge amount, especially since they were created by the children themselves, were not limited to any rules.

The essence of the game calcs (as an option "Salochki") It is the leading (which is appointed, or selected) caught up with someone from the participants of the game. Currently, children are often called such a "catch-up" game. However, there are several complicated options for this game. The first is that the lead runs behind other players, keeping the body (or place) for which the previous player caught him. Another option: the player to whom she touched "Lov" stops, spreading his arms to the sides, other players, touched to him, can "awake". The task of the lead: "Enchant" of all participants.

Very popular and loved on Russia there was a game burners. Most likely, this name game received because in the old days, the players were furnished with lights. For the game, participants become pairs, one "Torch". The leading becomes back to the pairs, uttering phrases in the poetic form (various options), but the last words should be definitely "the last (first, second, fifth and so on) pair of run." On the last words, the couple called should have a tree (or any other item, it is stipulated immediately) and get the first to the column. The leading should be ahead of any of the pair and become in his place. Who remained without a place, he becomes new.

Remembering vintage Russian games, you can not miss "Towns". The task of playing in that a bat (usually use wooden) to knock out the figures built in a row (towns). This game can be both team and solitary. On knockout is given several attempts. That player or the team that dropped out the greatest number of figures with the lowest number of attempts is considered the winners. The distance that the player goes to knock out the shapes, the number of towns.

Lapte - One of the favorite games of our grandmothers, which, unfortunately, have already begun to forget. So for the game requires a field 50-60 meters long. Meters 10 from the end of the field on both sides are conducted lines. Behind one line will be "house", and after another - "Kon". Playing broken apart. The first team is called "beating", the second "leading". The "beating" team is located behind the line "Houses", "Wiring" - on the field. The player of the "hitting" teams of the laptow (wooden bat) must hit the ball and run to the "Kona" line and back, while the "leading" team catches the ball and trying to get into it. If he managed to reach-player his team playing further in the "house", no, there are places with rivals. However, at the time of the "watering" team for the "House" line, the players of the opponents team can "spot" any player who visited the field, then the teams change in places again. So on the field there is a constant struggle for the possession of the "house". The player's team, not "spinning" himself, gets a point. The winner becomes a team that earned more points.

"Nogomyach", which later, who stole her, the British renamed football!

it was this game that the German artist Christian Gacels worked in Russia in 1790-1798 was captured.

There you are "Seine".

The game passes on a limited area, the limits of which cannot be crossing any of the players. Two or three players are taken by arms, forming a nemid. Their task is to catch as much floating fish as possible, i.e. other players. The task of fish is not to get caught in the nem. If the fish turned out to be in the nemid, it joins the leading and itself becomes part of the chief. The game continues until the player who turned out to be the most prompt fish is defined. Details: Fish do not have the right to tear the nemid, i.e. shift hands

Fishing rod. Playing form a circle. Driving, standing in the center, rotates the rope with a sandbag tied at the end - fishing rod. Playing jump over the rope when she passes under his feet, trying not to hurt her. Touching the rope becomes leading. Details: Rotation of the rope should be produced not higher than the knee level

Played at the turn of the century XVIII and century XIX and in gambling "tensile"

Participants of this gambling alternately, the edge of the coin hit the wall so that it fell to the ground as close as possible to the coins of rivals. If you can reach your fingertips to the neighboring coin, then the coin can be taken.

Or in more compact inventory "grandmas"

Played in "pike"

In the 21st century, children imperceptibly disappeared from the courtyards of large cities - now they play computer games or well-attaining time in specially organized children's clubs. Along with the children disappeared the culture of the courtyard games and the courtyard socialization (with all its features). And if kids can still be found on the courts under the supervision of relatives, then schoolchildren are not visible almost at all. "Gazeta.Ru" looks at the empty spring yards and remembers the disappeared games, which in many respects made us with such adults as we became.


How to play. The main attribute of this game for girls is lining gum. The perfect number of players - 3-4 people. Each participant performs jumping figures and combinations at different height: from the level of ankle (jump "first") to the level of the neck (jumping "sixth"). Jumping through a rubber, stretched at the level of the hip, wore the mysterious name "fire". As soon as the jumper is mistaken, another participant gets up on her place, and the girl who allowed the girl puts on his gum. If Four Players, pairs are changing places when both players from one pair alternately allow mistakes.

What Develops: Vestibular apparatus, coordination, attentiveness. He teaches to train, win, deserve to lose, jump above all and be friends with girls, even if they are rivals at this moment.


How to play. Requires chalk, asphalt platform and pebbles (or washer). Draw small cells with numbers in a certain sequence, and you can jump at least alone. The main thing is to get a stone into a cage, darken to it on one or two legs and return back the same way. The most fortunate player is considered to be the one who manages to go all the way from one to dozen. The number of players in the "classics" can be any.

What Develops: Dexterity, accuracy, ability to concentrate and knowledge of numbers, if players are completely kids.


How to play. Participants in this old Russian-folk game are divided into two equal teams and become opposite the shangami, holding hands, at a distance of 10-15 m. Teams are moving towards a long river in turns: "Boyar, and we came to you, dear , And we came to you ... "Dialogue ends with words:" Boyar, revole the gate, give us the bride forever. " The one whom the bride choose must then disperse and break through the enemy chain. If an attempt turns out to be successful, the player returns to his team, if not - remains in another. The following cone starts the loser team. The goal of the game is to collect as many participants as possible.

What Develops: The ability to be in the team and win in the situation "one against all".

You go quiet, you will continue - stop

How to play. The task of the leading is to become back to the participants on the finish line (the more the distance between the leading and participants will be, the better) and say loudly: "You go quiet, then you will be stopped." So far, the leading says (and he can do it at any tempo), participants try to escape as far as possible towards the finish. As soon as the leading shutters, you need to froze in place. The one who did not have time to stop or made a random movement, dropping out of the game. The one who gets to the finish line is first and touched to the leading.

What Develops: Coordination, the ability to quickly run and respond to changing circumstances.


How to play. Participants run away from the leading (this game is a variety of salok). The lead drives the player and touches it to him - cares. The outstanding puts hands, and any other participant can run up, touch it and "help". The task of the leading - not to move away from the outstanding and not to let any step towards him. Summer version of sorcerers - run with "splashes" and water each other with water from leaky bottles. Usually five minutes after the start of the game, all wet, but very funny.

What Develops: The ability to quickly run, quickly think and mighty to rejoice in life.

The sea is worried about

How to play. The master turns away from the players and pronounces a count:
The sea worries times
The sea is worried about two,
The sea is worried about three,
Sea figure on the spot Zerrie!
While he says, the participants are chaotic moving in any order, depicting the movement of the waves. As soon as the leading shutters, you need to measure in some kind of figure. Driving comes to one of the players and touches it. The player depicts his figure in motion, and the leading guess what it is. The player, whose figure failed to guess, becomes leading.

What Develops: Imagination, spontaneity and artistry.


How to play. Players are divided into two teams - "Cossacks" and "Robbers". Agree on what territory they play. It can be a yard, an entrance, street, several yards. "Robbers" make a secret word. "Cossacks" depart aside so as not to see "robbers". "Robbers" run away, marking arrows on the asphalt (walls of houses, borders, trees, etc.) direction of its movement. They start running a group, and then there are someone where, trying to confuse the "Cossacks" arrows. The task of "Cossacks" - to find in the hands of "Robbers". Each "Robber" "Cossack" leads to a "prison" and worst it, trying to withdraw a secret word, for example, with the help of torture nettle. "Cossacks" win, as soon as the secret word is recognized or found all the "robbers".

What Develops: Basic scout skills, ability to focus on the ground and do not pass "their own."

12 sticks

How to play. The game resembles classic hide and seekers. 12 small sticks are stacked on the "lever" (for example, on a plate and laid pebbles under it) so that, coming on the lever, it was possible to scatter sticks. The task of the leading is to collect sticks, fold them on the lever, pronounce the county eyes closed and go to search for the hid players. As soon as the player discovers the player, runs to the "lever" and breaks sticks, calling the name of the found. The player becomes leading. If the found has time to get ahead of the leading and reach the first sticks, the leading does not change.

What Develops: The skill competently hide and quickly run at the first need.


How to play. "Bouncers" - two players - get up from two sides of the site. The remaining players are located in the center. The task "bounced" - throwing the ball to each other, get into any of the "central" players. The task of players is to dodge from the flying ball. The one who came to, coming out of the game. Other participants can "save" the retired player by catching the ball in the air (the main condition is not from the ground, otherwise you also fly out). When one participant remains in the "Central" players team, he must dodge the ball as many times as he is. If he managed to do this, all the dropped back are returned to the previous places.

What Develops: The ability to ride from rapidly flying items, think about the near and tolerate pain.

I know 5 names

How to play. The first player takes the ball in his hands, says: "I know one name of the girl," hits the ball with one hand about the ground and calls the name. Then continues with different variations: "I know one name of the boy," "I know one color," "I know one animal," "I know one city." When all combinations are used, the player utters the same readings, only on the expense of two: "I know the two names of the girl" - and then in a circle. The game continues up to ten. If, beat up the ball, the player did not have time to call the name or hit the ball, the move moves to another participant. When the ball, going through all the participants, returns to the first player, he continues to play with the phrase on which it was wrong. The one who first gets in this river to dozen.

What Develops: Multitasking, erudition, ability to correct their mistakes and move on.


How to play. All players sit down or get into a row. Driving the ball with one of the participants and at the same time calls any subject. If the subject "edible", the player catches the ball. If not - beats. The task of the leading is to confuse a player, for example, in the chain "Apple-Melon-Carrot-Potato" suddenly pronounce: "Iron". If the player is mistaken and "eats" "inedible", then it becomes leading. The faster the drive throws the ball and calls the items, the gambling and more interesting to play.

What Develops: The sense of humor, the ability to listen carefully and respond quickly.


How to play. Players designate a circle on Earth. Further, in turn, try to get a knife to the outlined opponent's territory and thus wielding as much land as possible. The knife can be thrown away from the shoulder, with a coup, from the nose and even from the head. There are many versions of the game in the "knives" under different names: "Earth", "cities", "benches", "grandmother-tricks", "Tankers", "Ships", "Football", "Sea battle". The knife can be stuck in the ground, sand and even a wooden bench.

What Develops: Ability to handle cold weapons, attentiveness and caution.


How to play. Players get into a row and fold palm with a boat. Driving keeps in a fist or folded palms a small object, such as a coin, buttice, ring. In turn, bypassing each player, putting his own in his "boat" and saying to read: "I wear a ringing ring and give someone." The task of the leading - imperceptibly to invest in one of the players and pronounce the ring-ring, go to the porch! " After that, the player who got the subject, jumps up and tries to escape. The task of the remaining participants is to delay the runaway.

What Develops: The ability to follow the manipulations of others, act quickly and decisively.

Will you go to the ball?

How to play. Driving Tale:
Yes, and no do not say
black and white do not call
Will you go to the ball?

How to play. Each player chooses a name - the name of the flower and informs it to "gardener" - the factory and other players. The leader says: "I was born to the gardener, it was angry with a joke, all the flowers are tired, except ..." and calls the "name" (the name of the flower) of one of the players. There is a dialogue between the leading and player. The player pronounces the name of one flower from those in the team. Member whose name sounded should respond. The dialogue continues. The one who was wrong: for example, did not respond to his name, confused the name of the colors, "Phanti gives (any of his thing). At the end of the game, the phantas are played out. "Gardener" turns away, the thing is getting and asked by a leading: "What to do this player?" "Gardener" assigns a task (jump on one leg, to pour, sing, tell the poem, etc.) - the player "works out" the phanta and takes his thing.

What Develops: Memory, attention, courage and willingness to respond for their actions.


How to play. Driving and one of the players get up to the rest of the participants: a leader, a player - back. The leading shows on one of the participants and asks: "Kisa?" If the player, standing with his back, responds to "stuck", leading continues to choose. As soon as the player says "meow", the lead asks him: "What color?" The player chooses a color and turns face to other participants. Depending on the color selected, the player and the participant from the command performs the task. Refuse to task the player has no right. White is the most terrible color. Two must retire in the entrance. What they do there is a story every time silent. Green is three questions, to answer which the player can only "yes." Usually questions Caverzny seems to: "Do you love him?" Red - kiss on the lips. Pink is the same, but in the cheek. Yellow - three questions alone. When choosing orange, you need to go under the hand, preferably past adults. Blue - kiss your hand. Purple - see the bad deed. For example, step on the leg, pull the hair or take the decoration.

What Develops: The ability to communicate with the opposite sex, manage its impulses and find socially acceptable forms for their desires.

Games that exit in the Pinezhsky and Kholmogorsk districts
Arkhangelsk region in 1910 - 1930s.

Ankles. Collected bones from sheep and played on the table, scattering all the ankles. An ankle dropped up, called a cow, hump up - bull, there were other names for various bones. It was necessary to click on the other ankle into another one (bull in the bull, etc.), not the assisted third. If you got - pick up the ankle yourself and pick up the leaching of five different couples - whores, bulls, pits (cow), smooth, stuff. If some of the bones turned over one of the sides, called the cheat, the game passed to the following in turn player. When the player shaking the bones in his palms, he said: "Prigori, pickups, so that no cheats", that is, there is no transfer to another player.

Grandmas, bones, cheeks or whores - games resembling ankles (in different villages there were their names).

Chok-shuttle - game with riddles. Driving began to play with the words:
Chek-shine! Where overnight?
Have good people, "answered someone.
And who is in the family? Playing:
Family is: myself yes herself, yes grandmother, yes Cavalier, yes the lady. (Or: yes myself, yes, and the old woman; yes my grandmother, and three guys; yes, yes, yes, and the same guys, etc.)
The leading had to guess whose family is talking. If guess, then the one who made himself became leading.

Circle from a pillar - Playing with a leading eyes, with elements of guessing.

Chase ball. They played mostly girls 10-15 years old, two. For the game they took the ball, as a rule, the homemade, stitched from the rags, stuffed with rags or a coupow, stranded from wool, with a diameter of 7-10 cm. The playground was chosen or road. The players became against each other at a distance of 10-15 m. One of the players threw the ball, trying to throw him out for the partner, after that the second player passed to the place of falling the ball. Now he threw the ball first, just trying to transfer the place where the partner stood. In the process of the game it turned out that the players moved around the site: one went away if he threw weaker, the other was approaching if she threw stronger. The ball could be coated up to 1.5 km. The winner was considered the one who threw stronger - "further hijacked the ball."

Mind whether a neighbor. Game with a choice of partner, neighbor neighbor.

Whether a neighbor is either. Also a game with a choice of partner. Players cleared in a circle in any order. Selected one leading, which asked anyone sitting:
Does any neighbor? If the seated answered: "Either", then driving to another, and if the seated answered: "Not any", then sitting on the right has changed places with those who love, and if it turned out to be driving, then sitting on the right became them . Another option was also common, especially on youth playing, when they were seeded strictly on pairs (guy-girl), then the game acquired another meaning and a courtship element was introduced.

Pop-chairs or drive pop. The game resembling modern towns. One of the players is driven, the rest of the participants should have hit the ass, a small lifting. In p. Sura in the 1930-40s. Pop was cone-shaped. It was installed in a certain place, and then knocked off with sticks, trying to drive as far as possible. If no one fell on him, then driving the ass and fled to the place where the game was starting from. All the players fled behind him, taking his sticks, but without overtaking it, and the one who resorted the last to the lead.

Ryuhi. - game that resembles the towns.

Pebbles or 5 pebbles. For the game they took 5 smooth pebbles. The one who started the game took them in her hand, one wondered, the remaining four put on the ground and immediately caught a thrust stone. Then the playing threw a stone up and during his flight she tried to capture several others from the ground. If he managed it - he continued to do exercises further, if he could not raise pebbles or did not catch flying, then the game passed to another person. It should be noted that in each village played differently, and the order of execution of tasks in each village was its own. In the Pinezhsky district, the game in pebbles met in the 1950s.

Ball rolling - The game, reminiscent of the pop-chairs, only instead of the pops played in a wooden ball.

Palms.Two playing beat each other by palms in a certain order.
In whisper. The eyes tied their eyes, and he had to guess who whispers him.

Coupon. Option of a modern game of silence.

Hair. Competition, who will extend the sound longer.

Cuma. Salk with poems.

Cabbage vulti; column number; I go, walk; loach; And we have seeds; Zainka; reading led. Horovodari games with gyrobets.

Burners. The game with the poetic prichi "Gori, Gori clearly, not to go out." The players became pairs, and standing ahead of the leading should have been awaited by the pair of him.

Firstborn; bunnies; Chickens and Fox; At the bear in Bor; in Korshun; I'll rain rain. Games with theatrical, dramatic actions and touch elements.

Due to dry cod. Skolki with a broom or broom when they beat the lead that it was harder to get into anyone.

Plate game. The leading walked along the line of the standing players and had to slap the belt of one of them. The outstanding had to restore the entire line of playing and returning to his place, and the leading to catch it. If it was able, then he was getting caught. In such a game in the villages of the modern surfactant rural administration, youtell preferred to play at the gatherings, since "sympathy were visible": the guy chose a girl and vice versa.

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Presentation on the topic: Forgotten vintage Russian games (without items)

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Burners come out, you burn! The game can be started and just on the signal of the leading. And the essence of it is what. Playing, holding hands, become pairs in the back of each other. Ahead of the column is driven. As soon as the sentence is told or another team of the leading, the last pair discovers the hands and runs forward: one - on the left, the other - on the right side of the column. The challenge is to dodge the leading and have time to take up hands. If you managed to catch one of the players, he, together with the caught pair, becomes the first pair of the column, and the rest is left without a pair. If the players are able to overcome the leading and take up the hands, they go to the heads of the column. The leading starts all first. There are also double burners. In this case, two columns are already one against another at a distance of up to 30 steps. Welding two too. By signal or reading, the last pairs from each column are separated and run to the opposite column. Unlike simple burners, it is necessary to connect to a couple with a player of the opposite column. The task is all the same - to spot the runners, do not let them take hands.

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Zhmurki "Zhmurki" - an old game, which is held in all nations. It has many varieties. The children of all ages play it. The number of participants is usually from 4 to 25 people. In all the varieties, one is alone: \u200b\u200bdriven with closed eyes- "Zhmurka" - I must catch other players and guess who caught. All players are moving in a circle in any side until the "stop!" Will not give it. Then everyone stops, and the driving hand stretches forward. For her, one of the playing, to whom she is directed. The drive asks him to file a voice, that is, something to pronounce. The player calls the name of the leading or out of any sound by changing the voice. If the leading guards who filed a voice, he changes with him a place and role. If not guesses, then continues to led. "Yasha and Masha". Playing, holding hands, form a circle. Two selected (by lot) become in the middle of the circle. One of them is "Yasha", the other is "Masha". They tie their eyes and they turn around themselves several times. Then "Yasha" begins to look for "Masha". To this end, he asks: "Masha, where are you?" "Masha", running in a circle, replies: "I'm here!" (or calls to the bell) -And quickly runs away from this place to not get caught. If "Yasha" caught (osal) "Masha", they change roles or chose new watering.

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The number of participants up to 10 people run around the site, and the water catch up with them to stain (osal) within the limits of the bounded boundaries. The outstanding becomes leading. In the game you can make additional rules. Here are some of them. All playing, except for the fifth, have a belt over a belt. The spot, catching up by the runaway, pulls the ribbon from him, then running away his hand and says: "I am a spin!" Playing can escape from the stains, if he takes hands with another comrades, will stand on one leg, takes the "swallows" pose, etc. If the fifth is chasing anyone, and he crossed the path of another player, he is obliged to break through who blocked him the way. Eating, pursuing running around, should hold on to one hand for the place of his body, according to which he was awaited. playing moving around the site, jumping through the rope. The spot catchies them, jumping on one leg. The site is delineated by 1-2 circles with a diameter of 2 steps - "at home", where runaway can escape from persecution. However, more than 5 seconds in such a house is impossible.

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Hyperships play 3-10 people. The selected leading becomes in an agreed place with his eyes closed, leaning against a tree or other subject. This place is called "horse". Driving loudly considers up to 20-30 (by persuading) or pronounces to read. Meanwhile, the rest are hidden in different places. By contacting the bill, drives out the eyes and begins to look for the guys. Seeing anyone calls him by name and runs to the con. Found running there, trying to overtake the leading and touch the subject that he stood. If he does it before the leading, it is not considered caught and remains at Kon, while the leading looking for others. When everyone is found, the first player becomes driving, who did not manage to take away to the horse earlier. Sometimes put a wand on Konu. Then everyone who heard earlier should be knocked out a stick about the subject and say: "Crowing wand, reversing me!" After these words, it is considered to be reversed. The hidden may not wait when they find them, and at a convenient time to run to the con. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor and for this. You can also agree on such a rule: if the last player succeeds in going to the horse earlier, he shouts, hitting a wand: "Wand-cutting, reversing us all!" After these words, everyone is considered to be reversed and again leads the previous player.

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Empty place is a game with running on the brighteous, playing form a circle. It is selected by the leading, which runs in a circle (from the outside), is touching one of the players, after which it runs in the opposite direction. Cropped to the competition rushes in the opposite direction. Having met, playing greet each other, shaking hands. Continuing running, they seek to take the place free in the circle. Who comes running by the second, continues to led. In the end, the player wins, who after 5 - 8 minutes of the game does not attend the role of a leading, that is, it takes place first. You can divide players for two circles (for example, boys and girls) and spend the game yourself.

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Gate to play it you can boys and girls of different ages and anywhere. And the number of participants is not limited, if only you were at least twelve people. It is not necessary to be reckoned. At first select two guys stronger and higher than the growth that will be depicted from yourself "Gate". They depart on the sideline and secretly conspite everyone who will be called, for example, "Vasilek" and "Chamomile" or "Pine" and "Tree", "Day" or "Night", "Apple" or "Pear", " Sun "or" Moon ". But the main thing is that the names were beautiful and pleasant to rumor. We must still agree, for whom of them will be "paradise", and for whom "hell". Well, while this spell goes on, the rest of the guys are becoming each boyfriend and everyone puts her hands on the shoulders standing in front of him. Try at the same time to get up to approximately the growth so that the little one did not have to put your hands on the shoulders of big. So, the first in the chain will be the youngest. It is called the "uterus" because it will led everyone else. And if all the guys are about identical growth, then girls become ahead, and behind the boys. Why so, you will understand from the further description of the game. There you have to make a "gate". Those two become faced to face at a distance of a step and take hands. Their starts, but the gate is still locked. How to unlock them? That's how.

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The gate of the uterus brings the chain to the goal and asks them to open, they raise their hands, opening the gate. Hands should be raised higher and, of course, not to delete them. The uterus passes into the gate first and leads the whole string. The gate honestly misses everyone, but when the latter goes away, they give hands so that he is between their hands. The rim goes forward, and the caught "gate" slowly ask: "To Maplea or to Birch?" You must answer too quietly so that in the chain did not hear. After the choice made, caught saying, who is a tree, produce from the rings of hands, and it becomes the back of the "maple" or "birch". It is very nice when you guess and get to the one whom I wanted! And the chain at this time does not stop making a circle, and the uterus, seeing that the caught already got into place, again leads everyone to the goal. The same words say, and one more late of the rimperation is reduced. So the chain goes through the gate, every time becoming all in short and shorter. But on the same side of the gate of the guys everything is added. Finally, the uterus one comes to the goal and, choosing a tree, go to the right or left ... Here is the "gate" and declare which of them was a paradise, and who is hell. Well, accordingly, who from the players got into the angels, and who are in devils. Then the most cheerful part of the game begins. Since devils and angels to endure each other can not be struggled between them. And the struggle is this: who will pull someone (in our opinion - "Thinking"). For this, the "gate" is carried out between themselves along the ground and tightly take hands. And all the rest of the inhabitants of Paradise and Hell trailers themselves for their leaders, and everyone covers standing before the waist. As soon as we got up, the "gate" command: "Come on!" And tightening begins. It is necessary to drag into the same party until one party will respond to all others by the hell. And when all the devils fall into paradise or all the angels of devils dragged into hell, the game ends

No. Slide 11.

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Wolves and sheep The most appropriate place for the game - Polyanka with the bushes or edge of the forest, so that the wolf can move away from sheep and imperceptibly hide in the bushes or behind the tree. In the beginning of the game, the wolf is determined using readers. And all who came out before him are called sheep. The leaders turn away, and the wolf goes to hide. As soon as the wolf hits, he must shout: "It's time!" After that, the sheep carefully go to look for it. The sheep, which is the first to notice the wolf, shouts in fear: "Wolf!", And all the sheep rushes a swarming, away from the wolf. Well, and the wolf should be caught some kind of glory sheep. If it succeeds, the caught sheep becomes a wolf, and the wolf turns into a sheep, and the game begins first. And if the wolf ran, ran, yes, so I did not catch anyone, I will have to go hide again and try to catch the sheep. Sometimes in the game it can happen that the wolf is not lucky all the time and he can't catch anyone. Then, after two failures, the wolf is considered to be a loser and it must be changed - to count again and choose a new wolf. And generally try to all playing all the players "in the wolf skins."

No. Slide 12.

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Cats and mouses This old Russian game was so famous that even the name it entered the saying "Play in the cat-mouse", which means: to be sick with each other, pretended to succumb to it The game in the cat-mouse. First, we will choose the main characters of our game - the cat and the mouse. To do this, we calculate. When two recent remains, they are considered among themselves, and the one who comes out will be a mouse, and who will remain - a cat. All the players who came earlier were becoming in a circle, at a distance of approximately a step from each other, and take hands, forming a gate between . Usually these gates are closed, that is, the hands of the players are omitted. The mouse climbs inside the circle, and the cat remains outside. Now the cat must catch the mouse. But before catching, she must somehow penetrate the circle. And this is not easy, because the task of players forming the circle, in that and consists in order to protect the mouse from the cat. Therefore, the cat walks, mowing is plaintively, around the circle, looking for, where to slip into the inside. At the same time, the cat is allowed to break through the chain of players, to pickle under the arms of the arms or even jump over them. When the cat gets inside the circle, she rushes to the mouse, but ... it is already a trace! Players, in the place where the mouse had just been, managed to turn her the gate, that is, they raised their hands, they released the mouse out and immediately lowered their hands. The gate in front of the cat closed.

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Cats and mouses Now the cat must be fishing outside, that is, again overcome the friendly chain of players. And when the cat will jump out of the circle, the players coming up to the mouse again raise their arms, passing her inside. It would be, with such a comfortable rules for the mouse, this running may continue to infinity, and the cat is impossible to catch the cat. But in the game it happens very rarely, and in the end, the cat still overtakes the mouse. How does she succeed? Just like a real cat, for this you need cunning, dexterity and speed. Well, for example, how is it better to overcome the chain of players? First, try to break through the chain unexpectedly, so that players do not suspect that you are going to break through. Then they will not be particularly tightly held by the hands. The second, you can apply such a trick: quickly burn, pretending that you want to dig up under your hands, and when the players will devote their hands or even come together - instantly jump over the hands. You can bend sharply several times and straighten up, forcing the players to lower, then raise your hands while they are not confused. And in some time, only designating the movement upwards (at the same time, they immediately raise their hands), slip at hand. Sometimes, noticing a wide clearance between players (and therefore, their hands are stretched quite high), you can dive into the circle with the go, "fish". At the same time, the cat must be remembered that if in some place to her from the first attempt did not manage to break through the circle, then she must move and try happiness elsewhere. If it was not possible, go on. The cat is best not to return to the place of failure, but look for weaker places.

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Warning to play loaf can be guys of different ages and even adults along with the kids. At first, someone put in the middle, and usually begin with the smallest, and even better - who has a birthday today. All others get around and take hands. Then they go round the circle and sing: "We baked a loaf on Sashains of the nameman ..." (I need to call the name of one who stands the survey). After that, stop and sing: "Here is such an embroider!" On the word "such", everything, continuing to hold on hands, raise them as high as possible and even browse on tiptoe. Then they sing: "Here is such a nizhny!" - Lower your arms and squatted. Then everyone gets up and sing again: "Here is such a width!", Expanding the circle as much as possible, but not extinguishing the hands. Then with the words: "Here is such a dinner!" - Everyone omitted hands and go to Sasha until the circle is at all. Well, finally, again, expanding to the original width of the circle, you need to sing: "Caparaway, loaf, who love - choose!" Sasha is suitable for whom he loves, bowing, takes over his hand and takes to the middle. And himself occupies his place in the circle. The dance along with Sasha begins to sing a song and walk around Kati, it can repeat many times. The rule here is only one. Katya must choose someone else. And in general, you should not choose one more than two times the entire game. And the game ends after all the guys will have "birthday women." Led cave is best on the street, and even in cold weather, as it is not necessary to ride and jump and do not hurt the fingers.

Slide number 15.

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Cossacks - Rogues Playing are divided into two teams. According to the lot, one team is the robbers, the second - the Cossacks. They distinguish them on sleeper dressings, ribbons or any badges. The task of the Cossacks is to track down the robbers, the task of the robbers is to be reliably hidden. Disconnects are missing, and the Cossacks choose a place for the "dungeon", where then they will bring caught robbers. Its boundaries need to designate something, for example, sticks or stones. Landmarks are diverted to search for robbers, they need not only to find or see, but you still need to catch up and stain. As soon as the first of the robbers got caught, caught his Cossack withdrawn the captive in the "dungeon". He leads him by taking over his hand or for the sleeve, and the twentieth robber must go to you most - it is not right. But if for some reason the Cossack himself sank his hand, the robber can escape. So, gradually, in the "Dunnitsy" lead caught robbers, leaving them under the protection of someone from the Cossacks. The same rule of the game is that the robbers can help their comrades in trouble. If, for example, someone lead to the "dungeon", then any robber can run up and stain the Cossack - then the Cossack is obliged to let go of the prisoner, and both robber run away to hide again. But the Cossack, if he is frightened, can manage the first to stain the robber, trying to rescue his comrade. If it is possible - there are already two prisoners. Discoveries can free their comrades even from the "Doknov". The fastest of robbers may not hide, but simply stay away from the Cossacks. Such runners may even rescue comrades.

No. Slide 16.

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The third extra all playing becomes two, in the back of each other, in a circle, face to the center. For the circle two leading: one - runs away, the other - catch up. Running, fleeing from persecution, becomes ahead of any pair. The player standing in a pair of the back, runs away, and catching up as soon as possible. If driving osalil fleeing, then running will be leading.

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Geese - Swans for the game are needed four - six gymnastic benches and two - four gymnastic mat. On one side of the hall is drawn. She separates the gooseman, where everyone playing, except for two, which are departed to the side. These are wolves. In the middle of the hall put four benches, forming a corridor (the road between the mountains), and on the other side of the hall put mats. This is a mountain. For her, the logs of wolves.Revitel pronounces: "Gus-Swans, in the field!" Geese pass along the mountain road in the field (place between mats and bench), where and walk. Then the head says: "Gus-Swans, home, wolf for a long mountain!" Geese will be run first to the ends of the benches, run on the mountain road (between benches), and then run up in different directions, trying to be faster in Gusseknik. The lips will run away and catch up with geese. The rest stop. Wolves pursue geese to the goose, then return to the lair. Caught counted and returned to their flock of geese. New wolves are selected - and the game is repeated. There are never once not caught players and wolves, who managed to catch more geese. Easy to catch geese only after the words "for the far mountain" and pursue only to the Gousatnik. Cannot jump through benches.

No. Slide 18.

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Czechhard The name of the leap is Tatar, and this game has moved to us from the Tatar ... "- according to one old book. So, Checkhard exists in Russia for more than five centuries! Will many of the modern games live so much? Speaking in a simple, Czechhard is jumping over each other. Who at school jumped through the "goat", this will not be difficult to play and in the leap. But here there are some features and even the rules. Only boys can play in Czechver, and not younger than thirteen years. Girls in no way allow. This is not a girlish game. The best places for the game are a flat platform that has shown low grass, or a sandy shore, or a simple earthen road, which rarely drive. On the floor or on the asphalt, try not to jump, especially when there are newcomers among you. In order to play a leap, need no less than two people: who jumps and through whom "goat". Then they will change places. So jump, until you get tired or dreamed of some obstacle or turning the road. The rule here is the same: who failed to safely jump over any of the goats, replaces him, and the goat goes back and starts jumping.

No. Slide 19.

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Czechhard When you are all well learn to jump, then you can get goats and closer to each other, seven-eight steps, or even six. But it will be harder. Just jumped over the goat, and before you the next next ... you need a faster reaction during jumped. Players are divided into two halves ... Half ... becomes a wall, and one of the players rests on the wall of his head; behind him becomes another, in the same position as the first, excluding the fact that he keeps his head under the muscles of the first, to prevent her from the bruise during the game; Behind him becomes the third in the same way, and then all the rest. The components of the other half, jump one by one on the braveled and sit on top, never for anyone. The glowing last, hits three times in his hands and shouts: "Czechhard - Yard!" If no one falls out of the bumps and then no one will fall out of the jumping either, they continue to bope and jump until someone is missed. There is a lot of depends on the agility to jump and jump, and therefore the first half is tortured by the second. Who misses them, then the game is lost and the first half begins to travel as well as the second. This game is sometimes brought to the extreme: "From the jumping and snapshots, the back and sides are planted from the jumping and scab. Very useful game!

Slide number 20.

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Snake everyone becomes each other, and each gives one hand, for example, the right, front, and the left rear player. But it is necessary to get up equally, so that everyone is face in one direction. Formed a long rim guit. Ahead, in the head of the snake, becomes one who wants, but he should be one of those who are more accurate, as he will have to drag the whole snake. Hold hands need to be stronger. The leader asks: "Ready?" - "Ready!" - answer him. "Well, hold on!" "Says a leader and begins to run forward, first quietly, and then faster, fascinating the snake. On the run he wraps in one, then in the other direction, it runs a zigzag, in general, turns the snake as he wants. Maybe even run in a circle or sharply turn back. And if the leader is crying the latter, so that he stopped, and he will run away to him and go from it expanding circles, then the whole snake will become a ball, and when the movement comes to the last and he will plunge behind the snake - she will unwind himself. Having done all sorts of intricate figures and interlacing with a snake, the leader should not forget that in the end he will have to be broken. If he confuses the snake so that it will not be able to break it, he will have to give way to another player, and the game begins at first. In this case, the leader is put to the very end of the snake. And if the leader just gets tired and he will stop the snake, it should also be changed.

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Snake often happens that someone in the snake will fall on a cool turn, but will not disclose. The one who fled in front of him should immediately release the hand to falling not dragged on the ground. Of course, the fallen drops out of the game. So that this does not happen, players must be cut and keep up with the leader. The leader is not a steam locomotive, it is difficult to drag everyone. Yes, and not so great risk of tearing off, if you do not pull the player's hand, running in front of you. When the leader gets tired and it will feel that strong players remain in the snake and it will not be able to pause them, he stops and finishes the game. A new leader is someone from the players remaining in the snake. All others are trained to it, and the game begins again. The number of other players is exactly the opposite of the goal of the leader and is to keep in a snake until the end of the game. The safe place of the snake is in her head, closer to the leader, because it usually takes away the tail . But if at the end of the snake stands a strong player who holds firmly, he may not break away. Then the snake will be breaking in other places, players will drop out of the game, and the latter will all approach the leader and can even be able to completely. And the last remark. When you want to run and have fun, too much, well, for example, more than twenty people, then the leader will have to led too long to shorten the snake at least half. After all, for this, he needs no less than ten times time to tear the snake. There is no effort there will not be enough! In this case, I advise you to discuss the condition in advance that the whole tongued tail dropped out of the game. This is even more fun.. Thedy speaking, in the last century in the north of Russia, this game was called differently: "crawling." Is it really a very tagged name?

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No. Slide 23.

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Conclusions Be sure to listen to the head of the game: He is the main judge here. Communicate the team captain; In the game he is senior. Winning, not to be appropriated (because you can play even better). Do not laugh at the losers. Remember: in the game you are opponents, outside the game - comrades. Lost - Don't be sad! Thank the winner for science; Try to take the top at the next meeting. In the game, do not be angry with the one who inadvertently pushed or stepped on the leg.bergetic accessories; Watch them to be always working and beautiful. The judge must be satisfied and winners and defeated!

Descriptions of all children's games on which we are talking on this page, we took from the book of G. Vagner and K. Freira "Children's games and entertainment"published in 1902 year.
We hope you will be curious to know how your great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers played. The original text of the book is completely saved.

Cats and mice

The best place for this game serves a spacious square near the school, outdoors.
In rainy and cold days, children are provided at a complete disposal one of the classrooms, spacious and free, if possible, from furniture.
Participants in this game, in an amount up to 25 and more, without the difference in gender, put forward one of the peers in the role of mice and other two in the role of cats.
The rest of the children take each other by arms and form an unclosed circle, in one place of which two in the neighborhood of the participant are lowered by one of their hands, thus forming a genus of an open "gate", which cats are allowed to penetrate into a circle exclusively through these "gates" , the mouse, in addition, through all other intervals formed between the children.
This game is based on the fact that cats strive for anything to catch the mouse; Only this happened, the three of these most active participants are taken by the hands and adjoin the rest for the formation of the same circle, with the replacement, the new mouse and cats are shifted, etc. until all children have come to these roles.
With this game, children are provided with a wide possibility to cut down and run outdoors that for the development and strengthening of their physical strength has a huge meaning.


Games in the spots occur either in a spacious classroom, or in the air, where children are assembled in any amount, starting with 4-5 and ending 25 more.
Having gathered, children from their medium choose one, and give him a nickname of spots; His role is that he carefully monitors the runners in different directions of children and tries to catch one and stain him, that is, to touch his hand.
The caught delayed in this way and turns into a "spot," at the same time his name is pronounced by Jeslevance so that comrades know who they should be watched.
Only he, in turn, caught someone from the participants, immediately pulls him his role, moving himself to the group of children escape.
This game should be continued until children retain a living interest in her and do not feel tired.
Games in the tricks are based mainly on the move; They can however diversify, introducing various elements, for example, throwing the ball and the like.

Spots with transmission

Children gather in some spacious place in the previous one, choose the so-called "spot" among the participants and rushes.
The spot is still seeking to catch the sacrifice, the last one - and this is the difference between this game from the previous one - in turn, it is in a hurry to respond to the first trunk, which rushes quickly into flight, the same, that is, to revise.
It is clear that in order for the goal to be fully achieved, a large dexterity from the acting persons trying to surpass in this other.
In this game, children make a number of proper exercise, trying not to get into the number of spots, in addition, they are still sophisticated in agility, developing gradually this quality if it was not inherent earlier.

Snacks with a ball

In addition to running, a substantial element of this game is a row ball.
Children in the previous one distribute roles among themselves, with the majority, and one of their medium, having received the nickname of the spots, is still equipped with a ball of greater or less magnitude.
While the children run in different directions, the stain is outlined to themselves and tries to overtake it, turning the ball with touching the ball.
The victim change with him roles, and the game continues until the children have hunting and they will not get tired and will not lose interest in the starting game.


Place for the game is elected a spacious classroom or space adjacent to school or house outdoors.
At opposite ends, the place favorites for the game is limited to non-stroke stripes.
One of them is intended for the home of the merchant, another for the beast of the beast, the rest of the space connecting these two compartments is called the field.
Participating in this game share the roles in each other as follows.
One of them is appointed by the owner of animals, the other - the buyer, the remaining participants of the game are depicted by various animals: an elephant, tiger, lion, foxes, etc.
At the same time, all actors are arranged in such a way that the buyer is pierced into a fenced house, the animals go to the so-called pen, and the owner is placed near them as the watchman.
At the beginning of the game, the buyer is suitable for the owner and is aware of whether at least an elephant is among his animals; Having received an affirmative answer, he asks about the price.
The owner of the beast indicates the price, stretching in the case of the consent of the buyer, the hand as if for money. Instead of money, he gets on a light blow, the number of which corresponds to the number of rubles appointed for the beast, and at the first strike, the beast sold the junction to run towards the house of the buyer and immediately, upon reaching it, returns to the pen.
While the buyer counted the last blow, the beast should get to the chapter, otherwise he rushes him in time, trying to catch him with all his might.
If successful, i.e., if the buyer is overtaking the beast, he considers him his prisoner and takes into his house, after which it goes back to the owner to buy other animals, which he chases, then as the same as the first.
In the case of a miss, i.e., if the buyer fails to catch a purchased beast, he changed with him roles, with the beast turns into a buyer, and the buyer assigns a name to himself that the beast wore. In this order, the game continues until all the beasts are sold and caught.
In the event that the number of participants is very large and for the capture of all animals it may be necessary too much time during which children can be very tired, it is necessary to immediately suspend the game, only one will become a noticeable sense of fatigue that swept the children, since otherwise the goal Children will not be achieved instead of pleasure from moderate game, will feel disgust.
The game in "animals" is also based on run, i.e. exercise; Everything else is accessories that make the game entertaining.


For the game it is most convenient to use the extensive space in the courtyard or a spacious classroom. Participants can be any quantity.
Children in growth are placed on the same line, in one rank, and are separated, starting with the extreme, on the group, which includes four participants.
One of the groups is the name of the root and keeps the place for himself; On the left and right to them are adjacent to two groups of researchers. In the recent groups included Kucher.
After everyone is accommodated in this way, Coucher is removed from themselves a belt, they make them for the belt of the participants of the Koreannikov group, capturing both ends of the belt with their right hand in such a way that the belt buckle finds between the index and thumb, and the opposite end of the belt between the middle and the opposite fingers; Thanks to this exciting belt with the fingers of the right hand, it seems the opportunity to quickly remove it at all times.
For a greater order in the game, some of the older participating is elected by the "master of triples". According to the signal given to them, the "Troika" begin to perform, first slowly moving forward, then accelerating gradually steps, start running in one direction, then they gradually change this direction and scatter in all directions, according to the new owner's orders.
Only only the "host of Trok" shouts: "Horses, in different directions!", Couchaut immediately exempt the belts, intertwined with the belts of the rootes, and the liberated horses quickly rush in different directions.
After some time, the owner commands "Kucher, wait for horses!". After that, Kucher's rounds take each other by hands, forming a chain, and begin to move from one end of a room or courtyard that serve as a place to play, in the opposite, driving there also horses.
The main element of this game is walking and running and if it happens in the air, then its benefits are obvious for children.


Children, in any amount, up to 30 and more, capture with them an ordinary ball, moderately, and go to the courtyard or a spacious classroom.
Children participating in the game, all, with the exception of one, are installed around, turning their faces in the center of the circle. The hands of their hands are behind his back, thus transferring to each other a ball, which in this case serves as a bunny.
One of the participants, located in the Circle itself, seeks to capture him from hand to hand in hand, and he has the right to demand from each participant to show him his hands.
Only he will notice someone from someone a ball or someone from the absent's children drops him, he picks up the ball and becomes the victim, and he enters the circle, changing his roles.
The in a circle is called "leading"; Only he finds his back to that of the participants who mastered the ball, he seems to be the right to touch them the back of the "leading", that is, to spot it, with the stain it is allowed only in the back, and not in some other place.
Spotted picks up the ball and rushes after who stained him; With a great dexterity, it is rebuilt, i.e. it tries to stain him also; In success, they exchange roles.
In the event that he cannot overtake the enemy, he again goes to the middle of the circle and becomes still leading.
In this game, besides the run, an important element is throwing a ball, - both of these conditions are extremely useful for children, as they give them the opportunity to develop the maximum muscular and nervous energy; With prolonged running and throwing, muscles develop, respiratory movements become frequent and deep, the chest develops and the blood circulation is significantly improved.
The game should be suspended, only only becomes noticeable.

Wolf and sheep

Children gather in the yard outdoors or in an extensive classroom and, along the lot, are prescribed one of the participants with a shepherd, the other - Wolf, and the rest remain in the role of sheep.
At both ends of the courtyard or classroom, which serves as a place for the game, the venues having 3-4 steps in width and called the pens.
The space located between both pans is the name of the field, and on one of the sides it is separated by a small space that serves as a lair for a wolf.
After that, the sheep is placed in one of the heads, and the shepherd becomes in the field near the pen.
The wolf, who settled in the lair, suggests the shepherd to chase the flock of sheep in the field, and at this time he tries to grab some of them and captivate in his lair. The shepherd is trying to protect the sheep heading into the opposite pen, from the wolf, but it does not always succeed, if the wolf is distinguished by dexterity. The caught sheep becomes a wolf assistant. After that, the wolf turns back to the shepherd with the words: "Goni herd in the field", and in the performance of this requirement, together with his assistant, he tries to delay the sheep running to the opposite chapter.
Miscelly, the number of wolf assistants gradually increases, and each time, together with them, continues to go hunting for the sheep.
The game can continue until the wolf cares all the sheep; If children are tired, especially when the number is very large, the game can be suspended before.
For proper management of the game, compliance with the well-known rules consisting, by the way, is that the wolf should not leave the lair until the sheep leaves from their punch and will not move towards the opposite.
The wolf is not given the right to climb into the pen, he can catch sheep only in the field, i.e., in the space separating both chambers.
The caught sheep must submit his fate and become a wolf assistant, helping him when capturing new production, and the assistants are usually taken by the hands, forming a chain and delaying the sheep.


The number of players can be somehow large, and the place for the game also serves a spacious cool room or an extensive yard or an area adjacent to school.
The participants of the game in the lot choose from their environment of one comrade, who entrust the role of the bear, and supplies each harness - the latter it is not difficult to make the handkerchief rolling appropriately.
On one of the parties to the space allotted for the game, it is satisfied or, or rather, a small place is limited to a small place that serves Berlog Bear.
According to this signal, children rushes from one end of the yard or a classroom room in the opposite, and the bear, not armed with a harness, rushes on them, trying to touch one of them with hand, i.e. to spot it.
The stained also becomes a bear and will be widthed in Berloga. The game continues in this order until the bears become more than the remaining participants of the game.
As the number of assistants to the bear increases, they all come out with him to prey are installed in a row, and only those in the edges have the right to catch players. The main element of the game is running.

Wolf in a circle

The number of participating can be somehow great. Children gather on a spacious yard or in a large classroom.
On the floor or land outline the circle and by choosing the lot from its wolf environment, put it inside the outlined circle.
The children participating in the game break into the circle and try to run out of it, not being stained with a wolf, which strives for all their might stain them.
The victim change roles with a wolf and becomes in its place in the circle. This is not a difficult game that delivers great entertainment. The main element in it is running.


Children are collected in a spacious place. It is more convenient to start this game, as soon as the twilight starts to stop.
Participants choose one, distinguished by agility and agility from their environments, and entrust him the role of a cat. The cat is thoroughly hiding behind a tree or a bush, trying to stay unnoticed by comrades.
The latter on the signal of one of the elders rushes in all directions to locked the cat; The cat is from time to time meowing, letting know about his presence, and quickly hides in order not to be open.
The game continues until the cat is found, then a different cat again is prescribed again and the game leads until children get tired or lose interest.

Chrome Lisa

The number of children participating can be somehow great. Having gathered on a spacious yard or in a large room, they choose one of the participating nickname chrome foxes.
On the spot chosen for the game, outline the circle of fairly large sizes, which includes all children, except the chrome fox. At this signal, the children rushes in a circle, and the lasy fox at this time jumps on one leg and tries to stain someone from the runners, that is, to touch him.
Only she succeeded, she enters the circle and joins the rest of the running companions, the victim assumes the role of a fox chrome.
Children are playing until everyone is riveted in the role of chrome fox; The game, however, can be stopped before, with the first appearance of signs of fatigue.
For proper management of the game, it is necessary to observe the following conditions: the children entering the inside of the circle should, run only in it and not to go out of the outlined line, in addition, the participating, elected chrome fox should run only on one leg. The main elements of this game will be running and jumping.

Liser on one leg

Children gather in the yard or in the garden, in any amount of quantities and are supplied with harms.
On the lot of one of the participants is given a nickname of foxes. In one of the corners of the place selected for the game, it is suitable for the so-called mink, where and hiding fox.
At this signal, the children rushes around the yard, and the fox, equipped with a harness, comes out of his hole and rushes after the running, jumping on one leg and trying to get into one of them a harness.
In the case when she succeeds, it joins the crowd, and the victim hides in a mink, leading to the fox.
If she gave mistakes, that is, thundered by her harness did not hurt anyone from the running, she should quickly cheam into the mink to avoid hitting the harness aimed at the other participants of the game.
The main elements of the game are running and jumping. Obviously, in addition to the benefit of children by the movements in the open air, the game develops in them yet dexterity, since each child who fell into the role of fox, is trying to get rid of her as soon as possible in order not to be a comrade.

Bear and leader

The number of children can be anything great; Having gathered in a place appointed for the game, in the garden, in the yard or in a spacious room, they capture with them the rope, in length in 2-3 ARSHIN.
One of the participants are prescribed by the bear, another leader, and both are taken into the hands of the opposite ends of the rope, and the rest of the children are grouped on the distance from them, approximately 4-6 steps. According to the signal, this leader, the game begins, and children all the opposition rushing to the bear, trying to stain him. The leader is guarding the latter, in turn, it is easy to stain each of the closest to the bear.
The leader should have a famous dexterity and try to stain someone from playing, before the bear receives 5-6 light shocks.
Stained becomes a bear; In the same case, when the bear receives the above number of blows, and the leader will not have time to stain someone, he himself becomes a bear, and the last blow applied to the leader.
Each such exchanging roles, participating is moved to a well-known distance from central people - a bear and a leader - and only in the signal given to the last, again approach and continue the game in the same order.
To properly conduct this game requires compliance with some conditions. The staining, i.e., inflaming the bear with light blows, must certainly declare the infused shock, and the blows can be applied only alternately, and not at the same time two or several playing.
At the beginning and during the game, with every change of central, acting persons - a leader and a bear - the rest of the participating should not approach them closer than 4-6 steps, until the leader gives the signal. For violation of the last rule, the role of a bear is assumed.


Children are going to quantity up to 16 or more, in the yard, in the garden or in a spacious room and throw themselves in a lot. Choosing the lot represents a hawk. The remaining children are taken by arms and become pairs, forming several rows.
Ahead of all the hawk is placed, which can only look forward and does not dare to look around. According to this signal, the pairs are suddenly separated from each other and rushed to the various sides, at that time the hawk catchings them, trying to catch someone.
The victim, i.e., the hawk clutching in the claws, changes with him roles.
Children, during the run, seek to throw a handkerchief in a hawk or a rolled harness, - if they fall into it, he is considered killed and from the environment of children is chosen in his place another.


The number of children reaches 20 and more. The game occurs in the yard or in the garden.
The participating choose from their leader's environment, take hands and run along a winding direction after the leader.
During the run, two of the players are highly raised by the United Hands, providing the leader to get under them, "due to this, a notch is formed in the chain.
In addition to this garbage, it is necessary to turn immediately in order for the chain to receive the old look. Next, the leader is pierced through the hands of all those involved in the game, and a number of recesses are formed to the chain, thereby turning out a snake form.
The main element of the game is running; If the game is interested in children, they lead it very willingly, while developing their physical powers and maximum muscular and nervous energy.
Just notice the fatigue, it is necessary to stop the game, - otherwise, instead of the expected benefit, it brings undoubted damage, as it turns into a boring, tedious duty.


Children gather in the yard, in the garden or in a spacious room, are squatting, hands in the sides and hand, distilling each other, try to get to the opposite end of the place scheduled for the game.
Which of the children will achieve the first in this way of movement to the appointed place, is considered the winner, and stumbling on the road punishable by the fact that they exclude it from among the players. This simple game gives children tremendous pleasure and develops their physical strength.

Malorossky ball game

Children are going in the yard or in an extensive room; Their number can be anything great; They are divided into groups, counting five people each in each and capture one day of the average size.
Before you proceed to the game, children limit approximately square space, a magnitude of several seats. One participant is elected from each group and becomes in the center of the square arranged in this way, which is given by the name of the city.
The remaining 4 children from each group are occupied by four sides of the square.
One of these four children is supplied by the ball and tries by anything to get to them in the one who fit in the center, moreover, he, besides dexterity, also goes into the course of a trick, namely, it seems to be a friend who is on one of The sides of the square, and only he managed to distract the attention of the "central", as he quickly changes the direction and throws the ball into it.
The center in the center must be confuded in every way to protect himself from the attack, and when he succeeds, that is, when the ball threw the ball, he changed roles with the central.
In the case when the ball came to the target, four standing on the sides of the square, turn quickly into flight, while standing in the center deftly picks up the ball and rushes after them, trying to touch by the ball of one of the runners i.e. to spot it; Over the dam of the fenced city, he is not allowed to go out.
If he succeeds in staining someone from the runners, he changed with him roles, - otherwise, the firmly conquers his fate and still occupies a central place in the city.
This game is available to young and gives them huge pleasure; It is based on running and throwing, both processes are very helpful, as they strengthen the children's body.

Flying ball

Children gather in any amount of quantities in a spacious room or in a clean yard and are fairly large with a ball.
Participating in the game are grouped in such a way that they form a circle and persons refer to the center of it.
The distance between the children we mounted in the above order is approximately two steps. At this signal, children begin to move from one to another ball, in different ways, however, directions, and one of the participants who are inside the circle, struggling to intercept the ball to give him to go to the goal, that is, before comrade, In whose direction, he was directed.
Intercepting the ball, he masters them and immediately becomes the place of the participating, which last time so unsuccessfully threw the ball.
The main element of the game is throwing the ball, the exercise is extremely useful for children, as it develops and strengthens the muscles of the upper limbs.
For proper maintenance of this game requires compliance with some rules. Thus, participating should remain the captured places all the time.
While one of the participating throws the ball towards one of the comrades, which in the center of the circle should not approach it more than 3-4 steps.
In the case when playing so awkwardly threw the ball that the latter did not get into the hands of who he was intended, but flew over his head, he was punished by the fact that it was changing in places with the center of the circle.


Children often and willingly play bumpers, especially juvenile, as this game is very simple. The place for it is elected a large, spacious room or a clean yard.
Children choose one of their environments, put a bandage on his eyes, using a clean handkerchief or so on. According to this signal, participating in the game rushes in different directions, and a boy with a bandage in front of the courtyard or room tries to catch whom -In running.
Having changed with him roles, that is, he imposed a bandage on his eyes and he, in turn, tries to also catch someone from his comrades.
Children should still follow while running so that one of them, whose eyes are tied, not stumbled upon some subject; At the sight of danger, they warn cry: "Fire"!


The tubule resembles a bumper, only she represents much more interest for children.
Participating can be any quantity - children are going to a large room or in a pure yard. One of them gets the nickname of "Zhmurki", it is pounced on his handkerchief and tie, and in the hands they give a rolled paper tube. Zhmurka becomes in the middle of the room, and the rest of the participating take each other by the hands, forming a circle, in the center of which is placed a brick. According to this signal, the children walk 2-3 times around Zhmurki, after which the latter approaches one of them and causes it some word or asks: who are you?
Asked must mumble something in response in response, and Zhmurka, hitting the tube into it, should call the comrade. In case of good luck, they exchange roles. The main element in the game is a walking, and if it is in the fresh air, the benefit of it is obvious, as the walking serves as a better gymnastic exercise for the body.

Free lapta

Children gather in a spacious yard or in a large room, styling with a black ball of small sizes and laptops. At both opposite ends of the place selected for the game, two lines are drawn, calling one of them playing, and the other - a horse line; The space located between the two lines is called the field.
Participating in the game can be up to 30 or more. For lots, children choose from their "Metachier" and "feeder" environment, which become on the playing line. All other participants of the game become in various fields of the field. Only everything is arranged in their places, according to this signal, the feeder sends the ball to the ball, and the latter throws it up with a hand of hand or a laptice in the direction in the field. After that, the throttle, freed from the ball, rushes towards the konoon line, reaches it and from there it returns back to the playing line. At the time, how the thrustflower rushes over the field, children in various fields of the field, capturing the ball, seek to mark them the metaler.
In the case when someone from the participants managed to do this, he changed roles with the servers, and the last with the metalecher; The quarrel becomes along with the rest of the participating in the game somewhere in the field.
In the same order, the game continues further to the time, until everyone is over the roles of the feeder and the metalecher; If there are many children and some of them are quickly tired, then the game should be stopped.
To properly conduct this game, it is necessary to observe the following conditions: participating have the right to stain the metalecher only in the field and then only from the place where the ball was raised. In the case when the shot down the ball gets beyond the place selected for the game, it is again given to the feeder for the secondary throwing.

Big lapta

Children gather in a large yard in any amount of quantities - up to 35 and more, capturing the ball of small sizes and nap. According to the previous one, at opposite ends of the place selected for the game, there are two parallel lines, at a distance of 50-60 steps from each other. One of the drawn lines is called playing, the other konova, the distance separating them - the field. The space located behind the playing line is called the city, and behind the horse line - the horse. The participants in the game choose from their environment of two leaders, of which everyone will recruit the party. By lot, one of the parties is called playing, the other employee; Playing captures the city in his possessions and is arranged in it, while the employee is placed in the field.
After playing steel in their places, the leader distributes the queue between them to beat the ball.
The first in turn is supplied with a laptom, it becomes on a playing line, not far from which the leader of the opposite employee party is placed in the field. The latter throws up the ball, directing it to one of the members of the playing party; He, in turn, tries to repel him with a clever blow of the lapta towards the field. Freering in this way from the ball, he rushes towards Konu and back, while serving the party, mastering the ball, struggling to spare them the player of the opposite party running in con and back. If it succeeds, the party employee is completely exchanged roles with playing, becoming in her place.
However, for the victim of the party, there is still an opportunity to win his former position - for this she needs to be rebounded, that is, to stain by anything about any of those who are sent to the city. The stained party, foreseen it, is trying so as soon as possible to move from the field to the city, for which it, not a minute for a minute, now after the fifth, stringly rushes into the city. With dexterous players, the struggle between opposite parties is often conducted for quite a long time.
Primary playing of the game must be observed the following conditions: the main goal of the party of the party is the desire to master the place of the playing party, in other words, to seize the city in their power.
The victory guarantees the ball caught on the fly, sweeping off the strike of a lapta, catch him permitted only until he fell back to the ground. The playing party, on the contrary, seeks to save his power over the city. Members of the playing party throw the ball in a queue assigned to the leader.
Each player is given the right to beat only once; In case of failure, he is deprived of this right until he hits the horse, - it is allowed to flee there only after luck of some other player.
The playing party, changing the roles with his opponents, can re-return its possessions when she succeeds to reassuring, that is, to spot at least one of the opponents who did not have time to get off the field into the city. Participants of the playing party should not touch the ball with their hands - when violating this requirement, they immediately infer the city to their opponents.
The main element of this extremely entertaining game is running and throwing. Movements produced by children in the open air, strengthen their body and, in addition, give them a huge pleasure; As fatigue appears, the game is stopped.


The game is most convenient to produce this convenient place; This condition can satisfy the level platform or meadow with a smooth surface and low bevelled grass.
The success of the game largely depends on whether children have chosen for her even and smooth or not. In the first case, the game is carried out in all the rules, the blows can be easily and correctly designed.
The number of participants can be equal to 2-8. The participating in the game are divided into two groups and each of them is inhibited by a hammer and a ball having the same label. The first group is still supplied with a single icon in contrast to another.
Hammers may be any shapes; The most common is the cylindrical, with one straight end and other rounded.
On the spot chosen for the game, arcs and pegs are sticking to the ground, so that the distance between individual arcs varies depending on the agility of playing and from the size of the smooth place. Often, a long hammer handle is used to determine the distance between individual arcs.
The game leads in such a manner that it starts her usually on this signal one of the first batch, then someone from the second, then again someone in turn from the first, etc. Everyone must follow their queue and not miss it, Otherwise, they will continue to be new.
This game is based on the fact that each part of one of the parties tries to quickly get up with his balls through all arcs, following a well-known order, in addition, everyone seeks to help in the same entire party. Finally, one party tries to interfere with another commit it quickly and successfully.
The game is beginning as follows: The first playing in turn puts his ball on the mid-distance between the first arc and the peg and hits the hammer on the ball, directing it so that it goes through the arc.
In the case when the ball does not pass through the first arc, and stops in such an inconvenient place, which prevents the free passage of the balls deployed behind him, it is removed and returned to the previous place only after the remaining balls passed under the arc.
Above, we mentioned already that the ball is chased by a hammer blow, and it is not allowed to use it lateral edge, but only one of the extreme ends. According to the rules of the game, a sharp, clear sound should be broken from the hammer on the ball.
When the ball stops under the arc, then to find out the question, whether he reached the target, that is, it did it through the arc or not, use the hammer handle, approaching it close to the back side of the arc. In the case when the hammaker's handle touched the back side of the arc, without shifting the ball from his place, they say that he successfully passed under the arc, and the hitting on him receives the right to continue the game.
Continuing the game further, the ball is actually carried out through the second, third, fourth arc, etc. until the first misharach .. Only the slip is made, the victim marks his icon on the next arc and removes, after which the next time it starts Conduct your ball.
The one who successfully holds his ball through the first arc is getting the right to hit the ball not only through the next arc, but also on someone else's ball - what is called the right to cast. He, however, is imputed to the duty first to call a reclocked ball, and then beat on it. In the event that two balls touch each other, it is not allowed to coolant.
If someone hits his ball in someone else's, he brings his balloon to the latter, then the sock of the boot comes to his ball and a clever blow hammer on his ball betoned someone else's. If the ball in which he got, belongs to his party, he tries to also spend it through the next arc, if the ball of someone else's party, he beats off him somewhere away.
During the game in a crocketh, as we mentioned above, each of the participants it is necessary to keep in mind not only their own interest, but also the interest of the whole group to which it belongs.
It is necessary to conduct a ball through the arcs in a certain order: so, after reaching the second knob, you should hit it with a ball, otherwise it is prohibited again to drive your ball back through the arc. After the ball spoiled successfully through all the arcs and returned again to the first peg, hit the ball into it and stop the game.
That party, which managed to successfully spend all his balls through all arcs and hit after that in the first peg, won.
By sample just described, you can arrange a room crocket, replacing relatively large balls smaller or just balls. To the ends of the arcs are attached for lead gravity stability. The game in the room is carried out in the same order as outdoors.

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