And the son of the Grozny did not kill! Kill Clarence or GTA 4

Nikolai Shamagonov

The king of the king of John Vasilyevich the Terrible of his son Tsarevich John until recently seemed indisputable, because he was reflected even in school textbooks, as one of the evidence of the allegedly existing cruelty of the Russian Orthodox autocracy. And no one thought, from where this fact came to historical literature. But what do the documents report?

Seeing in 1885 in St. Petersburg at the exhibition a new picture of Ilya Repin "Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan on November 16, 1581," which later became known under the simplified name "Ivan Grozny kills his son", Ober-Prosecutor of Holy Synod and an outstanding Russian The thinker Konstantin Petrovich Victoronesev was extremely outraged by her plot, in which fiction was issued for the fact, and wrote to the emperor Alexander III: "You can not call the picture of historical, since this moment ... purely fantastic."

Why did Tsarevich died?
Indeed, the fact of the killing of the king John Vasilyevich Grozny his son Tsarevich John until recently seemed indisputable, because he was reflected even in school textbooks, as one of the evidence of the allegedly existing cruelty of the Russian Orthodox self-adjustment. And no one thought, from where this fact came to historical literature. Only Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga John for the first time refuted this slander on the king in his book "The autocracy of the Spirit", where she proved that Tsarevich John died of severe illness and that in the historical documents that had reached us and a hint of the son. But what do the documents report?

In the Moscow Chronicler for 7090 (1581.- N.Sh.) it says: "... Predavy Tsarevich John John". Piskarevsky chronicler indicates in more detail: "... at 12 o'clock the years of the summer of the summer 7090 on 17 days ... Pressing Tsarevich John John. In the Novgorod fourth chronicles it is said: "The same (7090) year, Tsarevich John John John John on the morning in Slobod ..."

The Morozovskaya chronicle states: "... Tsarevich John Johnovich did not become." As you can see, the murder is not a word.

As for the facts testifying to the death of Tsarevich John from poisoning, they are quite reasonable.

V.V. Manyagin in the book "The leader of the Militant Church" (2003) writes: "On the occasion of the disease, it is possible to say definitely - it was poisoning with Sullea. The death caused by it is painful, and the dose causing such an outcome does not exceed 0.18 grams. " Who installed it?

"In 1963, in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin," Manyagin writes, "four tombs were opened: John Grozny, Tsarevich John, Tsar Feodor John and Communion Skopina-Shuisky. In the study of the remains, a version of the poisoning of Tsar John Grozny was tested. Scientists have found that arsenic content is approximately the same in all four skeletons and does not exceed the norm. But in the bones of King John and Tsarevich John, the presence of mercury was discovered, much more than the permissible norm. Some historians tried to argue that it was not poisoned at all, but the consequence of the treatment of syphilis mercury ointments. However, studies have shown that syphilitic changes in the remains of the king and Tsarevich are not found. After in the 1990s, there was a study of the burials of the Moscow Great Princess and the Queen, the fact of poisoning was identified by the same Sulman Mother of John Vasilyevich, Elena Vasilyevna Glinsky (died in 1538), and his first wife Anastasia Romanova (died in 1560) .

This suggests that the royal family for several decades was the victim of the Emirates.

The data of these studies made it possible to argue that Tsarevich John was poisoned. The main content of the poison in its remains is many times the permissible norm. Thus, Soviet historical science refutes the version of the murder of King John Vasilyevich his Son. "
Who is the author of slander on John Grozny?
But who is the first slandered one of the greatest Russian self-containers? Here are these lines that I composed Anthony Possevin (Papal Spy), picked up Henry Stadan (German spy) and quoted too trusting (?) Karamzin: "Tsarevich, filled with jealousy noble, came to his father and demanded that he sent him with the army to expel the enemy , free Pskov, restore the honor of Russia. John in the excitement of anger shouted: "The rebel! You want to overtake me with the throne with the boyars, "and raised his hand. Boris Godunov wanted to keep her: the king gave him a somewhat wound with a sharp rod and struck him strongly in the head. This unfortunate fell, pouring blood! "

Monk-Jesuit Anthony Possevin came to Moscow in 1581, to serve as an intermediary in the negotiations of the Russian king with the Polish king Stefan Batori, who invaded during the Livonian war in Russian lands. Being a legacy of Pope Gregory XIII, Possevin hoped with the help of Jesuits to achieve concessions from John IV, using the complex foreign policy of Russia. His goal was not at all reconciliation of the warring, but the submission of the Russian Church of the Papal See ... Catholic Church, having lost hope to break the Russian power and the Orthodox Russian church openly, by crusades, and secretly, with the help of heresy, it was now striving to achieve this deception, promising John Grozny, in the event that he betrays the true faith, the acquisition of territories belonging to the previously by Byzantium.

"But the hopes of the Pope and the efforts of the assevine were not crowned with success, - wrote M.V. Tolstoy in the "History of the Russian Church". - John Vasilyevich presented all the natural flexibility of his mind, dexterity and prudence, with whom Jesuit himself had to give justice, helling the harassment of the permission to build Latin Churches in Russia, rejected the disputes about the faith and connecting churches on the basis of the Rules of the Florentine Cathedral and did not get fascinated by the dreamy promise The acquisition of the entire empire of Byzantine, lost to the Greeks as if for the derogation from Rome. "

Florentine Union, in other words, an agreement on the association of Orthodox and Catholic churches was signed in 1439 in Florence. This environment was another attempt by Rome spread Catholicism by force. In response to her in 1448, the Cathedral of the Bishops in Moscow declared the Russian Orthodox Church of the Avtoktal, that is, independent of the Constantinople Patriarch.

Commenting M.V. Tolstoy, Metropolitan John wrote: "The famous historian of the Russian Church could add that Rome's incidents in relation to Russia have a centuries-old history that the mission has made the assum by the personal enemy of the king that the word" Jesuit "itself, due to the digestibility and the unprincipledness of the members of the Order, For a long time, I became named with the name of nominative, that Lega himself came to Moscow for several months after the death of Tsarevich and under no circumstances could have witnessed the incident. " John Vasilyevich replied to Jesuita firmly and Grozny: "Are you saying, Anthony, what is your faith roman - one with the Greek Vera? And we carry faith Truly Christian, but not Greek. Greeks we are not a gospel. We do not have Greek, but the Russian faith. "

The mission suffered a full failure, and hung Psychevin, on his evil, composed the myth that John Grozny in the rustling of anger killed his son and the heir to the throne of Tsarevich John John.

"Possevin says," Metropolitan John writes, "that the king was angry with his daughter-in-law, the wife of Tsarevich, and during the broken quarrel killed him. The absurdity of the version (from the moment of origin) was so obvious that the story was required to "reflect", find a more "reliable" reason and "murder's motive."

Thus, another fairy tale appeared - that Tsarevich headed the political opposition to the course of the father at negotiations with the Battoore for the conclusion of the world and was killed by the king on suspicion of involvement in the Boyarskoye provision. Both versions are completely unfounded and smaller. It is impossible for their accuracy to find and hints in the entire mass of documents and acts that have reached us and acts relating by the time. But information about the "natural" death of Tsarevich Ivan has a documentary basis.

Back in 1570, the painful and pious Tsarevich, a reverently, the focus of the royal ministry who fought himself, complained to the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery, a huge contribution to a thousand rubles in the same time. Preferring worldly glory to the monastic feat, he accompanied the contribution to "IOO I've grope, Tsarevich Prince Ivan was touched by the contribution, and if, according to sins, Tsarevich will not become, then remeuse." Indirectly testifies to the death of Ivan not from the blow of the staff and the fact that in the "finalized" version of the sonoeubius death, he followed not instantly after the "fatal strike", and four days later, in the Alexandrovsk Sloboda. Subsequently, it became clear why Tsarevich faded four days - this was caused by Poison by Sullea.

She picked up and developed a version of "Salioeubiya" and another passable - German Stadan, who arrived in Moscow with intelligence tasks. Stadan wrote slanderous notes that Karamzin considered for truthful and who were exposed by Soviet historians. For example, I.I. The lane called them "the tale of the shutoff, a scan, tetba with political", and with a different "inimitable cynicism." According to another Soviet historian, S.B. Veselovsky, "They were a rambling story of the barely competent, uneducated and non-cultural adventurist, containing a lot of bragging and lies."

Returning to Germany, Stadan outlined the project of the conquest of Muscovy, offering to destroy all churches and monasteries, defeat and abolish the Orthodox faith, and then turn Russian people into slaves. This is what many Russian historians enjoyed this data, describing the era of John Grozny in their writings. Russian philosopher Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin warned that "there are peoples, states, government, church centers, backlash organizations and individuals - hostile to Russia, especially Orthodox Russia, especially imperial and undislated Russia.

Just as there are "Angloofobs", "Germanic", "Jaenophobes" - so the world is abounding "Russophobes", the enemies of the National Russia, who promise themselves from her crash, humiliation and weakening every success ... Therefore, with whom we would say To whom we would treat, we must vigorously and soberly measure it with the measure of his sympathies and intentions towards one, national Russia and not wait: from the conqueror - salvation, from the dismembering agent - help, from a religious selection - sympathy and understanding, from Failler - benevolence, from slander-truth. Politics There is an art to recognize and neutralize the enemy. " And the Holy Vasily Great advised to choose from the compositions of historians "Only necessary for himself and consonant with the truth, and other to leave out of attention."

Remuneration: $10500.
Secrets: not.
Boss Mission: Phil Bell.

Phil is in a hurry and requires you to take it to the old Sprunk factory, on Argus Street.

There are two ways to pass this mission, with the words of Phil. Either enter through the main door and shoot everyone to the damn mother. Or go to the rear and shoot everyone to the damn mother. Mother in the form of weapons is attached.

The choice is not ahti, but it is better to go through the basement. Penetrate there through the move next to the generator behind the building.

Go through a break in the wall and kill two or three guys, then climb the stairs. There will be two more and one guy further in the room. Further remember that auto drive will save you life. After you raise the next floor, Chubby Charlie will try to escape. It can not be killed yet, but you need to remove his defenders.

Slowly move, knocking the opponents of one after another until you reach the room with windows. There Charlie will pop up on the roof. Kill first guys in the room, then go to the roof. There will be a first-aid kit and new enemies.

Charlie cross the roof and run to the stairs in chimneys. Run behind him.

See the Katszen with a helicopter, and then ... then there are many attempts to kill Charlie in a helicopter, aiming without the help of a car. As soon as you kill it, the mission is completed.

72. To Live and Die in Alderney (live and die in Aldernie)

Remuneration: $12000.
Secrets: Do not take on cars, pursuing phila, there is no need for this. Avoid large vehicles placed on the roads of buses or trucks.
Boss Mission: Phil Bell.

Phil Bell wants to go to the old mansion in Westdyke to test drugs and weapons hidden there.

Take the nearest wheelbarrow and carry Starin Bella to the mansion. After seeing the Katszen, in which Phil will report that he does not see any surveillance. But after he shows drugs and weapons, the FBI car will appear.

Go out of the garage and follow the phil, shooting from FBI. In the end, Phil will tell you that you need to get rid of the car and continue to move on foot. Cook in the alley and watch the catshzen.

Kill two copies that appeared, then go along the lane. There will be many cops led by Noose. Remove them all and go for Phil. You will come to a ving. But during this hike, a police helicopter will appear. You can either shoot on it, or, reaching a van, try to flush thus. Ultimately, you just need to get rid of a police tail.

3 stars make it easier to reset using Pay N "Spray. Just make sure that you do not see the cops, in old jokes do not pass.

After that, go to the house marked on the GPS map.

73. Flatline (cesspool)

Remuneration: $13000.
Secrets: not.
Boss Mission: Jimmy.

Jimmy need you to kill his former bodyguard who lies in the hospital under guard. Take the car and go to the hospital.

Leave the car near the entrance and do not close the door behind you - this will help when escape from the building. Weapons also need to be hidden during a hike through hospital corridors. Anthony (victim) is located in Er Department, this is right after the entrance. There will be a separate chamber, where you can change clothes for a class not to attract the species.

Once in the ward, ask the cops "stay alone with the patient" and scatter the livelihood. Go out through the window.

Alternative way. Without changing. Police will ask you to get out, take a gun and arrange a battle in the hospital. As soon as everyone is removed, go to the ward and kill the unconscious victim.


Remuneration: $14500.
Secrets: Before the mission, stock up with grenades or rocket.
Boss Mission: Jimmy.

Jimmy will say that you need to kill Phil and Reia. He wants you to prepare.

A minute later, he will call you and say that you need to visit Reia. Go to the place, there you will see Ray surrounded by a variety of bodyguards. You need to kill them all.

Jimmy will tell you that Ray is going to refuel. It is necessary to sit down on the tail and wait until he is on an improvised "bomb." Then throw a grenade there or shoot a rocket. Then reveal the survivors. Everything is simple.

75. I "LL Take Her (I'll take it)

Remuneration: $9500.
Secrets: After some time, Pak will call and say that the old man does not believe in the abduction of his daughter. You need to sfotkat it and send the image of Pak.
Boss Mission: Jerry.

After you visit Jerry in prison, Pak will call you and says that you need to take a pink Feltzer on the AUTO Eroticar website. You have to kidnap the daughter of the old man Grace.

Go to the Internet Cafe [Email Protected] And there is straight to head to the AUTO Eroticar website. On it, click on "View Cars" and look for Pink Feltzer (Pink Feltzer) there. Finding, you will get the phone of the girl for which you can assign a meeting and "see" the car. You need to call in the interval from 08:00 am to 21:00 PM.

Gracie will invite you to your home. Arriving, chat with her, she will say that Niko has sex. Sit into the car and go to the test ride to the southern coast. After Niko, he will tell the girl that he kidnap her, and you will need to take it to the designated place.

She will try to turn the steering wheel so that you lose control. Whenever similar embodiments appear, press on the brakes. She can also call the police, so be careful. If she succeeds, it will have to be satisfied with the cops, keeping in mind also the fact that the girl can pull the steering wheel.

Tolerate. Ultimately, Niko will chop it and can calmly get to the house.


Remuneration: $12000.
Secrets: Before the mission, stock the body armor.
Boss Mission: Gambetti.

John Gravelie needs help NIKO. He has a friend who wants to tell the Liberty City authorities, but Dmitry is clearly not like it. Your task is to protect the comrade Gravel on the way to the City Hall building (municipality).

Take the car and meet with this person. After the conversation, you will be played to sit in the car and follow in the convoy between two other machines. Try not to crash into them.

In the end, you will fall into an ambush on the road. Kill the guys in the alley on the contrary, in the building on the right and at the end of the street. Then hide behind the car and shoot opponents on the roof.

As soon as you will overgo all, you will need to get our "Govorun" to the municipality. As they approach the building, pursuers will appear. They need to be discarded from the tail just as you used to leave the mug of the police.

However, if you do not have a speed battle skills, you can wait for the persecutors at the place of ambush. Four cars will arrive pretty soon, you will need to just shoot them in walking mode.

77. DINING OUT (lunch break)

Remuneration: $13250.
Secrets: not.
Boss Mission: Gambetti.

By order of the Gravel, you need to kill the Korean guy who gave him fake money. At the moment he eats in the MR FUK "S Rice Box (Alderney).

Drive to the restaurant. Before you come inward, find the motorcycle and PMP 600 in the parking lot. This PMP 600 needs to shoot all four wheels. If the police give you attention, then get rid of the tail, and then go to the restaurant.

The registrar at the entrance will tell you to get out, and Kim (sacrifice) after all upstairs, not near! Well, well, you have to arrange a small Waterloo in the restaurant. Possible to kim, you already know how to do it, yeah.

Upstairs, just move forward until you reach the manager's office. Talk to him.

He will tell you in secret that Kim ran away through the kitchen. Get out of the office, kill three hostile guys.

Follow the kim through the black stroke of the kitchen, along the way capturing the first-aid kit. Shoot in Korean while he runs to the car. Since you punched the tires, then Kim will soon die into the wall, failing to cut off the street. There you are hung it there.

78. Liquidize The Assets (Liquid Assets)

Remuneration: $14000.
Secrets: You need a good body armor before the start of the mission.
Boss Mission: Gambetti.

Anerotti in the Union with Russians sell drugs. Italians need you to help destroy vans with drugs.

At the entrance to the gate, behind which there are trucks, you will show you in a short crosszen, how many opponents there. A lot of them.

Pour through the fence that the right of the gate, and arouse the back of the building. There will find a trash container, with which you can climb on the roof using ventilation pipes. You will notice the sniper tracking over the territory. Do not pay attention to them, calmly climb the roof

There, somehow, you will have to kill this very sniper, after a tiring of a tedious pallet for those from below, in the yard. Some will try to climb to you on the roof - be careful. Can take a body armor that is nearby

As soon as the big mass is killed, descend down and shoot the vans. It is better not to shoot in the door, melt into the engine - so the cars will light up faster. If you have grenades or, more than a better, missile, then there should be no problems. In any case, as soon as the vans take place fire - no longer worth spending the cartridges on them. After a while they will explode themselves, there is no one to stew.

In principle, even enough to pour the first van in the chain. The rest will explode behind him.

All black vans must be destroyed, then the mission is considered to be completed.

79. THAT SECIAL SOMEONE (this is someone important)

Remuneration: not.
Secrets: No difference for the plot will not bring your choice. This is a moral choice. If you still want to kill, then Niko will shoot at her sworn enemy 12 times.
Boss Mission: not.

Immediately after the mission with the destruction of vans ("Liquidize the Assets"), you will call you and say that Darco Brevich flew to the country. Nico calls the novel, and says Darco arrived. He wants to go along with his brother.

Take a wheelbarrow and pick a novel on Firefly Island. From there go to the airport. Go through the post of security and go to the Mission Marker. See the crown further.

You will have a choice - to kill Darco or give him life. This choice is especially important after NIKO recognizes the funny price of his friends - one thousand dollars. Niko is furious, but the novel will advise to leave Darco alive so that he suffers even more.

Kill Darco!

Niko will kill the brave, and after will be a dramatic scene when he becomes shouting at the already cooled corpse of his enemy, shouting about revenge ... He thought that he would get a mess, he would free his soul, but now ... Now he does not feel anything like that, only universal devastation ... and nothing more.

Give life to insignificance.

The novel will say that you have acted correctly, but Niko is very angry with that so simply let go of a person, whose persecution spent ten years of his life. Nevertheless, he says that the murder of Darco would not return his friends to him. And there is hope that the remainder of his life, Brevich will spend with a huge burden on the soul.

Whatever you choose, after the romance will ask you to take it to the Brunetse. Having arrived at the place, he will invite go to Niko with him, but he refuses, asking him to leave him alone.

If you killed Darco.

Bernie calls Niko, and tells him this news. He says that everything is fine and now should forget about his past to start a new happy life in America.

If you left Darco alive.

Bernie calls Nico, and he says that he gave a life to a brother. Bernie will praise him for it and say that now he won the most important victory. And the pain he carried in himself a whole decade did not break it. Niko remained man.

80. SHE "S A KEEPER (guard it)

Remuneration: $9750.
Secrets: Anerotty guys will leave you immediately after the first turn after the bridge in Algonquin.
Boss Mission: Jerry.

Jerry says the old friend of your girl from "I" LL Take Her ", appeared in the city, and wants to return it back. Now she is in Algonquin.

Take a wheelbarrow and go to the house marked on the map. A short crosscene will be shown, in which Grassi will throw in the trunk. Further you need to take it to Paka. Guides Acelotti will pursue you, and shoot in Niko, you need to be neat. Too big damage to your car will kill Graci.

Reach the alley next to Pay N "SPRAY. Further to the game will join the game.

4 - Computer game of 2008 from Rockstar. As in several previous games of the series, the action takes place in Liberty City, the prototype of which became the city of New York. The main character is an emigrant from the Balkan Peninsula Niko Bellik. After moving to the USA, he is trying to build a career in the criminal world of Liberty City with the help of a cousin Roman.

Selecting the ending

How many endouts in GTA 4? Closer to the end of the game the main character works on the Italian mafia boss Jimmy Podrino. He instructs Niko to participate in the sale transaction in which the head of the Russian criminal group was noticed earlier in the game he tried to kill the protagonist and his brother, after he made Niko work on himself, and then betrayed.

Before Bellik, a choice arises: to participate in the transaction and get a large profit (Kate is opposed - the girl Niko) or to take revenge on Raskalov (against which the novel protrudes, which has long dreamed of a large koshe). Depending on the choice of player, it seems to be one of the two endings "GTA 4".


If the player chooses the option with a deal, then when Niko and Assistant Jimmy Penrino Phil will arrive in the port, it turns out that everything was adjusted to Rascalov to revenge Niko. The main character and his partner kill all the girlfriends Dmitry and take money. At the expense of the player comes 250 thousand dollars.

When Kate finds out that Niko chose an option with a deal, it is upset and refuses to go to the wedding of the novel. In this end, "GTA 4" the killer, asked Raskalov trying to shoot Niko and accidentally kills his brother. With the help of the Jamaican Bandit, Jacob Protagonist deals with Raskalov in an empty casino, breaks through his girlfriend and tries to kill the enemy. It is followed by a tense chase with the participation of helicopters and motor boats, after which Niko still manages to take revenge for the death of a brother.

In the final scenes of the game Bride, Roman Mallory informs Niko, which is pregnant, and Kate calls and expresses the words of support to the chief hero, for the decision to make a deal with Rascalov.


If the player decides to choose another ending "GTA 4" and ignore the order of Podrino, then Niko arrives in the docks one, spreads with people of Dmitry, penetrates the ship on which he arrived in America a few months ago, and kills Raskalov. After that, there is a telephone conversation with Phil, who is glad of the death of the villain, but reports that Jimmy evils on Nico for the breakdown of the transaction.

In this scenario, Kate is pleased that the main character decided to break all connections with the criminal world, and goes to the wedding of the novel with him. During the ceremony from the people passing by the Machine, Pegorino family opens fire on the crowd and kill the girl. Niko vinit himself in the death of Kate and decides to take revenge.

With the help of Jacob and the novel, he deals with Jimmy everything in the same casino as in the other ending "GTA 4". It should again be a shootout with a crowd of enemies and chase, slightly modified compared to another option. Niko kills Jimmy and Mstit for the death of Kate.

In the last scenes of the game, Niko calls Brother Kate - Irish Bandit Patrick, as well as a novel who reports that his bride is pregnant and if this is a daughter, they will call a girl in honor of Kate.

Fragment of the picture of Ilya Repin "Ivan Grozny kills his son"

And the son of the Grozny did not kill!

Seeing in 1885 in St. Petersburg at the exhibition a new picture Ilya Repin "Ivan Grozny and his son Ivan on November 16, 1581," which later became known under the simplified name "Ivan Grozny kills his son", Ober-Prosecutor of Holy Synod and an outstanding Russian thinker Konstantin Petrovich Victoronians was extremely outraged by her plot in which fiction was issued For the fact, and wrote to the emperor Alexander III: "You can not call the picture of historical, since this moment ... purely fantastic."

What did Tsarevich died?

Indeed, the fact of the killing of the king John Vasilyevich Grozny, Tsarevich John, until recently, seemed indisputable, because he was reflected even in school textbooks, as one of the evidence of the allegedly existing cruelty of the Russian Orthodox autocracy. And no one thought, from where this fact came to historical literature. Only Metropolitan St. Petersburg and Ladoga John for the first time refuted this slander on the king in his book "The autocracy of the Spirit", where she proved that Tsarevich John died of hard And that in the historical documents that had no historical documents and the hint of the son.

But what do the documents report? In the Moscow Chronicler for 7090 (1581 - N.Sh..) It is written: "... Predavy Tsarevich John John". Piskarevsky chronicler indicates in more detail: "... at 12 o'clock for the summer of summer 7090 on day 17 ... Pressing Tsarevich John Johnovich". The Novgorod fourth chronicle says: "The same (7090) year is pressed by Tsarevich John John for the uterine in Sloboda ..." Morozovsky chronicle states: "... did not become Tsarevich John Johnovich". As you can see about murder not a word. As for the facts testifying to the death of Tsarevich John from poisoning, they are quite reasonable. V.V. Manyagin in the book "The leader of the Militant Church" (2003) writes: "Regarding the disease can be said definitely - it was poisoning SUMEMA. Death caused by her is painful, and the dose, causing such an outcome, does not exceed 0.18 grams ".

Who installed it?

"IN 1963 The year in the Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, "Manyagin writes," the four tombs were opened: John Grozny, Tsarevich John, Tsar Foodore John and Communion Skopina-Shuisky. In the study of the remains, a version of the poisoning of Tsar John Grozny was tested. Scientists have found that arsenic content is approximately the same in all four skeletons and does not exceed the norm. But in the bones of King John and Tsarevich John, the presence of much higher than the permissible norm was found. Some historians tried to argue that it was not poisoned at all, but the consequence of the treatment of syphilis mercury ointments. However, studies have shown that syphilitic changes in the remains of the king and Tsarevich are not found. After in the 1990s, there was a study of the burials of the Moscow Great Princess and the Queen, the fact of poisoning was identified by the same Sulman Mother of John Vasilyevich, Elena Vasilyevna Glinsky (died in 1538), and his first wife Anastasia Romanova (died in 1560) . This suggests that the royal family has been for several decades victim of Emirates (See: Korobov P. "Tsarist Tomb". - "Independent Gazeta", 2000, April 26).

The data of these studies made it possible to argue that Tsarevich John was poison (See "Results", NO 37 (327), 2002, September 17, p.38-39). The main content of the poison in its remains is many times the permissible norm. Thus, Soviet historical refutes the version of the murder of the king John Vasilyevich his Son. "

The myth of sylyeubiology is created by foreigners

Who is the author slander on Ivan the Terrible? The names of this writer and its followers are known. Their fictions are only links in the chain of false fabrications about our great past. Metropolitan John believed that the evidence of foreigners had a decisive influence on the formation of the RusNenavyvisian beliefs of "historical science". The outstanding researcher of antiquity Sergey Paramonov in the book "Where are you, Russia, which he published under the pseudonym Sergey Forest: "Our history was written by the Germans who did not know or did not know the Russian language at all.".

An example of Togo is false Norman theory, the myth of the vocation of Varyags and other myths. The fact that the authors of the works in Russian history were also the Soviet academician B.A. Rybakov. He, in particular, wrote: "In the times of bironovshchina, when the Russian beginning to defend the Russian start to do something, in St. Petersburg, in the environment of invited from the German principalities, the idea of \u200b\u200bborrowing statehood by the Slavs from the North-German tribes was born. The Slavs of the 9th centuries were recognized as the "living Zvorinsky way" (the expression of the Normanists), and the builders and the creators of the state were announced by the Nordic Robbery detachments of Varyagov-Normannov, who were hired to serve to various ruler and kept Northern Europe in fear. So, under the feather Siegfried Bayer., Gerarda Miller and August Schletra The idea of \u200b\u200bNormanism was born, which is often called the Norman theory, although the entire amount of normanistic statements in 2 centuries does not give the right to the name of Normanism not only by the theory, but even a hypothesis, since there is no analysis of sources, nor the review of all known facts ... "

It would seem that we are talking about the epoch that is not related to the topic. But if you do not understand the desire of the West to distort the truth about our great past, it is difficult to believe that what written about John Grozny Inozemants is a common lie. You can bring thousands of examples Perversion of the history of our state Western historians. But the era of Grozny was particularly malicious attacks.

"With the" light hand "of Karamzin, it became a sign of good tone to abundantly smear this era of black paint," wrote. - Even the most conservative historians-Marxists considered their duty to give the tribute to the Russophobian rhetoric, speaking of "wildness", "ferociousness", "ignorance", "terror" as of themselves about the granted features of the era. " And the evidence of the alleged horror scene of that era for historians appeared not witness eyewitnesses not archival data not court readings, recorded and stored archives, and flashing fabrications of Western Messengers. The myth of synemistry and other false myths were needed not only to set the king in the eyes of the descendants to the bloodthirsty Tiran, but also to prove the western world, by that time "glorified" the horrors of the Inquisition, that in Russia the orders are not better.

"Starting with Karamzin," Metropolitan John wrote - Russian historians reproduced in their writings all the abrasion and dirt, which were poured by foreign "guests", and the creative "legacy" such as Stadan and Possevin, was perceived for a long time as a certificate of Life and the nrules of the Russian people ... "

A. Gulevich in the book "Tsarist Power and Revolution": "National history is written by ordinary friends. The history of Russia has written its enemies. "

But who is the first slandered one of the greatest Russian self-containers? Here are these lines that composed Anthony Possevoin (papal spy), picked up Heinrich Staddad (German spy) and quoted too trusting (?) Karamzin: "Tsarevich, filled with jealousy noble, came to his father and demanded that he would send him to the army to expel the enemy, freeing the Pskov, restore the honor of Russia. John in the excitement of anger shouted: "The rebel! You want to overtake me with the throne with the boyars, "and raised his hand. Boris Godunov wanted to keep her: the king gave him a somewhat sharp rod to his and strongly hit them the prince in his head. This unfortunate fell, pouring blood! "

Monk-Jesuit Anthony Possevin He arrived in Moscow in 1581 to serve as an intermediary in the negotiations of the Russian king with the Polish king Stefan Battoore, who invaded during the Livonian war in Russian lands. Being a legacy of Pope Gregory XIII, Possevin hoped with the help of Jesuits to achieve concessions from John IV, using the complex foreign policy of Russia. His goal was not at all reconciliation of the warring, but subordination The Russian Church of the Papal See ... Catholic Church, having lost hope to break the Russian power and openly, by the crusades, and secretly, with the help of heresies, now sought to achieve this deception, promising John Grozny, if he betrays the true faith, the acquisition of territories who belonged earlier Byzantium.

"But the hopes of the Pope and the efforts of the assevine were not crowned with success, - wrote M.V. Tolstoy in the "History of the Russian Church". - John Vasilyevich provided all the natural flexibility of his mind, dexterity and prudence, whom Jesuit himself had to give justice, helling the harassment of the permission to build on the Latin Church, rejected the disputes about the faith and connecting churches on the basis of the Rules of the Florentine Cathedral and not fond of the acquisition of the acquisition The entire empire of Byzantine, lost to the Greeks as if for the retreat from Rome. "

Florentine Union, in other words, an agreement on the association of Orthodox and Catholic churches was signed in 1439 in Florence. This nature was another attempt by Rome spread Catholicism force. In response to her in 1448, the Cathedral of the bishops in Moscow declared autocephaly, that is, independent of the Constantinople patriarch.

Commenting M.V. Tolstoy, Metropolitan John wrote: "The famous historian of the Russian Church could add that the incidents of Rome in relation to Russia have a centuries-old history that the failure of the mission made the assum by the personal enemy of the king that the word" Jesuit "itself, because of selfless and unprinciples The members of the Order, have long changed with the name of nominative, that Lega himself came to Moscow for several months after the death of Tsarevich and under no circumstances could have witnessed the incident ".

John Vasilyevich answered firmly and Grozno: "Are you talking, Anthony, what is your belief of Roman - alone with the Greek Vera? And we carry faith Truly Christian, but not Greek. Greeks we are not a gospel. We do not have Greek, but the Russian faith ". The mission suffered a full failure, and hungry hurriedly, for his malice, composed the myth that John Grozny in the rustling of anger killed his son and the heir to the throne of Tsarevich John John John.

"Possevin says," Metropolitan John writes, "that the king was angry with his daughter-in-law, the wife of Tsarevich, and during the broken quarrel killed him. The absurdity of the version (from the moment of origin) was so obvious that the story was required to "reflect", find a more "reliable" reason and "murder's motive." Thus, another fairy tale appeared - that Tsarevich headed the political opposition of the father's course at the negotiations with the Battoore on the conclusion of the world and was killed by the king on suspicion of involvement in Boyarsky. Both versions perfect rollovers and soft-free. It is impossible for their accuracy to find and hints in the entire mass of documents and acts rendered to us relating by the time.

But information about the "natural" death of Tsarevich Ivan has a documentary basis. Back in 1570, the painful and pious Tsarevich, a reverently, who was fought by the royal ministry, complained to the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery, a huge contribution to a thousand rubles in the time. Preferring worldly glory to the monastic feat, he accompanied the contribution to "IOO I've grope, Tsarevich Prince Ivan was touched by the contribution, and if, according to sins, Tsarevich will not become, then remeuse."

Indirectly testifies to the death of Ivan not from the blow of the staff and the fact that in the "finalized" version of the sonoeubius death, he followed not instantly after the "fatal strike", and four days later, in the Alexandrovsk Sloboda. Subsequently, it became clear why Tsarevich fed four days - it was caused poisoning Sulma.

Picked up and developed a version of "sylyheubide" and one more undergoing - German Heinrich Staddadwho arrived in with intelligence tasks. Stadan wrote slanderous notes that Karamzin considered for truthful and who were exposed by Soviet historians. For example, I.I. The bands called them "the story of the shuttless, scan, tetba with political", and a different "inimitable cynicism." According to another Soviet historian, S.B. Veselovsky, "They represented a rambling story of the barely competent, uneducated and non-cultural adventurist, containing a lot of bragging and lies ..."

Returning to, Stadan outlined the project of the conquest of Muscovy, offering to destroy all churches and monasteries, defeat and abolish the Orthodox faith, and then turn Russian people into slaves. This is what many Russian historians enjoyed this data, describing the era of John Grozny in their writings.

Russian philosopher Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin warned that "There are peoples, states, governments, church centers, renowned organizations and individuals - hostileEspecially Orthodox Russia, especially the imperial and unrelated Russia. Just as there are "Angloofobs", "Germany", "Jaulo" - the world is replete with "Russophobes", the enemies of the National Russia, who promise themselves from its crash, humiliation and weakening every success ... Therefore, whoever we say To whom we would treat, we must vigorously and soberly measure it with the measure of his sympathies and intentions towards one, national Russia and not wait: from the conqueror - salvation, from the dismembering agent - help, from a religious selection - sympathy and understanding, from Marketing - benevolence, from the slander - the truth. Politics are art to recognize and neutralize the enemy…»…

Was John Grozny cruel?

Instructing the creators of the film "Ivan Grozny" director Eisenstein and the artist Role - Cherkasova, said: "John Grozny was very rigid. Show that it was hard, you can. But you need to show why you need to be rigid. One of the mistakes of John Grozny was that he did not destroy five major feudal families. If he would destroy these five large families, there would be no troubled time at all ... "

John Grozny called Tiran, attributed to him exorbitant cruelty, and meanwhile, Stalin, who carefully studied the king's policy, concluded that he even showed excessive softness to hostile boyars, poring them and thus allowed to surpage Russia in troubled times, almost half of the population Muscovy. Meanwhile, the facts refute the cruelty of the king and the inhumanity of the ugly "terror".

N. Skuratov In the article "- a look at the time of reign in terms of strengthening the state of the Russian" writes: "The usual, injecting in the history of a person who is not off sometimes see movies and read the newspaper, it may seem that John the Grozny Okrichniki interpret half the country's population. Meanwhile the number of victims The political repression of the 50-year-old reign is well known on reliable historical sources. The vast majority of the dead are called in them hoyed... The executions belonged to the highest classs and were guilty of quite real, and not in mythical and treasures ... Almost all of them were previously fascinated under the crumbs of kissing oaths, that is, they were swirls, political recidivists ".

Manyagin notes that Metropolitan John and historian R.G. adhered to the same point of view. There were no more than 4-5 thousand people over 50 years of the reign of the Grozny Tsar for 50 years of the reign of the Terrible King. But from this figure you need to remove executed boyars until 1547, that is, before the wedding of John Vasilyevich to the kingdom. It can not be responsible for the mutual killings of various boyars clans rushing to power.

Manyagin writes: "In the days of the reign of John IV, the death penalty of Karalya for: murder, rape, sodomyoy, arson of a residential house with people, the robbery of the temple, state treason. For comparison: during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, 80 species of crimes were punished with a death penalty, and under Peter I - more than 120! Every death sentence at John IV was carried out only in Moscow and was approved personally to the king ".

The power of the Orthodox Tsar John Vasilyevich was a lot softer than in EuropeWhat Manyagin says the following: "In the same XVI century, there are truly monstrous lawless laws in other states of the government. In 1572 during the Bartholomeev night in the interruption of over 80 thousand Protestants. IN England For the first half of the XVI century, only for vagrancy 70 thousand human. In Germany, when suppressing the peasant uprising of 1525, they executed more 100 000 human. Duke Alba destroyed when taking Antwerp 8 thousand And in Harlem 20 thousand man, and everything in the Spaniards killed around 100 000 human".

So, in the "enlightened" and "merciful" Europe in about the same period executed more than 378 thousand peoplemostly innocent, and in Russia with John Grozny for concrete serious crimes were executed 4-5 thousand. Why is the terrible tsar-tyrant, and the Europeans are mercy itself?

During the reign of John the Terrible population growth amounted to 30-50%During the reign, the population decrease was 40%. Therefore, the king of Grozny is tyrant, and Peter is great. Now we see how precisely the definition of I.L. Solonevich: "The Russian historian is a specialist in perverting the history of Russia".

Speaking of executions, we should not forget that it is "not destroyed" a boyars family Shui It was one of those families that they pushed Russia to troubletur ... It was the beginning of the destruction of the autocracy built by the dynasty. And the destruction was the result of non-cruelty, but, on the contrary, the extreme mercy of John Grozny.

Throughout the scene part of the GTA4, Niko has a lot of different tasks, it will not always be a choice, to do in one way or another with one character. Despite the linearity of the game, sometimes there will be exceptions from the rules when someone's life will depend on the solution, the reward and appearance of new tasks in the future. Before making a choice, you should think about the consequences.

Scenery in Grand Theft Auto IV:

  • For the first time, the problem of choice will arise in the "Ivan The Not So Terrible" task. Vlad will ask to remove Ivanwhich somehow passed in front of him. Of course, Vlad will not give any explanations. If you kill Ivan, it will end, but if you do not give him to fall from a height and crash to death, then much later with him will be held in the Emederney area in Alderney. He will ask to help knock out duty from the stubborn debtor.
  • Next, the choice is to be done in the task "Ruff Rider". Duin girl, Sheris, contacted his former friend Jersein, who helped stubborn him behind the bars. Jersein will try to escape as soon as he feels a threat, but the girl will remain. If you do not kill it, it will appear in North Holland after the task "The Holland Play". The purpose of her appearance is to find someone who could wean her new guy to spread his hands. Niko will not be able to pass by, punishing the offender.
  • The third choice will be more difficult, you will have choose between Plateboem X and Duin In the task "The Holland Play". The conflict will arise due to the revisions of the influence: Playboy X is controlling the territory of Duin, which belonged to him before the release. If you agree to the proposal of younger and lucky back, the life of Duin will be issued a reward of $ 25,000. He will not even resist. But if the top will cause Dwayin, then Nico will get a penthouse with all the amenities and a team of Mordorotov on call. In this case, before settling, you will have to run a little and brake.
  • The following choice is to be done in the task "Holland Nights". Francis Makrirry Contact Niko with a proposal to get rid of the Clarence drug dealer, thereby having a big service to society. The choice will appear on the roof when Clarence tries to escape. At the last moment, realizing that it was nowhere to run, he would ask to complicate and let him go. If you succumb to his persuasion, it will be possible to meet him later on the streets of East Holland in Algonquin, where he will try to pay with his benefactor with a gun.
  • Francis Makriri will not limit himself only a shooting of drug dealers, his desires extend much further. Soon on build your own brother, Derrick Makriri, in the task of "Blood Brothers", which, in his opinion, can harm his far-reaching plans and a bright future. Apparently, the anticipating mischief, Derrick will decide to play ahead, making a counter-application NIKO. For Francis's head, Makrury will not get anything, but if you kill Derrick, my pocket willree on $ 10,000. Moreover, it will be possible to call an influential friend in critical moments when the police will hang on the tail to hang out that thanks to his relationships stopped pursuing at three and less "stars" of the search. After the main plot is completed, the useful opportunity disappears.
  • For the time being, fate will be favorable to Niko. All sorrows will bypass it. However an hour will come when the dilemma arises - revenge Dmitry Raskalov (Quests "A DISH SERVED COLD", "") or agree to the deal with him (Quests "If The Price Is Right", "A Revenger's TRAGEDY"). Two different tasks, two different sacrifices, two different outcome. In the first case, the victim will be Kate Makriri, who agreed to go to the wedding and the death of the mercenaries Jimmy Pogrino. In the second case, the victim will be a novel who caught a bullet from the mercenaries Dmitry Raskalova. With the death of Kate, the girls will lose Nico, and without a novel will not access a taxi call from his taxi. In fact, it is useful to choose the path of aging, the deal, though it brings huge money, but at the end of the game they are already a lot, but the taxi sometimes you will not get in the afternoon.