What happened in 1662. "Copper" Riot: Causes of Copper Bunth. New welding technologies

"The thieves have fallen off, giving bribes to the gravifers"

Grave faults fell on the people, trading people have exhausted with the payment of fifth money. Already in 1656, the treasury was missing for stealing people on a salary, and the sovereign, on the advice, as they say, Fedor Mikhailovich Rtishchev, ordered to release copper money, which had a none price of silver; In 1657 and 1658, these money really went as silver; But since September 1658 began to decrease in price, it was for the ruble that it was necessary to take six money; Since March 1659, they had to pay 10 money on the ruble; Nadach increased to such an extent that in 1663, in one ruble, silver was not allowed to give 12 copper. There was terrible high cost; Decrees prohibiting prices for the necessary items of consumption were not acted; We saw in what position were in the municipality of Moscow root people who received a salary with copper money, which nobody had them. There were many thieves (fake) copper money [...]. We began to look after cash masters, silver, kitelniki, tinyers, and saw that these people who lived were previously noticate, with copper money they had a stone and wooden, a dress for themselves and wives were treated on the boyars custom, in the ranks of all kinds, silver vessels and Edible reserves began to buy an expensive price, without sorry for money. The reason for such rapid enrichment was explained when they began to take out thieves and checks. The criminals executed death, they cut off their hands and nailed from cash courtyards on the walls, houses, the estates were taken to the treasury. But cruelty did not help with the ingredible charms of rapid enrichment; Thieves continued their work, especially since the rich of them bought off the trouble, giving big bribes the test of the Tsarsky - Ilya Danilovich Miloslavsky and the spirit nobleman Matyushkin, which was the native aunt of the King of Mother; In the cities, thieves were bought off, giving bribes to gravifers and ordinary people.

[...] Moscow subsided; But complaints about copper money continued: the governors came that the debtors bring copper money to the gap to the gaze for payment to the leo-leaders, and they do not take without the royal declaration, asking silver. Finally, in 1663, a decree was released: in Moscow, Novgorod and Pskov of the monetary copper case, the courtyards set back, and the old monetary silver case of the courtyard in Moscow will start and silver money on it from June 15; And the salary of all the ranks to serve people to give silver money, in the treasury the customs duty and all sorts of money income take silver money, also in the ranks trading with all sorts of products on silver money, and copper back. Copper money in all orders that neither is evident, to rewrite and seal and keep it up to the decree, and not give a consumption; Private people ordered copper money to merge. But the latter was not executed; Decree on January 20, 1664, he says: in Moscow and in different cities, copper money is announced (grained mercury), and other silver planes are half. The sovereign confirms the order not to keep copper money under the fear of cruel punishment, ripping and links to distant cities. [...] They say that there were more than 7,000 people for damage to the money, more than 15,000 punished hand, legs, reference, the selection of estates in the treasury.

"... the success of the case was prevented by huge abuses"

Then in 1656, Boyar Rtishchev proposed a project that was in turning into circulation, so to speak, metal assignments - to minimize the same form and the size of silver and produce them at one price with them. It went rather successfully until 1659, for 100 silver cop. Gave 104 copper. Then silver began to disappear from the appeal, and it went worse, so that in 1662 for 100 silver 300-900 copper were given, and in 1663 they were not taken for 100 silver and 1500 copper. [...] Why did the bold project of Rtishchev, who could have a great help to the Moscow government, so soon led him to the crisis?

The trouble was not in the project itself, a bold, but performed, but in the inability to use them in huge abuses. First of all, the government itself too generously produced copper money and already contributed to their depreciation. According to Meyerberg, 20 million rubles were released at five years - huge amount for that time. Secondly, the success of the case was prevented by huge abuses. The father-in-law of the king, Miloslavsky, without constraining the copper money and, they say, shocked them up to 100 thousand people who managed the coin chasucing, from their copper they did money and even allowed for bribes, to do so strangers. Punishment helped little cause, because the main culprits and consignors (like Miloslavsky) remained intact. Next to these abuses of officials, the secret fake of coins in the people was developed, although the forders were cruelly executed. Meyerberg says that when he was in Moscow, up to 400 people sat in prison for fake coins (1661); And according to the testimony of Kotoshikhina, just "for the money" were "executed in those years, more than 7,000 people are executed." It was more expensive, but evil did not stop [...]. Attribute the blame of your hard situation with unloved boyars and accusing them in treason and in friendship with the Poles, in July 1662 the people who knew about the abuses for the coin chasing, raised the open riot in Moscow against the boyars and the crowd went to the king in Kolomna asking the Boyar counters . The "silent king" Alexey Mikhailovich Paradise managed to calm the crowd, but the insignificant random circumstances swelled the excitement again, and then the ruffers were graspted by military force.

Platonov S.F. Full course of lectures in Russian history. SPb., 2000 http://magister.msk.ru/library/history/platonov/plats004.htm#gl10

The number of rebels

Sources of sources for a large number of killed, hanged and surrounded in the Moscow River during the suppression "Bunta" also denied Basilevich's allegations. The speech is not about several dozen, but about hundreds and hundreds of dead rebels. This confirmed the find of Historik V.A. Bunch of the most important document - modern events on July 25, 1662 Equity recording: "Summer on July 7170 on July 25, God's easier, and in the presented in the reign Horde, Moscow is considered such a great terrible case: in the field under Kolomna SEEL SEEL SENSION Money-crust of black hundreds and other all sorts of hundreds of people sch z nine and more (the discharge of my. - V. B.) His Moscow people, Sagittarius stirred by order and sovereign all sorts of ranks for the fact that they began to beat the person's sovereign to boyars. Yes, why the month of July on the age of 26, fifty people were hung in the same jobs of all kinds of people "." Thus, we can talk about several thousand rebels, dead, arrested and exiled rebels of the bloody rosary of the uprising. But this incomplete document readings , much of which is not preserved.

In the light of these data, it can be considered plausible figures of aware and observational kotoshikhin about the arrest of more than 200 rebels in Moscow (this is confirmed by the Moscow investigative matter), murder and arrest in Kolomensky more than 7 thousand people; In the same place, he said, drowned more than 100 and hanged "from 150". In addition, on the night of July 25 on July 26, "Passionwood" was treated in the Moscow River with "Big Ships". Equity of 9-10 thousand participants in the uprising also become equally likely.

"Copper Riot" through the eyes of Scots Patrick Gordon

The rebels of the crowd came out of the Serpukhov gate. They were about 4 or 5 thousand, without weapons, only some had bubbles and sticks. They attracted to compensation [loss] for copper money, salt and much more. The sheets were opened in different places of the city, and one streams in front of the Zemsky courtyard read the sheet containing their complaints, the names of some Persons, who were imagined guilty of abuses, and the call for everyone to go to the king and to achieve compensation, as well as advisors.

When Mobile gathered, others went to rob a guest house or headmarts named Vasily Shorin, but most went to Kolomenskoye, where, while His Majesty was in the church, they were dominated by the boyars and the court handles to the king. Finally, when the king came out of the church and sat on the horse, they were quite rude and with loud screams insisted that he would tell them their resentment. The king and some of the boyars bought them for the fact that they came in such a mess and quantities, and announced that the resentment would be knewed, and therefore the Council will be convened immediately - they should only suffer a little. In the meantime, at the first appearance, the order was sent to two shooting colonels to go with their shelves as soon as possible in Kolomenskoye, and others were ordered to suppress the remaining in Moscow.

Reaching the regiment, which Colonel took away from the gate and built near the monastery, I convinced him to go ahead. We reached the Kozhukhovsky bridge, where they received an order to stop, guard the bridge and capture fugitives. By this time, two shooting shelves appeared and were missed through the rear gate of the palace, they joined the riders from the courtesy and, making an attack through a big gate, without much risk and labor, they scattered [rebels], some drove into the river, the others were killed and set in the river captivity. Many have also been saved.

Moscow did not have time to forget the consequences of the salt rebellion, as the country had a new riot, copper, this time more massive and bloody. The reasons for the copper rebellion began to form back in October 1653, when King Alexei Romanov accepted Ukraine to Russia, which led the country to a new protracted war with Poland. Starting in 1653, this war lasted until 1667. At the same time, in 1656-1658, Russia had to fight with Sweden.

Backgrounds of Bunta

Wars exhausted the treasury of the country, and the king with his officials was looking for new opportunities to replenish the treasury. One way to replenish the royal treasury officials saw new money in the chasing. In 1654, the silver coins per 1 million rubles were additionally minimized. At the same time were introduced into circulation and copper money. Total money was minted by 4 million rubles. These actions, and rather the consequences of these actions, and created the main reasons for the copper riot in Moscow. The new money in mind their huge amounts began to sharply fall in price. If in 1660 1 silver coin cost 1.5 copper coins, then in 1661 for 1 silver coin, 4 copper coins were given, in 1662 there are already 8 copper coins, and in 1663 to 15 copper coins. Small officials who were issued by new money, army people, as well as merchants refused to make such coins for settlements. As a result, prices almost all goods increased several times. In addition, cases are often mentioned when money is very easily formed not only counterfeiters, but also royal officials. According to contemporaries, the initiator of the input of such money was Boyarin Miloslavsky I.D., which was also the head of government. The reasons for the copper rebellion, which Navis over Russia, as if they were imposed on each other.

Start discontent people

The copper riot began on July 25, 1662 at 6 am. At this time, the collection of people dissatisfied with the royal officials took place on Sretenka. Kuzma Nagaev appeared before people, who called on people to rise to the uprising and oppose the arbitrariness of the boyars and officials. After that, the crowd went to the Red Square. Literally within an hour, the uprising swept the whole city. People who considered the reasons for the copper rebellion fairly, actively opposed the king's policies. In addition, on the side of the rebels, some shooting shelves switched.

With Red Square, people went to the village of Kolomenskoye, where the king was located. In total, about 4-5 thousand people put forward in the village. To Kolomna village, the rebels approached at 9 am. The king with his buddy was caught by surprise. The royal troops did not rebel serious resistance, despite the fact that their numerically was almost 1 thousand people. People, breaking through to the king, demanded the issuance of individual boyars and their executions. The king had to personally enter into negotiations with people. The king managed to convince the rebels that the dismissal of the boyars would be derived from the government and they will be forbidden to visit Moscow. People, believing the king, went back to Moscow.


At the same time, the new wave of the rebels went from Moscow to Kolomenskoye. Both groups of rebels met at 11 am and together again went to the king. At this time, their numbers were 9-10 thousand people. They reiterated the negotiations with the king, demanding the issuance of the boyar dismissal. Tsar Alexey Romanov tightened the negotiations in every way. This was done by the king so that the existing army had to move to the village of his order. In total, about 10 thousand Saglots arrived in the Kolomna. At the command of the king, they entered into battle against the unarmed rebels. The bloody battle began. A total of about 1 thousand rebels were killed. About 2 thousand people were injured and arrested. The king severely punished rebels and did not do anything at the initial stage to soften the anger of the people. Only by the middle of 1663 were canceled hated copper money.

Such were the reasons for the copper riot in Moscow and its consequences.

Copper riot: reasons and results

Causes of Copper Bunta

Since 1654, Russia led a protracted war with Poland and the treasury urgently needed funds to continue the fighting. Russia did not have their mine mining mining and silver, the precious metals were imported from abroad. Chacking coins for the state was too expensive. The coin courtyard minted Russian money, a hedgehog (half days) and a penny of foreign coins. "Smart Heads" suggested to the king Alexey Mikhailovich, how to get funds. In those days, copper accounted for the state 60 times cheaper than silver. Therefore, it was proposed to produce coins not from silver, but from copper. Service people, masters received copper money for their work, which at first equated to silver coins. At first, the population with the hunt took new money.
For seven years of the existence of copper money, from 1655 to 1662, their chasing was carried out in many mints of Moscow, Pskov and Novgorod, which acquired an unprecedented and unmanaged.
In the same years, the government increases taxes by 20%, in the people of this collection was called "fifth money". The salary was paid copper, and taxes were going to silver coins. The authority of copper money began to catastrophically decrease. Copper penny began to depreciate, trade was noticeably upset, no one wanted to pay copper money for paying. Sagittarius and serviced people began to raw, they could not buy anything on their "copper" salary. All products have risen in price dramatically, no one paid attention to the royal decree.
The ruling top, rich merchants increased the operation of ordinary people, began all sorts of defeats, began to flourish bribes, various increasingness and impunity Boyar took all big sizes. All this and came the causes of the following copper rebellion.

The participants of the copper rebellion and their requirements

At night, from July 24-25, 1662, leaflets of proclamations were disclosed on the streets, intersections and squares of Moscow, which demanded the abolition of copper money, cessation of abuses, reducing taxes.
On July 25, a copper riot broke out early in Moscow. The degree of lifting, the intensity of the uprising swept the many thousands of masses of the capital of the capital. Frightened rebels were divided into two parts. One half thundered in Moscow at home "strong" and rich. The first object for the angry crowd was the house of Guest Shorin, which in the entire state collected the "fifth money".
Several thousand of the rebels went to the village of Kolomenskoye, where the country residence of Tsar-Batyushki Alexei Mikhailovich was located. He came out to calm them. The Bunti participants held the king for the buttons and asked to alleviate their position and punish the boyar.
Frightened by the decisive demands of the furious crowd of the rebels, the king was forced to talk to the "quiet custom" with them. The sovereign promised to investigate the blame of Boyar, consider their complaints, persuaded to stop the rebellion. But when the king began to threaten and demand to give a boyars for violence, he raised his voice and gave an order to cut the rebels. According to some sources, the total number of rebels numbered to 9 - 10 thousand, during the suppression of the insurgency thousands of people were killed, hanged, exported on ships and surfacing in the Moscow River, arrested and exiled to Astrakhan and Siberia along with families.
In the uprising of 1662, the metropolitan languages \u200b\u200btook part: patcodes, artisans, butchers and peasants of neighboring villages. Traders, guests of the capital were not rebuilding and wrecked from the king.

The results of the copper riot

The suppression of the uprising took a merciless character, but also for the state it did not pass without a trace.
As a result of the copper rebellion of the Tsarskoy Decree, monetary courtyards were closed in Pskov and Novgorod, the quack of silver coins was resumed in the capital. Soon the copper money was withdrawn from circulation, although at the same time the state shamelessly deceived his people. Serving people salary began to pay silver again.

The events of the Stormy XVII century in Russia have long been attracted to the attention of scientists and writers, artists and musicians. The rebellion of Bolotnikov and Razin, People's Movements in Moscow and other cities of Russia were given not only the richest material historians for reflection and scientists, but also inspired outstanding figures of Russian culture. It is enough to recall the brilliant opera of the Mussorgsky "Boris Godunov" and "Hovhanchina", the poem of Glazunov "Stepan Razin", novels and poems about the remote ataman and his associates. The events of the XVII century hit the imagination not only descendants, but also contemporaries. No wonder they called this century "rebellious."

One of the most famous folk uprisings of this time was the "copper riot" of 1662.

He was caused by serious reasons. The people expressed discontent with the copper reform, as a result of which, instead of silver money, the market has flooded a large number of copper, it led to the depreciation of money, terrible high costs and ultimately for hunger. In addition, the country led prolonged wars with Poland and Sweden, demanding large expenses. The government ordered the most strictest way to recover arrears over the past years. Increased taxes. Shortly before the uprising, the collection of the so-called "fifth money" was announced, that is, the tax in size 20 percent of the value of the property of the taxpayer. All this was added to the exploitation of ordinary people from the ruling top, rich merchants, various inconsistencies, bribes and defeats.

Early in the morning of July 25, 1662, an uprising broke out in Moscow. In proclamations, held at night through the streets, squares and intersections of the capital, the requirements of cancellation of copper money, tax cuts, discontinuing abuse. The rebels demanded issuance to the head of the head of the Government of Boyarin I. D. Miloslavsky and other hated persons who occupied the highest position at the courtyard and in rich merchant circles.

Muscovites moved to the village of Kolomna, where at that time there was a king Alexey Mikhailovich with the courtyard, and presented him with his demands. At this time, the other rebels lured in Moscow at home of the rich and "strong". By. The instructions of the king on the same day the uprising was surrounded in the blood, a cruel consequence began - interrogations, torture, execution and references.

Such is the overall picture of "Copper Bunt". Russian historians wrote a lot about him, including those famous with M. Soloviev and V. O. Klyuchevsky. A. N. Zrotsalov issued (though, not fully and with errors) the materials of the cheek over the participants of the uprising. But most of all did for his study the talented Soviet researcher K. V. Basilevich. In his book, he illuminated in detail the course of copper reform and the uprising on July 25, 1662. His findings entered solid academic publications and school textbooks. It would seem that the "copper riot" of 1662 is already written "Last Sale".

Yet it turned out that it was not. As often happens, the reason for the revision of some of the well-established ideas was the accident.

The author of these rows has spent considerable time for acquaintance with old manuscripts, interested in the discharge books, in which the lists of military and civil figures, "officials" of the XVI-XVII centuries are given. This required the viewing of tens and hundreds of manuscripts, collections. The content of them generally did not differ in literary advantages, and sometimes simply led to despair with their dull monotony and dryness.

But the painstaking texture study of infinite lists was rewarded with unexpected finds. Sometimes the same disposal of these monuments was broken. The fact is that in the texts of the discharges, "outsiders" documents, monuments were introduced into the texts of the discharges. In some, for example, a story is placed: about the victory over the Crimean Tatars in 1572 in the young man, about the death of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich and the top of Boris Godunova in 1598, about the campaign of Russian troops to the Urals in 1499-1500 and others.

In one of the collections of the XVII century, in addition to the discharge lists, one day an unknown description of two uprisings in Moscow was caught. A quick acquaintance with this description could scare the reader - chronology, facts, sequence of events are clearly tangled. Here is its beginning:

"Summer 7171 (that is, the 1663rd. - V. B.) June on the 23rd day was a great sovereign to the celebration of the Stretching of the Most of the Virgin on Utretyak. And the number was the Smart Great in Moscow and beat the Great Sovereign to the Great Sovereign to all people landing and all sorts. Tits people in all taxes and in ruin ... "i and further follows a detailed description of the uprising of 1648 in Moscow at Queen Aleksa Mikhailovic, when ordinary Muscovites They opposed a sharp increase in the price of salt and abuse of representatives of nobility, merchants and an order bureaucracy. It really started on Sretenskaya Street, but not the 23rd, and on June 2, the mistake in determining the year was even more significant - instead of 1648 costs the 1663rd! There are in description and other inconsistencies. For example, according to his author, from Moscow, during the uprising, he was trying to escape by the flight of L. S. Pleshcheev 2, in fact it was P. G. Fuchaniotov, both of them belonged to the ruling tops and caused the sharp hatred of Muscovites.

After the description of the "Salt Bunt" of 1648, the author proceeds to the description of the events of another uprising in Moscow - "Copper Bunt" of 1662. It dates back to 1663; The description again sins inaccuracies.

However, as the attentive analysis showed, it was not the main thing. It turned out that the description of the "salt rebellion" of 1648 is very similar to the story of the so-called Pskov 3rd chronicle of the same event3, although in the first source it is described in more detail. This one would seem to have a minor fact became the thread of the Ariadna in unraveling a complex tangle of questions raised by the new description of both uprisings. Famous historian, a specialist in the Russian chronicle of A. N. Nasonica has long established that the information of the Pskov 3rd annihius about the uprising in Moscow was recorded in Pskov in about 1648-1650, when the governor was Ocolnichy N. S. Dogkin ; Moreover, the influence of the dog is clearly felt in the chronicle, which is mentioned several times in other cases in the text. From here it can be assumed that the description of the uprising of 1648 in our. The collection also comes from dog. This assumption "was confirmed.

In the Pskov Governor Nikifora Sergeevich Dogkin, who died in 1656, was three sons. Mention of the older of them, Andrei, quickly disappear from the pages of documents (from 1645). The reason for this could serve an early death, a disease or a tonsure of monks. The second - Vasily - died in 1677, he is known to scientists as a book, collector manuscripts; Among them, by the way, there was a manuscript of the Pskov 3th annulary with mentions of the Father - Pskov Governor. Finally, the youngest of sons, Grigory, who died in 1689, reached the highest situation, became a boyarian, performed various royal orders, accompanied the kings on their trips to near Moscow estates.

The collection, which inserted the description of the upright of 1648 and 1662, belonged to the same dog. On one of the sheets of the manuscript, a record of the owner was preserved: "The book is issued from the discharges of Mikhail Vasilyevich Dogkin." The text of the collection itself contains, in addition to the description of the description, discharge of services of representatives of various boyars and noble childbirth interested in dogs. Special attention is paid to the dog. Finally, this is especially characteristic, in the description of the "copper rebellion" of 1662, also appears on one of the dogs, it was Boyarin Grigory Niki-Fovovich, the uncle of the owner of the "Books issued". According to the description, Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich sent from Kolomenskoye to Moscow to call Strevetsky regiments, which played a major role in the defeat of the "copper rebellion", precisely Grigory Dogkin. All other sources are stored about this unanimous silence. One of the eyewitnesses of the uprising, the famous Council Gregory Kotoshin, reports that the king sent Boyari I. A. Khovan from Kolomensky to Moscow. He probably called the Strethie Shelves. It can be assumed that the author of this description was G. N. Dogkin; He probably was the owner of the collection, which then came to his nephew. No wonder in the collection, lists of persons who occupied various positions under the royal courtyards, starting with Ivan III and ending with Peter I and Ivan Alekseevich. The manuscript itself was drawn up in the 80s of the XVII century - in the interval between 1682 and 1689. Year. The very same description of G. N. Dogkin was soon and in connection with the other Moscow uprising - the famous "Handanchina" of 1682, when the rebels also demanded the cessation of abuse from the ruling tip (bribery, unrighteous court, etc.) and facilitating the material situation . In it, the main driving force was the Moscow Archers. In this regard, G. N. Dogkin resorts to a cunning, from his point of view, receiving directly falsification. In December 1682, the Archers of one of the regiments, who participated in the uprising, brought the opposite, and on the Kremlin Square in front of the Tsarist Palace, a scene was played, characteristic of the then morals of the royal capital. Hundreds of Streltsov, headed by his heads, put on the ground under the windows of the royal palace of fees and axes, and they themselves loosely, humbly exposed heads and necks. Fisitive forgiveness followed ...

When suppressing the "copper rebellion" of 1662, nothing like that did not happen. But G. N. Dogkin claims that this was the place - Moscow soldiers, the participants of the uprising, Deli-de the same, as well as the Archers twenty years later. The author "played" and in contrast, emphasizing that in 1662, Sagittariov did not participate in the uprising, and suppressed him, deserveing \u200b\u200ba special tsarist praise and grace, and the author himself played an active role in these events, the author himself - N. Dogkin, who attributed himself Obviously, the merit of I. A. Khovansky, who died in 1682. After describing these events twenty years later, the dogman made a number of errors and even falsifications and created, essentially a memorable note, even a political pamphlet, echoing with the events of Hovhanchin. In its compilation, he used the text of the Pskov 3rd annulary, perhaps some incorporated official documents, memorable entries. "

Work on the explanation of the personality of this boyar-falsifier, the features of his writings collided with a number of even more interesting mysteries.

Careful study of the description of the "copper rebellion" at the dog demanded reconciliation with other sources about the uprising. In the first place among them are the story of Gregory Kotoshikhina - the Council of the Embassy Order (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the XVII century) and especially the materials of the investigation over the participants of Gille. It is these sources that underlie the best work on the history of the "copper rebellion" belonging to Peru K. V. Basilevich - a subtle researcher and a connoisseur of the XVII century44. However, this major scientist committed, as it turned out, a serious mistake in interpretation of sources, which ultimately led to the underestimation of a large rebellion of the uprising and the investigation, which was carried out after the suppression of the "Bunta".

Conclusions K. V. Basilevich about the causes of the uprising, about his folk, antipodeal character do not cause objections.

The same can be said about the description of the stroke "rebellion", although it cannot be recognized to some extent complete, exhaustive. But K. V. Basilevich made a serious mistake in the use of sources. The fact is that much more investigative and other documents have survived than he intended.

Using only part of these documents, he mistakenly concluded that no more than "2 thousand people participated in the uprising, and 450-500 people were arrested during his suppression, 400 people were executed, approximately 30 people executed. He is not At the same time, it trusted ^ YUCTI unanimous. The testimony of contemporaries that up to 9-10 thousand people participated in the uprising, and thousands of people were killed during its suppression.

The test of the Data Description data has begun using the investigation documents published by A. N. Zrotsalov in the 1890s. Since the grazles published the investigative materials not completely, it was necessary to see a full archive business. Link to it can be found

Streletsky uprising 15 me 1682 years. Miniature from the history of Peter the Great "Krechishche. State Historical Museum.

basilevich is a case No. 959 of the order table of a discharge order, stored now in the Central State Archive of Ancient Acts (Tsagad). It is published by Zrozalov, writes Basilevich. First, there are interrogations of the participants of the "copper rebellion" - the Ten Sretenskaya hundreds of L. liquid, Sagittarius K. Nagayev, Witnesses B. Lazareva, P. Grigoriev and others. But in the future there was something incomprehensible. K. V. Basilevich, with reference to the same case, leads lists of arrested and other documents, but in fact they are here .. ", no! Why do you turn to the Zerozal and find out that he published the investigative materials from the same archival fund, but From the case under No. 327. This case imposes clarity. It turns out that Basilevich, not paying attention to the link Zerzalov, watched an unpublished investigative case, which was conducted on the participants of the "Bunta" in Moscow, where July 25, 1662, the rebels rich yards People. Zrizalov published the materials of the cheek, which was produced in the village of Kolomna. Both investigations have a number of similar documents - interrogations, fairy tales, diplomas. Both random commissions corresponded to each other, so in one case there are originals of some documents, in the other - their copies. Basically both things differ from each other. That was not noticed by K. V. Basilevich, hence the whole ball of mistakes. It was equivalent to the decision of the puzzle rebus. This was facilitated by the find, new archival sources unknown Basilevich.

Basilevich refers to a number of documents, considering that they are taken from one investigative case, in fact they need to be sought in another or immediately in the two mentioned matters. He believed that after the repression of the uprising, only one Investigation Commission was worked - in Kolomensky. She was headed by Boyarin Prince I. A. Khovansky, which was silent, by the way, G. N. Dogkin in his description "Copper Bunt" 1662. This is understandable - after all, he was soon after the "Handishbird" of 1682, when this unlucky adventurer folded his head. In fact, it turned out that, in addition to her, in Moscow, "Knutnikalov" in the Boyarskoy Duma and the discharge order, another major random commission headed by the Boyarian Prince A. N. Trubetsky. In addition, there were special commissions in a number of other Moscow orders, as well as in the Nicho-Ugreshsky Monastery on the Moscow River near Kolomna. In all these places, many "rioters" were in custody and cheated their bitter cup of suffering under the pussy and the whip of the Masters of Masters2.-

It was mentioned above that, based on incorrectly interpreted reports of investigative materials, Basilevich argued that 30 rebels were executed during the cheek. Further, based on the fact that in one document reported on the link to Astrakhan and Siberia "to the eternal life" together with wives and children of 1,200 people, the total number of exiled participants of the uprising among them, believed Basilevich, did not exceed 400 people, since on average The family was deeper from three people.

The total number of arrested he increased by 50-100 people. Finally, he assumed that in general, 2-3 thousand people participated in the uprising on July 25, 1662. Based on this, Basilevich rejected the testimony of Kotoshikhin and other contemporaries of the uprising, Russian and foreign, that the total number of rebels was 9-10 thousand people. It was equally skeptical about the report of Kotoshikhina about 7 thousand killed and arrested during the defeat of the uprising and to his statement that to clarify the authors of the prosecutors to the uprising disclosed in Moscow on the night of July 24-25, 1662, Moscow authorities They ordered to select samples of handwritters from competent people, including Moscow attainers to compare them with the handwriting of the "thieves' letters."

All these Bazilevich statements collapsed one after another with attentive reading of two investigative cases and other documents. So, Basilevich did not notice that there are information about collecting handwriting samples for comparison with handwriting of proclamation. In one archival case, on the old columns, the painting of about 400 fitty of more than 25 Moscow orders was preserved and among them the very city of Kotoshikhin: "The Embassy Orders Adjusts Gregory Kotoshin put his hand." This signature was published over a hundred years ago in the first volume of "Acts of the Moscow State".

Further, the investigation documents are not talking about 450-500 arrested. In total, the investigation materials are mentioned more than 800 participants in the uprising. One of the documents refers to a link from the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery of 1500 people, of which members of the families of the rebels amounted to only about 200 people. And we are talking only about the part of the rebels, many rebels were sitting in other places, they were hastily sent themselves in different ends of an extensive state, the most part of without families, quickly collect that there was no possibility. According to Kotoshikhina, "Buntovshchikov" "sent everyone to the distant cities ... and after them on Ska-scam, where who lived and whose who was, and their wives and children were sent by them."

Sources of sources for a large number of killed, hanged and surrounded in the Moscow River during the suppression "Bunta" also denied Basilevich's allegations. The speech is not about several dozen, but about hundreds and hundreds of dead rebels. This was confirmed by the finding of the most important document - modern events on July 25, 1662 of the eyewitness records: "Summer on July 7170 on 25 days to God and for our sinning in Great and in the presented in the reigning country, Moscow counts such a great terrible case. : In the field, under the Kolomna sortie, the villagers were seen by Money-Crick black hundred and other people of hundreds of hundreds of nine and more (the discharge of mine. - V. B.) His Moscow people, Sagittarius are stirred by order and sovereign all sorts of ranks for being It was a sovereign to boyar. Yes, why the month of July on the age of 26, fifty people were hung in the same jobs of all kinds of people "." Thus, we can talk about several thousand rebels, dead, arrested and exiled rebels of the bloody rosary of the uprising. But this incomplete document readings , much of which is not preserved.

In the light of these data, it can be considered plausible figures of aware and observational kotoshikhin about the arrest of more than 200 rebels in Moscow (this is confirmed by the Moscow investigative matter), murder and arrest in Kolomensky more than 7 thousand people; In the same place, he said, drowned more than 100 and hanged "from 150". In addition, on the night of July 25 on July 26, "Passionwood" was treated in the Moscow River with "Big Ships". As much likely, reports of 9-10 thousand participants of the uprising are becoming as likely.

Thus, a more attentive analysis of the preserved sources of "copper, rebellious" of 1662, documents of the investigation and descriptions of contemporaries, allowed to identify a number of Basilevich errors in interpreting the materials of the cheek and restore confidence in the clear evidence of contemporaries, undermined by its irregular conclusions. It turned out that the uprising and consequence of its participants had a much wider scope than Basilevich believed. The figures established by them of the uprising participants, as well as arrested and exiled during and after its defeat, it is necessary to increase several times in each case. Thereby. A more correct idea of \u200b\u200bthe degree of lifting, the rise of the uprising, which embraced the many thousands of people of residents of the Russian capital.

A more detailed analysis of all sources allowed us to highlight the rise of the uprising in Kolomensky and the capital, the participation of military ranks, the content of the proclamation, the course of the investigation, etc. One of the most interesting and mysterious was the question of the main imaging "copper rebellion". " K. V. Basilevich considered the chief figures of the uprising of Strenel Kuzma Nagaeva and the Ten-Sretenskaya hundreds of Luca Lyuka. The first one behaved very actively at the beginning of the uprising, early in the morning of July 25, he read several times before excited crowds of the people on Lubyanka. But about his stay in Lubyanka. But about his stay in Kolomna Sources are silent. In the royal residence, other possible leaders of the uprising are on the first plan. Here the proclamation and the petition king Alexey! Mikhailovich was submitted by L. Liquid and M. T. Zhedrńsky. The latter recognized as a question: "He said that the sovereign was deducted. in front of the world and trains (boyars and other hated people. - V. B.) to lend yourself, the great sovereign. "Tsar, scared A decisive tone of the requirements of a huge crowd of the rebels was forced to talk to them "quietly". He promised them to consider their complaints, to investigate the guilt of Boyar, asked: "Who are the traitors?", Persuaded to stop the "rebellion".

The rebels first reacted with distrust to the words of the king and asked him: "What should I believe?" But then they believed. One of the rebels even with the king "beat hands." The same Jesclinskiy, having not called the name, mentioned on the interrogation of a person who negotiated with Alexey Mikhailovich: "In Kolomensky, before the Great Tosudarem, he spoke with him in the one-order cherry, and that man a great sovereign affected the Rytar." Perhaps they were Ratary F. P. Polyvkin - From the documents of the investigation, it is known that during the "rebellion" in Kolomensky he "walked ... before the rowers and shouted with them together," "shouted and said: time de now to beat the traitors " Polykin himself acknowledged at the interrogation that he was "between them (rebels in Kolomensky. - V. B.) went," but immediately added with suspicious hasty that "they didn't have the breeders", clearly wanting to suspic on their investigators in that he could belong to the number of leaders, organizers ("breeders") "Bunta".

All these and some other persons played an active role in the uprising and could belong to the number of its organizers.

We appeal again to the documents of the cheek. A certain deceic of the Moscow Alekseev-Sky Demian Monastery (Demka) of Philippes during interrogations on July 26 and 29 was exposed to the testimony of their "colleagues" - two Popov and Dyakon. When one of them, Pop Andrei, led the service early in the morning of July 25, the Liturgy Demyan sang on the closer. When "the noise was learn" in the city, that is, the uprising began, the last "ran out of the church from the church," then participated in the uprising; He was caught in Kolomensky together "with thieves." Focused on the wall testimony of witnesses, the decek, did not bother to the same torture, admitted: "He was in Kolomensky in Kolomensky and his thoughts about the rebellion and the bombings of the courtyards were (my discharge. - V. B.)." It also turns out that in the monastery, where Demyan Philippov served, on the eve of the uprising there were some inscriptions on the stones - during the interrogation he was not attentive to him: "Who wrote in the Alekseevsky monastery?" Probably, these inscriptions are echoing with the proclamations disclined in Moscow over the night before the rebellion of the "Bunta".

"In this regard, the recognition of D. Filippov is of great importance at the interrogation of July 26:" He also, De, Demo, heard from worldly people ... that in that thieves and in o -d (organization of the uprising. - In . B.) Bi L Sretenskaya hundreds of hundreds of Andrew, and whose is not knowing. "This is an important, but not quite clear indication of a person who himself is involved in the" Bunlet "plant on July 25, it becomes even more mysterious due to that during the second interrogation; July 29 (that is, two days after the first inquiry), the investigators did not ask him about the mysterious Andrei - simple "TAURTER", that is, a landing person who pays taxes (treated) and living on Sretenka, Where, by the way, and the uprising began. This silence of the leaders of the cheek can not be random - after all, they with great persistence and cruelty achieved the clarification of the names and the names of the leaders of the uprising. And here they did not pay attention to such important recognition? Can not be!

Empty at the very end of the Moscowskysky dear eye was caught at first glance a minor list of arrested people, directed on August 13, 1662 in a Moscow petition order. But it is known that this order was considered to indicate the king of the case of particular importance. In addition, it can be seen from the documents that from about August 6, a member of the mainly ravous commission, who worked in the village of Kolomensky (it was called the order of the deeds), became the deac of the petition order of Artemy Kozlov. Especially mysteriously indicated by this list on the fact that the arrested, sent to the petition order, were listed "in the case of Ontreusch Shcherbak." All the preserved materials of the investigation suggest that any of the participants of the uprising had no "personal case", they were interrogated by groups of several or even several dozen people. The only exception known to us is "the case of Schcherbak".

The testation D. Filippova associates the initiative of the speech with the name of the Sretensky Posad man. G. N. Dogkin, who does not call the name, also reports that "some thief glued" the proclamation at the Sretensky Gate. It clearly implies some particular person ("some thief", that is, the "rebellious", "breeder" of the uprising), acting on Sretenka. On this street, the events of the uprising began, it ran here early in the morning, one yaz of the most energetic agitators "Bunt" - Sagittarius Kuzma Nagaev. The surname of the leader, whose name called D. Filippov, perhaps, reveals the mysterious "case of Ontreusch Shcherbak". By the way, one anonymous foreign author reports that in Kolomensky on July 25, with the defeat of the uprising, "his leader. However, it is quite definitely about Andrei Shcherbak as the main leader of the Moscow uprising of 1662 years, it is still early, since the mystery is still still a mystery. The final "decoding" of this mystery will depend on the findings of new documents on the "copper rebellion". Will they found?

Causes of Bunta

In the XVII century, in the Moscow State there were no own gold and silver mines, and the precious metals were imported from abroad. In the cash yard from foreign coins, a Russian coin was minted: a penny, money and a half-money (half money).

Case counterfeitchikov

The financial situation in the country led to the flourishing of counterfeit

Development and progress

The simple people were outraged by the Boyar's impunity. On July 25 (August 4), 1662 on Lubyanka, sheets were discovered with accusations against Prince I. D. Miloslavsky, several members of the Boyar Duma and the rich guest of Vasily Shorin. They were accused of secret intercourse with the speech by compulpist, which had no reason for him. But displeased people needed a reason. It is significant that the same people who were accused of abuses during the salt rebellion, and exactly how fourteen years ago, the crowd was attacked and defeated the house of Guest Shorin, who gathered the "fifth money" in the whole state. Several thousand people went to the king Alexei Mikhailovich, who was in his country palace in the village of Kolomna. The unexpected appearance of rebelled caught the king by surprise, he was forced to go to the people. He was transferred to the petition, demanding the decline in prices and taxes, and the punishment of the perpetrators. Under the pressure of circumstances, Alexey Mikhailovich gave the floor to investigate the case, after which the human mass calmed down, believing promises, turned back.

There was another multiple crowd from Moscow to meet Moscow, which is much militant. Small merchants, butchers, bread jackets, pies, rustic people again surrounded the palace Alexei Mikhailovich and this time did not ask, and demanded to give them the traitors to violence, threatening "he will be good for those boyars will not give up, and they will be signed by him themselves , in your custom. " However, Archers and soldiers sent by boyars on revenue already appeared in Kolomensky. After the failure to disperse, the order was given to apply strength. The unarmed crowd was driving into the river, up to a thousand people were killed, hanged, surfaceted in the Moscow River, several thousand arrested and after the consequence.

K. Kotoshin describes the bloody finals of the copper rebellion so:

"And that whether about that village hung from 150 people, and the rest of all were decree, tortured and burned, and the hands and legs and her legs were cut off for the guilt and at the foot and to the legs, and on the face on the face the right side of the signs, Razzheki Iron on red, and put on the iron "Buki" that is, the rebel, so that it was recognized before the century; And he was punished, they rushed themselves all in the distant cities, to Kazan, and in Astarahan, and on the graters, and to Siberia, to the eternal life ... And with a different way of that Way, in the night, the decree, tolding his hands back to the bore Courts, sink river in Moscow. "

Wanted in connection with copper rebellion did not have precedents. All competent Muscovites were forced to give samples of their handwriting to merge them with the "thieves of the sheets", served as a signal for indignation. However, the instigators did not find.


Copper riot was a performance of urban lower. Craftsmen, butchers, cakes, peasants of suburban villages took part in it. From the guests and trading people "no one person was stuck to the thief, and they also helped on those thieves, and they had a praise from the king." Despite the merciless suppression of the rebellion, he did not pass without a trace. In 1663, in the tsarist decree of the copper case, the yards in Novgorod and Pskov were closed, and a silver coin chasing was resumed in Moscow. The salary of all the ranks of serviced people again began to pay silver money. Copper money was seized from handling, individuals were ordered to overpay them on boilers or bring to the treasury, where 10 for each ruble paid 10, and later even less - 2 money silver. According to the remark V. O. Klyuchevsky, "the treasury was received as a real bankrupt, paid the creditors of 5 kopecks or even 1 kopeck for the ruble."

see also



  • Buganov V. I. Copper riot. Moscow "Buntari" of 1662 // Prometheus. - M.: Young Guard, 1968. - T. 5. - (Historical and biographical almanac series "Life of wonderful people").
  • Uprising 1662 in Moscow: Sat. dock. M., 1964.
  • Moscow Uprising 1648, 1662 // Soviet military encyclopedia / Ed. N. V. Ogarkova. - m .: Milivdat, 1978. - T. 5. - 686 p. - (in 8 tons). - 105,000 copies.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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    "Copper Riot" - "Copper Riot", adopted in the literature name of the uprising of the lower and medium-sized seids of Moscow, Streltsov, soldiers (25.7.1662). Caused by taking taxes in the years of Russian Polish war 1654 67 and the release of impaired copper money. Part of the rebels went ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary