What does yy vp mean and other useful terms. What does GL HF mean in games? What does gl mean

Quite a lot has changed with the advent of computer technology in our daily life. People became more open and kind, much more sociable, and there was a feeling of compassion not only for real people, but also for unreal characters. In addition, our vocabulary has changed significantly, more and more new words come to the lexicon of the average person, which do not sit in the head for a long time and begin to change. This article will discuss what GL HF means, where you can use this phrase, as well as other similar words.


From the lessons of history, it could be concluded that practically no language has remained untouched since the time it was first mentioned. Absolutely everything that has ever existed is subject to change, for a reason, in pictures about the future, they show that it is quite difficult for people from the past to communicate with people from the future, because between them not only hundreds of years of difference in development, but also a huge language barrier. A language is formed from many factors, but one of the most significant is the scope of use. In this article, we are talking about what GL HF means - this phrase is taken from the gaming theme and is widely used by the younger generation.

In the next part of the article, we will tell you what these words mean, but now it is worth recalling something important enough. The scope of use of such phrases is quite narrow - play. Therefore, the use of this phrase, for example, in your book, article or essay, can negatively affect the popularity and assessment of the latter. The point is this: although human life is small enough, it is still relatively long, therefore, when reading an essay with such words, the reader may be at a loss.

What does GL HF mean?

Many people ask this question the first time they see such a phrase. As a rule, you can see it only on near-game forums or directly in the games themselves. Quite a few people could have noticed that messages on such forums can be quite toxic in nature, that is, people are completely unvirtuous, but there are exceptions to everything. What is GL HF? At first glance, you can understand that this is an abbreviation of the English words "Good Luck, Have Fun", which means "good luck, pleasant and fun game".

Nothing complicated, everything is clear enough. In the 21st century, similar words can often be found in communication with people, in the comments under the photo and other entries. The younger generation quite successfully and quickly perceives such words, scattering them at any good moment. By the way, the use of the above abbreviation is a good form, because you thereby show your culture to the enemy, the same, in turn, will answer you in the same way. At the end of the match, another abbreviation is used - GG, which means - "good game", again praising the opposing team for a pleasant game.

What does GL HF mean in "KS"?

Counter-Strike is an online game, so there are some social elements in it, for example, there is a leader, as well as his comrades - this is the team. The same people compete with your team, so you can often see all sorts of messages in the chat. Sometimes the question arises, what does GL HF mean at the beginning of the game? Exactly the same as at the top of the article: people wish each other good luck, thereby encouraging.

This message can be seen at the end of the game, but most often, again, the above GG. In the professional gaming scene, you can see how each person writes a similar message.


We hope this article helped you understand what GL HF means. Knowledge of such phrases is guaranteed to protect you from embarrassment in dialogue. Use the above words only in a gaming context, otherwise some people may simply not understand you.

With the advent of a game like Dota 2, the world of esports has changed dramatically. The game quickly swept across a variety of countries, conquered almost all age categories, forced women and men, Russians, Americans, etc. to converge on the same battlefield. People from different parts of the world came together on one map, and all in order to find out who the stronger of them!

Language problems

With the globalization of the game, many problems arose, especially at first. Once upon a time, Dota 2 was just a map for a game as big as Warcraft III. It was constantly evolving and very quickly captured the attention of the players. The standard language both for the game itself and for the individual map was English, the translation was taken up much later. But even after the translation of both the game itself and this map into many languages ​​of the world, some communication problems still remained. For example, players from Russia, even with perfect knowledge of English, could not understand players from China or Italy (just like those Russians).

The beginning of the way

When the game developed into a separate esports discipline, the problem only worsened. Then it was decided to use standard abbreviations for the game, which would always be the same, regardless of the language of the region. For such abbreviations, English was chosen (after all, everything was based on it). These abbreviations were taken from other well-known games that have long become familiar disciplines of esports. The most striking game back then was StarCraft, where players first started using such abbreviations to indicate the start / end of a match. For example: gg, gl hf. What are these abbreviations? This is a standard abbreviation for the first letters of expressions. GG - good game, good luck and have fun - gl hf. Dota 2 thus received a certain set of abbreviations available to all players, understood anywhere in the world. Although not everyone understood such abbreviations at once. Many people had a question about what gl hf means or what gg is.

Originally from here

However, there are expressions in the game that originated in it and then only migrated to other games of the MOBA genre. For example, the well-known abbreviation ss, which tells that the enemy (enemy hero) left the lane (as you know, there are three lanes in Dota). This is short for miSSing (literally - to lose). Players slowly began to understand abbreviations, now everyone knew what gl hf is: used to wish a good game. In addition, there is game etiquette, which simply obliges players to write such abbreviations at a certain time in the match. Thus, fans of this game around the world have learned to understand, albeit at the level of a few letters and the simplest expressions. This was already a big step forward. Of course, it was still problematic to play with allies from China, especially if you did not speak any one language (English, for example). But you could contact with the most basic phrases both with your allies and with opponents.

We develop

Over time, these expressions have become stable. Players started using the expression gl hf in such a way that it was more like a greeting. Now the match between two teams traditionally begins with this (with the expression gg one team announces that it has surrendered, or this abbreviation is used to indicate the end of the game).

The game's sociability rises every year. For example, recently added an option such as "Chat Wheel". When you press a certain key, a set of the most popular and necessary commands is issued, which are automatically translated into all languages ​​(if you come across players from another state). Our gl hf team is also there. Is it a tribute to tradition, an indicator of good manners, or just an everyday greeting? It's up to you to decide.

The four most common (everyone should know):

gg - good game - good game, or gg wp - good game well played - good game played well(it is usually said at the end of a game or match, the loser usually speaks first, thereby indicating that he surrenders)
gl - good luck - good luck(said to the opponent before the game)
hf - have fun - have some fun(also before the game, often used together or instead of gl - gl & hf)
n1 - nice one or number one - not bad or number one(usually about frags)

Less commonly used:

Hello, hi, ky, qq - Greetings, hello.
bl - bad luck - bad luck
bg - bad game - bad game(usually written by losing lamaks as an excuse)
gh - good half or good hunt - good half(played half well - 15 rounds on one side) or have a good hunting(the wish is used less often).
eco - eco-round, zero - round without purchase, used to save money for the next rounds, in order to save up for more serious weapons.
nk - nice kill - good kill
nt - nice try - nice try
gj - good job - good job
ns - nice shoot - cool shot!
wd - well done - well done - good job(to teammates)
save - save (save)- When the player realizes that he can no longer win the round for his team, he simply runs away and saves the weapon for the next round.
drop - weapon throw- that is, your teammate asks for a weapon
rdy - ready - ready / ready
sorry, sry - sorry - sorry
hp - Health point - health, life

A few more found in chats (not necessarily in games):

afk - away from keyboard - moved away from the keyboard
btw - by the way - by the way, finally
fu - f..k you - go to...(all clear)
stfu - shut ta f..k up - shut up on ... th(everything is clear here too)
wtf? - what the - what the f ... me?
brb - be right back - I'll be back soon
omg - oh my god - Oh my God
omfg - oh my f .... g god- (even cooler saying, usually when something incredible, unreal frag, or something like that happens in the game)
1337 - elite - elite(often used by nubs in clan names)
bb - bye bye - bye Bye
kk (k) - ok - OK
сya (cyaz)see you - I'll see you
np - no problem - no problem
lol - laughing out loud - laughing very loudly(denotes laughter)
rofl - rollin on floor laughing - rolling on the floor laughing(the same)
nvm - nevermind - no matter
imho - in my humble opinion - in my humble opinion
imo - in my opinion - in my opinion
TT - cry(two eyes from which tears are shedding, used in upper case)
pls, plz - please - please
w8 - wait - wait
gtg - got to go - Need to go
thx, ty - thank you - thanks
LMAO - laughing my off - so laughing that ass is going to fall off now

Legend on maps (English): (click on the picture to enlarge)

Basic terms:

Contra, kstrike, KS, CS- abbreviated names of the game Counter Strike.
Config- a set of parameters that allows you to optimally configure cs for a comfortable game; assumes the use of variables together with aliases;
is individual for each player.
Connect- connection to the server.
Ping- the rate of exchange (delay) of information with the server (the lower the ping, the better the connection).
TT, Tera- Terrorists (a team of terrorists).
CT, CT, Cops, counter- Counter-Terrorists (team of counter-terrorists).
Spectrator- watching the game without participating in it.
Enemy- The enemy.
Teamplay- team play.
Frag- the enemy you killed, the number of frags and deaths is recorded in the table and your place in the team is determined.
Console- the command line, invoked in the game with the tilde key "~".
Map, Mapa, Map- a map in Counter Strike.
Demo- the gameplay of an individual player or the entire game recorded in a special file, with its help you can expose cheaters.
Resp, Respawn, respawn- the place where teams of terrorists and counter-terrorists appear.
Father, father,- a cool player.
Clan- a team of 2 or more players (maximum for a game of 5).
Clan War (clan var), cw- clan war, one team is played against another.
Skill- game skill of the player, which includes all the characteristics characteristic of a professional player, such as: reaction speed, high level of weapon skills, quick assessment of the situation and much more.
Aim- a player's characteristic that allows him to quickly and accurately aim at any required place on the enemy's body (by default - to the head) and inflict the maximum possible damage in the minimum possible time.
Cheater- a player using specialized programs that give him clear advantages over other players.
Aimbot (Aim)- a cheat that gives you incredible accuracy (by default - in the head).
WH, Wallhack- a cheat that allows you to look through walls, is fired by many servers and anti-cheats, it is not recommended to use it so as not to spoil your reputation.
Anti-Cheats- a program that monitors (prohibits) the use of cheats.
Headshot- hit in the head to death.
Camper- a player who is absent from the zone of active actions outside of connection with the completion of a command task, playing for himself, does not help anyone, hides behind boxes, walls and other places and kills enemies.
Ears- headphones.
Leaver, Leaver- A player leaving the game before its logical conclusion. This is usually the name given to people who deliberately leave the game when they start to lose.
LS (Low Skill)- low level of play.
MS (Middle Skill)- the average level of the game.
HS (Hight Skill)- a high level of play.
PS (Pro Skill)- game level Pro.
Bots- computer players.
Noob (Noob), lamer (Lamer)- a beginner player who plays poorly.
Meat, Bot, Farsh, bomj (meat, bot, minced meat, bum)- synonyms for the word Noob, but more offensive to the player.
Random (random)- a situation when a person holding the trigger while shooting, i.e. shooting with a clip in very long bursts almost at random, accidentally hits the enemy's head.
Check- short-term oversight of the territory for the presence of the enemy.
Rush- fast movement from respawn to a given point. It is characterized by complete ignorance of the enemy's actions.
Arkadnik- a player playing for surprise, i.e. one runs out into the danger zone, which is controlled by the enemies.
Def / Hold- defense of the specified area of ​​the map, tactics of the game "from defense" / killing arcade players.
Lag / Bug- poor connection / game errors (maps).
Splash- indirect damage when the projectile inflicts blast damage.
Strafe, strafe- move sideways, keeping the target in front of the "eyes".
Up- replanting
Device is one of the accepted designations of weapons in Counter-Strike.
Burst- shooting multiple rounds.
Plant (Plant), bmb (Bomb)- an explosive device that must be delivered to the bomb-place by terrorists.
Bomb Place, plant- a place for terrorists to plant bombs on maps like "de_".
HE, HaE- frag grenade.
Fb (flash, flash drive)- blinding grenade.
Smoke (smok), smoke- smoke grenade.

Terms of violations:

Admin (admin)- a player who keeps order in the game.
TC, Team Kill / TA, Team Attack- killing a teammate / attacking a teammate.
Flood- writing meaningless or unreasonably repetitive messages through the say and team_say commands, or through voice messages into the microphone
Troublemaking- creating all sorts of problems.
Laming- deviation from the task and the implementation of actions that are not related to the goals of the game.
Lagger- a player with a slow or poor-quality connection, which is why he does not move smoothly, but in jumps.
Kick (kick)- Ejection from the server. Light administrative punishment for minor violations of game discipline.
Slay- killing a player by the admin. Punishment.
Slap- kick the player by the admin. Subtracts from 0 to 100 hp.
Ban- "Heavy" administrative punishment. Ejection from the server with a ban on further entry. Punished for a period from 1 minute to infinity (permament), based on the severity of the violation (permament is usually issued as cheats).

Radio command terms:

Radio Commands - Invoked with the "z" key by default.

1. Cover me- You need a cover.
2. You take the point- Take this point.
3. Hold this Position- Hold this point.
4. Regroup Team- Regroup.
5. Follow me- Come after me.
6. Taking Fire, Need Assistance- Came under fire, we need help.

Group Radio Commands - invoked with the "x" key by default.

1. Go go go!- Forward forward forward!
2. Team, Fall Back- Back!
3. Stick together team- Team, we do not disagree!
4. Get in Position and wait for my go- Take this point and wait for my order!
5. Storm the Front- Let's attack!
6. Report in, team- Team, report!

Radio Responses / Reports - Called with "c" by default.

1. Affirmative / Roger that- Yes / Got it.
2. Enemy Spotted- I see the enemy.
3. Need Backup- All to me, I need help.
4. Sector Clear- Everything is clean here.
5. I "m in position- I'm on the spot.
6. Reporting in- I am reporting.
7. She "s gonna Blow! Get out there, it" s gonna blow!- Let's run! the bomb will blow everything here now!
8. Negative- No / disagree!
9. Enemy down- The enemy is dead.