Didactic game "Designing from geometric shapes" on the topic "Transport" for the senior group DOU. How to make volumetric geometric pieces of paper (schemes, patterns)? The plane from geometric shapes

For familiarizing with flowers and forms, as well as for the development of thinking and imagination with children, you can create appliques from geometric material. These classes are good not only by the fact that they allow children to develop and know the world, but also the accessibility of the materials themselves. In this article we will tell you how to make different applications from geometric shapes.

Applique: House of geometric shapes

"House". Applique for the smallest

Applications for young children should be as simple as possible and consist of a small number of parts.

To create a children's applique in the form of a house from geometric shapes, we will need:

  • patterns for cutting figures;
  • cardboard with an image depicted on him;
  • colored paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • tassel.

Applique "Big House"

After the child has mastered simple applications, you can move to complex. In order for the child at the first time it was easier to create large appliques, you need to print ready-made patterns on tight paper.

Templates usually consist of two parts. On one contour of the picture, and the second themselves geometric shapes that need to be glued along the contours.

Applique: Machine of geometric shapes

The boys are of great interest caused machines from geometric shapes. The figures themselves for creating appliques of older children are cut on their own, and small children need to give already carved billets.

Application: Animals from geometric shapes

Appliques of animals from geometric figures do no less fascinating, but young children will need adult assistance, as they consist of a large number of details. The principle of appliqués is as in previous master classes.

Applique: Chicken made of geometric shapes

Applications can not be glued, but also beat this process. In order to play a fascinating game for kids, we will need:

  • color cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • markers or paints;
  • glue;
  • tassel.
  1. On a sheet of white cardboard, we draw the main contours: the sun, chicken and chickens, and also draw the grass and clouds.
  2. From the cardboard appropriate colors cut out the chicken, the sun and four yellow circles, which will be to become chickens.

We are laying out a sheet of cardboard with drawn contours and details and begin the presentation for a child:

"The chicken came out for a walk, to pinch fresh herbs,

And behind her guys are yellow chickens.

The sun walked around the sky and the flacca

(Swamp in the picture the sun and remove it).

Darkness has come, do not go for the gate:

Who got into the street - got lost and disappeared

(Remove chickens figurines).

The chicken looked around, and the chickens are not visible.

Became a chicken sank

"Get out, sunshine, soon! I'm offended without a sun -

And chickens are not visible! "

The child is offered to "find chickens" by sticking them to the cardboard.

Thematic selection of games and exercises, theme: "Aircraft"


Introduce children with different types of air transport.
Expand the active and passive children's dictionary on this topic.
To acquaint children with a number "3" as a sign denoting a certain amount.
Teach children correlate the number and quantity.
To form a sustainable view of color, quantity, magnitude.
Secure knowledge of geometric figures.
Continue to teach children to determine the position of the subject in space regarding yourself.
Improve the skills of modeling plasticine, drawing a pencil of straight vertical lines, painting with paints, sticking the image details, creating a holistic composition.
Develop thinking, shallow motorcy, the ability to coordinate words and movements.


Cut from color cardboard Silhouettes numbers "3", asterisks (Flexik).
The image with the image of three balloons of different sizes, suitable three baskets, carved out of thick paper, hand-cut minor dusk figures.
Balloons with beans inside (in one balls on one bean, in others - a lot).
Cardboard silhouettes of aircraft with bleached circles of different colors and size suitable in color and buttons.
The road pasted on the cardboard, winding, turning into straight, small toys-aircraft.
Silhouette image of a helicopter carved from dense cardboard, clothespins.
Plasticine, pencils, paints.
A sheet of paper with topped with parachutists and ground at the bottom.
Circles cut from napkins.
The picture depicting a helicopter from geometric shapes, the same shapes cut from cardboard.
Paper airplanes for breathing exercise.
Cardboard wings of an airplane for modeling.
A sheet of paper with painted parachutes, carved from parshetists, parachute dome, sun, wool, glue.
Floor-background with the image of three aircraft with numbers "1", "2", "3" on board, colored silhouette figures of parachutists.
Audio recording: "Airplane will build yourself", background music for a mobile game.

Acquaintance with the number "3"

Here is a number three in front of you. Let's get three stars on it.


Reading poem "Balloon"

With warm air balloon.
And under it basket,
Under legs Earth -
As if in the picture.

Didactic game "Balloons"

You need to attach baskets to these balloons.

How many balloons do we have? Three. Can we say that they are the same? No, they are different. Show the biggest ball, the middle, the smallest.

Srate to the basket with a number "1" one matryoshka, in the basket with a number "2" put two matryoshki. And how many matryoshki put in the basket with a number "3"? Three dolls.

Didactic exercise "How many beahs in the ball?"

Put your fingers and show me a ball in which only one bean. And now show the ball in which the beans are a lot.


Plane Buttons game

Put buttons on the circles windows of the aircraft. Pick suitable in color and magnitude.

Reading the poem "Airplane"

Silver plane.
Only the sun will go up,
Departs in flights -
Take up landing, flights.
And until the evening with dawn
He helped a man.

Respiratory exercise and sound resistance "Airplane"

Put a paper plane on the palm and jump on it - send to the flight. (To ensure that children do not blow the cheeks).

"And now let's go to the pussy, like aircraft:" U-U-U-U-Uuu. "

Drawing with paints "Fuel for aircraft"

To fly by airplanes you need fuel. Fuel for aircraft is kept in special containers - cannors. Look, we completely ended fuel for aircraft. Let's fill the canisters with fuel.

Children paint yellow paint image canister.

Didactic exercise "Runway"

On the cardboard sheet, winding, turning into a straight track. Children spend on it toy airplane.

Maspeake "Airplane"

A piece of plasticine is divided in half, from one half a straight rolling, a sausage, which is bent one edge and is replaced - the tail. Cardboard wings are applied on top, perpendicular to the aircraft housing.

Foaming crafts

The plane was blinded.
Hide take off above the clouds.
(Lift plane up)

We swell over the mountains
(Mahi raised with hand with a plane to the right and left)

And then return to mom.
(Put the plane on the table)

Music and rhythmic exercise "Plane Build yourself"

Children listen to the song and play tambourines.

Movable game "Airplanes"

To go to the flight you need to first fill the tanks with combustible.

We will start the motors.
(Rotation with hands in front of the breast)

Hands to the sides - in the flight
We ship the aircraft.
Right wing - forward.
Left wing - forward.
One two three four -
Our aircraft flew.


Game with clothespins "helicopter"

Make a helicopter blade from clothespins.

Didactic game "Speak helicopter from geometric shapes"

And now let's lay a helicopter from geometric shapes.


Drawing with pencils "Help parachutists go down to the ground"

Take pencils and spend straight lines from parachutists to the ground.

Exercise "fold parachute"

Children fold a circle (from a dense napkin) in half, then once again in half.

Applique "Parachutist"

Children stick paper dome of parachute, parachute, sun and cloud from cotton.

Didactic game "How many parachutists?"

You see that the digit is drawn on board the aircraft. What is this number? Number one. It means that only one parachutist will jump out of this aircraft - take the parachute figurine and attach it to the picture below the plane.

(The same to do with the numbers "2" and "3").

Dynamic pause "Training of pilots"

"All in the cabins" - run to the chairs and sit on it.
"Jumping with a parachute" - jumping from the bench on the mat.
"Complex flight" - crawl under the arc.

Games with geometric figures These games are designed for children from 8 months before proceeding to classes, you need to learn a few simple rules: all tasks should be offered in the form of a game, and mom should participate in the game. Before you do, check that everything is convenient and did not distract anything from the game. Remember that you should start any occupation only after the kid will be fed, calm and in a good mood. All the didactic materials offered for the game must be bright, beautiful, interesting. They should not lie in the drawer with the rest of the toys. After each classes, everything is definitely hiding so that they are not tired of the child. During the game, do not rush to give the correct answer. Let the kid think a little. Give him so much time as it takes. Be patient. Perhaps it is worth sustating to him the next task, and then return to not fulfilled. Be sure to praise the child for a successfully completed task. But do not overdo it. Do not overcome the baby. Play less time (15-20 minutes), but more often (2-3 times a day). Be careful to the child and you will definitely learn when you need to stop. And last, finish each occupation on a positive note, regardless of the results. How to make and play games with geometric shapes. Cut from dense cardboard various geometric shapes (circle, square, rectangle, triangle, etc.). Each figure should be 7 pieces. Color circles, triangles, squares, etc. In the colors of rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple). Thus, you should succeed in seven multicolored figures of each species. You can make figures different not only in color, but also in shape: big and small. Such a simple material will help your babies to learn 7 main colors, figures and forms. Classes that we offer will help develop logical thinking, progress, memory, attention. Task 1. Fold the strip from different figures and ask the child to build the same. The sample can be left before my eyes. Task 2. Fold unpaid patterns (circle, square, triangle, circle, etc.). Ask the kid to continue this pattern yourself. Task 3. Build a picture of geometric shapes (typewriter or Christmas tree). The kid will be happy to repeat after you or will come up with anything. Task 4. Build a picture of geometric shapes (machine or house). Ask a child to turn away and change some detail (for example, cut the wheels of another color or other shape). Let the kid be called, which has changed. Task 5. Ask the kid to collect in one box or a stack of all circles, in another squares, etc. You can ask to split all the figures in colors or in size. Task 6. Build a line of figures, for example, 3 circles and 1 square. Ask what is superfluous? Answer - Square. You can draw up such dependencies as in the form, in size and color. Remember that no one knows her baby so well, as you, dear moms, carrying out most of the time with it.

Didactic game in mathematics for children of the senior group

Description: The material will be interesting and useful to teachers of Dow, employees of additional education, heads of "entertaining mathematics", parents
Purpose: Material can be used as a didactic game, as part of the classes on FMP, appliqués, design, in individual work, in independent activities of children

Integration: Cognitive, speech, socio-communicative, artistic and aesthetic development

Purpose: The formation of the ability to design from geometric shapes

Educational: Teach children to have geometric figures according to tables schemes;
developing: develop eyemeter, visual memory, orientation in space;
educational: Rail interest in designing geometric shapes.

Methods and techniques: Game, visual, independent activity of children, individual tasks, the use of artistic word

Preliminary work: FAMP classes on the sections "Geometric shapes", "Orientation in space", application for appliqués on the topic "Panel of geometric figures", design from a flat and volumetric constructor in the corner "Young Builder"

1. Conversation about the types of transport.
2. Construction according to tables.
3. Didactic task "come up with himself"
4. Application work.
5. Outcome. Analysis.

The content of the work:
1. Educator:
People always believed in miracles and composed magic fairy tales about Carrier, Emeline Oven, bootsBecause it has always been the need to move. But this is all fabulous, unreal transport that "works" only in a fairy tale.
And in our lives, transport is another, this is what moves actually: goes, swims, flies, transports loads, passengers. If you need to go somewhere, swim, fly, we use transport.
What types of transport do you know?
Responses of children:
- Ground: car, bus, bike, motorcycle ...
- Underground: subway
- Air: plane, helicopter, rocket, balloon ...
- Water: motor ship, boat, boat, yacht ...

2. Educator: I will make riddles about transport. Whoever rents - receives the table and folds what he guess.

1) What a bird:
Songs does not sing,
Nests do not go
People and cargo lucky?

See the aircraft
He sings us a song:
U. U.
Soon in the sky to go!

2) Give me soon the answer:
That will be a few years,
And from the ground faster light
To the stars will fly ... (rocket)

Here under the rainbow rocket
Tedded to heaven,
And the same rocket
I built myself!

3) on the waves the palace floats
People are lucky on themselves.

Floats, sails boat
In the distant edges.
Who is the captain of the ship?
Of course, this is me!

4) what a muddy house,
Passengers a lot in it,
Wears rubber shoes
And feeds gasoline?

The stop is empty:
All on the bus, inside.
And now still
Home home houses.

5) And we have fun in our family:
We celebrate housewarming.
Moved for a moment
And helped us ... (truck)

Why our truck
Being lazy is not used to?
On the back, it hescribes the body for large and small cargo.

6) Pew gasoline and oil,
Although not hungry at all.
And without them, I am so sick,
What is not able to go!

I am a shiny such
And, of course, the easy.
On the way, I am fusing the arrow
Do not keep up with me for me!

3. Educator: And now I suggest you from the same sets to come up with your model of transport.

4. Educator:
Whatever the type of transport you wanted to stick and decorate our exhibition?
Answers and choosing children.

5. Educator:
What did we do? (constructed on tables of transport terms)
What did you learn? (Design from geometric figures. Types of transport)
What did you like? (guess riddles, stick geometric shapes ...)

    For the manufacture of volumetric geometric shapes, the main thing has patterns that can be cut and then glue.

    You can make white or colored paper. You can cut out of paper with any drawings or numbers.

    I propose to make a not quite ordinary bulk figure in the Origami technique. Watch the video:

    So that children are better remembered which geometric shapes come, and they knew how they are called, you can make from thick paper or cardboard volumetric geometric shapes. By the way, on the basis of them, you can make a beautiful gift packaging.

    You will need:

    • dense paper, or cardboard (better color);
    • line;
    • pencil;
    • scissors;
    • glue (better than PVA).

    The most difficult thing is to develop and draw a tear, you need at least basic knowledge of the drawing. You can take ready-made tear and print on the printer.

    In order for the folding line to be smooth and acute, you can use a stupid needle and a metal line. When conducting a line, the needle must be severely burned towards the direction of movement, practically posing.

    This is a trigger pyramid sweep

    This is the scan of Cuba

    This is an octahedron scan (four-pyramid)

    This is a dodecahedron sweep

    This is a scan of icosahedra

    Here you can find templates of more complex figures (body platonic, archimedean body, polyhedra, polyhedra, different types of pyramids and prisms, simple and oblique paper models).

    Volumetric geometric shapes are the best way to study the child of the surrounding world. Excellent educational material / Excellent tutorial for studying geometric shapes is, just, volumetric figures. In this way, geometric shapes are better remembered.

    The best material for the manufacture of similar bulk figures is a dense paper (can be colored) or cardboard.

    For the manufacture, you will also need a pencil with a ruler, as well as scissors and glue (cut and glue scan).

    It is necessary to draw a sweep in a similar way and cut them:

    After that, they need to glue the edge to the edge.

    The following type of volumetric geometric shapes should be obtained:

    Here are a few schemes for which you can make flared geometric shapes.

    The simplest - tetrahedron.

    A little more difficult to make octahedron.

    But this turn figure is dodecahedron.

    Still one - ikosahedron.

    More details about the manufacture of flap figures can be found here.

    This is how the bulk figures look no in the assembled form:

    And here it looks ready:

    From the bulk geometric figures, you can make many original crafts, including packaging for a gift.

    Before starting to make volumetric geometric shapes, you need to imagine (or know what it looks like) figure in 3D measurement: how many faces have one or another figure.

    First you need to properly draw on the paper on the edges of the edges that must be interconnected. Each figure of the face has a certain form: a square, triangle, rectangle, rhombus, hexagon, circle, etc.

    It is very important that the length of the ribs of the shapes that will be connected to each other had the same length so that there were no problems during the connection. If the figure consists of the same faces, I would suggest to make a template while drawing to use this template. You can also download prepared templates from the Internet, print them, bend along the lines and connect (glue).

    Cones template:

    Pyramid template:

    Making volumetric geometric shapes will need both in school classes and for studying figures with kids. This process can be turned into a game, making tight volumetric geometric figures from cardboard.

    For the manufacture of figures we will need - a pencil, a ruler, color cardboard, glue.

    You can print schemes from the Internet, then apply them on dense paper, not forgetting about the folding line that will be brought together.

    And you can use the following schemes:

    But they are already in the finished form.

    So you have fun and with benefit you can spend time with the baby, studying geometric shapes.

    Independently, the luminous figures can not only use them for entertainment, but also for learning.

    For example, it can be advised to show the child as one or another figure looks like, give e to hold in your hands.

    Either possible with the aim of training to print schemes with special designations.

    So I propose below to get acquainted with the seed dodecahedronAs simple and small pictures, which only attract the attention of the baby and training will make more intimidating and entertaining.

    Also a schema cuba You can use for learning numbers.

    Scheme pyramids It can help assimilate the formulas that belong to this figure.

    In addition, I propose to get acquainted with the scheme octahedra.

    Scheme tetrahedra Among other things, it will help to learn colors.

    As you understand, the above templates must be printed, cut, bend over the lines, glue by special narrow strips adjacent to the selected parties.

    Volumetric geometric shapes are simply necessary when learning: they provide students with the opportunity to keep them in their hands, consider that it is an important part of the educational process, they are simply necessary as a manual when studying the famous Euler theorem - clearly demonstrating that even during deformations, curvatures of the margins of the polyhedron So the ratio of Euler will remain unchanged:

    In addition, bulk figures can serve as an excellent benefit that help explain to students how to find the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe polyhedron.

    So, using the templates below you can easily do the following figures:

    Triangular prism

    N-coal prism
