Fallout 1 game description. A guide for beginners in the world of Fallout. Skills that are not worth much attention

In this article, you will be offered practical advice on creating your character and further developing it (considered Main characteristics/stats, Skills/Skills, Basic Skills/TagedSkills and Peculiarities/traits). However, first you need to deal with less global issues.

So, age. It doesn't matter, because it's not checked in any of the scripts. But floor may slightly affect some dialogues. Male characters will be able to sleep with Cynthia(Sinthia) and maybe with Carey(Keri). They may also be taken as Hand of Death(Death Hand) in the raider camp, which is actually not always an advantage. Woman, with the development of the parameter charms(Charisma) above 5 will be easier to get from Michael(Michael) systolic motivator(systolic motivator). Supposedly, as a female character, you would be able to launch a surprise attack on Harry(Harry), but, in fact, nothing of the kind is provided. By the way, a funny detail is the guard in Vault 13(Vault 13) always of the opposite sex to you.

As for the actual generation of character characteristics, it is strongly advised not to use those provided by the developers - they all have serious drawbacks (for example, Max Stone/Max Stone is Skill "Thug"/Bruiser, y Natalia/Natalia- "Owl Man"/Night Person, and Alberta/Albert- "Experience"/Skilled and "Trade"/barter). Remember, one of the most fun things about RPGs is creating your own character...

At the beginning of the game, you are given 5 points that you can spend on developing any of the Main Attributes. In the process of allocating these points, please take into account the following:

Power (ST, Strength): Needed to carry things and be able to use heavy weapons. During the game, it is possible to increase this parameter by 4 additional units in one way or another, so when generating your character it does not make much sense to raise the Strength value above 6;

Perception (PE, Perception: An important but not essential stat for snipers. When creating a character, it is recommended to set the value of this characteristic to at least 5 - with this alignment, it becomes possible to get Mindfulness Skill(Awareness);

Endurance (EN, Endurance): the amount of Hit Points(Hit Points) of your character. If you are not going to get involved in close combat, it is not advised to raise the Stamina value above 4;

Charm (CH, Charisma): not as useful as it might seem. Charm directly affects development Trade Skill(Barter), but at the same time, in no way limits the maximum available number of satellites that can join your group. Even with a Charisma score of 1, your character will do quite well;

Intelligence (IN, Intelligence): If you don't plan to rely on brute force for everything, Intelligence will be perhaps the most significant stat for your character, as it directly affects the number of options for lines in dialogues, as well as the number of points received when your character acquires new levels of development (they can be spent on pumping Skills). An Intelligence score of 7 is a good start;

Agility (AG, Agility): the development parameter of this characteristic determines the amount Action Points(Action Points) of your character, so the rule works in this case - the more the better. The strongly recommended minimum is 6;

Luck (LK, Luck): in case you want to get Sniper Skill(Sniper) and if you're really itching to find all the special random encounters - Luck is the stat to look out for. At the same time, if you care about increasing the chance to deal critical damage to enemies, you can not strain too much about it. However, if you still want to master Improved Critical Damage Skill(Better Criticals), you should not reduce the value of the parameter of this characteristic below 5.

The value of the Primary Attributes cannot be raised above ten. The parameter of each of the Main Attributes can be increased by 1 during the game (the only exception is Strength, the value of which can be increased up to 4), therefore, it is irrational to start the game with a value of 10 of any of the Main Attributes. As a matter of fact, Intelligence and Luck stats can be increased by as much as 2 values ​​instead of 1, using loopholes in scripts, so if you do not disdain such methods, you should not set any of the Main Stats to more than 8.

Endurance and Dexterity also have some peculiarities - they function in such a way that an odd number of parameter development is no better than the previous even number, that is, for example, Dexterity values ​​of 6 and 7 give you 8 Action Points each. Don't forget about it. Also, keep in mind that in this situation, if you choose between high values ​​​​of this characteristic, it would be more reasonable to choose the number 9, and not 8, or, say, 10. According to the manual for the first part of the game, with each new level of development of your character, you get an additional number of Hit Points, the total amount of which is calculated using the formula Stamina / 3. Actually it is not. The actual amount is calculated using the formula Stamina/2+2 (rounded down).

If your character's Intelligence parameter is below four, then he will be able to communicate only with interjections, and will not be able to conduct a normal dialogue by definition. I don't think I need to remind you that this will greatly reduce your chances of getting in-game quests, let alone completing them. However, in order to temporarily increase the value of your Intelligence parameter, you can always use Mentats(don't forget that these pills can also be used "in reverse"; if you want to experience the "benefits" of low Intelligence (4‹) - take one or two doses, wait one hour, and the value of your Primary Attributes, including Intelligence, will drop below normal level; a more effective drug that can be used for this purpose is Psycho).

The Strength parameter with a value of 5 is quite enough to be able to use the entire arsenal of the so-called Light Weapons(Small Guns), that is, pistols, rifles and shotguns. A parameter of this Primary Stat with a value of 7 will suffice for all heavy(Big Guns) and Energy Weapon(Energy Guns), the only exception is a portable machine gun Rockwell СZ53(in the common people it is called simply "Minigun"). However, when you are finally lucky enough to get Power Armor(Powered Armor) You can safely forget about all the difficulties associated with this parameter.

Mal-yes-delete(Small Frame): if you have at least one satellite ( NPCs - N on- P layout C character), there will be no harm from this Feature unambiguously. And even if you are traveling alone, there will still be no particular harm, since there is no need to constantly carry a lot of junk with you;

one-armed(One Hander): Most of the best weapons in the game can only be used with both hands. However, this Trait is definitely useful for those who prefer to fight in melee (I think it's clear that "one-handed" does not mean the absence of one of the upper limbs of your character), because this bonus has a beneficial effect on weapons that fall under under Hand-to-Hand Combat Skill/ Unarmed (to use brass knuckles, knives and similar weapons, you only need one hand), and has absolutely no negative impact on the chance of a successful attack with arms and legs;

Metkach (Finesse): a good compromise;
rapid fire(Fast Shot): A good choice if you like to fire five shots out of Turbo Plasma Rifle(Turbo Plasma Rifle) in one turn. This Trait also lends itself well to Heavy Weapons and any auto weapon that fires in bursts. Whatever the case, if you are a dedicated sniper, this is unlikely to suit you (Sniper Skill or Killer Skill/Slayer). This Trait also affects the number of hits per turn in hand-to-hand combat;

Gifted(Gifted): This Trait is almost universally considered the best choice in any scenario, as the Primary Stat bonuses cancel out all of its negative aspects (especially if you don't spare a few extra points to develop Intelligence). However, many regard this Feature as almost a scam. In the end, it simply spoils the pleasure of painstakingly balancing the Main Characteristics. If you raise the value of Primary Attributes with Traits "Thug"(Bruiser) "Small-yes-dared"(Small Frame) or "Gifted"(Gifted), then you can later distribute the received Allocation Points manually, since they can be considered additional, although technically they are not (this fact is confirmed by the fact that it is impossible to reduce the values ​​​​of already raised Skill parameters below a certain figure, however, in fact , this shouldn't be much of a problem).

Potentially useful, but not justified Features:

Ambal(Heavy Handed): Adds extra damage in hand-to-hand combat. This is useful in the early game, but becomes a real burden in case you plan to get it in the future. Improved Critical Damage Skill(Better Criticals) or Killer Skill(Slayer);

Damn(Jinxed): This Trait could be useful in a purely melee (and rather odd) game. Not the best choice, if you or your teammates use firearms, otherwise every fight will become a complete unpredictability (although in a battle with stronger opponents, the situation is likely to be more than funny - a good way to have fun);

Dushka(Good Natured): This Trait should only be chosen if you plan to develop only one combat Ability (eg Light Weapons), or, of course, if you intend to ignore them altogether. Otherwise, it is better to opt for something else.

Features to avoid:

Accelerated Metabolism(Fast Metabolism): Both effects brought by this Trait are extremely ineffective;

thug(Bruiser): Increases your character's Strength stat by 2 points. This, of course, is good. But don't forget that you also lose a certain number of Action Points, which would be equivalent to reducing your Agility by 4 points (absolutely unacceptable for melee fans);

Kamikaze(Kamikaze): Exchange natural damage resistance for 5 additional secondary stat points Procedure(Sequence) that only matters at the start of a fight? No thanks;

bloody mess(Bloody Mess): In fact, this Trait doesn't do anything useful, although it leads to funny fatal consequences (relative to your enemies, of course). However, in most cases, you will see these bloody animations anyway, and then they will at least look like a certain reward, and not like an annoying triviality (even at the end of the game, with the help of certain actions, you can get the result guaranteed by this Trait to players with good reputation);

owl man(Night Person): not the best choice, especially given the fact that not many people want to talk to you at night;

Experience(Skilled): With enough Intelligence, you'll still be swimming in Allocation Points. In addition, by a fatal coincidence, this Feature does not fulfill its function, that is, your character will not receive the promised additional 5 Distribution Points for each new level of development (to simulate this effect, you can add 2-3 ranks using any suitable character editor Education Skill/Educated). In short, a terrible Trait, avoid it like the plague (well, unless your character has an Intelligence score of 1);

junkie(Chem Reliant): Despite the description of this Trait, the average length of time your character will stay dependent on a particular drug will still not change. So why all this? Pills are of little use, and most players simply reboot when addicted;

Steady junkie(Chem Resistant): A good, but still useless choice for an addict (you just don't have to reload as often).

Light Weapons(Small Weapons): Primary Combat Skill that can be used until the end of the game;
Breaking into(Lockpick): There are a lot of locked containers in the game, and you will definitely want to know what is in them without too much noise. 70-80% development of this Skill may be quite enough if you have master keys. Of course, for greater convenience, you can achieve 100% of the indicator;

Maintaining a Dialogue(Speech): many consider this Skill almost central, since almost everyone wants their character to be liked by other game characters, and that the latter would not disdain to give tasks and generally do what you need from them. Mark the above Skills as Primary and don't be greedy to develop them to 100% in the early stages of the game (the only exception would be Light Weapon Proficiency in case you are going to get more use out of magazines Guns & Bullets) will pay off. It is possible that over time you will want to develop one of the combat Skills, say, up to 150%. If it is not Light Weapon Proficiency, it is recommended to choose from the following options:

Energy Weapon(Energy Weapons): the best combat skill in the end stages of the game;
hand to hand combat(Unarmed): This Skill is often given slightly higher priority for some players than the Wielding Skill. Cold Weapon(Melee Weapons) mostly because Power Fist(Power Fist) never knocks back enemies when attacking;

Steel arms(Melee Weapons): A skill that pairs well with Improved Blacksmith Hammer(Super Sledge). At the beginning of the game, it is somewhat ineffective.

Skills that are not worth much attention:

Heavy Weapon(Big Guns): This Skill is mostly used only in the late game, and besides, the weapons that fall under this Skill are not as powerful as you might think;

Throwing(Throwing): pebbles and grenades, unfortunately, do not play a big role in the world of Fallout 1;
First aid(First Aid): Considering that this Skill is originally developed above Skill The doctors(Doctor), you may need to use it in the early stages of the game. However, when you get to Khaba(Hub), you can raise this Skill to 91% by reading books. You probably won't need more;

Doctor(Doctor): Ineffective Skill. Broken limbs can be healed with a fairly low level of development of this Skill, while using first-aid kits, stimulants and the natural restoration of your character's health;

Sneak skill(Sneak): Not always applicable, and often fails in many situations where it would be useful. Of course, many players prefer to develop this Skill, because in some cases it allows you to stealthily kill people (but, nevertheless, it does not always work), or sneak up behind the enemy before fully using the Hand-to-Hand Combat Skill. Unfortunately, most distance-related scripts don't bother to check if you're sneaking or not. For example, this Skill is absolutely useless when trying to steal from the shelves Killiana(Killian);

Theft(Steal): in fact, for a successful passage, you will not have a deadly need to steal anything, even for the purpose of further sale. Sure, sometimes it's easier to rob opponents before attacking them, but you're better than that, aren't you? However, here are a couple of notes just in case:

1 . when you steal from someone's back or side, your character automatically gains a certain bonus (or at least less chance of being spotted), while Sneak doesn't play any significant role. As you know, the success of stealth theft is also affected by the size of the item (not the same as its weight), although if your character has the Skill Pickpocket(Pickpocket), this is no longer a problem. Regardless of the level of development of this Skill, you can always use it to see what is in the inventory of humanoid creatures. However, you will not be able to see the items that are in the creature's hands, as well as those that "arise" in the process of completing a particular task;

2 . if you manage to steal and/or toss an item two or more times in a row (without leaving the theft window), then your character will get more and more Experience Points for each attempt. It appears that the amount of Experience Points gained in this way is in no way limited by your character's level of Thievery Skill;

3 . in most cases, you won't be able to rip off store clerks because their merchandise is stored inside or on hidden containers. Mrs. Stapleton(Mrs Stapleton) is the only exception, although she doesn't usually keep books with her. Also, if you kill Beth(beth) Mitch(Mitch) or Jake(Jake) in Habe(Hub), then their product will appear on the bodies;

4 . with the help of the Theft Skill, people can throw different objects. This can be used for the purpose of speeding up the transfer / taking away things from your companions, as well as killing with wound explosives, etc.

Traps(Traps): There aren't too many traps in the game and they are unlikely to kill you. Of course, you can spend a couple of dozen Distribution Points on the development of this Skill in order to feel confident in your abilities, but, nevertheless, it is not recommended to spend a lot;

The science(Science): similar to the First Aid Skill, this Skill can be raised to 91% by reading books (as mentioned above, for this you need to get to the Hub);

Ability to Repair Items(Repair): similar to the previous Skill;
Trade(Barter): It is unlikely that you will need to trade with anyone so often. In addition, for successful trading (manifested in prices), Charisma is more important than this Skill;

Ability to Play Gambling(Gambling): no need to make a living gambling;
Traveler(Outdoorsman): Same with the First Aid Skill and other similar Skills. The number of Distribution Points that your character receives upon reaching the next level of development is limited to 99. You can accumulate more than 99 (for example, after obtaining a Skill that gives a one-time increase to a specific Skill), but only until the next level is reached. There is a possibility of lowering the difficulty level of the game in case you need to temporarily increase the development of non-combat Skills in order to perform a certain action. As a rule, you should not develop Skills above 100%. This only makes sense in the case of Encounter Skills (this way you can increase accuracy), and then only until you reach the point where you will always have 95% hit from any reasonable distance (of course, in case you practice art of aimed shots/strike, you will have to spend some more Distribution Points to develop the desired Skills). As for the Sneak and Steal Skills, even if the values ​​of the parameters of these Skills reach the maximum values, you will still be often caught, which should already lead to a certain thought (the chance of success is limited to 95% - after this mark, penalty modifiers begin to operate). By the way, practice shows that there is not much difference between the parameters of the development of the Theft Skill of 30% and 200%. However, please note that the development of any Skills with initially high values ​​of their values ​​will not require any additional Allocation Points.

Top 3 Skills:

Observation(Awareness): A very useful Skill. It is recommended to choose at the earliest opportunity;
Bonus in hand-to-hand combat(Bonus HtH Attacks): choice for melee lovers;
Fire Rate Bonus(Bonus Rate of Fire): This Skill works great in combination with a Trait "Rapid Fire"(fast shot). However, it works great in any scenario. If the development of the Main Characteristics necessary to obtain certain Skills does not correspond to the required level, you can use pills (if you take several doses at once, their effect will add up). However, this does not work with Skills that require, for example, a high Luck score. Oh, and do not forget to choose new Skills every third level of your character development, otherwise, when you get the next three, you will lose the opportunity to use this opportunity (a new list of offered Skills will appear).

Fidget(Action Boy - 3): This Skill is suitable for almost all characters. Whether or not to gain this Skill depends on your character's current Action Points, as well as what weapon you plan to use;

Improved Critical Damage(Better Criticals): yum yum;
Extra Move(Bonus Move - 3): This Skill is much more preferable for fans of hand-to-hand combat than Fidget Skill, as enemies are often knocked back by 2-8 hexagons(hexes), and you almost always have to spend all the “walk-only” points (even if you have gained several ranks of the Fidget Skill). In addition, you will be able to take the Extra Move Skill already at the sixth level of your character development, while the Fidget Skill becomes available only at the twelfth. In addition to all this, additional Action Points can be used when shooting to hide behind obstacles (The "Extra Move" skill is a bit buggy - if you save and load the game in combat, you can use already spent Action Points again, which allows you to go any distance in one turn, but on the other hand, if you spend all the “normal” Action Points, then the turn ends regardless of whether you have additional Action Points or not);

More Critical Damage(More Criticals - 3): 5% isn't that much, but still not bad;
Killer(Slayer): the dream of any fighter (unlike the Sniper Skill, this Skill does not check for your character's Luck parameter). However, most likely you just won't get this Skill during the game;

Sniper(Sniper): Sniper Skill. Surprised? The only problem is that if you get it, then only by the end of the game.

Useful but not required Skills:

Dodger(Dodger - 2): defense is always good;
Nimble Hands(Quick Pockets - 3): this Skill is similar to the limited Fidget Skill, although it is already available at the third level of your character development;

Prize to the Studio!(Tag!): When you use this Skill on a particular Skill, the level of development of this Skill is doubled, and another 20% is added to this figure (for example, your character's Heavy Weapons Skill is developed by 40% - after applying this Skill, Skill development level becomes 100%). The trick is that after using the Skill "Prize to the Studio!", the value of the Skill can be reduced to its original value (but not less than the base amount and taking into account an additional 20%), and the freed Allocation Points can be spent on some other Skill. By and large, this Skill gives you 20 Distribution Points + nth the number of points that is identical to the level of your most developed Skill (which is not one of the Main ones), and is much better than any other Skill that increases the level of development of any individual Skill, since such Skills allow you to redistribute the received Distribution Points only within that level , to which you have already raised your Skill (due to the Distribution Points received for the next level of development of your character, as well as due to read books and other bonuses). In short, with the Distribution Points gained through this Skill, one can develop the Energy Weapon Skill at the end of the game quite well;

steepness(Toughness - 3): defense is good, but spending precious points on Stamina is not, so you better accept buffout.

Skills, the usefulness of which is somewhat doubtful:

Extra Melee Damage(Bonus HtH Damage - 3): no matter how you twist it, it's still not enough damage. You will have to get all three ranks of this Skill to feel any significant difference. Also, note that this Skill only increases the maximum damage dealt to the enemy;

Extra Damage Ranged Weapons(Bonus Ranged Damage - 2): Weak for a bonus, unless you use minigun;

Researcher(Explorer): This Skill increases the chances of discovering special random encounters (may come in handy if your character's Luck is low, though unlikely);

Zinger(Lifegiver - 2): when your character reaches level 12 of his development, the number of Life Points will no longer play such an important role, besides, after that, most likely, he / she will not have time to gain so many levels (this Skill gives you get an additional 4 Hit Points for each new level of development of your character, plus another 4 just for choosing this Skill);

Pickpocket(Pickpocket): Seems like a good choice for thieves, but if you get caught, isn't it easier to reload?;

Silent Death(Silent Death): guess which Skill is better to choose at the eighteenth level - this or "Killer"(Slayer)? You really wouldn't develop the Sneak Skill at level 21 just to one Did the (first) of the attacks deal double damage? Although, in fact, with this Skill you can deal double damage to more than one enemy if you are lucky enough to position yourself behind two (or more) of them without leaving stealth mode (meaning using the Sneak skill);

Silent Running(Silent Running): Of course, it can be assumed that if you use the Sneak Skill often enough, this Skill will make this process much more convenient, but nevertheless, it is not worth it;

Eloquence(Smooth Talker - 3): Skill very similar in properties to Skill Intelligence Boosts(Gain Intelligence). Not a bad thing, but it would be more rational to initially spend money on developing your character's Intelligence parameter;

Strong Back(Strong Back - 3): hardly anyone can argue that the ability to carry a large number of items with you is bad, but, nevertheless, in circumstances where you need to choose between Skills, it is, especially if you have satellites;

Useless skills that are worth taking only if there is nothing more suitable(or if you really want):

Animal Friend(Animal Friend): next please;
Cult of personality(Cult of Personality), imposingness(Presence - 3): The potential of these Skills is negligible;

Fast reaction(Earlier Sequence - 3): not worth it;
Education(Educated - 3), Thief Professional(Master Thief) Doctor(Medic) Crazy hands(Mr. Fixit) Speaker(Speaker): All these Skills give you nothing but Distribution Points, which you don't need. Remember - you need Skills. As for the "Education" Skill, if you choose it at the 6th level of your character development and after that you get ten more levels, then in total you will be given a total of 20 additional Distribution Points;

Empathy(Empathy): At first glance, it may seem like a pretty good choice, but, in fact, the essence of this game is that you hardly have to tell people what they really want to hear too often;

Accelerated Recovery(Faster Healing - 3), Healer (Healer - 3): Recovery Speed(Healing Rate) has never played a big role;

Hippie(Flower Child): Should be convenient for addicts, but you're not an addict, are you?
treasure hunter(Fortune Finder) Merchant Professional(Master Trade): You will not have much need for money. The "Professional Merchant" Skill is not as useless as the "Treasure Hunt" Skill, but, nevertheless, this is still not a reason to choose it (the actual amount of discounts guaranteed by the "Professional Merchant" Skill varies, roughly speaking, within 15-30% - most likely this happens because trade modifiers act cumulatively, and not sequentially);

Friend/Enemy(Friendly Foe): Forget it;
Ghost(Ghost): This Skill is somewhat similar to Skills like "Education", "Professional Thief", "Doctor", "Crazy Hands" and "Speaker", but there is one big difference - you will not receive any additional Allocation Points. Generally;

Throw!(Heave Ho!): strictly for grenade fans, and passionate;
Mental Protection(Mental Block): There is no need for this Skill;
Mutation!(Mutate!): It's somewhat unwise to change Traits mid-game instead of choosing the right ones at the beginning (of course, it would be nice to swap the "Mark" and "Rate of Fire" skills at level twenty-one, after getting the Sharpshooter Skill, but , if you have reached this level of development of your character, then you obviously had nothing to do). Oh, and by the way, if during the generation of your character you chose only one Feature, then when using the "Mutation!" Skill, you will be forced to change it to a new one, that is, you will not be able to choose an additional Feature, keeping the old one (they say, what version 1.0 you can change the feature "Gifted"(Gifted) to something else, while retaining the additional points added by this Trait, which increased the parameters of the Main Characteristics);

Mysterious Stranger(Mysterious Stranger): Absolutely useless Skill;
cat vision(Night Vision - 3): The success of using this Skill depends on the lighting and the number of ranks of this Skill received by your character. Any hard damage penalty when using the Cat Vision Skill (with three ranks) increases the chance of hitting an enemy by 15-30% in absolute darkness. However, there are situations where the number of shocks doesn't really matter (although this Skill can help people with dim monitors after all). It is unlikely that you will have an urgent need to use this Skill very often. Better focus on developing one of the weapon Skills, or even choose a Skill "Accurate shooter"(Sharpshooter);

Pathfinder(Pathfinder - 2): time doesn't matter... well, maybe it does, but not to the same extent!;
Radiation Confrontation(Rad Resistance - 3), Serpent Eater(Snakeater): poison and radiation are quite rare, and when they do happen, you are unlikely to be saved by such a Skill;

Scout(Ranger - 3): random encounters won't cause you too much inconvenience;
Scout(Scout): meaningless;
Grabber(Scrounger): You won't need this;
Accurate shooter ( Sharpshooter - 2): not worth the trouble - better take care of developing one of your priority weapon Skills (especially considering the fact that this Skill is buggy and does not do what the manual says - instead of 2 extra points added to the value parameter Perception, it gives only 1);

Survival Master(Survivalist - 3): Oh! If your character becomes a happy owner all three grades of this Skill, then the probability that you will hit under the collapse during his travels in the Wasteland, in fact equals to zero and you won't lose precious 2 Hit Points! You just obliged choose this Skill!

Grasping on the Fly(Swift Learner - 3): This Skill will help your character gain new levels of development faster. What is the main purpose of getting levels? Getting Skills. So why choose Skills in order to get levels? But seriously, your character will still not be able to get a level of development above 21. At first glance, this Skill may indeed seem like a good solution, but since the amount of experience for each new level grows linearly, even if If you have all three ranks of the Flying Grasping Skill, you will get a very dubious advantage - a few extra Hit Points and a couple of free Distribution Points. In short… never, hear, never choose this Skill!

The Fallout 1 game does not have any particularly twisted backstory of the plot. Before us is a trivial post-apocalypse happened due to sharing of resources the mighty of this world, which, in turn, led to nuclear war.


As usual in this genre, a small part of humanity was able to avoid a terrible fate non-existence, hiding in underground bunkers, which later grew to entire cities and were called " Shelters» (Vaults). Humanity lived in the Vaults, did not grieve, but stopped thinking about what was happening on the surface.

And there, on the surface, a catastrophic level of radiation led to mutation those few who survived outside the Vaults. Such mutants have appeared that will put into a stupor and make the knees of even the most notorious hero tremble. And everything would be fine, they go there on the surface, eat themselves. However, it wasn't there. All this radioactive goo started to work searching for underground shelters. And it's not hard to guess what happened to underground cities people in the event of a mutant invasion. Moreover, if such an attack could be beaten off, then others would follow, which is not surprising. On a trodden path. In general, people whose Vaults were ravaged by mutants had to look for new home.


To the delight of the survivors of the attack of the mutated menagerie, radiation level on the ground decreased to acceptable, of course, not everywhere, but most of the planet's surface still became habitable. Like mushrooms after the rain began to appear on it small villages whose residents tried their best revive civilization long destroyed by nuclear war.

However, the vast majority of the world's population continued to live in vaults. And here it would not be fair to mention the complete dependence of the inhabitants of underground cities on machines who were responsible for supplying the population electricity and water. These machines, like all things, were subject to the influence of the river of time, to put it simply, they broke down or failed. As a result, for their repair it was necessary spare parts, which, of course, no one supplied to the Vaults.

Main character

So in Vault 13, the machine that controls the water purification failed. It turned out to be impossible to fix it on our own, and the inhabitants of this underground city were faced with a choice: to send the hero alone look for a chip to repair the water treatment machine, or all die together. You probably already guessed who you will have to play as in Fallout 1. Yes, yes, for that daredevil who volunteered get to the surface land and find the chip.

Fallout 1 review - controls and interface

To call up the hint menu regarding game controls press the "F1" key.


  • Main menu invoked with the standard Esc key. Here, in addition to the usual options: "Download", "Save" and "Exit", there is a settings menu.
  • Quest difficulty. The higher this parameter, the more difficult it is for you to negotiate with the NPC, recruit a companion, etc.
  • Combat difficulty. This parameter is responsible for the amount of health of opponents and the damage they deal. At a high level of difficulty, even a fight with a trivial rat can end in a fatal outcome for the main character. It is noteworthy that the points awarded for farming monsters, you get the same amount at any level of difficulty.
  • Level of Violence. This setting is responsible for the abundance of blood in battles. Accordingly, the higher the level, the more blood you will see. At the maximum level of this parameter, enemies are torn apart on a successful hit.
  • Target illumination. If you enable this option, then the targets in your focus will be highlighted in red. It is also worth noting that there is the possibility of either a constantly on backlight, or its activation only during the battle.
  • Combat Log. This setting item allows you to include a more detailed description of your actions in battle.
  • Replies during combat. Here, I think, everything is clear without explanation. If this option is activated, you will hear certain remarks in battle.
  • Language filter. Fixes bugs with NPC voice acting.
  • Running mode. Allows you to enable the constant running of the Main character. If the option is disabled, then the hero will only run with the "Shift" key pressed. It is worth remembering that by enabling this option, you deprive yourself of the ability to covertly move, since it only works when the character is walking.
  • Subtitles during videos. Turns subtitles on and off during in-game video cutscenes.
  • Illumination of objects. If you enable this option, then when you hover over items, they will be highlighted in yellow. Very useful when going through dungeons and other dark places.
  • The speed of the battle. Allows you to adjust the speed of the battles.
  • Message change rate. Adjusts the frequency of dialogue changes when talking to NPCs.
  • Setting special effects and music.
  • Brightness Images.
  • Mouse sensitivity.

game screen

All major game screen interfaces located at the bottom of the monitor. Here you will find the weapon you have equipped, inventory entry buttons and the main menu, a window with text messages, the amount of health and armor class, the button to call the hero's state (skills), the game log. The rest of the monitor is occupied by the game screen, where, in fact, you can see game process Fallout 1.

Combat system

To activate combat mode click on the weapon icon at the bottom of the screen, or press the "A" key. In this case, you should open the battle mode window. Next, you need to put mouse cursor(crosshair) on the enemy. Along with this, a percentage precision value shot, which, by the way, depends on many factors, such as the ability to handle weapons, lighting and distance to the enemy.

  • If you shoot queue or single shots, the fire will follow immediately.
  • If you are using aimed shooting, then the opponent's screen will appear, with arrows depicted on it, pointing to certain parts of the body. Next to each arrow will be the percentage value of the hit. To shoot at the desired part of the body, click on the corresponding arrow.

When aiming, it is necessary to take into account what to get in this mode where more difficult, however, such hits will be rewarded in full. So, critical damage on the target can only be applied in the aimed shooting mode.

Critical hits on body parts cause various effects. For example, a hit in the eyes blinds the enemy and enters into a state of horror, but if you get in the groin, the enemy will fall to the ground and miss the turn.

Speaking about the combat system, we must also mention AP - units of action. How many shots you can make at the enemy depends on their number. When AP runs out, it's your opponent's turn. To exit the battle mode, you must click "Cancel" in the window of targeted shooting.

Game mechanics

The game mechanics of Fallout 1 is inherently close to StarControl II and Might&Magic. What are the similarities with StarControl II in general a large number of.

Fallout 1 has three main quests, the passage of which is required to complete the story. As for secondary tasks, they are also available. Completing them will allow the hero to acquire good weapon, raise some parameters, which in the end will simplify the passage as a whole.

In what order to complete the quests player decides. Strictly speaking: " Go where you want" and " Do what you see fit". Perhaps the hallmark of Fallout 1 is the limited amount of time allotted to find the chip, which is necessary to repair the water purification system in Vault 13. To be precise, the player is given 150 days, and during the game you can add another 100. In general, the allotted time is more than enough.

Once the main character find the chip, you can continue the game already in a relaxed state, exploring the world of Fallout 1. However, if your game has a version below 1.1, then the player needs to complete the remaining two main quests in 500 days. Otherwise, the earth will be completely captured by mutants.

World and quests

Fallout 1 action unfolds in the USA, on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean, Los Angeles. By the way, after the nuclear war, only ruins remained from Los Angeles itself, called the "Burial Ground".

Throughout the Pacific coast in Fallout 1 is desert, with occasional settlements on it, in which the hero can trade with NPCs. It is worth noting that all settlements on the map are marked green markers in the form of circles.

Wandering through the desert, the player will stumble upon random events generated by AI. Such events are meetings with bandits, mutants and other wanderers of the Fallout 1 world.

To get one or the other tasks, the hero needs to talk to the NPC. The title appears in the journal. locality, in which the task was taken, and the dialogue itself. After completing the quest, the requirements for it, indicated in the journal, crossed out; also changes protagonist karma.

Fallout 1 satellite overview

In Fallout 1 you can acquire satellites, which will assist the Main character in battles. These NPCs can use different ammo for their respective weapon and Stimpaks when health is over 50%. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly look after their equipment and resupply satellites if necessary.

Among other things, satellites can act as spare inventory for the protagonist. To transfer an item to a companion, you must use the option " Barter". In order to pick up an item, you need to use the skill " Theft» (Steal). However, its level is absolutely not important.

To recruit satellites, you need to start with him dialog and offer to join the main character. In this case, the protagonist's skills such as " Talk" (Speech) and " Charisma» (Charisma).

List of satellites

  • Tandi Daughter of Chief Shady Sands. You can get this companion by the quest of the leader Shady Sands.
  • Jan- an excellent shooter with pistols, submachine guns, and besides this, he is good at fisticuffs and knives. You can find him in the village of Shady Sands.
  • Dog(Dogmeat) - an ordinary dog, weakly helping in battle. Located in Junktown.
  • Katia- Intermediate fighter. Located in a building in the eastern part of the Burial Ground. Katya can use all kinds of knives, including throwing ones. The best weapon for her will be an energy knife (Ripper).
  • Tycho- Desert Ranger. Located in Junktown. Tycho is one of the best companions, as he is simply excellent with firearms and a spear. The best weapon for Tich is a sniper rifle.


Fallout 1 is a great RPG game that draws you into your post-apocalyptic the world of any fan of the genre of role-playing games. If it is important for you to fill the game universe, and the graphics are in the background, (nevertheless, for our time it is not so hot at all), then it is necessary try to play to this Black Isle Studios creation.

Made after Fallout 3. Not everyone has played Interplay's Fallout 1 and Fallout 2, which are now the old-school role-playing games that started the franchise in the late nineties.

If Fallout is something new to you, and if when you hear the word "Wasteland" you don't think of post-nuclear California, then you're in the right place! Welcome to the Fallout Universe Beginner's Guide.


Who can argue with Ron Perlman, who utters a timeless phrase for every Fallout game: “War. War never changes"?

Here are some facts about the world of Fallout: it is similar to ours, but still different. So imagine the world after World War II. Then, imagine that this world is different in that the science fiction of 1950s America became reality, but the culture of that time still remained the same. So, think of a retro future filled with fusion-fuelled cars and robots to help around the house.

Then, in October 2077, the Great War began and ended when nuclear weapons were launched by all the peoples of the Fallout world who had them (mainly from China, the USA and the USSR). We don't know who was first. But the world was destroyed. Desperate, people fled to Fallout shelters, the so-called shelters. The protagonist of Fallout 4 and his or her family were evacuated to Vault 111, located near Sanctuary Hills in Massachusetts.

Hundreds of years later, Fallout begins. Most often, we play for the one who leaves his shelter for the first time, is forced to enter the expanses of the Wasteland with the sole purpose of surviving. You find yourself in a huge open world. Where should you go? What to do? The choice is yours.

The Fallout games take us to tons of places across America, including California, the ruins of Washington DC, Las Vegas, then called New Vegas, and Boston in Fallout 4. Each of the wastelands has been devastated by nuclear war to varying degrees. The Capital Wasteland in Fallout 3, for example, is little more than a ruin. However, Fallout 4 looks like it managed to avoid the worst. But any Wasteland in the Fallout world is a dangerous place filled with radiation-fueled cockroaches, bloodthirsty super mutants, and feral ghouls filled with determination to ruin your day. But don't worry, you will love it.

Although the Fallout games are set in the same world and are connected to each other by common themes, story tropes, mechanics, and features, they offer standalone stories. For example, the events in Fallout 3 take place 40 years after the events of Fallout 2, which in turn happened 80 years after the plot of Fallout 1. As for Fallout 4, the plot begins in 2287, 210 years after the bombing. Fallout veterans will often notice references to previous games and characters, but newcomers can relax as they didn't have to have played other Fallout games to play this one.

For some, Fallout is a hideout. In these bomb shelters, some people took refuge when they were hit by nuclear weapons. The catch is that the Vault-Tec Corporation - the company that designed and built the bomb shelters - used them to conduct immoral social experiments.

Some of the most memorable moments in Fallout involve vaults, opening their healthy doors, and exploring what's inside. For example, Fallout 3's Vault 112, with its virtual reality pods that imprisoned the inhabitants in a Matrix-style utopia, was amazing and exhilarating. And the horror story of the loss of life and mass suicide in Vault 11 is chilling. And who can forget about Vault 108 filled with Gary clones?

A menu system that you wear on your wrist and a time-freezing combat mode

The key to the survival of a wanderer in the Wasteland is the Pip-Boy (Professional Information Processor). You wear your Pip-Boy on your arm for easy access to your character information, maps and stats. In the game, your Pip-Boy is a cool retro futuristic inventory system that shows you perks () and character stats in the SPECIAL system, which stands for: Strength (Strength), Perception (Perception), Endurance (Stamina), Charisma (Charisma) , Intellect (Intelligence), Agility (Dexterity) and Luck (Luck) ().

Brilliant, your Pip-Boy is also a portable radio. It has several in-game stations where you can listen to this and that, as well as songs. It's typical for Fallout to listen to 1940s hits by The Ink Spots while decapitating a Deathclaw (Fallout 4 music can be heard on our VK album).

You might have seen the image of the sassy kid with blonde hair, wearing blue asylum overalls, with a big smile and a thumbs up. This is Vault Boy. Say hi! In Fallout 4, he will illustrate your character's perks with cool animations.

The Fallout series came to life with a turn-based combat system using action points. Bethesda used it as inspiration in Fallout 3 for V.A.T.S., Vault-Tec's automated targeting system.

Using V.A.T.S., you can queue up your actions based on the number of available action points, and then sit back and enjoy playing those actions in all their bloody glory. In Fallout 4, the V.A.T.S. does not stop time, but only significantly slows it down. So you need to control yourself, as you have time to think about how to get out of a difficult situation.

Enemies Everywhere: The Brotherhood of Steel, Raiders, Ghouls, and Super Mutants

Oh yes, super mutants. You'll want to try out V.A.T.S. on super mutants.

Super Mutants are mutated humans, the result of the dreaded Artificial Evolution Virus, or FEV. They are huge, strong and very, very angry with green or yellowish skin. They are immune to disease and radiation, enjoy rapid regeneration, and live for centuries. This helps them thrive in the Wasteland. In short, they are a problem. Primarily.

Ghouls are worse than them. Like the super mutants, they too were once human, but now they are rotting humans. That's what happens when you're in the Wasteland for too long under the sun. Radiation is serious business.

Unlike super mutants—well, most super mutants—ghouls love to socialize. Okay, some ghouls like to socialize (mostly non-feral ones). As a rule, they are downtrodden and discriminated against, and live under the heel of those who are more fortunate. They are simply misunderstood. So when you encounter ghouls, before you shoot that rotting face, ask yourself, "Is this really necessary?"

Yes, it may be necessary.

The Brotherhood have become responsible for some of the most iconic images in Fallout. Almost religious, obsessed with technology, they are the military type of patrol of the Wasteland, wearing intimidating power armor (which, by the way, is usually the best mechanism in the area), firing lasers and flying vertibirds. They hate mutants, as well as boors. Stay away from them, or join their ranks. Either way, make sure you steal the power armor suit for yourself.

In the world of Fallout, raiders are everywhere. In fact, they might be right around the corner right now. Look at both.

In general, raiders are aggressive by default, and will try to finish you off on the spot. They look like extras from Mad Max, screaming and yelling until they foam at the mouth. Raider camps filled the Wasteland. They can be dangerous places to avoid, although if you're feeling brave they can turn into opportunities. The corpses of the raiders can be looted, their hiding places can be cracked, and you can sleep in their beds. Perhaps it's better not to sleep in their beds for too long. They probably won't like it.

Many Fallout quests involve raiders. You can chat with someone in the city, someone who will ask for help with the "raider problem", someone who will offer a reward for your efforts. Get to work, demand a reward, then walk off into the sunset like a hot pepper, your soul will perk up with a good deed.

Or... kill everyone in the city, loot their corpses and go into the sunset like an asshole, your inventory will be full of spoils of war. Such is life in the world of Fallout.

Talking is your way to get away from problems

Many people like to play Fallout games as a charismatic bastard for whom talking is a way to get out of even the most sticky situation. What? Did I kill your mother? Don't worry about it, mate. It happens sometimes. What? Do you want to blow up the city? Don't worry about it, dude. Is there any harm in letting everyone stay alive?

It's all about the Charisma skill, one of the seven main stats in the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system, it makes available dialogue options that you won't see before. In Fallout 3, the Charisma skill makes persuasion easier. Persuasion is offered by the game when you try to get around certain situations using your skills in blathering. If you fail the persuasion, you can use another line of dialogue.

Fallout has a perk system. There are some very interesting ones, for example, the Bloodbath perk, which is in Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas and will be in Fallout 4. It increases the damage of the enemy, but the most ingenious thing is that it also makes enemies explode, turning everything around - what do you think into what? — in a bloodbath, of course.

Here is such a world of Fallout: terrifying, depressing and often amusing. It makes you laugh at the ridiculous, smile when you die from radiation, and smirk when you consider blowing up the city or not. You're listening to The Ink Spots' "Don't Want to Set the World on Fire" while you're playing a game in a world that's been set on fire.

Fallout 3 has been criticized for lacking some of the humor found in Fallout 1 and Fallout 2, published by Interplay. Obsidian brought it back in Fallout: New Vegas. It will be interesting to see what Bethesda brings us to Fallout 4.

Mini-games, Nuka Cola and Caps

In the wasteland, you'll come across a bunch of computers that want to be hacked and tons of doors that need to be opened. And here mini-games for hacking computers and locks come into play.

In Fallout 3 and New Vegas, hacking computers requires the correct password to be entered. You are presented with a list from which you can choose. Make a choice and you will find out how many letters match that password and correct your answer. You will only have four attempts!

Lockpicking mini-games use a screwdriver and hairpins to open a door, an ammo box, or a safe. Push too hard and your hair clip will break. Be careful! Hairpins don't grow on trees.

The most popular drink in Fallout, the Nuka Cola is both refreshing and unhealthy at the same time. Each game has offered this fizzy drink, which for some reason is often warm, irradiated and discolored. Om-Nom-nom!

In Bethesda's Fallout 3, a bottle of Nuka Cola gives you three points of radiation and 10 health points. As you can see, there are both pros and cons. It restores your health, but infects you with radiation. If you drink too much, you will get sick. You will be in full health, but you will be sick. Very sick!

Bethesda's Fallout games have something called "Quantum Nuka-Cola" that has twice the calories and double the taste. There is, however, a side effect: the company behind them added a radioactive isotope that caused people to pee in glowing urine. Wonderful!

Speaking of Nuka Cola, when you drink a bottle, you get one cap, which is the currency in the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout. Pounds will not be accepted anywhere on the wasteland. A dollar is just a piece of paper that was once printed. Everyone is looking for covers. You use them to purchase weapons, armor, health packs, and other items from merchants in the wasteland who have something to sell. So look for lids. You never know when they might be able to save your life.

I like 17

Detailed walkthrough Fallout 1


2077 year. The third world war between Red China and the United States wiped out all life from the face of the Earth in less than two hours. The few survivors who hid in shelters built by Vault Tech survived. Among them was your family. A total of 122 shelters were built across the states. Your family was hidden in shelter number 13. Under the reliable steel locks of the shelter, the townsfolk slept, not knowing that power was changing on earth, and not only...
One fine day, the water filter broke down in the shelter. And this trifle decided the course of the entire subsequent history of the Earth. You have the honor to go in search of a new filter. Where no one has ever returned...


Your journey begins with a cave in which your shelter was hidden. You should not try to kill all the rats, especially if you are playing on a difficult level. Search the body next to the exit and take away the ammunition, you will need it. Make your way to the exit, where you will see sunlight for the first time in your life. Go to the brown field - this is the exit to the World map. Do not rush to go to 15 asylum. Walk forward a little and return to the 13th shelter.

Vault 13

Next, you will be offered a choice of a map, and which floor you will go to - choose the third one right away. Remove the weapon from your hands, if you have one, and head straight to the room where the guard is standing. Approach the person sitting high in the chair and start a dialogue with him. This is Overseer, the vault caretaker. You can ask him for more ammunition and supplies. Next, approach the guard near the locked door and start a dialogue with him. If your conversation skill is high and good charisma, then with the right dialogue, he will open a locked door for you. So, for example, if your character is a girl, then the guard will be a man, and vice versa. The dialogue should be structured like this: first ask why these doors are locked, then be surprised that access is so limited and injustice, then say that you need a weapon since you are leaving the shelter. If you have developed a conversation skill, then the guard himself will open the doors for you and you can become the owner of a sawn-off shotgun and a second pistol. Collect as many weapons as possible and go on the same floor to the second room, which contains flasks of water and much more. You can then sell them. Ignore the water guard, take everything. Next, go to the library on the same floor on the left, and use the science skill on the computers. With a high skill, you will learn a lot of useful information and gain experience points. Next, go down to the first floor to the medic and heal your wounds after fighting the rats. Maybe he will give you a steampack. Next, search the boxes built into the wall, in which you will find flashes and many more useful things. Don't forget about the box at the very exit of the shelter, to your right, built into the wall. That's it, there's nothing more to do in the shelter. You can still return to the doctor on the first floor, who will treat you for free at any time of the day.

Shady Sands

On the way to Vault 15, you will come across the small village of Shady Sands. Two people will meet you at the entrance: Seth and Katrina. They will ask you to put away your weapons. Talk to Katrina, find out the history of Vault 15 and ask her about bartering, this will help you increase this skill if it is low and gain experience points. Next, go to the house on the left and take the wanderer's book and the rope. Next, go to the house opposite, in which you will meet a long-haired man in a leather jacket - this is Jan. Talk to him once, then end the dialogue and start again. Try to get him to join. He will do it for a hundred caps, however, if you have a developed conversation skill and high charisma, Jan will do it for free. In the same house, search the bookshelf behind Jan for 100 ammo for a hunting rifle and 20 for a blowgun. Go down to the lowest house in this location, where you will meet Aradesh - the leader of Shady Sands. Talk to the cook and say that you like her stirrups. This will increase your karma by 1. In the lowest room in Aradesh's house, on a bookshelf, you will find a lot of useful things. Talk to Aradesh, who will offer you to destroy Rad Scorpions and save the village. Agree to do this, and boldly head to Seth - the guard with a gun that met you at the entrance. I don't recommend doing this quest without Yang. Next, agree to follow Seth, who, however, will not go with you. You will enter the Cave of Rad Scorpions. Just kill them all and take a bunch of ammunition from their cave, the one that lies on the ground, you will need it. Then return to Aradesh, who will thank you. Don't forget to grab the Rad Scorpion's tail for Razlo, the local healer, whose house is right across from Aradesh's house, in the lower left corner of the location. Speak with Razlo, who needs a piece of Rad Scorpion to create an antidote. Next, use the antidote on the sick person in the back of Razlo's house. This will increase your reputation and give you experience points. Now go to the green field in the upper left corner of the location and you will go to the brahmin fields. There you will meet a farmer. In a conversation with him, you can point out how to properly irrigate the land, and thereby contribute to the development of agriculture in Shady Sands, receiving 500 experience points for this. Further, at the same location, go to the largest house and take the rope, which will be useful for you to travel through the 15th shelter. You will find the second rope in a small house, in the lower right corner of the location, it will lie on the floor along with a hammer. Now you can safely go to vault 15...

Vault 15

When approaching the location, you will see a small house and there may be a radscorpion near it. After killing him, go down into the cave with rats. Making your way through their ranks, you will reach the elevator, which will be destroyed, then use the rope from Shady Sands, right on the elevator shaft. Then go down, destroying the rats on your way, and search all the drawers and shelves, there you will find a leather jacket - your first armor. Move to the next shaft and use the second rope on it. Get down to the bottom and here you will find a fight with pigrats. Kill all the rats and pick up ammunition from the ground. When approaching the place where there should be a passage, similar to the passage in the 13th shelter to the place where the coordinator is located, you will see a pile of stones and human bones. They will write to you that there is no filter here and the passage is littered. This will give experience points.
There is nothing more to do in this shelter, return to the surface. Quite disappointed, talk to Jan and ask which way is better to go to the Hub and Junktown. After this conversation, two new locations will appear on your world map.


At the entrance to the city you will be met by a guard who will tell you to remove the weapon from your hands. So do it, even at night he may not let you into the city, then just wait until the morning. When entering, make sure that you do not have weapons in your hands. Go to the white building on the left, to Dr. Mordbid's clinic. Get down into the hatch, right behind it, there you will meet a small dwarf. Talk to him sharply and rudely, and he will tell you about Mordbid's connection with a certain Iguana Bob, who trades iguanas in the Hub, using components supplied by the dock in the form of parts of human meat. I do not advise you to be treated by this doctor, because if you do not have ten caps to pay him, his guards will attack you.
Next, go to the next location to the house, which is guarded by two guards. This is the local city hall. As soon as you finish the conversation with Mer Killian, a black man with a rifle will run in the door, with greetings from Gizmo, the owner of the casino and the local head of the bandits, and will start firing at the measure. If you help Killian's guards deal with him, then Killian will offer you to get evidence of Gizmo's involvement in the crime. Take a tape recorder and a bug in your hands and head to the casino. Talk to Gizmo. The dialogue should be such that they say, your killer did not cope with the task and entrust it to me. To Gizmo's question, why would he trust you - say that you are not local and Gizmo just needs such a person. Further, he will tell everything himself and offer to kill Killyan himself. And here you have a choice, either kill Killian and turn the entire Dunktown police against you, or return to Killian with proof - Gizmo's confession. You can, of course, kill Killian more sophisticated, with the help of the theft skill (throw a cocked dynamite into Killian's inventory), and then the guards will not understand anything. If you decide to help Killian, then go to Lars at the guard station, immediately after talking with him. It is located at the entrance to Junktown. Next, there is a showdown with Gizmo and his guard. After the victory, return to the casino and remove the unique pistol from Gizmo's corpse. On the right you have to break open the door, and on the shelf you will find a book about weapons by reading which you will increase your skill in small guns. As a reward from Killian, do not take the leather armor, as you can remove it for free from the corpse in the Skunk bar.
Passing by, you will probably notice people who will ask you to get rid of the dog that does not let them into the house. If you are wearing a leather jacket, then the dog, Dogmit, will follow you, believing that you are its owner.
After dismantling with Gizmo, go to the bar opposite, which is open in the evening, talk to the owner and watch him shoot one of the members of the local Skylls gang. Remove the leather armor from his corpse.
Next, talk to the singer, throw five coins into his hat and ask about the cities in the area. Several more locations will appear on your world map.
Have a drink with a local Taiko regular who has a lot to say. After completing the quest with Gizmo, he will join you. By the way, the most powerful companion in the entire game. Just tell him that Killian asked you to clean up the city and Taiko will be on your team.
Lars will ask you to deal with the Schoolz gang. This can be done in two ways: steal the urn from the owner of the Bar. The urn is on the shelf. Then they will return to the Schools and express their desire to join their gang. When asked if you are cool, just show the urn and when asked to destroy the bar, say that you have business, but you will return later. Next, run to the guard station and talk to Lars, who will set up a trap and destroy the Skulz with your help.
Or talk to the girl at the entrance to the gang lair, tell her that she deserves more. After a few days, return and offer her to hand over the entire gang.
Rent a room at the hotel for the night. In the morning, the hostess will come running and ask you to save the local prostitute Cynthia. If you refuse, she will die. If you agree, then try to persuade the crazy raider to let her go, if it doesn't work out, just kill him. For this, Cynthia will serve you for free. And you will also receive gratitude from the hostess.
If you return the urn to the bartender, then all the drinks in the bar will be at the expense of the institution. Collect as many things as possible and head to the Hub.

The largest city in the game. Here you can do everything from the work of a karavanshik in three different companies, ending with work for bandits. First, talk to people in the houses in the first location - acquaintance helps to reduce prices in stores, and you will also get to know the atmosphere of the city itself better. Go south to the second map, at the very bottom you will meet Iguana Bob, whom you will threaten that you know about his affairs with Dr. Morbid from Junktown, and make him pay tribute to you every five days. In doing so, you will gain experience points, but karma will decrease.
Go south to another lower location. Talk to the man in metal armor and get local news. At the very bottom of the location, there are water merchants who can extend the filter search period by one hundred days. To do this, you need to agree with them on the supply of water to the shelter. The maximum price is 2000, but you can also negotiate for 500 or 1000 caps.
Talk to Butch from the Fargo Company, who will give you a quest to find the missing caravans. The key to the puzzle is in the Old City - one of the outskirts of the Hub, the entrance to which is to the right of the Fargo Company. Go to the old town, go downstairs, where crazy Woody walks. Talk to Harold - a dead man in a small house, who will tell you that Woody knows about the location of the mysterious cave. Next, persuade Woody to show you her. In the cave you will find a half-dead mutant and a deathclaw that you have to kill. Therefore, complete this quest after you develop your character. After killing the deathclaw and talking to the mutant, search his corpse. You will find out who attacked the Fargo caravans. By the way, by taking this quest, you get a 15% discount at Beth's weapon shop
The thieves' guild is located in the old town. Few people know about their existence. In the third house from the entrance to the location, there is a secret underground passage. Bypassing all the traps, you will get to Locksley - the Head of the Guild (and get 900 experience points). Along the way, you will need to open locked doors many times and bypass traps, so I advise you to buy master keys in the nearest store. Locksley will give you a task to steal a necklace from a merchant. Next, take the master keys from Jasmine and head to the institution of a certain Lorenzo, called the FLC, which is located opposite the Maltese Falcon bar. Talk to Lorenzo and ask about who the Dekker is. Next, go to the Maltese Falcon and talk to Kane, who will take you to Dekker. Dekker will give you a task to kill the merchant, the same one from whom you need to steal the necklace for Locksley. These two quests can be completed in parallel. But what is most remarkable, Dekker will give you an advance of several hundred caps. Don't forget to pick it up from Kane when you leave.
The merchant lives in the west. The entrance to the location is at the bottom left of the map. Go to the door and try to open it, then the guard will yell at you, say that you are late for a meeting with Mr. Hightower, he is the merchant. Further, you will be met by another guard - Leon, to whom you will also tell that you have come to talk with the owner. If you do not want to kill Hightower, then just sneak to the door on the right, open the lock on the safe and disable the trap - the necklace is yours. Locksley doesn't need you to kill the merchant, but this is Dekker's quest.
You can snitch on Dekker to the local sheriff and help arrest him, or you can complete Dekker's second quest - kill Jane, who is with the children of the cathedral in the hospital, not far from the water merchants. But karma is taken away for this, but Dekker compensates for this with money.
The merchant must be robbed or killed the first time, otherwise he and his guards will run away from the city forever.
Not far from Iguana Bob, a man is standing in an old house to the north. He will complain that the raiders killed his donkey and kicked him out of the house. If you agree to help him kill all the raiders, then he will give you a unique weapon in the game - a powerful homemade shotgun. Raiders are not difficult to kill, especially with assistants, even in his house you can take metal armor and a bunch of clothes, but remember, you get to the location of his house only once in the whole game. Things can be left in the Hub - no one will take them. And from the corpses of the raiders, you can collect a bunch of weapons for yourself and for sale.
In the old city, you can buy a lot of chemicals in the very last house at the top of the location. Just press barter while talking. Also, if you search the arms dealer's house in the old town, you can find a machine gun.
You need to talk to the merchants and find out the location of the Necropolis. It is located four cells on the world map to the right, and one up.


There are several quests waiting for you in the Necropolis, a lot of easily accessible weapons and a filter for 13 shelters. At the entrance you will be met by ghouls - these are people who suffered from radioactive exposure, from a shelter that was under the city, but its doors did not close. Go to the sewer hatch, move the cover and go down. Further, follow only forward, to the north. The fact is that the city is divided from above by barricades of garbage and through the top you will not be able to get to the other side of the Necropolis. Having descended into the sewage treatment plant, go forward, then to the left, then forward again until you reach another location. There you will be met by a ghost, shouting "do not shoot." Talk to him and find out about the problem of water supply in the Necropolis. Get the quest to repair the filter.
Then go to the right and again up to the north. There, after exiting to another location, climb the stairs up and find a disguised door in the wall. After disarming the trap and opening the door, you will find yourself in front of the head of the ghouls - Seth. He will give you a task - to destroy the mutants in the watershed. Go back down the same way and continue your way north without turning anywhere until the last stairs leading up (you can turn right to a dead end there you will see mole rats, killing them, among the corpses of ghosts you will find a plasma gun). Climb up and go past the ghosts, but they might attack. You will see Lemmy - a super mutant and next to him a hatch leading down. Climb down and head right to where the mole rats are. After interrupting them, pick up the garbage - these are parts for repairing the water pump. Next, return to Lemmy and now go to a small house in the north, where the main super mutant, Harry, stands. You can trick him and walk past him, convincing him that you are a biorobot. Can be killed to complete Set's quest. You can go with him to a military base, from which it will be difficult for an unpumped player to get out. There are three more super mutants, but only one with a flamethrower is dangerous. Next, go to the water pump and apply garbage on it - parts. And you will complete the quest to fix the pump in the Necropolis. Next, go to the chamber doors and free the ghost, he will tell you about where the water comes from. Go through the door to the left of the camera and go downstairs. There you will be met by two ghouls - shoot without hesitation. Go forward to the elevator and go to the third floor. This is a shelter under Vault 12 Necropolis. Now you just have to go to a working computer, pick up the filter and go back to Vault 13...but the evil glowing ghouls will not let you get out of this shelter under Necropolis so easily...

Part 2

Upon returning to the shelter, Overseer will tell you that you saved everyone, however, after reading the report, he will send you to destroy the master of the mutants - the Master and the base on which they are generated. These will be the two main quests, upon completion of which the game will end. Now there will be no time limit (as in the case of the 150-day filter), if you have version 1.0, then the limit will still be 500 days for all quests, and these 500 days include those 150 that went to search for the filter. You just need to put a patch to fix it. Don't try to find the water thief separately, as this quest is incomplete, but after you give the filter to Overseer, it will automatically complete. So, first you need to find the Master. You leave the shelter again...


Upon returning to Shady Sands, Aradesh will tell you that his daughter, Tandi, was stolen by the Khans (raiders living nearby). Go to their base. Tandi can be freed in many ways: Fight the leader one on one, just buy her back for money or kill all the raiders. After that, return to Shady Sands with Tandi. By the way, the number of experience points for this quest depends on which of the three options you choose.

Brotherhood of Steel

You can learn about the location of this location from many people, for example, from a singer from Junktown. At the entrance, you will be met by two well-armed people and will be given the task of joining - to get the Brotherhood ribbon from the Glow. After completing this task, go back and talk to Kebbot. He will let you in and you will become a candidate. On the first floor, go to the training room (what is located, the sister who stands right at the entrance will explain to you) and watch the training of fighters in combat armor to increase your skill in rykopochny combat. Talk to the general, who is standing right there in motorized armor, and ask him to give you ammunition. Next, go to Mike, who will give you Brotherhood combat armor and ammo. To get motorized armor, go down to the third floor and go to the workshop. There you will find a broken motorcycle armor. Talk to the person standing next to her and agree that you will get the missing part. Return to Mike on the first floor and try to deceive him. Say that you were sent for the Systolic motivator, and to his question about permission, answer that you have it, but because of bureaucrats and technology, it did not come to Mike's computer. You need to choose the longest phrase. If Mike does not give you the part, you can steal it from General Rhombus, from his locker on the first floor.
With the detail, return to Mike, who will give you a book on mechanics, and use the "repair" skill to repair the armor. Books can also be purchased at the Hub.
Go to the first floor to the training room and find out about the missing candidate in the Hub. You will find the candidate in the old city in the nearest house, below, under the protection of militants, whom you should kill. The police will not interfere. Perebeyte fighters and break open the door, freeing the candidate. Return to the Brotherhood for your reward. There you will be given a choice of several things. If you complete this quest before joining the Brotherhood, then motorized armor will disappear from the list of items offered to you to choose from.
Go to the library and talk to the librarian, sympathize with the fact that now everything is on disks and agree with him that books are better - and he will give you some books. You can take the mutant experiment disk from Vree, she will also give you anti-radiation pills when you ask how best to protect yourself from radiation. Ask to be taught how to use a computer, and your science skill will increase remarkably quickly.
Go to a doctor who, for money, will increase all your basic skills (except luck) by performing an operation on you.
On the fourth floor, you will find General Maxson, who will give you a quest to scout the area northwest of the Brotherhood bunker. Accept this quest and ask the assistant for a weapon to complete it. You should just go to the very top left corner on the world map and find the military base. Its destruction is one of the main quests of the game. The main thing is to try to get less on patrols of super mutants, as they are very well armed. Get to the military base and return to General Maxon. Tell him about the danger of the attack. Then you should convince the elders of the reality of this threat and they will send a small detachment of three paladins under your command in order to destroy this base. But do not rush to immediately attack the base, as you are still weak.


Before the hike, make sure you have one rope and three pills of antirad in your inventory, it is also desirable to have a radaway. Approach the location on the world map, but do not enter it, make a stop before reaching half a cell, and take two pills of antirad. This will increase your radiation resistance. Next, take a rope in one hand, a third pill in the other, and when you enter the glow map, eat it. There you will see a crater. Do everything very quickly - run. At the end of the crater there is a metal beam on which the rope should be applied. Climb down. Don't approach the elevator yet, but go around it and run to the place where the man in motorized armor lies next to the computer. From him you will take the disk of the Brotherhood, necessary for entry, and a yellow access card. Be careful - there is a trap on the door. Search all the corpses and all the cabinets, there will be enough time. And if you have not joined the Brotherhood yet, leave from there.
The elevators in the Glow lead down to the heart of the bunker, however, all doors are traps and locked. You should repair the generator and find a supercomputer that will tell you about the beginning of the war. There are also many holodisks with different experiences and history. This is how we learn about the Mutant Military Base and that the Master is Richard Gray, who once worked at the base and fell under the influence of the FEB 2 virus. A lot of interesting information and weapons can be found in the Glow, but don’t play chess with Skynet, because how radiation will always act against you. The more time you spend in the Glow, the greater the chance of exposure, remember that.


An interesting city with many quests. One part of it, the Auditom, is ruled by the regulators, led by Caleb. They perform police functions. The city's mayor, John Zimmeron, is misled by Caleb, who killed his son Josh, and puts all the blame on the Blades, a local gang. If you go down to the very bottom of the location - on the left side you will see a person very similar to a doctor - this is Mayles, a local chemist. He will ask you to repair hydro farms in the Auditum. Talk to local stalkers. Loraine - a punk girl will tell you where to find spare parts for hydro farms. Look for them in old warehouses. Go north to a new location, not far from the entrance you will see the Blaze headquarters. From it go to the east, to the green field. These are the warehouses and lair of the hands of death. Next, be extremely careful - there are only three deathclaws, but meeting them is deadly. In the northeast, in the house you will find the corpse of a stalker. Search him, take the parts and immediately return to Mayles. He will say that the parts are broken and that Smitty needs to fix them. Smitty is a local technician and lives in the Auditum in the east building. His shop is very easy to find. Smitty himself in leather armor. Give the details to Smitty and after the repair, return to Mayles. If you have T-516 Brotherhood Power Armor on you, Mayles will offer you to upgrade it, making it stronger. To do this, you will need to buy books on chemistry from Mrs. Stanton, a librarian in the Hub. Go to the Hub, make sure you have 750 Caps. Say that you are from Mayles and buy books. Next, return to Mayles and give him the books and the Brotherhood's motorized armor, which he will upgrade. Mrs. Stelton of the Hub, you might be suggesting that you buy a holodisk with information about the filter from her - do not buy - a very useless thing.
If you have a plasma rifle, after completing the quest to fix the pumps, Smitty can upgrade it to a turboplasma rifle - the most powerful weapon in the game. The Plasma Rifle can be bought from the Desert Wanderers, east of the Deathclaw Warehouse. Just walk up to the soldier guarding the bridge and say you're interested in weapons and he'll let you through. The desert wanderers will give you a quest to destroy the deathclaws. The most important thing is not to rest, because every two hours new deathclaws will arrive in place of the killed deathclaws. It is necessary to destroy the queen of deathclaws, which lays eggs. The uterus hides under the warehouses, the entrance to it is located in the north-eastern part of the warehouse building.
After killing the deathclaws, return to the wanderers for a reward and a discount on all the weapons they sell.
Go to Zimmeron, the mayor of the Auditum, who will ask you to avenge your son and kill the head of the Blazes. If you play as a positive Persian - don't kill the Blazes but help them get the truth about Josh's murder to Zimmeron and rid the Auditum of the regulators. The Bleis will give you a disc with proof of the Regulators' involvement in Josh's death, however, as soon as you take the disc to Zimmeron, the Regulators will kill him and attack you. You can resort to the help of wanderers, asking them as a reward for delivering them from the hands of death, deliver weapons to the Blazes and help in the fight against the regulators. If you hit a civilian in the Auditum, during the fight with the regulators, they will all take up arms against you. After you destroy the regulators, return to the Blazes for a reward. McRae, the Scot at the entrance, will teach you hand-to-hand combat.
In the Auditum, you can meet a gypsy who reads cards, his name is Chuck. If you ask you to guess and do it until the card - a fool falls out, then your luck will rise by one.
To the west of the Blazes is the Followers of the Apocalypse library. In it you will meet Katya, who can be persuaded to join you. Nicole, the head of the followers, will ask you to find out everything about the Children of the Cathedral. Find the children's robe, in the room to the left of the children, and take it. She will let you disguise yourself. Nicole will say that among the children of the Cathedral there is their spy - sister Laura, who will help you open the secret door and tell you a lot, you just need to know the password that Nicole will tell you if you agree to help.
On the bottom floor of the library, you will meet a ghoul who will say that there is a child spy among the followers. This quest to find a spy is practically impossible, as it is unfinished. The ghost itself is from your native vault 13, sent in search of a filter and exposed to radiation, you will learn this from a conversation with him.
To the north of the library, you will see the headquarters of bandit hunters who will chase you if you kill even one of these children or your karma is too low.

The cathedral

Go to the location wearing the robe of the children of the cathedral, taken from the followers of the apocalypse, or in the Hub from Jane. If you agreed with Nicole, then armed people will follow you - fighters of followers, in order to smash the Cathedral. You can destroy the Cathedral almost without a single shot, or you can choose the tactics of a militant and destroy everything in your path. Talk to Laura, she will open the secret door for you behind the screen with the film. Next, you should go up the stairs to Father Morpheus, to the very last floor. If you have a robe of children and you are alone, then the mutants will not attack you. On the very last floor in an iron locker, there is a Tesla armor. You can also find electric pickups there. The second one in the game can be given to you by Jasmine from the Thieves Guild, after completing the quest to steal the necklace from the merchant in the Hub. You can simply steal the key to another secret door from Morpheus. Don't talk to him if you don't want to end up in the Master's lair defenseless. You can also kill him and pick up the black key in the form of the badge of the children of the Cathedral. Further, get down downward, to the first floor and iditol to the left to the door. Again, if you have a robe on and you left all the satellites, then the Nightkins will not touch you, they will take you for their own. Get down, into the dungeon under the Cathedral, and go to the strange bookshelf. Wait there for a while and the door will open. You may meet a man from the Cathedral - it is highly undesirable to talk to him. Go inside the cave, to the doors of the shelter, and if you can convince the Mutant guards that you are on important business, then they will let you through. Go to the computer on the first floor and use the Science ability to find out the location of the Military Base.
Further, rise to the third floor and iditol to the right (if you play insurgent) to the secret door to the Master and wet it. However, when you approach, to his place, you will be deprived of life due to hallucinations and nausea, and every two turns, a mutant will be generated in the passage. But you can also go to the left, past the mutants. next, use electric picks on the locked elevator door, then simple picks and go down to the 4th floor. Next, put on your armor and take up arms, as you will have to kill two guards guarding the atomic bomb. You can launch it in different ways: apply science on the computer near it, while science must be at least 100%, use the key taken from the locker at the military base near the Lieutenant, kill the Master, while it starts itself. You will have two minutes to change into a robe and escape from the Cathedral... Next, watch the cartoon, where the Master - Lord of the super mutants, will burn in a nuclear fire. Main Quest completed

Military base

When approaching it and in its vicinity, mutant patrols roam. Don't try to kill them all. Before entering the Military Base, make sure you have explosives in your inventory. If you asked for help from the elders of the Brotherhood, then you will be met by three paladins ready to attack, but they will not go inside with you. You can destroy the base in different ways. One way to storm is to destroy the guards, then take the radio from one of the dead mutants and deceive the guards at the base, then take the holodisk from another guard and read the code that you apply on the front door to the Base. Or try to open it with electric picks. Everyone - you are at the base. However, there are green energy fields and a bunch of mutants around. You can easily pass through the burgundy force fields, but to the green ones you need to use explosives that are placed right next to the emitter. Start a timer, put it in your inventory, then, either right-click on the inventory and throw off the explosives, or just enter the inventory and throw the explosives at the emitter. To the right of the Base there are many computers. If you have a walkie-talkie (it can be taken from the dead guards), then try connecting it to one of the computers. With high science, you will succeed and now you can turn on / off force fields using a walkie-talkie. It is not necessary to kill all mutants. You need to get to the third floor, neutralize the force fields in one of the above ways and go down the second elevator to the 4th floor. Ignore the non-working elevator - it leads to the vats with FEB 2. On the 4th floor, you will have to fight the Lieutenant and his guards. It is most effective to use a turboplasma rifle. Search the lockers and find a strange key - it is from the atomic warhead in the cathedral. Next, follow the room where the people in robes are standing. As you approach, they will explode. Kill them all and approach the middle computer. It is not necessary to touch it, just put a cocked explosive under it and in a few minutes, there will be an explosion, the main reactor will melt and the base will fly into the air. Clear your way out ahead of time.
The second option is to get to the base peacefully, let Harry from the Necropolis or the guard at the gate lead you. Next, refuse everything that the Lieutenant offers you, and when he decides to hit you - enter the battle mode, put on the Armor from the inventory, get psycho and take the fight. Next, it remains only to get out of the base.

After the destruction of the Cathedral and the Base, the Fallout game comes to an end. You will find out what happened to each of the cities after your actions. Overshire will drive you out of the shelter and then .. if you have the berserker perk or negative karma, you will kill him. Or press "A" to enter combat mode and see him die. When he sits in the chair of the Coordinator - he is invulnerable, and at the end of the game you will have a chance to get even with him.