Games that you can walk the streets

To go outside Is a game for fans of driving and a huge open world where you can do anything. Have fun driving any of the vehicles and conquer new city districts.

The player will become an ordinary criminal from a large virtual city. Every day life is in full swing here and something lively and interesting happens. You can not sit idle at home but go outside and drive any car you like, and there are an incredible number of such cars collected in the game. Sitting behind the wheel of a fashionable and fast car, you can go to absolutely any place in this city and visit both shops and rocking rooms. The whole city is now available to you and only you should choose what to do here in your free time. Buy yourself a cozy house on a green street and bring your wife there, who will wait for you every time after walking around the city. Use the huge map to navigate the area and show routes you've never tried to go outside. Just imagine how much there is to explore and how much fun you can get from it. Enjoy high-speed highway rides or simply breathe fresh air in the park. The whole world will now be in the palm of your hand with your mobile.

A bunch of cars in the game Go outside

In this game, you can just relax and enjoy the adventure all the time. A very simple, but such an original movement system will make you the best and give you a lot of opportunities. Enjoy beautiful and high quality picture graphics in a completely new format. You can go outside and walk around a really huge city, where people constantly walk with their problems, and luxury cars drive around the roads. Any of them, with a strong desire, can become yours and then you will really enjoy the ride.

Over the thirty years of the industry's existence, we have become accustomed to the fact that in games you almost always have to run somewhere, fight someone and save someone. And the faster the pace and the more formidable the enemies, the better. The most beautiful of the gaming worlds act as no more than a backdrop for dashing battles and exciting adventures, and we only think about how to raise an invincible hero or defeat the next boss. In the best case, let's break our brains over riddles.

But times have changed. A whole line of "peaceful" games has appeared, where you do not need to chop and hack anyone, and the scenery, atmosphere and history are at the forefront. Curiously, they are rarely ranked as quests, since there are almost no elements characteristic of this genre in them. They were assigned a different definition, slightly ironic. And today we present to your attention ten of the most expressive of the so-called walking simulators.

Recently, another representative of the genre came out - "a simulator of forest walks of a lonely and unhappy, but prettily chatting with a colleague from a neighboring fire tower, a forester". It is called Firewatch, and we have already managed to go through this meditative and peculiar game and.

If you want more, this top is for you.

10. Dear Esther

The game that started it all. Of course, not the first in the genre, but it was she who popularized it and gave birth to the very definition of "walking simulator".

Whether it is appropriate to call it a game is still debated. Discussions began back in 2008, when the eponymous modification was released for Half-life 2, later developed into an independent project. Dear Esther has almost no gameplay. You can't run and jump here, you can't even turn on the flashlight yourself - if necessary, the hero will do everything without our participation. Here you can only slowly wander around the island and listen to heartfelt monologues accompanied by sad music.

An emotional story and a sense of endless longing is the essence of Dear Esther. The developers at The Chinese Room deliberately made it so that all the pieces of the puzzle did not add up on the first playthrough. To understand who Esther is, what happened to her and why everything is saturated with inescapable sadness, you have to climb the rocky island far and wide. However, the time spent on this is not at all a pity: the game is phenomenally beautiful externally and sincerely, although it tells a rather simple story.

But the most important thing is how she does it.

9. The Novelist

It's not often that we're allowed to play as a ghost. Lately, only one Murdered:SoulSuspect and is remembered.

The poltergeist from is engaged in a business that is not at all typical for a ghost: trying to save the marriage of a failed writer. The crisis that began after the release of his debut novel dragged on for a long time. The book is not being written, relations with his wife and child are not going well. Need to do something.

And it is up to the spirit living in the house to encourage the writer and his household to make the right decision. But be sure to imperceptibly, otherwise the family will get scared and move out. The player can read the minds of the residents, immerse themselves in their memories and nudge them towards fateful choices while they sleep.

The Novelist allows you to look at everyday problems from an unusual angle and, perhaps, even draw some lessons for yourself. After all, not everyone has such a caring "brownie".

8. Among the Sleep

Here, the protagonist is also not quite ordinary. The main character is only two years old, so she still cannot run or jump, and she is much better at crawling than walking. Among other things, this means that of all the heroes in video games, she is the most defenseless.

Knowing this, traveling through the colorful, but gloomy world of childhood fantasies, which is hardly more welcoming than the most adult nightmare, becomes even more terrifying. It's good that the baby has a faithful bear, always ready to dispel the darkness and show that the monster from the closet is just her mother's coat.

Only at the end of the game, the developers make it clear that the main danger for the child is not at all ghosts and not all sorts of babays. - not a simple horror story, but a metaphorical statement on an acute social issue.

We will not reveal the intrigue, but let's say that the worst thing in the game is not the monsters at all.

7. Everybody's Gone to the Rapture

In seventh place we have an exclusive for PS4 from the same The Chinese Room. , or "Chronicles of the Last Days" in Russian, takes us to an English village in the mid-eighties. The place, of course, is deaf in itself, but why there is not a single living soul here at all is a mystery that you have to solve.

Mysterious clots of golden light flying around will help in this. Each light keeps the voices of the people who lived here. Listening to them, we learn that such a thing happened in the British wilderness, that in an instant it became uninhabited.

"Chronicles of the Last Days" is perhaps the most unusual game about the apocalypse without the "post" prefix. She is all imbued with the feeling of what has already happened, and therefore an inevitable disaster and, like Dear Esther, is infinitely melancholy. Why the inhabitants disappeared, you will figure out pretty quickly, but you will still go through the game to the end in order to listen to all the voices and wander around such a beautiful and reliable old woman in England for a longer time.

6. The Path

The most famous game of the late studio Tale of Tales - the innovators of the interactive arthouse, with which, by and large, the genre began. This is a surreal variation on the fairy tale of Little Red Riding Hood, but its usual content is turned inside out. There is no need to escape from the gray wolf - it should be found, because if you get to the grandmother's house without incident, the only reward will be the inscription "Game Over".

Each of the six main characters sees the wolf differently. One - in the guise of a fatal handsome man, the other - in the skin of a shaggy beast, the third generally looks at a little girl. The consequences of meeting a predator for everyone are also different, but we are still not in a position to influence the fate of Little Red Riding Hoods.

In general, it does well without our participation. If you put down the mouse, after a while the heroine will run into the depths of the dark forest and find something interesting. Complete autonomy. It was not without reason that we awarded the Pathway with the title of “anti-game of the year”.


A relatively recent project from the authors of the famous "Amnesia" balances on the edge: there is much more gameplay we are used to than in all the other games listed. There is also interaction with the environment, and solving puzzles, and monsters from which you need to run and hide.

But that's not the point. It is included in the top five because most of the attention in it is paid to deep history and the environment worked out to the smallest detail. One wants to explore the mysterious underwater base, despite the horrors happening everywhere. Dozens of files in local computers, memories of deceased people, notes and photographs - all this makes up one of the most original horror stories of recent years.

And this plot scares without any "screamers" and puts before you difficult questions that leave you in deep long thought. The scenery also brings vivid impressions, especially a walk along the bottom of the ocean. Algae-covered structures, barely penetrating light and mysterious sounds from the depths of the sea. It is easy for an enchanted and frightened player to feel like a grain of sand in a cold abyss at this moment.

4. The Vanishing of Ethan Carter

From whom we did not expect a beautiful and unhurried adventure game, it is from the authors of furious Bulletstorm and Painkiller... True, these people have repeatedly stated their desire to experiment with games. And having received freedom and independence and creating a new studio, they immediately began to embody their plans.

The main character is an elderly detective Paul Prospero. A disturbing letter from the boy Ethan leads him to the quiet town of Redcreek Valley, where for some reason there is not a soul. Where everyone disappeared, and most importantly, what fate befell the frightened teenager, the psychic detective has to find out.

The game is simply amazing with its beauty. The autumn forest is frighteningly authentic, and you can feel the coolness from the lake water even while sitting in a warm apartment. In the remastered version for PS4 and PC, the picture is generally almost photorealistic. The old town with its houses and an abandoned church fascinates, although there is a devilry going on in it.

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter would be a pleasure to play even if it lacks gameplay like Dear Esther. But it still has something to do besides walking. Looking into the past and placing the visions in the correct order, we have to investigate a series of mystical murders. In the end, a coherent and dark story emerges, reminiscent of the work of Howard Lovecraft.

3. Gone Home

Like The Novelist, the game tells the story of an unlucky writer and his family.

But she manages to do this without showing a single living person in the frame. No dialogue, no cut scenes, no mind reading and mystical visions. Only a house in which a not very happy family lives or has recently lived.

It makes full use of the interactivity of the environment. In addition to the usual diaries and notes on the answering machine, there are many objects scattered around the house, some of which characterize the owners better than any words: what books family members read, what music they listen to, what is on their table, and what is hidden from prying eyes ... where everyone disappeared, we have to make psychological portraits.

Gone Home is a great game that, by and large, doesn't have a game. The entire gameplay takes place in your head. And this is an incomparable feeling.

The fourth wall in video games is often broken.

But The stanley parable built on this trick from start to finish.

The more regular games you go through, the more standard movies you watch - the more delight you will experience. It all starts in an empty office and ends ... anywhere: in an underground laboratory, in a cosmic abyss, or even in Minecraft!

The creators of "The Parable of Stanley", it seems, have foreseen almost all possible actions of the player. Each of your choices entails consequences, moreover, more significant than in any "Witcher" or The Wolf Among Us... There is no other similar project in the world where it would be just as exciting not to do what you are asked to do.

This is not even a game, but a unique experiment with the illusion of freedom. Recent The Beginner's Guide continues the ideas of The Stanley Parable and transfers them to another plane. The mind games continue.

Worthy of a Mention

To the moon

A short and very soulful story about love, youth and unfulfilled dreams. If you think a top-down, pixelated game isn't going to turn your soul inside out, check out To the Moon.

Ether one

Another game about traveling through the abyss of someone's memories. V Ether one interesting visual style, unusual embodiment of inventory and a pleasant story. A good game, lost in the background.

The graveyard

A game in which a lonely old woman walks through a cemetery. The heroine can walk slowly, sit on a bench, think about her own things, and even die quietly and imperceptibly. Rather an interactive sketch about the fleetingness of life than a full-fledged game project, even by the standards of Tale of Tales.

1. Journey

A lot of praises have already been sung to this game. They called it a breakthrough, a new gaming experience, a game of the year ...

We'll put it more simply: - this is magic. Either a dream, or a fairy tale, or a dream and a fairy tale at the same time.

It doesn't matter where the action takes place - in the desert, under water or on another planet. The main thing is that there is a traveler and there is a goal, and this is the basis of any story - from Odyssey to The Lord of the Rings. Any additional element of a familiar action or platform game would likely break the spell. After all, this world is alien to violence, alien to ordinary enemies and traps. He is waiting for his traveler, who will leave his soul somewhere among the dunes.

This is not a travel game like Uncharted or Tomb Raider.

This is travel. Your. Personal.

And it deserves the first place on our list.

In this post I will present to your attention a list of good games where you can walk around the city and, by the way, save for free.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. In the free world game, you can walk around the city, ride a bike, take a car and go wherever you want, and much more. The plus is that the game is not demanding on the hardware and will run on almost any computer. My first one was single-core with a frequency of 1.8 GHz, the game worked well on it. The game has three big cities, each with its own capabilities and missions. If in the first city there are clothing stores, a hairdresser, a rocking chair and other little things, then in the second city you can go through driving schools and have your own auto shop, and in the third city there is a casino in GTA San Andreas, there are even several of them where you can win game dollars or lose, in any case interesting.

And before I continue this list, I want to recommend the site - on it you can download free games on android, having previously read them on the pages of this site.

GTA Vice City. The graphics do not seem as cartoonish as in San Andreas, but the game is simpler, you cannot swim and much more you cannot do. But you can play, it has its own fans, there are many modifications of this game. Walking around the city and doing whatever you want is not a problem.

GTA IV. This game needs good hardware. On weak hardware, the graphics will be weak. There are not many of the features that were in San Andreas, but the graphics are many times better and have their own chips. I never really played it.

GTA V. It's like San Andreas, only much cooler. The best of all GTA at the moment. You can play as three characters (in turns), a lot of possibilities, but again, you need a good computer or console. The game was rather weak with my gtx 460 video card, but after exchanging for a better gtx 750 ti 2 Gb GDDR5, the game for some reason began to crash. I did not figure out the problem, although I tried for a couple of days. Reinstalling the drivers did not help, nor did the update. Another repack did not work, laziness. Perhaps later I will somehow return to this topic.

Saints Row 3, 4 parts. Third-person games, like GTA, have a free game world, a kind, especially the fourth part, if I'm not mistaken there the hero wanders around in a dream at all. In my opinion, these games look very cartoonish, they didn't really like it, for an amateur so to speak.

Gothic 3. There are other open-world parts, Gothic 2, 4, but I will consider the third, because I only played it. The world in Gothic is magical and I would say ancient. Not that there are some years, but he is his own, invented by the creators. In Gothic 3 there are cities where you can walk and complete various quests (missions). Choose one side or the other, who to help and who not.

When the game just came out, it had a lot of bugs and crashes, but now it is more or less optimized, I haven't noticed any bugs, I have version 1.75. In the game, you can fight with swords, axes, shoot from a bow, hunt predators and wield magic, use it in battle against enemies. I really liked the game Gothic 3, I started several times, because wanted to play for the other side (either for the orcs, then for the rebels). There are also wanderers, nomads, clans in the game, who are not there. You can turn into animals for a while, and the most important thing is to level up. I already have some level thirty there, on the one hand it has become easier to play, on the other hand it is less interesting. You can try with an alternative balance, it may become more interesting to play.

Of course, there is also a lack of Gothic in my eyes, this is when a wolf or other mob bites you without interruption and does not allow you to hit and so it can kill, I was so often killed by a mob that I can kill with 1-2 hits, but it does not always work. I consider this a flaw, the mob, in my opinion, has bitten once or twice, must wait a second, otherwise it’s some kind of horror. With an increase in the level and pumping of health it becomes easier in such situations, and with the pumping of magic - generally a song.

Mafia 2. I must say right away that I did not play Mafia 2, I played only the first part. The second part with good graphics, walking around the city and going through storylines in it will be very interesting. There are quite a few video reviews and walkthroughs of this game.

There are many more games where you can walk around the city, complete missions and more. The Witcher 3, Skyrim, Xenus and others, I just described those with which I am more or less familiar.