Games about zombies. Sports hobbies Zombakov

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What are they, computer zombies

First of all, each of the games is colorful and well thought out, because in the end, before developers, the task stood to attract players, and not to scare them until weed. It should be noted that this task is made by the creators of computer games performed on excellent, evidence of this variety of proposals of this kind. In some of them you need to save your skin, in some, on the contrary, to resist live corpses with firewood chas, in any case you need to actively act and, of course, do not forget that these are just games.

You can not believe this, but in the ranks of computer zombies you will find not only soulless monsters, who want to replenish their own rows, but also unfortunate characters over which you can make a lot of mockery. At the same time, the ways to turn any of the zombies into the pile of bones mass, you only need the brains to include and some well-known information to use. For example, from the fact that you will try to shoot a zombie from an ordinary onion or gun, it will not be harmful, but if you shot down a heavy box or act another mechanism, which then the Effect will fall on the company of the Skeletons It will be correct. The whole company in the bone crushes, the ashes will dispel on Bella, and it will not make anyone else to annoy its presence.

Very effective in the fight against zombies are plants. Maybe someone is unknown, but these representatives of the other world in a number of games are afraid of the effect of light, and this means that from light weapons you can shoot and quite successfully. Since the mental abilities of the walking corpses do not differ, then they simply do not know how to circumvent obstacles, so the intelligent gamers will not cost them to circle them around the finger.

There are also such games about Zombies, where the most living dead has to fall from persecution. But they are quite small, mostly the opposite. After all, each is known for the capital truth, if at least one zombie, even the most cute in appearance, regret, then the new invasion is guaranteed, and there it is not far from the apocalypse.

Fight with alive dead

The boring games about Zombies simply does not happen, but interesting abuse. No numerous seaside adventures do not care without the participation of the living dead, because it is the dead who is often guarded by the treasures of the treasures often, numerous legends are connected with their stay with the sea, while there are so interesting and unusual, that even the spirit captures. That is why even in three games, marked with the treasure-related topics, you can see the amazing dances of skeletons.

What then to talk about colorful platformers, strokes, shooters, strategies or quests, believe me, they are all very interesting, and even better try to play on their own to verify this. A favorite zombie place, of course, are cemeteries, which is much better not to fall at night. Such places are not for people of a timid, because not only inserting the corpses will need to fight back here, and besides, they also fight off the bats, and not afraid of the night birds.

In two games

Online Games Zombies are not only for one person, but also for two. That's where really interesting! It would seem the classic plot, and how much adrenaline can be obtained. The whole charm of games for two players with such a plot is that you can try yourself not only in the role of civilians or dealers of adventure, ready to fight with zombies, but also in the role of the living dead themselves.

Screenshot from Left 4 Dead 2, Valve Corporation.

In addition, it is possible to eradicate evil in a pair, the most important thing is not to cry, because otherwise the zombie apocalypse is provided. You can save the civilization from the dead-cannibals, but it is necessary to try to do this, because one bite of these monsters is enough to ensure that the person becomes fresh in the ranks of the soulless cannon meat, constantly thirsty.

You can not believe, but in the company Zombie, you can even participate in the racing, just the race these are very peculiar and spectacles. Do not be surprised if you have a witness of how the pilot of the neighboring car falls off his hand or leg, such a driver even the head aside can fly away easily, but the car will continue to go to the way, so you think about yourself, getting behind the wheel of the neighboring or refrain from Such risk.
In general, all gamers who are not averse to spend time in the company of the lives of the dead is waiting for a lot of interesting proposals. Do not forget that even during the virtual game of adrenaline, you can get plenty. Interesting time for you!

What can be terrible than a deadly virus that struck all of humanity, and the bloodthirsty dead dead, freely walking through the streets?! Zombies will transfer you to the bloody and threatening world of the apocalypse, in which they will have to survive at any cost and fight against the distraught monsters of all available ways.

Games about zombies are created for lovers to rinse their nerves and add a little adrenaline. As a rule, the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe game is always the same: after the world environmental catastrophe, humanity dies in terrible torment, and, under the influence of the virus, massively turns into wild and unmanaged mutants. Their goal is to destroy all the living, but a bunch of randomly surviving brands challenges revived the corpses, and begins to destroy them with all available ways.

Games about Zombies will delight you with a gloomy and dusk atmosphere, ominous music and unique missions with different degrees of complexity. You will have to move a lot, quickly run, aptly shoot, use magic Voodoo and stick to such tactics that will help to put maximum damage to enemies. Playing in Zombies, you can greatly have fun and throw a real call to the sewages of the apocalypse.

It seems that we already know everything about zombies, but they still remain the main participants in the horror strokes of cinema, comics and zombie games. Everyone wants to turn into a walking dead man knows that for this you need to get under the meteoric rain; touch the radioactive object; Small dust flew from distant planets or to be in the epicenter of the laboratory cataclysm. It's very easy to die, most importantly, then go around. But you can not worry about it - scientists have already invented how to awaken you from the grave. It seems that their experiments are sent only to ensure as much walking dead as possible and must be recognized, in this matter they succeeded.

How to become a zombie? - Play online games!

Games Zombie Shooting will become the starting platform for the beginning of the war that has developed between people is still alive and the dead already alive. There is a zombie to sleep towards your flesh, and you can be sure that you will soon replenish their army - this is how the corpses are multiplied. But, despite the inconsistency of their existence, zombies can be killed.

Methods for killing zombies

Shoot! You can release all the climb of the cartridges in them, but they only pull a little, as if in a dance, and will continue to hunt for yours. And if there is no sword, shoot in the head until it explogs. However, banging them with his head, you forever restore the rebellious soul.

Armed with peas! The wonderful game "Zombie against plants" offers a multi-level strategy with elements of the economy, where plants will be your weapon against the crazy dead. Each of them has its own striking strength and from the level to the level of online zombie games you will get access to different vegetables and fruits.

You plant on green lawns available at your disposal of culture and reflect the invasion of obsessive corpses, which, in turn, mutate all the time and increase attacking abilities.

Cafe for the Dead

A lot of plot lines are invented on this topic and some do not fit at all with our presentation about them, for example, a cafe for zombies. In fairness, we recognize that the idea is very useful.

But on the other hand, we kindly like them and now, if they lose their oasis, they will come out again on the open hunt. This means that you need to do everything possible so that the institution worked around the clock, and the food in it did not drop out.

All ingredients for culinary creativity are seized in the kitchen. Where people usually place cream roses, you will lay:

  • Wings of volatile mice;
  • Zhukov;

The spectacle is not for gourmet, so only true fans of the online zombie games are allowed into the kitchen.

Sports hobbies Zombakov

Live monsters claim to continue active social life, and therefore do not be surprised to see them on a football stadium running behind the ball and standing at the gate. They even have a group of support with young zombie girls jumping in short skirts and mashassa pompons. They also participate in races, ride skate and play baseball.

In addition, Flash Games about Zombies offer:

  • Fold puzzles;
  • Play the search for the same pictures;
  • Labyrinths;
  • Coloring pictures;
  • Enjoy them and celebrate the New Year.

Zombies come!

In virtual reality, a person can turn into a zombie for many reasons. For example, due to product infection, the composition of which there are genetically modified components are ketchups, candy, cola, hamburgers and other food. People trying such a "food", become insane monsters, wandering through the streets and attackers on all those who will meet there. And the victims of zombies become the same monsters - so the infection spreads through the world, destroying entire peoples. Only truly bold heroes can resist monsters. They take into the hands of the weapon and come into a fight with zombies, cutting them with knives and swords or destroying their body with firearms.

Such resiluses do not need to be looking for wilds for a long time from the graves, after all, they packed through the urban streets everywhere. You can fight with zombies in:

  • shootlocks
  • winkers
  • arcadah
  • strategies

Sauce the world from the invasion of monsters playing in the game zombie

In the simplest version of the monsters shooting on the screen, the figure of the hero is not visible, and only the weapon and the point of sight. From afar, the dead begins to approach, and you need to quickly put them, so that they cannot be overcome, because then zombies will be able to attack you and reduce your health stock. Often, during the game, you can not only shoot, but also move your character on virtual locations. It may be a limited space in which all the new waves of zombies come from all sides. The only chance for the hero to escape is to shoot mandes, trying not to let them too close to themselves. Often the battle with zombies takes place on a large territory like a city. A character of such a game can go to the streets, to enter the premises. Everywhere he is met by the dead, and he is ready to shoot them to the last cartridge. Zombie Games often limit the amount of ammunition, but they can be replenished with the help of special artifacts, as well as, as territories studies, find more powerful weapons. Sometimes for the victory in the destruction of zombies, experience points are accrued, which can be spent on improving the characteristics of the hero. There are games in which zombies need to be destroyed with min. In each level, the dead are hiding in protective buildings, but you have a limited number of explosives, which is enough to not only destroy the building, but also to press the monsters with its fragments.

In zombies, you can shoot from the gun - the dead are located at the distance, and you need to determine the angle and the strength of the shot so that the nuclei exactly come across them. Some zombie games allow you to organize troops fighting against a zombie threat. For example, you can lead a group of survivors, which barricaded in several buildings and is trying to revive human civilization. Try such and many other mini-games with zombies in this section of our site!