Investment bars of gold. Various methods and types of investment in gold. Basic tricks and pitfalls

Investing in precious metals is considered one of the highest similar and reliable ways of investing savings. For newbies, everything looks very simple: you buy gold and wait when its price will increase, sell it at a more favorable price and get profit. However, in reality, gold investments have a lot of features that every beginner investor should know. How to invest in gold to get a good profit? What options of capital investment exist and what do they differ?

Standard investment methods in gold

Among the main embodiments of investments in the precious metal are distinguished.

  • Ingots;
  • Investment coins;
  • Metal accounts.


Buying ingots is represented by the most "obvious" of the listed options. The advantage of investment in the bars is their reliability. Having physical gold on the hands, the investor does not depend on the reliability of the bank and practically does not depend on changes in legislation that can be adopted to regulate the precahetal market.

Buying ingots has two very significant disadvantages: taxation of the purchase and storage problem.

According to the tax legislation of Russia, when buying gold in its price, VAT is taken into account, that is, the buyer pays 18% over its real value. When selling ingot, the bank is missing tax in the amount of sale. It turns out that if the price of gold during the spectacle period remained stable, then make money on sale of metal will not work.

Ingots are not the most attractive option for investment due to the need to pay for VAT when purchasing them.

Investments in gold require resolution of issues related to ensuring their safety. In the case of buying ingots it is important to understand that they will have to rent a safe cell. In addition to additional storage costs, the investor also receives the risks of loss, since the institutions that provide safes are not fully responsible for the safety of their content.

The liquidity of the ingots is small, quickly sell them if necessary will not work. Investing in gold in this way requires large amounts of money.

Investment coins

Investment in investment coins partly similar to the purchase of ingots. The essential advantage of buying coins is the lack of VAT. But here there are "pitfalls".

Part of the value of any coin will be at work on chasing and distribution, and not to the share of gold in the alloy. Between the price of the purchase and sale of the product by the bank there is a big gap - an investor instead of profit can get a loss, since the cost of coins grows very slowly. This method of investing is to be considered only as a long-term investment.

Investment coin "Olympic" series.

Coins may be value not only due to the initial precious metal, but also a numismatic nature. Investing money in gold in the form of coins will not be much difficulty, but to sell them after the expiry of any period of time is problematic. Expert reviews suggest that the sale of collectible coins is even more difficult than just investment.

Among all the ways to invest in gold is popularity, impersonal accounts are gaining. In fact, the investor becomes the owner of a non-physical metal in the form of a ingot, but receives the right to require the fulfillment of the obligation of a banking institution to pay the amount of money, the equivalent value of grams of gold listed in this account. You can get on your arms and ingot, paying additionally VAT.

The investment in gold in the form of OMS has the greatest liquidity and does not require storage costs. A big minus of such an investment is the absence of insurance of deposits of individuals. The legislation in this area does not apply to OMS, the reliability of the investment depends on the reliability of the bank, where the account is open. But the accrual by the Bank of interest on the Golden Account may be an additional remedy for profit.

The only disadvantage of OMS is the lack of state insurance as ordinary contributions.

The discovery of the OMS is not labor, now many banks are providing many banks. If a decent amount of money is required to buy the ingot, then the initial contribution of the investor on the OMS can be laid in the minimum amount.

Game on stock exchange

How to make money on gold in other ways? As options for obtaining earnings due to the growth of gold quotes, potential investors are advised to consider the gold ETF and the purchase of gold through Forex.

What does the investment in the funds, trading on which pass on the stock exchange? The investor buys the shares of those funds that themselves will invest either in gold or in securities tied to the precious metal. Access to stock exchanges can be obtained through the opening of the invoice at the broker.

A plus of such an attachment is a small gap between the purchase and sale quotes, for some ETF, it is at all minimal. The investor gets the opportunity to respond to a change in the market instantly, buying and selling shares without leaving home.

Cons when buying gold ETF also have. The reliability of the investment will depend on several factors:

  • Broker solvency;
  • Foundation's conscientiousness;
  • Reliability of the Bank where the stock ingots are stored.

The investment in gold through ETF is associated with currency and regulatory regulation of this area. Brokers testify that the process of transferring funds to the account due to conversion can be carried out for several days.

What is the difference between the Forex market? The investor buys virtual gold through broker. The operation is similar to the game in the casino. You can get a real result if you buy gold only for your funds, that is, to leave an insurance deposit that would cover your investments. The gap between buying and selling here is also minimal, the market allows you to respond quickly to all changes.

Forex deficiencies on Forex should be noted the dubious reliability of brokers compared to ETF.

As in cases of ETF, gold trade on forex requires certain professionalism and psychological sustainability.

Broker is beneficial if the player will actively use the credit lever. Investing money in gold in the Forex market requires psychological sustainability, so as not to be tempted to use the maximum credit lever. Professional competence in the field of trading on Forex is important for a potential investor.

There is another way of investing in the precious metal - secured by gold electronic money. Such "Internet currencies" are the obligation of the company that created the payment system, to pay a certain amount of gold. / This direction began to develop relatively recently and has many shortcomings from the legal side. The reliability of investment is provided only by the reliability of the company that has released similar "money".

Landmarks "Golden" investment

Investing in precious metals should be competent. How is it right and profitably invest in gold? There are several benchmarks for beginners.

If you do not belong to the category of stock players, then invest in the precious metal that you may need to urgently do it makes no sense.

Purchase of physical gold for a short time is meaningless, since the liquidity of the ingots and coins is low, plus you can get a loss instead of profit.

Futures, options and ETF are used to play on the stock exchange, but speculative operations require professional knowledge in this area and special "faint." Investing in gold in the form of OMS will be less profitable, but the receptionist reviews allow us to talk about the relative efficiency of this method.

An embedding of free capital in gold for a long time can be done if you are focused on reliability. The term of such investments can be measured with decades. If you are satisfied with the receipt of profit after the expiration of a long period, that is, it makes sense to buy physical gold in the form of ingots.

Investing in gold is only for the long-term period.

Investing in the precious metallol for an average term - up to three years - it is possible only taking into account forecasts for the growth of gold quotes. Investor can profit in the medium term, but there is a high probability of damages.

The contribution of the part of money in gold is considered one of the options for reliable insurance of its savings from the depreciation of currencies.

The choice of the form of investment in gold depends on what time you expect and what income want to get with the rise in prices for precious metals. The most reliable attachment is the purchase of ingots and coins, the gold ETF is followed by them, then metal bills in banks. By profitability, investment methods in gold can be placed in this order: gold ETF, OMS, ingots and coins.

Pros and cons investment in gold

Investing money in gold ensures the safety of the investor. In a long term, the price of gold is still growing, even if some decals are observed in the dynamics of quotations. Such an investment will not depreciate completely even as a result of global shocks of an economic or political nature.

Among the minuses investment in gold is called price fluctuations, which can bring losses to the investor under the short-term investment period. Acquisition of precious metals in comparison with other types of investment may be less profitable. Opening of impersonal accounts or the purchase of gold ETFs do not guarantee the possession of the physical metal, their reliability is supported only by the reputation of organizations and existing legal norms.

The question of how to significantly make money on gold remains open. Most often, investors, in the conditions of the crisis economy, have to choose reliability, and not a high profitability of their investments. In this case, gold performs the role of "asylum", which is able to at least preserve the funds of the state and individuals, as the maximum bring a decent income in the long run.

On the eve I already wrote about the embodiments of investment in gold, which can be called virtual or electronic (read). I talked about gold futures, gold pephs, OMS, etc. This time we will talk about investments in physical gold. Here you can distinguish three directions: gold bars, gold investment coins and golden memorable coins.

Gold bars

If you submit gold, then the first thing that comes to mind is just gold bars. In Russia, ingots are unpopular. Mainly due to the existing VAT in the amount of 18%. This tax is true, you can get around. To do this, when buying a ingot, for example, in Sberbank, you just leave it there for storage. But in this case, the winning look at an impersonal metallic account. Some banks ("Uralsib" for example) even pay percentage.

Stock Foto Warehouse of gold bars of the bank of England


─ Having bought an ingot, you are fully independent of the country's financial system. If even the system-forming banks of Russia one after another will begin to "burst", your savings will be saved. After all, they are where you decided to store them - in the dresser, safe or under the layer of land in the country.

─ In such format, your attachments are tied to the cost of gold. Forget about the ruble rate! The cost of your ingot is determined on the basis of the exchange prices of the Troyan Oz. And there is a unit of measure - the dollar.


─ Ingots there are VAT ─ 18%.

─ Possible difficulties in terms of sales.

─ Pretty high spread between buying and selling.

─ The question of reliable storage faces.

Modest golden family stock. On the left - the gold ingot of 999 samples, 10 gr., Right - investment coin "Philharmonic" 31.1 gr. (1 oz)

Gold investment coins

They differ beneficially from the ingots by the fact that they do not apply to VAT. Although this is all the same physical gold. Special knowledge when buying investment coins is not required. In Russia, the Golden Invest-Coins Standard - Georgy Victorious (quarter of ounce). In the World Standards - Philharmonic (Austria), American Eagle (USA), Golden Maple Leaf (Canada), etc. (the most replicable dimensions - "Untsovski", but there are coins weighing 1/2 oz, 1/4 and smaller).

The main seller of gold investment coins in Russia - Sberbank. You probably could see precious coins at the box office of their offices. The Bank uses the leadership advantage and low financial literacy of the population, so the prices have the most unprofitable prices, especially when reverse coins.

Below, we present the levels of buying and selling the Golden George of the Victorious Movie Mint from the leading players of the capital market (incomplete list).

I note that the difference in 30─35% between the price of buying and selling from Sberbank ─ absolute norm. More on the table may impress that the best purchase price from Sberbank. This is not so. Information on the site they have not been updated here for a week. To do this, you need to call and thin.

Now we suspend everything for and against the embedding option in gold by buying investment coins.


─ As with the ingots, you fully remove from the financial sector of Russia. Your money is "tied" to the oz of gold, which is quoted in dollars.

─ Unlike gold bars, the proposal market is much more competitive: without leaving the house you can go to the sites of leading sellers of invest-coins, compare prices and find the most profitable offer.

─ Unlike ingots, there are no VAT.


─ Enough to take a coin without gloves and it is prettier "to pour" it without a cover, as its value falls sharply. There is always some kind of risk to spoil the appearance of the coin. It can reduce its price by 10─20%.

─ Pretty significant spread. If today you have decided to buy a coin, and a week later it will have to sell it, even if the price of the Troy ounce and the ruble exchange rate has not changed, due to the difference in purchases and sell prices you lose about 10% for the week.

─ The problem of storage and transportation occurs.

─ Need a little, but to understand this market. Before buying George a victorious, at least "google" should be "googled" why this coin from the Moscow Mint is cheaper than from St. Petersburg (if briefly: in its time, the products of the St. Petersburg Mint, allegedly discovered marriage).

Memorable investment coins

For ordinary ordinary people, purely externally investment and commemorative gold coins are indistinguishable. But this is far from that. Calculation of the value of the investment coin always comes from exchange rate fluctuations in the value of a particular precious machine from which it is made. Correlation, in other words, the relationship may be fuzzy, but it always can be traced. Another thing is memorable coins. Initially, numismatic value is laid in them. Over time, she can grow, and very much. And sometimes - staying in place, only following the cost of Troyan oz.

In my opinion, this is the most difficult type of investment in physical gold, because Without specialized knowledge, it is likely to guess a lot. You buy a coin, relatively speaking, for 100 thousand rubles. And tomorrow it turns out that it overestimated the numismatic market. As a result, it will fall to 80 thousand rubles, although the stock price of gold remained the same.

I do not tell you not to invest in memorable gold coins. I say: Find the specialist at first, who disassembled. And this is not so simple. For example, the TRUEINVESTOR coins manager Konstantin Kasatkin specializes in an inexpensive segment of numismatic coins of the Soviet and modern era. But he is almost not engaged in coins of the time of imperial Russia. Or investment coins. Or commemorative precious coins ... All these are separate directions.


Unlike ingots, there is no VAT.

You have in your hands in a numismatic wrapper, but the real gold, which is value.

Aesthetic pleasure is how-no way :) For example, I have long liked this French gold coin (see below). Over time - buy.

Golden coin of France Year of astronomy. Year of release - 2009. Nominal - 200 euros, gold of the 999th sample, mass - 1 oz, circulation - 1000 pcs.


It is necessary to deal with the segment of memorable precious coins.

Risk of damage due to improper storage, transportation, circulation.

High spread: much higher than on invest-coin.

There may be problems with realization, liquidity. Especially if you buy a kilogram gold coin (if, of course, you can), see below.

Golden commemorative coins "Judo", Gold 999, Weight 1 kg., Denomination - 10 000 rub.

As with the investments and ingots, difficulties in storage are possible: if there are many coins, you need to take care of the preservation of gold.

In complex business transactions, commemorative coins, in contrast to investment gold coins, cannot be used as a collateral over short-term loans. Checked! :)

Jewelry gold products

Separately I will tell you about this type of investment in gold. I will not be original and I will say that I would not call the purchase of jewelry to invest in investment. It should be understood that the price of the golden product includes a large addition value, including the rental of the store, product design, master of the master, etc. In addition, the gold ring or earrings, as a rule, consist of gold only at 35─40% or, maybe 70%. But this is not close with coins or ingots, where in the worst version of the sample (in modern coins) - 999.

Who fascinated the topic of investing in gold, may be interested in this book on the topic. Called "all about investing in gold." Auto ─ John Jggeron and Wade Hansen. Publisher ─ Mann, Ivanov and Ferber. I did not read, but reviews are not bad. Read more about the book, see.

What are the pros and cons of investment in precious metals? Is it profitable to invest in gold in 2017? What could be useful for the price of gold prices?

Hello everybody! In touch Denis Kudarin - an expert in investment.

My buddy collects memorable and anniversary coins, including gold. So, some of them only increased in price of 5-15 times or more. For example, he demonstrated me a coin "Sewer", which in his time bought for 1000 rubles. Now it costs about 20,000 rubles. It can be sold at any time to Sberbank.

The price of the "Georgy Victorious" coin "Georgy Victorone" every year rises by 20-30%. In the year of release, it could be purchased for 6,000 rubles. Now it costs 17,000. If I had bought these coins at one time with a dozen of these coins ... We will consider the missed benefit or look together how to intend to invest in gold? Right, let's understand!

And I will tell you what companies can be entrusted with "golden" investments and tell about the possible risks of such investments.

Forward, friends!

1. What is the features of investing in gold

Precious metals and especially gold millennia remained one of the most reliable and profitable investment destinations.

No economic reforms and political shocks will cancel the fact that the reserves of this metal on the planet are limited and the real reduction in value does not threaten it in the near future or in the distant future. Unless new alchemists appear and learn to get gold from lead. But it is, to put it mildly, unlikely.

It is noteworthy that the crises of the economy do not reduce gold prices, but on the contrary.


According to Sberbank, the yield of impersonal metallic accounts over the past 3 years amounted to 84%. And the price of grams for 5 years has grown from 1,600 to 2,500 rubles.

Invest funds in gold in 2017 is as profitable as a year or 5 years ago. Moreover, experts believe that the cost of this metal by the end of the year is likely to grow. Another question is the payback period for such investments.

Nevertheless, immediately run into the bank and exchanging cash on gold bars is not worth it. First you need to weigh all the pros and cons of such a solution and explore the basic rules of investing in precious metals.

The first rule that needs to know the investor in precious metals: deposits in gold are designed for profits in the long run. Get real income for 3 months and even for six months will not work. The payback of such contributions is measured in years. Look at the Sports of Large Banks at large banks.

Here is an example of such a graph.

The next moment is the choice of an investment method. Every citizen of Russia has the right to purchase ingots or coins in a bank, as well as open an impersonal metallic account (OMS) in gold and other precious metals. Each method has its own characteristics and risks, what I will tell you in detail in the relevant section of the article.

The main advantages of investment in gold:

  • gold almost does not fall in price - it's not about seasonal oscillations, but about long time limits of value;
  • this metal does not rust, not subject to corrosion, it is not erased - if your great-grandfather acquired a breath of 1 kg 100 years ago and transferred it to you inheritance, the weight and appearance of the metal will remain almost unchanged;
  • its easy to store - ingots are compacts do not require special care;
  • gold is liquid - it can always be sold to banks or other wishing;
  • this is a universal currency that is valued on all continents and in all countries.

The main minus of gold as an investment instrument is its high purchasing price. Not every citizen has free money to purchase the amount of gold necessary to obtain stable income.

Another disadvantage is a long period of profit. I have already spoken about this - to get a solid profit, you will have to wait for several years. In addition, gold is property, and it is taxed.

Method 3. Disclinished metal bills

Interesting and promising way to invest. OMS opens in a bank licensed for such a type of operations.

The client acquires gold virtually at the price that the banking institution establishes. As a rule, this price is somewhat higher than the stock price of gold on this day. With the metal itself, the buyer does not have a case, just the amount he contributes to a deposit is recalculated on the gram of the precious metallol.

In the case of rising prices for gold, the client receives a guaranteed income. If he closes the account, he returned the cash equivalent of the value of metal, but already recalculated at the current course of gold.

Essential Pluses OMS:

  • unlike the "physical" gold, the impersonal accounts are not subject to VAT;
  • the price of gold on OMS is as close as possible to the stock exchange, which allows in the case of the account "to demand" as much as possible to realize assets;
  • bank interests are charged to accounts (albeit small).

There are disadvantages about which experts and analysts say. The most important and main contributions are not insured by banks as cash deposits. This increases the risk for the investor. Therefore, when choosing a bank for opening an OMS, be extremely attentive. Choose only proven and reliable institutions with long experience.

Method 4. Trade on the stock exchange

This is the easiest way to invest in precious metals. It is not necessary to acquire "physical" gold, and therefore it disappears its storage. At the same time, brokers receive income not only due to the growth of gold prices, but also due to the fall.

The leverage allows you to trade with volumes exceeding the deposit, which also has a positive effect on profitability. Yes, and taxes do not need.

There are risks where without them. The probability of the loss of the deposit is present in any stock operations. It all depends on the reliability of the broker and the effectiveness of the chosen trading strategy.

The table pluses and cons of each method are presented in a visual form:

Methods of investmentBenefitsdisadvantages
1 IngotsOver the years, gold does not fall in price, but growsVAT 18% for the purchase of the ingot
2 CoinsThe cost of investment coins is steadily risingTo acquire collectible and commemorative gold coins, you need to understand numismatics
3 OMSNo tax opening taxDeposits are not insured
4 Trade on the stock exchangeThere is a question of gold storageNot easy to find a reliable broker and a good trader

For more information about you find in the appropriate publication.

3. How to invest in gold - Step-by-step instructions for beginners

So, you firmly decided not to keep money under the mattress, but make them work on yourself. Starting to invest, prepare yourself morally: gold is a reliable tool, but there are risks in any financial transactions.

It is necessary to act scenario, soberly, reasonable.

Step 1. We estimate the current financial condition and put your finances in order

The step is obvious, but I can't include it in the instruction. Any investment suggests a preliminary assessment of their financial opportunities. Calculate your assets, including additional income, and compare them with liabilities.

If you, for example, "hanging" mortgage duty or credit, which takes 30% of the main income, is unlikely to count on a significant amount of free funds. Revaluation of your investment opportunities is the main error of each newcomer.

But even excessive caution will not bring benefits. One dollar today is always more expensive than the same dollar tomorrow. To save savings, they must be investing. So the economy works, regardless of the extent of the available funds.

Step 2. We indicate goals and objectives of investment

Investments are not abstract. Making a contribution, you need to know how much he will bring you for and for how long. Decide on the goals and objectives of investment.

For example, you need to increase your funds by 50% for one and a half years to purchase the PEUGEOT 408 car. To implement such a plan, you will have to choose the most profitable and at the same time risky way to invest. Having achieved goals, withdraw assets from the game and buy a car.

Do not greed. The pursuit of super-profile often ends with ruin.

Step 3. We develop an investment strategy

There are many investment strategies. Examine them in advance. Let the time be spent, but basic economic knowledge is the same capital.

Strategies are active and passive, long-term and short-term, aggressive and moderate, highly risky and vice versa. The choice depends on your goals, the amount of capital and temperament.

Step 4. Determine the way investing

I already told about investment investment tools. The choice is yours. Newcomers with relatively solid funds experts advise to start with impersonal gold accounts. Risks here are moderate, yield is quite predictable. The main thing is to open an account in a reliable bank, which in the next 5-10 years does not threaten the ruin.

Step 5. Choose a company and an investment program

Investments in precious metals offer banks, investment funds and other financial organizations. How to choose a reliable partner?

I offer several criteria for choosing a company:

  • experience is ideal if the institution operates on the market for more than 10-15 years;
  • availability of a functional site with interactive features and useful for users of content;
  • number of investors;
  • the choice of investment tools - the more offers from the company, the better.

The most optimal option is to find an institution on the recommendations of acquaintances who have already received real income from their investment in this company.

Step 6. Apply and conclude a contract

Further step - contact with company representatives. If the firm offers free consultation to customers, be sure to use this option.

Let the manager or consultant explain you all the nuances and subtleties and help choose the most appropriate program.

Step 7. We introduce funds and make a profit

It remains only to make funds and wait for profits. The Internet allows you to check the profitability of investments at a distance. Get your office and periodically monitor your account status.

4. Rating of companies for investing in gold - Overview Top 3 reliable

To facilitate readers the choice of reliable companies for investing in gold, we chose the 3 most reliable Russian organizations working with precious metals.

Read, compare, analyze and make decisions.

The Bank was founded in 1990 - this is the oldest institution in the new Russia. One of the most dynamically developing banks in the Russian Federation, the leader of the industry and the strongest financial market player. The company's assets are estimated at 250 billion rubles. The branches are in 55 regions of Russia. Head office - in Yekaterinburg.

Included in the hundreds of the most reliable banks of the country. It occupies the highest lines in the ratings of independent organizations. The national rating agency has assigned the bank the level of AA - the highest degree of solvency and reliability.

The bank offers customers deposits in gold and silver. This is a good opportunity to receive income by rising prices for precious metals. Consumers are available urgent deposits in gold and demand deposits. OMS is a guarantee of preserving funds from inflation plus the absence of problems with storage, transportation and certification of precious metal.

Specify the conditions for investment deposits in gold directly on the site and by phone.

According to Interfax agency. More than a million customers, 18 years of experience on currency exchange and precious metals, 3 international licenses. The Dealing Center offers customers all the tools for work on the stock exchange.

Gold trade requires special knowledge and skills, so newcomers should be used by the help of experienced traders.

The reliability of Sberbank testifies at least the fact that this is the oldest financial organization in the Russian Federation. The reasons for the Bank - 1847. More than 70% of Russians are Sberbank Customers and Active Users. The company has more than 17 thousand offices in 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Sberbank buys and sells gold bars of various weights, coins (investment and memorable), offers customers to open metal bills on the most favorable terms. The site has topical graphs of price dynamics for gold, silver, platinum and palladium since 2003.

5. How to reduce risks when investing in gold - 3 useful advice

As I said, there is no investment without risk. But there are ways to reduce the likelihood of funds loss.

Read expert advice and do not forget to enjoy them in practice.

Tip 1. Use various investment tools

In economic language, this is called the diversification of deposits. It is wiser to share capital into several directions and thereby secure the means from the full loss.

If one tool is suddenly non-profit, others will protect your investment portfolio from full collapse.

Tip 2. Objectively evaluate your financial capabilities

Invest only free funds - that is, those whose loss will not lead to a decrease in living standards. Do not invest in gold accounts, if in the near future you are committed to mandatory spending.

In this article:

Many novice investors face a problem where to invest money so that the risks are minimal. One of the most popular ways to diversify the investment portfolio are today investment in gold. And we are talking not only about private investors, but also about large investment companies. How profitable are such investments?

The situation in the global market primarily affects the value of gold. The price of gold grows during crises. Therefore, investors with experience prefer to translate assets into gold at this time, but such contributions should be long-term due to the cyclicality of the process.

Investing in gold

Until 1934, the price of gold was constant and accounted for approximately 31 dollar per troy ounce. Such a price kept 100 years, after which it began to be in dynamics. The smallest price of gold had in 1999. And in 2011 its price reached a maximum - $ 1902 per troy ounce. After that, the price of gold began to fall.

We list the main ways to invest in gold:

  • buying banking ingots;
  • investment in gold coins;
  • investment in gold jewelry and jewelry;
  • trade on the stock exchange through a proven broker;
  • opening of metallic accounts;
  • investing in the company mining gold and others.

Is it worth investing in gold? There are advantages in this investment:

  • gold can easily sell at any time;
  • it so happened that gold is a measure of ensuring money;
  • it is not tied to the economy of separate countries;
  • no conditions for storing gold are required;
  • the metal is not oxidized in air and does not deteriorate with long storage.

The ingot can be purchased in any bank. Some of them offer even ingots weighing from one gram, but more often their weight is still more. The purchase procedure of the gold ingot is as follows: first weighing, then - certificate design. After the acquisition of such an asset it is worth remembering that he needs to ensure security, one of the options - to remove the ingot storage cell in the bank.

This method has some positive moments:

  • Over time, the ingot will not deteriorate, it can be stored arbitrarily for a long time. It is not erased and not deformed.
  • The price of gold is constantly changing, but to depreciate completely, as in the case of shares, this precious metal can not.

However, the storage of gold in the ingots has some disadvantages. Many do not know, but in the Russian Federation, when buying a goldst ingot in the bank you will need to pay VAT, which is 18%. In addition, there is a significant difference between the price of the goldst ingot when buying and selling. All this leads to the fact that to get real profits, you will have to wait for some, most likely, even quite long, time. Yes, and after, even with a serious increase in the price of gold, most likely, the profit will only be able to cover inflation.

By the way, it concerns the purchase. In some other countries, taxes do not need to pay, for example, in Latvia.

The second point that concerns the investment in any precious metal is that capital size will never grow by itself, that is, this is a dead investment. So all your earnings will be focused only on the price fluctuations of this precious metal. In addition, the market is too unpredictable, the likelihood is great for gold, especially during the crisis.

Investment of accumulations

Opening of impersonal accounts

Almost any bank can offer you an investment method as the opening of impersonal, or metal, accounts. The main minus of this type of investment is that they do not fall under the insurance of deposits. Therefore, if the bank is declared bankrupt, you will most likely lose your savings. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the bank more carefully.

This is as follows. You actually open something like the deposit, but there is no currency in the account, but gold or other precious metal. At the same time, the only thing that you will be in your hands is a document that you are the owner of the contribution. In this case, you are freed from the payment of VAT, if you do not want to get a real metal on your hands, and you will not have to pay commissions and account maintenance.

Trading through broker

It is considered the easiest way to invest in gold. At the same time, it is not necessary to buy metal, and you can earn both at a decrease in gold prices and growth. The volumes that you can operate may exceed the deposit if you use the so-called credit shoulder. In addition, you do not need to go anywhere, pay any taxes and take care that the metal is not stolen.

Investments in coins

With the beginning of the global financial crisis, such contributions to gold are increasingly popular. However, the cost of the coin takes into account not only such a factor as its weight and metal from which it is made. As for any other collection subject, its rarity is important here. Now the most expensive coin, which Sberbank sells, costs about 2.6 million rubles. The coin weighs about one kilogram, which is at a price less than this amount, but its cost is also determined by a small circulation - only 100 pieces.

In general, coins as investment in gold are divided into investment, the cost of which does not greatly exceed the cost of precious metal, and collectibles that have been described above. Investment coins can be purchased in any bank they have a conventional chasing. When buying them, you do not need to pay VAT.

Collectible coins are usually produced with a small circulation. Have increased quality of chasing. However, when you purchase, VAT is needed. Is it profitable to invest in gold in the form of collectible coins? Such a coin can grow several times in price even in a short time. However, it is not so easy to buy them, you constantly need to follow up to topical information on the site of the Central Bank.

Disadvantages of such an investment:

  • It is necessary to have some knowledge regarding numismatics and collectibles.
  • No one can guarantee the safety of the coin, as it is issued to the buyer's hands. This question will have to solve it yourself.
  • Anyone, even the smallest damage, can significantly reduce the cost of the coin. It must be very carefully stored in the case intended for this.

Acquisition of products

If you ask any person how to invest in gold, most of the answers will be in favor of buying jewelry. This method is the most popular among non-professional, but it has such a number of disadvantages that it is at all difficult to call the way investing. The main disadvantages are:

  • Use for the manufacture of gold alloy decoration with other metals, and not pure gold. This is done so that the products in the process of socks are not deformed, and the upper layer of gold was not so stared.
  • With the products the same problem as with coins. It is important that they remain in good condition, and in order not to be damaged by the chart. If there are stones, they can also be damaged. If, of course, we are not talking about diamonds, but in this case it will already be investing in stones, and not in metal.
  • It is very rare when you can sell such a gold contribution to at least even at the same price you bought it. This, however, does not apply to products that themselves carry historical or artistic value.
  • The cost of jewelry depends not only on the weight of the metal, but the work of the master, taxes and commercial checkers is also taken into account.

other methods

How to invest in gold? In addition to the main, there are several more ways.

Buying gold scrap. This method is quite profitable if you find a legal way to buy scrap, but it is conjugate with some risks. You can get caught a dishonest seller, and you can for considerable money to purchase products from a metal that does not correspond to the stated sample, or for fakes at all.

Another contribution options is to invest in gold mining companies. At the same time, income may be really worthy, but must have some knowledge in this area. You can go and other way - to find a professional who disassembled well, and he will give advice to which company should invest.

Purchase Futures for Gold. The main disadvantages of such an investment are not possible to get metal on the hands, the need to constantly buy futures. If you pay an incomplete cost for them, you can get more income, but it is associated with additional risks. Plus lies in extremely low costs for the purchase of gold.

There is another method associated with modern technologies - investment in electronic money, which are provided with gold. As far as such a gold deposit is reliable, depends on the reliability of the company that is engaged in the release of this money. This method is good if you spend the funds mainly for payment of Internet services: in this case, the state will not be able to control them, and all actions will occur anonymously. Another thing, if you want to withdraw this money, - then you will have to pay fairly high fees to payment systems, as well as taxes.

Basic errors in investing.

The first mistake make newbies that begin to invest money without having a business plan. You need to learn to continue to study your mistakes and mistakes of competitors, try to avoid repetition. Due to the cyclical process, the experienced investor will always pay attention to the graphics of previous years before making forecasts. It is not necessary to join, it is necessary to become an analyst, study your own company, in front of any deposits to study the history of the company in which you are going to invest.

The second main mistake is the lack of patience. Often with the purchase of gold in periods of the highest prices and selling - with the lowest excess of emotions and the inability to wait and evaluate the situation adequately.

The choice of a bad consultant is another basic problem of beginners and the reason to lose the gold deposit. Try when choosing that whose advice you will listen, pay attention to its previous forecasts and how they come true.

Keep track of alarms. Increased risk have investments with the following signs:

  • high volume of trading in the absence of a real movement;
  • hot topic for discussion on specialized sites;
  • recommendations of several consultants;
  • deposits in gold, the promotion of which is engaged in a non-specialist in gold;
  • avoid places with unpredictable policies and with environmental problems.

And the last main problem is the ignorance of enemy tricks. There is a lot of gold enemies that are constantly trying to bring down its price. It is necessary to accurately explore the techniques that they enjoy to notice the main market trends on time.

Investments in gold - a good way to invest money. It is most stable from all, does not bring huge profits, but it is impossible to lose. However, it is necessary to remember some of the basic rules and not to invest all means in it. There are many ways to do this and you can choose exactly the one that suits you.

Gold - Metal, which is valued not one millennium. Since the time of pharaoh, it was considered the attribute of power and wealth, fulfilling the function of money. So it was a few millennia ago, this is happening now.

Currently, cash, replacing gold, actually do not carry any value, unless they are confirmed by the country's gold reserve. That is why investments in gold are considered one of the safest and most profitable options for investing.

Gold is weakly exposed to the effects of crises and in demand as a precious metal in spite of everything. This suggests that gold is the same world currency that will always be needed and everywhere.

The process of such investments has a number of features with which it is necessary to get acquainted before investing in gold.

What is and why are you needed? According to the analysis, the last decades gold is weakly interested in the inhabitants of our country as an investment. Partly, this is due to the fact that ordinary people were deprived of the opportunity to acquire gold for investing. On the other hand, there were more attractive and promising areas that have enjoyed the attention of investors.

With the onset of the 2000s, banks around the world were sold gold reserves. At that moment, the feeling was formed that the course would collapse, and gold will not stand and lose its status "Garant". But the expectations were not justified.

At that moment, when the banking system literally began to fall apart, the investment gold became more attractive. People who keep their savings in precious metals were able to survive a difficult time for the whole world with the greatest comfort.

It was after this crisis that many seriously think about the "gold" investment to ensure financial guarantees. Such thoughts attended both ordinary investors and banking systems.

Banks realized that the existing currency-money system was not perfect and not insured against repeated collars. At that moment, the total sale of gold reserves stopped, and the reverse process started - the active purchase of gold with banks began, which increased demand for him daily.

An increase in demand led to the rise in prices. Such dynamics was favorable for investors who made "golden" investments to the global crisis.

The unstable situation in the political and economic spheres is a favorable factor for the owners of precious metals.

An unforeseen election results can be influenced by the rise in prices, the breakdown of the highest levels of government, the late closure of debts on credit obligations between countries, discussion issues in EU countries, inflation and much more.

During the crisis, many are a panic and begin to buy a variety of shares or real estate objects. If there is no experience with the stock market, you should refrain from such steps.

Another investment option becomes the opening of his business. This is also a rather risky project, as to predict the development of business in the crisis is extremely difficult.

Therefore, investing in gold will become an excellent option for those who are aimed at stability and long-term results.

Of course, as in any matter, in the matter of investment in gold, there are positive and negative sides.

The pluses include the following:

  1. Even global changes in the global economy will not be able to devalue gold.
  2. The investment of savings in gold will ensure the safety of funds for the period of crisis.

The minuses include:

  1. Possible losses from short-term investment. Such losses may be caused by fluctuations in the market, which makes gold not the most interesting proposal for a short investment of funds.
  2. Separate types of investments in gold, do not give possession of a physical metal, therefore, the guarantee of profit is the only valid norms of law in this field, as well as the reputation of the selected organization.

Cancel on the benefits of placement of investment in gold can be quite long.

Someone can choose such an option to ensure stability, without hoping to earn. And someone will try to take advantage of the situation and increase their capital by analyzing the current situation.

Both options have a place to be. Only the investor himself has the right to decide which option will be true for him.

Currently there is an impressive experience with gold. Together with modern instruments of handling "golden" deposits, this gives several options for investing. It is possible to highlight 5 main types of investments in gold, which we will tell below.

Speaking about investments in gold, in the head immediately pops up with the image of gold bars.

The acquisition of gold ingots seems like the most logical embodiment and has several advantages.

First, buying ingots, a person receives a physical possession of the metal and does not depend on the stability of the bank. He does not need to follow his reputation and the presence of a license after the acquisition of metal.

Secondly, changes in legislation on regulating the precious metals market practically do not affect the owners of gold bars.

At the moment, only a few banks are engaged in bullion in Russia. The leading place for investment in gold is occupied by Sberbank (holds 65% of all operations with gold). There are also other major players of this area, such as VTB.

Despite the pros described above, the purchase of ingots is not the most convenient option, as it has a number of serious minuses:

  1. Taxation of acquisition. According to the tax legislation of the Russian Federation, when purchasing physical gold in its price, VAT is taken into account. In other words, the buyer pays 18% over the real price of metal. When returning ingots, the bank does not turn on in the sale price. Thus, if the situation in the market has remained calm and the growth price of the metal has remained calm and the growth of the metal price has not been possible to make selling on sale.
  2. An equally important issue is the issue of storing ingots. By purchasing gold bars must be in advance to take care of this issue. Currently there are two storage options - a safe cell in a special institution or buying a safe to the house. Both storage options will require additional costs, and will also give a new reason for alarm. After all, institutions engaged in providing cells do not give 100% guarantee of safety, as well as home storage. Among other things, it should be treated very carefully to storage of ingots. One scratch on the ingot will serve as a reason for refusing to buy a bank or significantly reduce its cost.

Despite the minuses listed, this method of investing can work, but requires a revision at the legislative level. Its attractiveness will increase with the abolition of VAT when buying in the example of foreign countries.

Thus, today, the acquisition of ingots is not the best way to invest and consider other options.

Separate 2 species - collectible and investment. The purchase of collectible coins, as a rule, is engaged in numismatics, since the rest of people understand little in their values. Most people choose investment in investment coins. Their cost is close to the price of gold and has no binding to nominal coins.

Investing in gold coins is a more common option for investing in gold. In contrast to the acquisition of ingots, VAT is not included in the price of coins, but this does not mean that there are no "pitfalls":

Trade on the stock exchange

Another option to make money to go stock trading. But since not all people understand stock trading, more and more people resort to broker services. Choosing this method, you should remember 2 things:

  1. It is recommended not for beginners, but for experienced investors.
  2. The dealer must be reliable and solvent - this will depend on this. Your enrichment will depend.

Shares of gold mining enterprises

Investments in the gold mining segment also deserve attention when choosing an investment method. To acquire shares, a company occupied by gold mining is selected.

Profit is obtained with rising prices for gold itself, as well as with the growth of shares of a certain institution. Thus, gold mining brings more profits, and also complemented by dividends from investing.

But, like all kinds of investments, the purchase of shares of the company is also at risk. In this case, the risk is the possible collapse of the company whose probability cannot be excluded.

Disclinished metal bills

(OMS) is a fairly common and very convenient way of investing. The principle of its action is a person puts into an ingot or cash equal to a certain amount of gold, as a rule, under 1.5-2% per annum. The client has the right to demand from the bank to fulfill the obligations to pay money within the cost of the ingot.

He can also get in the arms and ingot itself, paying the required VAT size.

The investment of funds in the OMS is well implemented and do not require the storage of the gold reserve. But choosing this method of investment, you should seriously treat the choice of the bank.

With this form of investments, the bank is a guarantee of the fulfillment of obligations, since under the law, the OMS is not subject to insurance as ordinary cash deposits.

Summarizing everything written above, we can say that investing in gold is a great option to secure your capital in case of unforeseen situations in the economic sphere.

If we consider investing in gold as an investment option, it must be remembered that this is a long-term project aimed at a stable and reliable result.