How to get to the Tanaris for the Alliance and Horde. How from the stormgrad to get to the Tanaris: practical advice of the Second World War, how to get to the Tanaris

Tanaris is a huge anhydrous desert in the very south of Calimar. The only settlement in all Tanaris is the city of Pribambask, a neutral settlement, whose hosts are goblins. In addition to them, in the desert, only sand trolls live in the wilderness. The desert Tanaris is located south of a thousand needles, but the direct path is closed there, so the question of how to get to the Tanaris is not from the lungs.

The desert at first glance justifies its name and is really a few, but it is worth moving away from the city and immediately discovered many monsters who want to enjoy you. This is not counting the gangsters settled in local ruins and a variety of magic beings such as sand elementals. Since that WOW and need to swingThe location is also full of different dungeons in which mysterious creatures live. They also say that bronze dragons live here, but it is more beautiful legend than the very observed fact. It is assumed that by the time the player gets here, it will have already 45 levels, to get to the Tanaris before it is quite possible, but in essence it is meaningless. After the desert is the order of purified from the gangsters and the monsters, the player can safely go further to the crath of UN GOO.

From the stormgrad (if the cataclysm or pandaria) simply pull through the teleport in Ulder and then fly on the Maunta. If you have 3.3.5, then Du in Bethi Bay (Pirate Bay), from there the ship goes to the Cabstone, there we will weaken in the Ordane territory, to the south all the time, through a thousand needles, and you are in Tanaris.

You can also via port in Dalaran, ports to the caves of time. And one more way to choose through the Teremor.

And from the Orgrimmar, stupidly running felt, there are no bad difficulties.

Quests Goblins

Clear do not want to share their monopoly and transport all those who wanted heroes to the Tanaris for simply and although the desert is not even on another mainland - to get to Panarium is not an example easier. In order to get to the Tanaris for the first time (after that, you can open air routes and portals to the capitals of both fractions) will come to perform a task in the location of a thousand needle or in Feralis. Both tasks in the end will lead you to the drifting barge of goblins, with which you can already get to the Tanaris. It must be said that these tasks require a certain reputation from fractions, so many players prefer to get to the place by their move, that is, in fact, the flood. This can be done by speaking walking on water, swelling of underwater breathing and other similar methods.

Among other things, it always remains to fly before you need a location if you have a flying pet or ask a familiar Magian to open a portal for you. It can cost some gold, but it is quite possible to pay off during the study of the dungeons under the Tanaris.

Uncle Dec took a bunch of other important affairs. But, then recalling that it was necessary to finish the started and completing his campaign on Kalithor, he turned on the chitomudrome gnome device and found himself in the town in the middle of the desert. The town was called Gajtzan, and the desert - Tanaris ...

Tanaris is one of my favorite locations in Kalimdore, and maybe throughout the old world. Despite the fact that the landscapes and types here are quite modest and there is no special vegetation here, anyway - in the Tanaris there is some special charm. The desert - the landscape is pretty philosophical, the quiet ocean of sand, which is sometimes pronounced by the printed storms, in which it is very easy to get lost and die. There may be a musical motive, but I think that it is still not the main thing. The main thing is, in my opinion, that there are enough mysterious places with a long history. Location itself is very atmospheric, which, I think, a lot of musical accompaniment contributes. But we will tell about everything in order.

The center of the life of the Tanaris is, of course, the Goblin Town Pribambas. Personally, this "Russian" name does not particularly like it, so I prefer the "Streversal" Gadgetzan (Gadgetzan). This goblin settlement reminds me of Mos Aisli, the settlement on Tatooin from the "Star Wars" Universe, the place where the childhood of Darth Vader (when he was still Pazanenka Anakin). A similar architecture and atmosphere of a black market, where are full of suspicious personalities who are unofficing to shove your knife knife. In the gadgetzan, you can find not only a tavern, as well as a ganker from the opposite faction, a bunch of quesa, but also a neutral auction together with representatives of all professions, which, of course, you can buy exclusive recipes and reagents. Arena is located in the middle of the city, where you can measure with the same adventurers, although the skirmishes occur at PVP Realmas anywhere in the city's adventurers.

In addition to this settlement, the cartel cherry gear founded a small port on the coast of which you can (but not you) get into the capital of Goblins - Andermen.

In addition to Gadzhetzan in Tanaris, there is still a large settlement - the city of trolls, Zul'Farrak. The city inhabit the trolls from the tribe of the sandstone and unwanted guests here more than no glad. They worship their cruel gods and legends say that in the waters of the sacred reservoir, the demigod lives, capable of defeating any wicked, daring to disturb him.

Tanaris is also attractive because there are many ancient ruins and mysterious places. One of the most mysterious places of the desert is, of course, the cave of the time, where they lived on the legend himself nosdormum and now live dragons of bronze flocks. Caves serve as a house not only to dragons and their followers, but are the place where there are tunnels in the past, where the most significant events occurred in the history of Azeroth. Battle with Mount Hyzgen, opening with mediv of a dark portal, trawl escape from captivity, Stripping Stratholm Artas. Dragons of infinity all the time trying to change the history of Azeroth and invade the past. The bronze flock does not happen to the help of mercenaries, in order to stop their sworn enemies (although it is rumored that the Dragons of Infinity are a bronze flock from the future).

No less mysterious place are the ultimate gates, fifth from the cities of Titans in Azeroth. Now these gates are sealed and pass through them is not possible. Travelers who managed to go for the mountains in the ultimate area, said that there is nothing further except the sea and where the gates do not say with confidence. Others say that the sea is just an illusion created by the magic of titans and there, behind the gates is a valley with cities and temples of the creators.

Through the desert, the Tanaris (and only through it) also contain transit paths into another mysterious place where Titans left traces of their stay - Crater Un'Goro, and from there you can get to, perhaps, the most ominous territory in the south of Kalimdor - Silithus, whose switches We got to the Tanaris.

In the southern part of the desert there are mountains and if you manage to go to, then you will find deserted beaches for which the turtles crawl. But this is not the last part of the sushi in this part of the planet. If you have an elixir walk on the water, the rapid horse and you are deprived of the lowland fear of being banned death, then you should try to move further south, where palm trees and silhouettes are visible. If you are lucky and the action of the elixir will not end, you will find the islands of the southern seas, which serve as a base for pirates (the port on the east coast is little).

As you can see, despite the fact that the Tanaris is a desert, the place is quite lively. If you venture come here, you will be waiting for a lot of adventure ...

Speaking about the Tanaris, I would like to note that this location is one of the most dense in the presence of instances. Zul'Farrak, Battle of Mount Higgal, "Old" Stratholm, "Old" Hillsbrad, discovery of a dark portal - five instances, including one raid. Considering the fact that another raid for 10/25 people will appear in the caves in the caves, then according to the number of instant zones, the Tanaris will definitely hold the palm of the championship.

Tanaris is a large anhydrous desert, which is located in the south of Calimar. One single intense place in all the Tanaris is the city of Pribambassk. The owners of the city are goblins that keep neutrality. In addition to them, the sand trolls live in this desert. The desert of the Tanaris is a little south of the Location of a thousand needles, but there is no direct move to go there and therefore the question of how to get to the Tanaris remains relevant.

At first glance, the desert is almost deserted and not populated, but if you go away from the city, then a sufficient number of mobs are immediately appearing, which are not going to have dinner. And this is in addition to the gangsters, which are located on local ruins and various creatures like sand elementals. And since the main task of the game is to pump a hero, then here you will find a sufficient number of dungeons in which there will be many creatures for pumping. There are also rumors that bronze dragons live here, but there is no confirmation. At the time when the player enters the Tanaris, it should be 45 levels. You can get here before, but in principle there is no washed away. After cleaning the desert from monsters and gangsters, you can safely move to the crathor of UN GOO.

From the stormgrad, you can go to Uldum through the teleport, and then fly on the Mount. Perhaps also through the pirated bay. From it goes the ship to the Cabstatener, and from there, drinking on the territory of the horde, moving all the time to the south and having passed a thousand needles, get to the Tanaris.

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In yet ways to get to the Tanaris will be the following. In Dalaran, through the portal, we move to the caves of time. And you can also get closer through the thermor. From Ogrimmar, there are no problems in the location - just run and everything.

Quests Goblins
The tricky goblins are not at all the desire to transport everyone to the Tanaris just like that, although the desert is not on the other continent, but, for example, in Pandaria, get to get much easier. In order to get to the Tanaris for the first time, you will have to go through the quest in Feralas or a thousand needles. After that, air routes or portals to the capitals can be founded. The task performed in the end will lead you to barge goblins, from which you can already get to the Tanaris. It is worth noting that for this task it will be necessary to possess a certain reputation from fractions. It is because of this, a sufficient number of players are moved by their move, i.e. Flame. This is carried out with the help of swelling of underwater breathing or speaking walking on water, as well as other similar methods.

World of Warcraft is a cult MMORPG, which combines millions of players around the world. There are many locations and mysteries, secret trails and large, but sufficiently dangerous tracts. Sooner or later, every player who choosing the side of the Alliance has to think about how to get from the stormgrad to Tanaris.

Possible paths

Currently, there are several options for how from the stormgrad to get into the Tanaris relatively quickly:

  • through the port in the pirate bay;
  • through the Bay of Menetils;
  • through a airship in the Tern Valley.

Each of this paths have both their advantages and disadvantages.

Path through the port in the Pirate Bay

This path is the most used. At the same time, novice players may have sufficiently serious problems with movement on it.

About the storm-grade through the Pirate Bay, the quests will tell, which will need to be gradually passing. First, it will be necessary to go from the stormgrad to the twilight forest. In the southern part there is a road. In the future, you will have to move constantly south. At the lowest side of the card and the so-called pirate bay will be located. This settlement is neutral, so here at any character can attack players from the opposing fraction. In the western part of the bay there is a pier, to which the ship comes with a period of 5-7 minutes, which goes to Kolimdor.

After the trip on the vessel, you must go away from it and go to the West in the only way to the place of her infusion in the main tract, crossing all the northern steppes. In the future, you should turn left and move along the main path. It will lead directly to the gorge, separating the steppe on the northern and southern part of it. Next, it is necessary to go through the southern steppes all by the same path before the location of the "Thousand Needle". It is almost completely filled with water. It should be crossed towards east. It is possible to do this, both in water and in cable bridges, stretched between mountain arrays. The water path will be safer, but somewhat longer. Running on bridges for players with a high level is quite simple. Away monsters will not be able to apply significant damage. As for low-level characters, they will have to wade through the crowds of opponents enough enough for them.

The entrance to the Tanaris will be located in the southeastern part of the Location "Thousand Needle".

Path through the Bay of Mesetyl

Before the stormygrad, get to the Tanaris on this path, you must first determine how exactly it is to achieve Stalgorn. There are 2 options:

  • train from the quarter of the dwarf;
  • using the griffin from the stormgrad.

After arrival in Stelgor, it will be necessary to overcome the DUN MOROG in the direction east. There will be a passage after the character turns out to be in this location, it is necessary to go to the north along the western part of Lok Modana. In the northern part of the location, the passage will be located in the swamp. After that, you need to go through the main road to the west to the Bay of Menetiles. From there every 5-7 minutes, the ship is sent to the theramore, located already in Kalimdore. This city is located in the Locations "Dust Topi". If you go along the main road to the west, you can go to the southern steppes. In the future, the path will correspond to the previous one.

Path using the airship of the Ternist Valley

This path is less likely to use WOW players. How to get to the Tanaris from the stormgrad in his help, knows a significantly smaller number of gamers. After the player passes the path specified in the first version, through the Twilight Forest, and will head across the Tern Valley, then he should immediately go right after the Arena Garubashi and go to the settlement of the orcs through the jungle. There will be a landing site. With a frequency of about 10 minutes, a airship is cleared. He will take a character directly to Durotar, located on Kalimdore. In the future, it will be necessary to get out of the western road to the northern steppes and move to the south, as described in the first version.

Currently, these are the only acceptable options for how from the stormgrad to get into the Tanaris.