Corsairs how to pump secrets. Official FAQ for Addnu "Return of Maritime Legend"

Corsairs each character characteristic of the character's personal skills
Charisma is the ability to convince and pass people behind them. It affects the outcome of gaming events in situations associated with the personal charm of the character or its reputation. Depends on leadership and trainee (A * 0.9 + T * 0.1)
Rapiers and swords. Ability to handle rapies, swords and other infrident instruments, small in size. Depends on the reaction and perception (R * 0.9 + 1 * 0.1)
Sabls and Tesaki. The ability to manage with sabers and similar curved rubbing and cruise-cutting weapons requiring not only strength, but also a certain skill. Depends on the strength and reaction (P * 0.6 + R * 0.4)
Balayshes and axes. The ability to handle heavy groats, axes and rare swords requires depth physical strength. Depends on force and endurance (p * 0.9 + E * 0.1)
Pistols and Muskets. The ability to use personal short, long and multi-rolled firearms, requires dexterity and a certain good luck. Depends on the reaction and good luck (R * 0.5 + S * 0.5)
Luck. Fortune. She is the luck. Needed everywhere and everyone! Depends on luck. (S)
Secrecy. The ability to slip past the enemy workers, in the endless ocean desert to evade the pursuers or, like the thunder among the clear sky, to collapse on the careless enemy. Depends on luck and perception (S * 0.5 + 1 * 0.5)
Corsairs each of his character characteristics Ship skills
Navigation. The ability to spend the ship through the storm and thick fog. The ability to use navigation devices and manage the squadron. The biggest and terrible ship will fly as if the bird, easily obeying the hard hand of an experienced skipper. Depends on perception and trainee (G0.2 + T * 0.8). To control the vessel of a certain class, the corresponding minimum navigation level is required: Class 1 requires 95 navigation, Class 2 requires 80 navigation, Class 3 requires 65 navigation, Class 4 requires 45 navigation, Class 5 requires 25 navigation, Class 6 requires 01 Navigation. The lack of navigation skill leads to a decrease in all skills and characteristics of the hero (so-called "minuses", the emergence of negative penalties in characteristics). The magnitude of the penalty is defined as the difference between the current and required navigation value, in classes. Example You have a skill navigation 50 and Palash's personal skills and axes 35, you began to use a class 2 ship, all your skills are reduced by 30 points, now the skill of the executioners and axes is 5 points.
Accuracy. One of the most necessary maritime expanses of qualities. This captain will not spend the ammunition to dissolve all the fish in the district. Each PSC - in the target! Without perception and good luck, do not do here (L * 0.8 + S * 0.2)
Guns. Deftly equip the tool and until the shooting of a shot has not yet been aged among the bulkheads, again banned-equipped, not forgetting the trunk in time, cool ... nothing is superfluous - charge, go, volley! Depends on trainee and sipes (T * 0.6 + P * 0.4)
Boarding. As it can be careful to bring the vessel to the enemy board, to throw cats and avalanche from the first time to collapse on the trembling opponent, hurricane to rush along the decks and. With minimal loss to take an enemy ship deserved prize! All this requires considerable skill and experience, but rich mining will easily pay off every effort. Enables the reaction and learning (R * 0.7 + T * 0.3)
Protection. The day after day the team "carries out" to the ship, and now every sailor has a dozen newbies. Protect its people during the battle, not to give them stupid and pointless to die - the task of a good captain and a deft strategist. Endurance and leadership is equally important to the mobilizing crew to protect the ship! (E * 0.5 + A * 0.5)
Fixing. When the nuclei fell on the ship with a ruthless hail, divert the sides in the chips and turn the sails into rags when under the blows of a merciless element tremble and moaning a tired body, and the wind tears tackle, like a thread, the repair becomes the most important from ship skills. Endurance is crucial, then perception
(E * 0; 8 + 1 * 0.-2)
Trade. The skill with profit to sell the next day that yesterday I bought on the occasion. Knowledge of advantageous trading routes, business grip, careful accounting and durable spacious shopper always on hand to a person enterprising. Trainability and leadership decide everything (T * 0.8 + A * 0.2) ...
Reputation. Reputation displays the attitude of society to the character. The reputation of ordinary characters is unchanged throughout the game: it is believed that their temper has already been formed and they are quite monotonous in their behavior. From all the other main characters distinguish authority, fame and honor. The fame of the hero with time is melting, and the actions are erased from the memory of people. Poor is forgotten worse, good faster. If you do not make any serious actions, the hero will be perceived by the surrounding as "unknown adventurer". Authority, fame and honor are distinguished by the main character from all other game characters. Authority is an assessment of the hero to his environment (primarily the crews of ships consisting in the squadron of the protagonist). If the authority of the captain fell critically, it is presented to him a black mark and suggest to fold the powers voluntarily or forcibly. If the authority is high, cohesive around the crew commander can withstand any tests with faith in the future! Fame shows what popularity, celebrity, glory of the main character. In front of the famous person, any doors will open, fans are looking for his attention, and opponents tremble from one mention of his name! The real hero is not going anywhere from the nobility of the Spirit, Altruism and High Aspirations. From the God's commandments and human laws. Honor shows what your hero is most likely inclined. The honor is growing when he saves the world and its inhabitants. Or falls to the most ugly depths, from violated promises, creatible violence and evils. Honor depends on the actions of the character and, in turn, affects how other people acting in the game perceive. However, if the hero leads a monotonous and measured lifestyle, chooses the least risky solutions, lonely travels in the deserted seas, his honor and fame go away, like sand through your fingers, striving for a neutral and uncomplicated middle. In the game, the memory of the Cork community and on average does not exceed half of the game year.
Korsairs to each his cannons, cooler on your vessels

3 pound guns
Deck guns equipped with turret. They have the greatest mobility and, due to small sizes, the smallest strength and distance of the defeat. Often are supplied with a replaceable treason part that allows you to produce a quick recharge. Distance - 350, damage - x 1.0, recharge - 10 seconds.

6 pound guns
Small guns, very popular on courier and commercial vessels due to low weight and ease of maintenance. Distance - 450, damage - x 1.5, recharging - 19 sec. Weight 6 c.

12 pound guns
The basic tools of a small military fleet, capable of fire at large elevation angles, which significantly increases the effective distance distance. Have a high reliability. Distance - 550, damage - x 2.0, recharge - 31 seconds. Weight 11 c.

Punches 16 pounds
Modern instruments of french type. Thanks to the progressive design, larger damage is applied and at a greater distance, compared with ordinary semi-intensities, slightly inferior to them in time of charging, reliability and somewhat surpassing in weight. Distance - 600, damage - x 2.5, recharging - 40 seconds. Weight 16 c.

20 pound guns
The tools of the largest caliber, allowing to use the waters of the cores on the vessel, noticeably increasing damage to the enemy. However, the length of the trunk leads to a noticeable increase in their weight. Distance - 650, damage - x 3.0, recharging - 48 seconds. Weight 20 c.

24 pound guns
The most balanced at the ratio of the main technical indicators of the gun. Enjoy well-deserved in military and expeditionary ships. Distance - 700, damage - x 4.0, recharge - 56 seconds. Weight 29 c. pack 1 pc.

Punches 32 pounds
Large-caliber heavy guns suitable for bombing of fortifications. Apply a crushing damage case. The range is 650, damage - x 5.0, recharge - 61 seconds. Weight 40 c.

Long-life 8 pound guns on a special machine with a powerful bed and alloyous wheels ... have an enlarged shooting range. Usually apply to the maintenance of barrier range - 700, damage - x 2.0, recharge - 35 seconds. Weight 16 c.

Average 18 pound guns of increased range, suitable for consumption for relatively small courts. Despite the striking distance of the battle, differ in incredible weight and durability of equipment. Distance - 850, damage - x 3.0, recharge - 52 seconds. Weight 32 c.

Ballistic diagram All guns. To try to compare in the battle of Kulevrins and 100 pound guns, you will see that the range is not so important than killeriness.

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Total discussion and questions about passing
Senior - smart was a kids. Junior Son and So, and Syak. In general, I was exactly a fool.

Aho, brave sailors and fans of adventure adventures! Greetings in our little restaurant on the edge of the world! Take yourself a pint of the selected Roma and arrange more comfortable. We have a long and pleasant evening in the company of port women, gambling, as well as incredible stories about the adventures that are waiting for us, simple corsars, on the way to the legendary treasures! Do not skimp on words! Share your experience with green Jungi, not yet sniffed smells of sweat and powder! I did not know the joy of fresh sea breeze after a protracted calm! Help choose a vessel for round-the-world travel or tell me a couple of tricks that will help the young Corsaire become a maritime legend. Rest, have fun, and remember: after all, the parrot is alive!

Plus, the workers were very moved with quests along the course of which GG loses his ship. You have to be replayed, waving the game, leaving the main ship on joke in the port, and swim on some tartan or a lugger.
Compared to other parts, the player is very attached by time. He practically does not have time to deal with piracy, trading and performing side quests for his pleasure. The success of the tasks for a while depends on the banal luck with the passing wind, plus there is a bug when it is spent through the command to "get to ..." is spent much less time than the cost of the same point in the world map.
The only thing that pleased in this game is trade. It really became really to earn.

Recently deleted this game, although he also played for several months, then he threw, I didn't like too docking fencing, which, along with other Persian skills, rises very slowly, and, accordingly, personal abilities are earned.

But with ship skills more difficult. I still use the skills of the navigations. The benefit of quest officers have a high level of skill.

In general, the game is unrealistic. Too cool limitations of quests in time, the opponents at the beginning ofigere (only with the help of forts could hand out), and from the very first minutes of entering the open sea at the beginning of the game, we meet immediately with the whole escaders of the enemy. Natural tin. Moreover, I am unlike the impossibility of the game at the beginning (until we pump the skill raising flags or the patent of the West India company can not buy) to carry out missions for the delivery of some passengers and ships to the Spanish shores. And almost everyone meets the characters at first (at least in my case) ascend exclusively in Spanish colonies. But the story tightened. The plot is good, in comparison with the old parts.

Plus, the workers were very moved with quests along the course of which GG loses his ship. You have to be replayed, waving the game, leaving the main ship on joke in the port, and swim on some tartan or a lugger.

Yes, I don't like it either. I know that in the course of the game it should be. In the same caliper in my opinion, everything is based on this. But not yet met. I do not know yet if everyone will have to buy every officer to buy what to keep them. For the passage saw that only one of them survives. That I mean Mary or Rumba, depending on whom you will take. And yes, it is a pity that both it is impossible to take.

I liked the game, especially the plot. He is above all praise. So many variations of the passage, it is thought out literally all to the smallest detail. The scripts were really bored for fame, especially when the dialogues were awarded all the NPS by the only NPS, a real, living character. I think even Stanislavsky would not find what to find face.
Bright, dynamic fights, which even at the end of the game are forced to strain and sweat. Although a newcomer (such, for example, as I, who previously played only in the first Corsairs), the game will seem through the chaur complicated even on a light level. However, it is possible to adapt, it is necessary to pay only more time to pass.
Without minuses, however, it was not. The stormy engine is cunning and merciless, always starts to get into the most responsible moment. Although I, oddly enough, the departures happened less often than the rest.

Personal skills are hampered quickly. Fencing at all can be poured, stupidly enjoyed on land in the Spanish fort (so far noble idalgo treat the character is no better than a piece of non-cellular) and cutting everything and all on the way. A couple of hours of real-time, and your skill is already on the hundred. It is better not to climb into pirates with such things.

On older versions, I remember, this was really possible. In the last version, they chopped such a freebie. The skills are hampered, but extremely slowly, only on tasks experience drips.

In fact, the opportunity to take both is, the truth is not forever, and even then with restrictions.

There is nothing complicated, just to cross the entire Pirate Saga.


to pick up Mary still at the second visit to the OS, it is necessary to make that the prophecy of the Tsigan is not fulfilled, which Helen says. That is, it is necessary either not to return the chest with the guns, or call Helen with the name of her adopted father, MacArthur, and not Sharpe. In this case, Mary agrees to climb the ship and both girls will travel from GG on the ship to the end of the saga. Helen at the end leaves. Naturally, you can not choose between them, only Mary.

Personally, for me positive in this part, much more than the negative one. In each aspect of the game, the work of the developers is visible, which you will not say about many AAA projects that are moving commerce, and not an idea. It is worth scolding only the engine, which, unfortunately, is not always able to function normally on XP + systems.

Fencing rolling speed depends directly from the game style. It is logical to assume that if the GG is constantly in the sea - sea skills will swing. As for me, the Duck this system is quite understandable and playable. I would like to add that skills at the time of the quest, be it generator / plot / side, swing faster.

That's it precisely that it is extremely small for a free game of time, perhaps only at the stage of collecting a million peso (if you collect these pesos not through the quest "Dutch Gambit", but through trade and piracy).

That's it precisely that it is extremely small for a free game of time, perhaps only at the stage of collecting a million peso (if you collect these pesos not through the quest "Dutch Gambit", but through trade and piracy).

Three months to collect one million pesos - a convention that can be broken several times. Also, after passing a pirate saga, you can fry at least ten game years, which will not affect the plot. Where else is free?)
If, for example, take the standard system from the GIC, where the GG immediately after the respauna is engaged in a free game - certainly there are differences, but not as critical what seem at first glance.

Yeah. It is generally unwillingly, honestly. Like zombies. It seems to move, but hell knows when something falls off from him.

Fencing rolling speed depends directly from the game style. It is logical to assume that if the GG is constantly in the sea - sea skills will swing. As for me, the Duck this system is quite understandable and playable. I would like to add that skills at the time of the quest, be it generator / plot / side, swing faster.

The system is not enough that has the right to life. So it is generally awesome! It is logical and consistent. Just performing what is supposed to raise the skill. True recently I am more resorting to the help of Gypsies. Because Some skills I still do not understand what rolled. For example, the same secrecy. And for some quests, this secrecy is directly necessary skill.

Compared to other parts, scene quests appeared, which require time execution, but it does not mean that it is impossible to choose the right moment for a free game between these quests

Can. But it is very difficult to honestly. Yes, and the plot does not let go.

That's it precisely that earlier the fencing was perfectly shot during the boardings in the fights with captains and an enemy team, and now it is necessary to make a save / load for this to be a duel in cities and arrange a hunt for local gangsters and then fencing is growing barely.

This fencing is improved faster than the remaining skills. Moreover, local gangsters are not so rarely come across. Yes, and I often try to take the vessel of the enemy by Abordazh, than to flood it. Well, during the secret visits to the Spanish colonies, I simply can't help you to go inside the settlement and keep a couple of noble conquistadors. As a result, fencing skills and firing is completely pumped. But with the rest, less and less rosy. Some even up to 50% did not even rust.

Gentlemen. As a fan of a series with 7-year-olds (already it became scary now) I read your posts with interest with interest.
I first first, a few words about how this game appeared in general. It was (however, it's quite a team of player enthusiasts now), such a team of player enthusiasts, Black Studio, which made a global modification on the "city of lost ships" (previous game series) - Mod Pak 1.3.2 Adventure Tales. In parallel with the modification, they made a fan supplement to the game - actually "each of their own". Some ideas of addon (for example, generated quests) were tested at the fashion pack. In Addon, there were three main characters (Charles de Mor, William Paterson, Diego Montoya) with three plot lines associated with each other. When Akella, as the right holder of the series, saw what was obtained in the end, she decided to publish this project as a separate game. So appeared "Corsairs: to each his own." In the first version of the game there is a plot only for Charles de Mora, since there was no time for the improvement of two others. Actually, the entire Corsary community is waiting when the remaining two Gg and their ruler will add to the game. So far, the developers have released two relatively small DLS ("Kalablen" and "Last Lesson"), on the third approach, "under the black flag."

Here it is what. The previous game of the series, the "city of lost ships", was sharpened mainly on fripses. Actually, players naphripped plenty. CCS developers decided to shift the focus on the plot component. At the same time, Fipley as such is not going anywhere - there can be fun between the story quests as you want a player.

Well, this game feature was known again in the CCP

But it was surprised. It is believed that in Fripple KCC focus on piracy and generated quests. It became more complicated to trade than in the CCP.

In one of the updates, pumping on soldiers in the fort cut. Especially in the framework of the fight against Tupupukh. As the developers explained, the pumping of the hero is quite going on in the course of side and generated quests - and this fully reveals the game than an infinite massacre for the sake of skills.

In fact, most shipping skills and abilities are not objectively needed, because they overlap with hired officers (key positions - navigator, canonir and boots). I just need the ability to raise foreign flags (it allows you to penetrate the enemy cities), it is worth pouring the branch of the navigator abilities - its final perk allows you to ignore unnecessary clashes on the global map.

What pleases - the CCS plot is organically intertwined with plots, perhaps all the previous games of the series. From the second, third and CCP - for sure.

When it is pirates topil Ships? This is unprofitable

Strange why. Due to unique goods, rich capital is earned elementary trading. I speak exactly the player's free trade, and not about the quest from the shopkeepers. We take the goods where it is export and sell where it is considered unique. And if there is another officer with a pumping trade, then everything is super. Trade complicated by the fact that there are many diplomatic obstacles in the game.
After passing one story quest, almost in all cases immediately give the following. And if you take into account the fact that the fulfillment of the quest is limited by the temporary framework, then the fripnels simply remains no time.

  • What is s.p.e.c.i.a.l? S.P.E.C.I.A.L is a RPG system that allows the player to create a unique GG with the desired characteristics. Abbreviation S.P.E.C.I.A.L is composed of the first letters of the names of seven characteristics inherent in any character in the game. Here are these characteristics:
    • Strength. Rough physical force. Need to strike hard, thump and drag a lot. Affects the portable weight and number of lifestyle points. Defining characteristic for skills requiring great physical efforts, especially heavy and medium weapons, instrument skills.
    • Perception. Perception. The ability to see and hear. Without a good basher of the core of the guns, it is unlikely to fly towards the opponent. Especially strongly affects the ability to accuracy, secrecy.
    • Endurance. Endurance. It is essential for the survival of people a heavy pirated profession. No less needed to their potential customers. Repair and protection are the most dependent on this characteristic, as well as the increase in lifetime and portable weight.
    • Charisma. Charm. The result of a combination of a courageous wounded physiognomy and a well-suspended language. The charming character should not be resorted to the strength to take possession of the product of a lucky merchant - he will give him himself. The best people will go behind him, and beautiful women will wait in each port. Charm - the necessary attribute for such skills as authority and commerce. Affects the number of joining officers.
    • Intellect. Intelligence. Knowledge, wisdom and ability to make decisions quickly. For a smart character, it will not be difficult how to quickly recharge the weapon and reset prices in the store. The treatment of navigation devices is also required. Affects commerce, cannons, navigation.
    • Agility. Dexterity. Coordination of movements and agility of hands. An awkful man of a saber will get stuck in the sheath, and the boarding hook clings to his owner's pants. It is necessary for such skills as light and medium weapons, pistols, boardage. Affects the number of rebounds in battle.
    • Luck.What can be said about good luck? We are gentlemen, if there is good luck, and without good luck, there are no gentlemen. It helps where everything else is useless. The bullet will fly by, and the enemy will take place near and not notice. Affects the skills of pistols, luck, secrecy.
    Before starting a new game, the player has the ability to redistribute the values \u200b\u200bof the characteristics at will and on the basis of the game style. It should be remembered that the skills can not be redistributed arbitrarily, because System S.P.E.C.I.A.L. has certain limitations. For example, it is impossible to set the value of any characteristic of Mesche 3 and more than 10. The sum of all characteristics values \u200b\u200bshould be equal to 40 (the exception is the "Secret Agent" type, which has two additional points in characteristics). In addition, there are limitations on the distribution of points S.P.E.C.I.A.L. for different types of GG. For example, a secret agent cannot have the values \u200b\u200bof any of the characteristics greater than 8. Below is a list of default characteristics for different types of GG and limit on their change:
    • Corsair (S \u003d 7, p \u003d 6, e \u003d 6, c \u003d 3, i \u003d 5, a \u003d 8, l \u003d 5). Min. Dexterity (a) \u003d 7, max. Charm (C) \u003d 5.
    • Dealer (S \u003d 4, p \u003d 9, e \u003d 5, c \u003d 6, i \u003d 9, a \u003d 3, l \u003d 4). Min. Intellect (I) \u003d 5, Max. Power (S) \u003d 7.
    • Master (S \u003d 8, p \u003d 5, e \u003d 7, c \u003d 5, i \u003d 7, a \u003d 4, l \u003d 4). Min. Power (S) \u003d 5, Max. Perception (P) \u003d 8.
    • Inquisitor (S \u003d 6, p \u003d 4, e \u003d 5, c \u003d 8, i \u003d 6, a \u003d 6, l \u003d 5). Min. Charm (C) \u003d 6, max. Intellect (i) \u003d 7.
    • Adventurer (S \u003d 5, P \u003d 7, E \u003d 4, C \u003d 4, I \u003d 6, A \u003d 6, L \u003d 8). Min. Good luck (L) \u003d 6, max. Endurance (E) \u003d 8.
    • Secret agent (S \u003d 6, p \u003d 6, e \u003d 6, c \u003d 6, i \u003d 6, a \u003d 6, l \u003d 6). Max. The value of any characteristic \u003d 8.
    In addition to the characteristics, the character also has 14 skills, 5 of which are personal, and the remaining 9 - ship. The starting values \u200b\u200bof the skills and the speed of their pumping depend on the corresponding characteristics (see above). Maximum values \u200b\u200bfor any skill \u003d 100.
    IMPORTANT! Throughout the game, the characteristics of the GG remain unchanged, how born - so will die. It is impossible to pump or redistribute the characteristics during the game. So distribute immediately and with the mind.
  • How to download fencing? Fight, fight and fight again! The weapon in the game is now clearly divided into 3 classes - light (daggers, rapies), medium (sabers, checkers) and heavy (axes, executioners). When the GH is involved in fights, the ability of possession of those weapons with which he is armed at the moment. Accordingly, to become a master of the sword, with the same ease of owning any weapon - carry a few saber, changing them in the game process.
  • I try to download fencing in fights, but opponents are treated faster than I beat them ... What to do? Beat more often! Actually, beat all the time, except for blocking the oncoming strike. Do not stand in the block! Only put the unit at the moment when the enemy begins to shuff. If there is not enough reaction - use the time slowing down (key "-"; "+", respectively, disperses back). Perks "Kirase" are very helpful (with the presence of kirasso acts) and the "professional fencer".
  • I came up a little with skeletons in the cave, and my skills fell in -10! But this is the effect of one of the late innovations - health! If it fell below the excellent, GG begins to receive kids in the charakesthers, and those, in turn, give minuses into skills: fencing and authority. Health is restored by itself, quite slowly, but still. Faster everything when the GG does nothing (sleeping in the tavern), twice as slower while swimming on the ship. Perk "Medicine" speeds up the restoration of health is twice. The Golden Background of Health Indicator says that health has been restored to the maximum. However, maximum health can also decrease in obtaining serious damage (scars and injury, which even after full healing make themselves felt in battle). The priests in churches can restore the maximum health, but infrequent, slightly and for big money. Sometimes a visit is required to visit 2-3 priests, so that the "good gold" health has become a "good white" - and still after that it is necessary to wait when health will restore to the "excellent gold".
  • I have not fought anyone for a long time, but I don't care about all the characteristics ... This means that the GG owns the ship, to control which it is not enough for navigation skills. List of navigation requirements for ships of different classes, see below.
  • Where in the archipelago to find teachers? The travelers in the jungle, buyers in stores and on shipyards, parishioners in the church - may be teachers (just passersby on the streets - no). The probability of this is small - all kinds of advisers, beggars, stray merchants and the like are much more common. A teacher for a solid remuneration can improve one of your skills. The most important is the likelihood of meeting teachers where many people, for example, in the Church of San Juan.
  • How to download navigation in battles?
    • Shoot either drowning ships ram.
    • Take on boarding ships.
    • Storming the forts (the cannons and accuracy are also well developed).
  • How to download navigation in storms? It makes no sense to actively download navigation in storms, if there is no one's own island - on a small ship for a very long time, on a big one, it flies to a penny to repair the ship (especially on the thunderstorm of the seas and the impossible - where fast repair does not work). In general, the tactics are as follows: 1. We hire a skipper with navigating at least 70, we produce a more or less serious ship of the type of Pinas, I spend the money and rebuild Cayman or TERS. Option - Capture the colony (for extremals and players on "freebies"). We put your governor - now you can repair for free. 2. Capture the ship more, best - manova (the speed of pumping directly depends on whether the ship's trickness, or from Max. Teams). 3. Beat around the island, looking for a storm, enemies ignore (Perk "Experienced Maritime" helps a lot). Cut in the storm, trying to keep either strictly in the wind, or against the wind - gives more navigation growth (the higher the level of complexity, the harder it is). When the ships of the ship are suitable for 10%, we float into the port, to the governor and they. Repeat to navigation \u003d 100. In the same way, navigating the mercenaries in captains (it is only necessary to ensure that they do not stop in the process).
  • How much navigation should be on the ships of this or that class?
    • 6th grade: 1-24
    • 5th grade: 25-39
    • 4th grade: 40-64
    • 3rd grade: 65-79
    • 2nd class: 80-94
    • 1 grade: 95-100
  • How to download trade? Trade is growing as sales and purchase of large batches of goods. Also grow when buying / selling personal belongings. In smuggling, trade does not grow.
  • How to download authority? Perform any operations requiring command people - from some quests before the colony capture.
  • How to download secrets? Stealth swings during the sales of smuggling. In addition, stealth swings if you managed to give yourself to another, for example, when meeting with OZK or OZD on land. Similarly, if the GG was not recognized when a meeting in the sea, when it was under a strange flag - it also increases secrecy.
  • How to download repair?
    • We put the "repair" peppers and do not forget to always carry the boards and the canas.
    • Upon arrival at the shipyard makes the ships repairs - the repair is growing (only in the one who is the captain of the ship, so it makes sense, visiting the shipyard, to change the ships under the team of Persian to develop a useful function). The repair grows in proportion to the fixed ships' hits: you can repair everything at once, you can gradually - the overall increase will not change.
  • How to download luck? The following actions increase the luck of the GG:
    • Fights on land. The luck rises with each successful impact or shot.
    • Battle of the sea. The luck rises with each accurate getting into the enemy.
    • And, of course, gambling. Every win GG will raise the skill of luck.
  • What is a reputation and what is it eating? The reputation of the GG is a kind of "thermometer", showing the degree of fame of the GG in the archipelago, and what exactly the grade of Glory goes about it. Itself low (negative) or high (positive). The reputation varies depending on what kind of action is performed by the GH. If the GG commits good deeds - the reputation grows, otherwise it falls. Changes reputation gradually. The entire scale of the values \u200b\u200bof the turnip is divided into 9 degrees (in order of increasing): "Thunderstorms of the Seas", "Bloody Killer", "Scounding", "Fraudster", "Ordinary Sailor", "Honest Captain", "Defender of the oppressed", "noble knight "," Hero ". It is important to understand that the value of reputation within the same group may be different. For example, if the GG has a reputation "ordinary sailor", it can be both positive (closer to "honest captain") and negative (closer to the "fraudster").
  • How to raise reputation? (not to be confused with authority!)
    • Make orders for shopping owners for shipping.
    • Convoating merchants and delivery of passengers.
    • Perform quests ("Rescue Daughter Toffa", "Help of the Church", "Strange Things ...", ...).
    • Let me release prisoner captains without redemption (captains - in the hold: Go down there Icon "TRYUM" and talk when the ship is in the coastal waters of the island).
    • Save girls in the jungle from violent.
    • To sacrifice the money of the church and fulfill the tasks of the priest on the rest of the unclean.
    • Awesome.
    Remember that the reputation rises (and lowered) gradually, and the corresponding text does not change immediately. Also, the higher the reputation, the more difficult to raise it further.
  • How to reduce reputation?
    • Dragland.
    • Perform quests for pirates.
    • Let the captains on the board in the open sea or take them into slavery.
    • Refuse to help girls in the jungle.
    • Blasphemy in the church.
    • Rob shopping caravans.
    • To kill civilians and in general - to finish all sorts of obesity ...
  • How to reduce the reward for your head?
    • In the case of hostility with a nation appointed award - to buy out the diplomat. The cost depends on the reputation (the hero pays less than all). If the reward is more than 99000, this method does not work.
    • Meeting with head hunters (ozgami) on Earth sometimes reduces the award, regardless of its outcome (bribery, bluff or fight).
    • For surrender to Ozgam, captured and pay off the prison chief - significantly reduces the award.
    • Assistance to the mayors (especially in siege) also reduces the award.
    • If the award is very high, and no other ways do not work - you can break through through the guards directly to the mayor, and try to remove the reward with a bribe (about triple size). It turns out not always - if you run on an incomprehensible mayor, can take to fort and shoot!
    Even removing the NZG completely, you can meet the ozheads in the sea: he is already given a team, and he does not know that the reward is removed.
  • What do the "Changing Flag" give? Great save money and time. It makes it possible to embark on the subject of any power and enter any port without resorting to the services of the diplomat. The game has five different flags (4 flag of nations in the number of powers and the coastal fraternity flag). In order to be able to raise one or another flag, you need to open the appropriate ship perk at the Russian Federation. For example, if the GG is open in the French Flag and the Spanish flag, then you can raise any of them, but you cannot raise, for example, the French flag, if of course, you have NAT Patent France. At the time of its action, the patent is equal to the flag perfoch the corresponding nation. In order to change the flag, you need to go "F2 -\u003e Attitude to nations-\u003e Flag Change". If the flag does not change and the deaf knock is heard - this means that it is too late for changing: you are already noticed by a number of enemy ships or a fort. In order not to have problems of this kind, work out the habit of going to the island in the sea away from the fort - at a high distance the flag can be changed, even if hostile ships are in the sea.
    Important! The work of the perks "Flag" is closely connected with the "recognition of the GG" mod. Let's be prepared for the fact that if you change the flag - when you meet with other ships in the sea, this military trick can be disclosed. In this case, you will have to fight, and sometimes - even with friends ... The probability of recognition depends directly proportional to the number and class of ships in the SCADD and inversely proportionally from the ability to secrecy. The only flag for which recognition will not be done - this is a black flag. If the GG changed the flag on black - they will attack it right away.
    Important! Restriction on the application of the Flag Channel Percans: You can not raise the flag of the nation that has set over 50,000 piastra for your head.
  • How to include "Muskete volley"? It works automatically - it is even written in the left-wing corner in the upper left corner "volley is killed so much." The losses from the muscutal volley can be up to 25% of the shelled team, but no more than the shooting numbers. Therefore, if you are a Luigger try to take on the board of Manovar, then the loss of the Manovar team from your muscutty volley will not more than the number of sailors with whom you go to the board. At the same time, no more than a quarter of your team will be killed with a response musketic volley from Manovar.
  • How does Perk "Exchange Experience"? Did I lose the expuations because my officers get it instead? The main character gets the same exposure as without peak; But the officers begin to additionally receive their percentage of the exposure. The opposite is not true. GG does not receive additional expuations from the officer, if that is this perk. In addition to all the above, Perk "Exchange of Experience" allows you to exchange objects with officers during the Aabdaja.
  • What is the meaning of the perk "Causes confidence"? All the same, smuggled goods can only be viewed, and it is impossible to sell! The meaning is that you can buy a little smuggling product (on a huge smuggled price, of course), if it is very necessary - slaves, for example, or food. It will also make sense to see the amount of goods from the seller: the more product, the lower the purchase prices. But to hand over big parties smuggling to the store can not: too noticeable. The goods take "dealers" in the bays (smugglers and the merchant - one shop, and, accordingly, one warehouse). In addition, if this Perk is open at GG, the employers will close their eyes on his reputation and give tasks, and the architect will agree to build a colony for GG with a negative reputation.
  • I heard that different peppers and features are turned off at different levels of complexity - where can I see the list?
    • At difficulty, the sailor is a slowdown in time to 0, in the block you can stand as much as you like, and the number of Ostrokov GG in battle is unlimited.
    • For difficulties, the sailor has chit perk "Abordazh on choosing".
    • The difficulties of the health sailor does not work (no minuses in skills and characteristics).
    • For difficulties, the sailor works the team to "go to" a hostile city.
    • On the first two difficulties, a new navigation (cutting maneuverability at low speed) does not work for GG.
    • On the first two difficulties, the minimal team of companions is not taken into account, the overview of the command and the trumpets to go to the sea.
    • In the first two difficulties, opponents and officers do not drink treatments in battle.
    • The complexity "Impossible" disabled perk "Fast repair".
  • The level has grown, and Perk did not appear. This is normal. The new level is given for improving the skills (any) to a certain number of points in the amount, and the new Perk is for improving the skills from one group. If the skills rose in different groups (pistols + navigation, for example) - the level of the GG increases, and Perk will be given after the missing items in a specific group of skills are typed. The number of items that are necessary to increase the level / preparation of the peak depends on the intellect of the GG. See the number of items remaining before raising the level of points can be under the port of GG, if you click on the character's name. To see the number of items remaining before receiving the peak, you need to choose, respectively, the icon of personal or ship perks. IMPORTANT! If the GG is low intelligence, then you will not be able to open all your personal peppers. All ship peppers can not be opened even at the highest (10) level of intelligence. In addition, the intelligence also depends on the maximum achievable level of the GG in the game.

Twelve years and powder still have
Before the start of the conversation, I want to complain about the dilemma: whether we are before us for "Corsary GPK", or the game? Accordingly, the answer to the question should establish and talk about the subject. Formally, this is an independent game, sold separately, does not require any other versions to install. The likelihood is great, that in addition to old sea wolves, fans of all Corsaars, will take care of the passage and salag ... Pardon, of course, meaning the recruits. For those or for other descriptions of the game should be yours. Perhaps we will focus on the latter.
You should begin with the fact that Corsairs are already a brand, it is one of the most domestic series of games, leading countdown since 2000. The developers of the first, second, third (or rather addons to the third) could rightfully be proud of their product that did not have equal in the "Pirates" toys. We emphasize the past form, since in fact the last change of engine, the graphics refers to 2007. And since then any Corsairs (fashion, addons) - from this point of view, these are all the same "Corsairs of the Code of Civil Procedure".
But since the fourth corsairs are not visible even on the horizon, we have to be content with what is. And there is not so much. Most mods make only "feathers". But if all quests, plot lines are alonging along and across, "Fichi" already "will not save the father of Russian democracy" and no at all. Mods with a well-worked new plot not so much. Therefore, the release of each is an event. Moreover, the product is positioned as a game. That is, it is not necessary to suffer with the installation, with the selection of the correct version. If there are bugs, the bona fide developers will be able to catch them.
Thus, the release of the game "Corsairs: to each of its own" from, generally speaking, perfectly proven the teams "Black Mark Studio" in the circles of fans produced a lively movement, and at the same time pulled into the team of brave fans of the Corsair series the enon number of recruits. By the way, the game from the technical point of view came out to "excellent", distributed through Steam. Well, what is it, in our opinion, in gaming relationship, we will now try to set out.

Brother for Brother
First of all, players are waiting for completely new adventures, that is, the quest line. The plot is built on the fate of the two French brothers, one of whom fell into the unpleasant story in the Caribbean, well, and the second (just you) will have to help him. Brantz began to go to the prison of Maltese knights, owing them a million. Accordingly, this million player has to be returned. By the way, finally a good substantiation of the accumulation of money in the game. And then you usually copy them, copy, why?
The first sequence of quests simultaneously performs the role of the Educational Stage. It will be necessary to start without a ship, but strictly adhering to the task rule. Although already at this stage, the ear players instantly found loopholes. See yourself. The first step on arrival at the Caribbean is a visit to the governor. However, there your character is arrested, will take off all scarce property (money, jewelry, sword) and put in prison. Then, of course will be released, but things will not return - corruption in the field. You have to start literally from scratch. Some pin can be obtained from the governor. But everything is a pity anyway. And here she is a loophole. Until the first visit to the governor to go beyond the city, find the cave, in it the chest, put his things in the chest, and then pick them up. Not fair? Well, so we are pirates!
Next, you need to perform a number of quests that will give the initial capital, the ship, the team and gear. The tasks can be (and necessary!) Get the owners of urban institutions - shop, taverns, a republicist, shipyard, shipyard, port control, church, brothels, prisons. It can be listed more than the quests, but the list will give newcomers the concept of urban establishments. Tasks are issued and passersby on the street. So do not hesitate to talk with people, closely click on the answer options - suddenly you will fall non-standard.
In general, dialogues in this game should read carefully. And even remembering (recording) some information. It does not write in the game log, and then it will be needed according to the ruler. Developers see whether against "fasalization". As for me, so here they frankly remove. In the end, the main meaning of Corsarov does not not remember the passwords or the names of the ships, but in a fight on sabers, boarding fights and sea battles, in which you can wonder without handle and paper.
An additional annoying "anticazal" moment - the authors at the beginning of the game are blocked in some places Teleport - float or run yourself. And worse - they bind separate episodes of the quest to far away from each other time of time without the possibility to move instantly or in strategic mode. It is necessary to include the maximum acceleration, to take a book and read, waiting for the right time. Lovers stroll to the refrigerator may well have time and snack. Veterans can be delighted with it, well, but I am annoying such a realism without any need.
It should also be warned that it is this version for many reviews of many who have already played markedly more difficult to pass. Some quest battles are impassable even for sophisticated players. From here an important conclusion: to get involved in the main storyline with an imminent character is extremely not recommended. I wonderfully poorly, and the tenth level should have. Yes, the class of class third. And for this some time will have to swim, take a walk as a free corsary.

The second most important officer (and from some moment and first) - navigator. It raises the "Navigation" parameter, on which the ship's class, an affordable challenge of control without a fine. Do I need to say that the greater the ship, the more can be the gun and the place in the hold of the treasure? I am very long in the taverns did not come across a decent navigator. I had to take on board a pirate ship class more. But not just on boarding, but to shoot the boot all (I emphasize - the whole) team so that when I went to the boarding of a pirate captain gave a captive. I have been recruited into the navigations.
Here, by the way, I had to apply one trick, otherwise I could not do anything with the minuses in the characteristics of the fifth grade. The trick is to summarize the enemy squadron under the gun of their fort or fleet. In "Corsairs: Each of his" enemy of Hiter and so simply under the guns of the fort does not climb, running immediately, if you managed to go under their cover on the tactical map. It is necessary to make it on the strategic map. How? Very simple. As soon as on a strategic map, when rapprocked with a pirated squadron pops up the icon of the boarding hooks, activate it. The distance is still great and the point "Slow further" is active. Click. After that, a bad, unfinished game mechanic gives us the opportunity to calmly go board the board with a pirate boat without a fight, but with "boarding hooks." He like a lamb for the sheep runs for us. Let's get it under the fort and go to the tactical mode. All, Voila - Fort shoots the most healthy ships. Here, the main thing is not to zawn, have time to take them on the board. Not fair? Well, so we are pirates!
At the end of this part, I must say about the abilities. After a set of a certain amount of points (given for pumping any parameter) the possibility of activating useful abilities. They are also divided into personal and ship. Personal again increase the level of possession of weapons, shooting, energy, health, endurance, and so on. Shipping increase damage to the enemy from your fire, increase trade skills and much more. In what order to activate them (keep in mind that everything is not activating never - there are no glasses) - the case of taste. In the ship I prefer to move from the effectiveness of artillery fire, in personal energy growth during the battle (even neglecting protection).
Increase positive effects and various amulets that the character can hang on. They can be bought from merchants on the streets, in the stray Indians in the jungle, to find on the corpse of the dead enemy, to get as a sentencing for the task.

It remains to outline the background, on which pirated adventures unfold. Surprisingly, the real Caribbean Sea with real Islands and the Maine coast appeared not in one of the previous games of the series, but in fashion to the second "Corsaras". And since then, it has been tightly prescribed in the line. There was no reason and now abandon the tradition. Although it is necessary to prevent the veterans accustomed to the GPC card: the political affiliation of the islands has changed slightly. See, do not hurt the Trinidad - this is a Spanish colony. The fact that previously was the island of Nevis with Charlestown, swinging to France.
On this map you will have to swim. However, you can't say so immediately, where you will have to spend time - on the sea or on land. What will have to go to the ports to replenish the reserves or the sale of the worn is obvious. But this connection with the solid is not limited. Noble Corsair emanages not one pair of boots, running through the streets of cities or by jungle. What for? For many.
First, in search of generated quests. The trader sitting at the table of the tavern will ask for his ship there and there. The girl pursued in the jungle of Bandyukov's Trinity, asks for help. True, they do not always turn out to be gangsters, and the girl is not always so defenseless. But sometimes it is possible to obtain ... um, however, there's nothing to do anyway, only sigh-moans. The seller in the store will ask to take the goods to another island. Governors generally have a whole bouquet of tasks.
Secondly, as noted above, you need to wander in search of adventures on your saber to pump it, or look for treasures. Thirdly, the concept of "alchemy" is introduced into the game, which is not always alchemy. This is the creation of complex aggregates or objects made of simpler ingredients. The easiest version of Alchemy is the creation of a paper cartridge out of powder and bullets. Then any self-respecting navigator must acquire a chronometer, Busus. The components should be sought for them.
In general, we must admit that the game has played new paints. Although still in general terms and principles are "Corsairs GPC" with a very advanced mod. The developers seem to have already squeezed out of the engine all that can be. A breakthrough in the genre is possible only with a completely new approach.