Quest Magician October. Hyde by Hearthstone: Decodes of the Knights of the Ice Throne for all classes. Pros of this assembly

The release of the "Ice Throne Knights" is behind, the emotions were silent, and meta stirred over time. Now all attention is shifted towards the future of Hearthstone: players begin to think if the addition helped the addition to improve the game.

In this series of articles, we will consider the addition of the "Ice Throne Knights" from the point of view of each class - why one deck works better than another and how did the Knights affect the various classes? Let's start the analysis from the druid, hunter and magician.


Druid is the most controversial class in the add-on, and it is about it that should be said first. Map changes came out quite recently and, since there were not so many of them, Meta is less stable. Before the exit of the "Ice Throne Knights", Druid was in a very strange position: "Agro Druid" was one of the most powerful and popular decks (Top-5 throughout the "Expedition in Un'Goro"), while the percentage of victories "Jade Druid "It was not too high.

At the end of the META "Expedition in Un'Goro" "Jade Druid" became one of the most popular decks in the game. From the point of view of the Force, the Druid was "above average" - approximately along with the "Tocken Druid", although this deck has not been in the first echelon. In fact, Token Druid did not need to become viable: it would be a strong deck with a powerful early game, even if she did not receive anything from the addition of the "Ice Throne Knights". In fact, she got a few excellent cards - "Lord of the Scoop" and "Druid Raevik" - which are also excellent goals under the Buffa.

However, other slow archetypes of Druid needed new maps. Slow Druid decks always fought two things: a large number of creatures on the table and large minions. The first problem was corrected using the introduction of the "Crawling Plague": Even after the Nerfa, the card performs its role very good. "Spreadful fate" is another option of stripping a table for a druid, but it is quite easy to beat: he hides the effect, but he can harm the challenge. The Druid had never had strong Remvalov (precisely because of this, some decks still play a non-optimal map "Proximity to nature"). The "web" (and, in the same way, Malfurion is delicious) call on poisonous spiders, which are sometimes impressed, but they are very vulnerable and can be destroyed before they implement their potential.

"Total infection" is the best addition map. It possesses an incredible effect - the cost of 10 mana seems high, but the Druid can play it much earlier than the laid, thanks to the additional mana crystals with "brown growth", "the keeper of the swamp" and so on. The only card that really turned out to be useless - "dead grip": it is even better than the "bite", it looks more like a weaker version of the "claw". "Handronox" and "Strong Marauder" - definitely not the best cards for the Druid now, but who knows that Blizzard will be introduced in the following add-ons.

In the "Knights of the Ice Throne", many powerful cards were introduced, which made it possible to increase the popularity of the Druid. The class had two popular decks: "Jade Druid" and "Agro Druid". This undoubtedly was the strongest class before the introduction of the nerfs. Nevertheless, the change in the "insight" struck the Druid is much stronger than players predicted: the class remained not bad, but no longer can be played, for example, the "keeper of the swamps" on the second course, and "total infection" - on the eighth. However, powerful cards are still present in the Druid Collection, just the decks have become more balanced.

How did the supplement affect the druid? -Okay

"Illumination" would be changed anyway, it simply happened when the class got an incredibly strong card. All powerful cards still exist and the class will definitely remain in the mete.


The class was in a disputed position for last year. Despite the fact that Blizzard again tried to push the hunter to create a slow deck, he continued to fail. The aggressive strategy has always worked for a hunter better, but this did not prevent developers to try to come up with new ways to slow down the class work.

In the last addition, the hunter was on very low lines based on the results of all meta reports. "Almost viable" is the best phrase that described the class. "Medrendzh Hunter" is the only deck that begins to rise to destroy non-optimized decks, but ultimately will soon lose popularity. As for the "hunter's control", it is very difficult to say that it really needs this archetype to become viable.

The hunter received several cards based on the interaction of death wheezes: "false death", "body widow", "explosive bat" and "Pogyan arrows." These cards only seem not bad, in fact they are very slow and ineffective. Not good cards were also introduced - the "head tracker" and the "Death of Rexar" - who corrected some weaknesses of the hunter, providing good maps and stripping the table.

As expected, the hunter could not climb to the top. He looked promising and in a week was at the third level in all meta reports. The latest changes in the balance of maps changed its position and made an aggressive strategy more viable.

As for the "Face Hunter" - he was not the best deel, since he was the competition "Agro Druid" and "Pirate Warrior", which are not so popular now. So now "Fais Hunter" can be popular and strong, but this is due to changes in the balance sheet, and not thanks to the addition.

How did the supplement affect the hunter? -Netrally.

"Knights of the icy throne" did not add anything to the hunter's tools. Rather, new maps focused around control. It is impossible to estimate the set as "bad" because it has some potential. Although the "Loveth Death of Rexar" is the weakest death knight, it can be a good basis for the "hunter control" deck.


Historically, the magician was associated only with two species of the deck: slow, controlling the table and blocking lethal damage "Ice blocks", and rapid, which were focused on the pace with good interaction of creatures and spells.

In the "Knights of the Ice Throne", the magician received not the best cards. "The secret of the magician" is the only viable deck, but not very strong. Its viability has increased with the introduction of a warrior card change in the warriors, but this is far from the first level. All types of control and even "Quest Mag" are now at the bottom of the Meta.

"Creepy Kudesnitsa" is the most playable map of the magician in the add-on: it is quite cheap, it has good characteristics and creates an additional spell that can be combined with something in the future. "Simulacro" is great for the "Quest of the Magic" to increase the percentage of victories against the devices using a "dirty rat".

"Ice Lich Jaina" is a good card in theory, but now she just does not work. It is good in itself, but the deck, built around it, is quite old compared to the leaders of the META. Other cards received by the magician were rather weak: "Sundagosa's breath" and the "Cold Spirit" look nice in theory, but in the case are not so good. "Ice Walker", "Discovered Pupil", "Ice Riddles" - and at all no more than a joke of developers.

How did the supplement affect the magician? -Bad.

No one understands what is really needed by Magu. The tools that the class got is not very helpful. They can be better in the future, but it is still difficult to call the resulting set of good for class, when the only viable archetype "Secret Maga", in fact, uses the same deck as before.

Druid, even despite all the changes, remained an excellent class, the magician did not receive any playable cards in addition, and the hunter is trying again to push the control.

In the next issue, we consider the paladin, priests and a robber. See you later!

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I present to your attention a test deck of a magician with a new job card Opening a portal. It is similar to the freezing of a frieze magician with the condition for victory from the echo magician. The last archetype was very popular until he left the rotation.

If you think that 4 giants in the deck are busting, pay attention to Fire reflections. With it, you can put in a deck on one giant of each type. In addition, this deck allows you to perform a combination with Alekstraza. The combination looks like this:

  • Play one giant ( Fire Giant or a magical giant) or at once two, depending on the conditions;
  • Copy it with fiery reflections;
  • Play Vnearly shift;
  • Let the Alekstrace and apply the enemy 16. damage.

As a rule, this is enough for victory. Sometimes difficulties arise in battles with druids and warriors, but soldiers have Potashka, Easily eliminating two or four giants, and the druids cannot remove from the boards and two giants.

In the first turns, play the Arkanologist (2/3 for 2 crystals) and Ice block. There are other cards in the deck to fulfill the task, the means to obtain an extra copy of the fiery reflections as an additional condition for victory, as well as tools for the dog training and slower the game.

Note 1: Since spells from the new supplement roll more often, the second copy of the fiery reflections is often unnecessary, but unambiguous conclusions can be done only after additional testing.

Note 2: There is another favorable combination with a distortion of time. Here she is:

  • Play 2. Pupil of magician;
  • Play 2. Fire reflections;
  • Play time distortion;
  • Play an Archmag Antonidas;
  • Play any spell and several Fire ball.

This combination exceeds the strength of the combination with giants, since it allows you to bypass provocateurs and apply crushing damage "in the face". However, a solid preparation is required to fulfill this combination, and it is not necessary to count on each match. If there will be too many decks with wires with wires, the combination will have to change a bit.

Other decks:





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Quest Mago "Knights of the Ice Throne". This deck was pinned high hopes in the previous addition, but they were not justified. How does this deck play now?

Quest Magician with Cards "Knights of the Ice Throne"

Code for importing a deck in Hearthstone:

What is called "lived." Quest Magic At some point became the best deck of the magician in a new addition. Most recently, no one would have believed.

Unfortunately, even this "best" deck flounders in the area of \u200b\u200b50% of the Wareline, then it is crossing it into one, then in the other direction. Yeah, the bad things are at Jaina.

The archetype practically did not change, unless, of course, do not consider one copy [Simulacro], which is usually added to put a third copy of [a sorcerer's student] and faster a combination.

Otherwise, the deck is the same. There is still a lot of control, dignity and survivability. Without it, nowhere.

Plan on the game

Leave in the starting hand:

  • [Binding Spiral] - Be sure!
  • [Arkanologist]
  • [Battle book]
  • [Novice Engineer]

The need for other cards depends on whether you know which deck is playing your opponent. If, for example, you are playing against a warrior, then leave [Rock Bulletin], because if your rival is a warrior on pirates, this creature can win the match you, and if this is a warrior control, then you will win this archetype Just not enough damage to sink you.

You must remember that during the match you have only 3 goals:

  1. Survive
  2. Digure maps
  3. Perform task

It is in such a priority. Never attack the hero of the opponent when you complete the task, you will have an endless damage in your hand, so run yourself and only instill.

The coolest means of survival - [Rock Bulletin], but try to play it only in combination with [Ice Ring] or [Snowstorm]. Its effectiveness will increase repeatedly.

The main problem of beginners of the quest magicians - they do not consider cards in hand and sometimes gain more than 10 pieces in hand, burning key cards. Do not do it this way. Arithmetic is your friend.

She, by the way, will help you understand when you need to finish the game. The combination with an endless damage looks like:

  • [Student of Correction] + [Pupil of Correction] + [Copy from Lava] + [Copy from Lava] + Award for [Binding Spiral]. Total \u003d 8 mana.
  • Power pass. Thanks to the task, you immediately begin your second move.
  • [Antonidas Archmag] + Any Spell. Total \u003d 7-10 mana. That's all. Antonidas will generate you an endless free [fireball] that you throw the opponent and you absolutely do not care how much health is.

Before you, Hyde for the quest Maga is a new archetype of the expedition to Un'Goro. Maybe the quest Magic and not the most popular deck in the ladder, but an incredibly effective, unusual and unique.

And most importantly - she has a lot of comfortable match-ups in the current mete. In this guide you will learn not only the features of the game for this unusual archetype, but also see a variety of builds, discussion of optional maps and key cards. In addition, key points will be presented in the guide, which must be taken into account in the confrontation of a specific class as at the stage of Mulligan so and then on the game: what cards to leave? What dangers await you? What solutions should be taken? What tricks will help you improve the percentage of victories? About all this and many other things in a detailed guide for the quest of the mage.

About Quest Mage: Title and History

Quest Mag. - Young archetype, which appeared only after the expedition release in Un'Goro, which is logical, because the quest itself (legendary task) appears only in this supplement. Maga got the most difficulty task of all, but incredibly powerful: the ability to make two strokes in a row - a great prerequisite for victory in the party. It is in order to create a lethal damage usually and uses the legendary task of the magician.

It is easy to guess about the meaning of the name of Archetype - Quest Mag. This is a magician using the quest (legendary task). Although some inaccuracy lies here: the versions of the quest magician are several, they use different conditions of victory and tools to complete the party. In this guide, it will be about so far the strongest version of the Quest of the Magician who uses Archmagon Antonidas and Pupils magician To generate an infinite amount Fireballs. This particular archetype call also Exodia Mage. (Ekseodium Mage), which is a reference to another collection card game. However, in order not to confuse the expensive reader, here and then the archetype website will still be called the Quest Mag.

Another name of the same archetype - TTK Mag. This is an interesting abbreviation occurred from another archetype name: Release Mag. So would be called the magician (or another class), which makes the murder of his opponent in one move from the empty table. OTN means One Turn Kill - Eng. Murder in one way. De Yura considered Quest Magic and has a combination request, however, due to the peculiarity of the legendary task, which gives an additional move into which the murder occurs, the players have slightly changed the name on the TTK, which means Two Turn Kill - Eng. Murder in two strokes.

Variations Quest Quest Magic, pluses and disadvantages of each option

Inside the archetype quest of the magician, you can find many variations that differ significantly from each other. At the beginning you will be shown the main options for assemblies from professional players, then you will see a "bare" part-time version without technical cards at all. Finally, at the end of the section will also be presented with the assembly with technical cards, which the author of this article considers optimal.

Quest Quest deck from Tyler

The most common version of the Quest of the Magic from the experienced palder player Tyler.. It uses a combination with Archmagon Antonidaswhich allows you to apply an unlimited number of damage to the enemy with free fiery balls.

Pros of this assembly:

  • - A large amount of work will provide a quick realization of the combination
  • - stability and high performance
  • - Ability to apply an infinite amount of damage in one course, which can be stopped by a few ways.

Cons of this assembly:

Deck Quest Quest from Tempo Storm

This assembly of the Quest Magic uses another way to win: Free exhibited Magic giant and Alekstrassewhich will reduce the health of the opponent to 15, as a result, the two creatures of 8/8 will be able to attack in force after using time distortion. Due to the fact that in the assembly fewer cards for a combination (only three, and in the previous five), you can fill it with other useful tools.

Pros of this assembly:

  • - Ability to fit more technical cards
  • - not so vulnerable to loss of key card
  • - Greater flexibility: Maps for a combination are easier to use out of combination in critical moments, they are good and independently

Cons of this assembly:

Quest Magician from Strifecro

This is not so much Quest Magic in the usual understanding, how much control the magician using the legendary task. The assembly is not able to kill an opponent with 30 units of health in one move from an empty table, but it is better fighting at the table, protects, and can also go to the offensive independently even without execution Binder spiral.

Pros of this assembly:

  • - Much great flexibility
  • - Significantly improves the match-up with a pirate warrior
  • - the ability to act non-standard

Cons of this assembly:

  • - instability in inept hand caused by the lack of a clearly outlined plan for the game
  • - the inability to commit a combination

Quest Magic from J4ckieChan

In the assembly of this English player noteworthy a couple of features: he refused Rochetles Roca, considering the role of these second drops overvalued. Instead, he uses other interesting maps of the magician, which has not yet been in the assemblies of the archetype earlier. In addition, there is no assembly and Foliant conspiratoristwhich, indeed, is sometimes too heavy and hard.

Pros of this assembly:

  • - The legendary task is easier throughout the party
  • - There is more opportunities to use technical maps
  • - More opportunities to implement randomly received spells of the magician and class of your opponent

Cons of this assembly:

  • - worsening match-ampa with the quest
  • - worsening Match-APA with superagressive decks
  • - the impossibility of cleaning a significant opponent table

Quest Magic from Savjz

The assembly of the Finnish player is equal to one thing: destroy the pirate of the warrior. This is used for this. Indeed, Pirate Warrior is incredibly difficult (perhaps the most difficult) opponent's quest of the magician, however, improving the match-pharmacy with it such a high price has a negative impact on the results of other confrontations.

Pros of this assembly:

  • - Significant improvement in the match with pirate warrior
  • - Minor improvement in the match with Agro Druid, Quest Warrior, Paladin, Hunter

Cons of this assembly:

  • - deterioration of results in other confrontations
  • - Sometimes an insufficient amount of good
  • - High risk is not to complete the binding spiral on time, since it takes exceptionally two foliants of the conspirator

Quest Mago from ThatSadmirable

The unusual assembly of the Quest of Magic from the famous English-language commentator contains as many as four giants. All of them are supposed to put together before activating award for the legendary task, so they will be able to attack after, apply 32 units of damage.

Pluses Deeps:


  • - lack of sources of good
  • - Vulnerability to a large number of provocations
  • - the need to implement a combination with a low health margin

Quest Magic from Rage

Another very strange assembly of the Quest of the magician from Rage with synergies with a caretaker. The main emphasis in it is done on the potential of resistance to Agro decks.

Pluses Deeps:

  • - the opportunity to successfully resist the pirate warrior and other aggressive decks at the start game
  • - Unusual assembly, thanks to which you can play on the effect of surprises
  • - Thanks to Mukle, thunderstorm valleys to perform the legendary task easier, cheaper and faster


These are the main options for assembling Quest Magic from professional streamers. In the guide, the most attention will be paid to the version with Archmagon Antonidas, as it seems to be optimal today. However, much said about it will be relevant for any other version.

In the next section, you can see and optimal an assembly to the author, the comments to which will be given at the end of the next section, when all technical and optional cards will be explained.

Basic and Technical Cards Quest Magic

Generalizing all assemblies Exodia Mage. (Magician), you can select 21 basic cards that are used absolutely all. You can see these cards below.

Here is presented directly by the Combination itself:, two, two Copies from Lava and. In order to perform the legendary task, you will need cards generating spells. Standard choice - two Foliant conspiratorist, (They are not in the main cards) ,. In addition, cards are used to bore a deck: ,,,, Often, they are complemented Vaish'irsky oracle. There are also protective tools: ,, - these cards and some others will help to live until you gather all the necessary maps in your hand and fulfill the task.

There are still 9 vacancies that are most often complemented by the following cards:


Look in the starting hand

Hunter: Reset the task always.

Look at the starting hand:

Shaman: Leave the task always. Exception - If you are sure that you are playing against the shaman on Murloka.

Look at the starting hand: , , , - always. If there is a second drop and / or coin -, Vaish'irsky oracle.

Druid: Reset the task if you go first and you do not have a good second and third stroke.

Look at the starting hand: , , , , - always. If you have a second drop. , if you have .

Robber: Do not reset the task Never.

Look in the starting hand: , , , - always. If there is a second drop and / or coin -, Vaish'irsky oracle.

Mag: Leave the task always.

Look in the starting hand: , , , - always. If there is a second drop and / or coin -, Vaish'irsky oracle.

Priest: Leave the task always.

Look in the starting hand: , , , , - always. If there is a second drop and / or coin -, Vaish'irsky oracle.

Warlock: Leave the task always.

Look in the starting hand: Look for a starting hand :,,, - always. If there is a second drop and / or coin -, Vaish'irsky oracle. If you have, leave in your hand.

Question: Why never leave?

Second- You need 5 free slots on your half of the table, in order to post there four Pupils magician and Archmagon Antonidas.

Third- You need a spell that will give you the first to the course of the placement Archmagon Antonidas. This spell should not be, they can not be a secret that is already active, they can not be if you have 1 unit of health (most often) and one card in the deck. Many aspects that you must keep in my head.

One more important moment - Tracking cards created by some other way, and the cards that you put in your deck. Sometimes the same will give you, for example, which is already in your deck. Naturally, first of all, you need to use the one that is generated if you have a task. But sometimes you can forget what kind of copy of the spell, and which is created. It would seem that it is easy to track enough, but you will have a lot of worries in the game and without it, so it's easy to make it easy. In order to facilitate their lives, you can go for a trick - make All Card Card Generating Spells. So they will generate and gold spells. All other cards in your deck must be not gold. It is possible to do and on the contrary (generating cards are not gold, the rest are golden), but it will cost more. Of course, the first way is not cheap, however, almost for the first time gold cards give at least some advantage in Hearthstone - an interesting fact, but this is a council for the holding fans of this archetype.

In the late stage of the game, an extremely unpleasant confusion may happen. The key card for your combination may be the last in the deck. It's not scary if it is, you will get it in your hand just in time, if you begin to implement a combination over the course of fatigue. Worse, if it is either - then there is a high chance of losing, if you have one unit of health (most often it will be). Your salvation is an extra spell earlier with butor Foliant conspiratorist.

By the way O. E.and Copies from Lava. If you find this spell, your life will be much easier, because it will cost it 2 crystal mana. So you do not need one copy Pupils of magician or Copies from Lava For a combination or you can call on the whole 5 Pupils magician without excess costs, which means to pronounce spells from Foliant conspiratorist even cheaper.

And the last in this section - you do not always have to implement a combination to defeat. You can generate a lot of damage from your hand using your spells, in addition, Pupils of magician can attack after use Distortion of time - And this is a lot of damage. Sometimes you are enough and three Pupils magician and completed task: Fiery balls 1 crystal mana will cost, that is, you use the maximum three, and this is 21 units of damage. Add 9 damage here Pupils magician And get exactly 30 units of damage! There are other options for developing events, for example, you can win as a classic frieze magician protected Icelb.If you find several explosive damage spells. And the options are really very much, the main thing to learn to see them all that is sometimes very difficult for the quest of the mage.

Match Apia Quest Magic

As in the section about Mulligan, information about the match-like is based on the latest meta reports.


You probably realized that in the case of a pirate warrior, your chances are incredibly small. This is the worst match-up, so hope for a miracle, bad sign of an opponent and rand.

With the quest warrior more interesting. This is incredibly profitable match-up for you for one exception. Most Quest Warrior use a dirty rat, and this second drop can spoil all your plans.

- In this game moment you can easily play Talnos Blood MagaHowever, this is not a completely competent move. So you put under the battle cry Dirty rat your his Archmagon Antonidas. Given the fact that the warrior has played Defender of Holm., the likelihood of presence in his hand Dirty rat rises. After all, your opponent is not stupid and knows his only way to win. The best solution at this point is the attack with two creatures with 1/4 and passing the progress. So you will save a key card with a 50% chance for a combination.

Question: Why did you need to skip the move in the last game moment, and not to ping in the face of the warrior?

The first reason - minor damage on the hero does little mean. But, of course, this is not the main reason. The main reason is that some assemblies of the Warrior Quest. Therefore, if the warrior has 30 units of health, it is better not to apply damage to him, so he did not pull an extra map just like that.

So returning to Dirty rat, try to always leave in your hand of other unimportant creatures (best Rochetles Roca, Treasure collectors) for protection Archmagon Antonidas and Pupils magician. If you have 1 key card in your hand - enough one is not key to protect it (more - better, but hardly optimally), if you are two key cards - hold two non-key cards, and so on. It's good that the quest warrior does not have significant pressure creatures, so you can afford to beat Dirty rat.

- the optimal number of key and not key cards in the hand of the Quest of the Magician for Front Dirty rat.

The probability that will be killed when you freeze the entire table - very high.


Paladin also plays slowly, and he also has not so much explosive damage from hand. He causes the bulk of the damage with the help of creatures, if they freeze them, Paladin will not be able to do anything. Do not kill Tyrion FordreagaSince you will start getting a damage from the agel. Good news is that the ruler is hard to kill Bulletin RocaIf all of its creatures are frozen.

The only real threat to the Quest of the magician in this confrontation is. This little Murlok play, it seems, all paladins. None of them usually pays attention to an unsuccessful and weak secret. However, this is the most map that can defeat the Quest of the Magician. If you play it when the magician remains 1 a unit of health, it is doomed to failure, because it breaks Icelbu. In order to avoid such a ridiculous lesion, try not to bring yourself to 1 units of health, in confrontation with the paladin it is quite real. A good secret against Murlock Paladin -, because the only directed spells of this archetype, and Hawy champs, I really want to take away from him and get 1/3 for the Allied Creature. If possible, find butusing the effects of card generation, however, in some cases, the boughs will not matter and much more profitable to find additional Copy of lava, Icelbu, bust the deck or freezing effect.

Probability that


The hunter will always put on you, so play defensive, look for alternative ways of victory, and not just the main one. The hunter is difficult to respond to threats with a big margin of health if he has no table, so after stripping Bulletin Rockand you can put in the pace Archmagon Antonidas - hardly hunter will kill it without a table. The same can be said about several Pupils Sorcerer. Yes, kill one - easily, but two or three - no, if the table of the hunter is frozen or it is not at all. Next to the next move you can "promote" cheap Foliants conspiratorist And find the same cheap spells there.

The probability that will be killed when you freeze the entire table - low.


The current assemblies of the shaman are not as aggressive as before, which is good news for you. Do not forget to beat Thirst blood And other sources of explosive damage from hand. , most likely, will not survive the course of shaman, so do not do a special bet on it (maybe two Bulletin Rocaexhibited simultaneously help).

Probability that


Pleasant news - the quest Robber is a favorable match-up for the magician of the magician, largely due to the effects of freezing and the same and the same Rock messenger, on which the quest robber is quite difficult to answer. It is important not to leave in a living table when the robber can complete its task and play it in order to not get too much damage from creatures 5/5. Next, the main headache will be creatures with jerks - they will be a serious threat and the main source of damage. Well, if in the assembly of your opponent will not be a large amount of a jerk, just as well, if it gets out of the deck before the robber task will be executed. Many assemblies of the Robber Quest began to use - this is a convenient answer for them on Bulletin RocaIn addition, the way to overflow your hand and burn you a map. Remember about this spell. Do not neglect sometimes with Bulletin Roca On an empty table, in order to win one additional move, in which the robber will not put threats.

Another important point is that the robber can find with Pirate-procudy and Illusions. You will most likely win then. But it is important to beat other secrets: Antimagia, - This troika can also spoil your plans if you do not beat all the secrets.

The probability that will be killed when you freeze the entire table, - high, if it is a miracle robber, average, if this is a robber quest.


Most often in the lander there are aggressive archetypes of the Druid, playing against which is relatively simple. Of course, not at the perfect pace start of Malfurion and the bad go on your part. Use relative invulnerability Bulletin RocaIf your opponent's table is frozen. If your opponent has played Murlinju, Try not to leave your creatures alive his move. You can not put them at all or kill the power of the hero.

Probability that ) And play them on time in order to spoil the plans of the opponent. Go through the deck as quickly as possible and try first to implement a combination. You do not win because Ice Balbe Opponent, but it will be incredibly difficult to get rid of your table at the same time and use another one Icelbu. Most likely, the one who first played the combination will win.

Do not forget about the potential Vaish'irsky OracleYou can burn two opponent cards. But he can do the same. If you have, do not rush with her draw, wait for the opponent to the implementation of the combination. But make sure you can kill Archmagon Antonidas or Student of magazine.

More often you will meet all the same Bern Maga or Fris Maga, the match-up with which it is difficult because Ice Balbe Your opponent. Most likely Bern Mag and Friz Mag faster "score" your Icelbu Thanks to the mass of explosive damage from hand, then there will be little chances for victory. It makes sense to act non-standard, spoil the plans to the opponent with the help of generated maps ( Icelbu, so you need to get this secret to your hand as soon as possible. Perhaps you even want to leave it at the Mulligan stage.

Uncomfortable match-up - priest on a gentle, since this effect removes the strap from the creatures of the priest, which means he will often attack you. However, the priests on a gentle can also be defeated, after all, an unexpected explosive damage can only provide twice with Nototesand Internal furry.

The probability that will be killed when you freeze the entire table - high.


Zoolek - Easy match-AP for the Quest of the Made, because the combination + the warlock elementally notes to stop. The same applies to Hentle. Let him have ways to kill Bulletin Roca, the overall picture is slightly correcting for him.

Warlocks you often be able to kill not with the help of combinations, but with the help of an explosive damage from hand, still not so much sources of healing from class left.

The probability that will be killed when you freeze the entire table - low.

How to play against the quest

If you read this guide of curiosity or if you want to play with other decks, here you will find several tips on how to play against the quest of the mage. Maybe you meet them too often on your rank, and maybe you for some reason you want to defeat them only. In any case, here are some tips, how to do it:

1. Look for as many ways to generate Magics maps or any cards of your class - Look Icelbu,, noote effects

5. Another way to defeat the quest of the magician - play very quickly, like a pirate warrior

6. If the magician started to implement its combination, do not give up until the first, worth 0 mana crystals appear in the hand of your opponent. Up to this point, the magician can go something wrong (by the way, much can go wrong).


Quest Mag is the most interesting deck of the current META, an incredibly complex, multifaceted, flexible and multifunctional one. It is nice that the player gets a wonderful award for his efforts - the opportunity to apply an infinite amount of damage for the course, as well as a consistently high percentage of victories in the ladder. It is overshadowed by all not only complexity, but also for long games. Therefore, you can say: Quest Magic - a deck for lovers, and not for mass consumption. It may be even better both for the game and for players.

If you feel that you are the same amateur quest Magic, go to Ladder to hone your skill on this deck. Pleasant emotions, interesting games and active brain activity you are provided.

Thank you for reading, interesting games!- redSnapper.

The Knights of the Ice Throne are new cards that were brought in Hearthstone along with the eponymous addition. A total of about 135 cards were added, but it is not necessary to scare, since only special cards are directly knights. In the following article, you will find all topical decks with knights of the ice throne, which were prepared with top players and strip.

It should be noted that the presented decks can be changed in the future, since "Meta" (best decks) is constantly changing. In any case, there will be no rough mistakes here, because that has already been noted, the decks below were created exclusively by the Hearthstone masters.

If you do not get to play for any deck, do not be upset, since in general they are just a set of ideas, interesting combo and smart interactions.

It is not necessary to copy everything to everything, since the essence of each deck is reduced to one particular idea that you should reveal for yourself. Everything else that does not affect the overall course of the game, you can replace the wish.

In Oin with Knights of the Icepon


This deck is based on connecting the effects of the vortex and units that interact with it. So, the warrior hero will receive a knight of death Garrosh, which is just suitable for the effect described above.

The hand of the dead man helps you experience the protracted battles, and the special Mulligan maps are faster to pull out the necessary things from the deck.

Combo War

As the previous, this is tied to the vortices, but partly also reduced to tempo combines during each course between the cards of a fierce pyromeman and a magic giant.

In the past, you could already see a similar assembly (of course, without knights), but now it has just increased its relevance. Prepare to the fact that this deck will require you a lot of strength to master.

Temop-warrior №2

The second version of the Toppo Warrior, offering a tougher game.

In this deck, you will not use the knights for this hero, but try the king from the jungle.

P Aladin with icy throne knights

Medrendzh Paladin with Murlokami

About the synergy of Paladin and Murlockov does not know only the newcomer Hearthstone. This deck perfectly showed itself before the introduction of DLC, but now, when the knight of Lt appeared in the game, it became even stronger.

Not counting the usual combo, get ready to use Divine Shields along with new cards. If you do not like the effectiveness of this synergy, then just replace the cards with an appropriate feature on any other (like a black blade uter, as an option).

Agro Paladin

The deck of primitive times Hearthstone, which recently was infrequently used by players in high rank.

Now, when Divine Shields of the new sample appeared in the game, happiness can be happy again with it.

About a shell with knights of an ice throne

Hunter control

Fascinating deck, the creator of which immediately assured that its essence is primarily to the fana, and not to promotion in the ranking. It shows itself quite average even among other decks of their hero, however, it offers a completely new look at the class.

If you have always loved the hunter, but its standard gameplay you fed up, it makes sense to use this assembly.

D Riud with knights of ice throne

Ramp Druid.

In this complement, the druids are content with a huge number of powerful and flexible cards.

As you can see on the screenshot, first of all the deck takes overclocking cards, because of which it was called "RamP".

Jade Druid

The same assembly does not look something new and the name of it has long been on the hearing.

Crouching the ghoul can especially sway to you, but if you are not afraid of difficulties, then dare!


Frequently found deck, which practically did not receive changes. The assembly cost almost without adding cards from the new DLC, but this is due to its initial force.

The pirate map remained the same, as well as many others, so I did not have to replace in the deck.

W Aman with Knights Icepon


The usual assembly, tied on the map Evolution, with which the shamans are constantly played. Thirst the blood was decided to remove, as Thorra is poorly combined with it (so forget about standard totems).

The new knight and the bone mare show themselves excellently - especially the last, as it gives an additional bust and protection.

R Azboan with knights of ice throne


The average assembly, which in the past differed in difficulty and was tied to chance. Knight LTs did not turn it into me, but they put on the level of other interesting decks.

Tactics are reduced to the use of suicide wheels - the abilities for maps, which are triggered after their death or by activating a special card. You should also combine golems.

Miracle Robber

If you prefer to play for this class and do not want to lose, then in this case, pay attention to this assembly. She was previously different, but now the deck can create new combo.

Umemg and the shadow blade will allow you to quickly clean the table and weaken the enemy, without substituting under the blow and not spending the strength of your YUITES.

You can also add here Prince Valanar instead of Sheratzin, since this card shows yourself in the current assembly.

R PRT with knights of an icy throne

SIL Kazakus-priest

OTV is the murder in one move, on which, in fact, this deck is tied. With the help of numerous strong cards in the assembly, you can apply a colossal damage and spend a long combo.

First of all, you will have to rely over the prisoner and Dark Znoves of Anduin. In addition to them, you can also proceed to the use of looped dark visions, which is achieved using a couple of elementals.