Minecraft. Passage of the game (survival mode). Minecraft games online mining minecraft. Resources

Good time of day, dear readers. Minecraft game is definitely very interesting and entertaining, however, it is often quite difficult to get used to novice players. That is why we decided to write this small passage of the game Minecraft, which will help you to survive the first few days and understand the essence of the game. Before proceeding with the direct pass, we will tell about how and where you can buy and download the game.

Purchase game

1. Demo version of the game Minecraft. If you have not yet decided on whether you want to buy the game or download it for free, then this option is the best. Play the trial (demo) version of the game you can absolutely free on the official website of the game. To do this, first must be registered on this link (http://www.mincraft.net/register), confirm the registration via email (e-mail) and run the demo version right in the browser at this link (http: // www. Minecraft.net/Demo). Please note to start the game, you need to be configured Java (see more about it below).

2. The official version of the game Minecraft. To buy the game Minecraft, you will need a bank payment card Visa, MasterCard or American Express, on which there is a CVV code. CVV code is a three-digit or four-digit code to verify the authenticity of your payment card. If you have a Visa or MasterCard card, then the CVV code consists of three digits and is located on the back of the payment card, to the right on the white field for signature. If you do not have a payment card or the CVV code is not applied on it, please contact the Bank's office. If there is, it's time to buy the game Minecraft. To do this, go to the official website of the game (http://www.mincraft.net/login) and enter your username and password. If you are not registered yet, you can do this on this link (http://www.mincraft.net/register).

On the main page you will find the Orange BUYNOW button, press it, then click on the BUY MINECRAFT FOR THIS Account button. Next, you need to choose a country, payment method, put a tick in the I "VE read and i Agree to the Terms (preferably to read it) and click the Proceed to Checkout button. Then you need to fill out the form in which you specify the country in which you live, name , surname, type and map number, ending deadline, CVV code, and email address. Next, press the Confirm and Pay button. After all manipulations on your email will come a letter with a transaction code.

Now that the game is purchased, you will finally download the game from the official site. To do this, go to the download page (http://mincraft.net/download) and select the version for the OS, which is installed on your computer / mobile device. After downloading the Minecraft distribution, you need to run the game, enter your username and password and wait until the game is loaded independently from the Internet (about 40 MB.). Now you can start the passage of Minecraft with a clean soul. Once again, we draw your attention to that the game requires the installed Java.

Installing and configuring java

Java is the software required for the game. If it is not installed with you, the passage of the game Minecraft will be impossible. Fortunately, you can download Java for free, so its installation will not require any money from you. Go to the site http://www.java.com/ru/. Press the "Download java free" key for free ", then click the download button, select a place on the PC where you want to save the downloaded file. Then, when the file is loaded, run it, follow the prompts to install the program. If you did everything right, then, in the end, see the window with the inscription "You Have SuccessFully Installed Java" and the Close key. On this installation of Java on your computer is over, and you can safely play Minecraft installed on your computer. But if you wish to play Minecraft online or want to try the demo version, you need to install a special plugin on your browser.

Well, I hope the game is installed, and you are ready for adventure! Then you can safely begin the passage of Minecraft. In the main menu, only a few points, so before starting the game, we recommend that you set the desired settings in the corresponding menu. Then, choose the desired section - SinglePlayer or Multiplayer and start the game. Then we will discuss exclusively about SinglePlayer mode. Initially, the computer will create an absolutely unique world for you and threw you in his random point. If you have not yet been familiar with the game, then its graphics will definitely amaze. Initially, it is worth leaning with control.

Game process

W, a, s, d - moving forward, left, back, right
Space (Space) - Jump;
E - inventory;
LKM (left mouse button) - destroy the unit;
PCM (Right Mouse Button) - Move / Create Block.
Figures from 1 to 9 - Belt Cells

These are the main control keys in the game. But if you wish to make Minecraft passing more complete and high-quality, I strongly recommend that you read the following buttons:

Q - throw away the current subject;
T - Chat;
F1 - Hide the interface;
F2 - screenshot;
F3 - debug screen;
F5 - Switching type. 2 options are possible: a view from the first or third person;
F10 - Cursor capture;
F11 - switch between fullscreen and window mode.

I think you already bored this reading, and you want to start playing. Well, we are only "for"! The first thing you need to know will come soon, and spiders, cries and other evil spirits will begin to appear with it, which will easily kill you and will be allowed for dinner. Therefore, the priority task for the passage of Minecraft is to prepare a place for overnight.

First day

First of all, it is worth noting the place of your appearance. To do this, build a hefty pillar. As you can see, the whole world consists of cubic blocks. To use them, you must initially destroy them. To do this, go to the block to the close distance and hold the LKM. The block will begin to be covered with cracks and will soon collapse. A reduced copy will appear in its place that you need to pick up.

Make a pillar easier from the ground. It is needed in order to move in a given direction and not to get lost when you need to return to the dwelling. To create such a facility, just become on the ground, jump and quickly place the block using the right mouse button. Such a simple way, bouncing and installing blocks, you can make a very impressive pillar. Just do not try to jump from the very top of the ground: lose a lot of health. As an option - jump onto a tree near or initially build a number of second pole, which then again put on the blocks and, thus descend.

The next step in the passage of Minecraft is wood search. To do this, find the nearest tree and destroy the brown blocks from which it consists. Pay attention to the peculiarities of local "physics": even without several blocks, the tree does not fall. We recommend that you start up to 15-20 blocks. We recommend that you do not delete the lowest block at the beginning, as you can jump and get to higher blocks. Now you need to decide on the place of the future housing. There are 2 main options: either make a dugout consisting of blocks of land, or a full-fledged wood house.

So, the option is the first, fast strawberry. Find a hill or a natural small cave. Create a shovel (see below) or dig by handles. Your task is to dig a cave somewhere 3 * 3 * 3 blocks and, installing blocks, leave the passage for yourself. When night comes, you will just close this pass through blocks and survive your first night.

Option second, more interesting, house. The house, naturally, is preferable to passing Minecraft, however, it will take much more effort. To begin with, open the inventory window (key E). Now a few words about how to drag objects and create new:

In the upper right side of the window there is a region of Crafting (crafting) with four cells, there and need to drag the materials;
- To move the block, you need to click on it LKM and drag to the crafting area. However, in this case, all blocks will move in a pack. To transfer only 1 item to the cell area, you need to select the entire pack, clamp the LKM, transfer it to the crafting cell and click once the PCM.

To take half of the block stacks, hold down the PCM. At first, it is difficult to get used to such a system, but as Minecraft passes, you will learn how to create items very quickly, without thinking about what and how to do. Practice wood blocks to the crafting area. Four boards will appear on the right side. You can make more boards and not to carry one cube of wood, if you put several cubes into the crafting area at once and, when you move the boards from the creation cell, click SHIFT.

To create a home and further passage of Minecraft, 60 units of boards are quite enough. Be sure to place the created boards in the inventory cell, and do not leave in the area of \u200b\u200bcraftting. Otherwise, they will be thrown immediately after you close the inventory. You can immediately install boards into the cell on the belt and select it using the keys 1-9, or rotating the mouse wheel. Construction skills will not help you in the passage of Minecraft.

Choose a cell on the belt on the belt (a cube will appear in the hand of the character) and proceed to creating a house. To do this, you need to install blocks by pressing PCM. Please note that in this case, black square contours appear on the place of the future building. It is where that block will be installed that you hold in your hands after pressing PCM. We recommend the first house to do quite small - 4-6 blocks in length and 4-6 blocks in width. Height more than enough, 3 blocks. It is advisable to make a roof from above. When the construction of the first house is over, look out into the street, if the sun already sits down, you can safely stay in the house and engage in craft, if not - go to search for coal cubes (coal ore) and hunting.

Before close in the dugout or house on your first night, we recommend finding you to prepare the following items:

Wood - 6-8 cubes;
- cobblestone - 8 cubes;
- coal - 6-8 cubes;
- Meat - if possible (chickens, pigs, cows);
- leather - if possible (cows);
- Wool - if possible (sheep).

With their help, you can create numerous items that will greatly facilitate the passage of Minecraft.

When you collect the necessary items, or night will come, return to the dwelling and close the input. It's time to craft. So, I hope you already have boards, if not, then it's time to do (how - read above).

1. Vistak.
The workbench is a device needed to create more complex objects than those that can be made in inventory. There are nine crafting cells in the workshop (3 * 3). A workbench is created in the inventory in the crafting panel of four boards. After creating it to move it on the belt and right-click to the dwelling. To use the workbench, you need to right-click on it. This subject is mandatory and without it it is difficult to imagine the full passage of the game Minecraft.

2. Stick.
The stick is necessary to create most tools. It is made of two units of boards supplied vertically. You can make a stick both on the workbench and in the inventory.

3. Kirk. Kirk is a convenient cobblestone and coal tool. Like any tool, has a storage margin that decreases when used to destroy blocks. It is created on the workbench with two sticks put in the center of vertically, and three boards set in the top row horizontally.

4. Shovel. It serves to quickly save the Earth. It is made in the same way as Kirk, with the only difference that only one board is installed on top above the sticks (in the middle). Please note that if you have already managed to find a sufficient cobblestone, then the shovel and picka can be made of it. To do this, when crafting, use a cobblestone instead of boards. Such tools will serve much longer and significantly simplify the passage of Minecraft.

5. Stove. With the help of the furnace, you can not only prepare food, but also create charcoal out of wood. A furnace is created from 8 cobblestone pieces located in all cells of the workbench, except the central. The oven must also be installed in the room as you did with the workbench.

6. Chest. Used to store items, blocks, materials. It is created in the same way as the oven, with the only difference that the chest is made from the boards. In other words, you need to place eight units of boards on the workbench, so that the central cell remains empty. If you put two chests next, they are combined into one. In the chest, we recommend folding the found resources when you go to the active passage of Minecraft: to explore the caves or fight off the monsters. After your death, things that were with you will remain in place of death for five minutes, and then disappear.

7. Charcoal. Serves material for torches. Put in the upper and lower cell of the furnace equal to the number of tree cubes and after a tetp seconds, get charcoal. We recommend to make a minimum of 3-4 units.

8. Torch. It serves to illuminate the cave and dwellings. It is a very important element, since hostile mobs can appear exclusively in dark (unlighted) parts of the map. 4 torches are made of stick and placed over it with coal (ordinary or wood). We recommend to start making about 20 torches.

9.Ed. As in real life, in the passage of Minecraft meat you need to fry before use. For frying, place meat into one of the furnace cells, and put the appropriate number of boards to another. To eat, you need to put food into the cell on the belt and hold the right mouse button for a couple of seconds.

Depending on the components found during the passage of Minecraft, you can create the following basic useful items:

1. Bed. With this subject of furniture, you can quickly wait the night. To create three units of wool and three units of boards. Put in a row of boards, and on a more top row, put three units of wool.

2. Sword. Weapons are vital to every player. The simplest sword is made of stone. Place a stick in the lower cell, and there are two cobblestone over it (vertically). In addition, as Minecraft passes, you can create onions and arrows.

3. Armor. With the help of armor you can protect your hero from the opponent's attacks and, thus, save him life.

To paint verbally how the helmet is made, the pure, the clashes and boots does not make sense, so see screenshots.

On this introduction to the technique of the game Minecraft is over. In the next article, we will tell you about the study of caves, creating our own mines, the foundations of the farm and much more.

Tactics and advice

System requirements
Minecraft (2011 - 2017)

Characteristic Minimum requirements Recommended requirements
CPU Intel, AMD 1.6 GHz Dual Core 3.0 GHz
RAM 512 MB of RAM 4 GB of RAM
Video card 128 MB, Shader 1.1
DirectX 9.0C.
256 MB, Shader 2.0
DirectX 9.0C.
200 MB 200 MB
Operating system Windows 32-Bit: XP / 7 Windows 64-Bit: 7/8/10

First steps in the game

Purpose of the game
Minecraft. What to do in minecraft

Running the first time "Minecraft" is very difficult to navigate in this strange cubic world with many incomprehensible laws. And most often the question arises: "And what about doing here? Where to start? " You appear at a random point of the world, you have nothing in your hands, there is no single reasonable creature around. No one gives you tasks and is not trying to train game opportunities. At the same time, no one is trying to kill you, but it is only for the first time. This is the first time and you need to use to prepare for any possible danger.

Imagine that you are Robinson, which turned out to be on an uninhabited island. There is no usual human society here, only wild virgin nature. But you are a person, you are accustomed to living in comfort, and not to spend days, jumping on trees from the branch branch. You can create the necessary comfort yourself.

To begin with, it is worth building at least any dwelling: to burn a small block of land from the outside world, and thereby create a safe place where it can be returned after the next adventures. Only you will decide what your refuge will be. It can be: a small bungalow on the sandy shore from the nearest trees, earthwoman in the thickness of the earth, a cozy cave, a house on the top of a tree, a multi-storey mansion, a crystal palace, a stone castle, and possibly something else that will make you mind. You can build everything that is just your soul.

Did any idea appear about this? Already caught fire? So, the first step is made - the goal is set. Now we need funds for its implementation: building materials and tools. Go to practice.

Minecraft. Passage

First you need wood. We are looking for the nearest tree and begin to beat it with your hands (we hold the left mouse button). Thus, destroy all blocks of wood, to which we get in height. Destroyed blocks were added to our inventory, look there (press the "E" key). In the center there are all our collected items, and slightly above, to the right of the model of the hero, there are four cells for crafting (for converting objects).

Take the whole produced wood And drag it with the mouse in one of the crafting cells. In the cell on the right of the arrows, we take the resulting boards And drag them down to the inventory. Then we take the boards and put two of them in the upper and lower cell of the crafting on the one hand. Right pick up on the right sticks.

Now with wooden picka, you can get stone blocks. We are looking for a rocky rock, we take pickpicks in your hands, clamp the left button and begin to hollow out the block behind the block. Having obtained 20-30 blocks of stone, return to the workbench.

Go to the menu of workbench. Put the sticks in the central and lower cells of the crafting, and in three upper cells - stone blocks. As a result, it turns out stone Kirk. It is much stronger wooden, and destroys blocks much faster.

In addition to Kirk, other necessary tools can be made. To do this, put the sticks all for the same two central lower cells, and the type of the received tool obtained will depend on the position of the stone blocks: ax (three blocks in any upper corner) shovel (one block in the central top cell), hoe (one block in the central upper cell, and the second in the left upper or in the upper right corner). The ax significantly speeds up the cutting down of the forest, the shovel - speeds up the digging of earthy blocks, the hoe is needed to explode the soil under the planting of plants.

Building refuge
How to do in minecraft

With the help of the created tools, it is possible to quietly do the extraction of building materials and ingredients. You can use the most common blocks as building materials for the walls and roofs of the building: stone, earth, wood. (The construction of more rare and sophisticated materials is better to postpone on then). Skaps are erected with four walls, roof, windows and a door.

We will need us again coal (Stone blocks with black streaks). By combining coal in the upper cell of the crafting and a wooden stick in a cell from below, we will get torch. This is the easiest source of light. When night occurs, without additional artificial lighting, you can easily get lost or please directly into the paws to the monsters, so it is always better to have a decent reserve of torch. The walls of the built building are also better to surround torches from all sides. And it would be good to build a carved tower near the house and set torches on its top. This simplest lighthouse will help you from afar to notice the location of your refuge.

Inside the building crafting table, stove, chest. Can be made of wood entrance doorsopen from the inside with outdoor plate. From coastal sand can be made glassUsing the stove for this. Then the windows can be made from glass blocks, or in general a fully glass house for a better view of the world. You can also immediately put in the house bedTo resurrect immediately after death at this point (to create the bed, it will be necessary to find and cut the sheep, since they need their wool to crafting.

A small house is built, the main home things are arranged, you can now study the world around the world.

Minecraft. Resources

In order to get some resources, it is not enough just to walk and look for the surface of the Earth. There are such very useful fossils like: iron, gold, diamonds, Radstone (red electric ore), lava, obsidian. But all of them are deeply under the ground, and their mining is very difficult.

In Minecraft, you can destroy each block, and, it means, you can proceed the tunnel to the center of the Earth (to the lower layer of Adamantine - absolutely impenetrable breed) anywhere. But, without having good tools, it is better to refrain from this. It will be much easier to wander a little on the surface of the Earth to find caves leading deep down.

The caves are filled with underground waterfalls, lava flows and countless nightmarish creatures that are hidden here from sunlight. Caves - an extremely safe place, but this is the closest way to the rich lower layers of the Earth.

When moving around the cave, it is better to immediately align all natural pits and bumps, creating a convenient and comfortable way down, because it will have to walk very often. It is also worth taking care of lighting. It is best to set torches on the floor and immediately three pieces, building the corner from them (the corner of the cave deep into the cave, and two sides on the sides - aside to the exit). So it will be possible to determine not only whether you were here or not, but also the direction of movement to the exit.

Mining is complicated by the fact that more durable ores require more durable tools. Iron is mined at least stone picka, gold and red ore - iron picka, diamonds - golden picka, obsidian - diamond pickaxe. To do this, it is better to carry with you in the inventory workbench and oven, and make tools right in the cave.

Transformation of the world
Minecraft. Survival

Taking a sufficient number of a wide variety of resources, you can create all sorts of decorative things for the home, dilute the garden, cook potions, enchant guns and armor, build giant objects with many small parts, lay the railway, create steam locomotives and integer railway compositions, invent various automatic Mechanisms. In short, you can convert this cubic world to your liking.

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The gaming space in which the gamer receives unlimited access to all subjects and actions is no longer anything out of a series of outgoing. Now the other scope of limitless possibilities is more relevant - everyone can create a whole world to their taste, as well as adjust its parts. The minecraft world, which is attractive and complicated at the same time, implies constant creative activity. Therefore, all players endowed with creative talents and freely adapting to harsh conditions will become real masters in the world consisting of small cubes.

If the monotony of life has become unbearable for you, then you can always play minecraft online, change your situation, moving to the world inhabited by the revived dead and monsters. In the game Minecraft, everyone will find for themselves what is looking for, because discoveries in this universe can be as much as you like. In these worlds, young boys will be able to become those who only wish, fully realizing their potential and desire. A world that requires constant vigilance and hard work, teach players to extract, build and survive, raising useful skills and quality. If you use your mind and all the abilities, you can not only be successful to adapt to the minecraft world - everyone has the opportunity to become a real owner here.

Minecraft game won a huge army of fans immediately after release. There are other games from the direction of sandboxes, but none of them can compare with minecraft on simplicity and comfort. The basics on which the gameplay is built is clearly understood by all all gamers, all ideas are clearly defined, and the interface is available for perception. The situation and all the parts of the world are built from blocks. That is, everything that is in the game is a combination of cubic elements.

It is possible to get acquainted with the process in more detail after careful consideration of the four main levels and gaming regimes that have cardinal differences and peculiar targets.

Creativity and construction

This game mode is available even within the working browser, although sometimes it does not avoid meeting with the first generation games. The death of the character in this case is impossible, although the hero can simply lose their working capacity or, in other words, to be in the "Cappon". In this case, the character turns out to be in complete vacuum, without the possibility of further actions. However, at the same time, you can get so many blocks as you need, and if you wish, your hero will be able to go to the desired point, the flight flights. Extra or unnecessary blocks are eliminated from one strike - the player's forces are large enough.


Here, in addition to the standard creative task, there is also a danger element when the player must constantly be alert. How to achieve this? You will find the scoreboard, which reflects the indicators of your hunger and well-being - tracking them, you can maintain a hero in the right form. Construction tools and materials should be extracted on their own. And with the onset of the night you should prepare for the attack of various hostile creatures. Depending on the level, the strength of enemies will increase or decrease. It is also worth noting that one day here takes only ten minutes, but at the same time you need to have time to fulfill all your tasks.

Based on this, it can be concluded that any Flash Player Minecraft Games should take care that his hero has a good house in which you can hide with the onset of darkness. In the event of the death of the player, he can be revived only next to the bed, in which he was last able to sleep. Death also returns all items into the initial position - to the scene. If you do not collect the inventory and other useful things for half a working day (five minutes), you can simply lose them. It is also worth noting that the wooden door from the monsters will not hide - they can easily hack it and enter the house.

To begin with, it should be said that the player receives only one set of lives. In the event of death in online games, minecraft, all surrounding is also eliminated, and quite quickly. The only thing that is required for survival is good skills and the right choice of working level.


In the game, Minecraft can be built and obtained anything, only in the case when the hero has the right inventory in their hands.

Best option for beginners

If you are in the forest, it is best to do the extraction of wood. At the initial stage, you can collect from fifteen to twenty wooden blocks. It is worth taking care of the future - if you put a seedling, then a day, it can become a tree, from which additional blocks can also be extracted. Forest searches should not be chaotic - with open areas it is better to move only in one direction. Ordered actions will help to find the desired materials much faster, and the construction activity will be more efficient.

Playing the minecraft online, you should not focus on the construction only - you need to ensure that the game character has always been full and felt well. Food here is more than enough, but it needs to be appreciated and collect at any convenient case. Half of the heart is an indicator at which the Hero's life is still possible, but if this parameter is lower below, it should be hurned.

Minecraft fans receive many opportunities. Each free to choose for yourself any profession or occupation - from military and construction activities to agriculture and animal husbandry. In any case, the gameplay requires constant improvement, and for this you need to always work and receive new knowledge. With the help of flash games, Minecraft any gamer can learn the art of survival and adaptation. On this site you can find any Micraft games online absolutely free. Thanks to them, you can make sure that your survival abilities are large enough to become the master of the world consisting of square blocks.