Moving games in the gym, on the street and group room. Categories: Games Game Training Gym

The participant who retired from this game receives a gift that it does not share the participants on the winners and the losers. But of course, in this game, everyone should strive for the fastest postman! You will need: Gifts in boxes for the number ...

The presenter begins the game from words - referring to the participants: you sent a hundred rubles what you want, then buy. Black, white do not take, and no - do not say! After the presenter starts provocatively talking to the players, ...

Perfectly suitable for kindergarten and elementary school. The lead or educator offers children to go to the circus and try walking along the rope over the dome. Naturally in the circus of children, no one leads, and ...

It will be good for the children's festive feast for a birthday. The first guest pronounces an imaginary gift for a birthday room - it can be any thing from chocolate to a tank or even a whole planet. Next, the second participant repeats ...

A simple and very exciting game is perfect for both kindergarten and primary schoolchildren. You need a piece of fabric from 1.5 meters long, and the width can be like a very small 20 ...

Number of participants: everyone. For promotion, you can take candy. The course of the game: Players are invited to call words in the part of which there is a word "spruce." For each correct word, candy is issued (or what other sign of differences). Examples of words: ...

each command is built into the ruler, parallel to the lineup of another command. In the left hand of each player of each team, a cup with water, in his right hand every player - empty cups. [Total votes: 2 Middle: 1.5 / 5]

Balanina Ekaterina
Moving games in the gym, on the street and group room

Outdoor games One of the most popular and efficient ways of upbringing and full-fledged physical development for the younger man. Naturally, that games Must be planned, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child.

Moving games for children in the groupare carried out mainly in two ways. This is frontal (Enhance all children groups) and group(The total team is divided into two or more groups) . Another type of organization is individual. Used in cases where one of the children is not able to exercise along with group.

purpose mobile game Increase positive attitude and strengthen psycho-emotional health.

1. Outdoor games Be sure to include physical education. They are

held after exercises in the main movements in order to increase

physiological load and emotionality classes. For this purpose they are selected games,

requiring active actions of all children at the same time.

Moving games in the hall:

The game: "Catching, take a ribbon".

Age group: Preparatory.





Exercise children in running with confidence, in fishing and in the construction of a circle;

Improve the coordination of movements, the ability to navigate in space;

Learning to accurately evaluate their results and results of comrades.


Rise in children the desire to participate in games.

Gaming actions: Children are built in the circle; Each has a color ribbon, filled with behind the belt. In the center of the circle there is a fishing. According to the sign of the teacher: "Once, two, three - catch!" - Children scatter around the site. Fit runs for playing, trying to pull out a ribbon from someone. According to the sign of the teacher: "Once, two, three in the circle of speeds!" Everyone is built in the circle. The educator proposes to raise the hands to those who lost the ribbon, that is, lost, and counts them. Catching Returns ribbons to children, and the game is repeated, with new watering.

rules: The fishing should take only a ribbon without holding the playing. Playing, deprived of the ribbon, moves away.

Equipment for children.

Preliminary work:


Organization games:

Location moving game games: sport games, high Mobility Games Must be carried out on playground,



games- along the game

3. Summarizing.

2. Before classes are appropriate games of medium mobility. In day mode outdoor games can be organized from all over groupand subgroups. It depends on the nature of the gaming actions, the number of players, their preparedness, the conditions of conducting and other factors.

Moving games in the group room:

The game: "Cosmonauts".

Age group: average.

purpose: Enhance the positive attitude and strengthen psycho-emotional health.



Improving the health of the body.


Develop dexterity and speed;

Learn to perform actions in accordance with the guidelines.


Educate in children the ability to comply with the elementary rules games

Gaming actions: In the edges of the site there are loss hoops. Playing a few people more than missiles. Children get up in a circle and take hands. Go in a circle progressing text:

Waiting for us quick rockets

To fly to the planet.

What want,

For such a fly!

But in the game one secret:

There is no place for you!

Only after the last words, children scatter and occupy rockets.


Equipment hoops by number of participants.

Preliminary work:

The educator should know the content games, its rules, in what conditions and with which number of children it wakes up. Prepare the necessary inventory, attributes, posters.

Organization games:

Location moving game must match the objectives and objectives of the games: sport games, high Mobility Games Must be carried out on playground, middle and low mobility games held on the territory of the walking area.


1. An explanation of the educator is a responsible moment affecting the course games.

2. Direct conduct games- along the game Immediately correct mistakes and clarify what the children did not understand, as it should take part in it.

3. Summarizing.

3. Most useful and appropriate movable Games Fresh Air, while walking. On the morning walk after classes are carried out different in nature outdoor games. Their number and duration on certain days of the week is not the same.

When selecting games, preceding classes are taken into account. So after classes

native language, drawing, modeling it is advisable to spend the game with more active

actions. However, after classes that demanded that children focused,

it is not recommended to learn new games. If physical culture or musical occupation was conducted in the first half of the day, it is advisable to conduct games And medium exercises mobility, and organize them in the middle or end of the walk, and at the very beginning to provide children with the opportunity to play on their own.

Movable games on the street:

The game: "Purobushki and cat".

Age group: 2 younger group.

purpose: Enhance the positive attitude and strengthen psycho-emotional health.



Improving the health of the body.


To teach children to run, not touching each other, felt from the catching, quickly run away, find their place;

Acquire children to be careful, occupying a place, not to push comrades.


Educate in children the ability to comply with the elementary rules games, coordinate movements, orient in space.

Gaming actions: Children - "Sparrow" Sit in their "Nests" (in circles marked on earth, or drawn on asphalt) On one side of the site. On the other side of the site - "cat". As soon as "cat" backlight "Sparrow" "Clear" on the road, "Flip" From place to place, looking for crumbs, grains (Children are squatted, knocking their fingers on the knees, as if peeled). But here "Wakes up" "cat", "Meow" And running for "Sparuns"that "Fly" in their own "Nonzhda". First, the role "Cat" Performs an educator, and then someone from the children.

rules: Having places not pushing, not pushing and not occupying someone else's place.

Equipment - hoops by count of children, masks.

Preliminary work:

The educator should know the content games, its rules, in what conditions and with which number of children it wakes up. Prepare the necessary inventory, attributes, posters.

Organization games:

Location moving game must match the objectives and objectives of the games: sport games, high Mobility Games Must be carried out on playground, middle and low mobility games held on the territory of the walking area.


1. An explanation of the educator is a responsible moment affecting the course games.

2. Direct conduct games- along the game Immediately correct mistakes and clarify what the children did not understand, as it should take part in it.

3. Summarizing.

Description: Participants move freely on the hall in the rack of the basketball player: right, right side, left side, back forward, trying not to hurt each other. According to the teacher's signal, they perform a stop in two steps and take a rack of a basketball player.

Wins the one who has a rack is correct.

Notes: Players who have completed the exercise can further evaluate other participants.

"Brother Rabbit, Brantz Fox."

Venue: Small Hall or any playground.

Game description: All participants of the game are built in one rank. The teacher walks along the ranks behind the spines and hurts one of them - this is "fox". Then all participants ("rabbits") diverge down the hall and say such words: "If a bowl is dropped - a bowl breaks, if the tail is close to the tail - it means close to the leisure."

After these words, "Fox" shouts loudly "here I am!", At the same time, it jumps up and raises hands, after which it catches the "rabbits". The one who "Lisa" caught, goes to "Lysiy House". After stopping the game, all its participants are again built in the rank, and a new "fox" is selected. Game continues.


  • when choosing a "fox", students stand with eyes closed and folding the hands of the "boat" behind the back. Whom the teacher touches hands - that "fox";
  • if the child does not want to be leading, he puts his hands on the belly;
  • if during the first period of the game the participant was caught, then in the next period it can not be a "fox" (when choosing "fox" he puts his hands on the stomach);
  • as the teacher must explain the teacher to explain that "Fox" is not only fast, but also the tricky, so she must deceive "rabbits" - not to give yourself ahead of time and choose such a place in the hall, where the most participants in the game (so that you can immediately someone to hurt them);
  • if "Fox" did not shift "here I am!", Or did not raise his hands (that is, it was not visible and heard) - the game stops and the new "fox" is selected;
  • the assessment is made by the fastest "fox" - it hunted well; the most "cunning fox" - for the trick; "Rabbits" who did not fall out for all the time of the game or fell, but before that very long and deftly died from "foxes".

"Freaky deer"

Venue: Playground or Great Hall.

Game description: The teacher chooses four watering - these are "wolves", the other participants of the "Freaky deer". "Wolves" are divided into two groups: two "wolf" - "Paders", the other two are in the ambush. According to the "deer teacher" run away from the "wolves" on the other side of the site. "Wolves-Poncers" catch "deer" throughout the site, and "Wolves in the ambush" - only on the middle line of the hall. After each run, the number of caught "deer" is calculated, after which they can take place on the site again. Game continues.


  • the number of fuses and "wolves" depends on the size of the site and on the number of participants of the game;
  • caught "deer" can drop out of the game and be in a specially reserved place. The game they get up when the new group of "wolves" is selected;
  • "Wolves" are chosen from those participants who were not permanent;
  • the assessment is made by the best group of "wolves" and those "deer" who were not caught for all the time of the game.

"Bouncers in a square"

Venue: gym, any drawdill.

Description: The game participants are divided into two teams, one of which will be in a square of 10 x 10 m, and the other abroad. At the signal, the participants of the external team begin to beat their rivals with the ball.

Notes: Player whom he knocked out the bench.


  1. Wins a team that will choose all opponents in a shorter time.
  2. Wins a team who has elapsed more players during a certain time.


Description: Participants with small balls in their hands are located all over the hall. At the team in Teacher, children perform throwing and catching the ball: one hand, two, throwing with hands on hand, etc. The participant (participants) wins, which will remain in the court longer.

Notes: A player who dropped the ball, to sit on the bench or leaves "for the scenes" (specially designated part of the hall), and continues to do exercises with the ball.

"Freaky team".

Venue: Gym.

Game description: Two teams are located on a volleyball playground, each on their side. Participants are built into the column or rank. On each side of the site there are racks, one or two in each of the volleyball court zones, the total number of racks corresponds to the number of players in the team. Each member of the team knows which zone it should move by signal. The participant must reach the rack and return back. Wins a team that first in full formation built on the start line. Start line, as well as the location of the team on it, can be changed. Perhaps also, the performance of certain exercises by participants near the rack. In addition, at each stage of the game players change zones.

"Team relay on the ground."

Venue: Playground around the school.

Game description: Participants are divided into two teams. Then both teams conduct inspection of the area, which will pass the path of the relay, as well as those obstacles that they will need to overcome. If possible, the judge is raised at each stage. After that, the teams spend the draw, and one of the teams goes to the start. The finish is determined by the last player. Then the second command starts. The results of both teams are fixed in the stopwatch and at the end of the relay package compared with the traffic points.

Obstacles in the relay are determined taking into account sports equipment located on the site.

Between obstacles, the command moves running.


Venue: sports hall or any playground.

Description: Participants are divided into two teams, each of which forms a circle. The prerequisite of the game participants is tightly held by the hands and are not discredited until the end of the game. Both teams are on the middle line. A teacher or specially selected leading say the following words: "ears, dryers, buns, mice, curls." For each of these words, the team members must "spin", breaking at each other's hands. As a result, it turns out a circle "curl". Then the leading starts to keep the account, and the teams are made one step in the direction of the wall or some landmarks. Wins the team, the first reached the goal.


  • the score is slow, in order for each of the participants to manage to take a step
  • the reference can be freed from the lesson of the student (or two students), which are standing with elongated hands. As soon as he touches any of the approaching team - it raises his hands up, i.e. This team wins.

"Fox Hunt"

Venue: The game is held near school or on any limited area.

Game description: All participants are divided into 2 teams, after which the draw is held. One of the teams becomes "hunters", the other is "foxes". According to the teacher's "Fox" sign, run away and hide on the ground. After 30-40 seconds behind them, the "hunters" runs. The task of "hunters" is to catch up or find a "fox", to ignore it and lead to the hand to the "hunting house". The game ends when "hunters" will flow all "foxes".


  • the participants of the "Lis" team wear breast numbers;
  • "Hunters" are in the so-called "hunting house" and necessarily stand back to "Lisam";
  • the start line for the "Lis" team is 5-10 meters from the "hunting house";
  • "Lisam" is prohibited: to enter the restrictive lines (fence, etc.), climb on trees, hide in the school building and refuse to go with the "hunters" if he is osal. In all these cases, the player - "Fox" is punished with penal glasses and is considered caught;
  • "Hunters" is prohibited to fight "fox" if she does not want to go. In this case, you need to reach the start line and name the "fox" number, which violates the rules;
  • if the "hunter" walked "fox", then he needs to take her hand and bring to the "hunting house". You can also transfer the "foxes" to another "hunter", and it is myself to continue to "hunt." In the same way, the "fox" number can be transferred by violating the rules;
  • the team wins the team that, being a team of "hunters" caught all the "Fox" in less time;
  • penalty glasses are transferred in seconds and deducted from time spent on the capture of "foxes" opposite.

"Hunters, wolves and trees."

Venue: sports hall or any playground.

Game description: Select one or more leading, (depending on the size of the site and the number of participants), which are located in the corner of the hall or from the edge of the site are hunters. The rest of the participants are wolves. At the signal, the hunters run away from their asylum and try to rally wolves (ball or hand). Caught Wolf does not leave the game, but "transformed" in the tree - stops in place and raises hands as a branch. Nearby trees can move to each other, take the hands and form a forest. Those wolves that have not yet been osal, can hide behind the Christmas trees or in the forest, but in this case they can be awaited. Wins a wolf or several wolves, outstanding with the latter (they become hunters).

"Red Cat"

Venue: Sports Hall or Playground.

Game description: The teacher chooses one leading - this is a "red cat." He becomes in the center of the hall, and the remaining participants of the game ("mice") are located around the "cat" and take hands. Then the "cat" catches and closes his eyes with his palms, as if he sleeps. "Mice" appeal to the "cat" with such words:

"Liege of the Red Cat traveled his belly.

I want to, but too lazy to grow.

So the red cat is waiting - can mouse crashes! ".

After these words "mouse" scatter, and "cat" will catch them. Caught "mice" sit on the bench and "flaw", since "cat" ate them. The game lasts 10-20 seconds, after which the "cat" chooses a new "cat" of unmarried "mice!. Then "eaten mice" again enter the game, and it continues. The game is held 3-5 times.


  • "Cat" closes his eyes with his hands so that he does not look in advance on the "mouse", which is going to catch. But the "cat" is allowed to breed the fingers of the hands and the soul to pry the "mice";
  • you can choose two "cats" and even three if the game is carried out in the large hall (in this case they are located back to each other);
  • as the game assimilations of "mice" are complicated - they can walk in a circle (on heels, on socks, etc.) or in a circle any exercises on attention;
  • the assessment is put by that "cat", which caught a lot of "mice", or "cat", which very quickly ran out and immediately caught a few "mice"; or "mice" who were not caught for all time games

"Most Messenger Team."

Venue: sports hall or any playground.

Description: Participants are divided into two teams. Then they are rearranged into two columns, while taking the leg rack apart, hands on the shoulders standing ahead. The very first participant holds the ball in his hands. At the signal, this player leans forward and how stronger it rolls it back. The last player gets the ball, runs forward with him and continues the first participant's action. The team wins in which the captain with the ball in his hands will again be ahead of the team. For the victory, one point is accrued. After that, other captains are chosen, but the game scheme is changing: the participants closes the eyes (or themselves or ahead of the standing player), and players with balls change their location, but at the same time they try to be next to each other. At the signal, the remaining participants open their eyes, run to their captains, are built in the same order and repeat the previous exercise.

The game is repeated 5-6 times, while the captains change each time. The distance to which players with balls run is not limited, but they should be in the field of view of other participants.

Wins a team that scores more points.

Notes: The transfer of the ball is carried out only after the last participant got up in the column. This player must submit an audio command or password ahead: for example, "Rocket is ready" or any other command.


Venue: gym or any sports field.

Description: All participants are located face to the wall. A teacher or drive hiding anywhere any small subject (for example, a key). At the signal, participants begin to look for a hidden object. Who will find the first - he becomes the "best detective".

Notes: "The best detective" can be further leading.


Venue: sports hall or any playground.

Description: All participants are divided into groups, each of which should be boys and girls. The group is taken by arms and forms dance, trying to remember each other. Then the participants disagree on the opposite edges of the hall (separately: boys and girls) and are built in the rank. Next, everyone performs on the team of teacher turns or some other exercises, possibly closed eyes. According to the team "Korovod", participants must connect to their groups. The team wins the team that will make it faster than others.

Notes: the location of the construction of the participants of the "dance" is desirable to celebrate the chips.