The most unusual money in the world. The most unusual banknotes in the world Banknotes with animals, Belarus

I don't even remember what such a huge number is called. But this is not a fantasy, but a real banknote of the currently non-existent state of Yugoslavia. Hyperinflation hit Yugoslavia in 1989, before reforms were carried out in 1994. In 1988, this particular note was printed. Unfortunately, I am not aware of what exactly could be bought for that kind of money. A loaf of bread?

Concentration Camp Banknote

This money was created by the Nazis for Jews in a concentration camp from Czechoslovakia. This camp served as a model for the Red Cross and other organizations who came to check the living conditions of the people living here.

The Nazis created schools for children in this camp, held cultural and educational events for prisoners, and even issued banknotes for internal circulation.

In fact, about 30 thousand people died in this camp, and about 90 thousand of the inhabitants of the "paradise" concentration camp were sent to other places, even more terrible.

The bills themselves were presented to the Red Cross, but were never actually used, and had no value at all.

One Hundred Trillion Dollars (Zimbabwe)

Another huge denomination note used in Zimbabwe in 2009. There, as you know, economic anarchy reigns, and paper money is even handed over to waste paper. Sometimes the weight of paper money for which you can buy a loaf of bread exceeds the weight of the loaf itself.

One Hundred Million Billion Pengo (Hungary)

Yes, this country had the highest hyperinflation possible. It happened in 1946, so this is not a consequence of modern economic turmoil. Now, one hundred million billion is 100,000,000,000,000,000,000. It is clear that the zeros did not fit on the bill, therefore they were not printed, writing the numbers in words. In July 1946, the pengos were replaced by the forints, the currency still the official currency of Hungary.

The oldest banknote - 1380

This denomination is the most ancient of all the surviving ones. It was issued in 1380, although paper money was used in China as early as 800 AD.

Notgeld (Germany)

This money is something like coupons that were widely used in Ukraine after the collapse of the USSR. By the way, Notgeld can be considered the most unusual of all the "emergency" currencies issued as a replacement for regular money. As you can see, the design of the money is not just unusual, but very unusual. I wonder how such a thing was admitted to circulation?

Einstein banknote

In 1952, Israeli Prime Minister Ben-Gurion proposed using the face of Albert Einstein as a design detail for a new Israeli 5-unit banknote, Lirot. This particular note was issued in 1968.

Money is considered a necessary attribute of civilization. But if everything were as boring as it sounds, the world would not have seen such a flight of human imagination, captured in the seemingly mundane things. We have collected the most interesting coins and money in the world and examples of how they become an object of art.

The most unusual money in the world

1. Let's start with Disney Dollars.
Walt Disney, who created the world of childhood for several generations, did not forget about the important. In the legendary Disneyland, children run everything, which means that the currency must be appropriate. Equated in value to the US dollar, the Disney dollar was first released in 1987. The denominations of 1, 5 and 10 Disney dollars correspond to the famous cartoon characters - Mickey, Goofy, Minnie. You can pay with them in all parks, resorts, liners and the great Disney island.

2. Unusual money of the Yapa island, which is impossible not to notice.
They appeared at the beginning of time and are still used by them. Heavy discs of worn stone with a large hole in the middle for carrying them broke not a single pair of legs.

Their value is determined by the size and number of people killed in the process of transporting them to the island. Yapi do not have their own stones, so they have to transport money from the island of Palau in a canoe.

3. Money smells
Those still inventors live on the island of Palau. Several years ago they decided to issue a series of coins called "Paradise fragrance". The first to come out was a coin with a picture of a coconut and it smelled delicious. Another noteworthy one, from the same series - with an engraving of a surfer caught the wave. Its scent is as fresh as ocean waves.

4. Cameroon butterfly
Three years ago, Cameroon issued a silver coin, recognized as the most beautiful and unusual coin in the world of numismatics. This coin is very valuable, but not from the point of view of its nominal price, but from the point of view of aesthetics. It is engraved with a flower on which an amazing butterfly with colorful wings landed. It looks realistic and voluminous. The technology of its manufacture is kept in the strictest secret, and the number of coins issued is only 2.5 thousand pieces, so there is a little good.

5. Talking John F. Kennedy - an example of a coin with an interesting property.
On strange Mongolian coins worth 500 tugriks, John F. Kennedy flaunts. They are equipped with a special button, pressing on which reproduces the legendary phrase of the former President of the United States: "I am proud to be a Berliner." It is clear that the series of such coins is extremely small and expensive.

But these interesting coins are not all that the National Bank of Mongolia can boast of. For example, in 2011, they decided to issue a collection series of coins dedicated to endangered animals. This idea met with active support from the world community, and collectible coins were recognized as unusually beautiful. One of the most expressive animals captured in this series is the Ural owl. The work is done very realistically, the coin is made of silver of the highest standard, and the owl's eyes are inlaid with dark Swarovski stones. Now the value of an owl ranges from $ 1,500 to $ 3,000.

6. Pyramid of Tutankhamun
An interesting coin in the form of a silver pyramid was released from the Pobjoy Mint 5 years ago. This is a tribute to Howard Carter, 70 years after his death. Carter is famous for finding the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings. The coin is engraved with an image from the walls of the tomb. The sun is depicted at the top of the pyramid, and this is a particularly remarkable detail, because it is interspersed with grains of sand, which are abundant in this very tomb.

7. Coins in the form of guitars
Ten years ago, coins were issued in Somalia, which are now recognized as the most unusual and original. These are miniature multi-colored guitars, the surface of which is coated with a spray of silver, denomination 1 dollar. An extravagant series of coins was issued for the anniversary of rock and roll, to its fiftieth anniversary.

8. Dinosaur skeleton
One of the freshest novelties in the modern world of numismatics is a coin depicting a dinosaur.

The fact is that the remains of a prehistoric animal were recently discovered near the province of Alberta. The coin is easy to find in a dark pocket, as the phosphorescent skeleton of the majestic animal will surely attract attention. On its reverse side there is a portrait of Elizabeth 2, who, alas, does not want to phosphoresize.

9. From extreme to extreme
One of the heaviest coins in the world, one of the ten unusual money in the world. The 1 million Canadian dollar coin weighs a lot - 100 kg, and its alloy is 99.9% pure gold. Until 2011, this treasure was rightfully ranked first in the world in terms of its dimensions. But in October 2011 Australia presented something cooler. A giant coin 12 cm thick, 80 cm in diameter and weighing about 1000 kg of pure gold, replacing its predecessor, was issued at the Perth Mint.

Meanwhile, in Foggy Albion, the concept of nano-money was invented and implemented. The smallest of the coins boasts a diameter of 750 nanometers (1 nanometer is equal to one billionth of a meter). It depicts Queen Elizabeth 2, who, in fact, is the object of the idea - the creation of amazing money was timed to coincide with her diamond anniversary.

10. A typo on the Chilean mint
In 2008, the irreparable happened during the minting of coins in Chile. 50 million coins with the inscription "Republic of Chii" became the subject of the hunt of modern numismatists and the reason for the dismissal of the head of the Chilean mint. Collectors today will have to pay double the price for them.

11. Pound Sterling for the space public.
Ray Bradbury in his writings relentlessly pinned fears about crossing cosmic boundaries. So far, his fears have not been confirmed and earthlings have not landed on other planets, but there is already a special currency for this case. Space money is designed to accommodate potential congestion during future flights, is not subject to interstellar collisions, and is completely devoid of sharp edges. The currency is intended to replace irrelevant electronic transfers in the future. It was created by a group of scientists from the National Space Center and the University of Leicester.

12. Virgin Mary of Palau
The Palau Islands have surprised the public more than once with their exceptional money. But in 2007 they created something interesting. The silver 1 dollar coin is decorated with the image of the Virgin Mary, and inside the coin is a tank with holy water from Lourdes, a grotto in France. In 2008, another series of coins was published, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the appearance of the Blessed Virgin in this grotto.

13. Chubak instead of an eagle
The small Pacific nation of Niue is in dire need of money, so it released it to make money. The coins depict characters from the legendary Star Wars movie saga, so fans of the film and collectors will definitely like them. One such unusual coin costs $ 390.

In 2007, a coin with an unusual shape appeared on the Cook Islands, dedicated to Princess Diana, or rather the tenth anniversary of her death. As you know, the world was very fond of Diana Spencer, and therefore the coin looks like a Valentine's card. In the shape of a heart and with a portrait of a person of blue blood.

15. Science has stepped forward.
The popular use of QR codes today originated in Japan, and today the Dutch Mint has issued the first coins of its kind with this code. It contains a link to the website of the Netherlands Ministry of Finance.

Humanity has been paying with plastic cards for a long time, but in Canada, for example, they pay with plastic cash. The good idea is that the bill does not wear out over time and is not subject to attacks by counterfeiters.

Inspired by Lego, Designer Mac Funamizu set about creating so-called mixed coins. For example, a dollar coin can be divided into quarters or halves. This idea will solve the age-old problem of excess or lack of small things and make money turnover more interesting.

We all know that you can't count money after sunset, because you can't see it. Therefore, the recently created Luminous Paper Money concept is the solution to this problem. There are several options for backlighting, they correspond to a certain denomination.

As you can see, human fantasy is capable of transforming boring reality into something sublime and beautiful. The country has interesting coins, this is a kind of visiting card, an attempt to express feelings, the desire to perpetuate what you love, and of course dreams of a fantastic future. This is demonstrated by the above exhibits.

It would seem that the times of beads and mirrors as banknotes are long gone, but is it really so?

In a paradise of the Pacific Ocean, on the island of Yap in Micronesia, locals use huge stone discs with a hole in the middle as money. Their diameter ranges from 1.5-6 m. The value of such a bill is determined by its size, as well as by how many people were injured during the transportation of the stone.

The fact is that there are no such stones on their native island, so local residents have to sail in canoes to the neighboring island of Palau, where there are still a lot of stone discs, and deliver "money" home.

Inhabitants Palau watch this process with irony, glad that they have their own currency and they do not have to strain so hard to get it.

Disney Dollars

These are the favorite bills of all children. They are only used in Disney theme parks, resorts and cruise ships. The value of the Disney dollar, created back in 1987, is equated to the value of the US dollar.

Coins of Africa: Kissi money

Some peoples of West Africa until the twentieth century used twisted iron sticks 33-36 cm long. They were called kissi-pennies and were often used during funeral ceremonies.

Obviously, this kind of money was not very valuable, because it was often used in single mating. A cow, for example, cost 100 bundles of 20 twigs .

The largest coin on Earth

Until 2011, the largest coin in the world was the Canadian $ 1 million. It weighs 100 kg and is 99.9% pure gold.

But in October 2011, the Australians surpassed the Canadians. The giant Australian coin, issued by the Parth Mint, weighs over a ton. The thickness of the golden beauty is 12 cm, the diameter reaches 80 cm.

The smallest coin in the world

The Tara Vijayanagara Silver Quarter in India is the smallest coin on earth. The tiny coin measures 4mm in diameter and weighs just 1.7g.

Somalia's amazing money

In Somalia, instead of coins, they use the same geometric figures of a cone (water), a ball (earth), a pyramid (fire), a cylinder (wood) and a cube (metal).

This country is famous for other unusual coins in the form of cars, guitars and motorcycles.

Rare Fiber Coins

Due to the war in 1944-1945, Japan's reserves of metal rapidly decreased. Therefore, some coins were made from a red and brown material similar to cardboard.

In the city of Moose Joe in Canada, after the First World War, they used ... wooden money. At that time, the metal was so rare that the cities issued money from the most affordable materials, including from wooden planks.

The Mongolian 500 tugrik coin depicting US President John F. Kennedy has a small button. By clicking on it, you can hear the president's historical phrase: « I am proud to be Berliner! »

In one of the smallest countries in the world - the state of Palau, an unusual coin was issued in 2007. This is a silver dollar depicting the Virgin Mary holding a small bottle of holy water from a holy site in Lourdes, France.

These round coins are made of heavy-duty plastic and represent the planets of the solar system. Such strange money was made at the National Space Center and the University of Leicester especially for space tourists.

Money accepted in modern society is not always coins and banknotes. Many peoples still use wooden planks or metal plates as currency.

Fancy paper money

Disney Dollars

Walt Disney created a real world of fairy tales, in which you cannot do without your own currency. There are Disney dollar bills in denominations of 1, 5, 10 and 50 dollars, the release of which began in 1987. This money can be used to pay for attractions in all parks named after the famous cartoonist. The central place on the banknotes is occupied by cartoon characters, including Goofy, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck.

Wine money

From 1919 to 1921, wine labels were used as money in Yakutia, the value of which depended on the price of a bottle of wine on which they were glued. So, a label from good French wine cost 100 rubles, from port - 25 rubles, Cahors - 10 rubles.

The fact that in Yakutia instead of accepted money they use wine labels, it became known thanks to the essay by Maxim Gorky "On the Unit", in which the author shared his impressions of this original currency - colored labels from such wines as Sherry, Cahors, Madera, Port, on which Semyonov put the seal of the People's Commissariat of Finance and signed the denomination.

Tribute to the footballer

In 2006, the National Bank of Ireland issued a £ 5 note. The limited edition bills are dedicated to the memory of one of the best football players in the country - George Best, who passed away a year earlier. The images for printing were based on photographs of his most famous football positions on the field, when he managed to score important goals into the opposing team's goal.

The most unusual coins

Paradise aromas

Some of the most unique are the "Paradise Flavor" coins issued on the island of Palau. Their distinctive feature is that each has its own smell. The first coin in the batch was a coin with a picture and a scent of coconut. Another coin is engraved with a surfer riding a wave and smells of sea freshness.

Butterfly from Cameroon

A silver 1000 Cameroon franc coin was issued in 2011. It was recognized by many numismatists as the most beautiful in the world - it depicts a flower with a voluminous butterfly sitting on it, the colored wings of which protrude beyond the borders of the coin. Its manufacturing technology is kept in strict confidence. It is only known that there were 2,500 such copies produced, and almost all of them were immediately sold out by collectors.

Silver pyramid

This original coin was issued in 2009 by the Pobjoy Mint in Tadworth, England. Its release was timed to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the death of the archaeologist Howard Carter, who discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. The triangular-shaped coin depicts letters from the walls of the tomb, and in the upper corner - a solar disk interspersed with particles of sand taken from the tomb of the pharaoh.


In 2004, Somalia issued colored silver plated coins. The production of collectible metal money was timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the birth of rock-roll. They are made in the form of guitars of famous musicians and some American states. Each coin has a denomination of 1 dollar.

Ural owl

In 2007, the National Bank of Mongolia began issuing collectible coins depicting critically endangered animals. This metal money is in demand not only among numismatists, but also among ordinary citizens who have decided to support the idea of ​​the government. This 2011 fine silver coin depicts a Ural owl with eyes made from dark Swarovski crystals.

Dinosaur skeleton

One of the latest innovations on the modern numismatics market is a 25-cent coin depicting a dinosaur, the remains of which were found near the province of Alberta in Canada. Turning off the light, on one side you can see the glowing skeleton of a prehistoric giant, and on the other - the image of Elizabeth the second, but without the glow.

The Sistine Chapel

The obverse of the Sistine Chapel coins, issued in a circulation of 999 pieces, depicts the profile of a monk, and the reverse depicts the image of God and Adam, exactly the same as in the painting of the great Michelangelo.

Money of unusual shapes and sizes

In some underdeveloped countries, people continue to pay with unusual currency, for example, stones, wooden sticks, food or other objects of various geometric shapes.

Rai Stones

On the island of Yap, which is part of the Federated States of Micronesia, the Rai stones, which are limestone discs with a diameter of 5 meters, are legal tender. The cost of such a disc is determined by its size and weight - the heavier the so-called coin, the more it is valued.

Kissy's money

Kissi is the name of twisted iron sticks 30 cm long used until the beginning of the 20th century in some countries and tribes of West Africa. One end of such money was in the form of the letter T, and the other was in the shape of a spatula, and they were called kissi-penny. To make a large purchase, they were combined into small bundles: for example, a cow was valued at one hundred bundles of twenty sticks each.


Sentinnials were used after the First World War in the Canadian city of Moose Jo and were planks.

It was expensive to make coins from metal, so they decided to issue wooden money. The editors of the site bring to your attention an article on the most expensive currencies.
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Virtually every country has its own unique currency. Money usually depicts portraits of famous people, landmarks or illustrations of historical events. But there are also very unusual banknotes. Our review contains 16 coins and banknotes, which are the dream of every numismatist.

1. Silver coin with meteorite fragments, Fiji

In 2012, the Republic of Fiji issued a limited edition of 999 $ 10 coins made of silver, which contained pieces of the real Neuschwanstein meteorite, which fell to Earth on April 6, 2002 near Neuschwanstein Castle, located on the border of Germany and Austria.

2. Banknotes with animals, Belarus

While most countries depict historically important people and symbols on their banknotes, the Belarusian 50-kopeck banknote features a squirrel, 1 ruble is decorated with a hare, and a 3-ruble banknote features a pair of beavers. Higher denomination banknotes contain images of wolves, lynxes, elks, bears and bison. True, the Belarusian "bunnies" have already been withdrawn from circulation.

3.100 franc marijuana coin, Benin

The world's first silver marijuana coin was issued by the government of the West African Republic of Benin. There is a bright green hemp leaf on the back of the coin. When rubbed, the leaf emits a distinct marijuana aroma, which is produced by synthetic additives.

4. Banknote of 50 pfennig, Germany

The Germans depicted real public service announcements on the money. The images on the banknotes were varied - from romantic folklore to social satire, but all very well convey the spirit of the culture of this period in the history of Germany. Scary images like the one on the 50pfennig banknote were no exception.

5. Coin with fossil remains of a mammoth, Cote d "Ivoire

Côte d'Ivoire produced a limited edition of 1,000 francs with tiny fragments of mammoth remains.

100 trillion dollar banknote, Zimbabwe

In Zimbabwe, at the time of the country's withdrawal from the Second War in the Congo (1998 - 2003), the confiscation of personal land holdings of white farmers began. This led to hyperinflation, which peaked at 79.6 billion percent in November 2008. At the time, the National Bank was issuing $ 100 trillion in notes.

7. Talking Coin, Mongolia

The 500 MNT coins, issued in 2007 in Mongolia, were equipped with a button that, when pressed, sounded the famous speech "I am a Berliner" by former US President John F. Kennedy.

8. Wooden banknote, Germany

Germany plunged into a deep financial crisis after the First World War. This led the Germans to start issuing their own unofficial currency called "Notgeld" (emergency money). German cities printed currency on whatever they could - wood, aluminum foil, playing cards, in an attempt to get around the depreciated value of the deutsche mark.

9. Commemorative coin in honor of the Virgin Mary, Republic of Palau

In honor of the 150th anniversary of the first apparition of the Virgin Mary to Saint Bernadette in the town of Lourdes in the south of France in 2008, the Republic of Palau (Western Pacific) issued a commemorative coin. It has a built-in capsule of water from Lourdes.

10. Oldest banknote, China

Paper money was first used by the Chinese, who began to introduce banknotes during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD). They were used mainly for private bills. Paper bills were in circulation in China for more than 500 years before they began to take root in Europe around the 17th century. Chinese Kuan of 1380 is the oldest known banknote in the world.

11. Banknote of 100 million pengeo billion, Hungary

Hungary's currency, pengö, has suffered from the highest levels of hyperinflation in history. In 1946, a Hungarian bank issued a banknote of 100 million pengö billion, which was only worth about 20 American cents. In July 1946, the country changed its currency from pengeo to forint.

12. Coin with a figurine, Easter Island

The most famous landmark of Easter Island was depicted on the coin in a very original way. The silver coin was designed in such a way that miniature idol figurines can be inserted vertically into slots on coins, creating a three-dimensional version of famous monuments on Easter Island.

13. Coin with a pearl, Republic of Palau

Another original coin of complex design is a coin issued in the Republic of Palau, in which green freshwater pearls are embedded - a local symbol of good luck and happiness. The limited edition coins are also decorated with various types of sea shells.

14. Coin with a particle of the "Concorde" heat shield, Tristan da Cunha

Tristan da Cunha, a British territory located on remote volcanic islands in the South Atlantic Ocean, issued a special series of coins to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the famous Concorde aircraft in 2009. Each coin is gold plated and contains a tiny titanium alloy Concorde heat shield.

15. Largest banknote, Philippines

The 100,000 peso banknote was issued by the Central Bank of the Philippines to commemorate the country's centenary in 1998. The 22x35.5 cm banknote has been listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's largest legal tender banknote.

16. Leather money, Alaska

In 1799, the Russian-American company, created in Alaska to develop the natural resources of these lands, issued leather money. Stamps with denominations of 25, 10, 5, 1 ruble and 50, 25 and 10 kopecks in color resembled Russian banknotes issued by the orders of Catherine II in 1768 and 1787.

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