Right path. Graphic speed of the ship graphic. Defense solution

Purpose and types of Note. Main goals,

Solved on the map

The number is called the receipt of the vessel at any time to move from the point adopted for the initial one.

The number is the basis of the navigator (instrumental) judge. Purchase the ceases of captain under its control over the entire time of swimming. Begin immediately at once on the exit from the port or shooting from the anchor, and finish with the arrival of the destination port. The place and time of the beginning and end of the number establishes the captain. Behind the starting point, the most accurate vessel place is taken, which can be obtained in these conditions. If a large number error is detected in swimming, then transfer it to a new starting point and the change in the records taken to take into account the motion elements also makes the Captain's knowledge.

The vessel obtained on the map on the map and its coordinates J C, L C is called sensible. Near such a point, they spend a horizontal line, over which shipping time (hours, minutes), and under the countdown of lag (miles without specifying hundreds, tenths), if the lag does not work, then they put a ditch below.

Keeping the essence of the number, it is divided into three types: graphic, analytical and automatic. Regardless of this, if necessary, negotiate, what conditions take into account the drift, flow, circulation.

The read points should be applied to the card with any changes in the course and speed of the vessel, with other changes in the flood conditions, as well as all events that are recorded in the ship's magazine. If the course and speed are unchanged, then when swimming along the coast, the listed points are applied to the card every hour, and when swimming in the open sea (in the ocean) - four hours when changing the watch.

Typically, the fair place is found at the current moment of ship time. Sometimes it is necessary to find an allegedly listed place at the given moment of the future or, on the contrary, it is necessary to restore the literary place at the time of any incident in the past. Similar and any other number tasks can be solved graphically or analytically.

To graphically solve various navigation problems, use a measuring circulation parallel to the ruler and navigation transport.

The measuring circuit is used to measure and postpone the distance on the map. Distances are measured in marine miles. The scale is the side (vertical) frame of the card opposite the place where the measurement is performed. One minute of this scale is equal to one sea mile.

The parallel ruler is used to hold direct lines on the map parallel to the specified direction. It consists of two lines connected by metal traction on hinges. Such a connection allows you to move a ruler, while maintaining the specified direction, which is necessary when laying lines of courses and beads. An ordinary drawing circuit is applied, with which arcs are performed on the map - when determining space from distances to coastal objects.

Navigation transportation is necessary for building and measuring on the corner map. It is a graded semicircle with a ruler with the center at the point "0". On his external arc applied degree divisions. Batters of divisions, multiple of five degrees, elongated. Against strokes noted by dozens of degrees, two numbers differ in 180 °. The upper numbers correspond to the directions of the northern half of the compass card, and the lower - south. In order to lay on the map of the line at a certain angle to the meridian, it is necessary to impose a transporter on the card so that the center of the Meridian coincides with the central barcode "0" and the line on the arc denoting the specified number of degrees. Then the line conducted along the top slice of the line in the appropriate side will give the desired direction.

When laying, the following main tasks must be solved:

1) remove the breadth of the breadth and longitude of this point;

2) on this latitude and longitude to put the point on the card;

3) from this point on the map lay a course or bearing;

4) to postpone from this point in this direction a certain number

5) Determine the direction of the course or bearing laid on the map;

6) measure the distance between two points on the sea map;

7) pave on the map from the starting point course at a given distance from

this subject;

8) transfer point from one card to another.

1. Remove the latitude and longitude of this point from the card. This task is solved with the help of a circulation. Puting one needle of the circulation at this point, spread it so that the second needle comes to the nearest parallel. Circling a circle part of the circle, make sure that his needle concerns the nearest parallel only at one point. Then, without changing the circular solution, transfer it to the side part of the map frame and, applying one needle to the same closest parallel, which touched a part of the circumference, and the other, sending over the frame in the direction of this point, i.e. To n or s from this parallel, remove the breadth corresponding to this point.

For the removal of longitude, one needle of the circulation is put on this point and, swaying it to the nearest meridian, describe the second needle a circle tangent to the meridian. Without changing the solution of the circulation, tolerate it on the lower or top part of the map frame and, by applying one needle to that meridian, to which part of the tangent circumference was performed, put the second needle to this frame in the direction of the specified point and remove the longitude.

Latitude and longitude is removed up to 0 ¢, 1, if scale allows.

2. On this latitude and longitude, put the point on the card. To apply a point on the card, the division corresponding to the number of degrees and minutes of a given latitude is found on the side frame, and, by applying a parallel line to the parallel, the nearest to this division, shifts the line so that one of its sections come to the division of a given latitude; Then in that rectangle, where the point should be approximately, between the two meridians spend along the line of the line. Having found a division on the bottom or top of the card frame, corresponding to the number of degrees and minutes of the specified longitude of the place, and removing the circle of the segment from this division to the nearest meridian, lay this segment on the conducted line of the line from the same meridian and get the diligence point.

The same task can be performed using only one line. To do this, finding the set latitude on the side frame and putting the line to the nearest parallels, bring it into a given latitude of its slice along which the short line is carried out in the rectangle, where the desired point is located. Then, finding on the bottom or upper part of the frame of the Card frame, corresponding to this longitude, apply a line of a ruler to the nearest meridian and, shifting the ruler, put one of its sections to the division of a given longitude, along which the short line also holds. The intersection of the two lines conducted and gives the desired point.

3. From this point on the map pave a course or bearing. To solve this problem, use the transportation and ruler. Before proceeding with solving the problem, it is necessary to imagine the direction of a specified course or bearing, i.e. Which quarter of the horizon will be located this direction. Imposing the vehicle with an applied parallel ruler to the card so that the lower cutout of the ruler comprises an approximately specified direction with a meridian, turning the transport, without reducing the central stroke from the meridian or to the right, or to the left until the division of the transportation, corresponding to the specified course, does not coincide with Meridian.

Having achieved coincidence, remove the vehicle and, bringing a section of the parallel line to this point, lay the course line, conducting it with a pencil along a ruler's slice. If the transport line is located almost in the direction of the meridian during courses close to zero or 180 °, the transportation is better to apply to parallels and set to count the specified course ± 90 °.

The inscriptions on the division of the transportation are made with such a calculation to indicate the direction of course or bearing; So during courses directed to N, or up, the corresponding inscriptions on the vehicles are at the top, during courses or bearing aimed at S, or down, the inscriptions are at the bottom.

4. To postpone a certain number of miles from this point in this direction. When solving this task, it is necessary to remember that sea mile on a mercator card is depicted by segments of different lengths, depending on the latitude.

The predetermined distance is removed using a circulation on the side of the map of the map from the latitude, approximately the corresponding latitude of this point. This distance is taken to n from this point if the course is directed to N, or to S if the course is directed to S, and deposit from this point on the line of the paved course or the bearing. If the value of the predetermined distance cannot be measured by a single circular solution, then this distance is delayed in parts, each of the parts is removed in the latitude corresponding to this part.

5. Determine the direction of the course or bearing laid on the map. Having attached a ruler to the course or bearing line laid on the map map and putting the shipping to it, line the line together with the transporter to the nearest meridian, combining the central tracker of the transporter with the meridian. The countdown on the transport will give the value (in degrees and shares) of the defined course or bearing. If the course or bearing direction will lie in NE or NW quarters, i.e. In the direction on n, the top count is removed on the transport, if the direction will be in S or SW quarters, i.e. In the direction on S, the lower count is removed.

6. Measure the distance between two points on the sea map. When measuring the distance between the two points, one needle of the circulation is set at one point, and the other is in the second and remove the distance between these points. Then transfer the circus to the lateral part of the frame and in the latitude corresponding to the measured distance, the distance shot by the circular is determined.

If the distance between points cannot be removed by one circulation solution, then it is measured by parts - each part in the appropriate latitude.

7. Make on the map from the starting point course at a given distance from this subject.

To solve this problem, a given number of miles with a side frame of the map are removed, in that part of it, which comes against the specified item.

Put the needle of the circulation on the map to the point corresponding to the place of the specified item, and the circular pencil describes the arc.

From the starting point spend a tangent to the described circle.

8. Transfer a point from one card to another.

This task can be solved in two ways:

· Remove with one card latitude and longitude of this point and they put the point to another card on them;

· Remove from one card True bearing of some item applied on both cards, and, measuring the distance from this subject to this point, laid on another card shot of a true bearing and set off from the subject on the line of the bearing measured distance, taking it on the scale of the second cards.

Accounting wind

Graphic number (gasket) consists in calculations and constructions on the map, which should be more accurate to display the movement of the vessel.

Simple laying at a constant course when there is no wind and flow consists of the following (Fig. 1.15). On the map from the initial (previous spelled or observated) point of the M o spent the line of the planned path and measure the True Course of IR appropriate to it. Over this line (it coincides in such conditions with the course line) inscribes the course on the main compass, and in brackets - its amendment. These course and the correction rounded to semi-imagine so that their algebraic amount gives the IR (in fig. 1.15 IR \u003d 67.5 °).

According to the difference in lag values, for the desired function of the M C and received for the initial M o (in Fig. 1.15 roll \u003d 62.5), they are calculated by the formulas of the vessel on a lag s \u003d v · roll. This swimming is postponed on the card scale along the course line and get a clear place m with. This place is denoted by a drop across the course of the course and inscribed, as always, shipping time and the countdown of lag. Of course, the map does not put existing ones. 1.15 Designations IR, M O, S L and M S.

The vessel is on the border between the air and the water medium. When the vessel moves, the movement of air masses (wind) rejects it from the planned course and changes its speed; In addition, the wind breeds the wave (which leads to the ardent of the vessel) and creates the drift current.

Wind gets its name on the point of the horizon from which it blows

If, for example, the wind blows from NE, then it is called N.

It is customary to say: the wind "blows in a compass", but the ship "goes from the compass".

The angle between the wind direction and the diametral plane of the vessel is called the vessel's course relative to the wind. If the wind blows into the right side, they say that "the ship is right galks." If the wind blows into the left side, they say that the "ship goes left galks."

When the angle between the diametral plane of the vessel and the wind line will be less than 8 rumbes, or something less than 90 °, they say that "the vessel goes to Beidevind", while adding the name of the galks: "Course Beidevind Right Gale" or " Course Beidevind Left Gale.

Abbreviated left gallee denotes l / g., And the right galc - p / g.

Course Beyderend may be cool and full.

The course of steep Beidevind will be when the angle between the diametrical plane of the vessel and the direction of the wind is less than 6 rumbes. If this angle is more than 6 Rumbers, then in this case the course is called a complete baged.

When the angle between the diametrical plane of the vessel and the wind line will be 8 rumbes, or 90 °, then the ship's course is called Galfind, or Plotra (Fig. 1.16.).

When the angle between the diametrical plane of the vessel and the wind line will be greater than 8 rumbes, but less than 16 rumbes, then the course of the wind is called Butstag (Fig. 1.16).

When the wind blows straight in the stern, the ship's course is called Fordewind.

When the wind blows straight into the nose of the vessel, they say: "The wind blows right on the nose" or "the ship goes against the wind" (Levtynik).

During the course of the vessel behind his feed, a water jet, called the kilvater, remains. During Fordewind or Levity's courses, the diametrical plane of the vessel coincides with the brilliant jet.

At other courses, the ship is demolished under the wind; This demolition is called drift. During the drift, the diametral plane is an angle with a brilliant jet, which is called the drift angle (Fig. 1.17).

Thus, the drift angle A is called an angle composed of a diametrical plane of the vessel with the direction that it actually moves in the presence of wind (path-drift or travel angle with drift PU A)

Sailing vessels have the greatest drift during the courses of steep baged. Courts with a mechanical engine on the contrary, the greatest drift have in the courses of Galfind, i.e. When the wind blows perpendicular to board.

In general, the value of the drift depends on various reasons. For example, the more the height of the surface board, the smaller the sediment of the vessel and the stronger the wind blows, the greater the vessel's drift.

A deep-making vessel under equal conditions will have a smaller drift than a small-axis vessel.

The value of drift on sailing courts can reach up to 1-2 rumbes and even more. With a large-time drift, it will be less than at a small course.

The value of the drift can be determined by using the azimuth circle of the compass, for which the direction finder is installed in the direction of the brilvater jet, thus obtaining on the azimuthane circle the angle between the diametrical plane of the vessel and the line of its movement, in some cases the formulas are used, but the most reliable measurement of the drift angle is obtained According to observations.

As can be seen from the definitions of fig. 1.18, fair


However, the main is the task of following the line of the intended path. To do this, with the appearance of a drift, you need to change the course at the angle A towards the wind, as they say "take to the wind". In this case, we find the formula


The resulting true course is transferred to the compass QC \u003d IR - DK and set the steering or set on the auto-item.

Purchase, taking into account the drift, lead along the line of the path, laying on it to swim s l, denoting and inspiring the read points as with the simplest gasket. To get a vessel's place on the traverse of any reference point of His bearing IP ^ \u003d IR ± 90 ° spend serif on the path line.

The inscription on the map above the line of the path do, as shown in Fig. 1.18 With the calculation, so that the algebraic amount of the compass course, its amendment and drift angle gave PU A, laid on the map.

Wind excitement causes the arms of the vessel in the course, especially when the bearing of unrest is a sharp corner with the DP of the ship; "The burning angle ¡" can reach £ 4 °, and due to the complex wind interaction with the add-in and the waves with the case the sign¡ may become the opposite sign of the angle A and greater in magnitude, i.e. The ship will not go under the wind, but on the wind: for example, a \u003d + 2 °. ¡\u003d -3 °; The total effect (a + ¡) \u200b\u200b\u003d -1 ° (with the wind of the left galks, the ship is shifted to the left!).

In conclusion, consider the question characteristic only for the sailboat:

If the sailing vessel needs to reach the goal "in the wind", i.e. Go against the wind, then it is necessary to apply avavion, i.e. Go galleys to the wind meeting (Fig. 1.19.).

The rotation point (shift of the galks) is at the moment when the subject turns out to be at ku, equal to the dual optimal corner of the lavaway plus a (the optimal angle at the rail \u003d the corner of the greatest set of height when moving towards the wind).

Accounting for trend

Water in the seas and oceans, due to various reasons, has a progressive movement, which is called the flow.

The flow distinguishes two elements: speed and direction. The flow rate is called the number of miles that water particles pass in an hour. With a weak flow, its speed is determined by the number of miles per day.

For the direction of flow, the direction is taken to be removed from the observer the floating object is exclusively under the action of one flow only.

Typically, the direction of flow is indicated in true rumbach and receives its name, as well as the course of the vessel, at that point of the horizon to which it moves. On the direction of the flow, it is customary to say that the course, like the vessel, comes from the compass.

The flows are permanent, periodic (adorid-tidy) and random.

Permanent - these are such flows, the direction and the average speed of which from year to year almost does not change. The flow rate is different and it fluctuates from 10 to 120 miles per day.

Supply-treasure is called such currents that occur from the action of tides.

The speed of tidal flows in some areas reaches considerable speeds (£ 15 nodes)

Random flows occur as a result of winds, which have for a long time in the same direction, as well as from rains that have long time, etc.

Everything that has been said earlier in this section of the number, makes it possible to take into account the movement of the vessel only about water. Obviously, to ensure navigation security it is also necessary to take into account the current.

The flow rate V t is characterized by its direction relative to the meridian K T and velocity V t. Denote by the vector of the relative velocity of the vessel V C, and the vector of its absolute (relative to the shores and the bottom of the sea) speed, which is also called traveling V p. In the meaning of these speeds, we have Next vector equality:

If the relative velocity V s and the ship rate of the IR \u003d QC + DK, drift angle A and the flow vector V T, then to find out wherever the speed is the vessel, it is necessary to solve the vector equality. To do this, first find, as described in the previous paragraph, PU A and pave a line of the path without taking into account the flow. The vector V C is built along this line, and from its end - vector V T (Fig. 1.20). The closing vector V p gives the way angle of the PU, the track speed, and also identifies the degree of demolition of the flow b. This angle is considered when demolished is right positive, and left - negative. From definitions and rice. 1.20 see


The way the angle of the PU C determines the direction of the lines of the ship's path, over which they inscribe, as before, QC, DC and the total degree of demolition C \u003d a + b. On the same line, the sensitive points are applied, but the S l swimming is set aside along the PU-A line, from where the serfs are transferred to the path line PU with parallel to the vector V T (see Fig. 1.20).

If the action of the vector and flow is assessed by observations, for example, according to accurate observations, the demolition angle is obtained. from between the lines of the true course and the path of the vessel


The angle of demolition C is called the angle between the nasal part of the diametrical plane of the vessel and the vector of its travel velocity V p. The demolition of the right is considered positive, and the left is negative.

More often in practice, the main task of laying, taking into account drift and flow, is usually solved in a different formulation. Namely, the line of the path is given, according to which the vessel should go, despite the action of wind and flow. The drift angle A and the flow vector V T are known. The graphical solution of such a task is performed as follows.

On the map from the starting point of the number, the specified path is carried out, which is the angle of the PU relative to the meridian (Fig. 1.21). From the same point, the flow vector of the flow V T is built by its elements to T and V T, and from the end of this vector with a circular solution, equal to V C, make a serif on the path line. This detects the track velocity V n, the way angle of the PU A and the deck of the flow B (see Fig. 1.21).

Of course, instead of a vector triangle of speeds, the sides of which express the number of miles per hour, you can build a distance-like triangle of the distance S \u003d VT for the same time interval T.

The read points, as always, are applied on the path line, for which the S L swimming is laid down along the PU A line and demolish parallel to the VT vector in parallel.

The vessel acts a total (or complete) current, direction and speed of which are often known with large errors. If necessary, the direction of K T and the speed of V T can be determined by the "navigation" method on observations: with a sufficiently accurate accounting of wind to T so equal to the average value from several areas of residuals, and V T is the average value of several venus-codes.

During swimming, the navigator must make it possible to make time and (sometimes) the countdown of lag for the onset of various events: traverse, the shortest distance to the landmark, the opening of the lighthouse fire, the point of the report, etc. For each event, a point on the map is noted, and the time t and the countdown of Laga Ol are on the formulas (Fig. 1.22):


; .

In fig. 1.22 S P and S L are shown for the traverse of the lighthouse, OIP ^ \u003d IP ^ ± 180 °, IP ^ \u003d IR ± 90 °.

Circulation accounting

Circulation is called the trajectory of the movement of the center of the vessel with a constant steering steering.

To take into account when laying, the circulation of small and medium tonnage vessels take the circumference with a radius R c (half of the tactical diameter) and time T 180 of rotation 180 °. These charming characteristics are determined from inventive observations usually at two steering steering: grated - 15 ° and on board - 35 ° for vessel in load and email.

If they are specified on the line of the course of the courses before and after turning, the constructing of circulation is performed as follows (Fig. 1.23). Conduct a bisector of the angle of the intersection of these lines and find the point of it on it, from which an arc of radius R C is client to them. This determines the points of the beginning of H and the end to rotation.

The time of rotation at the angle A (in degrees) is estimated by the formula


In other cases, if the start point is set and direction

lines of the new course, accounting for circulation when laying are performed otherwise (see Fig. 1.23.).

From the point H is restored perpendicular, but to the line of the previous course, they are postponed by a radius R C and from the obtained center OR conducted an arc of this radius. Then, with the help of the transport and parallel line, the new course is carried out on this arc, which the end point K. is determined.

The same points n and K with the rotation of R C and the angle of rotation can be obtained by calculations and constructions of segments D 1 and D 2 or the angle q and the segment d.

Currency angle of intermediate navigation , intermediate navigation .

The arrival of the vessel in the starting point H should be predicted by time and sample lag. It is even more important to outline the Singing Bellgen and the distance of the parcels at this point. The release of the new course line also needs to be monitored by pre-planned bearing and benchmark distances.

S T \u003d V T T A;

The direction of the segment S T is paired from the point H in the opposite course of the side, the rest is obvious from the figure.

Graphic number of the path of the vessel. In order to judge the safety of swimming, focus on the environment and correctly choose courses for further movement, the vessel must know the position of his ship at any time. For this he leads navigation gasket.

Before entering the vessel to the flight, under the guidance of the captain on maps and navigation manuals, we study the flood conditions on the entire upcoming transition. Based on this data, perform preliminary gasket. However, it gives only a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe transition conditions. From the moment the final choice of courses and all the factors taken to account are determined by the specific navigation situation. Therefore, the flight is carried out executive gasket. It includes a path numbering, calculations and construction on the map, maneuvering calculations for discrepancies with other vessels.

Note There is a continuous record of the vessel motion elements (velocity and directions) and the effects of external forces in order to determine the coordinates of the vessel (literary place) without observations of coastal and heavenly luminaries (observations). This account is carried out on the basis of the rate values, velocity and veneer vector. The initial point for viewing on the map determines the captain. For such a point, the exact place of the vessel can be taken, obtained immediately after the exit of the port of the port, the floating lighthouse, the receiving buoy, etc. Its coordinates are recorded in the ship magazine. By the time the executive laying began, it is necessary to include lag, determine the correction of the compass in the stems or in another way.

Purchase when swimming without drift and flow. When swimming without drift and flow, the line of the vessel path on the map coincides with the line of IR, so accounting for the movement of the vessel on the map is made through the IR lines, according to which the distances passed by the vessel on a lagua taking into account its coefficient CL. From the source point on the map lay the first course line. Shot from the card IR is translated into the CC, which is on the magnetic compass. On the map above the line IR inscribed the course on the compass and its amendment. Course Distance SLdetermine by a lag:

SL \u003d CL (OL2 - OL1) ; (Where oL2. ol1 CL - Lag coefficient).

On the IR line in the following cases, the vests of the vessel are applied, i.e. the place calculated at the rate and swimming. If swimming makes close to the coast, the read points mark every hour, in the open sea - at the end of the watch. In addition, the listed place is applied at the points of the beginning and end of turns, when the speed changes, upon receipt of observations. Near the vessel's venue in the form of a fraction record a moment on shipping clock with an accuracy of 1 min (T) and a countdown of lag with an accuracy of 0.1 miles (OL). (See cris 31).

In real conditions of maritime swimming, there are three main options that determine the appropriate practical methods for measuring the yacht path:

  1. swimming in a sustainable complete wind;
  2. swimming in a stable opponent wind;
  3. swimming with unstable strength and wind direction.

In the first case, the yacht usually lead along the pathway, laid at a preliminary gasket. The terms of the number are favorable here. In the second case, they perform a lavaling relative to the general course, while the actual path in each gallee does not coincide with the preliminary gasket. If the lavaling is not too cool, the steering is accurately withstanding the specified course, which simplifies the number and increases its accuracy. In such conditions, the duration of the galleys depends on the alarm angle (the angle between the general course and the yacht). With the equality of the angles of the right and left galleys, their duration is the same, and the lava can be symmetrical. If there is no - the path numbering and gasket are performed on each private lavaling gallee according to the instruments. If there is no lag, speed is recommended to evaluate on each gallee.

When rail, it may happen that the steering on the instructions of the captain of the yacht, choosing to the wind, does not pay attention to the compass. Here through small, but equal intervals (15 - 30 min.) Determine and record the average QC and the corresponding IR, according to which the data obtained by lag or speed is delayed. In case of unstable wind, the steering rate is not asked, but put the task to rule on the sail in search of wind, adhering to the goal closer to the generator. Sometimes in such a situation, depending on local signs and weather forecast, it is advantageous to avoid the general course, in order to get a full steady wind (for example, a breeze under the coast). In all these cases, in the interests of the number of paths on the yacht, all turns are recorded and at each gallee (at the beginning and end of the galks must) with a certain periodicity (1-2 times per hour, depending on the conditions) record the data on the movement of the vessel (time, course , speed, counting lag). These entries are treated, averaging course and speed of each galks, and then packed on the map.

Practice shows that the accuracy of the number in such conditions increases with increasing discreteness of observations. Errors of approximation of curvilinear sections of swimming in straightforward will be insignificant compared to other errors.

Ship drift. In the navigation drift ( "A") They call the demolition of the vessel from the course line under the joint action of the wind and the excitement caused by it. With drift, the vessel moves relative to the water under the joint action of ship machines and wind. The line of its actual movement (s), called the line of the vessel path during drift, does not coincide with the course of the vessel (OA). (See cris 33). When the line is shifted to the right from Dp. Ship (the wind blows in the left side) a. Plus (+) attribute a sign plus (+), and when shifting to the left (the wind blows into the right side) - a minus sign (-). Dependence between a travel angle taking into account the drift ( PA), IK and a.:

PA \u003d IR + A; IR \u003d PA - A; a \u003d PA - IR

The drift angle can be determined by comparing the actual path of the vessel obtained by observations, with IK. When follows, the shores are carried out a number of reliable navigation observations. By connecting the observed points, receive a line of valid movement of the vessel, i.e. the line of the route during drift PA(Fig. 34). The angle between the line of the path and laid on the line map IK corresponds to the corner of the drift. The found angle of drift with his sign is taken into account with further number. If in the diving area there is a flow, the resulting degree of demolition will be the result of the impact on the ship not only wind, but also the flow.

Accounting drift by reference. If the vessel is experiencing a drift, then when conducting a gasket on the card, the ship's line of the vessel during drift is applied. On it inscribed Kk, Compass Amendment and Drive Angle Accounting a. with your sign. On the way the paths are deposited by the distance passed SL. It is believed that a.

SL \u003d CL (OL2 - OL1) ; (Where oL2. - the countdown of Lag at the point of finding the vessel, ol1 - the countdown of lag at the starting point, CL - Lag coefficient).

If the vessel is not sure about the accuracy of the drift angle, then to control the safety of swimming, except the path line during drift, it is recommended to apply a line to the card IK. Both of these lines should pass purely about underwater obstacles. The number is based only on the path line, according to which the vessel is moving.

Sea currents. Marine currents are called horizontal movements of large mass of water. The flow is characterized by its elements: direction and speed. Direction of flow Kt. Indicate in degrees in a circular account or rumbach and set at that point of the horizon, to which the current is directed. Flow rate Vt. Measure in nodes, and small speeds - in miles per day. According to the nature of the flow, it is classified for permanent, the elements of which from year to year almost do not change, periodic, whose elements are changed on a certain law, and temporary (random), the elements of which can change dramatically. In practice, the fifty most often has to deal with constant and periodic (adorid-tidy) currents. Information about the elements of constant and adorid-tidy currents is placed in closets, atlas of flows and on maps. At the same time, the average values \u200b\u200bof the elements of the flows that can differ significantly from valid are indicated. The movement of the vessel relative to the soil when swimming during the flow is determined by the following factors (Fig. 36).

Under the action of ship cars, the vessel moves relative to the water in the direction of its Dp., i.e. the lines of the true course of OA. Vessel speed relative to water is speed VL Showed by lag. At the same time together with the entire mass of water, the vessel is demolished relative to the soil in the direction of the flow of one at the rate of flow Vt.. As a result of the soil, the vessel moves according to the referring OB with a speed called the true speed of the vessel V.. Wherein Dp. The vessel remains parallel line IK. The OB line, according to which the vessel moves under the joint action of ship machines and flows, is called the line of the vessel path during the course. The position of the path of the path with respect to the true meridian is determined by the NOB angle, which is called a travel angle during PU. Angle "" , enclosed between the line of the true course of the OA vessel and the OB path line, is called a demolition angle. With the demolition of the ship to the right of it Dp. (The current is sent to the left side) attribute the sign "+", and when demolished left-sign "-". Relationship between ( PU), IK and:

PU \u003d IR +; IR \u003d PU -; \u003d PU - IR

Purchase when swimming during the flow. When swimming on a constant flow on the card, the ship route is applied by the ship route, according to which it actually moves relative to the soil. Over the path the paths inscribed Kk, Compass amendment and demolition angle with your sign. For auxiliary calculations, the thin line also causes a line IKon which the distances are laid SLpursued by a vessel regarding water according to lag testimony. Points obtained on line IK, tolerate in the direction of flow to the line line (Fig.37). Curly points on the line of the way make the time mark and the countdown of the lag, and the corresponding points on the course line are just the reference of the lag. Points of traverse, opening and hiding the landmarks are applied to the line of the way (Fig.38).

Speed \u200b\u200bwith joint accounting of drift and flow. Consider the case when the vessel moves relative to the soil under the joint action of ship vehicles, wind and flow. To conduct a numbering on the map, lay the line of the ship during drift and flow and inscribed Kk, Compass Amendment and Total Demolition Angle

c \u003d a +.

In addition, for auxiliary calculations on the map, the line of the road during the drift, on which the ship sailing is deposited SL. Each point on the line of the path during the drift corresponds to the point on the line of the valid movement of the vessel. These points are interconnected by the flow vector. Graphically, the tasks associated with finding the path of the path during drift and the flow, true speed V. and total demolition angle from According to the specified Kk, VL, a., and elements of flow, applying a particular place, the pre-deputy time and oL. At the time of coming at a given point, finding a landmark traverse, decide the same way as when swimming during the flow, but all auxiliary buildings are made on the line of the path with a drift replacing line IK.

Estimates of the accuracy of the number. As a result of the impact of unaccounted errors, the actual path of the vessel and the distance passed (swimming) will not correspond to those taken into account when reading on the map, and the actual place of the vessel is considered. For approximate judgment on errors in the number, the following data can be used, which reflect the accumulated generalized experience of journalism and studies. Duration of swimming (clock) corresponds to a radial average quadratic error of viewing, % from S.:

Up to 3h - 10%; 3-6h - 9%; 6-10h - 8%; 10-14h - 7%; 14-18h - 6%; 18-23h - 5%; 23-25 \u200b\u200bh - 4%; More than 35h - 3%.

When laying the path of the vessel on the map in a particular distance from navigation hazards, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of deviation of the vessel from the path line, and the value of the deviation will increase with an increase in the distance traveled, especially when swimming with drift and flow. Insufficient number accuracy causes additional control over the location of the vessel, i.e., determining its place not only by number, but also on observations: navigation, astronomical or using GPS.

), which allows you to go directly to solving applied navigation tasks in yachting. In this series of articles, we will learn to watch the ship's path, make it on the navigation map, again, get acquainted with new concepts. Well, without this (I about the concepts). For the provision of safe yachting, the shipier must be clear Focusing the environment and clearly know the place of your boat. In order to solve this task, graphic constructions are performed on the map, reflecting the direction of the path, the values \u200b\u200bof compass courses, the values \u200b\u200btaken by delets and distances, calculations for safe discrepancies with detected objects, etc. The whole complex of such constructions is called navigation gasket.

Before the start of the transition, Yakhtsman is studying the entire set of navigation conditions in the upcoming yachting and makes it on the map an intended transition route and additional information (produces a map of the card). This is a preliminary gasket.

As soon as the yacht comes out, the navigator composition begins to maintain careful accounting of the elements of movement, courses, speeds, demolition from the intended path. Under the navigator composition on the yacht is usually understood by the captain. Who else is he and a reaper, and on the doodle .., well, you understood. Although sometimes on the boat and there are competent members (not organs) of the crew that can accomplish this task. However, I rejected, back to our .., accounting. The location of the vessel, the elements of external factors (wind drift and flow) are determined and applied to the card. This is an executive gasket.
When the exact area of \u200b\u200bthe yacht is not defined by navigation or other ways, it is applied to the card using the course values \u200b\u200bthat it follows the parameters of external influences (if defined) and speed. This is a path to the path. The speed of the ship's path is performed continuously throughout the transition and its data is corrected, if necessary, when the yachtsman receives a supervised place. The path number system itself is two species - graphic and analytical.

Analytical speed of the ship.

The analytical number of the vessel path implies the calculation of the coordinates of the yacht space by formulas and known data and the subsequent application of it on the card. This path numbering method is used mainly during ocean swimming, when using small scale cards. In modern Yakhting, this system of the ship's path is not very much in demand, they are engaged in it, at the present time only professional navigations, GPS to help them. Therefore, in this article we will not consider it. But the graphical number of the vessel path will look more in more detail, especially since it is intuitive and allows even a beginner yachtsman to determine the space without electronics (pah-pah-pah).

Graphic number of the path of the vessel.

The method of graphic numbering of the ship's path implies a path to the card of the lines with an indication of courses and other data taking into account the demolition (if its parameters are known). The essence of the difference between the two ways to view the path is that with the analytical number of the ship's path, the specified complex of graphic constructions is not performed, therefore it is difficult to master the wide range of amateurs yachtsmen. Yes, and to whom the hunt is to sit on a closely nursing place and engage in arithmetic actions. Whether it is to do there in the same place, the same occupation, but drawing on the map of exciting lines and arrows. The main thing is not strongly captivated with drawing and not spoil the card, without which you can not do in yachting.

The vessel, obtained only as a result of any method of the path number, is called a listed place. Let us dwell while on the concept of the number of the ship's path. To begin with, suppose that no external factors (nor a drift or a flow) do not act on the yacht. Then it is clear that the ship's path will fall through its course of its course and it will take place during a certain period of time, equal to the product of its speed by the amount of this period of time.

The path of the yacht, laid on the map, is called a travel angle. On the line of the yacht path is postponed by a boat distance. The distance this may be theoretically determined by multiplying the speed at the time, but practically it is removed from the lag testimony, because Lag counts the distance traveled precisely, and the speed he already "calculates". At the point of the beginning of the graphical viewing of the path of the vessel, the time is noted and the countdown of lag (T1 and OL1), in the form of a fraction, in the numerator of which - the time (with an accuracy of the minute), and in the denominator - the counting of lag (with an accuracy of 0.1 sea miles). These data are applied to the map near each position (in the presence of a observation - at the observated place). The course of the vessel is paired from the point of commencement. Regarding this point are the remaining calculations and construction. The frequency of application of the read and observated points is determined by the solution of the captain, depending on the conditions and complexity of yachting.

Number of vessel path, graphic task.

Now, when we got acquainted a little about the speed of the ship and the gasket, you can go to the direct solution of graphic tasks. So, proceed. According to the available coordinates, we apply a particular place on the map, from which we will maintain a further gasket (this may be the observated place, no fundamental difference, only the designations differ).
At the same time, let our source data be: the initial moment of time 00.00; The initial countdown of Lag 00.0; vessel speed - 12 knots. It is clear that in practical sailing yachting with such speed no one walks, but we will not forget about the "brothers of our smaller" - motor yachts. And similar calculations and are relevant for them. Despite the fact that they are deprived of an important component of true yachting - sails, they are subjected to the same factors as sailing yachts.

We deploy the course line from this point, using a parallel ruler and the navigator transport. Let the initial rate be 100 °, the flow and drift are not yet known to us, and therefore are not taken into account. And do not forget to translate, taken from the ship compass, the Compass value of the course in the true one. One hour of yachting passes. Time will be 01.00. Lag - 12.0 countdown. Note on the map this read point at 01.00. Further, another hour, we will need to turn to a new course - 180 °. But so far we only note the point at 01.00.
The moment of time is 02.00. And we, as we needed, turned to the course of 180 °. From the point corresponding to our time, we simply carry a new course. At the same time, we still only lead the schedule of the path of the ship. We have no observations. Even after half an hour, we will turn to a new course 225 °. And now our countdown of lag is 24.0. We calculate how much distance we need to postpone on the course line to get a read point.

Rol (difference of samples of lag) \u003d 24 - 12 \u003d 12 - lay down 12 nautical miles.

Do not forget over the new course of the course to write the value of the course. After half an hour there will be a time of time 02.30, and the countdown of lag is 30.0. The discharge distance again expect, as was the above:
Rol \u003d 30 - 24 \u003d 6 - lay 6 nautical miles, we note our spelling point and deposit a new course.

Now, suppose we have the opportunity to accurately determine the place of our yacht, we will make a observation after 15 minutes. Accordingly, the moment of time will be 02.45, and the countdown of lag - 33.0.

Oops! And our observated point does not coincide with the speech. What does this mean in our method of speeding the ship? And so immediately exactly and you will not say. Not everything in Yachting is so easy.
We can only assume that we have mistakenly defined the place of the yacht or they act on it either the current or wind drift.

More accurately, we will be able to judge the reason for the discrepancy, only having several observations. Their position regarding the read points will analyze and see what how. For this, we will further produce place definitions every 15 minutes. In the figure of our gasket, the spelled points will be visible and there are observated with them.
Please note that there is no wavy line between the sensible and observated points. This means that we did not accept the observation to take into account and continue to play the schedule of the ship's path, believing our place on the progress of the course. This does not mean that the observation itself is questioned. We simply think that we think, and the circumstances of the yachting allow us a observated point while not taking into account. When swimming, for example, in cramping conditions, we constantly determine the vessel's place and focus on observations. But about this later.

Let's come back to our map. We see that the observated points fall further and further from the challenges. This is already a system. We are looking for reason, proceed to the analysis. The first thing we need to pay attention is - for what, direct or curve, the lines are located our points. If according to the curve (some kind of hypersball, for example, but, the main thing, according to the right curve), then we have the full right to believe that the reference point used to determine the place of the yacht in our way of the ship's path is incorrectly identified and we, taking The values \u200b\u200bof navigation parameters (delers and distances, for example) of one landmark, on the map lay them from the other. In this case, it is necessary to immediately make a guidance identification (landmarks) by all available methods. (Do not forget about the control using GPS). If our points are located in a straight line, this means that some external (and more than a linear) factor acts on the yacht.

Simply put, either the wind demolides us or the course or both. And how to determine? In principle, it is easy. In Yachting you can always find a way out. Here you need to remember two important rules:

Lag takes into account the drift (with small drift angles).

Lag current does not take into account.

If you are not very clever, it looks like this. We measure the distance on the map of the distance between two numbers and the corresponding time to the time are observable. If these distances are equal, then we are dealing with drift. Lagu is all the same, he takes into account the drift. What there is no drift, which is, the distance of the lag indicates (unless of course) is relatively correct.

Just in our case, it is, that is, we are drifting. But if the distances between pairs of spelled and corresponding to them are distinguished, and the magnitude of this difference is constant, we undoubtedly faced the action of the flow.

But in order not to overload this article and the brains of a thoughtful reader, about the influence of the drift and the flow on the speed of the ship, we will talk later, in.

According to the materials of the book "Basics of navigation" A.E.Seleznev

Ship path graphic

Essence of graphic number

Saving safety in navigation relationship is ensured by the right choice of the route between the items and the following path.

The choice of the path is one of the most important tasks in the shipment.whose solution is based on a thorough analysis of the entire situation during the transition.

The selected ship path is applied to the card - a preliminary gasket is performed. The preliminary gasket is performed before the ship's yield in the flight of the captain. She is she is the result of work on the choice of the safe and most important way of the ship. To ensure navigation sailing safety on the map, the locations of the courses are planned, for which these points are chosen so that the points of the vessel coming to these points could be quickly defined, for example, the moments of the arrival on the traverse, on the target, etc.

We are planned in what distance capes, lighthouses, other landmarks will be held.

The declination leads to the year of swimming and inscribed its pencil magnitude to the entire ship's path ..

Over the lines of the path inscribive the values \u200b\u200bof true courses.

From the card remove the distance in miles for each course and calculate the number of miles of the entire transition.

On the road line, the boundaries of the visibility of beacons and lights for the height of the bridge are noted, outlined the most appropriate ways to determine the place of the vessel in separate areas. Time accounting is conducted with operational, counting the time of the vessel's waste at 00 hours 00 minutes.

Before performing the preliminary gasket, the map is made (see § 45).

Calculations made in the preliminary gasket process are approximate and must be adjusted during a swim.

The preliminary gasket is executed, as a rule, on travel maps.

The second most important task - Ensuring the movement of the vessel on the chosen path, for this leads continuously by the traffic of the movement of the vessel - the number of the vessel's path.

The main elements of the number are the course (according to the compass) and the distance traveled (by a lag).

Graphic number of the vessel is expressed in conducting executive navigation gasket. Its beginning coincides with the departure of the vessel from the berth (shooting from the anchor), when leaving the port, the navigator focuses on eye orientation in the surrounding environment based on the knowledge of the harbor or raid and the proper use of the TCC, SNO and natural landmarks.

With clean water, the vessel place is precisely determined and the gasket is carried out from the resulting point.

Before arrival, this point includes lags, near the source point are recorded in the form of a fraction in the numerator time, in the denominator, the countdown of lag.

From the source point, the IR line is laid on which each hour or after four hours, the readable points are noted, i.e. Places obtained without measuring navigation parameters of external benchmarks.

The read points are marked on the line of the path of the short transverse screenshot, and the thickness of the path itself should be approximately equal to the thickness of the meridians and parallels.

All gaskets and calculations are performed by a soft thinly sharpened pencil.

Places of position of the vessel on observations, i.e. According to the results of measuring the navigation parameters of external benchmarks, as often as possible and necessarily, if possible, when changing the course.

The observated places are denoted by conventional signs according to RSHS-89.

The inconsistency of the objective point with a snap is called the unclear, denoted by the letter "C". In the ship log, its direction and the value is recorded (C \u003d 225º -1.5 ')

The direction of the residuality is designed from the quality point to the observated one.

The installation of the gasket ends at the entrance of the vessel on the waterfront of the port or at the point of the beginning of the maneuvers when setting the ship anchor.

Thus, the gasket is called a set of measurements, calculations and graphic constructions associated with the choice of the ship's path, taking into account its movement and the determination of the vessel's place.

Management of graphic surgery and solution

tasks in the absence of drift and flow

The lack of a vessel drift and demolition simplifies both graphic construction on the map and calculations when solving various tasks.

Firstly, the line of the ship's path coincides with the direction of his DP, i.e. With the line IR.

Secondly, distance traveled by a vessel regarding the water ie According to the testimony of lag, corrected by its error, simultaneously is the actual distance traveled relative to the soil (S l \u003d S and).

Decision direct task

(Course Correction Tasks)

With a given steering KK on MK

Same on GK

Defense solution

(Course Translation Tasks)

Solving private tasks

I. Application of a challenge vessel on the card.

Given: T 1, ol 1, t 2, ol 2. To find: S L.