Watch what is a cloud in other dictionaries. Klondike Show Bunny Hill Where to look for frowning clouds video directions for the passage of the game "Klondike"

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Questions and answers on the expedition - how can I go to the expedition? - Having finished chapter 8 "Ring with Aquamarin", you will have a new line of quests, which is given to the map of Klondiac and a small scene. Among other things, the harness can be bought for 1 million. coins. - I bought a harness for a million, and the small harness disappeared! Where's she? - She did not disappear, she lies on your warehouse. It can be changed back at any time. Remember, when changing the scenes, the feed "reset" and the dogs will have to feed again! - What are the sleigh in the game? - The game has small sleighs, light wind, eagle sleds, shamanish sleigh, indigo sleigh, cargo sleigh, modern sleigh. - What are the difference between Sani? - The difference between the sleigh lies in the carrying capacity and the distance of the trip. It is worth paying attention to the fact that dogs eat. Some eat fish, and some porridge. Food for dogs can be created in the barn. - What is the characteristic of small sleigh? - Right distance \u003d 100 km. Transferred load \u003d 100 kg. 1 day on the way \u003d 1 porridge. - What is the characteristics of the sleigh light wind? - Right distance \u003d 125 km. Transferred load \u003d 120 kg. 1 day on the way \u003d 2 porridge. - What is the characteristic of eagle sleds? - Right distance \u003d 125 km. Transferred load \u003d 300 kg. 1 day on the way \u003d 4 porridge. - What is the characteristic of the shamanic sleigh? - Right distance \u003d 150 km. Transferred load \u003d 400 kg. 1 day on the way \u003d 2 fish + 2 porridge - what is the characteristic of indigo snet? - Right distance \u003d 180 km. Transferred load \u003d 800 kg. 1 day on the way \u003d 4 fish - what is the characteristic of freight sleigh? - Right distance \u003d 150 km. Transferred load \u003d 600 kg. 1 day on the way \u003d 4 fish. - What is the characteristic of modern sleigh? - Distance trip \u003d 210 km. Transferred load \u003d 1000 kg. 1 day on the way \u003d 6 fish. - What should I take with you on an expedition? - First of all, you need to take something from the food so that it is possible to replenish your energy. So, you opened the map and saw 5 villages: Indigo, the song of the wind, Ukhta, the eagle nest and pollast. To get to the desired village, you need to prepare a specific inventory. - Why are new locations all in "clouds"? - To see more, you need to clear the territory. In order for you for this forces, you need to replenish energy? - How to get to the location of the eagle nest? There is 190 km away., Really without emeralds?! - Calm, adventure seekers! All in order. First of all, you need to make a tent and kerosene lamp. So you can go to the "Song of the Wind". - How to get to the location of the Wind Song? Which inventory is necessary for a trip? "Faith's song is a small canyon, in whose stems, the wind sings unusually. The following time is 3 days (89 km). Required inventory: kerosene lamp and tent. Key building: Mill. - Where is the mill? - It is located on the location of the wind song. If we assume that the north at the top, the south below, the west left, east to the right, then the building is in the south-east, a little east, and then down. Or you can see the Album Album "Expedition". - Why do you need a mill? - The mill is very necessary building, which is located in the Song of the Wind. At first she is hidden by clouds. You can find it only following the signs on the map. It can not be bought, sell and move. After the end of the construction of the mill, you will have new tasks. - How many stages of the construction of the mill? - To restore the mill it is necessary to bring materials and perform 2 stages of construction. This will allow to open its parking on the location "Song". - What materials for the construction of the mill are needed? - You will need 1) boards, nails, bricks; 2) Tin, fabric, window. - What can be created in the mill? - In the mill you can get rails, iron wheel, the "Wind song" fence, the wind song "The Song of the Wind", a rope staircase, horseshoes, fire, sleigh light wind. - How to get to the location "Orlina Nest? - Eagle's nest is on the elevation. Here you can create a transshipment database with food storage and warm things. It will be a good foundation for traveling further north. The following time is 6 days (190 km). Required inventory: tent and rope staircase. Key building: Eagle nest. - Why do you need an eagle nest? - Eagle's nest is a transshipment base with food storage and warm things. This is a wonderful house for long-term parking in bad weather. In the eagle nest, you need to find an oak with a socket, it is in the far-on-corner corner of the map. After the end of the construction of the eagle nest, you will have new tasks. In this building, you can upgrade the "light wind" to the "eagle" sleds, characterized by greater lifting capacity. - How many stages of the construction of the eagle nest? What materials for construction are needed? - Total 2 stages of the construction of the eagle nest: 1) fabric, tile, slate; 2) Rope, bed, chains. - What can be created in the eagle nest? - In the eagle nest, you can get a fish, a telegraph pole, sparkled food, canister kerosene, cage, porridge, orline sleigh, chest of drawers, sofa, fire. - How to get to Locations Ukhta? - Ukhta - a fertile place rich in hospitable traditions. The following time is 4 days (140 km). Required inventory: tent and kerosene canister (created on the task). Key building: Izba. - Why do you need a hut? - In the hollow, you can create a sleeping bag, which will be needed for further travel. Only after the completion of the construction of the hut, you will have new quests. - How many stages of the construction of the hut? What materials for construction are needed? - Total 2 stages of the construction of horses: 1) slate, fabric, tile; 2) Rails, cage, iron wheel. - Brought materials to the eagle nest, pressed "apply", and I disappeared everything. - All bring materials across the quest, but to complete the first stage, they need more. Open the oak and look carefully, there the brought material and the required is specified by fraction. Suppose you have 15/25 fabrics, and you need 25/25. - What can be created on the Locations of Ukhta? "Here you can get carrot sticks, a quasher, pickled carrots, a red extract, painted flax, vegetable stew, blue extract, wings, sleeping bag, a birdhouse. - How to get to Polyar-Side location? - Polyar-Side is a place of force that overshadows the entire valley of blue vertices from the destructive northern winds, creating a favorable climate for all the villages beside himself. The following time is 8 days (246 km) or 2 days from the eagle nest. Required inventory: tent, sleeping bag and rope staircase. Key building: sacred stone. - How many stages of the construction of the sacred stone? What materials for construction are needed? - Total 2 stages of the construction of the sacred stone: 1) rails, sweater, slate; 2) oven, rails, chest. - Everything was delivered to Poland-Side for the construction of the first stage of the Holy Fire, but after everything seemed to have ever, instead of the second stage, the first appeared with sweaters and the rest. The fact that the stage is made is evidenced by the fulfillment of the quest to the north, which disappeared and did not appear instead. It is not enough to correct - in Quest, the road to the north in Poland-Side must be brought: 5 rails, 5 sweaters, 5 slate. You brought and the quest counted. But to complete the first stage of construction, it is necessary: \u200b\u200b5 rails, 10 sweaters, 10 slate. Missing materials need to be delivered and then you can build the first stage. For the second, you will need: 5 furnaces, 10 rails, 5 dresser. - What can be created in pollast? - Here you can create a shaman-cap, pointer, fish, fire, sparkled feed, shamanish sleigh, fur hat, bag. - How to get to the location of Indigo? - Indigo - Liberate place, the beast does not go here, birds do not fly. Many legends and terrible conversations about it are scared even the most brave and brave gold kits. The following time is 2 days (63 km). Required inventory: Kerosene canister and shaman-cap (created on the task). Key building: Temple. - How many stages of the construction of the sacred stone? What materials for construction are needed? - Total 3 stages of the construction of the temple: 1) Bar, bricks, slate; 2) chest of drawers, rails, blue extract; 3) Bag, sofa, stove. After the construction of the temple you will have new quests. - What can be created on indigo? - Here you can get Sani Indigo and Fire. - Why shows that I have no resources to build, although they are in stock? - The resources that you have in the warehouse of the main location, you need to bring them to count. After brought materials to a new location, go to the construction and click "Apply". Only in this case the resources are counted. If you simply unload the materials on a new location without a key building, then all the cargo you lose forever and irretrievably. - Why, when I click on the bread "unload", the energy is not updated? - Because by clicking on this button, you unload the bread to the warehouse (the "Warehouse" tab in the building of the wind song). You need to go to the warehouse and replenish energy. - How to go on? Eagle nest is too far! - To go further, you need to "upgrade" your harness in the "Song of the Wind". To do this, you will need a harness and 5 lunar stones. Having arrived in the wind song on a small harness (immersing there first 5 lunar stones), go to the construction. In the "Barter" section, find the "light wind". - Where to get the lunar stones? - The lunar stones fall out of the boxes, chests, jugs that you can assemble on the island. It is necessary to return home and "Unload Sani". In addition to stones, from new locations, you can bring items of all new collections. "Why can't I collect some stones and chests?" Constantly jumps out the sign "not enough energy". - So you really lack energy to load the subject. The weight of the subject is the energy that is needed on its loading. Therefore, before the trip, dogs should be densely and replenish the energy itself. - If resources are under key buildings, is it possible to pick them up somehow? - It is impossible to move the construction on new locations, so the materials that lie behind the buildings, while you can not pick up in any way. - How to pick up a pole on a job? - At the bottom right there is a navigation arrow. You must click on this arrow, "in Sani", then click on the pillar. "Why did I come home from an expedition with empty sleigh?" - You can come home with empty sleigh only if the dogs were hungry or the necessary inventory was unloaded. - Why did I come back with empty sleds? Food for dogs was enough, the necessary inventory in place. - Since Polyar Side is very far, the harness could not go so far without rest. It is necessary to get transit. Otherwise, you lose all the cargo. - Why do you need to feed dogs? - Very important moment. Always watch it difficult for dog feed on the way back. Otherwise, you can lose all the cargo. - I can't go home from the expedition. What should I do now? - You can return home anyway without the cost of emeralds. But in this case you lose the cargo, you will remain inventory.

Successful passage "Klondike" You will provide knowledge of secrets, tricks and many nuances that will significantly simplify the gameplay, because you have been delivered to you to find a missing expedition. In our database, the most basic words are collected. We hope that using them, you will be able to find your father along with his colleagues.

First of all, it is worth noting that the entire gameplay is simply saturated with various secrets, from which the game becomes even more interesting.


Extract such a resource as coal is best manually using only energy, so you get not only the necessary resource, but also an additional experience, and maybe you will be lucky and you will find some of the elements of the collection.

Regarding Kamenotesov, it is necessary to apply them to break down large stones on crushed stone. When the opportunity to break large boulders will be the main character, then it is worth using Kamenotes. The same can be attributed to the woodcutters, during the deforestation of the forest with the help of woodcutters, the chances of finding something useful are much reduced.

If you want to hire a job in a sawmill or a quarry of your friends, then you should hire those who have completely few friends and attend the game quite rarely. For you it will be only a plus. Hire for each of them you can three people.

The game also provides assistants, helping which will be completely disinterested. Such assistants are Eskimos who will meet you immediately upon arrival at the station. Everyone else has to pay.

When hiring workers, it is worth remembering that they need housing. Therefore, take care of the additional construction of housing buildings you need immediately. The better the housing conditions from the employee, the better works and agrees to fulfill its work for less salary.


During the passage of tasks, it is necessary to collect with animals as many products as possible. Each of the animals have their own limit of life, after which dies, turning into a gold statue, to open which only its owner can. Elements of the collection and many other useful things can fall out of these statues. Also during the cleaning of the territory from weeds, do not hurry to remove all the grass, because your animals need to leave somewhere otherwise you will have to acquire hay.

Limits on animal resources, on the exhaustion of which animals dying:

  • for sheep wool in an amount of 25 units;
  • for birds 25 nests;
  • for cow milk in the amount of 50 units;
  • for the pioneer cow milk in the amount of 200 units;
  • for breeding sheep wool in the amount of 200 units;
  • for a rabbit grass in the amount of a maximum of 26 units.


The passage of this game project will be much more interesting in conjunction with friends and not only. The joint passage will be much productive. Add new friends to yourself, send gifts to them, perhaps you will get a retaliatory useful things.


Having found the golden core, you should not relax. In this game project, she changes its place weekly. Therefore, you are constantly in search of golden veins. Each time you dig under the new construction, because the golden lived will bring you useful things in large quantities.

It is also worth remembering that a larger amount of gold falls out during the last blow to the energy for such a resource as pyrite. The resulting gold can be sold to purchase useful things or other resources. If you put in the process of this process, it can only get the usual stone.

Excessive will not be unnecessary if you dig next to the new building of your friend, because it is so much easier to find a golden core. Digging in a new place where no one has digging earlier very helpful. Sometimes, in this case, quite interesting things fall out in the form of a treasure from a heap of gold and experience.

Weekly on each site in any of the places there are twenty lives. At the same time, the veins can be found anywhere and buildings, stones, grass with scenery is not an exception. The more items you will focus in one place, the more likely to find a golden core. It is worth noting that the search for gold lived quite advantageous lesson, allowing to enrich.


In order to earn money in the game, you should not sell products from a warehouse, it is still useful for you in the future. If you still need to make money quickly, it is worth selling in small batches, because you do not know which resource, and at what point you may need.


It is difficult to find any element from the collection, so before exchanging or selling a collection is good to think about whether it is really necessary. At any time you may need some of the collections. It is worth noting that the most interesting collections can be obtained from gold monuments of animals.

Important moment

When you send your assistants to the Eskimos, you can do other things yourself - to produce and develop other natural resources: ore, clay, coal and pyrite. Get minerals, you get energy, experience and money. But the last unit of the resource should be mined independently, thanks to this, you will increase your experience. Sometimes it will bring gold and parts of the collection.

One of the secrets

Daily in the game you are given 100 shovel for free. They are necessary to take advantage of the neighbors and friends. With the help of a shovel, you can pick up even eggs from the nest from the neighbor, provided that the egg is covered with some plant.

To get eggs, you must first click the mouse on the things that the laying of the eggs are covered, and then already along the nest itself.


During the gameplay, you need to control and take care of increasing energy levels. The energy of the hero is growing enough. First, its level is equal to 15. In the process of passing, its level is gradually increasing. Having reached the 20th level, you will receive twenty energy.

There is also the possibility of improving the limit, but for this a short time is reserved. When the energy level falls and is approaching more and more to zero, try to break the stones, cut trees and some other resources, the more, the better. Energy caches are under all these resources. Also, energy can be found in bread, various baking, rabbits and gold monuments.

  • Tips on the game from Klondike.
  • Workers.
  • Resources.
  • Animals.
  • Shovels.
  • Golden veins.
  • Friends-neighbors.
  • Coins.
  • Collections.
  • Energy.
  • Adventures.
  • Questions on animals.
  • Issues in energy, emeralds, coins.
  • Questions about friends-neighbors.
  • Questions on materials and collections.
  • General issues.

Video reviews for the passage of the game "Klondike"

Where to find a golden vein

How to earn a million

CLOUD. More often. in MN. number. On the size, remoteness from the Earth, position in space. Large, fast, high, huge, steep, fly, hanging, fixed, low, huge, swimming, rapid. About color. Bagro, crimson, buggy-golden, white, white, white, white-white, pale, brown, smoky, yellow, yellow-brown, golden, golden, golden-rosy, spruce-brown, iscin-dark, iscin-black, red , Lilk, Polyvo-white, Malinovaya, Copper-red, Dairy, Fiery-red, Orange, ash, ash-sisaya, Multicolored, pink, lead, gray, gray, sinsery, blue, dark, dark gray, dark scene , Dark blue, dim, black. About form, outlines; About density density, density. Hopeless, felt, busty (break), heavy, thick, long, gear, isporn, clock (spacious), rolling, rolling, cool, light, shaggy, shaggy, soft, round, dense, translucent, transparent, plump, lush , torn, loose, sunny, solid, thin, heavy, narrow, tail, cotton. About the impression, psychological perception. Joyless, free, deaf, formidable, stuffy, evil, ominous, lazy, gloomy, pumped, frowny, angry, terrible, twilight, dusk, harsh, sullen, frown, cold. Bruk, frightened, linen, fuel oil, rebellious, stunned, jealous, tired, blackhead. Wavy, degrees, thunderstorm, rain, rainpace (standards.), Lean, periody, layered, snow, dry, storm, etc.

Watch more words in "

З Dravel and prosper, dear Lord.

In the Moscow publishing house "Editus" is preparing for the publication of the third book of your recalcitable servant.

This is a collection of "Stradivari drum", which was entered both already published in imhocluba and new stories.

As an announcement, a story "Humor", compiled, including from the stories of some members of the Club.

All you benefits!

In a rated theme. While the chiefs share the peoples, thinking, so this is their land, but that is also them, but so far, smugglers will exist, and customs officers with border guards, and life conflicts with the intersection of the frontiers of different Rodin related.

FROMam I a person, as they say, in the subject (three liters spent a couple of times dressed up), so that the mimothable alliance belongs about the work of smugglers I do not know.

In general, the border itself is an interesting place. Especially neutral strip. Deported me somehow from the enemy shore on the native, Russian. From the territory of the likely enemy was twisted on a neutral. I stand at the neutral bridge through the river, behind the back - the United Europe, ahead is homeland (although this homeland, like mine, it is necessary to quickly deprive parental rights). And I am between ...

Winter. Night. Light snowball. Silence. No one. And the feeling is ... not to describe ... well, if a draw earth (no eccentric claims to her), mean - God's! And I - as in the kingdom of heaven ... horror with delight in half.

P. Etrovich lives simultaneously in two states, after the decay of the empires formed. And cunning by a citizen of these two countries is. In the border fishery - twenty years old, both, and the stories of anyone know thousands.

One legendary - her all the Polish-Belarusian border region knows - and about the fact that it happened to him, as well as I, tells.

They detained on the Polish border a group of shuttles with a commodity. Customs surrounded by their tail on the floor beats, a piece of sugar requires. And at the poor baggers, as in sin, nor Santima, all in the goods invested. Well, our incorruptible with the special cruelty of them for the third hour inspect.

Petrovich did not suffer (and he already got the hunt, for Cordon - Salo is waiting!), Suitable for the main Inquisitor and tortures him: "Does the Rosuma Pan, the sneakers are captured by Poland?" Pan Rosemil: "In 1939!"

Petrovich continues to examine: "And in Jac of Rox, they attacked the blot, Pan in the know?" Pan, Warsaw East Founding, was informed, was aware: "In 1941!"

Petrovich continues: "And where are these two years have been coold, it is known to Panu? .." and after a short zamninka himself explained: "They are twisting two years in the Polish customs! .."

Laughter of all, stamp into the passport. Following!..

It was at the beginning of the 90s, when the people moved to master the Polish market, when in the 44-seater Ikarus (who does not remember - it was such a Hungarian "Neoplan") with difficulty person six. The rest occupied vodka, cigarettes, electrical goods and every household smallers.

Today's silent refugee streams, so frightening Europe, nothing compared to the campaign to Polish Klondike. But for the provision of dollars could still have a lot of blood.

And here Petrovich with the root, pretty and on a solid amount, selling goods, not long thought to hide a couple of thousand dollars in one of 500 Tubes of toothpaste, which for some reason they did not have time to sell.

Finally, overcoming all the boundaries, they decided to stop and note the successfully surgery - and at the same time to extract their already earned dollars. But whether they laid them filiginally, or did not mark the tubes in the hurry, or all the tubes accepted the non-unmarked appearance ... In general, it was convenient to settling, they were together, under the laughter of those present for the search for dollars, squeezing the paste from tubes.

As a result, somewhere on the 200th or 300th tube, they removed dollars from imprisonment. The view was still the smeared pasta, but happy. They were podcassed for a long time, always evoligiously asking before the trip: "Paste took?"

K Petrovich Puppy in Lithuania. I crushed, extended, raised - and decided to take the depth house to Belarus. Paper collected. If someone does not know, then those papers are needed three times more than on a living person when crossing the border.

Well, understandable, the dog from the country was not released. Some paper lacked. And when someone without a bitch and crossed the frontier crossed? I do not drive how much, and every time something new to come about. That oil sandwiches can not, and with sausage you can. That is the contrary - it is impossible with sausage, and without cheese - please.

In short, they do not pose a particularly valuable Lithuanian dog, so that it has dedicated in the country of the last dictator of Europe, the breed has improved.

Petrovich leash with a muzzle removes. There is no ban on them? Not. The dog sits. Petrovich the border crossed. In Belarus entered. The dog clicked ... and under the laughter of the whole border and confused ... Faces of Lithuanian cordon workers The dog crossed the border and Petrovich sat at the feet.

E Hali somehow with Petrovich together guests together. Conscribe in an independent Lithuania of an old friend.

Four guys are all prominent, under the meter ninety, short-cut. After the collapse of the Union scattered them around the world. Stand, they chat in Russian, passports are presented. Passports of Israel, England, USA and Canada.

Lithuanian Karatupa watched, watched - and on broken Russian tortures: "What, what passports bought, such, and prevent?" And Petrovich him on purely Lithuanian and responds: "Well, there was no money in people a good Lithuanian passport to buy. What stealing managed - those we carry! "

Passport border gave and a long thought thoughtfully after it looked.

Paint the boundaries were transparent (well, the post on the road, but in the forests - the Cossack congestion), and the transition questions were simply solved.

It climbs, for example, from the bushes of a battle watch Karatup with julbars, you are a genuine document with a photo of J. Vashington under the nose you are judged. Checked - like? Look like! And - to the house, to the hut.

Then, as the borders and improvement of technical equipment for catching villains, the villainic methods of the logistics of national goods were improved.

As the reader understood, I'm talking about a small smuggling story, about a large (one, that practically officially by the wagons goes under the watchful supervision of the main wrestlers) I am silent while alive.

At first, the railway was bought, in the sense - conductors. Those in secret places where the border has already crossed, but they did not reach the station of customs-border control, the cargo was thrown.

You know, the reader, as a drawer with vodka in full scump (60 km / h), throw off, so that the device was a fitting bottle? Do not know. And I will not open the secret - I myself will come in handy. And then in the snow, and in the heat, and in the rain of pouring these boxes in the dark, and through the dense forest, the wolves fearing, in shape and without, to the highway the highway - imagine myself, tea is not small.

In this case, Petrovich got so cigarettes - in the suitcase shifted already, it came out of the forest, there was a strong frost, I got to the road, there is a bus stop, deserted in the morning.

He put a suitcase on the bench and waits (relaxed), when the accomplice on him will pick up the car on the car (the small mall occurred).

Waited five minutes - I was impatient. He, as a person of European culture, in the fishing line, went to the bush.

Here just and the car arrived. True, the policeman. Malek Pinkertons waited, the suitcase with a metal detector sniffed. Still waited. And in the trunk of him - in the table of finds, probably taken away. 1: 0 Not in our favor.

Then he became hard with the staratus, well ... for various reasons. Petrovich in the sprayers leaned.

It is like this: drawers per fleet - and across the border along the river, to the blue sea, and on the side of that side. Moreover, as you understand, you catch everything: and the recipients of goods, and the tunnels. It is clear that anything happens.

Once freight and those and others, and the flesh of unlicensed cigarettes fell over the Great Lithuanian River Neris to a capital city. And on the occasion of winter to the ice coast solder. So bloody many of this Kronstadt ice for the "golden rune" (Belarusian Tsygarki) crawled under the art printing of the Brava of the Lithuanian Police. The river dryed (in the sense - covered bench).

Petrovich moved to autotransport. Rides somehow to the border (everything is already agreeible with the highest bosses), the car is under the string of smuggling. Petrovich out of turn is so humoring, piring to the fear itself.

The service runs away is a new, unfamiliar. Interested - What is Petrovich so inhale? "You know," says Petrovich conspirators, "donkey with a bag of gold will open any gate!" That question is counter: "Where is the donkey with gold?" - "So gold - won there! - Petrovich specifies on the head of the post. - And the donkey is you. " Put that time.

About Chen Petrovich tire, of course, stupid questions at the customs: "Are there cigarettes? Alcohol? Weapon? Drugs? " Honestly, in such cases, it is answered that there is no, but it may be possible to get acquainted.

Once I even asked for one: "And what? Has anyone confessed? " The proud representative of the sovereign Oka responded then: "Maybe someone is not lucky!" Petrovich explained to him that he was not lucky as the customs officer today, because I did not find anything. Petrovich was then. That was why they mocked them - attention was distracted (and how did you think? He has the role of such in our tandem. He distracts, and I take it).

Well, finally, before going to a well-deserved rest in your own camera on the bank of Jurmala, Petrovich decided to take a beautifully revenge. For the years of humiliation with inspection, for sleepless nights and ardent strikes, for the suitcase, it was, in general, for which. And with the next mockery over the Kourneda customs, they took them on weakly.

"Yes, what are you here everything goes out yes, we will show off! - he pretended to sprayed. - Fine all, this your inspection! Here we argue, I'm in the day you specified for 24 hours carry through any of the above-mentioned border point of the ultra-bottomed number of cigarettes in sight of everyone, and hell you do to me! " (Petrovich drank a bit, for disguise, even at the same time.)

Word for the word - contract on the table. They scored with customs for five thousand European money. The arbiter, since each other did not believe in his friend, the person was authoritative in both circles chose (someone - I will not say again, but the person and really extraordinary and respected, well, let's say so for clarity - the worker of the religious front). The money passed his money. The deadline was assigned. Starting shot! Started.

Across the border is now only two packs of cigarettes, it is possible, but since Petrovich visa was not needed, with a double-class citizenship, then he could walk across the border - at least a hundred times the day.

What he is for five thousand and did. Brought two packs to smoke waiting for him with looking forward to the disputes and arbitrators - and back, behind Khabar. The block moved five times honestly, although after the second time everything was clear.

All the terms of the dispute are observed? Yes. And about "at once" or "on one cigarette" - about that persuade there was no ... success in carrying service!

With the adhesive story, I will say that I am against any violations of the Criminal Code in all countries of the world. But bitterness takes, when the hypocritical rulers, in words about the people, inhibitors, so this people will grab the throat, which you have to survive, smuggling.

Believe me, the reader is all border Baltic States, Russia and Belarus only smuggling and alive.