Tips beginners how to play billiards - video. Theory of Billiard Game Punch Leeman in Billiard Description

The famous billiards allowance, on the basis of which many other books are written in Russian billiards. The book is written by an outstanding billiard player of the last century, one of the most talented and original people Anatoly Ivanovich Lehman. The first edition of the "Theory of the Billiard Game" was published in 1885 and since then has become a classic in the world of billiards benefits. A.I. Lehman phenomenally owned the technique of the game, there were strikes that performed only by him, the so-called "lemhen strikes". Considering billiards as a pure sports occupation, the author notes that this game develops the character of a person. He with great sympathy belonged to the real masters of billiards and argued that the "experienced, good master of the game is a philosopher, a stoic and an expert of the human heart." The book describes the history and technique of the game, detailed analysis of different parties are placed, a number of witty and interesting tasks are proposed. The book will be an excellent billiards benefit, both for novice players, and for those who are familiar with the practical side of the game.

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Anatoly Ivanovich Lehman - Born in Moscow on June 1, 1859. By birth, he is the hereditary nobleman of the Moscow province. Kolomna county.
Anatoly Ivanovich's father, Ivan Petrovich was in Moscow in the 70s of the last century by a well-known doctor of an electropathologist. He had a significant electroelectrician on Arbat and was one of the first doctors who applied electrical energy in Russia for treating diseases. In addition, he was engaged in typographical activities, he had his printing house, studied "Albertothip", zincography and was hardly the first Russian typographer, knowledgeable in auto. A.I. Subsequently, it was often said that in the field of typographical printing, his father was left no less as half a century. In addition, Ivan Petrovich Lehman was engaged in photography. And here he made a lot of discoveries and improvements. Having a gullible and disinterested nature, he often became prey to predators who were overlooking it. In the end of life, he lost all the state and was forced to do private practice as a doctor. He was a wonderful musician - a pianist. But most of all he loved to write compositions. It is written several operas and ballets. He had many essays for choral singing. A.I. He recalled that on Sundays they had collected in the house after dinner synodal and other singers and performed spiritual concerts written by his father.
With such a variety of talents and dating I.P. Lehman did not have time to do anything whole, finished, original. He was one of the educated people of his time, owned freely in several foreign languages.
Like the Father, Mother A. I., Polina Pavlovna, was a woman formed and talented. It originated from the ancient name of the Boyar Rtishchev, who owned huge land plots in the Kaluga province. Grandfather A. I., P. Rtishchev, was one of the largest landowners and had many thousands of souls. He gave his children a thorough home education, in which the first place occupied knowledge of languages \u200b\u200band music.
A.I. Lehman, was the fourth child in this outstanding couple.
At the age of thirteen, he entered the 1st Moscow military gymnasium.
In 1879 A.I. One of the first graduated from the course of the gymnasium and moved to the 1st Military Pavlovsk School in St. Petersburg
From Pavlovsky school A.I. Translated into the Nikolaev engineering school, from where he was released by an officer - a sapper in the 8th Supper battalion, who was in the fortress of Ivangorod in 1882, the battalion was housed in Poland, near Warsaw.
It was during this period that a young officer's free time from the service and fucked by billiards. Wonderful Rakurs, in which Anatoly Ivanovich was interested in this game. After all, he did not just begin to learn to play billiards, but it is to learn the game in the manner inherent in him. (It is these knowledge later that the book "Theory of the Billiard Game" was founded)
In 1884, Lehman on illness leaves the service and heads to Moscow.
In Moscow A.I. He began working in the journal and soon became the editor of the journal "Entertainment". In the editorial office of "Entertainment", Lehman worked for a year and a half. Together with the editor-in-chief of this journal Nononic, Anatoly Ivanovich spent a lot of time in the billiards. It was at that time that the idea was born to write a "theory of the billiard game". He soon wrote it, and A. Novasonov printed in "Entertainment", and then published a separate book. The book was released and the whole circulation is very quickly excavated. In 1907, the book was reissued.
The circle of interests Anatoly Ivanovich was quite wide. So, in particular, he was fond of violin. Studying the creations of old Italian masters, Lehman has achieved high quality sounds made by hand tools. Subsequently, violin skill has become the main source of income A.I., and the tools made by the master were valued very highly and were known far beyond Russia.
After changing the editor-in-chief in the "Entertainment", Anatoly Ivanovich leaves the magazine and moves to St. Petersburg. The first earnings in the capital was a fee for billiards tasks received from the editor of Niva magazine Grubrga. Later A.I. He began to cooperate with the "New" and the "World illustration". In the last, he was soon invited to the post editor. Literature A.I., an open direct character helped him to draw up a large circle of dating in the literary and artistic world. He often visited L. Tolstoy, with whom he was in the correspondence, I.Repina, who wrote a magnificent portrait of A.I. In full size, Ya. Polonsky, Friday which attracted the color of the world of art of that time. From this point, A.I. activity begins as a fictionist. He wrote a number of leads and novels, who were printed in the "World Wide Illustration", "Historical Bulletin", "Picturesque View", "Observer", "Huslar", "Novi" and in many newspapers. Some stories published by individual books. We will list only some of them: the "noble story", "essays of cadet life", "Memories of Grins and Nadzon", the novels "feat", "damage to life", "music", the story "Military Thunderstorm", "Old Violin", Irina Kalugina, "Border Fortress", "In the Cases".
Later, looking for new sources of income, Lehman engaged in dental practice, after completing the course of the Medical Academy. The practice was very successful, but the teeth treatment was not like Anatoly Ivanovich. In 1900, he sold the Cabinet.
After a medical field, A.I. With his head went into a violin business.
It was a truly multifaceted person who had successful in many areas.
But for the world of billiards, Anatoly Ivanovich Lehman became the founder of science of billiards skill and a fundamentalist who laid a billiard development vector for a century forward.
Anatoly Ivanovich Lehman died in 1913 in St. Petersburg at the 54th year of life.

According to the books of the book A.I. Melan "Theory of the Billiard game"

) - the collective name of several desktop games with different rules, as well as a special table on which the game takes place.

A characteristic feature of all billiard games is the movement of balls over the surface, by transmitting acceleration to them through the guide in the longitudinal direction of its rod.

Room specially equipped for playing billiards - Billiards.

The birthplace of the billiard game is considered India or China.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

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    Speaking about the origin of the billiard game, it is impossible to accurately establish the time of its appearance. It is only known that she, as well as chess, very ancient origin, and the birthplace of billiards is Asia, according to the alone - India, according to others - China. However, in European countries, before their emergence, the principles of modern billiard game have already been laid in some games. [ ]

    Since the occurrence of billiards there were many attempts to find a replacement for a rather expensive heavy slab from a natural slate so as not to suffer the quality of the game itself. [ ]

    At first there were attempts to make a playing field for a billiard table from granite or marble. Alas, such plates with shuffles shredded and gave cracks. [ ]

    Stalin's times when billiards in the USSR were very popular, marked attempts to produce billiard plates from cast iron and reinforced concrete. The disadvantages turned out to be so numerous that these options had to abandon them at all. [ ]

    The best idea was the asphalt sandblasty. The mention of it is found in the literature - "replace the aspic boards can be asphalt-sandy, with all the qualities of the aspian boards. Asphalt-sandy in some respects even exceed the adhesive boards. They are lighter than ads, extremely cheaps are well processed and make it possible to do without expensive imported aspos. " [ ]

    Currently, plates for billiard tables are made of the following materials:

    • Ardezia (Natural Slate)
    • SYNTEGRAN (SOPR. From "Synthetic granite" - marble or granite crumb, bonded by synthetic hardeners)
    • MDF ((medium density fiberboards) is a fibreboard of medium density stove.)
    • LDSP (laminated wood chip)
    • Chipboard (wood-chip)

    Despite the development of technologies, the full-fledged substitution of natural plates was not possible, and the high-level competitions are carried out, as before, only on the billiard tables from Ardesia. [ ]

    Billiards began its history as a game for privileged. Gradually, it becomes more and more mass, but the bulky of the main inventory (billiard table) prevents the prevalence of billiards in the people as a hobby.

    Lehman Anatoly Ivanovich. Russian writer , viypical master . He studied in the first Moscow Cadet Corps, in the first Pavlovsky school, in the first Nikolaev engineering school, was an officer of the Igentic Forces, received a diploma of the Military Medical Academy to the title of dentist, was the editor of various newspapers and magazines, published a story, drama, special monographs.

    So who is he, Anatoly Lehman? He was engaged in his life very many. He was a magnificent billiardster, wrote the "theory of the billiard game", was fond of the aeronautics, built an airplane, wrote the "Basic Flight Basics", participated and won in cycling races and wrote the "theory of cycling racing", wrote a lot of stories, stories, play, was the editor of magazines, He was seriously engaged in occultism, created violins and cello.

    Until now, there is a term "punch leman". His "Theory of the Billiard Game" was a bibliographic rarity, rarity. And in the XXI century it was reprinted. About this his writings, Lehman wrote: "My Mnѣnіe is such that no one will write a book that could not be a significant add to this Sochiniya.".

    About the strike "Lehman" told in a famous movie about Russian billiards "Classic".

    Punch "Lehman" performed by the world champion Yuri Pashinsky
    With a break of the pyramid, two extreme balls fall into angular louds, and the bertok rolls back.
    See sure the wonderful film "Classic" and the blow of Lehmann in the execution of Yuri Pashchinsky.

    Read the book A.I. Leman "Theory of the Billiard Game" and you will learn what strikes actually blows leman.

    The book is written by an outstanding player of the last century, one of the most talented and original people Anatoly Ivanovich Lehman. The first edition of the "Theory of the Billiard Game" was published in 1885 and since then has become a classic in the world of billiards benefits. A.I. Lehman phenomenally owned the technique of the game, there were strikes that performed only by him, the so-called "lemhen strikes". Considering billiards as a pure sports occupation, the author notes that this game develops the character of a person. He with great sympathy belonged to the real masters of billiards and argued that the "experienced, good master of the game is a philosopher, a stoic and an expert of the human heart." The book describes the history and technique of the game, detailed analysis of different parties are placed, a number of witty and interesting tasks are proposed. The book will become an excellent allowance for both beginner players and for those who are familiar with the practical side of the Games.

    "Leman's Bunch" is a unique reception in billiards. Thanks to its proper implementation, there is a good chance to beat a more experienced, masterful opponent. "Leman's blow" is considered as an extremely complex technical element. To fully seize such an effective means, few of only persistent workouts. To do this, you need to be lucky and have a considerable flange of talent. What is the "lemman blow"? How to do it correctly? Let's try to find answers to this and other questions.

    About the inventive strike

    The original blow is invented by Anatoly Ivanovich Lehman, who is known not only as a developer of numerous theories in billiards, but also as a writer. At one time, the future master of the game was in an officers in engineering troops, engaged in practice at the Military Medical Academy, worked as the editor of magazines and newspapers, published a story and monographs.

    Who, in this case, Anatoly Lehman? First of all, he is the author of one of the most unique books entitled "Theory of the Billiard Game." The latter is the main leadership for beginners and experienced players, which is trained in the technique of the right execution of complex blows. Seriously engaged in Anatoly Lehman and cycling. The author described his experience in this sport in this sport in another book - the "theory of cycling racing".

    Lehman himself owned phenomenal strikes often hit observers with their originality. The Master considered billiards not just a sport, but also an occupation that contributes to the formation of a person's nature. He treated professional players with great respect.

    About book

    At the end of the last century, the book "The theory of the Billiard game" caused a real extension in the environment of lovers of this fascinating sport. The work almost immediately acquired the status of raritet and bibliographic rarity. The book was released by a limited edition and simply swept off the shelves of shops beginner billiardists.

    Not so long ago, the printed work of Anatoly Leman reprinted. Experts consider this book special, since there is nothing to add to the presentation presented in the work. In a kind of treatise, the history of the emergence of the game is considered, the technique of performing a wide range of techniques. It contains detailed paishes between the famous masters, are offering exciting and witty tasks.

    Bunch of Leman in Billiards: Description

    Punch is performed at the start of the party. Here the contact is not a central contact, but with a side bowl in the pyramid. With the last, the last few extreme spheres are sent to the angular luses. At the same time, the bertok rolls back in the direction of the striker. The specified ball is in position that is beneficial for successful execution of follow-up.

    If the master manages to correctly produce "Leemian's blow" at the beginning of the party, there are excellent prospects for completing the game in their favor. Naturally, reception is available not to all billiard lovers. The technique of his performance disassemble only experienced players, professional athletes, as well as people who are engaged in the study of all kinds of tricks.

    "Classic": "Leman's Bunch"

    You can clearly familiarize yourself with how a unique reception can be performed by reviewing the corresponding episode of the domestic film called "Classic", which came out on the screens in 1998. In one of the scenes of artistic ribbon, the actor Alexey Guskov is performed, which plays the role of the bodyguard of the criminal authority here. It is this technique that helps the hero to exit the winner of the extremely complex party against the skillful opponent.

    In fact, the moment from the movie, which shows only how the balls are rolled through the Luses, is a random shooting of the pyramid of the Pyramid Master of Billiard Vitaly Fakineel. This player was able to overclock all the gaming shells in the corners of the table. Ultimately, the fixed achievement was in the "Guinness Book of Records". Mathematics who searched video, say that it is almost impossible to repeat this. After all, at the time of shooting the episode of the pyramid from the balls, which was located on the table, was in an ideal position. In addition, there was an optimal trajectory and speed of traffic.

    Features of the execution of the strike

    Consider how "Leman's Bunch" is performed in billiards. How to beat? To understand this issue, you need to solve the following tasks:

    1. To send the strength to the correct throw formulation. This item involves not only the retaining of the holding of cius, but also work on the pose, layout, brushes, forearm, chin. To achieve results, it is important to train under the guidance of an experienced master who owns a famous reception.
    2. Bring a throw to the automatism. The execution of the "LEMAN strike" will become possible only if the effectiveness of the exact hit by a ball into the layer will be 8-9 out of 10 attempts.
    3. Work up to perfection individual elements. To perform "Leman's Bunch" in billiards, you need to direct the berton on the perfect trajectory. At the same time, Ki should fall at the desired point. To implement the conceived will have to learn how to roll each time with the same force.


    Regular workouts are important for mastering any skill in billiards, especially the "blow of Leman". To its execution it is possible, you should not regret the strength. It is necessary to visit billiard clubs weekly, spend time on working on specific reception elements, working under the urgent leadership of a skilled master.