Tactics game in checkers for victory. How to start the game in checkers to quickly win? Try to predict the opponent's course

White loosen the coarse rival structure and spend a beautiful combination

The combination of checkers is a tactical technique that allows you to achieve the desired result. For example, win a few checkers, quickly go into the ladies, etc. But the main thing is that after the successful combination, you at least should be the position better than the opponent. If you spend a combination, at first glance, it's beautiful, but after it is in a losing position, then this is a bad combination.

How to find a combination in checkers during the game?

To do this, you need an understanding of the position during the game, the ability to calculate the options of moves and, finally, fantasy, player's findingness. One of the factors of an understanding of the position is to search for the board of weaknesses in the coherent structure of the opponent:

  1. Poor grouped checkers, when they are albeit a dense group, but knocking out one or two checkers of them will allow a combination strike.
  2. The presence between checkers of loose fields, which allows you to eat several checkers at once when carrying out a combination.
  3. The released fields of the last horizontal allow you to carry out combination actions aimed at passing checkers in the ladies.

If you see that the opponent has a given weakness, then a interesting combination that you need to find somewhere is hidden there, which you need to find and calculate. If such weaknesses were not found, then nothing terrible, a good checkers player should be able to break the position of the opponent, to create weaknesses in the enemy camp.

Starting combining, you must clearly represent the end result, if you do not see it, then you should not begin, for without understanding, what will result in combination actions will not succeed, and most often it is a direct road to defeat.

To increase the combination skill, it is useful to study the classic, played in the famous sackers, combinations. As suitable for a particular combination, which weaknesses of the opponent were used, as everything was carried out. Also develops combination thinking - solving problems on checkers, the more you solve complex tasks in the mind, the easier it will be in the real game to find a combination solution, a tactical blow.

White use a bad piece of black checkers and conduct a victorious combination

For a fruitful study of combinations in checkers, it is possible to conditionally divide the coarse combinations on various factors, for example, which mechanism of the combination was involved, according to the weaknesses of the rival coherent structure, etc. And the task solution is better to start with simple, in which standard simple impacts are used. And as they decide to move to increasingly complex lifetimes.

Beautiful combination of white leads to victory

To improve the calculation of the variants of moves in a combination, while solving the problem, try not to move checkers, but to sort out all the options in the mind. With this problem, you prepare yourself to calculate in real time in the process of the party itself in checkers, it will be easier to find tactical techniques and various combinational maneuvers.

The composition of the game:

1. Map 64 (8x8) cells. Cells of two contrasting colors located on diagonals. The designation of gaming cells is alphanumeric (like on a chessboard).

2. Checkers of two different colors of 12 pieces.

Purpose of the game:


The playing field (board) is located in such a way that the angular dark field was located on the left side of the player (Chart No. 1).

Chart number 1

Chart # 2.

Color selection by players is determined by lot or by agreement. Checkers are placed on three, close to the player, rows on dark cells, as shown in the figure. The right of the first move usually belongs to the player who plays white (light) color. The moves are carried out by rivals alternately.

If a simple checker reached the last horizontal, it becomes a "lady" and is indicated by turning (chart # 3). The lady can move on diagonals for any number of free cells.

Chart number 3.

Take the checkers The opponent is made by transferring through it with its own, if it is located on a nearest chass of the diagonal cell and there is a free field (Chart No. 2). If after this stroke there is a continuation to take other rival checkers, the move continues. The poverty shack (checkers) is removed from the board. Taking the rival checkers can be made as ahead and forth, and is mandatory if before the game has not agreed to change this rule.

These rules of the game in Russian checkers are standard, but changes can be made in the mutual consent of the players.

International (stocking) checkers.

Rules of the game in international (stocking) checkers, very similar to Russian checkers, but, nevertheless, they differ.

The composition of the game:

1. Map 100 (10x10) cells. The cells of two contrasting colors are usually white and dark (gray or brown) are diagonally. All dark (black) fields have certain numbers - from 1 to 50.

2. There are two different colors for 20 pieces.

Purpose of the game:

Win the party - when not a single checkers left the opponent, the rival checkers are blocked or the opponent ahead of time averaged his defeat.

If it is impossible to win any of the participants in the game, the party is considered to be finished in a draw.


2 players take part in the game. Players are located on the opposite sides of the board.

Color selection by players is determined by lot or by agreement. Checkers are placed on four, close to the player, rows on dark cells, as shown in the figure. The right of the first move usually belongs to the player who plays white (light) color. The moves are carried out by rivals alternately. The move is considered to be done if the participant of the game after moving the checkers let go of his hand. If the player touched the checker, he owes her to make a move. If, any of the opponents want to fix the checkers, must warn in advance.

At the beginning of the game, all checkers rivals are simple. Simple checkers can be moved only forward to the diagonal to the adjacent free cage.

Take the checkers

For explanations, below are visual examples:

Chart number 6.

Dame 10 can take one checker, becoming on the field 46.

A simple checker 36, removes 3 rival checkers, becoming on the field 29.

Therefore, the capture must perform a checker 36.

Chart number 7.

White has 2 options for taking rival checkers:

Dame 45 You can take 2 simple checkers and a lady, becoming on the field 16;

Simple checker 26 You can take a lady and 2 simple checkers.

In all versions, the quality and quantity is the same, so the player takes the taking on the basis of tactical preferences.

These rules of the game in international (stocking) checkers are standard, but changes can be made in the mutual consent of the players.

More detailed rules, when conducting official competitions, you can find out in the Code of the Rules of Sports "Shashka", approved by order No. 481 of the Ministry of Sports of Russia from May 12, 2010

Brazilian checkers.

In Brazilsiye, checkers play on the 8x8 cells according to the rules of international checkers.

The composition of the game:

1. Map 64 (8x8) cells. The cells of two contrasting colors are usually white and dark (gray or brown) are diagonally. All dark (black) fields have certain numbers - from 1 to 32.

2. Sex two different colors for 12 pieces.

Purpose of the game:

Win the party - when not a single checkers left the opponent, the rival checkers are blocked or the opponent ahead of time averaged his defeat.

If it is impossible to win any of the participants in the game, the party is considered to be finished in a draw.


2 players take part in the game. Players are located on the opposite sides of the board.

The playing field (board) is located in such a way that the angular dark field is located on the left side of the player.

Color selection by players is determined by lot or by agreement. Checkers are placed on three, close to the player, rows on dark cells. The right of the first move usually belongs to the player who plays white (light) color. The moves are carried out by rivals alternately.

At the beginning of the game, all checkers rivals are simple. Simple checkers can be moved only forward to the diagonal to the adjacent free cage.

If a simple checker reached the last horizontal, it becomes the "lady" and is indicated by turning. The lady can move on diagonals for any number of free cells.

The move is considered to be done if the participant of the game after moving the checkers let go of his hand. If the player touched the checker, he owes her to make a move. If, any of the opponents want to fix the checkers, must warn in advance.

Take the checkers The opponent is made by transferring it with its own, in the event that it is located on a nearby-piece diagonal cell and there is a free field behind it. If after this stroke there is a continuation for taking, the move continues, while the option is selected according to the "rule of majority", i.e. Taking the greatest number of rival checkers, in this case the lady does not use any advantages and does not impose any additional obligations on the player.

Taking the rival checkers can be made as ahead and forth, and is mandatory if before the game has not agreed to change this rule. The poverty shack (checkers) is removed from the board.

If a simple checker in the process of taking the rival checkers reaches the field of the last horizontal and it is given the possibility of further taking according to the battle rules, it turns into a lady, stopping on the field of the last row. The right to take on the rules of the ladies it acquires only from the next progress.

English checkers (american, checkers)

The composition of the game:

Purpose of the game:

Win the party - when not a single checkers left the opponent, the rival checkers are blocked or the opponent ahead of time averaged his defeat.

If it is impossible to win any of the participants in the game, the party is considered to be finished in a draw.


2 players take part in the game. Players are located on the opposite sides of the board.

At the beginning of the game, all checkers rivals are simple. Simple checkers can be moved only forward to the diagonal to the adjacent free cage.

If a simple checker reached the last horizontal, it becomes the "lady" and is indicated by turning. The lady can go to one field diagonally or back

The move is considered to be done if the participant of the game after moving the checkers let go of his hand. If the player touched the checker, he owes her to make a move. If, any of the opponents want to fix the checkers, must warn in advance.

Take the checkers The opponent is made by transferring it with its own, in the event that it is located on a nearby-piece diagonal cell and there is a free field behind it. Taking the rival checkers with a simple checker can only be done forward. The lady, when taking only one field in any direction, and not on any field diagonally, as in Russian or international checkers. Taking the rival checkers compulsory, but if there are several continuations of "battle," any, the most tactful is appropriate (the main criterion is the lack of further continuations for taking).

If a simple checker in the process of taking the rival checkers reaches the field of the last horizontal and it is given the possibility of further taking according to the battle rules, it turns into a lady, stopping on the field of the last row. The right to take on the rules of the ladies it acquires only from the next progress.

Pool (Pool)

The rules of the game in the Pool, very similar to Russian checkers, but, nevertheless, they differ.

The composition of the game:

1. Gaming board 64 (8x8) cells. The cells of two contrasting colors are usually white and dark (gray or brown) are diagonally.

2. Checkers of two different colors of 12 pieces.

Purpose of the game:

Win the party - when not a single checkers left the opponent, the rival checkers are blocked or the opponent ahead of time averaged his defeat.

If it is impossible to win any of the participants in the game, the party is considered to be finished in a draw.


2 players take part in the game. Players are located on the opposite sides of the board.

The playing field (board) is located in such a way that the angular dark cell was located on the left side of the player.

Color selection by players is determined by lot or by agreement. Checkers are placed on three, close to the player, rows on dark cells. The right of the first moves usually belongs to the player who plays white (blond) checkers. The moves are carried out by rivals alternately.

At the beginning of the game, all checkers rivals are simple. Simple checkers can be moved only forward to the diagonal to the adjacent free cage.

If a simple checker reached the last horizontal, it becomes the "lady" and is indicated by turning. The lady can move on diagonals for any number of free cells.

The move is considered to be done if the participant of the game after moving the checkers let go of his hand. If the player touched the checker, he owes her to make a move. If, any of the opponents want to fix the checkers, must warn in advance.

Take the checkers The opponent is made by transferring it with its own, in the event that it is located on a nearby-piece diagonal cell and there is a free field behind it. Taking the rival checkers with a simple checker can only be done forward. The taking of a pitch of rival checkers can be carried out through any number of diagonal cells, in the presence of free space for the "victim". If it turns out again on the same diagonal nearby or at a distance from the rival checkers, behind which one or more free fields is located, the lady must continue to take the subsequent and take any free field on the same diagonal for the last tedder.

Taking the rival checkers compulsory, but if there are several continuations of "battle," any, the most tactful is appropriate (the main criterion is the lack of further continuations for taking).

If a simple checker in the process of taking the rival checkers reaches the field of the last horizontal and it is given the possibility of further taking, then the checker continues "fight", while remaining simple.

Italian checkers

The rules of the game in Italian checkers resemble Checkers (Checkers), but, nevertheless, they differ.

Color selection by players is determined by lot or by agreement. Checkers are placed on three, close to the player, rows on dark cells. The right of the first move is usually owned by a player who plays black (dark) checkers. The moves are carried out by rivals alternately.

At the beginning of the game, all checkers rivals are simple. Simple checkers can be moved only forward to the diagonal to the adjacent free cage.

If a simple checker reached the last horizontal, it becomes the "lady" and is indicated by turning. The lady has the right to go to one field diagonally or backward.

The move is considered to be done if the participant of the game after moving the checkers let go of his hand. If the player touched the checker, he owes her to make a move. If, any of the opponents want to fix the checkers, must warn in advance.

Take the checkers The opponent is made by transferring it with its own, in the event that it is located on a nearby-piece diagonal cell and there is a free field behind it. Taking the rival checkers with a simple checker can only be done forward. A simple shash is forbidden to "beat" the lady. The lady, when taking only one field in any direction, and not on any field diagonally, as in Russian or international checkers. Take the rival checkers compulsory, but if there are several continuations of "battle", the option is selected according to the "rule of majority", i.e. Taking the greatest number of rival checkers, in this case the lady does not use any advantages and does not impose any additional obligations on the player.

If a simple checker in the process of taking the rival checkers reaches the field of the last horizontal and it is given the possibility of further taking according to the battle rules, it turns into a lady, stopping on the field of the last row. The right to take on the rules of the ladies it acquires only from the next progress.

At the beginning of the game, all checkers rivals are simple. Simple checkers can be moved only forward to the diagonal to the adjacent free cage.

If a simple checker reached the last horizontal, it becomes the "lady" and is indicated by turning. The lady can move on diagonals for any number of free cells.

Take the checkers The opponent is made by transferring it with its own, in the event that it is located on a nearby-piece diagonal cell and there is a free field behind it. If after this stroke there is a continuation to take other rival checkers, the move continues. The poverty shack (checkers) is removed from the board. Taking the rival checkers can be made as ahead and forth, and is mandatory if before the game has not agreed to change this rule.

The taking of a pitch of rival checkers can be carried out through any number of diagonal cells, in the presence of free space for the "victim". If it turns out again on the same diagonal nearby or at a distance from the rival checkers, behind which one or more free fields is located, the lady must continue to take the subsequent and take any free field on the same diagonal for the last tedder.

Take the rival checkers compulsory, but if there are several continuations of "battle", the option is selected according to the "rule of majority", i.e. Taking the greatest number of rival checkers

In cases where a simple checker, when taken reaches the last horizontal series and it is possible to further take checkers, then it is obliged to continue the battle, but already under the rights of the ladies.

In cases where the checker reached the last horizontal without capture and after that, it is possible to battle, then it must beat, provided if this feature is preserved only by the following progress on the rights of the ladies.

Bailed checkers are removed from the board only at the end of the stroke, repeated "leaping" through broken checkers are prohibited.

Checkers are a popular board game, which, with apparent original simplicity, is taking a lot of complex combinations and requires increased progress from the player.

How to play checkers? For this you need at first the minimum of knowledge, because the main rule of the game is to "eat" the enemy's chip. This operation is performed very simple - remove the rival checker from the playing field only if there is a free cage behind it. When starting players play, then to simplify the development of the rules, usually negotiate "chop" only forward, i.e. It is forbidden to "eat" a checker located behind your figure.

How to play checkers: rules for beginners

The following key points should be known for players:

  • in one course, the checker passes only one cell. The exception is the situation when the checker "rubs" another chip;
  • in one move, you can "cut down" as many checkers as they are placed on the path of the figure;
  • with the "taking" of the rival checkers, they remain on the board until the end of the stroke;
  • if there is an opportunity to "eat" the figure of the enemy, then it is mandatory "bumps", otherwise it will have to be removed independently from the playing field;
  • the winner is a player who "takes" all checkers of the enemy, or deprivates the opponent's ability to make another move;
  • a draw is recognized in cases when none of the parties can win the party;
  • when on the field of three ladies against one enemy, then no more than 15 moves are provided for the winning side that has an advantage.

"Dame" - the main component of the success of the game

The main question of many beginners is how to play checkers and always win. To do this, it is necessary to "break through" as quickly as possible in the ladies - to achieve the last row of a chessboard. After that, the checker turns over and gets the right to move along the entire length of black squares. Accordingly, she "rubs" all the enemy chips that are not standing next to neighboring cells.

How to play checkers correctly to win: a few useful tips

To increase the chances of winning, experts recommend:

  • enter the opponent in "Lyubovka" or attack his weak checker;
  • hold the central fields of the board with their own checkers;
  • provide full-fledged protection against the opponent's attack;
  • try to predict the possible moves of the opponent;
  • alone to learn the literature on the game of checkers or use the online checkers assistant.

How to play chinese checkers

For the game uses the board in the form of a six-pointed star, each beam of which is painted in a separate color. Players must be able to move the chips in the opposite corner. For two players, 15 chips are used, each of them should take turns to rearrange their chip on any line (6 directions). It is allowed to jump over its own chips. Those chips that turned out to be thrown into, remain on the board.

Combinations in checkers - Terrible weapon. The player also has a question: "But can I have a combination here?", Or - "Will it be able to hold her opponent if I go so?" But in the tournament parties, the time released to thinking is limited, to look for a combination at every time - non-disabilities. Therefore, it is important to know when such a search is justified enough, that is, know the signs speaking about the increased probability of the success of the search. These signs are called combinational motifs. One of them - sieve (lattice location of checkers). If in your camp, the enemy is easier to carry out a shaeshed combination: because for a combination, it needs to move your checkers so that the final blow to be possible, and when they are able to stand in such a way that almost everything is ready for this impact.

N. Pereshevsky
Black is a clear solid. Playing white it should stimulate on a thorough search combination. "Is it possible to make a black checker A5 go to SZ?" - he thinks. And it turns out that it can do!
1.E3-D4! C5: CL 2.H4-G5! H6: F4 14 3.E1-D2! C1: Yez 4. A3-B4X.
Of course, in the game it is necessary to temporarily create a sieve in your camp, since without this sometimes it is impossible to develop checkers. It happens that the lattice position of some group of checkers is even beneficial. But you need to remember: in a combinational relation, the solido is dangerous! Therefore, before allowing it to be, check if the enemy will not have a combination. And if the sieve in the enemy camp, look if you have a combination.

Here are two more positions where the lattoon is a motive encouraging to seek a combination:

Other most important combinational motifs - free Temp And the checker near the open laundry field. We will talk about them next time, and now - exercises. In the proposed examples or is already available, or it occurs if you make the stroke specified in them. This motive creates a victorious combination for the enemy. Try to find it without moving the checkers on the board.

Free Temp

First O. free Tempe (Under the tempo in checkers, the unit is understood as the "game time" stroke, that is, one move). Let your whites. Here is black. What will happen if they attack the F4 checker? We'll see. 1 ... F6-E5. So, under the blow your checker. Therefore, you know in advance the next enemy's move - he will have to beat her. You seem to have a free paced - free in the sense that whatever move you do, the opponent will not be able to prevent your plan with his response: it will be obliged to take the checker F4. This, of course, greatly facilitates the preparation of the combination. You start looking for and ... find! 2. C1-B2! E5: G3 3.e3-F4 G3: E5 4.S3-B4 A5: C3 5.B2: H8X.
Since the possession of a free pace helps to prepare a combination, therefore, it (as a sieve) is a combinational motive: the presence of such a pace stimulates the search for a combination. (The modern term "free tempo" displaced equivalent, but the outdated word "distributed").

Suppose your black. Free tempo The opponent has no. But it plays - 1. F2-E3! D4: F2 (if 1 ... H4: F2, then 2.e3: G5 F2-G1 3. E1-F2 G1: C1 4.G5-H6X) 2.D2-Ye! F2: D4. Why did the opponent donate two checkers? Only for the sake of obtaining free tempo! And received: You have a grease checker under attack. Now you will be obliged to beat her, and the enemy, knowing it, also attacks - 3.F4-G5, and after you and beats - 4. G5: G1 X. Praphrazing the famous proverb, can be said - "He attacks the one who attacks the last"!

You saw how to purchase free Temp "The violent way" in the process has already begun combinations. And now about one combination motive - checker near open laundry field. Why does the enemy have such a checker increases the likelihood create you combinations? The answer is simple: your final punch leads to the appearance of the ladies, for which it makes sense to sacrifice even more of my checkers than the enemy's beaten. Here is this "admissibility" of exceeding the number sacrifice checkers Above the number of beaten from the enemy and expands the range of possible combinations.

The combination motive is obvious - the Shash C7, standing near the open ladies B8 and D8. Search combination leads to success: 1.D4-E5! F6: B2 2.C1: AZ A5: E1 3.G3-H4 E1: G3 4.H4: F6 G7: E5 5.H2: B8 X.
Since the checker near the open lady field makes the position of vulnerable, the question may arise: is it better to delay the movement of lady's checkers before moving to the end? After all, then the enemy will no longer have so many combinational capabilities ... However, by doing so, we, having reduced one danger, will increase the other: our forces when meeting with the enemy's checkers in the center will be at a smaller number and will be less efficient.

Let us turn to the examples. Preparing the position on the board, define a combination motive (or a combination of such) and find a way to make a combination.

All of the above applies of course to combinations in. However, knowing the rules of other coarse games (whether, Brazilian,) - you can easily apply the knowledge obtained on this page to find kesh combinations and in these.

Checkers - a game that appeared in ancient Egypt, and exist for more than five thousand years. In ancient Egypt, the principle of movement of checkers is borrowed from the rules of movement of a chess elephant or queen.

In the 12th century, the French have improved this game, and since then the checkers have acquired such a kind as we know today.
Nowadays, the game checkers know and love in all countries, people of all cultures and ages. It is not surprising, because the rules of the game are understandable and very simple to a small child.


Learn to play checkers well. To do this, you need to explore the rules of checkers in theory, and then in practice. Consider the game in classic Russian checkers:

1. The main attributes of this game is a checkered field of 64 alternating white and black (dark) squares, as well as 12 game checkers each of the players. One player plays light checkers, and his opponent is dark.
The game is carried out only on dark field cells.
2. The image is designed for two players. Place the board of the coarse field so that the lower left cell is dark or black, relative to the players.
Checkers are placed by players on the three rank of playing fields from it and only on dark cells. Checkers must be the same standard shape, flat and round. It is not allowed that the measures of the checker itself were greater than the cell cell. There are two types of checkers: simple checkers, and checkers who passed in the ladies.
A simple checker is called moving on one cell diagonally, according to free cells.
The lady is a checker that reached the last row of the field. The lady has the ability to go to any number of cells.
3. If one of the opponents play with white checkers, he walks first.
4. If the player touched his checkers with the possibility of traveling, then he owes it to walk.
5. If on a cell going ahead, a rival checker, and there is a free cage behind it, the player's checker takes the head of the enemy. The opponent's checker is removed from the board, and the game does not participate in the game.
6. If there is the possibility of taking the enemy's checkers, the simple move on the free cell is not allowed to do - it is necessary to beat the rival's bridle. If there are several battles such, you can choose any one.
7. If a simple checker has become a lady, it has the ability to take a rival's checker, this lady continues to move.
8. The winning batch is considered the following provisions:
8.1. Recognition by one of the players of his loss and his statement that he surrenders.
8.2. One of the players cannot continue the game and make a move.
8.3. The player has all checkers on the field.
8.4. In case of violation of these rules and discipline.
9. The party ended in drawing in the following cases:
9.1. If the winnings are not possible any of the players.
9.2. If one player suggested a draw, and she accepted her second player.
9.3. If for fifteen moves, none of the players took the opponent's chips, and were the moves of the same ladies.
9.4. If the same combination appears on the three-running field.
10.Paradia is recognized as invalid and begins first and, in situations:
10.1. With incorrect location of the coat board.
10.2. With improper placement of checkers.
10.3. If the player does not go according to the rules.
10.4. If the player touched one checker, and the move made another.
10.5. If the player removed from the board any checker for no reason.
10.6. If the player has reversed.

Basic game tactics

If a novice player play with an experienced and strong rival, both will play according to the rules, but will win a more experienced player.
Therefore, it is very important to know the following basic tactical techniques:
1. To reduce all your moves to get into the ladies as quickly as possible and not allow it to make a rival. The lady is a strong checker capable of moving on long distances, which gives many opportunities!
2. Try to the advantage of the number of checkers in front of the enemy.
3. Promotion of his checkers to the board center. It is necessary to play so that the enemy's checkers are located at the edge of the board. The central checkers have more opportunities to bring victory.
4. Calculation of the possible moves of the opponent - they can be false tempting, so it is important to understand their consequences. It is very important to follow the whole move of the opponent's game, because if you do not have time to solve his idea on time, then the likelihood of your winning will decrease.
5. Catch your moves a few steps forward. The more precisely your calculation is, the more likely to win over the enemy!

Shacking Strategies

It is important to know and be able to apply, depending on the situation, several winning strategies:

Strategy №1: Gadgets are traps for the opponent at the beginning of the party. The essence of this strategy is to specifically sacrifice your figures to the enemy for exercising in the future progress of winning combinations.

Strategy №2: An occasion in "Lubovka": a situation in which one checker is between two rival checkers with the possibility of taking one of them in the next course.

Strategy №3: Promotion in the ladies. The essence of the strategy - as quickly as possible to break through and make a lady out of simple checkers.

Strategy №4: Blocking the enemy is a situation in which the player could make the move, and the cells are occupied by the enemy's checkers. Also, the blocking situation is called a threat to the loss of checkers at the next time, due to the corresponding arrangement of the enemy chips.

  1. Studying new coarse strategies to fix only on a practical game.
  2. Play with strong players, or use proven programs on your computer. In the game with a computer there is an advantage - such parties can be saved and analyzed. This will allow you to learn from your mistakes and prevent them in the future.
  3. Refer to each party seriously and play carefully, in full force. Checkers - the game is intelligent and unincessly playing - it means to waste time is wasted.
  4. Refer to losses as a useful lesson. It is not great to defeat the defeats, but to look for the causes of errors and make the right conclusions.
  5. Read books and magazines on the game of checkers, pass the tests on the checkers, which depict specific play situations.
  6. Sign up in a checked club to be able to chat with qualified and experienced mentors, coaches and athletes. In the coarse club, tournaments are held to improve the qualifications and assignment of a sports discharge on the checkers.

Master Class

You can just enjoy, but do not forget to draw useful for yourself.

And remember the main rule - practice above all.