Telochtitlan passage. Passage of the game Corsary: \u200b\u200bthe city of lost ships. City of lost ships

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The game can be taken over three characters: Peter Blad, Yang Steis and Diego Espinosis, each with his unique storyline.

Scene line for Peter Blady

You appear in the estate of the lights, England. In the yard on January 1, 1665. The servant Jeremy Pitt informs you that Lord Guilde is wounded. Go to the house, talk to the servant Andrew James and proceed to the bedroom, in the western wing on the second floor. Come to the bed with a dying lord. A servant will appear and report that it brings everything you need to treat. You are in your office. Talk to Andrew James. The second servant will appear, Jeremy Pitt and will report that the royal dragoons will jump here. He will advise to take the sword from the balcony and run hide. Exit the cabinet, take the key from the table left and go up to the second floor. Remove the chest on the balcony and take Brett's sword, gun and cartridges. Soon the captain of Gobart appears and the dragoon will attack you. If you kill him, two more will attack you. You can't kill everyone. As soon as they win you, you will be captured and in the plot will be jailed.

You will appear on the cautious. April 1, 1665. Jeremy Pitt will tell you what the Colonel Bishop wants to see you. Get out of the room. Talk to Colonel Bishop. Come home, you can find something useful. But do not take a weapon - the guards will take it when meeting. Go beyond the limits of the plantation and run along the route right. Position on the streets of Bridgetown. Head to the residence of the governor. Talk to the governor sitting at the table, go to the door near him and go up to the second floor in the bedroom of his wife. Talk to Mrs. Stid. Talk to the governor. Tell him that I went to search for Mr. Dan and you need money for the purchase of medicine. Take 1000 piastra. Go outside and turn right. There you will find the house of Mr. Dan. Dan himself in it is not, but there is your competitor - Dr. Vaker. He ask you to come the next day in a tavern for an important conversation. Get out of the house and you will meet Mr. Dan. Tell him that they came for the medicine from the spouse of the governor. He will give it completely free to you. Return to the residence and give medicine Mrs. Stid.

You will appear in the tavern the next day. Mr. Vacher no. Ask the owner of the tavern, where you find Dr. Vacher. Go to the tavern room. There you will find Dr. Vacher, who promises to give you a loan for twenty thousand piras in helping your escape organization. Return to the plantations and find Jeremy Pitt. Tell him that he is the only navigator and the fate of escape depends on him. After he agrees, you will need to find three slaves: Hagtorpa, and Nicolas Dike.

Nicholas Dyke will tell you that Colonel Bishop wants to sell it. Talk to Colonel Bishop. You will find it in his residence on the plantation. Head to the tavern and drink along with one of the drunks. He will tell you that an important merchant has recently arrived in the city, the militia of Colonel Bishop. This is probably Vernon. Find his house. From the tavern, go to the right, pass by the home of the Roshchik, you need to - next. Wait until Vernon rises the top of the stairs and a hotel's seafood, which is right under it. Take everything in it is, and go out. Talk to Nicolas Dyank and let him know that the deal will not take place and he can quietly prepare for running.

Find also a slave in Spotted Bandan - Levya Muier. He complains about his headache and asks you to bring him a medicine. Return to the city of Mr. Dan. He himself is not. Go to the second floor and in the box next to the weights take the medicine. Return and give the medicine to Levai. In return, he will give you a light dagger who will not be able to detect the guards.

Now find in one of the houses of one-eyed slave reality. Return to the city, find the house of the Roshchik and give him a debt of 5000 pirasters.

Talk to Pitt and let me know weapons and a team.

You will find yourself the next day in your hut. Go to the tavern and talk to Dr. Waker. Instead of the promised 25,000 pirasters, he gave you only 18000. The remaining need to get somewhere. Go to the usurist, he has a Deltsa for you. Speaking with him, come back to the Tavern and talk to his owner. Give him 500 piastra otherwise he will refuse to talk. Go to shipyards. Talk to the impostor. Tell him that he is your old debtor.

It is scared and gives 55,000 instead of 30,000 piastra, although it will affect your reputation negatively. Now you can either be noble to return money to the usurist, or leave them for your needs. Now that you have the right amount in your hands, come back to the tavern and talk to a carpenter at one of the tables. Exit the tavern. Soldiers will come to you and order to go to plantation. Return to plantation. On the way, Nathaniel Hagtorp will be satisfied and report that Pitt grabbed the guards. After talking, you will find yourself at night at the gate of the city.

Run to plantation. You will need to imperceptibly get past the guards to the edge of the plantation and take weapons from the chest. Pay attention, each guard has its own patrol zone. The area of \u200b\u200bvisibility in the dark is small, so the main thing is not to pass directly on the path of their following. Get to the longest white building. In the near, the corner of the plantation will see a bunch of burlers and boards. Among them is a co-arms chest. Unfortunately, only a saber and several healing potions will be content. It is almost useless to fight protection. Near the house of the colonel you will see a captured Pitt and two guards near him. See the guards somewhere around the corner and disappear with them. Then talk to Pitt. He will say that Natal has run away on your gate.

Now go from the plantation by the guards, trying not to enter with them into battle. Enter the city. Send all the Spanish Guardsmen, lumbling them one by one, and one lady will come to you, thank for her salvation. She will tell you that the Spaniards captured the city. Go to shipyards. Slide shipyard on the sea and find your comrades. Swim to the ship. Rear to it and cross the security. Then go to the cabin and fight one on one with the captain. Your ship. Get out of the cabin and talk to Pitt. Talk to the team. Only Ogl agrees to serve you faith and truth, the rest will ask you to land them in the first port. On this uniqueness of the plot line of Blady ends.

To start the national storyline in the game, you need to get a caper patent (if you want to pass a pirated line, you need to talk to the Morgan in the port-Piano). To do this, you need to perform about 10 minor assignments from the governor of the city belonging to the ruler you need. The following options for these tasks are described below.

1) Destroy the gang of thugs in the jungle. Run along the jungle, you will find a couple of thugs, destroying them, soon you will come across the chapter of the gang. Split it, you can return to the governor for remuneration.

2) Search for an enemy cowher in the city. Search it is needed in homes. As soon as they go to the right home, a conversation will immediately take place with him, after which the battle will begin. By killing the pancake, you can return to the governor for remuneration.

3) destroy smugglers.

4) Scatter into the enemy fort (city) and take the documents from the connected. The task is not from the lungs. It will be done under the cover of darkness, from the nearest beach on the jungle. Soldiers in the dark see only in front of them and not very far. Therefore, you have chances to get unnoticed.

Dutch national storyline.

Governor-General of Holland, who you will take tasks, is located in the city of Willemstad.

1) The first task is to deliver to Curaçao chapter Jansenists Chumaikeiro, at the moment it is located on the island of San Martin. Saying to the island Go to the tavernger and ask about Chumaikeiro, he says he took a house that is located near the residence of the governor. As soon as you enter the house, two people will attack you. By killing them, enter the room on the second floor, where ChumaKeiro is. Now swim on Curaçao, where in the residence of Peter Messente, ChumaKeiro will give you 30,000 piastra.

2) The second task is to purchase a batch of coffee, black, red and sandalwood for Curacao in Forto Orange. You will be given papers for purchasing goods at a special price and amount of money. The entire load will take 6,800 centners, be prepared for this. Goods must be delivered to Stavezant for 2 months. Enjoy the Jamaica, train Negril and go to Fort Orange. First go to the governor and give off the paper for preferential prices, then go to the store. Having bought goods, return back. For the task, you will receive 75,000 piastra.

3) The third task is to obtain information about the plans of the British in relation to Holland due to the trading war. Go to Espanyol and talk to the head of the city of La Vega. Chapter Edward Mansfield, but in fact, his surname Manswelt, by nationality he is Dutchman. He is also the trustee of Modyford for the affairs of the Spaniards. But Mansfield can say nothing to say the plans of the British, but recently the English envoy from Modyford appeared to him with a proposal for the attack on Curaçao, naturally Mansfield refused. Edik will also say that the British plans are better to learn from the great and terrible Henry Morgan. Go to Jamaica and there you will find out that Morgan on Antigua. Go there and talk to him. He will say that if you help him, he too. It is necessary to know whether his companion Pierre Picardian is honest. It is located on Tortuga, then ask the Roshovist, the owner of the shipyard, the owner of the store, in the tavern and in Bordell. It turns out that he spent a lot of money. Now go to Morgana, he says that she doesn't know anything that plans does not know, but one of his officers who put in prison knows about Modyford plans, go to prison, cross the security. You will learn that the British want to attack the Fort Orange. Swim to the Governor-General and will pay 50,000 piastra.

4) The fourth task is to intercept the British and save the Fort Orange from ruin. Swatch to Jamaica as quickly as possible. Near the island will run a small squadron, consisting of 3 English ships. Speake them and disembark in the bay. Select all the British in the bay and in the next location. The task is made. You can go to Stavezant, it will pay 100,000 piastra.

5) The fifth task is to accompany three flutes to the settlement of Pirates La Vega and back. Swim to laege, sit down. It turns out that the Spaniards attacked the settlement and killed Mansilda. Purchase Provider and go out into the sea. The more shipping ships, the greater the reward. If all the ships are sealing, it will be 60,000 piastra.

6) The sixth task is to find Morgan and notify it that the Dutch is craving for revenge. Swim into Jamaica, take aim in the city and go to the Morgan residence. Henry will say that the attack organized the Spanish Governor Santiago José Sancho Jimenez and we need to reconnaissary, to find out whether Dong Jose will be in the near future. Swim in Santiago and guess at the lighthouse. Go to the city and go to the tavern. Ask the owner of the governor, under the pretext that you want to enter the service. Several Spanish officers will enter. Kill them and run on the ship. The task is made, you learned that in the city there is a holiday and the governor must attend it. Return to Jamaica to Morgan. The task is completed. Place in Curaçao to the governor and get 200,000 piastra.

7) Seventh Task - Deliver Berran Duty Governor to the Governor of the Governor. Swatch on Tortuga in order to deliver Devechen D'Oroneau, then he will ask you to walk for two hours until he writes a letter to a simple one. After two hours, you will receive a letter. In the port You will be met by a messenger and says that the messenger from the governor of Holland is waiting for you in the tavern. Go to the tavern and go to the room, then you will be stunned and will disable a letter. Go to the governor d'eltone. He will tell you to find out in the port control, what ships I left the port in the near future. It turns out that the port left Brig La Rochelle, who goes to San Juan. Go to the shuttleties of Sleep-Juan Take the ship to the board. The captain will say that Antonio, who has taken the letter from you, left the ship and moved At Galeon Isabella, who goes to Santa Catalina. Catch up Galeon, take it to the boarding and Antonio will give up. Take a letter and head to the weatherproof, it will give 150,000 pirasters.

8) The eighth task is a business trip to Aaron Mendez Chumaikeiro. His house is located in the city, not far from the residence. Aaron will give a task, find an ancient book, which was trying to sell in a pirate settlement on Bermuda some English caper. Go to Bermuda and go to the residence to Jackman. After a conversation with him, swim on Martinique, to the local brothel. Ask all the girls there, one will give you new information, for the remuneration, Flibuster, who wanted to sell the book, on an incomprehensible language, called Laurent De Count, usually he dwells on Torch. Swim up cortays. In the local tavern you will learn that now de graph is for two weeks for two weeks as I went to the raid to Cartagena. Swim there. Near Cartagena Laurent, fights with superior powers of the Spaniards. Speak an enemy squadron, not giving it to her the Frenchman's ship. Send a boat on the ship Laurent de Graf. Learn from him about the desired thing, he will suggest buy a burden of burned treasure for 235,000 gold. Pay the desired amount. Clay hidden on the island of Terks. Swim to Terksu, go to the cave and find the chest. Find there with the Holy Book, as well as Muscoketon, a couple of good pistols, expensive Kiraça, 200 gold bars, rings, brook, and a couple of idols, among which a very useful idol is a rat. Swim on Curaçao to Chumaikeiro and give him the Bible. As a reward, get 1,000,000 piastra. Then go to the residence to report on the success of the mission.

9) The ninth task is to capture four linear first class ship, namely Manovarov. They are usually found in large trading caravans, military squadron and gold caravans. For each ship you will give 50,000 piastra.

10) The tenth task is the defense of Curaçao from the attack of the Spanish squadron, consisting of 8 ships, including Manova. Go to the port and go out into the sea, there the fort is fighting the invaders, help him defeat the Spaniards, after the last Spaniard goes under the water, the Curacao protection mission will be performed. Return to the residence for a reward, which will be 200,000 piras.

11) The eleventh task is to reflect the Spaniard's attack on San Martin. Go to the sea and swim on Marigo as quickly as possible. Reaching Sao Martin, enter into battle against 8 enemy ships. Speaking their fleet, go back to Willemstad and get a reward again in 200,000 piastra. Governor's general says it is time to take response against Spain.

12) The twelfth task is capturing Maracaibo. Fort there is not so powerful and disassembled its work will not be. After capturing a colony for the Netherlands, you will receive 300,000 piastra awards and the possibility of capturing for yourself or the Holland of the English and Spanish colonies.

French National Scene Line

1) The first task is to accompany the French privatir Feather Legna, who at the Lugger captured military galleon with rich prey and now wants to return to France. Go to the tavern and talk to Pierre, he will become our passenger. Now go to the island of Martinique, Bay Le Marne. On the shore you will be waiting for five thugs, which need Gold Legna. Join the battle with them, trying to save Pierre. After the victory over them, you will receive the promised remuneration of 20,000 piastra. Swim at the cortem how to make a mission.

2) The second task is to deliver a letter to the Governor-General of the Dutch Republic to Peter with Stepsant. After arriving at Curaçao, go to the residence to the governor. You will be sent to prison, adopting for one of the pirates who killed the Messenger d 'of the Ozheron. After some time, the jail will be held in prison. Talk to him. It turns out that his relative is one of the officers on this colony. We persuade him to ask his relative to search on our ship, where there is a Corsary patent France. The jailer in exchange for the aid wants to take some things from the ship. Peter will come back and apologize. Now we need to find out the number of this story with pirates in more detail. Go to the tavern. There you are overhearding the conversation of two people in the tavern. Then it will be necessary to trace them. And so reaching the bay, it turns out that these are not pirates, but sailors from the Spanish Galloon, which under the pirated flag robbed the court in the local waters. Next will be the fight with the Spaniards. Now go to the port. The Spanish Galeon is waiting for you there. Take it on the board, then the captain of the ship at death will tell everything. Go to the weatherproof and tell about the fact that the flibusers are not to blame for anything, get 20,000 piastra. Go to the Tortuga, tell all the governor and get the title of Commander Fleet France.

3) The third task is to find a way to crate Donna Anna. For this mission, you will be given the Spanish shopping license and the ring, according to which the wife of the Fort compendant finds out that we are the Messenger of D 'Ohzhoron. To penetrate the Havana, you can act in three ways. First. Having raised friendly Spain. Flag Log in to the port and adjust. Second. Low on the lighthouse and then go to the city. The third. If the license has expired, then go at night to the city, landing on the lighthouse. Next, go to the tavern and keep the maid to attribute the ring Donne Anna. After 3-4, the servant will say that he delivered the ring and you Donna Anna will wait at night by opening the door. Sign in to the house and kill the soldiers you spend you. Go to the bedroom and talk to the bottom Anna. Now running the ship and swim on the cortem. And there you will receive 25,000 piastra.

4) Fourth task - accompanying the first class linear ship to the island of Dominica. There are rumors that the Spaniards are already hunting for this ship, on 3-4 galleys, under the command of Huano Galo. Near Dominica, the ship must be connected with the squadron of Guadeloupe Island. Go to the port control and accept the command "Soleil Royal". Now your course lies on the Dominica. Near Dominica will be waiting for you 4 galleons, but the French squadron will not. After the rustling of the Juano Galo squadron, you need to go to the guadel, and it is reason for why you did not meet the promised squadron. The Governor of the city of Bas Terry is justified by the fact that he received a letter to nominate your squadron just yesterday and did not have time to prepare anything. He will take the royal mananar and thank you for the mission performed. Return to the Governor-General. As a reward, get 28,000 piastra. Also talk to D "Ozerone again and get a promotion.

5) The fifth task is to protect Donna Anna. It turns out that the relatives of the killed commandant of Fort Havana want to revenge. Go to the Havana, to clarify the details of the revenge from the friend of Donna Anna, Isless de Las Sierras. Slot around the lighthouse and run to the city, there are as soon as possible in the house of Itss, not paying attention to the guard. It turns out that relatives go somewhere in the jungle. You will find them on the lighthouse, followed by a fight with relatives. Next, swim on the cortem where you get 5,000 piastra from D 'Ohzheron, at the same time go to Donne Anna, and get gratitude from it.

6) The sixth task is to deliver a letter to Francois Olon. Under no circumstances should the letter fall into the hands of the hands, and if you get to the redirement before you die, you first need to destroy the package. Go out into the sea and keep the course on the guadel. On the approach to Guadeloupe, you will be subject to the attack of the Spanish warship. Stepped with a ship, train in the port and go to the French Flibuster house, which is almost opposite the governor's residence. Francois will take you first not the best way, but as soon as he recognizes the purpose of your visit, his attitude will change. Next, you can choose one of the options:

1) refuse to attack Kuman and get the promised reward in the amount of 10,000 piastra.

2) Agree in the proposed adventure to participate in the attack on Kman, but there is one condition, only 1 ship should be in your squadron.

The squadron will include your 3 more ship, frigate and two Corvette. Keep the course for Kuman and hurry. Having defeated the fort, sit down and after the fight in the city, go to the residence and demand money from the local governor. Next, you can or share everything to be honest and get a legitimate share of 50,000 piras, or leave money to yourself, but then you will have to fight with Olon and his comrades. Now keep the course at the crook and talk to the governor.

7) The seventh task is to release Roca Brazilian from the conclusion. Its contains in Santiago. Sit down the lighthouse, then go to the church, ask the name of the Inquisition from the priest, then go out of the church. Under the stairs there is a door. Sign in there, then ask the prisoners where the rock of Brazilian is located and kill the guard of the guard, then together rock, which can not keep the weapon, leave the city. Fix further on a cortem where the Governor-General will give you 30,000 piastra, and Rock hints that he has something on his Martinique, namely, a dear Kirase that stands with 35% of shocks.

8) The Eighth Task is to go on the disposal of the Marquis Buno. Monsieur Bertrant D "Ozhereon asks you to appear on Guadeloud, to the sea commandant of France, Marquis bonrepho. Swim on the guadel and train to Bass Ter. Go to the residence, and talk to the Marquis. It will dedicate you to the policy details and will give your own task. It lies In a perspective of famous pirates (on Jamaica, Jackman on Bermudah and Morris on Trinidad and Tobago), do not participate in the war against the Dutch. Funds for this operation will not be given to you. Swim on Bermuda, to Jackman, he was not even going to get confused into this case. Further Cock to John Morris, at Trinidad and Tobago, tell him about the upcoming events. He does not like to attack the Dutch, but for this, he will need to fulfill a small order for him - to deliver him the ship magazine Captain Gay. Swim on Jamaica and go to the local tavern , Ask the owner where to find Captain Gay. He shoots the room. Go to the room and kill Captain Gay. Name the body and take the ship magazine and personal belongings. Go to the residence to Henry Morgana, but there is no place on the spot. The servant will say that he is in his house on Antigua, and warn Morgana is always closed. Now keep the way back to Mauris, give him a ship magazine and in return to get what it was required of him, his consent does not attack the Dutch. It is time to go to Antigua, visit the famous English pirate Henry Morgan. The door to the house is locked, go around his home, behind the house of the hatch to the Morgan basement. Go to the house and talk about nonsense in the Spaniards. Henry attacks the Dutch does not want and will require 250,000 piastra. Give him money. The task is made, it is time to go to the marquis bonarey. Instead of yellow awards, you are assigned a baron title. Return to the Tortuga, where you get Congratulations to Bertrran D "Ozhereon, and another title.

9) The ninth task is to reflect the Spaniard's attack on Port-O-Prince. For this task, you will be given "Soleil Ruyl", however, he must remain afloat. Next comes a fight with Spanish ships. Go to the Tortuga, where you get 5,000 piastra.

10) The tenth task is to capture Santo Domingo and the transfer of it to the possession of France. Swatch to Espanyola, defeat the fort and land the landing. After the fight within the city, go to the residence and embark on the Spanish colony of French. Return to the crook and get a remuneration, 40,000 piastra.

11) Eleventh Task - Capture Santa Catalina. The city is located on Maine and controls the pearl fisheries of the new light. After breaking the fort and disembarking a landing, having understood with soldiers in the city, go to the residence about the declaration of Santa Catalina by the French colony. Return to Governor-General Bertrand D "Ohzhorone. Awards you all what you loosen in Santa Catalina. Now it is worth going again on the guadel to the Marquis bonrepho.

12) The twelfth task is a meeting with the marquis bonarey. Go to Guadeloud, where you find out that the world is concluded with Spain, "Soleil Ruyl" is displayed from your squadron, Louvre knows about you and that's it. Do not forget to visit D 'Ohzheron, he will produce you to admirals, and now you can capture colonies for yourself or for France.

Spanish National Scene Line.

1) The first task is to release three Spanish citizens who were captured by Henry Morgan, famous English pirate. For the liberation of prisoners, it requires an amount of 500,000 coins. You need to penetrate the Port Royal prison and free the Spaniards. Term - one month. Swimulate to Jamaica and the communion in Portland Bay, then through the jungle, we will take care of the enemy fort, if you have a trading English license and the flag of friendly England nation, quietly pass through security to prison. If not, you will have to break through with the fight well, or just run a little. In prison, kill all the soldiers and free the prisoners. The return path will be simple, if running out of prison and run to the bay. Return to Havana. Oregon-I-Gaskon thanks you for a successfully completed task and will give 50,000 piastra.

2) The second task is to work on the Holy Inquisition. The meaning of the task is: a high-ranking Jesuit Antoniou de Suza arrived in the archipelago. You are sent to his disposal. Go to Santiago, the residence of the Inquisition is under the church building. Find Suoz and get data from it on the second task. It lies in the following: it is necessary to collect an indulgence, which is 50,000 piastra with three merchants: Joao Ilhaio, Joseph Nunien and Yakov Lopez de Fonseca, if they refuse, then you need to kill them. You can find them in Curaçao. They organize a sect under the name of anexint. A priest will be suitable for you in the port and says that it is extremely not desirable to kill them. Go to Curacao. First go to the tavern and ask the owner about the three Yansenists. Get information from it that Joao Ilhaio and Yakov Lopez contain a store, and Joseph Nunien Roshovist. Go first to the store and talk to Joao. He will say that he has no such money, to the question where his companion is located, Yakov Lopez, he will answer that he does not know. He will offer a deal. If you find lopez, their families will collect 100,000 piastres and will be able to buy an indulgence. Agree. Typlate to Panama, go to the store, and ask about Lopezé. It is clear that he had to go a month ago, but never came. Now go home the Panama homes and in one fell on the gangsters. Kill them and rose to the second floor, where you will find the missing. It will ask for a service to him, which is to search for a stolen Gospel from Juda Cryariot. The last time the thief was seen on shipyard in Bermudah, from where it was not returned. This request is not necessary. But if you took up execution, swim on Bermuda, go to shipyard. Talk to Alexuss, he will open the door to you. Next, go to the dungeon, kill several skeletons. In one of the chests will find treasure and gospel. Now come back to Curaçao to Joao Ilhaio. He will give the promised amount of 100,000 piras, tell him about the Gospel for Jacob. He will give a reward of 1,000,000 piastra. Now go to the usurist, he will refuse to talk to you. Go to the tavern. Waitresses ask about the Son of the Roshchik. It turns out that he sailed to pirate near Jamaica, to the Fort of Orange. Swim there, take it the ship to the board, Beritezyna captured, and give the son for redemption in the form of an indulgence, now the task is fully fulfilled. Swim to Pyaz and get a reward that depends on the timing of the task. Then report to the Governor-General.

3) The third task is to capture the rock of the Brazilian and pass it into the hands of the Inquisition. Rock dwells on cortean. Swim there, arouse in the city and go for information in the tavern. It turns out that it is now not on Torch, he piates near Marakaybo. Keep a course on Maracaibo. Take his ship to boarding, Rock Brazilz will surrender. Carry him into the hands of Holy Inquisition, to Monsignor de Pyoz. Anthony will send you to the Governor-General. Oregon-I-Gaskon will tell you to come to him in a few days. Return to the residence in a few days and get the task, find the Rock of Brazilian, who are located in Cuba, Espanyole and near Belize, which is on Maine. The exact location of the treasures is unknown. The first will be treasure in Cuba. Flip to the Bay of Ana Maria, approach, then turn left, and then directly, go to the cave and discover the chest in which 150,000 piastra and several idols are located. Further swim on Espanyol, to the Bay of Samana, go straight and find a well, which serves as an entrance to the cave, find a chest with a treasure in it, which will be 150,000 pirasters, diamonds, ingots with gold, gold rings, gold broots. Now keep the course on Maine, to Belize. Adrayion in the port, go out for the city gate, turn left, and then right, go to the cave and wait the chest in which there will be 150,000 piastra. Return to Don Francisco and give him money, 500,000 piastres (will have to fork out for a large amount than was in the chests) and get 100,000 piras.

4) The fourth task is to investigate the murder of Komentant Havana José Ramires de Live. Go to the House of Commandant, then on the second floor in the room will find an unfinished letter, then go to the tavern, there will learn from the waitance about the fact that she handed the letter to the wife of the Commandant from some Lodra. Now go to Oregon and Gaskona, get a sales license. Next float on the cortem, talk to the owner of the tavern. Talking, he will tell about the passion of D'Soron, the Spaniard by Nationality Donna Anna, brought her one of the proxies of the Governor's General Governor, Henri D "Estre. Next, go to the Henri house. The servant will say that the owner says near the house, then Henri will run From you. Run behind him in the dungeon in the bay, there he will stop you and asks why you chase after him, then kill Lodra. Now to the Governor-General for award in the form of 120,000 pirasters.

5) The fifth task is a business trip to Santiago. Go to Santiago and go to the residence, for the instructions of the local governor. The task will be to complete the destruction of the Pirate settlement of La Vega on Espanyole. Swatch to Espanyole, mooring in La Vega Bay, passing to the next location, will begin the assault, kill all pirates and go to the city where the slaughterhouse continues. By destroying everyone in the settlement, go to the residence, there will have to fight with the leader of La Vehi's flibusers by Edward Mansfield. Kill it and exit the residence. The task is made, you can return to Jose Jimenez. Don Jimenez will present a reward in 100,000 piastra. Return to the Governor-General, and get gratitude from him.

6) The Sixth Task is the interception of the Vest Governor of Holland on Torch. You will be issued a trade license. Go to the cortem, go to the port control, the head will agree to send a messenger when the Dutch ship will arrive, then remove the room in the tavern for a week, wait a couple of days, then you will be informed that the Dutchman arrived. Next, we put the wizard into the room of the tavern, where and take away from him by the dispatch. Get a reward of 50,000 piastra.

7) The seventh task is to assist Manuel Rivero Park. We must urgently go to Antigua, to the rescue to the Spanish Corsair Manuel Rivero Park, who are in search of trading British ships in the waters of the island. French flibusers went to his interception, under the command of Moses Voktyn. As you can float to Antigua and enter the battle between the unequal forces of the Spanish Corsair and the Pirate squadron of the French. Speaking the last ship, go for a reward, which will be 25,000 piras.

8) The Eighth Task is the defense of the Kumani from the attack of the United Franco-English Pirates Squaders. Swim up to Kuman, sweat an enemy squadron and get 100,000 piastra in Havana.

9) The ninth task is the task of the Governor of Porto Bell on the maintenance of ships. Enjoy Bello to Porto, where the governor Cabral will introduce you to the case in detail. You need to deliver 4 galleons loaded with gold, to the uninhabited island of Cayman, where it is necessary to transfer the escord a powerful Spanish fleet departed to Europe. Take command over the squadron of 4 galleons loaded with 10,000 valves of gold. Near Cayman instead of Spanish ships, you will wait for pirates. Gallows entrusted to you must be afloat to get a maximum of awards. Speaking the last pirate, keep the course in Havana, where Tell the Governor-General about the strange events that have happened to you. He can not understand why the meeting place was Cayman if it was necessary to accompany the ships to Belize. He promises to understand this situation and will reward you for the salvation of all galleys by the amount of 220,000 piras.

10) The tenth task is to protect Marakaybo from the invasion. Don Francisco will say that the problems in the previous task were as a result of inconsistent actions, this will no longer repeat. And you need to go to Maracaybo to reflect enemy attacks. Keep a course on Maracaibo, go to the local governor and then go out to the street where we will meet the Spanish officer who bears bad lead: the English pirate squador attacked the city. Go to the governor again, he will order to start reflecting the attack. Go out into the sea and start the battle against 8 ships, among which there will be several Manovar. On your side will be a fort. Speaking all ships, train and go to the residence, where you get a reward from the rescued city, in the amount of 70,000 piras. Return to Cuba, where you get granteed from the Governor's General.

11) Eleventh Task - Rating of Dutch colonies. Returning after a while, Don Francisco will ask the question, are you ready to attack fortified cities. The task will be a plunder of 2 Dutch colonies in the archipelago, on the Islands of Curaçao and San Martin. Swim first on Curaçao, defeat the fort, and capture the city. Then attack San Martin. Capturing the city, you can return to Havana. The award will be all the extraction of you. Oregon-I-Gaskon will ask to appear to him in about a month.

12) The twelfth task is to capture the port-O-Prince. In a month you will be entrusted to capture the French Port-O-Prince. All trophies are your property, the task time is not limited. By destroying the fort and killing French soldiers in Forte and the city, go to the residence and declare the colony of Spanish possession. Return to the Governor-General Francisco Oregon-I-Gaskon. All tasks are executed and you can act in the interests of Spain.

Pirate storyline

Swim on Bermuda. Turn to the Jackman with a proposal for work. Jackman will say that at the moment he has no instructions, but Captain Gudley, who is currently in Puerto Princepe, in Cuba needs help, and will suggest meeting him and discuss the details.

Go to Cuba in Puerto Princpe and find Captain Gudley in the tavern. When talking with him, it turns out that you need to take one type named John Bolton, who is waiting in the Puerto Princepe port, in Port Royal to Jamaica to Henry Morgan. Agree, saying that he has an honor for you. Go to Puerto Princepe port and do John Bolton, take it on board and head to Jamaica.

In Port Royal on Jamaica, spend John Bolton to the house of Morgana (Morgan's house with columns is located on the left side of the city, if you go from the port). On the way to home you are stopped by English soldiers. The commander of the soldier says that against you and John Bolton put forward a charge of ties with pirates. You are put in prison before the clarification of the circumstances. However, Morgan himself frees you, who says that the ransom has been released and is waiting in his residence, after which it goes.

In the Morgan's residence, I will instruct the black mark Edward Low, who lives somewhere on Martinique. Go to Martinique in Le Francois. Upon arrival, ask the owner of the tavern about Edward Low. It turns out that the owner of the tavern knows Low and he lives near the tavern. Get out of the tavern and go to the right to the house, covered with boards, Low lives there. Go to the house and when talking with Edward, give him a black label. Lowe will say that all the problems with the morgana are already solved and asked to return the black tag back Henry Morgan. Come back to Jamaica to Morgan.

After hearing the story, Morgan comes into rage and says Lowe deceived you. To correct the situation, Morgan entrusts you to find and deal with the Low personally without any black tags. Therefore, quickly return to Le Francois and go to Edward Lowe's house. However, he had already left the house in an unknown direction. Go to the owner of the tavern and ask him about Low. The owner will confirm that Edward recently left the settlement, things left for his safety, and where he himself could go, the owner of the tavern does not know. Go to the store and ask about Low. The merchant says Edward came, was interested in a place where it would be possible to buy a ship, but his merchant to trade goods, and not ships that sold on shipyard. The shipyard in Le Francois is not, the nearest shipyard is located in Fort de France. Either go there on foot through the island, or on the ship the communal in the port of Fort de France.

First, go to the shipyard and ask the owner, did not go to Low. It turns out that Lowe really came and wanted to buy a ship (Brig), but he had no money for such a ship and Edward headed towards the Roshovist. Since then, the owner of the shipyard Low has no longer seen.

Go to the usurist. He will say that Edward Lowe really came and tried to take money, but the Rostovist immediately sees Rogulikov and Deceivers, and therefore I did not give a loan. Where Edward Low went on - he does not know.

From the Roshovshchik, go to the port control. Ask a question about Edward Low Head of Management. He asks: For what purpose you are interested in Edward Low. Answer that Low is your close friend and you have to tell him about the severe illness of his mother, but that's just to catch up with Edward. The head of the port control is kept on this trick and says that Lowe sat on a passing ship that went to Bermuda.

In the settlement on Bermudah, head to the tavern, where her owner says that Low was here and was interested in a local shipyard. Go to the shipyard to the master Aleksus. To the question of the master about who you have to answer, answer that you want to catch up with him to reduce the scores with him. The Master begins to complain that the Low's fraudster faked the signature of Jackman, and he (AlexUS) gave Low ship - Brig "Sea Wolf" with unique characteristics, which was built on the order of Jackman. Go to Jackman. He is in a state of quiet rage from what happened and asks only one thing when we kill Low to give him hello from Jackman. But where Lowe went on the abducted brig - is unknown.

Ask people in taverns on the rumor archipelago until someone tells that in the Kumanny area, which is located on Maine, the attacks on postal ships. Go to Kuman. If the ship is more powerful than 6 classes, then it must be put in the port control of the Kuman in the parking lot and buy on the shipyard any ship grade 6. After that, on this ship, go out into the sea and swim in Trinidad and Tobago area. There and meet Low on Brig. Take the Brig to board, talk to Low, who says that the Morgan's power will soon be changed. Kill him. Go to Morgan with a presentation report.

Morgan proposes to conduct an operation, the result of which will overtake all the works of Sharpe. Namely, Morgan suggested robbing pearls who will collect pearls on Tartans within a month on the island of Terks in North Bay. Morgan offered to deliver at least 1000 small and 500 large pearls. Profit - in half.

Get to the bay of the North Island of Terks. There, pearl catchers are already leading fishery on tartans under pirate flags. At the sight of you, they are surprised by the swarming. It is necessary to catch up with each tartan to poop the board of the board, then the pearls will be automatically overloaded into your inventory. Type the desired amount and come back to the port-piano to Morgan, where and share half of the production.

At the exit from the Morgan residence, Captain Gudley meets and offers for a good remuneration to work his head hunter. The goal is John Avori, which was last seen in Willemstad (Curaeau Island). Go there and go to the usurist. The Rostovist confirms that John Avori was here recently, but now there is no longer in the city. He heard that John was going to Port-of-Spain, which is on Trinidad and Tobago. Go there. Talk to the usurist. Port-Spoken's Rostovist says that Avori performed work in the city for him, but after completing the city left and went to the Spaniards to Maine to the city of Maracaibo. Maracaybo Rostovist confirms that John was in the city, but by rumors that he was overhearding in the Bordend, Avori on the Russians in the city of Port-O-Prince, which is on Espanyol. In Port-O-Prince, go to the tavern first. The owner of the tavern says John was here a couple of days ago and killed Shulera. You need to visit the usurist. The Rostovist will tell that Avori performed some work for him. But where John went further - you can only guess. Although the usurist has an assumption that John could go to Willemstad, because There recently robbed an upcomer. Villemstad's Rostovist is still experiencing what happened, but it is not surprising, because he has an unknown stole 50,000 piras. He hired John Avori to find the robber. Also, the Roshovist promises to pay you 5,000 piastres for bringing the gold to the Roshovist first. John Avori himself went to Bermuda. The owner of the tavern on Bermuda confirms that John Avori is now on the island, or rather in the house of Orri Bryuta, apparently it is a robber of the Roshovist. The house is located next to the tavern, go there. In the house, meet John Avori and Orri Bruce, finding out the relationship. Tell them that you have the order for them both, after which koeteych and take valuable things from the corpses, and from Orry Bruce take another 50,000 piastra. You can return for a reward to the usurist and report the captain of Gudley about the order fulfilled.

Give the Rovover of Willemstad the money, he is paying 5,000 piastra in return. Captain Gudley will find in the Port Royal Tavern and get a remuneration from him, also tell him that now you will go to Morgana about my successes, to which Gudley is only grinning. Go to the Morgan residence.

Hearing the story, Morgan, says that John Avori was his trustee and you finished it. You explain that it was the order of Captain Gudley. Morgan immediately causes the captain to disassemble the current situation. The arrived gutli says that no orders have given you. To sort out the happening, Morgan appoints a duel between you and the captain of Gudley. Kill Gudley. Morgan says you have proven your innocence in this case.

Henry Morgan asks to go to Jackman on Bermuda and tell about the death of Gudley.

Seeing you Jackman is very surprised and says that you allegedly captured and gave it to the Spaniards to the Spaniards of his captain Sida Bonnet. We will have to figure it out. Jackman sends you to the bay of Cozumel, which is on Maine, where the Anchor of John Leeds threw on the frigate "Antwerp", with whom you need to talk. Go to the bay of Cozumel.

There you meet John Leeds on his frigate. Swipe boats on the water and rise to his ship. After a conversation with Leeds, it turns out that in the bay Cozumel landed the team and the captain of the Corvette with Leeds. To say to the Word, Corvete's captain is very similar to you and, accordingly, all sins of this captain hang on you. Therefore, you need to deal with your double. Sit down in the bay, where to destroy the part of the team of across the Corvette, but there is no captain among them. Go to the next location from the bay and meet there Captain, which really looks like you. The twin says that he will tell everything if he and the team will be released from the environment and will give quietly to leave. Kill him and the remnants of his team.

Then return to the ship and keep the way to Bermuda to Jackman. Jackman, listening to the story, sends you to Morgan with a presentation of what happened. Report Morgan's situation.

Morgan will send you to catch up with Pirate Steve Linnei, whom he sent to La Vega, that on Espanyol, to clarify the turn of the oddities that occur recently in the coastal fraternity. Go to La Vega.

Upon arrival, turn to the owner of the tavern for help. He says that he did not see Steve Linneya for a while, but his friend just came out into the sea. You need to intercept it. Go out into the sea and catch up with Linnei's buddy, who really did not have time to go far, and climb on board. When talking with a friend of Steve, it turns out a strange story. According to him, Steve recently left with two strangers in an unknown direction and disappeared. And his schooner "swallow" seems to be sold on the shipyard of Santo Domingo. Linney, according to a friend, would never have sold his ship by goodwill. Therefore, Linnei's friend starred from the anchor and went to the sea, so that Linnei's story would not repeat with him. In any case, you need to check the shipyard of Santo Domingo.

The owner of the shipyard of Santo Domingo said that the transaction for the sale of "swallows" was the most fortunate, because he was given to him for a snot. Under some press, the owner also says that he bought a "swallow" by the type that did not introduce himself, but the servant of the owner of the shipyard saw how he went to the sea on the "Leon" frigate. According to the owner of the shipyard, the frigate should still cruise in the waters of Espanyola. Go to the sea, on a global map, there will see a ship with purple sails - this is the Frigate "Leon", take it to the boarding.

The captain "Leon" invites you to go to the side of his admiral. This is Richard Saukins. He also says that their fraternity needs such people as you, and Henry Morgan himself nominated the Admiral of the Coast Brotherhood and no one elected. In addition, the captain "Leon" reports that Steve Linney rests already at the bottom of the sea. Refuse the Captain's offer and kill him. Go to Morgan.

After the report, Morgan sends you in Puerto Princepe, where, according to rumors, Richard Sauquins plans some kind of operation against the Spaniards, which must be disruptable. It hurts the reputation of Saukins among pirates.

In Puerto Princepe, go to the tavern and ask the owner of the tavern about the operation. He will answer that something is really planned now, but Saukins keeps all the details in the strictest secret even from its approximate persons and almost slightly sitting at home. You need to get into the house of Richard Saukins and to paint the documents. Go to the house of Saukins, grab the paper from the table and run from the settlement. Since everyone becomes enemies. In the papers of Saukins, the plan of the upcoming operation against the Spaniards is presented. Sauquins became aware that the Spaniards started transportation from Panama of the largest game of precious stones. To carry out this operation, the Spaniards abandoned the land delivery of jewels from Panama to Porto Bello and swimming in the Caribbean Sea. Only one linear ship should begged Cape Horn, go up to fortieted parallels, then minimize the right and to get to Lisbon.

Saukins collects a squadron and is going to meet the Spaniard in two weeks at San Martin. It is necessary to get ahead of them and intercepting this ship below San Martin, sink it or take on the board. Go out into the sea and swim to San Martin.

After two weeks, San Martin appears a ship with purple sails - this is your goal. Take the ship to board. In the chest, in the captain's cabin will find a large number of precious stones. All, the mission is completed, you can report to Morgana.

Morgan will ask the details of the operation, but by tempting from the answer, say that there was nothing particularly interesting on the ship.

Morgan will suggest us to make a campaign on Panama. The Morgana plan is to take a porto porto and on sushi to reach Panama, because Spaniards will definitely not wait for this. Morgan proposes to take the ship more powerful (if the squadron consists of more than one ship, then the rest must be put into port control) and gives 20 days to prepare. For these days, hide people, buy provisions, medicines, weapons, kernels, bombs, gunpowder and back to the morgana.

It turns out for this time, Morgan has already collected a squadron of 5 powerful vehicles of class 1. He gives you a task to perform and take a distance of Porto Bello. Advance towards Porto Bello, attack the fort and capture the city. Go to the governor's house and talk to the governor. The governor turns out to be aware of the plan of the hike to Panama and was ready for your attack on his city and therefore was very surprised by the fact that you took the city so quickly. In addition, he said that in the jungle on the way to Panama you will die. Tell this news to the approached Morgan. He believes that Richard Saukins managed to secretly warn the Spaniards about the plan of the campaign to Panama. Damage Morgan is not going and suggested to divide. You will command the second detachment, which will also be Saukins. You are instructed for two days to land in Darity Gulf and go to Panama. On the way to Panama, the Sauquins must be unnoticed, because Morgan does not want to see him at the walls of the city.

Go out to the sea and get to the Darynsky Bay. Space there. Sauquins will suit you and says that is ready for the upcoming operation.

On the way to Panama, the Spaniards and the local population will attack your squad.

The last fight will be the walls of Panama. Morgan suits and gives a task to find the governor of Panama, because The forces of the Spaniards were depleted by ambushes in the jungle, there was no one in the city.

Go to the House of Governor Panama, find it in the next room and interrogate. According to him, the Gold Escorial is located in a closed chest in the same room, but the key is at the commandant of Panama, who participated in the defense of the city and most likely died. You need to find the key. When leaving the house of the governor, you will meet Morgan. He gives the order to find the key, and himself goes to interrogate the governor.

Go to Fort Panama. There in the prison on the command of the commandant lies the right key, take it and come back to the governor's house. Discover the chest - there is gold an escorial (50,000,000 piastra). At that moment Morgan fits and takes gold with the words that now he will collect gold from all sailors, and in the evening divide it, according to the laws of the coastal fraternity. He also says that the governor could not stand torture and died, however, he managed to tell about another chest, which is from the outside of the fort. Morgan sends you there to check these words. Go to the fort. In front of the fort there is a narrow path that envelopes it from the outside. Go through it, at the end of the path is really a chest, but there is nothing valuable in it. Return to the city.

At the entrance to the city, the sailor meets you and says Morgan gathered from all the gold, immersed him on Galeon, standing in the port, and secretly left Panama in an unknown direction. Sailors refuse to go back with you and continue to rob the city, so you will come back to the ship.

On the way to Darcensky Bay, you will be committed another attack of the Spaniards, but it is not necessary to join them, you can tear them.

Immerse yourself on the ship and head to the port of Piano, to the Morgan residence. The Morgan secretary says that Morgan himself is located in London and will arrive only in a year. Return a year ago to Morgan and demand your share of production. However, Morgan says that the coastal fraternity came the end, he himself is now a plantative, and he bought his forgiveness and forgiveness to other surviving pirates from the English crown for Gold Escorial. The end of the pirate storyline.

Main Quest

To start the main quest game - Quest Games City of lost shipsYou need to pre-perform the so-called quest about the murder of beggars. He is taken in the main city of that country, whose citizen is a hero. (For example, for Yana Spanes is Willemstad).

Oliver Trust will stop you on the street, and will be offered for a reward of 1,000,000 pirasters, kill all the poor on the archipelago. You can both agree, and refuse the completions, it will not affect further junction. Now you should look for the poor (a person in rags, usually sits on Earth, can move around the city) in cities, and talk to them, to know why they are hunting. You need to poll the minimum of three beggars. One of them will send you to the tramp that lives on one of the islands of the archipelago. If it is not in the city, permanently, in the tavern, soon it will be. The tramp suggests that the Governor Curaçao himself is involved in this case Peter Stavezant. Head at Curaçao, Willemstad Colon.

Go to the residence and go to the room (door opposite the entrance), go to the chest near the Round Town. The chest is locked, and you do not have the key. Get out of the residence and go to the tavern. Ask the owner about the keysticker, the Tuber will say you contact the master of keys, Hill Corner, who sits at the table, near the rack. Master of keys, agree to make a copy of the key, from the chest in the residence for a decent amount of money, agree to its offer, and wait 2 nights in the tavern. After that, go to the house to the key. Go to the house. The officer and 2 soldiers will come, kill them and climb the second floor and take the key from the table. Now go to the residence to the chest. When the soldier turns out, discover the chest and take all its contents, the letter (Correspondence of Stavezant with the Dutch West Indian Trading Company) and the treasure. Return to the thread.

It turns out that Teaser Dan really visited the island of justice. You, again, need to go back to Willemstad, to Stavezant and talk to him. The communion in the sweat of Willemstad, go to the tavern and ask the tavernger about the tizer, where Den disappeared, the owner of the tavern does not know, also, he will advise not to climb the Governor General and the Dutch West Indian Company. Now go to the residence and start a dialogue with stapleson. But as soon as you mention the name of the tipser, the governor will be launched sharply. Tell me that they write a book, but really nothing will be able to find out. It is necessary to find a representative of the Dutch West Indian company in the archipelago.

Get to the nearest pirate colony. Reaching the nearest diplomat, ask him about the representative, but the diplomat refuses to name the location of the representative of the Dutch trading company. Name the agent name Oliver Trust, and he says that the customer can be found on San Martin. Swim on this island.

Steering in one of the Bays of San Martin, we will take place in Marigo and go to the house to Oliver, which is just opposite the local Roshovist. After a short dialogue, kill the trust, a visit the corpse and take a letter from the table. From the letter you will learn the location of the very, mythical island of justice, which is not mythic. Return to the ship and enjoy familiar a throat.

The tramp will give you the key of Diffordura, which is useful in the future.

Before you go to the city of lost ships, leave your ship in the port control and cut to Tartan. Give money to the storage of the usurist. Officers pick up ships and also leave the port of the port. Since you will lose everything at the entrance to the city.

Swim into the upper top corner of the card. You will go out in the open sea. After the team, I will go roller, and then the hero turns out to be in the city. The sea rages, wild storm. A local resident named George Stokes is suitable for you and says that I have seen the death of your ship. You are the only one who survived. He will enter you a little. The city consists of a variety of unpasicly fragile ships crashes. You are in the Velasco Galleon, in which one of the established criminal clans lives - Narvals. On Barka "San Gabriel" is the second clan - Caspera. Neither the others do not spare anyone who dare to disturb them. Also, Stokes will say that you need to finish the storm to visit the chapter of this place forgotten by God - Admiral Chad Cappeiru, at Warsha "San Augustine". As it turned out, this is the most disappeared caper, which came out three years ago for the prize and disappeared without a trace. And now he is Admiral and the head of the city.

Shoot and jump into the water. You need flute Fernando Diffordur, on which the same chest, which opens with the Diffordura key. The ship has a spill around in the middle. Finding a ship, swing it and go to break. Chest on the right. Stand all your things and quietly go to the admiral.

You will be officially announced by a "citizen of the city." There are almost everything in the city that is inherent in the ordinary port: the tavern, the store, the church, the Roshovist. With a dender, a special story. Everyone will tell you that he is a terrible, terrible man, a warlock. Little obliged to return the amount to him, five times superior to this. It turns out that Brahms gave the soul of Miklaktlektli, the Aztec God of the Dead. If the debt is not returned - after a while, when you go to any location, you will be transferred to the sacrificial temple, in tenochtitlan. God will come to you and take money back. If you do not have them - you can not get out from there. This will happen even after you choose from the city.

Now go to Karavella "Flearon", to the owner of the Tavern Hill Brynnera and ask him about Teaser Dan (the most disappearance of the foot). Everyone believes that he drowned. Hill asks you to be silent about the fact that Teaser managed to get to the Big Earth, because the admiral should not know about it. The law of the city states that it is impossible to build rafts and boats to anyone to float.hill will ask you to go to him later, he must consider the information received.

After some time, come back to Hill. He will appoint you a meeting after twelve at night in his wine cellar (this is one of the cabins on the same ship, you need to go to the deck and go to the vessel's feed). After the conversation, you will need to visit the flute "Fernando Diffordur", where the teaser often floated. Hill is needed evidence of your rightful.

Now your task is to find in the city of Andre Laboe, Carpenter. According to Brynner, he helped Dane to build a swimming agent. Laba appoints you a meeting in the cabin Korvette "Protector". Carpenter betray you. He cites a policeman. Kill them. Tell us about what happened Hill. He offers to check the traces of the crime and substitute one of the clans, namely "Narvalov". To do this, we need to put one of the "Narvalov" in the nasal part of their base (Velasko galleon), take the clan amulet and attributed to Admiral, and, thus, to take suspicion of murder from you. After completing this, you will be charged with destroying all "Narvalov". Officers will be given to help. Killing everyone, go to the barrels opposite the entrance. Between them lies an ordinary key for chests. Report Admiral about successfully completed task. Now go back to Hill Brynnera and tell him about what happened. He will ask to go later. Take a few days in the tavern, then go to Hill. He says that today at midnight in the tavern there will be a meeting of a capper with a certain face. You must overhear the conversation, hiding behind the column in the wine cellar (stand up sideways and do not move, otherwise you will find you). The information was really very important. It turned out that Kapper and the leader of the Casper clan (and it was he who) in one bundle. It turns out, it's not you admiral, and he covered you around the finger. Your hands destroyed Narvalov. In addition, they mentioned some mechanics. Notify about Branner. He will express his thoughts on this and try to remember who already lived here before him. It is necessary in order to find out who this mechanic is.

You won't know anything else from Hill. After some time, he was killed. The waitress of the Tavern Armo Düins will tell you that she found the corpse of Brynaner in the wine cellar, and noted that before the death he asked her questions about a person who lived here before him.

Go to Admiral. He will say you do not climb into this business. Try to find the oldest residents of the city. One of them is Cecil Galad, living in Eva Galleon. Going to her, you will see three "Casper" trying to kill the unfortunate woman. Kill them and get information about the mechanics as a gratitude (if you are not able to save an older lady, everything will tell Orel Bertin). His name is Henrik Vecher, and it was he who came up with the way to fasten the ships of the city. It seems that Admiral isolated it in Barka "San Gabrielle", on the basis of the Kasper clan. It is necessary to get to it. You will have to destroy the entire clan alone.

Talk to Henrik. It turns out that the city is held in total on the three cow of ships and any storm can be destroyed. Fortunately, he has a ship to float from here. But: first, he will sell it to you, and only for one and a half million, and secondly, the vessel should still be released from the debris. But this can be done only with the help of a gear, which Henrik dropped into the water. Your task is to go down under the water in a special costume (you can only do this from 10.00 to 19.00) and get a gear. The air supply in the costume is only six minutes, and under the city there are creepy voracious creatures.

The costume hangs on the wall inside the platform "Phoenix". He dresses (and removed) automatically, you just need to approach it.

Go down to the water. The location of the gear is generated by chance. You will have to fight with huge crabs. Only a saber will be able to fight. You can't fly either, and time is only six minutes.

Finding a gear, come back to the mechanics. Corvette needs to provide all the necessary swimming goods. These are kernels, a cart, a knapy, bombs, canas, medicines, boards, provisions, powder and weapons. Go to the waitress of the Tavern Armo Dulin. So, the shells for guns can be reached by the hoses of the houses. It is Lea Tors, Eagle Bertin, Alice Taylor and Eliza Calvo. Elise will be needed with a lute, 10 vintage and 3 bottles of wine, more - 10 salt bags. Provider, boards and sail you can buy from the store owner. Drugs will give you Padre Angel. For gunpowder and weapons, you need to contact the policeman John Workman. It will help with the condition: pick it up with me.

It remains to gain a team in the amount of 15 people. Having finished the set, go to the mechanics, the storm has already begun. But he was arrested Kapper. It is necessary to rescue the scientist.

Go to the residence. Mechanics are not here. He is in prison at Tartarus. Run there as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the burden will not be able to release - it is in a cage, and there is no key to search for time. The mechanic will send you to the second mast Fernando Diffordur Flute, to the very place where the Teaser Dan hid his chest.

Swimming up to the specified place, go to the open sea through the "Open" icon. The quest is completed.

to be continued...

Passed year. Morgan returned to the Caribbean, and, damn it, I first inflicted a visit to him. Admiral Pirates just laughed in my face. There is no fraternity, and I suggested to get out to all four sides. Be that as it may, I have long come true with his betrayal and decided to still keep a good relationship. Jamaica's governor could still come in handy.

In one of the travels, I accidentally hit my card. The captain of the Pirate Brig was fought for her as if he was obsessed with the devil. On the decoding of the map there was a lot of time, but she was worth it. Telochtitlan ... Famous, but for a long time lost city.

In the footsteps of Cortes

Montresum's leader II own person.

By the evening of the twentieth day we arrived in the bay of mosquitoes. It is here that our journey should begin if you believe the map. Although a long journey was not easy for us, the blood burst in anticipation of treasures. I will never forget the fire that flashed in the eyes of Boatman after a scream: "Earth!" Cortes visited here a good hundred years ago, but, according to rumors, tenochtitlan tait a lot of secrets. I landed ashore, taking with me only a couple of the most faithful officers. The team decided to leave on the ship, after all, who knows how the person behaves when the mind is in the power of the thirst for gold ...

I did not have time to go to foot from the water, how a man fell to me. He was very frightened and the eye did not reduce from my ship, but he could still keep himself in his hands and tell what happened. Some time ago he hired a certain Don Esteban. The Spaniard was looking for the second Eldorado, and, in his opinion, the ancient Indian city kept a lot of treasure. But something went wrong, as the enterprising captain planned. The stranger said that they were all "flames", and from the fifty landed alive remained alone. The "hellish flame" arose on the Stone Bridge and, most likely, it was some kind of cunning trap, but it is possible to check it only in place. Fortunately, my colleagues were not embarrassed at all, having heard this story, but just in case I ordered them to stay a little behind.

It seemed that we were made through the jungle of a whole eternity, but the deaf thickets unexpectedly broke up. The city itself was not visible from here, however we were on the right track. This was spoken not only traces, but also Indian with a club. Footprints on it testified that the Esteban people met this "guard". And it was he who ruled them his head. With the most bad premonitions, I swelled the handle of the gun, but Indian was surprisingly friendliness. On broken English, he explained that he killed those people just because they tried to rob him. The Indian was called Montiesum, in honor of the Great Leader, and, contrary to my guessings, he did not silent the city, and just lived next to him. He kept his story, which I told me.

Meshitley, one of the living Aztecs. Works on the motherboard to secure the afterlife.

Many centuries ago, Montesum ancestors came to the shore of the lake Teskokoco. They called themselves mixes, and the leader of the tribe was called tenoch. Other tribes lived around the lake, some very hostile reacted to the aliens. But the gods punished the thithering to settle in these places, and their will did not bother to rebound nobody.

Koshkobhtli, the leader of the city of Kulakan, conceived exterminating tenochkov, but the tribe managed to move to a small island in the middle of the lake. Over time, the tenchos strengthened the block of the earth and even built a dam. The leader became the guy, and after a while, all the lake tribes were united. The new people became known as Aztecs, by the name of their distant Pranodina - Astlan countries. The graceful time has come, everyone paid the Aztecs of Podachi, and from the blood of the victims of the water Teskokoco became red ...

So it lasted for more than a hundred years, but the Spaniards headed by Cortes ruined the Aztec capital and destroyed an ancient civilization. Now the god of the dead is economked in the city. He resurrected warriors to protect the temples, and living Aztecs were settled here, distant relatives of those who were one hundred and fifty years ago died from the hands of Cortes.

For some reason, Montezum was expelled from the city, but he wants to return. To do this, he needs a jade skull of a mickelantekully, and in return he is ready to tell where the weapon is hidden, "which is no equal." There is only one problem - a dam with a fiery trap ...

Pantheon Indian gov

Altar Aztec. The place is crazy, but very beautiful.

I found two ways to turn off the trap on the dam. The first is to move, risking life, and put the totem for Kamashtly for the sacrificial stone. The second is to put two totems on the altar before the dam. I chose the second option, since all the idols were with me with you. Unlike the deceased Don of Esteban, I prepared in advance for the campaign and searched the entire archipelago and most of the Maine, collecting, in my opinion, all the Aztec gods.

I installed Totem Tlasolteotle in a niche left, and on the right placed Totem Tonatiu. Whether the trap is disconnected, it is unknown, and that the most unpleasant - there is no way to check. I decided to risk himself, because I was conceived by an expedition, and not someone else. I closed, very slowly I went through the bridge, and the fire did not appear. Montesum did not deceive, the trap really turned off. I passed the dam and entered the city. At the gate I met Meshitley, another Aztec. He told that all two lives in tenochurtitlan: he and his brother. In addition, he warned that the motherboard was following me, and offered to make a sacrifice for him. Dikar customs always seemed terrible to me, and I went on, to the temple of the great vitality.

The heavy stone door did not give in. Even threesome, we could not move it into an inch. I returned to Montesum, and he remembered - to open the temple, you need ten totems. I wanted to give him a head of his own bat. He also told how to open the temple. It is necessary to place all ten totems in small temples on the sides, which has a long wall. The case is for small - return the relics on the laid places and open the damned door.

View of tenochtitlan with the highest pyramid.

It is important:i would glad to tell you where to look for totems, but they are placed by the world by chance. In general, follow the instructions of Montesums, he knows where what. Although the place describes very vague.

In each of the ten temples, I was not very welcomed by Aztec warriors. I did not expect such a reception and almost paid my head in the first sanctuary. But where there is a dicar duby to the gun and gunpowder ... I dealt with opponents, although not without difficulty, and put all the ten totems. The church of the Great Life Force is now open, and I have to look at the very mixture.

Tip:spicy columns. The enemies attack three, but the batons are, perhaps, the best heavy weapon. It is famous for the great damage and huge consumption of endurance. Try to block and shy away from shocks on time, only then attack. By the way, do not forget about the "berserk".

Temple of Great Life Force

To get to the other hand, you have a minute with a little!

I do not know if those who guarded the temple were lived, or not, but they completely died from the zone of the rapier. Excellent health Aztec wars could not boast, but they took quantities. There were no less than two dozen! And everything with unearthly fire in the eyes. They did not think about protecting and rushed into battle.

At the end of the path on the altar in the form of a coin, I saw a skull and took it. At the same time, a low deaf voice rang out behind: "How dare you, mortal?" - And I saw a dark figure with a skull instead of my head. Miklaklakutil himself came for me, however, he saw how I dealt with the guards of the temple, and gave me a chance to survive. We just need to fight him, otherwise - death.

The battle was hot, each blow of jade sword Mikilakutli in my rapier was trembling in the whole body. It seemed that strong steel would now break like a match, although I reflected the blows of God casually. Breaking around half the meter, I managed to snatch a gun and make a shot. The God of Death did not even notice the hit and flew at me as a hurricane. But I was not going to die and reflected the blows as I could, sometimes even managed to counterattack.

Forces have already left me when the God of death stopped. "You have passed the test, you can pick up jade skull." Before disappearing, he told me that Indian at the lake is a leader of Montesum II. Almost one hundred and fifty years ago, he turned away from the gods and wanted to adopt Christianity in exchange for life. But the deal was broken, and Montezum was cursed. Before the end of eternity, he should walk on the shores of Teskokocco, but with the help of jade skull, he may be able to find eternal peace. After meeting with the God of death, I was no longer surprised.

Altar Miklaklakutli and jade skull on the pedestal.

It is important: God has about five thousand hits. Bursting the health bottles and be sure to study the critical strike. It is best to use critical weapons. Judge for yourself: you can make four or five blows, no more. Light - at least ten. It doesn't matter that the damage from rapier is less, but above the chance to apply a critical strike.

In the chest next to the altar of the mickelankully, I found the ceremonial jade dagger. What is he? Maybe it is like a key that opens the entrance to the temple of the White Gods?

Raising the endless staircase, I walked around the temple and saw the image of some kind of God. Instead of his mouth, he had a slot, in size coincided with the blade of the dagger. I put the weapon and heard a quiet click. The door of the temple opened, and behind it I was waiting for the notorious "the most powerful weapon." Montesum did not deceive.

And here is the God of the dead. Something with his figure is not so, do not find?

On a note:"The very weapon" is a shotgun. Where he came from here, unknown. But shoots ordinary bullets, almost instantly recharges and removes up to two and a half thousand hits. How?

At the exit from the city I met Montesum. He needs a skull to resurrect Aztecs and conquer all nations. Naturally, I refused the skull. Then the former leader attacked me, but the battle lasted long. Only one shot of a miracle weapon sent him to the kingdom of eternal peace. Jade skull gives power over the dead, so I was able to deprive the immortality montesum. Yes, and curses too.

We sailed at dawn. All values \u200b\u200bfound in Tenochtitlan, I gave the team. Rather, we shared the treasures are honest, but I have several idols for nothing, even if they are of pure gold. In the ancient city of Aztecs, I received much more - the confidence that the secrets and miracles in the Caribbean are still so much that it is enough for one generation of brave.

City of lost ships

Returning to the port-piano, I decided to rest a couple of weeks. The return route from tenochtitlan was very heavy. We insulated the heat, and the wind as if he had something against the "sea wolf". For several days we dangled on the water, like an empty trough, with full calm. For the tenth day, the storm flew and literally snatched one of the mast. Several sailors took place in the sea, and we lost them out of sight. Port Royal "Sea Wolf" got in a month - without supplies, almost without water, with a flow, which ship carpenter could not find, although the water arrived in the hold testified that there was still a hole. I instructed to put the ship for repairs to the nearest shipyard, and I went to the tavern himself. Paying for a whole week ahead, I fell to bed.

The next day, rested and sleepy, I decided to go to the shipyard and to the store. At the same time it was worth visiting the governor and reported in his caper activity. But on the way to Mr. Medifud, a person intercepted me. Bald, with a black bandage on the head - poured pirate. He was introduced by Oliver Trust, a merchant, and offered me a deal. For a million dowel, I have to kill all the poor and beggars in all cities of the archipelago. In tempting, but something seemed to me strange. Well, what resistance can be a tramp? The trust could easily collect thugs, take even the smallest ship, buy shopping licenses and walk along the colonies as a punishing sword. Even in the most modest estimates, this campaign would not require more than half a million. However, he hired me. Something is unclean ...

Three days later we sailed from Port Royal and took the course to Havana. I decided to collectively examine the cities and ask the trust about this. In a pirate settlement I was waiting for luck. Tramp told me that another beggar on Martinique may know what's the matter. In a light bewilder, I took a course on Martinique. Where did the tramp do such information? I bet - these are not so simple, as they seem at first glance.

Arriving on Martinique, I easily found the necessary begging. Rather, he himself found me, I barely got off the ship. The beggar told that Peter Stavezant, Governor-General of Holland, was involved in order. An unexpected turn, however, after a hike to Panama and adventures in the Indian capital, I was not afraid to ask questions even the seaside devil ...

In the evening of the same day, I sailed to Curaçao and on arrival at night secretly searched the residence of the governor. Everything was clean. Just in case, to secure Alibi, I asked the innkeeper to wake me up at dawn and fleeing his eyes in my room.

In the residence of Stavezant, one chest was very curious. His castle was so cunning that I could not open it, no matter how I tried. In the end, I even tried to split it, Pictanding from the pistol, but it was a little sense. On the castle, as, however, on the chest, there are no scratches. In addition, the noise was escaped to the noise, but they did not have time to catch me. You need to come up with something, but what?


Behind a glass of Bourbon extracted from his own stocks, I thought about how to pull something lying in the chest. The second time to put on the lock will not be given to me, so you need to either find the key, or to drain the whole chest. The first did not seem to be possible, because the stavezant is not someone, but the governor-general. The second option also disappeared, because the chest just does not climb the door. Yes, and in appearance it does not seem to be mushy. My sad thoughts interrupted the bartender.

"Mr. Frost, you drink one for a few hours already, and I know in my own experience that a person who drinks one, or the soul, or something very puzzled. Captain, can I help you something?

- There is one thing here. Maybe you know who can make the key? I lost the key from the box, and I do not want to break it - too expensive thing.

- Yes, the problem. But I think there is a solution. See that drunkchugu? This is the best key on the whole archipelago. Just wait until it rubs.

After listening to the Board Council, I hooked to the drunkard and tied the conversation. Hill Corner, so called the Master, confirmed that anyone can do at all, but it's worth a lot of money. I had to agree, because I was actually no choice.

It is important:master keys takes three quarters from all your money. Having lost thirty million, I decided to boot and lay out money in my pocket to the officer. Leaving a hundred dangues, I turned to the keyword and honestly paid two thirds. If there is no officers at hand (which is very likely), give money to the storage of the usurist.

Two days later I went to order. But in the house I was waiting for not only the keysticker, but also four soldiers who were extremely unhappy with my request. Unhappy so much that they decided to deal with the client right on the spot. Well, the worse for them. A short fight ended in my favor, and I took the key. It remains only to open the chest and find out what was the matter.

In the chest, I found the documents: a letter of Oliver to the authorities. It said that the beggars will soon be destroyed (no other than me) and no longer spread rumors about the island. Unfortunately, the letter fell around in about the middle, and there was no accurate information in it. I decided to return to Martinique and find out what kind of mysterious "island" and what happens here at all. Before pressure told that the missing Teaser Dan told about a kind of island of justice. But where is it, he definitely does not know. But he gave me the key of the Tizer Dan, but for what he is needed is incomprehensible. Returning to Curacayu to Mr. Petru Stavezant.

The trip to Curaçao did nothing. Stavezant pretended as if nothing knows, and sent me to the ravis. I decided to go to another way: to find a representative of the Dutch West Indian trading company and already find out how they are associated with this strange story.

If you want to find a person for a deal - go to pirate settlements. Single islands disposed of policies. At the first diplomat, I learned that the sales representative could be found in Marigo, which is on San Martin. But most of all I was surprised that his name is Oliver Trust. Chief and subordinate is one person? Very strange, but I have a thread. I will ask Mr. Trust better.

Arriving on Marigo, I found the house of the trust, but we failed to talk. He pounced on me, and I had to kill him. Searching a house, I found the second part of the letter indicating the place where the island is. Well, thanks, Mr. Trust.

Island justice

I went there, where the island should be supposedly located, but I got into the storm. Survived miracle. Half the team washed into the sea the first shaft, and the second turned my brig into the cheese of the boards.

It is important:fly to the CCC is best on the cheapest ship, without a team and supplies. Money Do not forget to give to the usurist. Leave with you no less than two hundred thousand, and the rest is stored.

Mr. Oliver Trast offers a million for the destruction of all beggars on the archipelago.

Overcoming the walls of the waves, I swam to some silhouette away. It was a ship, and not one. Many broken, half-subtle ships. At one of them, I saw a man and swam to him. Maybe someone escaped? Being closer, I realized that this man is not with my ship. His name was George Stokes, and he told me that it was an Island of justice, but such a name was not used for a long time. Now this place is called the city of lost ships. And, like any city, there are laws and rules. It is impossible to kill residents, you can not steal from them, you can not disassemble the sunken ships to build something. Apparently, I am a captive here, however, first you need to register and talk to Chuck Cupper, the main thing in the city. I did not expect such a reception ... A miraculously saved the captain who lost the whole team, and here - about the laws and mayor ...

After examining not too the hospitable city, I wandered into the tavern, where I learned why I could not leave the "island" to anyone. The fact is that the ring from the remains of the ships is held afloat only when all its components are interconnected. It is worth removing at least one ship, and all - the city will lose stability. It will start moving, all bridges and ladders will break. In addition, it is not known how the remaining ships will behave. Some can sink or turn over, and people live inside the broken jacks.

I found out that Teaser Dan was here, but it's not worth talking about it, you can earn a lot of problems on my head. Dan was the first one who managed to escape from the city, and even get to the big land! Cupper was just in rage and forbade even his name to pronounce. I decided to personally talk to the authorities, and the register does not prevent. Overcoming unstable ladders and suspended bridges, I went to San Augustine, in the Admiral Residence of the Kopper.

The greatest person

The island is not so fair, as they tell about him. The beautiful words of the capper "Everyone has the right to life" with a swing crashed about the robbery wall. He confiscated weapons and money from me, leaving only the fiftieth part of the dangum there. It is good that I planted the best weapon before, on one of the ships.

The residence of the admiral Kopper is, in fact, two ships argued with each other.

It is important: Hide the weapon in the chest at Fernando Diffundura. It is better to hide all things at all. Chad does not take totems, letters and keys. The rest is picking pipes, pistols and sabers - will select without blinking the eye. I, by the way, was Morgan's rapier, so I decided to find a secluded place to hide it. Kiraça should also be covered.

After "Expropriation" (one of the laws of the city: "Everything that was yours, it became common") I went back to the tavern. All the same, I have a little money left, and therefore, there is a possibility of a few days to relax. Although the bed on a half-filled appearance somehow does not fit comfortably, "Fleon", converted to the tavern, cannot be accused of lacking comfort.

Four days later, the storm was hammered, and although clouds were still clouded the sky, the wind drove them to the east, so good weather was a matter of a couple of days. I carefully moved on the side of Galloon "Esmeralda" and headed to the local shop. Even here, in isolation from the world, people buy and sell. In addition, Bartender Hill Melko mentioned that the merchant has a map of the city, and for me it will not be superfluous. Talking Sandra Gomez that Jost requires a huge money for a map, I received a promise of a discount. It is only necessary to wait for a day, and tomorrow come to the store.

It is important: The map is very expensive, so you need before Speak with Sandra Gomez. Judge for yourself: Eric Jost wanted to sell it almost for two hundred thousand, and gave for a half the same day.

Here on this "Kaspra" wanted to float from the city. Did not make it.

In the tavern I was called Hill and offered to go down to the cellar to talk to the eye on the eyes. The meeting will take place at midnight, because the case of a tizer is extremely important, but with the laws of the city combined very badly. Extra ears, in general, nothing. Brunetner said that Dan often visited Fernando Diffundur flutes, which stands on the severity, separate from the city. What he did there - unknown. The ship is not connected to the city, because it collapsed into two parts and, most likely, is about to drown. Apparently, he hooked for reef, but no one risks him to visit him. What is not a comfortable cache? Yes, and I have the key. We must see that the teaser hid there.

And he hid, I must say a lot. In the break, right between the halves of the ship, I found a decent stock of the mixture, as well as weapons (quite by the way!), Bullets and gun. In addition, there was also a letter proving that the teaser arrived at the Great Earth. The key from the chest he took with him! But Dan himself could not build a ship, which means someone helped him. Hill thinks it was Andre Laba, a carpenter.

Tip: In order not to fasten throughout the city, ask the townspeople, where they saw the person you need.

After the conversation, I returned to my room and slept almost until the morning. It was necessary to find a laboratory, and other things appeared. For example, a certain Pedro Hurtado suggested me to carefully, penetrating on Esmerald, and Dominic easily asked to transfer his friend's bottle on Tartarus. Very well, by the way, that in Cache Dan, I found a ten such bottles. At the same time, by the way, it is desposing where Leighton Dexter disappeared. Royel Haag told that he had some disagreements and the admiral, and then the pirate was disappeared. Haag thinks that Kapper killed him, but he just noticed that the pirate guards gold that wanted to steal. Gold is at the Tartarus, that is, in prison.

We meet with Hurtado at noon on the deck of "Esmeralda", it means that I still have a lot of time. Just manage to visit the guard on Tartarus, and maybe even I will find a candle for the arrival, which I asked me to find the Angel Padre.

Great plot

Mechanic Henrik Vepender, Master for all hands.

In prison, I could not find Leiton. The guards refused to talk and the only closed door, naturally, did not postpone. But this is the ship, not a house. I decided to explore the outdoor side of the ship on the subject of proof, as the prison was pretty flooded. Duck in the sea right from the side of Tartarus and, having encouraged the ship, found what he was looking for. The platform in the case led just into the very locked camera. Inside, I discovered the corpse, or rather, not the corpse, but already a skeleton, chained to the wall. Apparently, Dexter has "guarded" the gold of the capper for a very long time. The chest, by the way, also stood in the chamber, but locked on the key. Later in the city, I learned that Kapper recently lost some kind of key and now chops around the city.

It is important:the key appears in a random place. But pay attention to "Furia", "Protector", "Carolina" and "San Augustine". The runway is standing in the cache of the capper solid kush.

As for two friends, I handed the bottle of wine Tomas, but instead of joy he asked to convey to Dominica, which will cut the ears. Having studied the problem, I found out that Thomas thinks Dominica praised his lady ... In general, a quarrel due to nonsense. Running by the courier, I was able to pick up my friends and got a simple key as a reward.

On a note:all chests in the city locked. In addition, they are divided into three types: simple, medium and complex. The higher the chest level, the better items in it. Once by having received the key, you do not need to look for a new one - it will not disappear after opening the box.

By the way, I opened a chest in the store, where I found a candle for arrival. Only now I could not get everything right away, I had to return more than once. And every time I had to wait until the attentive owner of the shop would turn back to me. For theft, death is supposed here. As a reward for a good deed, Padre blessed me, and I did not wait for the material award.

It is important:the priest does not give a reward, he only Activates a "quick transition". Given the labyrinths of the city, this skill is literally on the weight of gold.

Having understood with small matters, I met Laba, and we decided to talk about the teaser away from witnesses in the cabin on Corway "Protector". However, Labo betrayed me. He came to the meeting not alone, but with the "policeman." I had to kill them here. Fortunately, they did not tell the Admiral about me. Now you need to do something, otherwise, sooner or later, Cupper will calculate me and send me to the bottom with the cargo on the neck.

I returned to the tavern and told everyone Hill. The situation has developed very unpleasant. Hide the corpses is unnoticed almost impossible, it remains only to dump any of the fault. But who? Brunetner suggested stealing one of the amulets of the clan "Narval" and shove the blame on them. It remains only to go to Velasco and arrange an ambush in the landing on the nose of the ship.

I did not have to wait a long time. Literally immediately declared one of Narvalov and began to threaten me. Eh, he would know in advance why I would come here, would come with a whole gang. However, he was alone, and the first bullet struck him out. I removed a sign in the form of a five-pointed star and took it to Capper.

Admiral swallowed the bait, and I sighed calmer. In addition, he told about how the clans appeared. The sea did not choose who would fall into the city. Some were decent people, others - pirates. The latter were very bad with the first, so Kapper decided to allocate them two vehicles in full property. So two clans appeared - "Narval" and "Casper". What do these groups do inside their ships, does not care anyone. They have their own laws there, and all residents know about it. Some do not climb others, and the clans observe the laws of the city "upstairs". Having finished my story, Cupper instructed me to destroy Narvalov. I did not count on such a turn of the matter, but to keep the reputation, you will have to make hands. For the "Velasco", the three people of the capper are already waiting for me.

This is advice:bursting medicine medicine and charge the gun. Inside "Velasco" a lot of aggressive "Narvalov". However, if you were already in Tenochtitlan and did not give a shotgun Capper, this fight will seem very easy. However, like everyone else.

So, "narrowers" in the past. I returned to Capper and reported in the fulfillment of the mission. There are no suspicions now, and even for the raid I got a good award.

It is important: The award is issued depending on the loss. If you kill one, get ten thousand, and if everything is survived, the whole hundred!

Platform "Phoenix". A diving suit lies in the room opposite the crane.

I told Hill about everything, and he suggested while relaxing a couple of days. And he still needs to find out something. Barman for some reason I am confident that the city does not shine anything good from the destruction of "narrowing", but nothing else says.

A few days later, Brunner shared suspicions. He thinks that in his tavern there is something incomprehensible, some conspiracy, or something. In general, he advised me to at midnight in the wine cellar and hide there behind the column. Admiral often talks with some man, but Hill cannot find out what. As soon as it is suitable, they immediately silent.

Within ten, twelve I already stood behind the column. The secret conversation, however, was really interesting. Chad Cupper and unknown from the Casper clan said "case". He guessed that the carpenter killed someone else, and not "Narlla". I became a comfortable gun in his hands, and now no one will prevent Capper and "Casper" to float from the city. Here is a bastard, what to expect from the pirate ...

However, I killed their carpenter, and now they have resources, but no ship. In addition, the stranger mentioned some mechanics. Maybe it is he who is our salvation? Be that as it may, I will not give the dreams of the Kopper to come true. He is not to be the governor in the Caribbean.

I told you for all Hill, and he promised to find out who this mechanic, but when I went to the tavern, an another person hosted. Florence Slot, a new bartender, said that Hill was found dead in that very wine cellar, where I hid this night. He was discovered by the waitress Armo Duline. All in tears, she told me that before his death Hill asked her about the mechanics, but she did not know who it was. Then he went to the cellar, and two hours later was found dead.

I as if dropped by mast. So what's now? So it came out that Hill was the only conductor in this city, and now I am in my own ... but so much has already been done. I think the murder is the work of the Day of Chad. Apparently, someone came to him that Brynnen smells something smearing, and Kopper killed him.

Reverse action

Local crabs are very painful. I do not recommend poke your fingers in the claw!

I went to Chad to figure it out in the case of Hill. But he only advised not to climb into it, it is unequivocally hinted that you can pay health. Now everything finally fell into place. In addition, right before the meeting, I looked at Euva and saved Cecil Galard from three "Caspper". She told that he lives in the city for almost ten years. When she appeared, there were only four ships and five people. The city was swimming, but the mechanic named Henrik Vecher was able to connect the ships together and make it so that they did not move. However, then he began to shout about some danger. And since he was not a little in his mind, no one believed him. Later, Kapper has established laws, and a mechanic and all who knew about him, began to disappear. But no one asked questions. San Gabriel passed into the hands of "Caspper", and it became dangerous about the burden. You need to visit the master, but to pre-figure out the "Casper". For a start, I, as promised, told Armo that the death of Hill is the work of the clan.

However, the first beauty of the city is a brave girl. She offered to lure the "Casper" one by one, assigning a date at night. Naturally, instead of her I will come to meet.

The first "date" was successful. I met with Denis Hopfe on board "Ceres Smithti" and let him bullet in the chest. Although the ship stands next to the base of "Casper", nobody heard anything. Returning to the tavern, I told Armo that everything turned out. She promised to call someone else, so I think the Casper clan will soon be strongly powered.

It is important:stand on the stern "Ceres Smithti", otherwise "Caspera" will escape the sound of the fight.

The second date was passed on the same scenario, and in the third instead of one "Casper" a few came to the meeting. I wanted to remind them about the decency - the third is superfluous, "but in response, he was recognized from one of them - Juan Cabo. Armo is dead, and he killed Hill Brunner. In addition, the arrogant "Casper" decided to divide with me and led to a meeting of two friends. The faithful rapier did not let down, and Kasperians remained lying on the Deck "Ceres Smithti". Now you need to tell about the death of Armo her Uhager Thomas.

Together with Thomas Boyle, we went to the "San Gabriel" to revenge "Kaspera" and destroyed them all to one. Unfortunately, Thomas did not survive the assault. Immediately several robbers fired into it, but he bravely fought, despite severe injured.

Having understood with the clan, I found Vecher and told him about everything that I had recently happened. In addition, I invited him to arrange the election of the new admiral - naturally, with my person as a candidate, but the mechanic cut me off the half-word. The fact is that the city can go to the bottom at any time. All ships are held only on three hooked for reef. None of them can float independently, so in a strong storm we can drown everything!

However, the mechanic is not so simple. The task he does not want to do anything and requires a hundred and a half hundred billow for the ship. The amount for the city is not too big, but still you will have to preach to put on ships in search of chests.

The next day I gathered the necessary gold. It was difficult, several times I almost got caught, but the money was with me and I went to Vecorere. Paying for the ship, I learned that it still needs to be released from the captivity of other loarse. Henrick is already ready for the winch to drag the frigate, but he dropped a gear into the water, and descend on the bottom afraid. He says, there were some creatures, who are crushed people, and offers to go down to the bottom of me. There is nothing to do, there is no other way out.

Following the Phoenix platform in the invention of the burner, I went down under water. It turns out, creatures, frightening people, are huge crabs. And they did not fail to try to eat. The gun under water does not work, but the rapiir is perfectly possible. I figured out crab and found a gear behind one of the pile of stones.

It is important:the gear appears in a random place. Look for - you can dive several times, but an additional descent under the water costs thirty thousand. I note that the first chest justifies the costs. And do not forget that you have only six minutes, then the air will end.

Rising upstairs, I gave the missing part to Vecier and went to collect everything you need for travel: provisions, medicines, bombs, kernels, bookpel, cartoon, powder and weapons. I bought the sail and boards from IOST, and about the nuclei agreed with housekeepers of houses. They still do not need this trash. One problem remained - the weapon and gunpowder from Chad Kopper, and he is unlikely to give them.

It is important:to collect everything you need, you will need three bottles of wine, fifteen grapes and ten salts bags. From the last one very tight, but it is possible to find it on the "Furi".

Chad Capper left for a couple of moments. Now he will attack me.

As I assumed, Capper refused to give me the necessary, but one of the "policemen" - John Workman - agreed to transfer everything to where it was necessary, but he took the promise that I would take it with me. With preparations completed, now you need to collect the team. Fifteen man, I think, enough.

Owning the inhabitants of the city, I was able to dial the minimum command. Many refused and did not believe me, but still the majority already tired of such life, and they did not doubt the mechanics in the words of the mechanics. I tried to warn the capper, but he only threatened me death. All those who refused to rescue think that the city will endure another storm.

When I returned to San Gabriel, I met me by Mendoza and said that Vecher was just inclined two "policemen." We'll have to cut out mechanics, because without it we will not be able to free the ship. Which of him is, if he leaves on the bottom with all the city? I ordered Felix to go to Corvette, and I went to Capper.

As soon as I entered his residence, Kapper flew to me like a hurricane. He prepared an ambush, but together with Warcman, we quickly laid the end of his power in the city. It remains only to save Vecher, and he is at Tartarus.

It is important:in the last stage of the quest of the city of lost ships, you will close a quick transition.

After killing the head of the prison, I tried to open the cage of Vecker, but could not. You need to find the key! However, the mechanic said that he was here in the city. He, as a scientist, really want to test his theory. But even if the city does not drown, he will begin here a new life with those who stayed. But without admiral, clans and other villains.

I decided to leave Vecher here, because it is his right. I also need to get to Corvette. To do this, you need to go up to the second mast "Fernando Diffundura", and as soon as possible. The storm is gaining strength, there is no time.

When I got out of the bowels of Tartarus, more than half of the city lay under water. Unfortunately, the mechanic was right. I gathered all my strength and swam to Diffundura, and there I moved to the Corvette "Dog War" and despair from the island of justice. Who knows, maybe, over time, he will again "turn out" ships?

Evening wind easily customized Corvette. Such days in the Caribbean are not uncommon. No wonder, many believe that this is the paradise ... Andrew Frost, standing at the helm, ordered the team "Do anything, just not to interfere." The wind, sails, stretched guys and a quiet creak of wood ... Andrew always considered the ship to continue his body, but this time he was "continuation". Corvette "Dog War" walked to new adventure, cutting blue-green smooth caribbean ...

Burnt: In the tenochtitlan itself.

Swim to the bay of mosquitoes on Mayna (above Santa Catalina). Sit down and see Silvio Ricci on the shore. He will tell that the captain and the ship's team explored the mainland and found an abandoned city, but most burned down on fire with a pass through the dam, and the rest killed Aztec. After talking, go through the jungle to the city.

In the city you meet Aztec Montesum. Speaking with him, you will learn the details about the city, and it will offer a deal - in exchange for jade skull, which is located in the Temple of the Great Life Force, he will give you weapons of the gods. Naturally, you agree and he reportsIt is possible to get to the city only through the dam, and it is a curse of fire. To remove the curses, you need to insert two totems in the plate in front of the entrance to the dam or one totem, but in the city itself (for this you need to run through the fire).

Places of finding three totems:

Totem Kamashtly is located in the location with Aztec, run in the opposite direction from the place where he stands (Montesum), go into the water and there next to the stones it lies;

Totem Tlasolteototle is located in the previous location, look for the edges of the hills (to facilitate the search I advise you to disable grass in the settings, then the totems will be seen from afar);

Totem Tonatiu is abandoned between the cities of Porto-Bello and Panama. After leaving Porto Bell, run to the location located on the left, there again in the extreme left location and here the totem is (again, look for the edges of the hills).

After finding totters, return to the tenochtitlan and remove the damn from the dam. After that, talk to Montesum. He reports that the curse is removed and now it is necessary to open the temple of the Great Little Power, for this you will need to find 10 totems (sharkitzal, Miktlatektlyli, Cetzalcoatlia, Mishkoatlia, Testlipotlipok, Chalchitlykue, Wit, Tlalok, Mayuel, Tonakatetley). They can either buy from street vendors, in the store, in people in the church (jungle), or find (may be in an absolutely any place).

Talking with Montessum can Go to town if there is a desire. There will meet two Aztec brothers. Talk to them.

In the city, two buildings with columns are located in the city around the edges of the Grand vitality. Come in the water (it is better to preserve before this), you will find yourself in a labyrinth under water, swim to the opposite exit (the first turn to the left, and there you will find themselves, only in a hurry, time is limited). And now the main thing, sailing a labyrinth, you will find yourself in a closed space inside the church of the Great vitality. In one of the two seats, you will make a closed chest, take away the Syntotral Totem from there (just not sell it later, he will be more useful for you).

So, after a long search for 10 totems (and quickly it will not work) you all found them. Return to tenochtitlan (be sure to boot in advance with a large number of treatment and antidces). To the left and right of the temple of a great vitality (next to buildings with columns) are two high buildings, climb up and you make 5 doors. You need to go to each door and install the desired totem in the slab on the floor. Throughout the door, 3 Aztek will be attached to you, so it is better to persist before each side. After installing all 10 totems, your path lies in the temple of the Great Life Power.

In the temple, you again have to fight (by the way, you will be alone, the officers will not go to the temples) with Aztecs. Passing on the temple and killing everyone you will see Pedestal, and there is a big gold coin on it, nefrite skull will lie nearby. Take it, and God of the Dead appears. He says that it will be possible to get out of here, only defeating it in battle. Well, what, start fighting. After the victory over him, he says that you are a good warrior and you can leave a skull at myself, he also tells who Montesum is actually.

Everything can be left. But do not rush. In the opposite corner from the place where the skull lay, there is a way out, and next to the stove. Insert the totem syntheotile into this slab (it will open the chest). To the left of the pedestal at the end of the corridor there is a chest, take the sacrificial knife from it and leave the temple.

After that, climb the round building (it is the only thing in the city). The door to the temple will be closed, go around it and see a small hole in the wall, a hand will appear, insert the knife and the door will open there. Come in the inside and take a shoe.

On the way from the city, talk to the brothers, they will congratulate you and wish good luck, tell you that you stop the skull.

It remains to talk to Montessum. He is waiting for you on the dam. In the conversation it turns out that he decided to revive the dead aztecs and conquer the world. Of course, you do not like such a prospect and you kill him with a clean conscience. Get out of location, a new entry will appear in the ship log. Quest is over.

Important: Do not sell jade skull. It will be needed to fulfill another quest.