Anomalous zones and mysteries of Kalmykia. Kalmyk treasures on Balkhash Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and aliens

We jumped out on weekends in the morning to rush along the Kalmyk steppes. I’ll say the sun and warmth near Stavropol. How surprised we were, upon arrival at the place. Kholodin, the wind, but at least nothing fell on our heads. The places are so beautiful, our joy was not a chapel. And so it began. It turned out that during the night the land had been so grabbed that the earth turned into concrete. By lunchtime it cleared up, you can see from the photo. The land moved away, we walked around the village under the interesting name Ahnud, it seemed like finds went, but a little but nice ... and then there was a surprise. A car drives up to us and climbs out of it as you think who ... Mr. tovarisch major with a pestle and in uniform, the first time he saw a policeman from Uskoglazov .. He intelligibly explained to us that we frighten the local residents and he is a district policeman here and he does not need us here. To our question, and if we move to the next beam, he took, of course, move there is not my site. Beautiful. According to the finds, there are not enough pictures for planting. A couple of fingers, one in the photo, the second with a stone finally. Ten two coins they turn off in soap from them to the article who understands one kopeck piece of 1902. In a word, adventure. I forgot to mention the riders on black with kakunas with carbines behind the foam who jumped out of the darkness. It was horror. such that they do not need to get up on their hind legs to look into the window. heh. so then.

From the 7th century to the 9th, the center of one of the earliest state formations of Eastern Europe - the Khazar Kaganate - was located on the territory of modern Kalmykia. The masters of the Eastern European steppes for the next three centuries were the Pechenegs, Torks and Polovtsians. In the XIII century, the territory of the Volga-Don interfluve was ruled by the Golden Horde, after the collapse of which the Nogai roamed here. The last wave that reached the lower Volga steppes was the classical nomads of the modern era - the Kalmyks or Oirats.

The ancestors of the Kalmyks are the western Mongols-Oirats, immigrants from Central Asia, Western Mongolia. At the beginning of the 17th century, part of the Oirat rulers of the ulus (ulus is a territorial unit) moved to Russia. In 1608, their ambassadors were received by the Russian Tsar Vasily Shuisky, who gave a positive answer to their request to accept Russian citizenship, to allocate places for nomadism and protection from the Kazakh and Nogai khans. Gradually, they settled in the lower reaches of the Volga, on the territory of the modern Republic of Kalmykia. Since 1664, the Kalmyk Khanate existed, which was liquidated in 1771, after part of the nomadic people, dissatisfied with the increasing oppression from the Russian government, made an unsuccessful attempt to return to their historical homeland. The lands were colonized by the Russian Empire and divided between the Astrakhan and Stavropol provinces. The Kalmyks received autonomy only after the October Revolution of 1917.

Historical heritage

Modern economic activities on the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia threaten the preservation of monuments of historical heritage, therefore, rescue archaeological excavations are being organized. Finds from the steppe mounds allow you to explore the world of ancient nomads: to understand and imagine the way of life that nomadic tribes led in the distant past, to find out what religious ideas they had.

According to official data, there are about 200 thousand ancient burial mounds in the region (according to other sources, several times less - several tens of thousands), which are archaeological monuments of different eras, from the Bronze Age (V-IV millennium BC - the end of the II millennium AD). e.) to the Golden Horde time (the second half of the 30s of the XIII century - the middle of the XV century). Burials of the Maikop culture are also found here (the second quarter of the 4th millennium - the second half of the 4th millennium - the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC).

There are 341 historical and cultural monuments on the territory of Kalmykia, of which 51 are archeological monuments. According to estimates, in the period from 1929 to 1997, 3885 burials and 1289 burial mounds were excavated on the territory of the republic.


The first period of the study of archaeological sites on the territory of the then Kalmyk Autonomous Region began in 1929 under the leadership of the director of the Lower Volga Regional Museum (Saratov), ​​professor of Saratov University P.S. Rykov. An archaeological and ethnographic expedition carried out exploration work and excavations in the area of ​​the Kalmyk Bazar villages (now Privolzhsk, Astrakhan Region), then, through Yashkul, to the then village of Elista, to Lake Khanata. These were the first archaeological finds and ethnographic objects collected during the expedition on the territory of Kalmykia. The exhibits are now kept in the funds of the Saratov Regional Museum of Local Lore. Also preserved are the works published as a result of the excavations.

In 1932, in the newly proclaimed capital of the Kalmyk Autonomous Region, the city of Elista, the Historical and Ethnographic Museum of Kalmyks was created. Before the start of World War II, 124 mounds with 250 burials were examined, but none of the exhibits from the pre-war period have survived. Some of the items made of precious metals - 271 kg of gold and silver - were sent to the Defense Fund for melting by the order of the Soviet government. The rest of the exhibits disappeared without a trace during the fascist occupation of Elista and during the years of the deportation of the Kalmyk people.

The second stage of archaeological research began in the 60s of the XX century. The city of Elista was slowly rebuilt after the destruction of the war, people returned to normal life after a difficult stage of deportation. In the Kalmyk Republic, which again received the status of autonomy, along with the construction of schools and hospitals, it was decided to organize the Kalmyk Museum of Local Lore as a priority.

The revived republic was actively under construction: the region needed a railway, a reservoir, therefore, in a short time, a large number of rescue archaeological expeditions were carried out. The first expeditions of the early 60s were organized by the professor of the Kalmyk Institute of Language, Literature and History U.E. Erdniev together with the professor of the Saratov University I.V. Sinitsyn. During the second stage of archaeological research, 2,192 burials were discovered. Human remains from the mounds were studied by scientific institutes in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Almost all materials were published, archaeological finds were transferred to the Kalmyk Museum of Local Lore, the Saratov Museum of Local Lore and the State Historical Museum, where they are kept to this day.

The third period of large-scale excavations dates back to 1977. Since that time, rescue expeditions have become almost annual. They were carried out in the zones of "construction projects of the century": KAROS - Kalmyk-Astrakhan rice irrigation system and EHF - the Volga-Chograi canal, the Tengiz-Novorossiysk oil pipeline. During these studies, unique material was obtained. Field reports were submitted to the scientific archive of the Kalmyk Institute, and after 1992 - to the archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow.

Currently, the National Museum of the Republic of Kalmykia named after N.N. Palmova has 70 thousand storage units and occupies two buildings. The exposition area of ​​the museum is more than 1500 sq. m.

In 2008, a monograph was published by the archaeologist, Ph.D., employee of the KIGI RAS Maria Alexandrovna Ochir-Goryaeva "Archaeological monuments of the Volga-Manych steppes" (a collection of monuments studied in 1929-1997), which is a unique reference book on archaeological Kalmykia.

Anthropological studies based on the study of bone material from Kalmykia have made a significant contribution to the expansion of ideas about racial type, ethnic differences, diseases and the external appearance of the ancient population of the Eurasian steppes. The Kalmyk steppes have not lost their attractiveness for scientists so far. The introduction of modern computer research technologies into archeology, such as the methods of geographic information systems, makes it possible to study monuments located at a considerable distance from each other, and with the help of navigation devices, space and aerial photographs, it is possible to establish the most accurate geographical coordinates of objects and put them on maps. New technologies make it possible to study archaeological sites on a larger scale and in depth, both geographically and chronologically.


In the Kalmyk Museum of Local Lore named after Professor N.N. Palmova in the town of Elista has several unique collections, including a collection of archaeological items. For example, well-preserved clay vessels from the Bronze Age of the Catacomb culture (end of the 3rd millennium BC - the middle of the 2nd millennium BC). The ceramics from the burials of this time are distinguished by a wide variety of sizes, shapes and ornaments.

From the necropolises of a later time - items made of precious metals. In a burial near Yashul, parts of the harness were found, which are real works of ancient jewelry art. Bridle items or whole bridle sets discovered in burials of the Scythian-Sarmatian period (VI century BC - IV century AD) are considered by archaeologists as symbols of horses that accompanied the deceased to the afterlife to serve him there. The war horse in the life of the nomads was not just a mount. He played a key role in everyday life, and was one of the main characters in mythology and religious beliefs.

The museum contains unique female gold pendants with pomegranate inserts, found in a rich female late Sarmatian (late 1st century - 4th century AD) burial in the town of Arshan Zelmen, in a box with other jewelry.

The Kalmyk Museum of Local Lore also contains three stone statues and fragments of two incompletely preserved statues from Polovtsian burials. For them in archeology the name "Stone women" was fixed, as they were called in Russian chronicles (from the Turkic word "babai" - ancestor). They were symbols of the progenitors, ceremonies dedicated to the ancestors of the clan or even the whole tribe were held around them. They were built on any elevated places, including, of course, on the mounds. By the stone statues, one can judge the anthropological type of the Polovtsians. "Stone women" are excellent examples of Polovtsian costume, jewelry, weapons.

In the National Museum of the Republic of Kalmykia, you can learn the complete history of the Kalmyk people. Here a rich ethnographic material is collected, a collection of Buddhist cult objects is exhibited and the modern fine art of Kalmykia is presented.

In the Ketchenerovsky region of Kalmykia, during the excavation of steppe mounds, archaeologists discovered rare burials dating back to the early Bronze Age.


Peter Koltsov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Kalmyk State University, told Interfax that during the excavations burials of the Bronze Age catacomb culture and Yamnaya culture(2-3 thousand years BC).

Scientists-archaeologists of Saratov universities, as well as graduate students and students of the Kalmyk University. In particular, archaeologists have discovered the burial of a master gunsmith"in the rider's pose". His remains were covered with ocher. A whole set of tools and handpieces were found nearby, as well as various blanks.

"The uniqueness of the finds lies in the fact that they can trace the entire process of making primitive tools- from the first blow on the pebbles to the finished product ", - the professor is sure. According to him, the burial mound groups near the villages of Shatta and Altsynkhut will continue. The Yamnaya culture dates back to about 3600-2300 BC. 2000-1500 BC This archaeological culture of the Eneolithic - Early Bronze Age in the Caspian-Black Sea steppes occupied the territory from the Southern Urals to the Dniester and from the Ciscaucasia to the Middle Volga region.

The main feature of the Yamnaya culture- funeral monuments, burials under the mounds. At the early stage of the Yamnaya culture, burials with ocher-dyed skeletons lying on their backs with their heads to the east were widespread. Then there are burials on the side with the head towards the west, copper items.

Among the treasures were several bars of silver, placer gold and even a whole unlooted tomb. Such finds became known over the past 10 days of the month of October.

1. An ancient tomb from the Roman era.

The city of Milas in Turkey, like any other, is developing thanks to construction. However, at one of the construction sites, something strange was discovered. The workers immediately called in archaeologists, who conducted a study of the area with metal detectors. It turned out that a burial chamber was opened, created 2400 years ago. It contained 103 artifacts dating back to the Hellenistic and Roman eras. They date back to the time when Milas was the capital of ancient Caria and the religious center of Labrand.

“Since the chamber was never opened and looted, all the artifacts in it have remained intact to this day. Among the finds are clay lamps, ritual bowls, offerings to the dead, dishes, cosmetics, many gold threads, as well as a unique necklace made of bone, ”said the director of the Milasa Museum, Gulnaz Savran.

2. When two million is not better than one.

3. A meteorite weighing 28 tons.

In Argentina, with the help of deep metal detectors, a huge Campo del Cielo meteorite weighing 28 tons was discovered. Well, actually, that says it all. The cobblestone was dug up, photographed, taken to the scientific center to investigate. Eyewitnesses say that under the layer of mud the meteorite is colored - there are red, green, yellow, white and brown colors. Scientists estimate that this meteorite fell to earth about 4500 years ago.

4. House of treasures.

A Reddit user with the nickname EvilEnglish loved his grandparents very much. And grandparents are his. And also collect wounded items. After death, the old people bequeathed their house in Tennessee to their grandson. When he came to clean up, he found a very dirty carpet ... He decided to get rid of the musty carpet, but when he picked it up, he found a safe. And in the safe there is a time capsule from the 1930s, coins before 1937, books, money, even silver bars. Lucky, in general, the heir.

5. Found a treasure on the map.

An extraordinary event took place in the Polish city of Lubomer. It all started, in principle, in a standard way: the woman called the police and asked to detain two people with metal detectors who were ransacking her site. It turned out that these were two Germans who had come to look for the treasure according to the map left by the deceased grandfather. He worked as a gardener and buried the treasure back in 1952. The police forbade young people to dig without permission. Then they are - attention! - asked permission from the owner of the site, and she gave them permission.

Residents of Hamburg found watches, gold jewelry, cufflinks with precious stones, an old cigarette case and coins of the 19th century. As a result, the finds were sent for examination. If it turns out that they are of historical value, then they will be sent to the local museum.

As for the near-klado-search news, there are few of them: perhaps it is worth mentioning that the remains of the palace of Emir Edige, one of the most influential rulers of the Golden Horde, were allegedly found in the Mangystau region of Kazakhstan. And in Kalmykia, the Museum of the Central Khurul exhibited the "Shatta collection" - figurines, images of deities, lamps and other ritual rarities that were found near the village of Shatta. They were discovered by local electrician Nikolai Ivanov. The ancient cult accessories, apparently, were hidden in the ground by one of the inhabitants of the village during the days of the 1943 repressions.