Anton Chizh: Dead ball. Dead Bowl Dead Ball Anton Chizh

Name: Deckless
Format: MP3, 44.1 KHz, 96 kbps
Executor: Ivan Shevelev
Sound time: 11:57:49
Description: In the novel, the "dead ball" - the continuation of the detention of the brilliant detective, the petner of Rodiona Vanzarova and his friend, the great criminologist Apollo Lebedev. August 1895. In the summer house of the famous Billiardist Nile Borodin, a man of rich and influential, an emergency occurrence: a human eye pops up in a pelase with jam. Who lost eye, is unknown. Police authorities asking to deal with the case confidentially. Investigation of an unpleasant incident is conducted by Vanzarov through the closed world of public houses of the capital and the billiard game, and plunging deeper into the dark pool of someone else's family history. There, where the mystery is hidden, which can still do a lot of trouble. To find a randering, Vanzarov will fight with the rock itself, once found on the torment of the king Edip. Who will win an unequal fight? For what purpose did the eye been cut? What hides the curse of the Borodin family?

Anton Chizh.

Dead ball

The billiard game is largely different from all other games. This is the only entertainment that connects pleasant with useful. The pleasant of the billiard game is that the playing, distracting from everyday trifles and Dryazg, is given for a while the noble sense of sports competition with others in agility, speed, intelligence and pleasant spectacle, like a broken ball, exactly alive, performs his orders : Beats other balls and makes them, in turn, to fulfill the will of his Mr. and, having done his work, becoming at that particular place, which is mentally defined by the player.

School and rules of the billiard game on the method of the famous Russian player S.F. Dokuchaev, Pokrovsky and others.PB., 1899

Billiard although it seems to be simple and for all understandable tool, but in the depths of its simplicity it stores many and many secrets.

As you know, nomadic tribes walked to Europe for new impressions and fresh women. It is difficult to condemn the wild hordes. Well, what entertainment in the steppes is a waste of yes longing around. And the ladies' population is not at all. Where, tell me, find in the steppe at least some young lady, not that pretty? Mares, chicks yes Kovyl. So the nomads of challenged with severe pastures are not a historical mission, but a purely practical task: to entertain the agricultural cities conquered, at the same time looking at the two or three wives or slaves.

But this infection draws urban residents in the crowd of wanderers and drives to the country - science is unknown. First, you have no impressions: mosquitoes and dirt are the same. As for the fishing of wives on the lap of nature, then the existing spouses are in advance towards innocent entertainment without a proper latitude of views. One-sided and nonlaskovo belong to, just say. In a word, to do now a civilized person in the country there is nothing to do. Sit at home in front of the window, inhale evaporation, swallow dust and be happy.

Nevertheless, the arguments of the reason did not stop anyone. Every May Fathers of the family headed raids of predatory households to nearby peaceful settlements, in which they settle down with all the scarves, children, dogs and stocks, so that later three months in a row every morning to go to the service in crowded trains, and in the evening hurry back in the suctoral.

But for any happiness comes retribution. August comes, and with him the end of the summer season. And then the student St. Petersburg appeals to the fish, which the network was tightened to the whole jamb. Fishes are silent in horror, hoarse, come from side to side, but no salvation - the nem is pulling. Before the coming autumn, everyone should be broken down into a cake, but tagged herd family problems.

Oh, how many of them!

The student St. Petersburg is obliged to find and relieve a new apartment so that the family survive storms and frosts under a reliable roof to a new spring. Of course, it is obliged to find a decent school for the younger chad, providing them with everything necessary for knowledge of knowledge. And also the spouse is certainly required to purchase new furniture, tables, or damned chiffonier, or at least a couple of chairs - because in August, it is customary to buy new furniture when yet. In addition, no one removed from him an indispensable obligation to break up, but to get tickets for all fashionable premieres and the benefits of the upcoming season, otherwise there is nothing to discuss with guests with guests and all the love of art, she will take off his already guilty her head. And so worn unfortunate as a caustic fish, and thinks only about one thing: how to get ahead yes to scat the same slaves of debt.

But that these tests compared to the delight, which gives August! In the trapped man in the street, as if the wings grows behind his back, it is worth only to spread through the capital to the magic aroma, which is impossible to confuse and have nothing to replace. The fragrance is poured by a wide flood, and soon it seems that there is no such corner, street or entrance, which would not be bollying with freshly brewed jam.

Oh, jam! How much mean you for the St. Petersburg resident! In you, one finds himself to be soothing and repelling with long winter evenings when frost breaks into the windows. In you, one finds the calm of the soul when the other does not remain. You have one delight and creature. It is determined to live without jam in St. Petersburg.

Do you love jam, how to love him in the capital? No, you do not love him like that. You have such passion to him. In some southern city, like Moscow, Paris or Baghdad sweets, at least a shovel of Grey, all sorts of Lukuma with sherbetas. But in the northern capital there is nothing but jam. One local poet even wrote a string: "I love you, Peter jam ...", but the typewriter in the printing houses confused, and "Creation" came out. So left.

Who lived in this gloom town, will understand, what happiness to smoke in the cold or bad weather a jar, breathe the aroma of strawberries, raspberries, cherries, strawberries, blueberries, yes, you are mine, still, pick up a sugar berry spoon, brilliant precious ruby, send to Roth and feel such a naga and inspiration, such force and fire, which not describe in words. No jamam, confiture and jelly excite such unrest. Therefore, they eat jam in St. Petersburg as much as, as usual, there is no much. No, it is impossible to break away from the jam ... And the foam!

So, something was fascinated not there. In order not to go off the sweet toast, repeat after ancient Apulela: "Let's start our affection, the reader, you will be satisfied."

The day of the first half of August 1895, as it should be, soaked in the smell of a variety of jam. By the way, it is for a long time it's time to transfer this month from nonpatariotic Roman-Caesar to generally: jam. In order for July, the joy is immediately. And there, you look, and September.

So. The heat was inferior to the first autumn chill, so the cool breeze spread the hot clouds sweet. All living, robbing things, took the copper basins and bags with sugar. Beei and Best, not flexing the spin, dragged full baskets into the city, and the greedy womb absorbed the mountains of ripenes, demanding new offering. Sadly, but in the capital, jam is preparing anyone in the population. It is better not to know how it was preparing.

Here, for example, Apraksin Market, usually selling any rubbish, turned into one big kitchen. For a long time, no moldable women clean the mountains of berries and, without sprinkling water, thrown into boilers, never knew soaps and a scraper. The jam is prevented by the first stick, and what will fall, fly or snot in the pelvis, just as it is necessary. And this is such a national work, the ear traders are bought directly from the fire, pour into pound banks, in which three quarters of the pound are fairly placed, the shaped labels are glued and brazenly require thirty kopecks per piece. What a keenness!

The billiard game is largely different from all other games. This is the only entertainment that connects pleasant with useful. The pleasant of the billiard game is that the playing, distracting from everyday trifles and Dryazg, is given for a while the noble sense of sports competition with others in agility, speed, intelligence and pleasant spectacle, like a broken ball, exactly alive, performs his orders : Beats other balls and makes them, in turn, to fulfill the will of his Mr. and, having done his work, becoming at that particular place, which is mentally defined by the player.

School and rules of the billiard game on the method of the famous Russian player S.F. Dokuchaev, Pokrovsky and others.

Billiard although it seems to be simple and for all understandable tool, but in the depths of its simplicity it stores many and many secrets.

As you know, nomadic tribes walked to Europe for new impressions and fresh women. It is difficult to condemn the wild hordes. Well, what entertainment in the steppes is a waste of yes longing around. And the ladies' population is not at all. Where, tell me, find in the steppe at least some young lady, not that pretty? Mares, chicks yes Kovyl. So the nomads of challenged with severe pastures are not a historical mission, but a purely practical task: to entertain the agricultural cities conquered, at the same time looking at the two or three wives or slaves.

But this infection draws urban residents in the crowd of wanderers and drives to the country - science is unknown. First, you have no impressions: mosquitoes and dirt are the same. As for the fishing of wives on the lap of nature, then the existing spouses are in advance towards innocent entertainment without a proper latitude of views. One-sided and nonlaskovo belong to, just say. In a word, to do now a civilized person in the country there is nothing to do. Sit at home in front of the window, inhale evaporation, swallow dust and be happy.

Nevertheless, the arguments of the reason did not stop anyone. Every May Fathers of the family headed raids of predatory households to nearby peaceful settlements, in which they settle down with all the scarves, children, dogs and stocks, so that later three months in a row every morning to go to the service in crowded trains, and in the evening hurry back in the suctoral.

But for any happiness comes retribution. August comes, and with him the end of the summer season. And then the student St. Petersburg appeals to the fish, which the network was tightened to the whole jamb. Fishes are silent in horror, hoarse, come from side to side, but no salvation - the nem is pulling. Before the coming autumn, everyone should be broken down into a cake, but tagged herd family problems.

Oh, how many of them!

The student St. Petersburg is obliged to find and relieve a new apartment so that the family survive storms and frosts under a reliable roof to a new spring. Of course, it is obliged to find a decent school for the younger chad, providing them with everything necessary for knowledge of knowledge. And also the spouse is certainly required to purchase new furniture, tables, or damned chiffonier, or at least a couple of chairs - because in August, it is customary to buy new furniture when yet. In addition, no one removed from him an indispensable obligation to break up, but to get tickets for all fashionable premieres and the benefits of the upcoming season, otherwise there is nothing to discuss with guests with guests and all the love of art, she will take off his already guilty her head. And so worn unfortunate as a caustic fish, and thinks only about one thing: how to get ahead yes to scat the same slaves of debt.

But that these tests compared to the delight, which gives August! In the trapped man in the street, as if the wings grows behind his back, it is worth only to spread through the capital to the magic aroma, which is impossible to confuse and have nothing to replace. The fragrance is poured by a wide flood, and soon it seems that there is no such corner, street or entrance, which would not be bollying with freshly brewed jam.

Oh, jam! How much mean you for the St. Petersburg resident! In you, one finds himself to be soothing and repelling with long winter evenings when frost breaks into the windows. In you, one finds the calm of the soul when the other does not remain. You have one delight and creature. It is determined to live without jam in St. Petersburg.

Do you love jam, how to love him in the capital? No, you do not love him like that. You have such passion to him. In some southern city, like Moscow, Paris or Baghdad sweets, at least a shovel of Grey, all sorts of Lukuma with sherbetas. But in the northern capital there is nothing but jam. One local poet even wrote a string: "I love you, Peter jam ...", but the typewriter in the printing houses confused, and "Creation" came out. So left.

Who lived in this gloom town, will understand, what happiness to smoke in the cold or bad weather a jar, breathe the aroma of strawberries, raspberries, cherries, strawberries, blueberries, yes, you are mine, still, pick up a sugar berry spoon, brilliant precious ruby, send to Roth and feel such a naga and inspiration, such force and fire, which not describe in words. No jamam, confiture and jelly excite such unrest. Therefore, they eat jam in St. Petersburg as much as, as usual, there is no much. No, it is impossible to break away from the jam ... And the foam!

So, something was fascinated not there. In order not to go off the sweet toast, repeat after ancient Apulela: "Let's start our affection, the reader, you will be satisfied."

The day of the first half of August 1895, as it should be, soaked in the smell of a variety of jam. By the way, it is for a long time it's time to transfer this month from nonpatariotic Roman-Caesar to generally: jam. In order for July, the joy is immediately. And there, you look, and September.

So. The heat was inferior to the first autumn chill, so the cool breeze spread the hot clouds sweet. All living, robbing things, took the copper basins and bags with sugar. Beei and Best, not flexing the spin, dragged full baskets into the city, and the greedy womb absorbed the mountains of ripenes, demanding new offering. Sadly, but in the capital, jam is preparing anyone in the population. It is better not to know how it was preparing.

Here, for example, Apraksin Market, usually selling any rubbish, turned into one big kitchen. For a long time, no moldable women clean the mountains of berries and, without sprinkling water, thrown into boilers, never knew soaps and a scraper. The jam is prevented by the first stick, and what will fall, fly or snot in the pelvis, just as it is necessary. And this is such a national work, the ear traders are bought directly from the fire, pour into pound banks, in which three quarters of the pound are fairly placed, the shaped labels are glued and brazenly require thirty kopecks per piece. What a keenness!

But what to do to the St. Petersburg man in the street: recruits this sweet poison and thanks. And what will you order: stay for winter without jam? After all, the real - Kiev, the very best and fragrant - the day with fire is not found, for some mysterious reason it is not brought to the capital, no, and that's it. Confectionery jam that manufactures factories, of course, fine, but the price in the throat does not climb. And buy a member-glycerin borough of berry maclakov - frankly scary. And the Petersburger-apartment is satisfied with the fact that they offer markets. And what is curious: it is not so often. And then in winter. Maybe Peterbourger's stomach learned to digest stones? Or accustomed to everything.

However, the inhabitants of a one-story, but stone mansion, who had powering in the greenery of the Cross Island, did not threaten to fervent winter without jam. Happily located still within the city, but no matter how outside it, the house had a backyard, on which a brick focus was touched, covered with a stiffer tin, on which a copper basin with a massive handle was configured, cute and pouring the aroma flavor of a boiling gooseberry. There was also the main secret of a delicious jam: a cook, who knows how to cook it. The girl in a simple dress and a grizzled apron leisurely drove a wooden spoon along the route, in which S "swam in" Z ". Waving one of her a famous minute, lifted the basin and shook well. Verevo smacked and broke in full pleasure. Ready, you can shoot.

Rodion Vanzarov - 2

The billiard game is largely different from all other games. This is the only entertainment that connects pleasant with useful. The pleasant of the billiard game is that the playing, distracting from everyday trifles and Dryazg, is given for a while the noble sense of sports competition with others in agility, speed, intelligence and pleasant spectacle, like a broken ball, exactly alive, performs his orders : Beats other balls and makes them, in turn, to fulfill the will of his Mr. and, having done his work, becoming at that particular place, which is mentally defined by the player.

School and rules of the billiard game on the method of the famous Russian player S.F. Dokuchaev, Pokrovsky and others.

Billiard although it seems to be simple and for all understandable tool, but in the depths of its simplicity it stores many and many secrets.

As you know, nomadic tribes walked to Europe for new impressions and fresh women. It is difficult to condemn the wild hordes. Well, what entertainment in the steppes is a waste of yes longing around. And the ladies' population is not at all. Where, tell me, find in the steppe at least some young lady, not that pretty? Mares, chicks yes Kovyl. So the nomads of challenged with severe pastures are not a historical mission, but a purely practical task: to entertain the agricultural cities conquered, at the same time looking at the two or three wives or slaves.

But this infection draws urban residents in the crowd of wanderers and drives to the country - science is unknown. First, you have no impressions: mosquitoes and dirt are the same. As for the fishing of wives on the lap of nature, then the existing spouses are in advance towards innocent entertainment without a proper latitude of views. One-sided and nonlaskovo belong to, just say. In a word, to do now a civilized person in the country there is nothing to do. Sit at home in front of the window, inhale evaporation, swallow dust and be happy.

Nevertheless, the arguments of the reason did not stop anyone. Every May Fathers of the family headed raids of predatory households to nearby peaceful settlements, in which they settle down with all the scarves, children, dogs and stocks, so that later three months in a row every morning to go to the service in crowded trains, and in the evening hurry back in the suctoral.

But for any happiness comes retribution. August comes, and with him the end of the summer season. And then the student St. Petersburg appeals to the fish, which the network was tightened to the whole jamb. Fishes are silent in horror, hoarse, come from side to side, but no salvation - the nem is pulling. Before the coming autumn, everyone should be broken down into a cake, but tagged herd family problems.

Oh, how many of them!

The student St. Petersburg is obliged to find and relieve a new apartment so that the family survive storms and frosts under a reliable roof to a new spring. Of course, it is obliged to find a decent school for the younger chad, providing them with everything necessary for knowledge of knowledge. And also the spouse is certainly required to purchase new furniture, tables, or damned chiffonier, or at least a couple of chairs - because in August, it is customary to buy new furniture when yet. In addition, no one removed from him an indispensable obligation to break up, but to get tickets for all fashionable premieres and the benefits of the upcoming season, otherwise there is nothing to discuss with guests with guests and all the love of art, she will take off his already guilty her head. And so worn unfortunate as a caustic fish, and thinks only about one thing: how to get ahead yes to scat the same slaves of debt.

But that these tests compared to the delight, which gives August! In the trapped man in the street, as if the wings grows behind his back, it is worth only to spread through the capital to the magic aroma, which is impossible to confuse and have nothing to replace.