Didak game Tell me who makes a goal. "Didactic game" Who does what? " Abstract open classes in the first youngest group. The game "What was - what became"

Didactic Games using elements


System approach to the surrounding world

Game "Find the whole and part"

Purpose: teach children to determine by analogy to the task that must be performed. According to the first pair of words, learn to determine how rule has a place here: an integer or part-integer.

1. in: Car - Wheel;

d: Airplane - ... (wings, sky).

Children are invited to name the corresponding answer.

2. in: Cherry - bone;

d: Cancer - ... (Cleash, Fish).

3. Q: Cat - mustache;

d: Tree - ... (forest, trunk). Etc.

Game "Find the main thing"

It is proposed to the system to it several subsystems from which you need to select two subsystems that are necessarily parts of this system.

Example: Forest - Hunter, Wolf, trees path, bushes swamp.

Garden - plants, gardener, dog, fence, earth.

River - shore, fish, fisherman, tina, water.

City - Cars, buildings, crowd, street, bike.

Book - Pictures, Adventures, Paper, Bookmark, Text.

Hospital - chambers, doctor, bathrobes, patients, injection, Rengen.

The game "What is connected with"

Purpose: teach children to find links between objects, even if they are not directly connected, but through the mediator. Learning to draw conclusions that everything is interconnected.

For example:

Tree - water. (Without water, the tree can not live).

Button - shirt. (Buttitz need to fasten the shirt).

Table - Vase. (Vase with flowers put on the table).

Fish - hand. (Fish is caught by the network, and the network is thrown by their hands; the hands are cleansed by their hands; feed it in the aquarium).

System operator

Game "Name the subject by properties"


Consider knowledge of the environment, analyzing familiar subjects and highlighting their properties.

Intensify in the speech of children the concept of object properties.

To form the concept that the one and the same subject can combine several signs.

For example:

Strong + kind \u003d

Ringing + loud \u003d

Fluffy + gray \u003d

Complete option:

Smooth + gray + quiet \u003d

White + edible + soft \u003d

Red + easy + shiny \u003d

"What of what"

Purpose: Teach children to disassemble any object on the part. Call these parts, calculate their quantity.


The educator or the child quickly calls the subject (object), children must call from which it consists.

Complete option:

Children are invited to immediately call the number of parts.

For example: The car is one body - one steering wheel - four wheels, two big headlights, etc.

Game "Teremok"

Purpose: Fasten the concepts of children about the objects of the surrounding world, analyzing familiar items and highlighting their properties, functions.

Learn to use in speech a brief description of the properties of objects, highlighting the most important quality in them.

To form a concept that the one and the same subject can combine several signs, functions.

Move: the tutor shows "Teremok" (box, box, etc.)., To which heroes (objects, animals) are periodically fit and ask for life.

Each of the newly coming "heroes" - objects asks who live in Teremka, and "resident" - the subject should answer him, listens to who he knows how to do.

The game "What was - what became"

Play with children after four years. The material is called (clay, wood, fabric), and children give the objects of the objects in which they are. You can play on the contrary. It is called an object made by man, and children determine which materials were used when making it.

For example:

It was before the molten glass and became ...

D: became a vase, a light bulb, glass in the car ...

Game "auction"

Purpose: To introduce (consolidate) Knowledge of children about signs, parts, properties of objects. Learning to describe the subject in a certain sequence, choosing and emphasizing its best quality, the possibility of its use.

Move: Choosing a child (at first it can be an adult), which leads auction. He, choosing a subject for auction, describes his advantages. A child who wants to buy it should be argued to prove, for which he needs this item and what he likes he.

The subject is sold to the one who persistently proved its need. Items should be well acquainted for the child.

The game "What can do"

Purpose: Learn the ability to highlight the functions of the object.

1 option:

Children stand against each other. One calls the subject, one who stands on the contrary - its function, etc. In turn. Loses one who could not answer. Near the standing child moves in his place. Wins the one who remains.

2 Option: "Tell your neighbor."

Children stand in a circle, as if passing the word from hand to hand. The first calls the word, "transfers" him - touching the sorceress of the neighbor. Neighbor calls the function by passing it to his neighbor. This child calls the item that performs the function transmitted to it.

For example:the bird - flies - the plane - buzzing - the train - lucky - the car - travels - the tractor - plows - a tractor driver - eats - a child, etc.

This training and developing game is devoted to the unification of heroes and items on their common occupation or condition. In entertaining gaming form, the kids will be learned to characterize the temporary state of the object, and also practice arbitrary attention, memory, logical thinking and fine motility of fingers, will become smarter and increasing. Materials of the game can be used as for familiarizing children with the theme and to check knowledge on it.

The set consists of 10 large precast blocks blocks. Each unit in turn consists of five curly cards equipped with puzzle locks. On the central block of the block, several heroes or items are depicted. The child must understand that they are united by the occupation, and pick up 4 more with objects or heroes to the central picture in the same condition. For example, to assemble in one block of all who eats now, sleeps, hanging, sits, flies, rides and so on.

Starting classes are better with one round card, swinging on the table a part of several blocks. The number of round task cards should be increased gradually, taking into account the preparedness and success of the baby. For a group of kids, the game can be competitive - who will quickly cope with the task.

Also with a set card can be played in the usual children's lotto. In this case, the partial cards are distributed by the participants, and the presenter opens on one cards connected to them. Win the one who is the first to completely collect her blocks.

The game is designed for children aged 3 to 6 years. You can engage like with one baby and with a group from 2 to 10 people.

Let your baby learns with pleasure!

© Methodist. Olesya Emelyanova. 2001

© artist. Lyudmila Dvignina. 2001

© designer. Olesya Vakurova. 2001

© Manufacturers. CJSC "Russian style". 2001, LLC "Tenth Kingdom". 2003

Games of the series "Learn, playing!" Awarded a gold quality mark "Children - only the best!" And the gold medal of the competition "The Best Children's Goods of 2003", they have been certainly unconditional sales leaders among educational games in the Russian Federation for more than ten years.

Board games and didactic benefits manufactured by the Tenth Kingdom LLC are focused on comprehensive development and effective education of preschool and younger school age, as well as to establish warm trust relationships between children and their raising adults. They are available at a price, well decorated, made from safe modern materials, very loved by children and for many years in demand by teachers and parents. This is not one-day game, which will disappear as suddenly, as appeared, and games that came seriously to stay for a long time, and they already proven it - children, having matured and becoming parents, buy them for their children, and moms and dads, Becoming grandparents - for their grandchildren. The Games "Tenth Kingdom" is a binding thread of generations of a friendly happy family, in which love and mutual understanding reigns!

State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow Kindergarten №689.

Didactic game in the first youngest group

"Who's doing what?".

Prepared educators

Solovyova MA



Purpose: Teach children, viewing the picture, call the objects and their qualities depicted on it; perform actions that they see in the picture; Develop game skills.

Equipment: subject and scene pictures, drum, barrel, brush, watering can, doll, comb, ball, knotted knot.

Game traffic:

On the table of the tutor lie plot pictures with one action (images down): The boy plays on the drum, the bear fed down to himself to himself a barrel with honey, the girl sweeps the brush of crumbs off the table, boy from the watering can watering flowers, girl combing a rush doll, babe rolls the ball in Gorottz.

At the next table, items depicted in pictures and toys: drum, barrel, brush, watering can, doll, comb, ball, knotted knot.

The teacher causes a child. He chooses a picture, talks about what is depicted on it, shows everyone. Then, passing the picture to the tutor, the baby goes to the next table, finds the right object (toy) and play the action shown in the picture.

The occupation ends with an independent game of children with these objects and toys. Their number must correspond to the number of children or slightly exceed it.

On the topic: Methodical development, presentations and abstracts

Creative project of the didactic game "Hurry to do good"

Project goal: Promoting the preservation of cleanliness and chastity of children; education of such virtues like: mercy, compassion, the ability to take offense, the desire to help the needy, be tolerant, ...

Electronic musical and didactic manual "What do in the house?"

To form in children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe means of musical expressiveness and about genres. Learning to distinguish between contrasting plates entering the gaming allowance, transfer it to moving away ...

Karlson Rights game

Purpose: 1. Development of the ability to relate the subject and its sign.

2. Exercise children in question what? What? What?

3. Fasten the coordination among the arr. With land

4. Develop attention, observation.

Material : Pictures with the image of Carlson, pictures with the image of items: watermelon, clown, ball, hedgehog, lakes, foxes, needles, mittens.

Stroke Game : The picture depicting Carlson, passed onto the center of the magnetic board, next pictures and pictures and pictures of the symbols of qualities are located. Carlson drawn to children: you will be able, guys,

Guess my riddles?

If you listen carefully,

Guessing necessarily!

Next to Carlson sticks pictures symbols of qualities: round, solid, heavy, sweet. Children are invited to call qualities and guess what subject a mystery. The child finds the desired picture and calls: "Watermelon - what? Watermelon is round, sweet, solid, heavy, and so on.

Game "Nazis Item"

Purpose: 1. To introduce children with the rules of work on the flannelifer.

2. Secure the concept of the subject and its name.

3. To acquaint with the graphic designation of the subject and the word.

4. Expand the passive dictionary, clarify the name of the items.

5. Fasten the use of a simple call offer.

Material : flannelugaphs, pictures with image of a table, chairs, windows, flower in a pot, dolls, ball, phone, closet, books.

Stroke Game : Pictures randomly glued on a small flannelph, great free to work. The educator explains to children that they live in the world, they are surrounded by different subjects. People invented their name for each subject. The board on four legs, behind which you can lunch, play, is called the "table". We see the subject and call it a word. (Children are invited to name 3-4 subjects). Children get acquainted with the designation of the subject - Blue Square. They are invited to choose any item in the group, find its image on a small flannelhemph, stick to the big, explaining: "Here is a wardrobe. This is a subject. " (Next to the picture to stick the symbol of the subject).

Didactic game "Acceleration-deceleration"

purpose : The same as in the game "Increase-decrease"

Stroke Game : Offer, for example, to present raindrops flying at the speed of strong wind. And if, on the contrary, they will fly very slowly, like maple parachuts? What will change?

The game "Wherever you go - find items"

Purpose: The same as in the game "call the subject". Teach children to answer questions "full reply" (phrase).

Material: Pictures depicting a classroom, houses, christmas trees, mushrooms, berries, porch, doors, beds.

Game traffic: On a large flannelhemphore, sticks in a number of pictures with the image, forest, the classroom on the small flannelhemph of the pictures with the image of items on this topic. The educator asks the child: "Where do you go?". Child: "I'll go to the forest." Educator: "What will you find there?" Child: "Items. (Lists): Here is the stump, here is the tree, here is a mushroom, etc. The child sticks pictures next to the forest pattern.

Didactic game "Denegiation"

Purpose: Stimulate the child's speech freedom. Learning to explore the possibilities of words, mastering them, to master and apply unknown persons, meanings and shades of words.

Game traffic: Initially, children call direct action, the subject, the quality of the subject (the mother puts the cup. The room lights the light. Cups are in the closet.). And then the same pronounces with the negative prefix "not". Find synonym for words in Russian (Mom does not put the cups. She cleans them. The room is dark. Etc.)

The game "What did Dunno confuse?"

Purpose: 1. Fasten the skill of the compilation of a common offer according to the scheme: a living object - an unexpected object.

2. Fastening the skills of an analysis of the offer.

3. Develop auditory attention, to learn to perceive the structure of a sentence for rumor, catch mistakes and analyze them.

Material: Large and small flanneluga, pictures depicting minor.

Game traffic: On a large flannelhemph - Dunno. Small flannelph is free to work. The teacher tells the children like Dunno performed his homework: invented suggestions. (A clearly disturbed proposal scheme is demonstrated). A large flannelhemorem offers proposals in which words are followed by atypically, or the words are delivered in such a way that the meaning changes. For example: Catch the girl's ball. Flower boy watering. The educator offers children to think, for which Dunno got a twice and help him fix errors. Children explain that he confused Dunno and make up the right proposals on little flannelifa from the pictures.

Didactic game "Revival"

Purpose: Develop the literary creativity of children.

Stroke Game : Invite the children to imagine that one or another item suddenly came to life and spoke - and there will immediately be born of interesting stories. You can revive not only a wide variety of items, but also phenomena, metaphors.

ZKR sound "sh"

"Say the patter" The mouse of drying grew,

Mouse mouse invited.

Drying mouses to eat steel

Mouse tooths broke.

"Invent the words denoting the objects of clothing with the sound" sh ": hat, scarf, fur coat, pants, balls, hat, shorts, ruin, mittens, Idre shirt.

"Guess the riddle, tell me where is the sound" sh "in the word?"

Shaggy, buttenaya,

Milk drinks, sings a song. /cat/

Who on the Christmas tree, on a bitch,

The account leads: "Ku-ku" / Cuckoo /

The game "What do items do?"

Purpose: 1. To introduce children with words denoting the effects of objects, consolidate the graphic designation.

2. Secure in speech agreement with the verb.

3. Secure the order of words in the type of supply: the subject.

Material : magnetic board, pictures - silhouettes with a picture of actions: it is worth it, sitting, sleeps, lies; Pictures depicting items.

Game traffic: The teacher explains to children that they every minute commit actions. "What are you doing?" - asks the speech therapist of the child - "sit", "stand", etc. On the magnetic board sticks pictures - silhouettes denoting these actions. The teacher explains that all items at this moment are also doing something. Here is a book. What she does? - The book lies. (The book "Book" is glued to the board and next to the silhouette with the image of the action "lies". Other offers are made up by analogy: the table is worth it. (Appropriate pictures are selected), etc.

Didactic verbal game "Who is hunting and runs away from the enemy"

purpose : To clarify the names of actions related to animals (beast, bird, insect), pick up the words close to the meaning (synonyms).

Material: ball

Game traffic: Children get up in a circle, the educator throws the ball, asks a question, children answer.

cat - (how to move?) - Fits

dog - catch up, jumps, catches

grasshopper - Jumping

hare - jumps, jumps, etc.

Purpose: Expand the presentation of children about autumn, signs, expanding children's children

A.S. Pushkin

October has come - the grove docks

The last sheets with the naked branches;

Duffled the autumn chlad - the road freezes,

Zhurch still runs for the mill of the stream,

But the pond has already frozen; My neighbor is hurry

In the departure of the field with her hunt.

And they will be guided by Ozimi from mad fun,

And wakes up the dogs asleep dubrava.

The exercise: "What do these words mean? Tell me modern ": casts, sheets, naked, hlad,

The people are called october "dirty", why?

"Do you know these folk signs?"

If in October, the leaf with birch and oak will fall cleanly - wait for the harsh winter.

If the leavefall passes soon - it is necessary to expect a steep winter.

Movable game "Gori Gori clear"

Game traffic: Children get into the circle, driven by reading. He walks in a circle against the movement of the dance. Carries in a raised hand handkerchief:

Gori-Gori clearly

So as not to go out

Look at the sky

Birds fly away

The bells are ringing.

After these words, everyone stops. Driving lowers handkerchiefs between two children. Those turn back to each other:

"Once, two, three - run !!!"

Children run in different directions in a circle. Wins the one who grabbed the handkerchief. Now he is driven. The game begins again.

Game "Put in the chest"

Purpose: 1. Fasten the concept of living and non-living objects.

3. Development of visual attention.

Material: Large pictures depicting two beautiful chests, pictures with the image of living and non-living items.

Stroke Game : The center is laid out pictures with the image of living and non-living items. One chest is the symbol of the living object, and on another non-living. Children are invited to place items in the desired chest with an explanation of their actions with the question (what is it? These are balls. Who is it? This is a hare).

Game "Observe order"

Purpose: 1. Fasten the skills of drawing up a common offer according to the scheme: a living object is an unexpected item.

2. Teach children correctly ask questions from the word to the Word.

3. Fasten the proposal analysis skills.

4. Development of attention, memory.

Material : Two flannelphs, symbols of items and action, pictures depicting live and non-living objects, pictures depicting actions.

Game traffic: On one flanneliform, pictures of living and non-living items, actions are raised. On the other - the symbolic designation of the scheme: a living object - an action - an inanimate subject. Children are offered to independently draw up proposals on a large flanneliform, corresponding to such a scheme, asking questions from the word E word.

The game "Living - Non-Story"

Purpose: 1. Secure the concept of living and non-living objects.

2. Secure the symbolic designation of the object of living and non-living.

3. Learn to ask questions: Who is it? What is it?

Material: Pictures with the image of living and non-living items, the symbol of the object, the symbol of the living object.

Game traffic: The teacher explains to children that their surrounding items can be alive and non-living, find out a living thing or not very simple.

(Refine properties of living objects). Then the picture is laid out - the symbol of living and non-living objects. Children are invited to choose any picture and place it in the desired column, explaining its actions. (Here is the key. This is an inanimate item. Here is a grandmother. She is alive.) After all the pictures are pasted, the teacher explains that it is possible to ask about a living thing "who is it?", But about inanimate - "What is it?". After that, the children choose the pictures and independently ask them questions.

Game "Visiting the Focussary"

Purpose: 1. To teach distinguishing live and non-residential items.

2. Exercise issues: who is it? What is it?

3. Secure the skill of building a simple (called) sentence.

4. Develop attention, memory.

Material: An image of a clown (large), pictures with the image of living and non-living items.

Stroke Game : On the wall a close-up of a clown. The table is laid out pictures with the image of living and non-living items. Children are divided into two teams. One team is offered to select pictures with the image of living objects for clown, the other is non-living. Each participant necessarily puts the question and calls the subject. The winning team, which is organized and has fulfilled the task without errors. After all the pictures are decomposed around the clown (he juggles them), you can offer children a task for attention. One of the pictures with which the clown juggles is cleaned, children must answer which item disappeared.

Didactic game "Avalanche" option1.


Game traffic: The presenter reports to participants the topic of the game, on the basis of which they have to call nouns, while competing and reproducing all the words called previous participants in the game. The one who cannot name his word or will miss the word said, drops out of the game (or misses the move). Wins the one who remains the last or scored more phantas. For example: the topic of the game "Fish"


Perch, crucian

Perch, crucian, pike, etc.

Gaming exercise "About whom or what I tell, guess"

Purpose: 1. Recognize the subject by epithets.

2. Expand the passive dictionary of children.

Stroke Game : student, schoolboy, boy, duty, second-grader, son, grandson, learn. Who is all this saying? Children: "This is a boy"

Girl, laughter, fidget, hostess, granddaughter, daughter, assistant ...; Skillic, employee, parent, man, son, grandson, friend, husband ...; mistress, woman, daughter, wife, granddaughter, cook, needlewoman, teacher, beloved ...; Friend, friend, classmate, Fayman, peer, comrade, neighbor ...; Dreamer, Fayman, Messenchak, Neighbor, Poet ...; Waiting for, meets, asks, feeds, reads, cooks, erases, sews ...;; cotton, sings, escorts, gets tired, laughs, cares ...; Jumps, runs, teaches, sings, reads, decides, having fun, thinks, gets cold, gets better, walking, plays, washes, bathes, splashing, resting, helps, cares.

Didactic game "Avalanche" Option 2

Purpose: Develop memory, ability to classify items by groups.

Stroke Game : Adult starts the game: "I put apples in the basket." The child continues, repeating all the previously said and adding his word corresponding to the game called the first participant: "I put apples, lemons in the basket", etc.

Didactic game "Avalanche" Option 3

Purpose: Develop memory, ability to classify items by groups.

Stroke Game : Adding words is based on a given letter or using the sequence of letters in the alphabet. For example: "In the basket I put watermelon, pineapple, orange, etc.

Didactic game "Who (what) was? Who (what) will be?

Purpose: Reflect in the speech of the changes that occur with the subject (phenomenon) for a period of time.

Material : Pictures of paired.

Stroke Game : Children are presented with pictures to which they must find a pair, reflecting or past, or the future of the object, for example: seed-selling; Kitten - Cat; The boy is a man, etc.

Who is who becomes.

There was a small puppy, thin ... (lamb)

He has grown, however, this important cat gun

And now he is not a puppy - a small ... (kitty)

Adult ... (dog). And the brave rooster -

Foal with every day tiny ... (chicken).

Improved and became ... (horse). And from small gesyat

Bull, mighty giant, grow up ... (ducks) -

In childhood was ... (calf). Especially for guys

Thick Baran Wallow - those who love jokes. A. Chibaev

Game "Find a couple"

Purpose: 1. Clarification of the dictionary, the development of the ability to distinguish the items similar to the value.

2. Fastening the correct use of a simple sentence.

3. Development of visual and auditory attention.

Material : Pictures with the image of items similar in value: kettle - Coffee pot, Gloves - Mittens, Sketch - Briefcase, Bag - Mesh, Glass - Mug, Hat - Cap, Chair - Stool, Table Lamp - Chandelier.

Stroke Game : on the table - subject pictures. A child who chooses a picture calls it: "Here are the gloves, look, you will soon find a pair of them ... Another child looks around a couple and sticks the picture (puts nearby) in front of the pictures with the image of gloves, commenting:" Here is the gloves. Here are mittens. They are put on their hands. "

Game "Decorate Christmas Tree and Christmas Tree"

Purpose: The same as in the game "Gnome - to the house. Gnomic - in the house. "

Material: Magnetic board, pictures depicting a large and small Christmas tree, pictures depicting large and small objects.

Games: It is carried out similarly to the game about the gnomes.

"Who do you want to become?"

Purpose: 1. Fixing a grammatically correct phrase consisting of 4-5 words.

2. Fastening the use in the speech of the expirations of nouns in t. And in. Pades.

3. Replenishment and clarification of the dictionary (profession of people).

4. Fixing the harmonization of nouns with the verb in kind, the number, the case. Favoring the verbs of the future time.

5. Development of attention, thinking.

Material: Pictures depicting a boy and girls, pictures depicting people of different professions: cooks, doctor, fisherman, policeman, teacher.

Game traffic: The game can be started with reading the poem S.Mikhalkov "What do you have?". Then the teacher specifies, with some professions, children are familiar. The center of the magnetic board passed pictures with the image of a boy Kolya and girls Oli. The educator invites children to think and answer, who wants to become Olya? Children choose pictures with a picture of a profession or another profession and put next to the hero, explaining: "Olya wants to become a teacher. Then the educator offers each child to think and answer, who he wants to become? Children answer: "I want to become the seamstress." - "What will you do?" - Specifies the tutor - "I will sew clothes", etc.

A verbal game "Who will call more actions?"

Purpose: 1. Cognitive tasks: consolidate the ability of children to relate the actions of people with their profession, to raise the ability to quickly think.

2. Speech tasks: intensify the dictionary of children by the words of action (verbs).

Game traffic: - Children, I work in kindergarten as an educator. This is my profession. Tolina Mom treats patients. She is a doctor. This is her profession. Each person, having a profession, works, performs some actions. What makes the cook? Children: cooking, bake, fries, grind meat grinder, cleans vegetables. What does the doctor do? Children: Inspect the patients, heard, gives medicine, makes injections, operations, etc. For each right answer, children get a chip. Wins the one who gains more chips.

Didactic game "Learning"

Purpose: Recognize the subject, an object according to the adjective group, epithets, or by group of words-action.

Stroke Game : Children as a source support are offered words related to sensual and practical experience of the child. For example: green, slim, curly, whitewings - birch. Sparkles, heats the earth, the darkness disperses - the sun.

Didactic game 4 "Guess-ka"

Purpose: Teach children to describe the subject without looking at it, find significant signs in it; By description to recognize the subject.

Material: Items or subject pictures with the image of well-familiar to children objects.

Game traffic: Let's play, let the items in our room themselves tell themselves about themselves, and we guess the description, which subject says. Each of you will perform the role of some kind of subject. It is necessary to follow the rules of the game: when you tell about the subject, do not look at him so that we do not immediately guess. Speak only about those subjects that are in the room.

Gaming exercise "Listen, remember, answer. Is everything true? "

Purpose: 1. Expand the dictionary of children.

2. Develop evidential speech.

3. Forming the ability to add an apparent offer.

4. Develop a skill exactly in accordance with the idea to build a statement, consistently by using this or that word.

Game traffic: Children listen to sentences and determine whether it can be if "yes", when, why, where? If "no", then it should be evidenced that it is not or an incompression. Snow fell, Alyosha went to sunbathe. The boys went to the forest skiing to collect strawberries. The frog opened an umbrella, because it went raining.

Didactic game "What is superfluous?"


2. Intensify the dictionary of children due to the names of vegetables, fruits, berries; Adjectives denoting high-quality signs: round, oval, elongated, yellow, burgundy, etc.

3. Use Putitive offers.

Material: Tables on which vegetables, fruits or berries are depicted with one object that does not have a common feature with others.

Stroke Game : Children showing table. The educator asks to call all items depicted on the table. Children call. Next, the teacher says that one subject is superfluous. Find it and prove to me that he is superfluous. Children explain: "Superfluous in this picture is beet because all the vegetables can be raw, and the beets must be brewed.

Didactic game "Pendulum"

Purpose: Use the words of Antonym.

Stroke Game : For example, children for each identified property should be called the opposite: today it rains, it's good, why? - Trees are watered, you can go along the puddles. - Trees watered - it's bad why? Etc.

Didactic game "Antonyms-synonyms"

Purpose: Speech synonyms and antonyms.

Stroke Game : To the named Word is simultaneously selected and antonym and synonym. For example, the initial word "trouble". Joy (this is Antony to the word "trouble"). Mount (at the same time antonym to the previous and synonym for the original). Happiness (antonym for the previous and synonym for source), etc.

"What? What? What? "

Purpose: 1. Secure the ability to relate the subject and its sign.

3. Exercise children in the formulation of questions "What?" What? "What?" What? "What?", What? "

4. Develop observation.

Material : Pictures depicting wood, mushroom, stump, sun, girls, baskets, pictures - symbols of quality items.

Stroke Game : In the center ---cardinki with the image of items, separately - symbols of qualities. Children are invited to find objects to which you can ask the question "What?" And answer the question, selecting the symbols of qualities. (Stump - What? The stump is low, solid, round, etc.). Similar work with objects of female and medium kind.

Didactic game "Chain of Words"

Purpose: Fasten the ability to select words - nouns and adjectives characterizing in their union any object with similar qualitative features.

Game traffic: Children make up a chain of words where words are interconnected. For example, the original word "cat". Cat happens? -Pushy, affectionate, multicolored. What else is multicolored? Rainbow, dress, TV. What other dresses are? … etc.

Didactic game "Guess-ka"


Material : Matches, beads, buttons of various colors, grains or dry fruits of plants, strings (2-5 cm long), small pebbles.

Stroke Game : 10-12 Items from the original game set of a handful throw from a small height on a table or sheet of paper. When falling, the items fold into a wide variety of, sometimes bizarre images. The game task is to find out and call the resulting image.

Didactic game "Pictures in a circle"


Game traffic: At least 3-5 children are expected in this game. Each child gets a blank sheet of paper and a simple pencil. At the adult signal, children begin to draw. After 1-2 minutes, the conditional signal is served, and each of the children transmits its sheet to the child to the right of it. Having received a picture from the neighbor, the child continues it for 1-2 minutes and passes on. The drawings performed by such a circular method serve as a magnificent support for inventing non-pieces, fantastic stories and other products of children's literary creativity.

Didactic game "Letters and numbers"

Purpose: The same as in the game "What does it look like?"

Material : figures and letters depicted on the entire landscape sheet.

Stroke Game : Children are invited to consider numbers and letters and call objects, images, the phenomena to which they are similar.

Note: The number of signs proposed must be increased gradually. You can offer children not only to call arising images, but also sketch them. You can suggest to come up with stories and stories based on shaped images of signs.

Didactic game "Who does what?"

Purpose: Enrich the lexical stock of children with the words-action (verbs). Intensify monological speech, expressiveness of non-verbal (non-echoe) means of exposure to students.

Material: Set of object patterns.

Game traffic: Children show pictures on one and ask questions: "What can I do with it? What is it for?" A child's response: "Clock is needed to show time." With senior preschoolers, the game is carried out without a visual basis. Children build a chain of words: clock - tick, the artist - draws, the car - drives, etc.

Didactic game "Selection of adjectives"

Purpose: 1. Intensify the dictionary of children by words denoting different parts of speech.

2. Coordinate nouns, adjectives in kind, number.

3. Select definition to the subject.

Material: Toys or pictures.

Game traffic: The presenter shows a toy, a picture or calls the Word, and the participants in turn call as many signs as possible corresponding to the proposed object. Wins the one who calls for each of the subjects as possible as many signs as possible. For example, a dog is big, shaggy, kind, cheerful, hunting, old.

Game "Guess, what is hiding behind the screen?"

Purpose: 1. Secure consumption in speech of attractive adjectives.

2. Consolidate the coordination of attractive adjectives with nouns in kind, and the case.

3. Secure the skill of building competent speech, phrases.

4. Develop observation, intelligence, visual attention.

Material : flannelugaph, strip, imitating screen, shade figures, fox, wolf, bear, horses, cats, goats; Pictures depicting parts of the body of animals.

Game traffic: The educator turns to children: "Do you like a circus? Who acts in the circus? " Children remember. "And I know the animals who really wanted to perform in the circus, but they were afraid that they would not be allowed there and therefore decided to scare imperceptible. They hid behind shirma. " The flanneluga is pasted a strip - "Shirma", and over the upper edge of the ears of the hare and other animals. "Whose ears?" - asks the tutor. "This is a silent ears," the child answers. Similarly, work is carried out using other parts of animals. As a result, the children call the beasts that hid behind the screen.

Didactic game "If ..."

Purpose: Develop the highest forms of thinking - synthesis, analysis, prediction, experimentation.

Game traffic: Invite the children to dream of a wide variety of topics: "If I were a wizard" (what? Why? What did you do? etc.). "If time suddenly disappeared?" (What's wrong with this and good?)

The game "What am I playing with who is friends with?"

Purpose: 1. Exercise children in the preparation of a common offer.

2. Fasten in the speech of the end of the nouns in the hardware case.

3. Secure the concept of living and non-living objects.

4. Teach children to answer questions with a full answer.

5. Develop observation, thinking.

Material: Pictures depicting a girl Masha, pictures depicting live and non-living objects.

Game traffic: In the center picture depicting the girl Masha. Near, pictures depicting toys, children, animals. Masha's girl offers children to show and tell with what she plays and with whom is friends.

I'll show you now,

What play with whom I am friends ...

I am sure, it is not difficult to guess the riddle ...

Can each explain to me in order.

The educator chooses two pictures depicting lively and inanimate objects and asks in children: "Who is friends with Masha?" The child answers: "Masha is friendly with a boy." - "What does Masha play with?" "Masha plays with a doll." Next, the children independently choose pictures, lay them on the table and make up proposals.

The game "Who is like moving?"

Purpose: 1. Activation of the dictionary, expanding the use of verbs and speech.

2. Development of the ability to relate the name of the subject and action.

3. Fastening the skill of correct formulation of the issue to action (ch.)

4. Development of the ability to rely on experience. Development of observation.

Material: Three tables, pictures with animal images: hare, butterflies, snakes, whale, turtles, beetles, birds, bear, snails, elephant, fish.

Stroke Game : Pictures depicting animals - on the big table. Children are divided into two teams, highlighting each on the table to work. Each participant is invited to choose a picture of the animal and explain how it moves. For example, a child puts a picture on the table of his team, explains: "Snail crawls", etc. After the main task is completed, the educator invites children to quickly call animals that "crawl", "fly", "float", etc. The team wins, the participants of which allowed less errors.

The didactic game is "not very" or "optimists and skeptics."

Purpose: Develop the ability to master the resolution of the contradictions in the "gentle mode".

Stroke Game : One of the players creates a situation, representing it as good or bad, and the other refutes this statement using the phrase "not very". For example: - It is good that there is a TV - you can watch.

Good, but not very. Eyes can get sick.

It is good that the kettle is big - all tea is enough.

Good, but not very. Long boils.

Using the support phrase "not very", you can invent stories-reasoning: - On the street, a man walked. Okay!

Well, yes not very, he fell into dirt, it's bad!

Poor, yes not very - the dirt was therapeutic. He cured his radiculitis. It's good.

Didactic game "Snowball"


Stroke Game : Accounting at random calls two words, such as "safe and orange". One of the participants of the game comes up and describes an association that arose for these words. For example, "a huge orange has rolled out of the open safe." The following player calls her word, for example, Egg. The third participant of the game connects the second word with the third also with the help of an association that has arisen, let's say: "Under the Orange Orange, an egg was" and sets the following word, etc. At the end of the game, you can offer children to draw what they remember them or laughed them.

Didactic game "Argument"

Purpose: Develop a metaphorical thinking of a child.

Material: Subject pictures (at least 20).

Stroke Game : One of the players chooses one picture. Carefully considers it attentively (it does not show anyone) turns it over and asks for another playing the question: "What does it seem?". After everyone gives their answers, drivens the picture and asks to protect their assumptions.

Didactic game "Guess the riddle about the car"

Purpose: Develop the literary creativity of children., Improve the monological speech of children.

Material: Pictures depicting different types of cars, vehicles.

Game traffic: Initially, an introductory conversation is held on the appointment of different types of transport, children find out their difference from each other. -And now we will guess the riddles of each other about the machines, without calling them. Initially, I must say what kind of transport it is: cargo, passenger, special or military. Then you need to tell what it is: terrestrial, underground, rail, water, air. And in the end, tell me what benefits it brings.

Game exercise "Who is it? What is it? Answer quickly. "


2. Develop the ability to solve riddles.

3. Develop a recreation imagination.

4. Master the ability to characterize anyone or anything.

Stroke Game : The teacher pronounces the beginning of the phrase, children clearly and quickly continue:

Call, fast, cheerful - diligent, obedient, polite -

Delicious, scarlet, juicy - green, oblong, juicy -

Yellow, red, autumn - neat, obedient, cheerful -

Cold, White, Fluffy - Lowish, Drashing, Disappeared -

Brown, Kosolapy, Clumsy - White, Fluffy, Easy -

Yellow, Red, Green - Little, Serious, Gagging -

Branched, green, barbed - new, interesting, library -

Old, brick, two-story - red, ripe, sweet -

Clean, Blue, Mountain - White, Fluffy, Forest -

Buggy, white, small - white, high, slim -

Gaming exercise 4. "Guess what kind of fruit (vegetable, berry).

Purpose: 1. To form a quick response to the word.

2. Develop the ability to guess riddles on vegetables (fruits, berries).

3. Master the ability to characterize a vegetable (fruit, berries).

4. Fasten the names of vegetables, berries, fruits.

Material: Muzzi fruits, berries, vegetables (or pictures).

Game traffic: The educator pronounces the beginning of the phrase, children clearly and quickly continue:

Green, oblong, juicy - yellow, shiny, with a tail -

Red, Round, Juicy - Round, Green, Striped -

Round, blue, with flesh - orange, oblong -

Brown, round, crumbly - burgundy, round, with tail -

Sour, Yellow, Oval - Orange, Round, Juicy -

Yellow, juicy, like a light bulb - round, juicy -

Game "Find the desired subject"

Purpose: 1. To introduce children with words - qualities.

2. Clarify the idea of \u200b\u200bthe subjects and the variety of their properties.

3. Learning to rely on the characters.

4. Educating observation.

Material: Pictures depicting objects, symbols, quality of items.

Stroke Game : pictures with the image of various items - on the one hand, pictures - symbols of qualities - on the other side. The teacher explains to children that all items surrounding them are different by properties: there are heavy, there are lungs, there are soft, there are solid, etc. We look at the subject, touch your hands and find out what he is. Let's try to find items heavy and lungs. Free space put pictures - symbols of heavy and easy items. (A man with a balloon and a little man with a barbell). Children find heavy and easy items and put pictures under the symbols on the Big Table, explaining: "Feather light. The ax is heavy, etc. Similarly, soft and solid objects, hot and cold, thick and thin, high and low, long and short, are similar. When all pictures are disassembled, the teacher explains to children that words: thick, thin, heavy, light, etc. - These are quality words. You can ask about the subject "What?" And call its quality. To secure, a picture of the ball is placed on a free space. Children independently ask the question and pick pictures - symbols: light, soft, cold, round, etc., explaining their actions.

Didactic game "Antonyms"

Purpose: Activate mental and speech activities. Use the words of Antonym.

Stroke Game : Children call any word, and they call a completely opposite (wet - dry, smart - stupid, greedy - generous, knit - to dissolve, walk - stand, etc.). Further tasks are complicated. Children define not only the opposite property, but also call a subject having this property. For example: a pencil (leaves a mark) - a gum, scissors (cut) - glue.

Didactic verbal game "Who does what"

Purpose: To clarify the names of individual actions related to animals, birds, insects.

Material : Ball

Game traffic: Children get up in a circle. The educator throws the ball to one of the children and says: "Ball". The child responds: "Meow", etc. For example, cow - -Hechit, dog - barks, horse - rzhet, rooster - quackets, duck - chasing, dove - worshi, cuckoo - dug, goose - goggling, mosquito The butterfly - flies, chicken - a quoucht, bitch, a bird - sings, chirbing, crow - a squabble, a grasshopper - shelves, sparrow - tweet.

Game "Guess the conceived word"

Purpose: 1. Development of the ability to determine the subject for a number of actions characteristic of it.

2. Development of visual and auditory attention, thinking.

Game traffic: Pictures depicting various items are pasted on flannelugaph. The educator invites children to guess the conceived word on the actions of the corresponding subject. For example: jumps, flies, pecks, tweet ... wins the one who has a greater number of pictures. This game can be carried out in reverse order, offering children to call all possible actions of the subject, which complicates the speech task.

Didactic game "I want to draw"

Purpose: Develop child literary creativity.

Stroke Game : Each of the participants in turns reports the design of the drawing, which he wanted to draw, and the adult tries to combine everything said in one story. For example: one child says he would like to draw aquarium, the other is a bear, the third - rocket, etc. Adult summarizes: "We draw aquarium in which bears live, rockets fly and ..." In the course of drawing, children can add to their drawing, detail objects, compose stories in their drawing.

Game "Cathed the crop"

Purpose: 1. Development of the ability to characterize the subject for several features.

2. Fasten matching adj. With land in kind, number.

3. Expand the amount of use in the speech of high-quality adjectives.

4. Secure the generalizing concepts of "vegetables", "fruits", their differentiation.

5. Develop attention, memory, observation.

Material : Three tables, pictures depicting two different baskets or a box and a basket, pictures depicting vegetables and fruits.

Game traffic: On the Big Central Table randomly laid out pictures depicting vegetables and fruits. Left - drawer, right - basket. Children are divided into two teams. The presenter is selected - watchman. The team is invited to collect vegetables in the box, the team of gardeners - fruit in the basket. Moreover, it is necessary to collect, without calling the leader - the obstacle itself, but only describing its quality. For example, the child comes to the pictures and says: "I am a break-down vegetable, juicy, red, smooth, sweet." The lead is guessing and removes the picture with the image of the tomato, the gardener places a tomato in the box. Wins a team that best cope with the task.

Didactic game "Medile"

Purpose: 1. To acquaint children with a dialectical sign of the number of quantity in quality, learn to analyze.

2. Develop the dialogic form of speech.

3. Use all parts of speech, coordinate words among themselves.

Stroke Game : Educator: "If you eat one candy - delicious, nice. And if much? Children: "Teeth will be spoiled, they will need to be treated. Maybe the belly is sick, diathesis perform. " Educator: "One tablet (according to the doctor's recipe) is good, helps to remove pain. And when you immediately eat a lot of tablets? " Or: "One piece of paper is rushing well. And when a lot, whole pack? " "Well, when there are many snowdrifts in the forest. Why?" "What will happen if the forest turns out to be the most painshoe in the snow?" etc.

Purpose: 1. Activation of the dictionary, expanding the use of verbs in speech.

2. Development of the ability to relate the name of the subject with action.

3. Fastening the skill of the correct formulation of the verb.

4. Development of the ability to rely on experience. Development of observation.

Material : carpet, pictures depicting animals and birds: bear, wolf, snakes, crows, cows, dogs, cats, sparrow, cuckoo, goose, pig.

Game traffic: The tutor alternately sticks pictures on the carpet (puts) and invites children to answer the question: "Who will give a voice?" Children make up proposals: "Cuckoo Cooks". "Cow miracle", etc. The role of the lead can be a child.

Didactic game "Skyscraper"

Purpose: Develop the ability to calculate and differentiate the components of the source object, the development and assimilation of the patterns of relations and dependencies. To form the guys of naturally scientific thinking.

Game traffic: For example, a forest is considered as a basis, which consists of plants, animals, birds, insects, which, in turn, corresponds to a certain lifestyle (method of nutrition, movement, etc. and the purpose (role, function). Then "Forest On the contrary, it may look like this: trees can grow up the roots, herbivore wolves feed on the foliage, on which predatory hares are hunted, etc.

Didactic game "I want to be ..."

Purpose: Help the guys comprehend the inherent quality, properties, character traits, their necessity, content, orientation. Develop an explanatory form of speech.

Game traffic: Children offer various properties, characteristics, qualities, for example: strong, beautiful, fast, invisible, thick, high, iron, shrieking, calm, lucky, etc. Of these qualities, the child chooses anyone like him, and explains why he would like to become so and where this property can come in handy. For example, a child says: "I want to be big to reach Tuchka and look at the rain from above," etc.

Didactic game "What happens?"

Purpose: 1. Top up the dictionary of children by words denoting subjects and signs of items.

2. Coordinate nouns and adjectives in kind, the number, the case.

Material : Cards of different colors.

Game traffic: To the outgoing word - adjective children pick up a noun. For example, "green" - tomato, spruce, grass, house, etc.

Green poems

All the edges are green, and a green grasshopper

Green Pond Songs started ...

And green frogs over the green roof of the house

Songs sing. Sleeps green oak.

Christmas tree - Sheaf green candles, two green gnome

Moss - green floor. Slies between the pipes ... Cherny

Didactic game "Good - bad"

Purpose: Develop the ability to identify positive and negative properties, the functions of any object, phenomena, situations, actions, etc. use antonyms.

Stroke Game : for example, a pencil that likes it in it and what is not (what would you like to leave in it without change and what to change? "Like: Long - You can use as a ruler, measure, pointer; Wooden - Easy, Easy, Easy; Red - You can draw Salute, flowers, tomato; sharp - you can draw thin lines, points. Dislike: Wooden - Easy breaks, it is lost to make it you need to make many trees to cut down; long - it does not fit into the penalty, interferes in your pocket, etc.

Didactic game "Inventors"

Purpose: Develop the ability to transfer the quality of various objects to the original selected object.

Game traffic: For example, you decided to think of an unusual chair with children. The chair just will be the subject placed in the focus of the inventive activity of children to which the qualities and properties of other objects will be transferred. Children are offered to name two or three words, absolutely no relation to the stool. Suppose the children came up with the words "Cat" and "Book", to which it is necessary to select 4-5 qualitative characteristics and, if necessary, designate each quality with any visual symbol, the image: affectionate, fluffy, multicolored. After that, the children come up with a "gentle chair" - this is a chair that is rejoicing to those who sit on him makes them kinder, it is very necessary to re-educate evil people, etc.

Didactic game "Increase - Reduction"

Purpose: To help children approach the understanding of a wide variety of relationships and relations in the outside world, as well as develops the ability to analyze the properties necessary to achieve the result in various fantastic and real situations. Develop child literary creativity.

Stroke Game : Invite children, for example, choose what (or by whom -elic or dwarf) they would like to become, for example, to quickly walk, hide well, to achieve a delicious porridge, enjoy tasty cake. Or present the rain with a magnitude with a ball, mountain. And if the planet of the magnitude with the pea? Who and how does it live on it?

Didactic game "Questions and Answers"

Purpose: Develop imagination, thinking, speech and form a healthy sense of humor.

Game traffic: Children are distributed in one picture with a subject or scene content. Specify game questions (who? With whom? When? Why? Where? What to do? What came out of it? Etc.), and children in turn respond to them, relying on their pictures. An adult can record children's answers and then read everything invented in the course of the game of non-liberty.

Didactic game "Resource Analysis"

Purpose: Register in the verbal form search for several similar items based on the identification of conformity on the functions performed.

Game traffic: The educator calls any subject, and children must find and call other items that have these properties. For example, a solid brick, brown, porous, which means it can be used as a building material, instead of a press, filter, they can be drawn, it can be heated and divided. But at the same time, there are other objects near the same properties: you can draw paints, coal, pencil; The filter can serve fabric, small metal mesh, etc.

The game "What did you do? What did you do? "

Purpose: 1. Teach children to answer questions: what does he (she) do?

2. Consolidate the harmonization of the noun with the verb in kind, number.

3. Exercise in building a sentence according to the scheme: The subject is an action.

4. Educating attention, the ability to work organized.

Material : Three empty tables in a row, pictures with a boy and a girl, pictures with a picture of actions.

Stroke Game : pictures with a picture of actions are laid out on the central table. On the one hand, an image of a girl is put on an empty table, on the other - the boy. The educator proposes to answer the question: "What is the girl doing? (Boy), pose a picture to the subject with an image of actions. The child picks up the right action, puts next to the picture, depicting a boy or a girl, explained by the words: "Girl what does? The girl stands (sits, jumps), etc.

Game exercise "Who screams, and what cracks?"

Purpose: Learning to select objects to action, coordinate nouns with verbs.

Game traffic: One of the players calls the action (verbs) - the other selects the corresponding word (noun). The one who will not be able to quickly call the action or pick up a couple gives Phanti. At the end of the game, the phantas are played out. Phanto owners perform cheerful tasks.

purr - cooks - it's worth it - teaches - jumps -

milets - buzzing - hits - roars - howl - snort -

karkayet - Chirirts - Cook - Sings - Kink - Cracks -

gryukiet - Breaks - Heals - Strives - Sits - Colors -

sweat - playing - draws - writes - draws - sharpening -

chinit - Stink - Says - Sings - Fly - Sleeps -

lepit - Plays - Looks - Circling - Laughs - Falls -

crying - flaruse - cracks - scrape - it goes - it's steels -

Gaming exercise "Listen! Call as many words as possible! "

Purpose: 1. Learning to select objects to action.

2. Coordinate nouns with verbs among.

3. Top up the dictionary of children by consuming verbs.

Stroke Game :

swimming - steamer, boat, swimmer, log, sin, duck, etc.

flies - grows - sings - crawling - squeals -

a chant - bays - creak - grabs - I amtering -

washed - quarrel - it works - smiles - hits -

rattles - sparkles - watering - noise - Out -

Didactic game "flies - not flies"

Purpose: Speech tasks:

1. Enrichment of the dictionary reserve of children.

2. To form the ability to verbly make comparison results.

3. Develop observation, attention.

Game traffic: The game is better to spend in motion: raise your hands or catch the ball.

Note: By analogy, you can spend the game: "Floating - does not float," "Draws - Does not draw", "stretches - not stretching", "grows - not growing", etc.

Gaming exercise "Who? What?"

purpose : 1. Eating noun and verbs in multiple and only numbers.

2. Select objects to action.

3. Completely use the case finishes.

Stroke Game : Ros -Dub, Maple, etc.

grew - Luminous - Hung - Muren -

grew - Luminous - Hung - Mature -

grew up - Luminous - Hanging - Ripe -

light hung - Middle -

Didactic game "Synonymous rows"


Stroke Game : Before you start the game, together with children, find out the value, similarity and difference in the content of words that are supposed to be used. For example: Bor-Klem-Things, house - Terem - Palace). After that, together come up with and name the words denoting different names of the forest, housing, values, and explain their content.

Didactic game "Allegory"

Purpose: Top up the dictionary of children by words close to the value (synonyms).

Stroke Game : Players make a word to which you can pick up a few synonyms. Each player offers a leading offer of a proposal, in which instead of the intentional word is used synonym. According to these offers, it is necessary to guess what word is forgotten. For example, the word "cold" is conceived. Options for proposals invented by children may be such: "Today is a cool day", "in a glass of ice juice", etc.

Gaming exercise "Listen, remember, answer: Is everything true?"

Purpose: 1. Develop the evidential speech of children.

2. Use in speech by pressing offers.

3. Develop the ability to build a statement exactly in accordance with the intention, consistently using this or that word.

Stroke Game : Children listen to sentences and determine whether it can be if yes, when, where, why. If not, explain that this is not or a fault. For example, the boys went to the woods to collect strawberries. That can not be. Skiing ride in winter, and strawberries grow in summer, etc.

The game "Who do you want to meet?"

Purpose: 1. Secure the ability to characterize the subject for several qualities.

2. Expand the amount of use in the speech of high-quality adjectives.

3. Develop observation.

Material: Pictures - Missile Qualities: Thick - thin, high - low, large - small, cheerful - sad, angry - kind, old - young. Pictures depicting sad and cheerful clowns, carlson, thumbnails, gnome, princesses, vini fluff.

Game traffic: On the left lie pictures - symbols of qualities, right - pictures depicting fabulous heroes. The educator offers a child to think with whom he would like to meet and, without calling the future friend, describe it, using pictures - symbols. For example, a child says: "I would like to get acquainted with the hero, which is cheerful, thick, high, redhead, etc." Children are guessing: "This is a clown." Correctly made a riddle a child gets a picture with a clown image.

Karlson Rights game

Purpose: 1. Development of the ability to relate the subject and its sign.

2. Exercise children in question what? What? What?

3. Fasten the coordination among the arr. With land

4. Develop attention, observation.

Material : Pictures with the image of Carlson, pictures with the image of items: watermelon, clown, ball, hedgehog, lakes, foxes, needles, mittens.

Stroke Game : The picture depicting Carlson, passed onto the center of the magnetic board, next pictures and pictures and pictures of the symbols of qualities are located. Carlson drawn to children: you will be able, guys,

Guess my riddles?

If you listen carefully,

Guessing necessarily!

Next to Carlson sticks pictures symbols of qualities: round, solid, heavy, sweet. Children are invited to call qualities and guess what subject a mystery. The child finds the desired picture and calls: "Watermelon - what? Watermelon is round, sweet, solid, heavy, and so on.

Game "Nazis Item"

Purpose: 1. To introduce children with the rules of work on the flannelifer.

2. Secure the concept of the subject and its name.

3. To acquaint with the graphic designation of the subject and the word.

4. Expand the passive dictionary, clarify the name of the items.

5. Fasten the use of a simple call offer.

Material : flannelugaphs, pictures with image of a table, chairs, windows, flower in a pot, dolls, ball, phone, closet, books.

Stroke Game : Pictures randomly glued on a small flannelph, great free to work. The educator explains to children that they live in the world, they are surrounded by different subjects. People invented their name for each subject. The board on four legs, behind which you can lunch, play, is called the "table". We see the subject and call it a word. (Children are invited to name 3-4 subjects). Children get acquainted with the designation of the subject - Blue Square. They are invited to choose any item in the group, find its image on a small flannelhemph, stick to the big, explaining: "Here is a wardrobe. This is a subject. " (Next to the picture to stick the symbol of the subject).

Didactic game "Acceleration-deceleration"

purpose : The same as in the game "Increase-decrease"

Stroke Game : Offer, for example, to present raindrops flying at the speed of strong wind. And if, on the contrary, they will fly very slowly, like maple parachuts? What will change?

The game "Wherever you go - find items"

Purpose: The same as in the game "call the subject". Teach children to answer questions "full reply" (phrase).

Material: Pictures depicting a classroom, houses, christmas trees, mushrooms, berries, porch, doors, beds.

Game traffic: On a large flannelhemphore, sticks in a number of pictures with the image, forest, the classroom on the small flannelhemph of the pictures with the image of items on this topic. The educator asks the child: "Where do you go?". Child: "I'll go to the forest." Educator: "What will you find there?" Child: "Items. (Lists): Here is the stump, here is the tree, here is a mushroom, etc. The child sticks pictures next to the forest pattern.

Didactic game "Denegiation"

Purpose: Stimulate the child's speech freedom. Learning to explore the possibilities of words, mastering them, to master and apply unknown persons, meanings and shades of words.

Game traffic: Initially, children call direct action, the subject, the quality of the subject (the mother puts the cup. The room lights the light. Cups are in the closet.). And then the same pronounces with the negative prefix "not". Find synonym for words in Russian (Mom does not put the cups. She cleans them. The room is dark. Etc.)

The game "What did Dunno confuse?"

Purpose: 1. Fasten the skill of the compilation of a common offer according to the scheme: a living object - an unexpected object.

2. Fastening the skills of an analysis of the offer.

3. Develop auditory attention, to learn to perceive the structure of a sentence for rumor, catch mistakes and analyze them.

Material: Large and small flanneluga, pictures depicting minor.

Game traffic: On a large flannelhemph - Dunno. Small flannelph is free to work. The teacher tells the children like Dunno performed his homework: invented suggestions. (A clearly disturbed proposal scheme is demonstrated). A large flannelhemorem offers proposals in which words are followed by atypically, or the words are delivered in such a way that the meaning changes. For example: Catch the girl's ball. Flower boy watering. The educator offers children to think, for which Dunno got a twice and help him fix errors. Children explain that he confused Dunno and make up the right proposals on little flannelifa from the pictures.

Didactic game "Revival"

Purpose: Develop the literary creativity of children.

Stroke Game : Invite the children to imagine that one or another item suddenly came to life and spoke - and there will immediately be born of interesting stories. You can revive not only a wide variety of items, but also phenomena, metaphors.

ZKR sound "sh"

"Say the patter" The mouse of drying grew,

Mouse mouse invited.

Drying mouses to eat steel

Mouse tooths broke.

"Invent the words denoting the objects of clothing with the sound" sh ": hat, scarf, fur coat, pants, balls, hat, shorts, ruin, mittens, Idre shirt.

"Guess the riddle, tell me where is the sound" sh "in the word?"

Shaggy, buttenaya,

Milk drinks, sings a song. /cat/

Who on the Christmas tree, on a bitch,

The account leads: "Ku-ku" / Cuckoo /

The game "What do items do?"

Purpose: 1. To introduce children with words denoting the effects of objects, consolidate the graphic designation.

2. Secure in speech agreement with the verb.

3. Secure the order of words in the type of supply: the subject.

Material : magnetic board, pictures - silhouettes with a picture of actions: it is worth it, sitting, sleeps, lies; Pictures depicting items.

Game traffic: The teacher explains to children that they every minute commit actions. "What are you doing?" - asks the speech therapist of the child - "sit", "stand", etc. On the magnetic board sticks pictures - silhouettes denoting these actions. The teacher explains that all items at this moment are also doing something. Here is a book. What she does? - The book lies. (The book "Book" is glued to the board and next to the silhouette with the image of the action "lies". Other offers are made up by analogy: the table is worth it. (Appropriate pictures are selected), etc.

Didactic verbal game "Who is hunting and runs away from the enemy"

purpose : To clarify the names of actions related to animals (beast, bird, insect), pick up the words close to the meaning (synonyms).

Material: ball

Game traffic: Children get up in a circle, the educator throws the ball, asks a question, children answer.

cat - (how to move?) - Fits

dog - catch up, jumps, catches

grasshopper - Jumping

hare - jumps, jumps, etc.

Purpose: Expand the presentation of children about autumn, signs, expanding children's children

A.S. Pushkin

October has come - the grove docks

The last sheets with the naked branches;

Duffled the autumn chlad - the road freezes,

Zhurch still runs for the mill of the stream,

But the pond has already frozen; My neighbor is hurry

In the departure of the field with her hunt.

And they will be guided by Ozimi from mad fun,

And wakes up the dogs asleep dubrava.

The exercise: "What do these words mean? Tell me modern ": casts, sheets, naked, hlad,

The people are called october "dirty", why?

"Do you know these folk signs?"

If in October, the leaf with birch and oak will fall cleanly - wait for the harsh winter.

If the leavefall passes soon - it is necessary to expect a steep winter.

Movable game "Gori Gori clear"

Game traffic: Children get into the circle, driven by reading. He walks in a circle against the movement of the dance. Carries in a raised hand handkerchief:

Gori-Gori clearly

So as not to go out

Look at the sky

Birds fly away

The bells are ringing.

After these words, everyone stops. Driving lowers handkerchiefs between two children. Those turn back to each other:

"Once, two, three - run !!!"

Children run in different directions in a circle. Wins the one who grabbed the handkerchief. Now he is driven. The game begins again.

Game "Put in the chest"

Purpose: 1. Fasten the concept of living and non-living objects.

3. Development of visual attention.

Material: Large pictures depicting two beautiful chests, pictures with the image of living and non-living items.

Stroke Game : The center is laid out pictures with the image of living and non-living items. One chest is the symbol of the living object, and on another non-living. Children are invited to place items in the desired chest with an explanation of their actions with the question (what is it? These are balls. Who is it? This is a hare).

Game "Observe order"

Purpose: 1. Fasten the skills of drawing up a common offer according to the scheme: a living object is an unexpected item.

2. Teach children correctly ask questions from the word to the Word.

3. Fasten the proposal analysis skills.

4. Development of attention, memory.

Material : Two flannelphs, symbols of items and action, pictures depicting live and non-living objects, pictures depicting actions.

Game traffic: On one flanneliform, pictures of living and non-living items, actions are raised. On the other - the symbolic designation of the scheme: a living object - an action - an inanimate subject. Children are offered to independently draw up proposals on a large flanneliform, corresponding to such a scheme, asking questions from the word E word.

The game "Living - Non-Story"

Purpose: 1. Secure the concept of living and non-living objects.

2. Secure the symbolic designation of the object of living and non-living.

3. Learn to ask questions: Who is it? What is it?

Material: Pictures with the image of living and non-living items, the symbol of the object, the symbol of the living object.

Game traffic: The teacher explains to children that their surrounding items can be alive and non-living, find out a living thing or not very simple.

(Refine properties of living objects). Then the picture is laid out - the symbol of living and non-living objects. Children are invited to choose any picture and place it in the desired column, explaining its actions. (Here is the key. This is an inanimate item. Here is a grandmother. She is alive.) After all the pictures are pasted, the teacher explains that it is possible to ask about a living thing "who is it?", But about inanimate - "What is it?". After that, the children choose the pictures and independently ask them questions.

Game "Visiting the Focussary"

Purpose: 1. To teach distinguishing live and non-residential items.

2. Exercise issues: who is it? What is it?

3. Secure the skill of building a simple (called) sentence.

4. Develop attention, memory.

Material: An image of a clown (large), pictures with the image of living and non-living items.

Stroke Game : On the wall a close-up of a clown. The table is laid out pictures with the image of living and non-living items. Children are divided into two teams. One team is offered to select pictures with the image of living objects for clown, the other is non-living. Each participant necessarily puts the question and calls the subject. The winning team, which is organized and has fulfilled the task without errors. After all the pictures are decomposed around the clown (he juggles them), you can offer children a task for attention. One of the pictures with which the clown juggles is cleaned, children must answer which item disappeared.

Didactic game "Avalanche" option1.


Game traffic: The presenter reports to participants the topic of the game, on the basis of which they have to call nouns, while competing and reproducing all the words called previous participants in the game. The one who cannot name his word or will miss the word said, drops out of the game (or misses the move). Wins the one who remains the last or scored more phantas. For example: the topic of the game "Fish"


Perch, crucian

Perch, crucian, pike, etc.

Gaming exercise "About whom or what I tell, guess"

Purpose: 1. Recognize the subject by epithets.

2. Expand the passive dictionary of children.

Stroke Game : student, schoolboy, boy, duty, second-grader, son, grandson, learn. Who is all this saying? Children: "This is a boy"

Girl, laughter, fidget, hostess, granddaughter, daughter, assistant ...; Skillic, employee, parent, man, son, grandson, friend, husband ...; mistress, woman, daughter, wife, granddaughter, cook, needlewoman, teacher, beloved ...; Friend, friend, classmate, Fayman, peer, comrade, neighbor ...; Dreamer, Fayman, Messenchak, Neighbor, Poet ...; Waiting for, meets, asks, feeds, reads, cooks, erases, sews ...;; cotton, sings, escorts, gets tired, laughs, cares ...; Jumps, runs, teaches, sings, reads, decides, having fun, thinks, gets cold, gets better, walking, plays, washes, bathes, splashing, resting, helps, cares.

Didactic game "Avalanche" Option 2

Purpose: Develop memory, ability to classify items by groups.

Stroke Game : Adult starts the game: "I put apples in the basket." The child continues, repeating all the previously said and adding his word corresponding to the game called the first participant: "I put apples, lemons in the basket", etc.

Didactic game "Avalanche" Option 3

Purpose: Develop memory, ability to classify items by groups.

Stroke Game : Adding words is based on a given letter or using the sequence of letters in the alphabet. For example: "In the basket I put watermelon, pineapple, orange, etc.

Didactic game "Who (what) was? Who (what) will be?

Purpose: Reflect in the speech of the changes that occur with the subject (phenomenon) for a period of time.

Material : Pictures of paired.

Stroke Game : Children are presented with pictures to which they must find a pair, reflecting or past, or the future of the object, for example: seed-selling; Kitten - Cat; The boy is a man, etc.

Who is who becomes.

There was a small puppy, thin ... (lamb)

He has grown, however, this important cat gun

And now he is not a puppy - a small ... (kitty)

Adult ... (dog). And the brave rooster -

Foal with every day tiny ... (chicken).

Improved and became ... (horse). And from small gesyat

Bull, mighty giant, grow up ... (ducks) -

In childhood was ... (calf). Especially for guys

Thick Baran Wallow - those who love jokes. A. Chibaev

Game "Find a couple"

Purpose: 1. Clarification of the dictionary, the development of the ability to distinguish the items similar to the value.

2. Fastening the correct use of a simple sentence.

3. Development of visual and auditory attention.

Material : Pictures with the image of items similar in value: kettle - Coffee pot, Gloves - Mittens, Sketch - Briefcase, Bag - Mesh, Glass - Mug, Hat - Cap, Chair - Stool, Table Lamp - Chandelier.

Stroke Game : on the table - subject pictures. A child who chooses a picture calls it: "Here are the gloves, look, you will soon find a pair of them ... Another child looks around a couple and sticks the picture (puts nearby) in front of the pictures with the image of gloves, commenting:" Here is the gloves. Here are mittens. They are put on their hands. "

Game "Decorate Christmas Tree and Christmas Tree"

Purpose: The same as in the game "Gnome - to the house. Gnomic - in the house. "

Material: Magnetic board, pictures depicting a large and small Christmas tree, pictures depicting large and small objects.

Games: It is carried out similarly to the game about the gnomes.

"Who do you want to become?"

Purpose: 1. Fixing a grammatically correct phrase consisting of 4-5 words.

2. Fastening the use in the speech of the expirations of nouns in t. And in. Pades.

3. Replenishment and clarification of the dictionary (profession of people).

4. Fixing the harmonization of nouns with the verb in kind, the number, the case. Favoring the verbs of the future time.

5. Development of attention, thinking.

Material: Pictures depicting a boy and girls, pictures depicting people of different professions: cooks, doctor, fisherman, policeman, teacher.

Game traffic: The game can be started with reading the poem S.Mikhalkov "What do you have?". Then the teacher specifies, with some professions, children are familiar. The center of the magnetic board passed pictures with the image of a boy Kolya and girls Oli. The educator invites children to think and answer, who wants to become Olya? Children choose pictures with a picture of a profession or another profession and put next to the hero, explaining: "Olya wants to become a teacher. Then the educator offers each child to think and answer, who he wants to become? Children answer: "I want to become the seamstress." - "What will you do?" - Specifies the tutor - "I will sew clothes", etc.

A verbal game "Who will call more actions?"

Purpose: 1. Cognitive tasks: consolidate the ability of children to relate the actions of people with their profession, to raise the ability to quickly think.

2. Speech tasks: intensify the dictionary of children by the words of action (verbs).

Game traffic: - Children, I work in kindergarten as an educator. This is my profession. Tolina Mom treats patients. She is a doctor. This is her profession. Each person, having a profession, works, performs some actions. What makes the cook? Children: cooking, bake, fries, grind meat grinder, cleans vegetables. What does the doctor do? Children: Inspect the patients, heard, gives medicine, makes injections, operations, etc. For each right answer, children get a chip. Wins the one who gains more chips.

Didactic game "Learning"

Purpose: Recognize the subject, an object according to the adjective group, epithets, or by group of words-action.

Stroke Game : Children as a source support are offered words related to sensual and practical experience of the child. For example: green, slim, curly, whitewings - birch. Sparkles, heats the earth, the darkness disperses - the sun.

Didactic game 4 "Guess-ka"

Purpose: Teach children to describe the subject without looking at it, find significant signs in it; By description to recognize the subject.

Material: Items or subject pictures with the image of well-familiar to children objects.

Game traffic: Let's play, let the items in our room themselves tell themselves about themselves, and we guess the description, which subject says. Each of you will perform the role of some kind of subject. It is necessary to follow the rules of the game: when you tell about the subject, do not look at him so that we do not immediately guess. Speak only about those subjects that are in the room.

Gaming exercise "Listen, remember, answer. Is everything true? "

Purpose: 1. Expand the dictionary of children.

2. Develop evidential speech.

3. Forming the ability to add an apparent offer.

4. Develop a skill exactly in accordance with the idea to build a statement, consistently by using this or that word.

Game traffic: Children listen to sentences and determine whether it can be if "yes", when, why, where? If "no", then it should be evidenced that it is not or an incompression. Snow fell, Alyosha went to sunbathe. The boys went to the forest skiing to collect strawberries. The frog opened an umbrella, because it went raining.

Didactic game "What is superfluous?"


2. Intensify the dictionary of children due to the names of vegetables, fruits, berries; Adjectives denoting high-quality signs: round, oval, elongated, yellow, burgundy, etc.

3. Use Putitive offers.

Material: Tables on which vegetables, fruits or berries are depicted with one object that does not have a common feature with others.

Stroke Game : Children showing table. The educator asks to call all items depicted on the table. Children call. Next, the teacher says that one subject is superfluous. Find it and prove to me that he is superfluous. Children explain: "Superfluous in this picture is beet because all the vegetables can be raw, and the beets must be brewed.

Didactic game "Pendulum"

Purpose: Use the words of Antonym.

Stroke Game : For example, children for each identified property should be called the opposite: today it rains, it's good, why? - Trees are watered, you can go along the puddles. - Trees watered - it's bad why? Etc.

Didactic game "Antonyms-synonyms"

Purpose: Speech synonyms and antonyms.

Stroke Game : To the named Word is simultaneously selected and antonym and synonym. For example, the initial word "trouble". Joy (this is Antony to the word "trouble"). Mount (at the same time antonym to the previous and synonym for the original). Happiness (antonym for the previous and synonym for source), etc.

"What? What? What? "

Purpose: 1. Secure the ability to relate the subject and its sign.

3. Exercise children in the formulation of questions "What?" What? "What?" What? "What?", What? "

4. Develop observation.

Material : Pictures depicting wood, mushroom, stump, sun, girls, baskets, pictures - symbols of quality items.

Stroke Game : In the center ---cardinki with the image of items, separately - symbols of qualities. Children are invited to find objects to which you can ask the question "What?" And answer the question, selecting the symbols of qualities. (Stump - What? The stump is low, solid, round, etc.). Similar work with objects of female and medium kind.

Didactic game "Chain of Words"

Purpose: Fasten the ability to select words - nouns and adjectives characterizing in their union any object with similar qualitative features.

Game traffic: Children make up a chain of words where words are interconnected. For example, the original word "cat". Cat happens? -Pushy, affectionate, multicolored. What else is multicolored? Rainbow, dress, TV. What other dresses are? … etc.

Didactic game "Guess-ka"


Material : Matches, beads, buttons of various colors, grains or dry fruits of plants, strings (2-5 cm long), small pebbles.

Stroke Game : 10-12 Items from the original game set of a handful throw from a small height on a table or sheet of paper. When falling, the items fold into a wide variety of, sometimes bizarre images. The game task is to find out and call the resulting image.

Didactic game "Pictures in a circle"


Game traffic: At least 3-5 children are expected in this game. Each child gets a blank sheet of paper and a simple pencil. At the adult signal, children begin to draw. After 1-2 minutes, the conditional signal is served, and each of the children transmits its sheet to the child to the right of it. Having received a picture from the neighbor, the child continues it for 1-2 minutes and passes on. The drawings performed by such a circular method serve as a magnificent support for inventing non-pieces, fantastic stories and other products of children's literary creativity.

Didactic game "Letters and numbers"

Purpose: The same as in the game "What does it look like?"

Material : figures and letters depicted on the entire landscape sheet.

Stroke Game : Children are invited to consider numbers and letters and call objects, images, the phenomena to which they are similar.

Note: The number of signs proposed must be increased gradually. You can offer children not only to call arising images, but also sketch them. You can suggest to come up with stories and stories based on shaped images of signs.

Didactic game "Who does what?"

Purpose: Enrich the lexical stock of children with the words-action (verbs). Intensify monological speech, expressiveness of non-verbal (non-echoe) means of exposure to students.

Material: Set of object patterns.

Game traffic: Children show pictures on one and ask questions: "What can I do with it? What is it for?" A child's response: "Clock is needed to show time." With senior preschoolers, the game is carried out without a visual basis. Children build a chain of words: clock - tick, the artist - draws, the car - drives, etc.

Didactic game "Selection of adjectives"

Purpose: 1. Intensify the dictionary of children by words denoting different parts of speech.

2. Coordinate nouns, adjectives in kind, number.

3. Select definition to the subject.

Material: Toys or pictures.

Game traffic: The presenter shows a toy, a picture or calls the Word, and the participants in turn call as many signs as possible corresponding to the proposed object. Wins the one who calls for each of the subjects as possible as many signs as possible. For example, a dog is big, shaggy, kind, cheerful, hunting, old.

Game "Guess, what is hiding behind the screen?"

Purpose: 1. Secure consumption in speech of attractive adjectives.

2. Consolidate the coordination of attractive adjectives with nouns in kind, and the case.

3. Secure the skill of building competent speech, phrases.

4. Develop observation, intelligence, visual attention.

Material : flannelugaph, strip, imitating screen, shade figures, fox, wolf, bear, horses, cats, goats; Pictures depicting parts of the body of animals.

Game traffic: The educator turns to children: "Do you like a circus? Who acts in the circus? " Children remember. "And I know the animals who really wanted to perform in the circus, but they were afraid that they would not be allowed there and therefore decided to scare imperceptible. They hid behind shirma. " The flanneluga is pasted a strip - "Shirma", and over the upper edge of the ears of the hare and other animals. "Whose ears?" - asks the tutor. "This is a silent ears," the child answers. Similarly, work is carried out using other parts of animals. As a result, the children call the beasts that hid behind the screen.

Didactic game "If ..."

Purpose: Develop the highest forms of thinking - synthesis, analysis, prediction, experimentation.

Game traffic: Invite the children to dream of a wide variety of topics: "If I were a wizard" (what? Why? What did you do? etc.). "If time suddenly disappeared?" (What's wrong with this and good?)

The game "What am I playing with who is friends with?"

Purpose: 1. Exercise children in the preparation of a common offer.

2. Fasten in the speech of the end of the nouns in the hardware case.

3. Secure the concept of living and non-living objects.

4. Teach children to answer questions with a full answer.

5. Develop observation, thinking.

Material: Pictures depicting a girl Masha, pictures depicting live and non-living objects.

Game traffic: In the center picture depicting the girl Masha. Near, pictures depicting toys, children, animals. Masha's girl offers children to show and tell with what she plays and with whom is friends.

I'll show you now,

What play with whom I am friends ...

I am sure, it is not difficult to guess the riddle ...

Can each explain to me in order.

The educator chooses two pictures depicting lively and inanimate objects and asks in children: "Who is friends with Masha?" The child answers: "Masha is friendly with a boy." - "What does Masha play with?" "Masha plays with a doll." Next, the children independently choose pictures, lay them on the table and make up proposals.

The game "Who is like moving?"

Purpose: 1. Activation of the dictionary, expanding the use of verbs and speech.

2. Development of the ability to relate the name of the subject and action.

3. Fastening the skill of correct formulation of the issue to action (ch.)

4. Development of the ability to rely on experience. Development of observation.

Material: Three tables, pictures with animal images: hare, butterflies, snakes, whale, turtles, beetles, birds, bear, snails, elephant, fish.

Stroke Game : Pictures depicting animals - on the big table. Children are divided into two teams, highlighting each on the table to work. Each participant is invited to choose a picture of the animal and explain how it moves. For example, a child puts a picture on the table of his team, explains: "Snail crawls", etc. After the main task is completed, the educator invites children to quickly call animals that "crawl", "fly", "float", etc. The team wins, the participants of which allowed less errors.

The didactic game is "not very" or "optimists and skeptics."

Purpose: Develop the ability to master the resolution of the contradictions in the "gentle mode".

Stroke Game : One of the players creates a situation, representing it as good or bad, and the other refutes this statement using the phrase "not very". For example: - It is good that there is a TV - you can watch.

Good, but not very. Eyes can get sick.

It is good that the kettle is big - all tea is enough.

Good, but not very. Long boils.

Using the support phrase "not very", you can invent stories-reasoning: - On the street, a man walked. Okay!

Well, yes not very, he fell into dirt, it's bad!

Poor, yes not very - the dirt was therapeutic. He cured his radiculitis. It's good.

Didactic game "Snowball"


Stroke Game : Accounting at random calls two words, such as "safe and orange". One of the participants of the game comes up and describes an association that arose for these words. For example, "a huge orange has rolled out of the open safe." The following player calls her word, for example, Egg. The third participant of the game connects the second word with the third also with the help of an association that has arisen, let's say: "Under the Orange Orange, an egg was" and sets the following word, etc. At the end of the game, you can offer children to draw what they remember them or laughed them.

Didactic game "Argument"

Purpose: Develop a metaphorical thinking of a child.

Material: Subject pictures (at least 20).

Stroke Game : One of the players chooses one picture. Carefully considers it attentively (it does not show anyone) turns it over and asks for another playing the question: "What does it seem?". After everyone gives their answers, drivens the picture and asks to protect their assumptions.

Didactic game "Guess the riddle about the car"

Purpose: Develop the literary creativity of children., Improve the monological speech of children.

Material: Pictures depicting different types of cars, vehicles.

Game traffic: Initially, an introductory conversation is held on the appointment of different types of transport, children find out their difference from each other. -And now we will guess the riddles of each other about the machines, without calling them. Initially, I must say what kind of transport it is: cargo, passenger, special or military. Then you need to tell what it is: terrestrial, underground, rail, water, air. And in the end, tell me what benefits it brings.

Game exercise "Who is it? What is it? Answer quickly. "


2. Develop the ability to solve riddles.

3. Develop a recreation imagination.

4. Master the ability to characterize anyone or anything.

Stroke Game : The teacher pronounces the beginning of the phrase, children clearly and quickly continue:

Call, fast, cheerful - diligent, obedient, polite -

Delicious, scarlet, juicy - green, oblong, juicy -

Yellow, red, autumn - neat, obedient, cheerful -

Cold, White, Fluffy - Lowish, Drashing, Disappeared -

Brown, Kosolapy, Clumsy - White, Fluffy, Easy -

Yellow, Red, Green - Little, Serious, Gagging -

Branched, green, barbed - new, interesting, library -

Old, brick, two-story - red, ripe, sweet -

Clean, Blue, Mountain - White, Fluffy, Forest -

Buggy, white, small - white, high, slim -

Gaming exercise 4. "Guess what kind of fruit (vegetable, berry).

Purpose: 1. To form a quick response to the word.

2. Develop the ability to guess riddles on vegetables (fruits, berries).

3. Master the ability to characterize a vegetable (fruit, berries).

4. Fasten the names of vegetables, berries, fruits.

Material: Muzzi fruits, berries, vegetables (or pictures).

Game traffic: The educator pronounces the beginning of the phrase, children clearly and quickly continue:

Green, oblong, juicy - yellow, shiny, with a tail -

Red, Round, Juicy - Round, Green, Striped -

Round, blue, with flesh - orange, oblong -

Brown, round, crumbly - burgundy, round, with tail -

Sour, Yellow, Oval - Orange, Round, Juicy -

Yellow, juicy, like a light bulb - round, juicy -

Game "Find the desired subject"

Purpose: 1. To introduce children with words - qualities.

2. Clarify the idea of \u200b\u200bthe subjects and the variety of their properties.

3. Learning to rely on the characters.

4. Educating observation.

Material: Pictures depicting objects, symbols, quality of items.

Stroke Game : pictures with the image of various items - on the one hand, pictures - symbols of qualities - on the other side. The teacher explains to children that all items surrounding them are different by properties: there are heavy, there are lungs, there are soft, there are solid, etc. We look at the subject, touch your hands and find out what he is. Let's try to find items heavy and lungs. Free space put pictures - symbols of heavy and easy items. (A man with a balloon and a little man with a barbell). Children find heavy and easy items and put pictures under the symbols on the Big Table, explaining: "Feather light. The ax is heavy, etc. Similarly, soft and solid objects, hot and cold, thick and thin, high and low, long and short, are similar. When all pictures are disassembled, the teacher explains to children that words: thick, thin, heavy, light, etc. - These are quality words. You can ask about the subject "What?" And call its quality. To secure, a picture of the ball is placed on a free space. Children independently ask the question and pick pictures - symbols: light, soft, cold, round, etc., explaining their actions.

Didactic game "Antonyms"

Purpose: Activate mental and speech activities. Use the words of Antonym.

Stroke Game : Children call any word, and they call a completely opposite (wet - dry, smart - stupid, greedy - generous, knit - to dissolve, walk - stand, etc.). Further tasks are complicated. Children define not only the opposite property, but also call a subject having this property. For example: a pencil (leaves a mark) - a gum, scissors (cut) - glue.

Didactic verbal game "Who does what"

Purpose: To clarify the names of individual actions related to animals, birds, insects.

Material : Ball

Game traffic: Children get up in a circle. The educator throws the ball to one of the children and says: "Ball". The child responds: "Meow", etc. For example, cow - -Hechit, dog - barks, horse - rzhet, rooster - quackets, duck - chasing, dove - worshi, cuckoo - dug, goose - goggling, mosquito The butterfly - flies, chicken - a quoucht, bitch, a bird - sings, chirbing, crow - a squabble, a grasshopper - shelves, sparrow - tweet.

Game "Guess the conceived word"

Purpose: 1. Development of the ability to determine the subject for a number of actions characteristic of it.

2. Development of visual and auditory attention, thinking.

Game traffic: Pictures depicting various items are pasted on flannelugaph. The educator invites children to guess the conceived word on the actions of the corresponding subject. For example: jumps, flies, pecks, tweet ... wins the one who has a greater number of pictures. This game can be carried out in reverse order, offering children to call all possible actions of the subject, which complicates the speech task.

Didactic game "I want to draw"

Purpose: Develop child literary creativity.

Stroke Game : Each of the participants in turns reports the design of the drawing, which he wanted to draw, and the adult tries to combine everything said in one story. For example: one child says he would like to draw aquarium, the other is a bear, the third - rocket, etc. Adult summarizes: "We draw aquarium in which bears live, rockets fly and ..." In the course of drawing, children can add to their drawing, detail objects, compose stories in their drawing.

Game "Cathed the crop"

Purpose: 1. Development of the ability to characterize the subject for several features.

2. Fasten matching adj. With land in kind, number.

3. Expand the amount of use in the speech of high-quality adjectives.

4. Secure the generalizing concepts of "vegetables", "fruits", their differentiation.

5. Develop attention, memory, observation.

Material : Three tables, pictures depicting two different baskets or a box and a basket, pictures depicting vegetables and fruits.

Game traffic: On the Big Central Table randomly laid out pictures depicting vegetables and fruits. Left - drawer, right - basket. Children are divided into two teams. The presenter is selected - watchman. The team is invited to collect vegetables in the box, the team of gardeners - fruit in the basket. Moreover, it is necessary to collect, without calling the leader - the obstacle itself, but only describing its quality. For example, the child comes to the pictures and says: "I am a break-down vegetable, juicy, red, smooth, sweet." The lead is guessing and removes the picture with the image of the tomato, the gardener places a tomato in the box. Wins a team that best cope with the task.

Didactic game "Medile"

Purpose: 1. To acquaint children with a dialectical sign of the number of quantity in quality, learn to analyze.

2. Develop the dialogic form of speech.

3. Use all parts of speech, coordinate words among themselves.

Stroke Game : Educator: "If you eat one candy - delicious, nice. And if much? Children: "Teeth will be spoiled, they will need to be treated. Maybe the belly is sick, diathesis perform. " Educator: "One tablet (according to the doctor's recipe) is good, helps to remove pain. And when you immediately eat a lot of tablets? " Or: "One piece of paper is rushing well. And when a lot, whole pack? " "Well, when there are many snowdrifts in the forest. Why?" "What will happen if the forest turns out to be the most painshoe in the snow?" etc.

Purpose: 1. Activation of the dictionary, expanding the use of verbs in speech.

2. Development of the ability to relate the name of the subject with action.

3. Fastening the skill of the correct formulation of the verb.

4. Development of the ability to rely on experience. Development of observation.

Material : carpet, pictures depicting animals and birds: bear, wolf, snakes, crows, cows, dogs, cats, sparrow, cuckoo, goose, pig.

Game traffic: The tutor alternately sticks pictures on the carpet (puts) and invites children to answer the question: "Who will give a voice?" Children make up proposals: "Cuckoo Cooks". "Cow miracle", etc. The role of the lead can be a child.

Didactic game "Skyscraper"

Purpose: Develop the ability to calculate and differentiate the components of the source object, the development and assimilation of the patterns of relations and dependencies. To form the guys of naturally scientific thinking.

Game traffic: For example, a forest is considered as a basis, which consists of plants, animals, birds, insects, which, in turn, corresponds to a certain lifestyle (method of nutrition, movement, etc. and the purpose (role, function). Then "Forest On the contrary, it may look like this: trees can grow up the roots, herbivore wolves feed on the foliage, on which predatory hares are hunted, etc.

Didactic game "I want to be ..."

Purpose: Help the guys comprehend the inherent quality, properties, character traits, their necessity, content, orientation. Develop an explanatory form of speech.

Game traffic: Children offer various properties, characteristics, qualities, for example: strong, beautiful, fast, invisible, thick, high, iron, shrieking, calm, lucky, etc. Of these qualities, the child chooses anyone like him, and explains why he would like to become so and where this property can come in handy. For example, a child says: "I want to be big to reach Tuchka and look at the rain from above," etc.

Didactic game "What happens?"

Purpose: 1. Top up the dictionary of children by words denoting subjects and signs of items.

2. Coordinate nouns and adjectives in kind, the number, the case.

Material : Cards of different colors.

Game traffic: To the outgoing word - adjective children pick up a noun. For example, "green" - tomato, spruce, grass, house, etc.

Green poems

All the edges are green, and a green grasshopper

Green Pond Songs started ...

And green frogs over the green roof of the house

Songs sing. Sleeps green oak.

Christmas tree - Sheaf green candles, two green gnome

Moss - green floor. Slies between the pipes ... Cherny

Didactic game "Good - bad"

Purpose: Develop the ability to identify positive and negative properties, the functions of any object, phenomena, situations, actions, etc. use antonyms.

Stroke Game : for example, a pencil that likes it in it and what is not (what would you like to leave in it without change and what to change? "Like: Long - You can use as a ruler, measure, pointer; Wooden - Easy, Easy, Easy; Red - You can draw Salute, flowers, tomato; sharp - you can draw thin lines, points. Dislike: Wooden - Easy breaks, it is lost to make it you need to make many trees to cut down; long - it does not fit into the penalty, interferes in your pocket, etc.

Didactic game "Inventors"

Purpose: Develop the ability to transfer the quality of various objects to the original selected object.

Game traffic: For example, you decided to think of an unusual chair with children. The chair just will be the subject placed in the focus of the inventive activity of children to which the qualities and properties of other objects will be transferred. Children are offered to name two or three words, absolutely no relation to the stool. Suppose the children came up with the words "Cat" and "Book", to which it is necessary to select 4-5 qualitative characteristics and, if necessary, designate each quality with any visual symbol, the image: affectionate, fluffy, multicolored. After that, the children come up with a "gentle chair" - this is a chair that is rejoicing to those who sit on him makes them kinder, it is very necessary to re-educate evil people, etc.

Didactic game "Increase - Reduction"

Purpose: To help children approach the understanding of a wide variety of relationships and relations in the outside world, as well as develops the ability to analyze the properties necessary to achieve the result in various fantastic and real situations. Develop child literary creativity.

Stroke Game : Invite children, for example, choose what (or by whom -elic or dwarf) they would like to become, for example, to quickly walk, hide well, to achieve a delicious porridge, enjoy tasty cake. Or present the rain with a magnitude with a ball, mountain. And if the planet of the magnitude with the pea? Who and how does it live on it?

Didactic game "Questions and Answers"

Purpose: Develop imagination, thinking, speech and form a healthy sense of humor.

Game traffic: Children are distributed in one picture with a subject or scene content. Specify game questions (who? With whom? When? Why? Where? What to do? What came out of it? Etc.), and children in turn respond to them, relying on their pictures. An adult can record children's answers and then read everything invented in the course of the game of non-liberty.

Didactic game "Resource Analysis"

Purpose: Register in the verbal form search for several similar items based on the identification of conformity on the functions performed.

Game traffic: The educator calls any subject, and children must find and call other items that have these properties. For example, a solid brick, brown, porous, which means it can be used as a building material, instead of a press, filter, they can be drawn, it can be heated and divided. But at the same time, there are other objects near the same properties: you can draw paints, coal, pencil; The filter can serve fabric, small metal mesh, etc.

The game "What did you do? What did you do? "

Purpose: 1. Teach children to answer questions: what does he (she) do?

2. Consolidate the harmonization of the noun with the verb in kind, number.

3. Exercise in building a sentence according to the scheme: The subject is an action.

4. Educating attention, the ability to work organized.

Material : Three empty tables in a row, pictures with a boy and a girl, pictures with a picture of actions.

Stroke Game : pictures with a picture of actions are laid out on the central table. On the one hand, an image of a girl is put on an empty table, on the other - the boy. The educator proposes to answer the question: "What is the girl doing? (Boy), pose a picture to the subject with an image of actions. The child picks up the right action, puts next to the picture, depicting a boy or a girl, explained by the words: "Girl what does? The girl stands (sits, jumps), etc.

Game exercise "Who screams, and what cracks?"

Purpose: Learning to select objects to action, coordinate nouns with verbs.

Game traffic: One of the players calls the action (verbs) - the other selects the corresponding word (noun). The one who will not be able to quickly call the action or pick up a couple gives Phanti. At the end of the game, the phantas are played out. Phanto owners perform cheerful tasks.

purr - cooks - it's worth it - teaches - jumps -

milets - buzzing - hits - roars - howl - snort -

karkayet - Chirirts - Cook - Sings - Kink - Cracks -

gryukiet - Breaks - Heals - Strives - Sits - Colors -

sweat - playing - draws - writes - draws - sharpening -

chinit - Stink - Says - Sings - Fly - Sleeps -

lepit - Plays - Looks - Circling - Laughs - Falls -

crying - flaruse - cracks - scrape - it goes - it's steels -

Gaming exercise "Listen! Call as many words as possible! "

Purpose: 1. Learning to select objects to action.

2. Coordinate nouns with verbs among.

3. Top up the dictionary of children by consuming verbs.

Stroke Game :

swimming - steamer, boat, swimmer, log, sin, duck, etc.

flies - grows - sings - crawling - squeals -

a chant - bays - creak - grabs - I amtering -

washed - quarrel - it works - smiles - hits -

rattles - sparkles - watering - noise - Out -

Didactic game "flies - not flies"

Purpose: Speech tasks:

1. Enrichment of the dictionary reserve of children.

2. To form the ability to verbly make comparison results.

3. Develop observation, attention.

Game traffic: The game is better to spend in motion: raise your hands or catch the ball.

Note: By analogy, you can spend the game: "Floating - does not float," "Draws - Does not draw", "stretches - not stretching", "grows - not growing", etc.

Gaming exercise "Who? What?"

purpose : 1. Eating noun and verbs in multiple and only numbers.

2. Select objects to action.

3. Completely use the case finishes.

Stroke Game : Ros -Dub, Maple, etc.

grew - Luminous - Hung - Muren -

grew - Luminous - Hung - Mature -

grew up - Luminous - Hanging - Ripe -

light hung - Middle -

Didactic game "Synonymous rows"


Stroke Game : Before you start the game, together with children, find out the value, similarity and difference in the content of words that are supposed to be used. For example: Bor-Klem-Things, house - Terem - Palace). After that, together come up with and name the words denoting different names of the forest, housing, values, and explain their content.

Didactic game "Allegory"

Purpose: Top up the dictionary of children by words close to the value (synonyms).

Stroke Game : Players make a word to which you can pick up a few synonyms. Each player offers a leading offer of a proposal, in which instead of the intentional word is used synonym. According to these offers, it is necessary to guess what word is forgotten. For example, the word "cold" is conceived. Options for proposals invented by children may be such: "Today is a cool day", "in a glass of ice juice", etc.

Gaming exercise "Listen, remember, answer: Is everything true?"

Purpose: 1. Develop the evidential speech of children.

2. Use in speech by pressing offers.

3. Develop the ability to build a statement exactly in accordance with the intention, consistently using this or that word.

Stroke Game : Children listen to sentences and determine whether it can be if yes, when, where, why. If not, explain that this is not or a fault. For example, the boys went to the woods to collect strawberries. That can not be. Skiing ride in winter, and strawberries grow in summer, etc.

The game "Who do you want to meet?"

Purpose: 1. Secure the ability to characterize the subject for several qualities.

2. Expand the amount of use in the speech of high-quality adjectives.

3. Develop observation.

Material: Pictures - Missile Qualities: Thick - thin, high - low, large - small, cheerful - sad, angry - kind, old - young. Pictures depicting sad and cheerful clowns, carlson, thumbnails, gnome, princesses, vini fluff.

Game traffic: On the left lie pictures - symbols of qualities, right - pictures depicting fabulous heroes. The educator offers a child to think with whom he would like to meet and, without calling the future friend, describe it, using pictures - symbols. For example, a child says: "I would like to get acquainted with the hero, which is cheerful, thick, high, redhead, etc." Children are guessing: "This is a clown." Correctly made a riddle a child gets a picture with a clown image.